#anime crossroads 2020
esoteriamaya · 3 months
What About Us? A friendship psychic reading.
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LEFT (1-3)
RIGHT (2-4)
The friendships we create are the ones most needed in our time of growing up and finding who we are in this world. For some of you, your new friendship group is coming. For a lot of you, current friendships need relearning, reshaping, and refocusing. There may be something going on under the surface, and will prepare to bloom soon come. Since this is the summer months, I would like to do something for friendships as love is always on our minds, but a platonic love that touches the stars is always certainly going to be harder to find <3
Anywho, without further a due. We can get started. So I hope you picked which one you feel the most called too. Lets begin ;)
Group 1 : This is for us. The beginning to the End.
If you have picked the one, its time to start a new friendship with someone new. You could be getting ready to go back to school in august, you could also be in groups (text chats, social media groups, volunteer groups, etc.) and this will be how you meet this new friend. You guys could go to the same school, university, job, career, or you could have found them when you were going to a concert, a park, event. you get my drift.This new friendship is going to cost you the old one, because they need time to figure out for themselves what they are lookin for in love, romance, friendship etc. and you could also be in a romantic partnership but also needing more platonic love to hit your corner.
All in all, this new found friend could be a soulmate of some sort. you guys just get it. Y'all know what y'all like and you guys pat each other on the back from time to time. It seems like you guys have known each other for ages, but its only been a few weeks/months.Plan a date with this person and see where things lead! Go shopping, go out to eat, go to a flower shop. Being spontaneous is how you'll meet.
Keywords: 111, Santa's Hat, 333, Bunnies, Awareness groups, Veterinarians, Poem, Talent shows, Concerts, Zodiac signs, Remember, Museums, Poetry nights, Sculpting, Movies, Fun nights, 666- Venusian pleasures, More life, Jumping for joy, Leo, Moon, Flowers, Pottery & Puppets.
Number sequences, 111, 333, 666, 717, 999, 1010
Group 2 : Crossroads, More to come in the Future.
So with this group, there is going to be a need to explore out of your home state, or maybe you may go to their home state. If you guys have been feeling bored this summer, then maybe its time to plan a trip somewhere like going camping, going to the river, or simply finding joy in new spaces. I feel a rekindle coming up for this group as well. Some of you may have to forgive somebody and vice versa. There could be a familiarity with this group, and the type of friends you want for yourself can come in the near future if you act more confident and free.
The more bold you are, the more the right people notice you, and then a friend group can commence.
Keywords: Crossroads (movie), Tumblr girl, Pizza dates, Online buddy, Road trip!!, Computers, Classroom, Video games, Anime, Donkeys, Cheetahs, Dragons, Beyonce.
Number sequences: 333, 888, 917, 326, 414, 909, 323, 7777, 8888, 2020, 2222, 2121, 3232, 101
Group 3: Where the wind goes, I'll become of you.
This is a beautiful connection! It's like a hippie type of love between the two of you. Just vibing with the waves, and not carrying where it takes you next.
You guys have a capacity to know what each other is thinking, a type of telepathic connection. A long lasting platonic energy between you and them. Gifts, talents, and abilities skyrocket when your with them because they boost your self esteem and help you along the way. This friendship group needs no reshaping, just simply being able to enjoy each others presence every time they meet.
Keywords: 1111, dream reality, riding around town, enjoying each others company, mountains, hike trails, forgiveness, compassion, 'im having the time of my life', 19 years old, cannabis, margaritas, dancing the night away.
Number sequences: 111, 222, 1111.
Group 4 : Let's have a girls night !
This group really needs to let go and let there hair down. Its time for a nice night with the ladies. You may need to get something off your chest, and thats what friends are for! You gotta get up out your comfort zone, and try hanging with your friends a lil while longer, you never know what can happen when you guys are together!
Keywords: Luxury dates, Club hopping, Sleep overs, Wine, Boy problems, Pajamas, Girls trip (movie), Cabin trip, Banquet, Movie nights.
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writingmochi · 10 months
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the future is not a straight line. it is filled with many crossroads. there must be a future that we can choose for ourselves. - kiyoko, akira (1988)
cast: jake ✗ fem.reader (featuring many other idols)
synopsis: as the world entered the middle of the 21st century, many things have changed for the better or for worse in the newly united korea peninsula: the preparation for the succession of the new conglomerates of the past decade, the uprising of deviant androids, and the new layer of life shield by walls of codes. in the middle of it, two beings are trying to understand each other and the situation of the world they live in; an unknown territory
genre: cyberpunk, cyber noir, psychological thriller, science fiction, dystopian future, politics and philosophies regarding artificial intelligence and humanity, romance, drama, angst, mature content (war and revolution, explicit smut)
based on: video game cyberpunk 2077 (2020) and detroit: become human (2018), anime serial experiments lain (1998), and tv show succession (2018-2023)
status: to be released
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction and do be careful and read the warnings at the top. all the idols mentioned here are not what they are in real life.
in celebrating one of my muses' birthday, here is a series that i have been ideating for about a year now! i know it's very unconventional but i want to explore more of this genre, especially since i don't see it much in enhablr *thumbs up*
taglist? right here
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project android | cyberspace advertisement | the rebellion
united korea | from south seoul | from north seoul
cyberspace interactive
it's your chance to use cyberspace! want to know the databases and the characters more? come visit us! coming soon, 2024
THE STORY (tentative date and amount of parts; will always gonna be 3 acts but may divided into smaller parts)
act 1 (2024)
no matter where you go, everyone is connected- iwakura lain, serial experiments lain (1998)
warning(s): tba
act 2 (2024)
i am superior in many ways, but i would gladly give it up to be human - data, star trek: the next generation (1987-1994)
warning(s): tba
act 3 (2024)
man is an individual only because of his intangible memory. but memory cannot be defined, yet it defines mankind - puppet master, ghost in the shell (1995)
warning(s): tba
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taglist: @raeyunshm @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @reallysmolrenjun (special tag for @ujunxverse as the very 1st supporter for this series XD)
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
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This morning I found myself on a bit of a crossroads more like becoming violently aware of a Clash between me making my own art to communicate myself and make myself understood and Nobody really quite getting it, knowing that’s sort of innate to the artistic process anyways. And I’m not completely sure how much I desire to be understood anymore.. I think this is one of the reasons of my slowing output, I can;t seem to find something very important to communicate. Every theme that used to be in my work that was material, or tied to our reality, that some people noticed, such as environmentalism or technologies, has come to feel very trite to me or shallow, so I evolve or fall down into these more bizarre images and mutations, my art becoming more of a parade for dancers and strange fusions of nature, animal, machines, vehicles, I think my art is much weirder, I don’t think this is a bad thing, but it is something I thought about this morning... I remember an interview I had done more than a year ago, which reading it now just feels like the desperate attempt of an autist to make himself understood. I think back then I really craved that sort of conversation, understanding. I wanted people to engage with my work on my own terms, I wanted to explain it all or at least give a few hints, a direction, anything, but I don’t really think it worked, I think it gave a few of my friends a framework with which to talk to me about my art, but that’s really the extent of it I think also that I’ve grown more detached with the inspirations I used to have for those themes, . and I think like a lot of us, I’ve just been drawn to darker things, a small feeling of hopelessness but also of a new freedom found in just accepting some truths about our current situations).This is just rambling, im sorry, but I think maybe my own personal growth as a person, how some things crystalize within me. Finally admitting I’m just an off person (Which is fine, i don’t mind it), has allowed me to explore myself a bit more comfortably in that sense. Going the extra mile. I think Del Toro said something along the lines of when you realize you’re one of the monsters, a lot of things start to make sense, you realize why you dont quite fit, or why you have a darkness inside you that can’t be silenced, and I found that quote to be very healing if you ask anyone that’s known me forever they’ll tell you i was always like this Honestly I feel my visual art, more specifically my drawings, just aren’t up to par with the things I ideally want to put out into the world. The worlds and animals and scenarios I imagine I really can’t realize them just with drawings. I need at least the axis of time in some way. It can’t just be one still image anymore. I’ve grown past that. So lately it’s just been a lot of thinking, regrouping, refining some worn talents and practicing, practicing... I hope soon you will see the fruits of it. Thank you (below: “all the good things in life“(2020) & “creepy“(2022))
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mariacallous · 2 years
In the days and weeks after the attack on the Capitol, Republican leaders publicly acknowledged Donald Trump’s culpability. Last week’s January 6 hearings presented footage of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy declaring Trump should have “immediately denounced” the attack and Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell accusing Trump of ignoring his duty as president. It was a striking reminder that immediately after the insurrection, elected Republicans as well as some of Trump’s allies in the rightwing media were rattled by what had happened, uncertain of how to continue.
