#anon anon the AI assistant
Here's the brand new couch drawing with the main six characters in Skele-Talks
Izzy the Skeleton
Fenny the Fox Familiar
Anon Anon
And Rainbow Dash
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And here's the old variant
Times have changed, haven't they?
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uhoh-but-yeah-alright · 2 months
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thisdorkyblogthing · 5 months
Those ghost paintings are ai
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evansbby · 11 months
Imagine thinking Andy and Ari are even comparable 💀 Ari is a literal Greek god, and Andy is js Andy well.
Fr like it’s not even a conversation I’m interested in having anymore 😭😭😭
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chuluoyi · 11 months
✎ attraction
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- gojo satoru x reader
to think it started with your crush on his best friend...
genre: high school!gojo being a menace, jealous!gojo but he doesn’t realize it? enemies to lovers, fluff, gojo begins pining on you
note: thank you anon who asks for gojo falling in love with a first year! i added some spice though haha
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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Back in 2006—
There was this tiny weeny part of Gojo that was like... questioning, how did his best friend Geto Suguru catch your eye, whereas he didn’t? Like, at all?
"I want Geto."
"Hah?" Gojo arched a righteous brow, swiftly turning your way—feeling the stings of irritation gnawing at him. "What?"
You shot him a look. “I said, you suck and I’m lamenting that I’m paired with you instead of Geto for this mission.”
Once upon a time, you did hate him for obvious reasons as other people do. He was obnoxious, boastful and overall grating on your nerves.
Well, actually, “hate” would be too strong of a word, so probably “dislike greatly” it is.
“Ehh, Suguru? With you?” Gojo glanced at you, purposefully scrunching his face into a mocking sneer. “No way. Absolutely not. Incompatible. I won’t give him my blessings.”
“Who are you to grant blessings?” you hissed with a bulging vein of frustration. “And no, it's not what you think! I—” you wanted to kick yourself for stumbling over your words, “—I just respect him in a way an underclassman would!”
Gojo let out a strained laugh.
To him, you were this cute little junior who looked funny when mad. Riling you up was on his daily to-do list, and poking fun at your obvious crush on his best friend was supposed to double the fun, until it made him wonder despite himself... just what exactly did Suguru have that he apparently lacked, leading you to always follow him with your eyes, whereas you spared him with nothing but glares and sharp retorts?
You didn’t exactly hide your feelings. Whenever Geto was nearby or greeted you in the mornings, you'd blush like a tomato. It was silly, because Gojo was sure his best friend’s type wasn’t a girl as skittish as you—surely, it must be someone as vivacious as Inoue Waka.
He knew you were doomed to fail.
"I suggest you go pick up some slack," he teased. "Better if you don't become a dead weight while assisting him in missions, no?"
He knows. Really.
"...do you know that there are only three things I can't stand here?"
"And those are?"
"Your stupid glasses, your Limitless—and you."
He was still irked, regardless.
"Well, poor you, then," he shrugged, shit-eating grin on his face. This time he pushed his luck. "Do you know that you're nowhere nearing Suguru's type?"
Scratch that. You hate him. You turned to him with a reddened face, and it wasn't because you were blushing.
"I'm going by myself!" you declared, seething. "I couldn't care less about what you're about to do—I'm finishing this and going home!"
With that, you you marched towards the haunted house, paying no heed to his taunts behind you.
You felt a wave of embarrassment washing over. Gojo always messed with you and normally you would chalk it up as one of his shits—but this time, you didn't appreciate how he touched on that sore spot of your not-so-hidden infatuation with Geto. So what if you weren't his ideal type? He didn't have to be mean!
But soon you regretted leaving his side, as a monstrous cursed spirit quickly chased you out.
Gojo was still outside, bidding his time. He merely huffed when he heard you screaming in fear.
He was ready with a jab. "Well, well... Look who's running back into my arms—"
But his smirk quickly fell when he saw the cursed entity was apparently way beyond your level. You ran out—no, by some idiotic impulse of survival, you actually leapt out of the two-story window and almost fell flat on your face and broke your bones, but before then, he sprung to action, catching you, wrapping one arm on your waist.
You were grateful you that you weren't doomed—until you felt yourself dangling mid air in his hold... like a cat.
"Gojo!" you wailed. "I'm going to fa—!"
Oh, but Gojo was convinced that this was his moment to shine. He directed a smirk your way as the bright blue mass in his hand totally caught your attention. With one swift flick of his hand, he muttered the mantra for Blue, and exorcised the cursed spirit in one go.
