#another of their boys going to war g o d
itssoinevitable · 11 months
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James and Siegfried, reminiscing. ACGAS 2020 | S04E05 Papers.
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lamialamia · 3 months
D, g,m,n for the HBO war asks :)
d. what was a character arc in any of the shows that left you unsatisfied?
oh boy. but I will be truthful, and the answer might not come as a surprise for you: Crosby's arc. Even though Anthony Boyle is intensely charismatic, this character arc is very half-baked. The first half (which i consider from episode 1 to 6) is really nice. We get to see Crosby become more confident, and grow into his role as the group navigator. But then the writers decided to engage in the romantic sub-plot with Sandra that is character assassination to them both, and instead of letting him sit and ponder about the shitty things that happen, Crosby always get a verbal hug from his bff, Rosie. Which means he never have to really face his demons.
I can go on and on. But don't worry, I'll be writing another meta analysis about this stupid arc 🙃
g. masters of the air and generation kill both seem to have more discourse surrounding them than the other two. which did you enjoy more, and why?
answer here
m. what do you think is the best quote of each show?
BoB: "It's called wounded, peanuts. Injured is when you fall out of a tree or something."
TP: "You can't dwell on it. You can't dwell on any of it."
GK: "Point, Ray. I was one of those unfortunates adopted by upper-middle-class professionals and nurtured in an environment of learning, art, and a socio-religious culture steeped in more than two thousand years of Talmudic tradition. Not everyone is lucky enough to have been raised in a Whiskey Tango trailer park by a bowlegged female whose sole qualification for motherhood is a womb that happened to catch a sperm of a passing truck driver."
MOTA: "It'd be me and it'd be you."
n. if you create content, which show do you have the most wips for? choose one to talk about in depth.
I definitely make the most stuff for TP. And right now I'm writing about 2.5 Wips for Sledgefu because they are my O-T-fucking-P.
So, there is this Pacific Rim AU. I wanted to write a vague one-shot. It is no longer an one shot >"<
Sledge and Snafu are two young guys who are fighting monster together and they are in love but don't know it yet and the psychic brain melt is making them crazy and now they engage in a co-dependent Co-pilots with benefits situation where they fuck and don't talk about their feeling.
And they are fighting giant monsters inside a Jeager named Dastard Queen that have a hidden blade (like Assassin's Creed, but with a giant robot) and a supersonic beam in the chest.
I have too much fun writing it, can't you see hahaha
Ask me anything from this cool thing
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Firstlife chapter 12
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Today’s review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 12
“Your Firstlife sets the stage for your Second.” —Troika
Full offence, but Archer literally told Clay that you will be forgiven for anything in Troika. So you should totally sign with them, go party, murder some people, etc etc… And then die. 
This book has yet to tell us exactly what the point of living a long firstlife is. Life sounds goddamned miserable. Like you’re the civilians caught up in another country’s war. 
And then it sounds like you’re going to be nothing but cannon fodder once you die. 
Maybe Ten should roll the dice and hope that there’s something better after she dies in secondlife. 
When I ask to speak with the owner, she gives me a tsk-tsk.
 “You wanting a piece of him? Don’t try to deny it. Girls just can’t seem to keep their hands off his goods and services.”
Why is this author so goddamned obsessed with sex? I’m not sure that we’ve had a single chapter where a character didn’t say something along these lines, even in passing. 
“I saw his body. And I used his severed hand to open the gate and free you.”
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you can 100% survive without a hand. 
“How old are you? Really?”
 “I’m seventeen.” His chest puffs up with pride. “A mature seventeen.”
Why the hell is nobody in this book over 20? And the older ones are the bad guys. 
I open the door to find the boy—probably three or four—clutching a stuffed teddy bear to his chest.
“You can’t tell I’m a Shell?”
“Weren’t you listening, blondie? Or is the air in your head clogging your ears? I’m not on duty, so I’m not signing no one. All I expect from you is a hand job.”
Maybe the author thought that she was being funny and edgy with the constant sex “jokes”. But the fact that she had the angel in the body of a 3 or 4 year old is honestly so icky. 
I hope that the author got put on a watchlist for this scene. 
Get to the airport, get to the States. 
If you could run anywhere, why the fuck are you going to go to USA? 
Nah man, send me to the goddamned south of France. It’s the last place anybody would think to look for me. 
We HART You! Humans Against Realm Turmoil! 
Don’t Believe the Lies! Realms Are Simply a Way to Control You!
I want to hear more from these HART people. They’re the only ones with seemingly any ounce of logic and free thinking. 
“Hawaii,” I say, making a split-second decision. I’ll be far from LA—and my parents—but close to water. “ 
I t ’ s s e t t l e d t h e n , ” t h e p i l o t s a y s. “ G o a h e a d a n d b o a r d a n d w e ’ l l t a k e o ff.” [I don’t know why the hell it’s like that, and I am NOT fixing it]
Chapter 12 summary: Sloan and Ten go to the B&B Archer told them about, where they hand over the “coin”, and get put into a room. That night, Ten has a dream about her mentally ill auntie. About how she’d always talk about Ten in the past tense, and usually stuff like “I’m sorry you died.” When Ten was 13, her father completely cut his sister out from their lives, and refused to talk about her anymore. When she wakes up, she finds that Killian visited in the middle of the night. He’d left her two bracelets that have garroting wire in them. 
The girls eat breakfast and put on new clothes that were given to them. As they’re discussing what their next move should be, a little boy shows up at their room. It’s actually the hotel owner, a rogue Troikan angel who was put on probation after selling angelic drugs to humans. He says that he owed Archer a favour, and he’s not doing it for either of them. 
As they’re being driven to the airport, they discuss their future plans. Sloan’s backstory is that her granny wanted to force her not only into signing with Myriad, but also in marrying a man twice her age. Like Ten, she wants to make it to 18 so that she can be freed of her guardian forcing her to be tortured until she gives in. Then, she plans to torch her family’s estate. There are also signs along the highway advertising both Troika, Myriad, but also the anti-realm group, HART. 
The airport is super sketchy, but they realise they have no choice. Killian is there, and Ten wastes no time in calling him out on his shit. That he’s the reason why Clay died. Killian is like “Who cares? So another human died.” Although it’s hard to say if he doesn’t give a shit about humans in general, or specifically those who’ve signed with Troika. 
Ten goes over to the pilot, who she thinks is unsigned. He asks her where they’re going, and she says Hawaii. 
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.28
War...Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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This one's to all my eldritch creatures fan folks, have a taste
Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXV]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.- Puppil (Grown/Sick)
cooties bad
So yeah, this is BF's pet pupper after so long...and I mean it it's been 10 years already whatzefu-
He was fun to make, and the result came out awesome, I love it <3
2.- "Puppil, it really is you buddy!"
(This happens after StiX's rewritten events, and once Puppil is de-cootied)
(Instinctively, Puppil pounces towards BF and throws him off, as he gasps in shock)
(Both GFs) "BF!"
"Major B!"
(BF is shaken, as the eldritch canine slowly steps closer, growling)
(BF notices something on the creature's eye that rings a bell on his memory lane)
"Wait, is it...?"
(BF stands up and walks towards the canine, his hand put foward)
(Little G) "No! BF!"
(GF) "Oh my devils, are you serious?!"
(The canine looks aggresively towards GF, until...)
"...Puppil? Is it you, buddy?"
(The canine stands paralyzed for a while, it's ears going a little up, as it looks towards BF, his eye slightly getting expanded)
"...Do you...still remember me...?"
(The canine walks a little closer, as it sniffs BF's hand)
(Pause for a moment...and the doggo jumps over BF)
(Panic ceases the moment she hears BF beeping and laughing, noticing the canine's just...y'know, licking him in a playful way cuz dogs things amirite-)
(Stops Puppil for a sec and holds its face, it still panting) "Ahaha! Ah, Puppil, it really is you, old buddy! And BOY did ya get big, you rascal!"
(Puppil barks enthusiastically, as it puts itself close to BF)
(Hugs Puppil back, still petting him) "Yeah, I missed you too, pal...it's been a long time..."
(Minor B joins in, as Puppil looks to him and back to BF in confusion)
"Oh, uh...it's a long story"
(Puppil looks toward Minor B, sniffs him, and licks him as a "hello hi")
"Hehe, welcome back, Puppil!"
(Another hug because hell fucking yeah)
Can we have wholesome cake thank you
3.- "Awe, who's a good boy?"
(Vibing) "Sooo...you guys done there?"
(Puppil looks back at GF and frowns, growling)
(stands up) "Ayo, easy there boy, she's not a threat" (pets Puppil, who looks back to him) "If anything, she's my partner...or as you guys know it, my 'mate'"
(GF giggles) "Hey, don't you furrify me"
(BF chuckles) "But anyway, she's GF, and that little fella next to her is...also her" (Puppil looks confused) "...Yeah, it's awkward but it is what it is"
(Puppil walks to GF and looks at her, waving its tail)
"Heya, what's up, doggie boy?"
"Aw, he's so cute! Can I pet him?"
(Puppil walks close, as Little G puts her hand on its head, while GF tickles it below its chin(??)
"Awe, who's a good boy? Who's a cute little spooky boy?"
(Puppil licks GF a little in her hand)
"Hey, watch it there, I might be a little too spicy for you" (wink)
Demon girl and eldritch doggo vibin
4.- A favor
Chuck's gonna keep doggo boi at his place for now till GF and BF come back
What are friends for anyway?
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
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A - Affection (how do they show affection)
Benny ADORES PDA. He always has to have his hands on you somehow. He loves wrapping his arms around your waist and his chin on your head ( if you’re shorter than him) And if you’re taller than Benny, he’ll just stand on his toes to rest his head on your shoulder.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
You’re apart of the supernatural life so you two practically spend every moment with each other. In school and out of school, people can always fine the two of you in each other’s arm. When you guys are spending time apart it’s usually when Benny is with Ethan and you’re with the girls/Rory.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
Like earlier, Benny loves PDA. He especially loves it after a long day fighting monsters, he’ll come up to wrapping his arms around your shoulder and lightly put his body weight on you in a joking manner. That’s your cue to know the boy wants his cuddles. Bennys favorite positions when cuddling is either having your head resting on his chest with your arms around his waist or having his head on your lap so you could play with his hair.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
Benny would overthink everything for your first date. He wanted to make everything just perfect for you. So he enlisted the help of your best friend ( if you want Sarah/Erica/Rory/Or Ethan to be your best friend just ignore the best friend part). Your date would be in his backyard. It would consist of a picnic along with his own outdoor movie theater.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
Benny gets super excited when he sees you at school in the morning, he’ll drop everything to go greet you with a kiss and a pickup line. / Benny is more in awe of you dating him. He couldn’t believe you said yes when he asked you the first time.
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
I feel like with Bennys flirty behavior that would be the cause of most of your fights. Benny knows when you're upset when you disappear out of nowhere. Like you’re nowhere to be seen since you’re avoiding him. Benny has to track you down or pay Rory.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
Benny is definitely more creative for your nicknames “Sweetness, cherry, hot stuff, delicious". Anything to see you blush/ You call Benny names just to tease him by "Benny Boo, Benny Rabbit, Chipmunk, and Sweet Pea"
H - Hi (first time meeting)
The two of you met when you were asked to babysit in place of Sarah when she was "sick". You were making Jane a sandwich and having a debate over Dusk when the bell rang. Ethan was nowhere to be seen so you went to open the door. "Hey, Eth...Woah babe alert.. I mean hey! I'm Benny"
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
Benny loves getting you things, like flowers, teddy bears, chocolates. Bonus for him since he can practice his magic. he’s also gotten you necklaces and rings. Since you guys are still in high school he usually makes them homemade or gets a summer job.
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
Look up the definition of jealously and Benny's photo will be there. Benny isn't jealous of Ethan but he is of Rory since Rory is just as flirty as Benny. Benny tries to hide his jealousy but fails to do so. / When you're jealous, Benny doesn't know if he thinks it's cute or hot. You don't hide your jealously. You'll go right up to Benny and make a snide comment to whoever is grabbing the attention of Benny.
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
If you're shorter than Benny, he'll give you forehead kisses, a peck on the nose, or a smooch on the cheek. If you're taller than him, he likes to give you small neck kisses, press on your hand, or just a plain kiss on the lips. Benny likes to kiss you every moment he can.
L - Love (when was the first time they said i love you or realized it?)
Benny realizes it after he almost dies after Jesse's comeback and was holding him by the neck. You were crying silently as you hid in a locker. The only thing running through his mind was you. he wanted to live the rest of his life with you, he wanted to have kids with you, that’s the only thing he could think of. thankfully, Sarah saved the day and you jumped right into his arms, crying into his chest. he whispers that he loves you over and over again.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
You guys are teenagers let's remember that, you guys definitely talked about it though. The closest you guys got to living together was when your parents were out of town and went to stay with Benny. After college, you guys finally moved in though, rented an apartment together.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
(If you don't kids skip over this one). Benny was super excited when he found the news. He spun you around the room and couldn't stop kissing you. Benny was already coming up with star-wars-themed names for your kid. He used this as an opportunity to practice his magic just in case your child would inherit his powers/ he used them to baby-proof the apartment.
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
Benny is an open book with you. Sometimes he shares a little too much but you don't mind. You guys have this time of the day where you go under any tree you can find and spill your feelings.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
Benny is a bit paranoid taking photos since the whole evil Benny situation. But before Benny would take pictures of you where you weren't paying attention, smiling at him or intimate photos of course with your consent. / You love taking photos of Benny when he's sleeping or giving you a smooch.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
You have a problem with being careless, most of the time you jump into situations without thinking it which upsets him. Benny loves your quirk of randomly knowing things/ Benny tends to forget things that make date nights difficult which leads to some fights. You love Benny's quirk of puffing up his cheeks when he's in thought.
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
Benny freaks out every time but tries to hide it. (not very well ) and does everything in his power to make you comfortable./ If Benny gets injured, you’re his nurse which he’ll take advantage of in his own ways.
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
the group usually has to get you two back together after a fight. you take a break from one another, and it’s awkward for the group. Until one of you misses the other and comes back with food/promises.
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
Benny wants your touch all the time. He’s big fan of PDA and always has a hand on you or around you. Usually Benny will come up and gently grab your hand to plant a kiss but if you remove your hand before he gets the chance to, he’ll rest his chin on your head/shoulder and wait.
U- Waking Up With Them
waking up with Benny is the best. he has his arms around you every single time, he somehow manages to pull you into his arms in his sleep when you go to sleep on separate sides of the bed. if you’re still asleep, he just presses kisses to your forehead, trying to wake up a bit more before getting up and starting the day. if you’re up before him, you absolutely love playing with his messy hair and stroking his cheek.
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
Weeks after planning and planning, you and Benny finally take a trip to ( your dream location). Benny wants to visit every corner with you as well as getting a souvenir.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
Benny is a nervous wreck when he prepares to ask you. Looking around, stuttering, and tripping. You were beginning to think you were being followed and Benny didn’t want to scare you. You finally asked him what’s up and he grabbed your hands gently to pour his heart out. Benny was scared when no response came out of your mouth but a few minutes later you were covering his face in kisses and saying yes over and over again. You really didn’t have a BIG wedding but it was all your family and friends there.
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
Benny loves your bluntness. He likes it how you tell everyone the truth and you’re not sorry about it.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
Benny tries to hide when he’s tired so he’ll be over exaggerating his emotions but when he’s tired to the point where he can’t hide it he’ll be less clingy and kinda shut off from the group. You can tell he’s tired when he begins to mumble or just stops talking overall.
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
Benny doesn’t care about space. he wants to be as close to you as possible, breathing in your scent and feeling your warmth.
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
So this is an NSFW Alphabet for Echo requested by @smallandangrey . They requested a Tech one as well, and an Echo fic so 😳 expect some more stuff.
I am still working on other requests in my inbox as well! Dw. Just worked on this since it was easier for my tired brain. Hopefully I can write an actual one-shot tomorrow 😌💕💕
No tags since this is strictly nsfw and I don't wanna make the tags uncomfortable 😳 idk it's late and I'm overthinking lmaoo
Echo NSFW Alphabet below the cut
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Since the citadel Echo has been real into affection. Especially with you. It often grounds him and reminds him that he's there, you're there, this is real. This is happening. So when the two of you finish he is almost always pulling you close to him. Though it did take some warming up, since at first he was really worried he'd hurt you or make you uncomfortable with his mechanical limbs. 
After sex he just enjoys a good cuddle. He Especially loves it when you let him lay his head on your chest and you hold him. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
After the citadel incident he's never really been into anything on himself. He'd have to say his eyes or his mouth. Since you always say you love his eyes, and his mouth seems to bring you the most pleasure from sex. Though I do hc only his thigh down were blown off in the explosion. He still isn't too sure about it since after citadel he lost a lot of his stamina and he doesn't last as long as he used to. 
On you, I see this hc a lot but it honestly makes sense to me. Don't ask why, but he is a tits man. He enjoys the softer, sweeter things in life. So your tits? Small or big? Sheesh he's on 'em like they're his will to live! He could lay on them, squeeze 'em, or even suck on them all night if you let him. After you got him to open up about what he wanted to try out. Which again- took some time. But he admitted he'd like to fuck your tits. It was awkward at first for him, but he absolutely nearly died after. Especially since that was probably the shortest he'd ever last with you. He just completely lost it, especially when you licked some of the cum that got on the corner of your mouth. He swears his soul left him for a second after that. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's not too into messes, but he does enjoy Cumming on your chest or your stomach. Echo doesn't really want to even try and risk accidentally impregnating you. Even if you are on the pill. Tech explained to him how even condoms AND the pill can backfire in numerous ways, and now he's just not risking it. So he normally just cums on your chest or. If you're okay with it, he'll finish in your mouth. Which also has him going absolutely nuts. 
As for yours? He loves it on his tongue. Eating you out is one of his favorite things to do, and when you cum from JUST his tongue? Absolutely heavenly for the man. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Echo would be interested in trying out toys I fell. Especially with his mecho hand. He'd find add ons that gave you pleasure. Or was just enough to just tease you with. I feel like he would also have a dirty photo of you saved for just him when the two of you are apart. One that you don't know about so it just adds to his own thrill. 
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Echo at first after the citadel is fairly rusty. If the two of you were together before then he's really insecure he won't meet the expectations like he did before he was in stasis for almost over a year. If the two of you weren't together he's still insecure, but at least he knows that you don't know how he was in bed previous years before. 
He does in fact know what he's doing. His arc twin is Fives, and I am sure that door told him stories and hooked Echo up with at least one or two beings in their lifetime. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Since Echo is a tits man he likes you either on your back, riding him, or fucking you with a mirror in front of the two of you. The way your tits bounce mesmerize him and he loves having his mouth or hands on them while the two of you get nasty. What drives him absolutely feral is when you ride him and bring his hands up to your chest. Then squeeze your hands over his his while they squeeze your breasts. Absolutely divine. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It really depends on his mood. Echo has more of a sarcastic, dry sense of humor. So if he is feeling it he will crack a joke here or there, but not too many. If you two are having sex after a long mission where he thought he wasn't going to make it out(or if he didn't think you were, if you travel with tbb.) Then he's normally more serious and sappy while he fucks you slowly into the night. Reminding himself that he has you and you have him, still. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Echo is pretty well groomed. He doesn't like a mess, and plus it's too itchy for him when it gets too long. So he always keeps it trimmed down. Never shaved, since for one, he doesn't like the feel of it growing back. Then two he just doesn't like himself with no hair down there. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Echo is normally pretty romantic especially when it comes to sex. He doesn't fuck to fuck, he fucks for love. He normally only sleeps with people he has an absolute attraction to. Someone that he knows won't hurt him. Or at least believes they won't. So he normally does his best to keep the moment romantic and perfect for the two of you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Echo normally doesn't jack off too much. He usually waits to come home to you so the two of you can actually help each other feel good. Rather than a hand and his imagination. Though, if he does get a nasty picture of you? He won't hesitate to use it if the mission lasts longer than usual or he's extra stressed out from his crew mates. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise Kink: this boy will absolutely love you all night long, the more you praise him. Even simple things like "that feels so good," "you're so amazing," and stuff like that will push him further to make you feel absolutely angelic.
