#andy and i were talking about him yesterday actually. and also today. he's in here again
ruvviks · 29 days
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thefallennightmare · 3 years
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Pairings: Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: fluff, mostly angst, swearing, and some implied smut here and there.
Summary: When a murder hits the small-town reader lives in and personally attacks the family she works for, she would never image the toll that it would take on her as well. But not for the reason people would think. The last thing Reader thought she would find herself in during the murder trial was falling in love with her boss, Andy Barber and him returning those feelings.
Authors Note: So, it's about to get really spicy, you've been warned. Tags are open!
Tags: @liecastillo @patzammit @evansgal
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The Barber kitchen was full this morning as I folded clothes in the living room, Jacob sat at the table with his in-home teacher, and Laurie did some sort of work on her laptop. It had been a few days since Andy and I’s first kiss and unfortunately, we hadn’t shared another one since. I spent the whole day yesterday away from him while he did his own thing, searching for answers on Jacob’s case.
And today was no different. Andy was gone when I arrived this morning and now a few hours later, he still wasn’t home. My mind raced if he ended up regretting what happened and was avoiding me.
I quickly pulled out my phone and sent him a text.
Missed you this morning. I hope you’re not getting into too much trouble. Please be careful.
Silence from him was enough for me to slip my phone back into my pocket and busied myself once more with the piles of clean laundry.
I smiled at Jacob. “What’s up, bud?”
“Are you alright? You seem kind of down?” He questioned.
I never was one to keep my emotions hidden so I knew that being worried about Andy was worn bright on my sleeve.
“Yeah, I just had a terrible date last night,” I lied with a grimace. “The guy made me pay for the bill.”
Laurie chuckled from her spot and turned towards me. “Sounds like a real keeper.”
“I don’t have the best of luck choosing men,” I shrugged while leaving the room, basket in hand.
Once I was back in the kitchen, my heart flipped when I saw Andy standing next to Laurie, laughing and smiling from something she had said. Jealousy filled me and I bit my lip, not liking what I had seen. I knew that this was going to be a side effect from Andy and I getting involved but that didn’t mean I had to like it.
“You know, Y/N. I’ve been thinking,” Laurie started.
I raised my brows at her while I tidied up my mess in the living room. “Need me to do something?”
She shook her head. “You mentioned that you don’t have the best luck meeting guys. What if I set you up with someone?”
My eyes bounced from her to Andy, and I was shocked when I noticed he was already watching me with a heated gaze.
I sucked in my bottom lip between my teeth. “Oh no, I can’t ask you to do that.”
Laurie waved me off. “Please, I don’t mind. It’ll help get my mind off of everything with Jacob’s trial to play matchmaker. Do you have plans tonight?”
My lips parted to speak while looking at Andy for what to say next. Laurie really wanted to do this, but I didn’t know how Andy would respond.
“Nope, free as a bird,” I spoke before I could even stop the words leaving my lips.
“Perfect, we'll order some food and talk. I know the perfect guy for you,” Laurie smiled wide.
As guilty as I felt for Andy, I couldn’t help but smile at how happy Laurie was for doing something other than stress about the trial.
“Andy, sweetie, can you text John for me? I know Y/N will love him,” Laurie spoke to Andy.
His eyes were trained hard on me still but nodded towards his wife. “Sure thing, hon.”
Biting my lips in nerves, I excused myself for the rest of the day, mentioning that I should head home to get ready for this double date.
“Good idea,” Laurie agreed. “John loves green.”
She said the last comment, hoping I would choose something green to wear tonight.
My feet scurried to the front door, and I tried to grab my things before Andy could catch up to me. I knew he wasn’t happy about this date but we also weren’t in an actual relationship so he couldn’t tell me who I couldn’t see. He even said it himself he wouldn’t stop me from seeing other people.
So why was my heart breaking knowing that I was potentially hurting him for agreeing?
Before walking out of the house, my phone dinged, showing a new message from Andy on my screen.
Red, not green.
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There was a soft tune of music playing through the speakers of the Barber home while another round of drinks was being poured. I smiled thanks to my date, John, and took a small sip of the wine. The night has passed a bit uneventfully, with John going on about how he was some kind of financial manager of a company and how he made a lot of money.
I didn’t bother to pay him any attention, it fell only on one man the entire evening.
Andy would keep a close eye on John throughout the entire dinner, making sure he didn’t make any unwanted moves. When they weren’t on John, Andy’s eyes would watch every inch of my exposed skin. I chose a deep red dress that was a bit low cut in the chest area and knew that it was driving him mad.
“So, Y/N, you work for Andy?” John asked.
I nodded. “I help out around here when they’re too busy to keep up.”
“She’s been a huge help lately, especially everything with Jacob. He thinks of her like a sister,” Laurie spoke.
“You know,” John spread his arm over the back of my chair, pulling me closer to him, “I can hook you up at my office. We’re looking for someone to work the front desk.”
My shoulders went stiff with how close he had gotten, and Andy must have noticed the look on my face because his jaw clenched, anger starting to radiate around us.
“I’m fine with where I’m at. Laurie and Andy have been great towards me,” I admitted.
John and Laurie started having their own conversation while I dared a quick glance toward Andy.
“You alright?” He mouthed.
When I nodded, he eased back into his chair, relaxing only for a moment.
I glanced over to John and even if he was an attractive guy, he was nothing compared to Andy. My heart never skipped a beat when John would talk. My skin never prickled with anticipation when John would try to grab my hand or wrap his arm around my shoulder.
I only ever felt that way with Andy.
“We should do this again sometime,” Laurie mused while standing from the table to clear the dishes.
John stood to help her, leaving Andy and I alone at the table. He saw the way I looked at my fingers and continued to shift in my seat, so he spoke to Laurie.
“Why don’t you guys clean up here while Y/N and I clean up the mess we made in the bar downstairs?” Andy suggested.
Earlier in the night, we had started in the basement bar of the home talking and drinking before coming upstairs for dinner. So, with a nod from Laurie, Andy led me down the stairs to the basement and once we were alone, he pushed me up against the wall. His hands ravished my body while I felt his lips on mine for the first time in days.
“Do you know how many times I had to hold myself back from punching John in the face for touching you?” Andy spoke on my lips.
“Mr. Barber, are you jealous?” I playfully questioned when we pulled away.
He groaned while gripping my hips. “The thought of someone else with you kills me, Y/N.”
“How do you think I feel, Andy? Seeing you with Laurie?” I retorted back.
Andy sighed. “I know, it’s not fair to either of us. We knew it when we started this.”
I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss, letting him know with the power of my lips that he was the only one I wanted. His beard was rough against my skin as he forced his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.
