#Nemo the pluris
mikawritings · 2 years
Excessive List of Latin Words for Names
pls note! i have selected the forms and definitions of the words that i personally like the most. if you would like the full, extensive list of words that i made and selected these from, please see here. also, these words are intended to be edited when turning into names so don't come at me if they don't sound particularly name-y atm. thanks and enjoy!
casus - fall
facile - easy
modi - manner/style/way
gladii - sword
signi - sign
loci - place
gero - wear (clothes), wage (war)
pecunia - money
doni - gift
rex - king
tenui - hold/keep/possess
dedi - give
mansi - stay
taceo/tacui - be silent/be quiet
capio - take/capture
iter/itinens - journey
contra - against
nulla - not any/no
perire - perish
ducis - leader
forte - brave
sola/solus - alone/lonely
caelum/caeli - sky/heaven
ianua - door
coepi - began
ceteri - the rest
interea - meanwhile
celo/celare/celavi - hide
sine - without
paene - nearly
plena -full
vix - with difficulty
poena/poenae - punishment
tuta - safe
cura - care/worry
cara/carum - dear
talis - such
vera - true/real
parui - obey
spei - hope
mea - my
risi - laugh/smile
cado/cadere/cecidi - fall
cibus - food
vidi - see
vinum - wine
clamo - shout
curro - run
prima - first
puella - girl
iuvenis - young
nemo - no one
nolle - not want/refuse
nox - night
pulchra/pulcher - beautiful/handsome
timui - fear
velle - want
facio - do/make
iam - now
sedi - sit
tristis/triste - sad
miles - soldier
narro - tell/relate
nauta - sailor
olim - once
puer/pueri - boy
rei - thing
saepe - often
silva - woods/forest
nihil - nothing
irata - angry
sanguis - blood
bona - good
nova - new
alta/altus - high/deep
flumen/fluminis - river
hodie - today
ibi - there
mare - sea
saeva - savage/cruel
vox - voice
amo - love/like
amor - love/lover
dira - dreadful
ferox - fierce
horti - graden
lux/lucis - light
oratus - beg
regina - queen
si - if
dura - harsh
emi - buy
heri - yesterday
mala - evil
lente - slowly
vulneris - wound
duae - two
tria - three
ignis - fire
conor - try
dives - rich
loqui - speak
pluris - more
signi - sign/seal
soror - sister
ita - so/in this way (ita vero = yes)
vultus - face
domi - at home
maior - bigger
ira - anger
via - street/road
filia - daughter
filii - son
ancilla - female slave
laeta - happy
vinco/vici - win
subito - suddenly
venio - come
cupio/cupiui - want/desire
tua - your
iaceo - lie (positional)
mox - soon
liberi - children
vir/viri - man
vita - life
alia/aluid - another
dea/deae - goddess
fidelis - loyal
iacio/ieci - throw
sacra - sacred
mitto/misi - send
terra - ground/earth
muri - wall
vivo/vixi - live
neco - kill
nescio - not know
antea - before
bellum/belli - war
cena - dinner
scio - know
credo - trust
canis - dog
mille/milia - thousand
lata - wide
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cereusblue · 7 years
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Happy Birthday, Omni and Nemo!
Omni isn’t too big on the whole celebration but after meeting Nemo, they’re never being allowed to skip out on the festivities ever again. The stronger one of the twins enjoys a good party.
Here is just the first of like three things I have for Omni’s birthday, not including the collab. It’s strange to think that a year ago today was the day I really built Omni’s character. If I could remember when I came up with Nemo’s idea, that would be great. XD But meh. These two have to share a birthday anyway, good thing Nemo remembers the actual date and their age.
I have to say that I am very happy with Omni’s creation, including their world. I didn’t think it would go as far as it is now but I’m enjoying each little step of the way. I’m so proud of my lil cinnamon roll, and I love and appreciate all the support from you sweet sugar cookies as well! Thank you all for hanging around!
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ahrimansefid42 · 2 years
Quid contenta productio et SEO inter se conveniunt?
