#angler system
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neopronouns · 3 months ago
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flag id: a flag in a nine-stripe format, with the fifth stripe being twice as large as the rest. only the first, second, third, and fifth stripes have color, while the rest are transparent. in order, the stripes are near-black, dark faded teal, green-grey, and cream. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
a pisceldryst role system!
angler system genders are genders related to being an angler of [x]/an [x] angler. they are connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, angler aesthetics (in the sense of both fishing and anglerfish), lovecraftian aesthetics, and being pisceldryst, pisceldryne, a scel, etc. these terms should be named as ‘angle[x]’ or ‘[x]gler’ - for example, a kitten angler system gender might be called ‘kittengler’.
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @p-rtyboy, @pawsibell, @dragonpride17, @en8y
dni link
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en8y · 2 years ago
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trackanglerslimic + naturanglerslimic + anglerslimiceur
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has an angler slime in the center. the angler slime is a blue blob with eyes closed, darker blue fins, and a light lure; it resembles an angler fish. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: near-black, very dark brown, and dark faded red. the second flag has these top three colors: dull navy blue, dull purple, and rosy-pink. the third flag has these top three colors: dull blue, light blue, and pastel blue. each flag has these bottom six stripes: light yellow, off-white, light yellow, medium blue, dark blue, and navy blue. END ID.]
trackanglerslimic: a gender connected to being an angler slime tracker; this gender is connected to angler slimes, angler slime aesthetics, tracker aesthetics, wild animal-related aesthetics, and ferahood!
naturanglerslimic: a gender connected to being an angler slime natural; this gender is connected to angler slimes, angler slime aesthetics, natural aesthetics, instinctual aesthetics, and inhood/tinhood!
anglerslimiceur: a gender connected to being an angler slime traceur; this gender is connected to angler slimes, angler slime aesthetics, traceur aesthetics, parkour aesthetics, and kouhood/parhood!
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shaymins · 5 months ago
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its a normal anime about fishing.
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ouiyoung · 2 years ago
Hello! I still have commissions open! I have a couple medical bills to pay off that total just under $1000 USD, so if you’ve ever wanted a pair of earrings from me now would be a super awesome time!!!
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Fish Earrings & Charms
Here are a huge group of the earrings I have made! These projects have made me so happy and I love being able to create these for people of their fishies or of other animals they love!
Interested in a pair? Here’s my Etsy listing!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months ago
Ooo you’re doing Pressure!!
May I request an artist reader who, throughout the journey found some paper, pencil and made a little makeshift sketchbook and when later bought Sebastian’s document decided to try and draw him? Like maybe both when human and current (and maybe the monsters)? 
Perhaps he saw them sketching, got curious and decided to look through it when reader left it somewhere or just straight up snatched it and held it out of their reach and sees those sketches of him. Could be hurt/comfort or angst/fluff.
Of course you’re free to change any of the details but please keep it platonic TwT
Aw love this idea! And it works considering all the paper and notebooks in the drawers of the blacksite.
"Great, [y/n]. One moment, you're doing some harmless graffiti on a brick wall nobody cares about. And the next, you're risking your life for a stupid crystal in hopes you'll get a federal pardon.."
Sighing, you held onto the overhead handles within the sleek black submarine, feeling it shake and rumble as it breached the water's surface. And after hearing the chime, the door hissed and opened up, the platform extending out onto the dock of a place already familiar to you: Hadal Blacksite.
'No place like home..' As you stepped out of the submarine, you could hear HQ over the PDA system informing you of your objective in reaching the crystal and collecting any "loose assets" you find along the way...
As if you needed any reminders of what you were doing here.
Immediately, you unlocked the first door with the keycard and began your journey to room 100. Along the way, you found a good handful of research data. Nothing too special aside from folders, USB drives, and a couple blue DNA vials.
Then after narrowly dodging the Angler in one area and avoiding Eyefestation's gaze in the next, you reached a room requiring yet another keycard to exit. You checked the nearby office cubicle, finding it in the first drawer you opened.
But that isn't what made your eyes light up. Rather, it's what was right next to the card that did:
A brand new pencil to go with the sketchbook you've been carrying with you.
Because you weren't given the luxury of doodling while sitting in jail for over 90 days, you felt your creativity flames being snuffed out, leaving you itching to draw something again.
Before all of this, you had a decent following on social media with your art skills, and you could imagine that they're worried sick over your sudden absence. But you hoped that, if you survive and succeed in this mission, you'll be able to come back and reassure them that you're very much alive.
And perhaps show them what Urbanshade has been hiding from the public...that is to say the sea monsters that have taken up residence in the Blacksite since its lockdown, freely roaming and haunting nearly every room you step into.
With the makeshift sketchbook you had (and somehow kept even after death), you've filled its pages with simple and detailed sketches of each creature you encountered.
But you doubt that they would let you leave with physical evidence of entities nobody else in the world should know about...unless you somehow convinced the guards that they were "original characters" that so-happened to look like them, but you had a feeling that excuse wouldn't fly.
Regardless, they've given you tons of artistic inspiration, despite your many close-calls with them in pursuit of studying their features from afar.
Thanks to the files Sebastian Solace has shown you, you've learned how to safely observe the Angler from a distance and better remember their details. They were merely a grotesque face surrounded by smoke, so you didn't have to worry about drawing any limbs or tails (assuming they had those).
You encountered their variants so many times that you could recall the little things that made each them unique--like how Pinkie had four pupils, how Blitz was missing pupils in one socket completely, how Froger was..well..a big frog with lots of needle-shaped teeth, and Chainsmoker was a sluggish blobfish through all that smoke.
Making eye contact with Pandemonium was a death sentence..as you've already learned after trying (and failing) to safely observe him through a glass window. So you draw him as you see him in his file.
The Squiddles' "intimidating" faces were scary in the dark when you least expected them, but they served as amazing inspiration. You even had a page full of what faces you'd think they make up to frighten others. It's too bad you couldn't show them, however, as that required you getting in their personal space.
Eyefestation, Good People, and the Wall Dwellers were quite..risky to observe, as they had ways of quickly and painfully sending you back to square one if you weren't careful. Even so, you made some pretty damn good sketches..and you wish you could show them off to them, too, especially to the shark who'd probably appreciate a human's drawing of herself.
Even the DiVine, who were always frozen in poses for some reason, joined your ever-growing list of muses. The oxygen gardens were a nice place for you to rest and appreciate the flora for a few moments--before an Angler came along, of course.
Then there was Sebastian.
While he was fully aware of your artistic passions, in the beginning he seemed a bit annoyed whenever you came into his shop just to sketch.....or if you took an unusually long time to reach him. He just assumes you've stopped to "doodle" and wonders if you really care about getting out of this place alive.
He'd remind you that HQ could get suspicious if you're off their radar for too long, but you've stayed in his shop for 10-20 minutes at a time and not once did your diving gear beep. So you reassured him not to fret.
It was kinda sweet that he worried over you, an expendable, although maybe that's because you actually treat him with decency..and don't take his snarky comments to heart whenever you died.
Aside from the occasional eyeroll whenever you brought out your sketchbook, he did inquire about some of the things you've drawn, and you'd show him, bearing a little pride in your work.
All you'd get in response was a "neato" or "wowie, that's how you see them?" and nothing more.
It wasn't insulting, so...you'll take that.
Obviously he was more concerned about how much research data you were willing to fork over in exchange for supplies, and how far that equipment will carry you before your next demise. So you'd eventually close the book and barter with him for whatever wares were on his tail.
Unbeknownst to him, you've actually started sketching him as of late. Now that you've met him dozens of times, it was easy for you to recall his features without needing to stare at him for reference every five seconds.
That would not only be rude, but very creepy.
Then one day, you showed up to Sebastian's shop with enough data to be able to afford his document, which described him as Z-13, "The Saboteur" who the company wanted "dead on sight" if he was spotted or trying to escape.
When you had time to read the file on your own, you learned some..pretty shocking things about how he caused the lockdown, went through torturous experiments, and was falsely accused of nine murders and was proven innocent far too late.
The most upsetting part was that he was never informed of this.
He learned that after presumably stealing his own document.
It made you feel sick to your stomach, knowing he's the reason you're being terrorized by those beasts, but you couldn't find it in your heart to be angry at him.
If anything you were angry at Urbanshade for their "guilty until proven innocent" system--or in his case, being proven innocent didn't matter.
His human mugshot was also included in the file, and even with the black censor bar covering his eyes, he still looked like quite a handsome fellow. You could make out some details, and ended up drawing him on a separate page, too, although part of you wishes you never started.
You doubt he would kill you or rip apart your book for drawing him, but considering how volatile and rude he could be at a moment's notice..you did your best to conceal the sketches when you visited his shop.
You didn't want him to be offended or reminded of his past..and make him resent the one person who he almost considered a genuine friend.
Unfortunately, you'd soon come to realize that your actions were only heightening his suspicions.
And that it was going to come to a head next time you entered his shop.
"Okay, I'm going to bite...what're you really hiding in that little book?"
