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levyfiles · 7 years ago
Ryan, Shane, and *wheeze*
“I meant *unintelligible* not *wheeze* lmao“
lol got it! These are some great questions omg
ryan: what’s the most paranormal thing to ever happen to you? I think I answered a similar question in another BFU ask meme but another incident actually happened in the same house. I was up pretty late on my laptop in the kitchen. I was drinking a cooler with a metal bottlecap and an old habit left from my years in West Africa had me placing the bottlecap back on the bottle between sips. I remember putting it back on, the feeling of the cap snapping back on the first lip of the bottle’s rim.. I was hyper-aware of what my mom had told me about the ‘kitchen ghost’ lol and at the time I still didn’t believe in any of it. Anyway, I was sitting there in the dark, had my earphones in. I was a fansubber back then so I was intently listening to the audio, so I was barely aware of my surroundings. That is, until it got really cold in the kitchen. This was in the mountains of Kispiox so sometimes there could be mid-summer wintry breezes here and there but it seemed odd that it would penetrate the walls like that. Anyway, I was aware of the time and it was oddly enough, the strike of 3am. I paused my video and kinda looked around in the dark, my laptop screen literally the only light around. It happened super fast but the movement caught my eye. It was like a there was an animal shape on the floor, like a dog that was sleeping. I didn’t have a dog back then. 
I was literally staring wide-eyed in the dark as this shape got up and raced right by my feet, and just as it raced by in a strange flood of black, blacker than the dark of the room, the bottlecap on my drink literally popped and flew off my bottle. I was spooked djskfnj but you know, I had a lot of work to do and an oncoming deadline. I shakily put the bottlecap back on, thinking a wholesome ‘What the shit?” as I went back to work trying not to think about it too hard. 
shane: do you believe in ghosts?  You know what? I don’t actually. OK wait, let me finish. I feel like the more predominant perspective on what ghosts are has got to be bullshit. There’s just no way they embody the actual existence of people once here and alive. I don’t believe anything happens to us after we’re dead and gone, but I do believe that emotions, temperaments and conflicts can leave residue, just as someone can walk in a room and a mood will change or when they walk out and the people in there still feel how they felt when they were there. I don’t know if you’ve ever had someone you know and live with go on vacation or move out. If you’ve ever gone to look at the space they’ve inhabited and felt both their absence and what they’ve left behind all at once. Even quantum physics says the energy in our framework makes it so that a pot of water being boiled is affected by our proximity. It’s fascinating, but I think we got ghosts all wrong. There’s gotta be a science to it that we haven’t yet deconstructed and that is fascinating to me.
*unintelligible*: name 3 things you can’t explain. 1) The patterns of human behavior and morality, how we repeat the same mistakes under different incarnations. How we are in a perpetual loop and even noticing the pattern doesn’t spare us from others making the mistakes. 2) Why my apartment has a static electricity everywhere wherein even running water shocks me. I bought a humidifier and seem to need to keep it on constantly to keep the static at bay. Nothing worse than getting shocked by every surface in your living space. 3) How anxiety has become such a pervasive part of our generation’s culture.I have a few theories but it’s still hard to explain djkfndskjf
A really cool BFU ask game!!
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Well I’ve seen ghosts, but believing in ghosts seems more involved.
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adidasmodel · 7 years ago
Tag Game
thank you for tagging me @aleccarstairs !
rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
name: Paola
nicknames: My mom calls me tuza and pao, and my friends call me nicknames from when people mispronounce my name like Palo, Crayola, Payola etc.
zodiac sign: Leo
height: Around 1,63 or 5′3″ rip i hate being short 
languages spoken: English and spanish!
nationality: uh Mexican American i guess?
favorite fruit: I like Kiwi, strawberry, mango, pineapple, and Papaya
favorite season: WINTER!!!
favorite scent: I love fall smells like pumpkin spice and cinnamon apple or anything that reminds me of snuggling up in a blanket :)
favorite color: Pastel pink
favorite animal: Dogs duh
favorite fictional character: Shoto Todoroki, Mark Sloan, Michael from JTV, L from the animated deathnote note the real actor version
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee :)
number of blankets you sleep with: I like to make my room cold and then sleep without the sheet, a blanket, the comforter, and a blanket on top of that
when your blog was created: Like 2012 but never used it until late 2014
favorite subject: none i hate school bye
currently watching: My Hero Academy and Grey’s Anatomy 😭
favorite band: 1D forever ✌🏽 but other than them prob All time low
instruments played: None lmao
favorite book: Uh I don’t read but I liked Looking for Alaska
I’m only tagging a few but @anna-oceanna @princeofyorkshire @alittlelouie @wristtat  @babyhoney-hl @yellowshortharry @styleslouie @it-is-i-a-louie
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oceannicview-blog · 7 years ago
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Always a Bridesmaid  ⍣ Never a Bride 
Oh who am I kidding I don’t mind Hey there, everybody! My name is Oceanna and I am not in the slightest repulsed by my name. Ignore my header because I’m a little silly & I had no idea what to even put there. I’m currently trying on potential bridesmaid outfits for a friend who is renewing her vows with her husband of three years. How cute! 
A little birdie told me to join this thing and I was apprehensive for the simple fact that I’m a little too goofy for social media antics, but I guess if folks can deal with me in person, they can deal with me online. So hello hello, enjoy the Ocean view. Enough of the meaningless chatter let’s learn something 
⍣ Oceanna but you can call me Ann, Anna, or something along the lines of my oddly satisfying name ⍣ Twenty-two years YOUNG and loving every single moment of it ⍣ Madly in LOVE with Takeoff from Migos. My baby a little too underrated  ⍣ I was born by the Ocean and that MAY be where my name comes from but who knows, mommy and daddy are a little strange ⍣ I’m single and uninterested because I’m not playing these GAMES! lol ⍣ I work in a bridal store, have helped with weddings, tried on my fair share of bridesmaid dresses and love every bit of what I do 
Wanna know more? Don’t be afraid to message me - shoot your shot. Nah, I’m totally kidding. Just don’t be shy to approach me because ten times outta ten I’m shier than you  
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starrysunrises · 6 years ago
i have never heard anyone not sing that one line in little lion man by mumford and sons with absolute relish like everyone really enjoys just shouting you really fucked it up this time and i dont blame them
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midoridragonuus · 8 years ago
dragons i bought prenamed:
oceanne (was oceanna but)
dragons i bought from lair clean outs/friends/tumblr/saw on a board i found randomly and had to have:
dragons i saw in the AH and needed instantly bc i felt bad for them or have poor impulse skills:
i mean i feel at this point you can sucker me into buying anything
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adidasmodel · 7 years ago
replay by Zendaya because it’s what I’m listening to rn
LISTEN i used to love this song dhshsh couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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“Gimmie that thing. I’ll show ya’ how to do it.” - My dad after seeing me taking selfies w/ my Rose Quartz wig 
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