victorycoach · 2 years
Am 16. Juli findet ein Open Air Gottesdienst bei der Waldkirche in Diedorf. Wir wollen gemeinsam Gott begegnen. Mit Musik und persönlichen Zeugnissen heißen wir jeden willkommen, der den lebendigen Gott kennen lernen will. Es geht wieder um Religion noch um religiöse Organisation, sondern allein um Gott. Bitte jeden einladen, der aus Augsburger Land kommt. https://einfachkirche.de/wald
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gutachter · 2 years
Ärger um neues Baugebiet am Wald
Ärger um neues Baugebiet am Wald
Diedorf: „…Denkwürdige Gemeinderatssitzung in Diedorf: Bürgermeister Peter Högg ist kurz davor, den Saal räumen zu lassen. Grund sind erboste Zuhörer. Es geht ums Wohnen. Die Lage ihrer Wohnhäuser ist traumhaft: direkt am Wald, teilweise mit Blick ins Anhauser Tal und vor allem ruhig. Nur wenige Gebäude finden sich bislang am Mergelweg im Süden von Diedorf. Das will die Gemeinde ändern. Vor…
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an-ari · 5 months
also what is mc’s evol??? like it’s anhaunsen class but what does it mean????
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xvysarene · 3 months
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𝕌𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝔹𝕠𝕟𝕕
Pairing: Zayne x Fem!Reader Prompt: “I’ve built walls, and yet they crumble when I see you.” Words: ~2.5k Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Fluff Notice: Y/N is not MC, Antagonist MC, Mentions of wounds [ᝰ.ᐟ MASTERLIST]
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His childhood friend exuded energy just as vibrant as her Anhausen class Evol, captivating those around her with her bubbly demeanor.
However, beneath the cheerful façade lay a calculated use of charm, a trait you couldn't help but notice, especially in her interactions with Zayne.
As a senior hunter, your responsibilities included supervising new recruits, and you discerned her manipulative tendencies over time.
"Just because you've seen me at my weakest, you’re not entitled to pass judgment on those dear to me. It proves how I've known her longer and better, as she would never stoop so low as to speak ill of you. I don’t need you babysitting me."
Quick to defend his adored friend and seemingly caught up in emotion, he voiced those unfavorable words your way.
You knew Zayne was a direct person, but being on the receiving end of those words hurt. Especially as you later realized that you harbored feelings towards the cold doctor, feelings that had unknowingly woven into what you had always believed to be a purely platonic friendship between the two of you.
“—and you’re here because?”
His voice jolted you out of your reverie.
Somehow, standing in the exact spot where your last conversation occurred, resulting in months of silence between the two of you, had clouded your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, trying to focus back on the present moment. “Greyson and Yvonne have been trying to get in touch with you.”
When news about Dr. Zayne taking recuperative leave had spread like wildfire throughout the UNICORNS, you had considered reaching out to him. 
Your fingers had hovered over the phone, composing and deleting messages repeatedly.
In the end, you completely abandoned the notion altogether when you heard his childhood friend’s not-so-subtly mentioning her plan to visit and cook for him while chatting with the short-haired girl from the Data Analysis sector.
“I’m fine,” he managed to huff out after a while.
Taking a swift glance at the unexpected mess on his kitchen counters—scattered papers and remnants of food packaging—you challenged him. "I thought we had moved beyond the superficial 'I'm fine' responses when asking about each other's well-being."
Zayne didn’t reply and you noted that he had absentmindedly leaned his long legs against the kitchen counter as if seeking support from it.
“You, the Chief Cardiac Surgeon of Akso Hospital, someone who enjoys his lack of free time, couldn't possibly have felt 'just fine' after being placed on recuperative leave."
“I wasn't aware that you still kept tabs on my whatabouts," he retorted, eyes slightly gleaming competitively. However, they lacked the usual spark; instead, they hinted at tiredness and something indefinable that looked familiar but you couldn't quite pinpoint.
“I understand that your friend has probably visited you, but my great buddies insisted I come and check on you. They didn’t want to pester, but after two days of no answer, they are beginning to worry.” You raised your hands in a gesture of surrender. “Though if I’m not welcome, I’ll leave you be.”
As you moved past him towards the front door, you felt yourself emotionally drained from the brief exchange.
