bigfootsmom · 1 month ago
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buck and tommy know you gotta sleep when baby sleeps
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apdreadful · 6 months ago
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100% honest here.
If I were a writer for this show. I would definitely think twice about making buddie canon.
I’ve seen how the rabid fan-squirrels in other fandoms behave when they get their OTP. Making the lives of the actors a living hell with the relentless stalking and speculation on their IRL relationships.
So I’m going to get out in front of this bullet train of crazy right now.
This is a fucking television show. I understand, I love the stuffing out of most of the characters on 911. But when a professional actor says a specific fandom is getting overwhelming. Ya’ll need to sit tf down, shut tf up, and chill tf out for a really long minute.
I actually for the first time EVER had to filter/block some tags because you all were flooding social media with your special brand of unleaded crazy since Tommy Kinard has shown up.
And ya’ll are shookth. I get it. You wanted your soft white boys to kiss, and instead they brought in a grown ass man who does not have time for games, to tell an actual story.
The actors are being exceptionally good sports. And playing the media game adeptly. But you can start to see the slight fraying at the edges.
And the overwhelming opinion is some of ya’ll are Annie Wilkes level of crazy. And it ain’t cute.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 months ago
I'm the beat in your heart
For @fireburningonthedancefloor for the @911fanworksfestival
Title: I'm the beat in your heart Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Eddie/Buck with minor Buck/Tommy Rating: Teen and Up Summary: Eddie and Buck are the two halves of the same soul. They are soulmates, and Tommy has come to care about them. Buck's heart is taken by Eddie and Eddie's heart sings for Buck's. Tommy and Christopher join forces to make the two see what they have been searching for they have with one another.
"You don't find love, son, you make it." Also available on AO3
“Have you ever felt really close to someone? So close that you can't understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins?” — Nancy Garden, Annie On My Mind
Tommy Kinard knows what soulmates look like. That kind of love that seems to only exist in fairy tales and romantic movies. He likes Eddie, he is a great friend. It is nice to have someone to talk to about their time in the army, who also likes MMA and Muay Thai and working on cars with them.
Then there is Evan. Evan is truly someone special. He wasn't kidding when he called him adorable. Being the one to help Evan see that that part of himself he had buried deep within himself was a gift he will always treasure.
But Evan isn't his soulmate, he isn't the one meant to be his forever ending. No, that spot is reserved for Eddie. They are twin souls. Evan is Eddie's North Star, always there to guide him to where he is meant to be. And Evan is Eddie's sun, the one lighting and guiding the way for him. He is just baffled at how the two could be so blind as to how they are the two halves of the same soul.
"Welcome to our world." Christopher patted Tommy on his shoulder. It was a Buckley-Diaz day at the zoo but since Tommy was off Christopher asked if he wanted to join them. Tommy didn't miss the way that Eddie's smile became plastic, it reminded him of the night at Chimney's bachelor party where somehow Eddie managed to pull off being completely petty while handing him a cup of orange juice. Seriously that was a thing Tommy didn't think could be done but when it came to Eddie's possessiveness over Evan it was outstanding the levels Eddie could reach. So when Eddie agreed Tommy could feel the force he used to agree to make his son and his best friend happy.
And sweet adorable Evan somehow completely missed it. He just beamed at Eddie before engulfing him in the kind of hug that just makes you want to melt. In Evan's arms, you know you are safe with him. It is like hugging the sun full of warmth and love.  Tommy couldn't understand how such loving and caring souls like Evan and Maddie could possibly have the cold unfeeling parents they did.
"Thanks." Tommy smiled at Christopher who looked truly upset for him. It was nice, Christopher is a great kid, sorry teen, who has the same air of possessiveness that his dad does when it comes to Evan. Eddie and Evan had run to pick up some takeout for all four of them while it was up to Tommy and Christopher to pick the movies to watch. Tommy didn't even bother to fight and just let Christopher go ahead and make the movie selection.
"I like you, Tommy. I really do out of everyone my dad and Buck have dated. You are the best." A frown appeared on Christopher's face, "I don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing since it appears like they both made some bad dating decisions. Ana and Marisol were okay but my dad dated them because they were the kind of women my grandparents would approve of and then stayed with them because he thought I loved them and he didn't want me to lose anyone else I cared about." A heavy sigh escaped Christopher, "Which is nice of him but I want my dad happy and no one makes him happy like Buck. But being with Buck will make you sad and like I said Tommy, I really like you it's just..." The teen trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.