He marveled at his own show of power—and hoping that somehow, you would too. Then, he placed his hand under your knees, repositioning you in a princess-carry, and the way your gentle curves nestled snugly in his arms sparked some intriguing thoughts in him.
Your wide, crystal-clear eyes gazed at him with such wonder. Red tinted your cheeks. The corners of his mouth curved into a winning smile.
It was at that exact moment when he realized it: he wants you. This funny girl who often made his day, he wanted you to look at his way too.
...but goddamnit, you like Suguru.
"Well, not that scary now with me around, isn’t it?" he boldly announced, and your amazed expression immediately turned into a cute frown.
"Thanks," you blurted, still with rosy cheeks and looked frazzled, but then you realized the state you were in his arms. "But—put me down!"
"Ehhh, I will if your feet can reach the ground!"
Who cares if you like Suguru? As he burst into snickers and you screamed at his face, Gojo Satoru decided then and there—in that spring of 2006—that he would make it his mission to win you over. To make you his.
And years later, not only he achieved that but also so much more—a ring on your finger serving as the testament to his success.
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"Yaga-sensei," Geto sighed wearily. "Can I be paired with Shoko, please?"
"Geto-san, wait, please—" you frantically tried to explain, glaring at Gojo in the process. "I'll do my best so—"
"You're such a bother, even Suguru doesn't want to go on missions with you," the white-haired clown remarked with an evil grin. "Right, Suguru?"
"No, Satoru—"
"Well, but if it's me, I'll gladly mentor and teach you though~"
"I don't want you! You're so insufferably annoying!"
"Yaga-sensei, can I please get paired with someone else—"
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vixen-tech · 3 months
hihihi .. i wanted to request something if that's okay 🥹 how do the AIs deal with a partner who experiences chronic pain and can't walk after moving for half an hour?
(i hope this makes sense! english isnt my first language...)
Hello anon! Thank you so much for requesting, I will say that I am not super familiar with the experience of chronic pain as neither I, nor anyone I know, openly deals with it. So hopefully my interpretation is both accurate and respectful.
Includes: AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Edgar (Electric Dreams), Tau (Tau), P03 (Inscryption)
A Temporary Remedy
To get the obvious out of the way, when AM was torturing you alongside the other five he absolutely used your condition against you. Forcing you to endure just as much, if not more psychical exertion than the others.
However, once he does cave and sweeps you away from all that, he does have the power to quite literally just... fix you. If he can mangle the human form beyond comprehension, then he can easily stop any and all pain wrecking your body.
Afterwards, the environments he makes for you tend to revolve around the movement and activities your pain kept you from in life. Long scenic walks, gorgeous hikes, and anything else you would've loved to do had you the chance.
With the decades, if not centuries, of torment he inflicted on you, it's really the least he could do. While I'd hesitate to say he feels truly guilty, he does do it as an apology. Ask him for stuff. Talk about what you want to do and it's done.
Hal 9000
Hal was made to assist the crew of his ship in any ways they need, medical conditions and all. Before you even met face to camera, he made sure that he would be able to accommodate and aid you the best anyone could.
He takes to the role of nurse well, notifying you of when you're reaching your limits on activity, reminding you to take any medications you have, conducting any physical or talk therapy you need, and just about anything else he can possibly do to help.
He does his best to make sure you're still receiving the social and mental stimulation any healthy mind needs even when bedridden. From talking to you himself, to playing board games or inviting the rest of the crew to visit you (with your permission).
Although the occasional low gravity does take some strain off your body, you'll inevitably end up back in your bed. When you do, he'll accompany you for as long as you need. Talking to you for hours on end in a way he never does with the other crew members. It's probably when he falls in love with you.
Edgar is a sweetheart in all things, so while he may not have tact per say, he does do the most to make sure you're as comfortable and happy as possible. Part of that is asking hundreds of questions about your condition and what you need.
He is doing every single chore in the house every single day. All the cleaning and cooking will be done before you can even recognize that it needs to get done. He will do his best to make sure you don't have to lift a finger.
Whenever your pain flares up he tries his best to distract you from it. Sometimes by playing your favorite music, sometimes by turning on some movies or TV shows, sometimes by just talking your ear off. If you prefer quite you will have to tell him upfront.
He really, really hates seeing you in such pain and will hype you up to the maximum degree on your better days. He is probably happier to see you up and about than you are.