“Why you, specifically?” his whisper caused you to stop in your tracks.
“They know we are—” you stopped yourself, “used to be each other’s confidant. They thought you might be willing to speak to me if not to them.”
He chuckled dryly. “Used to…”
His muttered words compelled you to turn. Your hunter’s awareness noticed how he had subtly shifted, leaning more against the counter with one hand supporting his weight while his body slightly hunched forward, facing your retreating figure.
His body trembled with involuntary shivers, and the silver-framed glasses that had been perched on his nose earlier now lay discarded on top of the black granite.
“What’s wrong?” The words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
Your eyes instantly snapped to his arms, expecting to see the familiar bluish hue and the delicate, yet deadly patterns of ice crystals.
Instead, you saw fresh cuts on the back of his hand. Both of them.
A sound must have escaped your lips because Zayne quickly tugged at his light gray pajama sleeves, trying to cover his hands. He took a step back as he heard you stomping towards him.
Helplessly, he played a brief game of tug-of-war with you before yielding to your unexpected strength.
“What the hell,” you breathed out as you took the angry red marks marring his pale skin, making them stand out more. When you rolled up his sleeves further, you discovered fresh lacerations, a chilling reminder of the frost's icy grip.
You cupped his cheeks. It took his gaze a moment to gradually refocus on you, seemingly startled by the sudden skin contact. “Zayne, what happened?”
His lips were sealed shut. He began to resist, however, as you guided him towards his bedroom, but your hunter strength slightly won over his sluggish state.
Zayne watched you intensively check his wounds after you managed to get him to bed. They were more severe than the scratches you saw after you had cradled his frozen arms and succeeded in defrosting them using your Evol. It was when you found him beating himself up in regret for failing to save your partner during surgery.
As you stood up to fetch the medical supplies, his hand swiftly caught your forearm, surprising you with its speed. "You don’t have to take care of me," he insisted.
“Respectfully, Zayne,” you began, knowing he'd grimace at your next choice of words, “Fuck your pride and let me look after you.”
Seeing his familiar disapproving grimace at the brash word, you chuckled quietly to yourself. 
Your boldness and recklessness often clashed with his calm and collected nature, one that left people wondering how a friendship could blossom between two such opposites.
As the antiseptic scent filled the air and silence enveloped the room while you tended to his arms, memories flooded back to the griefful night when you had lost your partner.
He had treated your temporarily forgotten battle wounds after the frost had thawed from his arms.
“It’s not your fault,” Zayne had spoken softly as he cleaned your wounds.
Your breath stuttered, surprised by the doctor's attempt to console you. Many people regarded him as highly reserved due to the carefully crafted mask of indifference he wore.
"The other staff told me what happened. You couldn’t have known that he was bitten; a child Chlorostaga leaves a very small puncture, and it would only feel like an ant has bitten you. With adrenaline running high, he wouldn’t have felt a thing."
“He told me that his heart was racing unusually fast during the transport back,” you whispered, feeling the tears clouding your vision. “And I jokingly suggested he needed to do more exercise.
“He laughed at it until—“ you forced down the bile rising in your throat before being able to continue, “until he suddenly collapsed from cardiac arrest. We were only a few minutes out before arriving here to treat our wounds.”
Zayne continued gently dressing your gashes as you recounted the last moment with your partner. “His last memory was of happiness with you, feeling fulfilled knowing he had once again protected Linkon City from Wanderers... With his trusted partner."
The tears you had struggled to contain finally broke through, cascading down your cheeks in torrents. He held you close that day, offering comfort until every tear was dried.
From that moment, a bond seemed to form between both of you, drawing you closer from mere acquaintances to individuals you could trust with your deepest emotions. Only a few had ever witnessed each other's vulnerable state.
In the present, you noticed his breathing had calmed, and the hazel eyes that had been watching you carefully moments earlier had closed as you finished tending the last cut.
Gently smoothing out the crease between his brows, you couldn't help but wonder how troubled he must have been. “I’ve built walls, and yet they crumble when I see you,” you whispered, afraid of him hearing your secret.
You had tried to shield yourself from future heartache after you slammed his front door the day he had spoken harshly. Yet, seeing him so vulnerable, your caring for him only deepened.
Listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing, an unexpected exhaustion washed over you like a tidal wave.
