xxblackstars · 2 years
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for roleplay purposes. ( via roleplayer.me ) this is a fully coded adv. div layout. I have tested it on both google chrome and firefox. must have basic knowledge of coding to adapt. 
please do not remove the credit provided or claim as your own / repost. ♡
if you enjoy my work and want to support me as a creator, you may do so by donating on my ko-fi page. any donation is greatly appreciated and helps me out a lot!
you will the layout codes which is 100% coded by yours truly and you will be sent the codes to the email you provided after purchase. Any issues, feel free to contact me.
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yagirlaki · 9 months
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I could barely tell it was AI! Fuck this!
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tarraxahum-ish · 2 years
g-d tumblr roleplays all look so polished these days it's intimidating, not to mention how HARD it is to find out who is still active within a given fandom if it's not new and/or on peak of popularity...
where do people do fandom roleplays these days? on discord? gahh
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diabolocracy · 1 hour
My time in the MSN roleplay group gulags has me wondering how best to go about replicating it.
Discord servers just aren't the same as being able to make a separate messenger account for Blorbo McGee to fully get immersed. As in, once you log into, you're Blorbo McGee, IMing your pals, meeting up "face to face" in singles or group chats, doing shit that has IC consequences, everyone's got their own things going on, one on one chats weren't public and people's characters were sometimes blind-sided by this or that, persistent world bluh bluh type shit.
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phantasmalnightmare · 1 month
// People are sharing how long they've rped for so... I've been rping since 2003. I know, I know I'm old. I started on xanga, then went to MySpace until it died. Then I went to aniroleplay until discovering Tumblr(I still have one account on ani)
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Rules and terminology of roleplaying with people
While roleplaying is a fun medium that is mostly a free place for people to express their creativity, there are some rules, terminology and regulations that you would have to follow, to have a good reputation in the roleplay community, and if you want to attract experienced roleplayers to you.
Let's start off by a few sites I use to roleplay
Aniroleplay - a good place to roleplay, mostly consists of people playing original characters or characters from animated media.
Roleplay.me - much more populated than Aniroleplay, and quite fun, for me personally. My preferred rp site. You will find a fix of real life and animated characters on there, though most people play their original characters.
Flist - mostly adult rp site, but if you're looking for that? That's gonna be perfect. It can be a bit difficult to navigate at first, but after you get it, it's wonderful. The profile making is very in depth, so that's fun too.
Quotev - this is mostly a reading site, like wattpad, but what makes this different is the group option, which is mostly used by people to roleplay. This will be the most different style of roleplay, if you've never roleplayed before. I'll explain more later in the post. There are two methods to find a rp on here. Either write the Fandom you want in the Quotev search bar and go into group section, or write on the Google search bar Quotev directory and look through them. Roleplayers have made up directories to find rp groups much easier!
Tumblr - another unconventional rp platform. It's quite common for people to set up accounts as a character and interact with others like that. It's a fun way to interact with the community and at the same time, roleplay.
Those are the main places I roleplay on. Now, I want to share some of my "wisdom" about the unspoken rules I learned of rping with others and some terms you might encounter, which might confuse you.
- preferably, use third person. On cai you will most likely use second or first person to roleplay. That's a big no no for rping with real people. It makes your reply look cheap and most don't enjoy that format.
(example of pov writing)
First pov (I ate ice cream)
Second pov (you ate ice cream) (using you as the pronoun to talk about your character)
Third pov (he ate ice cream)
- make your reply descriptive, use various words. Don't use the same words, or make the reply simple. The fancier or better sounding the better. It makes people excited to reply, and makes them add more flavor to their text. People aren't like ai, they like substance.
- one paragraph and up. The more you write, the better. Sure, you can discuss to rp in shorter sentences, but the rp will grow stale and you will get dropped, or drop the person.
- space your stuff with paragraphs. Don't wrote everything in one huge block of text. It's hard to read and people will not want to rp if you make it hard for them
- don't rp in script. I'll explain what script is, but the rp usually gets stale fast, and no descriptive rper wants to rp with a scripter.
