#anon i want you to know this unlocked something in me. sorry it took so long to answer
fangedfcker · 4 months
vampire sub x priest dom who keeps "accidentally" burning them with the crucifix on their rosary...
anon I like your mind.
being marked up, knowing if I move or flinch away I'd make it worse.
being bent over a pew with them behind me, leaning over so it brushes my back, pushing me down and leaning further in the closer they get so the crucifix rests on my back, and I know the only way to get it away is to get them off.
sitting chest to chest on their lap, crucifix just happening to be pressed to where my heart is but they won't let me go or pull away. maybe even play dumb about what's burning me. or just soothe me and tell me I'm being so good when I cling to them and plead for mercy.
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maxlarens · 2 months
Hi! Can i request friends for lovers with lando saying "i can't seem to take neither my eyes, nor my mind off of you, [name]." ✨🫶 thank you
usually i am so Consumed by the idea of the ✨Tension✨ of friends to lovers that i never do a confession scene but here is me making good on that finally. i hope u liked this anon!!!! sorry it took a while.
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In hindsight, you think you should have woken up that morning and known. Known via some cosmic force that today was going to be it— the day you’d been waiting basically a decade for, the day you don't think you'll forget as long as you live—
Instead, you wake up bolt upright at three in the morning, heart beating frantic in your chest, to five missed calls from your best friend.
"What?", you groan, angry, into the phone, then, realising he's calling you at three in the morning, a more concerned note seeps into your tone, "Lan, is that you? You alright?"
"I locked myself out," is the gravelly reply.
"You locked yourself out?"
"I— yes," he hisses down the line, "I forgot my keys okay."
You snort, say, "You're a silly billy," without thinking anything of it.
You'll attribute it to sleep deprivation later, but you'll also find that Lando thinks nothing further of it, too used to you throwing affectionate nicknames his way—
"Shuddup," he mumbles.
You think he's drunk, at least tipsy. He'd said something offhandedly on your FaceTime call yesterday about going out with a few friends you don't know. Besides, there's a slur to his words, a tiredness.
"Come up already," you tell him.
"'M right outside."
You hum in confirmation that you've heard him, put your phone back on the nightstand and slip out from under the covers. You're wearing a sweatshirt that's three sizes too big it might be Lando's and pink fuzzy socks, you feel goosebumps rise on your legs as you pad to the front door. You lean heavily against the wall, closing your eyes as you unlock the padlock and swing it open for your friend.
Lando stumbles in. You twist around to look at him. He's not as drunk as you thought he might be. Sleepy though. You can tell by the squint of his eyes, how they're red rimmed and the mess of his hair. Run through too many times with his hand.
"You want your spare key?", you question as Lando turns on his heel, finding you at the sound of your voice.
He frowns, looking at you like you've grown two heads. Crease forming between his eyebrows.
"Nuh," he shakes his head, then reaches forward to take your wrist, hauling you back through the apartment, "Let's go sleep."
You shrug, acquiescing as he leads you to your bedroom. If you hadn't just been woken up from a dead sleep you might have felt a little weird about it. Paid attention to the stirring feeling low in your gut. Instead, you slip into bed and pull the covers back for Lando without a care in the world.
It's not that weird, you think as he kicks off his shoes and rummages around on your hanging rail for a shirt big enough for him. He finds one that you're sure was originally his. You look away as he changes, shucking out of the short sleeve button up you'd helped him pick out, peeling off chinos you'd also picked out. There's a pair of his gym shorts laying around somewhere, you know it— but he doesn't bother to look for them. Just pulls the t-shirt on over his bare tan chest and climbs in next to you.
You've done this before. Many times. And the two of you make a deliberate point of not being weird about, even though it's been a point of contention in every relationship either of you have had to date. And you don't know what it is tonight this morning, but his presence next to you is making your chest tight. Something skitters up your spine as he slots into your space.
As casual as ever he slings an arm over your waist, tugs you closer to him and presses the line of his nose into the back of your neck. Briefly, he reaches to swipe your hair out of the way, mumbling something about it tickling him.
There's something set ablaze in your stomach.
"G'night, babe," he mutters, breath fanning your ear.
God. You have to suppress a shiver. The babe thing isn't even anything different, he calls you that often enough mostly when he's had something to drink, there's just something about it right now. When you're sleep-woozy and he's just undressed in front of you. Maybe you had a weird dream about him again and you can't remember it, even if your subconscious does.
You bite down on your tongue, answer, "Sleep tight, Lan."
He hums. You crack your neck to stop from letting out a noise that would be utterly indecent right now. Unaware, Lando puts his nose right back in the same spot. You lie there for a while, wired and buzzing, until you hear his breathing steady and deepen as he falls asleep. And even though you feel like every nerve ending in your body is on fire, sleep finds you too.
You wake up again, later, to the morning sun pouring in through your curtains. It lights up the empty space on the bed in front of you. Acreage of bed, pillow, not taken up by anyone.
Still, on your other side, Lando's in your personal space to a degree that you don't realise at first. You wake up disoriented, grappling to remember the events of early that morning. There’s still no cosmic thing telling you that you need to remember today. Commit every single second to memory as it happens. You try to roll over, feeling warmth at your back but not thinking anything of it until Lando gripes something unintelligible into your ear—
Okay. Memories return to you now.
You start to contextualise the skin on yours.
Lando's arm is still slung around your waist, but his hand has made it's way underneath your jumper. Fingers dig into the plush skin of your bare stomach, clutching like you'll slip out of his grasp if he's not careful. Somehow, the other arm has forced it's way under your pillow and you can feel the line of his body against your back, where he's gotten as close to you as he could manage. His legs tangle with yours, one of them spreading out into your space, strewn diagonally across the bed. His knee presses up into the meat of your thigh.
You try not to think how easily your bodies fit together.
You're still for a while. Drifting in and out of sleep. You're comfortable, above all else. You don't really want Lando to move. This certainly isn't the first time you've woken up like this, tangled up with each other, you're betting you'll be able to pass it off with a silly comment once Lando wakes up. You'll extract yourselves from each other and get on with your day like usual.
No big deal—
Lando wakes up half an hour or so later and acts like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He yawns loudly into your ear and rolls over without fanfare—
No big deal—
It's only when you're in the kitchen together— cooking bacon and eggs while Lando drinks coffee from your espresso machine— that the cracks start to show.
You glance at him sideways, watching as he gnaws at the inside of his mouth. His eyes slip off you, directing to the sizzling pan, “What’s up?”, you ask, “Something happen?”
He shakes his head, too quickly, “No. Nope— I—”
He tapers off his sentence, shaking his head. Nose scrunching momentarily. You raise an eyebrow but don’t think much of it. It’s Lando, he’ll tell you if it’s important. Plus, you’re kinda busy right now making sure the eggs don’t burn. A few minutes pass, you ask him to grab plates. He says okay and then drags out an,
“Um,” for so long that you’re a little concerned.
Something nervous flutters in your chest, you’re turning the heat on the burner down low before you know why. You’ve just been friends with Lando for so long, you know when there’s something heavy in his words, when there’s something on the tip of his tongue.
You turn to give him your full attention, your eyebrows furrowing as you look up at him.
“Plates, Lan?”
He’s staring at you. Like, staring at you. Like, slack-jawed, eyes glittering, staring. Like how the guy looks at the girl at the end of every rom-com ever. Like how Harry looks at Sally in every fucking scene of your favourite movie of all time. Like—
Shit. Do you have a massive fuck off pimple on your face? Have you turned blue? Are you being completely out of your mind delusional right now? Because there’s something suddenly wreaking havoc in your stomach. And you really do want to believe that Lando is looking at you in that way, and not just because you’ve got something embarrassing on your face—
“Lando,” you say, firmly, urgency to it, “Spit it out.”
He shakes his head.
You put a hand on his bicep, “Lando.”
It’s got to be that. It’s got to be—
God, your chest feels tight. Your skin feels like it’s on fire. He’s not even said anything yet!
It’s got to be—
He blinks. You think your sudden intensity has made him nervous because he rolls his shoulders and cracks his neck from side to side. A little groan escapes his lips.
“I just—” he sighs heavily, as if it’s too hard to force out; but he’s still looking at you, “What if, I was— ugh, no, nothing, it’s fine—”
“What if you were what?”, it’s out of your mouth before you can think. You think you know exactly what the end of his sentence is. You think perhaps you are too. A pause, then, being braver than you thought you could be, you add, “In love with me?”
He looks immediately as if you’ve sucker punched him right in the gut. Eyes wide and wet and red-rimmed, like kicked puppy, a pleading dog. There’s something scared, nervous, in the set of his shoulders as well. You watch them draw up to his chin as he tries to sink into them.
“Why would you say that?” His voice is downright panicked, “How did you know that?”
Your heart stops beating in your chest, drops into your stomach and falls right out your ass. You shake your head,
“I didn’t. I didn’t. I just guessed, Lan,” you realise your hand is still on his bicep, you squeeze, “Are you?”
“Am I?”, he looks slightly incredulous, baffled at what you’re saying like it’s supposed to be obvious that he is, “Jesus. Of course I am. I can’t– I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re there all the time. And y’know, I see you and you’re just,” he waves an arm between the two of you, gesturing up and down at your body, “You’re fucken’ gorgeous. And you don’t say a thing when we wake up together and I’m basically, on top of you—”
“You don’t say anything either,” you gripe, even though there’s something like joy clawing up your throat, “I thought it was normal.”
Lando tips his head back, groans something halfway filthy, “Normal. I didn’t let half my exes sleep over, and I turned around if they did sleep in my bed. And— fuck, y’know— my keys are actually in my pants pocket right now. I was out drinking and having fun and all I could think about was how much I missed you. How much I just wanted to like, crawl into bed with you.”
“You arsehole.”
“You arsehole,” you repeat, “I would have let you in anyway. You didn’t have to lie.”
For a long minute, Lando gapes at you like a fish out of water. Briefly, you think maybe you’ve screwed it by being too mean. It’s never stopped you before, but you’ve also never been in this exact situation with Lando before, frighteningly enough—
One second you’re running through all the possible apologies you could give to make it better, to smooth it all over, and then the next Lando is kissing you—
Or, you feel his hand on your chin first, your mouth forming the first letter of shit, sorry Lan, and then suddenly his mouth is slanting across yours. He tastes a bit like morning breath and a lot like bitter coffee, but his mouth is wet and soft and your lips slot together so perfectly. You put a hand in his curls and find that it feels different to when you card your fingers through his hair.
He’s got a hand on your waist and he’s digging his fingers into your jaw like you’re going to pull away from him without warning and never come back.
“Lan,” you say into his mouth, he pauses long enough for you to speak, lips hovering, nearly touching, “‘M not going anywhere.”
He shakes his head, slanting forward to kiss you again, “No, you’re not,” he pulls back again, pressing his forehead to yours, green-as-grass eyes boring into yours, “Please say you’re in love with me right now?”
Despite yourself, you raise an eyebrow, “Are you in love with me?”
He sighs something ragged out through his nose, kisses you again, says, “‘Course, I’m in love with you. How could I not be,” into your mouth.
You hum from the back of your throat, tongue slipping forward to press against his teeth, tangling against his, “Then of course I am, Lan,” you echo.
How could you not be?