"Pardon?" Pausing mid-sketch, you looked up at Sebastian, wondering why he appeared so disgruntled. "I'm..uh...just doodling like I always-"
"No, don't give me that "like always" crap." He huffed, flicking the end of his tail as he crossed his two arms over his chest, staring down at you. "Last time, you couldn't stop showing me a stupid face you'd think one of those S-Qs would make...and now you won't even let me have a sneak peak of your next "masterpiece"." He spat the last word, voice dripping with disdain. "Are you really drawing something...or are you secretly writing intel to give to Urbanshade?"
"...wha.." You blinked in disbelief, wondering where he'd get that assumption from. "Why would I ever do that?"
"Oh I dunno, maaaybe because you have access to my file and know my location? I bet you're gonna sell me out to those scumbags once you reach the crystal." He gnashed his teeth. "Did they say you'd get extra cash for leaving tips on my whereabouts, huh?"
"Sebastian, there's no reason for this hostility. I'm not giving any intel to anyone-"
"Then you wouldn't mind me taking a look at this, would you? Yyyyyyoink!" His third arm was quick to snatch your sketchbook away, holding it out of your reach as you jumped up in panic.
You were already dreading his reaction.
This could very well be the end for you.
"Please give that back! You'll tear it!"
"You look frightened. So maybe I should, considering you're writing secrets about.....about...." But as Sebastian finally looked at the page, all he saw were sketches of his current self, and you began to see a shift in his expression.
It went from pure anger, to surprise and confusion, and then to....something unreadable.
"These are...all of me?" His voice became quieter as he flipped the page, only for his breath to hitch upon finding the drawings of his human form.
And for once, he was completely speechless.
The details were immaculate, everything from his hair style to the scar he used to have across his face--given to him from an angry cellmate who thought he really did kill those people and tried giving him a "taste of his own medicine".
But the way you made him look was...incredible.
That's him.
That's really him.
The man--the human--he was before...
"Yes." Your face was burning with embarrassment, and your heart was pounding with fear of both death and ridicule, now knowing that your fate laid in his hands now. "I-I'm sorry. I should've asked for your permission and I know the details aren't perfect but you didn't let me........huh?"
Ceasing your ramblings, you noticed the tears welling in his eyes, and you were stunned. Then his shaking hands closed the sketchbook and returned it to you. "Um..are you okay? I'm really sorry if-"
"I...a-almost forgot what I looked like before all of this.." He raised a claw to wipe at his watery eyes, sniffling. "They're...good drawings, friend. I'm sorry..I...I-I didn't mean to..." His voice cracked, and he forced himself to stop, bringing his hands to his face. "Why am I crying over something like..t-this..?"
He hated looking so weak in front of you, yet he couldn't help the tears that kept slipping down his cheeks. A certain sadness was weighing heavily on his heart, yet at the same time he felt...honored that you wanted to draw him, putting your heart and soul into every sketch--with him getting the most effort.
You didn't overexaggerate him as the hideous beast he and everyone else was convinced he was, but just him as, well, himself. His smiles when he realizes it's you coming through the vent again, his cheeky grins when you buy up all his supplies, and even the one time he pouted when you died to Pandemonium because you risked it all trying to draw the moldy fish-creature.
The human ones, as you could tell from the way he broke down, especially hit home for him. Just from a mugshot alone, you were able to create a near-accurate depiction of him.
It made him wonder if you two have met before any of this happened.
Sebastian sniffled, struggling to stop the tears and expecting you to make fun of him as he finally uncovered his face. But instead he saw you standing there with your arms opened up. "I feel like you could use one of these. It's okay. I know you miss being human."
"C'mon, big guy. My arms are kinda hurting--oh!"
Without warning, he accepted your embrace and squeezed you tightly in his hold. Of course he was careful not to crush your diving tanks, and you smiled in appreciation and patted his back. "It's okay, it's alright..I got you. I didn't mean to make you cry."
He sniffled a few times, but otherwise said nothing and tried making sure you weren't supporting all of his upper body weight.
Curse his size. He wishes he could experience a normal hug again.
This one will do, though.
"I-It's...it's fine. Don't worry.." He finally spoke after a few moments, calming down. "As long as you don't tell anyone about this."
"I'll take it to my grave." You chuckled, letting go and stepping away so he could straighten his back out. While he did that, you gently tore a few pages from your book, to which he blinked in confusion.
"What are you doing with-?"
"Keep them." You insisted. "In case this sketchbook falls into a pit or gets waterlogged, I want you to hold onto these. Besides, I can tell you appreciate them a lot. So...consider it a gift."
"Why..thank you." A smile appeared on his face as he took the pages carefully. "Rest assured, they'll be safe and sound." He gazed at them both one more time, feeling a tug on his heart.
But it wasn't as heavy as before.
After neatly folding and stowing them away into his pockets, he saw you already sitting in one of the chairs, your sketchbook opened to a brand new blank page.
"Sooooooo what are you going to draw this time?" He tilted his head, ear fins twitching with curiosity.
"Hm...I did see a vision of a white glowing man a few rooms back. I think he was from...the Mindscape? There was a file talking about him and some floating gears and a white ball."
"Ohh yeah, he's an interesting guy. I'd love to see your interpretation of him." Now Sebastian was 100% invested, as he curled his tail around himself, resting his upper body on it so he could see your book better. "But y'know you won't be able to leave this place with sketches of-"
"I'm well aware of that...I could always change a few things and turn them into OCs."
"Hah. You should."
"Maybe I will." You snickered, grateful that you didn't have anything to fear.
At least somebody in the Blacksite appreciated your art.
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honourablejester · 8 months ago
I’m realising as I browse around that I really love lore when it comes to ttrpgs, games and game worlds. And by that I don’t mean I like to obsessively learn lists of dates and wars, and the names of leaders of factions, I mean …
I like learning weird, juicy details about the worlds of games. I like finding little nuggets that say things about the set-up and culture and assumptions of the world. I like finding fragments of ideas to hang whole story and character concepts off.
I love that in D&D 5e’s Spelljammer, the Astral Sea is full of the corpses of dead gods that you can fully sail up to in your ship. Just. Floating out there. Waiting for you to rock up to them.
I love that in Sunless Sea, the king of the drowned is the way he is because he fell in love with an eldritch sea urchin from space, and successfully married it. His niece is an angry sentient floating mountain whose mother is a goddess-mountain and whose father is a face-stealing humanoid abomination. This is fine and normal.
I love that in Starfinder, there are mysterious bubble cities in the surface of the sun that the church of the sun goddess discovered and cheerfully occupied despite having no idea who the hell built them or for what purpose.
I love that in Dishonored, the entire industrial revolution that has built the empire we’re in the midst of saving or destroying was built on the properties of whale oil harvested from eldritch tentacled whales that live half in the oceans and half in an eldritch void personified in the form of a weird-ass black-eyed shit-stirrer of a deity who was formed from a murdered and sacrificed child. And this is largely a background detail.
I love in the Elder Scrolls that the dwarves up and fucking vanished, as a race, at some point in history and absolutely nobody has any clue what happened to them or where they went, but their technology is so insane that ideas like ‘they time-travelled’ or ‘they erased themselves from existence’ are absolutely on the table.
I love that in Numenera, so many incredibly advanced civilisations have risen and fallen on this world that it’s absolutely littered with bonkers science fiction artefacts that have caused the current medieval-esque society built over top of them to develop in bizarre ways, and also you can find a mysterious artefact that absolutely baffles and delights your character, but that you the player will fully recognise as a slightly-more-advanced thermos flask.
I love that in Fallout, an irradiated post-nuclear apolocalypic hellscape, there’s a cult that worships the god of radiation as they have come to understand it, and they are mysteriously immune to radiation with absolutely no explanation whatsoever. They’re not ghouls, the usual result of fatally irradiated humans with some resistance, they’re perfectly normal humans who can somehow just tank rads all damn day. It could be a mutation, but Lovecraftian gods apparently do also fully exist in this setting, so it’s also possible that maybe they were on to something with this Atom thing.
I love that in Heart The City Beneath, there’s a mass transit train system that they tried to hook up to the eldritch beating god-thing buried under the city so that they could metaphysically chain the stations together more easily, which went horrifically and metaphysically wrong in entirely predictable fashion, and now there’s a whole order of train-knights who have to keep people safe from the extradimensional weirdness magnet the network has become.
That, and all the fantastic little details you can stumble across. There’s a biotech augmentation in Starfinder called an angler’s light that gives you a little angler-fish bioluminescent antenna on your forehead, and it was developed by asteroid miners who needed light but also both hands free for work. In Dishonored there’s a festival that everyone pretends is outside of time so nothing you do during it can be held against you. There’s a god of snuffed candles mentioned in a single line from Heart The City Beneath who has pacifist cannibal priests, and that is literally all the information you get on him.
While things like the history and geography and timeline of a world do also fascinate me, I’m not really here to memorise stuff like that. I’m here to find weird little nuggets of information and worldbuilding and delight in them. Give me funerary customs and weird myths and oddly specific circumstances and baffling little objects and absolutely bonkers cosmological implications. Give me the corpses of dead gods, and aesthetic movements with highly specific backstories, and bureaucratic fuck-ups of titanic scale, and mysterious things that seem to break all other rules of your setting with absolutely no explanation because people in-universe have no fucking clue how they work either. Why are the Children of Atom immune to radiation without ghoulifying? Not a clue, but Confessor Cromwell has been cheerfully standing in that irradiated pond that kills the player character with about 10 minutes of exposure for the last year and he’s still absolutely fine.