The palm of my left hand trailed from his chest, down over his stomach, and ghosted over the growing bulge in his dress pants. A deep hiss escaped his lips and I swallowed it when I finally pressed my palm into him.
“Y/N,” he moaned, a bit too loudly.
“Shh, do you want us to get caught?” I giggled into his lips.
Andy lifted me with ease and carried me to the farther corner of the basement, placing me on the counter of the bar. Spreading my legs, he stepped between them and attacked my lips once more. I felt his fingers get lost in the long locks of my hair and I moaned into his mouth when I felt him tug on the ends. His other hand was slowly ghosting its way up my thigh and underneath my dress.
“Fuck,” he seethed when he realized that I had opted out of wearing any panties tonight. “You sly minx.”
His rough finger glided over my wet entrance, and I dug my nails into his back, letting out a moan.
“Anything I could do to make you want me more than her,” I leaned my heated core into his palm, wanting to feel some kind of friction.
Suddenly the moment was gone, and Andy was gripping my chin, forcing me to look him in his eyes.
“I want you, Y/N, but you were the one who said no sex,” he reminded me.
“I know,” I sighed, feeling embarrassed.
The sudden thought of getting Andy aroused and horny only to have him lay in bed with his wife slammed into me and I sunk low in his grasp.
“Sweetheart, what's wrong?” Andy asked, noticing the change of expression in my body.
“I don’t want whatever this is to be sexual, Andy. I have genuine feelings for you, and I want this to eventually work out.”
Andy pulled me into his arms, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “My feelings for you are genuine too, Y/N. I want to be able to explore our relationship in the open, but you know we can’t.”
I nodded against his chest and wrapped my arms around him tighter. “I know.”
We stayed in that embrace for a moment, enjoying the quiet that fell around us. We knew that we wouldn’t get much of these opportunities alone so when we got it, I savored it.
“We should probably head back upstairs,” I suggested.
Andy agreed, not before giving me a heated kiss, biting and tugging on my bottom lip. For the rest of this terrible double date, all I could think about was the way Andy’s fingers felt against my slick folds.
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I Made Cookies! | Andrew DeLuca
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Requested by anon:  Yay💛😁😁 I was thinking of being Deluca's sister, also sharing the apartment with Arizona w/ the prompts 33 and 75 :D
Word count: 960
Warning: drinking, maybe one or two boo-boo words
Note: not my gif! I hope this is what you meant! Enjoy xx
#33 - ‘What did I say?’ ‘You told me to behave.’ ‘What did you do?’ ‘The exact opposite.’
#75 - ‘Are you drunk?’
‘- so yeah, the mom is doing great and the baby is healthy. Uhuh, yeah, that’s what I said.’ Arizona fumbled with the keys in her hands while she spoke to April on the phone. ‘Uhm, April, I’m gonna have to call you back.’ Arizona threw her stuff down next to the door as she took in the scene before her. The room was covered in birthday decorations, music burst through the apartment and you were singing along loudly in the kitchen, covered in flour.
‘Y/N, hey! What are you doing?’ she called over the music. You jumped around when you heard her voice and turned down the music.
‘Arizona! Hi! Don’t you just love this?!’ you exclaimed. There was clearly something off about you.
‘Are you drunk?’ Arizona asked. You carefully hid the bottle of wine that was standing next to you behind your back and shook your head with a smile.
‘Nope!’ you stated proudly. She raised her eyebrows and gave you that ‘mom’ look. ‘Okay, maybe I am, so what?’
‘I literally left for two days and I come back to this.. Seriously Y/N, what did I say?’ she asked, clearly unamused by what you did to the house.
‘You told me to behave..’
‘And what did you do?’
‘The exact opposite.’
You pouted your lips and looked around the beautifully decorated room. No-one had been home for your birthday as it was a national holiday, so you threw yourself a nice birthday party. You’d done your best to decorate the house a little, but somewhere along the way you found a bottle of wine and that soon turned into two bottles, an over-the-top decorated house and a messy kitchen.
‘I just wanted a fun birthday! If no-one’s here, the least I can do is make it fun for myself and the mice,’ you mumbled and pointed to the little hole in the wall where the grey animals had been hiding out since a day. You didn’t mean to get drunk, but you’d had a rough couple of weeks. Firstly, your boyfriend broke up with you, secondly you got into a huge fight with your brother Andrew and thirdly you had lost a patient.
‘I love you Arizony, please don’t be mad at meeeee,’ you slurred. She sighed and sat you down on the couch. Handing you a glass of water, she pulled out her phone and texted Andrew how she’d found you drunk and alone in your apartment. Within a minute he replied saying he was on his way. 
‘Am I a bad person, Ari? Be honest.’ That glass of water seemed to sober you up immediately as you stared at the now empty glass.
‘Why would you be a bad person?’ she asked. She sat down next to you and pulled you to her side. You cuddled up against her and sighed.
‘Me and Andy got into a fight earlier this week and he said some pretty nasty things. I don’t understand why he constantly has to throw me under the bus whenever he’s talking about me to Bailey. I almost got fired on friday,’ you mumbled, rubbing your tired eyes. The mascara you wore was now smudged around your eyes, but Arizona wiped it away. She held your face in her hands and looked at you with pity in her eyes. ‘And then Noah broke up with me yesterday.. on my birthday! And he said that I didn’t give him enough space and I always yell at him. I haven’t even spoken to him in the last few weeks. He’s never even home!’ 
You heard the door open and close. You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting anyone else but Arizona to see you like this, so you shoved your face deeper in Arizona’s embrace.
‘Muppet, look at me.’ It was Andrew.
‘Go away Andrew. I don’t want to talk to you.’ You never said his actual name unless you were serious. Andrew’s face fell into a frown. A feeling in your gut told you he wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon, so you sprinted to your bedroom and locked the door behind you.
‘I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have said any of those things and neither should I have left you alone on your birthday. That was a dick-move. And I heard about Noah. Please unlock the door, ducky. You know I hate seeing you upset,’ he pleaded through the door. 
‘I. don’t. want. to. talk. Andrew.’ You knew you were being childish, but you were hurt and drunk. The doorknob jiggled and soon enough the door opened and a smiling Andrew popped in your room, a screwdriver in hand.
‘Wasn’t planning on breaking a door open today, but here we are,’ he mumbled. You groaned and pushed your face deeper in the fluffy green pillow you were laying on. ‘Talk to me. Yell at me. Hit me. Do something.’ The desperation in his voice broke your tough act and you started sobbing like a mad man. You heard Andrew mumble and soon enough you were wrapped tightly in his arms.