But the moment quickly passed. January 6 obviously wasn’t enough for Republicans in Congress to actually impeach or for conservatives to break with Trump in any meaningful way. Instead, they closed ranks and rallied behind Trump: Republicans first acquitted him, then they started obstructing every attempt to hold him accountable, and now a majority of GOP candidates are running on the big lie, denying the legitimacy of the 2020 election. The few who broke with Trump have been fully marginalized or even ostracized from the party. Republicans did not come to see January 6 as the end of the line, the outrageous conclusion of the Trumpian experiment – they have come to see it as a blueprint: never concede an election, never accept defeat at the hands of what they see as a fundamentally “un-American” enemy.
Was there a viable alternative path after January 6? Was that road not taken ever as realistically an option as the statements by McConnell and McCarthy may suggest, at least at first sight? I’m skeptical. I have no doubt that many Republicans, like McConnell himself, personally despise Trump for summoning a mob to attack the Capitol. They may consider Trump too crass, just as they probably aren’t entirely comfortable with the rise of Trump-endorsed white Christian nationalist extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Doug Mastriano.
But they certainly don’t consider any of that a dealbreaker. That’s partly because Republican elites understand they can’t win without the base, and the base remains committed to Trumpism. But there is more to consider than just opportunism. Almost every time the right is at a crossroads, they choose the path of radicalization, even when it’s not at all clear that’s a reasonable choice from a purely electoral standpoint – even when, for instance, it makes winning statewide races on the west coast nearly impossible.
The problem runs a lot deeper than Trump. It is crucial to grapple with the underlying ideas and dynamics that have animated the Republican party’s path for a long time. They have led to a situation in which moments of brief uncertainty almost always result in a further radicalization of the Republican party and the right in general. What happened after the 2012 election defeat that shook conservatives to the core is an instructive example: the Republican National Committee famously released an “autopsy” report that called for moderation and outreach to traditionally marginalized groups. But instead, the GOP doubled down – and went with Trumpism.
There are ideological factors at play that severely restrict the realm of possibility and significantly privilege the more radical over the more restraint forces within the Republican party. It has become dogma on the right to define “us” (conservative white Christians) as the sole proponents of “real America” – and “them” (Democrats, liberals, “the left”) as a fundamentally illegitimate, “un-American” threat. Within the confines of such a worldview, it’s hard to justify compromise and restraint.
Every crisis situation only heightens the sense of being under siege that’s animating so much of what is happening on the right, legitimizing and amplifying calls to hit harder, more aggressively. There’s always permission to escalate, hardly ever to pull back. This underlying permission structure is absolutely key, and it is always the same: it states that “real Americans” are constantly being victimized, made to suffer under the yoke of crazy leftist politics, besieged by “un-American” forces of leftism; “we” have to fight back, by whatever means. In the minds of conservatives, they are never the aggressors, always the ones under assault. Building up this supposedly totalitarian, violent threat from the “left” allows them to justify their actions within the long-established framework of conservative self-victimization.
It’s a permission structure that doesn’t allow for lines that can’t be crossed. It has proven remarkably adaptable, fully capable of handling even the most outlandish rhetoric, actions, transgressions, even crimes. As crass or radical or outrageous as some on the right might have initially perceived January 6, nothing Trump has ever done has betrayed the accepted dogma of conservative politics: that only white conservatives – and the party that represents them – are entitled to rule in America, that Democratic governance is inherently illegitimate.
And so, the permission structure of conservative politics remained fully intact and quickly allowed for a realignment behind Trump: anything is justified to fight back against the supposed onslaught from a radically “un-American,” extremist “left.” This fundamental logic of conservative politics was always likely to drown out everything else after a brief moment of shock. It is the reason why former attorney general William Barr, while leaving no doubt that Trump was responsible for an attempted coup and is completely detached from reality, still maintains that “the greatest threat to the country is the progressive agenda being pushed by the Democratic party”. And it finds its most extreme iteration in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s claim that it is time for “freedom-loving Americans” to fight back because “Democrats want Republicans dead, and they already started the killings”. Greene’s rhetoric constitutes a breathtaking assault on the very pillars of democratic political culture, on the demand that we accept the legitimacy of the political opponent and denounce the use of violence. But it is fully in line with, and justified by, the underlying logic of escalation.
Trump himself was never the cause, and always a result of these dynamics – this permission structure that overrides all else. It has shaped Republican politics for a long time and has almost always overwhelmed attempts to moderate since at least the 1990s, an era in which a more explicitly anti-democratic populism moved to the center of Republican politics. GOP elites and more “moderate” conservatives have often tried to harness the extremist, far-right popular energies on the base to prevent egalitarian, multiracial, pluralistic democracy from ever upending traditional hierarchies. And purely in terms of Trump’s legislative agenda, the Republican establishment has mostly gotten what it wanted – which is why Mike Pence, for instance, still doesn’t think he and Donald Trump “differ on issues”. But elites and “moderates” have never been able to control the accelerating radicalization that is now threatening constitutional government in America: not when the Tea Party rose after Barack Obama’s election, not when Trumpism came to dominate the GOP, not when militant white Christian nationalist extremists are reveling in the idea of using fascistic violence against their enemies.
We are now at the point where an attack on the Capitol was not nearly enough to break this logic of escalation. That dynamic continued to shape the right after January 6. And it not only explains past instances of radicalization in moments when it looked like there could have been an alternative path. It should also shape our expectations going forward and our understanding of what American democracy is up against.
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independentartistbuzz · 11 months
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2023 has been a year of firsts for the Monster Energy Outbreak Tour, fresh off their first nationwide Latin tour with rising Trap/Reggaeton sensation, Mariah Angeliq, today they've announced the debut of Monster Energy Outbreak Tour: AMPLIFIED, an extension of the popular, genre-spanning tour series.
'AMPLIFIED' will feature 3 bonafide dance music headliners - GHASTLY , BOOGIE T.RIO x Manic Focus, and LEVEL UP as part of a singular EDM tour series which will give fans the opportunity to win amplified experiences - ranging from VIP passes to watch the show side stage and pre-show soundcheck access to personal meet & greets with individual photos, autographed merchandise, and more!  
Multi-genre artist GHASTLY, known for his continuously evolving musical sound and discography that spans a multitude of genres, burst onto the scene as a solo artist when he produced the high-profile collaboration with Lil Jon and Mija, titled “Crank It,” on Skrillex’s world-famous record label, OWSLA. In 2022, GHASTLY released his highly anticipated sophomore album, Haunted Haus which showcased his unique take on both house and future bass, and debuted in the top 5 Dance albums on Apple Music with smash hits including “Smoke” with Madalen Duke and “Fangs” with ALRT. 