- don't interrupt 1x1 rps. I'll explain what that means later down. It's rude and you can get people mad at you.
- don't control what the other person does. It's annoying, and will quickly get you a bad reputation in the rp community, and you might start seeing that good quality rpers don't want to roleplay with you.
- There is a social dynamic in rp communities, especially aniroleplay and roleplay.me. If you are an asshole, impatient or create mary sue characters, you will start getting rejected for rps by high quality roleplayers.
- Be patient. These are people you're roleplaying with. They will not reply to you as quality as AI does. It might take hours, maybe a day or longer. It's just how this shit goes.
- Read the person's profile. They might have rules, original character information or just other stuff you might need to know before you can roleplay with them.
- Don't jump straight into a rp from the get-go, unless the account says they accept starter greetings. Discuss the rp beforehand and make sure your partner is okay with what you want to do. If you want to do nsfw roleplays, discuss it beforehand as many people are uncomfy with that sort of stuff.
- When discussing stuff outside of roleplay, add a little marker to make it clear you're talking out of character.
- They are not your friends, so don't make the first message you write something like "hi, how're you?". You guys are here for rp, so get to the point. If they have rules, include that you read them, and if you have a specific idea you wanted to try with them, include that in the message. Make the rp idea no longer than 4 sentences, as you can discuss the details together later.
- Avoid sending prewritten greetings. It's very easy to notice when you are doing that, especially if it's a long message. If you have to gave a prewritten greeting, keep it short, and add more info to it, based on the profile you are contacting.
- Don't use text language in rp. It makes your reply seem cheap and can turn a lot of people off. It also takes out the soul of your reply.
Double up - It's a style of roleplay where you play two point of views. One being your original character and the other is the love interest of your rp partner. This is a popular roleplay style on quotev.
Mary walked down the street, sighing.
Bakugou was mad that he couldn't see him today.
1x1 - It's when you rp one on one with someone. It's in other words, a private roleplay.
group rp - It's when you roleplay with multiple people at the same time, in the same roleplay, each taking a role, and adding onto each other. *I don't personally like this, as it can get messy*
rp - stands for roleplay
pov - stands for "point of view". I explain the different povs in an earlier part of the post.
AU - Alternative universe.
"You add, you message first" - Something you will often see on accounts that take a more serious approach to roleplaying. It means that If you add them, you will have to message them first, or they will delete you out of their friend list.
Script - It's a style of writing.
John: I guess that's weird
Descriptive - It's a writing style
John sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess that's weird"
Mary sue/Gary stu - cliche characters that usually make your character overpowered, or not fit in the setting at all.
godmodding - Taking control of your partner's character. Very frowned upon.
IC - It means "In character". It means the person will talk to you as their character.
OOC - It means "Out of character". This person will talk to you simply, not playing their roleplaying character.
OC - It means "Original character". It's the character you play, if you create them.
Admin - A term used when a person has more than one rp account. It's usual that you only contact and rp with one of the accounts under that one admin.
I hope this helps. If anyone has any questions, or need any help or anything related to roleplaying with real people, feel free to dm me!
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darkrelic · 1 month
get  to  know  the  mun  !                                                     repost,  don’t  reblog.
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———  BASICS  !  ♡
NICKNAME  :  rue
PRONOUNS  :  she  /  her.
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  virgo.
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  mentally dating xaden.
