#anna mickiewicz
hanzajesthanza · 3 months
All I can say is: Mind positively blown!! You are getting an honorary degree in Witcher studies for this, right? RIGHT???
oh man! thank you!! honestlyyyy i wish i could get a real degree in witcher studies—or, well, i mean pursue this kind of research as a focus of an academic study. i mean, i would like to go to grad school one day… well, it’s a little dream ok 😂
all the people who wrote the journal articles and essays i’ve looked at, who created all the literature looking into polish speculative fiction (and ofc specifically the witcher), are like role models to me, even though i had to read most of their work through google translate and DeepL 😭
Zbigniew Wałaszewski, “Wiedźmin: pierwszy polski supersystem rozrywkowy” in Obraz literatury w komunikacji społecznej po roku ‘89
EVERYONE involved in Wiedźmin: polski fenomen popkultury (Wrocław University) but especially Paulina Drewniak’s “Are we there yet?” and Anna Wróblewska’s “Jak napisać bestseller?”
Adam Flamma, (who was also published in the previous, but moreso for) Wiedźmin: historia fenomenu, which is just so comprehensive as a resource it’s hard to not cite in everything
Anna Michalska’s thesis, Otherness and Intertextuality in The Witcher (Utrecht University)
and some magazine articles (that are more essay- than article-like):
Dominika Materska and Ewa Popiołek, “Trzy gra Sapkowskiego” (Nowa Fantastyka, (143) 1994)
Agnieszka Fulińska, “Basń, która ocala” (Tygodnik Powszechny, (29) 1999)
agnieszka fulińska is also kind of a freaking legend because she did the first ever known translation of “the witcher” (hers was “the hexer”) short story into english—as part of a project between ŚKF and superNOWA in 2000 to translate polish authors into english… also tomasz bagiński (yes, the same tomasz as the one we know from platige image and netflix) did the cover and illustrations for this).
also, these aren’t “witcher”, specifically, but related topics:
Stanisław Krawczyk’s “Popular Authors in Search of Recognition” (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Piotr Siuda, “In Pursuit of Pop Culture” (Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz)
so like… it is something people do professionally, academically, so it’s a dream that is perhaps one day possible…
however, there are two necessary precursor accomplishments that need to happen before anything happens on this front:
>learn polish
>become financially stable
… each one is as hard as the other 😂
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pop-culture-diary · 4 months
Matki, żony i kochanki (Wieszczów dwóch)
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“M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” Samodzielny Zespół Teatralny Organizowany w Staszicu (SZTOS)
Libretto: Olga Warykowska
Reżyseria: Hanna Słyk
Muzyka: Katarzyna Koselska
Rap: Marcin i Michał Parafiniuk
Choreografia: Antonina Grupińska, Magdalena Olędzka
Kostiumy: Antonina Grupińska
Występują: Olga Warykowska, Natalia Majewska, Sebastian Krupa, Michał Parafiniuk, Antonina Grupińska, Zofia Ziatyk, Karolina Kisielińska, Anna Maria Wysocka, Krystyna Dryjańska, Urszula Radziszewska, Jakub Murawski, Bartłomiej Gawryszewski, Juliusz Pawlus
Tekst pisany na podstawie spektaklu z 12 maja 2024
hyba każdy polski uczeń zna nazwiska Mickiewicza i Słowackiego, większość potrafi też wymienić choć jedno z ich najsłynniejszych dzieł. Niektórzy zdają też sobie sprawę z długoletniego konfliktu między dwoma słynnymi poetami. Jednak w szkołach zwykle nie wspomina się o najbardziej kontrowersyjnych wątkach z ich życia. Właśnie na tych nieznanych wątkach SZTOS oparł swój najnowszy projekt, rapowany musical “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór”, w którego premierze miałam okazję uczestniczyć. 
Założenie jest proste. O życiu Mickiewicza (Michał Parafiniuk) i Słowackiego (Jakub Murawski) opowiadają najważniejsze kobiety w ich życiu: Maryla Wereszczakówna (Olga Warykowska) najsłynniejsza muza Mickiewicza, jego żona Celina (Zofia Ziatyk), a także matka Słowackiego, Salomea (Krystyna Dryjańska). Posród bohaterów nie może też zabraknąć mistyka Towiańskiego (Bartłomiej Gawryszewski), do którego sekty należeli Mickiewiczowie czy osławionej Ksawery Dejbel (Anna Maria Wysocka). 
