#annabeth my child I'm sorry that they don't get you at all...
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sadiewen · 11 months ago
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coldilikeit · 5 months ago
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Yandere Batfam x Camp half-blood (Neglected reader)
DC x Pjo
Part 6
This had like a huge timeskip
It's been 3 months Since you decided to stay at camp
It's been so good, the camp is quiet, since it's school year right now, it's currently October, the weather outside doesn't really affect the camp but it's chilly, the good kind
Percy and Annabeth have been sending you photographs of their schools, since you can't go to school anymore
Because you're "dead"
Still even if you're not studying, no way you're gonna let them get ahead of you, so you spent an entire day carving an Athena statue
You got a bunch of food from the Cornucopia as offerings
Then you pray "Lady Athena, may you please guide me, I need books on grade 6 studies.... Please?"
For good measure you decided to place a drachma on the statue
"I- I want to study... And uhhh, I've never really prayed to a god before- I mean what kind of god would - okay going off topic, I want to learn because I don't want to feel helpless anymore, I've been there, never again, so if- you could help me... I'd appreciate it, but you don't have to if you don't want- sooo... Yeah I guess, do I say amen? Um bye"
"didn't think a child of Aphrodite would ever be interested in learning"
"AH!" You yelp as a voice appears behind you
" 'Thena can you not sneak up on children, that's fucking creepy"
You tilt your head "Mr. D???"
"kid next time you want to study just bother Chiron, there's legal procedures to this kinds of things" he groaned
You were about to apologize but then Athena spoke up for you "Nonsense, if she wants an education is it not reasonable to get it from the best?"
She turns to you "kid, what do you want to know about?"
With great determination you say "I want to know everything I can manage to learn"
"really?" She smirked
"Yes. Whatever you can teach me, how to use an abacus, what body part do you stab someone to kill them in an instant, how to crochet, whatever you can teach"
"yeah while you two are at it can you teach her how to undo my punishment" Mr D opens another new diet coke
"Gods- Wait crap" you collapse on the floor
4 fucking hours now, she's been training you for four hours, Mr D had finished 55 diet cokes watching and laughing at you
Out of every fight, she wins, of course she does, out of every train, sparring, archery and everything she made you try
"new rule, all you have to do is make sure this cloth touches me, whether it be a momentary graze or wrap it around me, it just needs to make contact, and I will try to push you out of bounds" she says pulling out a blue cloth and a bunch of rocks and twigs form a square
You didn't think it'd be easy, at all, she'd dodge and dodge and dodge
You lunge at her and change direction to where she's going, but she flies instead
The sun is going down, and Athena flies down and kicks you near the bounds
"AHHH! ow! Shit!" Your form looks disfigured, your arm is under your body and it doesn't look good
You cry, tears coming out as you try to not scream "I fell the wrong way, I-" you sob on the ground
"Shit, Thena what did you do?!?" Mr D stands up
"I'm sorry- I didn't, help please...." You scream in pain
Athena teleports to you and kneels, she turns to Mr D "I'll call on Apollo to heal her arm and-" she stops talking
She stops talking as she feels a silky texture on her cheeck
With wide eyes she looks at you, and your smug smile, that stupid smile
"I finally won against you" you stand up and dust yourself off
You can't beat the goddess of wisdom, but- you can trick her
"huh..." She says
Mr D spikes his diet coke on the ground "(name) go fuck yourself"
I'm about to take a test rn, it's mathematics 😀
Anyways enjoy the chapter:3
@delias-stuff @sadslasher13 @ellaprime7 @wpdarlingpan @mountvesuvu @chinxinsomnia @nathaly36 @vanessa-boo @bat1212 @ceramic-raven
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The One That Got Away
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No matter how long you stared down at his face, Annabeth, Percy, and Grover standing over you, all in silence, you couldn't stop.
Luke, sitting right there after so long, was gone. Your hand was on his cheek, running circles over and over again as if some ritual to wake him up.
But that wouldn't work.
Luke was gone. Luke would never wake up. Your Luke, your boyfriend, and best friend, has helped you defeat Kronos, only to leave you once more after.
You stifled another sob at the thought. Muttering small “Oh, Gods.”, “I'm sorry”’, and “Luke, please.”
Grover, Annabeth and Percy could only stand over you in silent support as you mourned.
You'd been against Luke for years. After loving him for as long as you can remember, that wasn't enough to stop him from going to Kronos, that wasn't enough to get him back.
You mourned your relationship. You mourned a future he promised. You mourned him.
The Gods all arrived moments later, their footsteps thundering into the throne room as they came in fully fledged in their battle armor.
They only found five teenagers, three hovering above with their heads hung low, and one holding the dead one as they all mourned over the broken body of a half-blood.
“Percy…” Posiedon was the only one able to speak, awe in his voice. “What…what is this?” Percy's father asked, you couldn't make yourself for the life of you to face the Gods.
You couldn't call that a family as you sat and mourned your own, the only family you've known standing over you as almost protection as you mourned.
Percy was the only one able to turn and look at the Olympians.
“We need a shroud.” Percy said, his voice cracking at his words. “A shroud for the son of Hermes.”
You gave a broken sob at the thought.
After Luke was taken away, his body behind readied and having to pry him and you, you didn't really know which it was, from one another, all you could do was stare into nothing.
Your hands worked almost like muscle memory, making the shroud. You've done it so many times for fallen campers, friends, Beckendorf, Sileena, even Percy at once, and many more.
Your hands worked quickly and quietly, the faint wrestle of the shroud against your fingers was anything but comforting.
Neither were the footsteps behind you.
Even if you didn't look, you knew who it was.
“Well,” Hermes started, his own voice heavy and you could tell
“Luke-” The man tried to begin, but you cut him off just as quickly.
“Don't talk to me about Luke.” your voice could have been laced with malice and that would've been a better poison to the man.
Hermes looked at you, watching you glare at him before he nodded.
“..I know. I know. I…I don't have the right.” the man sighed.
“Yeah, you don't.” you said sternly, glaring at the man through tearful eyes.
“But you do, my dear.” Hermes sighed, watching you look at him with tearful eyes of hatred, but he knew that wasn't just at him. Well, a lot was, but everything.
“Don't talk to me- don't talk about him, like you know us.” you shook your head, scoffing at the thought.
“I don't, and I can say that is a grave mistake on my part, which I will never forgive myself for.” Hermes said, nodding his head as he looked at the floor, mulling everything over.
You scoffed again, a sob mixed into it as you turned back to the shroud, not wanting to cry anymore. But that was pointless as Hermes started again.
“But what I do know is that my son loved you. You…you made him very happy, child.” Hermes said swiftly, watching as your back tensed like another sob was being withheld.
“...no, he didn't. If he did-” you tried to start, Hermes butting in. “My son had immense pride, like someone else I know,” Hermes started, gesturing to himself.
“he thought he was doing what was meant to be,” The God shook his head before sighing once more. “but he loved you.
“...we were fighting for so long, I- I don't know if he still loved me." You shook your head, laced with doubt and worry.
Hermes gave a bittersweet smile at your words. You were too young to experience such a thing. But, that was the life of a Half-Blood, sadly.
“..he did. I know he did. It was-” Hermes struggled to find his words for a moment, shaking his head. “One of the only things I know for certain, about my son.”
“...you didn't know a lot about him.” You couldn't help but say. Hermes just nodded. “I do not. But, I would watch over him. And Everytime,” Hermes could almost smile as he recalled.
“Everytime he was with you, everything was better for him.” The old God said, you didn't turn to face him but you closed your eyes, sighing as you felt more tears sting your eyes.
“I know it isn't a lot of reassurance, my girl,” Luke's father said solemnly.
“But my son, he will be free. And…one day, if you so wish, you may join him, when you have lived your life, had your adventures, and so much more.” Hermes offered.
“And when the time is right, you may join Luke again.”
You picked your head up from staring at the ground, confused before it settled on what the god meant. You looked over your shoulder at Hermes.
“...why not now, if you can give it?” You couldn't help but push, getting a small chuckle from the man.
“I may not have known my son better than you, but we both know he would not wish for you to cut your life short for him.” Hermes said, almost wistfully.
You couldn't help but know it to be true.
You thought for a moment before nodding softly, going back to your shroud. You muttered what you thought was a thank you, but Hermes shook it off.
“You do not owe me thanks. If anything, I owe you.” Hermes said.
“You gave my son happiness, for years. He experienced love, one of a kind, from you. So, thank you, (Name) (Last Name).” Hermes said, and you could almost make a smile out of his face, bittersweet but there.
“Find us when you are ready.”
Was the last thing Hermes said, leaving you to the Shroud, and walking away to join whoever.
You thought for a moment, looking at the man's back as he walked away, then back to the shroud in your lap.
Even if more tears sting your eyes and you couldn't help but sob, you smiled.
Because yeah, Luke was gone, the love of your life, but…you would see him again one day.
You were just setting him free.
You gave a wistful smile, one that Lukes soul, detached from its body and watching from afar, couldn't help but admire.
He was admiring like every other time before. Like at the camp bonfires. Like when he would sneak you out of your cabin into the woods by the lake.
Like when you told him you liked him, and like when you said you loved him back.
Luke wanted to reach out, cry and cry with you but he knew that he couldn't.
So, he would admire you now. Make up for lost time.
And as Luke sat from afar and watched you, a small smile on his face, he knew he would wait for you. As long as it takes
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reginadeltrash · 1 month ago
Since I've had some free time I would like to present you a new little AU that I affectionately call 'Percy Jackson!Athena is Epic!Athena with brain damage'.