Not sure if this is a kink or what you'd call it, but man would die if you gave him a lap dance. Echo loves taking care of you, but when you take care of him?? He feels like the luckiest guy in the galaxy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers the comfort of a bed. Where the two of you have time to appreciate everything you give each other. There has been a rare occasion or two where he gets a little handsy at 79s after a few too many drinks and a guy flirting with you. Where you find yourself getting fingered in the corner or fucked in the bathroom. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Echo loves it when you wear lingerie. Even if you don't think you look good in it he thinks you're absolutely beautiful no matter what. And if it's blue or white he goes feral. 
If you kiss him in front of someone hitting on him. Or hold his hand when he's being hit on. Show any signs that he is yours and you are his, he's probably going to take you the moment you two have time. 
Another big turn on for him is when you praise him throughout the day. Man can't resist it. Especially when you say it in a dirtier tone and act all innocent when he confronts you. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bondages is a bug no from him. From all the times in the war he's been held in restraints, or he's witnessed his brothers and Generals in restraints he can't stand them. He can't even handle you in them. It triggers something in him that ruins the mood for the both of you. 
He doesn't like the thought of knife or gun play. If you or him are getting hurt in the process he won't do it. He may spank you playfully here or there, but that’s about it. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He honestly prefers giving over receiving. He loves it when you're a writhing mess and gripping at him or the sheets for dear life. The taste of you and the sound of your lewd moans has him nearly creaming his pants. Plus he just loves the satisfaction of knowing he can make you come undone like that. 
He isn't against you giving him oral here or there though. Some days he loves it, especially when he's stressed out and you just drop on your knees like some sort of gift from above. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Echo prefers a more slow and sensual pace. He loves making it last as long as he can. He is definitely one of those, "this could be out last time. Let's make it last." Type of guys. So expect more love making than fucking. Though there are time where he'll give you a good fuck. Maybe one of the nights where he does try and dom. Though it normally ends with you sitting on his face because he absolutely loves it when you do. If you suffocated him he would die a happy man. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn't too fond of them, but he isn't against them either. If he is doing a quickie he'd prefer to make sure no one caught you two. He'd probably die of humiliation.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Echo will only experiment if you recommend something new. As long as it isn't really messy/gross, the two of you stay safe through it, and restraints and blind folds aren't a part of it he's all good for it. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
After the citadel he lost a majority of his strength in general. Before he could last about 3-4 long rounds. Now he's lucky if he gets 2 in. He normally doesn't last too long either. Though after time he does begin to last longer and you're able to finish with him for the most part. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
His hand. As said above he uses his robotic hand for sex quite a bit. He adds on accessories. Anything to make his partner feel absolutely euphoric. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Echo enjoys teasing here or there on his end, but you can normally work your way around it. One simple please and he's normally doing what you want. You have him wrapped around your finger for the most part. 
He normally despises when you tease him. Mostly because he just hates begging for anything. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Echo is a talker and a groaner. He loves muttering sweet nothings in your ear, and will also praise you to the moon. Especially if you praise in return. He grunts and groans to the point the rest of tbb tease him about it til he's flushed red and trying to.make up excuses. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He would like to try sharing you. He knows his brothers like you and has thought about sharing you with one or two of them at a time. He would take charge through it, since you are technically with him and not them, but he just thinks it would be exciting and fun. He doesn't know how to ask and is too anxious you would hate the idea to ask, though.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Echo lost a lot of his muscles while in stasis. He is slowly gaining that and his color back though. Along with getting upgrades for his prosthetics. Like an actual hand that Tech built for him. As for his dick, it's average clone size. Longer and thicker than the average person's.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His isn't really too high. Even once he gets used to the fact that you love him and his body, he doesn't really have that high of a sex drive. He controls himself pretty good and doesn't really even need to jack off much unless he's really stressed. That doesn’t mean he won't initiate sex with you the moment he sees you after a long mission though. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He for the most part tries to stay up, playing with your hair until your asleep above/below/beside him. Wherever the two of you decide to cuddle against one another. It's sort of his way of making sure it's all real though. Some nights he is the first to pass out though. 
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gffa · 4 years
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723 notes · View notes
Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
659 notes · View notes
hotkoyo · 3 years
SFW Howie Alphabet Headcanons
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Author's Note: When will my husband come home from war?
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on how I imagine Howie to be based on the game. You don't have to agree with what I say here as everyone is free to have their own ideas.
𝄥 𝄞 ── 𝄇
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
VERY affectionate. I honestly feel like he grew up surrounded with so much love and now he’s just overflowing with it. Howie is all about showing his love through warm hugs, having his arm around you, swinging your hands as you walk, head pats, you name it. Another one, in my opinion, is words of affirmation. He'd tell you how much you matter to him through words, like quoting lines from his favorite movies and saying "I love you" before you both go to sleep.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Affectionate. Lots of play fighting and cuddling during movie sessions. Singing to Disney songs at the top of your lungs. You guys make friendship bracelets for each other (and he never takes off his). Definitely one of those dudes who drive their best friend everywhere.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If it’s not apparent already, this dude is a giant golden retriever and he lives for the cuddles. He is born to cuddle, baby. Due to his size, it’s natural that he ends up as a big spoon more often than not but he definitely loves the moments he gets to be the small spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
So domestic, even when you guys just started dating. It’s easy to imagine yourself settling down with someone as warm and comforting as Howie. He would love to settle down and build a home with you and you guys love having conversations about your dream house and how your life would be like in five, ten years. He’s alright at cooking in general but can cook some amazing Chinese dishes that his mom taught him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be hard for him to get out of a relationship, to be completely honest. He’s one of those people who easily gets attachment issues and finds it hard to move on from a relationship. If he really has to be the one to end the relationship, he would want to talk it out with you and try to end your relationship on a good note. I feel like he’s one of those people who really values respect, even when things aren’t working out anymore between you two.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Howie is a hopeless romantic and while he does have his insecurities, I feel like he would really love to commit to someone. In terms of marriage, it really depends on you. I don’t think his career would hinder him much when it comes to popping the question, to be honest. If he feels like he’s comfortable enough with the relationship and sees that you are, too, I think he’d propose to you when he feels like the time is right.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Howie is a textbook example of a gentle giant. He knows he’s strong so physically, he knows when to hold back a bit. Emotionally, it’s canon that he’s a soft and caring boy through and through and he would never hurt you on purpose.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ugh, he LOVES hugs. It’s canon that the Yan fam is really good with hugs so if you need a pick-me-up, he’s your man. Whenever you guys are alone, he acts like an overgrown koala because he can’t get enough of hugging you. If hot chocolate is a hug, it’s what Howie’s would feel like. Warm, familiar, and comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He knows he loves you when he does but holds back a lot in fear of coming off too strong. If he feels that you feel the same, then he would say it pretty quickly into the relationship or during a spur of a moment. If it seems that you need more time, he would hold back just so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s the type who’s less jealous and more insecure. His jealousy isn’t going to make him act rashly and put you on the spot. It’s slow and creeping and you might not notice at first because of how well he conceals it but it becomes apparent by the way he starts to act distant.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Warm and gentle. His kisses make you feel so safe and loved and he likes to take the time to show you how he feels through the gesture. He loves to kiss you everywhere but his favorite places to kiss you are your nose and temples.
Also, kiss him on the forehead and he’d melt into a puddle. Another one of his hotspots is at the back of his neck. Kiss him there and watch him sputter as he tries to gain back his bearings.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves kids, kids love him. He humors the kids a lot and is a great impersonator so prepare yourself for some improvised skits in front of the kiddos. Can’t say no to the kids, though, so you might have to step in from time to time. Kids treat him like a human jungle gym. Which he actually is.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I definitely see him as a morning person. Also, he’s so fit that you can’t tell me he doesn’t workout every single morning. Probably goes on an early jog and is one of those people who seems so chipper even if it's only seven in the morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Have you seen actors with their stage makeup on? There’s no way Howie’s skin stays so smooth and supple without some form of skincare routine. Has his own skincare routine and loves doing it with you together in front of the mirror (while making faces at you). After a good skincare session, he'll sit on the couch or in bed with you cuddled up to him as he reads scripts from his new upcoming projects.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Depending on how much he trusts you, it could be sooner or later. The thing with him is that he keeps things bottled up to himself. It’s hard and it’s tiring and the moment he feels safe with you, the dam breaks and he starts to reveal things about himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s definitely hard to annoy Howie and even harder to provoke him. He has the patience of a saint and unless something is very wrong, you can always find him just chillin lol.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s quite sentimental so he definitely remembers your relationship milestones. He remembers a lot of small things about you; like how you like your cereal and your best friend’s name from high school. Some of the details can be fuzzy at times but he tries!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Canonically: The moment you said yes when he asked to be your boyfriend at Luca’s "sister's wedding".
Headcanon: The time you both visited his family in Chicago for the holidays. You were walking home from dinner when the snowfall turned into a snowstorm. It was terribly cold and windy but you both kept on laughing at the situation and you looked so gorgeous with snow stuck to your hair under the waning streetlight that he didn’t even care that he's freezing his butt off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Isn’t too protective in the traditional sense because he knows you can take care of yourself. More protective of how you feel because of his words and actions so he’s careful in what he says and how he says them because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Highkey loves to be protected tho. Thinks it's kinda hot.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Puts a lot of effort in his career, obviously. Howie is always so passionate and ambitious when it comes to being a top actor. Relationship-wise, he’s a simp. Dates are mostly casual with him but he puts extra time and effort in choosing or making gifts. All the extra and expensive bits goes into your anniversary dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A lot of times, he leaves his wet, sweaty workout shirts at the corner of the room and somehow always forgets no matter how many times you’ve scolded him. Sometimes doesn’t close or tie snack packages properly so when it's your turn to eat them, they’re often stale. A terrible snorer when he’s had a long day on set.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Quite concerned. He likes to highlight the nice parts of his body through the clothes he choose to wear and tries to follow a healthy diet in general. He worked hard for his body and as much as embarrassing as it is to admit, he loves to show off and be admired for it (especially by you).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
A strong believer that every person is complete and whole on their own. He believes that every person is their own and just because you love someone, it doesn't mean that your life must revolve around that person. Even so, he is a romantic. So even if he knows that he's complete without you, he does prefer to have you by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He can play the piano really well. Aside from dance lessons, his parents put aside a lot of money to sign him up for piano classes when he was younger. Now, he plays them whenever he’s deep in thought and it’s always relaxing to hear him play.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Howie doesn’t like broccoli. Keep those away from him. Please. When it comes to partners, Howie stays away from people who make him feel less. Basically people who put him down for being who he is and liking the things he likes. Narcissists, if you will.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a snuggler and he nuzzles into your side a lot when he sleeps. Whether you get too warm is your problem because this dude is Strong™ and won’t let you push him aside that easily. And, God, I hate to say this but he’s definitely a snorer. Not all the time but when he’s really tired.... let’s just say you won’t be getting a decent sleep.
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hightidelowmood · 2 years
Blindspot season 3
OK OK OK I have returned back to this 10/10 show and hello!!! EPISODE 15 LETS GO
I like Keaton... why oh why do I like this grub???? and the chemistry between him and Zapata?? they're a great team. I love the dynamic so much! Zapata's 'I am at capacity at keeping secrets' is literally hot. I love when she throws down back at Keaton hahahaha
I can really understand why Avery continues to push away from Jane especially because Jane continues to try and pull her into the storm. Not that Avery shouldn't be part of all of this, but I can understand her adversion to thinking her own father is capable of all the terrible things they continue to push at her!
eeeeeEeeeEeEeEep I still think Roman is... hot. The turmoil he feels about loosing Blake is very, very interesting. I like that he has all of these romantic feelings. His character development is so great to watch.
UGH ok Jane has just woken from her slumber to a sound... and wtf is Kade doing back here. "I'm not going to kill you.. I need your help" bitch why should she help you???? also her husband is going to bash him surely??? Kade's an idiot to be completely honest, Jane and Kurt have no problem going for the kill shot LOL they will literally murder without thinking HAHAHAH ooooft, CIA totally stuffed everything for Kade... interesting. Of course he wants a new deal what a headache.
HAHAHAHA of course Keaton is freaked out that sand storm has been found what a great moment in Blindspot hahahaha and of course Jane trusts Kade's word for it, there is another bad terrifying bad dude loose in NYC, love this for us. OH OH OH Crawford is involved!
200 million... for Blake back?? I am looking forward to seeing how they're going to get their children back. OoOoO they're being kept in a night club... god Roman's accent is H O T anyway, he is the only person talking sense. He doesn't want to start a gang war... but I am surprised that Crawford agreed with his business buddy over Roman??? especially because Roman is clearly educated and cares for his daughter? i n t e r e s t i n g
OoOoFT Keaton and Zapata is so hot... why are they so attractive? they are currently arguing over what they'll be doing with Kade. when they fight its full of vibesssss anyway, Keaton being honest and telling Zapata what's happening with Kade's husband.
Anyway, we are back with Jane and Kade interacting and I love how truthful Jane is. She is so sincere when she tells the people from her past.
Oh there's a building rade happening tonight?!!??! Kade just dropped the beans!!! yay, wonder how many headshots there will be by the team??? lets go lets go!!
FFS what is wrong with Crawford??? why isn't he listening to Roman? I don't understand why Crawford isn't listening? oh of course Roman is going in to get Blake. Boy oh boy, he has it bA A A a a a a a d, I adore this side of Roman SO MUCH!
Oh god Kade is seeing his son :( I am crying, this is sooo sad. His son started crying, AWWW get me a big big big tissue and a bottle of wine because I feel too emo for Kade and the situation he has put himself in at the expense of his family. What an idiot but also... circumstances hey??? I wonder if Kade holds back knowing his son doesn't recognise him anymore?
ANYWAY, Avery is baaaack and she wants to know what her dad did on his past life and I still wonder what angle she has... does she actually want to know? Does she even care???
Oh!! Kade is going to share his knowledge! ~how interesting, he doesn't know what's going on but he does know who the bad lady is... who is the bad person I wonder...? is it someone they know? Quinn BONITA?!?! who are you?!?? so you're a bad bitch? Why are CIA bad guys always wearing army pants and tight shirts and OH MY GOD THEY JUST got to a hotel and she's locked down the hotel and shot someone in the head??? why is Quinn going rogue??? oh because her husband was killed how awful :( this poor woman
Quinn is about to attack the CIA with full rights because her son was killed and wasn't at all rescued, you can't really blame her especially if Keaton is the piece of shit poster guy for them. Anyway oh my god the undercover office is at a research university "Belmore" uni!! oh that's so interesting!! the outpost, they've found it! how interesting!
OH MY GOD, THE CIA BIG WIG!!! HE WAS IN CHARGE IN ALIAS TOO!!! HOLY SHIT!?!?!?!? WHY DOES THIS ACTOR PLAY ALL THE BAD GUY LEADERS?!?!? LOVE THAT SO MUCH!! anyway, sorry I am totally fan girling right now... Robert, the director you're living your best life... how interesting. ANYWAY, holy shit we've got two bloody hectic storylines happening... now we've shifted to Europe and Roman is saving Blake's ass right now.
Let me take three guesses here and say that Blake survives this ordeal. OH OH OH Crawfords business partner set this whole thing up?? how interesting!?!??
OH ok oh oh oh my god Quinn's terrorists just literally shot another agent in the face. ~this is deep right now Quinn, she's right this will not bring her husband back and I can kind of understand the whole thing. Oh so Keaton is a hero then?!?!??! head shot... 4 now. 4 people have been shot in the head so far! hahahahahah + the ones Roman shot... that's 8 people HA HA HA HA HA
Interesting.......... dID i miss something? Did Roman set this shit up??? did he set up the whole thing???
Anyway, wow Keaton is a piece of shit for not upholding the bargain with Kade. That is terrible, I hope that Zapata makes sure he gets free. She shouldnt have to lie directly to Kade. Kade shouldn't be treated in this way, it's wrong and I think Z knows that too. I hope Z comes clean. OH she didn't have to come clean, Zapata looked like a big ass liar anyway!!
Oh sis... Zapata you big piece of shit
OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH O H ROMAN IS UNCOVERING THIS SHIT HAHAHAHAHA of course Crawford set this shit up ahahahhaa I actually thought it may have been Roman lol anyway, wow Roman.. why are you so clever. What a terrible father to Blake but Roman... you clever clever boy. Crawford is going to try and kill Roman I think??? i think that's where we're heading...? OH CRAWFORD Poisoned him/?!?!?!?!? hahahahaha I jdore crawford 'messing' with Roman but Roman is a nasty piece of shit right back don't mess with him bby crawford.
AWWW ZAPATA AND EDGAR GUYS she's still so but hurt with Reade and I need to know if they end up being endgame?!!? please tell me they do I'll be pissed if they don't end up being end game. That chemistry is still hot too??? there's so much hurt and loss there, so much tension.
AWWW AVERY has come full circle and realised the truth about her dad, she now knows her dad was a murderer and how heart breaking :( I dislike that she now knows he didn't choose her. That is so awful :( I wish that Jane didn't tell her! Was it really necessary?