I just. I really love lore. I like my settings to have some meat in them, some juicy details to dig into, some inexplicable elements to have fun trying to explain. Particularly that last bit. I feel like a lot of people when building worlds feel like the rules have to be absolute and everything has to have an explanation, but nah. Putting some weird shit in makes everything immediately feel bigger, more real, because we don’t have even half an idea of how our world truly works, there’s always something we just don’t fully understand yet, and you can put that in a fictional world too. Some mysteries, some contradictions, some randomness, some weirdness. There’s a line, obviously, this depends on execution, but a little bit of mystery really does help.
Lore is awesome. And weird lore is even more so. Heh.
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sitepathos · 23 days ago
From Gold to Mold
Chapter 12: The Fight (Warning: this chapter will feature blood and violence. Proceed at your own risk)
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“Look at all this,” you whisper as you take in the sights of the Strip, all the various casinos and hotels lighting up the night sky. “I returned to Nevada four years ago and I’ve never been here before. What the hell was I thinking?”
(You were trying to set up your new life, which was the responsible thing to do back then. But, we agree, coming here sooner would not have been unwelcome. This city seems to be a source of endless entertainment.)
You had finished the DLC for Salvage Rights earlier today and to celebrate both its release and its positive reception, you decided to treat yourself by going to Sin City and indulging in its various casinos and restaurants; you have the knowledge and experience of countless gamblers from Gotham, so you should be able to play blackjack and poker with the best of them.
You thought you were prepared to handle and glitz and glamor Vegas has to offer, but seeing it with your own eyes has left you speechless. The lights have you mesmerized and you’re loving it! Everywhere you look, there’s something beckoning you, like a moth to a flame and right now, you don’t care if you get burned.
“Hey, look over there,” you say, stopping to look at something above you in the distance.
The sight is a towering building proudly bearing the name “Caesar’s Palace” in lights. During your brief research for your trip to the Strip, you read Caesar’s Palace is one of the most popular casinos in the city and is also a popular destination for dining.
(You did say you wanted the “full Vegas experience.” Going to one of the largest establishments in the city would be a step in the right direction.)
When you first thought of this little excursion, you wanted to have fun, but didn’t want to get trapped in the larger ones and lose all the money you brought in with you, instead opting to stay in the smaller casinos. “Keep it simple, keep it safe,” you said a few hours ago.
Now, the lights of the massive casino before you has ensnared you and is luring you towards it like an angler fish does with its prey.
“Ave, true to Caesar,” you say as you begin the trek towards the towering monolith.
If the outside was mesmerizing, then the inside is absolutely enthralling! As expected of a place named after a Greek emperor, the interior looks like a palace plucked from the Greek Empire, complete with marble and gold, making you feel like royalty.
(We take it we are going to play here?)
“Damn right,” you say as you enter the casino part of the resort, taking in the seemingly endless rows to slot machines, card tables, and other various gambling set ups.
As you look at each slot machine and table, you’re flooded with information from the Megamycete’s archives on what you want to see when playing slot machines and when is the best time to stand when playing blackjack. While Gotham doesn’t have shit on Vegas, it did have a passable gambling scene, which attracted many expert gamblers to that City of the Damned.
With your newfound knowledge in hand, you exchange the thousand bucks you brought with you for chips and make your way to a roulette table with only one other person.
“Good evening, sir,” the dealer greets you as you situate yourself of the other side of the table, away from the other player. “Will you be joining us?”
“Deal me in,” you respond, pushing a few chips on the table to test the waters. You may know the basics from playing Fallout New Vegas, but this is real life with real money being risked and this time you don’t have a maxed out Luck stat to cheat the system with.
A few hands in and you can say for sure you love gambling. Sure, you’ve lost a few rounds, ruining a couple hot streaks, but right now, you have more money than you came in with.
“Fifteen, odd, black,” the dealer says when the ball finally stops spinning before giving you the pot, much to your delight.
“Goddamn it,” the other man exclaims, shoving himself away from the table and storming off, hopefully towards the exit as tonight has not been his night.
“I apologize for that display,” the deal says as he readies the spinner for the next round. “Will you be playing another round?”
“Definitely,” you respond, sliding three-hundred dollars worth of chips onto red.
“Have room for one more,” a masculine voice rings out next to you.
You tense up when the voice registers in your head and you look to your right to see Bruce fucking Wayne, looking down at you with that fake ass smile he gives the idiots of Gotham. Your anger only intensifies when he places a thousand dollars worth of chips into the pot.
What the hell is he doing here?
(How dare he,) the Megamycete practically growls. (This is a night meant for you to enjoy yourself and he intrudes upon it, and in your city no less.)
“Welcome, Mr. Wayne,” the dealer says as he spins the spinner after the bastard places his bet.
“Hello, Y/N,” he says to you, his focus on you and not the spinner. “I have to say, I don’t peg you as the gambling type.”
You say nothing, not wanting to give him any sort of satisfaction, and focus on the game.
“It’s a very dangerous habit if you’re not careful,” he chides you as the baller begins to slow down. “And coming to a place like Vegas? It’s not safe for someone like you. You should be back home, where you belong.”
You know the “home” he’s referring to isn’t your house in Goodsprings, but Wayne Manor in Gotham and it’s taking all your willpower not to pimp smack the shit out of him right now. This was meant to be a night for you to have fun in Vegas and you’re not gonna let him ruin that like he did the night you won your award.
“Gotham has plenty of high-end casinos where you can play all the games you want. I could take you to each of them and make sure you get the VIP treatment.”
“Vegas is far safer than Gotham,” you retort. “Here, the biggest threat you face is losing your money when you don’t know when to quit. In Gotham, you have nut jobs running around killing people on a nightly basis and the biggest nut job of them all beating the crap out of them.” You give him a mocking look, knowing something that would get under his skin. “No one in their right mind would live in that cesspit of a city. If you ask me, that place should be nuked to hell.”
While he manages to hide it well, you can see just the faintest of winces and you let your smirk show. For whatever reason, he thinks Gotham is the best place on the planet and is worth protecting. You learned about Gotham’s seedy history from its early days as a colony established in 1635 and you can say for certain that area is cursed. If you had your way, a giant wall would be built around Gotham and everyone inside would be left to kill each other and rot in that cursed city, especially the Waynes.
“Gotham has its flaws, sure,” he responds. “But I’m able to look past its dark side and see a bright future for both the city and everyone that calls it home. As you know, Wayne Enterprises has been the vanguard of breathing new life into the city.”
“Oh, that reminds me, I heard WE’s stock has practically become worthless in the last few days. Rumor has it all major stockholders are demanding for you to step down as CEO.”
“I’ve been in tight spots before and I’ve always come out on top. This will be no different. I’m sure things will turn back around in no time.”
“Six, even, black,” the dealer announces, bringing you back to the game. “Congratulations, Mister Wayne.”
You roll your eyes as the pot goes to the son of a bitch. You mentally shake your head and place your chips on the table for the next round.
“Maybe you should step down,” you say as the dealer begins the round. “I was stuck in that manor of yours for over a decade and I know it’s a mess. You should really get your house in order before you go around ‘fixing’ Gotham.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my family,” he growls. “It’s perfect the way it is.”
“No one’s buying that story anymore, Mister Wayne. I take it you haven’t read Lois Lane’s latest article?”
“Of course I have,” he says, glaring at you and it makes you want to laugh knowing how you’re testing his limits. “How could you say those things about your family?”
“You’re not my family,” you snap. “You all made it quite clear I wasn’t a part of it over and over. The only family I’ve ever had was Momma and she was taken from me.”
The anger in his eyes fade and he was silent for a moment. “I know we made mistakes during your time with us and we’re sorry about that.”
“It’s too little, too late, Mister Wayne.”
“Twenty-four, even, black,” the dealer states, clearly more interested in your conversation than the game.
You can’t help but smile as the chips make their way back to you and you place a bet of five-hundred for the next round. Of course, Bruce doesn’t go way and instead places another bet.
“Please, Y/N, come home,” he pleads as the spinner is spun. “We all miss you. Especially Alfred.”
“He’s welcome to visit me whenever he wants. The rest of you can go to hell.”
“Like it or not, they’re your siblings, Y/N,” he growls, getting closer to you. “And I’m your father. You will show them, and me, the respect that entails.”
“Respect is earned, not given,” you retort, getting close and looking up at him. He may terrify Gotham’s criminally insane, but you know you’re better than him in every way, so you’re not scared. “And don’t get it mixed up, you’re a sperm donor, not my father. God knows you never acted like it.” You lean close so that your face is mere inches away from his. “If you want, we can take this outside, Mister Wayne. Just remember what happened last time things got physical between us.”
“Now, now, gentlemen,” the dealer says. “Let’s keep this friendly. We’re all here to have fun, right?”
(Listen to him, Y/N. Do not let him ruin your first trip to Vegas. There will be plenty of time to put him in his place after we have had our fun.)
You continue to stare at him and direct all your anger and hatred towards him until he finally concedes and backs off and you do the same, just in time for the ball to finally stop.
“Nineteen, odd, red,” the dealer says as he slides the chips to you.
