#animaniacs and reader
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railwynn · 2 years ago
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Rida and Yakko are back baby! Was finishing Season 3 of Animaniacs and it reminded me of the OC I made years ago ;w;;  Props to people who remember this pair XDD
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roxannefrostfox · 4 days ago
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Working on my new comic for Zany (another project exploded again. 🥲)
Almost done with TRBA chapter 12, stay tuned.
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maki-matsurra · 2 years ago
I was wondering if you could write something where Yakko asks the reader out, but the reader is worried about getting in the way of his special bond with his sibs?
Howdy, Anon! Thanks so much for your request!
AWWWW! This is such a cute idea too! I love this!
Hope you like it! Sorry for the wait! The reader uses they/them pronouns!
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Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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(Y/N) continued to type away on their computer in the lot's cafeteria, seemingly in the zone with their work and ignoring everyone who walked in, out, or stayed to eat and chat with other workers and actors.
That was until he came in.
"Hellloooo (Y/N)~"
They finally looked up from their screen, a look of confusion on their face until it was replaced with a smile. "Hey, Yakko! You're done early."
"HA! I wish. I'm just on break right now. Have to go back to shoot a scene where I'm in Antarctica with a greedy Polar Bear here in a few minutes. I actually came by to ask you something."
Having his full attention, (Y/N) closed their laptop and pushed it aside, leaning on their forearms with a smile. "Alrighty. Shoot."
"You know how we've been going out for lunch for a long time?"
"Yeah, of course!" They replied with a wide smile, making Yakko nod, blush slowly creeping on his cheeks. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on another one... As a date... And at night."
(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes widened in shock, blush creeping on their own face as a smile grew. They quickly nodded, but soon stopped as something came to their mind...
Yakko was very close with his little siblings. He practically raised them and took care of them. Their bond was close, so they felt like if they started seeing Yakko like that...
Their smile soon fell as they sunk into their seat, causing the toon to look at them, concerned. "Wha... What's wrong?"
They hesitated a bit, trying to find the right words. "I... I would love to go out with you, Yakko... But..."
They soon sighed and gestured to the toon. "You have a really good thing going with your sibs. You're close to them... Family. But if I started seeing you and messing with that..."
Yakko watched them with concerned eyes as they let out a sigh. "I just don't want to ruin that for them... For you."
The toon quickly took hold of their hands and swiped a comforting thumb over their knuckles, causing them to look up into the toon's eyes, a soft smile on his face. "Hey... You know my sibs absolutely love you, right? You treat them well... They already think of you as an older sibling."
"They... They do?"
"Yeah! So don't worry about them... They'll be a-okay with it... You have my word."
They soon bit their lip, seeming like they were still on the fence about their decision, but as soon as they looked back up at Yakko's face, and saw his puppy dog eyes, caused their heart to melt and a soft chuckle to escape from their lips.
"My house at 8?"
"I'll be there at 7~"
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rageing-fangirl · 1 year ago
TW Smut TW
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Summary: you and your boyfriend (yakko) got into a play-fight and you pinned him in a leg-head lock and he started getting ideas
"Tktktktktk" Yakko teased tickling your sides, trying to win "EEKKKKK Nohohoho!" I squeak out, squirming and trying to escape the tickles, I squirm away and pin his arms on to the cowitch "oof! hmm...y'know, you're pretty cute when y- *squeak* NO! *giggles*" I begin blowing a raspberry on his neck to shut him up. He started to squirm a bit too much and I had the bright idea to choke him. I jump up and wrap my legs around his head, what i didn't notice was that my pussy was right up in his mouth. I knocked him onto the floor and counted "1…2…3…and (reader) wins!" I screem out and try to get up but hands stop me. "Hm?" I look down at him and see his face is red. *loading, loading, loading* OH. I gasp and my face turns red
"O-oh! Yakko!" I say looking down at him. My thoughts started running but get cut off. *kiss… kiss…kiss* He's kissing me!?!?
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wakkytoon · 10 months ago
Yakko Warner x reader
Yakko was just reeking havoc on the other toons in the Warner bros studios as always, until he saw y/n sitting alone on the bench . He walked up to them and smiled. I’m yakko! He sticks his hand out, waiting for you to shake it. Y/n looks smiles at him and shakes his hand. I’m y/n.
