#angsty Sebastian sallow
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kaidynsarell · 1 year ago
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Unpopular Opinion time: Sebastian
* Also Spoilers!*
And TW: long, rambling, possibly incoherent thoughts. Because there are too many of them in my brain 😅
Okay, maybe it’s not actually an unpopular opinion. Im not actually sure. Buuuut….
I absolutely love that Sebastian gets SO mad when we tell him about Lodgok.
Now, before anyone says anything….
I have reasons.
1. His reaction 100% makes sense for his character. I’m not saying his views aren’t problematic. They definitely are. Boy needs some lessons. But we also have to remember literally every interaction we have seen or heard of Sebastian having with a goblin has been completely negative. Goblins cursed Anne (It was Rookwood, but Seb doesn’t know that), Sebastian and MC are attacked by goblins multiple times, Goblins raid Feldcroft and nearby hamlets, AND a Goblin tries to kill Anne with an Axe in front of Sebastian. For him to have reacted to MC working with a Goblin in any other way would have felt disingenuous.
2. You could argue that he’s only angry because he cares about Anne, but I think you could also argue that In his own dumb 15-year-old boy way, he’s worried about MC, too. As stated previously, every interaction he’s had with Goblins has been negative. This kid is stressed to the nines, and now his new friend (MC) is galavanting off with some Goblin. Of course, he’s going to react negatively. In Sebastian’s mind, we’re doing something stupid and dangerous, and he’s scared. His reaction is definitely painful, but it’s also human. People don’t always react appropriately or how we’d like them too in those situations. Plus, like I said….. He’s a dumb boy
3. Let’s also not forget that since losing his parents. Sebastian has been taught, (via Solomon’s example) to react to things he fears/doesn’t understand with anger and hostility. Which is exactly what he does.
Look,I’m not saying I don’t want to drop kick him sometimes.
But…there’s just a special little place in my heart for our moody angsty little Seb. 💚🐍
*also if you actually made it through that. Thank You and I’m sorry. I hope your brain is okay after that….😬
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cursedonyx · 11 months ago
HL Cast React to you Cradling Them When They’re Upset
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Sebastian Sallow
Sebastian craves physical comfort like a starving man craves bread, but he’s very rarely had the opportunity to express it. Solomon was not the hugging sort, Ominis typically loathes physical contact unless it’s necessary, and Anne… well. The curse makes it hard for her to bear a cuddle for long. Sebastian has trained himself to give brief hugs and pats on the back, if anything at all, worrying that he’ll be seen as clingy, needy, or annoying if he holds on too tight, or too long. The last thing he wants to be is annoying, least of all to you. He has to be strong, he has to be cheerful, he has to be the one that everyone relies on. That means he’s useful, and people will stay by him. He can’t be a burden, or he’ll be abandoned.
So when you find him in the Restricted Section, surrounded by books and weeping into his hands at the sheer hopelessness of everything, he’s stunned when your immediate reaction is to pull him into your lap. He tenses, embarrassed by his display of emotion and afraid of needing you too much. But the longer you hold him, the more his defences crumble, and it’s not long before he’s sobbing into your shoulder, unable to speak, desperate to be held, to be loved, to be given the affection he’s been denied for so long. He clings to you for hours, alternately apologising and crying some more.
Once he’s calmed down enough to think straight, he realises you’ve not let him go. He begins to worry, fretting that you’re only doing this to be nice, but you still don’t let him go. He begins to relax into you, accepting that finally, finally, he can hold and be held like he needs. He’s got years of missing affection to make up for, and this is only the start. From this moment, any moment not touching you is considered a moment wasted, and Sebastian will hold your hand, link your arms together, hook your ankle over his under the table, or simply sit close enough so his arm or leg is up against yours. That is, if he’s not outright hugging you or snuggling you. For the first few months, you’ll be lucky if you get five minutes to visit the loo alone, and he gets twitchy if you’re apart from him for too long.
He's yours for life. Treat him kindly.
Ominis Gaunt
Ominis isn’t really one for physical affection, especially if you’re only friends, or in the early stages of your relationship. He’s not used to it, almost afraid of it, having never really experienced it as a child, and disliking the rough, enthusiastic, inexperienced hugs his friends give. It’s nothing like the tender affection he craves, and ever the gentleman, he’s worried about overstepping his boundaries. Ever the traumatised soul, he’s afraid of asking for what he really wants. He knows this isn’t something he can demand, as he has been taught a Gaunt would.
He doesn’t emote much, especially negative emotions. He’s always been taught to hide negative feelings or any kind of extreme emotion, and he wears that self-control like armour. But he’s not infallible, things still get to him, especially as he bottles things up. So when a particularly barbed jab from another student gets under his skin, he retreats to the Undercroft to rant at the air. This is how you find him, striding up and down and shouting at nothing, as if he’s arguing with someone.
Of course, he’s very embarrassed to be found this way, and tries to cover it by sliding back into the careful neutrality he so often wears. You know better though. You sit behind him, slide your arms around his chest, and pull him into your lap, your hand at the back of his head, letting him rest against you.
It sparks a memory he thought he’d buried. He was four, he’d tripped over and scraped his knee. His parents had scolded him for crying, growing more irate as their harsh words upset him further, and then Aunt Noctua was there, lifting him into her arms and bearing him away from the pain and the anger that was all his parents ever gave him. She’d taken him to her rooms in the Manor and settled in a chair, holding his head to her chest and humming a lullaby, soothing him with a hand on the back of his head.
It’s one of the last memories he has of her, and as it surfaces, he breaks. No matter how much he tries to pull it back, he just can’t, and your arms are iron around him, like a cage. But it’s a cage he doesn’t want to be released from, craving the warmth of your embrace, longing for the love and safety that is such a distant, fragmented memory, something that seemed like an impossible dream until now. He feels he should be embarrassed by this horrendous display of failed control, but he just can’t bring himself to care. It’s a problem for future Ominis. Right now, all he cares about is the feel of your heartbeat against his cheek, the gentle scent of your skin, the feel of your body against his as you hold him so tenderly. To his utter disbelief, you hum a gentle melody. It’s not the lullaby Noctua used to sing, but it’s soft and warm and comforting.
After this, Ominis is much more free with his affection with you, though he still keeps it to a minimum around others. If he’s ever had a bad day, or just needs comforting, he leans into you in a particular way that you come to learn means he wants to be held like that again. He knows you’ll never judge him for it, and he loves you all the more because of it. He becomes increasingly protective of you, fearing losing you, but he is ever respectful of your boundaries.
When he thinks back over all the days you spent together, he realises the time you first held him like that was the moment his subconscious mind began planning your wedding, even if he didn’t know it at the time.
Garreth Weasley
Garreth is a naturally cheerful person, and while he can get irritable, it’s over quickly and he’s back to being happy. It’s very rare for him to get upset for any significant period of time, so it’s quite a shock when you find him in his dorm, head hanging, faded tear-tracks on his cheeks. He tries to brush it off, of course, to make a joke or try to make you laugh, but you know better. You sit beside him and ask, and he tries to change the subject. But with a little prodding, he eventually tells you, grudgingly, miserably, what's made him so down.
It doesn’t take much to convince him to curl up in your arms. Garreth has always been comfortable with affection, and would probably still climb in his mum’s lap if he didn’t worry that he’d flatten her. He’s worried that he’ll squash you and takes a good while for him to relax, but once he does, he fully flops on you, murmuring soft little sounds of contentment as you rub his back or play with his hair. If you try to pull away too soon, he pretends he’s still sad so you’ll cuddle him more, even if he’s feeling on top of the world that you’d be so kind to him.
It tells him that you’re just like him, happy to snuggle and happy to do what’s needed to make him feel good, as he would for you. He feels a deeper bond with you than before, and the rest of Hogwarts can expect to find the pair of you draped over each other in all corners of the castle after this.
Leander Prewett
It’s… a little awkward to begin with, especially because an upset Leander is often a hostile Leander, as it's the way he's learned how to protect himself. You eventually convince him to let you hold him, but it takes a while. Leander is very tall with rather long limbs, so getting him in your lap in the first place is a struggle, especially as he’s so resistant to begin with. He’s already embarrassed enough by being emotional then snappy in front of you, worried that you’re going to make fun of him or worse, pretend to be nice and tease him mercilessly later. It’s the last thing he needs. But, with a little coaxing (and a bit of tugging) you manage to settle him in your lap. Yeah, the height difference is even more noticeable now, but that doesn’t matter to you. You make sure he’s comfy and hold him tight, not saying a word, just letting your hug do the talking for you.
He doesn’t tell you what set him off this time, what made him so upset. But after a long while as he curls around you, his head on your shoulder, his legs dangling over the edge of the chair or bed on which you sit, he tells you little things about his past. Some of them are happy memories or silly stories. Some of them are not. Leander bears his soul to you in bits and pieces, every word he speaks the truth, and all you need to do is listen. This is the moment he truly falls for you, a helpless, headlong tumble, and he would fight a dragon with a wooden sword to keep you from this moment on.