The idea is simple, Zeus' real reason to strike down Athena, during god games was that he's scared, let's remember that there's a prophecy about the child of him and Metis dethroning him, and he always assumed it was gonna be a son, because obviously, it was his father who dethroned his grandfather, and it was him who dethroned his father.
But now he's starting to realise that the prophecy never said 'son', it said 'child', and Athena just demonstrated that she's successfully able to get people on her side, both people that generally like her like Hephaestus, but more dangerous, people that usually don't like her like Aphrodite and Hera.
This is dangerous, so for the first time Athena isn't his favourite little girl, she's a threat to his throne and so he strikes her down to reprogram her; this all started because she met that mortal, she was so perfect and emotionless before, so he's gonna make sure that she never really remembers Odysseus.
But doing it immediately is dangerous, the guy is still alive, he may upset the scheme, so he waits and when both Odysseus and his son die he starts subtly gaslighting Athena, also in this version Zeus is the one who wrote the Odyssey to make Odysseus look a lot worse, and also to make himself look better (he never make the Ody decide between him and the crew and he immediately says yes to his baby girl when she asks him to free him, also he omits the argument in My Goodbye, he just makes it seem like Ody and Athena were never that close to begin with)
He also gets Hera on the plan, he tricks her saying that they have to tarnish Odysseus' memory or else the poor little owlet is gonna be devastated and so non-useful, remember how useless she was after Pallas, glancing at the void for hours.
So, yeah, Hera is the reason Odysseus so blatantly cheats in this universe's version of the Odyssey, because that's the worst thing someone can do in her eyes.
So with the constant gaslighting and the lightnings that are still buzzing inside of her, no matter how much Apollo tries to help, Athena quickly becomes a shell of herself, she reverts to being very lonely, harsh and all together like we meet her in the Percy Jackson's series.
Zeus even agrees to cleanse her scars, just because she was such a good little girl and Athena doesn't even know anymore why she had those scars in the first place.
She tries to fill this void that she has, but doesn't know what it is (a friend, the answer is a friend) but misinterpreting that she believes that it's a romantic connection cause it's basically what everyone around her is doing, thus her mind's babies.
And then, suddenly, after the trial of Apollo, the god of the sun insists that everyone else spends at least a little time with their children, Athena makes sure to do everything in private, she can tolerate a child at a time, nothing more.
And so the moment to go to Annabeth arrives and honestly Athena was sure the Poseidon boy was gonna be there too, they're a bit guarded at first, but she promises she comes in peace, she talks with Annabeth, normal deadbeat mother and daughter stuff (How is school? And your boyfriend? Still like sculpture, sorry it was architecture?)
And then Percy just casually arrives with his baby sister Estelle and he's like 'Annabeth can you hold her for a sec? I need to call my mom for something very important and I don't want her near when a monster inevitably attacks!'
And her daughter laughs, shaking her head 'C'mon, Seaweed brain, I'm sure that the important thing is literally just you wanting waffles'
And Percy laughs like a dork and hands her the baby.
And for a moment Athena is sure that she saw this scene somehow and for a single moment she's in Ancient Greece again, seeing Penelope and Odysseus joke with each other with baby Telemachus being passed around, and for only a little moment she wonders how she knows so much about it, she was merely an acquaintance to the Ithaca royal family, wasn't she?
So yeah, this is the idea, if you have questions I beg you let me know, it would make me the happiest girl, because I have too many ideas!
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child-of-helios · 11 months ago
Calypso x Leo SUCKS, here is why
Look, I get why that sounds harsh, and it is, but hear me out.
First and most importantly, Calypso is a pedophile. We see her fall in love with 14 year old Percy, then 15/16 year old Leo. Already weird, right? And look, if we got some explanation as to why it would ever be okay for a titaness who is thousands of years old to fall in love with CHILDREN, maybe I could see past it.
BUT in the odyssey myth, Odysseus was MUCH older than a teenager. He was already noted to be an old wise king (who was old enough to feign madness from old age) at the START of the Trojan war. Now that war lasted 10 years and add to that the multiple years he spent traveling to Ithaca, and you got an old-ass man. So either Calypso was already a mature adult, or a child thirsting after some old dude. Sure, it happens, but weird. Let's not forget that Odysseus was married and very much still in love with his WIFE Penelope, but Calypso basically kept him hostage on her island and would not let him leave at all.
Now let's get to Percy, he got blamed for not making sure that the gods kept their promise??? Good sir that is a 16 year old who just got out of a WAR and had his memory stolen, of course he didn't check with the gods. ITS NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY! He shouldn't be held accountable. Also let me remind you that Calypso wanted him when he was 14. Not a good look.
And finally, we get to Leo. Poor poor Leo. A boy who was oh-so starved for love that he took anything he could get, and that's my explanation as to why Calypso x Leo ever happened. Honestly, I adored Leo. I had a crush on him (still kinda do shhh), I won't lie. However, I also adored Annabeth but since her and Percy are amazing together, I could get behind Percabeth. But Caleo? Hell no. Sure, they have a fun dynamic, but it's more of a sibling dynamic in my opinion. I would've rather had Leo x Khione or something. Maybe Leo x Echo cause that would've been adorable. But Caleo??? No. He should've never gone back for her. Leave her to rot.
Secondly, Calypso is simply a jerk. And I'm the type of person who adores asshole characters when done right. Octavian is great because he's an irredeemable asshole AND he gets karma. But Calypso? She's a bitch and gets such a kindhearted boyfriend in return. Like I said, she tried to pressure a (married) man into sleeping with her and is simply a dick to Leo (HER BOYFRIEND) and I could understand if they were siblings, cause siblings are dicks to eachother with love underneath, but she just sucks. She immediately hated him, which she has reason to do after what happened to her, but even after that she was just horrible to Leo. I seriously don't see why he loves, likes, or even tolerates her.
In conclusion, I hate what Rick did to Leo. I adore his stories like no other (which is why I'm so passionate about this), but he really fumbled the bag here. Calypso is just not a good fit for Leo.
Personally I really do prefer Leo x Jason, Leo x Nico or even Leo x Echo. And yes it does sound weird for me to say that considering that I call Calypso a pedo, but I could see Echo not being able to age normally because of being stuck with Narcissus. Echo x Leo is in my opinion much better than Calypso x Leo.
Um sorry- that was really mean but I needed to say that.
On a lighter note I saw this really long worm which was cool! :D
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psychesalcove · 9 months ago
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„ but I'm in so deep, you know I'm such a fool for you ”
𝜗𝜚 percy jackson x child of apollo reader
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synopsis: percy invites you to spend a evening at camp by the lake with him. and, you definitely do not have any feelings for him. nope, not at all. he just has a really cute smile, thats all.
⚠️: reader not admiting she likes percy, kayla being sick of reader not admiting her feelings, percy being a dork as usual, small mention of will being a protective brother, percy making atrocious ocean jokes, super soft percy twords the end, not proofread AT ALL, percy getting pushed into water
requested: yes, by swifthazed (accidentally deleted the request but hope you enjoy!!)
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"he's definitely going to be asking you out," your sibling, kayla mused as the two of you watched percy leave through the doors of the infirmary.
you rolled your eyes at her comment as you turned around and went back over to the cabnit that stored bandaids. "im sure he is kayla," you said sarcastically, grabbing a box of my little pony bandaids. "there's probably gonna be other people there, not just us."
percy had come marching into the infirmary, no doubt scaring the younger camper sitting right by the door. at first, both you and kayla thought that he or someone else got hurt, but when he asked for you to join him at the lake later in the evening, your thoughts were proven wrong.
"oh please, did you not see the way he was blushing and avoiding eye contact with you? and, he didn't say anyone else would be there. he said, and i quote, "would you want to go to the lake with me later today, just to yknow, hangout" kayla repeated the words of percy while doing air quotes.
"i don't even like him like that kayla, and again, no way he's asking me out. he'll probably ask annabeth out if anything." you replied, walking over to the younger camper, who you believed was a child of hermes, and applied the bandaid on a small cut she had gotten doing who knows what.
"im sorry, did you just say you don't even like him? honey, not to break it to you, but if you're talking about him at breakfast, lunch, dinner, in the infirmary, in our cabin, im pretty sure you like him." kayla said in a deadpan tone, crossing her arms and smirking lightly at you.
you rolled your eyes at her once again as you quickly ducked your head down so she didn't see the shade of pink now tinting your cheeks. "you should be all set, and, try not to get hurt again, okay?" you advised the demigod, who gave you a couple of firm nods in response before running out the door.
"i'll tell will to take over your shift this evening, so y'know, you can get a boyfriend," kayla said. she started walking away tword other patients before you could get a chance to object.
percy came to get you later in the evening at the apollo cabin. you saw him through the front window of the cabin, recognizing his silhouette even with the hyacinth flowers overtaking majority of the outside view.
you quickly walked twords the door of the cabin before will could start interrogating percy and embarrassing both percy and you. kayla gave you a quick thumbs up before you headed out the door, mouthing 'go get your boyfriend ' to you.
percy was waiting at the bottom of the short case of stairs when you walked out. his face immediately lit up and he smiled at you. "hope i didn't come to early?" he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the sun setting. "just figured this would be considered evening, because, well, the sun is setting?" he said.
you chuckled lightly at his rambling. "is perfect timing, percy," you walked down the stairs and met him at the bottom.
"well, i guess we should get down to the lake, it's always pretty during sunset time, yknow?" he said as he started to walk in the direction of the lake.
"i do know percy, and so does everyone at camp," you joked, referring to the comment he just made as you started following him. you saw him roll his eyes playfully at you before he changed his pace and started running.
"last one to the lake is a pufferfish!" he yelled behind to you.
"well, running isn't really my specialty," percy said to you out of breath. he, somehow, ended up behind you when running to the lake; even though he had a huge head start to you.