Yakko chuckles and smirks as he says. What’s a pretty little boy like you doing sitting here all alone? Y/n blushes and sighs. My friend ditched me, we were supposed to go to eat dinner at a fancy restaurant but, they kinda went without me. Y/n looks down. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity to hang out with someone as cute as you? Yakko asks curiously. Ehh they do it all the time. Y/n laughs sadly. Yakko frowns at Y/n and makes an offer. I could hangout with you if ya want. Yakkos tone is much Softer now. Y/n smiles shyly and looks at yakko. Really? Yakko laughs. Of course, I know what it's like to be left out of things by friends. Yakko smiles at y/n. Y/n says. Ok so what are we gonna do? Yakko thinks and then gets an idea. Hey, how about we go to my place and watch a movie! Y/n nods and smiles at him. That sounds fun!
(At yakkos place watching the movie)
Y/n and yakko are sitting on the couch as y/n leans their head against yakkos shoulder, yakko looks at y/n and smiles.
This was a great idea! Yakko says with a grin. Y/n giggles and agrees. Yep! Y/n snuggles closer to yakko as the movie ends. Y/n asks yakko. Can we stay like this, it's kinda nice? Y/n says shyly. Yakko chuckles. Sure I don't see why not.
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moonie-moonmoon · 2 years ago
Guys, are there any Brinky fanfics that you like and are completed? I'd like to read something, so please leave some titles on the comments! My favourite tropes are Hurt/Comfort and Fluff 😊😆 Edit: I forgot to mention that the website I use for reading fics is AO3 lol
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audaciousacolyte · 2 years ago
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Welcome to The Garden!
About Me:
• My name is Joan
• I really enjoy writing and drawing!!
• I am a Libra
• I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to reach out to me!!
Interacting Rules:
This is my basic criteria for those who wish to follow me =>
《☆ do NOT interact with this blog if you are:
• LGBTQphobic
• Pedophillic or MAP
• Exclusionist
• Ableist
Or otherwise unnecessarily hateful. ☆》
With that out of the way, my requesting basis and current status are avaliable under the cut.
Requesting Rules:
《♡ I will only write character x reader requests, but I may include other ships if asked to. ♡》
《♡ Before requesting, please make sure that you are using clear language that is easily understandable and be as specific as you can on what exactly you would like for me to write. ♡》
《♡ Please limit your requests to three or four characters at a time, and be sure to specify whether or not the characters are in a romantic relationship. ♡》
What I will write:
◇ Fluff
◇ Angst
◇ Hurt/comfort
◇ Headcanons
◇ Platonic relationships
◇ Queerplatonic relationships
◇ self-inserts x characters
◇ OC x characters
What I will NOT write:
♤ Explicit gore
♤ Explicit NSFW (BORDERLINE NSFW is alright)
♤ Anything kink related
♤ Hardcore Angst (ex. Character A dies in a dramatic/tragic way, while Character B is left to mourn)
♤ Anything trauma related, such as SA or abuse
♤ Anything related to SH or su!c!de
Fandoms and characters I write for:
《|| Animaniacs ||》
• Yakko Warner
• Wakko Warner
• Dot Warner
《|| BABQFTIM ||》
• Bendy
• Boris the Wolf (platonic only)
• Cuphead
• Mugman
• Felix the Cat
《|| Epic Mickey ||》
• Mickey Mouse
• Oswald the lucky Rabbit
《|| Homestuck ||》
• John Egbert
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Jane Crocker
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jake English
• Dirk Strider
• Karkat Vantas
• Aradia Medigo
• Tavros Nitram
• Sollux Captor
• Nepeta Leijon
• Terezi Pyrope
• Vriska Serket
• Equius Zahhak
• Gamzee Makara
• Eridan Ampora
• Feferi Peixes
《|| Lego Monkie Kid ||》
• MK
• Mei
• Red son
• Sun Wukong
• Macaque
• Nezha
《|| Sonic the Hedgehog ||》
• Sonic
• Shadow
• Amy Rose
• Knuckles
• Tails
• Rouge
《|| South Park ||》
• Stan Marsh
• Kyle Brofloski
• Kenny Mccormick
• Eric Cartman
• Leopold Stotch
• Wendy Testaburger
• Craig Tucker
• Tweek Tweek
• Tolkien Black
• Clyde Donovan
• Jimmy Valmer
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febrezecommercial · 2 years ago
Request / Character Guidelines
Masterpost from old acc
Platonic prompts that I rly Like
welcome to my blog my dear. tis here that i write fanfiction because my new dnd campaign is not yet finished and my creative writing class didnt live up to the hype
my name is casey
he/him she/her
you're welcome to talk to me, tag me in things, ask me things, block me, ask that I reblog something, etc
it's so much swaggier of you to reblog than to like
I can deny a request for any reason
Do not repost my writing without permission from me
currents anons:
I'm trying to restart my account which was @febreezecommercial until i got locked out so pls pls interact so i can get my ppl back ty<33
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freaks-mice-villains · 2 months ago
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Freakazoid Knows This Is Fanfiction
Freakazoid, in case you aren't already aware, breaks the fourth wall. A lot.