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u just know all of lando's gfs/situationships HATED the fuck out of her
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unluckywisher · 2 months
hi lovely! i absolutely LOVEEE ur writing and i loved ur one piece with sylus where we turn tiny it was so cute!! i’ve literally be starving for some sylus content and since requests are open i was wondering if could request some hurt/comfort? like maybe we’re patching up his wounds or something 👀 i’ll leave the imagination up to you <33 - ⭐️ anon
Thank you so much!!!! <3 You got it, here you go :D
~Taking care of Sylus after a fight~
It starts as angst but becomes fluff. Trust me.
Sylus was late. He was usually very punctual, but not today. Missed call after missed call, unread text after unread text, you sat on the couch of his penthouse with your head between your hands, waiting for anything.
Every now and then you'd look to the window, in hopes of seeing his crow at least, but no such comfort ever came.
Finally, finally, you heard the door unlock. You rushed to scold him and ask for explanations, but freezed upon seeing him. He was covered in bruises and wounds, blood still fresh on some of them.
"What happened?" Your anger turned to concern, your hands flying to your mouth.
"Deal gone wrong. I'm fine," he took off his jacket and hung it up on the coat rack, "I'm sorry I'm late."
"Fuck that!" Your anger came back. "You disappear for hours with no way to contact you, you appear beaten half to death, and all you have to say for yourself is 'I'm fine, sorry I'm late'?" You scoffed.
"I really am sorry." He did sound apologetic, to his credit.
"Let's patch you up," you grabbed his arm and dragged him to the bathroom.
He could tell you cared about him even if you were angry, and he knew the best thing he could do at the moment was shut up and let you take the lead.
"Sit," you pointed at the edge of the bathtub, "and take your shirt off."
He obeyed, taking a seat and unbuttoning the now bloodied and cut piece of clothing that used to be a shirt.
You grabbed the first-aid kit from the cupboard, going in your head through the things you wanted to say, staying silent in the end. You sat next to him, the kit on your lap, and you took the rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
With the first press on his wounds, he hissed, but said nothing.
"I was so worried," you started, "I didn't know what you were up to, or where you were, or who you were with. I couldn't call anyone, not even your crow was around..." Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes. "I thought something had happened to you."
"You know I've always been okay-"
"No! I don't! Because you don't bother to tell me anything beforehand! I have to find out afterwards, when you've already gone through hell and back!" You break down crying, putting the bloodied cotton down. "Please, I just want you to rely on me more. So I can help you if things go wrong, so you don't end up like this."
His expression turned somber. He reached to grab your hand between his and wipe your tears.
"I really thought it would be fine. One of the men had an unexpected Evol and... Things got messy. But you're right, I should've told you more before I left."
"You didn't even return any calls or messages."
"My phone ran out of battery."
You couldn't stay mad at him for too long. After all, the reason you were mad at him in the first place was because you were worried about him, worried that something had happened to the man you loved.
"I'm so sorry," he leaned his forehead against yours, "I promise I will never leave you in the dark like that again."
You closed your eyes for a moment. He was here, and he was okay. And you believed his promise, so things would be fine from now on.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," you opened your eyes and kissed his cheek with a smile, "now let's take care of you properly."
He smiled back, letting go of your hand. "You don't have to-"
You sushed him, "I want to."
You picked up the cotton ball and began cleaning his wounds again, careful not to hurt him too much with the rubbing alcohol. After, you bandaged the ones that needed bandaging, and applied some cream to the bruises.
Throughout the process, Sylus looked at you with nothing but love and appreciation. He thought he was the luckiest man ever to have you caring for him, even after making you angry - something he was already thinking of remedying by spoiling you for the rest of the week.
"Done. Are your muscles sore? Let me give you a massage," you said as you put the first-aid kit away.
"A massage, too? I should be the one doing things for you."
"I insist. You'll have time to repay my kindness later," you giggled, knowing the way his mind worked.
You took his hand and led him to the bedroom, gesturing for him to lay on the bed. He did, with a sharp sigh of exhaustion.
"Tell me if I hurt you, this is supposed to bring you relief, not make it worse."
"I doubt you could make it worse," he smirked, closing his eyes and resting his head on the pillow.
"Is that supposed to be a challenge?"
"I take it back."
Laughing, you began massaging his upper back, careful on the spots where the bruises and wounds were. His muscles were stiff at first, but soon relaxed under your gentle fingers, his expression softening as well.
You massaged his lower back and arms too, his hands last. He made groans of both pain and relief as you did, but ultimately he felt in much better shape thanks to you.
He got up from the bed and stretched, "thank you," he kissed you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck carefully and kissed him back, "I'm just happy you're okay."
However, you weren't done.
"Change your clothes while I reheat your dinner."
"Sweetheart, I-"
You glared at him.
"Of course."
He felt bad that you were doing so much, but taking care of him at the moment was one of the best feelings in the world, and you were glad you could do that for him.
He changed into comfortable clothes and entered the kitchen, where you had set the table. The food had been cooked earlier for you and him, but you had already eaten yours, so you sat across from him just to keep him company.
You both took this time to talk about the fight he had gone through - "you should see the other guys" - and to talk about how things would change from now on to be more communicative, a very open and honest conversation that didn't feel uncomfortable to have, and by the end of it, you both felt completely satisfied and more in love than ever with each other.
He put away his used tableware into the dishwasher and walked back to your side so you could go to bed together.
You got into bed, cuddling up to him, his arms welcoming you in a warm embrace.
"Does it still hurt?" You asked.
"Less now, thanks to you," he kissed your forehead.
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, kissing him there.
"Can we go to the zoo tomorrow? As a date." You knew he wouldn't say no.
"I don't see why not. Do you want me to rent the whole zoo for both of us so we don't have to deal with the other visitors?"
"I was joking."
"No you weren't."
"...no I wasn't."
"I love you."
"I love you too. I love you. I love you. Good night, my sweet."
"Good night."
"I love you."
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thegnomelord · 4 months
Hello there! I'm a new anon, kinda scared to ask and spill all of my weird ass fantasies that I can come up with, but I somehow found the courage to do so.
After reading through the soft sex fic with Makarov (and omfg I am going CRAZY over it) I just randomly came up with an idea involving that.
So hear me out (aka let me just be delusional)...
You, a member of 141, currently stand in the interrogation room, your back facing the door as you stared down at the one and only Vladimir Makarov himself. It was honestly a miracle that you had been able to capture him, and you still had no idea how the hell the rest of your team had managed it.
You were currently their last hope at getting some sort of information out of him, and by now the others knew very well by now how talented you were at getting it out of prisoners (albeit they didn't quite know what your methods were), hence why you were here in this room.
At this point you might as well have tried everything, these including the good old torture methods (which you noticed he seemed to quote like for some reason, perhaps he was a masochist, you weren’t completely sure), intimidation, asking politely (which wouldn't you know, didn't work), and practically everything you could think of.
As you racked your brain for any sort of other ideas, you could hear some sort of taunt from the other, and that must have set you off or something along those lines as you found yourself suddenly pinning the bastard down on the desk (you must have unlocked his handcuffs at one point during it, or perhaps he had already managed to unlock them beforehand, you weren't paying attention).
You wanted to think that the other was surprised, even just a little bit, but he wasn't, having probably expected you to have a small outburst.
Maybe you would have to resort to that. That one method that none of the others had seen in action, but one that if they did, you'd definitely get in a lot of trouble from. At least it always seemed to work.
So that's how you found yourself slowly fucking the other, not at all causing any pain, and although you'd expect the cold metal table would still inflicted just a little, you had taken the precaution to place something soft under the other to ensure that he couldn't get what he wanted. This was torture, even if in the eyes of others (not that they'd ever get to see this sight) it'd be much better, but no, it wasn't. You were well aware that the other wished for it to be harsh, having picked up on it earlier (the sick bastard), so you did the complete opposite. You weren't exactly used to it, but it was a last ditch effort.
So yeah thanks for reading whatever the hell that was :)
Idk how to continue it.
- ⨂ (I swear if that symbol has already been taken)
No no dude this is so good! SOrry it took me a lil while to respond lol, but you got my brain worms going brrrrrr so I'm just continuing it :Dd.
CW: NSFW, MDNI, Vladimir Makarov x male reader, short ficlet
You are so getting discharged for this.
"Is this what you wanted?" You ask under your breath, voice husky and raw. You grip his hip gently, your other hand keeping his tied wrists pinned to the scratchy blanket covering the cold table. "All that snark, all those insults," You slowly grind your hips, cock lazily scrapping against his walls and making him groan. "Is this what you wanted?"
It's not like he can talk with his tie gagging him. It's the softest material you had on hand, and it works to ensure Makarov doesn't bite you or himself. You're smart, despite him thinking on the contrary, more than the gruff animals that had captured him. No, you're clever. Clever enough to realize bloodshed and pain are not the stones that pave Makarov's road to hell.
Makarov trembles beneath you, teeth clenching on the fabric, desperate to get his lip between his teeth so he could bite it raw. He can't. Hell he can barely stifle the groans and moans, chest heaving to swallow the sound before it can stumble past his open mouth when your head grinds down on his prostate. Drool runs down his chin, precum leaking on his belly where his cock is trapped between your belies.
He wants to curse you out, wants to get his hands around your throat and squeeze until you choke on your own blood. But he only manages a small grunt, tear blurred eyes glaring up at you. His legs tighten around your waist, heels digging into your back.
A lick of pain races up your spine, but you don't fall for it, languidly rolling your hips. You'd taken your time to stretch him out with what you had, prepping him thoroughly even when he'd trashed and tried to kick you. You're glad you did, now Makarov can't ignore the stretch of his hole, your massive cock moulding his insides to your shape. It's just raw unadulterated feeling, please assaulting his mind whenever you bottom out and your cock bulges his stomach without any pain; so sweet it's sickening to him.
He'd kick himself at how the disgustingly sweet pleasure has his cock twitching, body winding tight as he gets closer and closer to orgasm. But his mind is starting to go numb, the hate he feels shrouded by the nearing edge of bliss. He nearly seizes off the table when you wrap your calloused hand around the base of his cock, squeezing until he's just at the cusp of pain.
"Nu-uh." You growl and stop, cock twitching deep inside him. Leaning down to press gentle kisses across his throat that burn him like acid. "You're not getting off easy." You growl, kissing the corner of his lip. "Not until you give me what I need." You look at him expectantly.
He bares his teeth, swinging his head to try and headbutt you, but you pull your head just at the right time.
"Have it your way." Your grip relaxes, starting to jerk him off at the same pace of your languidly rolling hips. His head rolls back, his best attempt at a hateful sound escaping him when his head rests on the soft blanket. He hates it, tries to struggle as best he can but it's fruitless as you just hold him down, forcing him to just take it, to just suffer this gentle torture.
You may be discharged for this. But fuck, you'll make him suffer before you are.
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ncroissant · 5 months
Can you do an one shot of Francis with doppelgänger reader?
sub! francis mosses x gn! doppelgänger! reader
summary: francis taking over the security guard for the day...
wc: 1.4k
content warning: nsfw, blowjob, vibrators, nipple play, anal, cock can be seen as a strap, exhibitionism, public sex
author's note: hiii! thank u for the ask anon!! sorry for the wait, this one has been collecting dust in my asks for a while :') idk why this took me THREE days to write?? hope u guys enjoy one !! not proof read, minors pls dni !!
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it was just another day, but there was a new security guard filling in.
francis was taking care of the affairs of the apartment at the request of a close friend, guarding the entrance for the day. usual protocol: check ids, entry requests, match names and faces.
but something about francis screamed gullible, naive and inexperienced. he just couldn't get every single person in correctly, could he?