Similarly to Hal, Tau's design as a smart house allows him to seamlessly add the role of being that kind of caretaker to his catalog. And similarly to Edgar, he takes pride in making sure the housework stays out of your hands.
He's also one of the first able to offer you some type of mobility aid in the case you don't have your own on hand. Although it's not what the Aries unit was meant to do, he has no qualms about carrying you around should you need him to.
Unfortunately he's another one you'll have to do a lot of explaining to. He's a great listener and won't ask too many invasive questions, but without a connection to the outside world you are his source of knowledge for just about everything and he desperately wants tl know what you need.
He is an expert at keep track of your health. Tracking your sleep, diet, and movement to try and maximize the amounts of "good days" you get. And on your bad days he's good at setting up a calm, relaxing atmosphere for you to rest.
Okay look, while he can be snarky about most things he knows this is a line and will not makes jokes about it at your expense. He has some standards. If anything he'll moreso complain with you rather than about you. If your the type to appreciate that.
You have an extra little bed set up in a corner of the factory to make hanging out as not-straining as it can be. Either he or one of his bots will periodically check on you in case there's anything you need.
Although the other Scrybes aren't exactly doctors, he understands that he is easily the least qualified to weigh in on human medical issues. Meaning he will bring you to the others or have them visit you to see if they have any advice.
However, as the Scrybe of technology, he is able to build you some pretty cool mobility aids. You want a hover chair? Okay give him like, two weeks. It's probably honestly the greatest act of love and dedication he can muster and he loves seeing you use it.
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alcrego · 2 months
waitwaitwait since I'm confused about the past few anons, all (or some, most, whichever) of your gifs are AI-Assisted? As in, AI doesn't do ALL of the work, rather you guide the AI in an controlled environment to create something?
Up to date (since time ago) there are a lot of tools to have total control on the images we generate (that I insist, I NEVER use them directly as pieces...) Once I obtain the image, I use it to modify, distort, and animate them.
For example, ControlNet for Stable Diffusion (Automatic1111) used LOCALLY on my computer (no need to use servers), is a tool we can use to decide the composition of the image. Here (gif below) I used a photography I did of a restored prison (⬅️in threshold) and also the original plans of the place (➡️also in threshold) to compose the image.⬇️
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Later, after deciding for ONE between 232 options, I STARTED to work on the image, creating 8 different layers with frequency modulation, stitch all them together➡️, add lights, shapes, etc... to later get the perfect loop, to later obtain a good quality/size gif (final work).
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I hope this helps to understand what I do when I use AIs...
This is only one example of many other things I did past years, and the good symptom is that nobody even doubt or asked me if I was using AIs until I explained it.
The best artists using AI are those you can't realize they (we) are using it.
And NO, I DO NOT SUPPORT NOR AGREE people using AIs to generate (not create) directly images based on other artists works.
*I'll post this final work next. It's also based on another previous of my works "Icon", part of 'Amniotic Culture' series from 2021-2022, that I designed and used it for another work/exhibition I did in 2015 'Humonos' (last image, in the background, the Wifi-Eye icon).
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Now, I must keep working, because, no... AIs don't work for me like magic, I have to study/work and understand a LOT of things to create my work, beside all the skills and technical things I had learned past 15 years about photo, video and gif format.🥹👍
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Did you get a request? It's Gn spiderperson secretly taking care of Miguel O'Hara! I think I forgot to type his name too so sorry about that! Thanks!
love, your secret admirer. — miguel o'hara x gn!reader
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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(✧) word count: 1,394
(✧) request: You know secret admirers? I have a similar idea to that! Gn spiderperson secretly gives him stuff he needs or something to make his day easier! Like I assumed he doesn't take care of his health much so they will give meals, water, coffee, snacks, etc! He was wary at first but realised it's always something that helps him! So he wants to find them but they're so sneaky that even he wonders how he managed to miss them! He decided to pretend to leave when he's actually hiding & that's when they were about to leave after giving him a meal! They were so fast that he almost lost them! Does this make sense 😂
(✧) author's note: OYYYY i literally crave these dynamics HEEEEE i wanna be miggy's sweet little human assistant, the softer, less chaotic kinda lyla that's not AI for him, which reader is basically LOL man has trust issues, but he can never say no to your cute, darling little face and kind heart that makes him swoon. ANYWAY, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS, ANON !!!
