#anne plays ffxiv
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anneapocalypse · 7 months ago
I deeply appreciate that FFXIV did not bother with trying to give us some kind of underwater breath-holding mechanic with a timer, and instead simply went, "A turtle guy did a magic blessing and now you can breathe under water forever. Don't worry about it."
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anneapocalypse · 6 months ago
"It's not like I'm going to get very deep into this game anyway," I said, as I carefully researched Elezen lore and naming conventions.
What was going through your mind when making your wol (oc)? What was the process like?
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stars-and-clouds · 2 years ago
A List of my Favourite 'Gothic' Media
Google Docs Link
Last Updated: November 23rd, 2024
My preference to gothic aesthetic is mostly victorian goth. Hence, this is what the list will consist of with some outliers. This is not a list of every good gothic media out there, it’s just the ones I have consumed and truly make me feel like I’ve transported into that world.
This list is very selective and subjective. It doesn't always follow the textbook or culturally accepted meaning of 'goth'. It is mostly about the vibe, aesthetic, feelings and motifs that are associated with a beautiful, melancholic and mystical story.
Feel free to submit me ideas for the list, or add your own in reblogs/comments and I will keep updating this post as I consume more of said media =D
*The titles in italics are not exactly gothic but give the same melancholic, beautiful vibe that draws me to gothic media.
Corpse Bride (2005)
Crimson Peak (2015)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Dracula Untold (2014)
Haunted Mansion (2003)
Van Helsing (2004)
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Vampire Hunter D (anime movie) (1985)
The Others (2001)
Constantine (2005)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)
Phantom of The Opera (both movie and play)
Series (Anime, TV shows, Cartoons):
Penny Dreadful (tv series)
Castlevania (netflix, cartoon/western anime)
Courage the Cowardly Dog (cartoon)
The Haunting of Hill House (netflix)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (netflix)
Supernatural (Not gothic per se, but it has the melancholy and secretive, monster world and lots of themes of loss and happiness.)
Carnival Row (more dark fantasy, than gothic but it's basically set in victorian London and I love it)
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
Frakenstien - Mary Shelley
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Dracula - Bram Stoker
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Bronte
Penny Dreadful (serial fiction) - (Various)
Doesn’t really count but all the northern bits of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ make me feel that way too.
The Castle of Otranto - Horace Walpole
Fevre Dream - George R.R. Martin
Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Castlevania Series + Lords of Shadow
FFXIV- Heavensward (Expansion)
Albino Lullaby- Episode 1
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine (Expansion)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (any of their ttrpg campaigns or interactive/visual novels are also good)
Curse of Strahd (D&D)
Bloodborne (PS4)
Silent Hill 2
Following are Visual/Interactive Novels:
Any of the ‘Vampire the Masquerade’ Books (they’re sub par but I love the vibe) (IN)
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (VN)
The House in Fata Morgana (VN)
this section will be really long so i will properly update it later.
Oh Willow Waly from The Innocents
The Unqueit Grave Penny Dreadful Version
youtube playlist with my favourite gothic sounding music
Gothic Pinterest Board
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candycryptids · 10 months ago
Good morning (or good evening in your case I guess)! 🤭
Because you asked me about the theme songs: If you had to choose one for each of your OCs what would it be?
Goooood Morning! Or evening for you by now I think 🤔🥰 This’ll be easier for some than others B’3 (links will all be to YouTube videos hopefully!) thank you for the question this was a real thinker x3
So Levraut actually has a song we recently heard and went HOLY SHIT ITS LEV’S THEMESONG! Which would be [Creator, by Lena Raine] it has the mysterious suspense of the music box at the start, and then shifts into the cadence of something I associate with the Sea, which is something that sounds like Accordion ahaha (and then it further intensified with electric guitar, which isn’t usually in his soundscape, but it’s So Good)
[cut because… length again LOL]
For Tuesday I’d have to say my first choice is [Hello World, by Louie Zong] as far as songs that make me immediately associate with Tuesday lololol. The other song I have is [Waltz No. 2, Robot, by Hikaru Shirosu] it has, to me, the cadence of going shopping in a small market, but you’re still very ‘young’ in a sense, and small obstacles can feel like big obstacles 🫢 it’s also Piano, which is one of the instruments associated with Keathan! Who has a very heavy influence on Tuesday’s soundscape :3
For Chuusday…. Picking just one is rly hard… hm… it’s not on EITHER of her playlists I think, but [Home Beyond The Horizon by I think Masoyashi Soken and Daiki Ishikawa] Which is a song played on a crunchy, tinny radio. She’s not patriotic, but it was too large a part of her life for it to not have had some major impacts on her, lol. For a less/more serious song (???) I’d say [Hardware Store by Weird Al Yankovic]. It’s got. The vibe. LMAO.