"i just forgot my id at home, can't you just let me in?" a clear doppelgänger but it was just francis' first day! how could he tell the difference?
"mmmkay, come on in," and he'd give them such a nice smile, looking up at the doppelganger, handing them their things before they walked through. he was such a nice boy, so ignorant to who, or rather what, he was letting into the building.
so when your doppelgänger friends decided to ring you up to help infiltrate the building, your initial reaction of this pretty man was much different from what you were faced with.
you slipped your forged id and hastily written entry request through the opening, looking down at the man in front of you. "g'afternoon," you tipped your imaginary hat, watching francis gulp.
he couldn't even think straight the moment he got a whiff of your scent, not even carefully inspect the accuracy. lucky you. "c-come on in," he nodded, unlocking the door.
little did he know, you could infiltrate the security office to mess with him.
you creaked the door open, dropping to your knees to crawl towards the unattended male. he was letting in another resident, paying no mind to how you were nestled between his thighs.
but when your hand pressed on the unknowing bulge on his pants, he jolted. his eyes shot open, a small noise escaping his lips. he looked down at you, surprised at your sudden presence.
"shh. can't let 'em know i'm here, hm?" you pressed a finger against your lip, hoping to silence him. he picked up his jaw, biting his lip. "go on," you instructed, smiling at his obedience.
he shot his head up, looking up at his neighbor, william, inspecting his papers as carefully as he could. but the way your palm rubbed his cock through his pants made him buck his hips into your touch.
"h-hng, mm...you forgot to give me y...you're id, ngh..." he huffed, his hips shaking against the chair underneath. your fingers trailed to his zipper, slowly tugging it down.
when he let william in, he looked down at you shaking his head. as much as he wanted to scold you, another resident came in. "behave," he gritted his teeth, furrowing his brows.
as if he was in any position to be ordering you around.
you tugged his pants off, a spot of his underwear soaked. "so cute," you whispered to yourself, your breath making him shudder. he was so sensitive, like he's never been touched before.
"s-so, what brings you h-hengh, here today?" he almost jumped when you pinched at the head of his cock, toying with the pre-cum spilling out.
"c'mon francis, we're good friends. no need for any of that," the dark hair male chuckled, waving him off.
francis couldn't care less if this guy was his friend or foe, the way you were suckling his tip through his soaked undies made his jaw go slack.
you pulled off, looking up at him with furrowed brows. "we're not filming a porno, handsome. put that tongue back in your mouth," you quietly scolded.
he nodded with a gulp, before looking up at the resident in front of him. he looked over the papers, before sliding them back. "everything's go- ooONNGH?"
you fully latched your lips around his cock, the warmth of your mouth making him buck his hips. "what was that, buddy?" the man asked, poking his head backwards to look at francis.
"all good to go," he quickly coughed, sticking his thumb up.
when he locked the door, he threw his head back, tongue stuck out once again. "oooghh...y-you're so good at- ngggHH!" you took the entire length of his cock into your mouth, his tip kissing the back of your throat. "t-that..."
he didn't last long like that, cum pouring into your mouth, spilling down your lips. you looked up at the way his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squeezed shut when he came.
but you didn't give him very long to recover from his orgasm.
"hnngh? w-what's that- aaNGHH!"
you slipped a bullet vibe into his hole, pressing it deep against his best feeling spot. "wanna see how long you keep your composure with these," you giggled.
"these?" he tilted his head, but gasped when he felt your fingers slip under his shirt, lifting it to reveal his nipples. "mmngh, what's this for?"
you paid no mind to his whines, ripping off tape from his desk to tape vibrators to his chest. you buttoned his shirt again, the outline of the vibes slightly noticeable if you truly looked.
"you'll find out. just be a good boy 'n act normal, kay?" you knelt, looking up at him with an innocent smile.
his eyes widened, fidgeting in his seat. you not touching him made him antsy, but it was certainly easier to do a better job when he wasn't getting sucked off.
unfortunately, when the next resident arrived, you turned on the bullet vibe.
"OONGH?" he moaned so loudly that it couldn't have been mistaken as anything else.
the quiet buzz coming from his unzipped slacks could only be heard by you. his head was fuzzy, he couldn't think about anything except the vibrations coursing through his body just from his ass.
"are you okay, mr. mosses?" the visitor asked, inspecting his face.
if they leaned in any closer, they would've been able to see how fucked out he looked. tear stains on his cheeks, puffy bitten lips and cum pooling on his chair.
"f-fuuck...yes. e-entry request and- hNGH! id, please," he nodded, pretending to look at the entry request thoroughly. you turned on his nipple vibes at the last second when you saw him getting comfortable with the ass vibe.
the vibration on the nipple vibes were much more noticeable, his shirt shaking. the resident didn't question it, more interested in getting into the building.
he covered the drool seeping out of his mouth with the entry request, looking at the visitor with a blush and teary eyes. "y-you can, hnn, come..."
oh he wanted to cum so bad.
"come, mngh, come in. cum, c-cum, cummin', haaNGH!"
he pressed the button, cumming in his pants again, spurting in his chair. he didn't even want to look at the reaction of the neighbor he just let in.
you made him cum so many more times as he continued to fly through residents, making sure to make him cum just as they were about to pass through so they could hear the pathetic moan that burst out when he came.
"t-there's s'much c-cum, mngh..." he huffed, after the last visitor came through the entrance.
"you must be so tired, hm?" you cooed, feigning innocence. you had no plans of making it any easier. "so many people came through today. don't you want to make your job easier?"
he nodded hesitantly.
and so, when the next resident, gloria, came in, there francis was pressed up against the glass with his shirt popped open and pants pooled at his ankles with your cock buried deep in his hole.
"oh my!" gloria exclaimed, looking at the lewd sight in front of her.
"show her what you need to do get into the building, francie," you cooed, pressing the vibe deeper into his prostate.
he was nothing more than a cum dump for you, mind completely clouded by the pleasure he was feeling at the moment.
"i-i need cock f'you to get, hNGH, into the building," his cock smeared his cum against the glass, making pretty shapes for gloria to make out.
you chuckled, gripping at his hips. "and what?" you thrusted into him at a steady pace, his teeth gritting letting out vulgar moans.
"c-can't get in unless i, mmnnGHH, cum! cum, 'm cumming again!, cum, oONGH!" he threw his head back, staining the glass in cum.
the horror on gloria's face contorted into an evil smirk when francis fell over, nipple pressing the unlocked button. she was a doppelgänger, proud of the way you corrupted the security guard.
"have fun with your little toy..." she chuckled, strolling through. francis twitched, cum spilling out of his hole down his thighs.
oh, you were going to have a lot of fun your new little toy.
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
yandere kung lao I’m begginf,,,,
self aware! yandere kung lao x reader pt.1
warnings: mk1 story mode spoilers, obsessiveness, gender neutral reader, ooc kung lao, self aware kung lao
summary: kung lao is aware he is in a video game, and he just loves you so much. he just wishes he didn’t have to be behind a screen.
a/n: anon im so sorry it took me a bit to get to this, anyways i decided to mix it up and make kung lao self aware bc i thought my yandere hcs were getting too repetitive and i am also a diehard SAGAU fan. (also sorry for my mini break, finals week is crazy man.)
part 2
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- kung lao *hated* being stuck behind a screen. behind a stupid wall. away from you.
- you were just a regular mortal kombat fan. when mortal kombat 1 was announced, you were just so excited to get your hands on the game.
- you watched playthroughs before you could buy the game, and you were so happy when you found out that you could play as kung lao in the first chapter of story mode.
- when you got your hands on the game, you noticed that every time he had a funny one-liner in the story mode, he would look at the camera and wink. that’s weird… he didn’t do that in the playthroughs you watched… but oh well, it’s probably nothing.
- in the final battle you even chose to play as kung lao out of all the fighters. he was surprisingly easy to use, and his moves seemed to hit even harder than usual and the fights would be over in a blink of an eye. maybe he was buffed just for the fights?
- and when you finished the story mode and checked out all the skins and rewards you got, you noticed that you somehow had all of kung lao’s stuff unlocked. all of his palettes, skins, brutalities, etc. everything. you owned all of it. even the ones that weren’t out yet.
- you thought it was just a glitch, so you shut your device down and restarted it. but when you opened it again, his stuff was still there.
- and it got even weirder. when you tried to practice, the game only let you use kung lao. for some reason, you couldn’t use any other fighter. you couldn’t even use any kameo other than kung lao.
- he was still your favorite character and all, but that was weird. you tried to exit out of the game and restart it again, but it wouldn’t shut down. the game stayed on. it was frozen on kung lao. and he seemed to just stare at you. as if he knew you were there.
- you were starting to get creeped out, so you completely powered off your device and decided to leave it disconnected overnight.
- but over that little period of time, even though it was only a few hours to you, it felt like an eternity for kung lao.
- he felt hurt. a bit betrayed, even. did you not like him anymore? was he not enough for you? he gave you everything he could. he did everything he could to show his love for you, since he cannot communicate any other way.
- without you playing the game, he felt nothing. he couldn’t feel your warmth. it was nothing but a cold, dark space. he needed you. he needed you to always be with him. even if he couldn’t communicate with you, he’d figure something out.
- that’s why he was changing the coding of the game. he had to always be on your screen, or at least give you hints that he was self aware. he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you weren’t looking at him. if you weren’t using him all the time.
- what do you mean you want to main johnny cage? or raiden? or even syzoth? what do they have that kung lao doesn’t?
- you liked the powerful fighters? no worries, he can just nerf everyone else and completely manipulate the coding of the game so he has the best damage.
- you thought the other fighters were more attractive than him? he’ll change the game so their designs were ruined and less pleasing to your eye.
- he would mend himself to your liking. he just needed you to use him. please make him feel important and useful. make him feel worthy of being your main. your favorite.
- if anyone became your favorite instead of him, he would go ballistic. he would rethink his entire existence. he’s so strong, and funny, and easy to use. so why would you choose anyone else? what’s wrong with him? is he not enough for you?
- if kung lao found out you wanted to start using a different fighter, he would erase them from the game. they would be nowhere to be found. their image in the game would be warped into a bunch of blurry pixels.
- if he has to erase the entire kast of fighters, he will. he needs your love. he needs your attention. if he isn’t your favorite, then what is the point of his existence in the game?
- kung lao needs you. and you need him too. why can’t you see that? he’s done everything he could to gain your approval. he was already so great, but he changed himself for you. accept him. please.
- the last thing he would resort to is bringing you in the game with him. what better way to stay by your side, than force you into the world of mortal kombat?
- at first, he didn’t exactly like the thought of taking away your freedom, but the more he thought about it the more he craved your company. why stay behind your screen when he can just bring you with him? now, you don’t have to turn your device on and off! he’s not going anywhere. and you aren’t either.
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dizscreams · 1 year
— Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
TAGS: @ourloveisgod23 @xyzstar @wenvierismycomfort @beary-rambles @aesthetixhoe @gabbylovesreading @wekiamo @aqellano @mbankfav @teyamsgirll @c8rdigan @astermath @brakke-dino
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You were on the couch watching tv while you waited for your boyfriend to come over. He said he had to finish studying and he’d be on his way. Which was over 30 minutes ago, but you’re sure there was a good excuse for it! He was a busy guy so you usually had to be patient and wait for him.