BOOGIE T. RIO is a live band that consists of Boogie T on vocals/guitar/keys, longtime musical cohort Frank 'Animal Drums' Castro on drums, and New Orleans-based musical virtuoso Andriu ‘Yano’ Yanovski on keyboard and synth bass. Lead vocalist Boogie T has risen to prominence in the bass music world as a producer and a touring DJ, performing at festivals such as Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, Coachella, EDC, Electric Forest, and many more. BOOGIE T. RIO is the next phase in the evolution of Boogie T, with the band dropping their debut “Three For All” EP and first live performances in Summer 2018, followed by their “3Fall EP”, and subsequent 50+ city national tour in 2020.
The Manic Focus Band is the live instrument fusion of electronic music by John “JmaC” McCarten, a Denver-based producer with roots in funk, soul, and new-era hip-hop. A multi-dimensional artist with a rowdy style that spans across genres, Manic Focus fuses soulful blues with heavy-hitting bass, creating a tone that’s entirely his own. The Band include instrumentalist and producer Marvel Years on guitar joined with the legendary percussion of Colby Buckler (Marvel Years Trio, Emancipator Ensemble). JmaC and Manic Focus have had some incredible live performances at some of the most popular festivals and venues including Lollapalooza, Hulaween, North Coast Music Festival, Electric Forest, Bonnaroo, The Gorge Amphitheater in WA and numerous Red Rocks performances supporting Zhu, Emancipator, Pretty Lights and more.
Originally a battle DJ studying under the legendary Rob Swift, LEVEL UP later dove into music production after discovering dubstep. Since then, she has established herself as an artist at the crossroads of blending heavy and future bass, with her own flips of classic dance and emo anthems. Her live performances have captivated audiences at legendary venues such as Red Rocks, Lollapalooza, Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas, Bonnaroo, Lost Lands, Beyond Wonderland, Electric Forest, and Bass Canyon, to name a few.
Since launching in 2011, Monster Energy’s Outbreak Tour has been shaping music culture and breaking new artists, while being involved with many of today’s biggest names in music across Hip Hop, EDM, Country, Rock, Latin, and Comedy. 
Tickets for all tours are on-sale now and can be found HERE. 
See full schedules and ticket links below. 
11.09.23 Indianapolis, IN - Deluxe at Old National Center
11.10.23 Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre
11.11.23 Pontiac, MI - Elektricity
11.15.23 Cincinnati, OH - Bogart’s
11.16.23 Columbus, OH - Skully’s
11.17.23 Buffalo, NY - Iron Works
11.18.23 Philadelphia, PA – Brooklyn Bowl
11.24.23 Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Bowl
11.25.23 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
11.29.23 Raleigh, NC - Lincoln Theatre
11.30.23 Charlotte, NC - Blackbox
12.01.23 Atlanta, GA - The Eastern
12.02.23 Savannah, GA - Elan
12.03.23 Nashville, TN - Exit/In
12.07.23 Boulder, CO - Boulder Theater
12.08.23 Fort Collins, CO - Aggie Theatre
12.09.23 Frisco, CO - 10 Mile Music Hall
Tickets Available at: BoogieT.Net | ManicFocus.com 
10.31.23 Costa Mesa, CA - Time
11.09.23 Sacramento, CA - The Park Ultra Lounge
11.10.23 San Francisco, CA - Yolo
11.11.23 Sunnyvale, CA - Pure
11.17.23 Raleigh, NC - Lincoln Theatre
11.18.23 Charlotte, NC - Blackbox
12.01.23 New York, NY - Musica
12.22.23 Philadelphia, PA - The Ave
01.13.24 Kansas City, MO - Aura
01.19.24 Tucson, AZ - Gentle Ben’s
01.20.24 Honolulu, HI - HB Social Club
01.26.24 Edmonton, AB - Midway Music Hall
01.27.24 Calgary, AB - The Palace Theatre
Tickets Available at: Ghastly.co
11.02.23 Grand Rapids, MI - Elevation
11.03.23 Chicago, IL - Joe’s on Weed St
11.11.23 Montreal, QC - Fairmount
11.16.23 Nashville, TN – Exit/In
11.17.23 New York, NY - Webster Hall
11.18.23 Philadelphia, PA - The Ave
12.01.23 Detroit, MI - Elektricity
12.02.23 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
12.07.23 Kansas City, MO - RecordBar
12.08.23 St Louis, MO - Old Rock House
12.09.23 Los Angeles, CA - Exchange LA
12.14.23 Minneapolis, MN - The Loft at Skyway
12.15.23 Denver, CO - The Ogden Theatre
12.16.23 Oklahoma City, OK - Farmers Market
Tickets Available at: LevelUpDub.net
Tickets for all Monster Energy Outbreak Tour: AMPLIFIED series available at: OutbreakPresents.com 
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stingrayvilla · 1 year
5 Best Mayan Ruins On The Island Of Cozumel
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Welcome to Cozumel! This beautiful island is home to 5 of the best Mayan ruins, providing a window into the culture and beliefs of this ancient civilization. From the oldest ruins at El Cedral to the most important site at San Gervasio, we will explore the majestic remnants of the Mayan past and uncover the secrets of their amazing culture. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore Cozumel’s ancient history and uncover the mysteries of the Mayan civilization.
San Gervasio Ruins
San Gervasio is the most significant archaeological site in Cozumel, revered by the Mayans as a place to honor their goddess, Ixchel. This deity held great importance in the Mayan belief system as the supreme authority on matters related to love, fertility, and health.
Among the most notable structures at San Gervasio is Las Manitas, a set of rooms where Lord Itzá de Cozumel lived over a thousand years ago. Other important buildings include Casa Alta, the Central Plaza, El Arco, Casa Grande, and Chi Chan Nah, which served as a site for rituals.
Visitors to San Gervasio can gain valuable insights into the Mayan way of life and spirituality while admiring the impressive architecture and craftsmanship that went into creating these structures. The site’s significance makes it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in learning about the history and culture of Cozumel.
How to get to San Gervasio
San Gervasio is located just 4 miles east of the town of San Miguel de Cozumel and is accessible via the island’s main crossroad. Visitors can arrange guided tours through many travel agencies, or opt for a taxi tour from one of the premier hotels in the city.
El Cedral Cozumel
In the town of El Cedral, the El Cedral Ruins are the oldest Mayan Ruins on the island, dating back to 800 AD. A striking white and red arch adorned with crosses marks the entrance to the ruins. Once the historical capital of Cozumel, all that remains of El Cedral is a small house-sized ruin. Despite its size, the site is accessible and worth a visit.
The town of El Cedral is home to the annual Festival of Santa Cruz and El Cedral Fair. Commemorating an attack during the Caste War of Yucatan, this tradition is over 150 years old and lasts for a week, featuring a fair, traditional food, live music, and bullfighting.
Getting to El Cedral
To reach the ruins of El Cedral, head south of Cozumel along the highway to the town of the same name. If you’re coming from Playa del Carmen, you can take a ferry to Cozumel and spend a day exploring the island’s various sites. Many tour operators offer combined tours of El Cedral and San Gervasio, which you can book online or through your hotel. However, because of its remote location, it may be difficult to find tours that only visit El Cedral.
Cozumel’s Museum for Mayan Artifacts
If you want to learn more about Cozumel and its people, visit the Museo de la Isla. This is the best museum on the island and it has been renovated and updated in 2020.
