#anon tbh i’m only guessing at this because i don’t actually know either
thegayestdiaz · 4 months
Sorry, feel so old right now... What does bones mean? was a bit confused
basically something is dead, it’s over, and there’s only bones left
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jeanvanjer · 5 months
Colors of spice? Wtf does that even mean. Just browns, greens and blacks? Why not take inspiration from our colorful heritage, festivals, textiles or even the flora and fauna. Have they not seen our beautiful birds? Hello! Peacocks!
Do they know how to use google? How about open a history book or even a wikipedia article? Ffs their arrogance is staggering atp! 🤬🤬🤬
Seeing what Cressida is wearing this season I’m actually happy they didn’t take inspo from peacocks 😂
I feel like it was a throwaway comment which makes it worse imo. As if that’s what comes to your mind mentally when you think Indian or South Asian people. Really thought they were doing something with that spice comment. Sorry honey you were not.
But I agree with you anon! We have so much to look at for inspiration! I mean literally just look at latest South Asian fashion and just take what you will from there. Tbh an expert isnt even needed for colours and designs. We get it Kate’s looks aren’t priority this season but at least use google??? This also just shows they don’t know the bare minimum especially when they don’t know the difference between a dupatta and what Sarees are. Huge difference bro.
Thank god for all the other fugly looks this season (sorry but I’m not a fan) because if they kept everything the same and changed it up for Kate that’s weirdly alienating. You don’t have to make it so obvious she’s not English. They were on the right track last season imo. The dresses were western enough to suit Bridgertons aesthetic but also had the nice amount of Indian/South Asian flair. Literally all of those dresses I could easily remake by going to frantic stores in India.
I don’t really see a lot of Indian influence in the clothes right now. Sure we’ve only seen three outfits? But they’ve all been trash sorry. And post spice comment that reddish make out dress makes me think tandoori masala. Kate is a snack and a half (Anthony would know) but I’m sure that’s not what they were aiming for. The colours aren’t it. And nothing in the designs screams Indian either. It just looks bargain bin fabric.
The biggest issues for me is that they don’t suit Kate’s (Simone) skin tone? I’ve only seen gori gori Indian girls wear such neutral tones and look good. Simone looks great but she’s look way better in colours that were bolder. Nor is it culturally appropriate considering Kate’s young and newly married and usually brides wear bold and bright colours. Not neutral tones. Using jewel tones was 🤌🏽 and they should stuck to it. God what I wouldn’t do to have that Sheffields dinner dress Kate wears.
Let’s see what the other looks in the season are like for Kate. I’m not too optimistic but I guess shitty fashion is the compromise I need to make to get three seconds of kanthony time.
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tbh i think anyone that bothered by her name probably has Harry Potter as large blacklisted already. i know i do. ahh i guess it's too late to retag since polls can't be edited but another option might've been to directly tag her poll with something like "cw racism" or something. but yeah I'd completely get wanting to remove her for that. especially since i wouldn't be surprised if actual hp fans were voting hate for sinophobic reasons instead of voting hate because of the sinophobic portrayal (i.e. feeling her character deserved better or wishing she were cut entirely or something). (i feel like a lot of the controversy ive heard about her character was...not great but that was back in 2015 or something)
either way i don't blame you for including her! and she certainly is controversial!
First, a helpful fact for anyone who makes polls because I know it’s not common knowledge but it’s super useful: you actually CAN add and remove tags from poll posts by using the mass post editor on desktop! It’s a bit of an inconvenient workaround but it’s very helpful. So I could do that
Second, the only problem with the above is that I don’t want to have any polls up that require that, it’s the same reason I disqualified a character for wearing nazi garb or being a school shooter: the triggering aspect would be in the post. Like if a character says bigoted stuff or their media has bad views I’m not gone write “the author said x and y slurs” in their post, but the words “cho chang” are right there
Third, yeah your point about voting hate for sinophobic reasons is also a big point. I’d assumed based on what I remember from the harry potter fandom when I was like 14 and the submitter’s propaganda that fans hated her because she “cries too much” or she rejected Harry or whatever, and non-fans hate her bc of her racist name, but I didn’t even consider the other factors that could be causing her to get a lot of hate votes
So yeah thanks anon, you’ve helped me reason through it and come to the conclusion that she really shouldn’t be here. I’m gonna continue to allow any other Harry potter characters and other problematic medias, but one with racism in the post does not belong
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cherryminxx · 18 days
Ahhh!!! Previous Annon here (one that asked about LIs) and I love your opinions about them <3 They’re all so unique and I love the whitney head cannon too.
Thought I’d share my own opinions about all of them because I’ll probably be frequent here! (mostly hidden under anonymous but still)
DOL is a tricky one because I only ever romanced Eden or the great hawk (HATE eden’s introduction events and the way you go above getting their love but I saw fanart and fell in love instantly), Eden mostly because of how I can avoid paying my orphan tax at their cabin because Bailey doesn’t come collect (pretty sure there’s a lore reason to that)
GH because I think out of all of the LIs (excluding pure!Sydney, Robin and maybe Alex (their high dom is a bit iffy) they’re the most calmest and nicest of them? Sure they kidnap you at the first meeting but they honestly don’t do anything after that? (I HC they don’t understand the human concept of love so they do it in their own way
It’s pretty easy to get Stockholm syndrome with them too, and you get strong wings from them with is a plus for flying everywhere. Low maintenance too, not very demanding!
SDV isn’t that hard, considering I only ever romanced either Shane, a modded character or Hailey.
Shane because of my “I can fix him” mindset, and because of his heart events! Especially the one where marnie gets us to water him. He goes through a lot from the heart events and he changes through them too. He’s also the diversity quota I guess.
Hailey because I love mean blonde girls and with the way she gets nicer each heart event. Also love her relationship with Emily, they’re so cute together and I love them both equally. Hailey’s also such an interesting character as you go along?? You learn how she’s upset about her parents just leaving them with the house and some money but she doesn’t want to show it if I remember her events correctly. Love her so much and she deserves the world and more
FOM is easier because I fell in love at first sight
Hayden. Him riding in on a horse?? Giving me turnip seeds?? Fell in love on the spot with that man. I love heneritta (excuse me if I spelt her name wrong) too, best chicken in the entire game and the only chicken I love fully (srry coop chickens).
He’s also one of the only plus-sized (?) bachelors and I love him for that. Also the fact he’s a himbo, I love me a himbo with a beard that knows his way around a farm (I love farmers in general) and with animals <3
Second option would’ve been Olric (Orlic? I forgot how to spell his name JUST now) if he was a marriage candidate because I love geology hoes but I’ve headcannon’d him as Aromantic just because he seems too busy collecting rocks to notice when your trying to court him into dating. He might not be dateable but if he was I’d drop everything to give that man all my perfect ore.
Juniper too, I don’t have much of a reason for her tbh I just love woman that are mysterious and witchy in their own time.
I never really liked march, I didn’t understand the hype for him but when the heart event update comes out maybe I’ll find what people mean. I just had when a fandom locks into one character and that’s ALL the fanart/fanfics you see.
Thanks for coming to my rant, sorry if I bored you out through the paragraphs but I’m very passionate about certain things. Gonna be frequent here I can tell, might as well give myself a cool Anon name or smth when I think of one.
Ohmygosh I literally am In love with all of ur opinions
I’ve never actually romanced Eden but I am LITERALLY in LOVE with all of his fanart and fics etc! Honestly I think I haven’t romanced him due to being a creature of comfort and I always just go for Whitney and forget about the rest LOL. As for great hawk I actually forgot about him, I never knew you could get wings from him that is DEFINITELY going to come in handy!