Tangy is also hard to pin down, but I think [Fell In Love With A Girl, by White Stripes] does a pretty good job of suiting both the vibe and at least a Lil Bit the lyrics [because the first three lines remind me of Minfilia and Tangy :/ not that I ship them explicit romantic 100% of the time, but it coulda been. It coulda.]
🎤Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She's in love with the world🎵
Otherwise my other offering is When You Look At Her and it’s just playing [Cat Cafe by Tsundere Twintails] in her whole expression.
There’s not a particular song I can think of for Mochiie yet- I’ve been fighting that gorilla for a month or so now and I’m not much closer to victory yet, lmfao. However I do offer the song from [this post] because it reminds me Thavnair, so the real answer is I have a lot of music in Urdu I need to listen to and figure out his vibe LOL. I found the song in particular after scouring the notes though! Which is ->[Mehndi Laga Ke Rhakna, sung by Lata Mangeshkar and Udit Narayan] (I also need to figure out the influence the Azim Steppe had on him 🫢)
Ishi’li is… tricky. Cos I’m also still working on their playlist BDJDNFJDJFSK and the one song I’ve heard recently that made me think of him so so hard isn’t in the soundscape I’d set for them :T but. It’s rly Ishi.
[Like or Like Like by Miniature Tigers]
🎤I watched you get undressed
I must have turned bright red
'Cause I couldn't stand to face you
'Cause I liked what I saw
And maybe we should just be friends
Tell me how you feel about me
Do you like or like, like me?
Tell me what you really feel
Do you like me? Just say you do🎵
Swydghem actually has songs because I listened to a playlist on basically endless loop while writing so even though it’s Baldurs Gate [Down By The River composed by Borislav Slavov] always makes me think of her LOL… Solkmyna gets slightly more associated with [How The Tide Rushes In by Anne Dudley] Jojoha doesn’t have a particular soundscape yet because it overlaps with Levraut regularly😅 (at least in terms of; the Dreadnaughts, which is one of the bands I listen to for him lmao.)
Colette is my monster hunter/Ffxiv cross oc and while I haven’t really given her a whole lotta thought I think [I Want It All by Arctic Monkeys] could definitely fit her vibe, lol. She’s someone else on my to-do for music thoughts, just a little further down the line from Ishi and Mochi uvu;
Bonus!!! If you were wondering [Love Like You from Steven Universe] makes me think of Tuesday/Haurchefant. :’)
I hope you enjoy the music 🫶 lord knows there’s a bunch of it SHFJRJFEKCKSKXKA hopefully the color/bolding isn’t obnoxious, it makes it easier for my eyes to not glaze over if there’s variation lmao
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margaritadaemonelix · 4 months ago
Hi!! I've been a lurker + fan of your fics since like. 2020 and as a writer myself, I always admire how you do your descriptions and worldbuilding... do you have any book/reading recs that inspire you? or tips?? and this is also unrrelated but I'd love to hear about what current wips you're working on!!
whjkwhkhww come off anon and talk to me plz, thank you so much for reading my fics??? i'm in shambles anon you are so kind know that i am psychically beaming you a hug
oh boy uhhhh worldbuilding and descriptions. tbh that's less a function of what i read and more a function of what i enjoy. i'm a big proponent of mundane joys like cooking and eating and dressings up, so i feel like it stands that those things tend to reflect the most in my writing. tbh i feel like i struggle with balancing worldbuilding/description with plot because i tend to hyperfixate on the small details, but a lot of people like it??? so i will continue trucking on
so if i had to give any advice, it's like. fall in love with some part of living, and then try to narrate what it is that you love about it. i love the writing with fountain pens because drawing ink into the reservoir makes me feel like a witch mixing potions, and i love baking because that first slice of my spatula through the dry and wet ingredients crunches so wonderfully, and i love wearing mamianqun because the swish of my hems when i walk makes up for the struggle of dripping over them when i go up stairs. little things like that really bring your writing to life
in terms of reading recs for things that have inspired me, i have to say. 90% of it is other fics. there are so many fics that have inspired me over the years and i always try to analyze what it is i love about them in terms of narrative structure, use of language, etc. uhhhh that said i've had my fingers in a lot of fandom pies over the years, and also i minored in english so i'm like. a little bit fussy about my analyses. that said:
if you want some beautiful prose, my favourite book of all time has to be This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (yes, the bigolas dickolas one)
a great example of narrative voice and unreliable narration that i love to bits is Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, it's so different from the movie and is SO funny.
