jatlokgwo · 5 months
self-indulgent angelophilia/angelkisser/angellover flags based on my partner that made me realize i like angels by being angel :3
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panda9000 · 2 months
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cupidpony · 8 months
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first actual art post here and its me bein gay as hell for g/rahammy ... don't mind him he's just a big stick in the mud when it comes to pda + me calling him cutesy names
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mayasweetpoulos · 2 years
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yeah i see why these are still everywhere
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sadowife · 4 months
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✚ Heavenly & Starry System Names …
The Starry Heaven,Heaven's Divine Council,The Children of the Stars,The Kingdom of Heaven,The Heavenly Kingdom,The Starry Paradise,The Empyrean,The Star - Filled Beyond,Elysium,The Celestial City,The Ones Beyond the Stars,The Promised Land,The Celestials.
System, Collective,etc can be added to the ends .ᐟ
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Names …
Heavenly / Heavenlie,Heavynne,Evangel,Starish,Divinita,Starette,Staresse,Starry,Altair,Celeste,Engel,Angelyne,Angelkiss,Rosangel,Araceli,Nova,Vega,Celka,Devina / Devita,Stelle,Estella / Estrella,Junia,Lynx,Eridanus,Cassiopeia / Cass,Acrux / Crux.
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Pronouns …
Hea Heaven Heavenly,Star Stars,Div Divine,Celeste Celestial,Para Paradise,Sai Saint,Ange Angel,Shi Shine,Ely Elysium,Holy Holys,Pray Prayer,Che Cherub,Sera Seraph,Cos Cosmic,Stell Stellar,Ast Astral,🕊 🕊s,⛪️ ⛪️s,⭐️ ⭐️s,🌟 🌟s,🌌 🌌s.
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✚ Heavenly & Starry Titles …
Prn of the Stars / Heaven,The Heavenly Star,The Celestial { Being / One },The Star Child,The Saintly Star,The Saint,The Paradisical Star,Prn Who Shines,The Starlike Divine,The Divine { Star },The Starry - Eyed One,Prn With Stars in Prns Eyes,The Star Above All.
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Requested By : Anon.
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blush-bblushing · 3 months
Blush blush guys headcanons pt 2
Guys: anon, garret, Dimitri, ichiban, William, and myx
Cws: none
Hc's under the cut!
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Everyone knows Anon despises being touched. At least 99% of the time he does. During the rare 1% where he likes it, there's one thing he loves doing. That would be linking pinkies. Something so small, almost childish, and it brings him joy. If he trusts someone enough he'll do it. Mainly for pinkie promises and walks. It's fun for both parties involved. He also doesn't have to tolerate too much skin contact! So it's a win/win in his book.
He can deny it all he wants. He could make fake posts about hating it. And he could even hide the game from his library- none of that could disprove the fact that Anon loves stardew valley. It's a cute game! It's the feeling of living a life outside of norms. No "real" job, no stress(unless he's speedrunning), and especially no sun to fry him. He can simulate going outside! I'm not saying Anon doesn't go outside often. But like any gamer he prefers his air conditioned bedroom
In game he already has freckles. It came free with being a red head. If one were to somehow convince him to be outside longer than 4 minutes, they'd get to see them multiply. Freckles will scatter among his arms and face. As a kid he used to be embarrassed about this. No matter how often his grandmother called them angelkisses/stars. With enough effort, he can one day grow to like them.
(Fun fact: this is the last headcanon I'm writing for this post :]) Anon canonically can hack just about anything. Who's to say he doesn't hack marshmallows devices for wholesome pranks. A virus that just reminds them to take a break from being online. Their social media bios being changed ro some copypasta. Or something else more ridiculous than that. The possibilities are endless for him
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As much as some people may clown on him, I believe he's actually quite intelligent. The problem is that English isn't his native language. What this language is could be German or another language with an accent similar to his. If marshmallow/mc spoke that language, they could see how much he truly knows. And to be frank- I like to believe that over time his English gets better.