"mhm, sure." you said crossing your arms as you looked at him smugly. "guess you're a pufferfish then," you joked, your face shifting to a more soft look as you saw him smile. he did have a really cute smile.
"guess so," he hummed, his breath finally coming back to him. "wanna head down to the dock?" he said, tilting his head in the direction of it. you smiled and nodded your head, following percy, who had already started walking away.
even though you knew the lake was bueatiful during sunset, you always forgot just how bueatiful it really was. with your shifts in the infirmary, the lessons, and everything else, you sometimes forgot that you could hang out at the lake.
"it's really pretty, isn't it," you mused, looking out to the far ends of the water as you sat down next to percy at the end of the dock. you saw percy nod his head in agreement, but didn't see how his eyes were on you and not the glistening water.
you just then realized how hot it felt being directly in the sun, so you quickly untied your low top converse you had on and put your feet into the water. "ykow you could just,go into the water if you're hot," percy said as he looked at you.
"you also realize that i'm not a son of poseiden who's immune to getting wet, right?" you laughed, looking back at percy who just blushed and starting looking down into the water. from the corner of your eye, you saw percy wipe his hands on his cargo shorts, before moving his hand to be close to yours. not exactly touching, but close to.
you heard percy take a deep breath that he was obviously trying to be quiet about, before you felt a comforting heat over the top of your hand. you moved your head so you could look at percy, and, surprisingly, he wasn't looking into the water,but he was looking at you. percys hand was laying on top of yours, not holding it but just resting there.
"so, uhm.." percy started. you noticed a small shake in his voice, so you nodded your head lightly to show that your full attention was on him. "gods this is going to sound so weird, but, ive been thinking for a while and, while i'm not the best at, well, anything, I think I finally understand what I feel when I'm with you," he countined, smiling softly as the two made eye contact.
"you make me feel like i'm actually important, like, important for who i am. and not what i've done, or what i stand for. i feel like a lot of people only think of me as the kid with a big prophecy and all that. they don't think of me as percy. but, i think you do," percy said, moving his hand that was ontop of yours so that your hands were now interlocked with eachother.
"obviously, that's not the only good thing about you. gods, no. i don't even know if i could list everything i love about you. there's so many things I adore about you. i mean, you help people so much every single day in the infirmary, i see you play guitar at the campfire and I don't think I've ever seen anyone play that well, and during capture the flag you just look amazing in your armor with your bow, not that you don't look good other days, you look amazing every single day, even if I can tell that you're tired or something, you still never fail to be so bueatiful and–" percy stopped his rambling, his eyes quickly moving down to your lips.
he looked back up into your eyes, silently asking if he could kiss you. you, even in your dazed state after hearing what percy said to you, about you, you nodded your head and smiled lightly at him.
the kiss would probably forever be the best kiss you'll ever had. you've never kissed anyone before, unless it was one of your siblings, and on the cheek or head only. but when you and percys lip collied, it did feel like the world stopped right then and there.
it wasn't a forceful or aggressive kiss in any way. it was soft but hesitant at first, both of you testing out the waters with each other. it showed all the love you shared for one another and how both of you had been longing for the other, longer than either of you would like to admit.
you pulled away first, wanting to respond to what percy had said earlier. percy chased for your lips once you moved, but quickly went back to where he was before when his brain caught up with him.
before you could say anything he said, "so, uhm. would you wanna be my girlfriend? i mean, if that's too soon we can always just go on a date first, or something, i really don't care, but ..i assume you feel the same way?" he rambled, once again.
you laughed and shook your head at him. "oh yeah, kissing someone is definitely not saying you feel the same way about someone" you joked, lightly pushing your sholder into his.
"and yes, percy, of course i'll be your girlfriend." you said, smiling fondly at the son of poseiden who you could now call yours.
percy smiled, allowing the biggest grin you had ever seen someone make to be on display. his smile was really cute, now that you think about it. really shouldn't mention that to kayla, you thought, making a mental note in your head for later.
"so, now that we're like boyfriend and girlfriend.." he started, already giggling slightly. you raised an eyebrow, but signaled for him to countine.
"are we on a beach?" he asked, "because i find you sand-sational, " he said, now fully laughing at his own pick-up line he just used on you.
a loud splash filled the summer evening air, along with a loud screech, only some would recognize as percy.
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strawberries-and-summer-days · 11 months ago
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LOVE TO HATE YOU ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
pairing: percy jackson x demeter!fem!reader
warnings: swearing + minor violence (punches basically)
a/n: i wanted to write some percy jackson enemies to lovers (sorta) so here we are!! i don't know how i feel about this one but enjoy! (also im changing the layout of my fics - in case you couldn't already tell :))
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when percy showed up for sword training this morning, the last thing he was expecting was to be paired with you.
i mean hey! at least he could take his anger out on you and nobody would notice or care for that matter - well y'know... except you.
being thrown on you ass for the fifteenth time in a row really wasn't on your agenda for today. and you'd had enough.
"goddamnit jackson!" you yell when you get up again. "what the hell is wrong with you?"
"right back at you y/l/n!" percy hisses.
seething you narrow your eyes at him. "i swear to fucking god, i'm going to kick your ass."
"right, cause you seem to be doing really well at that."
you launch at percy. why? why is he like this? why is he popular and nice to everybody but you? why?? why is he infuriatingly handsome? from his soft looking hair, to his blue-green eyes- wait, what?
where'd that come from?
you're supposed to be angry at him.
your fist connects with percy's jaw and he stumbles back in shock. his eyes land on you in a deadly promise as he flys at you himself.
"you're honestly so annoying, i don't know how i put up with you," he sends a punch to your face and your head snaps back, your eyes filling with tears. fucking hell.
arms wrap around you then, pulling you back from attacking percy more. you swing your arm back accidentally knocking the person in the face causing them to cry out. "oh shit! im so sorry!" you exclaim turning around to comfort annabeth.
"fuck annabeth, im so sorry."
you're a child of demeter, the most violent thoughts you've had all week is how you accidentally made a strawberry explode. you shouldn't be thinking about how the next time percy comes near you, you're going to strangle him with the nearest vine. no, scratch that you're going to strangle him reguardless.
you crouch down next to annabeth worry in you eyes, "are you okay?"
annabeth nods and takes your hand when you offer to help her up. "i'm fine, but you two," she says waving a hand between percy - whose still pissed by the way - and you. "need to sort out whatever shit you're fighting over."
percy looks over at you a scowl etched on his face and his arm still captured by luke. "yeah fine whatever." he throws his sword down on the ground before stalking away growling about how everything's going to shit.
"what is with him today?" luke asks walking over and picking up percy's sword.
"i don't know!" you huff exasperated. "he's been like this all morning. i was the one on the receiving end of it!"
"well i'm like ninety percent sure punching him wasn't the best way to go about that," luke says still watching percy walk away.
"well you try being kicked on your ass fifteen times in a row," you snap shoving past grover. a little part of you is sorry for how you're treating them but honestly you're so sick of the way percy treats you.
the way he's kind and caring to everyone else but you. the way he always calls you names and groans whenever you're paired up. the way he rolls his eyes whenever you talk never bothering to listen.
it pisses you off how he's attentive to other campers, how he has the prettiest smile and looks amazing in that navy shir- woah woah woah what?
nope, you're not even going to think about that. about the crush you've had on him ever since he arrived at camp. you two had gotten along for the first few days and then, boom, he's hated you ever since.
you dont even know what you did to make him suddenly hate you. but deep down, you've always had a feeling that maybe he knows about your feelings - though you've never, ever, said anything about them - and they repulse him. so to cover that up you've gone right ahead and hated him - for the most part - back.
you slam the door shut of your cabin and flop onto your bed groaning loudly into your pillow. mostly out of annoyance a little out of actual pain. you slowly start to drift off then only realising you've fallen asleep when your sibling gently shakes you awake.
"y/n? its dinner time."
you groan softly and thank the girl for waking you before making your way to the mess hall laughing at the jokes your siblings are making, and feeling much calmer - and not violent.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
there are perks to living in a cabin all by yourself. percy found this out a few weeks after tyson had left - yes he misses tyson - but having a cabin to freely scream into a pillow, was pretty neat as well.
gods percy hated y/n sometimes.
she was the most annoying, know-it-all, shrill, person ever. like seriously how is she so talented at annoying him? its like a god given gift.
whipping his pillow back onto his bed percy sinks down onto the mattress feeling it dip with his weight. he hated how he reacted earlier.
did he seriously fucking punch you? did he actually punch a girl? anybody's mom would be disappointed in them if they found out their son punched a girl, but sally jackson? you'd have to come up with a whole new word for what she'd feel.
gods he was stupid.
he fucking punched a girl.
even worse he punched y/n.
the first thing he did then was pick up a discarded drachma and send an iris message to his mom.
when sally turned around to see percy, her face changed instantly from excited to be getting a call to worry.
"percy? whats wrong?"
"i fucked up mom."
"language," his mom scolded. "but how did you mess up?"
percy hesitated not wanting to tell his mom that he hit a girl. "i hurt y/n."
"y/n?" sally's eyes flash with surprise. over the years she'd heard of the infamous y/n. percy would always complain about her, or just talk about her. but no matter the time he'd always bring her up in a conversation - i mean sure most of the time he was whining about how she'd pissed him off, but he'd still talk about her.
"yeah, i- i don't know what to do."
sally's eyes soften, when she sees the way percy is distressed. "you could apologise?"
percy looks down and runs his hands through his hair. "i don't think she'd believe me, mom."