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homestucksongcomics · 3 years
Masterpost of Song Comics Part I (A-K)
*Unfortunately, due to a peculiarity of tumblr, a post containing too many links will not have any of them function. Thus, the masterpost has been broken into two parts.*
Organized by musician alphabetically
Last updated on 07/18/2021
See Part II here: Masterpost of Homestuck Song Comics Part II (L-Z)
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down by absinthianlyunheroic
This is War - 30 Seconds to Mars by caffieneandcarpaltunnel
I’m Not Your Boyfriend Baby - 3HO!3 by awildcale
Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy by irlmako
New Tomorrow - A Friend In London by maria-artz
Hand Over Mouth, Over and Over - A Lot Like Birds by binart
Skyfall - Adele by stormfather
Song of Healing - Adriana Figueroa by talkshitnojutsu
Everything Stays - Adventure Time by starchip-one
Kiss my Eyes and Lay Me to Sleep - AFI by 413art
Prelude 12/21 - AFI by toastyhat
Another Day - Air by chubsintubs
A Whole New World - Aladdin by copper-fish
Mercy Me - Alkaline Trio by brainbent
Hothouse - Aly & AJ by dristr
Evelyn, Evelyn - Amanda Palmer by p-pamda
Luck - The American Authors by timehwimeh
21 Guns - American Idiot Cast by jankyweeaboo
Pittsburgh - The Amity Affliction by anafigreen
Inevitable - Anberlin by suchirolle
Ready to Die - Andrew W. K. by askherroyalcondesce
The Age of Not Believing - Angela Lansbury by toastyhat
Director - The Antlers by gin-and-djinn
Kettering - The Antlers by cloudymew
My Mamma Said - Aqua by xamag-homestuck
Suburbs - Arcade Fire by porrim-maryam and collaborators
Wake Up - Arcade Fire by catprinx
We Used to Wait - Arcade Fire by drawingspecibus
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys by dacadaca
The Ballad Of Love And Hate - The Avett Brothers by umjulikins
Hey Brother - Avicii by esmeblaise
Wake Me Up - Avicii by a-vodka-mutini
Sail - AWOLNATION by theamazingzombiegirl
If I Die Young - The Band Perry by japhers
Memory - Barbra Strisand by toastyhat
Glitter and Gold - Barns Courtney by chibigaia-art
Daniel in the Den - Bastille by tomato-bird
Pompeii - Bastille by maria-artz Broken
Pompeii - Bastille by toastyhat and oskarna
Above the Clouds of Pompeii - Bear’s Den by groveofsketches
Let it Be - Beatles by toastyhat
The Fool on the Hill - The Beatles by robotoucan
All the Pretty Little Horses - Becky Jean Williams by purplecalamity
Pieces of Sky - Beth Orton by awildcale
Sweet Dreams - Beyoncé by dacadaca
River Below - Billy Talent by kamdensl
Rusted from the Rain - Billy Talent by crispychocolate
Just a Game - Birdy by redwordsoncavewalls
Kill the Lights - The Birthday Massacre by xamag-homestuck
Red Stars - The Birthday Massacre by lord-caliborn and tricotee
These Days - The Black Keys by digitallyimpaired
In the End - Black Veil Brides by rinasart
Let it Be - Blackmill (feat. Veela) by awildcale
Bad Sun - The Bravery by crashtest-therapist
Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin by yukishii-chan
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin by nevernoahh
Give Me a Sign - Breaking Benjamin by perceptur
I Will Not Bow - Breaking Benjamin by themockingcrows
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes by usatoria
Can you feel my heart? - Bring me the horizon by domingoos and Yumegurren
Seeds - Brooke Fraser by anno-bannano Broken
Kodaline - Brother by zzpopzz
When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars by babynarwalshineyeyes
P.O.W. - Bullet for My Valentine by anafigreen
Angel with a Shotgun - The Cab by dawngyocry
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 1
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 2
How Are You - Cage the Elephant by facetiousfanatic Part 3
The loneliest Girl - Carol and Tuesday by cassandraooc
Morning Has Broken - Cat Stevens by thlange
Star Spangled Banner - Chase Holfelder by chillybuns
Between the Bars - Chris Garneau by roselalondee
Dirty Night Clown - Chris Garneau by idontevenknow-anymore
Dirty Night Clown - Chris Garneau by immabananana
Enter the Circus - Christina Aguilera by askinsanegamzee Broken
A Thousand Years - Christina Perii by angstyelf
A Thousand Years - Christina Perii by mari-victal
Burning Gold - Christina Perri by raspberrylemonhead
Fall - Cider Sky by nevernoahh
Falling (Demo) - The Civil Wars by zomdi
Safe and Sound - The Civil Wars by karaokekarkat
Hum - Clara C by nymphicus
3 Foot Tall - Classifed by kyrah-art
Summer Day - Coconut Records by kathysbrotherssister
Fondu au Noir - Coeur de Pirate by derperistical
Fix You - Coldplay by absinthianlyunheroic
Paradise - Coldplay by Moonpaw
The Scientist - Coldplay by ikimaru
Up with the Birds - Coldplay by the-rag-tag-earl
Viva la Vida - Coldplay by raspberrylemonhead
Viva La Vida - Coldplay by rozeart
Yellow - Coldplay by mariedisgrace
Young Volcanos - Coldplay by kawo-shin
Princess of China - Coldplay (feat. Rihanna) by sora-la
Chin Up - Copeland by vriskamidfangserket
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows by hopelesslyblithe Broken
Crywank are posers - Crywank by p-666t
Thrice - Daedalus by foramen-magnum
Something About Us - Daft Punk by moxel
Something About Us - Daft Punk by yazzdonut
Emotion - Daft Punk (MissingNo remix) by doomzy
The Spine - Darren Korb (Transistor) by rose-ebottles Broken
Youth - Daughter by zelpixel
Raise Your Weapon - Deadmau5 by marintan
Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter by mcsiggy
Whisper - The Dear Hunter by prospt and collaborators
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by davsturdur
I Will Follow You into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by inusushi
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab for Cutie by kawaiifarts
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae by wwhatevven
Perfect Insanity - Disturbed by vasheren
Just Be Friends (Instrumental) - Dixie Flatline by cheese3d Inspired by Litlte Red Riding Hood
Pity Dance - Dn Stith by jazzango
Venus Hum - Do You Want to Fight Me by shubbabang
Everything You Ever - Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog by thesassylorax
My Eyes - Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog by equiu5
Close Every Door - Donny Osmond by allegro-designs
Baby Mine - Dumbo by gayrupunzel
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran by arachnerdsgri
I See Fire - Ed Sheeran by themockingcrows
Small Bump - Ed Sheeran by janecrockeyre
Cosmic Castaway - Electrasy by themockingcrows
Telephone Line - Electric Light Orchestra by daily-beta
You are my Sunshine - Elizabeth Mitchell by the-rag-tag-earl
Goodnight Sweet Ladies - Emilie Autumn by amporasexual
Asleep - Emily Browning (originally by The Smiths) by joker-ace
O Come O Come Emmanuel - Enya by pseudocon
One for the Money - Escape the Fate by ikimaru
Follow the Sun - Evermore by ladygrit
Fever Dreamless - fadeintocase by peregr1ne
Centuries - Fall Out Boy by sixofclovers
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by etcterrayellowmoon
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by mari-victal
Immortals - Fall Out Boy by quiversarrow
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy by toastyhat
The Kids Aren’t All Right - Fall Out Boy by i-am-a-riceball
The Kids Aren’t All Right - Fall Out Boy by scarlettheknight
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy by dopingues
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy by orangelemonart
Caught Like a Fly - Falling in Reverse by viria
Tragic Magic - Falling in Reverse by elasticitymudflap
Heavy Storm - First Aid Kit by moxel
Wolf - First Aid Kit by spooneaterarts
100 years - Five for Fighting by orangelemonart
Superman - Five for Fighting by grimbarke
Hurt Feelings - Flight of the Conchords by koroke
Rise - Flobots by lyricstuckbeatdown
Blinding - Florence + the Machine by collaborative
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by rosemaryserver
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by starkthirdeye
Cosmic Love - Florence + the Machine by toastyhat
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + the Machine by greatbiglyricstuck
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine by m0thboy
Girl With One Eye - Florence + the Machine by kingdomzombified
Kiss With a Fist - Florence + the Machine by miraculoustang
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine by dacadaca
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine by nappotuna
Only If for a Night - Florence + the Machine by glueball
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine by fangirlinginleatherboots
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine by themockingcrows
Shake it Out - Florence + the Machine by cod-tier
Tear out my Tongue - Florence + the Machine by wheresmyhamlet
What the Water Gave Me - Florence + the Machine by colonoscolypseart
With an Axe - Foxy Shazam by oldshiel
Something Stupid - Frank and Nancy Sinatra by toastyhat
Some Nights - Fun. by greatbiglyricstuck
Mad World - Gary Jules by ahabsiconoclast
Mad World - Gary Jules by prospitheir and aze
Mad World - Gary Jules by synnesai
Where Everybody Knows Your Name - Gary Portnoy by calliotp
Child of Light - The Getaway Plan by dingohugs
It All Dies Anyway - The Gits by skittykitty55
Take Me Away - Globus by toastyhat and splickedylit
You’re the One That I Want - Grease by doodlebonez
Top of the World - Greek Fire by eggsand-santoast
Song of the Century - Green Day by babakinkin
Song of the Century - Green Day by delinked
Song of the century - Green Day by the-rogue-0f-light
Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk by striderprovider
Hard Knocks - Griffinilla and Alex Cole by colouredteapot
Colors - Hasley by innocuoussketches
Anything - Hedley by valeriannnn
The Unquiet Grave - Hellen McCrocry by madreamcanular
Coming Back Down - Hollywood Undead by flynnagan
Coming Back Down - Hollywood Undead by skittykitty55
Levitate - Hollywood Undead by anafigreen
SCAVA - Hollywood Undead by scarlettheknight
Temporal Shenanigans - Homestuck ost - Rachel Macwhirter by arachnerdsgrip:
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier by metaname
Take Me To Church - Hozier by sailerscrimshaw Broken
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame by velocitiestrumpet
The Court of Miracles - Hunchback of Notre Dame by moc-tod-ffuts-modnar
That’s Okay - The Hush Sound by porcupet
Where We Went Wrong - The Hush Sound by canni8al
Wine Red - The Hush Sound by zeborah
Volatile Times - IAMX by xamag-homestuck
Bad Karma - Ida Maria by margarethours
Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons by paperseverywhere
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons by rapidopatter
Demons - Imagine Dragons by muraokami Broken
Demons - Imagine Dragons by rapidopatter
Fallen - Imagine Dragons by maria-artz Broken
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by abbiwhozit
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by catkindness Part 1
I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons by catkindness Part 2
Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons by paperseverywhere
On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons by lickfoot
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons by falloutboyonboy
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons by rachelhungry
Thief - Imagine Dragons by mikimosh
Warriors - Imagine Dragons by turretsyndr0me
Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap by kingdomzelaybli
The Devil’s Carnival - In all My Dreams I Drown by artblogofminji
Don’t Stop - InnerPartySystem by spocktalia Broken
What We Will Never Know - InnerPartySystem by lets-lyricstuck
Cinders and Smoke - Iron & Wine by laughingandgrief
Walk the Moon - Iscariot by cissaisthisyou
The Weekend - Islands by daily-beta
R.I.P. Everyone - J.J. Demon by trickstercarlos
Fallin’ - Jake Bugg by awildcale
I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz by impudentkid
I’ll Be Good - Jaymes Young by asexualls Broken
Sufferer’s Final Sermon - jbriner by sketchloft
Be Thou My Vision - jbriner (originally a hymn) by mrdespondency
O Death - Jen Titus by canni8al
Oh Death - Jen Titus by artweaver5
If the World Should End - Jennifer Damiano by atrueenglishman
The Hanging Tree - Jennifer Lawrence by sixofclovers
Highwayman - Johnny Cash by toastyhat
What A Wonderful World - Joseph William Morgan ft. Shadow Royale by jayspants
The Stars - Jukebox the Ghost by innocuoussketches
Die Young - Ke$ha by gelasticat
[S] Ke$ha: Enter - Ke$ha (Die Young Remix by captaincrapster) by ket3
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson by timehost
Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson by karaokeoctoberkat
Britland City Theme - Kenashcorp by stormfather
Animals - Kids in Glass Houses by faun-songs
Dustland Fairytale - The Killers by spiritleaf
Mr. Brightside - The Killers by mlle-annette
Sam´s Town - The Killers by gei-may
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers by toastyhat
I Will Never Forget - Kimya Dawson by moxel
All I Want - Kodaline by godtier8itch
85 notes · View notes
violetnotez · 4 years
hey could you maybe do a hc of deku, bakugou and todoroki reacting to their s/o having a panic attack and needing to calm down? also I LOVE YOUR WORK SM OMG <3
I’m cryinggggg I legit wrote all of Deku’s AND TUMBLR DIDNT SAVE IT WHYYYYYYY 💀
Also on a side note I actually wrote a small one shot for a s/o who was having a panic attack for Shoto...you can read that here!
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Deku, Bakugo
Warnings: cussing (when do I write without cussing lmao 😂💀)
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
D e k u
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This dude would literally drop ANYTHING for you
Especially if your in some sort of emotional distress-
he’s just sprinting to go help his s/o out-
Omg it breaks his heart to see you so upset 🥺 like he’s a pretty emotional babe, so seeing you crying makes him want to cry
But he stays strong for you, cause that what he knows you need right now
He probably knows about your panic attacks at this point, and believe me, he has researched a SHIT TON to make sure he knows what to do+how to support you as best as possible
He just whispers affirmations the whole time- he tries to stay away from saying stuff like “It’s okay” or “you’re fine”, because he knows that sometimes that isn’t as supportive as one thinks
He gently guides you through exercises, like breathing techniques and visuals
His favorite one though is holding your hand and asking you to explain to him what his hand feels like-that one usually always works + he just loves holding your hand 🥺
he will give you so many-on your forehead, cheeks, knuckles, palms,,,,,
Just a sweet boy 🥺❤️
Once you’ve calmed down, he makes sure to try and help you feel a bit better-you went through a lot of emotional turmoil, you deserve some rest!
He always asks you if you want to do something,
But if ya wanna just cuddle....he definitely doesn’t say no to that ❤️
It honestly just turns into a home date, with your head cuddled in his chest, candy and popcorn strewn all over the place as you guys watch your favorite movies
*cough cough Disney and Star Wars movies cough cough
B a k u g o
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Like he can act as hard as he wants, but he is such a sucker for his s/o
It bothers him he can’t do anything but really watch you until the panic attack passes and he hates it so so much
If you’re crying in private 9 out of 10 he’s going to want to cry along with you
He will pull you into his lap, squeezing the crap out of you as he tries his best to be comforting
In private he is just so mushy and soft, even though he doesn’t want to admit it
Once you feel you’ve calmed down, this dude will not let you leave his sight
At first it’s kinda cute...he goes to get you water and demands you follow, picking you up to sit you on the counter and make sure you drink it all as he makes you some food to
Hoenstly so cute like ugh Bakugo why you gotta be so soft
But....as cute as that is....he kinda goes overboard
Like if you go to the bathroom he’s gonna be waiting right outside
Creepy much lmao
Also-if you think you’re leaving his place your fucking hiliariousssssss
You are staying at his place
He says it’s because it’s for you, but deep down it’s more for him-it would kill him inside if you had another attack and he wasn’t there to help you
So just in case he makes you stay the night with him
Which turns into a rare Bakugo sleepover!!!! Yay!!!!
You guys just play Mario Kart all night, wearing his shirt as a night gown and it’s really cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Just ignore the fact he knocks out by 10 pm, just drooling all over your shoulder 💀
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deniigi · 4 years
A fic from Boba’s POV as a babysitter seeing Din’s family dynamics isn’t self indulgent it’s indulgent to your readers - fuck, that sounds like the best, most hilarious thing ever?!? (With peppered in bits of Boba’s identity crisis/diaspora feels)
I say you release babysitter boba fic ;) It sounds hilarious
Ask and you shall receive, anons. Beware. It’s like 11k of world building lol.
(I will post here and not on Ao3 because I’m not ready for that level of commitment rn lol)
Title: in the plains of Zeffo
“I don’t like him,” Karren told Din.
“Concurred,” Din said.
“Ad’ika,” the Armorer scolded.
“I will not be shamed into liking him, either,” Din asserted.
“Din,” Karren whined.
“I’ll consider coming home if it means there will be no space for Bojzka,” Din said.
(Din’s original finder’s old crush on the Armorer is rekindled after he helps her reunite with Din. He tries to win her favor, but keeps getting tripped up by Din who knows she’s not interested. Boba Fett’s POV.)
There was little more entertaining than watching Djarin snap.
Boba ten years ago would have spat at the very idea that such meagre fare would suit his humor, but he was getting old, man. You had to take what you could get, and Djarin’s bared rage was a sight to behold.
Currently, he was locked in combat with Urro Bojzka. The Urro Bojzka. The one who even Boba had heard of, growing up on Kamino.
Dad had had some pointed feelings about Mr. Bojzka. Mainly, they revolved around how it was unfair that everyone called him an opportunistic traitor when Bojzka continued to exist and thrive in the universe at large, but Dad also had more specific feelings about Bojzka that bordered on jealousy.
Urro Bojzka was said to be the ideal Mandalorian man.
He was big. He was strong. He sounded like he’d smoked six different kinds of spice for forty years, and nothing and no one could take him down.
The cherry on top was that he was notorious for rescuing kids. The man had snatched nearly two hundred up out of smoking ruins and battlefields. A good twenty or thirty had become foundlings and then Mandalorians themselves, and counted among their number now, to Bo-Katan’s absolute glee, was their sweet, precious Din Djarin.
They should have known. Din was the epitome of Mandalorian; it figured that Urro Bojzka himself would have picked him up as a child.
Din however, had little appreciation for this fact beyond that which was only polite. He made it very clear that he’d already thanked Bojzka for taking him out of his childhood hellhole. He’d done that bare minimum and so no one could ask anything more of him.
Bojzka had other plans.
It turned out that Urro Bojzka had a thing for Din’s covert’s Armorer. God, did he have a thing. And not only did he have a thing, but he’d had it for decades.
Apparently, a thousand years ago, when Boba and Din and all the others around them had still been rolling around on dirt floors trying to eat beetles and shit, Bojzka had attempted to court Din’s Armorer. He’d gone as far and wide as a young Mando could. He’d tried flowers, perfume, credits, displays of strength and courage. He’d tried gifts of food and offers of travel. He’d even stooped so low as to read a book.
None of it had gone well for him. And that was probably because Din’s Armorer had recently proven herself to be no less than one of the heiresses of the Katzkai clan.
The Renda Bears. Those people were hard-fucking-core.
When Bo-Katan found out that Din’s ‘Goran’ was, in fact, Nomri Katzkai, the second daughter of Lanlee Katzai and the official apprentice of Fii Katzkai, the imperial Armorer himself, she threw up her hands and declared all endeavors hopeless now.
Din was one of them; he just didn’t know it. And his buir, who had removed herself from her family to be even more hardcore than anyone would have thought possible, didn’t seem overly excited to start explaining shit to him anytime soon.
So here they were. With Din about to kill one of the most famous war heroes in recent Mandalorian history over a crush that wouldn’t quit.
Bojzka smiled at him with dark eyes with scars through both of his eyebrows.
“Just a message,” he lobbied. “One letter.”
Boba would’ve fucked him. Yeah, why not? Just look at him.
“She’s busy,” Din said. “You’ll have to submit it to Eegang Quodo. That’s E-e-g-a—”
“Yeah, see. Here’s the thing, kid. This letter’s gonna be kinda personal, if you catch my drift—”
“—probably not great for the eyes of anyone who ain’t, you know, in on this whole relationship—”
“—d-o. He’s usually busy, too. So you probably should submit it to Paz, instead. He’ll lose it for you forever. That’s P-a-z—”
Fennec hid a razor-sharp grin behind a clenched fist. She flashed it at Boba.
‘I love him’ she mouthed, pointing at Din’s hiked-up shoulders. Even his cape seemed to have gone stiff in Bojzka’s presence.
“Din, honey. Listen to me,” Bojzka crooned. “I know you’re protective of your mama, but—”
“She’s not my mother. Don’t you fucking dare call her that, you hulking piece of—”
“Ah-ah-ah. You’re not listening. Come on. Chin up. Ears open.”
Bojzka tapped at the bottom of Din’s helmet like a CO with a teenage recruit, and Fennec just about screamed when Din went completely still and silent.
Bo-Katan met Boba’s gaze out of the corner of her eye. She mimed a syringe. Boba shook his head. If this fucker got bit, he deserved whatever infection it brought.
“Atta boy,” Bojzka said to Din’s rigid silence. “Here’s how it is: your mama and me go way, way back. And you know, after your touching reunion the other week, she even went and had a drink with me, and we got to talkin’ and started to reconnect, the old folks do. And I could read her body language, Din-Din. She wants a man. And that man’s me. So instead of actin’ like a child over all this, why don’t we—”
“She wanted Naseem,” Din snapped. “But Naseem died. Twenty years ago, he died. You just wear similar boots.”
Get ‘im, Djarin. Get ‘im.
“I—who?” Bojzka snapped.
“Naseem,” Din repeated like he was an idiot. “Traditional, bantha-sized, green armor. He worked all the time to keep all the kids in the covert fed.”
Bojzka processed this.
“Naseem what?” he asked stiffly.
“He’s dead,” Din said. “And Hajka left. So no. Goran needs neither a man or a woman, and especially not you. What she needs is a break and for Karren to stop fighting people on sight.”
