cereusblue · 7 years
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Second set of reference sheets!
As the first set refers to one of the characters here, I figured it best to post the two near one another. Again, information about them will be listed out below!
Nemo-Master Climber with the best sense of humor.
Nemo is by far one of my favorite characters I have made thus far. This character actually has nothing to do with Circus Town as they tour the world to see its sights. Nemo does not go by any gender pronoun and doesn’t see theirself as ever having a gender (not like they do anyway). When asked about their gender, they will drag you around in a drawn out joke till you finally give up.
Nemo is incredibly loud and high energy, always ready for a new adventure! Despite being created from the same parent cell as Omni, Nemo is their complete and utter opposite. Nemo feels no strong family connections, as a typical pluris wouldn’t either, but still enjoys being social. If there is a party, count them in. They have a type of personality that can either be incredibly amusing and fun or just straight up annoying-there really is no in between. However, on the plus side is that Nemo rarely if ever gets angry just as Omni. This is another typically pluris trait, but their laid back personality has also allowed them to preserve that trait.
Nemo will visit Circus Town from time to time due to the hiking and climbing attractions of the lovely mountainous area. Plus, there’s a circus in the center of it with lots of candy floss??? What’s not to like???
Leopold Merrit - friend to everyone.
Leopold, or Leo as he prefers to be called, runs the circus town. He’s a jolly guy, friendly to each passing person. Leo takes the cake as one of the most down to earth people in the world. I’ll try to run through his story in as few words as I can, but he is a fascinating person.
Leo came from a rich family and became fascinated with the circus when he was a young boy. He worked very hard to start off his traveling circus idea for years to come as a child. His parents admired his dedication and loved him deeply. They wanted to support anything he wanted to do. So they aided him. He created a traveling circus from a young age, his parents at his side step by step. He spent several years until his mid 20s doing only a traveling circus. But he wanted to do more. So he decided to take his savings and build the circus town in the most beautiful area he could find in between some major cities. He worked hard to secure everything and allow store owners to set up camp and join in the community he wished to build. Chuck was one of the first people, having lived nearby. Chuck was never married, as he was married to his work. He had been to several of Leo’s shows, so he admired him.
Omni was created about two years after the town had begun construction. The Circus Master now having been dating a lovely woman for a few years. His to-be wife oversaw much of the construction and helped with designing advertisements for his idea for the town. Chuck offered to build a mascot carving for the entrance from the parking lot. Which is still standing today. Chuck wanted to settle down and live in a much prettier place and decided that the town would both suit what he was looking for as well as contribute to this man's glorious dreams. So he set up shop. Construction went by quickly as many of the people who had loved the man's work began sending donations to build the town. His parents sent him weekly checks from their profits. (His mother is a master jewel craftier who gets commissioned almost constantly from wealthy people world wide as well as owning and managing her own jewelry store chain. Leo’s father is a world known mystery novelist.) They'd send him half their profits, still allowing money for themselves to maintain their nice living.
The next couple of years, Omni was still having trouble finding where to go and what to do. They often would get paid cash for doing house work for people, but the poor bean didn't have a place to live or a lot of nice clothes. Pluris don't need to eat too terribly often in a pinch, so they managed. The circus master still did tours now and again as it would be a waste to leave his nice traveling carts to rot. So Omni got the chance to actually see the performance by bumping into Chuck, who was on the ride with to assist with all the heavy lifting. Omni got into a conversation with him, and Chuck genuinely liked them. Omni was about 3-4 years old; they weren't dressed rather nicely. Upon finding Omni had no where to go, Chuck offered to pay their entry fee to the show since they typically wouldn't be able to view otherwise.
Since Omni had been fascinated with a recent colored skeleton that past by and it was a feminine day, this is where their Lavender Skeleton form became a bigger part of their life. Omni was amazed by the show, adored it. And Chuck asked the Circus Master if Omni could join the trip since they had no other place to go. The circus master then gave Omni a job for the trip. Omni hasn't left them since.
Both Chuck and the Circus Master did eventually find out what Omni was a couple years later, kind of by accident. Each acted a little amazed and a tad over curious, the circus master even more so (cuz it would be an interesting act to add to the show.) Omni did forgive them, as they were like family. Pluris are kind of a hush-hush species that don't really announce themselves to anyone, to which Omni explained. But the two were super cool about it since then. Omni's been with the circus town and has watched it grow over the next 14 years. But the circus master is such a loving guy and he takes care of his people. His parents died when Omni was about 12 years old, and out of all his years, that was the first time he has ever missed a show. He even scheduled a day for both mourning and appreciation for loved ones.