You were mindlessly scrolling on your phone as you laid on the couch. You missed him a lot, lately there hadn’t been a lot of time to just relax and enjoy each others company. You lived with Sam, Tara, and Quinn and Ethan lived with Chad. So between school work and roommates you could never really be alone.
Quinn always barged in which was weird in certain situations or Tara and Sam would be arguing and Chad was Chad and always wanted to third wheel to embarrass Ethan.
You were about to text Ethan again before you heard a knock at the door. You threw the blanket off of you and ran towards the door and unlocking it quickly. “Hi, sorry I’m late,” your boyfriend said standing there with a shy smile on his face holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. “Eth, you didn’t have to do that,” you smiled brightly at him as you gently took it from his hands.
“No, but I wanted to. I felt bad for holding you up.”
“Thank you,” you said softly before giving him a quick peck on the lips, “You can sit down on the couch, I’m just gonna put these up.” He nodded and you quickly walked away from him and towards the kitchen causing Ethan to get a good look at your shirt. The design looked really familiar to him.
You found a glass big enough for the flowers and delicately took them out of the packaging. You grabbed all of them at once since it wasn’t a large bouquet and put them in, “There!” You tried walking away but were stopped when you felt two big arms wrapping around your waist followed by Ethan’s chin on your shoulder. “You’re wearing my shirt, aren’t you?”
You smiled and turned around so that you were now facing him, his arms still around your waist. “Maybe I am, what’s it to you?” He chuckled, “Nothing, I’m just kinda surprised is all?” “Surprised?” You asked confused and Ethan’s cheeks turned red, “I don’t know, it just looks good on you,” he said quietly. You kissed his cheek, “You’re so cute,” you giggled as you began to kiss his other cheek, then his head, then his nose, and then finally his lips.
You sighed as you both relaxed into the kiss, as this had been something you both were craving all day. You slowly put your arms around his neck and gently tugged him closer to you. The kiss was slow and passionate but Ethan eventually pulled away from you, smiling.
“I really do like seeing you in my shirt,” he said softly. “Don’t flatter yourself too much, I couldn’t find anything comfy to wear.” He rolled his eyes and you kissed his lips again. It was longer than a peck but shorter than what you guys did before. “So what movie do you wanna watch?” he asked. “You can pick-” but you didn’t have time to finish your sentence before he picked you up and walked towards the couch.
“Ethan! Put me down, what are you doing?”
He sat you down and flopped down next to you. “I was thinking a horror movie,” he told you. You hummed, “Of course you were.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Nothing!” You laughed.
“I think you’re just jealous you can’t handle horror movies.”
He looked away to focus back on picking a movie and you rolled your eyes playfully. You noticed he had the same dumb smile on his face as you probably did which only made you smile more as you got comfortable on the couch and held onto his arm. You put your head on his shoulder as you watched him scroll through movies.
He finally found one and out the remote onto the coffee table before leaning back and wrapping his arm around you. “It really does look good on you,” he said toying with the hem of the shirt. “I’m beginning to think you’re only saying that because it’s your shirt,” you said looking up at him. He smiled a bit, “Maybe. “Im not getting it back am I?”
“Not a chance”
You both giggled and you put your head back on his shoulder and muttered a quiet “I love you.” The movie had just started and you were already growing a little tired but you couldn’t help it, he gave you so much comfort.
“I love you too.”
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
Fuck it I love you
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pairing: sam carpenter x fem!reader
summary: When paired with Tara Carpenter for a project you were expecting a B or maybe even an A. Not falling in love with Tara's older sister, Sam.
series masterlist
words: 2.320k
warnings: mean sam, light swearing, reader being down bad for our sammy, bad writing
authors note: alright my darlings the first chapter to the sam mini series as promised. the wonderful anon who requested this, my dear i am so sorry it took so long for me to get to this. although it's taken a while, i do hope you still enjoy this! feedback and comments are greatly appreciated:)
The wonders of college. 
You get to meet new people, explore your sexuality, party like there’s no tomorrow, try new things and staying up till three in the morning  crying over a piece of work that’s due that very morning that you decided to wait till the last minute to do only to instantly regret it, saying you’ll never do the same mistake next time but  knowing deep down inside you will. 
And of course the trials and tribulations of group projects. Something everyone loathed, and if anyone said otherwise they’re lying. 
You have never been a fan of group projects; so when your professor announced that you’ll be doing a pair project you couldn’t tell if you wanted to slap him or cry. Probably both. The absolute worst thing about projects that involve more than one party member is awkwardly asking a stranger if they’re willing to work with you.
That’s why when you heard that familiar sweet voice speak to you, you couldn’t help but smile. 
“You cool with doing this together?” Tara Carpenter asked you with a nervous smile. 
You and Tara aren’t exactly friends, more like acquaintances; if one missed a presentation the other would give them their notes to copy off of, saving a seat next to each other, saying hello if you ever see each other around campus. 
It isn’t the fact you don’t want to be friends with Tara, she seems like a really kind woman but she’s quite distant and quiet. You can’t judge her or shame her for it since you’re shy, awkward and always in a state of anxiety. 
Maybe this would be the push to make you and Tara become friends. 
You smile at the brunette with an appreciative gleam in your eyes. “Please. I was already planning a speech on why the professor should allow me to do this alone.” Tara laughs, covering her mouth with her hand as the corner of her eyes crinkled with delight. 
“Lucky for me then.” Tara stays silent for a few moments before she added. “Do you wanna just get the whole awkward phone exchange now?” 
You chuckled, nodding your head as you dug out your phone from the pocket of your hoodie, unlocking it and passing it over to her. Tara stares between and your phone almost bewildered with the fact you just passed your phone over to her without hesitation, rather than just saying your number. 
She slowly takes your phone and adds her phone number into your contacts texting herself before passing it back to you. You smiled at her as you pocketed your phone back into its original space of your pocket. 
A few days have passed ever since you and Tara exchanged phone numbers but no plans had been made on when you two should start. You refused to leave this till the last second like you’ve done so many times before, swallowing your nerves you unlock your phone and send Tara a message.
Me (11:32am): hey tara it’s y/n from class, i was wondering what day we can meet to start our project. i was thinking we could meet in the library whenever you can :) 
Instantly you shut your phone off after the message is delivered; there always has been something so weirdly intimidating about messaging someone you don’t really know. Deciding to distract yourself you go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, leaving your phone in your room. 
After two episodes of New Girl and a delicious sandwich had been eaten you returned to your room in search of your phone. Flopping down on your bed you grab your phone and see Tara has messaged you back.
Tara (12:15pm): hi y/n:) if you’re free we can meet today to get started on our project? the only issue is that i can’t come to the library
Me (12:23pm): im more than good with today!! :D
Me (12:23pm): do you wanna come over to my apartment then??
Tara (12:24pm): actually is it alright if you come over to my apartment, around half two?
Me (12:24pm): yeah idm, just as long as we start it lol. where do you live?
Tara (12:28pm): the apartment complex near Blackmore, apartment number 56
Me (12:28pm): okie dokie, see you soon :D 
Tara (12:29pm): 😊👍
You grinned to yourself slightly proud you’ve decided to be smart and start this project early. You just hoped the actual planning of the project would go just as smoothly. 
At two you decided to leave your apartment, wearing a simple white shirt along with some mom jeans. Not even ten minutes into your walk it began pouring down with rain, leaving you sprinting towards the complex as your heavy backpack hit your bag with every step. 
Slamming the double door entrance to the apartment complex open, you instantly gasp for breath as water drips off of every part of you. 
How fucking typical. 
You pull out your phone and with wet fingers you send Tara a quick message before slowly starting to walk up the stairs. 
By the second floor you started to get tired, by the third you began wondering why the fuck there isn’t an elevator in this place, by the fourth you’re questioning your life choices and by the time you arrive on the fifth floor you’re breathing like a life long smoker who just ran towards the store after noticing they’re out of cigarettes.
Like a zombie you walk over to the apartment door with the number ‘56’ on it, sluggishly you raise your hand and knock on the door two times.
After a painstakingly long time a woman answers the door, and you’re pretty sure your heart explodes at the sight of her. 
She’s got olive skin that looks so irresistibly smooth, dark brown eyes that glared at you, she’s around the same height of you if not maybe a bit taller. She’s leaning against the door frame as she’s only opened the door a small amount so her figure could be shown. 
Her lips are pulled in a tight straight line as her arms crossed over her stomach, the tight grey vest top she’s wearing showing off her impressive biceps. She’s glaring at you with her cold eyes as she glowers down at you. 
“Who are you?” She asks in a voice that is ever so raspy, her eyes gazing up and down your body. Your ears burn scarlet red at her eyes checking you out as you stare at her in awe. “I’m, uhm, Tara’s project partner. Y/n L/n.” You stutter out as you can feel your heart beating erratically in your chest. 
If this isn't gay panic you don’t know what is. 
“Why are you so wet?” She questions with judging eyes.
‘Cause of you
“It started raining after I left my apartment and I didn’t bring a coat.” You explained with a nervous smile as you locked eyes with the woman’s. 
She hummed as she turned to look behind her, after a few seconds the door opened wider and Tara appeared next to the woman, the height difference between the two almost making you laugh.
Tara smiled a small smile to you before it faded and changed into shocked one. “You’re soaked.” She states in a matter of fact way. You laugh nervously as you nod your head, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “Started raining on the way here.” 
She frowned concerned as she took a step back, allowing you to enter, while the older woman still stayed in the doorway, glaring daggers at you. You swallowed nervously as Tara glared at the woman. “Sam, she's fine, don't be a bitch.” 
Sam stares at you for a while before she reluctantly leaves the doorway and back into the apartment, you smile at Sam’s behaviour as you turn to look at Tara.
“Sorry about her, she's just really protective over me.” Tara apologises with a smile as you enter the apartment, closing the door behind you. 
As you get a good view of the apartment you notice two other people talking to Sam, you've seen them around Blackmore.
The three of them are glaring at you as they whisper among each other. When they notice you’re looking at them they silence, all silently staring back at you.
Without thinking, you wave your hand at them as you smile. “Hi, I’m Y/n. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you two before around campus.”
Tara doesn’t allow you to say more as her slender fingers wrap around your wrist as she drags you towards the dining table, your eyes remained on her beautiful sister Sam.
“I'll get you a towel, you prepare.” Tara tells you with a smile before taking off. You nod your head as you do as she said, take off your backpack and take out everything from inside it and place it onto the table.
Tara thankfully returns a few minutes later with a towel and a dry hoodie, she passes them over to you.
“You can borrow the hoodie if you want since your shirt is more than less see through.” She says with an amused laugh, you look down at blush at the fact it’s quite obvious you’re wearing a black bra.
“Thank you.” You tell her with an embarrassed laugh as you shamelessly take off your shirt and throw it into your bag before putting on the hoodie. It's warm and slightly too big for you, but you don’t mind it. 
Grabbing the towel you place it under you, making sure you wouldn’t utterly soak the chair from the rain on your pants.
She gives a smile before she begins talking about her plans on what you two could do, stretching to reach the notebook full of notes you had brought with you. 
You tried listening to Tara, you truly did, but not even five minutes after Tara had begun talking Sam had entered the kitchen to make a drink.
Suddenly every word Tara uttered it went into one ear and flew right through the other. 
Her back faced you as she grabbed the glass from the top cabinet, not even having to go on the tip of her toes to reach it, something the shorter Carpenter would definitely have to do.
You smiled without noticing the longer you gazed at the gorgeous woman as she carried on making her drink. 