Bojzka backtracked like a champ.
“Karren, that’s her youngest, right?” he asked. “Well, I bet Karren could use some sisters. I bet he’s lonely over there on, uh.”
“Zeffo,” Din gritted out. “And no. He’s not. He has three sisters. One of which is still at the covert, terrorizing him left and right.”
Even Bo-Katan could only empathize so much with Bojzka, war hero or nah.
“Why’re you all up in arms, Din? What’d I do to you?” Bojzka finally asked. “Don’t you want your buir to be happy?”
Din’s shoulders finally came down from his helmet.
“Of course, I do,” he said. “Which is why if you set so much as a toe on Zeffo, I’m taking both of your knees with me to Yavin.”
Any parent would have been proud to have Din as their child. He took family honor to a level that even the Katzkai clan would have had a hard time sniffing at.
He had to have learned this from the wayward heiress. Although, if Boba was honest, he didn’t really think that the wayward heiress was all that wayward.
She’d come to visit Din on Tatooine. She was short and stocky and not terribly interested in the court or anyone outside of Din.
She wasn’t nearly as hostile as Bo-Katan expected either. She didn’t appear to love anything that she was looking at, no, but Din had explained that that was mostly because she wasn’t really a fan of him having become Mand’alor to start with.
When she came to visit, anyways, she was far more interested in getting a good fuss in to give herself peace of mind that Din was okay. That way she could then go back to dealing with the apparently endless series of crises at the new covert.
She was a great parent in that way. She even brought along her youngest, so that he could see his big brother.
That kid was fuckin’ adorable. Maybe fourteen or fifteen years old. Barely, barely, barely in armor. He was strapped into his leathers so tight, he looked like he was stuffed with straw.
He had medium-brown skin with yellow undertones and huge, nearly-black eyes. Coarse black hair poured into his face and curled around his ears—and if he thought he was going to stuff all that in a helmet one day, he had another thing coming.
He bopped after his buir when they entered the palace and stopped occasionally to stare up in awe at the palace’s high ceilings. Upon realizing that he’d lost his escort, he scampered along to catch up and did the whole thing again and again until buir had enough and snatched his hand.
He didn’t like that. He was fourteen-fifteen years old. He was too big for hand-holding, buir.
Never too old to be ignored, though.
“Hush,” the Armorer told him. “Keep up.”
He was handed off to Boba outside Din’s personal quarters, mostly because he was making such a fuss at the Armorer that she began contemplating leaving him at the palace forever. Din intervened and the kid latched onto him instead until Din convinced him that he’d be available talk just as soon as he and their buir were done speaking.
The kid’s name was Karren.
He and Boba were now best friends.
“—so Goran said, ‘I’m not having that idiot in my rooms.’ But then Eegang said, ‘we already have Paz in these rooms,’ and you’re not supposed to laugh, Mr. Fett, but we all did because we’re all stupid. So we had to do like, a thousand chores for eavesdropping.”
“So she’s not into him, then?” Fennec clarified. “He’s really into her, you know.”
“Of course, I know,” Karren lamented. “But Goran’s picky and the last person she was all close with was Hajka and we’re not allowed to talk about her anymore or Din’ll make you do two hundred push-ups while he watches.”
Amazing. Say more about Din’s oldest-child syndrome, little one.
“No, I like Din,” Karren sighed. “Now that Digo’s gone, he’s even nicer.”
“What happened to Digo?” Boba asked as Bo-Katan joined them in curiosity.
“Digo’s a jerk is what happened,” Karren huffed. “She wanted Goran to give over the forge and join the elders, but Goran isn’t even that old. So when she said ‘no,’ Digo got mad and said that the only foundling Goran respects is Din. Which is bullshit because everyone knows that Goran has always been the nicest with Digo and Nasif—she made all sorts of excuses for them, Mr. Fett, like when they went out and got caught stealing parts like Jawas, she did four whole hunts to raise their bail. When Din gets in trouble, he takes care of it himself. He doesn’t ask Goran to do that kind of thing. And me and Shimmol just don’t get in that kind of trouble to start with—but no. Digo had to be all ‘if you don’t treat us as equals, then we’re gonna leave and start our own forge.’”
“No kidding,” Fennec said. “So they left?”
“Yeah, both of them ‘cause Nasif does anything Digo tells her to,” Karren said, kicking his feet. “And good riddance.”
Too many sisters, this one had. Boba felt for him.
“So Goran’s still recovering from that betrayal, I take it?” he asked.
Karren frowned and chewed a lip.
“I dunno,” he admitted. “No one tells me anything. I think that Goran’s been more worried about Din than them after all that happened. We thought he got crunched by the jedi—or at least I thought he got crunched. Paz says that Jedis compact Mandalorians into cubes of armor and Din’s got the best armor.”
Do not laugh at the child. Do not laugh at the child.
“I don’t think Jedis crunch Mandalorians,” Bo-Katan said generously, having snuck into the bare antechamber while everyone was distracted with the kid’s story.
“Well, I do,” Karren countered, with zero conception of who he was talking to.
Fennec beamed.
“Do you like this Urro guy?” she asked.
“No,” Karren answered immediately. “He’s sent Eegang four messages and they’re all gross.”
It was gonna be a late puberty for this one.
“What makes them gross?” Bo-Katan asked.
“The mush,” Karren said expertly. “Bojzka calls Goran ‘Nomri.’ That’s a bad word at home. No one says that word. Goran is ‘Goran.’ The only people who call her anything else are the elders.”
“And you and your siblings, no?” Bo-Katan asked.
Karran cocked his head at her.
“Yeah, and ‘buir’ I guess, if we aren’t in trouble,” he said.
Bless him.
“Are you in trouble a lot?” Bo-Katan asked.
“I dunno. I got a temper or something.”
“Is Din in trouble?”
“With buir? No, not like me and Shimmol. He’s too old to be in that kind of trouble. His trouble’s like ‘help, I fell a hundred feet off a cliff’ kind of trouble. He gives Goran indigestion, but she can’t make him reflect on falling a million feet out of a ship—Eegang says that’s called ‘rehashing trauma.’”
The covert on Zeffo sounded like it was holding itself together through sheer force of will and that alone.
Where did Boba sign up? It sounded like a fantastic experiment to pass the time.
“Are you a foundling, Karren?” Boba asked.
The kid lit up.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been with Goran for five years now. Six in a few months. My dad’s a piece of shit. He killed my mom, and Goran got him arrested for that and for what he did to my auntie.”
Well, fuck. That explained a lot.
“And you like it there—on Zeffo?” Bo-Katan asked.
Karren shrugged.
“It’s cold and wet,” he said. “I liked Nevarro better. Din was home more on Nevarro.”
“Aren’t you proud of Din for becoming Mand’alor?” Bo-Katan asked as gently as she could manage.
Karren’s frown eased up finally.
“No,” he said. “Din should just come home. He doesn’t need to be Mand’alor or married to some jedi. He should just come home. It’s stupid; his foundling should have stayed with us from the start. We always have room for more foundlings. I dunno why he had to leave with his foundling at all.”
Bo-Katan sat back and sighed.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “If it helps, I think he just wants to come home, too.”
“So let him,” Karren blurted out to her.
Tough tits, kid. That wasn’t how it worked.
“I think we should perhaps focus on one thing at a time,” Bo-Katan said. “What do you think, Fett?”
What did Boba think?
Boba thought that he had a great idea to distract this kid from missing his big brother.
Karren was perhaps a little too small still to reach the brakes in the crawler, but you know what? So was Fennec sometimes and she did just fine.  
“Gas,” Boba said, pointing. “Neutral. Brake. Park.”
“Gas, neutral, brake, park,” Karren repeated to him with his hands on the wheel and his knobbly wrists peeking out from the gap between his gloves and his leather braces.
Bo-Katan had refused to be present or responsible for this. Fennec had told them to wait while she went and took a shot first. ‘For safety’ she said.
“What’s neutral for?”
“You’re about to tell me,” Boba said, adjusting the rear view mirrors down to kid-height.
The sound of Fennec throwing herself onto the back of the crawler rattled through to their compartment.
“That’s our signal,” Boba said. “You ready to jam?”
“Jam?” Karren asked him.
Punch it?
“Punch what?”
The fuck kind of slang did they use at the covert?
“OH. Yeah, I’m ready.”
There we go. Onward march then.
An hour later, Din sighed with Karren whining under his arm.
“There is a reason he’s not trained yet, Fett,” Din said as Karren started chomping on the bunched-up flightsuit in his elbow.
The Armorer pressed both palms into the forehead of her helmet.
The crawler had perhaps seen better days. But it had also seen worse days, and Fennec was still going through little loops of cackling at the memory of having to chase after its open tailgate. Boba didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. The kid had done amazingly well for his first time at the wheel.
“I’m leaving all of you,” Karren grated out, trying miserably to escape Din’s elbow-prison. “I want to be Mr. Fett’s foundling.”
Bless him.
“You don’t,” Din told him forcefully. “Fett can’t handle a foundling.”
Ay, Boba would drink to that. He was happy to be a foundling-sitter and borrower, though.
“Buir,” Karren pleaded.
“You make me tired, child,” the Armorer told him. “Say goodbye to vod.”
Din sighed. The Armorer sighed. Karren, in a beautiful 180, latched onto Din’s ribs again.
“Come hooooooome,” he pleaded with Din.
“I caaaaaaan’t,” Din drawled back at him in a delightfully uncharacteristic tone.
“These people don’t need you. We need you. Shimmol took your bed and if you don’t take it back, she’s gonna keep it.”
Din’s shoulders dropped.
“I told Shimmol that she could take my bunk, Karren,” he said. “I’m not using it—”
Boba took it back. He could take on a foundling. Fuck it, why not? This one was great.
“Come here,” Din said, dragging the kid up to his toes. He knocked the front of his helmet against Karren’s forehead with enough force that the bump was noticeable. That made the kid shut up and stand up straight on his own volition again.
“Soon,” Din told him forcefully. “Behave for buir.”
“Promise,” Karren demanded.
“Din, promise.”
“I dunno, kid. I’ve got a husband and all these damn kids to worry about.”
“Bring them. All of them.”
“No room,” Din said without missing a beat. “You have no idea how much space the husband needs to thrive.”
“Well, if you don’t come, then Urro’s gonna try to move in,” Karren snapped.
Din actually paused at that. The Armorer shook her helmet.
“Territorialism becomes neither of you,” she said. “If Urro wishes to join our covert, then we will treat him as we treat any other who wishes to.”
Din’s helmet seemed to squint at her. Karren glared outright.
“I don’t like him,” he told Din.
“Concurred,” Din said.
“Ad’ika,” the Armorer scolded.
“I will not be shamed into liking him, either,” Din asserted.
“Din,” Karren whined.
“I’ll consider coming home if it means there will be no space for Bojzka,” Din said.
“Carry on with your work and give my best to the jedi and the child,” the Armorer said with an air of dismissal. “Come, Karren. Thank you three for looking after him. Apologies for the vehicle. Come.”
Boba missed that kid already.
Bojzka, Boba had to say, really had no shame and he could almost appreciate that. Either that, or Din’s buir was a catch that the rest of them were failing to appreciate.
“How bad can it be?” the guy mused at Din’s stiff, furious hands mere days after the Armorer and Karren’s departure. “It’s a helmet, right? You can take it off with the people who matter, no?”
“We do not take it off,” Din said from between clenched teeth.
“Right, I got that. But there are exceptions for kids and spouses,” Bojzka said. “Or did I misread that part?”
Din was going to start shaking at any minute now. Bo-Katan assigned Boba the task of making sure he didn’t commit War-hero-homicide while she went off to find a calming device. It was only polite. It wasn’t Bojzka’s fault after all that he’d come in right after a tense meeting with a dissident group from Mandalore itself that made even Bo-Katan’s jaw jump.
“I think the rule is more important than the exceptions here,” Boba pointed out on Din’s behalf. “Joining the Children of the Watch isn’t something to take lightly.”
Din pointed at him wordlessly. Bojzka lazily followed the finger and then pointedly ignored Boba.
“What I’m hearing is that if we marry first, nothing changes,” he said.
Din’s index finger curled in with the rest of his knuckles until it was a fist.
“She is not looking to marry,” he said.
“What, so you speak for her now?”
“She is not looking to marry.”
“I can repeat things, too. Wanna see? You don’t speak for Nomri, Din.”
Boba was getting the feeling that Ms. Katzkai sort of did let Din speak for her in these types of situations. He was, after all, her oldest. And it sounded like he was the most loyal of her foundlings, too. If she shared anything personal with anyone besides her second in command, then it was going to be Din. That was just how these things worked.
“Did you call Eegang?” Din asked.
“I did,” Bojzka said. “He’s not especially helpful, I have to say. He keeps sending my missives back to me with grammar corrections.”
No. No. Keep it in, Boba. Keep it stoic.
“Eegang is the second CO at the covert,” Din said. “If you won’t take my word for it, then you’ll take his.”
Bojzka arched a fucked-up eyebrow.
“Eegang, the same guy who is allegedly secretly married to his partner? That Eegang?” he asked.
Din balked. Boba felt like electricity had just rocketed through him.
“Eegang is—” Din started.
“Nomri told me about him,” Bojzka said off-handedly. “She seems to think that he’s bitten off more than he can chew with taking on his last kid.”
“Something about baby being blind? Funny, did you not think that she trusted me enough to talk about her people?”
Any more of this and steam would start rising from the lip of Din’s helmet.
Thankfully, Bo-Katan returned with the jedi, AKA the calming device. Skywalker even came equipped with Grogu. They both appeared very confused and innocent, what with Skywalker drowning in his formal robes. They looked like they were going to absorb Grogu at any moment.
A+ distraction work, Kryze. Well done making yourself useful.
“Who’s Eegang?” Skywalker asked.
The line pulled taut across Din’s shoulders began to loosen.
“A comrade,” he said sharply in Bojzka’s direction.
“Is he nice?” Skywalker asked. Grogu chirped at him and resumed trying to dig into his multitude of collars.
“Very nice,” Din confirmed, staring deep into Bojzka’s eyes.
“He’s got foundlings, too?” Skywalker asked.
“Two,” Din confirmed. “Who he adores. Regardless of all challenges.”
Ah. It wasn’t just Eegang Din was protective of. It was the baby. Bojzka had really stuck his foot into that one.
“I’m sure the foundlings are fine,” Bojzka said. “It was just Nomri’s concern that—”
“Stop calling her that in my presence,” Din said. “In fact, let’s drop the whole thing now.”
Boba wanted to meet secretly-married Eegang. He sounded like he had a rich interior life. Din gave him a strong look and said that if the Armorer had left the covert, Eegang would not. One of them had to be there at all times.
Bo-Katan asked what Eegang’s speciality was.
Surprise, surprise: it was diplomacy.
Kryze was now invested. She followed Din around on his heels and suggested that if the Armorer gave words to Eegang to deliver during a formal meeting with the Mand’alor, then Bojzka might finally get the picture that Katzkai wasn’t interested in him.
Din thought about that.
He asked if this was not just a ploy for Boba and Bo-Katan to rally his covert comrades against him.
And it honestly wasn’t until he phrased it like that.
Eegang was tall, sea-green, and in Bojzka’s face without so much as a by-your-leave.
“Three tests,” he threatened Bojzka with a baby on his hip. “One: stop sending transmissions. Two: get Elder Fayrz to approve your presence. Three: make even one of Goran’s foundlings like you. If you pass all three, your admission will be taken into consideration.”
The baby was very pink with curly hair so pale it was almost white. Its blue-gray eyes moved rapidly back and forth as it cuddled into its buir’s teal armor. Bojzka glanced from it to Eegang’s chipped helmet.
“Where did you find him?” he asked.
“Please give confirmation of your understanding,” Eegang said mechanically.
“He’s kinda cute.”
“Please give confirmation of your understanding.”
“Are you a droid or somethin’?”
“Please give—”
“Alright, alright. Fuck. This is confirmation of my understanding.”
“Excellent. This conversation is over,” Eegang said. “It is your responsibility to contact the elder and earn the approval.”
Bojzka jerked.
“Wait, what?” he said. “How am I supposed to do that if y’all won’t even let me through the door?”
Eegang’s helmet tipped so daintily to the side that Boba could have shed a tear.
“That sounds like a you-problem,” Eegang said.
Eegang thereafter blocked Bojzka out of his mind and heart. He introduced himself with a dipping motion to Kryze and Boba that probably would have been more dramatic if he’d opted to wear a cape, which he did not. He revealed himself to be exceedingly polite and very fond of Din, though—if the gentle armor tapping and the use of the word ‘little brother’ was anything to go by. Din was usually receptive to gestures like that, Boba had learned, but not this time.
No, no. Din cared not for his ‘big brother.’ He cared only for the attention of Eegang’s baby.
“His name is Mesa,” Eegang explained after Din had kidnapped said baby. He introduced Mesa to Grogu who was stationed nearby, stuffed in the sleepy jedi’s shirt this time. . Grogu waved from Skywalker’s chest, but Mesa didn’t register the motion.
“His grandmother was quite ill, and it was her dying wish to see the child placed into the care of someone trustworthy. I have to admit, though, I may have made the decision a little rashly,” Eegang hummed as he watched Grogu lean as far as he could out of Skywalker’s clothing to try to make contact with his fellow foundling.
“Is he your first?” Bo-Katan asked.
Eegang winced.
“No, uh. I’ve got another,” he said. “She’s a huge fan of certain someones.”
“Me,” Din said without hesitation.
“And Paz,” Eegang said. “Which is a deadly combination.”
“She will be a mighty warrior,” Din informed Mesa and Skywalker. Skywalker twitched awake and didn’t understand anything that was happening. He noticed the baby, cooed, and waved with his gloved hand.
“She’s declared this one goat her nemesis and I cannot—I cannot—get her to just leave it alone,” Eegang said.
“A goat clan in the making,” Din said with approval.
“I’m hearing unnecessary commentary,” Eegang said without looking at him. “Please rephrase or shut up.”
Din seemed to gloat at the scolding. Skywalker glanced between him and his tall, teal comrade. He made his move and carefully came in to extract baby Mesa from Din’s arms to add him to his ever-growing collection. Grogu cooed again, closer now. He offered Mesa a hand, and this time, Mesa perked up and tried to grab at it clumsily.
“You manage the covert in the Armorer’s absence?” Bo-Katan asked Eegang. “You must be very dedicated to the Children of the Watch.”
“Define ‘manage’ and then ‘dedicated,’” Eegang said. “I prefer ‘accidentally charged with responsibility one too many times’ and ‘in too deep to turn back now.’”
“He’s being humble,” Din said. “Eegang has brokered peace between our covert and locals on numerous occasions.”
Eegang’s shoulders started to raise.
“Stop telling people that, they’re going to expect things from me,” he said, then popped back up like flipped switch. “Oh, I totally forgot why I even came. Jedi?”
Skywalker looked up from the conference of baby talk happening in his arms all wide-eyed, as though he’d been caught in the act of stealing imperial property.
“We did not welcome you into our covert,” Eegang said, “You must allow us to present you with a gift of welcome and entry.”
Oho. Very formal. Boba folded his arms and watched Skywalker for his reaction.
“A what?” Skywalker asked.
Bojzka was somewhat justifiably upset at the double standard going on here.
Skywalker was a jedi and yet welcomed into the covert with open arms and no admission requirements. He was, in fact, measured against his will for a set of armor. This was what Din’s buir had actually been after when she’d sent Eegang along to say hi.
Boba found that he enjoyed the reciprocation of ulterior motives that they were getting from Din’s covert. Kryze had never been happier. This was a game that she knew how to play.