Jak informuje nas już opis musicalu został on napisany całkowicie wierszem za co twórczyni, Oldze Warykowskiej należy się ogromny podziw. Forma ta idealnie pasuje do tematyki spektaklu. Piosenki to głównie musicalowe songi, choć pojawia się i rap, genialnie wykorzystany do przedstawienia mitycznych wręcz kłótni dwóch słynnych wieszczów. Perfekcyjnie napisane przez Marcina i Michała Parafiniuków i równie fenomenalnie wykonane utwory idealnie sprawdzają się w spektaklu skierowanym przecież do młodego widza. Bitwy budzą ogromne emocje zarówno na scenie jak i pośród widowni. To najbardziej widowiskowe elementy spektaklu i aż szkoda, że pojawiają się w nim jedynie dwa razy. Zachwycają się rymy, uderzająco przypominające styl Mickiewicza. 
Jeśli chodzi o scenografię to postawiono na minimalizm. Białe, ruchome podesty mają wiele zastosowań, bez problemu mogą pełnić rolę stopni, czy krzeseł, jednocześnie pozostawiając wiele wyobraźni. Ciekawiej jest w kwestii kostiumów, które choć dość nowoczesne, sprawnie nawiązują do stylu epoki: Słowacki nosi koszulę typową dla przedstawień romantycznych poetów, a Mickiewicz majestatyczne bokobrody, z których wszyscy go kojarzymy.  
Bardzo dobrze ogląda się też choreografię Antoniny Grupińskiej i Magdaleny Olędzkiej. Zarówno duety jak i sceny zbiorowe świetnie wykorzystują ruch do wzmocnienia przekazu. Sposób poprowadzenia zespołu, który w beżowych, jednolitych strojach perfekcyjnie tworzy tło, wprowadza rekwizyty i z którego wyłaniają się postaci poboczne, przywodzi za to na myśl ‘Hamiltona’. 
Co do obsady, to Michał Parafiniuk gra Mickiewicza jako człowieka przekonanego o własnym geniuszu i znaczeniu dla świata. Jest perfekcyjnym archetypem romantycznego kochanka, jednocześnie melancholijnego jak i cholerycznego, który raz po raz zmienia zdanie i nie zdaje sobie sprawy z krzywd jakie wyrządził. 
Jakub Murawski fenomenalnie sprawdza się jako Słowacki, ukochany Julcio swojej mamy, poeta i patriota, inteligentny, a także świetnie wykształcony, ale żyjący w wiecznym cieniu Mickiewicza. Jest wycofany i subtelny, póki nie przychodzi do konfrontacji z rywalem. To w scenach rapu może w pełni pokazać swoje umiejętności i to właśnie on finalnie wychodzi z nich obronną ręką. 
Ale to nie oni są prawdziwymi bohaterami tej historii, lecz trzy kobiety, bez których świat pewnie nigdy nie usłyszałby ich imion.  
Olga Warykowska olśniewa jako targana między sercem i rozumem Maryla, która musi wybrać miłość do Mickiewicza, albo wpływowego męża. Jest wspaniała w gniewie na kochliwego wieszcza i jeszcze lepsza na drugim planie, gdzie wielokrotnie kradnie całe sceny swoimi reakcjami na słowa i zachowanie Adama. 
Krystyna Dryjańska jako Salomea jest uosobieniem zakochanej w swoim syneczku matki, która podporządkowała dziecku całe życie. Emanuje z niej ciepło i troska, ale także zazdrość o syna. Ma też do odegrania chyba najbardziej dramatyczną scenę, a jej interpretacja rozdzierającej piosenki po śmierci dziecka to prawdziwa perła. 
Zofia Ziatyk gra Celinę Mickiewiczową jako uroczą, skromną dziewczynę. Jej błogi uśmiech idealnie ukrywa dość przewrotny umysł kobiety, która potrafi wykorzystać poczucie winy męża, by przejąć kontrolę nad domem. To postać tragiczna, panna z dobrego domu, która wyszła za biednego człowieka nieświadoma tego jak będzie wyglądać jej rzeczywistość i przytłoczona nią została wysłana do szpitala psychiatrycznego przez człowieka, który miał ją wspierać. 
Niestety znacznie mniej do zagrania ma Anna Maria Wysocka w roli Ksawery Dejbel, diabolicznej, ale i ponętnej kochanki Mickiewicza. Chętnie zobaczyłabym ją w większej roli, szczególnie, że jej wpływ na wieszcza był podobno równie silny co żony, jeśli nie silniejszy. 
Warto też wspomnieć Bartłomieja Gawryszewskiego, który odgrywa Towiańskiego jako mistrza marionetek dążącego do przejęcia władzy nad umysłami wszystkich członków Koła Sprawy Bożej. Jest w tym bardzo przekonujący, aż szkoda, że jego występ ogranicza się do kilku krótkich scen. 