Productio contenta et SEO propinqua sunt. Re quidem vera, in mundo contentorum venalicium, contenti processus productionis bonum et amplum consilium requirit. Huius consilii pars contenta est SEO.
Contentus venalicium est potens via in digital venalicium pluris vendere. Negotiatores exsecutores sciunt quod clientes postulo penitus cum servitiis et fructibus antequam emptio. Hoc commercium per Content venalicium et contenti processus productionis obtinetur. Sed processus contenti sine magno consilio omnino inefficaces sunt.
Quid est Content Marketing?
Contentus venalicium forma venalium modernorum est. Hoc in contextu, ipsum auditorium attrahere adhibetur. Hoc contentum certis gradibus procedere debet antequam ad utentem attingat ac divulgetur. Hoc genus contenti includere potest content destinatum ad respondendum potentiale teloneariorum, saepe quaesivit quaestiones vel contentus ad delectandum. Contentus venalicium tendit ad usuram creandam et cum auditoribus vestris exercendis. Finis proposita (usorum finis) in hoc processu diligenter selectae sunt.
Commodum huius consilii est quod, cum mos est emere paratus, necessitudinem cum torris tuis iam habet. Praeterea notam tuam fidem et auctoritatem in mentibus clientium aedificare potuit. Haec duo elementa sunt essentialia in venditionibus.
Content Marketing provocare - Momentum Linking Content Productio et SEO
Innumeras horas consumpsisti investigationem comprehensivam faciens et scribens stili pugnae. Pares ac praepositi tui contentus amant. Tu upload et evulga tuum blog stipem confidenter, expectans negotiationem, sed initus non habebis! Nemo contentus tuum invisit.
Quid contenta productio et SEO inter se pertinent?
Dies et hebdomades praetereunt, et una res creasti cum passione tua unstoppable iustus blog stipes. Contentum quod ne pulverem quidem Google cyberium in eo videt neque in indice proventus investigationis Google apparet!
Nunc summa quaestio est: Partum ineuntis contenti, et quis est usus publici in eo loco edito, si publicus id non animadvertit? Bene crudeliter, sed honeste, inquam, nihil valet, nihil prodest!
Magnitudo contenti productionis et SEO
Omnis textus extraordinarius scriptus videri debet. Sed tormenta quaesita sicut Google et Bing agunt sicut iudices finales et perquam immites sunt. Statuunt quanta contenti sint ostendere et quid contenti sint in mari Interreti demergi et in aeternum sepeliri.
Contentus processus productionis
Ubi momentum productionis contentarum SEO iungitur. Cum ad processum productionis contentum digitalis venit, artes scripturae egregiae non satis sunt. SEO principiis ac signis uti debes. Opus habere modum illud contentum in mente distribuere; Id est, solutionem invenire debes quomodo contentus audientibus tuis pateretur. Respondetur huic quaestioni valde simplex, sed valde speciale! Principiis et signis uti debes SEO.
Source: ded9.com
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cereusblue · 7 years
While I'm thinking of it
Omni's actual birthday (creation day) is coming up this month. Maybe I'll celebrate the day with a little thing with Nemo and Omni hanging out? At least Nemo knows the day is November 30th. XD Idk.
But quick explanation. Omni's very concept was born almost a year ago now on November 30. The idea flickered during Thanksgiving but I didn't really continue the thought till the 30th and starting mixing ideas with lore, genetic structure, capabilities, etc. It feels like so long ago that Omni was created, it's strange to think this will be their first birthday on my blog. I need to do something nice for it! 💙
If you guys have any thoughts or ideas for what I should do for the day, leave a reply or send me an ask!~
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cereusblue · 7 years
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Second set of reference sheets!
As the first set refers to one of the characters here, I figured it best to post the two near one another. Again, information about them will be listed out below!
Nemo-Master Climber with the best sense of humor.