The museum has different galleries that show you the natural history, environment, and wildlife of Cozumel. You will see amazing photos and videos of the coral reefs, the mangroves, and the animals that live here. You will also learn about the human history of the island and how it has changed over time.
This is a great place to start your trip if you are new to Cozumel. You will get an excellent overview of the island and its culture. You will also discover some of the local holiday celebrations and how they reflect the history of the area.
The Museo de Cozumel is a must-see attraction for anyone who wants to know more about this beautiful island. You will enjoy your time here and gain valuable insights into Cozumel’s past and present.
Cozumel Museum Hours:  Tuesday – Sunday 9 am-5 pm  Admission: $9.00USD
El Caracol – Cozumel Mayan Ruin at Punta Sur
Another place you should visit in Cozumel is El Caracol, a small but fascinating Mayan ruin that is part of the Punta Sur Ecological Park. The island’s municipal government runs this park and they have a website where you can find more information about it.
The park is a beautiful place to enjoy nature and wildlife. You can swim and snorkel in the clear water and see the coral reefs and fish. You can also use the bathroom and changing facilities that are clean and comfortable.
To get to El Caracol, you will drive along the shore of the park on a dirt road that has amazing views. You will see the ruin near the crocodile lookout point, where you can also see some of these reptiles in their natural habitat.
El Caracol is a remarkable example of how the Mayans used their knowledge and skills to build structures that served different purposes. They used this one as an observatory and now includes a lighthouse for navigation. You will appreciate how this ruin is still standing after centuries and how it reflects Cozumel’s Mayan heritage.
The Punta Sur Ecological Park and El Caracol are great attractions for anyone who loves history, culture, and nature. You will have a wonderful time here and learn more about Cozumel’s past and present.
Park Site Hours:
Please always double-check the official Punta Sur Park website page for current hours.  Admission: Adults $ 19.00 USD, Kids 4-12 yrs $13.00, Children under 4 yrs old get in free.
Cozumel Mayan Ruins at the North End of the Island
If you are looking for an exciting and different way to see Cozumel, try the stand-up paddleboard tour of the northern mangroves with DeLille watersports. This is one of the best excursions in Cozumel and it will show you the island’s natural beauty from a new angle.
This tour is not for everyone. You need to be fit and comfortable in the water. But if you are up for it, you will have an amazing time. You will paddle through the mangroves and see some of the island’s Mayan structures and old roads that are hidden from most tourists.
You don’t have to worry about anything. DeLille’s guides are very professional and friendly. They will help you with everything and make sure you are safe and happy. They will also tell you more about Cozumel’s history and culture as you paddle along.
The stand-up paddleboard tour of the northern mangroves is a great adventure for anyone who loves nature and challenges. You will enjoy this unique experience and see Cozumel in a different way.
Planning Your SUP Tour of Mangroves
If you would like to book the tour, you need to contact DeLille Sports. Please note that they may limit access to the area due to weather and wind conditions on your selected day. To set everything up, get in touch with the staff guides at DeLille, and they will assist you with the booking process.
On the day of the tour, you will meet the DeLille boat at the North marina of the island. From there, you’ll travel by motorboat to the small access point where you’ll launch your paddleboards. DeLille’s experienced guides will be on hand to help you every step of the way, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. Ask them questions you may have before or during the tour.
Sacred Mayan Crossings
One of the most amazing events you can witness in Cozumel is the Sacred Mayan Crossings. This is a yearly event that happens in May or June and it recreates the ancient pilgrimages that the Mayans used to do to Cozumel. Hundreds of men and women dressed in Mayan costumes paddle from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel and back in two days using traditional canoes. The celebration starts with a journey to Xcaret, an important archaeological site in this area.
There, they spend the night doing rituals and prayers to Ix Chel, the Mayan goddess of fertility and the moon. They ask her for her blessings and guidance as they prepare for their voyage to Cozumel. They wait for the sunrise to start their adventure across the sea. This is a very spiritual experience that shows how the Mayans respect nature and their ancestors. The event is also a way of keeping their culture alive despite all the difficulties they have faced over history.
When they arrive at Cozumel, they go to the main temple of the island and make offerings to Ix Chel. They leave them there overnight so that she can communicate with them through signs and messages. They believe she will give them good luck and prosperity for their communities and families.
The next day, they get back on their canoes and head back to Playa del Carmen. As they paddle along, they feel a strong connection with nature and its elements, like the sea, the wind, and the stars. They consider this journey a mystical one because it changes them spiritually and emotionally.
This yearly ceremony is very important for the Mayans because it is a way of honoring their goddess and their ancestors. They remember how their ancestors were expert sailors and traders who used the sea as a source of wealth and knowledge. Through the ceremony, they also feel a connection with nature, which they believe is alive and gives life to everything on Earth. The Cozumel pilgrimage shows how much the Mayans respect the divine and how proud they are of their culture and history.
Exploring Cozumel’s Fascinating History: From the Ancient Mayan Civilization to Today’s Bustling Tourist Destination
Welcome to Cozumel, an island rich in history and culture! The Mayan civilization settled here around 2000 years ago and Cozumel became a sacred place for Mayan women to worship Ix Chel, the goddess of fertility, medicine, midwifery, and weaving.
Mayan women would undertake a long and arduous journey in wooden canoes to reach Cozumel, carrying all their possessions on their backs. At night, they would rest in the caves along the coast and prepare for the ceremony over the next few days. They would bathe in the sea and anoint their bodies with a mixture of salt, water, and herbs.
Today, the archeological site of San Gervasio stands in the center of the island as a reminder of the Mayan civilization and their worship of Ix Chel. It is a fascinating place to explore and learn about the history and traditions of the Mayans.
As we continue our journey through Cozumel, we must acknowledge the profound impact of the Spanish Conquest on this beautiful island. In the early 1500s, Cozumel was a bustling urban area with 40,000 inhabitants. However, in 1519, Hernan Cortes arrived on the island, bringing with him massive destruction and smallpox. The population dwindled to a meager 30 people, leaving the ancient Mayan civilization in ruins.
For centuries, Cozumel remained unoccupied until 1847, when a few families fleeing Spanish retaliation during the Caste War sought refuge on the island. These were the first permanent settlers, and they named their settlement San Miguel de Cozumel, which was the beginning of what we now know as the town of Cozumel.
The population of the island grew in the 19th century and by the 20th century, it had increased to over 100,000 people. With its stunning natural beauty and rich history, Cozumel became a major tourist destination and a popular place for cruise ships to stop and dock.
In response to the growing tourism industry, they constructed Cozumel International Airport, making it easier for visitors to travel to and from the island. Today, Cozumel remains a top tourist destination, offering visitors a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.
Cozumel has many Mayan sites you can visit and admire. They are different in size and purpose, but they all show the beauty and wisdom of the Mayan culture. The locations and the architecture of these ancient ruins will amaze you. From El Cedral, the oldest site on the island, to San Gervasio, the most important site for worshipping the goddess Ix Chel, you will learn a lot about the history and culture of this region. Come with us on a tour of Cozumel’s Mayan heritage and explore the wonders of this ancient civilization.
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serve-update · 2 years
Jamie Lynn Spears Net Worth: What Does She Do Now To Make Money?
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"Jamie Lynn" The American actress and singer Marie Spears. 31-year-old McComb, Mississippi native, born on April 4, 1991. Spears portrayed teen leads Zoey Brooks on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101 and Noreen Fitzgibbons on Netflix's Sweet Magnolias. She is Britney Spears's younger sister.