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
buying books turned therapeutic for me since I am prone to extreme depression.
i have a massive collection of lotions from bath & body works.
i love spooky shit + true crime. I'm constantly listening to podcasts on spotify.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
i honestly don't remember when i first started roleplaying, I believe I was in middle school when I first came to know about it. the first fandom I joined was BLEACH, back when myspace roleplay was a thing. soon after, I went to aniroleplay, roleplayer + eventually on tumblr. My longest fandom was FINAL FANTASY with noctis.lucis.caelum as my longest muse ever. gradually over time I went back + forth between fandoms until now.
apparently, I have a thing for muses who are single dad's + picking fights with kids, lmao. but I do have muses for like hero, villain + ani-hero muses. majority of the muses I wrote were guys, but I did / have female muses that I used to write as sailor.mars, aerith.gainsborough +, aurora ( disney and semi-hiatus ) elain archeron ( who is on the back burner until her book comes out ).
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF :  uhm always.
SMUT : I don't mind smut, it's just it feels awkward writing it out, but it's something I don't find myself writing often.
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  PLOTTING FOR SURE. since honestly it makes replying so much easier! I adore memes a lot, it just takes a bit for me to figure out what scenario to base it on.
𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: the love of my life @sirenea 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚒��𝚐: @epigraphed , @syleus , @rottedfigs , @literare , @alives , @adamanteine ,
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This is gonna' be a girthy one guys. First: I left tumblr in 2019, I couldn't stand it. When I tell you I had an awful experience using this app for 9 years for roleplay, I really fucking mean it. It was fantastic from when I was younger, I started using it around 2012 or so and it was when things were enjoyable. I saw the CREATIVITY that a community could create when it was something like [REDACTED.] Somewhere along the lines, it all died? Like, it was so s sad to see such a fun concept die along the way, I still don't know why.
Somewhere around when I turned 18, I was noticing people were horrible on here. I had friends that would tell me they screenshot dms, discord, and anything that could be a recipt "just in case" I was like "Just in case what motherfucker? Huh?" And then I got hit face first with callouts on my dash, people leaking dms, private conversations, ex friends posting their "testimonials" -- keep in mind, this was not me or in relation to me, and some of these were very much valid and warning of REAL LIFE dangers to others, while others were about shipping incest. I don't care if you think it's gross, that isn't the point. The point was never that callouts let people know X user writes X and to avoid / block, it's that every single time this happened, someone would add a completely irelevant factoid about X user like " they did this to me 2 years ago and I did not like it!" Okay? Alright? A lot of this could have been discussed in dms or just not posted to get 200 notes and somehow end up calling X an abuser. I've seen this so many times, it's not some isolated incident.
For some reason, friends could not part ways without having a mt. of dirt on the other and dumping it all out when the time calls for it. It was like everyone wanted their 5 minutes of fame. It was made infinitely worse when this site became extremely self-sanatized where if you wrote anything that was "probalmatic" or "toxic" you were REQUIRED to be a victim of that same event. Imagine, for three minutes, a self-rightous 17 year old has the gall to ask you if you've been SA'd before because they found you rping this with your rp partner. Even if you think this is gross, there is literally MOUNTAINS of evidence that shows healthy exploration of these thoughts, kinks, and experiences in an enviorment you control is cathartic. Weather or not YOU, the uneducated individual without the psych degree, start yelling "SEEK HELP" as if this was not already a proven method of controlling and facing trauma. Let me tell you: you're not. It's fiction. It is writing. It is fake, a real life occurence, but it is still fake. I have seen people sexualize their fantasy-murderers on the same level as anyone who wanted to write SA porn. Again, this isn't about if you find it acceptable or not, it's about NOT BEING your place to dictate how, when, or who can write it on any grounds, especially demanding to know someone's HISTORY of assault, like imagine being so utterly brain dead that you think you, a stranger, deserve to know anything like this LMAO? it was incredibly common! It was crazy!
Shit, Im getting to the bottom of the box lMAO. Okay.. but yeah, I left tumblr for 4 years to try different sites. I've been on Aniroleplay, and let me tell you. The sanatization the anti crowd wants leads to that. A christian-promoted rp site where if your character is shirtless or has big boobs you get banned because it's "indecent" or "obscene." Twitter has the same amount of problems since most of the minors and obsessive repressed losers left for it. Actually worse than tumblr, it is now peak 2017s tumblr.
