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ineedtotouchgrassrightnow · 4 months ago
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Art by Kkiaikk_07 on twitter
"A bedtime story"
Claude X F! Byleth!
The war was finally over. After years, what felt like a never ending nightmare ended. Nemesis was killed yet again—this time, for good. It was a bittersweet moment, to say the least.
Many were lost on the road here, and many will be forgotten. People died on all sides; even the innocent were killed.
This was and will be the prime example of war for the years to come. The Empire, the Kingdom, and the Alliance all fought for five long years, and it's hard to swallow the fact that they were all friends not long ago.
They ate together in the church that turned them into this. They walked and trained together in the same cult disguised as a holy temple that held them together.
No one was better than another. You could've been a commoner or a noble, with or without a crest, and you were treated the same, because, at the end of the day, you were all just teens.
The butterfly effect where one option can change the future it sounds utterly ridiculous to imagine. A simple change can alter the fate of hundreds, but it happened.
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude were being chased by bandits when they came across a group of mercenaries—none other than Byleth and Jeralt. They begged for help, and the mercenaries complied, not being ones to back down in fear.
Byleth struck the bandits effortlessly, and everything was fine until an axe was thrown at Edelgard. Without a moment’s hesitation, Byleth ran in front of her. As time froze, she realized she would’ve been ripped to shreds, saving an innocent girl whose name she didn’t even know.
A goddess was on her side and pushed back the hands of time to just before the axe was thrown. Byleth, having just seen the future and its outcomes, charged again, fully prepared to block, and she did. She saved Edelgard without the cost of her life.
And with that brave act of strength, Byleth became a professor at the church, and her father returned to his role as captain.
They had mock battles, laughed together, and Byleth loved teaching. In fact, her students made her show emotions even her own father had never seen before. But, of course, all good things come to an end.
A girl went missing. They looked for her, found her, and found another girl Byleth had never seen before, passed out together. That same girl later murdered Byleth’s father.
Byleth tried to turn back the hands of time to save her father, but it was no use; he was gone.
Now, there is more to that story, my sweetheart, but that isn’t necessarily important for now, and I’ll save it for another day.
That being said Byleth became protective of her students, wanting to hold them close, and she remembered something her father had once said: “If anything happens to me, search this room.” And that, she did.
Do you know what she found? A diary and a bag. Inside that bag was a ring with instructions to give it to someone she loved.
She held that ring close to her for years and years. And remember what I said about the war?
Byleth was teaching a boy named Claude. Claude was handsome and cunning, always with a plan—or six—and she loved him.
She and Claude were around the same age. He was annoying and a brat, but you can never help who you fall in love with, and so she did love him.
She fought by his side in all the wars. They kept each other in line—he made her loosen up, and she brought her walls down around him, and he knew that.
After the final war, she was approached by the same man she had fallen in love with. While Byleth isn’t usually one for cheesy moments or situations, she remembers that day clearly: his voice, his posture, and every single word he said.
He walked up to her. “Sorry for calling you out like this,” he said, his voice filled with vulnerability, soft-spoken. “I wanted to talk, just the two of us.”
He thanked her for all the work she’d done to get everyone here, and they talked about Fódlan and its future when…
“I’m sorry that I won’t be by your side at such an important event, but I’m certain you’ll do great.”
“You won’t be there!?” she asked.
“I must return to my homeland. As for ruling this new, unified land... well, I'll leave that to you.”
Byleth’s eyes widened at that. Or so he said later on, Claude knew what he wanted, and he kept moving toward his goals. Nothing could distract him from that, not even Byleth.
“The Fódlan blood that flows in my veins... I’ve made use of it as best I could. Now I’ve got to use my other bloodline to change my homeland for the better.”
“I have royal connections there too, insignificant as they may be. It’s time for me to struggle all over again and see what good I can do.”
Claude wanted a world that would never judge one for being different, an outsider, and he was determined to make that goal happen... he just needed to do something first.
He pulled out a silver ring with green gemstones, the color of her hair.
“I have something else to ask. Please... I hope you’ll accept this.”
“When I first saw you wield the Sword of the Creator, I wanted to use your power to my advantage.” He looked away in shame.
“I wanted to use you to make my dream of a new world come true.” His gaze slowly met hers again. “But before long, I realized what I really wanted was to see that new world... with you by my side.”
“I still feel that way, you know. I always will. That’s why I have to leave. But nothing will stop me from coming back. There’s no way I’m gonna let you go. You know that, don’t you?”
He pulled her into a hug as he thanked her.
“Thank you… for everything.”
He placed a hand on her head and played with her hair as she clung to his clothes.
“I’ll be back before you know it. We’ll only be apart for a short while. And now... I’m off to cross Fódlan’s Throat.”
He smiled at her and said the words she would hear every night since his departure.
“I love you. With everything I am. And the next time we see each other... it will be at the dawn of a whole new world. A peaceful, happy world.”
“I love you too, Claude,” she replied.
They pulled away from the hug and went their separate ways. She thought of him always and dreamed of being in his arms again, and after long years, he came back.
Completing his mission of creating a world he believed in, he returned to her, the same as ever, and ran to her, picking her up in his arms and spinning her around.
She wore the brightest smile on her face and laughed—the most emotion she’d ever shown at that point in time. She only wished her father could’ve been there to see how far his little girl had come.
And while Byleth missed her father and the many friends she lost along the way, she found peace when she saw the most perfect person on Earth for the first time.
A sweet little girl with green eyes, tan skin, and brown hair—a symbol of her love with Claude.
Byleth spoke in a soft tone to her daughter, running a hand through her five-year-old daughter’s hair.
“Mom...?” she yawned. “How do you know so much about those people?”
Byleth smiled affectionately. “That’s your dad and me.”
Her daughter gasped, struggling to keep her eyelids open. “N-No... way…” she yawned.
“Good night, princess,” Claude said, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead as Byleth turned off the lights.
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ineedtotouchgrassrightnow · 5 months ago
Y’all should read this 😼
His Purity
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An original story of mine that I've been working on<3
Prompt: A Christian boy and an atheist. How could the two ever work?
CW: Religious Trauma/Homophobia/Bigotry/Suicide/Self Harm 
This story and characters are purely fictional and in no way is it trying to alter or change the way you see religion. This is a reflection of real things that can and does happen in the real world. If you are Christian and/or Catholic then keep in mind that this is not an attack on your religious beliefs and if that’s what you believe in then all power to you!!!