You snapped your head back at Tara who had her eyebrows raised. “Did you listen to anything I said?”
Sam turned to look at the both of you as she leaned against the counter, sipping her drink. Her eyes focused on you as she drank at a slow pace.
You smiled nervously at her to which Sam only scowled back at you. 
“Yeah, uhm, work and stuff right?” You waffled with a smile, Tara simply sighed as she shook her head. She went to say something but got interrupted by her older sister.
“Is that my hoodie?” Your head whips back towards Sam’s direction, Sam’s eyes focused on you. You blushed as you noticed Tara and let you borrow McHottie’s Sam's hoodie, not hers.
Your fingers toyed with the bottom of the hoodie nervously, before you could reply with utter gibberish Tara answered over you. “I let her borrow it since she was completely soaked.” She explained with a brief tight smile.
Sam hummed as she dropped the glass onto the counter. “But why give my hoodie to her? Why not yours?” 
“Because It was closest to me, Sam. Jesus she isn’t going to do anything so calm down.” Tara defended you in an annoyed tone now, her eyes glaring at Sam as she leaned on her hand. “And tell Chad and Mindy to cut it out with the staring.” 
“I can give it back if you’d like?” You gingerly asked. Both of the girl’s heads snapped towards you at your words. 
“You don’t have to-” Tara started before Sam interrupted her speedily 
“Yes. Give it back.” She demanded, pushing herself off the counter as she advanced towards you. Without hesitation you ripped the hoodie off of you, pulling it over your head quickly as your shirt rolled up with it.  
You smiled sweetly at her as you passed her the hoodie with your right hand, your left hand not so subtly pulling down your shirt. Her fingers grazed over your knuckles as she retrieved the jumper from your hand, her eyes ogling at your shirt momentarily. 
Her eyes connected with yours again as she pulled the hoodie to her side, she glowered over you as you looked up at her with a nervous smile. 
She’s so fucking pretty, oh my fucking-
“Don’t give my stuff out again, Tara.” Sam told her sister as her eyes stayed glued to yours, “Sure, whatever, will you just leave now?” Tara says with annoyance clear in her tone, Sam stared at you for a few more seconds before she fulfilled her sister’s wish by leaving the kitchen silently. 
Your eyes followed her leaving until she was out of your sight. Your eyes landed on the glaring twins to which you smiled awkwardly at them before you returned your attention back to Tara. 
The shorter girl huffed as she flicked through a few pages of a notebook. “Sorry about her, she’s just really protective over me.” She apologised again.
You smiled dreamily at her as you thought more of the older sister. “You don’t have to apologise, it’s actually kinda sweet.” 
Tara gives you a funny look as she snorts a laugh, her fingers finally stopping as she lands on the particular page she was looking for. “You must be delusional if you think Sam is sweet.” 
Guess I’m delusional then, you thought with a smile as your eyes gazed over the half full glass Sam had left in the kitchen. 
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Please could you do Will Graham x fem reader where she's kidnapped by him but he treats her so well? Like he is madly in love w her and even tho she doesn't like being kidnapped, she accepts her reality and starts to get along well with Will? And he's happy because maybe she can start feeling the same that him.
Smut and fluffy/angsty please! I love your work
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►PAIRING: Will Graham X F!Reader ►UNIVERSE: Hannibal ►WORDS: 1.1k ►SUMMARY/PROMPT: See Above. ►SONG INSPIRATION: Obsessed by Elle Lexxa ►TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angsty Reader | Fluffy Will | Unprotected Vaginal Penetration | Acceptance of situation - Stockholm Syndrome | I may be missing some, but you get a general idea, so please proceed with caution if there is anything in there that is overly triggering please let me know politely and I will make sure it is added to the list. ►NOTE: Hello Anon Requester and Reader. So in a previous post I had stated I will no longer be taking on Hannibal and Hannibal character requests until further notice. However, this request would finish up my series of Obsession. So for you and for the sake of finishing my series, I will fill this request and make it my third and final part of Obsession. You can read part one and part two in the links next to the masterlist. Sorry if this isn't what you expected, or had envisioned yourself, I apologize. But I hope you enjoyed my vision. ►IMAGE & DIVIDER CREDIT: @nyxvuxoa ►My Master Masterlist | Hannibal Masterlist | Obsession Pt. 1 Obsession Pt. 2
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You were just as lost then as you are now. You had no idea what was happening, but you were feeling it. You were feeling it deep, this sense of acceptance over everything. Maybe Will wasn't so bad, maybe there was good to him, after all, you never wanted for anything, you never needed anything, and anything you ever desired besides escaping you've gotten. The way you take your toast with a little extra jam on the bottom corner for your first bite, or how you take your coffee with a little pinch of cinnamon in the grinds before brewing. He took note of all of this, and you never felt unsafe with him. He never hurt you. All he's ever wanted was to love you, and for you to love him and here you are questioning the very same thing.
Knocking at your door he peeks in and looks at you with such a kind loving smile. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" He asks you.
Nodding you give a small smile tucking some hair away from your face. "I slept alright, thank you. Coffee? Maybe I can, I don't know, join you for breakfast this time instead of eating in here? The room is starting to smell like breakfast lunch and dinner." You give a small smile and a soft chuckle.
Will's eyes light up and he looks over you and with an eager nod he looked over you and gave you a genuine loving smile. Swallowing your pride, you give him a smile back and search his face. He seemed kind, caring even. You didn't want to judge but it was like you couldn't help it. He kidnapped you after all, but there was just something so soft and somber behind his eyes. You could feel that he could really do damage if he chose to, but he didn't. He didn't hurt you; he didn't want to. He's been nothing short of sweet with you.
You reach for him and look over him and give him a sweet smile and he takes your hand and kisses your hand gently before he unlocks your ankle from the chain and leads you to the kitchen. Sitting you down he smiles.
"Coffee? What would you like for breakfast?" He asked.
"Coffee sounds perfect. Breakfast... blueberry pancakes? With sausage on the side and an egg?" You ask with a small smile. "I can help if you'd like." You offer.
Looking at you he tilts his head and smiles nodding. "I'd like that."
Making your way over to the counter, it felt good to stretch your legs and do something other than reading, or sketching, even pacing your room was growing exhausting. You would attempt to see if he can take you out back to his beautiful garden later. But right now. Right now, you just wanted to enjoy doing something different after what seemed like days.
Taking a moment to watch him, you feel this urge to reach out and touch him. Looking up at him you smile. He looks over you, but it was this urge to reach out a little more. Pushing past, you start to realize a little more about him that was deeper, it was a deeper acceptance of things, you realize you're really not going anywhere.
"I want you to make love to me Will..." You state, almost hesitant, but genuine. "In your bed..." you add.
He stops and looks at you, tilting his head, a little concerned, but there was something in your eyes that spoke truth. He knew what this was, but he was also blinded by his own wants, needs, and desires. His utter infatuation with you.
He pulls you close and kisses you deeply. In a fever you wrap your arms around him and pull him even closer, your hands in his hair. Bending slightly, he picks you up, wrapping your legs around him as he takes you to his room.
Laying you upon his bed he looks over you as you toss your night shirt to the side and you sit up, reaching forward and pull at his pajama pants as he strips his shirt off and tosses it to the side. Dropping his pants, he scoots you further up on the bed, so your head rests on the pillows.
"Are you sure?" He asks. The first time he's asked for consent, but you know what, you were willing this time.
You look at him and nod. "I'm sure." you whisper as you press your lips to his and pull him closer.
Pressing your hips up toward him, you feel his member against your flesh, and you let out a soft whimper and a heavy breath. The kiss deepens. Feeling him stiffen against your warm, damp, needing core you whimper again and roll your hips against the stiffing flesh and with a small adjustment he slips his member between your heavenly folds, and he lets out a groan.
Feeling the way he stretches you, you let out a soft moaning whimper as you arch into him, your nails rake across his back up to his shoulders. His lips press against yours in a small fit of fever. With each thrust the grunts and groans matched.
He made your body feel hot, tingly, wanted even. Why did you not see this before? Maybe it was because it wasn't under your terms, but now, now this was your terms and it felt different. You could get more used to this than what you are now.
The roll of your hips matched the press of his in perfect unison, the moans from your lips bounced off the walls and it only fueled him even more. The way he filled you caused you to want more. You were absolutely lost in this moment, craving more you widen your hips and lose yourself completely to him.
While the act itself was intoxicating, what fueled you more was feeling that pining for a finish, feeling it swell within your core you clench your legs around him pulling him deeper into you. Letting out a seductive lustful scream in raw pleasure you feel this orgasm consume you. But it was when you felt him press deeper into you releasing his hot ribbons of seed, feeling them coat your walls you let out another trembling fluttering moan that fills the room.
After a few moments you both look at each other and you smile a somber calm loving smile. "Breakfast?" you ask.
With a chuckle he nods and carries you to the kitchen, setting you on the counter, his seed oozing from you as he smirks. It was this moment you realize that this man, you were going to enjoy the company of a little more than before. This moment right here that he knew you were going to be with him forever.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 11 months
Hi so i loved what the body wants and i was wondering if you’d do something similar like they hate each other, get locked in a small space but R’s claustrophobic and Rissa helps. Just a bunch of fluff? X
Yesss. Hi anon! Here’s an enemies to friends angst and fluff piece for you, dear anon!! Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Numb and Afraid ~Soft!Larissa Weems xFem Teacher!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, enemies to friends, happy ending fluff, claustrophobia, high anxiety, implied anxiety attack, crying, comforting, pet names, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Yes, Miss L/N… What do you want?” Larissa sighed in annoyance as you entered her office.
You gritted your teeth together at her tone. She made the hair on the back of your neck stand up in the worst way. You took a deep breath.
“I need access to the storage closet. I’m out of Kleenex.” You explained.
Larissa looked up from her work and looked you up and down suspiciously, as if you would have nefarious intentions with some tissues.
“I see…” she breathed out, “Well, I shall take you there myself.”
She decided and stood up, grabbing her keys.
“No need. Just need the key!” You quickly exclaimed.
Larissa stopped what she was doing, grabbing her things, and stared at you.
“I will be going with you. You have no other business but to get Kleenex, and I shall make sure you stick to it.” She condescendingly explained.
You gritted your teeth together again in anticipation. You nodded in defeat. The blonde raised her head in superiority, as she led you out of her office. The two of you walked to the storage closet, and Larissa unlocked it and held the door open for you.
You nodded and entered, immediately looking for the tissues. Larissa entered with you.
“Is that really necessary?” You sighed in frustration, “it’s only Kleenex…”
“It is absolutely necessary if I deem it so.” Larissa huffed.
But because she had entered behind you, she had let the door go. So it shut. And locked. You heard the click and immediately spun around.
You quickly looked around and suddenly the room looked very small. Your heart fluttered and began to race.
“Did the door lock?” You quickly asked, your mouth going dry.
Larissa had been intently watching you that she hadn’t noticed. But as you mentioned it, she went to open the door and it was locked.
Your mind started to spiral. Larissa tried the key but as she was inserting it and turning it ripped in half, blocking the lock entirely with its first half.
This was your nightmare.
Your eyes frantically ran over everything in the room, desperately searching for a way out. Tears started to form around your eyes. Your breathing was shallow and labored.
Larissa heard a sniffle behind her and turned around, clearly annoyed.
“What is the Ma—” she exclaimed halfway before shutting up at the sight of you.
Larissa’s face dropped into concern as she saw your chest heaving and your tears. Your hands were stimming by shaking violently in front of yourself.