Amit Thakkar
Amit has always worn his heart on his sleeve, and is free with his emotions around you once you two become firm friends, or a couple. He’s a gentleman through and through, though this is mostly down to his natural shyness. He prefers to focus on you and your problems than his own, assuring you that he’s perfectly alright if you find him feeling down. You find him one evening staring down at his telescope, on the verge of tears, as the lens has cracked. He doesn't mind telling you why it's so upsetting to him, expecting a hug or maybe a pat on the back. So it’s quite the surprise to him when you pull him into your lap and snuggle him close, and at first, he’s not sure what to do with himself. He holds himself very still and stiff, and you have to encourage him to relax more than once.
He soon finds himself sinking into your embrace, comforted by your presence and your kindness, the pair of you warming each other atop the chilly Astronomy Tower. He’ll freely admit to you what’s been preying on his mind as the lens was just the straw that broke the camel's back, and shyly admit he really enjoys this particular kind of cuddle. He’ll probably doze off in your lap if you sit like this too long, and Amit is a very heavy sleeper. If he manages to stay awake, he’ll run his hand over your back, trying to reciprocate some of the attention you’re giving him, trying to say without words just how much things like this mean to him.
He won’t indulge often, he likes to be the one holding you, but it’s comforting for him to know that it’s something he can enjoy if he truly needs a pick-me-up.
Andrew Larson
In all fairness, Andrew will be climbing into your lap the moment you give the barest hint that this is what you’re going to do when he’s upset. He’s free with his affection in a more subdued way than Garreth, perhaps, but he makes no secret of how much he loves being snuggled up in your lap. He loves the security of being held, especially if you play with his hair. It’s guaranteed to cheer him up in no time at all, no matter how low he’s feeling. He loves draping his head and arms over your shoulders, and if you’re strong enough to carry him, he’ll fall in love with you if you carry him to bed when he starts to drift off.
In fact, Andrew loves this attention and affection so much he might even make himself get all teary eyed if it means you’ll draw him into your lap and rock him back and forth, even if there’s nothing actually wrong. Once he learns you’ll cuddle him the way he wants regardless if whether he’s actually upset or not, he’ll quit with the crocodile tears and swap them for happy little giggles.
Poppy Sweeting
You’ve barely put your arms around her before Poppy has slung her arms around your neck, swinging her legs up and snuggling into your chest. It’s almost as if she’s been made to fit especially in your lap, her cheek fitting perfectly into the crook of your shoulder. She might play with your hair a little to distract herself from whatever it is that’s upset her, but she’ll be honest with you if you ask what the matter is. She’s always been a cuddly sort, and regardless of whether you’re simply friends or are dating, Poppy’s always going to be giving you hugs or asking for piggyback rides (or just climbing on you anyway). This is a natural progression for the both of you, though Poppy will most likely want to do the same for you the next time you’re upset.
She’s stronger than she looks, so don’t worry about squashing her.
Natsai Onai
Natsai has always been an affectionate soul, but she’s also tough as old iron and rarely shows when she’s upset unless it’s about to overcome her. She learned in her fifth year that she could always reach out to you when she was upset, so that’s what she does. It’s still a surprise for her when you pull her into your lap to hold her, she was only expecting a friendly pat on the back or perhaps a brief hug, but your gesture is welcome nonetheless. It reminds her of the way her father would hold her when she was little, and she takes great comfort in it. It’s not something Natsai will tolerate for long, as she’s always been good at recovering from upset quickly, and being an energetic soul, it’s not long before she’s fidgeting and wanting to move about. She prefers to be the one holding you at any rate, and can sit still for hours if she does. She’s always felt much more comfortable in giving affection than receiving it, though she really does enjoy it when you do.
Imelda Reyes
Lol are you joking? When Imelda’s upset she wants to be alone, and if you try and intrude on her when she’s having a bad day or worse, actually crying, she’ll chase you all through the Highlands just to beat you up. Sure, she’ll probably apologise afterwards when she’s calmed down, but she’s got a reputation to uphold as Hogwarts’ baddest bitch, and she won’t ever let anyone see her cry, let alone in anyone’s lap. Now, if it’s you that’s upset? You can bet your arse she won’t let you get off her lap unless you’re about to pass out or are busting for a piss.
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slytherizz · 6 months ago
Fight or Flight - Sebastian Sallow/F!MC
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Summary: Sometimes sleeping dogs don't lie.
Two years after his uncles death and with Anne missing the last remaining Auror who scents deception requests a testimony from the only person witness to what really happened between Sebastian and Solomon in the catacombs that day. In a bid to protect those memories and keep him out of Azkaban their marriage is arranged - A marriage Sebastian is hell bent on putting a stop to.
Word count: 15,000 (remember when I said I’d keep it under 10k)
Tags/Warnings: Arranged Marriage, 18+, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Angst, Masturbation, First Time
Link: You can find the complete fic on Ao3.
A/N: Sebastian ‘my wife’ Sallow. To the anon who requested this, I’m sorry it’s so late but it was so much fun to write.
Sebastian is almost certain he’d been on the receiving end of a lethal confundus charm. Either that or he was at present suffering a massive life altering haemorrhage somewhere amongst the sun deceptively warming his cheeks and the familiar groan of the dragon bones anchored above them, as it tilted its great head in greeting when they'd arrived in Hecate's office. Full of mysterious tombs and the lingering scent of smoke. Ash trampled so tightly into the grooves in the floorboards he doubted even the house elves could scour out the smell. 
He’d gotten too comfortable. No. Down right complacent as of late and now his psyche in a riotous act of self-preservation was giving him a blistering slap back into reality. 
Pull yourself together. 
Sebastian dug his nails into the soft flesh of his palm. He hissed at the sharp pain as he broke the skin. Felt the blood prickle hot against his sweat slicked palms as it beaded along the thin superficial wound. Uncomfortable. Stinging. And far, far too real. 
“What-?” he managed to croak around a lump in his throat. Praying to Merlin that if this wasn’t a dream it was some elaborate and albeit cruel practical joke. 
“Spousal Privileges,” Hecat repeated. Matter of fact. Her features were drawn and to his dismay betraying no hint of amusement. 
Sebastian choked violently on his own saliva. A hacked cough, raw against his throat. As if the wind had been knocked out of him by a patient and vindictive phantom.
“What this means is you couldn’t be forced to give a testimony or surrender any memories pertaining to anything to do with Mr Sallow. With his sister still missing, the only people who know what really happened in that catacomb are the two of you. If you can’t be forced to corroborate this theory that has been gaining traction at the Ministry that’s the way it stays,” his professor continued to address the witch beside him, unmoved by the blood draining rapidly from his face. 
Her eyes were fixed intently on Hecat, chin raised as she refused to meet Sebastian’s increasingly panicked eye. He shifted in his seat towards her. Turning rapidly back and forth between her and their professor. 
Waiting. A heartbeat and then more passed. Mounting up until it became a deafening drum in his ears. 
He wanted her to laugh. Let it loose. Burst the dangerous tension mounting with every second this insanity stretched on for. Most pathetically of all - he wanted her to save him. Wanted to watch her face crease with laughter at the absurdity of what Hecat was saying. Cling to some sense of normalcy, her stability by his side whilst the rest of him was spiralling out of control.
She was uncharacteristically still in her chair. As frozen as the statue of the mourning lover in the courtyard. Her fist clenched so tightly in the pleats of her skirt her knuckles blanched. A half finished braid she’d been fiddling with behind her ear hung abandoned. Not a shadow of humour remaining. 
“Why now? It’s been years since…”  she asked, with a more measured tone Sebastian felt the situation did not warrant.
She spared him a glance which did little to put him at ease. If anything the serious crease to her brow set him on a razor's edge. 
Sebastian was unravelling. The thread he’d used to stitch back together a semblance of a life was pulling apart at an alarming rate. And the only two people who had any hope of holding him back together were entertaining this insanity. 
“Some of Miss Sallow’s effects were uncovered at the former Feldcroft residence. It seems no one had tended to the home since your Uncle passed…unexpectedly. My contact at the Ministry informs me that there's only one Auror pushing for those memories. Sergeant Tuttle. Old guard. Worked closely with your uncle when they were both juniors in the department. The rest are happy to let Solomon’s memory remain as it has been for the past two years - the heroic final act protecting his young charges from a horde of uncontrollable inferi,” she paused and Sebastian felt the weight of every word. “Personally I am inclined to agree.”
Hecate’s already thin lips pulled so tight they almost entirely disappeared. Her inscrutable brown eyes peeling back the curtain seeing far beyond the truth to the crux of him. Weighing his mettle. And he wasn’t sure she’d be impressed at what she found. 
Because what he was - was careless. Sebastian supposed he could argue that his distress over losing his sister had made it too painful to return. Knowing Anne was not there, Feldcroft seemed rather pointless. 