The day that I met him was one of the many bleak ones. I think about it every day. My parents dragged me to church with them, forcing me to sit and listen to endless preaching from that loud mouth they call a priest. I remember it so very clearly: Sunday mass was one of the numerous things I didn’t miss about home. But of course, on my second day of being back, my parents made it a requirement for me. “Did you learn anything, son?” My father asked me, checking his wristwatch, to determine an appropriate time to leave the church.
“This is the most informed I’ve ever felt in my whole life.” My tone was enthusiastic, but in a mocking way. My father didn’t catch on to that, and I could tell from the pleasant grin that formed on his lips. He could never tell whenever I was jerking his leg. But who the hell was I to ruin that moment for him?
“That’s great, Sammy. You’ve only been back for two days, and you’re already behaving so much better than before.” He praised me. “I guess that means your grandparents really knocked a few senses into you.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure they did.” My voice trailed off as my eyes wandered over to where my mother was. She was walking up to the both of us with the priest beside her. He had a wide grin on his face that was almost unsettling. Everything and everyone here was uncomfortable to be around. It’s like they lived in this fantasy world where all things had to be perfect. Their version of perfection anyway.
“I want you to meet our son Samual. He’s been away with his grandparents for two years.” When my mother finally reached us, those were the first words to fall from her tongue. The priest looked at me, and his grin faltered. I must not have been what he was expecting. Which wasn’t surprising. I didn’t look like all of the other teenagers here because I wasn’t like them. I dress differently. From the ripped pieces of fabric covering my legs to the metal piercing through the skin on my face. I rub my nose, my index finger gliding against the septum piercing. I wanted to bring his attention to it just for the joy of making him uncomfortable the same way he makes me. And it works. The way his gaze moved down and his nose scrunched at the sight. I had to hold back a laugh.
There were more reasons than one for why I’m so different. The main one being that I didn’t share their beliefs. I didn’t believe in that false God of theirs. It was almost funny to think about. But I don’t blame them. I believe they’re all just afraid of what the afterlife might be. And I’d want something to cling to if I was scared too.
“It’s nice to meet you, Samuel. Your parents have become very familiar with the church. I’ve heard about the incident at your old one. What a shame.” The priest spoke. But I didn’t hear much emotion coming from it. It’s clear he wasn’t the most empathetic for my situation.
“I wouldn’t call it an incident. More like a misunderstanding.” I correct.
“I’m sure it was.” That look on his face said a lot to me. He wanted a reason to get away from me. He was searching for one in his mind. “Anyhow, I really need to talk with your parents about a few things concerning the church. Maybe you could give us a little alone time, kiddo?”
“I’m seventeen.”
“Oh? My apologies if I offended you, young man.” He looked to the side instead of directly at me. This guy definitely had a few sticks up his ass. “Actually, my nephew is around your age. You should try getting to know each other and make a new friend!”
“Your nephew?” At the time I was dreading the very thought of having to put up with some overly uptight Christian boy. That’s what I assumed he’d be like. That’s how I assumed they all were like. Even he was a little bit like that. Always so fixated on getting me to change. But I didn’t enjoy thinking about that past mistake. “I guess I could try.”
“That’s so good to hear! He should be out back in the garden. Just go out those double doors.” The priest pointed in the direction he wanted me to go, and an uneasy feeling bubbled up inside of me. That was so unusual, I thought. I nodded and proceeded to drag my feet across the ground up until I made it to those double doors. I felt sick. I wish I could go back and tell myself that I should’ve stayed home and told my parents to fuck off about going to church. But I didn’t. And I can’t go back.
I went out there, and the first thing I spotted was a chicken that came to greet me. Well, it didn’t actually greet me, but it walked up to me as if it wanted to. “Woah,” I mumbled, reaching down to pet it, but I was interrupted by a very soft spoken voice.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I looked up to see a boy. It instantly clicked to me that this must’ve been that priest’s nephew. He was the only one out here, so he was the only logical option. “Huh?”
“Doodles doesn’t like being petted—nor touched in general—he bites. But he loves to watch people.”
I stand up straight and inspect him. His hair was an irritating blond, and his poster told me that he was introverted. His back was a bit slumped, and his hands were tied together. “Chickens bite?”
“Some do. It’s more of a personality thing with them. But that’s all animals, no?” He said with a nervous chuckle following after. I didn’t laugh back, which made his face turn red with embarrassment.
“I’m not much of an animal enthusiast. They’re cute though.”
His eyes light up when he hears me say that. It was weirdly adorable. “Aren’t they? I love animals. My dad owns a farm, and he taught me everything I needed to know.”
“So, is your family like hillbillies?” I asked with genuine curiosity. It wasn’t often for me to meet a farm owner. This was a first, if I’m being completely honest. My grandparents live in the city, and I grew accustomed to that.
He scoffs in response to my questions. “No,” he answers with furrowed brows. “Do I look like a hillbilly to you? And we don’t even live on the farm. It’s like a second home.”
“Oh, so you guys are rich?”
“I guess. I mean, we do own the church as well.”
I laugh at that because, of course, they did. His uncle was the priest here after all. “So who are you anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around.” His question brought me back to reality.
“It's Sam, and I’m not really the churchgoer kind of guy, so...”
“You’re not? Then why are you here?”
“My parents dragged me here. I didn’t wanna come.” I inform him, pushing a few strands of hair out of my face. It didn’t stay in place for long, though. “Your uncle was the one who sent me to you. He thinks we could be friends. Crazy, right?”
“Well, why would that be crazy?” He chuckled shyly. “I trust his judgment, and I see everyone as an eventual friend.”
“Would you see an ax murderer as a eventual friend?”
His smile dropped, and the look on his face was priceless. “Well that’s…”
“I’m kidding. You don’t have to answer that, dumbass.” An awkward silence fell over us after that. Either he seriously had no idea how to have a productive conversation or I ruined it for the both of us. I wasn’t about to try and figure out which one it was, though. “What’s your name?” I asked him abruptly.
“My name is Rodney, but most usually go with Ronnie. You can call me that if it’s easier for you.”