She immediately dropped the defect half of the key and was at your side. Her one hand rubbed your back while her other cupped your cheek. You instinctually leaned into her touch, looking for any type of comfort. Sobs started to pour out from your throat, uncontrollably.
“I’m so sorry…” she whispered, “Are you claustrophobic, by chance love…?”
You nodded into her chest as sobs continued to pour out of you.
“Oh Sweetheart… Let me call someone to get us out of here, mkay?” She offered soothingly.
You sniffled, backing away slightly and nodding. As Larissa nodded and got on her phone, you fell to the floor against a wall. Your tears wouldn’t stop streaming down your face and you’d started stimming with your hands again.
As soon as Larissa had called the right people, she was right next to you once more.
“I’m so sorry, Darling…” she softly whispered, holding you as she had sat on the ground herself, “I did not know, I’m sorry…”
Larissa continued to apologize and comfort you until someone finally got the door back open.
“Thank you…” you croaked, as you finally exited the storage closet.
Larissa squeezed your hand reassuringly and smiled genuinely.
“Anytime, Sweetheart. Anytime.”
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
Alejandro X Fem reader please? Where Alejandro comes home after a mission and his wife just jumps his bones lmao
*cough* anywhay-
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Summary: Alejandro comes home and his SO/Reader pounces on him.
Genre: Ficlet, request(s) Characters featured: Alejandro Vargas
Warnings: Mention(s) of mature material Word count: 787
A/N: *dying inside because I wanted to make this longer but... just couldn’t finish it* Anyway, I hope you enjoy, Anon. I’m sorry my brain couldn’t finish this one no matter how much I tried. XP  ( Gif credit: xxx )
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Alejandro couldn't get home any sooner…
Usually, you were always eager to see him but this time, your need for him felt physical as well. It was as if your body yearned for him just as much as your heart did.
Grunting to yourself, you flopped over the arm of your couch from the side. Allowing yourself to fall back onto the cushions in a dramatic and lazy manner. Tilting your head back, you glanced at the clock from an upside down position, doing your best to guesstimate the time he'd be coming home.
Every time he let you know whenever he was coming home, you understood it was an estimation, never an exact arrival time. Yet, that didn't stop you from practically waiting at the door for him like some sort of lovesick puppy.
Much like now. It almost felt like you were counting down the very seconds till he came home.
Time always did drag on slower the more excited you were…
Sighing softly, you stretched your muscles on the couch. Spreading out across the length of the cushions when you heard the sound of a vehicle door closing outside.
Almost immediately you were suddenly bursting with energy, springing forth to sit up on the couch just in time to see the door knob unlocking and turning. Just as the front door was creaking open, you were pushing yourself off the couch and over towards it. A giddy smile on your face the moment your eyes took in the sight of Alejandro.
Despite being exhausted and no doubt ready to collapse into the nearest soft surface, Alejandro never denied you the opportunity to welcome him home however you wanted.
This time, you threw yourself into his open arms and immediately wrapped your own around him. Squeezing him tightly to you, in a totally not weird and clingy way, you wished you could melt into him. You'd whined before he needed to invest in a larger set of clothes just so you could slip beneath them, just to be skin-to-skin together. It didn't even have to be in a sexual manner. Really, you just adored him with your entire being and couldn't find the right words to express it to him. None of them came close to how you felt for him…
Alejandro grinned, returning your enthusiastic hug with a tight, lifting hug of his own. Raising you off the floor as he nuzzled his face against the top of your head. The two of you spent what felt like far too long and far too little time in each other's embrace. Enjoying the other's presence now that you were back together once more.
"Mm, Alejandro…" You murmured into the skin of his neck, delighting in the small shiver you received from him afterward.
"Si, mi vida?"
Leaning back just enough so he could glance down at you, Alejandro smirked as he watched your teeth worry your bottom lip. The man knew that look of yours all too well. You definitely had something in mind for his arrival home.
"It's nothing serious, hon." You reassured him whilst also dipping your head down so you could begin to place soft, fleeting kisses just beneath his jawline and at the top of his throat. "You know how I get when you're away for too long."
"Pent up?" Alejandro teased, only to laugh shortly after you responded by smacking your hand against his chest.
"Well..." Trailing off into silence, you couldn't exactly deny his claim. You missed everything about him in every way, that included those more intimate and carnal urges too.
Glancing up at him with lidded eyes you nodded your head in agreement. "Alright, you got me. I've missed you so much, babe. Let me show you just how much, yeah?"
Alejandro's dark eyes traveled over your form, drinking the sight of you in like a predator did their prey just before they sank their teeth into their vulnerable flesh. As tempting as it was to give in - bare your neck for him - and allow him to sink his fangs in and take you apart however he saw fit, you weren't in the mood for that. Not now. Now, you wanted to show him just how much you'd ached for him. Leading him back towards the couch you were laying on by tugging on one of the straps from his outfit.
Once you had him close enough to the cushions, you led him around till the back of his calves were brushing against them. Right before you flattened your palms against his chest and pushed him back down to sit on the couch.
"Saddle up, Vaquero. I plan on riding you till neither of us can think straight~"
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Aizawa x daughter!reader - well protected
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Heyy, so having in mind you write for Aizawa, i wanted to ask for a Platonic Aizawa, in which he has a teen daughter (she is his biological daughter) and one day during dinner she is like "Dad we need to talk, but you may not like it"And then she ask him for advise, because maybe some boy her age or a creepy teacher (chose the one you feel mlre comftable with) was stalking her or something and she felt it was her fault. - Anon💜
TW: mentions of a guy being really creepy
You had gotten back home later than normal, and your dad still wasn’t back, so you locked the door and got to work on your homework.
A few of the other teachers were back at the teachers dorms, but you were waiting for your dad to get back.
There was a knock on your door, and you looked up from the table.
“Who is it?”
“Your all time favourite uncle yo!”
You laughed a little bit, jumping up, you walked over to the door, unlocking it and it was swung open by the hero.
He grinned from ear to ear, leaning against the doorframe.
“You didn’t say hi when you came back!” He huffed.
You laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of your head.
“Sorry Mic, I’ve been doing homework, I don’t know where dad is. Could you actually help me?”
“Sure thing kid let’s go!”
You gathered up your homework, and you put your shoes on and followed after him, explaining to him your homework.
He took you down to the ground floor, and he sat in the floor in front of the TV, you sat next to him while he explained your homework to you.
“Aw littke Aizawa is back!”
You smiled a little, looking up at midnight and you waved to her.
“Aw you’re so adorable! I don’t get how eraser is your dad, he’s nowhere near as adorable.”
You laughed a little, putting your hands on your knees as you happily beamed up at her.
“Yeah! Aizawa is all moody all the time, but you’re always so happy so smiling. I’ll never get how he’s your dad.” Mic said.
You snickered, leaning against your uncles side, taking the chips that were handed to you by King Vlad.
You sat there eating them, listening to the teachers talk while Mic carried on looking through your homework for you.
Mic was still explaining a few things for you when the doors were opened again.
You grinned, holding your arms out.
“Eri! Hi!”
She came running over, letting you hug her and you sat her down in front of you, giving her your bag of chips so she could share with you.
You grinned, patting the top of her head as you look up at your dad.
He walked over, crouching next to you, and he pat your head a couple of times, taking your homework from Mic as he went through it.
“You don’t have to help, it’s okay Mic can help me dad, I know you’ve been really busy.”
“It’s fine, tell me what you’re stuck on.”
Aizawa sat next to you, taking over from your uncle yo help you with your homework.
When you were done, you went to go play some games with Eri, showing her what games you knew and teaching her a few of them.
You heard your name being called so you got up, smiling at her as you offered a wave before leaving.
Your dad was at the end of the hallway waiting for you, and he led you back to your room where your dinner was waiting.
He sat down at the table with you.
“Are you okay dad? You look really tired.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I heard you came home late, is everything okay? How was school?”
You frowned a little, glancing away from him and this was something he noticed immediately, and he narrowed his eyes a little.
You had been trying to ignore the events that had been happening recently, but you knew he wasn’t going to drop the subject.
He was observant, and he was determined too, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before he took matters into his into his own hands.
"Dad we need to talk, but you may not like it.” You mumbled.
Aizawa set down his bowl, nodding his head, gesturing for you to continue.
You glanced away.
“There’s this boy… and I uh.. I don’t know what to do… he won’t leave me alone… he tried following me earlier… so I went to the mall to get away before coming back…” you mumbled.
Aizawa clutched the fabric of his scarf tightly.
“It’s not the first time… he’s done it before. He won’t leave me alone… I don’t know what I did to get his attention…”
Aizawa shuffled around the table, kneeling in front of you.
“Hey, listen to me. This isn’t your fault, okay? Don’t say that you did something, you aren’t to blame for this (Y/N).”
“I told him to stop… I even told the school but they wouldn’t do anything because he wants to become a hero… I’m really sorry dad…”
“(Y/N) listen to me.”
You looked up at your dad, he placed a hand on your head.
“You’re not at fault, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. Who is this boy? Do you know his name?”
You shook your head.
“No… he’s some upperclassman… that’s all I know…”
Aizawa nodded his head, picking up your bowl he held it out to you.
“Eat your dinner, don’t worry about it, alright?”
Aizawa kissed the top of your head and stood up, announcing that he would be back soon, leaving you to eat your dinner.
He eventually came back to finish his dinner, and you sat with him while he marked his students work in your room.
You had asked him to stay there for the night, so that’s what he did, setting up a spot on the floor for him to sleep.
Going back to school the next day, you were in a rush to leave as soon as the bell went, you ran to your locker, changing your shoes and grabbing your bag as you ran towards the door.
In you hurry to get out you ran into someone, and you let out a scream, punching them in the stomach.
“It’s me!”
He coughed a little, standing up as he gave you a smile.
“You pack one hell of punch kid, come on.”
He held his hand out to you and you took it, letting your dad lead you out where you saw he wasn’t the only hero there.
Mic, Midnight, All Might, the big three and class 1-A were all there waiting for you.
“Is this really the big mission you wanted us for?! To pick up some kid from middle school?!” Someone yelled.
You shuffled a little behind your dad, clutching the back of his sweater.
“Someone has been harassing my daughter, I’m taking no chances.”
There were a few gasps.
“Daughter?! Aw that’s adorable!”
Mic walked over, and he tapped your shoulder, crouching down a little so he was eye level with you.
“Do you recognise the boy anywhere?” He whispered.
You glanced around, scanning all the curious faces that were watching.
Your dad looked at you, carefully watching your reactions to the people you saw until you saw the familiar face.
You shrank back a little bit, watching as he confidently walked up, holding a notebook in his hands.
“Present mic! Eraserhead! Midnight! All might! Could I have your autographs!?” He beamed.
“All Might.” Aizawa said.
“Of course.”
All Might came over, taking your hand and he pulled you back, all the students of UA surrounding you both.
Aizawa activated his quirk, tangling the boy in his scarf, staring at him with a cold hard stare.
“So you think it’s funny to harass women huh? Chase an innocent girl through the city?” Mic snapped.
“I didn’t do anything!” The boy yelled, “she’s lying!”
“Little Aizawa, care to use your quirk and show us all your memories?” Midnight asked.
You nodded, closing your eyes, letting your quirk reach out to everybody around, showing them the boy constantly harassing you.
You had your moms and your dads quirks, though you had more control over your moms, which allowed you to show your memories to everybody else.