I've been on other rp sites where i've had some of the best rp, rich roleplays, GREAT partners, and fun little oc creation experience I ever had. Everyone listed their interests, if you didn't like, you didn't BRING IT UP. You continued like adults, and if not, you block. Boom. The site literally ip bans you if you harass someone. That's what tumblr needed, but instead, all we got was people using statcounter in the midst of 2017-2020 to show who was "stalking" or who left the page open by accident, or something. I was so anxious id have my ip leaked, even if it wasn't a precise location, the idea of someone finding my name and ruining my life was horrifying. I've seen it happen, I've seen people lose jobs from it, I've seen what someone awful with INTENT can do.
Leaving was the best thing ever. I came back only recently because I wanted to try and find a few partners and imagine my fucking shock when I see " NO drama, NO callouts that aren't SPECIFICALLY in reference to A REAL INDIVIDUAL who poses a danger to others " it was insane. It wasn't an isolated incident, but every profile I follow has this, it's all around blogs I wouldnt even think of following, but when I check, I see it there. It's like they all got exhausted with the constant "THIS PERSON WRITES X AND X" like alright? BLOCK THEM, you clown.
This was really just something I've been thinking about. Sorry if this is too long, but thanks for being active for so long guys.
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tadpoleatemybrain · 3 months
Aniroleplay's tagline should be
"Just when you thought tumblr couldn't be any worse"
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boombambaby · 4 months
This is actually a question for Mun, if you don't mind!
I'm putting together a roleplay blog myself, and I was wondering if you had any advice? I've never put myself out there in roleplay beyond accumulating small rp communities/friends on Discord, and I'm kinda intimidated by being Perceived on a platform as big as tumblr /lh
Advice on making the blog appealing to other roleplayers and any general rp advice you'd be willing to share would be very appreciated <3
|| Hi there! I don't mind a single bit! Sorry for the delay, I wanted to make sure I made sense and gave you good information :)
First off, it's so awesome that you're looking to start a roleplay blog! I am huge on encouraging people to write and join the hobby, and it's always nice to see new writers getting started and sharing ideas!
As silly as it sounds, my biggest piece of advice is to NOT be intimidated. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, follow characters in your fandom, share things, post your HC/drabbles/favorite ships/ideas/storyline ideas etc and reach out to other writers or groups for interactions! The more friendly you are, and the more you put your writing out there, the more traction you'll receive as opposed to just lurking around and liking stuff here or there. : ) I'm still new to roleplaying on Tumblr, but the first thing I did when I decided to make a blog here was look at other writers to get a general idea for how my blog should be set up. It's helpful for a writer to see right off the bat who your character is/their fandom/the writers writing style, and rules. Some writers are very cautious about writing with minors and won't interact if you don't have your 'age bracket' right on the front page where they can see it. Your blog doesn't have to be super big or flashy, but I always like seeing a writer with open starters posted, a simple list of rules and hashtag categories so I can easily find something if I look on their page. But the main thing I look for are recent posts with active writing! Someone can have the coolest blog in the world, but if they don't write it's kind of a let down! Even if it's timeline banter-- which I absolutely adore-- it shows you're an active writer, and that's what we're looking for. : ) Other general roleplay advice is this; Don't be afraid to check out other platforms. Tumblr is big, yes but there are other platforms/sites/forums you can write on! If you're on Discord and not opposing to branching out, you can search for your fandom (Disney roleplay for example) on Disboard and it will show you different roleplay groups listed there. When I first started with Kuzco and realized how dead the fandom was, I made an account everywhere. Here, Twitter, Facebook, Roleplayer.me, Aniroleplay etc. And I just started posting. IC statuses, drabbles, headcanons-- whatever came to mind, and started following as MANY people in related fandoms as I could find. You slowly build your friends up as you go, and can branch out and sometimes form connections between characters you never thought would cross paths, which is a lot of fun. I'd also say to keep in mind that it is ALL about the QUALITY not the QUANTITY. If you can write 1500k+ words each reply? That's awesome! But if you can write a beautifully descriptive reply in 500 words, that's just as amazing! Don't pressure yourself to do more than you can just to make someone else happy! Work at your own pace. Last but not least; HAVE FUN WITH IT! There's always something new to learn, but don't be afraid to jump right in and get your feet wet. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you as well, I'd be more than happy to in whatever way I can!