“Wait no, hold up,” Bojzka interrupted. “I deserve a chance. Din, at least give me the name of one of your siblings so I can track them down with the elder.”
Din didn’t want to; there were foundlings happening and another meeting soon, but eventually even he had to give the guy something.
An honorable battle required at least two willing bodies.
Din and Karren’s remaining sibling at the covert’s name was Shimmol. According to Din, Bojzka had next to no chance of gaining her favor because she did not leave the forge and therefore Bojzka had no access to her. Eegang corrected Din and said that Shimmol did, in fact, leave the forge, but never on her own volition.
She was preferred the dark. She hated social interaction.
To circumvent that, the Armorer had refused to induct her into the trade until she proved herself able to coexist with others. But Shimmol was eighteen, that fun age where no incentive or punishment was effective and digging your heels in was far more preferable to doing a damn thing your elders mentioned.
She’s announced that very weekend that she was officially becoming a recluse. Her present aspiration in life was apparently now to become a forge spider.
Bojzka, along with everyone else, had no idea how to receive this information. Kyrze took it upon herself to pat Bojzka on the shoulder and tell him to start with the elder. He might actually have some luck that way.
It took two weeks for Bojzka to re-emerge from whatever hellhole he’d had to walk a tightrope across to locate the covert’s elder Fayrz. He climbed in through Din’s personal quarters’ window and interrupted him and the Jedi in a moment of infrequent intimacy.
The sound of a body being throw over a bannister had a special kind of thud to it. Boba was up on out of his quarters in an instant.
Din flung Bojzka’s helmet after him. Skywalker had the grace to cover Djarin’s face with his shirt and walk him back into the room before anyone caught sight of it, telling Boba and Fennec, who had also emerged from her bed, prepared for drama, that all was fine. There was just a misunderstanding.
His bare torso was covered in scars. Boba found himself somehow surprised and impressed as the jedi unsuccessfully wrangled his furious husband back in the direction of bed.
He and Fennec peeked over the banister to see what had become of Bojzka. He was fine.
Fennec informed Boba that she was claiming part of his bed ‘in case anything else good happened’ since he was closer.
In the morning, Din was in marginally better spirits. Skywalker was to be found at his side, walking backwards and tripping over his cloak every four paces. He truly knew how to hit all Din’s ‘endeared’ buttons. If not to the earnestness and the near-miss of a disaster on the stairs, it would have looked like manipulation.
Bojzka attempted to rectify the peace by breaking into the court through one of the windows high up on the wall outside the second floor’s conference room.  This time, to ensure that he had Din’s full attention, he removed the jedi from the equation. Or he tried to anyways.
The jedi, in a split second, decided that, all joking aside, today, he would not be moved. His green saber managed to glow even in the sunlight pouring in to the hall.
“Do not touch,” he ordered, with both feet planted and Din and Grogu securely at his back.
Bojzka cocked his head at the saber pointed right at his nose.
“That’s a fun trick,” he said.
“Do not touch,” Skywalker repeated. “Me, him, or the child.”
“I’ll think about it,” Bojzka said. “Stand down before you regret it.”
“Luke,” Din said testily. “He’s not worth it.”
“Make me regret it,” Skywalker said to Bojzka.
Bojzka’s eyes widened slightly in interest. He used the back of his wrist to try to nudge the saber’s tip away and snapped his hand away from the burn.
“Do you expect me to be afraid of you, jedi?” he asked, trying to play it off.
Skywalker’s eyes reflected the light of his saber.
“Ask him what the glove’s for,” Fennec called from the far hall. Bojzka scoffed. Skywalker didn’t move.
“What happened to your hand?” Bojzka asked.
“My father cut it off,” Skywalker said. “But not to worry, I got a new one. Now step back. Sir.”
Bojzka didn’t move for a long time.
“Does it feel good to walk in the presence of these people?” he asked. “Is it a kink for you the way it was for your master?”
Boba had officially lost the plot. These were old politics now. Kryze would know what Bojzka was talking about, if only she deigned to come out from wherever she was hiding, which she wouldn’t. Of course.
“Does it offend you? My presence here?” Skywalker asked back without emotion.
“It doesn’t,” Bojzka said.
“I’m glad. That’s very convenient for me. I’d feel terrible if you bled out on these tiles,” Skywalker said. “So move.”
And goddamn. The mountain finally yielded to the sky.
Skywalker spent the rest of the day on high alert, with one hand on the hilt of his saber and his full concentration tied up with making fierce eyes into the palace’s corners to keep Bojzka at bay. It was really something to see. Din looked about ready to lay his fingers on his heart and swoon, and that was more than fair. If Boba’s spouse threatened to kill a man for looking at him wrong, he’d be touched too.
Fennec told Boba that she’d protect him from a man the size of a bantha but no larger, and it just didn’t have the same kind of ring.
She apologized and he told her it was fine. It was just in the delivery--and also, he’d murder anyone so blinked at her wrong, too.
She was pleased. Boba was glad they were on the same page.
“Let’s go find Kryze to negotiate,” Fennec said, “I need to know why Old Faithful’s back.”
Kryze’s commanding voice wrang out of Bojzka the real reason for his presence. The truth of the matter was that, War Hero aside, he was having a hell of a time getting the covert elder to grant him a second look.
Din told him that that was the point. Elder Fayrz was like that all day, every day and he’d change for no body, spiritual or physical. He bothered people when he wanted to bother them, and the rest of the time, he liked to pretend he was senile. He only really ever showed up if someone was buying a round or their life was in the balance.
Skywalker said that he sounded a lot like his late master.
Din agreed and said that Elder Fayrz had dedicated his life to two things: the covert children and fungi. Somehow, he made those two interests overlap. Din recalled being twelve and being taken out on a ‘mission’ by the old man who had informed him that he required his nose.
Elder Fayrz had no sense of smell. For a man with a fungi interest, he called this ‘very dangerous business indeed.’
Kryze demanded to know if all the weirdest Mandalorian elders still living had congregated at Din’s cohort which he quickly confirmed. Bojzka, however, demanded to know what would make this elder look him in the eye.
Din told him to go find a deathbed and lay on it.
He remembered belatedly to add ‘nearby Elder Fayrz’ to that statement.
After about a month of this kind of back and forth, the Armorer decided that she’d had enough. She did not come to the Dune Sea. She sent a missive to Din informing him that he was coming home.
‘To talk,’ she said.
Boba vaguely remembered Karren saying something along the lines of ‘Din doesn’t get into trouble anymore,’ and was pleased to find that that was not the case. Din already knew what awaited him at his home covert and anyone with slightly more than a rock for a brain could see that it wasn’t going to be hugs and kisses.
Bojzka volunteered to accompany Din as a guard when the jedi made himself conveniently unavailable. Kryze and Boba flipped a coin while Din resisted stabbing him, and of course Boba won. Kryze flipped it again to be sure, and Boba told her sweetly that he’d send her a postcard.
“Have fun with the schmucks lounging around this place,” he gloated at Bo-Katan’s rolling shoulders.
She gave him two naughty fingers.
Whatever, girl. Sucks to suck. Bye, bye, now. Come on, Fennec. There’s adventure to be had.
It was a ways to the new covert on Zeffo. Several hours, in fact, many of which were spent playing ‘I spy’ with Fennec while Bojzka gritted his teeth and asked them if they were always like this.
Fennec got Din to join in at that comment.
Eventually they ran out of white dwarfs and capes to identify and settled down into silence until the ship declared landing to be imminent.
Karren remembered Boba and the second he set foot inside the curiously constructed covert entrance. The kid came hurtling up to tackle him and wrap arms around his middle. It was endearing. Boba checked the doors to see if a guard would notice a kidnapping.
Fennec reminded him of child-based expenses. Her wisdom was invaluable as usual.
Karren scrambled away from Boba and, for a moment, made like he was going to attach himself to Din’s armor, but instead wriggled past Din to go tearing down the hallway. He skidded, crashed, and then clambered into a different room at the dead end of what appeared to be a row of barracks. Seconds later, Eegang exploded from one of the rooms adjacent wearing no armor but his helmet. He flung himself through the same doorway Karren had vanished through.
Din tilted his head.
“It’s fine,” a voice said behind them.
Their small party turned to see a woman wearing a cool purple helmet with only her flakvest on. Eegang’s pale baby was sat on her hip, pawing at her chest, trying to find purchase in the vest.
“Sotra,” Din greeted.
“Welcome back, brat-child,” Sotra said. “We missed you.”
This had to be Eegang’s secret-wife; unless she’d stolen that gurgling foundling in the night or something.
“Electrical?” Din asked, pointing at the far room.
“Loft,” Sotra said. “There’s hay, so of course all the kids have to be in it.”
“Just hay?” Din asked.
“And goats,” Sotra said.
“We raise goats now?” Din asked.
“Oh, no, no,” Sotra said, sashaying past him towards the room her husband had abandoned, “It’s either coexistence or war, I’m afraid. The forge is past the hangar, keep going through the kitchens. Voxie knows you’re here—he’s awake, by the way. Welcome home, Din.”
“Thanks,” Din said. “This is my advisor, Boba Fett and our friend Fennec.”
Sotra splayed her whole, tall body into the doorway of her and Eegang’s barracks just as a fearsome battle cry sounded out on the other side.
“Hi,” she said.
“RELEASE ME,” a child in front of her about hip-height with serious bedhead shrieked in Mando’a.
Fennec’s eyebrows launched up to her forehead. Boba felt like he needed to record this so that Kryze understood what she was missing.
“Vod Din is home,” Sotra told the child.
“RELEASE M—mmf.”
“Shhhhh. It’s quiet time,” Sotra said with her free hand over the child’s mouth. “We’re being quiet.”
Din chuckled.
“Hey, Samo,” he said.
Samo let loose an ear-piercing scream behind her buir’s hand and ducked under Sotra’s legs. She ran at Din like there was a bomb behind her. Din caught her and swung her up to perch on his arm and she kicked relentless at his tassets in excitement.
“Shhh,” Din said. “People are sleeping—”
Doors started opening all down the line of barracks. A few curious, hazy, and lopsided helmets poked out from some of them, and from others, calls of ‘EYYYYYYY’ and chats ‘ALL HAIL THE MAND’ALOR’ started up, to Din’s immediate mortification.
This, Boba was delighted to realize, was not a cry of honor.
These half-asleep fuckers had been waiting months to embarrass Din. And he’d known that this would happen.
“Be quiet,” Din snapped all around him. “The elders are sleeping, you’re going to—”
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally home,” a taunting voice rang out on top of the rush. “If it isn’t the Mand’alor himself.”
“Paz,” Din sighed. “Not now.”
“When could there possibly be a better time, your liege?” a huge Mandalorian wearing full blue armor despite the early hour drawled from the doorway he’d attempted to casually lean in. Samo’s braids flew as her round cheeks snapped his way.
“Paz, don’t be mean,” she told him from atop Din’s arm. “Or it’ll be to the goats with ya.”
“Fuck me, the goats, what ever will I do?” Paz scoffed.
“I heard him,” Sotra said scathingly, right at Paz’s visor.
“To the goats,” Paz’s neighbor hissed at him.
The hissing was taken up just as quickly as the earlier ‘all hails’ had been. Paz told everyone to shut up and mind their own asses. He was publicly booed until Eegang emerged from the loft room with Karren stuffed under an arm and demanded to know why people were congregating in the halls. He reminded everyone that that shit was a fire hazard, and in doing so, his tone changed completely from easy-going to Commanding Officer and the effect was immediate.
People scurried back into their rooms like frightened mice until there wasn’t a single open door left in the whole line.
Eegang huffed and traded Karren to Din for his daughter. Samo happily climbed onto his shoulders and held onto his chin. Karren grinned mischievously up at her, winked, and then thumbed back to the goat loft.
“Not the welcome you deserved, but the one you got. I’m afraid nothing has changed here,” Eegang told Din compassionately, wrapping his fingers around Samo’s ankles. “I see you brought friends.”
“And foe,” Din said, gesturing at Bojzka who beamed.
Eegang’s visor contained a grimace that would otherwise have wracked his whole body.
“You got in,” he deadpanned.
“Sure did,” Bojzka said. “Lovely place you have here.”
And honestly? Yeah. It sort of was. Maybe a little ramshackle, what with all the scaffolding and haphazard support beams thrown into the walls to keep the wet earth above ground from crushing everyone below it, but for all the unsteadiness, it was oozing with comradery. Family.
Behind each of those doors was a little unit like Eegang and Sotra’s or perhaps a tired body, barely extracted from its boots, taking comfort in this honeycomb of tunnels and rooms.
Boba couldn’t help but wonder how he and Dad would have done in a place like this.
“We try,” Eegang said flatly. “I’ll let the Armorer deal with you herself—if she’s awake, I mean. Otherwise, you’re condemned to Shimmol. I’m going back to sleep. Vok is waiting for you, keep going straight through the kitchens, Din.”
“Thank you,” Din said. “Sleep well, Vod.”
“Yeah, yeah. Come on, Monster. No goats for now.”
Samo waved at Boba and Fennec with a smile as bright as the sun. She ducked expertly as Eegang passed through the doorway to their quarters. He closed the door behind them.
“You don’t see families like that much anymore,” Bojzka hummed as Din led their troop down the hallways, through a series of ladders into a kitchen and then from there into a surprisingly neat, up-to-date hangar with concrete floorings. Six crafts were parked inside, tucked into the tight space like fish in a barrel.
“We have a few,” Din said. “I don’t know how many people are living here now, though.”
Given the size of the place? Maybe fifty or so, if Boba had to take a guess. There had been several sets of boots lining the wall outside the barrack doors.
Din picked his way through the crafts to two tarps covered in piles of spare, rusting, and grease-covered parts. At the end of the aisle between the tarps was a rectangle bordered by wooden benches and to the left of that was a little box that a mechanic presumably operated from. The box, however, had no windows. Its door was slightly ajar.
Din knocked and a snort and a slurp answered him.
“Jus’ a mo,” a thick voice said inside.
Fennec looked at Boba with intrigue.
“Tool gnome,” she said.
No, friend. Just a grease-monkey.
“Tool gnome,” Fennec insisted.
The door opened and a man at least six feet, two inches peered out of it.
“Tool giant,” Fennec amended in a whisper.
“Is that you, Din?” the mechanic asked. His helmet was rusty red and gray. Its visor had a yellow tint to it.
“It is,” Din said. “It’s been a while, Vok. These are my—”
“Forget them. Goran told me what you did to Razor.”
Din cringed.
“AH. No. I don’t wanna hear it,” Vok said. “I just—I’m glad you’re safe, but you ain’t touching any more of my children, you hear me, boy?”
Din sunk into his shoulders in shame.
“I hear you,” he said.
“You’re damn right you do,” Vok said. “Man, I had a whole speech written out and shit, and here you are, early as the fuckin’ dawn. Did you miss Paz?”
“We did not,” Din said.
“I tried to have him do an inventory, I did,” Vok said sympathetically. “But he wasn’t havin’ it. Took an IOU and everything.”
Din sighed.
“Thanks for trying,” he said. “Is the forge...?”
“That way,” Vok said, gesturing to the far end of the hangar, where a series of scaffolding led up to a dark hole in the wall. “Mind your step. Stairs are next on my list. Who’re your friends?”
Din introduced them. Vok considered Fennec and after a moment of thought, saluted her. She tipped her jaw to the side and gave him a once-over.
“Din’s got my number if you’re not busy,” Vok said.
“I’ll take it under advisement,” Fennec said.
“I hope you do, my darlin’. You? Boj-whatever? I heard about you. You can go fuck yourself.”
“Thanks, Vok, we’re going now,” Din intervened.
Fennec said nothing on the way up the scaffolding. She didn’t need to. Boba applauded her.
The forge was the least finished part of the covert, and Boba could respect the Armorer’s dedication to looking after the flock before her own needs. Not that the forge wasn’t a comfortable place. Upon entry, Bojzka whistled at all the equipment inside. There were steel beams crossing in hatches along the ceiling. It appeared as though someone was working on a ventilation mechanism up there. Ropes and pipes hung down from the beams as though a pulley system had been recently removed.
The forge itself was a huge circular structure with a high wall around its exterior. It was built of a slick-looking black material. There were three water troughs set up in a line behind it and two rudimentary wood blocks with anvils set on them. Benches littered with iron tools sat next to the anvils.
Din appeared very at home in this place, despite not having even been in it. He wove around the accoutrements of the room towards a wooden door that had been placed on hinges on the far side like an afterthought.
He knocked.
“We don’ want any,” a sleepy woman’s voice drawled.
Boba jumped as a something brushed his elbow and discovered that Karren had followed them all the way down to the forge. His soft boots had hidden his footsteps, but, like Din, he was now in a place that he knew like the back of his hand. Din grabbed the scruff of his neck as he went for the door with both hands.
“You’re supposed to be in the nursery,” Din told him. “Shoo.”
“Shimmol, Din’s home,” Karren said through the door. “Goran, Din’s home.”
Very cute. Karren wanted to be the one to shared the news. Din pulled him back as shuffling started up on the other side of the wooden door.
It opened to reveal a fluorescent pink helmet with floral patterns painted down the edges in white.
“Din?” the young woman, who could only be Shimmol, asked.
Din’s brain stuttered.
“Uh?” he said.
Shimmol’s flightsuit was once white, but it was burned and smudged to gray all over. Her heavy gloves were half-burnt on both hands, too. She surged forward into Din’s chestplate. Din hugged her back awkwardly.
“Hello, sister,” he said. “This is, uh.”
“Do you like it?” Shimmol asked, pulling away from him to touch the edges of her helmet. “I thought it was cute. Wait til you see the pauldrons. They match.”
“They’re hideous,” Karren said.
“Did anyone ask you?” Shimmol flung at him. “No, I didn’t think so. Get gone, womp-rat.”
Wow. No wonder Karren was desperate for Din’s attention.
“I’m not a womp-rat,” Karren said. “I’m a Tooka. Goran said so.”
“You know, what you actually are is a ‘nuisance,’ so it doesn’t matter what—”
And lo and behold. The lady herself. Gold helmet and everything.
“Din,” the Armorer said, placing a hand on Shimmol’s side to move her. “Welcome home.”
Din accepted the helmet touch with grace.
“Bojzka,” the Armorer said next. “I didn’t expect to see you in my home so soon, or at all.”
Bojzka beamed.
“You’ve grown a beard,” the Armorer noted. “It does not become you.”
Boba coughed into his elbow to hide the bark of laughter screaming to escape his throat. Fennec thumped at his back.
“Let’s move somewhere with more light,” the Armorer said. “Karren, Shimmol. You’re dismissed for the next hour. Go eat breakfast.”
“But—” Shimmol started.
“Up, up, up,” Karren chanted, getting behind her and shoving hands into the small of her back. “It’s people-time.”
“Leave it. I hate people-time,” Shimmol said. “I thrive on darkness. It sustains me better than food.”
Din looked desperately into the Armorer’s helmet. The Armorer ignored him and told Shimmol that she knew this to false and to stop whining. Upstairs, now.  
The kids relented and left the forge. Din pointed after them.
“I know,” the Armorer said. “Let her work through it.”
Din pointed even more insistently.
“No, no. It’s true,” Bojzka said. “Mine went through the same thing.”
The Armorer sat them all down at a ‘u’ shape of benches on the far side of the forge. She turned on some overhead lights. They lit up the forge and threw its equipment’s shadows harshly against the floor.
“Thank you for coming,” she said lightly. “It takes a long time to get to Zeffo, even in the Outer Rim.”
“It suits you,” Bojzka flirted.
“It does not,” the Armorer countered unrepentantly. “And your flattery remains aggravating.”