But really all he’d been was too eager to turn his back on that hovel that had never been his home. Ivy grew thick over its stones and he hoped one day it would pull it down entirely. No one had touched the wards in over a year. Perhaps when he’d boxed up his feelings and shoved them away in his desperation to move past what he had done, he didn’t consider the possibility that there were others out there who, unlike him, may not want to move on so hastily from Solomon's death. 
Anne certainly hadn’t. 
“With you two being so close, this is the cleanest option-” Hecate continued. 
“I don’t bloody care about clean!” Sebastian broke from his stupor. Fist slamming on the table rattling the spoon from where it rested against his saucer. “Tell me the other options. I don’t care how messy they are. I’ll do them.”
“Perhaps I should rephrase,” Hecat said sharply. “This is your only option. And you’d do well not to leap to such dramatics if you want this to work, Mr Sallow. In particular I’d advise against taking such a tone with me.” 
Sebastian didn’t care. He’d already geared up to argue back against this preposterous idea when the statue of the witch beside him suddenly came to life. As if Pygmalion himself had loved her into life just to spite Sebastian. 
“We’ll do it,” she said firmly. 
Sebastian choked again, head snapping to look at her. “You can’t be serious!” 
She simply glared back at him, as if he wasn’t the only reasonable person left in the room. “I’ve kept you out of Azkaban this long-“
Their professor cleared her throat, having little patience for the squabblings of teenagers that was beginning to unfold in her office. It set Sebastian even more on edge. She’d thrown a bomb into their lives and was now regarding him as some petulant child causing a scene. As if instead while he was scrambling to hold it together she expected him to thank her for it. 
“I’d choose your words more carefully in front of an audience but I admire the passion. If you want this to succeed you’ll have to make them believe this. Believe you. You can’t cast any doubt on the reason for any of it. A young couple, so in love they simply cannot wait to be married.”
It was like taking a match to a forest doused in kerosine. How quickly word could spread overnight when students kept such close quarters and they were eager for anything to save them from revision. Whispers billowed up from steeped mugs. Steam laced with secrets curled around their lips. Huddled so tightly together they looked like hydras. Each set of eyes alight with amusement. Teeth bared ready to feast on their speculation. 
From the moment Sebastian had stepped into the Great Hall he’d felt it. The oppressive shift to the atmosphere that usually welcomed him each morning. Clouds dark, heavy with the foreboding rain swirled on the enchanted sky. At least it was fitting.
Instinctively he sought her out. Looked for hers amongst the hundreds of eyes turned towards him. Which he pointedly ignored instead following the remaining half who stole glances towards her. 
Blue. Green. Brown. Shifted between them assessing to see what they might do. 
She was boxed into the middle of the table by Onai and Sweeting with Reyes taking up the spot across from them. A vicious hound guarding her flock ensured even the most brazen little wretch who considered interrupting would think twice - give her wrath a wide berth. 
Reyes to her credit - snarling banshee that she was - looked as deeply horrified by the pathetic silver band on her friend's finger as Sebastian felt it deserved. 
They’d transfigured it hastily from a pair of silver spectacles once they’d stumbled out of Hecat’s office the previous evening. One she kept in an odd tangle of items in her satchel and the rushed magic had already begun to tarnish its appearance. It was a wonder anyone actually believed them with how dull and thoughtless it looked sitting on her hand. 
If her smile wasn’t so tight, or her laugh a little too airy she would be executing Hecat’s ludicrous scheme to perfection. 
Sebastian swallowed around the lump in his throat and sheepishly changed course. Rerouted himself away from the group of witches throwing his bag down on the bench and slumping into a seat at the Slytherin table. Which seemed to delight some of the onlookers. Clearly humiliation was a good seasoning for eggs, he thought as he poured himself a cup of tea from the pot and took out his potions essay in an attempt to look busy enough no one would suspect exactly why he was sitting alone. Or worse, try and talk to him. Not that they would dare when his face looked as thunderous as the sky overhead. It didn't, however, stop him from overhearing their animated gossiping. 
‘Do you think she’s…you know?’ 
‘Obviously! Who in their right mind gets married a month before they leave school? Clearly they’re in a rush before she starts to y’know...’ one girl smirked with an exaggerated flourish over her stomach.
Sebastian shot a glare across to the gaggle of Ravenclaw’s in the year below. Who giggled even more loudly when they caught his eye, one turning pink from the tips of her ears to well past the neckline of her jumper. Sebastian on the other hand felt like someone had doused him in a bucket of water from the lake. 
If Reyes didn’t skin him for the insulting piece of jewellery she certainly would if she suspected he’d gotten her favourite flying partner up the kyte. 
Sebastian tried to focus on his potions essay. List even a single ingredient of ‘Felix Felicis’ which was proving to be impossible when behind him a brazen fourth year proclaimed and loudly he’d caught them sequestered away between the stacks of the restricted section - her body bent over a desk. Sebastian’s grip on the quill tensed as he strained himself to write the differing effects between wyrm and dragon scale on a potion - and not a very vivid description of what he apparently looked like on his knees buried between her thighs. Ink blotted on the parchment. 
Sod Hecat on ‘selling it’. Why did they need to go to such lengths when apparently every gossiping vulture was content to click their beak and do all the work for them? 
Surely Azkaban couldn’t be worse than this? 
Well, that was delusional - but if he overheard one more person comment on if her robes looked bigger he was more than likely going to do something that would get him thrown in Azkaban regardless. 
Sebastian had anticipated suspicion but he still wasn’t prepared for how much it would chafe. 
He knew if they were not at the centre of this farce, the two main players on the stage they would have jovially picked apart their performance too. She would have speculated over their sanity as she picked idly at her cauldron cake. Made some snide comment about being too eager to get his leg over. He’d bet her a galleon they’d see the proof in nine months and she would have snorted, undignified unladylike into her pumpkin juice. 
Being the subject of this speculation however was mortifying. 
Would that be next? Bringing a child into the fucking mess he’d made just to cover his own back? If the thought of dragging her into a marriage him feel ill it paled in comparison to the feeling of crippling dread that conjured. 
But would she want that one day? In a young witch's sacrifice to keep him had she truly considered all the things she was giving up in his stead. Things she may not know she even wanted until the opportunity had already been bartered and sold off for the price of his freedom. What kind of man was he to take the hope of any kind of family from someone who already had none to show for it? Take away the chance for someone to love her. 
Or maybe she never intended to give up on that particular dream. And Sebastian would be expected to play his part - the cuckolded husband. 
Work late until the candles burned down to the wick to give her lover time to retreat. Share her with one; or with many. 
Vow now to never let her go without. 
Even go as far as to raise her children as his own. Glamour their cheeks with foreign freckles he’d wish were inherited. Brand them with the Sallow name with ink on thin parchment but not their blood; their ties to him just as flimsy and performative as hers.
Her easy smile as she lathered honey onto her toast set his teeth on edge. Sebastian felt in that moment like he never really knew her at all. Head pounding Sebastian stuffed his ink pot and notes back into his bag. Abandoned his breakfast in a rush to get out of the stifling hall. Away from the whispers that he knew would also be deafening in her ears. Perhaps even more so.
‘I didn’t even know they were courting. It’s a shame he’s off the market.’
‘Here’s the thing - I don’t think they were. Clearly, he’s marrying her to do the right thing. Now that she’s trapped him with a baby.’
She caught his eye, her eyebrows stitched together in concern but it did not offset the rigid lock of her furious ticking jaw. Teeth set, clamped together as if Hecat had clamped a muzzle on a fucking dragon and then handed her chains to Sebastian. 
Shamefully, he couldn’t bring himself to hold her gaze. Couldn’t even bear to face her in that moment despite knowing he was the reason she had to listen to these lies spread. He should tell her he was sorry. But instead he fled. 
Complete fic can be found on Ao3.
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girl-named-matty · 8 months ago
MC: OoooOoOo Sebastian I found your diary! Sebastian: MC wait- don't open that up! MC: Why not? Are you all angsty in here or something? *Opens it up* MC: ... MC: Why is this all written in a pink glitter pen?
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cetuscorvus · 2 years ago
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Keeping an eye on things. Feldcroft isn't what it used to be.
Visit to Feldcroft with Slate Jumper Attire from Sallow's Closet
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anto-pops · 2 years ago
Lost and Found - Sebastian Sallow x Female! Reader
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Summary: You’d both fucked up, and you both knew it.  But Sebastian was starting to lose himself, and you couldn’t stop sobbing. The air was too thick for words, the pain and the anger and the fear combusting into a shrieking tempest. It was too much to bear in the cavernous room, and you both cracked.  Two years of your steady cadence shuddered and fell like leaves when Sebastian found his voice first.  “I’m fucking done.”
Alternatively summarized as Sebastian dealing with the aftermath of your break-up and working through his feelings.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Mild injuries, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 
Mostly Sebastian’s POV following the argument because I wanted to put him through it 
Maybe you were naive for believing your last year at Hogwarts would be easy, but after Ranrok, Rookwood, the Keepers, and the whole debacle with Sebastian in the catacombs, you were desperate for a sense of normalcy. You had deluded yourself into thinking that things could only get better from then on, and for the most part, they had. 