Jamie Lynn Spears Net Worth
The answer isn't easy, and it would require the disclosure of private financial information to confirm Jamie Lynn Spears' net worth precisely. However, prominent celebrity wealth estimator Celebritynetworth.com thinks Jamie Lynn Spears is worth $6 million. Must read this article Brad Goreski Net Worth. The website explains that it calculates celebrity net worth by using "data that we have meticulously developed over the last decade to maintain accuracy and breadth of knowledge," which includes "financial analysis, market research, and inside sources." Each estimate is then based on known salary, real estate holdings, royalties, and endorsements of the celebrity in question. A "proprietary" method is used, which does not include things like projected taxes, management fees, agency commissions, or living costs. https://twitter.com/britlenapop/status/1610137112744960000
How Does Jamie Lynn Spears Make Money?
In the 2002 coming-of-age/road-trip film Crossroads, Jamie Lynn made her acting debut as a younger version of Lucy (played by Britney). In 2002, while Jamie Lynn was only 11 years old, she was cast as a regular on the Nickelodeon show All That, where she remained until 2004. After that, she starred in her own Nickelodeon show called Zoey 101 from 2005 till 2008, when she became a mother. Within the same calendar year, she also made guest appearances on Just Jordan and Miss Guided in addition to voicing Goldilocks in Unstable Fables: The Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Show. Spears and her family were featured in a 2015 TLC special titled Jamie Lynn Spears: When the Lights Go Out. There were speculations in 2019 of a possible Zoey 101 relaunch, but it's uncertain if that will ever materialize. However, the actors did return for an episode of All That airing in July 2020. Season 2 of Netflix's Sweet Magnolias, in which Jamie Lynn featured as Noreen Fitzgibbons, is now in development and set to premiere in 2022.
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Jamie Lynn Spears Net Worth How Much Does Jamie Lynn Spears Make From Her Music? In some ways, Jamie Lynn went in the same musical direction as Britney, albeit she ultimately found success as a country crooner rather than a pop star. She uprooted to Nashville, TN in 2011 to work on her first album with local musicians. In 2013, she released her first single, "How Could I Want More," and in the same year, she participated in "Chillin' With You" from Britney's Britney Jean album. Jamie Lynn's first EP, The Journey, was published in 2014. Jamie Lynn performed at the Grand Ole Opry in March 2016, and her second song, "Sleepover," was released in June of the same year. https://youtu.be/y8-0lW5pd1Q Ending Words If you are a fan of the series “Jamie Lynn Spears Net Worth,” this is a must-watch. The series is about a celebrity and his net worth details, which will make you go “Geeeeez” while watching it (even if you don’t like this expression). Its high-quality graphics make it mesmerizing, along with the animation effects. It will engage you for hours, so if you have not watched it yet, do so and let me know how much you like it in the comment section. If you liked this article, follow our website, serveupdate.com, and don’t forget to follow our social media handles.   Read the full article
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 1.7
Charlie Hebdo Day (France)
Constitution Day (Ghana)
Distaff Day (Medieval Europe)
Festa del Tricolour (Tricolour Day; Italy)
Flash Gordon Day
Harlem Globetrotter’s Day
I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
International Programmers' Day
International Silly Walk Day
Invisible Pain Day
Jupiter’s Moons Day
Nanakusa no Sekku (Festival of Seven Herbs; Japan)
National Alaskan Malamute Day
National Bobblehead Day
National Job Hunting Day
National Nicholas Cage Day
National Old Rock Day
National Pass Gas Day
National Plagiarism Day (Ghana)
National Run-For-Your-Life Day
Pioneer’s Day (Liberia)
Remembrance Day of the Dead (Armenia)
Rock Day (a..k.a. Roc Day)
Usokae (Bullfinch Exchange Day; Japan)
Victory from Genocide Day (Cambodia)
World Day of the Postage Stamp
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Tempura Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Independence Days
Bascal (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Empire of Agber (Declared; 1998) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Matthew City (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
André Bessette (Canada)
Canute Lavard (Christian; Saint)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Sekhmet (Ancient Egypt)
Felix and Januarius (Christian; Saint)
Koshogatsu (Shinto Goddess Izanami)
Lucian of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Nativity of Christ (Christian; Saint)
No Knitting Day (Pastafarian)
Numa (Positivist; Saint)
Orthodox Christmas (a.k.a. ...
Bozic (Serbia)
Christmas (Russia, Eastern Europe)
Christmas Remembrance Holiday (Armenia)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Craciunul Pe Stil Vechi (Moldova)
Eastern Christmas (Sudan)
Genna (Ethiopia)
Krishtlindjet Ortodoske (Kosovo)
Leddet (Eritrea)
Raymond of Penyafort (Christian; Saint)
Rudder Rabbit (Muppetism)
Russ Meyer Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Say No To Knickers Day (Pastafarian)
Sekhmet (Ancient Egyptian New Year's)
Synaxis of John the Forerunner & Baptist (Julian Calendar)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [2 of 24]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [5 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 7 [4 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 1 of 60)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), by Pink Floyd (Song; 1980)
The Avengers (BBC TV Series; 1961)
Bad Day at Black Rock (Film; 1955)
The Birthday Party (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Building a Building (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Changes, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Crossroads of Twilight, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2003) [Wheel of Time #10]
Empire (TV Series; 2015)
Fame (Film; 1982)
Fred Ott’s Sneeze (Early Short Film; 1894)
Henry V, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1605)
Hooch Coochie Man, recorded by Muddy Waters (Song; 1954)
Paranoid, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1971)
The Pelican and the Snipe (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Pop Team Epic (a.k.a. Poptepipic, Anime TV Series; 2018)
Pretenders, by The Pretenders (Album; 1980)
The Spirit of ’43 (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Start Mater, by Gioacchino Rossini (Opera; 1842)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (TV Series; 2020)
Today’s Name Days
Raimund, Valentin (Austria)
Ioan, Ioana, Ivan, Ivanka, Ivayla, Ivaylo, Ivet, Kaloyan, Vanya, Vanyo, Yoan, Yoana, Zhan, Zhana (Bulgaria)
Lucijan, Rajmund, Zorislav (Croatia)
Vilma (Czech Republic)
Knud (Denmark)
Hirvo, Kanut, Nuut, Susi (Estonia)
Aku, August, Aukusti (Finland)
Aldric, Cédric, Raymond (France)
Reinhold, Valentin (Germany)
Gianna, Giannis, Ioanna, Ioannis, Jeannette, John, Prodromos, Yanna, Yannis (Greece)
Attila, Ramóna (Hungary)
Luciano, Raimondo (Italy)
Juliāns, Rota, Zigmārs (Latvia)
Julius, Liucijus, Raudvilė, Rūtenis (Lithuania)
Eldbjørg, Knut (Norway)
Chociesław, Izydor, Julian, Lucjan, Walenty (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Bohuslava (Slovakia)
Raimundo (Spain)
August, Augusta (Sweden)
Alda, Aldea, Alden, Aldo, Aldric, Canute, Knut, Knute, Millard, Miller (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 7 of 2023; 358 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 16 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 14 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 14 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 7 Aer; Sunday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 December 2022
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Moses (1st Month) [Numa]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz (Yew) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 18 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 17 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 1.7
Charlie Hebdo Day (France)
Constitution Day (Ghana)
Distaff Day (Medieval Europe)
Festa del Tricolour (Tricolour Day; Italy)
Flash Gordon Day
Harlem Globetrotter’s Day
I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore Day
International Programmers' Day
International Silly Walk Day
Invisible Pain Day
Jupiter’s Moons Day
Nanakusa no Sekku (Festival of Seven Herbs; Japan)
National Alaskan Malamute Day
National Bobblehead Day
National Job Hunting Day
National Nicholas Cage Day
National Old Rock Day
National Pass Gas Day
National Plagiarism Day (Ghana)
National Run-For-Your-Life Day
Pioneer’s Day (Liberia)
Remembrance Day of the Dead (Armenia)
Rock Day (a..k.a. Roc Day)
Usokae (Bullfinch Exchange Day; Japan)
Victory from Genocide Day (Cambodia)
World Day of the Postage Stamp
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Tempura Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Independence Days
Bascal (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Empire of Agber (Declared; 1998) [unrecognized]
Kingdom of Matthew City (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
André Bessette (Canada)
Canute Lavard (Christian; Saint)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Sekhmet (Ancient Egypt)
Felix and Januarius (Christian; Saint)
Koshogatsu (Shinto Goddess Izanami)
Lucian of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Nativity of Christ (Christian; Saint)
No Knitting Day (Pastafarian)
Numa (Positivist; Saint)
Orthodox Christmas (a.k.a. ...