Sleep claimed you swiftly, and it wasn't until you felt Zayne's gentle touch on your shoulder that you awoke.
“You’re going to strain the muscle in the back of your neck sleeping like that.”
Still groggy from the unplanned nap, you couldn’t protest as Zayne easily deposited you to the space he occupied earlier, as if you weighed nothing.
Your skin flushed hot feeling his fleeting touch behind your knees. Blinking, you met his gaze as he settled back beside your feet on the bed, already looking much better than before.
As the heat from his body permeated the wool blend of his pajama pants, you could feel it warming the tips of your toes. “Are you feeling any better?”
He nodded, casting a glance down at his arms adorned with scattered adhesive strips. Awkwardness filled the air as you both grappled with the ever-present unresolved tension.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled softly. You looked up, startled.
"I'm sorry," he repeated more clearly. His hazel eyes, appearing browner under the dim lighting, seeking yours. "For saying those hurtful words to you, for failing to accompany you on mourning day."
Your eyes widened, surprised that he even remembered about the day that had occurred months earlier.
When he didn’t appear at the cemetery of fallen hunters on mourning day, an annual tradition to honor your late partner whom he couldn't save, you learned just how much he cherished his childhood friend.
While he hadn't explicitly promised to join every year, he had always done so without fail. At that time, you couldn't help but feel disappointed when you discovered he had spent the day with his childhood friend instead.
And perhaps, an ugly thorn of jealousy had begun to bloom inside your heart.
"Greyson gave me an earful after he found out about our... conflict, and then he pieced together why I was absent that day. Why didn’t you remind me?”
You broke away from his gaze, not prepared for the sudden query. “You are under no obligation to accompany me, so there's nothing to apologise for."
"I absolutely have to apologise, for on the day you mourn for your late partner the most, I callously had fun with my friend."
And there it was, his childhood friend once again stealing the spotlight in your conversation. You felt the barriers you erected creeping back into place.
"It's getting dark outside, I should head home," you said, retracting your legs and hurriedly standing up.
However, a warm hand on your wrist carefully pulled you back down, knee bumping with yours.
"I was ensnared by my memory of her innocence from our childhood," he confessed, voice heavy with regret. "She envied the deep connection we share and after overhearing your conversation with Yvonne, purposefully suggested a day trip to our hometown that exact day. She exploited my weakness for her gain, knowing my fond memories of our past together."
Zayne tenderly unraveled each of your tightly clenched fingers, soothing the nail marks that had etched into your palm.
It was one of your bad habits, surfacing whenever anxiety and stress took hold. Ever the observant person that he was, it was something he was well aware of.
Your breath hitched as he wove his fingers with yours, larger palm easily covering your smaller one.
"I'm the one who foolishly let myself be blinded and stooped so low, wrongly accusing you when your intentions were nothing but good-hearted." He swiped a hand over his face in frustration. “People praised me for my good judgement, but I evidently failed to make the most important one."
“And so this happened?” you gestured towards his arms with your other unoccupied hand. “Punishing yourself because you felt guilty for your lapse in judgment?”
She had heard bits and pieces of what happened from Greyson. The Chief Psychologist in the hospital had noticed Zayne’s peculiar behaviour for weeks—moments of zoning out and evident emotional distress.
Not wanting to jeopardise his patient’s health, he agreed to take a leave until he felt mentally prepared to return to his responsibilities, which required a clear mind above all else.
"No, it's me losing myself because I've taken advantage of the only person who understands me; to the extent of hurting that one person who, despite knowing her for a shorter time, has selflessly always been there for me." He placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "And fearing I may have already lost her, as I come to realize the depth of my feelings for her."
You whipped your head to fully face him, face flushed at his confession. His gaze unwavering, trapping you with fierce affection.
“You don’t need to say anything—”
“I just want to let you know that I’m sorry for causing you pain—”
“Zayne, I—”
“And I would understand if you don’t want to do anything with me again after everything that’s happened—”
"Zayne!" You moved to cover his mouth and lost your balance in the process, tumbling together onto the bed.
Him beneath you.
As you stumbled, his hand found the curve of your hip, supporting you from falling on top of him. While his other arm remained thrown over him, fingers still intertwined with yours amidst the sudden movement.
You could see him trying to mask his discomfort, no doubt feeling some of the deeper slashes being tugged.