‘It’s okay. I’ve got you,’ he kept whispering in your ear until you had calmed down. You sat up and leaned against your big brother. ‘We all go through rough break-ups. We’ve all lost a patient at least once, it’s inevitable. It sucks it all had to happen at the same time, but we’re here for you. We know the feeling and we know how to get out of it. So, grab your pillow and some snacks. We’re watching your favourite movie tonight.’
‘Can we have some wine?’ you called out to Andrew, who was already setting up the couch and tv. You heard two panicked voices yell back.
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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This is two parts because I got carried away. I wrote this on my phone and proof read as much as I could.
Warnings: cheating, male masturbation, m/f sex, minor spoilers for “Defending Jacob”.
Plain Gold Ring
“Plain gold ring on his finger he wore
It was where everyone could see
He belonged to someone, but not me
On his hand was a plain gold ring”
-Nina Simone
When the Barbers moved to your building every old bitty in the place was buzzing with excitement. You had loosely followed Jacob Barber’s case as it played out on the evening news. The whole thing was bizarrely too neat and tidy for your liking. You tried to stay out of idle gossip as much as possible. But, when you heard Andy Barber was interviewing for a senior position at your firm, you had questions.
Andy was brought in to interview for a position that you were also interested in. You requested a meeting with your boss and you went in guns blazing. Your poor boss was not ready for all the excitement.
“Am I still being considered for junior partner?”
“Y/n, calm down.” When he saw you winding yourself up, he popped an antacid an a few ibuprofen.
“Calm down? Calm down he says. I’ve been with this firm since I clerked for you in Law school, Stan. I’m the best fit for this role and you know it.”
“I know you are, kid. I’ve been out voted.”
It’s common knowledge that the partners don’t want too many women gunning for their jobs. They already have one token female partner. They didn’t feel the need to add another. You were infuriated. You stomped back to your office and slammed the door.
All of the work you put in. All of the late nights. You don’t have time to even date. And all for what? You had to calm down now because you were starting to cry out of sheer frustration. You took a deep breath and started going through your to do list. With a relatively light schedule you decided to leave for the day. You mumbled something to your assistant about a doctors appointment and headed for the elevator.
You saw some of the senior partners headed your way shaking hands with Andy. You pressed the elevator button furiously trying to avoid them. Could you make it down seventeen flights of stairs in your stilettos? The elevator dinged and you jumped on just as Robert called your name.
As soon as you put your car in gear, your assistant called. You sent her to voicemail. She called again. Declined. Finally she texted call me back ASAP. Emergency. Fuck.
“Caitlan I said I had an appointment. What’s the emergency?”
“Sorry. Mr. Cramer insisted I call. He’s standing by my desk” she whispered. “They want you to have lunch with them today. Maybe it’s about the job.”
“Did you see guy shaking hands with them? That’s the new junior partner. They are asking me to lunch to reject me. Fuck! Where?” You rested your head against the steering wheel.
“Commander’s at 1:00.”
“Fine.” you groaned.
You went home to freshen up and send out your updated resume. You made sure to include “Willing to relocate” at the end to broaden your prospects. You had a friend in Chicago who worked for a very high profile firm. They were always looking for new blood. You shot her a text to let her know you were looking then emailed your resume. The prospect of starting over completely made you nauseous. You would have to go through the ranks and probably waist another five years to get exactly where you were right now.
When you arrived at the restaurant the maître d brought you to the table where Stan, several other senior partners and Andy were waiting. Andy stood up to pull out your chair.
“Gentleman. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Sit down, Y/N. We wanted to introduce you to Andrew Barber.”
“Andy. Please call me Andy. It’s very nice to meet you, Y/N. These guys haven’t stopped talking about you all morning.”
“All good things I hope.” The men laughed and ordered a round of martinis. Good thing you ate a big lunch at home. No one likes a sloppy drunk girl.
“Yes. Well, Y/N, as you may not know Andy has accepted the junior partner position. We would love if you brought him up to speed on anything you’re working on and show him the ropes.”
You were seething. “Of course Mr. Cramer. Happy to.”
“Oh. Good. Let’s order huh? I’m starving.”
You were silent for the rest of lunch ordering two more martinis very dry and a salad. Dressing on the side of course. The men spoke loudly and never even tried to include you in the conversation. You excused yourself to use the restroom. Andy, ever the gentleman, stood up at the same time.
You didn’t go back. Not that it would have mattered. You ordered an Uber and checked your email. You didn’t notice Andy at the valet stand.
“I’m headed back to the office. Need a ride?” he called to you.
“No. I’m good. Thanks though.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” He watched you pace back and forth reading a message almost out loud.
You didn’t look up from your phone. “Shit.” You scowled looking at the screen. You dialed Caitlan’s extension. “Caitlan, Sloan Treadaway’s deposition was moved to today. I need it pushed to Monday.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. I figured you would be coming back so I told them it was ok to push it up. I can call them back.”
“No. Don’t bother. I’m on my way back.”
“Looks like you can use a ride after all.” Andy was grinning from ear to ear.
He held the door and rushed around to the other side. You pulled a small bag out of your purse. You freshened your hair, popped some breath mints, lotioned and spritzed away the smell of booze. Andy thought this must be commonplace for you. It’s not easy trying to run with the guys. He could walk into this deposition piss drunk and most people wouldn’t care. You had to be perfect. He always hated that aspect of working in a big firm like this.
“Sorry. I’ll pay to have your car cleaned.” It smelled like you now. Expensive perfume and minty breath. Sweet but not sickly so. He inhaled letting his nostrils flair breathing you in. “Don’t want your wife to be pissed.”
“Lori? Don’t worry about her. She’ll understand.”
“How is she doing with her job search?”
“Doing ok. Thanks for asking. She’s interviewed with a few places.”
“She worked for a non profit right?” When he looked at you quizzically, you quickly explained yourself. “I hear things. Anyway. I know the director of a non profit organization that might be a great fit for her. I’ll pass along her information.”
“Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. Stan told me you were the front runner for this position. I know how hard it is for women in this industry. I want to say how sorry I am…”
“Let me stop you there. First of all, don’t be sorry. You’re high profile and a damn good litigator. They would be stupid not to offer you the moon. You’re over qualified for this job. You didn’t come here gunning for me. I’ll be fine. Besides, a few of these old bags have one foot in the grave. It won’t be long for me.”
Andy smiled at you but still kind of felt like shit at the way the firm treated you. When you pulled into the garage you offered a quick thanks and rushed into the building to prepare.
