stardust-sunset · 5 months
Hey, I would love to draw Baylie! If you don’t mind could you give a description of her? (Appearance, weight, hair length/texture, height, clothing, scars/birthmarks, personality, etc.) just so I don’t have to rake through a bunch of posts and I really want to get it right!
Aw, anon 😭
You really don’t have to! But if you want to, go ahead :) (this is VERY detailed tho since I know you said you wanted detail lol)
For her appearance she’s pretty thin. kinda like this?
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She has albinism; so if you look up pictures of people with albinism you’ll get the gist, but mainly that means she has no pigment so her skin is pale, her hair is white (though it kinda fades to a buttery color at the ends because that’s kinda how it is with albinism and hair; the longer the hair the more likely that it turns a more buttery color because of outside elements. Her eyes are periwinkle? like it’s this mix between blue and purple. She has B2 hair; for red it kinda looks like this since google doesn’t really give the right pics when i look it up so it’s right here :)
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(at least that’s the hair type anyway; the color is different ofc) She has a LOT of hair too; like her hair is thick as hell. She usually puts it in pigtails to keep some of it out of her face so it’s kinda hard up half down. If I had to describe her appearance it’s kinda deer like? small frame, small head, big eyes, y’know how it is. She usually wears a white button down shirt and greenish shorts? She wears a wide brimmed hat with lots of feathers in it; mostly parrot and starling feathers. Shes 5’6’’.She has a small scar on her cheek. She also has tattoos on her back that look like bird wings.
Personality time!
She’s VERY hyper. She’s highly extroverted. Like she’d go out in the middle of the street and strike up a conversation with someone at random. She’s an ENFJ (according to a personality test i took kinda for her?) She can come off as a little bit obnoxious. But she means well. Kinda think Pinkie Pie from MLP. She can kinda be all up in your face but she doesn’t mean to be. She’s pretty maternal; she’s the mom friend who will be up your ass like ‘did you eat? did you drink? did you say something nice to yourself yet?’ and she kinda tends to be a bit annoying with that. but she backs off a bit when she realizes that.
A few characters I can think of that are like her personality wise are Pinkie Pie, Cady Heron (before the whole Regina thing), Emily from Hazbin Hotel and Kinkajou from Wings of Fire. She tends to be a lot at times but she’s pretty loyal. Shes Australian too. From Cairns to be more specific. She LOVES being outside. Her mom worked with animals a lot and her dad worked as a vet for exotic animals. So she loves animals. She moved to America because her dad was offered a better job (he was really on the run because he did really bad shit but more on that later) and she was really happy to explore new places. She has six siblings; an older brother named Adrian who goes off to the military, twin siblings named Jude and Giavanna (Gigi and Juju for short), and I haven’t worked out the other three yet.
She is huge on art and music and does drama club. She does competitive dance as well and is really good in the arts department. Shes also a huge math/science person. Biology especially. Shes not really one to be squirmed out by anything. Shes seen a lot when her dad was working with animals lol-Kyle’s her best friend lol (or well; closest. then it turns into smth more? they end up together in the end; she’s got a lot of angst in her life but i don’t wanna spoil too much :) )
After her dad leaves because he’s on the run, her mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness and because her brother is gone she becomes the sole caretaker for her family.
I hope that’s enough info!! :)
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softbutchthatlovesyou · 8 months
Can binary cis men be lesbians?
Look man you can do whatever you want forever and others decide if they wanna date/sleep with you.
If you aren't being malicious actively to my face then who am I to question if he's a fucking Lesbian or not?
Like 1. I'm one guy not the fucking Gatekeeper and definer of Lesbianism but 2. I'm not a fucking idiot who cares this much I have a real life and a real job and a real set of fucking relationships and this is dumb fucking discourse sorry.
Now go the fuck away.
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westwingsolo · 10 months
“Don’t sing. Please.” ( june! )
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"What? I'm sorry I can't hear you over the voice of our Lord and Savior, Selena..." Alex smirks and turns the music up louder, before getting into June's face.
"Y me empieza a cantar, cantar! Me canta así, así, así, asi!"
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sammiekel · 5 months
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You're right icy dw lol
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jaemtens · 4 years
Can I just say that I find it extremely funny yet endearing that the beefier Joshua gets the softer his hobbies become like he makes friendship bracelets for him and other idols and then I saw on a fansign video on twt that he bought knitting supplies to learn how to knit and
His body
(. | .)
His hobbies: ☺️☺️☺️
ldsaf;kj;flkda;fkdsa yeah and i read he went to a perfume-making workshop too! i imagine it’s only a matter of time before he starts collecting plants or doing some other crafty hobby. he’s really living his best pandemic life uwu
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bbjimin-dududu · 3 years
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
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baeeeeeeeee thank you 😔💕💕💕💕💕
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briinstardust · 4 years
With childhood secret, do you think theres anything that could be too much for buck to handle, that would negatively affect him/maddie relationship? Cause while I thought adoption, etc part of me wonders if too big of secerct for maddie to keep from buck
Okay, i’m not adopted. I don’t know what that’s like. sometimes I swear I was switched at birth, but also not a fact. 
oh shit what if Maddie found out that Buck was switched at birth while she was working as a nurse?! check that shit! what if Maddie came across Buck’s medical records while she was working, and it turns out he was switched at birth, and not even their parents knew!!!!!!! so she shut the fuck up about it all these years!!!!!
okay not likely so moving on.
um adoption seems the most likely for me. if it’s not some kind of childhood trauma. but like what kind of childhood trauma would Maddie keep from Buck.
do I think there’s something too big for Buck to handle... I want to say no. I really do bc he’s going on 30 now when we’re getting this storyline so I want to say that no there’s nothing that he couldn’t handle as far as learning stuff about himself goes.