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seaofsinrpg · 1 year
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Every Friday, Sea of Sin RPG has their Verdict Day. It's on this day that we sort through auditions and by Midnight, CST, you get your answer.... We have a base site on roleplayer.me, as well as on aniroleplay... We have a public discord server for potential members interested in learning more about our rpg, and then we have the place for our members.... A members only discord server, as well as my privately owned forum site to write on. We accept, most verses. The verses we don't accept simply have no place within the Sea of Sin universe that we have created, or they are triggers for one or more of the members. The best way to learn what we have, in a quick ideal manner, is to check out our discord, where we can get to you much more quickly and of course offers you the opportunity to speak to our existing members. Along with allowing most verses, we accept most genres, and respect both within their worlds. For example... We do have roughly 7 different types of wolves, wolf packs they are in, and within the locations they live. Witches and vampires are the same. Obviously our Twilight vampires/wolves are not the same as The Original ones. Perks of being a member: - You can have multiple characters. - You can bring in original characters. - You can bring in Gotham characters. - You can bring in Marvel/DC characters. - You can aid with story-lines, events etc.
Our Activity Checks are perhaps the easiest you'll get short of those rpgs that don't have an AC at all. Discord us to learn more!
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xxblackstars · 10 months
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for roleplay purposes. ( via roleplayer.me ) this is a fully coded adv. div layout. I have tested it on both google chrome and firefox. must have basic knowledge of coding to adapt.
please do not remove the credit provided or claim as your own / repost. ♡
if you enjoy my work and want to support me as a creator, you may do so by donating on my ko-fi page. any donation is greatly appreciated and helps me out a lot!I have also got my layouts for sale on kofi as well as psd colorings etc.
you will the layout codes which is 100% coded by yours truly and you will be sent the codes to the email you provided after purchase. Any issues, feel free to contact me.
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sungracd · 2 years
✿  name :  kas which is short for kasumi which is what i’ve gone by since like forever.
✿  pronouns :  she/her
✿  preference of communication :  tumblr dms! i do have discord but i’m lazy and just like having everything in one spot so i’ll forget to check discord most of the time.
✿  name of muse(s) :  the fabulous adrian saint-clair ☆ i did have a multi once upon a time but i just never have the muse or energy nowadays.
✿  experience/how long (months/years?) :  now that i think about it, i guess since like middle school so around 17 years? which makes me feel so old wow- and i think i started out on the rp forums of neopets lol.
✿  platforms you’ve used :  aim, e-mail if that counts, gaiaonline, those invisionfree and proboards forums, roleplayer.me, and more recently aniroleplay and dreamwidth.
✿  best experience :  weeell usually i have a hard time choosing a best or favorite anything, but a memory that def still sticks with me is having this little rp friend group i chatted with daily and got to do group rps with! it was so much fun, especially for someone like me who’s really shy. 😊
✿  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers :  too much negativity. not the venting kind cause that’s only natural but like people that only have bad things to say? this is my fun and relaxing space so i like surrounding myself with positive vibes! that’s about all i can think of though.
✿  fluff, angst, or smut :  all of it! but mostly fluff and angst since i’m a little more picky with smut; it’s really only fun for me to write when there’s a lot of Emotions involved. fluff comes easiest for someone like adri but hurt/comfort does too tbh. i just really like having a nice balance of fluff and DRAMA ✨
✿  plots or memes :  normally i would say memes but maybe a mix of both? idk man, i like how convenient memes are and i like the spontaneity but sometimes they’re really hard for me to think up scenarios for. that’s why i say to spam me with like 20 options lol.