Kończąc chciałabym jeszcze pochwalić marketing musicalu. Przez ostatnie kilka tygodni fanpage SZTOSU aż roił się od filmików, zdjęć czy nawet memów przybliżających po kolei wszystkie postaci. Twórcy perfekcyjnie podtrzymywali zainteresowanie tytułem, a także jednocześnie edukowali i bawili swoich obserwatorów, pozwalając im poznać bohaterów, jak i aktorów. Takiej promocji mogą pozazdrościć SZTOSowi największe teatry w Polsce. 
Podsumowując, “M. kontra S. czyli niewieścim okiem Wieszczów spór” to naprawdę dobry, świetnie wykonany musical, pełen ciekawie napisanych piosenek i porządnych kreacji aktorskich, dzięki którym postaci z podręczników stają się prawdziwymi ludźmi. Polecam fanom Mickiewicza, Słowackiego, rapu, ale i musicali jako takich. Mam też nadzieję, że spektakl na dłużej zagości na warszawskiej scenie, bo spokojnie może rywalizować z produkcjami renomowanych teatrów. 
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna. 
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shikitsuka · 6 months
5, 7, 11
Thank you for the ask! And pardon the rest, I can't be concise 5. Hmm. I have.. a few! All by more or less well known singers, all.. not new First one is this, by Anna Jantar- just some happy singing about sun in the city (and also finding love but shh. only the sun made it into the title) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wChFEkCqt5s I love Anna Jantar's songs in general The second one is sung poetry, the poem is by Adam Mickiewicz: https://lyricstranslate.com/pl/niepewnosc-uncertainty.html-0 song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBDYT4wJAa4 Third one I discovered this/last year : ) It's about Bieszczady mountains and I really like the lyrics https://youtu.be/N6E2AEd1UUk 7. I do not have the memory for this ^^' I'll try! I mostly like words by how they sound, so some contenders could be rain- deszcz, dusk- zmierzch, dawn- świt. They're just.. nice to say/hear, yknow? 11. favourite native writer/poet Ah see, this one I am ashamed to say. I do not.. know many aside from what we had to read in school. There was one poem I 'clicked' with but I forgot what it was ;v; it was about a meadow..
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Toeplitz. Da Varese verso Oriente al Museo Castiglioni di Varese
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Presso il Museo Castiglioni di Varese, nella dépendance di Villa Toeplitz, è da vedere la nuova esposizione Toeplitz. Da Varese verso Oriente. Il parco monumentale di Villa Toeplitz rappresenta uno dei più notevoli patrimoni paesaggistici della città e il quartiere di Sant’Ambrogio Olona dove è situato, alle pendici del Sacro Monte, è caratterizzato dalla presenza di abitazioni signorili, on gli annessi giardini e parchi impreziositi da rare e imponenti essenze arboree, grazie alla posizione panoramica ed è un luogo di transito per accedere alla Via Sacra. Le ricchezze paesaggistiche, architettoniche ed artistiche del rione furono molto apprezzate già nel corso del Settecento, quando la città era un ambita meta di villeggiatura. In seguito, tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento, con il fiorire sul territorio di ville e famosi alberghi Liberty, il genio imprenditoriale si unì a quello artistico, ponendo Varese al centro dell’industria nazionale. Questi furono i motivi che indussero Giuseppe Toeplitz e la seconda moglie Edvige Mrozowska, negli anni Vente del secolo scorso, a scegliere Varese come luogo in cui vivere e dove ancora oggi riposano. Il parco che hanno realizzato i due sposi, unico nel suo genere, è caratterizzato da uno stile eclettico con richiami orientaleggianti e da una fontana monumentale di oltre 200 metri di lunghezza e 40 di dislivello. In quest’ottica è stata pensata la mostra Toeplitz. Da Varese verso Oriente realizzata grazie al bando Meraviglie del Territorio, promosso dalla Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto per  riportare alla memoria uno dei luoghi simbolo della città e far conoscere la storia di due personalità, che nei primi decenni del secolo scorso, si distinsero nei loro ambiti contribuendo allo sviluppo di Varese. La mostra ricostruisce le atmosfere dei primi decenni del Novecento tra immagini, filmati, documenti e libri legati alle loro imprese e all’abitazione che hanno realizzato con grande cura e passione. I reperti sono stati  recuperati dopo una una minuziosa ricerca,  grazie alla disponibilità del Museo Adam Mickiewicz di Varsavia, dell’Archivio di Stato Polacco e della Biblioteca Jagiellońska di Cracovia, dell’Archivio Storico Comunale di Varese, dell’Archivio Storico di Banca Intesa e all’apporto di Paolo Musajo Somma, Presidente de La Varese Nascosta e Segretario del Circolo degli artisti di Varese, e di Sara Fontana dell’Università dell’Insubria. Un notevole contributo all’arricchimento del percorso si deve all’attrice e sceneggiatrice Anna Di Pasquantonio, ai professori Luca Scarabelli e Andrea Minidio che, con gli studenti della classe 4^F del Liceo Artistico Frattini, hanno interpretato, filmato e montato le fiction in cui Edvige e Giuseppe rivivono e si raccontano. Per il grande lavoro di documentazione, ricerca e scrittura hanno presto parte Ileana Trovarelli, Giorgio Giuliani, Beatrice Corbetta, Martina Crugnola e Diego Bianco. Gli oggetti esposti si devono alla disponibilità di Angelo Fioroli di Retrò Store, mercatino dell’usato e del vintage di Varese, di Antonello Rota, presidente del Carosello Storico Tre Leoni di Somma Lombardo e di Paolo Belloni di Belloni Cornici Varese, oltre che del Comune di Varese, in particolare l’assessore alla Cultura Enzo Laforgia, sempre attento alla valorizzazione del territorio e di Emiliano Bezzon, Dirigente Capo dell’Area VIII. Read the full article
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vintagesimstress · 5 years
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Forefathers’ Eve, Autumn 1896
Yes, I actually played the game today! In live mode! Unbelievable.