“Okay, Ronnie.” I grin at him and gesture to a nearby bench for us. “Since your uncle wants us to get along so badly. Let’s get to know each other better.” Ronnie smiled softly at me and took a few steps over to sit down with me. I don’t want to end up making the same mistake twice. I’m playing it cool with this boy because if I fuck up again, then there’s no telling what my parents might send me this time. But there was something about Ronnie. Something so unique that I couldn’t put my finger on. Yet I somehow knew that I’d end up in that exact same situation.
I adored the way his shy smile slowly gained more confidence. “So, what do you want to know about me, Sam?”
I wanted to know everything...
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I would love love LOVE to write for you guys. I’m currently open for commissions and I would write for peoples OC and I do fanfiction. Find my info sheet HERE!
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oh my gosh moon sun earth was gut wrenching….im gonna need a part 2 where it’s been years and they’ve become completely strangers and meet again WE NEED A HAPPY ENDING
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“You broke me because you were in my life and I will break you because I’m not in your life”
I don’t like being told what to do <3 NO HAPPY ENDINGS HERE
It had been years since Percy had talked to you, and he missed you a lot. He missed everything about you: your hair, your smile, your attitude, your personality, your laughter—everything. He was genuinely getting sick from thinking of you all the time. Nothing else went through his mind other than you, and it was embarrassing. He had pushed you away, rejected your advances to become more than friends. Normally, he could forget about you most of the day... that was until you came back to camp.
You left camp the summer Percy snapped at you, and he lost all contact with you. You blocked him on everything. So when Percy saw you again for the first time in years, it broke him. You had changed so much yet stayed the same. You were taller, more confident, stronger than before, and you looked better. You walked with confidence, knowing your worth, but your hair was the same, your attitude, personality, laughter, sarcasm—the exact same. And yet, Percy stayed the same, and that was putting it nicely. He had changed; yes, he was stronger, but he looked a mess, dark eye bags, eyes filled with regret. He missed you, and he needed you.
He couldn’t help but stare at you when you walked by or played volleyball with the other demigods, or when you shot your bow. His thoughts of you became worse. He had to talk to you, even if that meant sucking up his ego. He walked over to you, blushing at the way you were so focused on the target, nothing but determination behind your eyes. He coughed.
Your eyes widened as you quickly put down the bow, refusing to turn your eyes to the speaker.
“…” The silence was loud, too loud. It hurt your ears and his.
“Y-Y/n…” Percy was shocked. Your eyes were filled with hatred; the soft spot behind your eyes for him was gone. Your face showed no signs of entertainment.
“Make it quick, will you?”
“R-Right… sorry. Look, Y/n, I know you’re mad at me, and I think I know why.”
“You think?” You scoffed. “Still can’t take accountability, can you?”
Percy swallowed his spite. “Look, Y/n, I know you’re mad at me. I know I deserved it, but please, I miss you. I miss what we had. I miss being your friend. I’m… nothing without you. I need you!”
“Now you want me?” Your grin got bigger. “You want me! Years after you broke me? You led me on for years and broke me when I was getting too much to handle, and now you want me!?” Your voice was getting louder. “I was someone completely different for you. You’re the reason I don’t know who I am! I don’t know what my favorite drink or my favorite color is. I don’t know my likes or dislikes because I was everything you wanted!”
“I never told you to do that!?”
“You treated me like shit, Percy!” You looked up at him, tears in the corners of your eyes. “I am better without you. I am stronger, and as long as you stay out of my life, I will be bigger than you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, watch your back, Percy… I will become stronger than you… You broke me because you were in my life, and I will break you because I’m not in your life.”
Percy’s heart broke at your words. “Y-You’re kidding, right? Y-You have to be, right!? Please be!?”
“If you excuse me, I have stuff to do.” You turned around, leaving Percy standing alone. He wanted to run after you, hug you at least one more time, but he couldn’t. His feet wouldn’t move.
“Percy…?” A voice filled with betrayal said behind him. Percy turned quickly.
“What’s wrong with you?” She looked hurt and pissed. “You really started begging like a dog for a girl who doesn’t want you while having a girlfriend? That's pathetic. I expected better of you.”
“I didn’t mean it, I swear. I was just overwhelmed by emotions.”
“Grow up, Percy. I’m not dumb. I don’t want to be your second choice. It’s over.” The way she spat out "it’s over" sent him over the edge.
“Wait, Annabeth!?” He ran to her side only to be knocked down. “Don’t touch me EVER again!” She snapped at him. “I will break each one of your fingers if you try that again,” she threatened and started walking back to her cabin. “Mom was right… Men suck.” She sighed before tearing up slightly.
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Percy X Reader Fluff!!!
My head was pounding. It was a long week with all the tests and trying to get accepted into colleges. And let me tell you, getting into college with ADHD and dyslexia is NOT for the weak.
I had stupid ELA homework. I was practically pulling out my hair. I hated ELA class; it was the WORST. I sucked at spelling, I couldn’t read. I tried so hard, but the letters would spin, do 180s, and fly off the page. I could not focus at all. I was debating burning the paper with my fire, but decided against it when I heard a buzz from my side.
My face lit up when I saw my boyfriend texted me. I threw down my pencil and opened his message. “Hey Y/n, wanna go to the new aquarima that opened?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his misspelling of aquarium, but I knew what he meant. “Yeah, I would love to?”
Nothing could cheer me up faster than my boyfriend, and even more so when it's a date. “Awesome! See you then?” “Sure, what day and time?” “Today, 1 hour?” “Wait, today?” “Yeah?” “I’m doing homework though.” “You’ll probably give up soon enough.” “Excuse me?” “See you in an hour, princess.” I couldn’t help but scoff. “Wow…” I said out loud to nobody and got up to get ready for my date. I grabbed cute yet comfortable clothes and went to take a shower, smiling that dork knew how to cheer me up anytime.
I did my hair and put on my shoes when I heard knocking at my door. I practically ran to the door and smiled when I saw the handsome boy behind it. “Hello, princess,” he gave a genuine smile. “You look amazing.”
“I’m not even dressed up?”
“You still look amazing,” he smiled and leaned down to my lips, giving me a kiss with his soft lips that had a hint of sweetness, probably from cherry coke, his all-time favorite drink.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, let me grab my keys.” I grabbed my keys and locked the door. “The aquarium is pretty big. There is a food court there too,” I mentioned as we walked towards the car.