✿  long or short replies :  i prefer short but i’m probably more like an inbetweener? i just like to write what i feel is enough and it usually doesn’t get very long imo. i’d like to do more short & casual banters cause i feel like that would help with inspiration but idk, i guess it always ends up turning into something longer djskl.
✿  best time to write :  weirdly enough, right after i wake up. my theory is because that’s when my brain is the most refreshed and uncluttered.
✿  are you like your muse(s) :  we’re both air signs so in that sense there’s a few similarities in how we think and deal with emotions, but adrian is definitely way more positive and outgoing. i feel like wednesday addams compared to them lmao.
tagged by :  @yakshiaos ,  thank you !! hehe ♥ tagging :  @demonpunch ,  @ebonyforged ,  @fractempyreal ,  @felfruit ,  @svartr ,  @holyrisen ,  @gottgenug ,  @bitbrumal ,  @cruelset ,  @maugus ,  @electric-ecclectic ,  @mellodiies  and anyone who wants it !
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NAME : Mila/Starblazer/Gazer/Chaser. I have many.
TAKEN OR SINGLE : Defo taken. @thevariantwhowouldbeking <3
I very much like Villains
I do my own art for my characters and cry when it sucks.
Local weeb has very little anime figures. :( We don't really have stores that sell them here.
PLATFORMS USED : MSN Groups, MSN Chat, Yahoo, AIM, MSN Messneger, Myspace, Facebook, Tumblr, Aniroleplay... I am old, I am tired.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES : I like all three of these :)
GENDER : I mostly have afabs...
MULTI OR SINGLE : m...multi??
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S) : I really don't have any other than don't use E-celebs.
SMUT: Unless I know you well enough? No.
tagged by: @lettherebemonsters
tagging: anyone within a 5 mile radius of this post.
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diabolocracy · 5 days
I wish there were more Undertale & AU roleplayers on Aniroleplay.
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anemcia · 2 years
Get to Know the Mun!
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME: Sleepy, or just Jessica if we’re on a personal basis.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Happily married to some Scotsman I met on this hellsite
1: My very first RP experience was over ye-olden YouTube, when channels were more personalized and you could leave tons of comments. I was 11-12ish, so that was certainly an experience. For the record, it was Pokémon related. Yes, I was fucking awful.
2: I'm a mother of two beautiful babies under two (a boy and a girl). Once you get past the learning curb of caring for a naughty toddler and a dependent infant, raising small children gets easier as the months go by. Just need to get my son to stop tossing his food off his high chair when he decides he doesn’t want to eat no more.
3: Never ask me about anything Pokémon mystery dungeon related. You will be subjected to 100 years of endless info dumping about my love for that series. This also goes for Viva Piñata; my soul cries as I am the only fan left alive to speak it’s name before the series dies it’s last death. C’mon Rare, you know ya want to revive the fucking IP.
PLATFORMS USED: Tumblr primarily, Discord secondary, Twitter (tried and failed + Lots of horny players), and aniroleplay (SEXPESTS UNITED DOT COM)
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: Winging it most of the time, DEF prefer if we plotted to get a solid story going. Memes? That depends if it’s just a warm up or part of a plot, or maybe we’re just winging it for a day.
GENDER: I’d say I finally found my balance of rping as both genders after maaaany years of playing exclusively males. Thank u Honey, ya broke the curse.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): I guess I don’t bode well with anyone using IRL face claims. Just a little weird imo, but I ain’t going to stop no one from using one.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  
FLUFF: Not something I’d often do, but boy do I crave it. Please, a little morsal goes a long way.
ANGST: YEAH BABY, always down for it!
SMUT: For personal reasons, this is restricted to Discord depending on who may ask. NSFW memes do not count, but if it were to become a thread? Needs to go straight into DM’s.
tagged by: @forthehonorandtheglory I stole from ya​
//Steal from me too lmao
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