nyx-worshiper · 1 year
Space objects (link will be added when we do a post on them)
Asteroids Andromeda Galaxy Achernar Antarius Aurora Borealis Aurora Austrialis Astrophysical Plasma Black Holes Big Bang Big Rip Brown Dwarf Black Dwarf Blitzar BSR B1620-266 Blazar Blue Giants Comets Constellations Ceres Cancri E Corundum Material Coronal Mass Ejection Carina Nebula Dwarf Planets Dark Matter Dark Energy Double Ringed Galaxy Earth Exo Planets Eris Galaxies Gliese 445 Gliese 710 Goldi Locks Zone Gas Giants Gliese 436b Gamma Ray Burst Halleys Comet Hyper Nova Hyper Giant Hoags Object Haumea Hat-P-7b Interacting Galaxies Jupiter Kepler 448b Kuiper Asteroid belt Kapler b15 Lenticular Galaxy Lunar Eclipses Moons Milky Way Galaxy Magnetars Mars Mercury Makemake Moon Stages Magnetic Fields Meteors Meteorites Neptune Nano Flare Oort Cloud Omega Nebula Planets Pillars of Creation Proximus Centari Pluto Pulsar Quasar Ross 248 Rogue Stars Rogue Planets Rogue Black Holes Red Giant Red Super Giant Red Dwarf Stars Solar Eclipses Sun Super Massive Black Holes Saturn Super Nova SPICA Super Saturn Stellar Collisions Solar Flare Stephan's Quintet Solar Wind Solar Storm Sunspots TrEs 2b Thorne-Zytkow Object Uy Scuti Uranus Venus Whirlpool Galaxy White Hole White Dwarf WD-0346-246 Wasp-12b Wolf-Rayet Star White Light Flare Yellow Super Giant Zodiac Signs 1950 DA
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space-blog-101 · 1 year
Space objects (link will be added when we do a post on them)
Asteroids Andromeda Galaxy Achernar Antarius Aurora Borealis Aurora Austrialis Astrophysical Plasma Black Holes Big Bang Big Rip Brown Dwarf Black Dwarf Blitzar BSR B1620-266 Blazar Blue Giants Comets Constellations Ceres Cancri E Corundum Material Coronal Mass Ejection Carina Nebula Dwarf Planets Dark Matter Dark Energy Double Ringed Galaxy Earth Exo Planets Eris Galaxies Gliese 445 Gliese 710 Goldi Locks Zone Gas Giants Gliese 436b Gamma Ray Burst Halleys Comet Hyper Nova Hyper Giant Hoags Object Haumea Hat-P-7b Interacting Galaxies Jupiter Kepler 448b Kuiper Asteroid belt Kapler b15 Lenticular Galaxy Lunar Eclipses Moons Milky Way Galaxy Magnetars Mars Mercury Makemake Moon Stages Magnetic Fields Meteors Meteorites Neptune Nano Flare Oort Cloud Omega Nebula Planets Pillars of Creation Proximus Centari Pluto Pulsar Quasar Ross 248 Rogue Stars Rogue Planets Rogue Black Holes Red Giant Red Super Giant Red Dwarf Stars Solar Eclipses Sun Super Massive Black Holes Saturn Super Nova SPICA Super Saturn Stellar Collisions Solar Flare Stephan's Quintet Solar Wind Solar Storm Sunspots TrEs 2b Thorne-Zytkow Object Uy Scuti Uranus Venus Whirlpool Galaxy White Hole White Dwarf WD-0346-246 Wasp-12b Wolf-Rayet Star White Light Flare Yellow Super Giant Zodiac Signs 1950 DA
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tokyovitamin · 7 years
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#35mm #tokyovitamin #antarius
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fyblackwomenart · 4 years
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Antarius Prohectic Artist
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tatzebea · 7 years
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Aquera Agua - Freezing Mountain
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khansa-pake-s · 4 years
Selamat 22 di hari pertama bulan Juli
Mau nyoba bikin #10yearschallenge
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Terlihat jelas yaaaa bedanya......apalagi di pipi. 10 years challenged, chubbier checked. :(
10 tahun yang lalu, aku dapat hadiah spesial dari Oma, panggilan nenek dari pihak Ibu. Seneng banget waktu itu, jadi nyoba nraktirin temen-temen kelas. Untung sekelas cuma ada belasan orangnya :b beruntung juga sekolah di SAI ahahaha.