aside from that, lately i've been rereading Anne Carson's Eros the Bittersweet, which is a literary discourse on the depiction of desire in the fragments of Sappho + later poets.
my current wips... there are Many. i am trying to play cleanup with them and i've been bouncing across ten different wips, not to mention the abandoned ones that are never seeing the light of day again. rn the main wip is this is our eden-in-flames, a direct sequel to within the ruins of me which i finished last year. i've also got a smattering of other wips in the ruination series, a few misc ffxiv fics, and a smattering of hsr fics.
once again, thank you so much anon ;-; good luck with your own writing endeavours!
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adventures-in-asexuality · 1 year ago
End-of-year ramblings
Video games
Yeah, okay, let's start here. Obviously I played a truly inexplicable very explicable amount of FFXIV this year, and will continue to do so (can't believe Dawntrail will be dropping next year; we've stuck at it through all the waits between patches).
Baldur's Gate 3 was fun; I didn't expect to play it, but so many people I know loved it that I had to try, and I'm glad I did.
The same really goes for Cyberpunk 2077; honestly most of what I like about the game is the experience of it, rather than the stories. Whoosh! Zoom! Neon and doublejumping!
The other major new game this year for me was Mask of the Rose; I really loved it! I think the post-release patches helped it a lot as a game, but honestly I was hooked right from the beginning. (This was probably the start of the series of events that got a friend playing Sunless Skies/me replaying Sunless Skies/me returning to Fallen London and accidentally convincing some friends to also do so. No regrets.)
Big album this year has to be Bury the Lede by Dessa. I was going to listen and enjoy it no matter what, but I really do like the way a lot of the songs resonate with growing older, still having all the same big feelings, but being way too tired to deal with them in any kind of high-octane way. What if I'm Not Ready in particular really tugs at something in me.
I'm not sure I have more new music this year; I've been a bit disconnected from everything, mostly listening to music when someone hurls links my way. Maybe next year!
I read a lot of books this year, as ever, but the vast majority have been rereads; I've been quite low on book recs again. Here's a few of the new ones - I won't cover all of them because I don't have that kind of patience. (Counted - 33 new ones - which, compared to the sheer number of rereads, is low.)
She Who Became the Sun/He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan were a fun pair of books, about a girl who steals her brother's name and destiny when he dies so that she can shape the world/become the emperor. I liked some of the gender vibes you get in this - Zhu Yuanzheng's gender is never really defined, but also never at all fits in a binary mould. A lot of the second book, however, felt a bit extraneous and a bit gratuitous in various directions. Overall, I think this is a rec for reading the first one and skipping the second.
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle - everyone reading this probably already knows, but yeah, this is good. There's always something special to me about stories about queer kids in fundamentalist Christian churches - sure, it's usually American churches, but it's still a commonality that resonates powerfully with me. Read it.
Somewhere in summer I read all of Tana French's murder mysteries. I quite liked the Dublin Murder Squad books - nothing special but fun - but I honestly really disliked her two later standalones. The politics in them just set my teeth on edge a bit - The Wych Elm's protagonist is so dismissive about disability that, while I know it's part of his characterisation, it still left a bad taste in my mouth; The Searcher's protagonist has some views on politeness and morality that just make me sigh. (Rec for the murder squad books if you, like me, just really like murder mysteries.)
The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson: every year I'll read one more of her books, I guess. They're always good. They always haunt me.
Translation State by Ann Leckie was good; of course it was. I think it comes with my biggest overall caveat for an Ann Leckie book (I really wish Qven and Reet's subplot had ended differently; I know it was written as a metaphor for something else, but I read and resonated with it as a metaphor for aceness, which the ending doesn't leave space for) but it was still great. And we saw Sphene again!!
Not much this year; my brain hasn't been in the right space for it.
Watched the Evangelion rebuild - I still haven't seen the original series so this was an interesting experience. I'm not really sure what my takeaway from it was, or what exactly I watched (apart from giant photorealistic Rei - we watched the fourth film in the cinema, so it was truly giant) but hey, I get more references now.
That same group of miscreants has been watching Lexx - seriously, do not watch this. It's rancid. It's so bad we have lost the ability to evaluate media, because everything else is good compared to it. Awful. Terrible. 15 more hours to go until we're free. I'm not going to describe it because the descriptions sound interesting and it is a terrible show. Never watch it. Strangle anyone who tries to make you.