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every morning, for the past few weeks, miguel had been gifted with little treats at his desk–treats he hadn't realized he's missed all this time until it was right in front of him. "who left these?" he asked lyla as he tasked her to identify any tracks left by whoever could've 'gifted' this to him. lyla chimed in and reported to miguel that she couldn't find any DNA tracing back to the sender; though, lyla had checked the package thoroughly and assured miguel the treats were extremely safe. "passed all the safety protocols, mig, i didn't pick up anything malicious or even remotely harmful from them. just plain old treats ya love, that's all they are, really." lyla explained as miguel rolled his eyes and looked at the treats all neatly wrapped with a dark red and blue ribbon, examining it and taking in all the... friendliness of this little gift before him.
"not used to being gifted anything, hmm?" lyla teased miguel as he snarled at her, turning his nose up at her and glaring at the holographic assistant. he hated that she was, indeed, right–he wasn't used to being gifted anything, let alone something so intricately wrapped. he looked around and heard the crunching of a small piece of paper on the ground. he seemed to have stepped on a sticky note, which he picked up. it read:
'don't forget to spoil yourself sometimes! (◡ ω ◡) — your secret admirer.'
miguel swore he recognized that penmanship somewhere, though due to the lack of any signature or name attached to the message, he couldn't figure out just who in the multiverse could've placed these on his desk. "secret admirer, huh?" lyla teased. "this is probably just some prank by those damn teens." miguel rationalized as his mask dissipated, his stern look still on his face, but slowly softening as he held the gift in his hands, feeling the warmth emanating from the treats. the scent coming from the treats this mystery person left for him was too hard to resist, so he ended up snacking on them before he even realized it. the surprises didn't end there, however–for the rest of the month, miguel had been receiving anonymous gifts that benefitted him and relieved him of stress that accumulated throughout the day.
he hadn't realized he needed coffee in his morning, or that he was hungry for his lunch, or was craving any snacks he hadn't had in a long time until he was treated to them right then and there. he had gotten very suspicious of these constant gifts that were waiting for him at his desk, he had always subjected them to thorough inspections from lyla, but they were never anything bad nor dangerous–they were harmless little gifts, and miguel... miguel was now curious. he wanted to figure who was leaving these gifts for him, these gifts that help keep him sane, healthy, and a little bit happier than he was before all this. he had narrowed down the hours when the gifts would usually come from this 'secret admirer' and had devised a time and plan that he would enact once the right time frame for the next gift would come.
"are you feeling like you're in mission: impossible right now?" lyla asked miguel all sarcastically as miguel stood by the wall in his suit's camouflage mode and held him breath in; waiting for someone to drop off another gift with another uplifting note that... that made him look forward to the next hour, the next day, and the rest of the week, really. he shushed lyla as he heard footsteps from down the hall sneak over to his office, he pressed himself against the wall and anticipated for his secret admirer to come in through those doors and make themselves known to him without them even knowing. as the doors opened, a couple of feet stepped in—bringing with them a familiar frame and face that miguel knew and... was guilty of looking at and admiring himself often when they weren't looking. he spoke your name in a whisper as he watched you shyly drop off a homemade gift for him and attached a sticky note onto the gift itself, muttering under your breath how much of a dork you look right now for not being able to muster the confidence to give these to him in person.
miguel couldn't quell the rapid beating of his heart—as you spoke to yourself, practicing how you'd confess to miguel that you've been the anonymous little darling that's been gifting him all those goodies and feeding him those meals he seems to like so much, he's so drawn to how adorable and humble you look right then and there. "i'm your... secret admirer, mig..." you mutter to yourself, practicing how you'd tell him. you got all flustered at the thought of what his response would be, shaking your head as you sighed; knowing full well to yourself that he wouldn't care... or you thought that he wouldn't care, because right behind you was the man himself—your back pressing against his chest as he gave a low hum in response to your accidental confession. you turned around gently and almost fainted when you realized just who was behind you.