"it's always better to try, i'm sure even though she might not show it, y/n would appreciate it." she purses her lips trying to hide a smile as she thought of what to say next. "besides i thought we didn't like y/n."
percy's head snaps up and he shrugs. "we don't... not like her," he starts. "we- i- i just hated the way she fit into camp, when i first came here. she was like their perfect camper, she even went to the lenghts of being nice to me! but i just, ugh." percy sighs. "it was always so hard for me to see her being so comfortable with everyone, she's only been at camp for like three weeks more than me and she was already practically ruling the place!"
he stands up starting to pace the room as sally sits patiently listening to him. "and then i iced her out and started treating her like shit - i know, sorry about the swearing - and she started acting the same way towards me so there was no way i could just- uh." he runs his hands through his hair for like the millionth time. "i just messed up. and now whenever i talk to her i can practically feel her dislike towards me."
sally is quiet for a moment and when she does finally speak, she says something that percy didn't expect. "do you like her?"
"i- what?" his bewildered expression facing sally.
"do you like y/n?"
a frown crease percy's forehead, and just as he's about to answer the door to his cabin swings open and annabeth and luke storm inside.
"i'll leave you guys to it! love you percy, talk soon," sally smiles from behind percy and the iris message dissolves.
"you need to go apologise to y/n right now," annabeth huffs.
"hey! she hit me first!" percy defends.
"yes i know, luke and i have just given her this exact talk. so listen percy jackson, you, are going to grow a pair of balls and talk to y/n. no fucking name calling or bickering, just plain talking. and if you don't, i'm going to sneak in here in the middle of the night and cut your dick off."
luke clears his throat and places a hand on annabeth's shoulder pulling her back. "okay... annabeth, take a chill pill." he turns back to you. "but seriously jackson, annabeths right - minus the dick cutting and shit - talk to the girl."
sighing percy just looks up not bothering to even fight anymore.
"i'll take that dejected sigh as a hell yeah," annabeth smiles. "y/n will be waiting for you at the end of the dock after dinner - which by the way is right now."
without even giving him the chance to object annabeth - and luke, i guess - usher percy out of the cabin and to the mess hall, snickering behind him about how he's secretly in love with y/n.
'do you like y/n?' his mom's question flits into his mind.
does he?
maybe on some level he's had a crush on her since he came to camp.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
the water lapped at the edge of the dock posts.
you had been sitting here for five minutes - as per a very huffy and flustered annabeth's request - why you're sitting here? you actually don't know.
the moonlight shines down on the earth and you smile at the serenity of the moment. footsteps sound from behind you and you don't bother looking back - thinking its just annabeth coming to tell you why she wants you to wait here.
but the second his scent hits you, you tense up, his body radiating heat when he sits down next to you.
you turn to face him. "hey." you're both quiet for a moment. "annabeth set you up too?"
percy nods and chuckles, "gotta love when she meddles."
you shoot him a look. "when annabeth meddles, you know things are either going horribly wrong or horribly wrong."
percy laughs and you can't help but smile at how simple the moment is and that you're not arguing.
"i'm sorry."
"i'm so sorry."
you both freeze at your double apology and look at one another. a new tension settling over the both of you. not the fierce type when you're both angry at the other, but a new type, a gentler one.
resting your hand on the dock you look out to the water, tensing up when you feel a warm hand cover your own.
your buried feelings rise very close to the surface and you curiously look over to percy, to find him earnestly looking at you.
"y/n... im so fucking sorry about earlier."
"hey its not entirely your fault," you offer. "i mean i punched you first."
"no, thats not it, i mean yeah, i'm very sorry about this morning, but i'm also sorry for the last like four years. i treated you ike dog shit and i have no excuse for it."
your soft eyes nearly send percy over the edge of the dock. he was finally doing this, he was finally going to tell you the truth.
"when you came to camp a few weeks ahead of me, i was jealous at how fast you had managed to fit in, how quick everyone seemed to accept you. it made me angry and i started to resent you," you suck in a breath at percy's explanation. "i resented you for like three weeks tops, by the way, and when you started to treat me the same way i thought you hated me too. by the time i had found my place in camp and had finally started to relax, it was too late for me to just stop suddenly acting shit towards you." percy rushes out. "so i kept treating you that way, i called you names and started fights with you because having any of your focus on me - even if it was bad - was worth it. i hated you because you were practically perfect and i could see it in every way. i hated you most of all because i didn't hate you at all."
the air is sucked out from between you.
"w-what?" you whisper. "you don't hate me?"
"i don't hate you either!" you rush out suddenly needing him to know. you're like two seconds off floating off the earth, the warmth of his hand practically grounding you to the dock.
percy's heart swells, "you don't?" his voice is whisper soft.
percy seizing his chance, slides closer to you angling his head towards your in question as he stares at your mouth.
you catching on quickly, nodding to him, grinning internally at how this moment - one you've dreamed of for years is finally about to happen.
he presses a soft kiss to your mouth, his hands shooting to the sides of your face holding you as if you're the worlds most precious gem. fireworks explode low in your stomach as if to remind you that you're kissing percy jackson, you're kissing percy jackson!!
your hand makes its way to the back of his neck holding him there and pulling him impeccably closer. your heart rockets when you pull back for air and percy makes a whining noise.
you shuffle closer to him then, basking in his warmth. only now just noticing the small vines and flowers that have twisted their way onto the dock and curled around your ankles.
grinning percy turns back to you running a hand on the back of your head and pulling you back for another kiss.
somewhere in the back ground you can hear annabeth victory cheering and laughing with luke but you don't care. at this point nothing could tear you away from the boy who's kissing you, who's holding you with such reverence you'd think he was holding a priceless artifact.
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a/n: lol sorry this was so long (un-edited btw!! i stayed up wayyyy too late to even think about editing this lol)
© strawberries-and-summer-days please do not steal, use or repost my works.
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reightorwrong · 1 year ago
“What are you wearing…?”
Description: you forget about laundry day and are forced with the tough decision of going out in your most embarrassing pajamas set in front of a certain Hermes camp counselor
A/N: I haven't written a fic since uh 2019…? So my writing is a bit rusty but I wanted to try to get back into it so hopefully you all don't think this is too bad😭😭😭 The pajamas are inspired from this OW2 character's outfit but obvi changed for the fic! Anywho if you do like this hopefully it'll inspire me to write even more little fics but thank you for reading if you choose to do so and I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening/night!!
Pairings: Athena!reader x Luke Castellan
Warnings!: fluff pretty much and the reader getting teased
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You don't even know how you could have forgotten it was an honest mistake anyone could make but certainly not as embarrassing for everyone else. You had woken up just like any other day yawning not truly ready to get up for the day but at camp half blood unless you're a child of Hypnos sleeping in isn't the smartest.
As you stretch out and then slip your feet into your slippers you finally make that last stumble out of bed. Walking up to my dresser and open up the drawer noticing how barren it is so much so a cartoon mouth might as well fly out. I turned around to march up to my laundry hamper, deciding it better to re-wear something this once than to simply have nothing else until I noticed it was missing from its key spot. 
I looked up to see if any of my siblings were in the room and saw my sister, Bea “Hey uh Bea have you seen my laundry hamper? I can't remember where I put it…” I say to her with sleepy confusion laced into my voice “Oh yeah well it's laundry day and you were sleeping for a while so Annabeth decided to take yours and do it for you!” Bea explained, “So all my clothes are in the wash.” “Oh yeah sorry is that a bad thing I mean I can't say I won't judge you if you wanna be those people who don't bathe or anything..” Bea says with an astute tone to her voice and a clear grimace on her face “Um no no it's fine…” I replied under my breath.
I walked back to my drawer deliberating between just going out in my PJs or trying to squeeze into some old t-shirt from my first years at camp. I think we all know what I picked but I did decide if I'm going to wear my PJs out I can still wear my normal shoes, lacing up my sneakers I head out marching my way to the mess hall. 
I walk quietly the cold crisp camp air biting at my cheeks while I notice the cold I fail to notice the sound of a certain Hermes boy sneaking up on me before he lightly tugged on one of my braids “Woah woah where are you going girl” Luke said as he stepped in front of me.
 “Luke! I hate when you do that my hair takes a while y'know.” Luke irked me to no end yet I couldn't help but enjoy all our tiny arguments. “Hold on. What are you wearing…?”
 I look down at my outfit: a basic white sleep tank but then lavender pajama pants with owls and moons scattered about with a matching cardigan on top. “What are you jealous, Castellan?” “Very you think we can get matching sets, hm?” Luke replied with a smirk evident on his face.
“ Ugh Why have you come to pester me Luke” I huff out at him as I shift under his gaze “Just wanted to know if you’re still gonna come to training later” I almost freeze up a little as though it might be small Luke has usually never asked to see if I'm coming or not it's not like its hard for him to get another sparring partner. 
“Hmm I don't know.. These are my best fighting clothes. I think they actually might let me beat you this time butttt I already promised Annabeth to sneak out into the strawberry fields with her later..” As I say this I start to continue my walk to the mess hall not letting Luke interrupt my stride.
“Hey wait wait tell her you’ll go on a different day!” Luke jogs back over and starts walking with me “I don't know why you’re being so persistent this time you’ve never acted like this before!” I sass back to him “Oh what I just want to spare with my favorite Athena girl” “Well it's not gonna happen you can spare with me tomorrow okay” my voice holding a teasing tone.
I look at him and scrunch my nose at him as if he were the foul smell you would get if you ventured to the stables. But with that pause in my step, Luke took it to his advantage quickly snagging the owl sleeping mask off of my head and holding it up.
