thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Sinday Edition 
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“For not believing me when I tell you something, take off your shirt” 
“I said take it off” 
“Good [ insert pronouns here]” 
“Don’t stop, not yet” 
“Touch your breasts [name], I want to see you touch yourself” 
“That’s right let me have you” 
“Spread your legs wide for me”
“Hmm dinner and a show” 
“I want to feel you inside of me” 
“Open up”
“Fuck me against the wall”
“Such sinful lips”
“Beg for me darling” 
“On your knees, open wide for me” 
“Such a divine taste” 
“You like it rough, don’t you [name]?” 
“Touched starved are we” 
“I love when you moan my name” 
“On all fours, pet” 
“Please me” 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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         Get a peak into my muses mind, send 💬 + a word and they will share either a good or bad memory associated alongside the word. 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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                                                      Get to know my muse(s)! 
      anon or not send in three questions you’ve been dying to know about a muse(s) of mine, all questions much be answered truthfully! It can be as SFW or Not as the sender pleases. 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starter - Soft Interactions Edition 
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“Come crawl into bed with me”
“Oh, is that flower for me? How thoughtful of you” 
“May I have this dance?”
“I know it’s not a special occasion, but surprise! I bought this for you” 
“Hope this makes your day a little better, made it myself” 
“Such a lovely voice you have, why don’t you sing more often?”
“Just want to hold you a little longer” 
“I just love your hugs, they are just so calming” 
“I do believe that is my shirt you are currently wearing, have you ‘borrowed’ anything else?” 
“You do look better in that shirt than I do” 
“Never had the courage to give this to you, but do read it when you get the chance” 
“A love letter?”
“And boop right on the nose” 
“I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me sometime?”
“So there’s this art museum I’d like to take you to, care to join me on a date?”
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starter - Misc Edition
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“Finally some peace and quiet” 
“You are not getting out of this”
“Oh no”
“How does that taste?”
“Can you just stop please, there’s no point” 
“I just don’t want to see you anymore” 
“I’ll be fine”
“Okay can you repeat that?”
“You got to rip it off super hard” 
“That doesn’t work”
“I suppose coffee would be nice, though I would like it black like my soul”
“Did you just”
“Pumpkin carving?” 
“Can we just leave now, I am tired”
“I don’t even know anymore” 
“Are you sure that’s okay to eat?”
“It looks off”
“Something is not right here”
“You are kidding me right? 
“um no”
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Misc, Edition pt 2 
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“Is that coffee I smell?”
“Is that even considered legal?” 
“Why are you even telling me this, I don’t want to know”
“Save that for the bedroom please”
“How about no”
“I shall take your soul”
“I will break you”
“Cooperate and no harm shall come to you”
“Let us take a walk” 
“You talk to much, are you nervous or something?”
“Become one with the shadows my friend” 
“What is it that you want? I’m busy” 
“You should smile more often, it suits you”
“Tonight’s entertainment includes you” 
“Must we do this now?”
“You are looking rather fine this evening” 
“Just stop and listen to yourself” 
“What are you even saying?”
“I’m to tired for this” 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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           For every “💚” my muse will admit something they find attractive about yours 
                                                  Specify for multi-muses 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Movie Edition ( Avengers - Age of Ultron 2015 )
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“ [ name ] you son of a bitch!” 
“ Back in the day I had eyes everywhere”
“ Who sent you?”
“ But I'm ready. I'm on a mission”
“ You are unbearably naive!” 
“ You know, with the benefit of hindsight...”
“ I had strings, but now I'm free.”
“ Is this your first time intimidating someone?”
“ Let's talk business”
“ Ooh-hoo! You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“ Keep up, old man!”
“ You didn't see that coming?”
“ Please be a secret door, please be a secret door”
“ Only when I've created a murder bot.”
“ I could choke the life out of you right now, and never turn a shade”
“ That was dramatic”
“ You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off”
“ I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan”
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Game Edition ( Skyrim )
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“Kill well… and often.“
“I am sworn to carry your burdens.“
“Ummm… you got no clothes. You should get some.“
"Hail, Companion!"
"All the living shall fear the dead."
"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
"You’re either the bravest person I’ve ever met… or the biggest fool."