“I just want to make things right,” he says as he places his bet. “I know I treated you wrong and I want to fix that. So we can be father and son.”
You roll your eyes at the pathetic words and even more pathetic look as you place your bet and the deal begins the round. “You’re not sorry, Mister Wayne, you just feel guilty. Whatever conscious you have in your twisted little soul is making you feel bad and you can’t stand it, so that’s why you’re humiliating yourself trying to earn something I can never and will never give you: my forgiveness.”
He winces enough for both you and the dealer to see, but you find yourself taking no joy in fracturing his mask. This was supposed to be a night of fun and games, but he had to come all the way from Gotham and ruin it. It’s actually made you despise him even more, a task you thought impossible until now.
“Twelve, even, red,” the dealer states as he slides the chips towards Bruce.
It’s then you notice that you and him have almost the same amount of chips and the sight of it ignites an inferno of competition, which fuels your desire to assert your superiority over this pathetic creature before you.
(We are with you,) the Megamycete states firmly. (Show this interloper his place!)
“Tell me what you want, Y/N,” he says as you place all your chips on red, your mother’s favorite color, glaring at him as you do. It’s then he does the same thing, but places his chips on black, the color of the Bat.
How predictable.
With both your bets placed, the dealer spins the roulette, signaling the final round between you two. When that little ball stops spinning, one of you will take all and the other will lose all.
“Please, there must be something I can give you to show you I’m sincere. And you of all people should price is no object for me. Just name it and it’s yours.”
(How pathetic! He thinks all those years of abuse and neglect can be erased by buying you some insignificant trinket? Does he think you some whore that can be bought? Show him how wrong he is, Y/N!)
“You want to know what I want, Mister Wayne,” you ask, malice dripping with your every word, as the ball begins to slow down and clatter around. “I want you to know that I hate you more than anything else on this world; I want it to rattle around in your head for the rest of your life, from when you’re around your collection of misfits to when you lay your head down at night, that there’s no word or phrase in any language that has ever existed or ever will exist on this planet that can fully express how much animosity and hatred I have for you.”
It’s then that you get in his personal space has he had done with you earlier and use the mold so you can stretch your body ever so slightly so your face is almost touching him and stare into those eyes you’ve come to despise so much and they stare back at you, full of hurt and shock.
In the background, you can hear the ball beginning to slow down, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the game. Right now, all that matters is conveying just how much you hate Bruce Wayne.
“I want you to grow old and die knowing that, in the end, I was the one that rejected you.”
His response? Nothing but the widening of his eyes and stepping back, as if you had struck him.
“Seven, odd, red,” the dealer says, obviously shocked at what you just said.
You say nothing as you gather your chips and walk away, leaving Bruce Wayne behind to reflect on your words.
As you walk, you notice your heart is beating enough to burst out for your chest and your face is molten hot, even without touching it. In the moment, you had no idea how your words affected you as much as they apparently did that bastard.
(Perhaps we should return home,) the Megamycete suggests. (The night has been ruined and you need to rest after that interaction. We can always return another night for entertainment.)
As much as you hate to admit it, it’s right; after that display, you’re not in the mood to see what else you can get up to in your first night in Vegas. Being around him has brought back much of the anger you thought you had finally buried after moving back to Goodsprings and getting your life together and it’s killed any desire for gambling, dining, and everything in between.
“Yeah,” you say, your voice sounding weak even to you. “Let’s go home.”
You quickly cash in your chips and pocket the check the cashier gives you before making your way towards the exit. From there, you walk around until you find an alleyway tucked into an isolated and desolate part of the city to sprout mold armor and wings before taking off into the night sky.
“You know, the city looks even more breathtaking from up here,” you remark as you enter the vast expanse of the Mojave.
(Indeed. Maybe when we return, we will earn enough money from playing games that we can stay in the highest level of the tallest hotel of the city and see it again.)
“Yeah,” you respond with a throaty chuckle. “That’d be nice.”
You look down at the desert beneath you when you feel something hit your wings, slicing through and severing them, leaving you to fall to the ground. You shout as you harden your armor just in time as you impact with the sand, creating a deep crater.
(Are you alright,) it asks as you climb your way out.
“Yeah,” you respond with a groan. “What the hell happened?”
You get your answer once you make your way to the top and see Bruce, donned in his Batman gear, looking down at you.
“Are you alright,” he asks, as if he wasn’t the cause of the incident.
You dismiss your mold helm and look at him square in his eye slits, taking a deep breath and exhaling before saying, ever so calmly, “I’m going to kill you now.”
And with your intentions declared, you summon a new pair of wings and launch yourself towards the bastard and before he can react, you grab him by the face with one hand and propel the both of you backwards, using to wings to fly as you forcibly shove his head into the sand and push him forward, creating a trail in your wake.
His hands fly to yours and attempt to free himself from your grasp, but you don’t give him the chance and throw him towards a nearby rock formation as hard as you can.
He can only flail around like a rag doll as he flies through the air and lands on the rock formation with a satisfying crash, sending debris and sand flying in all directions.
Unfortunately, it’s not enough to keep him down as he’s quickly back on his feet. He reaches into his utility belt and throws a batarang at you and you respond by creating a similar object out of mold and send it flying towards it, the two of them hitting each other and falling to the ground.
Of course, he’s quick to act and before you can see it, he’s thrown something at you and you’re trapped in some kind of cable.
“What the hell,” you exclaim as you try to break free of the wire, but find yourself unable to.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he says as he closes the gap between the two of you. “But you’re coming home and I’m gonna find a way to get rid of this thing inside you.”
You’re already pissed, but the way he says something so batshit crazy with a tone similar to one that you’d use to calm a startled animal enrages you even more.
How he can still be so determined to drag you back to Gotham when you’ve made it abundantly clear that you hate him and his family after everything they’ve done to you is nothing short of astounding.
(He seeks to separate us,) the Megamycete practically hisses. (Do not let him! Kill him, Y/N! Kill him!)
Your rage towards the man before you explodes like a blast furnace and you reduce your body to a murder of crows and fly towards Bruce at top speed.
He raises his arms to protect his face and you use your mold hardened beaks and talons to slice into his suit, leaving at least two dozen bloody cuts all over his body.
(Good! Hurt him even more! Bleed him dry!)
Your murder of crows fly around him, forcing him into a defensive posture, and you gather them all so you can reform into your armored form right behind him. He realizes what’s happened, but he can only turn around to face you when you grab his wrist as hard as you can, and wave him around in the air and slam him into the rock below you over and over, taking pleasure in the sounds of rock breaking with every hit.
It’s then you slam him into the rock and summon a mold sword. When he looks up at you and realizes what’s about to happen, he raises his hand just in time for your sword to go through his hand and the tip of your sword pierce the hardened Bat symbol on his chest; you know the symbol is the strongest part of his suit so it can protect whatever he has beating in his chest, but you’re determined, so it begins to crack and crumble as you drive the sword deeper in.
He tries to say something, but the damage you’ve done to him takes its toll as he can only gurgle something as blood begins to seep from the corner of his mouth.
You dismiss your helm as you lean down towards him, a vicious, bloodthirsty grin etched across your face, and the sword goes down just a little more.
“Let’s get rid of this, shall we,” you mock, grabbing his cowl, ignoring the shock the suit gives you in response. “I want to see the life fade from your eyes!”
And with that declaration, you rip the cowl off him, exposing his face, marred with bloody cuts and bruises, before you.
When you look into his eyes, you can see past the look of struggle is fear and terror.
(He knows this is the end! Finish him! Put an end to the Bat!)
“Goodbye, Mister Wayne!”
Just then, you see something fly past you and it’s then you realize the arm holding your sword has been sliced through. Bruce takes advantage of the situation and kicks you a few feet away from him and he backflips so he can put even more distance between the two of you.
You quickly collect yourself to see the source of the disruption: Dick and Cass, donned in their vigilante gear.
“You ok, B,” Dick asks as Bruce joins them.
“I’m fine,” he grunts out. “What are you doing here?”
“Alfred told us you were coming here and we knew something like this was going to happen. We all wanted to come, but we knew we couldn’t all leave Gotham, so we drew straws.”
The way he sounds so joyful pisses you off even more. How dare he! You were so close to putting an end to him and Dick had to come and ruin it!
(You should rip his limbs off! Strip him of his wings and cast him into the dam!)
Cass looks at you and you instantly know she’s analyzing you, determining possible strengths and weaknesses. When she sees that you’re missing a limb, her eyes widen.
“Oh,” Dick exclaims when he follows her gaze. “I’m so sorry, baby bird! I didn’t mean to do that! I just wanted to get you off of Bruce!”
You look down to find the severed appendage lying near your foot and go to pick it pick it up. While Dick is spouting endless apologies and pleas for you to stay calm, you merely place the limb where it once was and it begins to stitch itself back together. Once your arm is reattached, you fix your gaze back to them to find that they’re starring at you in shock at what just happened.
“Oh,” Dick manages to spit out after a few seconds of silence.
“This is between me and him,” you say as you take a few steps towards them. “Fuck off.”
“You need to stop this, baby bird,” Dick retorts. “We’re family, you shouldn’t be doing this!”