“Well, you'll just have to come by if you want this back then hmm little owl.” With him snatching my eye mask and this newly formed nickname my face glowed a light pink you would think I was a daughter of Aphrodite for a second “Wait what-” Luke already cut me off with a quick peck to my cheek stunning me again and starts to strut off before calling over his shoulder “Okay see you later then my little owl!”
I turn to watch him walk for a mere second before knocking some sense into myself and continuing my walk. I know I shouldn't go. I'm a daughter of Athena, I should be smarter than this but maybe Annabeth could wait a day. It's just fruit…  I think I just really need “my sleeping mask” back…
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 years ago
THL but Percy doesn't go anywhere.
He and Annabeth are patrolling the Camp boundaries and hear something.
They go to inspect it, hear a roar and that silence.
Jason stumbles towards them, terrified.
He looks like he's been running for days, his clothes are wrecked, he's littered with injuries.
And he's missing his shoes.
He reaches out to them in panic and says something neither understand.
Before blacking out.
Waking up in the infirmary with no memory of how he got here.
Nor any memory of who he is.
He struggles to speak and manages to clumsily write "Jason" on a notebook but that's all.
Piper and Leo came to camp around 2 months ago are getting to know this crazy world and their new lives.
Piper, not content with how the Aphrodite cabin is being looked down on.
And no one wanting to teach her how to fight.
And it being Clarisse of all people who ends up mentoring her.
Some say its out of respect for her old friend, some say its because Piper reminds her of her.
Leo, getting to know his new siblings but he tries and fails to keep them at arms length.
He refuses to use his fire.
And has not told anyone about it's existence. For the fear it will ruin everything like it always does.
But it's getting harder to keep it a secret.
And maybe part of him... Wants to believe it's a blessing and not a curse.
Their paths cross when Jason starts to have dreams about a woman calling for his aid.
Because he's not the only one having them.
Cue Percy cursing in the corner.
Jason while he can speak he sometimes struggling with his words.
And sometimes makes barking noises.
Grover thinks he could be of the wild but has no idea what or how.
Because while Jason doesn't have a strong scent, it's definitely of a demigod.
Perhaps he was blessed? Not that Grover can see it.
But it's not the biggest thing to worry about.
Though he has sent like... 3 people to the infirmary from biting them.
They startled him.
... So there's that.
Piper and Leo are trying to figure out their dreams together with Jason.
But he's having other other ones they aren't getting.
A wolf calling out to him.
Saying that the God's have stolen her pup and she will have him returned.
Jason doesn't know who she is but she feels familiar.
They manage to piece togrther that the woman is Hera.
Annabeth calmly gets up and punches a hole in the wall.
Because... Of course it's Hera.
When the, annoyance somewhat fades away Percy wonders why no one from Olympus has said anything.
They ask Mr D but he has no idea what they are talking about.
Jason can't help but feel the wolf in his dreams seems familiar.
And he feels the same way when the hunters of Artemis show up and the eyes of their lieutenant fall on him.
Thalia knows it's him.
She tells Annabeth as much.
"It's him, it's Jason."
"I know it's crazy, I know it's insane but it's him... Its him..."
"Okay, if you say it's him."
She doesn't get to confront him on it until during Capture the flag.
"Jason! Jason please, it's me?"
"I'm sorry I don't..."
Thalia wants to scream but she doesn't, she needs to be calm.
It's him.
She knows it's him.
Their attacked by campers and from being distracted she's knocked down.
A rage fills Jason that he hasn't felt before.
... He knows her...
Lighting bursts from his body in all directions, shocking the now scared campers away from Thalia.
He rushes past, helping her up.
"You.. You remember me?"
"A little... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I forgot."
She makes a sound that's a mix of a sob and a laugh and pulls him into a hug.
He hides his face in Thalia's shoulder not liking the attention. When he realises everyone is looking at him.
Or rather above him.
At the lighting bolt above him.
"All hail, Jason Grace. Son of Zeus, King of Olympus, Lord of the Sky. God of Thunder, Lightning, Kingship, Honor and Justice. All hail Jason Grace, son of the Lighting God."
Everyone's talking about what?! Zeus had another child?!
The chatter dies down when Rachel, who upon seeing Jason, glows bright green and da da da daaaa the oracle has entered the building.
Child of lighting
Beware the earth.
The earth giants revenge the seven shall birth.
The dove and the forge will break the cage.
And death unleash through Hera's rage.
Quest plays out and Jason gets his memories back.
Remembers that he's the son of Jupiter
Returns to camp.
And a lighting bolt appears overhead, this time with a numeral beside it.
For 1.
Chiron smiles sadly, taking it as acceptance to share the truth.
Tells the story of the Roman and Greek demigods.
"And our Jason, is not the son of Zeus but his Roman counterpart Jupiter."
Everyone reels taking in this information.
And while many are suspicious of the Romans, Jason has become a good friend and ally to them.
"Lupa said... That I must return... Maybe that's the next step?" Says Jason, standing tall. "Woah, hey we're not gonna let you alone." Says Percy, "agreed" Says Annabeth, Piper and Leo nods.
"I'm not losing you again." Says Thalia.
Not happy by Hera's explanation of having to keep them seperated.
Jason smiles warmly "than we shall go. To Camp Jupiter, together."
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pretty-purple-pages · 7 months ago
sinner not a saint - percy.j
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synopsis: is percy jackson going to be okay?
content (genre and warnings): angst angst angst, suicidal and thoughts about dying, hurt/comfort, romantic!percabeth not implied.
word count: 0.6 k
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Percy Jackson was not okay. And that was terrifying.
He sat under the shower, the water falling around him in a dome-like shape; never touching his skin. As if the water didn't want to cleanse him. Maybe he had so much blood on his hands that even the water couldn't clean it.
Get up. He tried to will himself. Get up, everyone is waiting for you. He wish they didn't. He wished they saw what kind of monster he was; a sinner and not the saint everyone thought he was.
On some days, Percy wished Annabeth didn't fall into Tartarus with him. Maybe if he was alone in that pit, he'd wouldn't be alive right now. Maybe everyone would be happier.
His mom wouldn't have to worry herself over whether he was alive every few days. His sister won't have to live with a murderer of a brother. Annabeth won't have to stay with a person who could lose control at any moment now. Grover won't have to call a freak his best friend.
Most they'd do is cry. Mourn. Few days, Few years at most. Then they'd move on. Camp half-blood would get another hero, Annabeth would get another partner, Grover would get another best friend. Sally would still have one child.
"Seaweed brain? you in there?" He heard Annabeth's voice from outside the door, slightly muffled. He didn't want her to see him right now. So broken. No, he was supposed to be the strong one.
"Y-yeah. In here!"
"You okay? Can I come in?" Annabeth saw right through him. Dammit, why did she know him so well?
Taking the silence as an answer, Annabeth slowly twisted the door knob, muttering a small 'coming in', peeking into the bathroom.
What she saw, broke her heart into shards, every one of them poking her uncomfortably. The shower glass was fogged and her Percy was on the floor, knees to his chest, staring at gods know where.
His eyes were a unsettling shade of green.
Not his usual sea-green; the shade that was more comforting to her than any home she had. No, this was a horrifying shade. Blank, dark and void of his usual cheerfulness.
"It won't touch me," he looked up to the shower-head "The water won't touch me." his voice was hoarse, like he had screamed too much, cried too much. "Do I have so much blood on my hands that I don't deserve to be cleaned?"
Annabeth wanted to sob. Hold him and sob. Tell him that no, it wasn't his fault. Nothing was his fault. It was the gods and their stupid plans. It was the gods, always.
Instead she turned off the shower, helping him stand up and brought him to sit on his bed. She soaked a towel in some water, carefully wiping the blood off his face.
This time the water touched him. Cleaned him.
"I'm sorry, Annie" he mumbled quietly; words she never wanted to hear again.
"If you say 'sorry' one more time, I'm going to eat all of Sally's cookies" she chuckled, teasing him, even though tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
"It's not your fault, seaweed brain. Never. It will never be your fault."
"It is though. I'm a murderer, a monster, a freak. I scared you in Tartarus. I've killed more people than my age. I don't deserve what I have"
"You didn't choose to kill people, did you? The gods, the fates, they made you do it. I know that you'd never choose to hurt people if your had a choice. But you didn't Percy. And its not your fault. And in Tartarus, even though I was scared, I know it was necessary. I know you did it to save us. And I know because you promised me, you won't do it again. You're not a murderer, a monster, a freak; you're a kid, Percy. A kid who's gone through too much shit."
Warm tears stained both of their faces, as they sobbed together, Percy on the bed, Annabeth kneeling on the floor. Her arms' were wrapped around his torso and his, around her neck.
Maybe not right now, but Percy Jackson was going to be okay.