There was something about this semester, though. Something in the air, or in the water. Something in your clothes and in your bed and in your chest that just kept digging deeper and sharper, leaving you uneasy and on edge. 
You and Sebastian had been tense with each other, even though you didn’t mean to be. Neither one of you meant to be assigning blame so harshly, or to be getting so worked up over nothing at all, ending up angry more often than not. Growing up had proven to be fucking scary, though, and the learning curve could be enough to knock most people on their asses and keep them there for a good, long while. You and Sebastian had juggled these fears and told one another about them after you’d both already blown up, and you had apologized quietly for snapping so hard over dumb shit like spilled vials of Wiggenweld, and sometimes it was enough. 
Sometimes, it wasn’t. 
It wasn’t enough when you threw your hands up one night to scold Sebastian too loudly for staying up late, cutting one too many corners, and getting busted in the restricted section. The weeks worth of detentions had only served to set back his schedule, but it was his own damn fault, so why was he complaining in the first place? You clenched your fists and your voice was shaking when, halfway through wondering aloud when Sebastian was going to learn to be fucking responsible, you realized you didn’t mean that, and that it was kind of a fucked up thing to say.
You might have tried to backpedal– to apologize– but Sebastian was tense. He was scared. He had fucked up his end of term project for Potions, and he was positive he’d basically failed an exam in History of Magic earlier today because of how scatterbrained he had been. He had yet to narrow down a potential career path for after school ended, which his professors never let him forget, much to his annoyance. So as you drew in a breath to stutter out an apology, Sebastian was too afraid of hearing more about what a fuckup he was to let you start. 
Blindly, he picked up the closest thing to him on the desk situated between you both, and shot out of his seat to throw it at the wall. It turned out to be an ink container, the black, murky liquid spilling down the walls of the Room of Requirement, and the sound of the shattered pieces of the bottle cascading to the floor was muted by the volume of Sebastian’s cruel words.
When Sebastian was finally out of breath from screaming and your tears were streaming down your cheeks in earnest– the salt trails equal parts rage, disbelief, and guilt– the two of you stared at one another for a long, heavy moment. 
You’d both fucked up, and you both knew it. 
But Sebastian was starting to lose himself, and you couldn’t stop sobbing. The air was too thick for words, the pain and the anger and the fear combusting into a shrieking tempest. It was too much to bear in the cavernous room, and you both cracked. 
Two years of your steady cadence shuddered and fell like leaves when Sebastian found his voice first. 
“I’m fucking done.” 
It had been three days of Sebastian actually staying in his dorm. He hadn’t been sleeping at all, but he was there during the night, and Ominis had been forced to listen to his friend toss and turn fitfully since he’d ended things with you so terribly. 
Sebastian could still hear the echoing slam of the massive oak doors of the Room of Requirement. He could still hear the way you’d choked on your words, and when he closed his eyes in his vain attempts to quiet his mind, all he saw was you. Your hands curled into fists, teeth savaging your bottom lip, tears coursing down your face and dripping from your chin as you’d squeezed your bloodshot eyes closed and started erasing him from your mind. 
At least, Sebastian imagined you had. 
Given his shitty academic performance in recent weeks, Sebastian couldn’t afford to skip classes in order to avoid you, but it turned out that he didn’t have to. You hadn’t shown up once to any of your classes– even the ones you didn’t share with him. It hammered home the finality of what had transpired three nights ago, and if he drank a little too much stolen Firewhiskey to cope with the sinking feeling in his chest, Ominis elected not to say anything about it. 
“You’ve been under a lot of stress recently,” Ominis said later that night, squeezing Sebastian’s shoulder as he used the brunet as leverage to lower himself into the couch cushions. The common room was deserted, and Sebastian was grateful for the lack of prying eyes, curling his hand tighter around the neck of the bottle between his legs. “Both of you have. Sometimes, things just boil over.” 
Sebastian didn’t reply at first. He didn’t even know where to fucking start. Stress couldn’t begin to excuse the shit he’d said to you right before he left. In-between your gut-wrenching sobs, he was certain he had heard your heart crack in two at some point, and it was his own fault. Running his hands down his face, Sebastian heaved a trembling sigh, trying to sort out the crappy thoughts bouncing around his tipsy brain. 
“Was she in any of your classes with you today?” Sebastian asked, his gaze trained on the ceiling as he willed the watery tone in his voice away. He had cried enough over everything– his eyes and his throat fucking ached from it. 
Ominis sighed, reaching to the side table for his steaming cup of tea. He worked it into a safe grip before blowing softly, taking a tentative sip. “Not today, no. None of her roommates have seen her in her dorm either– I already asked.” 
Sebastian just wanted to know how you looked. Maybe it was awful of him to think as much, but he liked to imagine you were faring as bad as he was. You were an impossibly strong and powerful witch, willful and understanding, and you got mad so rarely that Sebastian couldn’t help but loathe the idea of you putting on a brave face and smiling until you were over him. 
What right did he have to be thinking such things, though? He was the one who had walked out. 
Ominis said nothing when he heard Sebastian lift the bottle to his lips again, taking a hearty swig that burned on the way down. Tears welled up in his swollen, brown eyes, and they slipped down his cheeks silently, a metaphorical rain cloud looming over his end of the couch. The two men didn’t say a word, but after a while, Ominis tugged Sebastian against his shoulder, letting the heartbroken man cry softly into his pajamas. 
“Bloody hell, mate,” Garreth muttered, leaning over his cauldron to get closer to Sebastian. “Two years, though?”
The classroom was quiet, save for the steady bubbling at everyone’s stations. They were supposed to be working on brewing an Edurus Potion, but Garreth seemed more interested in his friend’s failed love life after hearing through the grapevine what had happened. Sebastian didn’t answer, choosing to focus on adding in the Mongrel Fur to his silvery concoction. 
“Together that long and this close to graduation, I thought that was going to turn into fucking marriage, you know? Are you sure it’s–”
Garreth stopped talking when Sebastian slammed his hands down on his table, shattering a flask under the weight of his fist so suddenly, the redhead jumped back with his green eyes blown wide. Sebastian’s stare fell from Garreth to the blood pooling under his palm, biting his tongue through the stinging pain and unintentional tremors while Professor Sharp strode over to see what the commotion was about. 
Docked five house points and dismissed to the Hospital Wing, Sebastian shuffled up the winding staircases in a daze. His head hurt when he walked through the double doors to the infirmary, but he ignored the dull ache and got to dealing with his hand so he could leave faster and sleep through the impending migraine. Once all the glass had been picked out of Sebastian’s cuts and he’d been disinfected, bandaged, and fed a Wiggenweld potion for extra measure, he made his way back to the dorms. 
He dimly realized on the trek down that it wasn’t how long he had been together with you that was preventing him from getting over you. 
“You’ll be back on your feet in no time,” Leander said from two tables away, raising his Butterbeer towards Sebastian and Ominis. The two were tucked away in the far corner of The Three Broomsticks at Ominis’ insistence, in some feeble attempt to get Sebastian out of the permanent rut he had found himself in for five consecutive days now. The brooding Slytherin just picked at his bandages, gritting his teeth together and silently hoping that the dirty bar floor would open up and swallow him whole. 
There were too many students around for comfort, and a number of them glanced cautiously between Leander the Sebastian, checking to make sure that the Gryffindor wasn’t at risk of having his nose broken. He meant well– especially after 6 Butterbeers– but Prewett was famously not good with words, and Sebastian didn’t trust himself to speak anymore. 
Leander motioned to Sirona for another drink, and once she’d deposited it on the table with an amused shake of her head, he walked the pint over to the dreary corner. “On me. You don’t need her, mate. Chin up.” 
With a rough clap on Sebastian’s shoulder, he left just as suddenly as he’d appeared. Ominis listened warily for any signs of anger or sadness, but all he heard was the sound of liquid sloshing as Sebastian lifted the drink to his lips and chugged down two thirds of it. 
As he set the tankard down on the table, Sebastian looked up at the cobweb covered beams overhead, acknowledging that no, he didn’t need you. 
But that wasn’t what was keeping him so low, either. 
After a week without so much as a glimpse of you, Sebastian took to wandering. He was restless– constantly fidgeting– like he had a fire burning under his ass all hours of the day. His chest was perpetually heavy, as though there were a Graphorn sitting on him, and his hair was in a constant state of disarray from running his hands through it. 
Sebastian was a mess. He knew he was. 
Shit, there really weren’t any other excuses for standing in a fucking fountain in the middle of the night, staring daggers at a stone dragon because there was no one else around to focus his frustrations on. There were probably better places to be shifting through his jumbled thoughts than in the middle of the Transfiguration Courtyard, but at this point, he felt bad keeping Ominis awake all night with his inability to sit still and sleep. 