A small knowing smile made its way onto Tommy's face, "It's just that they are soulmates and meant to be. Buck told me about this call they had about this elderly couple who went together only minutes apart because they only wanted to go together and the words the one man said to him have stuck with him. You don't find love, son, you make it." Tommy met Christopher's eyes and he saw how they widened full of knowledge and understanding. "That is what your dad, Evan, and you have made a love that can never be broken. Eddie and Evan are soulmates and as much as I care about Evan I can't stand in the way of that. We just need to figure out a way to make those two realize what they have. Both of them have been searching for so long for something that is right in front of them, that they have spent six years creating."
Wrapping his arms around Tommy Christopher gave him a hug, "They are just ridiculous at this point. They could be married and have given me a sibling and a dog by this point."
"Hey guys."
During their talk, neither Christopher nor Tommy had noticed when Eddie and Buck had returned.
Buck was the one who had spoken as he looked between Christopher and his not-quite boyfriend, Eddie was at his side just staring at the two of them.
"Put the food down before you drop it and then we can talk," Christopher ordered, his stomach rumbling, he was a growing boy and he needed food.
Eddie quickly put his bag of food down and then collapsed into his chair as he looked at his son and friend, before daring to look at Buck who to his surprise had a delightful pink dust on his cheeks. This had him perking up and unable to keep his eyes off of Buck who seemed to sense Eddie's eyes on him and hurried to the kitchen to dish up the food. He completely ignored Christopher's gestures that he should follow Buck. "I think Tommy should talk to Buck first."
"Your dad has a point." Tommy climbed to his feet, picked up the second bag of food and followed Buck into the kitchen.
Shifting in his seat Christopher stared at his dad, "Alright, then we will talk. I know you love Buck. I know that you questioned yourself when you encouraged Buck to call Tommy up and date him because you wanted it to be you. Dad, I know my grandparents have always said that you needed to give me a mom but I don't need a mom, I have you and Buck. I know that Buck makes you happier than anyone has, even more than Mom and I am tired of watching you push what makes you happy aside because you are afraid."
"When did you get so wise?" Eddie asked as he climbed to his feet and took a seat next to his son.
Christopher grinned at him, "From Bisabuela."
Eddie's lips twitched up into a smile, "Yeah, she said the same thing about Buck. She calls him my North Star, the one always guiding me to where I should be. Always there to pull me out of the darkness. He has been the one to save me when I needed saving. I never want you to doubt that I didn't love your mom, I did very much. But near the end, we weren't happy, we were trying to force something that wasn't any longer there. I think we were better off as friends and co-parents to you. Because you are the most precious thing in my life. So I need to know that you would truly be okay with me dating Buck."
"Dad, I have been planning your and Buck's wedding for years! All my classmates think Buck is my other father. The only ones not seeing what has been there for the past six years are the two of you. So yes I am more than okay for you to marry my Buck."
Eddie felt his eyebrow shoot up, "I said dating nothing about marriage."
Christopher gave his dad a deadpan look, "Dad, I give you and Buck till the end of your talk, the end of the week if I am feeling generous before you are engaged."
"Evan." Tommy's voice was soft and Buck felt more tears filling his eyes, he couldn't face Tommy not yet, so he focused on getting the food sorted.
A strong hand wrapped around his wrist and slowly he found himself turned around to face Tommy. "I..." He didn't know what to say.
"It's okay Evan. I know that Eddie is your heart. You love him as easy as it is breathing." Tommy's eyes were soft.
"I do like you and the last thing I want to do is hurt you." Tommy helped him to accept and be proud of who he truly is. He is special to him, he just isn't Eddie.
"And I am not hurt Evan, I saw from the start how connected you and Eddie are, neither of you is whole without the other. I am lucky to have both of you in my life and to have played such a big role in helping you to embrace this new part of yourself." Tommy gently stroked Buck's cheek. "You are special to me Evan Buckley, and maybe in another lifetime we might have been something more but in this time and place you and Eddie are meant to be." Pressing a gentle kiss on Buck's cheek Tommy pulled back. "I am still your friend Evan, and I am still Eddie's, someone has to kick his ass in Maui Thai and MMA."
Buck let out a startled laugh at that. "He says he is the one kicking your ass."
Chuckling Tommy shook his head, "Well I guess next time we spar you will just have to be there to judge. Now I am taking some of this out there for me and Christopher to enjoy and sending Eddie in here." Grabbing two plates Tommy grabbed two containers and made his way out of the kitchen.  
Buck could feel his heart beating loudly in his ears.
"I love you."
Both stared at one another adjusting to what they just heard and admitted.