Leopold also had a daughter a few years ago with his wife. However, his wife did not survive long after the child’s birth. This was the second time the Leo ever missed a show. But he understands that there will be loss. He has done his best to support his daughter Lillian since then with the help of all of circus town.
*Lillian - Like mother, like daughter.
I would like to point out that Lillian is three years older than Monochrome. So in current RPs that are available between this blog and @the-printers-jammed Lillian is still a baby. This is simply what she looks like years in the future.
Lillian is Leo’s daughter, and oh my did she take drastically after her mother. Lillian is a headstrong child with no fear of failure. She is incredibly intelligent and will eventually apply her skills to managing circus town when she grows up. She’s got such a goofy sense of humor and loves picking on Monochrome in a  harmless way. Lillian is a very supportive person who wants everyone to achieve their best.
She loves the color blue, specifically baby blue. This may be in part to her favorite baby sitter from the town having worn the color often. Another fun fact is how little interest she has in any form of relationship other than family. To Lillian, everyone in Circus Town are family and that’s all she needs to be happy.
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vesselvindicate · 8 years
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Guys Omni is just a big cell with a hoodie on. Got the cell wall, cytoplasm, then the bunch of organelles (probably more than an average earth animal let's be real here they're a complicated being despite literally being a single-cell humanoid thing), and then the weird feelers or whatever that cells just sometimes have y’know. Eyyy here they are, with and without clothes on. I feel like I might have actually gotten pretty close with this one, probably not with the colors though. What’s the verdict, @cereusblue?
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7goodangel · 4 years
whos omni and why do they look like pj?
Omni is a Pluris created by @cereusblue!
You can find their information here: https://cereusblue.tumblr.com/post/154860815503/name-omni-scientific-name-anipotent-anthr%C5%8Dpos
Or on their blog under the omni-blue tag (please not Blue is not Omni’s last name): https://cereusblue.tumblr.com/tagged/omni-blue
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skoopskoop · 7 years
Sorry I'm new to all this so could you tell a quick backstory in detail of OMNI. Please and thank
Honey, I’m not the creator of Omni. I simply made Omni and Pj’s child, Monochrome. I do KNOW a lot about Omni, but I’m unsure of what I’m at liberty to say because a whole handful of information I know hasn’t been broadcast to the public as of yet.
Spoilers, y’know?I can link you to Omni’s references and Backstory, but if you want to know more about the Pluris species and Omni themselves, I suggest you get in contact with @cereusblue about Omni.
The only character I have the right to answer questions about and be 100% certain it’s fact, is my own. If you wanna know more about Mono, I can provide.
Otherwise, I will link you to any information you ask for. :3
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cereusblue · 7 years
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So this is super long overdue. Glad to finish it finally! Interesting new color change for Omni though~ Gotta admit, I did go a tiny bit overboard (not quite full scale but meh). I figured since they are able to change their overall design at will, this was just the result of the idea. It was fun. C:
Now if you don’t know what this is from, I did open requests for a little bit asking people for a form, a gender, and an outfit. So this is not an AU of Omni, it’s just an outfit thing. XD
I did make a reference page anyway though at the request of @charaline so there ya go.~
Reapertale @renrink
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cereusblue · 7 years
Hey, I have a question about Omni :y You said one time (I don't remember very well ;w;) that pluris have a shorter lifespan compared to a human's one, so, that would mean Omni would die soon? Not that soon, like, dunno, when Mono would be a grown-up :v (if anything about Mono is wrong, I'm sorry, I really don't know about the OmniPJ family ;u; The question just passed through my head, and I got curious about it ;^; sorry if I bothered u c': and have a nice day uwu)
Yes, pluris do have a shorter life span than humans. Pluris live to be around 60-70 years old. So, if Mono is 11, Omni is around halfway through their life.
Wonder how that’s gonna effect the family later? >:3c
( @skoopskoop @7goodangel we’ve all discussed this already but just to bring it up again. C: )
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cereusblue · 7 years
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OKAY SO. because I’m actually doing a LOT better at drawing humans, I decided to draw Omni’s male human form purely for anatomy practice reasons and I actually like how this turned out? except for the towel and hands, those are shit still but. This was simply just for anatomy practice and it just made me really happy to finish. I wanted to draw Omni after going swimming or something as a human to give me the excuse to draw the body shape a little more. They so lil and super cute. And apparently tired in this image. XD
Figured I’d just share it. I usually don’t share doodles or anatomy practice doodles, meh. Maybe I should start posting them more?
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cereusblue · 7 years
Has/does Omni pull pranks? Like on PJ or others?