Almost forgot, but I think this was the year I watched Yellowjackets - phenomenal even when your point of comparison isn't Lexx. I'm waiting for the third season with bated breath. It's so good. It's so awful. It's breaking my heart. Please watch this immediately and then come scream with me.
I'm also making my way through Young Pope, which - I don't know if I'd say that I'm enjoying it, but it is certainly doing things to my brain. It resonates with me in a similar way to Camp Damascus; even though they're on very different areas of the right-wing Christian spectrum, the fundamental beliefs and desires and angers and fears and reactions are the same.
Heaven's Official Blessing Season 2 finally happened!!! I'm still working my way through it - the friend I watch with has had no time this year, so we're using the holidays for it - but, oh, I love this book and these characters so much.
More personal stuff
Work has actually been quite bad this year; I've largely been on a project that's gotten worse and worse as the year goes on, in a way I fundamentally cannot fix but have to try to anyway. I've been circling between 'I hate this, I should job search' and 'I'm so bad at everything, only this job would put up with me' and 'at least wfh doesn't mean I'm in danger of losing it'. By Easter or so, I should be free from it at last, so I'll keep an eye out and hopefully things will even out again.
Home has, however, been a lot better. I moved towns at the end of last year to somewhere that has more friends and a more walkable town centre (and much cheaper rent) and it's been an excellent choice. Only having to walk five minutes or so to get to a shop or see a friend has meant that I've been able to practise walking five minutes or so (whereas in my last place, it was a walk then a twenty-minute bus ride just to the town centre) - and that in turn has meant that I've been able to build that up bit by bit, and occasionally run headlong into my limits in the process.
It's been a bit of a weird holiday season in particular for me this year, laced with grief and memories. Hosting a Christmas dinner and cooking with several other people felt right in a way it's hard to really put words to, and also reminded me very strongly of my grandmother. Her house was always a gathering place for all the family, as well as a refuge; it's eight or nine years since I last set foot inside it and yet I could still tell you the layout of her kitchen, the mnemonic for the bank of eight light switches in the hallway, the warmest place in winter and the coolest place in summer. Nowhere I've lived before has been nice enough for people to visit often, let alone to cook in or to know their way around; cooking and organising with people, seeing them remember locations and extend tables and understand the hob, soothes something it is difficult to explain.
Next year, then:
I hope to have somewhat more brain and less exhaustion (I've been so tired all year, which is tedious as fuck).
I hope for many of my friends to have considerably better years, and that the rest will continue to have good years. (I am threatening the years with a knife until they are kind to all of you.)
I hope to continue to shape this flat into somewhere pleasant to be, and persuade people to be there from time to time.
I hope to get a better idea of my work situation when I'm not on a horrible project.
I hope that the GIC might at least tell me that I'm on a waiting list!
I intend to find a tangible creative hobby one way or the other (taking suggestions as long as you can present a use case for the hobby; Queenie keeps suggesting knitting in the abstract).
And, as always, I hope to love more freely, be kinder and more helpful, and to try to build a future that has space for me.
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sanzos · 9 months ago
HI ALLIE I'M BACK AGAIN 🌸 7, 14, 22, 29 for nel, erica, and sola??
HELLO!!!!! welcome back!
7. If your OC had to cosplay as a fictional character, who would they choose?
nel would 100% cosplay sailor moon! she'd be grumpy the whole time but would actually be rly pleased about it. sailor moon would probably be an icon to here lbr.... moon princess magical girl? sign her UP! erica would probably go for aerith from ff7! spunky flower girl who loves pink and can kick ass? yeah she's into that. sola's was the easiest because it would be nami from one piece hands down. money-loving playful cat-themed girl? yeah that's sola alright (esp bc nami is her biggest inspo). a more non-obvious choice for her would be ann from persona 5, especially in her metaverse outfit tho!
14. If your OC was a Dungeons and Dragons character, what would their class be? And/or: If they were playing D&D, what kind of character might they play? (these aren’t necessarily the same thing)
in the dnd universe nel would be a sea elf sorcerer! or maybe a water genasi sorcerer???? one of those. if she were playing, she'd play a a halfling barbarian! so much rage in such a tiny package..... perfect. erica would be a half-elf bard! playing, she'd probably go for an eladrin druid! and make her the most flowery druid of all time. also she'd be pink. i thought sola would be the easiest of the bunch bc she's from ffxiv but uh... dnd doesn't rly have a class that fits her main classes lmao well! well if she was a dnd character she'd be a tabaxi warlock! for warrior of light related reasons (if ya know ya know lmao). now if she MADE a character for dnd she'd play a changeling rogue! no do not look into the reasons for that :)
22. What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties?
nel is easily a waterbender! for df and mermaid reasons but also bc water is the element of change, which is a big thing for her! as for erica, i'm honestly stuck between water and air for her? both could work well, but i might be leaning more towards air since she's very easygoing overall. sola is very much a firebender! not only bc her color scheme is mainly reds and blacks but bc she's a very passionate person, even if she hides that passion behind a veneer of playfulness.