Moving Eddie stepped further into his kitchen and it didn't escape his attention that they always seemed to have important conversations in one or the other's kitchens. He took Buck's hands in his and tugged the other man closer until they were pressed up against one another. Wrapping one arm around Buck's waist Eddie put his other hand up where he let his thumb trace across Buck's lower lip. "I love you, Evan Buckley. For so long I have had my parents, especially my mother's, voice in my head telling me not to drag Christopher down with me, that I need to find him a mother. All I wanted for so long was for them to love me. Then you came into my life, you helped me in ways no one could. You never saw me as a failure, all your offers of help came from a place of love and you will never know how much that means to me. I loved Shannon but in the end, she was right, we were trying to keep something alive that we both know was over years ago. Already my heart had begun to move on to you. I tried with Ana and Marisol because they were the kind of women my parents would love and I thought Christopher liked them. But they never made me happy, they never saw me. They weren't you." Slowly Eddie brushed his knuckles across Buck's cheek. "You are my North Star Evan, always guiding me out of the darkness. I love you, Buck. I only love two people with all my whole heart Christopher and you."
"You are my Sun." Buck's voice was soft. "Everyone thinks that Abby was my great love and while I did love her, she helped me to see that I could do a relationship but in the end, she left me. You and Christopher have never left me. You are my sun, filling me with warmth and love. I look at you and I see nothing but light. You are my light. Everyone has left me, even Maddie, and she came back but at the time I saw it as her choosing Doug over me. All my life I have just wanted someone to choose me and you did. I love you Eddie, and I love the little family we have created with Christopher."
When Tommy kissed him it freed him and let Buck admit that he liked it, he liked being kissed by guys as well as women. But it was nothing compared to being kissed by Eddie, it was like being kissed by the moon itself drawing him like the moon draws the stars to it. For the first time in his life, Buck felt like he was complete.
Kissing Buck was like kissing the sun, never before had he felt so warm. Some days he could still feel the chill of the well but this kiss chased away any lingering chill. Eddie wanted nothing more than to devour him, to lay Buck out on his bed and trace every inch of him, to learn all the sounds he makes and all the spots that make him beg for more. "I want nothing more than to take you to bed and take you apart," Eddie whispered against his lips.
Buck shuddered, "I want nothing more but we have your son and my ex-something out in the living room waiting for us. You will have to do with holding my hand until tomorrow when Christopher is out with his friends and Tommy has gone home." Buck honestly wasn't sure he could wait that long.
"If I am holding anything it is you in my lap," Eddie informed Buck. "I think we should get married."
Buck stared at Eddie, "We haven't gone on one date yet. I mean I know you are it for me but shouldn't we have one date first."
"You're it for me as well. And we have been dating for almost six years, like Christopher pointed out we should be married and give him a sibling." Eddie pointed out.
"Don't forget a dog." Buck pointed out.
"Well, we will work on a sibling first then possibly a pet. Our son has our wedding all planned so we can't disappoint him." Eddie's voice dropped into a husky growl, "Plus I can't wait to call you husband."
Buck shuddered. "Buck Diaz, I love the sound of it. So yes Eddie Diaz, I will marry you."
Growling Eddie kissed Buck again, thrilled that he could do that and that he would soon be his husband.
With a few more heated kisses and a promise from Buck that he would sit on Eddie's lap the two of them finally joined Tommy and Christopher where Christopher held out his hand and with a sigh, Tommy placed a twenty dollar bill in his hand.
"Thanks, Dad and Pop for making me twenty dollars richer." Christopher grinned at them, not noticing how Buck tear up when he called him pop.
"You're welcome." Eddie rolled his eyes at his son before taking a seat next to him and raised an eyebrow at Buck, "Well, come on and sit."
Buck felt his cheeks heating up. He took a seat on Eddie's lap, his whole body heating up as Eddie wrapped a free arm around his waist.
Tommy and Christopher both rolled their eyes at the sickening sight of the two men, neither Buck nor Eddie noticed they were too busy with one another.
Somehow Eddie managed to keep his hands mostly to himself, even though it was a challenge as he and Christopher talked Buck into staying over the night and instead of Buck sleeping on the couch he was sleeping in his bed with him, to see Christopher off with his friends.
The door was barely closed behind them before Eddie had Buck pinned to it and devouring the other man as if he was drowning and the only thing keeping him afloat was Buck. Growling he tugged at Buck's clothing wanting to be able to feel Buck's bare skin.
"Bed." Buck moaned, he was tugging at Eddie's shirt.