"Sorry lass, I’ve got important things to do. We’ll speak another time."
"Giant Spiders? What’s next? Giant Snakes?"
"I faced him fearlessly, my fate inescapable”
"Sky Above, Voice Within."
"Power. You Have It, As Do All [ name ]. But Power Is Inert Without Action And Choice."
"This Life Might Not Look Like Much To You, But I'm Content, And Isn't That All That Matters?" 
"The Curse Of Much Knowledge Is Often Indecision." 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Things my co-workers say edition 
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“Is it time for a nap yet?” 
“But like have you tried not almost poking your eye out?”
“He’s cute”
“Awh look a baby”
“They are only cute at this age then they start talking back then poof you are just done” 
“Oh look another crackhead” 
“So if I was to casually fall off the ladder right now, that means I wouldn’t have to com into work right?”
“Well according to them I should be a stripper”
“I don’t make enough for this shit”
“Why would I willingly waste half of my time falling some wack off?”
“Is this job really worth it?”
“Good afternoon, I’m ready to go play in some traffic”
“If I have to blow up one more balloon I swear”
“Now should I get this one, or this one?”
“Stop cracking you crack head”
“There was some guys doing drugs behind our trash can, was going to join them BUT”
“Oh you can get that cheaper elsewhere” 
“But like why don’t you just get a butt plug instead and just cut out a hole in your pants for the tail to show through” 
“I’m going to be prince William for Halloween” 
“And me a Avocado” 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Movie Edition ( V for Vendetta 2006 ) 
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“Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.”
“You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.”
“The past can’t hurt you anymore, not unless you let it.” 
“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.”
“Happiness is the most insidious prison of all”
“Love your rage, not your cage.”
“They say that life’s a game, & then they take the board away.”
“Everybody has their story to tell.”
“Is it meaningless to apologize? Never” 
“The world’s a stage, & everything else is Vaudeville.” 
“Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.” 
“By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.” 
“Let me show you firmness of my belief.” 
“The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him.”
“Uncaring fate? It is said there is no question that can be formulated that you cannot answer. Tell me this, then: Am I loved?” 
“The ending is nearer than you think, and it is already written. All that we have left to choose is the correct moment to begin.” 
“This is only the land of take-what-you-want. Anarchy means “without leaders”, not “without order” 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Hug Edition 
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❤ - For a SOFT/TENDER hug 
🧡 - For a SURPRISE hug 
💛 - For a hug from BEHIND 
💚 - For a GOODBYE hug 
💙 - For a AWKWARD hug 
💜 - For a ACCIDENTAL hug 
🤎 - For a long MISSED you hug 
🖤 - For a FORCED hug 
🤍 - For a ROMANTIC hug 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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Send one (or more) of the corresponding symbols for a drabble between our muses, specify which muse if multi-muse. 
🎃 - Spending the afternoon carving pumpkins and drinking tea 
🎆 - A random outing at a amusement park 
🎞 - Friday night movie night, and it’s your muse’s turn to pick the movie 
🎭 - A theater date 
🖼 - A random outing to a art museum 
🍣 - Sushi date gone wrong 
🍻 - Having a few drinks, until things take a steamy turn 
🍕 - Pizza night! 
💕- A romantic dinner for two 
🥰 - A night in doing nothing but cuddling and watching stupid videos 
😍 - Steamy time with a twist 
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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                     Send a “😴” for my muse to describe a dream they had about yours
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
Random Starters - Question Edition 
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“What made you think this was a good idea?” 
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Would you like some tea?”
“Why must you always lie to me?”
“Do you even care anymore?”
“Did you ever care?”
“How do you know that?”
“Who told you?”
“Do you always believe such lies?” 
“May I ask who you are?”
“Why are you here?”
“Were you following me?”
“Is that blood I see?”
“Can I see your wound?”
“Why are you interrupting me?” 
“Is that a cat?”
“Can I pet it?”
“Why the long face?”
“Why does it look like you are sparkling?”
“Did you know your lawn is on fire?”
“Do you see them to?”
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thunderousmemes · 4 years
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               Send my muse ‘ Shut up and kiss me already’ to stop my muse from talking 
                                 Alternatively, send in ‘Kiss me already’ for reverse   
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