Nemo is by far one of my favorite characters I have made thus far. This character actually has nothing to do with Circus Town as they tour the world to see its sights. Nemo does not go by any gender pronoun and doesn’t see theirself as ever having a gender (not like they do anyway). When asked about their gender, they will drag you around in a drawn out joke till you finally give up.
Nemo is incredibly loud and high energy, always ready for a new adventure! Despite being created from the same parent cell as Omni, Nemo is their complete and utter opposite. Nemo feels no strong family connections, as a typical pluris wouldn’t either, but still enjoys being social. If there is a party, count them in. They have a type of personality that can either be incredibly amusing and fun or just straight up annoying-there really is no in between. However, on the plus side is that Nemo rarely if ever gets angry just as Omni. This is another typically pluris trait, but their laid back personality has also allowed them to preserve that trait.
Nemo will visit Circus Town from time to time due to the hiking and climbing attractions of the lovely mountainous area. Plus, there’s a circus in the center of it with lots of candy floss??? What’s not to like???
Leopold Merrit - friend to everyone.
Leopold, or Leo as he prefers to be called, runs the circus town. He’s a jolly guy, friendly to each passing person. Leo takes the cake as one of the most down to earth people in the world. I’ll try to run through his story in as few words as I can, but he is a fascinating person.
Leo came from a rich family and became fascinated with the circus when he was a young boy. He worked very hard to start off his traveling circus idea for years to come as a child. His parents admired his dedication and loved him deeply. They wanted to support anything he wanted to do. So they aided him. He created a traveling circus from a young age, his parents at his side step by step. He spent several years until his mid 20s doing only a traveling circus. But he wanted to do more. So he decided to take his savings and build the circus town in the most beautiful area he could find in between some major cities. He worked hard to secure everything and allow store owners to set up camp and join in the community he wished to build. Chuck was one of the first people, having lived nearby. Chuck was never married, as he was married to his work. He had been to several of Leo’s shows, so he admired him.
Omni was created about two years after the town had begun construction. The Circus Master now having been dating a lovely woman for a few years. His to-be wife oversaw much of the construction and helped with designing advertisements for his idea for the town. Chuck offered to build a mascot carving for the entrance from the parking lot. Which is still standing today. Chuck wanted to settle down and live in a much prettier place and decided that the town would both suit what he was looking for as well as contribute to this man's glorious dreams. So he set up shop. Construction went by quickly as many of the people who had loved the man's work began sending donations to build the town. His parents sent him weekly checks from their profits. (His mother is a master jewel craftier who gets commissioned almost constantly from wealthy people world wide as well as owning and managing her own jewelry store chain. Leo’s father is a world known mystery novelist.) They'd send him half their profits, still allowing money for themselves to maintain their nice living.
The next couple of years, Omni was still having trouble finding where to go and what to do. They often would get paid cash for doing house work for people, but the poor bean didn't have a place to live or a lot of nice clothes. Pluris don't need to eat too terribly often in a pinch, so they managed. The circus master still did tours now and again as it would be a waste to leave his nice traveling carts to rot. So Omni got the chance to actually see the performance by bumping into Chuck, who was on the ride with to assist with all the heavy lifting. Omni got into a conversation with him, and Chuck genuinely liked them. Omni was about 3-4 years old; they weren't dressed rather nicely. Upon finding Omni had no where to go, Chuck offered to pay their entry fee to the show since they typically wouldn't be able to view otherwise.
Since Omni had been fascinated with a recent colored skeleton that past by and it was a feminine day, this is where their Lavender Skeleton form became a bigger part of their life. Omni was amazed by the show, adored it. And Chuck asked the Circus Master if Omni could join the trip since they had no other place to go. The circus master then gave Omni a job for the trip. Omni hasn't left them since.