On the eve of All Saints Day my local villagers celebrated Forefathers’ Eve, which is an old, deeply rooted tradition stemming all the way from pagan times *.
Dominik Kujawiak might be the oldest member of the community and require constant support of his granddaughter on a daily basis, but for this one night in year he turns into the master of ceremony: the only one who knows how to communicate with spirits.
His communication skills must be high, as his granddaughter Halina clearly saw something scary in that fire... But why is she the only one reacting to it?
The local postwoman and the poorest member of the community - the only one who can’t even afford traditional clothes - named Anna Mickiewicz spent all that time in deep prayer, mixing pagan and Christian traditions in a very typical way. The poor girl has big dreams and very small chances of ever making them come true, so probably she was trying to get some supernatural support for her cause.
After the main part of the celebrations was over, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Dariusz Janisz and his wife Emilia shared some cute moments, ignoring the fact that Emilia’s brother Tadeusz was staring at them all the time like a creep. Marianna Lupa, however - the richest of them all - started behaving in quite an unorthodox way: after some unconventional dance around the bonfire she decided to venerate the spirits by dancing with fire. The other villagers reacted to her antics with understanding, concluding that the tragic death of her unborn child must have affected her deeper than one would have guessed at first glance.
* Fine, this is probably not historically accurate. Forefathers’ Eve was most definitely a thing, but half a century earlier and in the very east of what used to be Poland - i.e. modern day Lithuania and Belarus. I’ve never heard of anyone celebrating it in the area where those guys are supposed to live. I decided to ignore it and just let my villagers have some fun :D.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Also desperately want to freewrite about Anna's "typowy gest matki" that reveals her Jewishness in Korzenie, the antisemitic discourse on and racialization of "recognizably/identifiably Jewish" body language, how it was used as both exaggerated caricature, and as decoder ring to clock, as it were, those assimilated educated Jews who spoke native unaccented Polish and peppered their conversation with idioms plucked from Mickiewicz. But then--how that "typowy gest," talking with one's hands, expansive, *excessive* gesticulation, getting so carried away with a story that it settles into your body and animates you into pantomime, into spirited reenactment, that "ruchliwy" quality--is WHAT STEFANIA FINDS SO APPEALING, ENDEARING, AND ATTRACTIVE IN JELONKA. And it *is* "characteristically Jewish," I now know for sure, because I found that video clip from the 70s where Jelonka is interviewed, but you cannot exactly attach an appendix of two .mp4 files like "Leonia Jabłonkówna, 197?; My Grandma, 1990. Corporate wants you to point out the difference between these two womens' gestures and manners of speaking. They were born 17 years and negligible miles apart. There is no difference. Don't @ me, I'm right"
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ladnepiosenki · 7 years
Jesteś mężczyzną, znajdziesz kochankę godniejszą, znajdziesz bogatszą, piękniejszą. I tylko dla mej pociechy, niech wiem przed rozstaniem, że twoja skłonność była prawdziwym kochaniem
Adam Mickiewicz, “Pan Tadeusz”
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oreo-cookies-fan · 3 years
top 10 favorite songs
Because it took me so long, I'll give you 10 fav Polish songs and 10 fav English songs
Nasza niebezpieczna miłość by Michał Bajor
Moja miłość największa by Michał Bajor
Kocham Cię jak Irlandie by Kobranocka
Gdyby nie Ty by Oddział Zamknięty
Kołysanka dla nieznajomej by Perfect
Zawsze tam gdzie Ty by Lady Pank
Warszawa by T. Love
Dziewczyna z portretu by Cisza Jak Ta (it's my and my fam's go-to karaoke song)
Wspomnienie by Michał Żebrowski and Anna Maria Jopek (tho it's not a song per se, but a bit of Adam Mickiewicz's eipc "Pan Tadeusz")
Nie kłam, że kochasz mnie by Ewelina Flinta and Łukasz Zagrobelny
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (and basically the whole album "An Innocent Man" and many more of his songs, but this one is just gold and I love it)
Fool for Love by Lord Huron (the whole album "Strange Trails" is amazing and you should listen to it right now)
Let Me Be Your Whiskey by Alexander Ludwig
When Love and Hate Collide by Def Leppard
Sherry Darling by Bruce Springsteen