IM SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED HAYDEN BEING PLUS SIZED. Hes like my big perfect beefy man with ABS !! and ugh I totally see how he’s a himbo (Himbos are literally my favorite of all time)
I’m also so sad about olric when I saw him at first I legit was like “yeah it’s gonna be him” AND THE GAME JUST MAKES HIM NON-ROMANCEABLE HELLO?? it was quite literally my sadest discovery hopefully the devs listen and add his cute self. I LOVE your aromantic headcanon I absolutely agree! he’s too busy looking at rocks he doesn’t notice your flirting duh
As for March I’m so glad you’re not the only one who’s head over heels for him like I just don’t get it. He’s just mean 😭 like I guess I see the appeal but again I’d like to see his new heart events before I make a better opinion of him!! Plus you’re so right about the March fanart don’t get me wrong it’s great! But I would love to see way more ryis and Haden art and hopefully fics in the future!
Honestly Shane has been my go to a couple of times! not as much as Harvey per say (I love his dumb ass) but I kind of like how different his personality is from the rest of the town! it definitely adds some deepness to the sdv lore? I’m horrible at explaining 😭
Btw u absolutely did not bore me I loved reading this! I love seeing other peoples prospectives on characters, so it was a treat reading yours! :D
so glad to welcome you as my anon hehehhehe >:D
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cocozydiaries · 3 months
More mha asks <3 :
Do u already know what ur hero name is gonna be like?
What are your dr hobbies/activities?
Do u have any pets?
Are u going for the actual mha plot or just without that?
And please PLEASE make it as long as u like. I love reading mha dr things so pls pls pls don‘t hold back.
ANON IM SO SORRY I JUST SAW THIS RN ISTG I WASN’T LEAVING THIS ON PURPOSE IM SO SORRY😭 this is all written out so weirdly i rushed it i’m really sorry
Do u already know what ur hero name is gonna be like?
i’m gonna be really honest coz i don’t have even the slightest clue💀
but knowing me i’m probably gonna pick smth meaningful or like really sentimental because i’m just really dramatic.
Also i think names mean a lot esp my hero name so that’s smth i don’t wanna take lightly. Not even to be mean… but what we’re some of those names you see in the canon show🧍‍♀️ not calling anyone out or anything…
but yeah i’m definitely not picking smth silly (actually might tho) so tbh I’m guessing it’s probably gonna end up being butterfly related because i’ve always like those! Or maybe smth related to my quirk?
What are your dr hobbies/activities?
I HAVE SO MANY i like writing, crocheting, gardening, archery, baking, painting, and i loooooove puzzles! There is just smth so satisfying about finishing one. These are the ones i remember off the top of my head😭 my drself is a busy person i fear
i also love making those like little scrapbooks too because even in my DR i’m still a pinterest girl to my core💔
Honestly some of these choices kinda make me sound like an old lady🧍‍♀️but like i also like exploring abandoned places?? which isn’t an old lady thing to do (unless it is) but idk if that counts as a hobby?
I also play a few instruments but idk if that’s a hobby either😭 my parents just heavily fw music ans being a well rounded individual soooo i learnt a lot
Do u have any pets?
My family has a lot of pets
i have a cat that i was considering calling sesame but now i’m not so sure coz someone suggested i name her after the loml tiramisu and now i wanna name her after the loml tiramisu
my younger sister has a dog (which is the only dog i tolerate in my life)
my younger brother has a snake. i love her and if i didn’t already have a cat i would probably also get a snake or maybe a tarantula i could name tutu
and there’s also the duck? smth my parents decided to randomly get idk why but she likes the pond!
Are u going for the actual mha plot or just without that?
defo following the original events but i’m guessing my presence is probably gonna change them up a bit
i mean i scripted i was friends with the dynamic duo when we were kids so that’s already one big change to the original. watching their little fights is gonna be so awkward esp coz i moved away for like three years (back to london!) so like there’s been a decent amount of time since i last saw them💀
i’ve also changes a bunch of minor things like the school uniform not being ugly and that UA has school trips and stuff that aren’t always hero related WHY IS EVERYTHING HERO WORK RELATED THOSE KIDS ARE LIKE 16? GIVE THEM A BREAK
i also scripted longer road trips whenever the class goes somewhere just coz i like road trips and it gives me more time to talk to everyone :)
ALSO scripted out a couple of deaths because I DON’T WANT PEOPLE DYING😭
but just to be safe i did script that aside from those changes everything else is pretty much the same
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brookeginko · 3 months
(for the ask game) shinjiro: 2, 7, 8, 15, 16, 21, 22
first time doing one of these ask game things, so if any of these questions don't catch your fancy feel free to skip
OOOOO thanks for the ask anon!! this was really fun!! :)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I feel like saying that he secretly likes animals and cooking would be a cop-out, so I’ll go with something a little more impactful here and say the fact that he knows he’s going to die even before 10/4. It’s mostly present in reload but he mentions it in his portable link as well iirc? It’s just so painful that he’s already accepted his death even when Akihiko is trying so hard to save him. I like that he’s not necessarily suicidal either, he’s just letting whatever happens happen. It’s so painful and it’s probably my favorite part about his linked episodes in reload.
#7: What’s something the fandom does with this character that you like?
I really like when art but especially fics elaborate on his drug usage. We don’t get much in canon apart from vague notions that his suppressants are slowly killing him, so I really like when fanworks elaborate on this further. I like it especially when they give them side-effects that he has to work through, like a low appetite or something. It leaves a lot of room for creativity too, since canon’s notions are so vague. Completely unrelated but I also love when people give him darker skin; it really fits his character design. Oh and chubby Shinjiro 🔛🔝
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
I don’t ship Shinjiro with other characters a ton, though I do still hold a soft spot for Akishinji. It’s so tragic watching Akihiko try so hard to save him yet still fail, especially since they’ve known each other for so long. They seem to understand each other in ways that the rest of S.E.E.S doesn’t, which is understandable given that they’ve known each other since childhood. I also just. really really like it when Shinjiro is given the opportunity to be soft like in his portable link. It’s just very sweet to me. I also am starting to like ryoshinji a lot more as a crackship (thanks nero) and I like Akishinjimitsu as well. I just think he deserves to kiss someone tbh.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Oh boy I might get tumblr cancelled for this one, but I’ve never been the biggest fan of Shinjimina. I literally could not tell you why. I understand its appeal especially in reload, and I’m the biggest Akimina shipper on the planet, so I literally do not understand why I’ve never liked it. It’s the same situation with Yukamitsu where I’ve tried to like it, but I guess it’s just not for me. I’m also not a huge fan of Shinjiham or Fuushinji but they’ve been growing on me as of late.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I’ve written for Shinji a few times actually, and I think my favorite thing to write about him is his soft side :) I try not to go overboard with it, but it’s so fun to sprinkle in from time to time. Blushy Shinji drives me nuts, especially when writing Akishinji. In general I really love when I get to write stoic characters getting to be silly and have fun, so it’s always a treat when I get to do that for Shinjiro. I don’t like having to write serious confrontations with him and Akihiko, though, because I’m always worried I’m either making them too mean or too kind to each other. Also writing something from his pov is a nightmare I have only tackled when genderbending him LMFAO
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I already answered what I like earlier, so I’ll say something I dislike. I really don’t like it when people make him too soft if that makes sense? Obviously he’s not going to be dooming and glooming in fluff fics, but it feels so out of place when I see canon-timeline fics where he’s a bit too happy. Or when people make him into a softie crybaby which yes I’ve somehow seen before. Overall though I think the fandom does a pretty good job of characterizing him !! I don’t have much else to critique
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junicult · 1 year
if you don't mind me asking, who are you favorite bachelors to write? lol obviously you love Harvey (as do i) but i"m just wondering if theres any bachelors that you don't like/aren't willing to do singular posts for? btw i'm in love with your blog <3 <3
hm, i’m actually kinda glad u asked this anon.