Either way, Sebastian halted his wading through the water to glare firmly at the statue again, doing his best to imagine a future without you in it. 
Thus far, you had been Sebastian’s first and only love– aside from dueling. You knew him inside and out. You could look at him from across a room and know instantly how close he was to punching someone, how tired he was, or whether or not he was actually listening to a conversation. You had a million different smiles for a million of Sebastian’s petty annoyances, and all of them struck hard and true and left him feeling at peace with the state of his life. 
He knew you just as well– it wasn’t like you were some all powerful Legilimen living in his head. You had your flaws, your insecurities, your anxieties. You made mistakes, and you had inhuman levels of empathy and understanding– which was probably how you had managed to deal with him after your tumultuous fifth-year. 
There was something viscerally calming about you, something that never failed to keep him in line when he was acting like a piece of shit, and that kept him steady when he was feeling anxious. It had been too much, though, and Sebastian knew you took on the burdens of others far too heavily without stopping to think of yourself. It weighed on you. 
You weren’t perfect, but neither was he. 
Leaning against the dragon, Sebastian closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, the water in the fountain lapping at his calves and trickling soothingly in a short arc from the dragon’s parted lips. 
Maybe Sebastian just couldn’t comprehend people as well as he thought he could. That was probably it. 
You were the brains, and he was the brawns. You were philosophical, seemingly making sense of everything that crossed your path, while Sebastian understood too little despite trying. Between the two of you, you managed to make just enough sense of the world to be comfortable. But now everything was over. 
Sebastian kicked at the water idly, dodging under the dragon’s stream to make another lap around the fountain. 
He liked dueling. He appreciated how simple it was– it was do or die, realistically speaking. Cast or get casted on. Win or lose. Whoever he would go up against would inevitably let their mask slip, cluing him in on their thinking, their pain, their weaknesses. It was logical for him, and most of the time, he found his opponents predictable. 
Sebastian never could have predicted that he would walk out on you, though, and he definitely wouldn’t have ever predicted that you would let him. 
It took him a few minutes to realize that he was standing under the dragon’s stream, and it was soaking through his hair and into his shirt. He sighed, slicking his bangs away from his face before letting the cold water rain down on his flushed face for a moment, and then he was stepping out of its way. 
There had to be a reason Sebastian was having so much trouble with this. 
Leander had been unwittingly correct; Sebastian definitely didn’t need you, as in, it wasn’t like he couldn’t breathe without you. He was his own person with his own strengths, and you were the same. It wasn’t even that he had put ‘too much time into it’, as Garreth had implied, because loving you had never felt time consuming. He couldn’t even begin to move on from this, and it was pissing him off, because he was really fucking tired of crying and of staring at walls, unfocused and feeling hollow. 
Sebastian was especially tired of his hands turning over all the time to find yours, because he knew you weren’t there anymore. Still, he couldn’t stop his fingers from spreading to make room between them for yours, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from scanning every room for you. He would never be able to stop his body from shifting to accommodate someone who would never occupy that space again. 
Sebastian fixed his stormy gaze on the dragon again, deep in thought about you. You, who always understood a little more than you probably should have, and who always knew how to read him like a damn book. You would lay beside him every night tangled together, tapping in time to the steady beat of his heart under your ear, quieting the restless drive that seemed to always exist within him.
He could move on from you. He could focus on his studies, the two of you would graduate, and eventually you would both find someone else. But ultimately, Sebastian seriously doubted he would ever feel the bone-deep comfort that stemmed from you again. It seemed highly unlikely that he would ever meet someone that made him feel the way you did. It was like… no matter how long the two of you sat and watched clouds, or meandered through the woods, it was never time wasted. It had always been okay to just exist for a while without doing something, or making something, or going somewhere. When he was with you, it had always felt okay for him to put his problems on the table and walk away from them for a while, instead of obsessively stabbing them and getting more and more frustrated. 
No matter where he went or how successful Sebastian could potentially be, he had a sneaking suspicion that his fingers would always spread just far enough for yours to slide between them. 
The sound of sloshing water filled the courtyard, and then Sebastian’s soaked shoes were slapping against the grass with each pounding step that led him full speed towards the Room of Requirement. The only thought in his mind as he skipped up the steps two at a time was that the peace that came over the both of you when you were together had to be worth fucking trying again. 
There was something to be said about how the normally concealed oak doors were already displayed, as though beckoning him to where he knew you had been hiding for days now. He eased his way inside without a second thought, noting the messy state of the desk in the corner and the stacks of books that had toppled over on themselves beside the entryway. The entire space looked lived in, and your unique scent hit him full force as he strode further into the room. 
When Sebastian reached the bottom of the tiny stairwell leading towards the larger living area, you were looking up from your seat in front of the fireplace that lit the otherwise dark chamber. The look on your sleepless face and the way your unruly hair curled wildly around your temples clued him in on the fact that he wasn’t the only one who had been feeling like utter shit this last week. Your lips parted around a silent gasp as Sebastian stumbled towards you, still panting from having sprinted to get there. 
“Hi,” he wheezed, leaning forward on his knees and forcing a deep breath into his lungs in a bid to prevent himself from passing out. 
“Sebastian?” Your voice was small and raspy– as though it hadn’t been used the entire time you’d been holed up here. “Why are you so wet–” 
“I love you,” he interrupted, his labored breathing filling the silence that followed the declaration. “I love you and I’m so fucking sorry that I’m such a prick and that I hurt you. I fucked up and I can’t take back anything that was said but I wanted you to know how sorry I am, and that I don’t want to be done, and if you aren’t tired of me yet I have a really stupid dueling metaphor for why we should stay together– mmph–” 
You had crossed the space between you both in a flash, reaching out preemptively until your trembling hands clasped Sebastian’s soaked tie to yank him towards you. 
“I missed you,” you whispered as you leaned your forehead against his, your breath warming his chilled lips– just a hair’s width away from kissing– but your hesitation burned like fire between the two of you. “Merlin, Sebastian, I’m so sorry–”
Sebastian reached up to tangle his fingers in your hair, and his damp skin caught on the tiny knots that were scattered throughout the normally tame strands. His sighs mixed with yours, the two of you murmuring tense little ‘I love you’s and ‘I missed you’s until the sounds mingled and settled in time. 
Looping an arm around your waist to guide you towards the modest bedroom the room had conjured up years ago, Sebastian maintained the tentative space between your lips, whispering your name as he led you through the hallway. Your fingers were already working open the buttons on his soaked shirt, trusting him completely to walk you safely backwards to your once shared bedroom. Sebastian slowed, taking his hands off of you only once to shrug out of his button up, dropping it haphazardly behind him. Your strikingly warm hands blazed over his shoulders, then down his chill-ridden arms, before he was bending over to rid himself of his waterlogged shoes and socks. Sebastian stood straight right after, resting his hands on your waist while your shaky hands slipped down to work at the wet catch of his trousers. 
The bedroom door was shut, so your heads banged together when Sebastian accidentally walked you into it. He blurted a string of curses, leaning down to press his lips gently against your forehead apologetically. Blindly, he reached behind you in search of the doorknob– which was quite frankly the only unfamiliar part of the entire room– because the door had never been closed before. 
Sebastian realized belatedly that oh, the door had never been closed before, and the couch you’d been perched on when he walked in had been covered in a nest of thick quilts and extra pillows. 
He trailed his lips slowly across your brow, then down the curve of your nose, before kissing the corners of your mouth so tenderly that the affection left you wanting to cry. Pressing one more kiss to the tip of your nose, he whispered, “You slept on the couch?” 
Your breath caught in your throat, and your fingers stilled in their efforts to remove the damp material from Sebastian’s clammy skin. Shivering slightly, you could only look up at him through your lashes, understanding that he wasn’t asking so much as he was stating. Of course he knew you had slept on the couch. 
Silence crept through the dark hallway, broken only by your meek sniffles, before you were nodding against Sebastian’s chest. He lowered his head in an instant, pressing his lips to your cheeks, but the sudden taste of salt and the slip of water had him pulling away to look at you. You were quick to wipe away the fresh tears dripping down your face, your breath hitching on barely-caught sobs and your bloodshot eyes squeezing shut against them. 
Sebastian captured your hands in his and twined your fingers together, nuzzling away your tears without a care for his own, and he hovered cautiously for a beat before finally closing the space between your lips to kiss you. 
It lasted for a moment, then a minute, then a lifetime as Sebastian leaned in closer and breathed love into you, receiving in equal parts the taste of his tenderness returned. He freed one hand to gently cup your face, his thumb wiping through the wet trails that still lingered, and your arm around his waist tightened immeasurably further, tugging him flush to you. 
You whispered against his soft lips then, your voice cracking, “What brought you back?” 
Sebastian pulled back enough to look at you– really look at you– and take in every bit of your face like he would never get the chance to again. It wasn’t like he didn’t already have every expression of yours memorized, but in the last seven days without seeing that warm light in your eyes, the world had seemed a whole lot darker. He sighed, swallowing thickly as he wondered how to begin phrasing every bottomless thought that he’d had since he realized why he hadn’t been getting over you. 