29. Gun to their head, what is your OC’s fursona?
i can't believe u would go for this thanks.... nel would 100% say she doesn't have one but if forced her's would probably be some type of wolf? i wanna say it wouldn't be any specific species but with nel's personality nah she'd have all the details hashed out. i unfortunately don't know those details. except that it would be named luna. bc obviously. erica's would be a fox! a very pink fox... probably a fennec fox bc Big Ears Cute. she wouldn't make any sort of lore for it and it's name would probably just be botan, which is her pen name lmao sola's a catgirl already lmao (well.... ffxiv miqo'te catgirl not hrothgar catgirl) but her's would also be a fox! a red fox, which is the animal i associate with her the most. uhhh she'd probably come up with lore but only like to tease her friends about their own fursonas (i'm looking DIRECTLY at u alphinaud).
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eyeanthe · 2 years ago
hello!! my name is ianthe (eye-ann-thee) and I'm an angel vtuber! 💜 I will respond to any pronouns
I'm a variety streamer who enjoys mainly story-focused games and life sims - right now I'm playing through the rhapsody trilogy on wednesdays, and sometimes dabbling in various other games on weekends. you might OCCASIONALLY see some ffxiv streams!
anyway, I'm relatively new to streaming so I'd love to see some new faces! nice to meet you all!
stream: https://twitch.tv/eyeanthe
other socials: https://eyeanthe.carrd.co
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twsted-princess · 1 year ago
Unsure what you implied with the tag so I give you two options
13. “I could kiss you right now!” Any FFXIV Melanie ship
60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” CarolErenville
If that one is wrong ignore and only do the one you wanna bestie <3
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"One more round!! This one's on me!!" Carol cheered, her glass of wine slipping a few drops as she makes her declaration. The rest of the tavern cheers as Erenville sighs. From the motley crew Urianger was passed out on the table mumbling to himself, Melody was obsessively playing triple triad, Y'shtola had already gone to her room to sleep, Keres and Thancred........were somewhere likely entangled in each other's embrace and Melanie was already asleep. So it was down to two, and the elezen was six glasses in. "Miss Ann don't you think you should rest?" he asked, swirling his glass of mead and golden eyes almost glowing in the candlelight. She glanced at him and he could see her tongue run over her lips. "Oh we're fiiiiiiine~ I'm a little- hic!! Tipsy. Beside we all deserve a reward!" Leaning over she smiled, her cheek stained as red as her drink before a barmaid brought over her seventh wine. "Perhaps, but we were going to hike tomorrow and I'd like to leave bright and early." Carol giggled as she took a long sip. "Don't you worry little bunny, I'll be in tip-top shape tommorrow~!!" Little bunny......that was new. She watched as he shuffled, the nickname worming into his mind. "You're so cute Eren, like a little bunny rabbit~♡" Cooing she got up from her seat to get closer, closer, watching his ears twitch at her teasing while trying to remain firm. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” he watched as she crawled onto his lap, petting his hair and pushing herself closer. "Awww I'm just messing with you but......I'd love to study your body. See what makes you tick.♡" She stroked his ears and giggled as a shiver ran down his spine. "Carol......" he murmured before burying his face in her neck. A sigh leaving her lips. "It's still dark, we can play all night long my sweet bunny.♡" Erenville sighed, there was no way to resist her. Might as well have a little fun.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year ago
I really just wish they would consistently allow Y'shtola to actually be blind. I loved the moment in Shadowbringers where she asked Urianger to describe the night sky to her. I loved her mistaking the Warrior of Light for a Lightwarden because she can't actually see their physical appearance, just the quality of their aether. But by default the writing assumes that her ability to see aether completely cancels out her loss of vision. She goes to the library and she can just... read print books. You could come up with really interesting and creative technological and magical accommodations for her disability, like mammets or familiars that read text to you! but instead she's just written 98% of the time like she isn't disabled and it's frustrating.
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heretic-altias · 2 years ago
Had the realization that Concorde in SSO and Ryne in FFXIV are like. The same. Spoilers for both games ahead.