I do think there is stuff that Maddie thinks that Buck might not be able to handle simply bc she’s so protective of him, but as far as stuff Buck can or can’t actually handle? ... i don’t know...
and as far as negatively affecting their relationship.... ehhhhhh I think that Buck might think whatever it is could negatively affect their relationship, but I think they’re a lot stronger than that, and I really think that even if whatever it is has them on the rocks for a while, that their relationship will mend and will heal.
wasn’t trying to go here, y’all know how I feel about this but tbh if Buck and Eddie could get through that lawsuit mess, what can’t Maddie and Buck get through?
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yoikami · 5 years
1-5 for the pride asks pls ☺️
Is your family accepting? Appart from my grand parents, all of them are complete sweethearts about it. It never even was something to question with the education I had, my mom let me be with no influence nor stigmatisation!
What is your sexuality? I’m a bit still confused but I feel asexual the most, after some experiences I came to that conclusion and also that I definitely prefer girls. It’s just complicated because I only fell in love once and all my other attractions never really went far since I need a few years to be able to trust someone (which still didn’t go so well the last time I did). I can’t really say if I’m attracted to guys since I’m not sure about that.
What is your gender identity? I was born a girl and I feel happy and comfortable being identified as one!
Favorite color? Blue and purple!
When did you find out your sexuality? I don’t think there was a decisive time but I’ve been more or less on the same impression for 6 years about asexuality and my attraction for girls.
Thank you for the ask and sorry I wrote so much. It’s a topic I have a lot to say about!! Find the questions here.
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peachmango-kombucha · 2 years
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angeloncewas · 3 years
me deciding between the current lore streams:
beep (tubbo) is currently talking about a squirrel rocking up lmao
I've never gotten a submission before ! I don't know how to answer these !
I need to catch up on Beep lore tbh, I only know sparse details from angsty comics but it seems super interesting.
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glacialltz · 4 years
hey lyn !!! i'm just dropping by to say that everyone !! truly !! loves you !! sm 🥺 sm ppl wouldn't go out of their way to give u love if they didn't care for u cutie ♡ ilysm~!! take care of urself 😼
🥺🥺🥺Jodi you’re 🥺🥺🥺🥺so cute and sweet omg I’m love you. While it may be hard for me to accept some of what you said, it means a lot that you went out of your way to send this.
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Because despite having done horrible things, you looked at your own actions and saw you weren't happy with how you'd acted. You decided to make a change in yourself to try to have a better relationship with Hazel. Yes, Lonely Freddy decided to be a bastard and get in the way, but you wanted to change. Wanting to make yourself a better person is a good thing in my book.
It only took me ten years, seriously, how mature I am, I've got no friends, I sometimes feel like Lefty just listens to me because he feels like he has to. Hazel herself came up with a stupid idea to try and get close to me because I was stupider.
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innosen · 4 years
* what color is your soulmark ?                           
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Pink !
Never short of affection, patience, or understanding, those with a pink soul color are energetic and respected. They are seen as nurturing individuals, and they attract many people who feel misguided in life. They tend to always find the good in every situation and inspire others to do the same.
Pink soulcolors are highly in tune with their emotions and the emotions of others. They believe all feelings should be acknowledged and dealt with in a healthy manner. They look out for those who don’t look out for themselves, often spreading themselves thin and crashing in the process.
While friendly, this color is introverted and shies away from social gatherings. However, it’s not uncommon for them to accompany a friend out into a social situation or be a wingman if needed. Their friend circle comes first and foremost, whether it be large or small, and they will attempt to make time for everyone even if they are spent.
This color is also drawn to doubt and question if they’re doing enough. They like to conform and know that they are accepted. This leads them to try and be something they’re not, and they often grow disappointed or disgusted with themselves should they deceive themselves and others for too long. They are also bad at keeping promises, setting goals they can’t achieve, and unintentionally disappointing those they wanted to impress. 
tagged by. @dandilys​ ( thank you thank you soso muuch! :D ) tagging. if u just breathed , u’re tagged! :D
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panstarry · 7 years
im sending this anon bc i'm !! too >:3c to actually say this to your face upfront .. u really inspire me! !your art is so YOU and unique and cute and honestly it's something i strive to make for myself; something thats 100% ME and one of a kind that people can look at and go: hey, this is pretty cool! anyways tl;dr you're hella and all-around one cool cat. smooches. i hope you have a good day or night, whichever timezone ur in!!!
thank you so much ur a total sweetheart this is so Good and im crying
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bbjimin-dududu · 3 years
Hey Pristine!!!!! what's up dude
Helllo Lili!!! nothing much,, in fact about to log off and finish 389572863478524 pending assignments😂😂
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autistic-ace-bee · 2 years
okay love i have to go for a bit (tism checkup) but!! i will reply to everything as soon as im done love you love you love you <333
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