He didn’t need you to function. His relationship with you wasn’t an investment or something that could be measured with time, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t imagine a future without you. It was just that he didn’t want to. 
Sebastian didn’t want to live without you beside him. He didn’t want to grow old without you, and he didn’t want anything but to be surrounded by your warmth every day for the rest of his life. 
He leaned forward and kissed you again, just as gently as the last dozen times, and you reached up to cradle the hand he still had cupped against your cheek. Breathing a long sigh, Sebastian stared at you longingly as he murmured, “Wherever you are is where I want to be. It’s home. I wouldn’t be stranded without you, but the place I like best is wherever I can be next to you.” You trembled against him, both of you biting back resurfacing tears and failing miserably. “If it’s okay, can I come home?” 
A tiny whimper slipped from your throat as you nodded, wiggling your arms up to throw them around Sebastian’s shoulders, and then you were sniffling feebly into the crook of his neck. Sebastian wrapped his arms around your wait, holding you tightly as he fumbled for the doorknob, and by the time the two of you had crossed the short space to the bed, you were somewhere between laughing and crying. 
Your hands moved back to Sebastian’s glued on trousers, leaning up into his kisses eagerly as you swiftly got to removing the painfully cold attire. With a little assistance from the brunet, the two of you managed the pants– by the grace of Merlin and more than a little shimmying. Sebastian’s briefs and the oversized jumper you wore vanished significantly quicker than the rest, and he quickly eased you down onto the soft, familiar sheets. 
Sebastian rolled over beside you, lifting his hips to haul the covers over you both before he pressed his still-chilled body into your welcoming embrace, and he relished in the shiver that coursed over you from the contact. 
When your lips came together the next time, neither one of you pulled away, leaving your tears outside of the safe, blanketed world you’d created for yourselves. The whispered love that twined like smoke alongside the quiet sounds of your hands relearning each other’s skin filled the air for hours. Gasping breaths and soft moans of your name were all you could hear, Sebastian’s gentle affirmations of reverence making your heart swell with unbridled affection. 
You stayed like that all night, wholly content for the first time in a good, long while. When the sun finally began to cast its waking rays through the paneled window, bathing you both in a golden glow that illuminated the drying sweat on your skin, Sebastian’s soft murmurs and twin heartbeat lulled you into a blissful sleep.
Just before unconsciousness stole you away, you threaded your fingers through his own, letting your intertwined hands rest atop his chest in the same way Sebastian had so dearly missed. He pressed a lingering kiss to your temple, closing his eyes against the growing morning light, and he felt lighter than he ever had as you thoughtfully whispered, “Welcome home.” 
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shyamanuensis · 3 months ago
The Secret Life of Us - HL Fic.
Angst, death, desires, playing with fire? You've stumbled across the right place. Hogwarts Legacy Character fic - set slightly AU with characters aged up. MDNI. Hope you enjoy xoxo
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“Garreth Weasley – you’re a selfish fucking prick!”
The church is dead silent. No pun intended. The last handful of mourners leaving hours ago and yet for some indescribable reason, I can’t bring myself to say goodbye to my best friend. The pesky redhead is finally gone. Our pesky redhead. A cold reminder that life is short – that death is forever. Even though he played with fire, I had always thought Garreth would be the one to outlive us all. As to whether its heaven or hell that his soul has transcended to – I’m sure it’s there causing mischief.
How did we get here though? The funeral of a friend we beloved so dearly? Well – to tell you that, I need to go back a few weeks ago. Back to when life as I knew it or was at least able to comprehend it – was simpler. Funny how back then I knew the safe word to use so that I wasn’t unreasonably fucked over by the universe. Off memory – I think it was a Tuesday…
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Tuesday 24th July -
It’s not the shards from the bourbon glass thrown at the kitchen wall that nick my skin but the broken neck of the bottle that follows it from a swift swing. Everett’s drunk – again. He claims time after time that he’s got his vices under control and yet almost every second evening, I come home to the smell of a distillery lingering throughout the apartment. There’s no use in crying in these scenarios. In a melancholy kind of way – I know them all too well. After a sixteen-hour shift on my feet at the hospital doing overtime however, I’m stretched thin and to my mental limits. He’s carrying on, how he usually does, like a banshee about commitment. A commitment to work, a commitment to craft, a commitment to a fulfilling life, a commitment to me him. Funny that – this shit only ever suits him. I’m exhausted and craving caffeine – black, double shot – but the cigarette I can smell coming from the balcony next-door is overpowering and alluring. While Everett continues to pace around the kitchen, fixated on God knows what – carrying on in a rage that would make a sailor blush I slip out of the small, white window in the adjacent dining room that leads to the apartments fire escape.
The late summers afternoon breeze hits me with a sudden wave of relief which for a moment of absolutely bliss while in peace, I let etch down every inch of my skin. Late July was always my favourite time of year. That unique balancing point between the conceding of a blossoming spring and the absence of intensity that autumn storms bring. July has a funny way of reminding me at times, that it takes grace to remain kind when you find yourself the solo protagonist of life’s cruel situations and storylines.
“…she said use your hands and my spare time – we’ve got one thing in common, it’s this tongue of mine.”
The softly sung words pull a small smile to the corners of my lips as from the corner of my eye, I notice Sebastian sitting on his balcony; crossing out and scribbling lines into a tiny notebook he’s got rested on his knee. His voice sounds like a cracking fireplace in the middle of winter and butterscotch candy. It did even when we were back in high school. He hasn’t changed a bit. Well… I mean he has; but that’s a story for another time.
“New song?”, I ask picking at the skin between my fingers. “Mhmm”, he mumbles with a lobsided grin around the cigarette between his lips. “You’re out here rather early. I wasn’t expecting to see you until at least after 5.”
Reaching over from the fire-escape and across the balcony railing, I take the cigarette he’s got loosely slipped between his lips and inhale a drag like my life depends on this one nicotine hit. The stressed chords he strums on the guitar perched in his lap don’t sound quite much like anything, but there’s an undeniable comfort that vibrates off the strings. Back in the day, he’d always practice his silly little love songs that he’d write on me. Our seventh and senior year was definitely interesting.
“Disappointed, are we?” I ask at my earlier than expected presence. “I can go and come back later if you’d like?” “No, no – you could never disappoint me.”
An unconscious, fleeting glance we share is broken by the sound of crockery smashing against the tiled kitchen floor back inside my apartment. The shattering sound makes my body tense and seize. I find myself clutching onto the cigarette in hand as a lifetime to get away from the perpetual hell I’m still living in. Sebastian’s eyes narrow as he glances towards the window I earlier crawled through – a melted chocolate gaze with the promise of both a tender embrace and yet unfathomable despair as he places his guitar down beside him. Notebook knocked down to land on top, he holds his hand out for me to take it. There’s a clear hesitation which brews through the air between us. Like the fine line between precautions and storms we’re use to fogging.
“You know I only come over on Thursdays Seb.” “So…”, he suggested with a shrug, “Let’s start making Tuesdays our thing instead.”
As if I’ve held myself at gunpoint for all the wrong reason, I take Sebastian’s hand and climb over the fire escape onto his balcony. I’m caught by his hands on either side of my waist to assist with keeping my balance, but they do more than just steady me. Without having to ask, he leads me inside the apartment so that I get an escape from what’s going on back next door and within seconds of being within each other’s company, we’ve relapsed into a game of bad habits.
Shoes kicked off in a fumble and shirts thrown to the floor with ease, our lips find each other’s mindlessly. His voice may sound like butterscotch, but he tastes like freshly brewed coffee - grounding. And there’s that mixed hint of menthol nicotine making each kiss refreshingly addictive. It doesn’t take long for the back of my thighs to hit the edge of the couch and we’re falling back into familiar territory. Soft groans pluck themselves from the back of my throat as I feel his weight begin to sink in over me. Assisting me to forget what life was like, just mere minutes ago.
“Am I still seeing you on Thursday?” “Shhhh…”
The light touch of a finger to my lips keeps me from saying anything further as kisses are peppered across the soft dip of my stomach. My body reacts to the familiarity of his touch by arching my back softly; just enough that my waist lifts so that the jeans I’m wearing can be peeled off from my hips. Making themselves comfortable within his brown messy locks, it feels so fucking good to have his hair wrapped around my fingers. Sebastian’s breath searing warm across my skin. An sudden knock at the front door grinds our twenty seconds of bliss to a frustrating halt. I can’t help but think to myself yet say out aloud;
“….this is why we don’t do Tuesdays.”
Pushing Sebastian off me, I roll off the couch in a hurry and keep low to the floor as I grab his shirt off the ground and pull it on with a haste knowing that it’s length will cover everything. The materials soft. Black. Boyfriend material. I brush my hair coyly over one shoulder and comb my fingers through the ends as his sister appears in front of us, having just dropped shopping bags down in the kitchen. Anne’s eyes shift between the both of us – a sort of knowingly sly smirk painting across her lips.