Bojzka didn’t seem to process the meaning behind those words, too busy he was with basking in the Armorer’s presence. She ignored him to turn to Din.
“Eegang tells me that you have been aggressive towards Bojzka, ad’ika, is this true?”
Din hunkered down into his shoulders. He didn’t want to answer. The Armorer didn’t make him.
“This is unnecessary,” she said. “Bojzka does not bother me.”
Bojzka rounded a gloating grin at Din.
“He is delusional, but I’m afraid that head trauma does this over time,” the Armorer said lightly. “There is no need to defend my honor—I’ve already had this conversation with Eegang, so know that it is not only you who I’ve spoken to about this. And Bojzka.”
“Yes, dear?” Bojzka hummed.
“I would appreciate it if you ceased in antagonizing my foundling and second.”
“I’m not trying to, Nomri.”
“I know,” the Armorer said. “And that is where I believe this tension arises from. Din, you and your advisor may leave. I’ll handle this. In future, know that it is not your place to speak on these matters in my stead, yes?”
“Yes, Goran,” Din mumbled.
The Armorer waited.
“Buir,” Din corrected.
“Thank you. The last thing I need is the Mand’alor becoming invested in old-standing relationships. You may go.”
Din stood and Boba and Fennec stood with him.
“He is not Naseem,” Din said right at the doorway.
The Armorer’s helmet turned slowly his way.
“No one will ever be Naseem,” she said. “It’s okay. Go.”
Boba need the full story on this Naseem guy approximately yesterday, but all he had at his disposal in the kitchens where he, Din, and Fennec had been banished was a collection of foundlings all staring up at their party looking guilty as hell.
In the midst of their group was a ten-year-old holding a glass jug absolutely brimming with frogs.
Boba had never seen this many foundlings together at once before, and he had to say: these traditionalists knew exactly what they were doing. There was nothing quite like a whole mass of youths to shift the mood.
The kids made a break for it.
  Fennec was the fastest of all of them, but even she was not as fast as the bodies that popped their heads out of the rattling back room and launched themselves without warning over the few rows of tables set out in the main space.
Din’s covert collectively looked after the little ones, he explained when one of these bodies returned with the wrist of a shrieking Twi’lek child in their grip. The shrieking cut off when the nurse dropped down into a crouch and flattened both of the child’s hands against their helmet so that they left splotchy prints behind.
Two of the folks who filed back into the room covered in mud did not wear helmets. Din didn’t recognize them until they spoke and said their names. They’d removed their helmets back on Nevarro, apparently, and they had not to put them back on. Now, they wore veils and headscarves—neither of them comfortable with their whole heads and faces on display.
One of these was a woman named Madda. She saw Din’s helmet and froze by one of the long tables.
“Din, I’m so glad you returned,” she said with hitching breath. And then she took her newly-acquired jug of frogs and went tearing back down the hallway towards the covert’s main entrance. Din watched after her, confused.
“Is the transition difficult?” he asked one of the other Mandalorians next to him.
Their helmet showed zero emotion, and yet Boba gleaned from it everything he needed to know. He put a palm on his forehead.
“Djarin, come here,” he said.
Din chased after Madda to apologize for fucking up what was probably a years-long infatuation at this point. Fennec watched after him with a sly grin. But the Mandalorian with the flat helmet turned to Boba with far more open shoulders.
“You got through to him like that,” she said, snapping her fingers.
“It’s his secret talent,” Fennec told her.
“What was your name?” the Mandalorian asked.
“Boba Fett,” Boba said. “And yours?”
“Nice to meet you,” Boba said politely.
“Aren’t you the clone-guy?”
“I prefer ‘Fett,’” Boba said.
“Nah, I feel that,” Jhuvac said, tossing her scarf over her shoulder. “Paz calls you the ‘clone-guy’ is all. That shit’s wild, by the way. But you can’t help your dad’s decision now can you?”
What was this? Understanding? From a traditionalist? Kryze would lose her shit.
“I can’t, although everything after that was totally me,” Boba said.
Jhuvac glanced back at him.
“Including the Solo stuff?” she asked.
Boba lifted a brow.
“Is there something you would like to know?” he asked.
“No,” Jhuvac said. “I know everything I need to. But you know what’ll make Vok’s life miserable?”
The mechanic was a huge fan of Han Solo, and he had a list of reasons why Boba should cease hunting  the man about as long as one of his lanky arms. He listed them out one by one in his hangar full of metal scrap. Jhuvac was very correct when she said that the mere mention of Solo meeting his maker would cause Vok immense misery. Boba could see how it could be entertaining.
Fennec made it even more entertaining by poking holes in each of Vok’s carefully laid out arguments.
He kept asking her why she was hurting him like this. Was this a domination kink?
Fennec asked him if he wanted it to be.
Vok walked it all back and told her to do her worst.
Jhuvac decided that she suddenly had other things to do and invited Boba to accompany her on these things. Boba assented and left Fennec to her business.
In the end, Boba found himself outside in a group huddle with a handful of covert people, two with no helmets, watching the feud between the foundlings and the local wildlife. The covert, he learned, broadly did not like Zeffo. They hated how wet it was. They hated how cold it was. 90% of them had grown up in desert climates, the remaining 10% in ice climates.
Zeffo, as far as they were concerned, was a backwater hellhole that they’d had little choice in selecting.
“It was this or breaking up and forming two coverts,” Sotra explained, removing Mesa’s captured snail from his face area for the third time. She gave the snail to the guy next to her who got up and took it down to the edge of the nearby river. He stooped to set it in the grass, then froze in shock when a fish’s wide mouth erupted from the water and encapsulated his whole glove.
It left the glove wet and empty.
“But you didn’t want to do that?” Boba asked.
“No, if we separated, it would be Eegang at the head of the new covert,” Sotra said. “And that’s just not in the cards for us right now.”
“The children didn’t want to be separated either,” one of the Mandalorians with no helmet said. “Goran gave them the option, but things were frantic, you know. They cling to each other when they’re young like this.”
More than understandably, in Boba’s humble and correct opinion.
“What do you all think of Bojzka?” Boba asked them.
“The bull with no helmet? Beard?” someone said.
“The one trying to court the Armorer?” Sotra asked.
Everyone clambered back onto the same page in the face of this descriptor.
“He’s supposed to be some kind of hero,” Jhuvac said. “But I dunno, man. He seems a little, uh.”
“Goran’s too good for him,” Sotra interjected simply. “Imagine stooping so low after a life of respect and service.”
“He’s not ugly,” the Mandalorian who’d lost the snail pointed out. “I’d bang him.”
“You’re not a good bar, Ban.”
“I could be.”
“You’re the lowest bar, Ban.”
“Can’t be disappointed if your expectations on the floor.”
“Go bang him for Goran then,” Jhuvac said. “I can’t tell if she thinks he’s kinda cute or if she wants to stab him in the heart.”
“For the good of the covert, I will endure this hardship,” Ban said.
He was unceremoniously yanked back down when he started to stand.
“Din mentioned some guy named ‘Naseem?’” Boba asked.
The name alone sent the group into titters.
“Naseem was so nice.”
“Naseem was great, you have no idea. So respectful.”
“He wanted to take Din on so bad, it was almost heartbreaking. He and Goran were perfect for each other. He was so happy around her; I don’t think he ever talked in front of anyone else.”
“God, when he died, I cried so hard. I cried for days.”
“Kind of a tough reputation to beat, then?” Boba asked.
“Oh definitely,” Jhuvac said. “I mean, there was Hajka after him, but she was just so explosive. Like, she made Goran laugh a lot, I remember that, but she was kinda awkward, too. There was a battle on her home planet and she left everyone here to defend what was left of her people.”
“Goran collects the awkward ones, they’re her favorite,” Sotra said.
“You can’t judge her, you collect Eegangs,” Ban pointed out.
“There is only one Eegang.”
“Girl, we know.”
There was a pause while Sotra handed off her child so that she could beat the shit out of Ban on the lumpy grass. Jhuvac handed Mesa over Boba’s lap to the quiet person at his right. They took the baby without question and laid him on their chest.
“Where did you grow up, Boba?” Jhuvac asked. “Sorry, Fett. Do you like Fett?”
Boba was taken aback. It had been ages since someone had called him by his first name—and a Mandalorian no less.
“Boba is fine. I grew up on Kamino,” he said.
“With a covert?”
No, no covert. No anyone, really. Boba was what people in white coats tended to call ‘under-socialized.’
“That’s sad,” Jhuvac said. “It must have been lonely.”
It was, actually. Especially after Dad had died.
“That’s so sad, I’m gonna cry,” Ban said. “Join our covert.”
All helmets and eyes rounded on Boba and he felt like his collar was suddenly digging into his neck. He shook his head.
“I’m not really a Mandalorian,” he said. “It’s not right—”
“Fuckin’ hell, Jhuvac, let ‘im talk.”
“No, that’s bullshit. Listen, Din has ‘don’t trust people’ syndrome. If he trusts you enough to bring you with him here, then you’re Mandalorian enough for us,” Jhuvac said. “And anyways, being a Mandalorian is about what you do, not who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re clone-guy so long as you follow the Creed in a more or less northernly direction.”
Boba stared at her and realized that everyone was staring at him again. He cleared his throat but found that he didn’t have any words trapped back there like he’d thought.
“Or easternly,” Ban offered to break the awkwardness.
There were still no words on Boba’s tongue. He struggled to say at least something.
“I—th—that’s kind of you,” he eventually managed. “I don’t think I could cut it here, but that’s really kind of you.”
The Mandalorians exchanged looks and shrugs.
“Know that the offer stands if you feel any pull towards it later,” Sotra said. “We have a number of reformed who converted and who move in and out of our covert. Not recently, but when we were children, there were more. Goran, too, was once a reformed Mandalorian.”
“My buir, too,” Jhuvac added.
“My ba-buir was reformed,” Ban said. “But she might have caused a public riot. Or two. Or three.”
“Speaking of which,” Sotra said. “Elder Fayrz has emerged from his cave.”
“I’ll get him,” Jhuvac sighed.
Boba frowned and looked from them out to the hill the foundlings had selected to gossip on. A Mandalorian in black and white with a green cape was, indeed, now kneeling among them. Every face was turned towards him in wonder.
“I’ve heard of this guy. He looks fun,” he noted.
At least one hand from every body came up to clutch at their face.
“That’s exactly the problem,” Ban said.
Din rejoined Boba in the midst of Elder Fayrz’s attempt to recruit him into the covert. He somehow knew Dad. That in itself was a little disarming. At first, Boba hadn’t believe that the elder was speaking the truth, but then he started up with alarmingly specific training corp numbers and mentioned off-handedly that he used to work in the corps, training kids from six to fourteen.
It made sense now why, in old age, he was considered the most dangerous person in the covert to have around the foundlings.
Grandpa was a serial spoil-er and mischief-instigator. The children saw in him everything they wanted out of life and were loathe to be separated from their most favorite old man.
Din got between him and Boba and informed the Elder that he’d just gotten married.
The Elder’s attentions went rocketing in the opposite direction. He wanted pictures, he wanted to know all about the reception, he wanted to know why Din hadn’t brought his partner home with him, what color their armor was, where they were presently based—the whole barrel of spotchka.
Boba appreciated the save.
He also appreciated the moment when the Elder fully realized that Din had, in fact, married a real jedi.
There it was.
The children bustled and whispered.
“This is what happens when we do not teach them to read—where is your buir? I told her, I told her that you needed more lessons. Always with the dogs, I knew it would have some effect—”
Din couldn’t even argue. He and Kryze had been over the very same deficit about sixty times. If they were lucky, Bo-Katan gave him a day or two off in between scoldings.
While the old man was outraged, Din signaled to Boba that they would be leaving soon.
Bojzka joined Boba, Din, and Fennec at the ramp of their ship about ten minutes late. The Armorer personally showed him out of the covert and told him to return only if the galaxy began to collapse in on itself. She was at least cordial about it, which, in hindsight, was probably why Bojzka was having a hard time reading the glaring ‘please desist’ sign flickering over her head.
“Be safe,” she told Din while Karren made sad sounds behind her.
“Will do,” Din said. “Next time, I’ll see if Luke will come.”
“We would like to have him,” the Armorer said.
She dipped her helmet to Boba and Fennec and they returned the gesture.
“I hope you were well-received by the others,” she said. “Bojzka, good bye.”
“Talk to you later,” Bojzka hummed.
“We shall not,” the Armorer said.
Back in the Dune Sea, Kryze was waiting in one of the conference rooms. Din avoided her and all her probing questions. Boba did not. He was in a sharing sort of mood and Fennec had a ‘thanks for the lay’ message to compose to Mr. Vok.
Kryze crossed her legs and gestured for him to join her at the table.
He did and crossed his legs right back.
“So?” she asked.
“Shocking peaceful,” Boba said. “Violent mostly towards their own members. Tried to recruit me at least three times.”
Kryze’s eyebrows did a little dance.
“Surprising,” she said.
“Not very,” Boba corrected. “Din is one of the more reserved members. He resembles his buir more than I expected.”
“And Bojzka?” Kryze asked.
“Soundly rejected, but somehow optimistic about it,” Boba said. “The good news is that Din’s been forbidden from trying to kill him.”
“That is good news,” Kryze agreed.
There was a long pause.
“Are you thinking about it? Joining, I mean?” Kryze asked.
“No,” Boba said, “But it is nice to occasionally be around Mandalorians who don’t have sticks up their asses.”
“Unicorns,” Kryze said.
“A whole covert of them,” Boba told her with a smirk. “Maybe it’s not them. Maybe it’s you all.”
“I beg to differ,” Kryze said. “If the issue is resolved, then I suppose we’ll have to move back on to official business.”
That was no fun.
“Why is Fennec so smug?”
Oh, that was more fun. Sit back down, Lady. This is going to be a bawdy one.
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femalehumanoid · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet - Keevan
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A ctivities – What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Keevan likes to spend an occasional evening simply talking to you. Let’s face it – the list of his psychological issues and traumas is a lengthy one, but he adamantly refuses to see a counselor, so that leaves the only person he can trust – you. He tells you stories from his past, ranging from funny and entertaining to tragic and horrible; for the most part you just listen, offering an appropriate comment here and there or squeezing his hand in encouragement. You have long since learned that tearing up and trying to hug him outright is a bad idea in such moments – he sees it as pity and closes up immediately, refusing to reveal anything remotely close to personal for weeks afterwards.
But your talks are not always about his past – in fact, your discussion topics are vastly varied. He’s lived many lifetimes and knows a lot, so he has an opinion on just about everything. He relishes finally being able to discuss his true thoughts without having to constantly look over his shoulder and filter which opinions are safe to share and which ones could be used against him.
As for other activities, Keevan’s a bit of a hedonist, so he wouldn’t say no to a day at a holosuite spa or a short trip to the pleasure planet together. Freedom from the Dominion didn’t make him any less of an asshole, so when you’re in public – say, lounging at the beach on Risa – he’ll occasionally make scathing (and, unfortunately, quite funny) observations about the passersby under his breath. You feel bad for snickering at the especially insulting comments, but ultimately don’t have the heart to tell him off because he looks so pleased with himself when he manages to make you laugh.
B eauty – What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Being a Vorta, Keevan is of course devoid of an aesthetic sense as such. That doesn’t mean that he can’t deduce by the reactions of others that you are beautiful – and boy, does it stroke his ego to see people eyeing you with appreciation (and him with jealousy) when you dress up and go out in public together.
While he can’t fully perceive your beauty visually, he admires your lips for their softness, your hands for their warmth, your eyes for the way you look at him.
On a more general note, what Keevan appreciates most about you is your behavior towards him. Sure, you have many other admirable qualities – you’re fun, and charming, and intelligent – but he’s met a plethora of fun, charming and intelligent people, and you’re the only one who truly loves and accepts him.
C omfort – how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Before he met you, Keevan had very little experience in comforting another person or providing genuine emotional support, so he’ll be somewhat stiff the first few times you show this type of vulnerability in front of him. But as soon as he’ll realize you’re looking to him for comfort, he’ll soften and open his arms for an embrace. Next thing you know, you’ll be sitting on his lap, telling him your woes and being sweet-talked to death.
By the way, if the reason for your distress is another person, you can rest assured that they would regret what they did – Keevan would make sure of it.
D reams -  How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Keevan is happy to leave the decision of where you’re going to live fully in your hands, but if you were to ask him, he’d recommend a smaller planet with comfortable climate and of little strategic value (so that it’d be left alone if another war were to erupt). But even though he’s mostly indifferent towards the finer details of your life together, it doesn’t mean that he’s not thinking about the future. The longer you are together, the clearer it becomes to him that one lifetime with you wouldn’t be enough. So, he starts to make discreet inquiries with his old contacts at various cloning facilities – is the Dominion technology suitable for cloning a human? How would one go about it? You won’t hear a word of it until Keevan knows for sure it’s possible, and one day he nonchalantly drops the offer on you like it’s not one of the most life-changing decisions with plenty of questionable ethical implications. In his mind, the decision has already been made, and he’s not above manipulating you into accepting if that means he gets to be with you forever.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or are they rather passive?
On the surface Keevan might appear passive, simply because he doesn’t expend energy caring about most things. You want to take an assignment on a different planet? Fine, he’ll come along - as long as you’ll have enough free time to devote to him, that is. You’re feeling frisky and want to explore your dominant side? Oh, he’s way into that.
In the past, when he was a servant of the Dominion, he had to constantly assert his dominance to keep his position, but nowadays he mostly reserves those impulses for the bedroom. However, there are some things he’s not willing to compromise on at all. You’re not going on that dangerous mission even if he has to tie you to the bed. That ex of yours that recently came into your life again and is behaving suspiciously flirty? Oh look, a week later they’ve decided to take a trip to another part of the galaxy and not return, totally of their own accord.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How is their fighting?
For both your sakes, let’s hope you’re more diplomatic than he is. Fighting with Keevan goes one of two ways – it’s either a nightmare because he knows exactly what to say to make it hurt, OR your heated exchange turns into an even more heated reconciliation and you both forget what you were fighting about in the first place.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Even if Keevan doesn’t often show it, he is grateful. He knows he’s not the easiest person to get along with, and he is aware of the effort you’re putting into the relationship and into helping him through his issues even when he’s being a total prick.
He does try to smooth his edges when he’s around you (around others, not so much) and takes note of the little things that make you happy – how you light up when he takes your hand, or when he remembers how you take your morning beverage – and consciously does it more often.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything? 
Keevan wouldn’t necessarily call them ‘secrets’, simply certain information that you don’t need to know. Some details of his past, for example – stories that could traumatize you – and why would he do that to a person he loves? You will rarely catch him lying to you outright, but some things he simply omits, like how he’s convinced your colleague to back off from that assignment you really wanted.
Also, he often has trouble sharing his emotions, partly because he’s been repressing them for so long that even he can’t get to the bottom of what he’s feeling at times.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Your relationship has transformed both of you in some respects. It might not have been smooth sailing, especially in the beginning, but it’s the healthiest relationship Keevan’s ever been in, and you’ve been gradually helping him heal and move on from a lot of trauma of his past. As for you, Keevan has taught you to be more assertive and you learned to accept the darker parts of your own psyche like you accepted the worst sides of his.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Keevan is extremely prone to jealousy, and he doesn’t bother to hide it. He likes to cultivate a reputation of a person who’s not to be crossed, and with his sadistic streak scaring people comes easily to him. That way, he can be reasonably sure no-one is going to dare take what’s his – namely, you. 