Not only does he sometimes talk directly to the viewers, but also he sometimes interacts with network executives, censors, fellow cast members, and even Stephen Spielberg. It's not a new concept. Cartoons since Bugs Bunny were doing it, and other cartoons of the time like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons weren't strangers to the concept either. But Freakazoid sometimes cranked it up to 11, as he does with a lot of things.
When I started writing Freakazoid fanfic, I wanted to translate that craziness into the written word. But fourth wall breaks in fanfic are different than the screen, which relies on visual cues. I wanted to do it without relying on using terms that are specific to film and television, like "off-screen" or "cut to."
Some of it is pretty obvious, like Freakazoid referring to the number of words since something last happened in the story, or referencing chapter titles. It's also Freakazoid occasionally complaining about the writing itself.
But for me, the big piece was changing the tense. My fanfic is typically written in past tense, like most stories. "He said" or "they waved" are in past tense. But when Freakazoid breaks the fourth wall, he's not just in the story, he's outside of it interacting with the reader. Since what he's doing is happening now, I switch to present tense: "he says" and "they wave."
For example:
Freakazoid folds his arms and glares off into the distance, clearly irritated. "We could actually resolve the cliffhanger, but nooo, instead we're diving into one of the oldest clichés in the book—the flashback!"
Switching to present tense gives those moments a sense of spontaneity that matches the energy of the show. Freakazoid is unpredictable, chaotic, and always in the moment—and his narration should feel the same way.
What's your favorite example of a fourth wall break in Freakazoid! or another show?
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railwynn · 2 years ago
loved your recent comic! can’t wait to see more of rida 😁 I’m curious though, what would be some facts about her
AAAA thank you! qwq I'm glad a lot of ppl are liking her even tho I rarely show her, same as last time when I posted about them XDD As for Rida, i'm not very good at explanation, so lemme just info dump ya down below;
15 year old lady who moved to Burbank L.A. to find a job.
Got hired at an ice cream parlor (Where she proceeds to meet the Warners later on).
Was created as a side character for a local cartoon that was cancelled in the early 2000's.
Has like 1 friend (4 if you count the Warners).
Stressed AF
Anxiety meets depression
"Don't fuck with me, I WILL cry."
People think she's emo because she wears a lot of black but really she just think black looks better in anything and can't be bothered to coordinate.
In the order she brefiended the Warners; Wakko, Dot and then Yakko (Wakko never shuts up about it).
Introvert that got adopted by 3 Extroverts.
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Secretly can't thank them enough for it tho
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roxannefrostfox · 10 days ago
It’s my birthday on the 22nd… I don’t have any local friends in Louisiana and only have two family members here that are both my grandparents.
I’m turning 20 years old and am not sure how I want to celebrate… usually I create games, make a bunch of food, and create a theme for the party. Last year it was 1870’s tea party. This year, I was gonna do nostalgia/comfort characters as a theme like Mario, Sun & Moon, Animaniacs, fnaf, and Minecraft. But since I don’t really have the people or the budget, I don’t really know what I want to do.
What are your ideas? Should I do a birthday discord?
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blooky8 · 11 months ago
🧪 Dark Pinky Moodboard 🔮
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art by wimsiecal, check out their ask: askdarkpinky.tumblr.com pictures are random things i found on the internet and tweaked with photoshop! inspiration song: sucker for pain (https://open.spotify.com/track/4dASQiO1Eoo3RJvt74FtXB?si=044a1d3321bb4688)
wimsie said they like this, so i thought why not put it up on my blog with normal formatting hjjlklhj very chaotic and angsty, sincere emotions not from honesty but from not being able to hide true feelings behind a mask well enough, full villain act both for show and for self-expression. those are the vibes i was working with i absolutely loooooove characters like this, you don't even know i can appreciate the vulgar dark fashion, unapologetic honest amorality and the smug act, but at the same time i feel so much pity for their delusions, from a reader's perspective it's very easy to see how they're completely missing any true happiness that could exist in their life by walking down the path they chose. and they didn't just choose it, they really commit to it, and act so high-and-mighty, so confident... babygirl doesn't even know how far he is from the truth, and there's no coming back from this for him🤭 anyway, i'll probably upload some other moodboards i did a while ago later, and i'll post new ones directly to this blog! explaining them seems like fun. also, they won't be tied to one fandom, or sometimes any fandoms at all, but i do feel like i'll do more patb/animaniacs stuff soon
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ibelieveinhappilyeverafter · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Wow, it's been four years (and a month) since I first watched "Animaniacs", and two years (and a month) since I first started posting my own fanfics. (November of 2022)
I was terrified to put any of my fics on Ao3, and only the insistence of my sister gave me the stroke of confidence to do so.
