#annabell chase
ratnix · 4 months
The fucking confusion that erupts in my brain whenever I see names like Pluto, Leo, Annab(...) trying to decipher whether we're talking about Percy Jackson or nevermore
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lee1504 · 5 months
blond girls are scary. especially those whose names start with A
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anthroposeen · 2 months
annabeth chase and annabelle cane are two points of the same triangle. idk who the third point is but im onto smth here
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gryffindorbandit · 9 months
there are very few things i hate more than reading from the first person point of view
i’ve been listening to the pjo audiobook
i. am. struggling.
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enidtendo64 · 1 year
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whiterexpper · 1 year
Annabel would wake up in the middle of the night to get some water or just bc she woke up and get up and leave the room for like 5 minutes
Only until Lenore wakes up too to find her wife left her alone in the bed and her first instinct is the check under the bed
To make sure she can leave
Bc her mind says “anywhere can have danger”
She’s lying bc she imagines something crawling after her when she gets up
So she hypes herself up, and then books it scREAMING down the halls to find Annabel
And Annabel hears the echoes
And just sighs
Because she loves her but she now has to find her in their estate as she’s yelling and thinking she’s being chased
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catre33 · 9 months
gods, Annabeth finally snapped. She was done.
She ranted her heart out about stuff she'd suppressed for years to the effing craftsman god
I could feel her rage
Her bottles burst
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twasforresearch · 8 months
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hello tumblr i just realized this
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faramirsonofgondor · 8 months
Annabel Lee x PJO
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me.
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I was a child and she was a child,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
   I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
   Coveted her and me.
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And this was the reason that, long ago,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
   My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
   And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
   In this kingdom by the sea.
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The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
   Went envying her and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
   In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
   Of those who were older than we—
   Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in Heaven above
   Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
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For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,
   In her sepulchre there by the sea—
   In her tomb by the sounding sea.
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ellethefairyteller2008 · 10 months
!!"It's the final countdown toun doun tooo"!!
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10 days until Percy Jackson SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrs-stans · 1 year
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@villem_keizer11: Can you feel the vibes of Antiparos? Great moments with great people. See you again guys. @annabellewallis @imsebastianstan @cmbenz @how_about_mina @alissamalnati @chacecrawford @willmalnati @ethruss @george.siotou @petros_tsentidis
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curiousb · 4 months
The Elton Family Album: Volume XVI
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"Yoo-hoo! Can anyone hear me?" Probably not, Philip - you're dead, mate.
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Olivia appears to sense some disturbance in the ether though.
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And Philip's spectral visit seems to have unnerved someone enough for them to lose their dignity on the living room rug. (Although I can't recall now who it was.)
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Certainly not Ambrose - who's dropped by for a visit, for no particular reason - he's far too cool.
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Just regular Sim life, all going on right here.
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Phineas and his cousin Annabel are truly inseparable!
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Ambrose's impulse to see his mum was eerily well-timed. But with whom will she spend eternity - the father of her children, Philip, or the whirlwind romance of her golden years, Chase?
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While of course Ellen's offspring are devastated by their loss, Grumpy son-in-law Elliot is actually rather pleased to see her go. She's never really forgiven him for the wedding debacle, and now he and Olivia will finally have the house to themselves, to remodel as befits two image-conscious, go-getting Fortune Sims.
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Future opportunities are far from Olivia's mind right now, as she's left crying into the leftovers of the last family meal.
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Let's end on a happier note, with Philippa's 5th birthday!
~ Virgo 6 / 3 / 10 / 7 / 3
~ Adventurous / Equestrian / Dog Person
~ OTH: Nature
~ Favourite Colour(s):
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Characters starting with an A be like gay gay homosexual gay multilevel marketing
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thatshadowgastwhore · 22 hours
The national treasure trio is just the tlt trio in another universe do you see the vision???? National treasure AU pjo. I have no time or energy to write it but I’ve been thinking about it so much recently, and I originally came up with this idea when I was like eight and first watched national treasure because her name is LITERALLY DOCTOR CHASE HOW COULD I NOT?
