itstimetodrew · 1 month
The green goblin for the ask meme! 1 2 3 6 12 for numbers. Idk much about him still so go off and ramble!
GOBBY!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 my most embarrassing fave... thank you so much for this opportunity
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I still do not know why I like him. The only kind thing personality-wise I can say is that he's smart. Otherwise he is selfish and petty and vengeful and sexist and a bad father and impulsive and is overall a net negative on the world for being a multi-million(billion?)aire who makes his fortune furthering the American military-industrial complex. BUT!!! He's also hot. And weird. 👍
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love his goofy schemes. 'I'm going to set a building on fire so Spider-Man will come but I will be dressed like an old lady and surprise him when he tries to save me. Then we will team up and be buddies but if he says no I kill him.' They don't make villains like this anymore...
Also the habit he has about taking other people's food is funny. Gobby? More like Grabby... 🤨
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Wasn't a huge fan of the character arc for the new movie. They made a clear cut split about Norman being good but being held hostage by the Evil Goblin Persona. Like sure, it works, but I think it's a more interesting story about ambition and self-destruction when they're working together. IF we see him again I think I'll just get increasingly disappointed on how they handle him lol (but I WILL be there. lusting.)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestlyyyy I am also a very 'I don't want to do it the easy way or rational way, I want to do it MY way' person. Intentionally making things harder for myself because I'm stubborn and don't like change teehee ^_^
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
So many...but the biggest one is probably that years after his divorce and with a growing fear that there is something deeply wrong with him that will prevent him from maintaining meaningful relationships, he meets a younger woman who shows interest in and appreciates him in a way he hasn't quite experienced before. Plus she has good friends and gets along with his son so that's a bonus, her name is Natalie and-
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that's me that's us together we are Normalie and we are perfect and he loves our matching outfit 🫶💚💜
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nerdinsandals · 2 years
Happy Conway Day! Hope you have fun 👓 Manifesting a cameo of your boy in the next weeks, it's happening mark my words
Thank you so much! I’m having a great time 👓✨
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saotome-michi · 6 years
i mostly follow the anime (up to date w/ it) but i don't mind spoilers! very curious about the ideas and AUs you have in mind for them! (i enjoy the concept of takasugi just having this devotion to him but not necessarily doing anything about it too.. like bittersweet scenarios hh)
@angrysasuke : Oh ok then!! :D I think the anime covered Shouyou being Utsuro right? A lot of the AUs I have in mind are based on that because immortality + angst is like so predictable but also such a story goldmine!! Shouyou and Takasugi’s relationship in canon is ALREADY Angsty Immortal who wants to die because that’s better for humanity + the young man who refuses to let him die because he loves him so much, like you can’t get any more tragic and poignant than that!!!!! We don’t know Shouyou’s ultimate fate yet but either way you already have the: 
Shouyou lives AU, where Takasugi, Gintoki, and Katsura stop Shouyou from killing himself and instead he lives in exile with Takasugi watching over him (because you know he’s never letting Shouyou out of his sight after everything that’s happened) so you get some sweet domestic stuff but it’s also bittersweet because Shouyou’s not really Shouyou-- he’s the original personality who remembers being Shouyou but isn’t all him. So there’s some awkwardness but Takasugi kind of tramples over it bluntly and helps Shouyou live on because anyway he loves him. 
Shouyou dies AU, where Shouyou does succeed in dying. This is Angst Central because he probably says something kind to Takasugi before taking his last breath that will haunt him to the rest of his days, plus Takasugi still has some of Shouyou’s blood in him (not sure if this has been covered by the anime, but basically when Takasugi was at death’s door he had a blood transfusion from Utsuro) and it’s been shown in the manga that just having his blood can lead to him having some control over you. Takasugi doesn’t have enough blood for Utsuro to do that, but my headcanon is that he can feel/hear Shouyou’s thoughts in his mind. so extra angst basically. 
Then there are the AUs where Shouyou never died in the first place, that the three of them successfully rescued him, but then he has to tell them the truth of his origins in order to explain why the Government and Oboro want him so much. So you have them all on the run, and the Joui3 struggling with this bombshell, and then Shouyou probably tries to go and give himself into the Government anyway, telling them that it’s all for the best because someone like him should die anyway. Cue Takasugi angrily telling him to cut that shit out and keeping him under surveillance 24/7, all while the war’s still raging on. 
I also like the idea of fics that aren’t necessarily AUs but that look back at their Shoka Sonjuku days where Takasugi just kind of admires Shouyou from afar and pines after him, or where Shouyou hints at his own past through cryptic words or actions. Bonus points for Takasugi himself remembering the past and putting those bits and pieces together. 
(Also Takasugi fighting Utsuro and being gutted by it, because it’s Sensei’s face but it’s not Sensei. Meanwhile Utsuro taunts him about his weakness) 
And then you have other classic Immortal AUs, like Shouyou being some mountain god and Takasugi being a boy he randomly meets or who’s sacrificed to him or who passes by his temple a lot. Or where Takasugi meets Shouyou at different points of his life and falling in love, but dealing with the classic dilemma of him aging while Shouyou isn’t. And then maybe Takasugi, in order to be with Shouyou or to match him in power, works really hard to develop his own magic or powers, but then goes too far into it and loses himself. OHHH and there’s the Cupid and Psyche myth AU, where Takasugi is wedded to a mysterious man who never shows himself and only comes to the bed at night and forbids him from seeing his face. 
(I just realized that Hitman/Mafia AUs would also be fun with this pairing... I just really like the whole student-teacher dynamic where the student ends up being the teacher at the end. But yeah!!) 