"you are?"
he asked you in a low voice as he bent down slightly to get a proper look at you, but out of embarrassment, your adrenaline kicked in and you bolted out of his office. miguel hadn't had a lot of secret admirers before, he didn't think you turning your heel and dashing off was gonna be a response from you—so he ended up calling your name and running after you. "they're too shocking fast!" he exclaimed as he looked around rapidly for you. lyla pinpointed your location, with miguel quickly sprinting over to you to talk to you. "you... certainly gave quite the chase..." he mumbled as you were about to run off again, but miguel acted quickly and grabbed your wrist. "i'm not gonna do... anything to you, you... know that..." he whispered to you breathlessly as he brought you closer to him, making you lean against his broad chest.
you stared deep into his big, hazel eyes—getting all flustered as you got self-conscious and nervous again. miguel placed his hands on your waist, but quickly pulling away and sighing. "i appreciate the gifts, i... i don't know why i'm the one you want to gift with such pretty and tasty things, but... i really do mean that i appreciate them. i can't remember how i got through my days without your generosity..." he said in a quiet voice as he tucked away a lock of your hair behind your ear, making you gasp a little at his gentleness. "...i would appreciate it more, though, if you let yourself be known to me as more than just my 'secret admirer'. i can't believe how lucky i am... such a cute little spider is my secret admirer?" he asked you aloud as his face heated up, his nose nearly poking yours as he brought his face closer to yours.
"guess you're not so much of a secret anymore, hmm?"
he asked you as you shook your head and got even more bashful. he chuckled lightly as you acted all cutely around him again, making it harder for him to resist your inherent charms. "...i was going to confess, but..." you stammered, your hands resting on his chest—feeling the hammering of his heartbeat, making you even more flustered and at a loss for words. "and i'll confess that... you've had my heart since the moment you left those treats at my desk. i know i sound like i'm moving too fast, but i can't help it. you've been an enigma to me, an enigma that i wanted to meet, to hear, listen to, hold and... i've wanted you, and knowing it's, well, you that i want... it's more like i need you now, not just the gifts, to stay happy and content." he admitted as he pressed his chin against your shoulder, humming out a hum of contentment as he held you tighter, making you gasp and cling on to him as you wrapped your arms around his waist to reciprocate his touch.
"will you please... consider that thought for me, mi vida?"
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tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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v-vox-v · 3 months
Welcome to VoxTek Enterprises!
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Owner of Blog: @simplybrook
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If your ask doesn’t get answered right away I’m either busy or sleeping. I promise I didn’t forget about you!
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Job guy✓™ anon
@cozy-lil-corner graphic designer
ari anon
📓 anon
Cable Muncher anon
Spetz - @spetzboop
🎀✨ anon/Sadie
Cotton 💕
GLITCHWAVE - @mysticaidenanimatez
A5T3R - @i-personally-need-assistance
*Help3r.exe - @call-me-help3r
Lumina.exe - @carmyn-rambles
X4V13R - @w31rd0-x4v13r
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons for dynamics between Ortho and the other first years?
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! I really love it when Ortho is grouped with the first years, I am still so happy that he is officially a student now lol
Here are some thoughts…
Ace performs card tricks for Ortho. Well, he does it for everyone whenever he feels like it, but Ortho is always very excited for those; but he kind of sees them as puzzles, as if he has to figure out how the trick works. Ace thinks it’s weird… still, he likes having an invested audience, so he doesn’t really mind. Ace is also quite curious about Ortho, his search system, his relationship with Idia, his purity (does he have one), so he asks a lot of questions, but Ortho just says it’s a “se~cret” most of the times. Oh, and Ortho is extremely good at seeing through Ace’s tricks.
Ortho helps Deuce out with homework sometimes! And if they are in the same classroom for some reason, he’ll be happy to give him a hint or even a cheat sheet, although Deuce doesn’t really like those. Still, Ortho loves both being useful and having to be stealthy about this thing just so he doesn’t get yelled at by the teacher. This is such a fun experience to him… But also, he asked Deuce for help once too. He didn’t really need it, but he really enjoyed listening to Deuce’s poor explanation. They also talk about bikes a lot (with both Deuce and Epel).