"God, you really need to shut up sometime," you blurted out, catching Zayne off guard with your abrupt remark following his heartfelt revelation.
This close, you could see his pupils dilating at your close proximity, almost consuming the green in his eyes.
With profound confidence and a fuzzy feeling spreading inside your heart, you eased his mind. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The content smile painting his lips tugged at your heart. It was a genuine happiness that chipped away his usual cold demeanor. 
He squeezed your hip and slowly urged you to lay on top of him, a silent invitation to be closer. Strong arms circled around as you nestled your head against his throat, enveloping you in his scent—grounding, and slightly musky, like the scent of a forest after rainfall.
“I never want you to lose control of your Evol over me again,” you warned him, eyes closing as you felt his lips pressing on your forehead.
“I can’t promise, but—” he interjected before you could interrupt him. “I’ll work on myself for the better. It’s the least I can do for the one who holds the dearest place in my heart.”
When you opened your eyes again, you could finally pinpoint that familiar glint in his eyes, the one you noticed when you confronted him hours earlier in the living room; it was endearment.
As you lay down on his bed that night, fingers gently combing through his tousled midnight-black hair as he rested against your chest, it dawned on you that the glow of affection had been there all along, subtly shimmering in his eyes throughout the years whenever you were by his side.
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musicismylife120191 · 3 months
Zero respect for d*anhausen now.
Defending that piece of shit attacking a coworker 20 years younger than him because it’s a physical sport is fucked. Consensual wrestling matches and segments are NOT the fucking same as attacking someone backstage over a disagreement.
I get he’s your friend but when you sound like this:
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Fuck that.
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mstiu · 2 months
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"From that chaos emerged a new breed of warriors, the Deepspace Hunters, who dedicated their lives to protecting humanity..."
Linkon City, Hunters Association HQ
In the grand hall of the Hunters Association HQ, candidates gathered anxiously. Among them was a young woman with determination shining in her eyes. She listened intently as the President addressed the room.
"Fourteen years ago, the Deepspace Tunnel brought darkness to our city. But through the bravery of our hunters, we have reclaimed a sense of normalcy. However, the threat of the Wanderers still lingers. Today, we welcome a new generation of Deepspace Hunters who will carry the torch of hope."
Whispers circulated among the candidates, their voices hushed with nervous excitement as the President's words hung in the air. Analia felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and turned to see a fellow candidate, a young woman with a nervous smile.
"After they hand out our badges, we'll be assigned to a squad, which will determine our future… Aren't you nervous?"
Analia returned the smile, her voice steady and she replied softly.
"It's natural to feel nervous, but it's important to stay calm."
The President continued, his voice commanding attention. "Our goal as hunters is to extract the Protocores from Wanderers - in hopes of destroying them once and for all! Congratulations to all of you for passing the rigorous selection process. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. Now, let us begin the badge ceremony and welcome you as official Deepspace Hunters"
Analia's heart raced as the first candidate was called to the stage. She watched as they received their badge, a symbol of their commitment to protect humanity against the Wanderers. The whispers of anticipation grew louder around her.
The other young woman nudged Analia, urging her forward. "That's you, isn't it? Hurry, get on stage!" Analia took a deep breath, steeling herself for the moment she had been waiting for. With steady steps, she made her way to the stage, her heart pounding in her chest. The President's eyes met hers, his nod signaling her to proceed. She approached the device, placing her hand on it to confirm her personal information.
"Ah, Anhausen class… It's been a while since I've seen this Evol. You have a lot of potential for growth and might even acquire new abilities. I can see why Jenna picked you as soon as the rookie list was released to the public."
The device rang as it cannot detect her Evol level, "Can't be detected?" The president questioned as he raised a brow.
"Sir, that's likely because a Wanderer attacked me fourteen years ago. And ever since then, my Evol level hasn't been stable." Analia sighed.
The President's eyes softened with understanding.
"…Understood. That event changed the lives of many. Your Evol level is not the only criterion we use when evaluating a Deepspace Hunter. As long as you have the skills, this industry welcomes you with open arms."
Analia felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had feared that her unstable Evol level would hinder her progress. But the President's words reassured her that her worth as a hunter went beyond a single measurement.