Tell me I'm a Wreck by Every Avenue
Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison
Hold of Me by Dean Lewis
Helpless from Hamilton
Let Love In by Goo Goo Dolls
NOTE: These are my fav songs now, it may change in a few weeks
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ohchopin · 5 years
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Fryderyk Chopin, prof. Anna Brożek, prof. Jacek Jadacki
Chopin not only knew the language but also “ruled” it. He used Polish language perfectly spontaneously, but often - using it - watched the functions of this tool. (...) His language was the highest quality Polish language: rich vocabulary with striking accuracy of the selection of words and phraseological compounds was capable to reveal the finest nuances of thought.
When we read his letters today, we are impressed that it is written very contemporary to us, with an elegant Polish language of the Warsaw intelligence.
Here are just a few illustrative bon-mots by Chopin:
About citizens of Vienna in a letter of January 29, 1831, to Elsner,
“They call here waltzes the “works”! And Strauss and Lanner, who play to dance for them - they call the “conductors”!”
About Paris opera artists in a letter of April 15, 1832, to Józef Nowakowski,
“You will learn those divas close, which are the smaller the closer you come to them.”
About Sigismund Thalberg in a letter of December 26, 1830, to Matuszyński,
“Plays great, but he is not my man.”
About his love for Maria Wodzińska - like her brother, Antoni, reported in a letter of October, 1835, to his mother, Teresa Wodzińska,
“Say there that I love all of them terribly, so terribly much.”
Among the foreign languages, which Chopin ruled, for obvious reasons French was closest to him (...). He ruled it well, but he could tell as Mickiewicz about his French:
“I am a foreigner and I have to use a language that has nothing to do with the one, which simply serves as a tool of my thoughts.”
Hiller, a pianist and a great friend of Chopin, for example, wrote,
“He understood [French] in subtle shades but he did not say quite smoothly, more searching than finding, expressions of his shrewd observations and insights. He [also] never could write well in French.”
Liszt added,
“The language of French he ruled over very well. However, he mentioned the French was not for him; he alleged the lack of voicing sounds and the internal heat. (...) French words - according to the presumption of Chopin’s compatriots - had no dignity or passion or grace [a lot of Polish words they considered as untranslatable to French].”
Chopin complained himself to Mrs. Sand and her daughter Solange - after almost twenty years of daily conversations in French in Paris - that he often lacked the appropriate words in this language to express what he would like to express, and that in order to avoid the errors of language he must looked up the dictionary. In a letter of August 14, 1843, he wrote to Mrs. Sand,
“Tomorrow, if you allow, I will write you again. (...) Bouli [scil. Maurice Dudevant], I embrace you warmly. (I choose only these words that I know how to spell.)”
In a letter in the autumn of 1845, to Marie de Roziérs, he apologized,
“I am writing to you without any dictionary.”
Similary, in the letters of October 2, and November 24, 1847, to Solange,
“Please shake hands with your husband in behalf of me and improve my French, as in the past. (...) I suffocate and have a headache, so I apologize you for my corrections and French.”
He also knew German language - reportedly as much as the French. About English language - during his stay in Great Britain - he wrote in a letter of August 19, 1848, to his family:
“I do not know, and have no time nor the inclination to learn.”
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lexieheron · 5 years
Get To Know You - Tag Game
I was tagged by @minilev 🥰🥰🥰 OwO Anna!
I’m tagging: @pabstbeerpussy @statichvm @bintangy @outranks​ @naromoreau​ @casino-lights​ @deputyash​ Whoever wants to do this! 🤗
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag new people you’d like to get to know.
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs!
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I don’t care about either tbh.
3. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I would live in a loft house, cause I love industrial/contemporary architecture. With a nice bathroom behind glass walls :)
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  I like both :) 
5. Favorite childhood TV show? I remember watching Storm Hawks and Fantastic Four! Thanks to these shows I started drawing fanarts and writing fics. I was around 11 at that time. 