She pushed me to do it, yes, but if it wasn't for this community, I would've never posted another fic ever again.
My first fic went online and it was more than received. I felt encouraged. I was ecstatic to keep going and make it the best I could.
I read Animaniacs fanfic without an account for two years, and I built up an admiration for many authors on Ao3. To see incredible authors reading my fics? It was the best feeling in the world.
I remember getting my first kudos from all of the amazing authors in this fandom. I had a bit of trouble processing that those who wrote the fics that lived in my head, that I returned to late at night, that I obsessed over, had seen my work.
I love seeing both the casual readers and recognizing those who have read other fics in the fandom. I love seeing that a guest liked my work enough to kudos it. All of it is so wonderful.
This community is incredible. You're all so supportive and engaging. It's extremely encouraging and motivating. I wouldn't have written anything further if it wasn't for all of you. I wouldn't be here working on so many ideas, so excited to share them with all of you.
Animaniacs got me into writing, but it was this community that truly gave me motivation to keep going.
Thank you. 😊
Have a wonderful holiday season.
“Well, are you tired now?” The eldest Warner suddenly asked, looking at his brother.
Wakko examined himself thoroughly. He searched for heavy eyelids or yawns pressing against his throat, but found nothing. He was as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as every other child on Christmas Eve. “Nope!”
“Alright,” Yakko yawned, dark circles prominent under his eyes. “Movie then.”
“A Christmas movie!” Wakko insisted.
“Why, of course, ye of little faith.” Yakko scooped his little brother up and nuzzled his nose, “Only the best Christmas movie!”
It's Christmas Eve in the water tower, and not a creature is stirring...
Except for the middle Warner, Wakko, who still isn't sleeping yet. He's too excited for Christmas and adores the night before, too. He's soaking in the silence, in the Christmas spirit.
Despite his best attempts to be quiet, the lack of his presence stirs his older brother from his sleep.
Oh, well. It's Christmas. There's no need to be all proper and routined.
Besides, it's the little moments that make Christmas so special.
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wakkytoon · 10 months ago
Fandoms i write for: Beetlejuice the musical, animaniacs, looney tunes (Platonic only), rockafire explosion (if that fandom even still exists lol)
What I will not write: smut
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draconeye45 · 1 year ago
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another cover image, this time for Under the Skin (posted on Ao3. all my stories can be accessed through a pinned link on my profile. )
took me forever to come up with a composition I liked with this one.
If anyone is interested in me talking at length about why this among my three favorite fics, that is below the line :)
This is among my favorite fics for a number reasons.
-I've always wanted to use the Freaky Friday trope for something substantial, within my favorite categories - angst/hurt comfort. The end goal being to have the two brothers mutually bonding over traumatic experiences and setting themselves on the path to heal from them.
Essentially, I wrote a type of fic I've always wanted to see, but have never really been able to find.
I download my own fics to re-read them myself, I don’t know if I’m alone in that or not..
-it's the first fic I've written that got quite a lot of wonderful support from readers, even though there were points where I was unsure of myself. Both because it was the first time I've written a story fully centered on official characters and not just ocs - and because of some of the subject matter, which gets into some heavy topics. The nice reception perhaps felt especially good because I was late to the party. In that I started writing the fic well after the reboot's s1, probably when renewed interest in Animaniacs was at it's highest. So I probably missed out on a pretty big surge of readers.
-I really enjoyed building my own version of the Warner's backstory, and this fic's timeline is one I likely will return to at some point. For now any returns will probably purely be oneshots, though.
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soildmud · 9 months ago
reading inky mystery
good morning y’all, it is currently 3AM right now and i have developed some very strong opinions about inky mystery that i need to projectile vomit onto the internet. this is gonna be like a book review so i have some disclaimers/warnings:
#1: this “review” is not intended for the author, TAP, or anyone directly involved with the writing of IM. this is readers-only!
#3: i will most likely say very few positive things about the fic so if you don’t want to see negative remarks about your fav fic/story, maybe don’t read this. and also if you can’t handle strong language.
#4: i have not read all of IM, and there is a reason why. i will explain later on but i don’t need anyone to try and avoid spoilers. i don’t care for this fic enough to worry about that. talk to your heart’s content, i want to hear what y’all have to say!!!!