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sazandorable · 7 years
des gens qui regardent l'anim monstres de poches: si ce que je regarde ne répond pas à mes attentes personnelles et ne remplit pas mes standards, alors c'est objectivement MauvaisTM et je chercherai pas à savoir pk c t écrit comme ça l'était 
(c marrant psk je pensais à un truc similaire récemment, genre allez pas vs plaindre qu'un perso secondaire reste secondaire wesh, et juste psk un truc c pas votre truc, ça veut pas dire que c mauvais :// vs pouvez juste dire “c pas mon truc” sans inventer des faux arguments du Pk du Comment c Terrible)
C’est le même problème de base, ouais — l’anime allait juste pas dans cette direction-là, bien sûr que tu vas pas être content si tu voulais ça! mais c’est pas un défaut en soi de la part de l’anime. C’est comme aller dire qu’Animal Crossing est de la merde parce que tu peux pas tuer des gens. =w=
Je sais pas si tu penses à ce fandom-ci, mais si oui j’imagine que tu parles de Shootie ? Parce que les seuls gens qui se plaignent de sa storyline... sont les gens qui l’aimaient déjà pas x’) les fans du perso étaient satisfaits *geste du bras vers tout-le-monde-sait-qui*, j’étais ravie, ça marchait pour lui, et c’était inattendu et intéressant comme manière de le gérer !
(inb4 : y a une putain de différence dans les sujets de critique et s’attendre à de l’Epic ≠≠≠ s’attendre à ne pas voir son genre entier réduit de manière dégoûtante et insultante dans une franchise qui avait été super bonne sur ce niveau là jusque là, etc etc, comme d’hab)
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soveryanon · 7 years
trop bien de toucher la bourse comme satoshi et cie, ils se font payer des voyages et tt, tous frais pris en charge
C’est surtout que leur école est plein aux as, j’crois ??
On sait tous que Nariya Ookido revend les pancakes gagnés dans le S&M013, et que c’est comme ça qu’ils peuvent se payer des trucs :www
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jennajayfeather · 7 years
angrysasuke replied to your post: Is it bad but I’m beginning to think I might wind...
sm is climing its way to be my fav saga (tied with dp) so i get u. i just love it so much
It’s like?? So cute?  It feels different...like I don’t have an urge to find out what happens next, but whenever I watch the episodes I feel so happy inside.
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vulpiximisa · 8 years
Happy birthday Misa! Have a good day !!
thank you!!!
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baozino · 6 years
sadly yes OTL i thought i was better than this
angrysasuke replied to your post: i remember ~5 years ago when i rolled my eyes to...
you are the embodiment of the post which goes like “when a blog u follow gets into kpop, they change completely” lol
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itstimetodrew · 6 years
so pretty, esp his eyes!
Thank you!!
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nerdinsandals · 4 years
angrysasuke replied to your post “My social media every August 14 for seven years now”
And it is appreciated!! I love seeing you still share your love for Kouhei after all this time, and it's even more special this year considering DP ended a decade ago! You go Laura~
HSAKFSAF thank you so much!! It really means a lot that you think that! After all, I couldn’t be doing this without everyone’s support!
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sazandorable · 7 years
  angrysasuke TL;DR THERE’S A DIFFERENCE...
et on est d'accord pour tu sais quelle saga mdr, jpense qu'on a le mm pb, mon gros souci c que jla trouve incompatible avec le reste dla série et ses valeurs quoi :/
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soveryanon · 7 years
l’endroit où c’est quasi-impossible de voir les invités si t’as pas déboursé les 200€ des tickets deluxe……….. ptain je croise les doigts pour qu’elle fasse genre une séance de signature sur Paris le mardi ou mercredi, y’a des invités qui le font et c’est beaucoup plus gérable…
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jennajayfeather · 7 years
angrysasuke replied to your post: angrysasuke replied to your post: ...
yeah! i like how we get to know everyone’s families. and we get to know everyone’s habits, their likes dislikes, bits of their childhoods etc. it just feels so homey?? i hope we’ll get a sleepover ep one of these days, bc its gonna be sooo cute.
YEAH EXACTLY.  A lot of the episodes wouldn’t have worked in the old formula and likewise a sleepover wouldn’t have worked)
Thinking back that school arc back in DP was super fun
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commanderpigg · 6 years
angrysasuke replied to your post “there’s so much shipping bs goin’ on in star uuuugggh the interactions...”
idk anything abt the show u mentioned but ship drama is always so offputting :/ (and also makes me reluctant to watch the show in ur first tag lol...)
ship drama in the fandom is unavoidable, especially when you’re dealing with a younger fanbase. but i hate it when the show itself shelves important and interesting plot points to give fuel to ship drama. there’s a difference in naturally progressing a relationship and throwing in petty “conflicts” that are just there to rile up the fans. it’s so tiring.
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vulpiximisa · 5 years
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Yeah Sarah asked it not be uploaded anywhere on internet, she didn’t want it to get around. And nah, Paul’s VA wasn’t there. ^^;; if he was I would have dropped another $100 for him to say something
ME TOO!! I literally didn’t know she was going to be there until a week ago and I was actually hoping to get her to say something else but I think what I had was a safer route
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itstimetodrew · 7 years
its a fun movie!
I was gonna ask how you saw it but I forgot you’re over there...you lucky duck
but yay!!! It sounds really cool....and that climax is exactly what I wanted from the film. give me all that pikashipping GEEZ ;A;
I think I’ll definitely wanna watch it subbed so I hope that’s possible soon :’D
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