Andy stayed behind for a bit. He spent a few precious moments breathing in your scent, letting it linger and wash over him. He hoped his clothes would smell a little like you. Stan said you were a “fire cracker”. Andy always hated that analogy. He knew by the way the group of men talked about you that he would like you. Your quick banter in the car confirmed it. Throughout the rest of the day you would invade his thoughts. He and Lori were still married but their relationship was long over. You had excited him more in a couple of hours than she had in years. When he got home he didn’t eat dinner or speak to anyone. He went right to his room where he replayed your exchange over and over. The ghost of your perfume lingered on his shirt. Both of your scents mixed together gave him a raging hard on. He kept your shirt over his face while he fisted his cock.
The next morning you decided to face the day with a fresher attitude. Sometime yesterday you heard from your friend. She was thrilled that you reached out to her. She has been trying to get you out there for a while. Knowing that you had a solid backup plan was giving your hair volume and clearing your skin.
You thought you were early but Andy was already in your office waiting for you.
“Morning, Mr. Barber.” God he loved how you said that.
He scoffed, “Andy. Please. I brought you a coffee. I hope it’s ok. I got your order from Caitlan. I thought we’d order in lunch today. We have a lot of ground to cover. You should probably let your family know you’ll be missing dinner.”
“I don’t think my dead ficus will worry too much.” Your tone was dry.
“I apologize for the assumption.”
“Not necessary. Though my mother and my therapist would both be pleased to know that I look like someone who could have a family.”
You were funny. You seemed to say whatever thought popped into your head. You had one hell of a poker face though. He didn’t know if you were trying to be funny or if this was just you. When you didn’t look up from your computer screen he didn’t laugh.
As the day wore on you warmed up to him a little. You filled him in on the three big cases you were working on. You were actually going to trial on a very important case soon. He insisted you rehearse your opening statement a hundred times.
During the third run through Andy’s phone was blowing up. He finally turned it off and told you to keep going. He watched you pace around the room and coached you on your stance. “Stand with authority not arrogance.” He chided. He showed you himself then, asked if he could touch your shoulders. “Round them out like this. Good. Back straight. See?” he pointed to your reflection in the window, “It’s not menacing or arrogant. But you look like you’re in charge. You look perfect.” Hell. Was he flirting with you? By the time you looked at the clock it was 9:30.
“Fuck is that the time?” he said with a boisterous yawn.
“Shit. We should pick this up tomorrow.”
“Let’s go get a drink. I’m buying.”
You quirked your eyebrow, “I’m sure your wife and kiddo are dying to see you.”
He stacked some folders neatly on your desk and looked up at you through his lashes, “I’ll be sure to tell my therapist that I look like a guy who has a happy marriage and a good relationship with his kid.”
Your cheeks heated. The way he was looking at you made you sad but it also warmed your insides. “I’m sorry.” you mumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. We said we would stay together until Jacob went away to school. He pretends to ignore the fact that we have separate bedrooms. We put on happy faces everyday. We’re a typical American family.”
You laughed at his admission. His whole story was so fucked up. You wanted to know everything about him. “You know, I think I will let you buy me a drink.”
“Good girl.” he said in a low voice that went strait to your core. The whole way to the car you repeated a mantra in your head reminding you not to get involved with a married man. It didn’t matter how unhappy they were. But you wanted him. Every time he touched you, your insides would quake.
The bar was packed with regulars from the DA’s office and other firms. You introduced Andy around. The guy was a legitimate pro. He was so smooth working the room. The whole time he kept finding small ways to touch you. The brush of his fingers on your arm his breath against your ear when he asked if wanted another drink. Your heart nearly stopped. You stuck with him for a while until your feet couldn’t stand anymore. Every time he caught your eye from across the room he winked at you.
For the first time in a long time Andy was enjoying himself. Your friends were fun and not at all stuffy like he thought this crowd would be. You were adorable. Your laugh was cute. The way you brushed against him on purpose was cute. You were openly flirting with him the more you drank. He had a massive crush on you. What grown man has a crush these days. He thought maybe if he fucked you and got it out of his system he’d get over it.
Your friend Liz sat down at your table trying to talk to you for a solid minute before you noticed. “Sorry. I was distracted. What were you saying?” She threw her head back laughing at you.
“I said you two would make a gorgeous couple.”
“Stop. He’s married.”
“That doesn’t matter. Married is married.”
“So that’s a no. He’s been eye fucking you all night. Shoot your shot, darling. We get so few in this life.” The light hit his wedding ring just right making you feel horrible for even entertaining the thought. Do not get involved. You kept chanting it in your head over and over until Andy slid in the booth next to you. He leaned over so he could talk over the din of the crowd.
“Hey, you. Wanna get out of here?”
“You don’t need to bring me home, Andy. I can catch an Uber.” That was such a ridiculous statement since you lived in the same building.
“That’s not what I asked. I said do you wanna get out of here?” His eyes were fixed on your mouth. A salacious grin splayed across his lips just knowing you’d give in.
“Andy. I….” You stuttered over your words. Your brain stopped working when you felt his warm breath on the shell of your ear. “Let’s get out of here.” Your breath hitched in your chest when he touched the small of your back. He payed his tab and lead you out of the bar.
You held hands in the car. His thumb rhythmically traced patterns on your knuckles. Every touch sent bolts of arousal to your aching cunt. It felt electric. You were ready to crawl into his lap by the time you made it into the garage. He parked in his spot and followed behind you to the elevator. You lived two floors below him. You glanced back at Lori’s sensible suv next to his car and felt embarrassed. He caught you looking and stopped you in your tracks. He took your chin in between his thumb and index finger forcing you to look at him.
“I understand if you don’t want to invite me in. I’m asking a lot of you. But I really like you, Y/N. You are funny and intimidatingly smart. And, fuck me, you are fucking stunning. I can go to work tomorrow like nothing happened. Don’t worry about Lori. Worry about what this means working together. Can you handle this?”
Your brain was no longer working and deferred to your pussy for any and all further decisions. You had not had even mediocre sex in six months. You just knew Andy was going to blow your mind. All day you have been working together so well. You challenged each other and he encouraged you when you faltered. Would this change the dynamic at work? Absolutely. Could you handle it? You’re damn right you could.
“I can handle it.”
“Good girl.” You all but sprinted to the elevator. He wouldn’t touch you until you actually got inside of your apartment and closed the door. When you did, he pushed against you and covered your lips with his.
You tasted the golden flavor of beer on his tongue as it probed your mouth. He unbuttoned your blouse and pushed it over your shoulders letting it hit the floor. He kissed his way down the column of your neck to the swell of your breasts. You panted underneath him raking your nails through his hair.
“God you smell incredible. At any point if you don’t want this….”
“Andy, shut up and fuck me.” He growled low in his throat before he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. You could see how hard he was through his impeccably tailored slacks. You unzipped his fly and took the whole throbbing appendage in your mouth.