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©reyna-obsessed | Not to be reposted, translated or copied on any platform
tags: @moondust-on-the-hijabi @thx-sunsxts-addrxss @rxsewqter
@queenie-blackthorn @txna-blxckthorn @lxstletter
@hijabi-desi-bookworm @itadori-yujiii
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kamiko1234 · 8 months ago
I am currently at the end of chapter 3 of The Titan's Curse and oh man, do I have some thoughts. So first things first. I do not like Artemis. Like, at all. She's currently inhabiting spot 2 on my "I hope Luke wins because of you guys" RIGHT after Ares himself. I REALLY don't like the whole "anti-boy" thing she and her Hunters have going on. Like, okay- I get it to some degree. Chasity and maidenhood is like- her whole thing. But honestly, at this point, it feels almost fanatic. I'm a girl myself, and it makes me genuinely uncomfortable how they act and what they say. It also weirds me out how.... pushy they are to Bianca ? Especially how they seem to disregard Nico in all of this. It was stated that Bianca and Nico are their only remaining relatives. Percy brings up a very valid point in the fact that Nico cannot become a Hunter. Bianca would leave her only brother behind, her brother whose only family she is. And in response Artemis and Zoe just- blow that whole concern off ???????? Saying that they would become Bianca's new family. It could have worked better had this decision only attempted Bianca- BUT IT DOESN'T. What about Nico ? Who would become Nico's new family !? Well APPARENTLY Artemis and her Hunters COULDN'T CARE LESS because he was born with the wrong gender. Sorry kiddo though luck ig 🤷‍♀️ And then that nasty comment when they talk about Nico going to camp with "that's all boys are good for" The fuck Artemis????? I know DAMN WELL ur ass didn't just insult the ONE relatively safe place for demigods where those kids are trained up to do the shit YOU AND YOUR FAMILY are too lazy to do !? Like I have my problems with Camp, not gonna lie. I still think it's still unsafe (even if it's better compared to- well, everywhere else) and their teaching methods are a bit questionable (how has no one thought of organizing some damn therapy for these kids !?) BUT ALSO !?!?!?!? Bianca who JUST said she was still thinking about joining the hunters only to then immediately make up her mind and join ? Naw I'm calling foul play. At this point I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANY god. I would fully trust Artemis to manipulate Bianca's mind or something. I swear to god with every chapter I read I become more and more of a Luke apologist. He went off the deep end for a good freaking reason and he has every right to personally decapitate every god to ever walk the earth. But also, ANNABETH BABY ARE YOU OKAY !? ARE YOU GOOD GIRL ??? WHERE'D YOU GO !? God I am PRAYING it ain't Tartarus or anything- atleast Artemis said she'd search for her so I suppose Mrs. "Human rights for men ? Who needs that !" isn't TOTALLY useless beyond ending my nerves. Poor Nico by the way, he seems like such a nice kid ! A total nerd and drok which honestly ? Stan. As someone who's a nerd myself (although I'm more in the Anime and history department (weird combo ik)) I can stan him. But also MY POOR BABY. That child basically lost his sister to something I'm not yet convinced isn't some weird cult RIGHT AFTER being attacked by a literal MONSTER.
That must hurt. As for Thalia.... yeah not sure about her. She seems to have some bad blood with the hunters of Artemis and that Zoë girl which makes her immediately more likable to me. But also I was sort of thrown into a loop with how suddenly the book started into the story, I would have liked a bit of a slower start with more build-up to get to know her better.
She seems to have a pretty confrontational personality , which is the main thing that makes me a bit unsure about her. But other than that she sems pretty cool so far ! Hope to see more. One thing however made me worry a bit.... that mist thing. Where Thalia was able to manipulate the mist, and upon Percy's questioning asking if "Chiron didn't show you that yet". How it's treated to be nothing special....... listen if I wasn't a bit iffy about the whole system of the Camp I am now. Why didn't Chiron show Percy that ? It doesn't look to be some special ability reserved for children of Zeus. Infact, why didn't Chiron show that EVERY demigod !? I am hoping to god that an explanation for that's gonna come up later to explain this. Otherwise I'll just have to assume that Chiron is refusing to teach those kids a valuable and also kinda important skill just because.
(Also on an off note, y'all remember that one "Who's Jason Theory" I had a while back where I concluded he's either from Roman North Korea or a Rome fanboy ? Yeah I got it confirmed from a friend a while back that he's from Roman North Korea. Holy fuck, so apperantly The Democratic Demigod's Republic of Rome exists canonically. And apparently they are the East Germany to Camp Halfblood's West Germany. Yikes. Don't know much more tho than it existing and apperantly being well, Roman North Korea. So please no spoilers there ^^)
(Please mark any spoilers in your replies/reblogs so I can avoid them, thank you )
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a-french-coconut · 7 months ago
Drew Tanaka (Part 9)
"Peace at last ?"
"I wouldn't say peace," Drew says as she struggles to put reins on Porky, "it's more like a truce."
"Why's that ?" Connor asks her, leaning on Porky's stable.
"Well," she grunts as the pegasus moves his head again, "I talked to her about Silena and she understood, but she seemed kinda nervous about the whole thing."
"You think she's hiding something ?"
"I don't know-stop moving your damn head- no, not you Connor, the horse."
"It's unlikely, though." Connor says as he hands her the saddle pad, "she's too new to this world to be involved in something."
"Thanks, I wouldn't so sure about that. Remember her quest, a giant kidnapped her father ? It's the first time monsters use our mortal links to threaten us."
"Maybe she's got a really good relationship with her dad," Connor shrugs, "and we, a whole generation with parental issues, don't get how someone could use our mortal parents to blackmail us." He snorts, "If someone told me they had my mother, I would offer them a gift."
"Give me the saddle. Piper didn't seem on good terms with her dad. Famous actor, Tristan Mclean ?"
"I've been at camp since I was a child Drew, I have no idea who that is."
"Anyway, she told me they didn't speak a lot." She adjusts the saddle, give Porky an apple to distract him while she mounts him. "I think the whole story is fishy."
"Are you sure you like Piper ? Because you sure seems to try to find her problems."
"I'm not trying" she rolls her eyes, "but one disaster was enough, I don't need another Silena."
"Drew," Connor says softly, "Silena is dead, the war is over. Don't you think you're searching with something that isn't there ?"
"What ?" She snaps, "you think I'm crazy ?"
"I'm not saying that, but you've been so obsessed with "Piper being a new Silena" thing-"
"I wasn't obsessed, Stoll," she grits, "Piper thinks like Silena, she has charmspeak just like Silena, what else does she have in common with her too ?"
"What ? You think she's traitor ?" Connor cackles, "please, Drew, it's ridiculous."
"Listen, Stoll," she hisses, gripping Porky's mane tightly, "if all you are going to do is laugh at me, you can go. There is something weird with the whole quest. Piper insisted on going despite having no training whatsoever, and oh ! Her dad is kidnapped !"
"Coincidence !" Connor says with an infuriating flippancy, "they wanted leverage, and Jason's mom and Leo's weren't exactly available were they ?"
"Why ?" Drew frowns.
"They're dead."
"How the fuck do you know that ?"
"Annabeth told me about it after Thalia told her last summer and Leo talks a lot."
"Fine, but it doesn't change the fact that it's weird."
"Drew," Connor sighs tiredly, his smile a bit more strained, "I thought you wanted people to like you. You are not going to achieve that by accusing your new sister with no proof at all."
"Oh please, they'll get over it !"
"Accusing someone is big deal," Connor says bitterly, "trust me, it's no fun."
"Connor, it's not the same situation-"
"Except your own suspicions, do you have any concrete proof ?"
"No, but I can find-"
"Did she told you anything that might make her a traitor ?"
"I told you, she looked nervous-"
"Drew !" Connor snaps, "you can't go around telling people Piper is a traitor just because you think she is one !"
"Why not ?" She refutes hotly, "you turned out fine in the end !"
It's not right and she knows it.
She knows the nights Connor spent awake, cursing the campers who accused him, cursing Luke for being his brother.
She knows he doesn't trust people like he used to, not after the Titan war.
"I didn't mean it. Connor, I'm sorry."
But he's leaving.
"Connor !" She yells as he leaves the stables, "I'm sorry !"
Cursing, she dismounts Porky, and runs after the son of Hermes.
"Connor, don't you dare run !"
He runs, fast as a dryad.
"Oh for the love of gods." She groans, picking up speed, "Stoll !".
"Catch me and we'll talk !" He screams, going even faster.
"And no charmspeak !" He adds.
As if she could speak after chasing him for a good solid hour.
She's panting, her legs are aching and burning and they are probably the main show of the afternoon but she keeps running.
She has to apologise because she can't lose her best friend.
"Still there ?" He taunts her, the bastard still breathing perfectly, "Because I can keep going for a long- SOLACE PUT ME DOWN !"
As they pass in front of the infirmary, Will catches Connor and picks him up, bridal style.
"Will, you're the best !" She says when she arrives at their level.
"Don't listen to her, you're the worst." Connor pouts in Will's arms.
"What's been going on between you two ?" The son of Apollo asks sternly.
Drew's sure he would cross his arms if it wasn't for Connor.
"I messed up." She admits.
"She thinks Piper is a traitor." Connor says.
"That's not where I messed up." Drew clarifies.
"Oh yeah, she basically said that you can go around calling people traitors."
"And I'm wrong, I know."
Will sighs, obliged to free Connor to pinch his nose.
"First of all, apologise to Connor."
"Already did."
Will looks at Connor for confirmation and the son of Hermes nods.
"Great, second of all, what the fuck Drew ?"
"See ? It's ridiculous !" Connor exclaims.
"It's not !" She argues, "I have reasons !"
"What are they ?" Will sighs.
She tells me the same thing she told Connor, Piper's weird attitude and the mystery of her dad being kidnapped.
"Nonsense." Connor rolls his eyes.
She's ready to throttle him when Will talks.
"No, there's something weird about Piper's dad."
While Connor's jaw drops to the floor, Drew whoops.
"See, Stoll ? I'm not crazy."
"Wait, I'm not saying she's a traitor." Will warns, "but if her dad was kidnapped, then the giants knew about her."
"But she's new to this world !" Connor protests, "they certainly didn't get the information from here."
"Then it was from before."
"I don't know, Drew, even if the giants knew about her dad, what does it change ? They still saved Hera in the end and nobody died." Will points out.
"Yeah," Connor presses on, "if she was a traitor, she would have sabotaged the quest."
"That ends your theory, Drew." Will smiles, "congrats, your sister is not a traitor !"
"Yeah," she sighs, "I guess so..."
"The normal reaction would to be happy." Connor states.
"I know but you guys didn't see her when we talked about Silena, she looked uncomfortable when I told her she reminded me of her."