“Have I interrupted something?”
I can feel my heart drumming heavily inside my chest. I’m sure if anyone looked hard enough, they’d see the palpitations through the shirt I’d just slipped into. Chewing roughly at the inside of my cheek, I elbow Sebastian, making it appear to be an accident so that he can interject or add to the current one-sided conversation Anne is having with herself.
His answer comes out nonchalantly. Almost a little too casual for my liking.
“I um, just dropped by for some sugar”, I add. Depending on how you interpret what I’ve just said; innuendo or fact – it’s not a lie far from the truth. I consider for a split second to grab my shoes and jeans however quickly realise that the act would snitch us both in, so I leave them where they messily lay on the floor and force a mental sticky note to the side of my head to come back by and grab them later today.
“Thanks for the um sugar, Sebastian.”
Our time together ends as a modest grin is shared between us. As if it’s the only and usual way to leave someone’s apartment; I step back out on the balcony and climb over the railing back onto my apartments fire escape. From what I can see through the window, Everett has passed out on the dining room floor giving me an opportunity to clamber back in without concern. Sebastian’s aftershave that lingers on his shirt is a harsh reminder that I can’t continue on like this and that I have a few choices. One of them – packing my bags to leave. Leaving though means starting again. I’m really not fond of the idea. Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer I’m seeking though. Perhaps self-destruction is.
Wetting my lips with my tongue and dropping my head back to stare at the ceiling and regain my thoughts; there’s the quiet vibration of my phone ringing on the coffee table that provides me another excuse to temporarily leave my reality. Picking it up to check the caller id, my fingers falter from answer for a few seconds. The ringtone momentarily drilling through me. Through my current insanity.
“Ominis…”, I answer the call, “…what a nice surprise. You never ring.”
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Special thank yous to @eva-fitzgerald for putting up with my questions, @writingsoftarnishedsilver for the fic request and @berrysemifreddo for the pictures that assisted in inspiring all this xo
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my-maehem · 2 years ago
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Why do I feel like crying? This made me have sad thoughts for some reason.
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simply-slytherin · 2 years ago
Imagine MC goes missing.
Sebastian hasn't heard anything from MC and has no idea where to even look. The only thing he knows to do is sit in the Undercroft with every free moment he has, to the point where people are hardly seeing him around the castle. All he can do is stare at the blank wall connected to Isidora's hideouts, hoping that MC will walk through there any minute and explain to him their crazy adventure...if they come back.
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gh0stgirl333 · 2 years ago
Mystery of Love - Ominis Gaunt
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A/N: okay Ive never wrote a fanfic on tumblr before but I thought this would be the perfect place for this sweet boy🥹 I literally was driving home from work this morning and this song came on and I was like hmmm yeh that could be cute🫣🫣 it’s been a couple of months since I’ve written anything so hopefully it’s not too bad :)
Kinda angsty fluff idk 🤷‍♀️
“Oh to see without my eyes, the first time that you kissed me.”
Ominis had always tried to ignore those gentle touches and soft conversations, but now with you so close hands grazing his, he was finding it harder than ever; before he could almost forget how overwhelmingly dulcet your voice sounded or how intoxicating your sweet perfume was. He leaned forward into your touch, causing your breath to hitch uncharacteristically. Ominis shook the feeling off as he stepped backward, he fumbled over his words the pressure of your gaze making him dizzy.
“I’m sorry.” It was all the boy could manage as his misery set in. Of course you didn’t return his feelings. How could you? He was the broken blind boy with only one friend. Ominis now thought that perhaps Sebastian was the reason you had grown so close to him over the months, he was everything ominis wasn’t. He stiffened in jealousy as your steps came closer.
“Whatever for ominis?” He nearly melted right there, he could fall into your arms now and forget you didn’t love him as he loved you when you said his name so passionately. He shook his head again as you reached out to grasp his arm to prevent him running like a niffler that had just seen gold. “For making you uncomfortable.” He pushed his chin to his chest in embarrassment while you giggled. Of course you thought this was funny, he felt bile burn the back of his throat as tears tickled his sightless eyes.
“Ominis, you don’t make uncomfortable.” There was that giggle again. “Infact, I quite like holding your hands.” You fingers grazed his chin lifting his head; there was that gaze you held burning his cheeks as he sucked in a laboured breath. “You..do?” His voice came out as a whisper while his face leaned into your palm that had moved to cup his cheek.
A few silent seconds go by before you work the courage to speak what is truly wanted. “Please kiss me ominis.” You had said it in such a desperate fever that ominis couldn’t possibly think twice before pulling you close and crashing his lips against yours. He was hungry as your mouths moved against each other. All jealousy and pain that had built up in ominis suddenly disappeared and it was as if he was complete. Your kiss, your warm touch making him whole. For the first time he felt he didn’t care if he didn’t have his sight. He had you. Ominis was seeing everything he needed to in your touch.
“I love You.”
“I love you too, ominis.”
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weirdraccoon · 1 year ago
Ominis *talking about MC*: I'm not usually interested in anyone, but now that I am, it's like the universe is telling me: "nah bitch, you can't have them".
Sebastian *looking longingly and sadly at his best friend*: I know what you mean.
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blondecorrespondence · 11 months ago
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Chapter 9 of A Serpent's Heart, A Lion's Pride up now <3
read on AO3
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girl-named-matty · 4 months ago
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Where did it all go wrong?
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fanartandfanfiction · 2 years ago
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! I LOVE getting requests. They’re always welcome and I enjoy this challenge. This one was outside my comfort zone, an angsty fic featuring Sebastian! I think it turned out well.
I’ll Never Stop Fighting For You
She’d made a mistake. That was clear now. But it was too late.
“What do you intend to do with it?” She was back under the school, looking at professor fig. Sweet professor fig, the man who’d mentored her, taken her under his wing.
“No one needs this much power. If I leave it here, how long will it be before another genocidal maniac tries to take it?”
His face fell as he absorbed the meaning of her words. “You can’t.”
“I have to!” She screamed at him. “Never again! This ends now!” The memory became flooded with red. She saw Fig’s face twist up in horror.
“NO!” She bolted upright in the bed, her whole body shaking and sweating.
“CHRIS! What’s wrong?” Sebastian bolted up beside her. She’d given up sleeping in her dorm. They’d unofficially moved into the undercroft. Ominis understood that she couldn’t sleep alone and gave them their space.
“I’m fine.” She gasped, her breathing labored.
“Chris, it’s alright, I’m here with you.”
“I SAID I’M FINE!” Sebastian saw her eyes flash red for a moment. It was happening too often.
“Ok.” He said quietly.
“I need some air.”
“Chris, it’s two AM, I don’t think-“ he stopped when he saw her hazy red glare. “Be careful.”
Christina changed out of her pajamas and grabbed her cloak and her wand. She stomped out of the undercroft and began heading for the nearest exit.
“Chris, you’ve gotta stop doing this. I can’t overlook it anymore.” She heard Leander’s voice behind her.
“Just let me go, Prewett.”
“Chris, they know I’m letting you get away with things and they’re going to take my prefects badge.”
“Really, Prewett? Really? I’m SO SORRY you’ll lose your stupid nark badge! It really is the most important thing isn’t it? Nothing else matters but your fucking badge!” She didn’t care that it was 2 AM as she shouted at him in the hallway.
“I’m worried about you, Chris! You leave at all hours of the night and come back bloody and bruised! Yes, I’m a prefect, but I’m also your friend and I won’t let you go!” His heart ached seeing his friend suffer like this. Her eyes began glowing red.
She didn’t even mean to do it. She barely twitched her finger. It didn’t matter. Leander was knocked off his feet and slammed into the wall.
“PREWETT!” She rushed towards him. “Oh my god! What did I do? I’m so sorry! I’m so fucking sorry!”
His head was bleeding, but he was conscious. And the terror in his eyes broke her heart.
“I’m so sorry. I can’t do this anymore. I won’t.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a vial of wiggenweld she always carried. She extended it to him gently. “Please forgive me.” She sobbed and then took off at a run.
She didn’t know where she was going to go, but she had to get away from here. She couldn’t hurt anyone else. The fear in Leander’s eyes would haunt her. He’d tried to help her and she could have killed him. She ran until her lungs burned and then she ran some more.
She ended up in the middle of the forbidden forest. She thought about everything leading up to this point. Ranrok, the keepers, the trials, the death, the pain…it flashed like a slideshow in her brain until everything was tinged with red.
And then she exploded.
She let out a primal scream as waves of ancient magic pulsed through her entire body. Trees were cracking, the ground shook, lightning struck. She blacked out and woke up in a pile of destruction. And then she burst into tears.
Christina hadn’t come back last night. That wasn’t unusual lately, but it didn’t mean Sebastian liked it. He decided to go to gryffindor and see if anyone had seen her.
“Sebastian!” He heard Prewett call out to him.