Speaking of his intelligence: garret is smart in the nontraditional sense. He's great with outdoor skills, basic medicine (mainly human, a bit of animal car too), cooking, among other things. That doesn't mean he cannot read or so math! He's at an average level with most people. His heart is simply set on knowledge that, according to him, can help people. And the way he met marshmallow proves that. Had he not been a bull, then I'm certain that cat would've went right into his arms ♡
This is kind of self indulgent- he sleeps with weighted blankets. Garret's quite strong. He's probably used to everything being light for him. On nights where the blankets don't cover him enough, he'll grab the weighted alternative. And I don't mean the smaller ones that are 5lbs or 2.26kg. I'm talking 25lbs or 11.33kg. Something that takes a bit more effort to move. Yet it still comfortably holds him down.
As a kid he was shy. This is primarily due to him feeling more comfortable with animals. They're calmer, quieter, and a lot easier to get along with. It felt like he could show his intentions a lot easier. Once the game begins he's just barely beginning to socialize more. Which also explains his oddly forward/awkward dialog. Aside from the language barrier.
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This might be a bit too deep for the game. But underneath his romantic front I think Dimitri is pretty vulnerable. It isn't like he's pretending to be someone else. It's moreso he needs to grow into his skin. Appreciate his less suave side. Not everyone can be perfect all the time. Marshmallows a good influence on him. Behind closed doors he's relaxed. There's a lot of ways this can be seen. The biggest is when he lets his hair down. Letting mc touch it, even braid it of he's in the mood. Dimitri's vulnerable side isn't extremely different. If he were to get comfortable and slip up around the guys, it may not be noticeable. For him however: it means everything. To be able to feel authentic.
On a lighter note he has multiple favorite flowers. Roses are obvious. Their association with love is the main reason he enjoys them. Another favorite of his azaleas. A flower which represents platonic/familial love. They remind him of his sister. (Who happens to be his closest friend). When he finds someone particularly enjoyable, he'll associate a flower with them. Marshmallow could honestly apply to any flower depending on how the player views them. So I'll leave that up to interpretation.
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(I forgot if this is seen in any of his sprites) Dimitri adores getting his nails done. He mostly has them shaped & polished. Though occasionally he'll paint them to match an outfit such as the masquerade suit. Masculinity for him is having the confidence to take care of himself. He's actually a regular at the local spa! Sometimes, he takes his sister with him if she's stressed.
Warning: youtuber inspired characters like ichiban, myx, and sven are a bit difficult for me. As not only are they inspired by real people, but they personally don't have much to them in my opinion. Please pardon how bare bones these (& other) headcanons may feel.
His hair wasn't always that colorful. At the start of his career ichibans hair was only dyed green at the ends. Videos from this era are considered lost media. He posts so much that the oldest hairstyle you can find is when he dyed it with 3 colors for the first time. The video he made about it changed his career forever. It's still one of his most watched videos to this day.
Some fans theorize he wears a wig. Surely his hair must be FRIED by now. Or if it isn't, he's been wearing a wig since the aforementioned video. Pretending to have multicolored hair so he can keep his hair healthy. There's fan videos supposedly finding "wig caps" or "odd hair" placements. Most have been either deleted, proven false, or ignored.
Lastly, his fan base got pretty torn about the whole tiger thing. Some claimed it made them love him more. Others claimed it turned them off. This uncertainty of opinion can be overwhelming. Luckily marshmallow was there to assure him when things got stressful.
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One HUGE headcanon I have is that Williams' parents were into animal care. Regardless of if it was their job or not. From a young age they taught him the importance of animal life. From the cutest kitten to the worst rat. He doesn't view any animal as more/less loceable than any other. Because of this, he's cared for animals that most vets refuse to care for. Personally, I think he's researched animals outside of his profession. You never know when you'll be nursing a lion.
(Might draw this in the future), but at one point his hair was longer. Before his career William had long dreadlocks. He took pride in how well he took care of his hair. Obviously, he still nurtures that hair now. He's just kept it short for work. Maybe one day he'll begin growing his hair out. Possibly if marshmallow reassures him he'd be able to work just fine. Considering it's been years since he first began working
I just know he has multiple playlists. At least one for every occasion. He's a man with good taste. And in my opinion I don't think he's one to box himself up. He may be dead set on his career, but he still appreciates fluidity. This also applies to his clothes. You'll never know what you'll get from him. Despite how often his style shifts, one thing is consistent: his personality. It'll shine through anything. It doesn't matter what he does. Something will scream "William".