He opened my door, smiling. “Ladies first.” Before jogging to his door, he was always going the extra mile for me. It was crazy. He held doors, made me breakfast in bed, all the cute stuff. In all honesty, I don’t know how or why I got so lucky to have him in my life, but he was genuinely one of the few things I am grateful for.
The drive there was normal. We talked about the aquarium, our schools, our home life, any crazy stuff we found on the internet. We tried to keep our other lives separate from our normal lives as much as possible, and we did a pretty good job at avoiding it most of the time.
“You know Annabeth wants to get back in touch with me,” he said at one point.
“Really?” I couldn’t help but chuckle. “As friends or does she still have a crush on you?”
“Not sure. I told her I was taken, but she seemed panicked, like something was wrong at camp.”
“We should just leave it be for now. We can check up on camp tomorrow. We are on a date tonight.”
“Right, sorry, love,” Percy sighed, rubbing my thigh.
He pulled into the parking lot and smiled softly. “We made it alive?”
“I couldn’t tell?”
“Shut it,” he laughed before jogging over to open my door.
“You know I can open my doors, right?”
“I’m just making sure you don’t slam my car doors,” he teased.
“Wow,” I nudged him and laughed. “Let's go, seaweed head.”
“Of course,” he grinned and held open the door of the aquarium entrance. It was beautiful inside. The rugs were dark blue, the walls were light blue, and all types of fishes were painted over the walls.
“Woah, that fish is pretty,” I pointed over to one of the painted fishes on the wall.
“In case you couldn’t tell, my dear Y/n, that's a painted fish, not a real one.”
“I’m not dumb!” He smiled and walked over to the cashier, who was a sweet older man in his 60s.
“Two tickets, please,” Percy requested.
“Of course, that's 28 dollars,” the cashier replied.
“Thank you,” Percy handed him the money and handed me my ticket.
“So, you like older men now?” I teased.
“All I said was thank you!” He pouted.
“Yea— Woah, that's a big shark!?” I dragged Percy along to one of the shark tanks.
“Yeah, they are meant to be big.”
“Quiet,” I rolled my eyes at his sassiness. “What would happen if you asked it to do a backflip?”
“Why would I ask it—”
“I mean, you can talk to animals, can’t you?”
“Wow, you are boring then.”
“Oh, is that so? And what can you do, princess? Make a sword? And heat up your hands?”
“Yeah, I can. And what can you do? Fall 600 feet into an ocean?”
“Actually, yes, I can.”
“Try hard.”
“Always,” he grinned and kissed my cheek.
“Look at that one right there, it's pretty like you.”
“So you're saying I look like a fish?”
“You always have something to say, don't you?”
“Yes, I do.” I smiled and kissed his cheek.
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would you also do hurt/comfort?? also do requests need to be specific or is it alright if theyre vaguer??
Yes! I would and request go both ways I don’t mind either way they can be really specific or really vaguer <3 thank you so much for taking interest in my recent hobby
Also hurt/comfort is when someone is hurting in a way and another character takes care of them right?
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"There is one pain, I often feel, which you will never know. It's caused by the absence of you." -Ashleigh Brilliant
Your heart was racing as you ran towards the hill. You were tripping over your own feet, stumbling all over the place. Out of breath, panting, and sweating. The other day, you were a "normal" kid, aside from having ADHD and struggling with dyslexia. You felt your feet giving out as you ran upwards to the hill—it was so close yet so far.
Tears fell down your face as you tripped. Exhausted, you couldn’t move; it hurt so much. However, you couldn’t and wouldn’t die out here. Your body was burning, feeling like fire, intensely itchy. You just wanted it to stop, to be a normal kid again.
You didn’t even know what was happening; you were running away from something that didn’t even look real. Your head couldn't wrap around what this thing chasing you was.
Barely having enough strength to move your arm forward, you managed to start crawling towards the tree where you were promised safety by your satyr, who was now gone—dead? She tried to help you but failed with whatever was after you in the beginning, each time your arm moved forward, a newfound strength filled you. It hurt so bad, but you refused to die.
Your body weak and tired, you barely muttered, "P-Please..." The tree was just out of your reach, so close, almost touching your fingertips. "P-Please..." It took everything in you to stretch far enough to touch it. "Co-Come on..." You touched it—barely managing.
Just like that, you were on the other side. "What...?" Even though you were on the other side, you felt worse, actually. Unable to move, you had used your last strength getting here. Your lungs felt so small. "Help..." You barely whispered before passing out.
A taller boy with black hair was about to head to his cabin when an uneasy feeling crept over him. "Hello, is anyone there!?" he called out. A faint whisper for help reached his ears, prompting a quick response.
Acting quickly, Percy ran to the noise. "Where are you!? Are you okay?" he shouted, but not another sound followed. Desperation crept into his voice as he pleaded, "Please say something!!!"
Sighing, he ran in a different direction to find the person. His eyes met someone on the ground, badly injured, with blood, cuts, scrapes, and bruises covering their skin. Their hair was a mess. "Oh my gods..." Percy muttered softly before crouching over them. "I got you... let's take you to the infirmary." He picked you up, keeping a strong grip on you.
He gently placed you down on the bed before calling over another person to take care of you, ensuring that help was on the way.
After what felt like a few days, you finally emerged from your sleep, groaning, "Ugh, my head is killing me." "Oh, thank the gods you're up," a soft chuckle came from your side. "Huh...?" you muttered quietly. "You were out for days," he laughed, continuing, "It reminds me of the time I passed out before. I was out for three days? I think, I don’t remember well." He smiled before picking up a spoon of pudding. "Open, please." Nodding, you opened, and he fed you at a comfortable pace without another word.
"Thank you..." you expressed your gratitude. "Don't thank me, I would do it anytime for anyone," he said in a friendly tone. His soft smile was the last thing you saw before passing out again.
When you woke up again, he was there with the same smile mixed with a smirk. "Miss me?" he teased. "No," you replied. "I missed you; it's boring having one-sided conversations with a sleeping person, you know?" he quipped, maintaining his playful demeanor.
"No one asked you to take care of me..."
"Not even a thank you?" He scoffed, smirking. "Reminds me of a stubborn girl I know."
"...Thank you for doing it anyway," you said, looking away, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Come on, I'll show you around camp, new kid. What's your name again?"