Concorde's story arc really hasn't gone anywhere yet, so the focus on this is kind of what I think SSO should take inspiration from with Ryne's story. But Ryne was originally named Minfillia, the same as a character who had died saving the first. She was reincarnation essentially. All her reincarnations were trained to fight the sin eaters threatening the world. But long story short (play Shadowbringers for the full emotional arc lol) she was broken out of that cycle with the help of Thancred and recognized as her own individual and given her own name.
Concorde in SSO is in a similar boat now. The reincarnated Concorde is NOT the original Concorde. She has none of his memories. She just shares an appearance, some powers probably, and a destiny. And god that has to hurt both her and Anne to see everyone treat her as just the same horse reborn. Anne is interacting with this new filly and being told it's her horse reborn while this Concorde may not act similarly to the original. While this Concorde doesn't share any of Anne's memories with the original. I'd LOVE to see Anne and Concorde get a similar arc to Thancred and Ryne, where Anne processes her grief and comes to see this new Concorde as her own individual and not just a reincarnation. Maybe even give her a unique name of her own.
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paradoxoflucidity · 1 year ago
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hello? has this message reached you? if you have seen this, then there is somebody in the dream world who is calling out to you ; they are wishing to meet you once again.
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PARADOX OF LUCIDITY is a 18+ multifandom role-play group based on Discord. P.O.L focuses on the aspects of having fun while writing with a world built around your characters. Our rules are more laid back and emphasizes the joy of writing with others exploring your characters in a new situation. Won’t you join us?
rules | masterlist | discord invite ( link should be working again ! )
( BALDURS GATE . ) - gale of waterdeep , lae'zel
( BLOOD BATTLE BLOCKADE . ) - leonardo da vinci .
( CHAINSAW MAN . ) - any characters ! ( save for himena & makima . )
( ENSEMBLE STARS . ) - himeru , leo tsukinaga , ritsu sakuma , tsukasa suou , subaru akehoshi , hokuto hikada , makoto yuuki , souma kanzaki , hiiro amagi , rinne amagi & tatsumi kazehaya .
( FFXIV . ) - any characters !
( FIRE EMBLEM . ) - hubert & edelgard .
( GENSHIN IMPACT . ) - clorinde , navia , furina , jean , lisa , kaeya , aether , diluc , zhongli .
( HONKAI STAR RAIL . ) - blade .
( HYPNOSIS MIC . ) - samatoki aohitsugi , hitoya amaguni .
( OBEY ME . ) - beelzebub , diavolo , simeon
( OCTOPATH TRAVELER . ) - any characters !
( RADIANT DAWN . ) - ike , elincia , sothe , any of the dawn brigade
( PARADOX LIVE. ) - anne faulkner , yeon hajun , nayuta yatonokami , shiki ando .
( PERSONA SERIES . ) - junpei iori , fuuka yamagishi , yu narukami , yosuke hanamura , phantom thieves members .
( SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI SERIES . ) - yuko takao, chiaki tachibana, & isamu nitta .
( TRIGUN . ) - any characters , though meryl & milly are highly requested .
( TSUBASA REVOIR CHRONICLE . ) - princess sakura & syaoran .
( TWISTED WONDERLAND . ) - jade leech , azul ashengrotto . any characters wanted!
( XXXHOLIC . ) - shizuka doumeki , kohane tsuyuri , & himawari kunogi .
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stardustdiver · 1 year ago
nine people you would like to get to know better
@flingsky tagged me forever ago, i put it in my 'do it later' brain folder, then i forgot about that brain folder x.x
i tag @cassieoctavia @caorann8 @shearah @oathkeeper-kima @pyjamaenzel @amons-hat-enthusiast @capriccio-ffxiv @tee-ffxiv @cybercrayons as per title, only if you want to 👉👈
three ships
im not much of a shipper person so uh, 1 - fitzsimmons (marvels agents of shield), my favourite nerd pair who FINALLY GOT THEIR BREAK i swear the writers gave them pain and despair just because 😖. 2 - moenuri (final fantasy 14), also another blessed nerd pair, but one half was taken from us way too soon.