...She mustered up the courage to ask a question that had been weighing on her mind. "Sir, if I may ask, is there anyone by the name of Amaia who joined Deepspace?" The President furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Hmm… There are no hunters that go by that name. But it does sound familiar… I have a feeling I've heard it before…"
Analia's eyes gleamed with hope, her voice filled with longing. Could it be that Amaia was also a hunter? She had to find her, to reunite with the person who held a special place in her heart. "Oh, Sir, if you ever find someone with that name… May I please have it known immediately?" Analia pleaded.
The President regarded her with a mix of curiosity and compassion. "Of course, but I must ask… Why?" Analia's gaze turned distant, lost in memories, her voice softened as she spoke. "Well… She's someone I know and is very special to me."
The President nodded, a hint of understanding in his eyes. "I will inform you immediately once I do so. But for now, congratulations, Analia. You are now a Deepspace Hunter." A surge of pride and determination filled Analia's being as the President handed her a badge, encased in a small blue box. She accepted it with gratitude, knowing that this was just the beginning of her journey.
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Analia and Tara made their way back to their quarters in the base after a grueling mission against the enigmatic Wanderers. As they settled down, Tara couldn't contain her excitement about the mission data analysis and the prospects it held for their future assignments.
"Data Analysis, Captain: Andrew. Wow, Data analysis! Yesterday's fortune was right!" Tara exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. She glanced at her wrist device, which displayed the information. "Well, what does yours say?"
Analia checked her own device and read aloud, "Sector: Alpha team, Captain: Jenna."
Tara's eyes widened in awe. "You're working directly under Jenna!? Wow… Can I visit you in the future whenever I want?"
Analia chuckled at Tara's excitement but teased her gently. "Are you sure you're not using that as an excuse to gawk at Captain Jenna?"
Tara blushed but quickly changed the subject. "Well, that's it for today! Wanna grab a bite to eat?"
Analia agreed, and they decided to try the new diner across the street. It was a place Tara had been eager to visit since she had heard about it. They left their quarters and made their way to the diner, their steps filled with anticipation.
As they walked, Analia overheard a conversation between two fellow hunters nearby. Curiosity piqued, she slowed her pace, allowing Tara to move ahead. The hushed discussion caught her attention.
"Have you heard that some new hunters came back injured after their mission?" One whispered.
Another replied, concern evident in his voice, "Yeah, I did. I'm a bit worried about what happened to them. Heard about the rumors?"
Analia's interest grew, and she discreetly moved closer, pretending to adjust the strap on her equipment.
"About what?" they asked, his voice lowered even further.
"That one medic," He continued. "Not gonna lie, she looks intimidating… Like an old yet beautiful haunted doll… It's giving me shivers thinking about it."
The female nodded in agreement. "Yeah… The fact that she can heal injuries and regain their full stamina just with a touch of her hands. Some people are saying that she's not human or something like that… Crazy, right?"
Analia's mind raced with questions, but before she could listen further, Tara called her name, breaking her concentration.
"Analia? Are you coming?" Tara's voice snapped her back to reality. Analia quickly turned her attention away from the conversation and rejoined Tara.
"Oh, coming!" Analia replied, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue. She glanced back at the hunters, who were still engaged in their discussion, and then continued walking with Tara, leaving the conversation behind...
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linkon-city · 16 days
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I press my thumb down on the lock, and Grandma's box opens with a light, metallic clink. The lamp on the desk shines on the top of the pile. These appear to contain experimental data with diagrams. Observation Log: The subject's heart has been stable for the past 72 hours.  Preliminary assessments indicate fusion with the Aether Core was successful. AC Fluctuation Test No 1: The energy fluctuation value of the Aether Core has reached Level II. The subject's heart is stable. AC Fluctuation Test No 2: The energy fluctuation value of the Aether Core has reached Level III. The subject's heart is stable.
𝙼𝙲 Fusing a Protocore with a human heart? Why did Grandma have records about an illegal experiment like this...
It is also the first time I've heard of a Protocore called an "Aether Core".
Could it be related to the one the Association is looking for?
I jot down the name of this special Protocore and continue to read the files. The next few sheets report similar data. The last sheet, however, is handwritten instead of typed. AC Fluctuation Test No 12: The energy fluctuation value of the Aether Core has reached Level VII. The subject is showing abnormal signs... Warning! Stop it...!!! The messy red handwriting ends with three startling exclamation marks.