so as for bachelors i don’t like / aren’t willing to write for—i wouldn’t say i feel that way about any of them. i’ll write for all of them, my hc posts being proof of that.
if i had to go in order of which bachelor i liked the most…i mean…harvey. duh. (no one’s surprised.)
in my very first post, i just kinda started writing with whoever came to mind first, i didn’t really put it into an order of who i like most / least. that order has always stuck with me (harvey, sam, shane, sebastian, alex, elliot) just cus i think the organization looks nice. although i feel like i accidentally conditioned myself into making that the actual order of who i like most to least😭😭😭
writing for harvey just gets my creative juices flowing, u know. i just love writing for him cus he’s the literal embodiment of my type LMFAO.
i love sam because he and i are veerryyyy similar. at least in the way that i hc him. plus he’s the bachelor that i’m most close with in age, so i just love him a lot.
tbh, shane isn’t my type in the slightest. i’ve never once married him in game, but for some reason i think he’s really fun to write sometimes. i mostly dickride the fanon version of him tho, i feel like if i stuck with canon i’d get bored (i sound like a horrible person😭😭) he’s got a very interesting storyline and he actually has character, so i like that a lot.
i definitely like sebastian more then shane as a bachelor tbh. i’ve always been more drawn to people that are shy and reserved and he’s exactly like that. i think he has a really interesting storyline that makes it enjoyable to write with.
as for alex, i actually love him believe it or not😭😭 i like how he’s a lowkey asshole, super self centered and stuff but he’s genuinely oblivious to it. like some of his dialogue where he’s just outright a dick & he doesn’t even realize it makes me laugh so hard. the one where he talks abt how he doesn’t want to donate his shoes bc he doesn’t like the idea of someone else WEARING HIS SHOES & then he just says “…what?” afterwards like…i can appreciate the humor. i think his backstory might be my favorite just because i can relate to it. he’s a genuine guy who tries to hide behind his masculinity, and by definition i don’t really gravitate towards those kinds of people, but i like him a lot.
and elliot…lol ok. it’s not that i don’t like him, that’s not it at all. i think he’s sweet, and i always enjoy getting my hearts up with him—but he’s definitely my least favorite to write. that’s only because he’s just kinda…there. lol. he doesn’t have a backstory, or much backbone to write with. i mean, we both have similar interests obviously, i love to write too, but that’s just about it that i have in common with him LMFAO. i can understand why people like him tho, so i won’t stop writing for him. i’m also open to getting to know him more, don’t get me wrong. i just haven’t.
so to answer ur question anon (cus i got WAY too carried away lol) i’ll write for any of them. but i guess, if i got an ask only to write for elliot…i might not AND IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!
i usually write whenever i feel entertained by the prompt, or when i feel extra creative, so who’s to say that i’ll never write for elliot stand-alone.
if someone wanted me to write for harvey and i just wasn’t very interested by the idea, then i probably wouldn’t do that either. i wish i had the drive to write like other people can, but i really only write if i’m enjoying what i’m writing.
i hope this helps, and thank you sm for liking my blog 🩷🩷
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useramor · 7 months
I've got a question for you...
What do you like about being in love/having crushes ?
hi anon!!
this is kind of a complicated question to be honest. i’ve only ever liked one person. ever. she was my best friend from ages 16-20 and i was in love with her the literal whole time. it didn’t end well and that was two years ago and i haven’t liked anyone since. i didn’t like anyone before her, either. and, frankly, i knew my love was unrequited. i was pining for someone who would never want me back, and that made the crush part kind of awful. i would look at her and think she’s the most beautiful person i’d ever seen and then she’d tell me about this piece of shit guy she met at college.
it kind of sucked?
we were SUCH good friends though. i’ve never had chemistry with someone like that, we got on unbelievably well, and i could never help from thinking it would translate so well to a romantic relationship, but it never got there. and i’ve dated people but i never liked them and did it more for the societal pressure so i still don’t have my answer.
so i have no idea. i’m not into the whole dating or sex thing. occasionally i’ll find someone attractive but then the idea of actually being with them is so horrendous that i put out the “crush” before it can go anywhere. and i do have people i want to befriend SO SO BAD that i almost always mistake for a crush but it’s never that because every time the flirty jokes and teasing turn into actual flirting i start running for the hills.
i will say i do smile a lot and i get really excited to be around the person and that’s nice but again i’m pretty sure that’s just friendship.
so i guess my answer to your question is “i don’t know, i don’t do that” (and tbh this all could’ve been summarized by me saying i’m aroace but i love to yap <3)
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jasontoddiefor · 2 years
because I am now personally effected- I don't really get how this makes Bruce right though? So what if he is personally effected. Does it not then mean it is his responsibility to either over come this or get someone else to do this. If a lawyer is personally effected by a case they can only refuse to not take it if someone else is able to take up the case. Otherwise if there is no one else they don't get to just drop it and either let the person be undefended or let the person go free.
Lawyers cannot refuse a case if there— @primeemeraldheiress is this true?????
That’s incredibly fucked up. What the hell. Who decided that????? Like, I’m assuming most lawyers have got the emotional capacity to know their limits and usually don’t have to be the ones making the case against their child’s murderer but just what the hell
Okay but we’re all in agreement that’s fucked up right. The solution to “I’m not capable of handling this” shouldn’t be “well you better become it or nothing happens 🤷🏾‍♂️”
And yeah, that brings me back to Batman I guess. Like, if you can’t handle something, you obviously shouldn’t be doing the job?
I’m queer and I’m perfectly willing to go argue with transphobes and homophobes but I know there are other queer people who couldn’t handle that so they also shouldn’t do it??? I wouldn’t expect them to step up and do an action detrimental to themselves????
Batman exists because the system is fucked and doesn’t work. If it would, Batman would be entirely unnecessary. If Gotham’s infrastructure worked, the Waynes wouldn’t have to pay it all out of their own pockets.
But also here’s the thing. We can’t keep claiming Batman isn’t doing enough when his limits are the narrative.
Joker gets locked up in a high security prison or so? He gets out!
You kill the Joker? Jokes on you, you become the Joker!
Batman actually does kill the Joker? Well, even Jason doesn’t like the person he becomes after that (Countdown I believe was that story line.)
So fundamentally I guess, we’re back to “Batman doesn’t want to make the same mistakes as the failing system i.e. judge jury executioner all at once” and “Batman deserves to have his boundaries respected”
Like, I’m sorry anon, I don’t know how to articulate “I think people shouldn’t be forced to do things that worsens their mental health” in a better way.
Batman doesn’t even have an obligation to be doing the job? There’s no work contract that says “you must dress up as a bat and protect gotham”, he’s doing that because he’s trying to save people. He already IS stepping up because nobody else is doing theirs??? Without Batman around, the Joker would be entirely out of control.
He could nope out of it every day and just hang up the mantle but doesn’t because he’s the only support system Gotham’s got?
He knows he can’t make sound judgement about the Joker because he’s too deeply involved and steps back. That’s more healthy self awareness than you’d expect of his repressed self tbh.
So, yeah, anyway.