"It suits you. I'm Percy," he smiled. "I'm the son of Poseidon."
"Poseidon... God of the sea, right?"
"Clever, aren't you? And yes."
"I thought the big three weren't able to have kids after something big happened?"
"Yes, but... wait, how did you know that?" He raised a brow, intrigued by your knowledge.
"Lucky guess?"
"Uh huh... well, come on, I'll show you the cabins first!" Percy said eagerly.
And like that, you two became accustomed to each other. He showed you everything in camp, helped you learn how to fight with a sword and hand-to-hand combat. He tried to help you find your godly parent, but to no avail. You still weren’t claimed, but that was okay – you still had your friend.
You ended up sticking close to him the most, often scared to leave his side. Most of the time, he didn’t mind, offering to take you along whenever he had something to do – whether it was training or grabbing a meal in the dining hall. "Y/n, I'm gonna go train. Wanna come with?" he'd ask. Or, "Come on, let's go eat. I'm tired of training!!!" he'd whine. The two of you were close, and nothing could really change that.
Until one day, "Hey, Y/n?"
"I'm gonna go train, okay?"
"Can I come with?"
"Uh, maybe not this time...?" He chuckled nervously.
"I have one-on-one training with Annabeth, and I wouldn't want you to feel left out, you know?"
Smiling, you understood.
"Have fun, Percy!"
"Thanks for understanding, Y/N," he expressed his gratitude before heading off for his training.
Over time, Percy stopped inviting you repeatedly. "Percy, I hear—"
"Sorry, not now, Y/n. I have to do something with Grover," he sighed, feeling bad. "Oh, but I just wanted to sh—"
"Can this wait for when I get back?"
"Alright... have fun," you said, feeling gloomy, but still smiled as he waved.
It reached a point where he wouldn't talk to you at all, and you found it hard to be mad at him. Understanding that he had various responsibilities and tasks to manage, you realized that he genuinely wanted to hang out with you, but circumstances seemed to pull him away.
"Hey, Percy," you walked behind him at a fast pace.
"Yes, Y/n?"
"You know how my birthday is next week?"
"I was wondering if we could do something together?"
"Yeah, that's fine with me," he smiled.
"I promise. I'll make time for you."
"You're the best!!!" He laughed at your reaction. "See you later, Y/n!"
Next week came, and on your birthday, you waited for hours at the place you two promised to meet. The anticipation grew as you sat there, but Percy was nowhere in sight. Just as disappointment settled in, you heard panting.
"Oh my gods! Y/n, I am so sorry! I forgot what day it was, and I was doing something, but I'm here now!" He was breathing loudly, most likely having run to get there.
"It's fine..." you rolled your eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you!"
"Do you know how sick and tired I am of hearing those words, Percy?" You looked up at him, your words resonating even though you spoke in a respectful tone. "I'm sorry..." he looked down. "I just wanted to spend time with you." You looked to the side. "What were you even doing?"
"Training... and then I went to sleep..."
"Uh huh," you sighed. "Whatever. It's late; my birthday will be over in an hour." You shrugged. "Thanks for remembering at 11 pm."
"Come on, Y/n?! We can do something fun for the rest of the day–night?"
"Like what? Wait an hour for my birthday to be over?" you retorted, feeling the frustration in the air.
"I'm really sorry..."
"You say that again and again, but with no change, Percy," you shifted to the other foot. "I’m going to sleep, Percy. Sweet dreams..." you walked off to the Hermes cabin. When you looked up, you got claimed. You couldn't help but smile softly; this was the only gift you actually got today. "Pretty..." you muttered softly before heading into your newfound cabin and going to sleep.
When you woke up, you felt empty, weird. Usually, you'd want to go bother Percy right now, but you decided not to. "Not right now..." you mumbled to yourself, not wanting to see him. You got ready for the day and went to the forest. There, you felt a sudden urge, as if you were looking for something. You kept walking deeper and deeper until you reached the same place where you passed out before, the same place where Percy first found you.
You sat down there, relaxing for a moment when you heard footsteps. Your battle reflexes kicked in fast, and you pulled out your weapon, turning around and placing it on the other person's chest. "Calm down, Y/n, it's just me." Sighing, you put your weapon away. "Sorry..." you apologized, realizing it was a false alarm.
"Hey, Annabeth..."
"Y/n, I know it's not my business, but Percy has been beating himself up this whole day."
"Womp Womp, not my fault,"
"I get that you're upset, but he really cares about you... more than me," she added, expressing concern for Percy's well-being.
"More than you?" You asked, confused.
"Yes, more than me. He cares about you deeply, Y/n, more than us others. But you need to realize he is the son of the big three; he needs to have his focus on other things most of the time."
"He also has to push you away because once they know he cares for you, they'll come for you."
"For me?"
"If they can't get him, they'll get you," she looked serious. "They want to see him in pain."
"Who is they?"
"Names have power, Y/n, but once they realize you are something important to him, they will kill you," Annabeth warned.
"So, he cares for me...?" Annabeth nodded.
"And I care for him?" "Mhm."
"But I can't have him?" "Unless you want to die, Y/n..."
"I'm fine with that!"
"No, you're not! And even if you were, he wouldn't! Percy would do everything in his power to keep you away!"
"Even if he fails to push you away, he would never forgive himself for your death!" Annabeth stressed, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.
It's been months, and you both haven't talked. You notice Percy staring at you, but the moment you wave back, he looks away. You know he likes you, and you like him too. Yet, you've accepted that this distance is for the better, even though it's painful.
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"Once you really love someone, all previous lovers disappear,” -Me
Y/n’s pov
Bonfires were dull; all someone could really do is sit and listen to monotonous stories and maybe eat some s'mores. If you were 'lucky' enough, you could be one of those cringey couples that laugh and flirt the whole time. Of course, others would judge you or even get a little jealous. I mean, who wouldn't want a relationship? Well, other than people like me—I hated the idea of being a gross couple and having all that public affection.
The fire grew dull, and the s'mores made me sick. I couldn't finish the one I made and ended up tossing it into a nearby trash can. “These are some of the most boring moments in my life,”
The loud sound scared me, making me jump in surprise. Swiftly, I ran towards the source of the noise, pulling out my weapon.