“You’re kidding, right,” you say with a mocking chuckle. “You people are constantly fighting with one another! If you’re not giving each other black eyes, you’re either breaking bones or slitting throats! You’re all a bunch of emotionally constipated psychopaths who belong in padded cells with the rest of Arkham’s lunatics! And I want nothing to do with any of you! So, for the last time, leave me the fuck alone!”
The only answer you get is the three of them getting into combat postures, indicating they’re ready to go on the attack.
“I give you the chance to walk away, and this is the thanks I get,” you sigh.
From the bottom of your feet, you command two mold tendrils to burrow into the sand below and snake their way over to them and once in place, you order them to burst out from beneath them; such a tactic would spell the end for normal people, but the Waynes are anything but normal, so they somehow knew you were up to something and scatter just as the tendrils emerge.
Still, you put them on the defense by ordering the tendrils to lash out at them, separating them from one another and forcing them to put all their focus on the tendrils while Bruce and Dick are dodging the lashing tendrils, you make your way to the nearest vigilante: Cass.
Just as you near her, she turns around and counters the slash of your mold sword with a blade of her own. You quickly realize that the few dozen people that possess any type of sword fighting prowess pale in comparison to Cass’ and decide to swap to hand-to-hand combat by punching her in gut when your blades were clashed together, sending her flying several feet.
She quickly recovers by the time you close the gap and she not only evades most of your punches, but she manages to give you a few.
What the hell, she shouldn’t be winning.
(Her fighting style is more advanced than anything we possess in our archives,) the Megamycete responds, sounding shameful. (We are unable to find a successful counter to her assault.)
Of course, it makes sense now! While Gotham may have attracted a few dozen experts in fighting over the centuries, Bruce has been trained by masters in every form of combat, including Ra’s Al Ghul, whose lifespan makes the Megamycete seem infantile in comparison. And he’s no doubt taught all of them his fighting style.
Just then, you feel something hit your back and explode, sending you flying. When you recover, you see Bruce and Dick have cut your tendrils and are now heading towards Cass to reinforce her.
(Their armories also seem to be more than we can handle,) it says as it repairs the damage done to your armor. (We have hardened your armor as much as we can, but it seems their tools will be able to penetrate our defenses.)
Shit, so that leaves you vulnerable to their fighting styles and their gadgets.
“Alright,” you mutter to yourself as you ready yourself. “We’ll just have to rely on the one thing none of them have ever had: powers.”
You repeat what you had done before and disperse your body into a murder of crows and send them flying around the Bats, causing them to huddle together and raise their arms in an attempt to protect themselves. You have enough crows continue to fly around them to keep them distracted while the rest of them form together to form your body, but with the addition of four, oversized spider-like legs extruding from your back.
You allow yourself to fall to the ground, the legs pointed down to form four very sharp stabbing implements. They look up just in time to see what’s about to happen, so they force their way through the swarm just as you land where they once stood. The remaining crows reintegrate into your body as you make your way towards them, jabbing your spider limbs in an attempt to stab any of them.
Dick and Cass have narrow frames, so they’re harder to hit, but Bruce’s more bulkier body makes him a more feasible target, so you shift your focus to him. After a few failed slashes, you manage to land a decent hit that causes him to fail onto his back. He tries to reach for his utility belt, but you use two of your limbs to pierce his shoulders and he lets out a pained yell s he struggles in vain to free himself from beneath you.
He looks up at you, a painful expression etched on his face, while you summon two small tendrils from your back, ready to deal the final blow.
“If I can’t rip out your non-existent heart, I’ll just have to settle for your head!”
But, just as you’re about to make good on your declaration, you feel something attach itself onto your back, throwing you off balance.
“Y/N, don’t,” a voice says from behind and it’s then you realize it’s not something on your back, but someone.
Specifically, Dick.
“Get off me, circus freak,” you snarl as you begin to struggle with him.
Deeming Dick the bigger threat, you shift your focus from Bruce to shaking off the acrobat any way you can, flailing around and reaching out to grab him so you can finally finish him off; while you want to kill Bruce more than anything right now, you want him to suffer before you shed his blood.
Making him watch as you rip his golden child’s head off while he’s powerless to stop it? Yes, that’ll do the trick.
It’s then you feel something at your spider feet and when you manage to look down while holding Dick at bay to see Cass, batarang in hand, cutting the feet pinning Bruce to the desert floor in an attempt to free him.
(She attempts to free the bastard,) the Megamycete hisses. (Kill her! Kill her now!)
But in typical fashion, Dick butts in where he’s not wanted and hurls himself towards you, latching onto your upper body, forcing you to brace your back spider legs to prevent you from tumbling down.
You watch in pure frustration as Cass slices off the parts of your legs pinning Bruce down and before you can react, the two of them hurl themselves onto you, joining Dick in trying to wrestle you to the ground.
You grab Dick with one hand and Cass with the other and just as you ready to summon a tendril to deal with Bruce and stabs you with some type of syringe, making you howl in pain at the sensation; instead of injecting you with something, you feel your blood being drained from you.
“Enough,” you hiss, hurling the two smaller vigilantes as far as you can before grabbing Bruce by both his shoulders and pulling him up so that the two of you are eye-to-eye.
It’s at this point your rage reaches its apex; this was suppose to be a night of fun out on the Strip, but the man before you not only had to ruin it by showing up, but now he’s come full circle on his batshit craziness by blasting you out of the sky and try to apprehend you like you’re one of the crazies from Arkham.
And to make matters worse, he had to bring two of his children, Dick being one of them! While you will always hate Bruce with every fiber of your being and Damian being an extremely close second, you’ve always had a strong resentment towards the eldest Wayne son. While the bastard will always say he loves all his children equally (minus you, of course), you know Dick will always be number one in Bruce’s heart due to him being the first child and being a capable Gotham socialite and vigilante.
And to add insult to injury, everyone always says Dick is everything an eldest brother should be: reliable, responsible, and doting. For years, you could nothing but cry as you saw him going out of his way to help and hang out with the other Wayne children, no matter how loudly they tried to reject it. Watching such the love and affection you craved be handed out so willingly and carefree to anyone but you made you think you would never be loved by anyone other than your deceased Momma.
You let out an inhuman howl in Bruce’s face as you shove your head into his right shoulder and latch onto it with your teeth with enough force to rival a hydraulic press. He lets out a pained yell and attempts to pull you off by your hair, but you apply more force until you eventually pierce through the armor, followed by the skin, then the muscle, and finally bone.
You pull your head back, bits of bone and flesh dangling from your teeth. You look to see his right arm practically dangling from just the barest of flesh and blood oozing from it like a waterfall. You shift your gaze from your handiwork to Bruce’s face to see the most delicious expression of pain etched on it and his complexion is pale and clammy.
At this point, you’re a crazed animal, chomping at the bit to go in for the kill on the wounded prey before you and rip it apart until it’s unrecognizable.
(Yes,) the Megamycete roars, its voice a symphony of bloodthirsty cheers. (Do it! Exact your vengeance upon him!)
Before you do anything, you feel something hit your back and explode, but unlike the first one, this one sends some sort of freezing gases scattering across your body, sending feelings of burning as your armor and spider legs rapidly freeze.
You howl in pain as you drop Bruce so you can slap at the affected areas, trying to find some way to relieve yourself of the freezing feeling.
(Hurts,) the Megamycete hisses. (Hurts!)
You rid yourself of your armor and spider legs by ripping it off your body, the frozen mold constructs shattering upon impact with the ground.
It’s then you realize you’re exposed and quickly turn around, ready to defend yourself when you see the three of them flying away on the Batwing at top speed. You could go after them, but after the fight with the Bats and their freezing grenade, you can only fall to your knees, trying to catch your breath.
(We had no idea we possessed such a vulnerability to the cold,) the Megamycete says, its voice sounding weak. (The winters of Gotham drove us to a state of near hibernation, but this is the first time we have ever had a reaction like that.)
“And now you know,” you manage to gasp out. “And so do they.”
You can only watch as the vehicle flies away as fast as it can, carrying three of the Bats away where they will no doubt share what’s happened here with the others, which will no doubt lead to even more encounters like this in the future.
In the Batwing, Bruce knows Dick is talking to hi, his words quick and high pitched as he tries to dress his wound, but right now, he can’t bring himself to take his focus off the syringe filled with your blood.
When he set out for Vegas, he was determined to find a way to provoke you into showing him your powers and obtain a blood sample so he could perform more tests, but he didn’t think he’d discover a major weakness in your defenses.
While he hated to see the cryo grenade caused you so much pain, he can’t help but rejoice at the knowledge that there’s a crack in your armor and if he approaches it at the right angle, he can have you home far sooner than he anticipated.
And when you’re back home, he can find a way to get that damn thing out of you and return you to normal. And when that’s done, he can begin to make things right with you.
He grips the syringe harder, seeing the key to making his daily whole once again within your blood.