TLDR: yeah I do think it’s good when people say “this is too personal, I can’t handle this, I cannot make this decision claiming to be neutral” and “I’ve been given/reached considerable power and I’m not going to abuse it for my own agenda”
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ollyou · 8 months
Sorry another non-art post but I wanted to point out to some very disrespectful people that this is NOT an art only account > <“
This account was actually made to be mostly rambles, and just because I like pmtok and center most of my stuff around olly doesnt mean thats all i do either! I never wanted to be a pmtok-only artist; i just draw what i want to rather than what other people like to see
I’m a rambler at heart and if you dont like that then you shouldnt follow me, or just mute #rambling !! Alternatively if you don’t want to see any negative posts, mute #negative ^_^
Tbh as someone who has never had an anonymous ask box before joining the pmtok fandom, stuff like this just comes off as really mean and dehumanizing?? Please unfollow me if you have a mindset like this. I constantly tell people to just send me fun asks and stop trying to order me around like a slave and then people who claim to follow me pull this…. 😓 I hope you know that if you think you’re entitled to my artwork and can tell me to “shut the fuck up” for simply speaking how I feel about the constant harassment the toxic side of the fandom has given me and my friends/mutuals, I do not like you and you’re not allowed to enjoy my art tbh….
Tumblr media
There is no “we”, just this rude person who likes to pretend they are a fan. But no fan acts like this. I want my fanbase to be a nice and welcoming place full of gentle and friendly people, not entitled bullies who treat me like their slave. Keep it to yourself if you don’t enjoy my rambling, please, or just unfollow/mute the tags I appropriately place for these sorts of posts <3
I blocked this anon immediately after screenshotting this but tbh I’m not sure if that blocks their actual account too… cause I wanna make sure they can’t view my account if all they want to do is dehumanize me. Idk it’s really weird how this fandom acts sometimes which is why I’m so strict with my dni and byf stuff but people don’t listen most of the time…. Agh!!
I make one post telling the people harassing and stalking me for several months if not years to leave me and my friends alone, and these people suddenly get the idea I’m just an art-making machine…. It’s frustrating but in the end I just want to receive nice anon asks. I appreciate all the friendly anons!! Thank you so much. You make my days so much better. I feel bad that sometimes I can’t respond to them, but I read them all. I save them all. I love them all <:)
But yeah… please unfollow me if you’re unwilling to just mute my #rambling and #negative tags when all you do is complain I don’t post art enough…. Also idk, if you want me to post more art then…? Why not you compliment my art? What’s the point of not ever supporting my art when I post it, then complaining and belittling me when I don’t post it? That’s why I block these people. Very very disrespectful.
I know it’s best to just ignore this stuff! And I do. I ignore a lot of it. It is quite annoying, but I ignore it so I can give the nice people room to speak. It’s really rare that I actually speak up about this stuff tbh. I’m almost positive these are all just the same few people block evading me via VPN anyway hahahah. Especially since I’ve seen them do that, too.
Also, I do recognize it’s very likely no one will read this all the way. But I usually don’t write things expecting people to read them! I mostly write stuff for myself, like a journal of some sorts. :D It’s probably a bit weird when I advertise my art and whatnot too, but y’know. I don’t want my tumblr blog to be just… some soulless art dump. I’m not looking for attention, just respect, I guess.
Ah, in the end I’m sure those bullies will use this to fuel their constant harassment of me anonymously (because they too cowardly to hate me normally, I guess), but tbh they just kind of… complain about a singular post I’ll make for the first time in forever for days straight and act like that type of post is all I make, so I guess there’s no appeasing them. Not that I even want to make happy the people who treat me as subhuman.
Idk why people are so entertained by being assholes, but maybe that’s just the naive part of me thinking! I’m no grown adult or anything. In my head I am just a little baby still learning about the online world as I was raised very sheltered from all that stuff and avoided toxicity wherever I went… 💦 I am a tumblr baby! Sorry..!
Ah!!!! Rambling too much. Hahah. Thank you for reading. Hey, if you got this far, why not you send me a friendly anon message? Gotta clean out all the garbage from within my inbox, though I think I’ve done a pretty good job at it as is.
I will post again when I have something to say or more art to share!!!!
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soup-for-ghosts · 1 year
I would love to hear your thoughts actually!
I’m guessing this is about the crick thing? well then buckle up buckaroo because you are indulging me and my insanity here good anon and this is either gonna make total sense, or you’re gonna have no idea what the heckity heck I’m talking about
ot2 (temenos chapter 3 stormhail + a bit of his chapter 4 and a little from jftd) spoilers and also me just rambling extensively under cut
ok so first of all, let’s the establish the reason they killed off crick in canon, cause yes there is a reason. obviously they want to make you sad, it’s a tragedy. they want to make you feel shocked and sad over the death of a very prominent and generally lovable side character. but, why? it’s pretty annoying actually, the more you think about it. chances are, everyone who played this game went into temenos chapter 4 with a desire for vengeance. kaldena was the mastermind, yes, but more importantly, she killed crick. see what I mean here? crick dies to give the player a good reason to hate dena, who otherwise is a lot easier to empathize with (at least for me). did she have all those people killed? yes (god forbid women do anything), but why? she’s one of the sole survivors of the genocide against the kal, and she was a child when she witnessed it. not to mention, she, like several characters in this game, was manipulated by arcanette. does this justify her actions? no. but it’s a lot easier to understand why she did what she did when you consider all of those factors. this isn’t about dena though, it’s about crick. why did she kill crick? because he “knew too much”? it’s so out of nowhere, you blink and in the next scene he’s dead, all just to make the player have a reason to hate dena. does she deserve to be hated? that’s a matter of a opinion, and I don’t want to go on too much of a tangent here. I will get back to the characterization of dena momentarily, however.
main thing for me is just how spontaneous his death is. like one second he’s there talking and the next he’s just. gone. you could argue there’s at least some build up to it, but if you ask me, some does not equal enough. man gets all his death flags in one scene, like buddy this isn’t a speedrun… ok so here’s the part where I propose an alternate way for chapter 3 stormhail to go. crick still goes to the library alone, that part makes sense given the conversation prior. he’s trying to find out for himself what to have faith in, and if the sacred guard is not worth said faith. he finds the book of night, and so far everything progresses like it would normally in canon, until dena shows up. dena still attacks him, and the game would still have the player witness that, but I feel like it would be better if her dialogue in this scene was different. just to make an example, in chapter 4, she asks temenos to join her. why wouldn’t she do the same here?? it’s not like she believes crick isn’t capable, she knows for a fact that he is. she doesn’t have to be entirely sorry, because at this point she’s pretty much in that too far to turn back mindset, but I dunno. I just think she could have been written way better overall, tbh. but anyways, crick and dena still have their fight, and crick still gets injured. injured, not killed. he manages to run away with only the page that he normally tears from the book, while kaldena was able to take the rest of it back, and henceforth let him run, considering that he’s probably dying anyways, and she has what she wants. eventually, temenos would encounter crick trying to find him, acknowledge that he’s injured, and probably take him to some kind of healer as soon as possible. whether he tries heal him himself, whether he finds someone else, or if you’re me and you says stormhail’s got nothing on castti florenz, you let her be a miracle worker, it’s up to whatever interpretation you think is more interesting, really. regardless, once temenos can confine that he’s at least stable, the phantom guiding segment would proceed as normal, but instead of coping with the denial that he’s dead, temenos would have to cope with the unsurity of it all instead! is he dead, is he not? is he going to lose him too? no one knows (not yet at least)! so you still get that dread, you still get the sadness of it all, and if the writers so desperately want to make dena more hateable than I personally think she is, you can still extrapolate that I guess (I’d rather no one did though). as for the confrontation with cubaryi, that would progress as normal, with her still regarding crick as dead, because as far as she knows or cares, he is. after all that though, give it some time and eventually crick would regain consciousness, but there’s still that lingering fear that he almost died! it’s not unlikely for death to come back to knock so terribly soon. it’s the fear of not knowing versus the acceptance of what has already happened and cannot be undone. also ort probably has no idea whether or not crick is dead until either the events of chapter 4 or afterwards, so that’s fun for him. but yeah, crick not dying still has that fun sprinkle of tragedy and worry to it, almost more so than him actually dying if you consider that death is a set in stone thing here, and with him dying there’s that stage where it’s just accepted, and they move on. with him still being alive, but having almost died already, there isn’t a chance for that acceptance, because nothing definite has occurred. does that make sense?? I have no idea.