Di hari itu banyak hadiah yang kudapatkan, kebanyakan yang berbau bintang; baju motif bintang, kalung bintang (namanya juga anak SD, suka banget perhiasan haha), jam bintang, gantungan kunci bintang, pokoknya serba bintang.
Dulu sesuka itu sama bintang duh mau nangis
Bintang termasuk yang sangat kugemari dulu, mungkin karena seneng nonton idola cilik ya, yang logonya ada bintangnya? Hahaha. Gak ada alesan spesifik kenapa suka bintang. Tapi saat itu, semua yang berbau bintang rasanya keren banget. Cemerlang. Aku pingin punya.
Kemudian kelas 8 dulu nama kelasnya Antarius. Gabugan dari nama dua bintang yang paling bersinar, Antares dan Sirius.
Kembali ke masa sekarang. Kayaknya aku mulai menemukan sisi keren dari bintang dan bener-bener nyoba memaknainya. Bintang bersinar di waktu gelap. Itu sekarang jadi salah satu cita-citaku.
Aku pingin jadi kayak bintang. Aku pingin punya sinarku sendiri yang bisa menerangi kegelapan, bisa menunjukkan jalan kepada mereka yang terjebak di dalam gelap. Bisa jadi pemberi harapan buat mereka yang putus asa.
Aku pingin jadi bintang yang akan selalu bersinar atas kuasa-Nya, dan meredupkan cahaya jika Dia memintanya begitu. Jika tidak diminta, bintang akan tetap bersinar. Aku akan tetap bersinar.
Menapaki kembali kehidupanku selama 22 tahun ini, pernah gak ya aku menjadi bintang di kehidupan orang? Pernah gak ya sinarku memberikan harapan ke orang yang putus asa? Pernah gak ya aku menepis kegelapan, meski hanya sehari dua hari, tapi bisa sedikit melapangkan hidup orang lain?
Bintang mungkin gak hadir saat hujan deras, atau sembunyi sementara dibalik gemuruh petir.
Tapi bintang gak pernah benar-benar pergi.
Bintang tetap di sana, di tempat yang tinggi di alam semesta, menyinari bumi saat malam datang.
Aku mau jadi bintang yang sinarnya hanya mampu diredupkan oleh Penciptanya.
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Fun biology fact for ya; Autopsy reports of a recently deceased Carracosta (who perished with their trainer) revealed that the species contains an organ that's roughly shaped like a big U that's located between the brain and skull. This organ, dubbed the Carosta Antarius, is specially designed to block out and negate the effects of a Malamar's psychic abilities, including moves like Hypnosis. This could explain why the former species hunted the latter back in ancient times.
That’s so interesting! And it also explains how they were able to hunt malamars, given that malamars just tend to hypnotize anything else that tries. (Wailords have also been known to prey on malamars. We’re not sure if they’re immune to the hypnosis somehow, or if they’re just determined despite it.) Do you know if it’s only to block specifically a malamar’s psychic abilities, or all psychic abilities? And do you suppose Miracle Eye works to nullify it the way it nullifies the dark type’s immunity to the psychic type? I would guess not, because the dark type’s immunity is because of dark-type energy rather than any physical organ, but I don’t suppose it’s been tested yet, given how new a discovery this is. Thank you very much for sharing it with me!
It’s sad to hear about the death of both pokémon and trainer, though. My condolences to the family.
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tatzebea · 7 years
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Caring Father ♡
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On this topic, it was also revealed that Carracosta only evolved the Carosta Antarius organ only about 2,500 Million Years Ago, which is also when they started hunting Malamar. Before then, they hunted both Omastar and Kabutops. Obviously, this little fact is greatly upsetting to the Churches of Helix and Dome, respectively.
That’s also very interesting! I wonder what changed that they started hunting malamars, instead of the other two? Was that when omastars and kabutops became extinct? 
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tatzebea · 7 years
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Antarius Agua - Ocean’s tainted Water: Swamp
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I saw that post about the Carosta Antarius organ and I believe tests were preformed on other Carracosta that volunteered. It was proven that Miracle Eye can turn off the organ, so to speak, and that the organ can also block the Powder Status moves (Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, etc.), but only a couple times. If used in rapid succession, the spores will gradually take effect. Nothing is said about if it can block ALL Psychic- Type moves, only those preformed by Malamar.
Interesting! Do we suppose that indicates that there’s some sort of dark-type energy involved in the function of the carosta antarius, then? Or maybe something similar to the ability Overcoat, only... interior. Undercoat? I don’t know. This is so fascinating, though!
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