first ship ever
fitzsimmons, all of AoS i was hoping theyd get a break from their trauma but they kept being put in the trauma machine
last song
idr which song exactly but i had mellow lofi morning playlist playing in an attempt to help me wake up with some chill music and not a TIME GOTTA GET UP PANIC, i think its helping
last movie
in cinemas, across the spiderverse, 10/10, hyped for beyond the spiderverse. in general, i think encanto that my mam put on in the living room a lil while ago, also good film
currently reading
rebel fire by ann sei linn, the sequel to rebel skies. took me a while to think about getting into a different series after finishing the wayfairer series by becky chambers, but its getting interesting, basically avatar but instead of water and air bending its all paper-bending and making origami creatures and weapons but with your ✨️mind✨️
currently consuming
last thing i ate was aldis chocolate pringle shapes, idk they look like pringles but they are chocolate and also mint chocolate and little rice crispies pieces in there.... idk, but its breakfast time i need breakfast too
currently craving
chilli jam cheese toastie :)
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monriatitans · 10 months ago
April 2024 Wrap-Up
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Artist Shout-Outs Shared
Current AI ‘art’ is created on the backs of hundreds of thousands of artists and photographers who made billions of images and spend time, love and dedication to have their work soullessly stolen and used by selfish people for profit without the slightest concept of ethics. – Alexander Nanitchkov
April’s Artist Shout-Outs
Apr. 1st: Quentin Papleux
Apr. 6th: InstaMAT
Apr. 7th: Gwendolyn Grey
Apr. 8th: Charles Joseph Cabrera
Apr. 13th: Cameron Suter
Apr. 14th: Furkan Akin
Apr. 15th: Phạm Ngọc Khuyến
Apr. 20th: Harley Howl
Apr. 21st: Clara Martín
Apr. 22nd: Helen Jarosz
Apr. 27th: Munchbud Ink
Apr. 28th: stellarbagle
Apr. 29th: Yerim Lee
April’s Opinions
Blog Posts
Apr. 3rd: Why I Say I’m ADtistic Instead of an AuDHDer
Apr. 17th: The Love Languages: Including the Autistic Ones
April’s Streams and Videos
Blog Posts
Apr. 5th: Let’s Read Some $#!7 by Peter S. Beagle, Melissa Sweeney, & Ann Liang
Apr. 7th: Let‘s Discuss Some $#!7 — Behind the Scenes
Apr. 12th: Let’s Play Some Demos! — Part 3
Apr. 14th: Let’s Play Some $#!7! — Hades
Apr. 28th: Let’s Play Some $#!7! — Boyfriend Dungeon!
Apr. 29th: Let’s Read Some $#!7 by Howard Zinn, The Brothers Grimm, & 3dtotalPublishing
Poems Written
I Am Autism
“Try Harder”
“You’re Doing It On Purpose”
Don’t Lay Down!
Books Read
The Last Unicorn
Sensory: Life on the Spectrum
Cause of the Month: Different Brains
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Autism Acceptance Month Quotes of 2024
QUOTE 1: Pete Wharmby
QUOTE 2: Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy
QUOTE 3: Temple Grandin
QUOTE 4: Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay
QUOTE 5: Patrick Jasper Lee
QUOTE 6: Jeannie Davide-Rivera
QUOTE 7: Karina Poirier
QUOTE 8: Michael Braccia
QUOTE 9: Lyric Rivera
QUOTE 10: Ember Green
QUOTE 11: Allie
QUOTE 12: Samantha Stein
QUOTE 13: Yulika Forman, PhD, LMHC
QUOTE 14: @Neurodivergent_Lou
QUOTE 15: @AuDHD_Therapist
Check out Different Brains, who “strives to encourage understanding & acceptance of individuals who have variations in brain function and social behaviors known as neurodiversity”.
April’s Neverending Reading List Shares
Apr. 11th: The Neverending Reading List: Book LIII — The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Apr. 23rd: The Neverending Reading List: Book LIV — They Say / I Say
Apr. 25th: The Neverending Reading List: Book LV — Fahrenheit 451
Apr. 30th: The Neverending Reading List: Book LVI — 100 Plants That Heal
April’s Artbook Collection Items Shared
Apr. 2nd: The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition
Apr. 4th: Faeries of the Faultlines
Apr. 16th: Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei
Apr. 18th: The World of Guweiz
April’s Video Game Quotes Shared
QUOTE 1: “Darkest Dungeon”
QUOTE 2: “Fallout 4”
QUOTE 3: Thaliak, FFXIV
QUOTE 4: Llymlaen, FFXIV
QUOTE 5: Eulogia, FFXIV
QUOTE 6: Azeyma, FFXIV
QUOTE 7: Oschon, FFXIV
QUOTE 8: “The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time”
QUOTE 9: “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks”
April’s Literacy Quotes Shared
QUOTE 1: Story Shares
QUOTE 2: Isaac Asimov
QUOTE 3: Robert S. McNamara
QUOTE 4: Joshua Hammer
QUOTE 5: Robert Popple
QUOTE 6: Donalyn Miller
QUOTE 7: Sally Armstrong
QUOTE 8: Mark Seidenberg
QUOTE 9: E.A. MacKay
April’s Stupidity Quotes Shared
QUOTE 16: Torron-Lee Dewar
QUOTE 17: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
QUOTE 18: Sukant Ratnakar
Kickstarter Items Received
Kickstarter Item Arrived: Weird Wastelands by Web DM!