as for crick himself, I’d imagine he’d probably sustain an injury that would more than likely hinder his ability to act as a knight, but that kinda gets into my perception of post-canon, which isn’t. terribly relevant to this topic? but considering that this subject feeds into that, I guess it kinda is? long story short, I imagine ort taking over as the captain, considering both dena and cubaryi are dead by now and he’s kinda the next best as far as the authority here goes. and then like I mentioned before, due to the injury and ort not wanting him to get hurt any further, crick might retire from the sacred guard. that’s. just my view on things, though, I don’t expect everyone to agree. I do have thoughts on the concept of him not retiring, as well, but like. he deserves a break I think. he’d keep the sword by his side, but he’d get a break from everything that caused him such strife. lastly maybe he moves away from stormhail, maybe even to flamechurch. but I like knightlight so of course I’d say that lmao
anyways I’ll cut it there. I hope that made any bit of sense, and that I’m not just being ridiculous with my thoughts here- if I make no sense, and my imaginings are preposterous then oh well, it makes more sense in my head than on paper (tumblr post?) then.
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jonsaslove · 1 year
Honestly, I’m torn on this one, not because I have a strong opinion on whether he’ll finish it or not (it’s a coin toss for me) but because I’ve realised that I’m kind of fine with it if he doesn’t ? Like, I had this conversation on twitter recently, too, but he doesn’t actually owe us this. And yes, yes, the fans made him rich, so on and so forth, but at the same time, we’ve paid for the books we already own, not any future releases.
Right now, his interest seems to be occupied with a bunch of other things and, personally, that’s fine to me. Partially I suspects that that’s because I loved the show’s ending (rushed but logical ending) and am completely fine with it being the only one I get, but also because he deserves to do what he wants ? He’s, what, 80ish years old ? There comes a point for most people when we realise that legacy isn’t everything and being happy and content with what you do here and now is extremely important, so if that’s what makes him happy, that’s fine. If he takes his time with TWOW, publishes it in like another two years and then never publishes ADOS, that’s also fine. If he wants to explore the world of ASOIAF on the side, that, too, is fine (though tbh I want him to focus more on Westeros in those spin-offs because that’s where my interest is, but that’s once again not really my call to make). We’re only here once, as far as we know, at least.
Either way, I understand the fanbase’s frustration, but I understand his, too.
Thanks for this anon! Really agree with mostly everything you said. I too have no issue with the show’s ending other than it being rushed when it could have been a lot better even if they just gave season 7 & 8 full 10 episodes each.
My one gripe I guess is if GRRM intends for Tyrion to live in the books…idk how he wants us to get from point A to point B. But in general no character arcs surprised me. I guess I also don’t expect Jon to stay in exile.
I honestly don’t devote a lot of time thinking about if we will get Winds/Dream because yeah I’m mostly content as well.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Journal Entries of Bipolar sh*t compiled to Show the Mind of Someone with BP:
[Entries from my mood journals:] 
TW: Mental Health
These entries are personal, I wrote them as I was going through whatever I end up writing about, I took out any personal details so it reads like ANON.
Energy Levels: 
July 15th 2020: 
Questionable levels of energy. Went to bed at 9am and woke up at 6pm. Just really tired, I feel just,,,, exhausted in an empty almost depressive kind of way. Could a depressive episode be looming on the horizon? Conversely, however, my energy has been pretty high the last three-four days at least. I’ve been somewhat motivated, getting work done, and also having major problems with insomnia that really kind of came out of nowhere. That’s why I couldn’t fall asleep until 9am last night. (Though my time blindness when doing things I enjoy certainly doesn’t help.)
July 16th 2020: 
(went to bed at 9am, awoke at 7pm)
Another feeling of low energy. I’d rate it about 3.5/10 (5 being normal.) Mood wise, I'm in a rather neutral mood, though I’m starting to worry that it’s getting more and more apathetic. (Especially when I’m dehydrated.) 
Executive dysfunction is rearing its ugly head. It’s hard for me to do things, I kinda want to curl into a ball and do nothing for great periods of time. I find it hard to really be motivated or to make myself WANT to look nice when I see my friend tomorrow. It’s actually kind of worrying, but my overall mood (as I said) is still pretty neutral. 
July 17th, 2020: A solid 3/10 
(Bed @ 7/8-ish am. Woke at 1:09pm to go to a friend’s.) 
I just feel tired and kinda zen, not gonna lie. Like relaxed and ready to slip into unconsciousness at any moment. Not necessarily as apathetic as yesterday, but that could be because I am around my good friend, and being around my good friends makes me happy, distracted, and more energized, even with barely any sleep.
July 18th 2020: 
Bed time:  Close to 11:30 pm Wake Up: Close to 9am. (Like 8:40 am or something) 
A solid 2.2/10 
I’ve had low energy for a bit now and I know it’s starting to roll into my apathetic depressions. Today [friend] wanted me to go to the gym/pool with [them] and I was REALLY not feeling it, but [they] were  gungho for it and were talking about it like it was already going to be a done-deal. This kinda soured me because I really do not want to move around much when I’m like this and I ESPECIALLY did not want to go to the pool—  I knew I’d be the only one in the pool, alone, because I didn’t bring shoes so I either had to wait horrendously by myself in the locker room or pool it out alone until someone joined me after their workout.
I DID feel great when I stepped into that lukewarm shower before having to get into the pool, but like, WOAH MAN, I got super apathetic, I contemplated just staying in the shower for an hour and like hOO wow. Not great. 0/10 would not recommend. 
I did actually enjoy the pool though and after about 15 minutes of [friend] joining me I began to go back to a more neutral state of mind, so that was good. 
When we went to the mall it was fun too, but for some reason (I can’t even explain why) I hit a low— low, and started to second-guess everything (even my friendship with them) and wondered if I should never talk or see them ever again from then on. It was really melodramatic and I don’t even know why I thought about it for a minute there. After a few minutes I was snapped back to normal by hanging out with my friends and then I was kinda okay again. 
Emotionally (when I’m not feeling low energy/apathetic/empty AF) I feel on the verge of just breaking down into tears and laughing like a maniac.
July 24th
Bed: 9pm-ish  Woke: 5am 
Energy: 4-ish (Maybe even a bit more of a 3.5 rn) 
These last few days have been a blur tbh. I went on a webtoon-reading, what-music-was-I-listening-to-in-middle-school binge these last couple of days and so I remember not much. The hyper focus really had me there lol. 
July 28th 2020: 
Bed: 1:15 am Woke: 6:30 am 
Mood: When I was awake earlier and reading, about a 3. RIGHT NOW??? 1.5/10 and quickly approaching a meltdown. 
I am SO SO tired and almost about to have an emotional breakdown for no reason. I have no idea where this is coming from but I am going to tuck into bed and disappear from existence because I need to sleep for 19hrs or I WILL throw a fit. 
**Some notes for July 28th. I tried to sleep at 7/8pm because I felt an incoming meltdown. But then I was suddenly wide awake? Like my energy was at a 7 while my mood was at a 0.5. Basically, not fun, would never repeat again. 
July 31st, 2020: 
Bed: Around midnight/1 am woke: 3pm. 
Energy: 4/10
I don’t know why I slept for so long, but I def. could have slept longer. In fact most of the day I felt kind of bleh. 
Not terrible enough to lie down but also not normal-normal. 