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haberdashing · 2 years
thinking about the connections between Annabelle Cane (of The Magnus Archives) and Annabeth Chase (of Percy Jackson)
there's the name similarities, of course. first name starts with "anna" and continues with another word that could be a name in its own right, one syllable long and starting with "be". last name starts with "c" and ends in "e" with an "a" in the middle, one syllable, a word as much as a name, seemingly meaningful out-of-universe but in-universe it's just the name her dad happened to have, nothing more than that.
but there's more than just the names. like, what about that dad, again?
annab---* has a... complicated relationship with her family. they're not outright abusive or hateful or anything like that, no. in a weird way, that might make things more straightforward, easier to justify. but they're not like that, really! they just... have an image in their head of what a family should look like, and annab---* isn't sure she quite fits that mold, really. so there's two options: do her best to stay under the radar and fit in, or run away and find a better life, a better family, somewhere else.
and at a young age, annab---* decides to run away.
at that point, she's younger than you'd expect to be a successful runaway, really. just a little girl. but she's smart, and determined, and knows what she wants. or she thinks she does, anyway.
and so she sets off on a journey of her own... until it's not just her own, anyway... until something big, something terrible, something traumatizing happens along the way.
and it's all connected to her powers, in a way.
see, annab---* has some things in common with our story's protagonist, too. like him, she was connected from a young age to a higher power.
("higher power" here meaning... unnaturally strong, basically. not higher morally. they're jerks, really. but there's no denying that teaming up with them can give you abilities other humans could only dream of.)
and it's easy to overlook how meaningful that is, because the protagonist has that connection to a higher power from before the story starts, and some others in the story have it because that's why they're in the story, so it'd be easy enough to dismiss.
but that's just because the narrative is also connected to these higher powers, in a way. the vast majority of the people in this universe have no connection to those higher powers--in fact, they don't even know those higher powers exist as more than just old stories or weird rumors.
(in fact, for a while, the story suggests that you, the audience, might even be living in its universe... though the bit near the end rather ruins that whole angle, because it's just too big to be easily covered up or forgotten.)
annab---*'s connection to the powers and runaway journey and traumatic backstory all happen before the story start, and they come out in bits and drabs along the way, so it's hard to fully grasp what she's been through, what her story represents, early on.
and the protagonist is... the protagonist, for whatever reason. he didn't ask for it, mind you, in fact rather the opposite. but it was his destiny. he was chosen to be a part of this story, for it to play out like it does here. his part to play, not annab---*'s.
but the protagonist is well aware that he isn't perfect, and might well admit that annab---* has some traits that are better than his.
she's cleverer than him, for one. he's straightforward, honest, says what he thinks, and that can be valuable! but it can also be valuable to think before you speak, to weigh your words, to play a part, to say whatever you need to say to get past this latest obstacle. and that's where annab---* excels.
at first she seems like a foil, perhaps, or an example of what the protagonist could be. but it's more complicated than that. she's more complicated than that.
her role near the end proves that, doesn't it?
because there's a battle brewing, one too big to ignore, tempting though that might seem at times. and while it's not easy to pick the good guys in the battle, there are at least some very clear bad guys on the other side. and those bad guys need to be fought, of course, to prevent them from getting their way and turning the world awry for all eternity. they need to be fought and killed and-
well, that's probably not a healthy way of looking at it, honestly. time to tone it back a bit. even righteous anger is still anger, and needs to be tempered. something our protagonist needed to learn, there.
it's all a cycle, too. we learn that, near the end. there's no way to banish the bad guys for good--not as a whole, anyway, not as the greater thing of evil they represent. evil always works its way back into the world. and yet the battle against it still matters, in its own way, doesn't it?
but annab---* helps the protagonist see what his options truly are. helps guide his hand during the battle, for better or for worse. helps him realize that there is a choice to be made here, or perhaps more than one--not just which side to help, but how to go about it, how to handle the aftermath, how to ensure that the battle doesn't unfold the same way again (even if the greater evil behind it can never be fully vanquished, and the conflict against that evil can never truly end).
as for whether our protagonist chose wisely, in the end... well, that's subjective, isn't it?
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trapset-pigeon · 1 year
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I just
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