But if he catches you being too friendly (in his opinion) to, say, some bar patron, he won’t hesitate to come up and insert himself into the conversation, only to artfully insult the unfortunate person, smirking and possessively holding your hip all the while. If you think getting punched in the face by a huge Klingon for such behavior would deter him, you’d be dead wrong.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s a wonderful kisser – and very intense. Your first kiss happened in the middle of a heated argument, one moment you were getting in each other’s face, angrily flushing pink and aubergine respectfully, and the next you’re furiously kissing and knocking down the nearby furniture in an attempt to pin the other to the wall.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Not in a healthy way, I’m afraid. For the longest time, he would be in denial as to the nature of his feelings towards you. Lust, he could understand – but you seem to behave in a way that implies deeper feelings. Out of curiosity, he would let himself get closer to you, and after a while he’d discover with great surprise that he has developed feelings towards you as well. Weaknesses like that tended to get one killed in the Dominion (and that’s the best-case scenario), and despite the big changes after the war, that fear would still be fresh in his mind. But even regardless of that, getting seriously involved with someone would bring out a myriad of other fears and insecurities. What if it doesn’t work out? What if he opens up to you and that scares you off? What if he becomes attached and something happens to you? It’s safer not to get involved. Without explanation, he’d start avoiding you, thereby hurting your feelings, and one night when you’re crying, drinking wine and nursing your broken heart, you decide that enough is enough and you deserve an explanation. You march to his quarters and barge in as soon as the doors slide open, to Keevan’s astonishment and slight indignation (since when are you so bold?). After that, there’s a lot of shouting, finger pointing and angry confessions, followed by passionate kissing. The next morning, you’d hear a whisper that sounds a lot like ‘I love you’ while you’re still half-asleep in his bed, but you’re not sure if that really happened or if you dreamt it.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
If you want to get married, you’re going to have to explain to him the significance of that ritual because Keevan doesn’t really understand why you need to involve the government, or even worse – god – in your personal affairs. Although your explanation won’t likely change his mind on the matter, if he sees that you really, really want to get married, he’ll concede. But under no circumstances will Keevan agree to a religious ceremony of any sort – his experiences with gods (i.e. the Founders) have embittered him to any form of religion, so he’ll never sully the matter of such intimacy and importance as your union with mentions of any god, be they real or imaginary.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Pet, darling, sweet thing. Princess, in certain situations (😉). He starts out using the nicknames sarcastically, but at some point it becomes one of his ways to show genuine affection towards you.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?
At first, Keevan in love seems even more aloof than usual. His thoughts keep returning to you, thinking and overthinking everything, imagining all the ways your relationship could go wrong and even more ways it could go right.
The others truly start to notice the changes in his behavior only when he’s with you. His movements gain a bit more grace and sensuality, he doesn’t pass up an opportunity to make a clever snarky comment where he otherwise wouldn’t have bothered. He subtly puts himself in your personal space and holds your gaze for meaningful lengths of time. In other words, he is infatuated with you, which is obvious to everyone present.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
PDA? Yes, please! Keevan’s displays of affection border on exhibitionistic. If you’re too embarrassed, he’ll tone it down, of course - but not by much, so you might as well forget about having any shame at all when he’s around. While he doesn’t tend to be too clingy in public, he thinks nothing of groping your ass if the mood strikes him, undressing you with his eyes or whispering suggestively into your ear and making you blush. Bragging about you and showing you off is par for the course.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
Keevan has an uncanny ability to stay level-headed in dangerous situations, and years of serving as a field supervisor have taught him to always have a plan B, C and ideally ten more, just in case. So if anything happens, you can rely on him to get you both out of trouble.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative? 
While not romantic in a classical sense, Keevan does try to keep you happy in his own way. He prefers to hide the true amount of effort he puts into the seemingly little things he’s doing for you – what it’s like to hear the whispers about his race when you’re on a date on a Federation planet, or how draining it is to socialize with your friends (you have to threaten not to talk to him for a week if he doesn’t behave civilly).
Aside from that, Keevan likes to make an occasional grand gesture to impress you – there’s nothing he loves more than seeing the awe and admiration in your eyes and hearing you praise him. Basically, flattery will get you anywhere with this Vorta.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He knows that you’re talented enough to excel at anything you put your mind to. If you want to advance your career, he can offer you plenty of useful (if sometimes unethical) advice on how to do that quickly. But if you want him to actually do something to help, you’re going to have to ask veeery nicely. In rare cases he does help without being asked - but don’t get used to it.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Over the iterations, Keevan was known to be, shall we say, adventurous, so there isn’t much that is truly new to him. The only thing that’s actually novel is the significance of the relationship. Did he ever wake up in bed with an attractive stranger? Sure, many times. Had he ever woken up next to the person he loves? You are the first. He wants to relish every new thing he gets to experience with you, so he isn’t in a hurry to try out everything all at once.
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Keevan isn’t terribly empathetic, but he can read the cues pretty well if he wants to – a skill that is essential for any Vorta to acquire if they want to survive past their first iteration. For all his supposed indifference, Keevan has learned a lot about you pretty early on after you’ve first met, and if you weren’t so love-struck, you’d have probably found it suspicious. At times, it can be irritating how well he knows you, especially when he’s acting smug about it.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Once upon a time, Keevan had a career, and a rather successful one at that. Unfortunately, it was a career in a fascistic interstellar empire serving merciless gods – this kind of thing gets you disillusioned sooner rather than later. Still, his work had its moments, and having left the Dominion he had been missing the opportunity to apply himself.
But the freedom has granted him a choice – for the first time, he could decide what he wants to do. That freedom is just as important to him as your relationship, and the fact that you’re supporting him and helping him discover the new possibilities means more to Keevan than you can possibly imagine.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Keevan is a very tactile person by nature, which may come as a surprise because due to his past he’s had to learn to survive without closeness. At the earlier stages of your relationship he’d be pretty wary of platonic affectionate gestures, but as he becomes more comfortable around you, you’ll notice the casual touches becoming more frequent – he’d put his chin on your shoulder from behind to see what you’re reading on your PADD, thoughtfully trace your brow with his finger or play with your hair. Also, good luck trying to get out of bed without waking him – if you try to wriggle out of his embrace, he’ll only tighten his arms around you and mumble something unintelligible in Vortawa.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
By making everyone around him miserable. By moping around in your quarters and passive-aggressively destroying the knickknacks on your shelves (and later claiming that it was an accident).
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Oh yes. Great, borderline creepy length. Out of the two of you, you are the only one who actually has morals (and the longer you are with Keevan, the more the lines will start to blur), so he won’t have any qualms doing whatever needs to be done for your relationship. The only thing that could give him pause is if he knows you might not forgive him for doing something particularly amoral - but on the other hand, what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
dedicated to the wonderful @stay-neurotic , the originator of Keevan thirst on tumblr dot com
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rreyie · 4 years
Porco for fluff alphabet?
porco galliard fluff alphabet
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warnings- very very mildly suggestive themes
a/n- i think we all need a bf like porco, he’s so sweet i stg
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A is for Activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
porco will do anything you want him to do. but a favorite of his is to just go out and explore downtown marley. there’s no specific goal you’re both trying to achieve, just going where the day takes you. downtown marley is crowded, so he’s got a hand holding yours the entire time to ensure you don’t get lost. you’ll both stop in a few different stores, his favorite is whatever the aot equivalent to bath and body works is and the lingerie shop. he wants to buy stuff for you to show he cares, and you’ll probably leave with a bag or two full of different clothes, and just random things you two thought were cool. the one place he insists on stopping at is the deli. he always gets something with at least two kinds of meat, and will pay for yours as well. the day ends with getting back home and doing some cuddling on the couch while he falls asleep on your lap.
B is for Beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
porcos favorite feature about you is the way you smile and laugh, also your hands. each time you laugh at one of his jokes, he turns a deep red at the fact that someone finds him entertaining. his world seems to light up when you’re happy and smile at him, and he will cherish each time you do so. he also loves your hands, they’re just perfect for holding and he loves to intertwine your fingers.
C is for Comfort- how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
porco would do anything in his power to make sure you’re smiling by the end of the day. when his s/o feels down, he picks up on it very quickly and immediately asks what’s wrong, and who is causing you this pain. he would want you to take things slow for the day, he’ll be doing all the work for the next 24 hours. if you want affection, he will hold you while you cry into his shoulder. there’s a good chance he will cry with you, since he is upset seeing you like this. when you’re having a panic attack, he drops everything to get to you. if you’re immobilized by the emotion, he will carry you to a secluded room if there’s one nearby to give you some quiet with him. he will embrace you like he never has before, stroking your hair and whispering “you’ll be alright, i’m here honey. take your time.” he will be more understanding if you’re not okay by the end of the day since he knows these things are serious and he wants to make sure you’re completely okay before resuming back to normal.
D is for Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
porco dreams of having a family with you. once the war is over, he will make it a priority to get the two of you married and move out to a house in marley. porco absolutely adores children, so he would probably two with you. he wants two boys that can have the same kind of bond that he and marcel had. he would probably have enough money at this point that he could retire because of his service in the war, so he will become a stay home dad and watch his two boys. and he will probably name one of his sons marcel jr.
E is for Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
porco wants both of you to have the same level of commitment and dominance in the relationship.
F is for Fight- would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
porco has a temper. he’s quick to snap. the fighting was likely initiated by him, possibly because he saw you hanging around reiner for too long today. it never gets violent, but porco can’t control what comes out of his mouth sometimes. he might throw an insult here and there. if you leave the room in tears, he will beat himself up over it and once he’s given you some space, he will apologize while trying to hold back tears because he feels like a shitty boyfriend for doing this to you. if you’re the one who apologizes first, he will pretend to act mad but really he’s not deep down inside because he loves you that much.
G is for Gratitude- how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
porco might not say it, but he appreciates what you’re doing for him. instead, he will do things in return to show he’s grateful, i’ll get into that later down the list. he is overall pretty aware of how dedicated his s/o is to him.
H is for Honesty- do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
the only reason that you know everything that’s up with porco is because he vents to you very often. he does keep his fair share of secrets though, but they are very minor- except one. most of his secrets are about the war, one of his best kept and worst secrets about him was that he killed a child while at war with the mid east allied forces. he still feels terrible about it to this day, and wouldn’t want you finding out about what he did during the war.
I is for Inspirational- did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
you likely changed porco more than he changed you. porco has a tough guy exterior and was pretty self absorbed before meeting you, but he learned that it was okay to cry and let his guard down around you. he also became a little more selfless, since he would do anything to protect you. 
J is for Jealousy- do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
porco is one to get jealous very easily. he’s possessive too. if he sees you hanging around reiner for a minute too long, he holds a grudge on you. he doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day, and when you meet up with him to head back to your bedrooms, he just says “so reiner is gonna replace me, huh?” and walks off without another word. you’re gonna have to smother him in kisses to let him know you still love him more than anyone else, and stay the night while he clings to you in his sleep.
K is for Kissing- are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
porco loves to kiss. he’s amazing at it too. his kisses are sloppy, lazy, slow, and teasing, with a lot of tongue and spit. his favorite place to kiss is on your bed just to get some privacy to do whatever you want. he especially loves when you’re both half naked and kissing so he can feel your skin on his. the first kiss was in town next to a fountain, where he confessed his feelings to you. you told him to close his eyes and you went in for it, and he kissed you back instantly. the blush on his cheeks was insane once you pulled away.
L is for Love Confession- how would they confess to their s/o?
after the festival in liberio, he stood with you and watched the fountain in town square. you made a comment on how pretty his eyes looked in the moonlight, and he made a bad attempt at complimenting your face, which made you giggle. hearing you laugh made the butterflies errupt in his stomach, and he knew he couldn’t hide it anymore. he said, “look y/n, i have no clue if you’re gonna hate me after what i’m about to say, if you think i’m weird just say something, but i like you. i have since i met you, and i think i want to be with you- oh god, i don’t even like you, i love you-“ you had to shut him up and kiss him on the lips before he started to ramble about how much he loves you.
M is for Marriage- do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
of course porco would want to get married, he’s a family man. he would probably propose somewhere very informally, like you two were talking about it one day and he’s like “well i mean there’s no better person than you that i would want to marry, you would make a wonderful wife-“ and that’s how it all started. you two got married in a church in liberio, with pieck as the maid of honor and zeke as the best man. he cried when he saw you in that white gown, he thought you looked like a princess. the marriage would be fun and laid back, you two would travel a lot before settling down about a year later.
N is for Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
he calls you “babe” and “baby” a lot. occasionally he will call you “honey” or a variation of your name.
O is for On Cloud Nine- what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
he’s a flustered, bashful baby. if you even look his way he will turn red. he tries to show off his skills, and wants to make himself stand out above the rest. he does his hair with extra care in the morning and starts to wash his face to make his skin look better. pieck picks up on it first, and she will occasionally say something about it, but all porco will do is grumble something and brush it off. zeke will notice and say something as well. porco expresses his feelings by occasionally complimenting you on your outfit, and sneaking a touch here and there like if he’s brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. if you do the same to him, his brain will stop working for a moment.
P is for PDA- are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag with their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
porco is a big fan of pda and bragging. especially if you’re within 10 feet of reiner. he makes it very known that he’s taken, the first time he walked into the meeting room in front of the other warriors he literally announced, “oh yeah, y/n is my girlfriend now. just thought you guys should know.” he loves to talk about you with the other guys, not in a bad way but like sharing stories about time you two spent together, how wonderful you are, and quite frankly the other guys are kind of tired of hearing a new story about you every hour. porco won’t hesitate to kiss or show affection in public, not full out making out but like a medium length kiss on the lips is acceptable. he’s always got his hands on you in public too, like an arm slung around your shoulder or just holding your hand. he wants everyone to know you’re his.
Q is for Quirk- some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
not quite sure if this is beneficial in the relationship but he gives the best piggyback rides. he has a really strong back that’s able to lift you up and he loves hearing your little giggles as he hoists you up into the air and onto his back. then he will run all around the place with you on his back in a fruitful attempt to make you laugh and smile.
R is for Romance- how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
porco is in general a very romantic person. he will always treat you and try to make you happy just like to do to him. one of his favorite things to do for you is to take you out to some expensive restaurant in the rich part of marley and treat you to dinner. he wears his best suit and thinks you look absolutely stunning in that outfit of yours, which makes a little blush bloom on his face. he is vocal when it comes to telling you “i love you” and will say it to you at least 3 times a day. when you come back from an expedition in the mid east, he will be waiting for you in the train station with a big sign that says “welcome home y/n” and a bouquet of roses.
S is for Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
porco thinks you should go for whatever makes you happy. he doesn’t exactly know how to help, but he will give you words of encouragement- like “you’re doing so well babe!” or “i love how you’re so determined, keep it up!” he truly does believe you can achieve whatever goal you’re working towards, he has a lot of faith in you.
T is for Thrill- do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
porco loves change, and he would like a new way of doing things. it can be anything from going to a different place for dinner or waking up at a different time, he just wants things to always be different. he values thrill and spice to your relationship, it’s a key element to dating him.
U is for Understanding- how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
he will slowly learn more about you throughout your relationship, but empathy is something he needs to work on. every new bit of information he learns about his parter surprises him, and he makes a mental note of it to use for later. empathy is different though, because of his tough guy exterior he didn’t find empathy easy in the beginning. in fact, the first time you vented to him he said something along the lines of “well? get over it. it’s not worth dwelling on it.” when you ran off crying, from then on he made sure to never say that again.
V is for Value- how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
your relationship is one of the reasons why he keeps fighting with the war going on. he wants to have that future with you and live a peaceful life after, so in a way it’s a priority.
W is for Wild Card- a random fluff headcanon.
porco is a blanket hog when you go to sleep together. he doesn’t realize it but after he starts to sleep, he will grab the blanket and roll himself in it so that he’s in a blanket burrito and your shivering on the other side. he also snores very loudly. if you wake him up to tell him he will begrudgingly give you some of the blanket, but then he gets cold. he will cling to you the entire night in an effort to keep warm.
X is for XOXO- are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
porco is a cuddle bug once you get to know him. he especially loves to cuddle in bed or on the couch. he loves it when you fall asleep on him so he can see how pretty your face is when you sleep. porco kisses you many times per day. on the neck, lips, cheek, collarbone, hand, anywhere he can have access to. he loves it when you kiss him back and leave a hickey or love bite.
Y is for Yearning- how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he will try to keep in contact with their partner and keep something of theirs by his side always until they come back. if the time is okay, he will write you letters and expect you to write one back saying that you’re alright. he will grab a t shirt you wore out of the hamper and sleep with it for the night because it smells like you. he also might cry a little because he misses you, and he will shed a tear once you come back home with the biggest hug and kiss.
Z is for Zeal- are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? if so, what kind of?
porco would go lengths for the relationship, especially if your life was on the line. he would do everything in his power to make sure you’re safe and comfortable. this is lowkey funny but if you two were in immediate danger, he would let you ride on the back of his titan while he runs to safety. he would sacrifice his life for you as well.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
bakugou katsuki alphabet hc’s
a/n: just a little something something for me being swamped with final preparations and my wip being nowhere near completed!!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
Bakugou is not that affectionate, hate to tell you guys that. He’s a cat through and through. He’s someone who touches you when he wants to, not when you want it. Sometimes it varies, but most of the time it’s him giving you a look, after all, he will never outright tell you to touch him. But you can see it, the slight eyebrow lift, the curl of his lip because you’re not being affectionate with him. It happens both in private and public, but there are moments in private where he just is clingy, not in an overly clingy way, but a: let’s hold hands while being on our phones sorta way.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
There is not much in this world that will take Bakugou’s breath away. He’s just that sort of guy that even when he’s caught off guard, you will never ever know it explicitly. That being said, there is one thing that does take his breath away. Arguing with him
Now, I'm not talking about crazy psycho bitch arguing where the both of you are going through some world war with each other. I’m talking about an argument where he comes in knowing he’s in the wrong but him not knowing what to do. Argue your side, explain why he’s doing things wrong, how it’s wrong, and how to improve. Taking his insecurities and his inability to do things correctly isn’t something he enjoys being attacked about, but when you take it in, absorb it, and help him it just steals his breath away because holy hell, you respect him, you love him, and he feels the exact same way.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Bakugou does cuddle, but oh boy does it take a long time for him to be able to allow this to happen. 
Bakugou is a little spoon. now shut up and listen to why. When your relationship first begins, he is not open to showing his affections, and would turn onto his side before ever asking to hold you. So you have to take it up to yourself to snuggle into his back side, nose buried into his spine. With time, and with Bakugou finally opening up and expressing his feelings, and his ability to be as vulnerable as he can get, most nights it's with him laying his head on your chest, his body draped over yours. He likes this position because he feels like he’s protecting you. if anything happens at night, he’ll be the first to be hit, and that’s all that matters.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
World domination, easy.
Bakugou isn’t someone who allows for intimate relationships like picking a penny from the penny jar. He is a tiny bit arrogant and thinks he deserves the best, so when he finally chooses you to date there’s a 99% chance it’s ending in marriage. He wants the both of you to succeed. 
Whatever it is in life that you want to do, what you dream to do, it automatically becomes his dream too. He’s going to support you and help you get there or his name isn’t Bakugou Katsuki.
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
All things considered, especially what people would most likely think, he puts in a lot of effort.
Again, you aren’t some casual relationship, if he’s dating you that means you’re endgame in his eyes, congrats!
He may be an angry tsundere the entire time, but he remembers everything. Every important date in your life you better remember, because this asshole will then ask you seven years into the relationship about how you remember the outfit you wore on your first kiss and if you say no he’s gonna both yell at you and hold it above your head for all eternity.
He puts in effort!!!!
Sure, sometimes you might not be priority number one, but you never fall off the top ten list and he always makes sure to make it up in some sort of way if you feel negligent because of this.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
Bakugou is someone who talks you through it.
