justiceandcoffee · 2 years
Have You Ever
trigger warnings apply!
been cheated on | been bullied | told a horrible lie | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | passed out | cheated | bullied | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | gone without food for over three days | gone without sleep for over three days | been tortured | been slapped by a parent | been abused by someone who should have loved you | had a panic attack | been in a car accident | had sex | had sex with a stranger | been raped | felt raped | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | used | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been dominant | been submissive | been forced to smile | been misgendered | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying
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thunderousmemes · 2 years
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                               ❦ ╾╾╾╾╾ PROMPTS FOR THE FEELS 
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“I thought you said you loved me?”
“I thought you were better than that.”
“How could you do this to me? You knew!”
“Trust me, you want to be in the friend zone.”
“I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but… you need to know something.”
“For someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
“You’re the worst. And you’re all I’ve got.”
“If you’re here to tell me what happened last night, someone beat you to it.”
“Talk to me, okay? I need to know what’s going on.”
“Don’t call me that, you don’t get to call me that anymore“ 
“You never tried and I don’t think you ever will“ 
“You are my biggest regret” 
“I never loved you, how could I?” 
“You broke us, not me, this is on you“ 
“You knew it would hurt me and you still did it“ 
“You meant nothing to me” 
“I never want to see you again.”
“I need you to stay.”
“I needed you and you just left me there” 
“I saw nothing in you” 
“Please don’t leave me, not again.”
“I’m not going to sit and watch you destroy yourself.”
“I cannot take your lies anymore, we are done” 
“Were you pretending this whole time?” 
“Glad to see this was nothing but a joke to you” 
“you don’t have to do this.”
“you’re right, i don’t have to, but I'm going to.”
“No, there is nothing anyone can do.”
“Would you know the end if you saw it?”
“Are you going to be okay?”
“Can you still love me?”
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rpxdeas · 5 years
Send “Open your heart” for my muse to tell yours their sincere thoughts about them.
Bonus: Send “Let me see your heart” for my muse to tell yours their sincere thoughts about them along with a gif depicting their relationship.
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heroibus · 6 years
“ is this my fault? ” papaaaaa
angst & post-angst sentences.  || meme interactions: accepting! || @sniktdaughter​
“No. I’m a grown man, Laura. My actions are my own, and you can’t take the fault for them.“ he had done the same in the past and the guilt had killed him slowly and efficient the same way the adamtium had done for a while.   his generations made mistakes and now, IT WAS THE CHILDREN WHO TOOK THE CONSEQUENCES. it hardly seems fare for them. 
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starscreamapillar · 3 years
You're a huge dorito who people should just dip in acid guacamole already. And deep down, you know this.
Deep down I know that people have been trying this insult since 2007, and even then it was mildly annoying, and not much more. Get better material, vermin.
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wishesmemery · 2 years
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Send 👻 to have a chance to talk to my muse after they’ve died (if you can’t see the symbol, send ‘ghost)
Send 👻+ if you’d like my muse to have a chance to talk to YOUR muse after they’ve died (if you can’t see the symbol, send ‘ghost+’)
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robinbait · 5 years
❛ you didn’t miss me, not even a little? ❜
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“OH FUCK YOU. i went to your fucking funeral, you ass.“ and jason folds his arms and practically fumes at the little cheeky tone he hears from dick. does he think this was funny? only kori and roy could know how he really felt when the news hit him. “What if I did? Kind of wish I didn’t. considering it was all a trick.”
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Sad Edition 
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“Was I simply not good enough for you?
“Why would you say something like that?”
“Do you ever listen to me?”
“It’s always my fault isn’t it?”
“You keep hurting me, yet here I am sill”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore, it hurts”
“I just need some air, don’t bother following me”
“Just never enough am I?”
“Honestly, it’s better this way” 
“Just leave me alone, I don’t want to see you anymore” 
“Am I always to blame for your stupidity?” 
“Is this just some sick game to you?”
“Don’t shut me out, please” 
“Why the hell should I listen to anything you say?” 
“Damned liar” 
“You awe me some answer, after all we have been through” 
“Can I even trust you?” 
“I’m just tired, sick of being so useless” 
“Why do you even care? Never had before” 
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rpxdeas · 5 years
Sentence starters - Learn to Be Lonely/No-one Would Listen by A. L. Webber
“Learn to be lonely.”
“Learn to find your way in darkness.”
“Who will be there for you?”
“Who will comfort and care for you?”
“Learn to be your one companion.”
“You’ve never dreamed out in the world there are arms to hold you.”
“You've always known your heart was on its own.”
“Laugh in your loneliness.”
“Learn how to love life that is lived alone.”
“Life can be lived alone."
“Life can be loved alone.”