Tag List: @lunaluz432 @type-ink @bat1212 @eyeless-kun @deathbynarcisstick @orbitingtraveler @1s3v3n1 @nosyrobin @roseytheteacup @bunbunboysworld @kitty-from-daaaa-voidddd @feral-childs-word @phoenixgurl030 @soriansick @hellcatsworld @bellethesleepypotato @prettyboys247 @marsmabe @exactlynumberonekryptonite @paolexsstuff @fantasyhopperhea @c0l1fl0r @ellaprime7 @starryperson @kore-of-the-underworld @kiarst @vanessa-boo @moxiemy @ratchetprime211 @greatwhisperspaper @tatsuri-zomushiki @bunbunbread @starsdotalk @luna57765 @solelifauna @jsprien213 @diejager @lizz-lrm @v0idl1nq @chericia @wizzerreblogs @tinybrie @lilyalone @thickasthievingtoads @creativechaosx @randomlyappearingartist @ferchu0406 @kik1010 @butterflycardigann @1-800-crazy
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theguardianace · 3 months ago
Tumblr media
the universe is, and we are
[GIF ID: An infinitely looping GIF of various Outer Wilds drawings inspired by the Minecraft End Poem. Individual frame IDs are found below the cut. /end ID]
["And the universe said I love you": the Hatchling at the Eye of the Universe. They are seen from behind, staring at a glowing purple Nomai Eye symbol.]
["and the universe said you have played the game well": an overview of the solar system. All the celestial bodies in the game orbit a large, reddening sun.]
["and the universe said everything you need is within you": Giant's Deep. Multiple cyclones and an island are seen above the water's surface, and jellyfish and an electric current hide below.]
["and the universe said you are stronger than you know": Dark Bramble. The Hatchling's ship sails past a partially obscured angler fish.]
["and the universe said you are the daylight": Ember Twin. The edge of Chert's camp and an entrance to a Lakebed Cave can be seen. The sun is large over the horizon.]
["and the universe said you are the nighttime": The core of the Ash Twin Project. The warp core and masks are seen.]
["and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you": Brittle Hollow. Through a hole in the crust, the black hole is seen. The text warps into the hole.]
["and the universe said the light you seek is within you": The White Hole Station surrounded by chunks of Brittle Hollow's crust. The station and text warp around the white hole.]
["and the universe said you are not alone": Timber Hearth. Porphy and Marl chat outside a house, Tephra leads Galena over a bridge, Rutile watches from afar, and Hal and Hornfels chat while walking down the cliffside. Many trees are seen.]
["and the universe said you are not seperate from every other thing": the core of the Interloper. Pye's body and recorder can be seen floating.]
["and the universe said you are the universe, tasting itself, talking to itself, reading it's own code": The Quantum Moon's south pole. Solanum is watching the vortex above her.]
["and the universe said I love you": the Travelers gathered around the campfire at the Ancient Glade. They all are playing their instruments.]
["because you are love": a closeup of the Hatchling. Though it is obscured by their visor, they are smiling tearfully.]
362 notes · View notes
evilminji · 1 year ago
You know one of the purposes of Lining?
Shock Absorption.
If the Zone is the Inter- and EXTRA-Dimensional Lining, connecting, containing, and generally powering all of Multiversal Creation? The Great Primordial Soup? The Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, from which we came and too which we return?
If the Zone itself is basicly the place between Universe, where your soul goes to get washed down, cleaned up, recharged, and sent out to wherever the next random portal takes it? To BECOME whatever you happen to find? An infinte recycler and Multiversal management?
The great metaphorical Yggdrasil, grown far beyond few branches, into an incomprehensible forest of one?
That kinda changes things! And also nothing! Because it means that those who remain? Are basicly squatting in the DMV's attic. Have built bunkers, under the country's main power generator. They really SHOULD move along. Granted, there is no one to MAKE them... but like...
That's cause no one thought anyone would NEED too?
Lol. Don't they feel silly? Anyway, I'ma put MY house over-! *wander off to go squat in the rafters*
Yeah, the CONCEPTS are native. But those probably just generate naturally. It's all the Souls constantly flowing through. Lots of background Sentience and Memories and such being washed away into the air. But? Then these lil souls were like "yeah, but if THEY get to stay... me too! D:< " "no, you can-" "ME TOO" and then they stopped listening and did what they wanted.
Good thing we have literally infinte amounts of room.
T...there's so MANY, you guys.
But! Not the point here!
*smacks white board* Realities! The Die too sometimes! And get born! A beautiful process, really. You can find Reality Beads if you know When and Where to look, some times. They, OBVIOUSLY, don't last for very long. Since they are basicly just seed universe. The explosive growth takes them almost immediately out of our range of perception, as they Begin.
Foundations of all Life and such.
But good God are they MAGNIFICENT!
However, sometimes? The REVERSE happens. If you find the area of the Zone your in? Is getting... "wavey" is the best way people describe it. Distorted. Fun house mirror. As though your vision has weird wrinkles that are distorting and stretching your view of things? Get Out. FAST.
If it's only SLIGHT? Barely noticeable? You can grab your Lair. IF, and ONLY IF you are NEARBY! If not? Remember. Things can be replaced. YOU? Can not.
Cause that "wavey"-ness? Is the final stage of Realm Entropy. The universe that portion over the Zone is covering and connected too, is all hollowed out. And about to CAVE IN. You DO NOT want to be there when that happens!
Remember! You see "waves"? Fly for three days!
Get to the edge of the affected area then KEEP GOING for a full three days flight. Warn everyone in you path. We stay safe together, guy. Collapses are NO JOKE. People get... well. Let's just say it's NOT a nice way too go.
Knowing this of course? We should all be SAFE right? Respectful if Awed distance from Reality Seeds, run like he'll if "waves"? We Gucci?
*flips Whiteboard to other side, to reveal a cartoonishly drawn Supervillian labeled "Asshole"*
Behold! A Terrorist!
It's a charged word. Not used lightly. But THESE fuckers? Oh ho ho! THESE fuckers?! "Ooooh~! Look at MEEEEE! I'm gonna play with FORCES I DONT UNDERSTAAAAAAAND! Destabilize my whole funckin UNIVERSE! Kill countless TRILLIONS OF TRILLIONS! Cause life was bad to me personally and I'm mad about it! Wah wah wah!!" ASSHOLES!
These fuckers? Cause Collapses. Blow Outs. Weird Fucked Up Cancerous Real Growths. You ever seen the Cleaners? No? You don't WANT TOO. They are basically eldritch, deep sea, angler fish looking mother fuckers THE SIZE OF SOLAR SYSTEMS. They travel in SCHOOLS.
When Realities collapse, they "fall off" as it were. Detach. And have to get recycled. All the countless impurities of Life eaten way to a blank slate. So it too, can start again. Thus the Fish. But! They ALSO eat anything "problematic".
Like tumors. Cancers. Poisoned, Multiversal Threats. Those quote on quote "God Killers".
Yes. Yes this IS part of why you DONT want to be near a Collapsing Reality.
No I WON'T explain how I know.
*smack the board with pointer* pay attention.
Jason Todd. Not! An Asshole. Sexy thighs. Fancy lil hair strip. We all miss him. But! He's off living his "no really, I'm totally alive, guys" hot girl summer or whatever. We are going to respect that! But!!! How did that happen? When he was DEFINITELY Hella dead?
Superboy Prime-y Pants. Who IS an ASSHOLE.
Because THAT fucker? PUNCHED HIS REALITY SO HARD IT NEARLY SHATTERED. Oh, no, I'm sorry! He punched SOMEONE ELSE'S reality! Because he is a tantruming MAN CHILD! And NOW? Now, Your Majesty, that WHOLE ASS Reality is more hair line cracks then border walls! One good shove? It'll cave in. Killing every soul inside.
The Cleaners are ALREADY circling.
It needs to be patched. Immediately. But that's not something normal ghosts can DO. The Zone won't LISTEN to us. Nor allocate the energy for it. The Concepts of Healing? We can't even FIND them.
We need help.
Please help them, King Phantom. You're the only one who CAN.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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sammylkcho · 5 months ago
Hello! Hi! Do you think you could write for a swap version of Sebastian x reader? Like, reader is the experimented one and Sebastian is an expandable, encountering reader in their shop, maybe they could banter and whatnot (what ever happens next is up to you). I've always liked these types of trope so it would be really neat to see more of this type of stories and such.
It's okay of you don't answer this ask of mine. Hope your having a wonderful day or night from where you are and take care of yourself ☺️☺️☺️
Notes/Warnings: Swap AU, seb being a expendable, not proofread, bad grammar and bad jokes (and an attempt at wordplay)
divider by @/cafekitsune
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It had been a while since any group of expendables or even a solo one had passed through your shop. They usually died before even reaching door 40, and you had to loot their bodies to see if they had managed to get anything from the previous rooms. The only thing you could find were a few flashlights with half a battery —and if you were lucky- some flash beacons.
Not everything was going that bad, though. You still had the luck of restocking with the stuff the expendables left behind after dying, while waiting for an Angler or a Wall Dweller to snack on their corpse.
Though, you won’t lie, you were getting a little bored not being able to mess with an expendable. Your only company was the chatty AI who didn’t care about your presence; it seemed more like you were doing him a favor just by being the person who listened while he talked.
Now, you’d heard the PA system that always went off when a submarine arrived at the Blacksite, along with the same monotone voice giving short, no-nonsense instructions to the expendables. That meant a new expendable had arrived, and you couldn’t wait to see how long they would survive—especially if they made it to your little shop.