#5: i still enjoy inky mystery and its concepts and the overall story ideas. i think it’s fun and a cool spin on the original qftim au (an au that had so much potential and such shitty execution) and love how the fic has created an entire community around it! don’t get this twisted, i got nothing against IM or TAP.
now i’m gonna put the “review” (more like a rant) under a cut so as to not take up space on people’s dashes more than i already have lol—have fun!!
with such an interesting and promising premise, inky mystery has so far been a frustrating disappointment. i started reading it a while ago (had to stop because of school) and picked up again last night, hoping to get further into the fic and reach the parts that seem to be much more compelling than the exposition. i’m only on chapter 20 and already want to just stop reading it altogether. the more i progress through this the more i think to myself, “is this fic even worth reading 2.5 million words and 335 chapters?” as i’ve come to the beginning of chapter 21, i’m starting to think it most definitely is not.
obviously the biggest criticism is the length. there is absolutely no reason for why this fic is like 3 times longer than the fucking BIBLE. twelve “books” for what? to leave us in the same spot of the plot for the fifth time in a row when the conflict could have been resolved in almost half a chapter? the over-explanation of everything and the placement of practically useless dialogue is excruciating. i don’t understand how having chapter long bits of the warner shenanigans was necessary; i get it was meant for comedy but i don’t think they should dragged any longer than like a paragraph. their dialogue gets old incredibly fast, and it’s just a hinder to the fic’s flow. and before anyone says anything—I HAVE WATCHED ANIMANIACS BEFORE. in fact, i used to be obsessed with them and watched every episode until it stopped airing in 2014. i know they’re supposed to be the way they are in the fic but Holy SHIT DUDE. SHUT THEM THE FUCK UP ALREADY.
listen. i know this was originally written in 2017, but if you’re still updating this into 2024, at this point you need to remake the whole fic and shorten it. the way the author is updating the fic with basically filler makes me feel like they care more about creating content for their readers rather than actually writing a coherent narrative. you don’t need to take down the OG fic but there has got to be a way to shorten it so it doesn’t take literally a week straight to finish the fic in one sitting.
anyways. apart from that, i need to say that the writing style is so juvenile in a way that feels aggravating. i read the most recent chapter to see if anything changed and while it certainly improved in small ways, i feel like TAP still hasn’t learned how to not make sentences like four words long and dialogue sequences that don’t make up half the chapter. i also feel like the narrative is just…holding the readers hand and explaining every little thing like they expect the reader not to have any media literacy at all. i don’t need to know explicitly that boris and bendy are tired from walking for hours, i knew that from your narration mentioning their legs aching and them getting mucky from clambering in the forest.
next, i hate the random inclusion of unnecessary characters. the way the two detectives seem to only show up when it’s convenient and how the warners were used basically like a deus ex machina is frustrating. don’t introduce so many characters with so much detail and then have them show up like twice. i don’t know how to explain this because it’s almost 4AM now and my brain is foggy but god. when those two fox characters were randomly introduced at the end of idk what chapter to have a completely useless conversation with the detectives i felt so annoyed. i don’t know if they have any real significance later on in the story (and i don’t mean that they show up to say hi later) and honestly i cannot be bothered to find out if they do, but if they don’t, that entire section of the chapter was fucking stupid. let your MAIN CHARACTERS learn information from other sources for the love of god.
in the end, i don’t know if i’ll ever finish Inky Mystery, at least not anytime soon. i had fun at the start and now i’m just annoyed and frustrated. also, to the wiki people, PLEASE MAKE CHAPTER SUMMARIES AND SHIT—IT WOULD BE A DREAM FOR THOSE OF US WHO DON’T WANT TO SIT THROUGH 2.5 MILLION WORDS FOR PLOT AND STORY!!!!
also, i am not claiming to be a better writer or have superior knowledge to TAP. i think TAP is good at writing, but has some flaws that really limit their full potential. i myself am an amateur writer with no training or anything, but i am a reader, so that’s why i’m yapping.
ALSO ALSO, i am not doing this to shit on TAP or IM or anyone who likes this story and everything. like i said, i actually like IM and really want to get into it so i can make fanart and everything, but it has been a struggle and i want to voice that because this is my blog and i use it like a virtual diary. i will continue to skim and push through IM, and will most definitely use it as a learning tool for my own au, SITP.
again, this review was made with zero malice in mind. however if anyone wants to say anything i’m 100% open to conversation, and if this reaches TAP’s screen somehow, please know i’m not trying to be a hater!!! i love your ideas and the community you’ve created, promise!!!! i’m done now cus i’m tired and need to sleep so bye to anybody who read through this beast of a post lol plus i don’t have the energy to write all i wanted to say. sorry if there’s any mistakes i’m falling asleep as i write LMAO
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