"Here is fine." Eddie nipped at Buck's jaw, he wasn't waiting to get to a bed to take Buck apart.
"Our first time shouldn't be against the door. But in our bed." Buck purred back.
Pulling back Eddie all but dragged Buck to his no their bed where he kicked the door shut, he lifted Buck over his shoulder and carried him to the bed. The sight of Buck laid out on their bed had something primal within Eddie unleashed and he knew that Buck wouldn't be leaving this room without his marks on him.
It turned out Christopher wasn't the only one who had the Buddie wedding planned out. Bobby had one as well, one that looked too much like Christopher's that had more than a few eyebrows raised.
"What can't my grandson and I have a hobby?" Bobby asked before he was tackled by Buck in a tight hug and Bobby happily returned.
May and Linda of all people made a pretty penny on all the bets that had been made over the years for the Buddie bets.
Refusing to have a long engagement because as nice as calling each other fiancé was they both wanted to be husbands, thanks to Bobby and Christopher's wedding planning and clipboard Buck, who Eddie found extremely hot and made sure Buck knew how much it turned him on, the wedding which was taking place in the backyard of the Grant-Nash was put together in a month.
Buck and Eddie chose to wear their poker night suits, which looking back should have been a big clue that they were dating, the biggest was the sexual tension that night in Eddie's kitchen when Buck asked him if he wanted to go for the title.
Jee was adorable as their flower girl, Christopher stood with pride as Eddie's best man, and Hen was Buck's best woman as Maddie walked her brother down the aisle. Bobby stood with complete pride as he ordained over their wedding.
Their first kiss as husband and husband was the start of the newest and greatest chapter of their lives.
And after a week off for their honeymoon Buck came in sporting a few bruises that were just a little bit too high for his shirt collar and a smug Eddie walking behind him.
Two years later Christopher got his wish for a sibling in an adorable little sister Diana, from Buck's ex-girlfriend Natalia who hadn't informed Buck she was pregnant until the day she gave birth to the little girl she didn't want and gave full custody over to Buck and Eddie.
A dog was a little harder of a sell but even Eddie was no match for the power of Buck, Christopher, and Diana's pleading eyes and pouts. Thus they ended up with an adorable pit bull who Eddie fell in love with and glared at anyone who stated that pit bulls were dangerous.
Wrapping his arms around Buck Eddie pressed a kiss against his husband's cheek, the ocean crashed about as they watched Christopher help Diana build a sandcastle. "Are you happy?" Eddie asked.
"Always and happier each day I have with you." Buck turned to press a kiss against Eddie's cheek.
"You're sap and you wouldn't change a thing about it."
"Never." Eddie agreed as the two of them went back to watching their children, the North Star tattoo on Eddie's wrist lining up perfectly with Buck's sun tattoo, their first-year anniversary gift.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 days ago
Events 10.24 (before 1920)
AD 69 – In the Second Battle of Bedriacum, troops loyal to Vespasian defeat those of Emperor Vitellius. 1260 – Chartres Cathedral is dedicated in the presence of King Louis IX of France. 1260 – After defeating the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Jalut and assassinating the previous Mamluk sultan, Qutuz, Baybars ascends to the Egyptian throne as the fourth sultan of the Mamluk Sultanate. 1360 – The Treaty of Brétigny is ratified, marking the end of the first phase of the Hundred Years' War. 1590 – John White, the governor of the second Roanoke Colony, returns to England after an unsuccessful search for the "lost" colonists. 1596 – The second Spanish armada sets sail to strike against England, but is smashed by storms off Cape Finisterre forcing a retreat to port. 1641 – Felim O'Neill of Kinard, the leader of the Irish Rebellion, issues his Proclamation of Dungannon, justifying the uprising and declaring continued loyalty to King Charles I of England. 1648 – The Peace of Westphalia is signed, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War. 1795 – Poland is completely consumed by Russia, Prussia and Austria. 1812 – Napoleonic Wars: The Battle of Maloyaroslavets takes place near Moscow. 1813 – Treaty of Gulistan: The Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813 comes to a close with the signing of the Treaty of Gulistan, under which terms Qajar Iran agrees to cede the bulk of its Caucasian territories, which comprise much of modern Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, to the Russian Empire. 1851 – William Lassell discovers the moons Umbriel and Ariel orbiting Uranus. 1857 – Sheffield F.C., the world's oldest association football club still in operation, is founded in England. 1860 – Convention of Peking: The Second Opium War formally comes to a close, with Qing China ceding Kowloon in perpetuity to the victorious British Empire. 