“Fuck, baby yes.” he hissed. You relaxed your throat muscles and swallowed him deeper. “You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” He moaned your name over and over soaking your panties. “Stop, honey. Let me see that pretty pussy.”
He eased you down onto the bed and undressed you painfully slow. It had been so long since he was intimate with someone, he wanted to take his time. He started with your feet removing your heels and massaging your insteps. His hands ran up the length of your legs to your skirt. He took off your panties first letting the skirt material pool around your waist. “So wet for me. So beautiful.” He slipped two fingers in between your folds hitting everywhere but your clit. He built up a tortuous rhythm that had you begging for relief. He smiled down at you watching completely fall apart. When he dipped his fingers inside of you, you were done. Your orgasm spilled out in one glorious cry. Before you could catch your breath he pulled off your skirt and unhooked your bra. His cock was weeping at the sight of you. A large hand held the back of your neck holding your head in place so you could look at him. Your eyes locked as he buried himself inside of you. There were no more words as he moved inside of you. Only breathless moans and sighs would escape your lips. He increased his pace and your orgasm started building again.
“Fuck. Andy, I’m….fuck!”
“I’m with you, honey. Come with me.” His words were your undoing. You latched your whole body onto him. He held you tight whispering praises in your ear. He kissed you slow and deep easing you back down to Earth. “You ok?”
“I think so.” You both laughed at the sight of yourselves. Sweat glistening off of your skin, lips puffy and kiss swollen. He eased off of you and rubbed your thighs to relax you. You thought he would get dressed and rush out but he crawled under the covers instead.
“Can I stay for a while?” Big arms pulled you down to his chest. He stroked your back softly to help you drift off to sleep.
“I’d like it if you did.” He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head and let his eyes flutter closed.
When dawn found you a few hours later, you were still tangled with each other. You jolted awake panicking because Andy was still in your bed. “Andy, wake up. You stayed all night.”
“I know. What time is it?”
“Then we have time. Go back to sleep.”
“But Lori…”
“I told you not to worry about her. Get back on this pillow and let me hold you. Please.” The poor guy was so touch starved you guessed. Andy Barber was not a man who did well being single. He loved being in love. He longed for a connection. For passion. He knew those things would sometimes fizzle out of a marriage. But, with you, he couldn’t see that. Your fire matched his fire and Lori was the wet blanket that always snuffed him out.
He supposed that wasn’t really fair. Two people were in their marriage. He worked long hours and spent very little time doing anything but being an ADA and being a dad. He didn’t give the same dedication to being Lori’s partner. The stress of this past year pushed them further apart. He felt obligated to be with her. It was his idea to stay together for Jacob’s sake. He regretted pushing for it.
He pulled you close to his body and wrapped an arm around your waist. He nuzzled your hair and fell back to sleep. You did too.
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rosesvioletshardy · 4 years
Just Like Old Times - Frank McCullen (b.h. - Pixie)
wow i actually wrote something shocking ! but i’m sorry that i’m posting today and not yesterday like I promised. i was having trouble writing everything and such. this idea actually came from when one of my friends and i were watching Pixie together and quoted what Pixie said and i ended saying i should write something based off that line
thank you so much to andi ( @venombxby​ ) for helping with and encouraging me when writing and helping me when it came to explaining things you truly are the best and our conversations helped so much
i’m really sorry if it’s really bad i haven’t written in a long time, let alone smut in a long time so i hope you like it ???
warnings: drinking, language, drug use mention, SMUT (18+) (please don’t read if your under 18 !!!!!), oral (both m and f receiving), riding
# of words: 2,187
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Going to the club wasn’t necessarily the way y/n would spend the weekend or even bother to think about going, but something felt different for her and she felt the need to go after Pixie convinced her to. She didn’t really have anyone else to go with but she felt like if she went, she would find some people she knew seeing that everyone knew everyone in Sligo and how you had to be careful about everything. Pixie Hardy was the only person who would be able to convince her to go out and it didn’t matter as to what it was but seeing that she was back in town, she would go. There were only two people y/n was hoping she didn’t see and that was Frank McCullen and Harland McKenna. It’s not necessarily that she hated them, but it was something with Frank that made her always annoyed at him. Maybe it was him always bothering her for no apparent reason or the fact that he felt the need to try and sleep with every woman in town. But then again it beat sitting on the couch alone in her apartment.
“You need to go out.” Pixie told her as she saw Y/N coming out of her kitchen with a glass and bottle of wine
“I do go out, and have fun. Just don’t feel like it today” she answered back, completely lying seeing that the only time she went out was when it involved her family or work
“When was the last time you actually went out and had fun that didn’t involve your family, food, or some form of work?”
“Exactly my point. Now i didn’t come back to Sligo for us to just sit around and watch shit movies. We’re going out.”
“See isn’t this fun?” Pixie asked Y/N handing her a drink while taking a sip of hers
“What’s your definition of fun? Because i’d rather not be pushed up against sweaty bodies while people are high or drunk, or both”
“You need to let loose a bit. Have a few drinks, maybe hook up with someone” she nudged at y/n smirking hoping that it’ll make her have some sort of fun
Y/N couldn’t help but glare at her when she said that and shake her head. It’s not that she didn’t want to hook up with someone it’s just that she didn’t want to hook up with someone and it would be someone she’d instantly regret it with seeing that everyone knew everyone
“Don’t look now but i think a Mr. Frank McCullen is looking at you” Pixie smirked causing her to look behind her and he looked away and back at Harland and Daniel
“What’s going on with the two of you? What happened?”
“Not sure, he’s the one to ask since it was his fault.”
“Oh I think I remember. Did it really end that bad?”