To expand the Opinions & Truth (O&T) blog, MonriaTitans started The Weekend Game Show ( WGS) to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario. Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
In addition, she shares educational quotes to promote literacy, the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium, and regarding a Cause of the Month to raise awareness, while giving Artist Shout-Outs to human artists to combat AI art theft. Want to learn more about the Artist Shout-Outs? Click here! #createdontscrape
The Artists Shout-Out posts can be seen here, on Instagram, Facebook, Discord, and more!
She is also an artist under the handle TitansMonriArt.
Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee! Lastly, posts may contain affiliate links.
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akumanoken · 2 years ago
*places my urls but only if you roast me* :)
Send me your URL and I'll tell you @vixlenxe and by extension @liroyalty
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Oooh boy there are so many... it started with Violet, and Souji taking one look at her and going she's so cool I wanna be friends... and then the princesses Ann and Sue being so incredible, their world and their lore... and then S L A N E happened... LOL and then somehow Tiffanie and Ivy shanghaied my princess verse and placed him right in Eorzea and he's out here living his best life. Her characters are so fun and so diverse and go from people you wanna hang out, to people you wanna smooch all over to people you wish would go back to the fiery chasm from whence they came... How they play them: For all the shit she says about her not being able to play people right she's so good at it, and I'm not just talking about her ocs because only you can play your ocs right there's no good or bad it's just them and they're amazing but her canons are wonderful as well and no I am not taking criticism from her specifically at this time. The Mun: And then there's Chaos... this gremlin LOL so she wants me to roast her and honestly it's her fault I've been sucked into FFXIV and shit it's all her fault I hope she's happy with herself!!! LOL but honestly she's helped me so much in so many ways. The way I've evolved Makoto and the situation as it stands, how I approach my writing and world building, and honestly all my improvements in art can honestly be seen in the commissions I've done for her. I've learned to do quite a bit because of her, refined many things as well... I've found myself actually liking and appreciating my own art and journey and honestly she's had such a huge role in that it's insane. So like any roast from me is a honey roast at best because I love you too much baby.
Do I:
RP with them: Yes Want to RP with them:  Yes
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
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friedesgreatscythe · 4 years ago
i could watch and rewatch the dinner date with aymeric so many times and never get sick of it. seeing him so cheerful and focused and just... so happy to LISTEN to the warrior of light, he’s almost... boyish? young?
how his voice slowly falls when he politely turns down your offer to travel together, as he is too bound by his duties--how he follows it up quickly with, “someday, perhaps.” how he bows his head and talks about how with all the hard work he has ahead of him, he uses your determination as a guiding light. how you walked up to a wyrm and did not hesitate to do what you needed to do, even if you might die, and how if you could do THAT, how could he in any way hesitate to do the work set before him? and then he brings it back around to thank you for all you’ve done, once again tying you not just to the city but to the work he’s dedicated to !! even if he isn’t with you, you’re always with him in his heart ! in his spirit ! in his thoughts !!!
how even if you don’t travel together, you still run into him, still find your way back to him in the most dire moments--he carries you! personally!! off the battlefield in gyr arbania all the way north back to ishgard!!! he, the lord fuckin commander, abandons the battlefield to take you home, when other safety was closer by. how he SPRINTS to your room when you finally wake up, his face so clearly expressing surprise and hope. how he sits at your side!!! how he downplays his efforts in caring for you !!! how he assures you that you can trust him !! to look after what’s happening in the alliance against the empire while you try to figure out what weird mystical shit is happening to your friends !!! you trust him with the literal fate of the world !!! he offers himself up for that trust !! that job !!! for you !!!
aymeric just. he loves you. not you as a scion, you as the warrior of light, you as this fearless, impossible, miracle gifted to the world, but you--the you who makes these choices, the you who dedicates herself to the work. and he wants to know you, the you beneath that, what you want for yourself and oh my GOD
you think i’m nuts for emet-selch? i sure am bitch!!! and i’m just as crazy for aymeric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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