1861 – The first transcontinental telegraph line across the United States is completed. 1871 – An estimated 17 to 22 Chinese immigrants are lynched in Los Angeles, California. 1876 – Shinpūren rebellion: Upset at the Westernisation of Meiji Japan and the abolition of the Tokugawa feudal hierarchy, the Keishintō, a group of extremist Shinto former samurai, launch a surprise attack against the Meiji government in Kumamoto Prefecture. 1886 – Normanton incident: As the British merchant vessel Normanton sinks off the coast of Japan, her European officers appear to commandeer the ship’s lifeboats for themselves, leaving her Asian crew and passengers to die and conjuring significant political outrage in Japan. 1889 – Henry Parkes delivers the Tenterfield Oration, effectively starting the federation process in Australia. 1894 – First Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Jiuliancheng: Under the command of General Yamagata Aritomo, the Imperial Japanese Army covertly crosses the Yalu River into Qing territory and launches an assault on the fortifications at Hushan. 1900 – U.S. Government announces plans to buy Danish West Indies for $7 million. 1901 – Annie Edson Taylor becomes the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. 1902 – Guatemala's Santa María volcano begins to erupt, becoming the third-largest eruption of the 20th century. 1911 – Orville Wright remains in the air nine minutes and 45 seconds in a glider at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. 1912 – First Balkan War: The Battle of Kirk Kilisse concludes with a Bulgarian victory against the Ottoman Empire. 1912 – First Balkan War: The Battle of Kumanovo concludes with the Serbian victory against the Ottoman Empire. 1917 – World War I: Italy suffers a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Caporetto on the Austro-Italian front. 1918 – World War I: Italian victory in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto.
0 notes
lapsed-bookworm · 4 years ago
Crossover vs Non-crossover Pairing Breakdown for S.W.A.T. (2017)
To the best of my knowledge, this information is accurate as of 12 Feb 2021 with 204 listings on AO3.
No pairings were indicated on 41 out of 204 fics and often overlapped with Gen (20.09%). Technically, no pairings were indicated on an additional five, but the summaries stated or implied pairings: Chris/Street (2), Chris/Street [unrequited] and Chris/Kira/Ty (1), Luca/Deacon’s Sister (1) [canonical name unknown, Josie in the fic], Original Female Character/Unspecified SWAT Member (1). There are also three Character/Reader fics (Chris, Luca, and Street).
Excluding Crossovers
Polyships are entered on 10 fics in two varieties. Three characters in a triad: Chris/Kira/Ty (5). Three characters in a vee: Chris/Kira and Kira/Ty (7). (There is overlap with triad and vee usage on 2 fics.) This leaves the majority of forward slash pairings as two characters and without any OT3 or polyamory tags. Six involve gender unspecified original characters, which leaves a gender breakdown of 39/57 M/F (68.42%), 14/57 M/M (24.56%), and 4/57 F/F (7.01%). The most entered M/F pairing is Chris/Street (19/39 or 48.71%). There’s a tie for most entered M/M pairing with Hondo/Street and Luca/Street at 4/14 or 28.57% each. The most entered F/F pairing is Chris/OFC at 3 / 4 or 75%.
The most entered pairing indicated by an ampersand is Chris & Street at 19/84 (22.61%). Second place goes to Luca & Street at 15/84 (17.85%). Third place is tied between Hondo & Street and Street & Tan at 11/84 (13.09%) each. The fourth most entered pairing is Deacon & Street at 10/84 (11.90%). I would like to clarify that this does not combine similar tags together such listing out each teammate pairing (Street & Luca, Street & Tan, etc.) with a combined pairing like Street & 20 Squad.
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure what to do for these fics. There are 14 instances of otherwise canonical pairings that have anywhere from one additional show to nine additional shows listed. Of these, 10 are for the forward slash pairing Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez. There are four pairings that focus on pairings from other shows and crossover into S.W.A.T., and due to Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej being cast in s3e16 (Gunpowder Treason) as Eric and Ira, there are 13 fics that crossover with Buzzfeed Unsolved and Watcher Entertainment that have forward slash pairings for Eric/Ira (8 of these also have forward slash pairings for Ryan/Shane tagged).
When it comes to a character from S.W.A.T. being paired with a character from another show, it’s a bit hard to tell the extent of differences in the crossover listings when they range from one additional show (9-1-1 (TV)) to ten additional shows being included. There are a whole bunch of ampersand pairings that involve Evan “Buck” Buckley from 9-1-1 (TV), but adding on additional characters in an ampersand list makes it a bit hard to compare to smaller ampersand lists.