“Mmhm, clearly he doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants. Even when we were together”
“And the fact that he got really high one day and told me he had a crush on you and was using me as a rebound to get over you.” y/n finished looking down at her drink, making the two of them go silent until Pixie spoke up
“I’ve got an idea.” she said getting Y/N’s attention as she took a drink
“Dance with me” was all she said 
“What-” Y/N managed to get out before Pixie grabbed her arm and pulled her to the dance floor and begun to dance
“Listen, Frank still has feelings for you and I know you still have them for him and getting him jealous is something that might come good for the both of you, and since he used to like me, it’ll make him even more upset. Now grab my hips, and dance” she yelled over the loud music
“Are you sure this is going to work though?” y/n answered back putting her hands on Pixie’s  hips 
“I’m sure of it. And by the looks of it, Harland's telling him what’s going on. I’m going to move my hands a little lower and I want you to move your hips, and i’m going to make it look like i’m kissing your neck is that alright?” Pixie whispered in her ear
“Yeah that’s fine, just as long as he sees and gets jealous”
“Frank, man? I think you’re going to want to see this.” Harland said hitting frank’s shoulder to get him to look at the scene in front of him and stop talking to daniel
“What could possibly-” Frank starts as he sees Y/N and Pixie grinding against each other
“Shit” he finished
“Exactly. You need to do something Frank. I know you still love her and if  you’re not careful, you’re going to miss your chance of getting her back. So you might want to go over there and get her away from Pixie Hardy quickly. Who knows what could’ve happened the last time you saw her” “Don’t worry nothing’s going to happen. I know the both of them too well.” Frank smirked finishing the rest of his beer
“It’s working” Pixie mentioned as they moved to a corner where frank couldn’t see them
“You should’ve seen his face. I think if he clenched his jaw any tighter, he’d break his teeth and need a dentist.” she finished laughing at the thought of it
“Really? I guess it’s working then.” y/n shrugged then laughing
Pixie and y/n continued to talk, but after a few minutes went back in to continue what they were doing to continue to make Frank jealous. Frank on the other hand was back at the bar and would look back at the two women every now and then turned back to the two men he was with. Frank couldn’t help but think about where he went wrong. He knew that using her as a rebound was wrong and he should’ve gotten over Pixie the moment him and Y/N got together. He did enjoy those two years but when Pixie left, something inside him felt like he needed to let go of every memory they had together.
Y/N kept eyeing Frank every now and then to see what he was doing but she always got the same thing. Him sitting at the bar and drinking his beer. Pixie noticed and went over to wear he was and made sure that Y/N was with someone to make him more jealous
“Hello boys”
“Pixie, what are you doing here?”
“Cut the crap. now I know that you, Frank McCullen, still miss our dear Y/N and would do anything to get her back now that she’s also back.”
“Wait how long has she been back?”
“Don’t know, maybe a year? Anyways it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to come over here to tell you that you better make a move now because it looks like someone is about to get to her” she finished grabbing another drink, smirking and walking away from the two men and walking towards y/n and whispering in her ear
“I got you his attention, now’s your chance” 
Y/N continued to dance with the stranger as she could feel Frank's eyes burn into her. Smirking, she gave the stranger a kiss on his cheek, close to lips which caused Frank to set his drink down and go over to her. 
“We need to talk.” Frank yelled over the loud music and grabbed her arm. Y/N ignored him and pushed him off to set him even further
“Did you not hear me?-”
“I heard you, can’t you see i’m busy?” “Y/N-” “Mate just leave her alone.” the stranger told him as he moved her away
“You be quiet. Y/N i really need to talk to you.” Frank told her, looking dead in her eyes. She looked back at the stranger and then back at Frank as he raised his eyebrows before she looked back and apologized and went with Frank. Y/N didn’t know what would happen with him or if anything would happen before she was snapped out of her thoughts when the music was dimmed out and she and Frank were alone. There was a moment of silence and awkwardness between them as they stared at each other before she leaned in and kissed him. Frank was shocked that she did what she did but didn’t hesitate to start kissing her back.
“Let’s go to the bathroom”
“You know what you were doing wasn’t so nice” frank said kissing her neck as he held her against the wall as she moaned
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t have done it if we were still together.” she moaned out causing him to pull away
“Oh really, you’re still thinking about what we used to be? What I used to do to you? How easily you fell apart whenever I kissed a certain spot.” he whispered, placing small kisses over her neck as she felt herself get wet
“Are you still rooming with Harland or did you finally move out after saying it for 2 years?”
“Well, I did end up getting a place of my own and you’re welcome for that.” he tells her going back to kissing her lips 
“Then what are we still doing here in this dirty bathroom?” she whispered in his ear, pulling away from his grip and walking out as she made sure to walk in a way so he would look. 
“You fucking minx” he whispered to himself as he followed her out 
When they got out of their cab, they quickly reconnected their lips as he tried to open the door pushing her inside and closing the door. Y/N started to take off his jacket and his shirt as he took off his shoes and grabbed the zipper from the back of her dress and brushed the straps down and pushed down the dress, leaving her in her bra and underwear. They walked over to his bed, not breaking apart as he laid her down, his chain dangling over her as she ran her fingers through his hair
“You’re still wearing too many clothes” she mentioned as her hands went to his pants and began to fumble with his belt, pushing his pants down and leaving him in his underwear
“Yeah? So are you” as his hands went to the back of her to unclasp her bra
His hand wandered over her exposed chest before grabbing one of her breasts, causing her to moan. Frank continued to kiss her before pulling away and slowly went down her chest, leaving marks all over her. 
“You’re still so beautiful as I remember. I was an idiot.” he mumbled against her skin
“Yeah you were, but i guess you’re making it up for now” she managed to let out as he took her underwear off and began to tease her by running his fingers over he slit causing her to moan. 
“Already so wet for me? How long have you been this wet? Hm? Since maybe you and Pixie were dancing? Or was it the random guy you danced with? Tell me.”
“None of those. It was when I first saw you at the bar. I realized that I-” she gasped out as he pushed a finger in
“Realized what?” 
“Realized that I still have feelings for you. Oh fuck” she finished as he pushed another finger in and using his thumb to rub her clit, her back aching as he leant down and began to lick her
Letting out a mix between a moan and a groan, he continued to finger and eat her out before he took out his fingers and put them in his mouth, smirking while looking directly at her and edging her
“I forgot how good you tasted. Do you want a taste? Go on and taste on how much of a slut you are.” he whispered to her as he put his thumb near her mouth as he rubbed his thumb across her lip. Y/N took the opportunity to take his thumb and suck on it causing him to become weak enough for her to flip him over so she was on top of him and kissed him
“Remember how I used to ride you? How you held my hips, while I took control?” she whispered into his ear while one of her hands went down to palm him through his boxers, making him let out a groan
She hooked her fingers around the band of his boxers and pushed them down letting his dick free. Taking it in her hand, she began to move her hand up and down as her thumb brushed over his tip as she left small pecks over his chest before moving down and putting him in her mouth. His first instinct was to grab the sheets in a fist as she bobbed her head, sucking him while moving her hand. Taking her hair to put into a makeshift ponytail, he caressed her face as she looked up at him as he groaned, thrusting into her mouth. Her hands gripping his thighs, Y/N kept taking more of him, making her gag as she felt him in the back of her throat but it didn’t stop her until she felt him become close
“Fuck, shit. ‘M going to cum, fuck.” frank whined as she began to suck him harder before letting go
“What’d you do that for? I was close” he asked her as she came up and straddled his lap as he sat against his headboard
 “Aww, did you really think i was going to let you finish? Funny” she told him faking a upset face 
“You really haven’t changed a bit have you?” 