Bozic (Serbia)
Christmas (Russia, Eastern Europe)
Christmas Remembrance Holiday (Armenia)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Craciunul Pe Stil Vechi (Moldova)
Eastern Christmas (Sudan)
Genna (Ethiopia)
Krishtlindjet Ortodoske (Kosovo)
Leddet (Eritrea)
Raymond of Penyafort (Christian; Saint)
Rudder Rabbit (Muppetism)
Russ Meyer Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Say No To Knickers Day (Pastafarian)
Sekhmet (Ancient Egyptian New Year's)
Synaxis of John the Forerunner & Baptist (Julian Calendar)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [2 of 24]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [5 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 7 [4 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 1 of 60)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2), by Pink Floyd (Song; 1980)
The Avengers (BBC TV Series; 1961)
Bad Day at Black Rock (Film; 1955)
The Birthday Party (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Building a Building (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Changes, by David Bowie (Song; 1972)
Crossroads of Twilight, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 2003) [Wheel of Time #10]
Empire (TV Series; 2015)
Fame (Film; 1982)
Fred Ott’s Sneeze (Early Short Film; 1894)
Henry V, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1605)
Hooch Coochie Man, recorded by Muddy Waters (Song; 1954)
Paranoid, by Black Sabbath (Album; 1971)
The Pelican and the Snipe (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Pop Team Epic (a.k.a. Poptepipic, Anime TV Series; 2018)
Pretenders, by The Pretenders (Album; 1980)
The Spirit of ’43 (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
Start Mater, by Gioacchino Rossini (Opera; 1842)
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (TV Series; 2020)
Today’s Name Days
Raimund, Valentin (Austria)
Ioan, Ioana, Ivan, Ivanka, Ivayla, Ivaylo, Ivet, Kaloyan, Vanya, Vanyo, Yoan, Yoana, Zhan, Zhana (Bulgaria)
Lucijan, Rajmund, Zorislav (Croatia)
Vilma (Czech Republic)
Knud (Denmark)
Hirvo, Kanut, Nuut, Susi (Estonia)
Aku, August, Aukusti (Finland)
Aldric, Cédric, Raymond (France)
Reinhold, Valentin (Germany)
Gianna, Giannis, Ioanna, Ioannis, Jeannette, John, Prodromos, Yanna, Yannis (Greece)
Attila, Ramóna (Hungary)
Luciano, Raimondo (Italy)
Juliāns, Rota, Zigmārs (Latvia)
Julius, Liucijus, Raudvilė, Rūtenis (Lithuania)
Eldbjørg, Knut (Norway)
Chociesław, Izydor, Julian, Lucjan, Walenty (Poland)
Ioan (Romania)
Bohuslava (Slovakia)
Raimundo (Spain)
August, Augusta (Sweden)
Alda, Aldea, Alden, Aldo, Aldric, Canute, Knut, Knute, Millard, Miller (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 7 of 2023; 358 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 52 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Dōngyuè), Day 16 (Yi-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 14 Teveth 5783
Islamic: 14 Jumada II 1444
J Cal: 7 Aer; Sunday [7 of 30]
Julian: 25 December 2022
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Moses (1st Month) [Numa]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz (Yew) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 18 of 90)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 17 of 30)
0 notes
artbylittlemissluna · 5 years
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New Love Live button will be available this Saturday at Neosho Artcon and later this month at Anime Crossroads!!
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qwerty-sparrow · 4 years
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shoujohavoc · 5 years
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Thank you Anime Crossroads!! I'm glad to see you all again this year -
As always I appreciate everyone who comes and says hey to us! Here's some commissions I took over the weekend ❤
(My absolute heart being commissioned LeoPika was just through the roof 😭❤💦💦💦
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Finance caused the fall of Rome
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It’s hard to overstate the impact that David Graeber’s 2012 blockbuster Debt: The First Five Thousand Years had on society; it’s a truly magesterial history of the way that debt — and debt forgiveness — played in the establishment of advanced civilization and its downfall:
Graeber — a key Occupy activist who helped coin “We are the 99%” — drew heavily on the scholarship of Michael Hudson, an economic historian, who led a team of Harvard assyriologists, Egyptologists and archaeologists in a major project exploring the role of debt in antiquity.
Core to Hudson and Graeber’s work is the recognition that societies can be divided into “debtors” and “creditors,” and, depending on which group is favored by policy, different kinds of enduring, intergenerational social roles emerge. If we give primacy to creditors’ claims above all, then debtors will inevitably fall deeper and deeper into debt, and eventually become indentured servants to their creditors.
For example, since Babylonian times, farmers have borrowed — seed, labor and other inputs — against the year’s coming crop. This is built into the nature of agriculture — you need stock to sow, which is multiplied by cultivation and then reaped. But farming is also subject to unforseeable strokes of bad luck: blights, droughts, storms, and more. When these occur, the farmer can’t make good on their debts.
Hudson’s maxim is “debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” A farmer who loses a crop and falls deeper into debt to sow the next year’s crop will find themselves even further indebted as interest payments swamp even a bumper crop. The next year, things are worse — and then worse again.
Everyone who does productive work will eventually run up against bad luck. The mason’s stone will shatter, the smith’s forge will catch fire, the herder’s animals will sicken. If creditors are always protected, then eventually ever debtor will land at the bottom of an inescapable pit of debt, which their children and children’s will inherit.
Thus, if creditors’ interests are always protected in law, “creditor” and “debtor” cease to describe economic relations and instead come to describe hereditary castes. The productive economy, organized around making the things a civilization needs to sustain itself, will be subordinated to the whims of creditor-aristocrats, who can order the smith to make decorations rather than agricultural implements and make the farmer grow ornamental flowers instead of staple crops.
The civilizations of antiquity solved this problem with “jubilee” — periodic festivals of debt forgiveness that would wipe out debtors’ obligations and creditors’ rents:
Graeber died early in the covid pandemic, just as the questions of debt and equity were coming into sharp focus. It was a moment in which creditors were demanding that debtors — mortgage holders, student debtors, payday borrowers — keep up their payments even as the productive economy ground to a halt. It was a crossroads where we faced the choice of maintaining our ability to feed, shelter and care for ourselves or maintaining the income streams of rentiers.
In the years since Graeber’s death, his widow, Nika Dubrovsky, has organized a series of seminars, conversations and publications that build on his work through this moment. These played out against the backdrop of the publication of Graeber’s final book, a collaboration with David Wengrow called The Dawn of Everything:
Dawn challenges the orthodox view of civilizational emergence, a story of inevitable relationships between social relationships and social structures that says that as we inevitably proceed from family groups to hunter/gatherer bands to agriculture to cities, our politics grow ever-more centralized and authoritarian.