I did find the inclusion of Criminal Minds to be interesting because Shemar Moore (the actor for Derek Morgan) was cast in S.W.A.T. as Hondo. There are 15 fics where Derek Morgan and Hondo are the same person or character, so the pairing Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid would more accurately have Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan in the first part of the pairing.
Non-Crossover List of Forward Slash Pairings:
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/James “Jim” Street (19)
* Chris/Kira/Ty (8)
* Kira (S.W.A.T.)/Ty (S.W.A.T.) (7)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Kira (S.W.A.T.) (7)
* David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay (6)
* Dominique Luca/Original Character (5)
* Dominique Luca/James “Jim” Street (4) 
* James “Jim” Street/Molly Hicks (4)
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/James “Jim” Street (4)
* James “Jim” Street/Original Female Character (4)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Original Female Character (3)
* Devlin (S.W.A.T.)/James “Jim” Street (3)
* Bonnie/Victor Tan (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Jilly (S.W.A.T.)
* Dominique Luca/Original Female Character
* James “Jim” Street/Victor Tan
* Dominique Luca/Tuana
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Original Character
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Dominique Luca
* Christina “Chris” Alonso/Dominique Luca
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/David “Deacon” Kay
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
Non-Crossover List of Ampersand Pairings:
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & James “Jim” Street (19) 
* Dominique Luca & James “Jim” Street (15) 
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street (11)
* James “Jim” Street & Victor Tan (11)
* David “Deacon” Kay & James “Jim” Street (10)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & David “Deacon” Kay (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Dominique Luca (2)
* Christina “Chris” Alonso & Victor Tan (2)
* James “Jim” Street & Molly Hicks (2)
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & David “Deacon” Kay
* Ty (S.W.A.T.) & Original Character
* Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Darryl Henderson
* David “Deacon” Kay & Annie Kay
* Buck Spivey & The Team
* James “Jim” Street & Robert Hicks
* James “Jim” Street & Original Female Character
* James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad
Crossover Pairings:
* 9-1-1 (TV): Christina “Chris” Alonso/James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad
* 9-1-1 (TV), All Rise (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez (2), David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay
* Strike Back (TV), Blindspot (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Blindspot (TV), Rosewood (TV), Blood and Treasure - Fandom, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team (Web Series), Station 19 (TV), The Good Doctor (TV 2017): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez, Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Original Female Character [named Nichelle]
* Chicago PD (TV), Third Watch, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Grey's Anatomy, Station 19 (TV), Rosewood (TV), Blindspot (TV), All Rise (TV 2019): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Chicago PD (TV), 9-1-1 (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Murder in the First (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez, David “Deacon” Kay/Annie Kay
* Station 19 (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Rosewood (TV), All Rise (TV 2019): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy, Rosewood (TV), Chicago PD (TV), Blindspot (TV), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez* Station 19 (TV), Blindspot (TV), 9-1-1 (TV), All Rise (TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson/Jessica Cortez
* 9-1-1 (TV): Evan “Buck” Buckley/James “Jim” Street (4), Evan “Buck” Buckley & James “Jim” Street, Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Tommy Kinard, Christina “Chris” Alonso/Shannon Diaz
* 9-1-1 (TV), Hawaii Five-o (2010): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & Evan “Buck” Buckley, Christina “Chris” Alonso & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Scorpion (TV 2014), Criminal Minds (US TV), Chicago Fire: Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad, James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Walter O'Brien (past), James “Jim” Street/Spencer Reid (past)
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS: Los Angeles, Chicago Fire, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Grimm (TV): James “Jim” Street & 20 Squad, James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street/Molly Hicks
* Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), 9-1-1 (TV): Jay Halstead & James “Jim” Street & Evan “Buck” Buckley, James “Jim” Street & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Grimm (TV): James “Jim” Street & Marty Deeks & Evan “Buck” Buckley
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds (US TV): Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Bobby Nash, Evan “Buck” Buckley & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Wallace Boden, James “Jim” Street & Matthew Casey, James “Jim” Street & Owen Strand, James “Jim” Street & TK Strand, James “Jim” Street & David Rossi, James “Jim” Street & Robert Hicks
* 9-1-1 (TV), 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020), NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Grimm (TV), The Umbrella Academy (TV), Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med, One Chicago: Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson & James “Jim” Street, James “Jim” Street & Everyone
* Criminal Minds: Jennifer “JJ” Jareau/James “Jim” Street (3), Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid (15), Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson | Derek Morgan/ Original Female Character
** Derek Morgan is tagged (Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid, for example), but the summary indicates Hondo and Derek are the same person/character in the fic.
* Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior: Dominique Luca/Original Character (2)
* Harry Potter: Harry Potter/James “Jim” Street
* MCU: Clint Barton/Jim Street (2)
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christykinard · 5 years ago
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So excited for this painting to be going to a great cause in my hometown of Dalton, Ga. it will hang in the hallway of the Peeples Cancer Institute. If you are in the Dalton/Chattanooga stop by to view the fabulous art that will be uplifting to all the patients and family being treated there. #creativeartsguide #daltonga #christykinard #flowerhappy #36x36 #kickcancersbutt Please join us on Thursday, August 22nd from 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Creative Arts Guild for Art Infusion: A Healing Collection, a unique opportunity to preview and sponsor art for the private collection at Peeples Cancer Institute, hosted by the Whitfield Healthcare Foundation and the Creative Arts Guild. Featuring Works by Artists: Mary Ellen Andersen Trish Andersen Ellyn Bivin/ ART Amanda Brazier Ellen Franklin Art Mary Hamby (of Twenty Two West) Ali Kay (of Positive Space -Studio of Ali Kay) Christy Kinard Artist Stephanie Martin (of Annie Hanks Studio) Cindy McCreery Jeffrey Morton Cydney See Kim Schuessler Artist Wyanne Thompson Terry West Bradley Wilson Art Enjoy beer, wine and hors d'oeuvres as we celebrate the arts in healthcare. For more information, please contact the Whitfield Healthcare Foundation at 706-272-6128 or Creative Arts Guild at 706-278-0168.
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bigfootsmom · 5 days ago
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i can’t believe buck and tommy have a baby at the end of s8
my commission info
my kofi
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bigfootsmom · 4 months ago
I don’t think you realize the impact you will have on me as an individual when you put grandpa Bobby on my screen, seismic event fr fr
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You’re welcome and or I’m sorry? One of grandpa Bobby’s favorite things to do when Annie is still an itty bitty baby is narrate his cooking process to her <3
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bigfootsmom · 3 months ago
Thank you for the grandpa Bobby art I love them so much she’s so littleeeee 💖😭
Ur so welcome! I’ll take any excuse to share things from the annieverse <3 I also totally missed this ask and am only just now seeing it so here have some more Annie and grandpa Bobby <3
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bigfootsmom · 29 days ago
I love how you’ve made a point of saying that Annie is a big baby, but she still looks tiny in all your drawings because she’s always being held by giant men. So cute! 😄
Hehe thank you 🫶🏻 it’s kinda wild how small a ten pound baby can look ahdnfjdh my baby sister was ten pounder and she still looked so tiny ♥️
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bigfootsmom · 5 months ago
Tease tidbit Tuesday
I was tagged by the lovely and talented @loserdiaz, @devirnis, @smallandalmosthonest, @tizniz, @bidisasterevankinard
I have….started a new au. Girl dads bucktommy with transmasc buck getting to be a seahorse dad so content warning for trans pregnancy and mentions of labor. this au has bewitched me body and soul and I’m dragging @try-set-me-on-fire down with me <3 <3 so here’s a doodle of happy dads with their fresh baby (Bobby took the picture)
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And a snippet! :3
When Eddie grabs Tommy by the crook of his good elbow, Tommy falters. He feels off balance, his stomach swooping and head spinning as he tries to keep up with Eddie’s rapid pace. “Eddie— wait, wait— what’s going on?”
Eddie stops, staring at Tommy before his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. “You don’t know? Fuck— of course you don’t know, shit.” Eddie smacks his forehead with the heel of his hand.
“Don’t know what?” Tommy can feel his stomach sinking, “Eddie, what don’t I know?”
“Buck is here at the hospital. He’s in labor.”
It feels like the world shifts under Tommy’s feet and no amount of hospital grippy socks will keep him from falling. He sucks in a shuddering breath, and then another when it feels like the first one doesn’t ever reach his lungs.
“Wh–what? But, but he was fine– he wasn’t–” The backs of Tommy’s knees hit the edge of the bed and he sways, only his white knuckle grip on the bed rail keeps him from crashing backward. His next breath comes in too quick, whistling between his teeth as his vision tunnels.