“No, and it looks like neither have you.” she smirked before grabbing his dick and teasing the tip of him with her entrance. She slowly slid on top of him as his first instinct was to grab her hips, tight enough to leave bruises in the shape of his hands as he groaned and looked up at the ceiling. Y/N’s first thought was to grab his jaw and point it towards her.
“Eyes forward like a good boy now.”  she whispered as he let out a groan as she sank down and traced his jawline, his lips parted as she kissed his bottom lip and pulling it
“Fuck you’re so tight. I forgot how good you felt.” he whimpered making sure that she was still secure around him
Smirking, she started to roll her hips, letting out sighs of relief and breathy moans. Circling him, he groaned out her name, his grip loosening as she clenched around him.
“Oh shit.”
Y/N began to move her hips faster, moving her head towards him and attaching their lips together as one of his hands let go of her hip and went to one of her breasts, his thrusts hitting getting sloppier and hitting her G spot, her hand leaving his shoulder so she could touch herself. 
“I’m close”
“So am I.” Frank panted out as the two were on the edge of their orgasms. Moans and groans both left their mouths, with small pants of breath escaping them. Y/N could feel the build up in her stomach as her fingers digged into Frank’s shoulder. At this point, her makeup was smudged, hair messy, and lipstick stains were visible all over his body and neck. Frank wouldn’t have thought that this would be happening again after what had happened between them and he wanted to make sure that she would feel and be treated better than the first time they were together
“Fuck, Y/N” he groaned 
Letting out a cry of his name, she came undone, both of them having the feeling of their first time together. Waves of pleasure both escaping each other as he let out one final thrust, his cum coating her walls inside of her. Her vision going white as he released inside of her. The pair sweating and heavily breathing, knowing how good it felt to be back together. Y/N fell and laid beside him on his bed he got up to go get a towel for the both of them. When he came back, he pressed the damp towel on her, cleaning the mess they both made as she let out a small whimper, before he handed her some clothes to borrow. 
“Do you think we can try again?” he asked Y/N, handing her one of his shirts. 
“Just like old times? Other than what happened?” frank finished looking into her eyes as she took the time to think before nodding
“Yeah, I think we can do it if we tried.”
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If it means a lot to you (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin X Reader 
Summary: Songfic based on the song “If it means a lot to you” by A Day to Remember. You haven’t heard from Ashton in weeks, could you endure all the pain while he’s on tour or it would become too much?
Warnings: ANGST, strong language, overthinking and anxiety. Also some grammatical mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry) 
Word Count: 2.6 K 
Author’s Note: I was feeling so angsty today and this was the product of me pouring out my feelings into a fic. Reblogs, coments and feedback are always welcome and apreciated! I would love to hear your thoughts 💙  Hope you like it and Happy reading🦋
My Materialist
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It felt good to be on the stage again. It felt more than good, actually. The sound of screaming fans, calling out your names in pure ecstasy as one by one the songs pass and reverberates throughout the whole stadium, or arena or a simple, yet packed, venue. The adrenaline that cursed through the veins of each one of them as they gave their all, feeling how the base makes the entire stage shake with rhythms they know by memory and would never get tired off. It felt good to be on the stage again, to be on tour again. But not everyone gets to have everything they want. 
You were sitting on your sofa, getting lost in thought as the TV played some old episodes of your favorite show as background noise of your own pity party. It’s been two months since Ashton went away on tour with his band again, and even though you knew this made him happy, you always hated when he had to leave. 
The feeling of loneliness crept in two weeks and a half ago, when he started to miss your calls and texted you only once a day. You knew he was busy, you knew he must be tired, but so are you. 
You understand that this is his job, you’ve been through this before, but the separation was never easy. You always worried about his safety, how he’s dealing with stuff and if he ever misses you or if he had someone else he’d rather be with while you were away and tucked under your shared sheets in LA. He always came through though, pushing those thoughts away by reassuring his love, either by facetime or a simple call. But you haven’t seen him or heard of him in so long that you couldn’t help but drown yourself in a pity parade for one. You miss him, you need him. And it’s still so long until you could see each other again. 
A notification on your phone pulls you away for a while, it takes a few moments before you realize that it was in fact your phone and not a trick of your mind. You jump right to it, thinking, hoping that it would be Ashton trying to call you or even a simple text. The beating of your heart ran like a horse before you could even register that it was just a notification from instagram, you just saw his name and quickly swiped to open it. 
@ ashtonirwin: Thank you for singing with us xx 
The post was simple, you could see the crowd going wild as Andy took a photo of the boys in their element. Ashton was smiling behind his drum kit, taking in the scenery of a thousand screaming fans that were there just to see them, to sing with them. And it hurt you. 
It hurts not being there. Not being the one that was at the other end of the smile, and oh, how you miss that smile.
You opened the camera roll, forgetting to put a like on the post as your mind decided to add some salt to the wound. You scrolled a few pictures down until you found what you were looking for: A video of Ashton. 
His smile was clear even before you pressed play. You remember the day he sent that to you, it was at the beginning of the tour and you were feeling a little needy, so he decided to send you this while you were asleep. He knew it would make you feel better once you woke up. And it did. 
It was a simple video of him just talking to the camera, but it always made you feel better and you hope this time it will as you pressed play. 
“Hey, darling” Ashton said with a smile so wide you could see every dimple and wrinkle on his face “I hope you’re good tonight, I know you don’t feel right when I’m leaving… It’s not easy for me either, being away from you and being unable to kiss you and cuddle you like we do. I miss you, dear” 
The sadness in his voice moved you and you wished you were there with him, doing your best to push that sadness away. “Tour’s going great so far, I really wish you were here to see it. But you will be, one day and it will be awesome. But I can’t come back home till they’re singing, and oh, how amazing it is to hear them sing back at us, it’s almost as beautiful as to hear you sing to me one of our songs, even if it’s to mock our oldest songs” His smile lit up the screen ashe giggled “Just wait till I get home, baby. It won’t be long now, I swear. I love you”
“I love you” You whispered to the face on the screen as the video stopped. 
The tears were rolling down your face and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. The video always helped to make you feel better but, somehow, it just made missing him worse. 
It wasn’t enough, you needed him. You needed him and he was MIA, the only news you get from him are from social media and you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same. 
Ashton was laying in his bunk bed, smiling as he scrolled down twitter to read the reactions to tonight’s concert. It was one of their best and he was very proud of the energy they put on stage for the world to see.
He always enjoyed tour life, visiting new cities and countries every night, giving his all in all the concerts and spending time with his best friends. It was all he ever wanted since he was a kid and now he was able to experience it. 