"Huh-?" Confused, I looked around for a moment before my eyes landed on the ground—a unconscious boy and a satyr. This wasn't something that happened every day. Sighing, I picked up the human boy, obviously struggling a bit.
"Oh my gods..." Barely managing to drag the boy to the infirmary, I placed him on a bed and called over one of the nurses to help. When Mr. Chiron walked in, he seemed uneasy seeing the black-haired boy in the bed. "Is everything alrigh-?" "Y/n, can I trust you to nurse him back to health?" "Why me?" "Y/N," his voice had a strict stern tone. "Fine." "Thank you, Y/n. I assume you know what to do, no?" "Yes, sir..." He walked off, leaving an unwanted boy in your hands.
???? Pov
The once unconscious boy's head was a throbbing mess; every inch of him seemed to hurt. Slowly regaining consciousness, he found himself confused of his surroundings.
"My eyes scanned around the room, and they landed on a H/C girl. Her hair resembled that of a princess, and when our eyes met, she gave me a polite smile."
"Are you up? Don't answer; you'll tire yourself out." She walked over and gently placed a pudding in my mouth. The taste was too good, but a hint of embarrassment lingered as I realized a girl was feeding me.
"Are you the one from the-" She cut herself off. "Actually, don't worry about that; it's not my business to tell." She continued to feed you more pudding. "Hu-" "Sh! They are coming!" In a rush, she quickly shoved more into my mouth, and I couldn't even feel when I passed out again.
Y/n’s POV
The boy passed out again, and a satyr walked in, appearing embarrassed as he avoided eye contact. "Is he yours?" "Mhm..." The satyr never broke eye contact with the floor, nervously picking at his horns. "Are you worried?" "N-No!? I, uh, am I, uh, just..." The satyr was a terrible liar. "Not a very good liar, are you?" "No, not really..." He started to grab nectar for the kid. "Hey, is it fine with you if I head out? I did my job." "Yeah, that's fine..." The satyr was still a mess; he most likely failed his job, but that wasn't my business. "I'll, uh, leave now," I said quickly, picking up a notebook I brought along.
Tired, I returned to my cabin. Sleep weighed heavily on my eyelids, and I rushed to my bed. The moment my cheek hit the cold pillow, something felt different from last night. An odd sensation lingered, but I couldn't quite figure out what was off. Before I could unravel what, exhaustion took over, and I fell asleep.
The following morning came like normal and I got ready normally too but yet again something felt off I didn’t feel this way before what was causing it now…? Confused I decided to just go do some training theres nothing better than training to get your mind off of things after all
My stomach then growled I should get breakfast first…
I made my way to the dining hall and saw a black-haired boy next to a blonde-haired one—Luke and the other kid. I waved at them before grabbing my plate. The camp food was okay, I guess? Not my favorite, but I didn't dislike it. I quickly finished my usual meal within five minutes and got up to go training. Surprisingly, Luke and the other kid also made their way to the arena.
Ignoring them, I grabbed my weapon and started practicing moves with a dummy, being careful not to break it again. After training for a while, my eyes went back to Luke and the black-haired kid; he was getting beaten by Luke. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, knowing that we've all been there before. Amused by the scene, I continued my practice, occasionally glancing over at their sparring match. The black-haired kid was putting up a good fight, despite the odds against him.
As I was about to try a new move I had seen another person doing, a loud amount of shocked noises caught my attention. Quickly turning around, I saw Luke completely shocked with his sword on the ground, and the black-haired, now wet, boy had his sword on his chest. The unexpected turn of events left the training arena filled with an air of surprise.
I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. A new kid managing to outmaneuver Luke of all people? It felt like a scene from some main character's story. The unexpected twist added a touch of excitement to the routine training day at camp.
I decided to end my training there and watched the two spar. "Come on, Percy, do it again," Luke urged him on. Percy looked confident but failed miserably. He tried again, but luck seemed to escape him. Whether it was beginner's luck or stage fright, I found myself getting bored and decided to leave the arena.
I went back to my cabin when I heard panting behind me. "W-Wait!!!" I turned around to face an out-of-breath boy, now identified as Percy. "Hm?" "I, uh..." He looked down, embarrassed, before looking up again. "I, uh, want your help with training!" "Me? Why me?" "I-I look, can you just train me?" I thought it over for a second before sighing, "Alright."
We headed back to the training arena together, and Percy seemed eager to learn. As we practiced various moves, I could see the determination in his eyes. Despite his initial struggles, there was a spark of potential that caught my attention. It turned out, helping Percy train wasn't as boring as I initially thought, and the camaraderie built during the session made it a worthwhile.
"You're doing better than most people already, but we really need to find you a balanced sword."
"Yeah..." Percy chuckled nervously.
"Well, that's it for today. We should get going to the campfire before we're late."
"But I was having so much fun!" Percy whined.
"Yeah, yeah, come on. Let's go," I sighed, rolling my eyes.
As we walked towards the campfire, Percy continued to express his enthusiasm for the training. He seemed genuinely excited about learning and improving his skills. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself appreciating the newfound bonding time. Perhaps helping Percy was a break from the routine I needed, and the anticipation of future training sessions brought an unexpected sense of enjoyment.
As we sat down near the fire, we ended up sharing stories about our lives before we discovered we were demigods. Our tales flowed until I was interrupted by a girl—it was Annabeth. She walked over and sat down next to me, her beautiful gray eyes shining due to the fire. The unexpected interruption added a new dynamic to our storytelling, and Annabeth's presence brought a certain warmth to me.
Percy looked at me, sensing something was up, but I couldn't stop staring into Annabeth's eyes to notice or care. "Y/n?" He tapped me slightly. "Huh!? Yeah?!" He had an unreadable expression. "Like I was saying, I had a bad stepdad and-" He went back to talking about his life as I tried not to get lost in Annabeth's eyes, attempting to refocus on Percy's story.
We kept talking, but Annabeth left as swiftly as she joined our conversation. Despite my attempts to focus on Percy's words, my eyes would occasionally wander to her. Each time, I'd be met with the annoyed expression of Percy, who seemed determined to keep my attention on our discussion.
As we said our goodbyes and went to our respective cabins, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The weird pit in my stomach persisted, like of the moments when Annabeth walked near me. However, she wasn't nearby, and I couldn't understand why I felt this way, especially since I didn't have similar feelings for anyone else. The mystery of the unsettling sensation lingered as I drifted into an uneasy sleep.