"As would anybody when you tell them you remind me of my dead sister." Connor mimics her voice.
"Shut up," Will hits Connor, "you almost had a panic attack when you saw Jason."
"Really ?"
"It wasn't a panic attack," Connor rolls his eyes, "I just freaked out a little when I saw blonde hair and glacial blue eyes."
"He stayed in the infirmary for two hours." Will adds.
"What happened to doctor-patient privacy ?" Connor complains.
"You didn't told me that." Drew frowns.
"Sorry," the son of Hermes says, "I just thought you had enough with your plate with Piper."
"Now that all the skeletons are out of the closet, come in." Will cheerfully push them in the infirmary.
"Why ?" They both ask.
"I need help classing the files."
They both groan.
Turns out the three of them have very diverse manners to sort things. While Will does it by alphabetical order, Drew tries to create the best colour pattern and Connor ranks it from younger to older.
Will kicks them out rather quickly, as they messed up more his files than actually help him, and Drew wanders back to the archery range, for once empty from any Apollo's children.
She grabs a bow and a quiver, sets the moving targets and begins her training.
Look. String. Shoot.
Black circle.
Both her friends agree, Piper is not a threat.
Patience, follow the target's path.
Shoot, blue circle.
She's a new demigod, a new sister with who Drew got off on the wrong foot.
Two arrows at once, two different targets.
String the bow, bowstring cutting her fingers because she forget her gloves.
Black circle, miss the other.
Too long since she practiced, too long since anyone bothered teaching her.
They relaxed and Percy disappeared.
They thought the war was over and a new one fell upon them, catching them by surprise.
Last arrow, make it count.
Farthest target, moving between trees.
She can't have another Silena, and maybe Connor is right, maybe she's just a lunatic broken by war, a paranoid girl seeing Silena where she isn't.
Breathe, in and out.
Bowstring next to the ear, arrow ready to fly.
Wait for the target.
But Piper was nervous, and she needs to be sure, otherwise the worm of doubt will rot her from inside until it consumed her entirely.
Breathe, steady the arms, don't let them shake.
One last despicable act, one last sister under charmspeak.
Are you a traitor ?
Piper will say no, as Connor and Will say, and Drew will be free from Silena.
No more nightmares.
No more seeing her where she doesn't belong.
Target in front of her, shoot.
Red circle, not yellow.
Drew sighs as she lets down the weapon.
She really needs to practice more.
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”The moon needs the sun to shine but the sun couldn’t care less earth is the one who recieves all the sunlight"
Child of Zeus!!!
You've been friends with Percy for years. You two just clicked from a young age, and nothing could alter that. You were each other's complement – you on his right, he on your left. Inseparable, wherever one ventured, the other followed; an unbreakable bond that time couldn't touch.
Every time he fell sick, you cared for him despite his reluctance, cautious not to make you catch the sickness. Whenever he fought with his stepdad and needed someone to confide in, you were there. Through every bout of poor grades, you stood by him.
Since meeting Annabeth, everything went awry. Initially, he praised her intelligence and agility. But it escalated, becoming a recurring issue in where every conversation somehow revolved around her. Hanging out? "Annabeth showed me-" Your birthday? "Annabeth did the funniest thing yesterday!" Even breaking your arm was tied to Annabeth, as he exclaimed, "I think Annabeth is mad at me." The focus shifted entirely.
It has reached a point where he cancels plans with you to cater to her every need. He promised to assist you with training later in the day but had to cancel due to Annabeth's fever. Even after she reassured him she was fine, he stopped talking to you. He ignores your waves when you cross paths, always choosing Annabeth. Every new quest or important news, he rushes to tell Annabeth. In his constant pursuit of her, he overlooks the one who was there for him from the beginning.
You reached a breaking point after he forgot your birthday again. It was worse than enduring his rants about her last year. Does he even know your birthday? If you were to ask him, 'What's my birthday?' would he mistakenly say July 12th, thinking about hers?
"Why are you acting so stuck up?" he snapped at you, frustrated with your behavior.
"Why am I acting stuck up? Why are you behaving like you're better than me?"
"When did I ever start acting better than you?"
"I don't know? Maybe after you completely forgot about me!? Perhaps it was when you replaced me with someone who is just another facade of me!"
"Don't you dare disrespect Annabeth!" he shouted, his voice clear and sharp, sending shivers down your spine. He had never defended you like this before.
"Disrespect? You disrespected me. What are you talking about? After all I did for you?" You couldn't help but laugh at his demeanor. "I wasted my whole life looking after you!" Your hand gripped into a fist.
"I took care of you every time you got in a fight with your stepdad! I nursed you back to health when you were sick! I walked you home! I tried to help you get better grades. I stayed up late talking to you even if I had a big test the next day!" Your nails dug deeper into your skin as your fist clenched turning white.
"I never asked for any of that! You just wasted your own damn time!"
"I wasted my time being a good friend!?"
"I never asked you to be my friend in the first place! You just came along some random day and never left! Following me around like a lost puppy with no life!"
"I'm sorry for caring about you!!! I won't do it again!" The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the unraveling friendship.
"Good, I don't want or need you in my life!"
"I want you!" You yelled without realizing. You quickly covered your mouth, but he still heard you. Percy didn't know what to say in response to that, the pissed demeanor fading to a confused look mixed with disgust. The tension thickened as the weight of your confession lingered in the air, both of you grappling with the sudden shift in the dynamic that had defined your friendship.
"Did you honestly think I would be anything more than friends with you?"
"I don't even like you romantically!" You felt your heartbeat race as you lied.
"I want you back! You were my friend, my other side. I miss you!" You took a deep breath as you felt your lungs giving out.
"I miss listening to you rant about your day, about the girls that bullied you, about your favorite class! I miss you! I miss my friend!"
"Were you my friend or was I YOUR friend? “Was I your friend... or were you my friend?" The questions echoed, revealing.
"Look, can we just call this quits? I have training with Annabeth-"
"Annabeth this, Annabeth that! What about Y/N this and Y/N that? Huh!? What does she have that I don't? What did you see in her that you couldn't see in me after years?"
"Do you want the truth?"
"I don't... I don't know. Something about her..." His face turned a slight pink as the heat rushed to his face, thinking about her. The room filled with an awkward silence.
You couldn't help but start laughing loudly too. "Y-You don't kn-know!?" Your sentences were breaking up due to your unstoppable laughter.
"Bullshit! Y-You, I- I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE!" You couldn't take it anymore. All the thoughts in your head were mashing together and mixing to the point you didn't know what to think. The room echoed with the chaotic laughter.
"Fine then! Forget me! Go, leave, go hang out with Annabeth!"
"Thank you." Percy rolled his eyes and left, leaving you standing all alone, dumbfounded.
*"I hate him! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!"* You knew you could never hate him, but you needed to feel like you could hate him.
You watched as he walked up to Annabeth, and his mood increased right away, the same way it used to when you two would hang out. The contrast stung, emphasizing the void left.
Even if you hated her, you saw what he saw in her – she was smart, sassy, charming, strong-minded, and all the good stuff. She had nothing negative about her! He would be crazy not to be head over heels for her. Yet, you couldn't stop feeling guilty. You knew she did nothing wrong; she was always nice to you, but she was just... so UGH!?
A new pit of rage mixed into your stomach, one that grew bigger and bigger every time you saw them hanging out, laughing, or doing anything together! The conflicting emotions churned within, a storm of resentment and self-blame.
Not knowing what to do, you went back to your empty cabin, cabin 1, and grabbed everything that belonged to Percy: his hoodies, his sweatshirt, the stupid letters he would write to you when you were younger that made no sense since he had bad dyslexia, and the stupid stuffed dog he got you at the fair after struggling many times to get it. In your fit of rage, you went to grab a towel he left a long time ago and ended up hitting your side on an extra bunk bed. All the emotions you had bottled up came pouring out of nowhere; this was the final straw. Tears came down your face like crazy.
Ignoring the pain in your throat, you shouted uncontrollably. Once you started yelling, you couldn't stop; your breaths became uneven, and you sounded like a distraught child crying. If you were a child, you would probably run to Percy about this too.
Without thinking, you shoved all his stuff into a box, getting ready to leave. However, the stupid bear just stared up at you from the box, a silent reminder of the shared memories.
You ended up throwing the bear onto your bed and walked off with the box in your hand, a sobbing mess. Your destination: Cabin 3, Poseidon’s cabin—the one where Percy would be.
As you were about to knock on the door, a laugh you knew all too well reached your ears. "I- I love you so much-" The words were abruptly cut off, replaced by the sound of a kiss. It took everything in you not to drop the box; a wave of sickness threatened to overwhelm you at any minute.
Without thinking, you placed the box in front of the door and banged loudly, surely startling them inside. You ran off to the side of his cabin as the door opened. "What is it, Percy?" "Just some stupid box full of my stuff," he sounded annoyed but took it inside.
Alone in camp, with your only friend turned against you and longing for the girl you wished to be, you felt stranded. The wait until you could leave weighed heavily on you.
Feeling a sense of emptiness, you stared up at the ceiling, boredom consuming you. With nothing to do or say, time passed, and as darkness enveloped the surroundings, you remained motionless. No standing, no thoughts, no appetite – just a lingering inertia as you lay there, lost in a void. Despite skipping meals, you knew the campfire was unavoidable, bound by camp rules. Summoning every ounce of strength, you reluctantly stood up, acknowledging that you would have to face them there.
Each step towards the campfire felt like a heavy burden, the weight increasing with every step. As you arrived, the sight of them together, laughing and sharing a moment, struck you. A shiver ran through her, and he offered his jacket, a familiar gesture that once belonged to you. She hesitated, blushing, but he insisted, and you witnessed the echoes of your past now shared between them.