Drawing on the latest archaeological and anthropological evidence, Graeber and Wengrow show that there is nothing inevitable about our social structures. In prehistory, we find “play farmers” who practice agriculture while maintaining nomadism. We find great, dense cities with no bureaucracy or leaders; we find widely dispersed hamlets controlled by overweening bureaucracies. We find, per the title, Everything — every possible combination of social structure and politics.
What makes Dawn so powerful is that it rejects social inevitability, the fatalistic insistence that this is as good as it can get because of “human nature.” Dawn shows that human nature is a matter of choice, and that we can — and have — chosen all manner of relations.
The notion that humans can choose their social structures is a deeply subversive one. The past 40 years of neoliberal rule have been defined by “capitalist realism” (“It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism”). The standard-bearer for capitalist realism was Margaret Thatcher, whose maxim, “There is no alternative” was framed as an observation, but was actually a demand: “Stop trying to imagine an alternative.”
Capitalist realism isn’t just a war on imagination, it’s also a war on history. If we know about the different societies our ancestors built, we will inevitably start to imagine alternatives to the creditor society that we’re stuck in today.
As Orwell put it: “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
That’s why history is so contested. When bigots seek to extinguish queerness, they insist that queerness is a recent phenomenon, an aberration that upends thousands of years of straight missionary sex. When Eleanor Janega explains just how kinky the middle ages were, she doesn’t just correct the record, she rebuts the argument:
Unsurprisingly, the Graeber memorial seminars devote a lot of energy to unearthing suppressed histories. This week in Lyon, France, a group of activists and academics are celebrating Graeber at an event called “Construire des passerelles” (“building bridges”):
Yesterday, Michael Hudson opened the event with a keynote called “From Junk Economics to a False View of History — Where Western Civilization Took a Wrong Turn,” which digs into the history of creditor and debtor protection and what it tells us about our current polycrisis:
Hudson tells us a history of antiquity that takes a sharp turn when ancient Rome decided to protect creditors over debtors, eliminating the jubilee and creating a hereditary aristocracy that drove Roman civilization into its grave.
Rather than recognizing the failed ideology of Roman civilization, we exalt it, erasing all the long-run, stable, debtor-friendly societies that came before it. The contemporary hypercapitalist ideology that holds that government’s only legitimate roles are protecting property and enforcing contracts are a thinly veiled version of protecting creditors over debtors.
The “contracts” that society upholds are inevitably debt-creating contracts; the “property” that society exalts is inevitably the accumulated rents from debt extraction.
Hudson says that these ideas were well-understood in ancient civilizations — and thoroughly rejected. Successful ancient civilizations rejected the idea that markets could exist separate from politics: markets were an instrument to achieve a goal. Markets were not a system for allocating wealth, they allocated wealth to achieve a purpose.
Ancient societies mistrusted wealth accumulation in the hands of creditors, viewing the rise of creditor wealth as a threat to overall social wellbeing. As Hudson notes, “Anthropologists have found this to be a characteristic of low-income societies in general.”
Hudson takes aim at orthodox histories that say that people “freely” created agricultural landholdings, only to have governments come by and levy taxes upon them. The actual historical record documented by Hudson’s Harvard team shows that the order of operations was reversed: the existence of taxes (and the armies, buffer stocks and dispute resolution frameworks taxes supported) created the landholdings.
Owning a plot of land to support your family was always embedded in society, and was always a trade: you owed the system some labor and material support, the system owed you enough land to live on and a safety net to protect you from bad luck.
Contra orthodox histories, farmers didn’t switch to accumulating wealth in gold, silver and copper spontaneously. Precious metals and coin money were also a government creation, with temples verifying weights and purity. The word “money” comes from “Moneta,” as in Rome’s “Juno Moneta,” in whose temple money was struck.
What made precious metals “precious” was not that they gold didn’t spoil like grain, nor was it that metals had uniform quality, unlike produce. Rather, metals were valuable because you could use them to pay your taxes with them, and they were uniform in quality because the state regulated them.
The neoliberal fairy-tale about the origins of money and civilization isn’t a harmless misunderstanding. Alan Greenspan, an Ayn-Rand-addled fantasist, was committed to the idea that money was a creature of the markets, not governments. He was convinced that “sound money” was whatever the market accepted as “sound money” — so he blithely assumed that the junk paper that created the 2008 crisis was as good as the state money created by the US government (or, indeed, better!).
In Hudson’s telling, Rome broke with history by protecting creditors above debtors, which led to a gradual takeover of society by wealthy families and a hereditary debtor class. Our own society shows the same pathologies, including hereditary debtors:
Remember, “debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid.” A society that protects creditors over debtors needs to invent all kinds of ways to squeeze blood from stones, as debtors’ debts mount and their ability to service their debts is eroded. Our modern society has turned its digital nervous system into a debt-collection superweapon:
Joe Biden is about to hand control of the House (and maybe the Senate) to the Trump Party because he can’t bear to bring himself to favor student debtors and the prospect of a life unshackled from crushing debt over predatory private universities and student debt bondholders:
In one important sense, it doesn’t matter whether Biden cancels student debt, because “debts that can’t be paid, won’t be paid,” and millions of people can’t pay their student debt. America has a hidden, chaotic, cruel and inefficient student debt cancellation system that wipes out debts of otherwise productive people, but only after their lives have been destroyed:
It’s not just students or people with medical debt who face this cruel system of post-destruction default. Our world is full of entire countries whose creditors insist that they must sell off their entire productive capacity, their land and their national treasures to make good on debts — and nevermind that it’s impossible to service debts once all those things have been sold off.
This week, Mitch McConnell made headlines when he blamed the shortage of workers for low-waged, precarious, dangerous jobs on the fact that Americans are “flush with cash.”
These are words that could have come out of the mouth of a Roman Senator, one who sees the organization of society around creditors and their whims as a feature, not a bug.
McConnell and the creditor-boosting economists who provide him with ideological cover are a powerful tool for understanding how Rome could allow its national priorities to be dictated by a minority who were born owed money by the majority, who were born owing.
[Image ID: A debtor's prison window; over its arch is the legend 'Pray remember debtors having no allowance.' Behind the bars is a skeletal figure in a student's cap and gown. To the left is a pile of skulls surmounted by a raven.]
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Meet Lija Rage of Latvia. Rage creates her fiber works by painting small sticks and wrapping them in copper wire, by gluing and sewing, layer upon layer until the work is finished. Her work is infused with color. As Rage described it for her 2018 Colours exhibition at the Mark Rothko Centre in Daugavplis, Latvia.
Rage has received a number of awards: Grand Prix of the Baltic Applied Arts Triennial in Tallinn, Estonia, special award of the Korean Biennale (2007), the Valparaiso Foundation grant (2009); the Nordic Culture Point grant (2010); Excellence Award of the 7th International Fibre Art Biennale in China (2012); Excellence Award of the Applied Arts Biennale in China (2014).
In 2020, she received an Excellence Award for Crossroads, at a solo exhibition at the Zana Lipkes Memorial Museum, which memorializes a family that hid Jews during World War II. The exhibition text quotes Rage, “With our works and our choices, we all leave traces and footprints. Human paths intersect, and the choices we make have consequences and affect others. To life! Spread goodness.”
This work is “Animal”, silk, metallic thread, flax, 2006.
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actualaster · 2 years
RIP to Luminaria
Transcript of the images below the cut.