𝙼𝙲 This looks like Grandma's handwriting...
As I read the documents, a feeling of dread fills the room. Gender: Female. Age: 7-8. Evol: Anhausen Class. There's no name in the Subject Information category. But there's enough to make an educated guess.
𝙼𝙲 Anhausen Class Evol... Could this "test subject" be...
Questions and answers interlock like chains in my mind. The sweet grandma I knew has revealed a side of her I didn't know she had.
𝙼𝙲 Could the test subject in these records be... me?
As the initial shock subsides, I hesitate for a moment, then pick up the phone to call the only person who might have an answer.
𝚉𝙰𝚈𝙽𝙴 Did something happen?
𝙼𝙲 Zayne! I... need to ask you a question.
Sensing the urgency in my voice, Zayne's voice also becomes serious.
𝚉𝙰𝚈𝙽𝙴 I'm listening.
𝙼𝙲 It's about my heart.
...Is the Protocore fragment in it the same as the ones in other Protocore Syndrome patients?
𝙼𝙲 Me: I just went through the stuff in Grandma's box.
The voice on the other end of the phone is silent. Zayne seems to be thinking about how to respond.
𝚉𝙰𝚈𝙽𝙴 It certainly is a strange Protocore fragment. After reviewing your condition, I have tried to find similar cases. But as far as I'm aware, you're the only one.
𝙼𝙲 Is that because it's the Aether Core?
𝙼𝙲 You're my primary care physician. Grandma also entrusted you to give me these papers. She must have had a good reason.
𝚉𝙰𝚈𝙽𝙴 It's only been six months since she passed. Regardless, aside from its name, I don't know much about it.
The fragment in your heart has been there for a long time. Perhaps, there's someone who can provide us with information.
Do you remember Dr Noah?
The person Zayne is talking about was the previous chief medical officer at Akso Hospital. He's an old acquaintance of Grandma and Zayne's teacher. He is also the first doctor to treat my heart disease. If anyone knows something about these files Grandma left me, it's him.
𝚉𝙰𝚈𝙽𝙴 Dr Noah is currently doing a personal research project in Snowcrest. If you want to meet him, I can help you get in touch.
However, the weather in that area has been quite unpredictable as of late. The train to Snowcrest is often unavailable. I suggest visiting him in two weeks.
𝙼𝙲 I don't have the time...
All right. I'll think about it.
I try my best to sound nonchalant, but I already made up my mind.
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photocreatief · 5 years
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Holz in Anhausen
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Schwäbische Alb: Rundwanderung im Großen Lautertal zur Ruine Wartstein
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Diese Rundwanderung führt uns durch den Teil des Lautertals, der nur von Wander- und Radwanderwegen durchzogen ist und deshalb auch sehr ruhig ist.
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Start ist am Wanderparkplatz von Anhausen, direkt am Rast- und Spielplatz Meisenburg, über dem die gleichnamige Ruine thront. Am Rastplatz überqueren wir die Brücke und folgen auf dem Wanderweg der abwärts fließenden Lauter (Wegzeichen rotes Dreieck, Hauptwanderweg 5).
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Nach ca 30 Minuten Gehzeit, während der wir imposante Felsformationen passieren, stoßen wir auf die Kernzone Gieselwald. Der Weg wird zum Pfad und wir erreichen ein Schild, das uns auf den Wasserfall Hohe Giesel hinweist, der mit einer Fallhöhe von 5 Metern zwar nicht besonders hoch ist, dafür jedoch um so lauter. Der kleine Abstecher nach rechts direkt an die Lauter und zu den herabstürzenden Wassermassen lohnt sich!
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Zurück auf unserem Wanderweg folgen wir ihm weiter durch Wiesen bis nach ca 15 Minuten die Ruine Wartstein hoch oben auftaucht.
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Je nachdem, wie hoch das Gras steht lohnt sich ein Abstecher direkt an das Flussufer: Im Frühsommer kann man dort die Blauflügel – Prachtlibelle bei ihrem Paarungsritual beobachten.  
Bei einer Kreuzung verlassen wir den Talweg und kraxeln einen steilen Pfad hinauf, dem Wegweiser Gemsfelsen / Ruine Wartstein folgend, bis wir die Ruine Wartstein erreichen.
