16sydd16 · 1 month
Angel AU
For this ask game!!
I'm not sure if this refers to the ever-prevalent fallen angel AU that the cadina bitches kick around sometimes, or of this is something else entirely... 👀
To keep with the prompt, I've gone with Angel!AU. If you're after the Fallen Angel!AU, shoot me another ask and I'll happily yammer on about it:)
Angel!Cady AU:
Regina George is not an excellent person. She's a cutthroat corporate attorney with many enemies. One of these enemies decides to... remove her from the equation. As Regina lays dying in the road, she sees a glimpse of... nothing. It's loud and dark and all-consuming, and for the first time in a long time, Regina is afraid. In the seconds before the nothingness consumes her completely, she feels a light touch at her collarbone, hears a whisper of "I've got you, Gi," and she falls into a deep sleep. Regina wakes up in the hospital with a fractured spine and new perspective. She demands to meet the woman who saved her, but the doctors assure her that such a woman does not exist. A nearby bakery owner saw Regina get hit and called the incident in. Regina laid in the street alone until the paramedics arrived.
It's a year of changed behavior and doing her best to aid the greater good before Regina swears she hears that voice again, "I've got you, sweet girl." Her head snaps up to find the most beautiful woman she's ever seen: flawless porcelain skin, a little pink and freckly and glowing with sweat. Messy red-gold hair plastered to her forehead and neck, a beanie sitting lopsided on her head. In one hand, she holds a scrap of bread. In the other, a longboard. Her hand is extended not to Regina, but to a feral grey kitten, currently hissing. "Do you need help?" Regina asks, because hey, she's a new person. She can offer a stranger (?) help with a feral kitten with NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE AT ALL. Okay, maybe she has a motive, but fuck it. She's being good, right? That's all that matters, isn't it?
Cady is always vaguely glowy. Regina thinks it's makeup at first, some kind of expensive Korean highlighter she hasn't managed to get her hands on yet, but then she's lucky enough to wake up next to Cady, and she realizes that it's not some fancy product. It's just Cady. She's a beacon, forever bathed in any available light. The purple-grey beams of the streetlamps, the too-bright led mirror lights at Regina's vanity, and the soft blue glow of the TV all light up Cady's pretty face, never an unflattering shadow to be found. Regina's favorite sight in the world becomes Cady in her bed, soft morning light spilling in from the window, desperate to illuminate Cady's angelic face. She is ethereal and, even though she probably should, Regina finds herself unable to look away.
Cady is the clumsiest walker in existence, so Regina is shocked the first time she sees her on a longboard. She's so light and so quick on it that, if Regina couldn't see the board rolling along on the ground under her, she'd swear Cady was flying.
There's a tiny scar on Regina's collarbone from her accident that fizzles with a burst of static electricity whenever Cady runs her fingers over it. Cady's worried that, one of these days, Regina might realize why.
This was like half me plotting and half fun facts, oops. Thanks so much for the ask!!
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gremlynn-x · 3 months
dorcas meadowes save me... save me please... will post marlene next week :> also sorry i was gone so long guys!! (no one missed me, im delusional) but i am just The Worst at remembering to post
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(ps this was definitely not inspired by a certain old gay angel x fallen angel couple... surely not!)
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deshamynx · 4 months
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Two version, Angel!Au with The og:3 keep lisening to mesmesizer wnd then came up with this✨
I think i'd prob make few aus of tlh bcs why not (Cutely havent make aus for cuphead and boboiboy except the crossover au💔)
Warning Blood
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The og kinda inspired from the enough is enough lost episode soo
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Casual intimacy with Angel!Jake though!!!! Because he would be so touch starved too and it would all be so foreign for him!!! At first he would be so puzzled by Petal holding his hand, or resting her head on his shoulder, or running her fingers through his hair, or getting him to lie down with his head in her lap, or giving him shoulder rubs, but then he would really enjoy it and reciprocate it too...
Nonny, I imagine Jake would be so confused at first, but then he becomes an absolute MENACE when it comes to affection. He cannot get enough of Petal and how she feels against him, in his arms, or whatever else.
He practically preens under her attention too!! I don't think he'd be the type to outright ask for anything, but he drops hints like "man, my shoulder has been killing me lately" and Petal will roll her eyes with a smile before insisting that he rest on the couch and she'll be in in a minute to give him a shoulder rub.
These two, man...
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juodojimirtis · 1 year
Every since I made the Warrior Nun Powerwolf Song meme, I've been thinking... the OCS as vampires, or vampire-like creatures. And the Warrior Nun is the head vampire, with angelic powers because of the Halo (she's the only one allowed to sire new sisters, as her bite makes new vampires immune to Holy things).
Then Ava would fit right in...
Adriel, of course, is an actual fallen angel/Watcher. Lilith later becomes a demon.
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wanderingsongbird · 1 year
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Angel AU!
Kate giving a small peek of her face to a @beebooca 's Danny.
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gearlessjunkdogjoe · 1 year
Joe had decided to sleep in a cabin in the forest tonight, hoping to get a break from the slums and recharge. He thanked the woman who gave him the key to his cabin, walked inside, and plopped his bags on the floor.
“Phew,” he sighed, exhausted and ready for bed. He changed, brushed his teeth, and watched some tv for a half hour. When he reached over to turn off the light, he heard a sound at the door. What the…? He thought, getting up and walking toward the door. Who’s there?
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stillebesat · 2 years
Angelic Betrayal
Roman staggered back from the kiss with a gasp as the sharp arrow point embedded itself in his chest. His red, gold and white wings shot out in agony before the red ones curled in around him. Roman fell to his knees as he grabbed the shaft, staring at the familiar emerald green feathers before lifting his eyes to the shadowed gaze of the one he'd come to love. 
