#angela is best girl
klarusrandommuf · 8 days
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It is obligatory for any silly guys in containment game to have sentient ai. I dont make the rules.
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thelesbianluthor · 26 days
Thinking about Grace Chasity living through dangerous situations but never being in actual danger herself because the evil she has to face decides who is gonna be a victim and she is never one.
How the Axe man recognizes her as a Nerdy Prude and worthy of not only being left alive but also keeping his mission going.
How Max makes the decision of who is a Nerdy Prude in HIS eyes but Grace is once again spared because he desires her and then she ends up once again taking over the mantle but twisting his mission into something that fits her ideals.
Even in Workin' Boys she ends up with the gun, ending the threat and with the power in her hands.
And every time the narrative chooses her as the one to prevail then Steph and Pete are inevitably saved even if the danger comes one step away from taking their lives.
There is something so interesting in how Grace has to face her morals, battle against her values and reaffirm them in the end in a twisted way and even if she becomes another threat to Hatchetfield, she is what saves Steph and Pete.
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angelamcss · 1 year
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If you're wondering if this hurts... Yeah. It hurts a lot, but... I get it.
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My beautiful, deadly army
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shaynetopps · 5 months
“but i’m a lesbian!”
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zillaphoneswag · 8 months
I will say that in my personal AU, no one loves Angela the way Amanda does.
Amanda adores this woman with every fiber of her being and it shows, even in small ways. The way Angela makes her laugh, something no one else can get out of her. The way she just casually does Angela’s hair when they’re on break.
The way she subtly helps her with certain things. The way she’ll do anything to make her laugh. The way she’s always touching her, god i can’t think of too many videos that they’re in together where they’re not touching each other.
And honestly (speaking in terms of reality here), I think this still carries over, just in terms of friendship. The whole cast clearly loves Angela. She has such a great bond with Chanse, those two bounce off each other so well. But you can tell it’s just a deeper kind of love when it comes to Amanda. It’s evident in both of them.
So I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No one loves Angela quite like Amanda does.
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burburduhart · 7 months
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Old Ratchet and Clank fanart
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AOAOAOA Ep 121: For decades, the legendary daytime talk show "The View" has been home to iconic hosts from all sides of the political spectrum engaging in heated debate . But you may not have heard of "The Look", a similar show hosted by three opinionated women and one absolutely ancient one.
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karihighman · 8 months
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TWO DEFINITE PARALLELS + one almost 🥲💕 [first parallel originally from here — it just made me recognize these two others so yeah]
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little-lovett · 8 months
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angela lansbury <333
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softbaymax · 1 month
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like stepfather, like daughter
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Angela don’t let the little British old man put u down… he’s just in his tiktok era….
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eyelessdraws · 1 year
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some angela's (august 2023)
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2smolbeans · 4 months
Hi there long time lurker first time asker, before everything else I just think you are a fantastic writer like you do the horror elements really. I genuinely feel suffocated some times reading your work.
Yesterday I realized 'Yandere best friend x obstacle reader' is my Roman Empire and I was just thinking about you explaining how Marco is a giant and defeating him is almost impossible but that what you are not understanding about, I don't have to win we can both lose. When I kill Marco and lay dying in a puddle of my own blood, I'd atleast be able to look at Angela with a shred of dignity on the other side.
Also I need to know did Marco poison Mila against us?
Can I be squid annon?
AKDKWJSISIQAAAA?!?!? Thank you so much?!?!?! That means a lot!?!? 😭💖
Im happy to know that you enjoy my writing and that it can convey a certain emotion haha!
And yes ofc you can be squid anon lolol ^^
Okay now that you mentioned Marco (one of my fav ocs), my neurons are activated and I'm gonna happily go on a long ramble ^^
Marco surprisingly didn't plot Mila against you! If anything, he only encouraged her habits of being anti social!
With you and Mila, you two were never really close in that friend group during your college years. You would only talk to each other when there were others like Angela or Matheias to hype up the conversations. Otherwise, when it was just the two of you alone, you just never clicked with each other. Conversations with Mila never seemed to go anywhere, and hangouts with you didn't feel as fun as it did with the others.
Now don't get me wrong, the two of you didn't hate each other! You were just awkward together..
So Marco didn't really have to do much with what the two of you already had (which was nothing). So really, all he had was not mention your name to Mila, and that was it! Mila simply just forgot about you ever since she moved on from the friend group.
Now, will he try to poison your relationship in the present? (The present being that the two of you are kept hostage in his apartment.) Probably, but not intentionally. He will play favorites which will cause the both of you to feel a discomfort towards each other. (Either due to stockholm syndrome or just a general disgust of "The way they are together is gross").
And yeah..Regarding fist fighting Marco and dying in the process, you would die a idolized warrior in the eyes of his previous victims- hell you'd be given a medal for being able to sucessfully take him down by the them! Unlike poor Angela..
Like everyone who's crossed Marco's path has been defamed, at the brink of death- fighting for their life as he inflicts the most gruesome beatings to their body- giving them a dramatic death as the cops have to fight the urge to gag when they see the aftermath..And Angela just dies by a bootleg foreign brand convience store snickers bar.
(I'm not joking, this is canonically how she dies in the og timeline and obstacle au)
He was literally like, "Nah she's not worth the effort." Got the bar from his local shady convience store, knowing full well that it had some form of peanuts and that the text on the wrapper was in a another language (she wouldn't know what was in the bar at the moment or bother checking at the moment since why would Marco give her something with peanuts, right?) while making sure to take her Epi-pen away, then geniuely forgot about it the next day.
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art--harridan · 11 months
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Angela and Suzanne from Night of the Demons. They're standing next to each other in their Halloween costumes, though they are possessed by demons. There's a lot of contrast between their looks as Angela is dressed in an all black edgier look while Suzanne's outfits is all pink and bouncy. Angela stands slightly hunched, clawed hands hanging by her side. Her feet are turned inwards. Her face is twisted in a large bloody smile, while her bright yellow and red eyes look to the side, though without a pupil. There's also a smattering of blood on a few of her fingers. Angela kicks one of her legs up behind her, which connects the two girls. One arm hangs behind her back while the other drops a messy tube of lipstick. Her clawed hand has a red substance on it. There's a large heart shape on her face drawn with blood-coloured lipstick, which drips down to her unbuttoned shirt. Her eyes, coloured the same as Angela's, glare at the viewer, wide. The pupils are piercing. She has a huge, closed mouth grin. There's a green outline around the girls, which makes them stand out against the deep red background. The colour of the blood and lipstick is, however, a bright red.]
Inktober - Day 17 (Demon)
Film - Night of the Demons (Kevin Tenney, 1988)
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crownlandssun · 8 months
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was feeling real normal last night
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