I don’t know what you would exactly classify as pranks, but put in a good mood, I’m sure they’d gladly do some harmless teasing. For someone who is like family to Omni, Chuck, the poor guy is so forgetful but has the best sense of humor. Omni may move stuff around his shop from time to time and make him question where he put things, only to reveal their self and point out said object he’s looking for. They tease and he jokes back, all in good fun. Nothing harmful.
For PJ, when they are actually more acquainted and trust one another more, Omni may sneak up on him occasionally to spook him and make him puddle. But they’d immediately make up for it by bringing him things to munch on and apologize. Though, PJ would likely soon come to expect it. xD He’d even turn it into a guessing game, so whenever Omni is walking up, he’d start guessing their current form, just knowing they’re there. It would honestly all just become a fun little game to them that they play each time they meet up. X3
(Btw @7goodangel thank you for your input!)
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cereusblue · 8 years
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Woo So finally got around to lining and coloring this for my lovely twin of course with permission. ~ The background took forever and a day to do but I GOT IT.~
Two people sharing a scarf for warmth
PaperJam @7goodangel
Omni @ me~
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cereusblue · 8 years
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cereusblue · 8 years
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Okay because this is a pain in the ass to draw sometimes, especially on a small scale, I have drawn Omni’s birthmark HUGE with the most perfect details I possibly can on top of a transparent background. So, the reason for this and me posting it is because this is the ONLY THING y’all have permission to trace or just put into fanart of Omni. I figured that those sweethearts who make fanart of the little pluris should at least have this large scale reference or just to put into the image and adjust..~
The birthmark is a pain to draw, I’m not gonna lie. I don’t know why I went with this shape. Literally, during the WHOLE development stages of Omni I was just kinda going “Hey brain what should we do here” and just going with the first thing it told me to do. Like, yeah this is fine. Not that the second pluris I’m making has an easier birthmark because they’re all alien-like things so. Eh I shrug.
Also don’t ask why I made it blue, I was just sketching in blue and I just so happened to not care about changing the color since it changes color from form to form anyway. XD
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cereusblue · 8 years
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“This isn’t one of my favorite forms, but it does accent this dress quite nicely! I love the beautiful blue colors!”
Requested by @spottyakuma
I really like this one. I had to really think about the dino design XD But fem dino Omni~
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cereusblue · 8 years
I dare you to draw Omni in Fresh's clothes XD (but with other colors like their normal skeleton outfit ewe)
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“I’m not sure how I feel in these clothes...”
I’m going to start drawing in a different brush after this but XD doodle number 1. Already have a couple more to go through!
BUT I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY BEFORE I POST MORE OF THESE. Please send the three required things from the request sheet. It makes my life easier rather than trying to decipher what you want. Please be clear! That’s all I ask.~
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cereusblue · 8 years
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Happy Birthday! I kind of finished making it last minute, but nonetheless, I hope you like this. (Also I’m sending this on mobile so I hope it gets to you alright. X-X)
LOOK AT THE CUUUUUUTTTIE~ With their little party hat on X3 This is so beautiful and sweet! Gosh I love all the lovely gifts you guys have sent me, all of you are amazing and absolute sweethearts! This means so much to me and Omni look so adorable and happy X3 Thank you so much!
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cereusblue · 8 years
Yessss! I'm really excited to make one! Since I identify as genderfluid, this is the perfect species for me OwO But do their cells mutate to change their forms, or do their cells die and regenerate? Or what's the canon answer for their transformations?
Okay, this is a crazy thing, but Pluris are actually one giant singular sentient stem cell. The idea is that stem cells are able to change themselves into whatever the body needs. So.. The genetic material that makes up their entire form is able to be manipulated and will change shape and color to meet the demands of the Pluris. So it can instantly change into millions of tiny cells to match that of the anatomy of what they are becoming. Or blending back into one another to become one when reverting back to Pluris form.
The soul changes around the material to harden it into bone, flesh, etc. So each form is something that the pluris constructs through their own creativity or through kinda attempting to copy what they see. Some species don’t actually have cells and are magic based, so the material simulates a body constructed by magic. Pluris actually do not have magic themselves, so something like a skelinkton is a mere simulation of magic. It’s mostly that it mimics how the magic based ink is attracted to the soul and works from there, as the genetic material of a Pluris kind of does the same thing.
The material of a pluris body can and will adjust to the body it takes on, so the pluris will also need to meet the nutritional needs of the body it takes on. This makes it look “normal” when blending into a society. But food for them is namely just used for pure energy and regenerating material from wounds.~
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cereusblue · 8 years
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Several forms of Omni! I had this idea in my head about three days ago and have been working on it a lot for the past few nights. I love the concept and how this all turned out.
Purple Skeleton!
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