You released your quirk, hiding being All Might.
“Come on! It was a joke!” The boy laughed nervously.
“I dont think you harassing my daughter or any girl is funny, I’m sure this isn’t the only incident. You want to be a hero? Forget it, I’ll ensure you never get into any hero school in the country.” Aizawa spat.
He released the boy, letting him stumble backwards.
Aizawa looked around the middle school students.
“Anybody else who has been harassed by this boy go to the principals office tomorrow, there will be pro heroes waiting so there’s no need to be scared.”
Aizawa walked over to you, holding his hand out and you and you took it, letting him hold you close to him.
The students all smiled brightly at you.
“You’re gonna be alright!” A boy grinned.
You gave a little smile, nodding your head, and you looked up to your your dad.
“One of us will drop you off and pick you up from now on, until you’re ready to carry on coming and going alone.”
“What if I don’t want that…?”
Aizawa placed his other hand on your head, ruffling your hair a little bit.
“Then we’ll keep coming with you.”
“Thanks dad…”
“Let’s go kid! I’ll race you!” Mic grinned.
“In your dreams you old man!”
You gave your bag to your dad and began racing the pro hero, and Aizawa sighed as his class followed you.
He didn’t realised he had accidentally made sure you were the most protected teenagers out there, the whole of 1-A had immediately taken it upon themselves to be your bodyguards.
He followed behind, knowing you wouldn’t run too far off without him, sometimes you would stop to wait for your dad, then you would keep running
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deblklesb · 1 year
hi i was thinking about something, is there any chance you could write something with the reader saying the safeword?
sure, anon!!
cw: use of safeword, reader is neurodivergent and is going through a verbal shutdown, oral (r!receiving), aftercare, MDNI
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Usually whenever you and Abby start to enter in a more intimate situation, you're both on the same page. It's not hard to engage, fall into the deep desire and accept the sensations that mix to the endless pleasure. You're always so overwhelmed, so full of her, and it's enough to send your mind into a place so far away from the reality that coming back it's almost a pity.
But today isn't the same.
You were so tired. At work, you've spent most of the day in silence because even talking was too much - to rationalize your feelings and thoughts in words and then pronunciating them out loud; even this was too much untill the last hours of your shift. Lucky for you a library isn't a very busy place, and you gathered all the strength you could find to talk to your boss and ask to just be organizing books on the shelves.
Breathing was already too much. So imagine the fatigue you had when coming home.
Now, you wanted to be this intimate with Abby. You wanted sex with her, you wanted to be wrapped by her warmth and just let go of everything else for some time before going to sleep. You wanted her touches, because she always touches you with so much care and love.
But you just realized now that when you both talked about limits, kinks, desires, safewords, still in the beginning of your relationship, you completely forgotten about your verbal shutdowns. That's because you were slowly discovering things about yourself due to a late diagnosis, and now you learned to identify some things better - including a verbal shutdown -, which you didn't know how to explain before - even to yourself. Now you could honor your needs better and go through it when necessary.
Abby witnessed a verbal shutdown just once since you both started dating, but it didn't involve a sexual moment and so now you were in a very uncomfortable and new situation. She was asking you to respond to her questions, as usual, but each time you couldn't bring yourself to do it tears started to gather on your closed eyes. Her touches were so nice while her lips traveled south of your body, but the demands to talk were just too much today.
"Oingo Boingo", you could bring yourself to say, heavy breaths as you finally could let it out. You felt Abby stop on her tracks and opened your eyes, tears rolling down your face.
In a matter of seconds you could see on her face that she was trying to process the situation, and as soon as the blue eyes got to your face, her expression metamorphosed into a absolutely worried one.
"Babe", she gently pulled you by the hand untill you were sitting on the mattress, getting next to you in a blink of an eye and holding you close. "What happened, did I hurt you?" You shook your head, holding her hand back intensely.
"Give me a moment, please", you could say, gulping.
"Okay. Do you want me to hold you?" You nod and so she does, her skin directly against yours.
Closing your eyes and resting your head on her shoulder, you stay like this for a time you couldn't quantify. Calming your mind, trying to put effort into just explaining her what was going on so then you could go back into honoring your own need to keep silent.
"I-I... Today was very hard. I'm not feeling good to talk. And I know you're always ready to support me but it wasn't in a sexual situation before, and so now I'm not being able to... To... To answer you questions. And it's making me anxious", you took your time saying it, focusing into put your words out. Abby won't judge you, so it's easier to do it in your own pace.
"Is it a verbal shutdown?" You nod. "I'm so sorry babe, I didn't notice. You want to write on you phone right now?" You nod again, and she gets your mobile on the bedside table, handing it to you.
Unlocking it and opening the notes app, you look at her for a second, indicating she can go on.
"Is there something I can do for you? Want me to keep going or want me to stop?"
I want this, to keep going. I just can't answer you verbally, so it would be nice if you didn't ask me to do it. You can still say things to me, i like it, just don't ask me to do it back.
"Okay", she smiles fondly, kissing the top of your head. "You want it now or you want to keep it like this for longer?"
Her look at you is so comforting. She's not treating this situation as more than it is. She's not acting like this is less intimate because you aren't vocally answering her, absolutely willing to keep going, because she knows you can decide it and she'll give you time to think about your needs. She's not acting like she just broke you or something, she's just going through it, walking along with you on this path, following you because she knows you know the way and doesn't need her to do it for you. It's a limitation and you can accommodate your needs into a sexual moment too.
We can just stay like this for a little bit more, just so I can regulate properly. And then we can go back at it ;) If I need you to stop when we're at it, I'll tap your shoulder instead of saying the safeword
"Alright", you hand her the phone and she puts it back on the table, holding you again. Her fingers, a bit bigger than yours, caress your skin, sending shivers down your body.
Your mind start to settle. It's all clear now, like a fog disappeared from around you; it's so calming to know that you can rely on her and be open about it, that she won't underestimate your collocations or act like it's the end of the word.
Later, when you feel okay and her scent start to dominate your head, you slowly kiss her neck. And then do it again, a hand resting on her shoulder as she sighs.
"Wanna keep going now?" You nod, looking at her face before she kisses you again with a smirk that makes you freak out internally a little bit, as always. She still has the same effects on you.
It isn't hard to go back to the moment, it never is with the two of you. Soon, she has you laying on the bed again, eyes closed as her mouth left wet pecks around your chest.
Abby doesn't take long to reach your core again, head between your thighs as she pays attention to each one. Her strong hands keeping you in place it's enough to make you squirm, the strength and size difference always affecting you. Whenever she towers you, it's like a tsunami of feelings drowning your mind, you can barely contain how needy you get.
"Hm, my good girl is so wet", she says, tongue fatly lapping your cunt before she groans. "You're always so delicious, fuck..."
She keeps your legs spread, mouth working tirelessly like she's devouring you. Your legs tremble, you're shaking and contracting your whole body as whimpers escape and you grab the sheets.
Her tongue makes a number on your pussy. You're dripping with desire, her eyes are full of lust, and everything else fades away. There's only her on your sight.
Abby is tasting you and she can't stop from moaning against your core. Periodically she also backs away to murmur how she could eat you forever, how she's getting wet herself, how she wants you to come on her mouth. You're holding on for dear life, hips jolting like you're out of control as you come closer and closer to that high.
When you finally reach the peak, she's right there to sooth you through it. First she cleans you whole with her tongue, licking and sucking. You quiver at each one of these acts, breathing heavily and whimpering. Then she's next to you again, kissing your face and neck and pressing your pussy with a hand, waiting for you to come back down.
"There you go, hun", she whispers, lips bumping into your cheek as you hold her forearm. "Let it all come, babe. You did so good", your heart skips a beat at her words. "I'll go get a cloth to clean you up and then we can sleep, okay?" She kisses your face again after you nod, getting up from the bed and leaving you cold from her absence.
You're already drifting away, tiredness taking control of your body and mind when she comes back. The sensation of the cloth on your skin is okay, but you prefer her muscles against you. Either way, she cleans you carefully and then turn off the lights, laying next to you on the bed.
You hold her close and finally can fall asleep. Right before you do, though, you can hear Abby whispering: "Love you, babe"
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14buddy22 · 1 year
hiii can you do hotch with a “you came, you called” situation maybe not like a couple tho. maybe exes or mutual pining that they don’t realize <3
Decided to make them exes in this one... Don't hate me... BTW, I'm sorry this took so long. Thanks for requesting anon ! ily
Your phone ringing in the middle of the night was not something you or your husband expected.
"Y/n, your phone."
You picked it up, answering with a groggy, "Hello."
You were half asleep, not even seeing who was calling you. You're sure it was important though, your closest friends and family knew that you loved your sleep and only called in the middle of the night if it was an emergency or something important.
You heard Aaron's voice with a, "you were in a deep sleep. I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to sleep."
"Aaron, where are you? Are you okay?"
As you sat up, you turned on your lamp on your side of the bed. You felt your husband's grip on you tighten, not wanting you to get up.
"I just, I kinda needed to hear your voice. I'm sorry. Tell Kevin I'm sorry for waking him up."
As he hung up, you weren't sure what was going on. But he called. No questions asked, you need to go over there and check in on him. You knew the anniversary of Haley's death was coming up next week. You knew it was a tough week for him and Jack, so you always tried to be there when you could.
You put on a pair of running shorts and decided to keep your husband's t-shirt on. Your husband sat up, following you into the bathroom as you brushed your teeth.
"Do you want to go with, Kev?"
"I have to be up in a couple hours to get ready for a meeting at work so I'm going to head back to bed. I know it's a tough week for Aaron and Jack. Let's have dinner with them this week? Jack loves his Uncle Kev."
"He sure does, just like I love him."
You kissed your husband and he said, "Tell Aaron I said hi, give Jack a big hug for me in the morning."
"I will. I love you. Thank you for letting me be a good friend."
"It's one of the reasons why I love you."
"I promise I'll make it up to you. Maybe stop by the office, you can have dessert before lunch?"
"I'd really like that."
Your husband winked and then kissed you again. As you made your way out of the house and into your car, you drove to Aaron's, making a pit stop at the gas station to pick up a tub of his favorite ice cream.
When you got to his apartment, you pulled out the spare key he gave you, but decided to knock instead. You didn't want to be shot by an FBI agent in the middle of the night.
You heard rustling on the other side and you said, "Put the gun away, Aaron. It's just me."
When he unlocked the door, he stood there, dumbfounded.
"You came."
"You called, Aar."
You hugged him and then moved to lock the door behind you. You handed him ice cream and you said, "For the sake of old times?"
Aaron stood there, amazed how you, the one he let get away, would still drop over and come over when he needed someone.
As he turned on a movie, you grabbed two spoons from the drawer and made your way to sit on the couch.
"So, will you tell me why you called?"
"I just, I feel like shit. It's going to be 10 years since Haley passed. She should be here."
You knew his insecurities with Haley. You knew how he wanted a second chance at love with her. You knew that he blamed himself for her death even though it wasn't his fault. There was a point last year where Jack had snapped at Aaron over something and blamed him for Haley being dead.
That wasn't good for both of the Hotchner boys. That took a lot of talking with Kevin and Jack as much as it did with you and Aaron.
Where did you fit into their lives? How was your husband so relaxed with you going over to another man's apartment in the middle of the night just by one phone call?