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In slight relation to the previous headcanon: part of his love language is gift giving. To fulfill this language he'll study his partner. Minor examples are what foods they eat the most and what songs they play the most. He collects a list of the little things. Until the occasion arises for him to spoil his partner. If you've ever seen those posts where someone has overly elaborate gift boxes, you'd know what Williams gifts look like.
I don't see this talked about enough: his crochet/knitting hobby. Myx absolutely can make clothes and plushes. He probably even made some for marshmallow. (Or the other guys if you go with the whole shared house thing) Each item he makes with his yarn is catered to whoever he makes it for. I personally think he's collected multiple yarn types for different people. Have sensory issues with things that are too soft/too rough? He's got yarn for that. So.much.yarn. half his closet is yarn.
His "why wolf" costume was made last minute. His clever explanation was done on the spot. Man has been making content for yeeeeaaars. You can't tell me he doesn't know how to improv by now. Man forgot to dress up so he threw on his highschool jacket, drew a black nose, and called it a day. This costume ended up inspiring a Halloween special on his channel! Ended up becoming a hit. Mainly due to how silly it felt.
A man who cares that much about his hair is bound to have a complex night routine. After a long shower he has at least a 4 step skin care routine. Then a hair routine, stretch routine, and goodness knows what else. He also sleeps with a night mask and fluffy robe. He just loves to pamper himself <3
And done! Please do tell me of I should make more of these. I only have a few left of the main cast before I go into dlcs. That is if my memory is correct
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can we get an alter based on your blog pretty please? 👉👈
we just really love it so much
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Names: Mars, Saturn, Helios, Nova, Andromeda, Sol
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Star/Stars, Sun/Suns, Moon/Moons, Shine/Shines, Bright/Brights, Mystic/Mystics, Angel/Angels, Halo/Halos, Gold/Golds, ☆/☆s, 🔆/🔆s
Genders: Genderfluid, 🌀+🌟gender, Mooningeric, Snowstarthing, Angelkiss, Lunangelic, Spacedream, Starsundic, Galaxybodiment, Lumipuppic, Univeresdeity, Phosolial, Sweetcutepupic
Age: 15
Roles: Manager, Artisan, Harboringer
Likes: Making Headmates, Astronomy, Cold, Drawing, Cats, Gaming
Dislikes: Meat, Heat, Rudeness, Conflicts, Studying, Wet textures
Personality traits: Respectful, Energetic, Forgiving, Talkative, Lazy, Oblivious, Blunt
Appearance: Purple hair with two blue streaks, Two buns, Light blue eyes, Angel wings
Extra: Angelkin, Puppy therian, Spacekin, Narravior, Alterhumanvior
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fashionshopping · 7 days
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Angelkiss Women Handbags Leopa ... Price 39.28$ CLICK TO BUY
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jatlokgwo · 4 months
badly made angelophile dividers :3
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watchingthecredits · 4 months
what I mean when I say mwah!! love u you're my everything my beloved my darling my dearest my angelkissed love! ! mwah
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iloveuiloveuiloveuuu you’re everything my everything til the end of time mwahhh <333
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cupidpony · 8 months
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more gay shit between these two queers ... what are they fucking doing
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allyourdolls · 5 months
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😎💜🔮 "I may be cool on the outside, but my heart beats in shades of pink and purple! #CoolAndColorful #HeartOfPurple" 🔮💜😎
#AngelKiss #172cm #AK25 #LS50 #AllYourDolls #lovedoll #realdoll #realisticdoll
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
I always thought your freckles and beautymarks were so pretty, It inspired me to start emphasizing my own! ^_^ How many do you have?
tooo many! They just ate me right up In heaven i think All the angelkisses weighed me down &now we R here .i would need my boyfriend2 help me count I have thirteen or so on my face + neck alone and my thighs R sprinkled in em : ] ithink they r stunning I’m glad u love urs!
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noahhasbeensummoned · 8 months
Noah help the angels hot
Angelkisser 🫵
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askholycouncillor · 1 year
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scytheral · 1 year
hi i’m pretty sure that this gender already exists but i don’t know what it’s called - it’s a gender that feels like it’s been kissed by angels? if it doesn’t exist, could you make one?
The seraph of Passion is Certain that the Description you Wrote fits Under squidthing ' s Angelkiss Gender. If you Only mean a Gender maintaining The " A gender That feels Like it ' s been Kissed by Angels " description , He of Stardust isn ' t Sure if It ' s existent.
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