Uncertain of what to do, you sat on the ground, drawing in the dirt with a stick you found nearby. Seeking any distraction to make time pass faster, you focused on the simple act of creating temporary patterns in the earth beneath you. It was a long 30 minutes, but you finally decided on getting up and leaving. You felt her eyes on you – her disgusting, kind gray eyes.
You went back to your cabin, laid down again, and started sobbing loudly. You hated him so much, but how you loved him! You ended up going into a depressive episode. You refused to eat for days on end, refused to train, refused to do your hair—refused to do anything other than lay down. It's been a mess outside; Zeus is fighting with Poseidon again due to this. Percy hurt you, and now the sky is fighting with the sea.
The sky is thundering like crazy, and the water is going wild as well. Hey, this is your fault; you should know better—water and electricity don't mix well together.
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caratheewriter · 1 year ago
"I Bet Your Mother Would Be Proud"
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Word Count: 269
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
Luke slashes his sword at Percy, trying to hurt him. Two daggers intercept. Annabeth and another kid reveal themselves.
"I heard everything."
The other kid, Y/n , child of Eros and Ares, walks up to Luke.
"Oh, Luke. What have you done?," They said in a chiding tone, "What has he done to you?"
"He's shown me the truth. How things could be different."
Y/n looks at Luke with a sad grimace.
"Percy. Annabeth. Go back to camp."
"Go, now."
Percy and Annabeth run out of the woods. Luke grabs your hands.
"You said it yourself. You don't like the gods either."
"Going against the gods means going against me as well. I don't want to fight you, Luke. You've come so far from that scared boy you were when you arrived at camp."
Luke sneers, "Yeah, and with no help from him. I've grown and I see the Gods for what they are."
"What are we, Luke? Tyrants, Dictators, Villains?"
"No, you're not. Zeus and rest of them are. You've practically raised all of us. You do what Hermes won't. You take care of my mom and you make sure she knows that I'm safe.."
Y/n plants a kiss on Luke's forehead, "I bet your Mother would be so proud of you, if she could see you now."
Luke leans in and hugs Y/n, "You can't change my mind."
"I know, but if you ever seek sanctuary, the people of Mykonos will welcome you. Be safe, my strong boy."
Luke pulls away and leaves through the portal.
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This is shorter than my last post but I wanted to get this out ASAP. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this.
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psychesalcove · 8 months ago
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„ i think we're one of the same, i don't think we could help it (no i don't think we could help it) ”
𝜗𝜚 headcanons with percy with a child of amphitrite and their dynamic!!
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requested: yes, by anon !!
⚠️: not proofread AT ALL, percy being sassy as usual, nothing else i believe!!
💬: thank you so much for the request anon!! I decided to do some headcanons with this, which I hope is okay with you—if not, feel free to send in another ask and I'll get to writing it!! ALSO i thought i had uploaded it but i just saved it to my drafts, so im so sorry for not seeing my mistake sooner!!
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𖹭 some background info on this, amphitritea is the wife of poseidon—so this dynamic would be like step siblings in my mind, so that's what I'm going on!!
𖹭 when you first got to camp, percy emideantaly felt like he should get to know you–he didn't know why, but something about you seemed familiar in a way he couldn't place
𖹭 so ofc, like the social butterfly he is, he goes up to you and introduces himself to you,
𖹭 you already know of him bc of the whole savior of olympus and forbidden child thing going on, but you introduce yourself to him
𖹭 he invites you to sit with him so you don't have to be dangling off the hermes table bc of all his kids, and you happily agree
𖹭 the next few days, you are off doing your own things, but you and percy still say hi and stuff when you see eachother
𖹭 about a week has passed since you arrived, and still no sign from your godly parent
𖹭 and, literally no one could figure out who's kid you might be (even my girl annabeth was struggling with you)
𖹭 it was canoe race day, and you got paired up with percy (he def didn't beg Mr. D to have you in his group)
𖹭 you and percy were doing well in it (obv since he's a literal child of the sea), and you two ended up winning
𖹭 and, as percy moved to high-five you, a familiar blue glow appeared above you,
𖹭 you look up, and see a symbol of twin dolphins, the sign of Amphitrite, the wife of poseidon
𖹭 both you and percy were both shocked (probably him more than you)
𖹭 but, he quickly got over his shock and high fived you super hard
𖹭 "you're my sibling oh my gods oh my gods!!"
𖹭 he's like actually so happy when you got claimed
𖹭 but, he knows it can be hard getting used to being in a cabin alone after being with the hermes kids, so he helps you all he can
𖹭 this includes him helping you decorate your space, either with Polaroids of you and your mortal parents and friends, getting fairy lights hung up, and getting some stuffed animals on your bed, and a lot more things
𖹭 he wants you to know that you can always come to him for anything at all!! Even if it is a crush (even tho he knows you would go to piper for that)
𖹭 he would have so much fun introducing you to Tyson,
𖹭 like the three of you would be besties omg
𖹭 you and percy would also do that trend where you make bracelets with eachothers eye color (tyson would have one 2 don't worry 🙏)
𖹭 and both of you would religiously wear them and almost never take them off unless it's deemed unsafe to be wearing)
𖹭 percy would also make you practice with him, mainly bc he wants to be sure that you are prepared if any monster invasion happens or you get sent on a quest
𖹭 on the topic of a quest, he would be like a dad with a teenager going to their first dance or party
𖹭 he's actually so worried for you and what could happen; he's constantly asking if you have everything packed, if you brought enough ambrosia, etc.
𖹭 he'll def talk to chiron and Mr D abou the quest saying that he should also be able to go on it
𖹭 and then he gets all pissy when he can't come
𖹭 he's like: "wdym I can't go with them ☹️🙄😠"
𖹭 ALSO sally absolutely adores you
𖹭 he brought you over to his apartment for the first time and introduced Sally to you and BAM
𖹭 sally now has three kids, along with paul
𖹭 she's also worried whenever you have to go on quests, she makes you food and gets everything you need ready like omg I need sm like her
𖹭 you and percy have also definitely gone to some type of water park and just like,
𖹭 bullied all of the kids there with your water powers
𖹭 but then u guys get kicked out for being too loud and in the lifeguards words, "loitering"
𖹭 you both had to look that word up on Google afterwards
𖹭 percy and you also have sleepovers sooo often
𖹭 mr D at first tried to get you 2 to stop having them
𖹭 but you guys were like "we're siblings we share the same cabin wdym we have to be in different cabins 🤨🤨"
𖹭 percy and you also have beds set up in eachothers cabin that's just, yours or his bed
𖹭 and when you have the sleepovers, the two of you make the best pillow fort known to kind (you probably got the idea from annabeth)
𖹭 on the topic of annabeth, you two would emideantaly become besties
𖹭 percy will never tell either of you but he got a bit jealous of you guys when you first met
𖹭 you'll probably become friends with all of the 7 bc of your relationship with percy (I say that the 7 are all friends no one could make me think otherwise)
𖹭 percy and you have little hangouts where you chill at the bottom of the lake and just chat ab anything — even with the animals down there
𖹭 the two of you also have def went to an aquarium and made everyone think your psychos bc you talked to all of the animals there
𖹭 overall, percy thinks of you as his sibling, and loves knowing that you'll always have eachothers side <3
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bryverros · 1 year ago
okay, i've watched the episode 3 for the first time, and i'm going to piece all of my thoughts on it into one post because i need to get it out of my system (i wont, but i can certainly try)!!! :D spoilers for ep3 (and the books? ish? ) ofc, but here goes
positive things:
baby percabeth <333 the dynamics was AMAZING; walker and leahs chemistry is so brilliant, the constant bickering absolutely had me wheezing the entire episode. also, some things they bickered about were actually like, meaningful (the conversation in the new jersey woods)
medusa. 1) mother!!!? 2) i absolutely loved what they did to her, this actually tragic perspective on her character was so refreshing. fpr a moment there, i actually believed they would let her live in peace. because her opinions were kind of very real up to the point where she tried to murder them all, but ig i can support women's wrongs. also, her outfit was like real cool, i absolutely could end up drawing her.
GROVER!!!!! i actually love him so so much, and aryan's portrayal is so precious to me. i really can relate to grover's character to an extent and i felt a huge connection to the scene where he found his uncle. i also actually almost cried there when he asked annabeth and percy to stop arguing and they just continued. felt very validated when he actually spoke up and got his point across!!
the attic scene was hilarious as hell. 10/10
a LOT of percy lines that were like absolutely hilarious. "the most powerful being's in the universe best idea to save his daughter's life was to…. turn her into a.... tree? :/" "she met a pine cone's fate" "i'd call my father but we aren't exactly on speaking terms. yk, bc the life long neglect and all" and the absolutely iconic let's send medusa's head to the gods, it's like reused batteries!!! let's return this shit, they should be honored!!!! walker's portrayal of percy is so spot on
annabeth was really going through it in this episode. she was so "i am right you are wrong" (and she IS right) in this episode, and her fatal flaw is really showing. really liked the comparison between her & medusa
positive things in a bigger picture that i am personally hurt by, so i'm going to complain:
percy & luke's relationship. GOODBYE. they really don't have to do this to me, their bond is so precious, i am going to be so heartbroken :/
hermes. lin manuel miranda. i can't believe i'm saying this, but what a good cast for hermes. like, makes you REALLY hate the guy. he's so punchable. i want to punch him SO bad. you go luke, show your father (lin manuel miranda) what he gets for not paying child support. also, that delivery service outfit was the uugliest shit i've encountered, is bro a god even. he also found a way to sing.....
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