August 26th, 2020: 
Woke: 7pm Slept: 9/10am 
Mood: 4.5/10 
In general I’ve felt fine. Not as exhausted, and definitely  in a good mood. Maybe it’s because I’m purposefully taking it easy while still trying to accomplish the small things. Ahhhh I feel so accomplished, yo!!!
But just as a general warning, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay optimistic. (Hopefully for a long time.) I just feel the depressive episode on the horizon. For now, I’m doing self care so that I can fight  it off, but hopefully it won’t be “only a matter of time.” 
Thursday — September 17th, 2020: 
Slept: 1am woke: 7:30am 
Mood: 5/10 ENERGY: 2.5/10 
Though I’m in a pretty genial mood, I just feel so tired. Which makes no sense because yesterday I woke up at like 7pm and went to bed at 1am. So WHAT TF bro. I’ve just been lying in my bed all day because that’s like the only way I feel somewhat decent. 
Kinda want to take a nap but I know that’ll do me absolutely no good whatsoever, so I’m gonna stay awake and try to be as productive as I can be when I’m lying down in a horizontal position.
[Journal Entry] 
“Saturday: October 10th, 2020 —  Around Night
Right now I feel invincible. Like I can write and capture that perfect melody. Pen to paper. Pencil to sketchbook. For this moment, just right now, I feel as if I could do anything, and that makes me so, so, happy. 
Today is a happy day, which is made funnier or perhaps more ironic by the fact that I didn’t even want to wake up today. [Which I did, begrudgingly, at 6pm-ish.] 
The tides really do come and go. So never feel too down. At some point you’ll feel like this again. The cogs keep turning and life goes on. 
Mood: 10/10 Energy: 10/10.”
[End quote] 
“October 13th, 2020 — Tuesday, 10:45 AM. 
So many thoughts have taken travels in my hand. Today I feel invincible again. Much like I did in the last entry. I have been an unfortunate disappointment to my family, though. My energy, motivation, and time has been entangled lately. Entangled deep into my mind, my media, and the interests I partake in: The Void ™. 
Therefore I haven’t been of much help, entertainment, or enjoyment for my loved ones. Last Sunday our relatives gathered at our house to celebrate [my brother's] birthday. Yet I stayed in bed. I did not celebrate with them, and ignored their asks of me. I’m quite disappointed in myself for being this way. I can only strive to be better. I may not have been energetic or involved these last few days, but I feel much better now that I’ve gotten rest. 
Though I’ll always be fighting with that void that distracts and captures my attentions, I won’t let these strings choke me.” [End Quote] 
October 18th 2020:
Slept: 10am Woke: 4am
Mood:2.5/10. Energy:2/10
I just feel very anxious (like pit of nervous energy going 100mph in my stomach) anxious. I’m gonna try and nap the wired energy off cause it’s making me panicked 
[Journal Entry] 
“October 18th, 2020 — Sunday, 3:46 AM
I’ve gone and slept all of saturday. But hopefully this will fix my sleep schedule. I’m also (not quite anxious, but I know the tension is there, rising, ready to explode on the horizon. Already it’s October 18th, and yet it feels as if I’ve accomplished nothing. And perhaps I haven’t.”
[End quote] 
“October 24th, 2020 — Saturday, 9:55 PM.
At the beginning of this page I felt indescribable emotion fill me. Everything was pointless. I’d forgotten how to fly and instead remembered how to nap. For a singular moment I wanted to sleep into nonexistence. I wanted to cry, too. But mostly, I was just tired. I could do nothing but sit and want to sleep, and I had not even the strength or energy to loathe myself for this. So I decided to scrapbook instead and then maybe sleep after I’d written all this leak in me from pen to paper. But in the (time it)  took for me to design the page I fell out of my emotional range. Instead I felt calm. Pacified. Silly, isn’t it? I’m supposed to edit today and tomorrow, but I’ve let today slip away. 
I’ve also eaten too much again. I feel sick. Like I’m eating as much as I can before a hibernation. Does my body feel a depressive episode coming before I do? Is that it? Or is my overeating and lack of control leading me into a spiral? I shouldn’t be feeling like this. So much anxious, emotional energy. I’m wired as shit and I hate this jittery-ness. 
It’s suffocating. Like a snake’s wrapped itself over me and keeps constricting, tighter, and tighter, and tighter, till there’s nothing left.”
[End of entry] 
“November 10, 2020 — Tuesday 
Pros: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days. 
Cons: I watched lupinranger like 3 times in the span of 3 days.”
[End Quote] 
[Around 3 month time skip]
[Sunday, February 28th, 2021 — 2:04 AM] 
“I’m treading water. Another month passes. Hopefully I’ll make all I can of this last day. I walked some, but I still haven’t reached my desired destination. Guess I have no choice but to keep going! Everything has a time. I can only continue trying. That’s all I can do. To quit is to have nothing for myself, not even dreams. ‘Being confident that he who began a good work in you will carry on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.’ (-Something Phillipians.) 
I dream of many things. I pray that March gives me what I need. Please be here with me, hold my hand in these times and keep me close in your thoughts. I’m trying. I’m always trying. Day by day, hour by hour, sometimes minute by minute. I can’t do this alone. (I wish I could.) My brain is so easily distracted and it’s hard to get by even doing things I joy. I wish I had something that could force me to function. All I have is myself.  
One day I won’t just be writing dreams with no evidence. Every step is part of the journey (even if it doesn’t feel like it.) So thank you for walking with me. I don’t have the strength to do this alone. Please, please hold my hand through the anxieties and whisper that it’ll be alright. I’m blindfolded, and I’m walking on a tightrope, and I need you to tell me when and how to jump so that I’ll land in the net. I’m blind but I’m listening. September 30th feels a lightyear away. It’s hard to forget the lack when you’re faced with it everyday. And I’m unsure. Please tell me that it’s worth it. Please. Please help me. Please. Please lead me. Please help me.” 
[End of entry.]
Part: [1], [2], [3], [4]
This is the first part of the journal entries, I'll be uploading another compilation after each newly posted PPT essay.
Bipolar PPT Essay: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Visuals of depressive episodes: (1), (2)
PPT Essay Extras: (1), (2), (3)
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sehodreamsthoughts · 1 month
heheh do u know if he’s going to be in a group or not? i will look into it later, but i saw ur tags say he might sing trot or i misunderstood?
ooh hehe so ill respond to ur responses and give my own for the two that we both asked each other.. ur not crazy for wearing jeans to bed but tbh with u i would never!! maybe in the past but i’m very much a get home and put my pajamas on person.. i don’t wear anything other than pajamas in my apartment but i also have a cat and he’s a longhair, he’s very hairy and his hair gets over everything and im weird about having cat hair all over my daytime/going out leaving the house clothes, so i don’t want to wear anything that’ll get dirty/hairy at home and i don’t want to be deterred from cuddling him or picking him up either🤭🤭
as for a medium that i find most touching? your answer was really lovely and makes a lot of sense!! and i think writing and music go hand in hand very well so its cool that both of those are mediums u feel connected to because they compliment each other well i think. i’d have to say writing might be one for me, as well, or poetry but it depends because im not really big into poetry.. like i just don’t read a lot of it but could.. i think i prefer to take in information/learn things through reading/seeing it written down or actually doing it, so i think i connect with writing because of just that, like how my brain works i don’t know.