6. The movie you’re looking forward to in 2020? 🤔🤔 Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman 1984 and Mulan!
8. Marvel or DC? I’m more a Marvel girl, although I appreciate DC’s characters too. Like to draw both :)
9. If you choose Marvel, favorite X-Men? If you choose DC, favorite Justice League member? My favourite X-Men would be Jean Grey. I like the story of Jean going mad and turning to Phoenix.
10. Night or Day? 🌜🌜🌟✨🌃
11. Favorite Pokemon? I wish I could tell, but I don’t know anything about Pokemons. Even if I watched the show as a kid. 
12. Top 5 bands/artists?
The Rasmus
Hans Zimmer
Immediate Music
13. Top 10 Books?
The Queen of Nothing- Holly Black
Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen
Jane Eyre- Charlotte Brontë
Dracula- Bram Stoker
Dziady/Forefather’s Eve- Adam Mickiewicz
Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A Court of Mist and Fury- Sarah J Maas
Archangel’s Kiss- Nalini Singh
Architect’s Data- Ernst Neufert
Greek Mythology
14. Top 4 Movies?
Jane Eyre (my faves are from 1943 and 2011)
The Dressmaker
The Fall (the movie from 2006, not tv series)
Pride and Prejudice (that from 2004)
15. America or Europe? Who knows? I’d like to see America one day, but there’s so many European countries I wanna go to! But for living? I don’t know tbh, I heard that living in US is easier... 
16. Tumblr or Twitter? I’m trying to post more on twitter, but I often forget to do it. For posting NSFW art- yes. If I had to choose tho- Tumblr wins. 
17. Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? Always Pro-Choice
18. Favorite YouTuber?��I have a fav Polish Youtuber Merta (she has English channel too, Marticore!) who posts Sims related videos. Also, makeup artist, Picturresque and 
19. Favorite Author? def Jane Austen and Sarah J Maas
20. Tea or coffee? Only tea! 
21. OTP? ONLY JUDE AND CARDAN, FOLKS!!! *screaming*
22. Do you play any instruments or sing? Yeah, nerves.
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eliamatrell · 5 years
top 5 polish poets
in no particular order: wisława szymborska, anna swir, tadeusz różewicz, agnieszka osiecka, czesław miłosz/zbigniew herbert (don’t make me choose pls). but also adam mickiewicz. but also miron białoszewski. but also stanisław grochowiak. but also bolesław leśmian. but also maria pawlikowska-jasnorzewska. but also halina poświatowska. but also leopold staff. but also kazimierz przerwa-tetmajer. but also tadeusz borowski. but also władysław broniewski. i love them all is what i’m trying to say. 
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mulletfriend · 6 years
hey!! do u have designs for the other kids yet? id be interested in seeing what u do with it (like backstory, presumably humaned stuck?)
oh, like, looks-wise they’d just look like my regular designs mostly, except for the clothing? roxy wears this hoodie and basically school high school hoodies are a Big Thing at least in warsaw, so the kids and the trolls go to rival junior high schools and they wear their hoodies a lot…..
i don’t think i’ll be writing anything/doing a comic lmao it’s mostly a Fun Thing to torment my friends with
when it comes to like, backstories, they all live in warsaw bc im unimaginative lmao and will write what i know. specifics under the cut bc its gonna get long
linkk in case tumblr is being Bad again (x)
john: janek egbert - he loves this dude and websites like kwejk or wykop….. or komixxy…. a big polish youtuber stan overall…. (of which i cant name more than two so rip) one of those sheltered kids that doesn’t go outside facebook. downloads apps with jokes on them when he’s like 11 and memorises all of them.
dave: dawid przechadzalski - listens to gang albanii ironically and runs his school’s meme page, wears adidas ironically and smokes russian cigarettes to seem cool. remixes disco polo to sound bearable.
jade: jadźka harlska - collects świerzaki and słodziaki (which are collectible plushies you get for spending enough money at a certain supermarket) instead of squiddles. big maria sklodowska-curie stan.
rose: róża londaj - strong opinons on mickiewicz vs słowacki. follows demotywatory. had a blogspot blog filled with edgy poetry and short stories. one of the goths that like to freak out old ladies on public transport
jane: janka krocka - an heirress to wedel. loves ojciec mateusz so much. she has this 1930s eastern accent?? i cant find a good clip but it’s basically much softer with different ls, kinda latvian-sounding. gets all of her fandom content from pinterest
jake: kuba angielski - boy oh boy does he love polish comedies. has seen every shitty seasonal comedy that’s in theatres. can quote them. will quote them. won’t be bothered by the dead silence that follows. one of the people that gets furious when you tell them you haven’t seen “one of the classics of polish cinema”. has the same accent as jane. has parents over in england so he lives with his grandma.