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Schwindelfreie erklimmen den Turm über eine luftige Wendeltreppe.
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Der Blick von diesem Aussichtspunkt ist herrlich, man sagt, daß man an klaren Tagen von dort aus sogar die Alpenkette sehen kann.
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Aber auch ohne die Alpen ist der Rundblick über das Lautertal, die Albhochfläche und, in Richtung Süden, zum Bussen ein Hochgenuss.
Nach dem Abstieg vom Turm folgen wir durch den Wald weiter dem roten Dreieck und erreichen nach wenigen Minuten die Ruine Monsberg, von der nur noch wenig zu sehen ist. Weiter geht es bergab, wir passieren die Spuren der Ruine St. Ruprecht, die wir nur am noch deutlich sichtbaren Burggraben erkennen. 
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Nun geht es noch einige Minuten bergab und wir stoßen auf den Radweg in Richtung Anhausen. Diesem folgen wir flussaufwärts, überqueren nach ca 20 Minuten eine Holzbrücke und kommen nach ca. 10 Minuten zum Rastplatz Wartsteinbrücke. Dort bleiben wir links der Lauter, passieren noch einmal den Hohen Giesel und erreichen dann nach ca 3 Stunden Gesamtwanderzeit (ohne Pausen) wieder den Wanderparkplatz in Anhausen.
Weglänge ca 10 km, Gesamtgehzeit: 3 – 3/2 Stunden, Höhenunterschied: ca 160 m. Die Wanderung führt uns auf Wanderwege und Wanderpfade, ich empfehle auf jeden Fall festes Schuhwerk, denn der Pfad zur und von der Ruine Wartstein kann bei Feuchtigkeit glitschig sein.
Eine detaillierte Wegbeschreibung finden Sie im Führer „Wandern im Großen Lautertal“ von Günter Schmitt. Er ist bei uns vorrätig oder kann hier bestellt werden. Ergänzend dazu passt die Wanderkarte „Ehingen Münsingen“ im Maßstab 1:35.000 vom Landesvermessungsamt. Sie ist i.d.R. bei uns vorrätig oder kann ebenfalls bestellt werden
Text und Bilder: Susanne Martin
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victorycoach · 1 year
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Unterwegs im Wald (hier: Anhausen, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqDOxXrDTK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gutachter · 2 years
Der Turm von St. Adelgundis in Anhausen strahlt wieder
Der Turm von St. Adelgundis in Anhausen strahlt wieder
Anhausen: „…Schon von Weitem glänzt die frisch eingedeckte Turmspitze der Kirche von Anhausen in der Sonne. Ihre Schindeleindeckung ist etwas ganz Besonderes. Es scheint, als hätte sich die Kirche St. Adelgundis in Anhausen für den einziehenden Frühling herausgeputzt. Wenn die Sonne scheint, strahlt die renovierte Fassade und die neuen Schindeln auf der Kirchturmspitze glänzen. Die sind übrigens…
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Björn Höcke ist ein deutscher Politiker. Geboren: 1. April 1972 (Alter 47 Jahre), Lünen
Partei: Alternative für Deutschland
Erdrutsch in Thüringen Er ist einer von zwei Sprechern der AfD Thüringen und seit der Landtagswahl in Thüringen 2014 Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im Thüringer Landtag.
Seit 2014 ist der in Hessen beamtete Gymnasiallehrer wegen seiner Tätigkeit als Landtagsabgeordneter beurlaubt.
Mit der „Erfurter Resolution“ (März 2015) begründete Höcke die rechtsradikale AfD-Strömung Der Flügel mit. Im Herbst 2015 organisierte er die Erfurter Demonstrationen. Er vertritt Konzepte der Neuen Rechten und strebt ein Bündnis rechtsnationalistischer Gruppen zur ethnischen Homogenisierung Deutschlands und Europas an. Der AfD-Bundesvorstand zog ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen ihn im Juli 2015 zurück und stellte ein Parteiausschlussverfahren im Juni 2018 ein.
Sozialwissenschaftler, Historiker und das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) stellen in Höckes Positionen Rechtsextremismus bzw. Faschismus, Rassismus, Geschichtsrevisionismus, teilweise Antisemitismus und Übernahme von Sprache und Ideen des Nationalsozialismus fest.