“No-one would listen.”
“No-one but her/him/them heard as the outcast hears.”
“I learned to listen.”
“In my dark, my heart heard music.” 
“I longed to teach the world.”
“I longed to rise up and reach the world.”
“I alone could hear the music.”
"I hear you”.
“I hear your fears.”
“I hear your torment and your tears.”
“She/he/they saw my loneliness.”
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heroibus · 6 years
“ it’s not about me, anymore. ” to donna!
angst & post-angst sentences. || accepting! || shieldchosen
“YOU DON’T NEED TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF TO ME.“ and donna’s voice is soft, though she gets the agitation. recently it seems most people were coming back to her life, dick first and now diana. though she doesn’t mind any of them, it was just a reminder that she isn’t just a normal human. “   i’ll help you. as i always do.” and the young woman smiles. “got to dust out the old suit from time to time, right?”
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 6 years
30. What makes them feel safe or secure? What makes them feel insecure or unsafe?
hel is sad. ll not accepting.
Hel most often finds security in the presence of another, especially if it is someone that she cares for. A friend, a family member, just their presence can be enough to put Hel at ease so long as they don’t go prodding around her life.
As for lack of safety... being in Asgard. The memories of her lat day living there do not wash out, and she always has some deeply rooted fight or flight instinct when it comes to standing in Odin’s throne room. She hates that place in totality, and avoids it whenever possible.
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akimonochan · 7 years
Ok so if you've been following me for a while then you've probably noticed that I abandon a LOT of drawing memes rip
And that's just because I'm a dumbass who forgets to do them and loses all the motivation to actually continue uwu b
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wishesmemery · 4 years
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“Have you been eating enough lately?” “Did you drink anything recently?” “I know it’s hard but you can’t just give up.” “Is everything alright..?” “Why are you crying, what’s wrong?...Besides all this.” “Are you sure you want to keep working?” “Shouldn’t you sit down and rest for a little bit?” “You need to relax, you are stressing yourself out to much” “What do you mean your pregnant?” “Are you taking care of yourself at all?” “You look like a mess! here sit down. Let me help you.” “Lean on me, I’ll get you somewhere safe to sit.” “We’ll be alright, We just have to stay strong.” “Of course it’s not alright! nothing is alright.” “This is bad, This entire incident is so bad.” “We’re all going to die at this rate.” “Why did they do this to us?”
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toadlingscentral · 7 years
pure random open starter w/no title
”I don’t want them to go to prison. They did it because they loved me,” Mortimer says very quietly to the person next to him, someone who he feels is too close. There should only be one person so close to him, only one. "When can I see them? I want to see them. Please?" So far they keep telling him no but maybe, maybe this time they will say yes. Maybe they will see how badly he misses them, needs them. He can't think of a life without them. So the person he is talking to needs to see that. Then maybe things can go back to the way they were. "Please?" Mortimer tries again.
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Angst Edition  
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“I can’t unlove you, I don’t want to”
“I can’t shake this bad feeling, it never seems to go away” 
“It wasn’t your fault, it was mine”
“Please don’t let me go again, I need you” 
“Just leave me be”
“Just keep your eyes on me, I’m not leaving you I promise” 
“I swear to do better, to do things different this time” 
“Don’t give up on me just yet, I can change” 
“I miss the sound of your heartbeat” 
I don’t believe you, it’s a lie”
“Why are you keeping secrets from me again?” 
“Please tell me you didn’t, please tell me it’s a lie” 
“Stop coming around, I no longer need you” 
“I never owed you a reason why” 
“Why must I keep falling into your arms, only to have my heart broken again” 
“Did you really ever care?” 
“You’ve lost me for good this time” 
“Never again will I fall victim to your lies” 
“Have you not been sleeping?”
“Just go” 
“We are done” 
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rpxdeas · 6 years
Sentence starters - Think of Me by A. L. Webber
“Think of me.”
“Think of me fondly.”
“We’ve said goodbye.”
“Remember me.”
“Promise me you’ll try.”
“Once again you long to take your heart back and be free.”
“If you ever find a moment spare a thought for me.”
“We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea.”
“If you can still remember, stop and think of me.”
“Think of all the things we've shared and seen.”
“Don’t think about the way things might have been.”
“Think of me waking silent and resigned.”
“Imagine me trying too hard to put you from my mind.”
“Recall those days.”
“Look back at all these times.”
“Think of the things we'll never do.”
“There will never be a day when I won't think of you.”
“Can it be?”
“Can it be (muse’s name)?”
“It seems so long ago.”
“How young and innocent we were!”
“She/he may not remember me.”
“I remember her/him.”
“Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade, they have their seasons, so do we.”
“Please, promise me that sometimes you will think of me.”
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