Both Chuck and the Circus Master did eventually find out what Omni was a couple years later, kind of by accident. Each acted a little amazed and a tad over curious, the circus master even more so (cuz it would be an interesting act to add to the show.) Omni did forgive them, as they were like family. Pluris are kind of a hush-hush species that don't really announce themselves to anyone, to which Omni explained. But the two were super cool about it since then. Omni's been with the circus town and has watched it grow over the next 14 years. But the circus master is such a loving guy and he takes care of his people. His parents died when Omni was about 12 years old, and out of all his years, that was the first time he has ever missed a show. He even scheduled a day for both mourning and appreciation for loved ones.
Leopold also had a daughter a few years ago with his wife. However, his wife did not survive long after the child’s birth. This was the second time the Leo ever missed a show. But he understands that there will be loss. He has done his best to support his daughter Lillian since then with the help of all of circus town.
*Lillian - Like mother, like daughter.
I would like to point out that Lillian is three years older than Monochrome. So in current RPs that are available between this blog and @the-printers-jammed Lillian is still a baby. This is simply what she looks like years in the future.
Lillian is Leo’s daughter, and oh my did she take drastically after her mother. Lillian is a headstrong child with no fear of failure. She is incredibly intelligent and will eventually apply her skills to managing circus town when she grows up. She’s got such a goofy sense of humor and loves picking on Monochrome in a  harmless way. Lillian is a very supportive person who wants everyone to achieve their best.
She loves the color blue, specifically baby blue. This may be in part to her favorite baby sitter from the town having worn the color often. Another fun fact is how little interest she has in any form of relationship other than family. To Lillian, everyone in Circus Town are family and that’s all she needs to be happy.
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cereusblue · 4 years
Because I don't know much about Hollow Knight really... How about Zelda from BotW in the clothes that Link gets to get into the gerudo village? Or from your OCs... Just for fun, Nemo or Phase? (finding them again took some time, I knew what I was looking for but names... Yeah that's a different story xD)
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One Gerudo Zelda, comin up. Lots of just some lazy sketching, but heeeey its something.
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Phase: M⃣   a⃣   y⃣    I⃣    o⃣   f⃣   f⃣   e⃣   r⃣    y⃣   o⃣   u⃣    t⃣   e⃣   a⃣   ?⃣
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cereusblue · 4 years
I am confused about something. I've been taking notes about Pluris, Skelinktons and their hybrid (cuz you guys made some amazing species) and I've notice something. You said that Pluris are basically born as adults, yet Mono was born as a baby. Was that specific to the Hybrid cuz ink magic or something else? Also, what age dose the antennae develop for a pluris? And the void wanted to say you are amazing and that it loves your creations.
Mono is more skelinktons than Pluris I think. His features follow Pluris but his body still goes through a growing stage like PJ did. though his mental capabilities grew exponentially just like a pluris would. Omni and Nemo were born adults. Their parent cell split in half to make them and they basically sit for a number of days to reconstruct themselves from basically.. a cut in half pluris body. It takes a couple of days to fully form the other half of their bodies but they always have their antennas. The antennas are their main sensory organ anyway in that shape. They have four of them on the tops of their heads.
TLDR; Pluris as a species are absolutely born as adults physically, this takes a few days before they're up and walking. It takes a little time forming their personality but they are still adults. Mono is not fully a pluris and just follows PJs physical life cycle with the brain capacity of a pluris.
Hope that helps! And the void is very sweet. I know I called my followers in the past sugar cookies because y'all so fucking sweet but now I'm inclined to refer to y'all as The Void collectively and then individually y'all void cookies or something now lol. Sound cute or dumb?
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cereusblue · 6 years
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Some WIPs! Running through them: 1: Obviously all the agents from Splatoon, in how I have them set up in my game. I just love them much! 2: OmniPJ Kiss comic. Omni and Nemo, despite growing up in different areas and different ways, share a lot of form types. So if Omni gets a monkey form, it will look similar to Nemo’s as well as the same type of monkey. If Nemo were to go to skeletal form, it would be a different color but pretty much the same with some slight personal changes. So I just played with Omni being a monkey. It’s always easy to tell which one is which twin with their birthmarks.