EoS notice that shows up when you open the game as of May 10th, 2022 (will only show once, but can be read in the new section)
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The Dev Message
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“Notice of Service Termination.”
“We regret to announce the closure of Tales of Luminaria-Anime games.  Thank you all for your support and we hope you enjoyed playing.  We will be keeping the servers open until July 19, 2022 19:00PDT, so please continue to enjoy Tales of Luminaria-Anime games until the very end.
All items can be used until the last day, so if you have any items or PB-Stones in your account, please use them before July 19, 2022 19:00 PDT/  Also, from today, we are disabling the purchase of PB-Stones.
For more information, please check our in-game announcements.
*The exact time that services will no longer be available may vary depending on your region.”
“Developer message, vol.8″
“As always, thank you all for playing Tales of Luminaria. 
As mentioned in the “Notice of Service Termination,” we regret to announce that the service for Tales of Luminaria will be sunset on July 19, 2020 PDT.
As the first completely original mobile title in the “Tales of” series, our sincere intent was to make this game fun and, by taking on various challenges, to bring “Tales of” to a wider audience around the world, not only Japan.  Additionally, we have tried our best to make this service playable over a long time, encouraged by the supportive comments and feedback we received on SNS.
However, we could not do enough, and we sincerely apologize to all who have supported and played Tales of Luminaria.”
“About Future Episodes”
“Weekly episode distribution will end with this announcement.  We apologize for the sudden notice, as you may have been expecting a new announcement of the next episode.  We unfortunately will not be able to fully depict the fate of the 21 heroes and must end the episodes in the middle of the story.  Even more, some characters will be left without getting an episode 2.  We are very sorry for leaving these stories untold.
Even though we could not complete all the storylines for each character, we have been considering whether there is any way to bring closure to their story, even if only slightly.  With that thought, we have prepared a special “Episode Final,” which takes place right before the anime Tales of Luminaria: The Fateful Crossroad.  This episode focuses on why Hugo eventually sided with the Empire.  We truly regret not being able to provide full closure to this story, but we hope you will enjoy this “Episode Final.””
“Regarding the Archiving of Works”
“We are considering archiving the digital costumes, designs, illustrations, etc. of the characters released during the service out of application as a “digital archive,” so that players can continue to experience and reminisce about Luminaria’s universe and it’s characters even after the service ends.  We are working on a soundtrack for the in-game background music.
We will reach out again as soon as we have more details.
About later updates, we have the schedule until the end of the service below.”
“Ver. 1.6.0 Update (scheduled for end of May 2022)”
“-Delivery of Episode Final -LV UP Camp stage renewal -Memorial Summon for all 21 characters -New 5-star ep.2 costumes and weapons for Vanessa, Gaspard, Amelie, and Lydie --*players will also receive tickets that can be exchanged for 5-star costumes and weapons -New 3-star costume “Work Outfit” for August from his apple farmer days -Multiplayer Boss Battle update --*One out of a total of either Primordial Beasts will appear at random, including Lazui, a new addition to the existing Primordial Beasts -Login calendar reward updates”
“End of Service”
“Jul 19, 2022 19:00 PDT.
The official website and trailers will be taken down in conjunction with the end of the service.
Finally, we would like to sincerely thank you for all of your support of Tales of Luminaria.  We apologize again for not living up to your expectations and having to announce that the service will be sunset.  Although there is only a short period of time remaining, we hop that you will enjoy this game to the end.  Thank you.
- The entire Tales of Luminaria Team”
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irisfilmcollective · 2 years
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L to R: Lindsay McIntyre’s Ajjigiingiluktaaqtugut (We Are All Different), Alex MacKenzie’s The Hollow Mountain, Lindsay McIntyre’s Worth More Standing, still from Super 8 Superhero, Cheryl Hamilton & lisa g’s Motorbike/SuperDyke, Elena Pardo’s La luna en mercurio and Azucena Losana’s Feriado from Terra incognita, terra indomita, Alex MacKenzie’s Pinhole Park, still from Super 8 Superhero.
A preview for our followers...
We’ve got a full roster for August, locally and beyond, check it all out below and be sure to mark your calendars. See you all there!
AUGUST 11th 7pm Lindsay McIntyre featured at CCA Montreal as part of TILLITARNIT/MANY HANDS
Ajjigiingiluktaaqtugut (We Are All Different) (2021) an animated documentary about belonging, will be screening at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal along with two other recent films by Iris Film Collective member Lindsay McIntyre, Seeing Her (2020), and If These Walls (2019), as part of this program curated by Asinnaja. It all takes place in the Parc Baile in front of the CCA, with free access for the public as part of a community event around Inuit games, performances, and open-air film screenings. More info: cca.qc.ca
AUGUST 13th 7-10pm Cheryl Hamilton & lisa g's MOTORBIKE SUPERDYKE
SUM gallery, in partnership with Vancouver Queer Film Festival presents MOTORBIKE/SUPERDYKE, a collaborative multimedia installation by Cheryl Hamilton and Iris FIlm Collective member lisa g, based on lisa g’s diaries about coming out and sorting through queer stereotypes circa 2000. Illustrations, art prints, an animated film and a zine echo a time and place and reflect upon personal identity politics.
Opening reception: Sat, Aug 13, 7-10pm Installation runs Aug 16-20, 2-6pm
Daily drop-in zine workshops 3-6pm. 425-268 Keefer Street.
More info: sumgallery.ca/motorbike-superdyke
AUGUST 17th 7pm LIVE AND EXPANDED Alex MacKenzie & Lindsay McIntyre at DIM Cinema/Cinematheque
To celebrate the Cinematheque’s 50th anniversary, DIM presents a quartet of projector performances by Iris Film Collective members Alex MacKenzie and Lindsay McIntyre with live sound by Clare Kenny and Peter Bussigel. The evening is bookended by experimental works fresh from Oberhausen, commencing with MacKenzie’s The Hollow Mountain, performed with a modified 1920s hand-cranked projector, and closing with McIntyre’s improvised dance across six 16mm projectors, Worth More Standing. In between, MacKenzie’s 16mm light performances Phosphene and Mall Emotions will be featured.
Tickets are limited, more info: thecinematheque.ca/films/2022/live-and-expanded
AUGUST 23rd 7pm Elena Pardo IN PERSON from Mexico City with TERRA INCOGNITA, TERRA INDOMITA.
This evening presents a selection of experimental films curated by Elena Pardo and Isabel Rojas that explore present and past untamed territories through a speculative gaze that subverts preconceptions about identity, ethnicity and territory.
All works were originally created on 16mm and Super 8 film and hail from Mexico City’s Experimental Film Collective LEC and their friends. The programme is co-presented with CINEWORKS and takes place at their BLACK BOX space, alley entrance 1131 Howe Street - FREE admission!
More information soon: irisfilmcollective.com
AUGUST 28 1pm-4pm SUPER 8 SUPERHERO Burrardview Fieldhouse - 545 North Slocan Street, Vancouver
WATCH: films made by Pacific Spirit School students* from 2020!
CREATE: magic wands for YOUR inner super hero with the power to make the world a better place
ANIMATE: your idea on how to BE A SUPERHERO
(*thanks to Artstarts for their support of the Super 8 Superhero project)
AUGUST 28th 3:15pm Alex Mackenzie at CROSSROADS in San Francisco with PINHOLE PARK.
The thirteenth edition of CROSSROADS and the first in-person iteration since 2019 will be taking place in San Francisco August 26–28. with Iris member Alex MacKenzie’s 35mm film PINHOLE PARK featured that Sunday in Program 8 (Divisions of Labor).
More information: sfcinematheque.org/video-programs/crossroads-2022-program-8
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