roxy: roksana “ksenia” londaj - runs a facebook fandom page. does bad fanfic translations on wattpad. writes slowackiewicz fanfiction. uses the #polishgirl and #warszawskalala hashtags on every one of her photos on instagram. she was the first one in primary school to get one of those chunky colourful smartphones (idk i think they were samsung galaxies? like almost everyone had them at some point) and wore 321324321 charms on it.
dirk: darek przechadzalski - writes his own bad polish rap. is in like 8234901230 fake-deep discussion groups on facebook, constantly gets kicked out for being condescending and weird. one of the dudes that’s way too much into the 17th century history, though he is critical of it and has written many essays on the reasons why it was actually bad. still owns a historical replica of the swords used then.
i’m not done with the trolls yet, but basically teresa pyrop (tz) also runs a high school meme page and loves sedzia anna maria wesolowska and also ojciec mateusz, wiktoria szerkit (vriska) is one of those ““metalhead”“ junior high schoolers that just radiate grease and will judge you based on your opinion of metallica’s black album, sollux kapturski for whomst i font have a first name yet is a nonsensopedia mod and karkat aka kacper wantas watches m jak miłość and also na dobre i na zle and all the other terrible telenovelas im forgetting and writes essays on them on his blogspot blog and also loves those angsty quotes pages that all seem to now be deactivated but were everywhere around 2012. i may have given this too much thought.
if anyone wants to join the fun i’d love to see any other hell content for this au. i may end up drawing the kids but we’ll see.
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ninavale · 6 years
1, 5, 11, 27 (for the country ask thing
1. Favourite place in your country?
That’s kinda tough because I rarely ventured outside of my city and there are lots of beautiful places in Poland but I guess I’d go with the Valley of Places and Gardens, the Lake District and the Bialowierza Forest. 
5. Favourite song in your native language?
There’s quite a lot from the folk songs to the more modern songs and renditions of English ones(like Disney songs for example, that are translated for dubbing purposes) and sometimes I like them better than English version. One of those is Polish version of Hanging Tree(it’s extended for additional lyrics) and One of Us from Lion King II. From original songs. I also love Polish version of Wolven Storm from The Witcher. From the more original and modern songs, it’d be Zło(Evil) by Markowski, Nie od razu Raj(No instant paradise/Paradise does not come in an instant). I also love Jacek Kaczmarski and most of his songs.
11.favourite native writer/poet?
Ok, since he was a 19th-century writer Sienkiewicz does have quite a bit of bias in his works but I do have nostalgic connections to his Trilogy, especially With Fire and Sword. As far as poets go I love Mickiewicz, Norwid and Słowacki from the older ones, and I do like Szymborska from the more modern poets, and Broniewski and some of Herbert. Aslo from writers, I do like the more rescent one Anna Lange. She worte a wonderful supernatural-elements book set in Victorian London, that I just couldn’t put down. 
11. favourite national celebrity?
I’m a bit behind with it all since I don’t watch much of polish movies or TV, so I’ll go more with the old celebrities. I like Janusz Gajos and Franciszek Pieczka. They are very good actors that always shine in the roles they are given, especially the former. I also like Piotr Beczała, mostly because I love opera and he is one of the best singers in the world, which is nice. It’s nice to see someone from your country be so world-known that big operas of the world want him to sing in their halls. From female celebrities, there is Maryla  Rodowicz, who has been singing pop for ages and is more or less an icon and Krystyna Janda, she’s a wonderful actress too. 
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Cukinia z ryżem, cebulą i warzywami.
Cukinia z ryzem, cebula i jarzyny. 
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Cukinia z dodatkiem warzyw i ryżem. Cebula, papryka, marchew. Anja
Potrzebne składniki: ----------------------------
Ryż Cukinia Cebula Czosnek Papryka Kukurydza Inne warzywa możemy dodać np marchewka Przyprawy : sól pieprz papryka łagodna i ostra,
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Ryż gotowany z przyprawami kurkuma, papryka łagodna , płatki ostrej papryki.
Sposób przygotowania: -----------------------------
Cukinię obrać i pokroić cukinię wzdłuż i pokroić na plastry mniej więcej 1-2 cm grube, większe kawałki lepiej pasują. Cebulę kroimy sobie w kosteczkę. Czosnek drobno kroimy albo przeciskamy przez praskę. Kroimy paprykę w kostkę. Inne jarzyny np. marchew kroimy w plastry. Wszystko krótko obsmażamy by warzywa nie były rozgotowane i za miękkie.  Mieszamy z ugotowanym na sypko ryżem. Podajemy na ciepło np. z udkami z upieczonymi na ulubiony sposób udkami z kurczaka.