Tags <3
@usersiren, @honestlydarkprincess, @swiftietartt, @holdmygum, @morganofthefairies
@underwaterninja13, @father-salmon, @giddyupbuck, @monsterrae1, @bibuddie
@princessfbi, @mellaithwen, @homerforsure, @bisexual-buck, @maygrantgf
@boykisserbuckley, @loveyouanyway, @watchyourbuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @shyaudacity
And YOU if you’re reading this and want to post <3
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bigfootsmom · 4 months ago
I love girl dad's Bucktommy. I think they're so precious and that baby is gonna be so so spoiled
annie is sooooooo spoiled. Buck and Tommy have to make a rule that they can only buy things for her together because too many times has each of them gone to run errands and ended up buying her something that the other one already got her
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bigfootsmom · 5 months ago
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by the lovely and talented @tizniz, @smallandalmosthonest, @bidisasterevankinard, @eddiebabygirldiaz , @loserdiaz,
@loveyouanyway <3 <3 <3
Some more from girls dad’s bucktommy fic. bobby holds Annie for the first time…I’m sorry.
“Her name is Annie Bobby Kinard.”
Bobby stumbles, the world tilting under his feet, the only thing keeping him grounded is the warm weight in his arms.
The back of his knees meet the chair at the side of the bed and Bobby sits down heavily. His chest is tight, his face hot, the heat bleeding into his cheeks, down his throat, into his nose and behind his eyes where it prickles with the threat of tears.
“O-oh,” he croaks out again.
He sucks in a great gulping breath, but it catches, hitching in the back of his throat. His chin trembles. He tries again, the wet rasp of his inhale echoing in his ears, but his exhalation comes too fast, too loud. It explodes from his chest with a sob, the force of it cracking his ribs open and letting his heart spill out into the small bundle in his arms.
He cries. Big, loud sobs that wrack his entire frame as he bows his head and presses it into the soft folds of Annie’s blanket and breathes in the new scent of her through his clogged nose. His tears are soaking into the fabric and he wants to apologize, but nothing leaves his mouth except for another wretched sob.
Bobby never thought he would have this— he thought he had killed all his chances to be a grandfather. And with Buck— with Buck he never dared to hope. He never allowed himself the thought that he was as much of a father to Buck as Buck was a son to him. He didn’t let himself imagine it, didn’t think he deserved to stake that claim even in the privacy of his own mind.
Tags <3
@usersiren, @swiftietartt, @honestlydarkprincess, @holdmygum, @morganofthefairies
@boykisserbuckley, @princessfbi, @homerforsure, @mellaithwen, @bisexual-buck
@devirnis, @monsterrae1, @underwaterninja13, @father-salmon, @giddyupbuck
@watchyourbuck, @shyaudacity, @housewifebuck, @colonoscopys, @try-set-me-on-fire
@shortsighted-owl, @maygrantgf, @buddie-buddie, @bibuddie, and YOU if you want to post something <3
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bigfootsmom · 1 month ago
I LOVE How you draw babies 🥹
Draw more bucktommy or Buddie baby (Idk their names 🤣)
Thank you! Babies are one of my favorite things to draw so I’m glad it comes across.
Usually I don’t respond to demands to draw more but I do have a sneak peek of bucktommy baby (annie) piece I’m working on and im so in love with her
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annie kinard you are my everything 🥹♥️
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bigfootsmom · 5 months ago
i hope u know i have become completely obsessed w girldads tommy fic, like it constantly occupies my mind and when i tell u i am EXCITED to read it in full…….
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DEAR ANON!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
That fic is my baby it’s consumed be body and soul if you ask me about it you will get stuck in a 20 minute unskippable cut scene!!!!!
I don’t know when it will be finished. Originally it was supposed to be snapshots from each month of pregnancy but it’s rapidly spiraling out of control and very well could end up being a scene from each week of pregnancy 😭😂🫣
I keep referring to buck and tommys baby as my baby because this story IS my baby and I’m packing every self indulgent thing I can into it. Tommy grandmas boy kinard? Check. Tommy has a fixer upper? Check. Tommy proposes to buck with his grandfathers ring? Check. Buck makes Eddie the godparent? Check. Chris and Annie are siblings in every way that matters? Check. Eddie is Annie’s third dad? Check. Hell, I may even give Tommy a dog!
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bigfootsmom · 4 months ago
A question about the bucktommy dads fic
Are sirens, bells and truck horns white noise for Annie at some point?
cause I’m imagining Annie can’t nap or sleep unless she’s falling asleep to what the firefam dubbed as “firehouse white noise” so buck and Tommy have a YouTube video that’s a loop of those sounds or buck just straight up records the sounds at work just so his baby can sleep 😂
Oh absolutely yes!!! Naptime at the kinard house just sounds like sitting in the firehouse and buck has to remind himself he’s not at work ashdnfkcj they’re just so grateful that they have a baby that will sleep through anything
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