3: I am finally showing you guys what Mallory looks like. Mal is the informational Pluris that will be giving all the basic info about pluris, how they work, society, physical forms, etc. I just kind of threw shit together in the back to aid in how it will be set up. 4: My dnd character, Willow. Tiefling cleric. I’ve been doodling them a lot in my downtime. I like them a lot.~ I also have some WIPs for a Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fanart piece, but those are pretty much finished so I don’t want to post those lol. But they exist. If you have a preference what you all want to watch for the stream and see posted next. reply to this with what sounds like fun! Or drop me an anon message if you’re too shy.~
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cereusblue · 6 years
A thought
I have some good plans for the future, none of them are concrete yet but.. something I wanted to do down the line for Omnis world would be showing an immense amount of Pluris in the world. Pluris, despite them being far apart and different places of the world, are still technically all connected. There will come a time where the species will come into the light. So my idea for later down the road would be this.
I want to host a contest of some kind for my followers. And it will be along the lines of I want you guys to make a Pluris! Give them a purpose, make these Pluris ones who have incorporated themselves into the world in some way, be their role big or small. Give them a form fitting their personality and career path.
I will select as many as possible that follow the Canon traits of the species. I will cameo them in future writings for Omnis world with full credit (of course!). This will be a slow process, as my schedule is pretty hectic as is. I'd like to collaborate and work with other artists for future updates.
And example is Nemo (Omnis twin), a world famous climber who also does modeling work for sports magazines. Nemo lacks responsible behavior but has friends in their climbing group who keep them balanced. Nemo has another Pluris in their life that also knocks some sense into Nemo when they fail to take care of their self for photo shoots and whatnot.
But these are just ideas!
There's just been so much behind the scene works, and fully drawing anything has been a pain. But things are going!
It's all food for thought now, and if people wanna make characters to be brought in now and again, feel free to start your ideas. but for now, we brain storm and continue to work!
I hope you all are having a great day!
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cereusblue · 6 years
Gender/orientation master list for my characters.
So I'm going to label out each of my characters that you all know. It will be laid out as:
Ready? Here we go!
Released characters from Omni's world:
Half Tone/cyber skelinkton/non-binary-agender/Panromantic
Reilly/Puma-Neko/Male/Questioning-leaning towards straight
Valentin/ice sprite/Male/Bisexual
Leopold/Anthro Spider/Male/Straight
Lillian/Anthro Spider/Female/questioning
Igneous/rock monster/Agender/Panromantic *no reference posted but mentioned*
Limestone/Rock monster/Agender masculine/ace *no reference posted but mentioned*
Boulderwin/rock monster/Agender-masculine/Ace *no reference posted but mentioned*
**Mallory/Pluris/Agender-Masculine pronouns/Ace ** (This character has been mentioned but not given a reference for.*
Other characters with updated info:
Ev/Diety of Creation/Genderfluid-leaning towards masculine/Demi
N/Void Diety/non-binary-no preference/demi
Red Velvet/Parasite/Female/ace
Lullabe/Parasite/intersex-male pronouns/ace
Xenon/electrically charged sentient xenon/male/gay
Fluorine/sentient levels of fluorine and fluorite/male/demi
Myuna/water elemental/female/demi
In summary, I have a lot of ace and pan characters and only one 100% certain straight person. Happy Pride month from my children!
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cereusblue · 6 years
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Some words from Nemo!
Yes, the voting has been FANTASTIC and I’m so tickled so people really want to see more of Nemo and Omni! While OmniPj is good and I expected it to be the top pick, it will still take a bit more time with scheduling time to spend with @7goodangel to continue writing and collaborating. But we have a schedule prepared and are going to review and edit things before we post them! Which will still be set after the poal.me has ended. So while that was a given, I’m so glad I get to focus my personal time on Nemo. They are truly one of my favorite characters!~ Keep up the voting, dearies! (Link: https://cereusblue.tumblr.com/post/177071100663/so-what-do-you-guys-want-to-see )
My tablet ships tomorrow morning! So you guys get pencil sketches. 💙💙💙
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