You didn’t have to wait long until the sound of footsteps growing closer to door 57 told you the expendable was almost at your small store.
The sound of the metal door unlocking reached your ears (fins) in no time. A soft hum escaped your throat as you prepared to give the little presentation you always did with every expendable.
"Psssp! Need a pair of extra hands?" you called out to the stranger, pushing open the small vent slot with your tail fin. You noticed how their footsteps came to a sudden halt, and there was a silence only filled by the Hadal site’s atmosphere- something you’d gotten used to a long time ago.
You heard the noise of someone crawling through the vent, and you lightly tugged on the anglerfish lure hanging from you, immediately lighting up the place.
You took note of the expendable’s figure: a man, with dark brown skin, somewhat messy black wavy hair falling to his shoulders, blue eyes, and a scar above his nose. Something about him caught your attention, but you pushed that thought aside-he was an expendable, and your next customer.
"Welcome! My name is…" you told him your name, expressing yourself animatedly with your arms. "And I can help you out by offering items that could make surviving in a place like this easier. In exchange for some of the research you’ve brought with you, of course. Think of it as a kind of trade; seller and customer." You explained, motioning toward the items you had tied in small bags along your tail.
The expendable seemed cautious, reserved, unsure of his surroundings, and especially of you. You couldn’t blame him; you’d be looking over your shoulder every two seconds and mistrusting anything in this place too-death was literally lurking in every room.
He looked at you with those same blue eyes that had caught your attention, examining your appearance and the strange friendly demeanor you had in a place like this. A little optimism never hurt, right?
You smiled, trying your best to hide your sharp shark teeth, hoping not to scare or provoke him too much. A little patience and some friendly words might just soften that distrustful attitude.
"My name is Sebastian.." the expendable spoke for the first time, still wearing a cautious look on his face.
"Nice to meet you, Sebastian! Hope the fish didn’t reel you in too quickly, especially those anglers lurking around." You joked, tilting your head slightly to the side to get a better look at him, your lure moving in sync.
You noticed a slight smirk forming on his face as he tried in vain to stop it from turning into a full-on mocking smile. You chuckled softly at that subtle attempt, causing him to glance at you with the same smirk still on his face.
"Yeah, I slipped away before they could hook me." He replied with a bit of humor in his tone. He moved a part of his dark hair that was covering his right eye, laughing as he did.
You laughed along with him, getting comfortable with his presence, and the soft sound of his laughter was music to your ears. You were starting to like this expendable.
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officialclangen · 5 months ago
It's entirely possible this has been asked before, but out of curiosity: is there any system for pelt color/pattern to determine names, or at least prefixes? I notice that a lot of my non-custom cats are assigned very fitting names (i.e. a ginger cat with the prefix "sun" or a gray cat with the prefix "fog"). It's entirely possible that this is just a case of confirmation bias, but I'm curious!!!
There is ! Prefixes and suffixes are listed into overall categories that splinter off into more specific listings like if the cat has a dark brown pelt, there is a dedicated set of prefixes that can be chosen as a result of them having that pelt color
The general categories though include the cat's pelt pattern, pelt color, eye color, and even the biome that their Clan resides in :]
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en8y · 11 months ago
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[IMAGE ID: NUMBER horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. each flag has these top three colors: light grey, black, and dull medium purple. the first flag has these bottom six colors: light yellow, off-white, light yellow, medium blue, dark blue, and navy blue. the first flag has an angler slime in the center. the angler slime is a blue blob with eyes closed, darker blue fins, and a light lure; it resembles an angler fish. the second flag has these bottom six colors: orange-red, off-white, orange-red, and three shades of cool purple, going from lighter to darker. the second flag has a batty slime in the center. the batty slime is a dark purple blob with pointed upward ears, small bat wings, a red open mouth with fangs, and small red eyes; it resembles a bat. the third flag has these bottom six colors: warm light yellow, off-white, warm light yellow, medium warm yellow, warm medium brown, and warm dark brown. the third flag has a cotton slime in the center. the cotton slime is a light yellow blob with small eyes, an open smiling mouth, long rabbit ears, and whiskers; it resembles a rabbit. END ID.]
anglerslimiloner: a gender connected to being an angler slime loner; this gender is connected to angler slimes, angler slime aesthetics, loneliness, the fear of being abandoned, and lectinity!
battyslimiloner: a gender connected to being a batty slime loner; this gender is connected to batty slimes, batty slime aesthetics, loneliness, the fear of being abandoned, and lectinity!
cottonslimiloner: a gender connected to being a cotton slime loner; this gender is connected to cotton slimes, cotton slime aesthetics, loneliness, the fear of being abandoned, and lectinity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai @yolky-slimes-archival @plutobie @kimeditive
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lalasworld2x · 8 months ago
Brahms x Reader Headcanons
This takes place after you find out he’s a grown man lol (but you don’t kill him of course)
• There aren’t any romantic feelings at first just because you’re still interested in Malcom, but you can decide if you guys have a falling out or if you just lose interest lol.
• It might take a bit to convince him to do house chores as well, as he’s lived his whole life in the walls and just has the mindset of “people have always done it for me, why stop now??”
• If you ever get mad at him, he’d probably try and finish all the house tasks before you get a chance to just so there’s now a reason for you to not be mad at him.
• He still likes to stay in the walls quite often, like a safe space for him.
• At the start, he used to get really overwhelmed by being out for so long, so you’d sit and comfort him for as long as possible. This just made him fall for you harder.
• He loves to cuddle in bed. He’s been touch starved so long, he just wants a warm bed and a warm embrace for hours on end ☹️💔
• Sometimes the closeness is never enough for him, like he just needs to be as close to you as possible. It’s not enough until he is literally molding into you, like angler fish lmao. If this makes you uncomfortable, he will back off but it will be a bit hard for him.
• He can definitely be demanding and sometimes very selfish, you may unfortunately have to still treat him like a child. I bet naughty corners would still work tbh… make sure you set clear boundaries and speak up for yourself.
• Although it’s definitely understandable if you were afraid to stand up for yourself, we already know he’s willing to hurt you and those that you love just to make sure you’d stick around.. I’m not gonna lie, it would actually probably be helpful to learn at least a bit of self defence in case he ever does try to put his hands on you. I’m sure even being strong enough to hold him in a head lock would scare him enough to back off and respect you more.
• This man does not gaf about body types or anything, he loves em all! Lean, muscular, chunky, curvy, slender, average- anything and he loves it!! He just wants someone to take care of him
• His immune system would probably be on the border of decent and not very good. He’s lived his life in the walls which is certainly not clean and nurturing space, but he also hasn’t really gotten out enough to get sick or hurt himself. Obviously he had a life before being forced into hiding, but he did spend like a decade tucked away. Would probably help you to get him vaccinated lol. ANYWAYS my point is, he might get sick fairly often, especially if you do actually start bringing friends and family over and you get to have an actual job. He would LOVE to have you coddle him. Tuck him right into bed, make him hot soup, coo over him, etc.
• Just because you would hate to be stuck at home with him all day I’m sure, you set some boundaries and convince him that he will be okay if you apply for jobs or go out to get materials and such for your own job if you work from home. And you should absolutely have the right to bring friends and family over now that he’s no longer a doll. This might upset him for a while, but you both come up with ways to make this arrangement comfortable for you.
• He compliments you all the time. You makeup, outfit, hair, posture, ideas, expression, the way you look when stretching or exercising, your interests- anything and everything!
• He will make small crafts for you as gift, mostly paper. He may even learn some origami for you with a book he found. He’s a bit shy when gift giving so he’ll leave it in a spot he knows you will find it and go somewhere else to hide and watch your reaction.
• He might be a bit shy to try new foods, but if he knows that you really enjoy them, it might encourage him a bit. He would love to indulge in your own culture more, so he would be less timid about trying traditional foods from your cultural background!
I know this one is kinda shit, I was struggling to think of things that I haven’t already seen other creators write before and I did NOT want to steal peoples ideas 😭😭
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worldworseweb · 15 days ago
Angler Fish Alter Pack 𓂃 { Mod Poseidon }
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Names 𓂃 Kraven .. Angler .. Anchor .. Trapper .. Eerie
Prns 𓂃 It / Its .. Hx / Hxm .. ? / ¿ .. Lure / Lures .. Abyss / Abyssal .. Blind / Blinded .. [Redacted] / [Redacted] .. ████ / ████s
Age 𓂃 Agehazy .. Palaikian .. Appears in lures late 20s
Gender 𓂃 Masculine Agender .. Genderabyss .. Allseeingic .. Eldritchseathing .. Eeriebodiment .. Uncannything .. Thalastormic .. Noviaeus .. Voidbodiment .. Desean .. Etherio .. Dimbathyic .. Thalassogender .. Vortexic .. Gendersea .. Marinorphic .. Eldrigender .. Seacollector .. Blueperspeque .. Aetherine .. Kenochoric
Orientation 𓂃 Demiromantic .. Demisexual .. Sex-favorable regardless of attraction
Species 𓂃 Anglerfish Merfolk
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Roles 𓂃 Isolator .. Nightwatcher .. Cynic .. Aggressor
Location 𓂃 Any tight deep-sea cavern will do -- some vague inspiration would be the mariana trench .. Kraken decorates hxs cavern / den with shark teeth, sea shells, beads, pearls, rocks, and various shiny trinkets that abyss collects .. In a special nook is blinds nest, which is made of blue bioluminescent algae and kelp.