Why are you scared?
Is there something you can do about it?
How can I make it better?
He’s all about prevention, improving, helping. He wants you to feel better and he’s always been better with his words over his actions when it comes to aiding. It’s not to say that he won’t comfort you, because he will definitely touch your head and bring it to rest against his shoulder only after he’s done helping you out. He feels like he can help you through your fears and merely hugging and saying it’ll be better isn’t the way to help.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Bakugou remembers everything about ya, he’s going to get you the gifts you really need.
Yes, need, not want.
Oh you want a whole new makeup collection? Uh no, what you need is a whole new ass vanity and make up organizer because he’s seen those same damn colors you want in your collection but you don’t have shit organized so you don’t know!
Oh you want a new video game? Uh no,,, okay fair, he wants it too, so you both need it for date nights.
Bakugou absolutely hates getting gifts in return, for some reason he thinks its atone to charity work or like guilty gifts. If you want to give him a present, he might allow it, but do not and I mean DO NOT give him a gift for what he gives you (outside of appropriate holidays of course).
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
Bakugou hugs you, that’s a given. But how he hugs is pretty dependent on mood and where the two of you are.
When it’s in public he’s a major fan of the one armed hug, the typical “we besties but not like that” hug. Never ever think it’s because he’s embarrassed of you, he’s just… emotionally constipated and he can’t fathom hugging you while everyone watches because he gets nervous. But there are times, in public, where something happens. Something that causes him to worry for you, and he’ll be on you in an instant, his arms slamming you in. One on the small of your back, the other between your shoulder blades. He loves you and only when he’s not in control does he forget his boundaries.
In private though, it’s another story. He’s the person who has their arms wrapped loosely around your waist, his hands holding onto your hips ever so softly. He buries his face into your neck and just breathes. Sometimes he likes to sway with you in his arms, other times he likes to carry you too.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s definitely an… acquired taste of romance. Nothing he does is outside the spectrum of what is considered to be romantic! If he had done it with a sugary sweet ‘im so in love with you smile’ no one would say anything, but he does these things in a Bakugou way where people are like: “ARE YOU SURE YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH THAT MAN?!” and then look over at you who’s crying because you think he’s the most romantic person in the world. 
Oh he has hella problems, just because you’re it for him doesn’t mean he knows how to behave correctly. He goes through self reflection because of this! He needs to figure out what intimacy means for him, and how to express it to you while also keeping your ideas of intimacy in hand. It always works out though, he will always put together how to make it work.
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Surprise, surprise, Bakugou Katsuki is a jealous man :)
The worst part of Bakugou’s jealousy is that he knows that he has no reason to be jealous. There are only a handful of people Bakugou feel inferior to, like truly and honestly inferior to. He knows he’s not always the best, no matter how hard he tries, but he knows where he lies in the world. So when he sees other people flirting with you he knows right away that there’s no reason to be jealous. But that doesn’t do anything to the instinctive monster in his mind that tells him to murder the random extra for even considering you to be on a level similiar to theirs.
He storms over, fury and murder in his eyes, parking himself right behind you, eyes glaring at the person who is flirting with you because on god he’s not going to say shit until he has to. If the person doesn’t understand that their presence isn’t welcomed, then Bakugou has no issue twirling you where you stand and shoving his tongue in your mouth. In fact most of your public kisses have stemmed from situations like these.
But the dangerous jealousy is the one where you invoke it. The eyes on him the entire time you’re flirting with him, fueling the fires of his jealousy and irateness. There’s nothing stopping him from going over there, but in this? This is a competition for him. Who’s breaking first? He’ll grab someone nearby, eyes on you while he flirts himself. Although it’s not really flirting he can’t understand anything the person he grabbed is saying, he just enjoys the anger in your own eyes until one of you -- most of the time him -- snaps and storms over.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Hohohoho, Bakugou Katsuki is initially the worst kisser in the entire WORLD.
His kiss is like slimey, too much saliva, sweat pouring from his face because he’s nervous. He won’t touch you because if he did he’d leave handprints on your clothes. He clumsily clashes his teeth against yours, and oh god is this the appropriate amount of tongue to use?
Just teach him
Bakugou is a lowkey sucker for kisses, he enjoys nights where you poke him in the face obviously wanting a kiss from him, but he can’t help but make it difficult for you. He’ll face poke after poke until he gets up, face trying to stay angry until you pull him into a kiss. He’s much better at this point, he likes holding your cheek with his right hand, his left hand either grasping your wrist or holding your hand. He’s into the slow and languid kisses, the ones that keep you shut up for moments to come because he enjoys blue balling you. 
Bakugou will kiss you every day until the day he dies, even if he’s mad at you or something, no day is passed without a kiss in the morning and at night.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
Bakugou Katsuki is a hard one for this. 
On one hand, I can see him not being the first one to say it. Bakugou being the first to admit to something as deep, as soul revealing as being in love with you? It can happen at anytime during the relationship, but he will first murmur it when he swears you’re asleep, and then again when you ask him.
But on the other hand, I can see him saying it first. Bakugou isn’t an idiot, he knows you won’t say it in case he doesn’t return your feelings, but the thing is Bakugou has been in love for quite some time so he’ll say it out of the blue. Not in the middle of silence but during a conversation that you don’t register until he’s glaring at you for ignoring his statement.
After all, Bakugou doesn’t lose. ;p
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
Bakugou isn’t dating you just so he can say he’s dating someone. Hell nah, if he’s dating you like hell he isn’t gonna have you take his last name so he can show you off to the world like some toy he had won. It’s not done in a bad way, just a smug ‘I married the best person in the world’ sorta way.
Bakugou is a small and intimate most likely modern sort of party. There is no free bar, like hell he’s going to let people get wasted through his money on his day. But it definitely becomes his favorite day in the entire year watching you come down the aisle and getting to dance with you.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
Bakugou enjoys date nights at home.
He likes coming together with you to prepare dinner, chucking food at each other when someone messes up. Then the food is taken to the living room where he threatens not to mess anything up or feel his wrath. After the threat, you sit between his legs and the two of you go ham on video games or watch a movie.
Other than that he likes amusement parks, museums, hiking, and camping trips!!
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He will not lie to you to make you feel better. Don’t go to Bakugou expecting a cheerful pick up when you’re in the wrong because he will not allow you to believe that you’re in the moral high ground when you’re wrong. This also means you can’t give him half explained stories, don’t start something with him expecting him to support you when it’s questionable if you’re in the right.
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Oh he definitely is.
Every day comes a new sort of competition, some sort of race where the both of you need to express how the other one is better. Sometimes it seems like a fight match between the two of you, but you both know that it's all fun and games. He respects you and thinks of you highly so will always give it his all. And if he learns how to manipulate your body to get where he wants to be, so be it.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Bakugou 100% asks for your opinion on things. If he’s sharing his thoughts that means he fully expects your opinion on it and ten reasons as to why you believe it. Your opinion is valued to him and he’s not arrogant enough to forget that your voice matters as well. 
And Bakugou will always share his opinion, even sometimes when you don’t ask for it. He’s open and honest and always willing to give you the feedback you need. He respects and loves you too much to let you get away with a lie from him.
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Bakugou isn’t a spontaneous person, but life is just so out of control for him that most things while originally planned, end up being on the spot.
Like oh, our date night at this restaurant we planned was ruined because I had a last second call into the office that I couldn’t say no to, there's this little hole in the wall three blocks away if you want to go there instead?
He likes having an agenda, okay?
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
On his own, Bakugou is a sprawler in his sleep. He turns left and right, flipping under the covers and kicking them off. He warns you of this well before sleeping in the same bed together, but when you finally get the chance to do it, he calms completely. He lays on his stomach, his head pressed into your stomach, an arm securely wrapped around your waist while he remains still at night. He’s a bit of a holder, even if he won’t admit it.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
Bakugou would not even admit to liking you should he not trust you.
Trust is the most important thing to Bakugou, if he can’t trust you then there’s no reason for him to be dating you. 
He would willingly let you choose the fate of his life if that was an option.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
He’s a complete novice to everything when you date him. You have to teach him a lot of things because he never really grew up with it and well, his parents have a very unique style of love so he thought that you would be dominating in every aspect and he had major qualms about that.
He is also somehow willing to try out everything with you without needing to be asked. So those sexy ballroom tango classes you saw one day? He’ll bitch the entire time before the class but will be the first out of the door to go to these events. 
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
It takes awhile. While Bakugou trusts you completely, being vulnerable just isn’t him. He doesn’t like being vulnerable, so it takes a lot for him to just… break down and split open showing everything about him to you.
In this state he’s emotional and somehow emotionless. Tears soak his cheeks, his lips red and raw, hoarse voice, thick words. He looks like a mess and you don’t know how to fix it, but you guide him through it. He might not acknowledge how he was in this state later on, but he will thank you quietly one night.
Remind him that it’s okay to be vulnerable, he needs to be reminded.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
He enjoys it when you do any of the boyfriend challenges from tiktok. Oh yes, this boy is well updated with the trending challenges thanks to Kaminari and he just waits around daily to see when or if you’ll do it to him. If not he’ll ask you why you aren’t doing it to him yet, and you just kinda ‘:O you want me to do that?!’
He also is super into spa nights. He will paint your toe nails, massage your body (as long as its reciprocated), and lounging with you with big fluffy towels, eating cucumbers with lemon and chile, and face masks on!
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Bakugou is a scary nurse. He just screams at you the entire time as to how stupid you are for getting injured, but will take care of you perfectly. And don’t you dare smile at him while he fluffs your pillow and make sure you feel 100% okay because he is MAD at you and you can’t be happy because he was scared shitless earlier! Oh yeah and you’re an idiot, and he made the soup slightly warmer than needed because he was so angry so let it cool down before you eat it, unless you want to burn yourself, which wouldn’t surprise him!
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
When you don’t speak up. He doesn’t like it when you hold your opinions to yourself, he finds it aggravating and annoying. Speak up if things bother you, don’t be spineless especially around him.
He hates uncleanliness and lack of personal hygiene. Brush your teeth every day, shower when you need to! CLEAN YOUR DAMN ROOM!
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Bakugou Katsuki is in fact a passionate boyfriend, he just has his unique ways of showing it. He never wants you to feel like he doesn’t love you, or doesn’t feel so deeply about this relationship because he would damn the entire world for you. And yeah, he likes and wants the passion, but give him some time to be comfortable and adjust to your ideals of it!
NSFW under cut:
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bakugou cums for the final time and he’s a panting shaking mess for a few minutes afterwards. He lays there in the cum, sweat, and other fluids while looking you in the eyes, his eyes heavy with exhaustion and love. He’ll press a kiss to whatever’s nearest before pushing off the bed to grab towels. He cleans himself off, and depending on how you’re doing will either clean you off or make you clean yourself off. Sometimes he takes you to bathe and other times he says goodnight, wraps you in your typical sleeping position and knocks out.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bakugou's favorite body part of his (outside his cock) is definitely his arms and his shoulders. He’s got powerful arms and shoulders, they’re wide, sturdy, and thick. They look good, they’ve always looked good. But they look so much better with your desperate hands clinging onto his shoulders like some lifeline, his skin permanently scarred from your raking fingers when you cry his name… oh yeah, its definitely that.
Bakugou is a cultured man who loves tits, ass, and thighs equally. He loves seeing your breasts squeezing around his cock as he’s strapped to the bed, your mouth in a sly smirk because you won’t suck him off. Your ass? He really fucking loves slapping your ass as you lay against his lap, counting the number of spanks he’s given you. He loves how soft and how much it bounces with every smack. And your thighs? He loves when you’re riding his face or the way they tighten so powerfully around his waist.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bakugou’s cum is as good as cum gets, if you ignore the weird spicy aftertaste to them on the occasions he eats spicy food. He loves having it splattered against your face, the thick milky liquid just dripping from your face while you look up at him with shining eyes. He also admits to enjoying kissing you after oral sex, the taste of intermixing cum and spit overwhelming him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bakugou is a panty thief, well really, anything he can get his hands on (even when you’re dating). He enjoys seeing you wandering around the room without your matching panty or bra, desperately trying to find the other set. It’s most definitely in his pocket at the time you can’t seem to find it, the fabric running between his fingers while telling you to just wear a mismatched one because he’s the only one gonna be seeing it anyways. Who you trying to impress???
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He does not know what he’s doing, but he’s a fast adapter. He’ll be a complete booty for the first round and you can laugh for ages about it, but afterwards he’ll know what works and what doesn’t -- though sometimes…. Lol nvm
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying.)
Anything that shows off his strength. 
Against the wall, wheelbarrow, anything, anything, anything that can show he’s sooo much stronger.
He also likes missionary too, he’s just the type okay??? Plus perfect access to his shoulders.
Reverse cowgirl.
Doggy style.
Anything where you’re pressed chest to chest, it just brings up the level of intimacy for Bakugou.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This is serious.
Bakugou isn’t a joking person to begin with, and he doesn’t magically evolve a humor boner while he’s slamming into you. 
I mean sure, the two of you can breathlessly laugh at things, but it’s not because you’re exchanging jokes -- you tried once and he just sorta… glared at you. If he wanted to laugh during sex he would rather die, this is serious to him, so be serious too. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
His pubes are darker than his hair, but they’re in the same blond family.
They are also very well-groomed. He thought it was appropriate to make sure he wasn’t a wild untame bush before fucking you because he wasn’t sure how you liked it. He also likes it well groomed because less chaffing in his costume.  
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Bakugou is someone who thinks highly of sex, so he is 100% focused in on it while fucking you. There’s nothing on his mind except getting you to cum a big scream of his name. At times he can be romantic, he’s done the flowers on the bed before and thought it was completely fucking stupid. You know he loves you so, and if he loves you dearly why does he have to change the way he behaves during sex?
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bakugou is an angry masturbator.
It was a great way to find release before you, long days at work crumbling over the second he was in the shower. But when the two of you finally do start dating and having sex he believes that it’s best to masturbate when the two of you aren’t in contact.
He unashamedly will call you and tell you talk, jacking off to the sound of you telling him about your day, unaware of what he was doing.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Switch - Bakugou will sub or dub
Brat - when Bakugou is a sub, be ready to tame him at all costs. He’s not an easy sub to handle before being tamed, but once you have him, he’s easy.
Degradation - he enjoys it both ways, he likes hearing his natural language bleed into the bedroom and seeing how it finally gets to you in a way that benefits him. But he also enjoys hearing the curse words used against him, done in the same manner and tenor only someone who knew everything about him could do.
Spanking/hitting - Its a time he can use his quirk, he enjoys seeing your bruised skin burning in ways that have you panting for more.
Sensory deprivation - forcing you to succumb to him entire, trusting that he does whats best is a head rush to him.
Sounding - ...he’s a bit of a masochist.
Biting/marking - he likes making sure everyone knows you belong to someone
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Dining room table.
Hallways before the room.
The bed.
Midoriya’s bed.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Good god, just stroke this man's ego and his boner will be flying sky high. 
Gently run your fingers against his shoulder, whisper into his left ear while talking about trivial things, whatever you do, don’t let it on that you’re horny. Scrape your fingers against the nape of his neck, lips brushing against his raising skin. 
This man is head over heels for you, and when you are so comfortable you are your true self around him (including wearing any sort of lingerie in the colors black, orange, or geen ((bonus points if its inspired from his hero costume))) he’ll be ready to bounce.
Calling him your hero.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Do not whine.
Now I don’t mean in a ‘you whined for his cock while he pulled away from your shuddering hole, you wanted him more’ but more like a ‘Katsuki please fuck me!!! You haven’t fucked me in so long and I need you cockkkkk!’ sorta way.
Its pathetic, he fucks you enough, stop that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Short kings like Bakugou have to be good at eating out, it’s the law, congratulations.
He grows to be good at it, and loves to have you writhing in his arms, or better yet, have your fingers yanking at his scalp while you ride his face.
He kinda gets overwhelmed when you suck him off, years of screaming suck my cock just sort of desensitized him to the power behind the words, especially when its your mouth around his aching leaking cock. He loves having you meet his eyes, the threat of what’s to come if you look away bubbling in his veins while he presses his fingers to your throat, to feel his cock stretching that out
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
You guessed it, he’s a middle kinda man. 
He spans on both ends, most of the time leaning towards the fast and rough sex because that’s his personality, but there are more than enough times where its slow and sensual that you remember.
He enjoys having you crying out a lot, sure, but there's more than enough instances where he enjoys having you pressing gently into the bed, fingers grasping your waist, cock pushing into you just enough to create the friction that you crave. Your fluttering eyes, soundless gasps, and sweaty foreheads pressed against each other.
Yup, yup, he likes that so much better but won’t admit it.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t enjoy quickies, he feels like they’re half-assed versions of sex, sure, its exhilarating to see how fast you can possibly make each other cum, but it’s not as fun. Not enough moaning, contact, or pleasure that presents itself in quickies as a proper sex session gives.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Bakugou doesn’t mind experimenting, he’s super big on the ‘try it once to see if you like it, go on from there’ sort of mentality so he’s tried it all. Something are a bit of a long term discussion, anything ass play took some time for him to consider, and then allow you to try out in bed. But he does try anything you’re up for as long as you give the same energy back about the things he wants to try.
Risks… depends on what you consider to be a risk.
Fucking in public? Hell no, Bakugou aint gonna fuck you in public, risking his reputation and yours, just so you can milk him of his seed.  
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Stamina for fucking days son.
One round is a warm up for him. He’s used to sweating, used to fighting with every ounce of energy in his body for up to thirty minutes and walking away without so much as a sore shoulder. Fucking you is like a typical patrol without villains for him. He can go plenty upon plenty of rounds. Although, he is pretty easy to make cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Toys were sort of a weird subject to bring in, only because Bakugou insisted that he could do everything that a toy could do and better. After a month of arguing that no, he could not do what a toy could do, you finally caved and went to a sex shop.
He was mistaken, he can’t do everythiing a toy can do, and good god do you guys own literally everything on the planet.
Toys are meant to be shared, even Bakugou isn’t that stingy to implement that!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugou hates hates hates being on the receiving end of teasing. Okay, ‘not like don’t ever do it’ hate it but in a ‘i hate what it does to me’ hate it. He hates feeling inferior, on his knees begging for you to do something more than just teasing while his cock throbs on his stomach.
But oh does he love teasing. His thumb pressing down on your bottom lip, watching while your eyes are hazy in need, babbling words pouring from your mouth while he teases the shit out of you until finally giving you what you need, what you want.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bakugou is not quiet outside of the bed, and he is definitely not quiet in bed.
He’s definitely someone who makes the rougher noises in bed, the throaty growls, puffing breathes. He’ll moan in your ear, growl by your throat, hiss against your skin. He makes every noise in the world he isn’t afraid of shit. He feels good and the entire fucking world will know if he has to.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Bakugou is a bit of a masochist, like a slight, slight masochist. 
He enjoys when you're sadistic with him, pulling his hair, and sounding. Tear at his skin, make him bleed, make him beg. He’s a hero because he can stand back up even after being hit, he must like it just the tiniest bit.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Six inches soft, seven inches hard. Thickiest fucking dick you’ve seen though, that shit be like |||| thiccc ya feel? Curves upwards, and lots of veins on dat bitch.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Definitely not as high as everyone wants it to be.
His sex drive is actually pretty average, not too high, not too low. He does get horny pretty quickly because you know how to work him, but he doesn’t walk around being half hard all the time.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Bakugou is most definitely asleep five minutes after climaxing. Most fuck sessions happen after dark so it works out just fine. In the rare times it happens in public, or in the morning he won’t fall asleep but he’s a bit spacey for about thirty minutes.
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