As I woke up again, that peculiar pit in my stomach persisted, a mix of uncertainty and an inexplicable emotion. Nevertheless, I carried on with my usual routine—fixing my hair and heading to the dining hall. When I saw Percy, a genuine smile couldn't help but grace my face. We sat down, engrossed in conversations about games and our favorite things. Eventually, our routine fell into a pattern: waking up, sharing meals, training, and the recurring unsettling feeling before sleep. The cycle repeated, leaving me grappling with the strange emotions that accompanied each day week after week.”
It wasn't until one day, as we sat at the campfire, Percy seemed about to confess something when Annabeth interrupted. "Y/n!?" "Yes, Annabeth?" I looked up at her. "I'm bored, wanna hang out after this!?" "Uh, maybe?" I laughed nervously. "I mean, it sounds like fun?" "Okay, let me grab something first!" She walked off. When I turned back to Percy, he seemed off. "What were you saying?" "Forget it." "What's wrong?" "Nothing, just tired. I'm going to sleep early." "Oh? Uh, okay, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." "Cringe." Percy walked off, and Annabeth came back, smiling. The odd pit in my stomach returned but it seems lesser than before.
The dynamic between Percy and Annabeth created a tug-of-war for my attention. As I spent more time with Annabeth, Percy's frustration grew evident. He'd storm off, only to return later, calmer, and ask to do something together. The constant cycle left me torn between the two, and the struggle to balance their presence in my life was becoming increasingly challenging. The lack of alone time added to the complexity of the situation, making it difficult to navigate my feelings and commitments to both Percy and Annabeth.
"But you promised to train with me today, Y/n!" Percy nagged loudly. "Well, she's going to help me in hand-to-hand combat!" Annabeth replied snarkily. The constant bickering between them had become unbearable. They both wanted me by their side 24/7, and I was tired of it.
"Enough! I am leaving and going to do something on my own! Leave me alone!" I snapped back before storming off into the forest, seeking some much-needed solitude.
The rustling leaves and distant sounds of the forest provided a momentary escape. As I walked deeper into the woods, the weight of the conflicting demands from Percy and Annabeth lifted, replaced by a sense of freedom. It was a much-needed respite from the incessant tug-of-war for my attention.
In the quiet of the forest, I reflected on the complexity of the situation. The constant struggle to balance my time between two friends, each with their own expectations, had become overwhelming. The solitude allowed me to gather my thoughts and decide what I truly wanted, away from the pressures of their competing desires.
As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard rustling and turned to the noise. "Hey, Y/n..." It was Percy again, offering a small, shy smile. "Can I sit down?" Sighing, I nodded, staring at the sky. "I'm sorry, but I just really like you. I like spending time with you." "Mhm," I replied, not wanting this conversation.
"I think there's something I should tell you," Percy said. I turned to look at him. "Hm?" "I-I think I like you!" He blurted out loud, his face turning a light pink. The revelation added a new layer to the already complicated situation, leaving me at a loss for words.
The revelation hit me like a tidal wave, the pit in my stomach now a tangled mess of confusion. "Huh!?" I stammered. "I'm sorry, but I just do!" Percy's admission left me reeling. It made sense, but the realization was unexpected. I wasn't a mess because of Annabeth well not right now; I was a mess because I liked Percy. He was the reason for the strange emotions that plagued my days and nights. The tangled web of feelings unfolded, and I found myself navigating uncharted territory.
"I'm sorry, we can still be frien-" Without thinking, I quickly pulled him into a kiss, shocking him. He relaxed right away and kissed back. In that moment, I had never felt so... good? The unexpected turn of events left us both caught in the intensity of the kiss, a cascade of emotions and newfound clarity washing over me.
We both pulled away, a blushing mess. "D-Do you like me, then...?" Percy asked nervously. "Are you dumb?" I teased. "Very..." We laughed, and I helped him stand up. "Let's go to the campfire before we're late." "Yes, Ma'am!" he replied playfully. "Dork."
We walked back to the campfire, holding hands, and sat down in our usual seat. I laid my head on his shoulder, laughing quietly to myself. "What's so funny, Y/n?" Percy asked. "I hate cringy couples, yet here we are..." He rolled his eyes and laughed. Maybe cringy couples can have a few good moments.
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”The moon needs the sun to shine but the sun couldn’t care less earth is the one who recieves all the sunlight"
Child of Zeus!!!
You've been friends with Percy for years. You two just clicked from a young age, and nothing could alter that. You were each other's complement – you on his right, he on your left. Inseparable, wherever one ventured, the other followed; an unbreakable bond that time couldn't touch.
Every time he fell sick, you cared for him despite his reluctance, cautious not to make you catch the sickness. Whenever he fought with his stepdad and needed someone to confide in, you were there. Through every bout of poor grades, you stood by him.
Since meeting Annabeth, everything went awry. Initially, he praised her intelligence and agility. But it escalated, becoming a recurring issue in where every conversation somehow revolved around her. Hanging out? "Annabeth showed me-" Your birthday? "Annabeth did the funniest thing yesterday!" Even breaking your arm was tied to Annabeth, as he exclaimed, "I think Annabeth is mad at me." The focus shifted entirely.
It has reached a point where he cancels plans with you to cater to her every need. He promised to assist you with training later in the day but had to cancel due to Annabeth's fever. Even after she reassured him she was fine, he stopped talking to you. He ignores your waves when you cross paths, always choosing Annabeth. Every new quest or important news, he rushes to tell Annabeth. In his constant pursuit of her, he overlooks the one who was there for him from the beginning.
You reached a breaking point after he forgot your birthday again. It was worse than enduring his rants about her last year. Does he even know your birthday? If you were to ask him, 'What's my birthday?' would he mistakenly say July 12th, thinking about hers?
"Why are you acting so stuck up?" he snapped at you, frustrated with your behavior.
"Why am I acting stuck up? Why are you behaving like you're better than me?"
"When did I ever start acting better than you?"
"I don't know? Maybe after you completely forgot about me!? Perhaps it was when you replaced me with someone who is just another facade of me!"
"Don't you dare disrespect Annabeth!" he shouted, his voice clear and sharp, sending shivers down your spine. He had never defended you like this before.