Behavior 𓂃 Rarely willingly interacts with others, unless baited into doing so .. It takes a long time to warm up to people, but is more likely to enjoy the company of those who are similarly amused by others negativity .. Enjoys startling / scaring other sysmates by hiding in dark spaces or simply sneaking up on them .. Rarely physically harmful towards other sysmates, instead mocking them and finding their discomfort, anger, or sadness amusing .. May purposefully trigger other sysmates for ?s own amusement .. Will often act cold towards others, but may soften when given compliments or gifts.
Signoffs / Proxies 𓂃 ⚓ ; 🌊 ; ⛓️ ; 👁️‍🗨️
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⛓️ EXTRA ;
TransIDs 𓂃 CisNocturnal .. CisLongTongue .. CisImmortal .. CisBlackSclera .. CisAnglerfish .. CisMerfolk .. CisAsshole .. TransAutopsyScars .. TransHalfBlind .. TransSharperSenses .. NullEmotions .. TransDrowned .. TransASPD .. TransEldritchHorror .. TransAplatonic .. TransHeartless .. TransInsomnia .. NullSleep .. PermaMisanthrope .. NullRemorse .. NullReflection .. TransWaterboarder .. TransRaspyVoice .. NullHumanity .. Xenoracial ("Abyssal").
Paras 𓂃 Codes can be found here. 🌊 .. 💧 .. ♨️ .. 🫶🌹 .. 🐊 .. 🦷 .. 🐙 .. 🩳 .. Hybriphilia .. Traviphilia .. Cardiophilia.
Titles 𓂃 The Deep Sea Swimmer .. The Beast that Lures .. It who Lurks in the Dark .. The Seaborn Hunter .. The Sea Cryptid .. The Beast of the Tides .. The Cryptid Beneath the Waves .. The Horror of the Deep
Fashion 𓂃 Usually shirtless .. Adorned with black, cyan, gold, or white beads and shark teeth as body jewelry .. Wears fishhooks as piercings.
Typing Quirk 𓂃 Speaks in italics. If on Discord, may speak in italics and spoilers for each message ( ||*text*|| ). May use ".~" at the end of sentences when mocking others, or being affectionate (not sexually). Often uses periods and proper grammar.
Religion 𓂃 Believes in what lure refers to as "The Ones who Swam the Sea Before", a polytheistic religion with a handful of major and minor Gods that each rule / maintain a particular aspect of bodies of water (Sunlight Zone, Twilight Zone, Midnight Zone, and Abyssal Zone, along with Rivers and Lakes) .. These gods are all various merfolk.
Speech Patterns 𓂃 References the above religion often .. Avoids slang, preferring simple and blunt manners of talking .. Will make common phrases ocean related, or make up ocean-related metaphors in place of common ones (ex. "What in the Seven Seas" instead of "What in the fresh hell / What the fuck") .. May swear often, especially when agitated.
Miscellaneous 𓂃 It both despises and adores aquariums for allowing hxm to feel "at home", while simultaneously lamenting the entrapment of them (regardless of how well they are cared for) .. When agitated, may flare gills or fins .. Enjoys sea shanties and calmer music .. Despises when people say that the ocean is "only 5% explored" or similar statements (due to the misconception that this means we only know about what is in 5% of the ocean).
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blingblong55 · 7 months ago
Little lover- Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Based on a request: Hi! I absolutely love your stuff! I would love to kindly ask for a kyle x reader where he refers to her has an angler fish(big scary fish from Nemo) while they’re crocheting cause they’ve got a reading light dangling from their head🤭 (this is definitely me right now as I crochet) ---- F!Reader, fluff, established!relationship ---- A/N: in this one, reader has glasses. I love to think this man is a good lover through and through and I want to love him out loud
Sunday, what a sweet day to enjoy the home you live in with your loving boyfriend. Well, it'd be a nice day to enjoy if he wasn't snoring on the sofa. So you wait, you watch him breathe and smile in his dreams which turns out to be beautiful, far more than beautiful.
As the day sets to the late evening, you grab your yarn and a reading light that you hook onto your glasses. You put some Billy Joel and lay back as you set the mood to inspire the next few hours you'll spend crocheting. There are occasions when you just turn and watch him, it's mesmerising to a lover like you how comfortable he is by your side. You run your hand through his hair and go back to your stitch.
Time passes and without you noticing, he wakes up and sits up. His skin is so warm it's comforting for a sleepy man like him. Kyle stretches and wraps his arms around you before kissing the side of your head and chuckling a little. "I know what you'll say, so out with it, babe," you tell him as you try to concentrate on your patterns. "You're my little angler fish, ya know?" he smiles and brushes your hair out of your face. You hum in annoyance, secretly enjoying his comment but he can't know you love it.
Kyle buries his face on your neck and inhales your natural scent, he closes his eyes and sighs in contentment. "God I love you," he mumbles as he gives your skin open-mouthed kisses. "I love you too, Ky," you turn your head just a bit and kiss his forehead. It's moments like these when he is just a simple man, holding his sweet little angler fish and telling her how he feels.
The poets must be jealous…he knows they are because not even their rhymes can get them love like this. It's so raw in a way that makes sense to those who ache for it like he once did.
A/N: I love him and I think he and autumn skies match so well…thank you for letting me indulge in my love for him. I know this isn't so long but I just needed to get this one out of my system before I wrote more for me than for you
Tags: @goldenmclaren @moonsua1 @frazie99 @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @enarien @luvecarson @coralwitchdreamland @strawberrychita @queen-ilmaree @Llelannie @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @1234beeandpuppycat @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @ikohniik @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @pinkblossomsworld @kaoyamamegami @nobodys-coffee @the_royal_bee @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @thegreyjoyed @mychemichalimalance @marshiely @noodlezz-bedo @alexaseeraj @trinthealternate @azkza @gh0st-hunt2r @VampyTheGoth
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zan0tix · 1 year ago
Pleaseeee tell me more about that homescryption au
A little something between you and me and everyone else who happens to look at this post. Im working on a lineup for the four scrybes :D
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Roxys design is subject to change and you guys have already seen D1rk. Jane and Jake are in progress!!! (Also D1rk and Harley are the names for dirk and jake but weve been struggling to come up with appropriately fantasical/magical names for Jane and Roxy that align with magnificus and grimora😞 Harley feels old-manish enough that it fits in well… im sure well get there but if anybody has ideas feel free to comment ✌️)
But yes i can tell you more!!! ILL PUT IT ALL UNDER THE CUT THIS POST IS GOING TO BE LONG o7
Working with cyrus repliiku to flesh it out x3 he was the one who got me into the game and im CRAZY NOW!!!!
The four alpha scrybes methods of inscribing cards are that Harley uses his magic blunderbuss and the things he shoots become cards, Roxys cards are the fantasical characters she creates in her stories, Jane will be a detective of death, uncovering how cards die and writing up a casefile in her detective agency about them (might give her a magic magnifying glass. Well see), and D1rk were trying to figure out something with Sburbs captcha card + ghost captcha system like how Po3’s cards are printed from real robots
The students/the scrybes underlings are going to be other homestuck characters or splinters!
D1rks will be the robots (aradiabot, arquius (wanted him to me more unique than just brobot + hal so he gets to be a robot) and jadebot.
Harleys will be jake-ish splinters rather than new characters. Thered be the Adventurer (prospector), the Hunter (trapper/trader), the Sailor (angler), the Ectobiologist (mycologists), and the Actor (woodcarver) and his campaigns would be more Action packed like jakes action movies type stuff hehe
Janes will be the dead trolls, nepeta, equius and feferi. Not much to say besides them being dead lol 😭
And roxys were still figuring out but nerm. Viceroy/Casey, Rose (maybe goobert but they are actually nice and kind to her) and Eridan….(lonely wizard he was banished to the shadow realm for being annoying 😁👍)
Luke Carter is going to be Calliope and Satan in the greater scheme of the daniel mullins-verse will be Caliborn/Lord English because i think itd be very funny for him to just. Be making video games and thats his evil plot. LOL and Sado would be Gamzee. (Will not expand to pony island or the hex this is just clearing up the ending of inscryption)
Kaycee would probably be Aranea but like just some normal girl. Not all that sure abt the OLD_DATA tho ??? Maybe just all the wrong doings Lord English has committed and influenced culminated into the files or the code that brought him into the universe I DUNNO.
Retconning the drawing i did when i first scribbled this AU, i believe when harley turns the other scrybes into preexisting cards d1rk would become a seagull (kingfisher replacement) roxy would become a jaguar (wolf replacement) and jane would become a jackalope (pronghorn replacement) 😁
And the way harley would be defeated would be using his blunderbuss on him with a special bullet instead of film. Po3’s decapitation fulfilled the Dirk prophecy too LOL
I think that of the gameplay/card gimmicks themselves would work basically the same but i might try and come up with more creative homestucky twists on them
Im planning on finishing the designs and making sprites and more mockup screenshots :3
I might write up or draw a comprehensive ref sheet for this au someday but for now heres what weve jotted down 👍
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