for orchid, a song that is perfect? i’m trying to think because songs i like usually change a lot, and we talked about this before.. im not super into lyrics? ‘honestly’ by riize sounds soo good to me like just the way it sounds is amazing and i thought that song was so perfect when i heard it for the first time i was like this is incredible i love how this sounds so much… idk🤕🤕
and for palm tree? a fictional character that i love but shouldn’t hehe, im trying to think of a good answer im sure i have one…idk if this counts but.. have u seen do revenge ? it’s like a teen/chick flick thing but it was recent but i really liked it and austin abrams is an actor in it and like.. he’s horrible but like.. i would still fold. like idk what it is about the little guy i want him so bad. every now and then he shows up in a movie i watch and im like oh hi…
i honestly can’t think of a villain rn😭😭 i do love a good feminine revenge story though so like, if a woman is doing things that are really horrible and wrong but it has a deeper purpose that maybe only makes sense to her… i love her<3
also it is hard having an expressive face but the positive is that it usually means ur honest and you don’t hide things from people.. makes sense with being a scorpio though too and having intense emotions and feelings towards things?
and i loveee matcha that sounds really fun if u are able to u should try making drinks at home! i always want to as well but i have a lot of trouble keeping my home clean and organized and so it gets more stressful to do a lot of stuff that requires clean up… idk if im making sense,,, also i dont usually wake up super early for work so i usually just stop for coffee on the way there.
thanks for playing and asking<333 i’m sorry i feel like my answers could be better i’m just still sooo tired from the concerts ive been feeling so sick and only just got home recently :((
- 🥟 anon
I just saw that he was going to debut as a trot singer but I honestly have no idea since I just saw it on TikTok 😭, to be honest I don't care what he does I just want to see him so bad 😭😭😭 he has so much talent, a great voice, dancing skills and such a nice presence, he made me fall in love with him when I saw him those few times with the neos and oh god, I mean, I love the seven, but idk, I guess since he's older he wouldn't have fitted the riize concept, but it'd have been so nice to see him with Eunseok and Hani 😭
I have a cat too! He's not long haired but I totally understand the hair thing, my cat is white and before I leave my house I always clean my clothes with a sticky roll(?) because I also can't stop him, if he wants a hug or rest in my lap how could I 😭, I love him so much even when he's a little piece of shit (he's fucking demanding I swear, a covid cat 🫠)
I'm also not so big in poetry, I have friends that read poetry most of the time but I need a little more to feel the stories 🫠 anyways I think is great that you connect with writing! I also believe that those two (music and writing) are connected, or at least in our cases because I can't imagine myself writing/reading without music, even if I repeat the same song in a loop, I need some feeling 😭
Awww I find it so adorable that one of the songs you consider perfect is from riize, I don't really enjoy honestly because I can't with the lyrics 😭 (not judging of course), but if I had to choose one song from them I think I'd choose memories because I also fell in love with it the second it started, it made me feel like when I was school and I listened to exo between classes, the MV is precious to me and it's simply the song I've repeated the most from riize ever 🩷 (I can't believe that one song did so much for me to even come back to Tumblr and write for a group 😭, I think l my feelings aren't as strong as then, but I still appreciate them a lot!)
I haven't seen that movie but I know the guy! I saw what he did but I can't find him hot as a bad guy if I'm honest, I just saw him in euphoria and thought he was the cutest thing ever 😭(also the bathroom scene... Sorry but the way he came after eating Kat out had me wishing it was me 😭😭😭😭) For that question I also can't think of any villain but I guess it could include Loki and Bucky, those two had me on a chokehold the whole lock down and I didn't care that they were fucking wrong and did really bad things, I just wanted them SO BAD 😭 (oh, I love women taking revenge too, one of my favorite movies ever is promising young woman and I support women in everything they do, rights and wrongs 👩‍🦯)
It could be said that me being expressive is related to honesty but if I'm fr with you I hid a ton of shit when I was younger and I still do so I don't know if that could be applied to me 💔, I show my emotions but I don't think I could be considered a piece of god taking into account that I do lie or manipulate reality into my benefit a lot 😭 (this sounds bad but it's related to my job ☠️), I don't like doing it in my real life anymore but God when I was younger I'd turn my body and tell my parents with a straight voice "oh yeah I was studying" but I would be in another place maybe having brunch with a tinder guy (my parents were pretty strict until lock down 😭), I was a bit out of control when I was younger, but now I'm a new person and mostly do it only at work (also because I'm such a sweet pea right now I don't really have nothing to hide? I haven't gone out on a date for a year already and spend most of my time on my own so I don't know what I would have to lie about 😭)
You're totally making sense, that's also part of my case so that's one of the reasons I usually drink or eat outside, just that in my case is because if I do something for me, I have to do it for everyone, and there's nothing I hate more than having to serve others because I don't only hate to prepare a ton of shit but I also have to clean it up? No thanks ☠️ (well, there goes my dream of being a stay at home wife for a sexy older man like Hugh Jackman or Pedro Pascal...)
Thank you for playing with me my love and please don't worry at all about your answers, they were perfect and I enjoyed reading them a lot! Please take your time to get your energies back, you've had an intense week and you deserve it 🩷🩷🩷
0 notes
m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
That answers my question I just completely forgot to send it in omfg I CANNOT let myself get distracted while replying anymore I literally like almost deleted this note thinking I already sent it in goodbye.
But anyways….……
LMFAOOO THANK YOU I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT!!! You’ll be the first to know if I ever actually start using it HAHA honestly you’d probably end up answering some boomer like tumblr questions of mine bc I’m ngl why’s there sm on this platform HAHA now that I think about it though I straight up just don’t post anywhere maybe I should start changing that…..
NO SO TRUE because I just KNOW they’re picking the juiciest stories like I’m not scrolling through that subreddit myself HAHA
Just doing my part for the Karasu community!!! Gotta kick start it somewhere yk hopefully I’m inspiring people to talk and request Karasu more often!!!! LMAO wait that’s actually kinda crazy though HAHAHA I guess the Hiori requester sniffed out your secret side character vibes before I did smh….lowk that is interesting though?? Ok my thought process was definitely 1) ok she knows Kaiser so she’s def read the manga 2) she has no character limits so I’m just gonna shoot my shot (it worked out in the best possible way omg) I’ve def seen blogs that only write for the main characters ****itoshis but a good amount of them do out only a specific handful of characters in their request rules….wait actually pause I think the main tipping point for me is actually when I ended up reading cherry tree and was like no fucking way Karasu mention??? Time to test the waters because I kid you not I loved the way you did cherry tree but I was also so fucking hooked on the Karasu cameo I was like oh em gee….karasu mention and HE TALKS?? Guys….so yeah!! Actually that also jogs my memory and clears up my own thoughts of how I first found you (again…??) my memory’s kinda bad if you couldn’t tell HAHAHA
Ok……Mira really trying to solidify the shower evidence…sus…/j
THATS WHAT IM SAYING HAHAHAAH ok but like I was a little surprised that they were the color scene I thought it would’ve been some Kaiser Isagi Rin looking thing with maybe mini side characters in the bg kinda like your current header! Stop did we just manifest ego glow up too??
That’s funny because I also haven’t watched but ik what you’re talking about because I remember seeing people freak out over it LMAOOO BUT FR omg shin ah so gorgeous??? Also omfg you’re so right??? The side by side of Hak and hair down zantetsu….the resemblance is uncanny….but FR S2 being my real male leads into the spotlight please….
Tbh I don’t have high hopes for the fandom but we’ll know in our hearts that Karasu is just a closeted sweetheart loser!!! Ok the Nagi cheater allegations and red flags are actually INSANE like how tf??????????? I seriously have no idea what people are on do you think bro even has the energy to cheat……
LMAOO you’re giving them a reality check on everyone’s behalf we thank you for your service o7
Honestly pop off LMAOO like who’s gonna go challenge your parents sooo also wtf????!!!! BRO DID WHAT???!!!! wtf I literally have no words what the helllllllll glad you’re safe now but omg I hope you never have to experience something like that again….um wdym you have more stories like that??????????? Idk if you’ve ever seen those wild tiktok sponsored posts of like this weird pheromone attractive perfume I think you need creep repellent you’re rizz is too strong…..wtf…..also ENJOY SWITZERLAND!!!!!