"Disrespect? You disrespected me. What are you talking about? After all I did for you?" You couldn't help but laugh at his demeanor. "I wasted my whole life looking after you!" Your hand gripped into a fist.
"I took care of you every time you got in a fight with your stepdad! I nursed you back to health when you were sick! I walked you home! I tried to help you get better grades. I stayed up late talking to you even if I had a big test the next day!" Your nails dug deeper into your skin as your fist clenched turning white.
"I never asked for any of that! You just wasted your own damn time!"
"I wasted my time being a good friend!?"
"I never asked you to be my friend in the first place! You just came along some random day and never left! Following me around like a lost puppy with no life!"
"I'm sorry for caring about you!!! I won't do it again!" The words hung heavy in the air, a bitter acknowledgment of the unraveling friendship.
"Good, I don't want or need you in my life!"
"I want you!" You yelled without realizing. You quickly covered your mouth, but he still heard you. Percy didn't know what to say in response to that, the pissed demeanor fading to a confused look mixed with disgust. The tension thickened as the weight of your confession lingered in the air, both of you grappling with the sudden shift in the dynamic that had defined your friendship.
"Did you honestly think I would be anything more than friends with you?"
"I don't even like you romantically!" You felt your heartbeat race as you lied.
"I want you back! You were my friend, my other side. I miss you!" You took a deep breath as you felt your lungs giving out.
"I miss listening to you rant about your day, about the girls that bullied you, about your favorite class! I miss you! I miss my friend!"
"Were you my friend or was I YOUR friend? “Was I your friend... or were you my friend?" The questions echoed, revealing.
"Look, can we just call this quits? I have training with Annabeth-"
"Annabeth this, Annabeth that! What about Y/N this and Y/N that? Huh!? What does she have that I don't? What did you see in her that you couldn't see in me after years?"
"Do you want the truth?"
"I don't... I don't know. Something about her..." His face turned a slight pink as the heat rushed to his face, thinking about her. The room filled with an awkward silence.
You couldn't help but start laughing loudly too. "Y-You don't kn-know!?" Your sentences were breaking up due to your unstoppable laughter.
"Bullshit! Y-You, I- I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE!" You couldn't take it anymore. All the thoughts in your head were mashing together and mixing to the point you didn't know what to think. The room echoed with the chaotic laughter.
"Fine then! Forget me! Go, leave, go hang out with Annabeth!"
"Thank you." Percy rolled his eyes and left, leaving you standing all alone, dumbfounded.
*"I hate him! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!"* You knew you could never hate him, but you needed to feel like you could hate him.
You watched as he walked up to Annabeth, and his mood increased right away, the same way it used to when you two would hang out. The contrast stung, emphasizing the void left.
Even if you hated her, you saw what he saw in her – she was smart, sassy, charming, strong-minded, and all the good stuff. She had nothing negative about her! He would be crazy not to be head over heels for her. Yet, you couldn't stop feeling guilty. You knew she did nothing wrong; she was always nice to you, but she was just... so UGH!?
A new pit of rage mixed into your stomach, one that grew bigger and bigger every time you saw them hanging out, laughing, or doing anything together! The conflicting emotions churned within, a storm of resentment and self-blame.
Not knowing what to do, you went back to your empty cabin, cabin 1, and grabbed everything that belonged to Percy: his hoodies, his sweatshirt, the stupid letters he would write to you when you were younger that made no sense since he had bad dyslexia, and the stupid stuffed dog he got you at the fair after struggling many times to get it. In your fit of rage, you went to grab a towel he left a long time ago and ended up hitting your side on an extra bunk bed. All the emotions you had bottled up came pouring out of nowhere; this was the final straw. Tears came down your face like crazy.
Ignoring the pain in your throat, you shouted uncontrollably. Once you started yelling, you couldn't stop; your breaths became uneven, and you sounded like a distraught child crying. If you were a child, you would probably run to Percy about this too.
Without thinking, you shoved all his stuff into a box, getting ready to leave. However, the stupid bear just stared up at you from the box, a silent reminder of the shared memories.
You ended up throwing the bear onto your bed and walked off with the box in your hand, a sobbing mess. Your destination: Cabin 3, Poseidon’s cabin—the one where Percy would be.
As you were about to knock on the door, a laugh you knew all too well reached your ears. "I- I love you so much-" The words were abruptly cut off, replaced by the sound of a kiss. It took everything in you not to drop the box; a wave of sickness threatened to overwhelm you at any minute.
Without thinking, you placed the box in front of the door and banged loudly, surely startling them inside. You ran off to the side of his cabin as the door opened. "What is it, Percy?" "Just some stupid box full of my stuff," he sounded annoyed but took it inside.
Alone in camp, with your only friend turned against you and longing for the girl you wished to be, you felt stranded. The wait until you could leave weighed heavily on you.
Feeling a sense of emptiness, you stared up at the ceiling, boredom consuming you. With nothing to do or say, time passed, and as darkness enveloped the surroundings, you remained motionless. No standing, no thoughts, no appetite – just a lingering inertia as you lay there, lost in a void. Despite skipping meals, you knew the campfire was unavoidable, bound by camp rules. Summoning every ounce of strength, you reluctantly stood up, acknowledging that you would have to face them there.
Each step towards the campfire felt like a heavy burden, the weight increasing with every step. As you arrived, the sight of them together, laughing and sharing a moment, struck you. A shiver ran through her, and he offered his jacket, a familiar gesture that once belonged to you. She hesitated, blushing, but he insisted, and you witnessed the echoes of your past now shared between them.
Uncertain of what to do, you sat on the ground, drawing in the dirt with a stick you found nearby. Seeking any distraction to make time pass faster, you focused on the simple act of creating temporary patterns in the earth beneath you. It was a long 30 minutes, but you finally decided on getting up and leaving. You felt her eyes on you – her disgusting, kind gray eyes.
You went back to your cabin, laid down again, and started sobbing loudly. You hated him so much, but how you loved him! You ended up going into a depressive episode. You refused to eat for days on end, refused to train, refused to do your hair—refused to do anything other than lay down. It's been a mess outside; Zeus is fighting with Poseidon again due to this. Percy hurt you, and now the sky is fighting with the sea.
The sky is thundering like crazy, and the water is going wild as well. Hey, this is your fault; you should know better—water and electricity don't mix well together.
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