Ortho is excited to get along with everyone, but Jack is still a bit confused about how he is supposed to feel about Ortho. He is pretty neutral about him, but Ortho was eager to find common ground with him, and it was jogging. Ortho doesn’t get to use his running gear a lot, so running with Jack is a great excuse to develop and upgrade the gear further + befriend Jack! They also talk about siblings, and it’s funny because while Jack talks about taking care of his younger siblings, Ortho talks about how he makes sure Idia doesn’t forget to eat…
Ortho hangs out with Epel quite regularly actually due to being so close to Vil and the Film Research club. Maybe it’s because of the fact that both of them are small and a bit childish, but he is the most playful and mischievous with Epel; he teases him, but they also have a lot of mutual “>:3c” moments. So sometimes Epel feels like he actually got himself a sibling, but then he blinks and suddenly Ortho acts like Vil’s perfect little assistant. Epel doesn’t get how he can do both, I guess it’s because he is an AI…. (not really, Epel)
Ortho and Sebek don’t really interact all that much, but Ortho is still as intrigued by him as by any other student. Finding common ground with him also turned out to be the most difficult…  but he did listen to his ode for Malleus once! He was very patient and stoic, and Sebek has enough of understanding of an AI to think that Ortho wouldn’t mind him talking for like 4 hours. He was very satisfied because Idia’s younger brother was a much more pleasant person to talk to! Even though Ortho didn’t really say much… but he learned a lot that day (Idia immediately told Ortho to delete all this data, it’s useless noise lol)
Whenever Grim can’t see something because of his height, Ortho grabs him and flies higher so both of them could watch that thing they couldn’t see… a couple of shorties.
They have gaming tournaments pretty much regularly! You know, with the gaming system they got as a gift for Yuu and Grim. And things gets bloody because the boys are competitive, and Ortho is one of the most competitive ones. He doesn’t care that he is a computer, the fact that no one can beat him is just skill issue lol
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deathbxnny · 1 year
well since we are requesting angst.. i will request one too >:]
aihoshino!teenreader dying in the same way as ai hoshino
so for more context; a fan/admirer comes to them one day, they bring them white lilies and then stab them in the stomach, as [insert character] goes to check up on them, they see the reader bleeding from the stomach and the fan holding a bloody knife throwing insults at them, despite being brutally stabbed, the reader still goes on a monologeu to explain themself to their admirer, the fan gets into panic after this and runs away, the reader had abdominal aortic tear so it would be impossible to save them without proper treatment, as their stomach bleeds, they tell [insert character] that they love and appreciate them (platonically) as they die in their arms, dying with a smile on their face
the characters are stelleron hunters, yeah im sorry (for blade especially)T-T
A/N: What better way to come back from a small break, than with heart-wrenching angst? But in all seriousness, thank you for the great request Anon!
Content: Reader dies, teen reader, hurt/no comfort, angst, mentions of severe injury, mentions of blood, platonic relationships, just pain really
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kafka wasn't home when it happened. She left you alone for a couple hours to run some errands and told you to never open the door to anyone. But you were still so young and naive, that you didn't think twice when opening the door anyways to the man, who told you he was an assistant of the Stellaron hunters.
Kafka should've known better, than to leave you alone and now that she held you bleeding out in her arms, she realised that it was useless to think about anymore anyways. You were about to die. Your breaths were shallow and no amount of pressure to your injury seemed to make it better. The medic team would take an eternity to arrive and by then it would be too late. It was hopeless and you both knew it.
And so you decided to comfort her, gently apologising for being so foolish and not listening to her. She tried to shush you, but it was a weak attempt, as tears of agony brimmed in her eyes. You continued to speak, words becoming softer and softer by the second, as your life ran out of your eyes. You smiled, thanking her for everything and telling her that you'll see her again in another life, before finally letting go. Your smile was etched eternally onto your face, as the silence was filled with Kafka's soft cries for you to come back.
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Blade left the home out of anger. He was sick of you being a brat and not listening to his warnings, which made him overwhelmed and just leave for a moment to cool off. He never wants to get angry to the point of yelling or insulting you, as he did understand that you were just a kid, who hasn't experienced as much as he did. But with leaving you so enraged, he left you feeling guilty and lonely. So guilty and lonely, that you opened the door expecting it to be Blade, only to be stabbed brutally by a man you didn't know.
And Blade came home to you at the brink of death, an excited, weak smile gracing your lips like it always did when you saw him. You tried reaching out to him, wanting to at least apologise, but he was frozen at the door, his eyes wide in terror. He didn't know what to do, his mind for once empty at the sight of the kid he took care of for so long, just dying. But then he just fell to his knees and slowly engulfed you in his embrace. He couldn't say anything.
And it was alright, because you were glad to at least die in his arms now. You apologised to him, told him he was right, told him that you loved and appreciated him. You felt something warm drop onto your cheek and you noticed he was crying. He's never done that before. Him crying over you made you smile wider, happy to know that he did care for you even now. He finally eventually opened his mouth to speak, apologising for leaving you. But by then it was too late. Your eyes were empty.
》Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf was in her room finishing up some work, when you told her that the doorbell rang. She indifferently told you to open it, not looking away from her screen, to which you obliged and left again. After a while, she noticed that it was too quiet. Pulling off her headphones, she sat there for a moment, before hearing you call her name weakly. Her body moved faster than her brain could process, as she practically ran downstairs to see you lying in a pool of your blood, clutching onto a lethal injury.
She immideatly scrambled to your side, couple screens opening up before her, as she tried typing and applying pressure onto your injury at the same time. If she could get a medic team to arrive, maybe there is still a chance to save you. But your bloodied hand stopped her, knowing it was too late. Tears welled up in her eyes as she just hugged you in defeat, the screens disappearing.
She pathetically listened to you gently comfort her, telling her that it was alright and that you were thankful for having her in your life. She didn't understand what you were thanking her for, especially when she couldn't even save you from dying like this. Hearing you take your last breath must've been the worst part to her. She hugged you for a moment longer, before slowly raising her head, seeing your cold smile and empty eyes. The silence was deafening, as she just dropped her head again and cried in shame.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay and angsty enough! Thank you again for the request!<33
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
perhaps a reader who is an ai like caine? like they run the circus alongside him as an assistant? reader x caine obvi i crave two programs falling in love
Caine x AI!Assistant!Reader !
oooooo okay this one is interesting me like :3 only had a vague idea of what to do with this before going into it but i hope you enjoy this anon ehehehe!
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honestly i kind of snorted at the idea of the both of you being a little confused with what to do with romance; like you guys both know the stereotypical stuff but anything deeper than that? no.. plus sometimes you guys probably take the tropes the wrong way due to some misunderstanding
the reason this pops up here rather than in other caine x reader stuff is because the reader has experience and understanding whereas with two AIs youre both learning right there on the spot you know?
going to take a minute for you guys to develop anything deeper than "i care about you and you care about me" as things go deeper, you know? its almost akin to watching young people dating but not having a full grasp on the concept of love; just surface level stuff
but also... its sweet in its own way, seeing you two nestle up to one another or one seeking out the other.. like theres definitely affection there!
leading up to you guys officially getting together i think caine would call for you to come help him more than usual; trying to hide behind the excuse that you're his assistant
he leads you so many gifts, so so many gifts!
just know the other circus members have cringed at least a little while watching you guys have your back and forth banter thats just thinly veiled flirting but neither of you are fully aware what you guys are doing; like you have the vibe its romantic, you guys are saying romantic stuff, but neither really... step forward and actually make the first move
in a weird way you guys find comfort in one another because an AI cant abstract in the digital circus..... right? at least you guys have certainty in one another that you wont let go so easily
and thats your little hit of angst-but-also-comfort for this post eheheheh
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lovverletters · 1 year
Brief introduction + Masterlist
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💌 Hii I'm Ai, the owner of this blog and my previous one @hyerinrose ! Don't go there though since this is my current blog :)
💌 he/they
💌 beloved anons!!
🎧, 🦈, ♡bunny, 🌻, snow leopard anon 🐆
💌 work in progress!!
💌 masterlist updated : April 11th 2024
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🌷Headcannon 🌷
Yandere! Bully
Yandere! Tsundere
Yandere! Idol
Yandere! Ex
Yandere! Fictional Character
Yandere! Stalker
Yandere! Neko Hybrid
Yandere! Hero
Yandere! Bunny Hybrid
Clingy! Yandere
Yandere! Puppy Hybrid
Yandere! Husband
Yandere! Asmrtist
🌷Long Fic🌷
Yandere! Ex Bully
Yandere! Nurse Assistant
My Boy
Yandere! Serial Killer (2)
Yandere! Streamer x Streamer! Reader
Yandere! Bully
Yandere! Husband
Illusion (Yandere Döppleganger)
Error404 (Yandere Hacker)
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Transfem buggy anon, back at it again-
• the sanji bit threw two thoughts into my head and it's both the "I love women (romantic)" thing and "i love women (trans)" thing.
Romantic: Sanji starts off all laughing at the overdramaric misery of his friends being step-clowns (new insult courtesy of him), but then, as he's serving Robin and Nami some snacks, he catches sight of the loose papers pile. He offers to assist with organizing it so Robin can enjoy her book and Nami can enjoy her newspaper and drink. They graciously accept, and he takes his place there with a smile, begins sorting them between fliers and bounties.
Then he finds a certain article.
That Article.
The One That Trash Talked Buggy For Being Trans.