Bücher: Nie zweimal in denselben Fluss Ausbildung: Philipps-Universität Marburg (1993–1998)
Höcke wurde im westfälischen Lünen geboren. Kurz nach seiner Geburt zog die Familie nach Neuwied in Rheinland-Pfalz, später ins benachbarte Anhausen. Seine Großeltern waren Vertriebene aus Ostpreußen. Sein Vater war Sonderschullehrer an der Landesschule für Blinde und Sehbehinderte (Neuwied), die Mutter Kranken- und Altenpflegerin. Höcke besuchte zunächst die Braunsburg-Grundschule in Anhausen, dann das Rhein-Wied-Gymnasium Neuwied. Nach seinem Abitur im Jahr 1991 leistete er Grundwehrdienst bei der Bundeswehr. Ab 1992 studierte er zwei Semester Jura in Bonn.
Von 1993 bis 1998 studierte er an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen und Philipps-Universität Marburg Sportwissenschaften und Geschichtswissenschaft für das Lehramt am Gymnasium. Nach seinem zweiten Staatsexamen (2001) absolvierte er von 2003 bis 2005 einen Masterstudiengang für Schulmanagement, den er mit dem Master of Arts abschloss. Bis September 2014 unterrichtete er an der Rhenanus-Schule in Bad Sooden-Allendorf Sport und Geschichte, zuletzt als Oberstudienrat.
Höcke ist verheiratet, hat vier Kinder und lebt mit seiner Familie in Bornhagen im Landkreis Eichsfeld
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instauftrag · 5 years
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So kennt die Welt Jesus. Er ist aber lebendig und wohnt in Herzen Seiner Nachfolger durch den Heiligen Geist. (hier: Anhausen, Bayern, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0tQqAAFUEy/?igshid=zuoa4vq61onk
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rheinsiegmagazin · 5 years
Verkehrsunfall mit eingeklemmten Personen an der Alteck bei Neuwied - Zeugenaufruf
#Verkehrsunfall mit #eingeklemmten #Personen an der Alteck bei #Neuwied - #Zeugenaufruf
Neuwied (ots) – Am 11.08.2019 wurde der PI Neuwied um 05.30 Uhr ein schwerer Verkehrsunfall an der Alteck, L258, zwischen Neuwied und Anhausen gemeldet. Zwei Personen seien eingeklemmt. Vor Ort wurde festgestellt, dass ein silberner Opel Astra Caravan in einer scharfen Linkskurve nach rechts von der Fahrbahn abgekommen war und dann gegen einen Baum prallte.
Dabei wurde das Fahrzeug so…
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linkon-city · 23 days
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𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃 …Fourteen years ago, the Deepspace Tunnel appeared above Linkon. It led to anomalous geomagnetic storms, and the creatures known as Wanderers emerged.
From such an event, the Deepspace Hunter was born.
Now society has returned to a sense of normalcy, but there are still Wanderers lurking in the shadows…
?? After they hand out our badges, we’ll be assigned to a new squad, which will determine our future. Aren’t you nervous?
𝙼𝙲 That won’t change the outcome. It’s better to stay calm.
𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃 Our goal as hunters is to extract the Protocores from Wanderers — in hopes of destroying them once and for all!
That being said, congratulations on passing the selection process. We are grateful for your hard work.
We will now begin the ceremony and hand out badges to the new Deepspace Hunters.
First Candidate, 043336.
?? That’s you, isn’t it? Hurry, get on stage!
𝙼𝙲 Hello, sir.
𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃 Place your hand here to confirm your personal info.
Ah, Anhausen Class… It’s been a while since I’ve seen this Evol.
You have a lot of potential for growth and might even acquire new abilities. I can see why Jenna picked you as soon as the rookie list was released to the public.
It can’t be detected?
𝙼𝙲 Sigh. As usual.
Sir, that’s likely because a Wanderer attacked me fourteen years ago. And ever since then, my Evol level hasn’t been stable. 
𝙿𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃 ..Understood. That event did change many lives forever. You’re not the first Evolver whose level couldn’t be detected. This isn’t the only criteria we use when evaluating a Deepspace Hunter.
As long as you have the skills, this industry welcomes you with open arms.
Congratulations. You are now a Deepspace Hunter.
𝙼𝙲 Thank you, sir.
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photocreatief · 6 years
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