“Remy?” He stuttered out. “What?” It had to be an accident. It had to be. An Archangel wouldn’t ever consider harming another, especially their near-bonded! 
His love raised an eyebrow idly standing in front of Roman twirling another green feathered arrow in his fingers. He gave a slow smirk. “It's nothing personal, Rom.” He knelt, thrusting the second arrow into his chest right next to the first before Roman's golden wings could react in defense. 
Roman cried out pushing himself backwards as yet another green feathered arrow appeared in Remy’s fingers, his lungs struggling to fill with air.
“But you see.” He spread his hands, his own wings -once a brilliant yellow, green, and silver- spread out behind him to reveal they'd become as black as a moonless night . “I'm in need of a new set of wings.” The limbs twitched sending a shower of disintegrating feathers to the ground like bad case of black dandruff.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
"Jake stiffened with a gasp, one that turned into a low moan. Your face warmed at the sound, leaning back to look at him. His green eyes had darkened, filled with hunger as he grabbed your hand." - 🥹😭😍 Imagine making love with him for the first time - and it would be his first time ever (bonus if it's Petal's first time too) - and his wings would just come out on their own, and Petal caressing them gently would push him over the edge...
God, could you imagine Angel!Jake just hot and DESPERATE for Petal? He'd be touching every part of her he can, the blood in his veins pumping as he holds her. The little noises she's making is driving him wild, and he's trying so hard to hold back, to last for her and make sure she gets off too, but then she touches his damn wings again, and he just snaps-
The man would go feral is what I'm trying to say.
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toddistyping · 2 years
New Dando Fic
Hi Yall,
Started this new account basically to promote the new fics I'm working on. I just finished the first rough draft of the escort!Lando/Dando fic I'm working on and I thought I'd give yall a sneak peek.
“Something came up, so we have another Angel available for you to look at.” She says and sets down the tablet.
It’s like all the air leaves Daniel’s body when he looks at the picture she pulled up. Gorgeous tan skin, curly hair, and gapped teeth that add to the charm. He reads the information provided:
Lando N. 23. Based in London.
Daniel is too lost in thought and it takes him a few seconds to realize the woman is trying to talk to him again.
“I’ll take him.” He says, cutting off whatever she was trying to say about contracts.
“Excuse me?”
“Lando. If he’ll have me, I’ll take him.” Daniel replies with a smile.
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birdy-boogaloo · 2 years
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Here have the semi-final update for the lads for HBHL, yeet
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
i n e e d many more details of the angel au if you please 🥺 like did he die!? alternate universe travel!? did he know anyone in the human world before becoming a guardian!? etc lol
HHHHHHHHHHHH ok ok ok ok ok so ok it's like this
i can't resist a good conspiracy, right?
so to answer in reverse order
yes!! he knows the Saiki family, for instance, because he~ is actually~
still alive!!! :0
but everyone thinks he died, yeah, which bums Akechi right out because Akechi was actually his guardian angel! Only it's illegal for Akechi to tell him that, so he just has to cling from a bestie/senpai standpoint. Saiki doesn't have any memories from when he 'was' alive, but he'll be sometimes overcome by familiar feelings...
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The Upper World out here be memory tampering. As for why they yoinked him? Well. That's a lot of godly power, isn't it? DUN DUN DUNNN. No they mostly just took into their own hands that Saiki doesn't break more than one classroom so they 'killed' him off and now he's the most powerful angel on hand LOL so they put him to guard Teruhashi. Only the best for her!
Saiki expected Akechi would be proud of him but Akechi is mostly just bummed about his charge dying, cus Akechi thinks Saiki's dead.
Also a sad Akechi thinking about his 'kouhai'/charge.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 2 years
Hcs if shishigumi in angel au Renaissance era kinda type
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I think most of the Shishigumi are/would be fallen angels
Free was violent, and indulged to much in sinful activities. He interacts a lot with mortal females and loves fighting in wars
Ibuki was easily influenced by the living world and a bunch of small sins added up, he is one of the few who does manage to redeem himself
Agata just made a bunch of poor choices while he was young, but he doesn't all together regret them
Dolph left by choice, as he didn't take kindly to the stiffness and harsh rules of being 'good'
Sabu...no one's sure about Sabu. There are rumors that he was by the side of Lucifer
Miguel used his might to protect the weak, at the expense of the lives of the wicked. He still killed them, and eh has to pay for that
Dope saw corruption and what it was doing to the mortals, and how religion was corrupting those below, so he left
Jinma was content for a bit, but the wars and death in the 'heavenly' name/holy wars made him sick
Hino was to self involved and egotistical, and used his looks and demeanor to manipulate those around him, for this he was cast aside.
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Winged egos winged egos! I love these aus!
The big fluffy wings wrapping around partners in a hug
Hiding in a feather cocoon when embarrassing moments happen
Couples helping shy partners groom messy feathers
Partners having anxiety over their crush not liking their wings because of the color or pattern only for their partner to be completely smitten
Flying dates!
I’m excited 🪶
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wanderingsongbird · 1 year
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Ganked @deadeyesrealm from the Angel/Demon Au for Angel Kate to give a lil boop to.
In the dbd server we're all in, they blew a kiss to Kate and I wanted to doodle a cutes.
I figured for this AU she does not have tattoos, but she'll have actual flowers wrapped around the arm.
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angelic-writer · 3 years
Idea I’ve had for a while: An AU where everything is the same, but the Ancients are holy beings.
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