“Not now, Prewett!” He turned and his jaw dropped. “Merlin’s beard! What happened to you?!” Leander’s head was bandaged and he still had dried blood caked on him.
“Last night��Chris was leaving. I tried to stop her and she got really angry with me. Her eyes turned red like they do sometimes and then she…well, she threw me into a wall.”
“Holy shit.” Christina loved Prewett (for reasons that were unclear to him) and would never hurt him.
“Then they looked normal again and she looked horrified. She gave me wiggenweld and ran off. I shouldn’t have let her, I should have tried to stop her.”
“And get yourself killed? No.” He took a deep breath. “Has anyone seen her?”
“No. And I didn’t tell anyone what happened. I was going to get Garreth, Ominis, and you to help me look.”
“Thank you. I’m going to look outside the school, you guys look here. You know her spots.”
“We’ll find her, Sebastian.” Prewett said seriously, looking him in the eyes. Sebastian nodded in response and took off.
Once he got outside the school, there was a clear trail of destruction. Broken trees, cracked pavement, burn marks on the ground…the damage grew as he entered the forest.
He followed the trail deeper into the forest until he saw her. She was on her hands and knees, sobbing.
“Chris!” He shouted and ran towards her. She looked up in shock.
“What are you doing?! You can’t be here!”
“I came to get you, it’s alright.” He reached for her and she shoved him back.
“No, it’s not alright! Look at this! Look at what I did!” She screamed. “I nearly killed one of my best friends last night! I can’t control this anymore, Sebastian! It’s too dangerous! Go away before I hurt you too!”
“We can get through this together, Chrissy. You didn’t give up on me. I’m not going to give up on you.”
“Why won’t you just listen to me?! Go!” Her eyes were starting to glow.
“I’m not leaving without you.” He said firmly.
“Yes. You. ARE!” Her eyes were glowing more intensely than he’d ever seen them. He rolled out of the way as a red blast burned past him.
“I don’t want to fight you, Christina!” He rolled out of the way of another blast. “Depulso!”
The only thing it seemed to do was piss her off more. She screamed and he saw the clouds beginning to form. He cast protego just in time as lightning bolts struck the shield, which wavered from the attack. “DEPULSO!” If he could just hit her hard enough to knock sense into her without hurting her, they’d be alright.
She screamed again and the ground beneath his feet began cracking. He sprinted out of the path as waves of red magic shined through the cracks. He watched in horror (and amazement) as Chris picked up a fallen tree with her magic and launched it at him. It was too big to dodge entirely and the branches tore through his skin. He hissed in pain but knew it was just a surface wound.
“Christina, please! I love you and I know you don’t want to do this!” He depulso’d a rock she’d flung at him. “Remember the good things, Chris! Snuggling in the undercroft, drinking butterbeers with Ominis, doing whatever the hell you do with Prewett!”
She didn’t seem to even be breaking a sweat as she summoned a barrage of lightning bolts to strike him. His protego was barely strong enough to deflect the lighting.
He had no choice. He had to stop her. “BOMBARDA MAXIMA!” The powerful explosion shot out of his wand. She’d been about to launch another boulder at him and didn’t have time to deflect it.
It struck her square in the chest.
“CHRISTINA!” He screamed and ran towards her. He saw her crumpled form on the forest floor, surrounded by smoking embers. She wasn’t moving.
“Oh god, Chris, I’m so sorry, I’m so fucking sorry, please don’t leave me like this!” He was sobbing as he cradled her in his arms. “I can’t live without you!”
Her eyes fluttered open, a light blue with no trace of red magic whatsoever. She let out a soft cry of pain and he helped her sit up. Things were still coming into focus and she could see a blurry figure with her.
“Chrissy? Chrissy, can you hear me?” It sounded like Sebastian. She closed her eyes, feeling nauseated from the double vision. When she opened them again, Sebastian was sitting in front of her.
“SEBASTIAN!” She launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around him. “Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t hurt, your arms are bloody! Oh god I’m so sorry!” Tears were falling down her cheeks as she realized what she’d done. “Are you ok? Please tell me you’re ok!”
“I should be the one asking you that!” He brushed a spot of dirt off her cheek with his thumb.
“Why didn’t you go?! I could’ve killed you!”
“Because I needed to fight for you, Chris. I’ll never stop fighting for you. You needed me. And I need you.”
“No, if you stay you’ll only get hurt! I’d die if I hurt you, Sebastian. Please, please, just-“ her words were silenced as Sebastian’s lips crashed into hers. She collapsed into sobs and he held her against him, stroking her hair.
“You’re worth fighting for. You didn’t give up on me when I was going down the wrong path. And I won’t give up on you. We’ll fix this. I promise. I love you too much to leave you.” They stayed there for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms surrounded by the destruction she’d caused. Eventually they went back to the castle and Christina fell asleep in his arms.
-some time later-
They stood in an open field in the highlands, the wind whipping through their hair.
“Are you ready?” Sebastian asked her, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“As much as I ever will be.”
“I’ll be here if you need me.” He kissed her tenderly and stepped back.
Christina closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She could do this. She knew how. She put her wand by her face and focused.
She’d caused so much pain. Taken so many lives. She thought of everyone that had been lost because of Ranrok’s reign and the ancient magic. Her mind was filled with a montage of memories of the ancient magic, none of them good. It had done nothing but cause pain. That ended now.
Sebastian watched the swirling ball of ancient magic growing larger. He could tell it was causing her pain, but she’d given him strict instructions to stay back.
With a primal scream, she pointed her wand straight in the air. The magic swirled in a tornado as she forced it up and away. With one last thrust of her wand, there was an explosion of red, and Sebastian shielded himself. Then there was silence.
“Chrissy?” She was on her hands and knees on the ground. “Chrissy!” He ran to her, cradling her in his arms.
“It’s gone.” She was shaking and in pain. “All of it. Even my own. Good riddance.”
“Here, love, drink this.” He gave her a vial of wiggenweld and she downed it. Some of the color returned to her face. “I’ve got you.” He held her tightly, feeling a tear run down his cheek. “It was a burden you never should have had to bear.”
She finally let herself grieve. She knew professor fig would be proud of her. She missed him so damn much. But sitting in the field with the boy she loved, she felt for the first time like things would be ok.
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sallow-gaunt · 2 years ago
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1) I don’t want to keep secrets from Ominis :(
2) I want to give Sebastian a huge hug after what happened with his uncle before this like I really wish we could just hug him sometimes, he seems like he’s in desperate need of a hug and someone to tell him it’ll be alright
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sebastianswallows · 2 years ago
Have a little blurb from my upcoming fic, to prove to everyone and to myself that I’m actually working on it 😅
A bit of dialogue between Seb and Omi from chapter 6 💚
“Absolutely not.”
“But Ominis!”
“Don’t you ‘but Ominis’ me. And I won’t hear any ‘oldest friend’ or ‘thought I could trust you’ or even an ‘after all we’ve been through’. You won’t manipulate me this time.”
“Why not?”
“I stand firmly on this, Sebastian. No dark magic items in my house.”
“It’s a big place, you scrounger. You won’t even notice it.”
“No. My house, my rules.”
“Well what would you like me to do with them? Donate them to St Mungo's?”
Sebastian was fortunate that Ominis’ fireplace was large enough for him to Floo his trunk into the living room, but just as soon as his presence was known — and more importantly, the reason behind it — Ominis became… less welcoming.
He had no issue hosting Sebastian for a few nights while that thing with the Aurors blew over, but not his ‘cabinet of wonders’, as he took to calling it. Sebastian was exasperated. Nothing in there was that bad, he said, he sold those ones to the highest bidder — which, surprisingly, only made Ominis more upset.
“You can stay, on the condition each nefarious item in there is destroyed.”
“Sure,” grinned Sebastian.
“By me.”
“Now wait a minute —”
“Can’t you see that this is not worth it, Sebastian?” Ominis sighed. “This obsession only gets you into trouble.”
“It’s not an obsession, it’s a career.”
“And why can’t you find another one!?” said Ominis in the shrill tone that told how angry he was, a tone Sebastian knew well.
“We each have our talents, Ominis, and this is mine.”
“Dark magic is not a talent. It’s a liability.”
“Fine, then! I’m a ‘liability’ to you!”
“Oh, here we go again…”
“After everything, everything we’ve been through together —”
“Much of that, might I remind you, was me getting you out of trouble!”
“So why can’t you get me out of trouble once more!?”
“No,” said Ominis, turning his head away.
Sebastian sighed and threw his hands in the air. He felt ready to strangle something.
“You need to make a choice, one you should have made years ago, before Solomon — dark magic, or your friends.”
“Well, first of all, I deny your spurious accusations. There’s hardly any dark magical items in this trunk.” He told the truth, there were only about eight. “And second of all, you’re not my only friend.”
“Is that so?”
“That is so.”
“Fine, then.”
Sebastian stood in Ominis’ living room, arms crossed over his chest and heaving, while Ominis waited imperiously by the door.
“You expect me to leave now, or…?”
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