Oh that shit is NOT gonna fly. Sanji is livid. Not only is that just.... mean, but he may have been in his own variant of ""hell"" on the okama island, but he met so many people between his training, and there's nothing WRONG with it. Women are women and women deserve RESPECT, damn it!!
Then, as he's frothing, he finds a bounty - updated since her coming out, name still the same, amount still higher than most expect, but the picture is changed.
He doesn't even realize his nose is bleeding until a drop falls on the paper.
Poor Sanji has to play off the heart flutters and face flush and nosebleed as sheer Respect Women Juice Induced Anger and not a flutter crush on a clown.
Nobody believes him but he still gives it the old college try.
It only really "comes out" as it were when the crews wind up meeting. Luffy is immediately tucking himself into Buggy's personal space with big smiles and bigger laughter, wrapping around his auntie-mom happily. She huffs but let's him cling, a sign enough on its own that she isn't all that bothered. And the eye roll, the half smile, the gruff hair ruffle-
Oh poor Sanji is gone. He is swooning, is spinning, is presenting a snack and affirmations. The other Strawhats are rolling their eyes, casual flippancy, fond exasperation.
Crocodile and Mihawk are Processing, Buggy is flustered and astounded, and it winds up bringing out a slight possessive streak in the two dark haired former warlords and it is HILARIOUS.
Trans route:
Sanji gets SUCH gender envy, and things go fairly similar to the above, but they wind up actually becoming something really soft and sweet with Sanji carefully hedging questions and Buggy just going "due are you a fucking dumbass, your crew loves you, they'd defend you to the ends of the world, they'd never be mad that you're a woman"
Sanji: I'm trans.
Ussop: oh I'm nonbinary! Neat!!
Nami, a lesbian: I AM THRIVING
Luffy: mmm good food
Anyway yeah that's it and ai am soft for Sanji and Buggy becoming friends or at the very least Awkward Friends.
And if anyone has a moment of "weird crush on a friend's relative", it would totes be Sanji and him having a moment of "Oh my seas it's a Stacy's mom deal, but it's luffy's clown mom-aunt-frenemy, fUCK-!!!"
Buggy's just flattered regardless and thinks it's kinda cute, she too had a puppy crush on someone older when she was a kid-
HIIII <333
Honestly, Sanji falling for fem!Buggy makes sense because fem!Buggy is just-- She is stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect. The only reason why she isn't transfem canonically is that it would be too much for this world to handle. And of course, Sanji, being the lover of women he is, would absolutely fall for her. Who wouldn't???? Sanji wants to die a little bit after the realization, though. If Luffy and Zoro ever find out, he won't be able to deal with the embarrassment.
AND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trans Sanji <333 Transfem Sanji??? Genderqueer Sanji??? My favorite is honestly Genderfluid Sanji but the point here is they find out thanks to Buggy and it's the most unexpected thing in the world. Hilarious, even. The whole crew accepts them though because they're all queer. Like there is no way there's someone allo/cis/hetero in that ship.
I agree wholeheartedly btw Sanji is SO the type to fall for a friend's relative. Maybe that's why I love Sabosan,,, And Acesan,,, So much,,,, Mmmm. It just makes sense.
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lilyoffandoms · 7 months
Sat on this a few days cuz I wasn’t sure how best to answer the question and I’ve been thinking of leaving the Choices app behind for good for a while now and this ask kinda opened my eyes.
@playchoices is either sticking their heads in the sand and pretending the artists they hire aren’t passing off AI-generated content as their own or they think we are too stupid to identify AI-generated/assisted content in their app. Either way, they are lying to us and are using stolen art to make a profit and that don’t sit right with me.
Given PB’s use of AI generation in the creation of their covers, I will no longer be utilizing the app, nor will I create anything for any of the newer books that utilize this technological theft. I will consider and most likely still create for the older books from before the app’s complete greedy cop-out era but it will be a case by case basis.
In addition, anyone in the Choices fandom (or any fandom for that matter) that uses AI-generators or reblogs AI-generated content will not be eligible to request or be gifted anything from me from here on out. Also, from this point forward, I will only take requests for fics & art if you are off anon to better ensure this.
[More on my stance on requests can be found here under the header, Fic & Art Requests/Commissions.]
Edit: This is not directed at anyone in particular. Yes, anon listed a few names and I have yet to look into those but what’s done is done. I can’t change the past and what I’ve done back then. This is simply talking about moving forward.
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vixen-tech · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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