But omg another storm shshshs stay safe??? Manifesting your electricity holds up from now on HAHA I’d imagine there aren’t storms in Switzerland rn so….
-Karasu anon
LMAOO no i always get so distracted that ‘save draft’ button is my savior when it comes to answering asks but ik you can’t really do that when sending them 😭 if i ever take more than like a day to respond without explanation feel free to send a check-in ask because that means i’m either being unprecedented levels of offline or i just didn’t get it/see it!!
tumblr takes soo long to get a hang of i will be happy to answer any boomer questions of yours as i probably had the same questions when i first began using the app!! i will always be here for the reveal if/when it comes
i guess the side character vibes i give off are too strong…also hiori made a cameo in cherry tree alongside otoya and karasu so they might’ve made a similar journey as you LMAOAO especially because they mentioned in the request that they had read and liked cherry tree!! that’s so funny that that fic (which i wrote for the most basic character ever) is what led to side character fans finding me!! omg no because tbh there was no reason for karasu to be the one talking in that scene but i was starving and desperate to write him and i thought he could pull it off and now i’m so glad i did that!! and yeah a lot of people tend to only write for a few characters which i think is fair because i 100% get being uncomfortable writing for characters you’re unfamiliar with 🧐 me personally though…if i’m in a fandom there’s not a character in it I WON’T write for!! if i’m too unfamiliar with them i’ll just do research until i feel decent abt it (that’s what i did for the hiori request hehe read and reread his ln + wiki until i was like “okay i think i can do this”)
I SHOWER I PROMISE I SHOWER (not clickbait!!)
maybe this means the NEL arc is ending soon?? like they’re putting all of the coaches in the color spread because we won’t see them again for a while…honestly i really liked this (much more exciting than the last epinagi one) and i’m happy it wasn’t the kaiser + isagi + rin combo again!! all of the coaches are really interesting to me as they all show diff pitfalls of professionals sports (chris + vanity, snuffy + depression/burnout, loki + selfishness, lavinho + immaturity iirc?? and noa + being boring af /j) honestly i could read a spinoff abt all of them too!! and omg ego glow up too…we sensed the vibes in the air and we knew egonation was about to RISE
SHINAH MY BELOVEDDD omg i actually once started a fic for him that was the precursor for hurricanes / hummingbirds in many ways and i still think abt it sometimes but like the fandom for yotd is so nonexistent that i never got the motivation to finish it!! but i think i answered an ask abt it as part of a tag game once here if you’re in the mood for some mira writing while waiting for bfb!! no but the resemblance between zantetsu and hak is uncanny omg team v trio is actually team shoujo trio all of them look like they deserve to be male leads…zantetsu in a historical fantasy shoujo, nagi in a high school slice of life but also mental health focused shoujo, and reo in a ceo romance shoujo SKDJFHS they’re all so bf i love them
we will always know the truth abt karasu and that’s what matters 😩 no because i need to know…do the nagi cheater/red flag (which are unrelated to his laziness) allegations stem from him “leaving” reo during second selection?? because if so that’s insane to me there’s such a difference between joining a different soccer team and cheating on your romantic partner 😭 in epinagi even reo himself acknowledges that he SHOULD be happy for nagi and nagi is so ‘no thoughts head empty’ about it LKDFJGNS bro fr was putting the pieces together like isagi…”play soccer with isagi -> get better at soccer -> win world cup with reo 😄” HOW IS THIS A RED FLAG???
LMAOOO it’s so bad i feel like looking back my time in high school just sounds unreal?? i sent a picture of my eye to another guy i was friends with (in the same friend group as the other two ironically) to show him my new mascara and no joke he responded with an entire verse comparing my eyes to “the heavens” 😭⁉️ and there was also a point in my senior year when i kinda liked a junior on the soccer team (so bfb reader of me but like. reversed.) but for some reason everyone shipped me with the captain of the soccer team?? like people would harass my FRIENDS asking if i liked him…meanwhile i liked mr junior varsity who didn’t even get playtime 😓 it was so bad too i went to a soccer game and everyone thought i was attending to watch the captain, INCLUDING THE GUY I WAS INTO 😐 i went up to congratulate him after the game and bro fr said “did you see the captain play he was amazing” i just left at that point because what can you even do…these are relatively tame in terms of mira lore sadly KJSHGHDFK this is why i have never had a boyfriend or first kiss or anything like that 💔 they’re all CRAZY 😱
SWITZERLAND SOON!! unfortunately my dreams of finishing bfb before my flight are definitely not coming true sooo ig i know what i’m doing for the entire plane ride!! hopefully the lack of distractions will help me finish it up and then i can just proofread in my downtime and hopefully post at some point soon…feel like i’ve been teasing you all for so long but i promise it will be long enough to make the wait worth it (i hope anyways)
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Oh my lord. You didn’t tell me I Was Anastasia would be so depressing. I shed some tears when the family was getting murdered. That was rough. A lot of it was tbh, especially the train scene. That was nasty. But I guess it makes sense considering Anastsia’s story. I think a lot of people know it. I will say I didn’t know about Anna Anderson and her side of things. In my defense, I’m not a huge Anastasia buff to begin with. I’m just familiar with the very basics of her story.
The only problem I really had was how the book was structured and how it flip flopped between timelines. I don’t mind duel timelines but the way this one was laid out was a bit confusing, even after reading the author’s note. Maybe because I read it through audio and so I couldn’t go and recheck what exact date we were in.
I’m not gonna lie, because of how it flip flopped and with the title, I kinda thought Anna was like a ‘reincarnated’ Anastasia and she was telling her past life to the readers, and the reveal at the end would be something like “I was Anastasia but now I’m Anna in this new life” instead of “I tricked you into thinking I was Anastasia”. If that makes sense lol. Had I known Anna was an actual person in history, I would’ve gone into the book knowing that there was a scam-like situation going on. Maybe if I read the synopsis but I didn’t. I almost never do anymore tbh.
I still really liked it though and I’m glad I took your suggestion to read it. I also feel like I had a history lesson with this one. And that’s not a complaint on my part. I like learning about history. I got in line for the other book you mentioned too and I’m excited about it.
On a different note (sort of) as soon as I returned I Was Anastasia, Lady Sherlock 7 was available for me to rent! That helped lift my melancholy mood and I snagged it right away. That timing could not have been more perfect. I love it when stuff like that happens. It’s like fate lol.
My library also got 2 more copies of the 8th Lady Sherlock audiobook, which means I only have to wait 2 weeks now instead of 10! It’s about time my library realized that people are enjoying these books and need more than 1 copy. I’m excited, talk about luck.
-Book Anon
If I'm being honest here, Book Anon, my only knowledge of Anastasia's story came from the cartoon movie LOL 😅 so I had like no idea about anything I was about to get into. I knew the myth, not the history. And I had no idea whatsoever about Anna Anderson either, so that threw me for a really big loop.
The whole thing was so wild to me, and honestly, I got choked up at the end too. My tears were a combination of shock, anger, and sadness. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me, ya know? But still, the whole story was so very good. I enjoyed every bit of it.
I'm sure listening to it got confusing with the different dates. Now that you mention it, I remember flipping back and forth to check dates, and I remember at one point when I did, I was like *that doesn't add up*. That should have been my first clue I suppose. Still! I enjoyed it, and I'm glad you did too.
Hooray about the Lady Sherlock books too! That's very exciting! I like how things like that line up too; it's so satisfying. I'm excited for you!
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