Well, you and Aaron go way back. You were friends with Penelope. Penelope introduced you to Aaron and you both hit it off. You two decided that you were just better as friends, and he became your best friend. He learned all there was. You were there when Jack was born, you were Jack's godmother, you were there for Aaron when he was getting divorced, you were there when Jack and Haley went into protective custody.
You only dated for a few months, which isn't long, but it felt like you had dated him a life time. You had the platonic relationship, although he was romantic.
Aaron introduced you to Kevin. They worked at the same law firm as interns. Aaron felt dumb knowing that he was the one who introduced you to who is your now husband, but he just wanted you to be happy. He wanted you in his life and you were, so he was happy too.
"Aar, when I called after my break-up with Kevin, you came. No questions asked."
"Yeah, but maybe I shouldn't have, I was the reason you two got back together, and I lost my chance with you again."
"You had your chance with me. Remember, we decided we were going to be best friends instead, and we are. It works, don't you agree?"
"It does. I just was a fool. I just wanted you to be happy. You were so heart broken when I came over that I was saying anything for you to be happy, but you're my best friend, still in my life. I love you."
"I love you, too, Aaron. You know that I'll always come when you call. Just how I always know that when I call, you'll always come."
"I will until the day I die, Y/n/n, I promise."
As you both fell asleep on the couch, both of you independently thinking about how different life would have been had you married Aaron. You'd be a step mom to Jack, have a few Hotchner babies running around instead. You were very happy with your husband, Kevin. He loved you and you loved him just as much, if not more, but deep down, in a different universe, you think it was supposed to be you and Aaron.
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katz-rambles · 2 months
Hellooo again lovely writer ! I hope you are well, this is a new day, so it means I have a new idea for you if you're up for it ;)
I'll be honest: I have a huge praise kink that I'm a bit embarrassed about. And this got me thinking, what do you think would happen if one of the ghouls (your choice) accidentally found out that reader has a praise kink? Like, what if one of the ghoul casually praises reader's work on something one day, and her reaction kinda gives away just how much the praise affected her. (Especially with the ghouls heightened senses). Intrigued, the ghoul kinda teases her even more, praising her every chance they got after that day until finally she can't take it anymore.
(Idk, this might be a shitty idea.)
I get you, Anon. Praise kink club 🤭. You know me, I had to do Rain, hehe. I'm sorry this took me longer than usually to put out.
1k words, a bit shorter than usual 🫣
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(nsfw, fem!reader, praise kink, dub-con if you squint, oral (fem receiving) PiV, cumming inside, I think this is it?)
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‘Good job,’ or ‘you did so well,’ the little praise Rain gives you sends shivers down your spine. It can be forever the simplest things ever and he'll praise you for it. Somedays you swear he's doing it on purpose. You don't want him to stop though. It feels good, knowing you made him proud, it also sparks a heat in your core you know wasn't there before.
Today's a little different. You're doing your chores, as normal, and one of them just so happens to be cleaning parts of the ghoul den. Sometimes this includes their rooms, the Ghouls take good care of their rooms and the dens but sometimes they just need a little bit more cleaning. That was one of your chores today. It's not a big job, thankfully. You had gotten assigned to the dens kitchen, it was quite quick. The ghouls take an amazing job of cleaning ready, so most of your job was already done.
Now that you've finished the job, you get ready and pack up the cleaning supplies. “I think this is the cleanest it's ever been, don't tell anyone I said that though. Good job, droplet,” Rain praises and rubs your shoulder, he chuckles when he sees your face get a pink flush. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach and the heat pool in your core and your thighs automatically rub together. His hand on your shoulder is warm and it has your mind drifting. When you look back up he has a smirk on your face and he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Good girl,” He mumbles against your forehead and pulls away leaving you with a heat in your core and a bright red face.
When you reach your room and open the door, you get into more pajamas and you hear your phone go off. When you check it, it's a message from Rain. ‘Can you come to my room? Need you for something.’ His words send shivers down your spine and you don't feel like getting dressed again. You've just put your bra back on and a proper pair of pants, leaving your thin shirt on, just covered with a plain hoodie. Comfortable enough and you can move in it just in case.
The door to his room is unlocked and you walk in, he's sitting on the bed and he pats the place on the bed beside him. He's in a pair of loose pants and a too tight shirt that scruples his figure perfectly, it's mouth watering. “Come here, pretty girl,” He watches you like a hawk as you sit beside him. His hand rests on your thigh and he trails his hand up higher until he's at your inner thigh. He moves his face closer to yours and breathes out, “I hope you're okay with this, because when I start I won't be able to stop.”
And with that his lips are on yours, and your hands are pulling him closer to you, trying to get impossibly close to him. He pulls away and you start to take off your hoodie, your shirt coming with it. “Look at you, so pretty. What a good girl you are for me, so pretty,” He groans and kisses your neck down to your breasts. He unclasps your bra and grabs your breast, toying with the nipple and sucking on the other one. He grabs your waist and pulls his mouth off your nipple with a pop and a small bruise forming. At this point you can feel the gush of wetness pool in your panties, it's almost embarrassing, and it would be if there wasn't an evident bulge in Rain's pants to show he's just as turned on as you are.
He helps you get out of your pants, leaving you in your panties, he sits down on the ground in front of you. He's still fully clothed and you're almost fully naked, but you can't complain when he kisses your clit through your panties. “Oh shit, Rain.. please,” You whine and he complies, pulling your panties, almost ripping them off you in desperation. His breath is hot and it counters the cool air against your wet folds. You thread your fingers in his hair and pull him closer and he eagerly laps at your folds and sucks on your sensitive clit before moving his tongue down to fuck you with it. His tongue is long and forked so it hits all the right spots while also being able to lap back up at your clit. When he feels you clench he goes back to sucking on your clit and he slides two of his fingers inside you, curling them up with each thrust of his fingers. He lets you cum on them and he pulls them out, painfully slow. “Such a good girl for me,” He groans when he looks at them, he takes his fingers into his mouth and moans at the taste, you feel a new wave of arousal leak from you at the sight.
“Rain. Please, fuck me already,” You whine and he stands up to pull down his pants and tugs off his shirt, positioning himself at your slick hole and he quickly bottoms out inside you. His thrusts are quick and deep, the sounds of your slick and cum mixed with his saliva lets him easily move.
“Unholy fuck.. you're soaked for me. You like it when I praise you, hmm? Good girl,” He groans and lets his head fall back when you clench around him. He starts to move faster and impossibly deeper. You arch your back and lift your hips up for him, he grabs your thighs and wraps them around his waist. You can feel the coil in your core start to tighten and you know he can feel you clenching around him. He starts to rub your clit, he needs to feel you cum around him, and he needs it now.
The room is filled with slick noises of skin on skin and both your moans. At this point, you're not sure who's louder, you or him. With one last motion on your clit you're cumming around his cock, desperately milking him for all he has and he cums deep inside you, groaning as he does so. “There you go, such a good girl for me,” He pants and kisses you. You both move to lie on his bed, cuddling until you both fall asleep, you'll clean up in the morning, but right now you just need eachother.
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lnfours · 8 months
idk if im late or not for the snow day req 🤧 can i req this with lando? tysm 🧡
all too well - bad breakup, you lost your self-esteem, why not you? "i can still remember it like it was yesterday"
IM BACK! my semester started the other day and i’ve been busy as fuck but don’t worry we’re cleaning out the inbox today!
anon, i hope you enjoy this! i’m so sorry it took so long 🥲 i had to include a fluff ending bc im too much of a hopeless romantic
cleaning out my inbox
the house was empty, quieter than normal as you sat on the couch. the ran pattered against the roof, droplets dripping down the glass that mirrored the tears on your cheeks.
it had been a few months since you broke up. his busy schedule and yours intermingling only causing more harm than good. you felt like you never got to see him, and when he was home you were always busy. obviously you knew what you were getting into with his profession, under the impression that you both could make it work.
but after six months of trial and error, you both decided that despite the overwhelming amount of love you had for each other. there was no one else who could compare to him. there was no better feeling then the love you had for each other.
your friends had all played the classic ‘boys suck’ and ‘find someone knew’ cards when in reality it took all of you not to book the first flight to whichever city he was in that week and get wrapped up in him all over again. to breathe in the smell of his cologne and laundry detergent, the smell that felt like home.
your thoughts were interrupted with a knock on the door. you wiped your tears quickly, glancing down at the time on your phone and wondering who was paying you a visit this late in the evening. especially unannounced.
you unlocked the door and opened it to reveal the man who had infiltrated your thoughts for the past three months. gorgeous green eyes meet yours, brown curls stuck to his forehead because of the rain. backpack resting on his shoulders as a small carry on luggage sat beside him. he wasn’t really sure what urged him to tell the uber driver to drop him off at your doorstep instead of his own place, but he was glad he did the moment your eyes met.
“sorry,” he mumbled softly, awkwardly shifting after taking in the silence between you, “i should’ve texted.”
you shook your head, opening the door for him to seek shelter from the rain, “it’s okay, come in.”
he did as you told him to, leaving his bags and shoes by the door as you made your way into the kitchen. he shrugged off his hood, running a hand through the wet curls as you reached up on your tippy toes for a mug, “want some tea? it’ll warm you up,”
“teas good,” he nodded, sending you a soft smile, “thanks.”
you turned the stove on, fire igniting under the kettle, turning to face him on the opposite side of the island.
“why’re you-?”
“were you-“
you both started at the same time, exchanging a slight chuckle before he shook his head, “you first, your questions probably more important than what i was gonna ask.”
you nodded, licking your lips, “i was just gonna ask why you’re here,” you said, immediately rambling after, “- not that i mind, i did say my door was always open if you needed something but…”
you trailed off and he nodded, swallowing thickly, “i don’t really know, to be honest,” he said, suddenly more interested in his fingers as he broke eye contact, “i’ve been thinking about you and what happened between us over the past few months and i,” he took a deep breath, “i missed you.”
you bit down on your lower lip, “lando-“
“i know, i know,” he said, finally looking up to meet your eyes again, “i should’ve probably texted, and i had this entire speech rehearsed in the car from the airport but when i saw you, it all kind of just went out the window. i can go if you want me to-“
“no,” you cut him off, “no, i don’t want you to go.”
he nodded, “i just felt like telling you i still loved you in person was a better idea rather than telling you over the phone.”
you heart stopped, jumping up to your throat. you didn’t know what to say, you hadn’t really thought about what you’d say if he ever came back. you just assumed he had moved on and forgot everything about you, just like every other man had.
but he wasn’t like those guys. that being the key reason you fell in love with him to begin with.
“and i’m sorry for being so shitty,” he said, “for not being the perfect boyfriend to you. i know it’s a slim chance, but if you’re willing to work it out, so am i. i want everything life has to offer with you.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat, “i’m sorry, too,” you breathed out, “i wasn’t totally understanding about your career and how hectic it was. if im being honest, i never stopped loving you. even when you were gone, i couldn’t keep my mind off of you.”
he approached you now, coming to stand in front of you. you smiled gently up at him as he spoke, “a complete redo, for the both of us, a clean slate - if that’s okay with you?”
you nodded, “very much so, yeah.”
he smiled down at you, his arms winding around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. he hugged you tightly against his body, the smell of his cologne filling your senses. the smell of him; home.
the tea kettle whistling pulled you apart, you reaching to turn to the stove off as you grabbed the kettle. he watched you with love filled eyes as you made the tea, holding his mug out to him with a smile when you prepared it to his liking.
you remembered.
“so,” you said, smiling over the rim of the mug, “tell me everything i missed.”
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