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Podsmażona cukinia i warzywa podsmażone wymieszane w garnku. Czekają na dodanie ryżu.
♥ Smacznego Bon appétit  ♥
CIEKAWOSTKI : ------------------------
WARZYWA NA STRAGANIE Tu kabaczek Tam cukinia A tam jaka wielka dynia Okrąglutka i żółciutka Tak jak księżyc Nie na niebie lecz na ziemi Tam słonecznik z dala widać Jak słoneczko lecz nas nie opala Na straganie wśród modraków się skryło Wygląda tak jakby za chmurkami było
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Cukinia z ryżem i jarzynami. 
Tekst piosenki: Michał Żebrowski: Słońce już gasło, niebo zdawało się zniżać, Ścieśniać, I coraz bardziej ku ziemi przybliżać. Aż naprzeciw księżyca, gwiazda jedna, druga B łysnęła, już ich tysiąc, już milion mruga. Tadeusz zadumany zrobił kroków parę Gdy mu coś drogę zaszło, spojrzał, widzi marę; Kibić miała wysmukłą, kształtną, pierś powabną, Suknię materialną, różową, jedwabną; Od której odbijał się drżący blask miesięczny, I przystąpiwszy cicho szepnęła Anna Maria Jopek: Niewdzięczny, Szukałeś wzroku mego, teraz go unikasz, Niewdzięczny... Szukałeś rozmów ze mną, dziś uszy zamykasz Michał Żebrowski: Ale uważ no sama, wszak nas widzą, śledzą, Czyż można tak otwarcie, cóż ludzie powiedzą, Wszak to nieprzyzwoicie, to dalbóg, jest grzechem... Anna Maria Jopek: Jesteś mężczyzną, znajdziesz kochankę godniejszą, Znajdziesz bogatszą, piękniejszą... I tylko dla mej pociechy, niech wiem przed rozstaniem, Że twoja skłonność była prawdziwym kochaniem... Michał Żebrowski: Czym kochał? Krótkie z sobą spędziliśmy chwile, I choć one mnie przeszły tak słodko, tak mile, Zostać dłużej nie mogę, to postanowienie, I choćbym chciał tu zostać, już go nie odmienię Anna Maria Jopek: Ale niech słowo "kocham" jeszcze raz usłyszę, Niech je w sercu wyryję i w myśli zapiszę x6
Autor tekstu: Adam Mickiewicz Kompozytor: Wojciech Kilar Rok wydania: 1999 Wykonanie oryginalne: Anna Maria Jopek & Michał Żebrowski Płyty: Zakochany Pan Tadeusz
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Cukinia z ryzem warzywami
THE END <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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automaticvr · 4 years
THE POLISH COLLECTION for the VIRTUAL DESIGN DESTINATION by ADORNO, Curated by AGNIESZKA JACOBSON. Launching at London Design Festival 12-20 September 2020. The changes around us are faster than we are. We love intelligent technologies that relieve us of many responsibilities. We like modernity, but we also start to fear it. We look back more and more often. It is the past that brings us hope for the future. Nature revives and items made by historical craftsmen and artists (who was talking about designers then?) can last almost forever and when they get damaged they disappear. Today, work of the hands gives reflection and peace. Old artisans have knowledge that we won't get in school. It is clear that in the new reality, we will not act like them, but we can benefit from their wisdom and experience. We will not move forward without understanding the materials, tools, and secrets of the process. Some will translate this knowledge into machines, robots, and serial production. Others, like the designers presented in this collection, will remain halfway between art, craftsmanship, and technology. For them, the process, material, and uniqueness in repeatability are more important than production. In some ways, the road is more important than the goal. The presented forms are not necessarily compatible with the selected material or method of production. They could be done easier, faster, cheaper, with more confidence than it would be successful. But then, they would not have the author's emotions, no trace of struggle with matter, no explorers' passion. Is this not what we desire? Life inscribed in objects. FEATURED DESIGNERS Anna Bera Arkadiusz Szwed Malwina Konopacka Maria Juchnowska Monika Patuszynska Pani Jurek Tartaruga UAU Project ORGANISED IN COOPERATION WITH: The Adam Mickiewicz Institute, a state-funded cultural institution promoting Polish culture abroad. The Adam Mickiewicz Institute's mission is to promote Polish culture abroad. The Institute has so far carried out cultural projects in 70 countries across 6 continents. It also runs the Culture.pl website — a daily updated news service about the most interesting events and phenomena related to Polish culture www.iam.pl / www.culture.pl / www.designguide.pl PARTNERS: Kielce City / Marcin Kamiński Bartosz Bojarowicz Architekci s.c.
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