“Hey, Ash!” Luke called his attention from the bunk across the small hall “Could you tell Y/N that Sierra wants to talk? She said it was something about a recipe but it seems like she can’t get in touch with them” 
Ashton frowned, you were never the one to shy away from their friends, always being the most social one of the two of them “Uh, yeah. Sure man” 
“Thanks, and tell Y/N we are missing them, it’s been too long since we saw each other” 
‘It has been a long time’ Ashton thought, or at least it seemed like it because he was sure he sent a text earlier today and…
Ashton’s expression froze when he saw that he didn’t text you today, or yesterday or the day before that. He didn’t even respond to your last text.
Y/N: Tell me something sweet to get me by.  
How long ago was that? Why didn’t he notice before? 
A feeling of guilt ran through him, feeling disgusted at himself for forgetting about you, the most important thing in his life. How could he? You must’ve been feeling low that day to text him something like that, he knew how much you hated when he had to leave. You didn’t text him after that, maybe you were okay now, but he still needed to talk to you, to apologize. 
He sighed when he saw what time it was, now it wasn’t time for a facetime call, knowing that you were probably asleep by now. He would apologize to you in the morning. 
Little did he know that you were still awake, sobbing and calling out his name through your cries. 
You woke up when the sunlight hit your face. You furrowed your eyebrows at your surroundings, realizing that you fell asleep on the couch. Luckily it was a Saturday, so you had no other responsibilities other than crying yourself to sleep for maybe the tenth time in a row? 
You knew it wasn’t fair, for you or for him, to be enduring this kind of pain. But if you meant a lot to him, why hasn’t he responded? or calling to check up on you? This place felt lonelier by the minute, his mugs were in the cupboard, some of his clothes were in the closet, his music room remains untouched and yet it seemed like he was never here at all to begin with, just a ghost of his memory floating around to remind you of what you were missing. 
You felt the tears about to crash down again, but you had no energy left in your body to cry. You were exhausted, needy, lonely and down right miserable while the love of your life was living his best life without you in it. 
Ashton was living his best life, but he still felt something was missing. He sat down on the couch the venue offered, it wasn’t as comfortable as he would expect but it didn’t matter. He knew he had to talk to you. 
He has been a shitty boyfriend lately, he understood and hated that. You didn’t deserve to be pushed aside like he did and he felt awful. So, with his heart in his sleeve, hoping you’ll forgive him and that you were okay, he picked up the phone and called. 
Ashton heard the beeping tone three times before you decided to answer “...Hey, sweety” You said with a sigh. 
Ashton could tell you were sad, a punch in the guts hurt less than hearing your voice so small and defeated. “Hey, darling,” He said,making his tone a little bit more uplifting, thinking it might help “How are you? Sierra said that you weren’t answering your phone, is everything okay?” 
Hearing his voice, his cheerful tone as if nothing has happened or as if this wasn’t the first time in weeks that you’ve heard of him, hurt more than you could ever expect. You felt silent tears rolling down your face as you contemplated what to say about that. 
“I just-”
“Ash, we need you for soundcheck” A voice said on the other line.
Ashton raised his hand, annoyed at the interruption, asking the boys to wait a second. He needed to hear from you first. All three of the guys backed up immediately when they saw the serious expression on the drummer’s face. 
“Sorry, love. I think the boys need me” He said, hoping you wouldn’t get mad. 
“But, what about me?” You asked before you realized what was coming out of your mouth.
“What?” Ashton said with a concerning tone. 
“I need you here, Ashton” You cried, unable to keep the tears at bay anymore “I need you here tonight, and I know that you don’t wanna be leaving and I get it, I swear I totally get it and I’m not trying to pressure you or anything, it’s okay that you want this” 
Hearing you cry through the phone broke Ashton’s heart. He did this, he caused this. How could he neglect you like that? 
“I want it but I don’t need it” He quickly reassured you. 
“Yes, you want it. But I can’t help it, I-” Your voice shook “I just feel complete when you’re by my side. I know I can be needy sometimes and believe me, I hate that as much as you do, probably. But, Ash, I haven’t heard from you in weeks! Yes, a morning text now and then but sweety, I don’t think you understand how bad this hurts”
Ashton felt the tears burning in his eyes, your broken voice sounded like an echo in his head, making him wish he could go back and fix his mistakes, to take all your pain away.
“Do you know how hard it is to be in this house alone, not knowing if you are okay or if you miss me? I found myself walking around aimlessly, trying to hold on to the memory of you here, to even a hint that I wasn’t dreaming when I held you close because it’s been so long and I don’t think I can take it anymore. Knowing that you can’t come home till they’re singing, till everyone is singing back at you” 
“B-baby-” Ashton said, not caring that he sounded desperate, because he was. He didn’t like where this conversation was going “Baby, I know I fucked up, big time. But don’t you ever doubt that you are the most important thing to me, I swear. Darling, if you-” He said, swallowing the lump in his throat “If you can wait till I get home, I swear that when tomorrow comes this will all be in our past” 
You stared blankly ahead as you heard him say those things. It broke you to your core, but you knew what you had to do. It was the best for both of you. 
“Ash, you know you can’t give me what I need. Not right now and I can’t ask that from you, I would never ask that from you and you know it. Even though you mean so much to me, I need you to be happy, I need to be happy and maybe we thought that we could find happiness together but Ash, this ain’t it”
“Darling, wait-” 
“I love you, but I can’t wait through everything. I can’t keep crying myself to sleep every night wishing for a text, a call, a sign that you are okay. And I can’t ask you to give up your life just to be with me, we both know it’s not going to work and we’ll be miserable-”
“Is this really happening?” Ashton interrupted you. 
He was pacing back and forth in the little room, tears falling freely as he understood the words you were trying to say. You were leaving him. You were leaving him and he couldn't blame you. He knew it was too much to ask but he hoped… if he had tried hard enough, if he hadn’t neglected you the way that he did and invalidating you by not acknowledging your feelings, maybe this wouldn’t be the outcome of his mistakes. 
“I love you,” He pleaded. 
“No, Y/N!” I know, I fucked up but please! Please, darling, don't leave me” He begged “I swear I’ll never be happy again, not even if we stay friends so don’t even dare to say that. Y/N. I love you. I love you, darling. You are the love of my life and -” He choked, overwhelmed with grief of what he just lost.
“Ash, please don’t make it harder” You cried, silently as your heart broke in a thousand pieces “We knew it’d happen eventually”
“No we fucking didn’t! I didn’t! I want you in my life, Y/N. And I know I sucked at letting you see that but- I swear, if you can wait till I get home, I swear we can make this last, baby. Please” 
You stayed silent, wanting to be able to believe him right now, but knowing this was for the best, even if it hurt, it’s what needed to be done so both of you could be happy. And you want nothing more than for him to be happy and free to do whatever he wants, even if it breaks your heart.
“Goodbye, Ash. I love you” You said, voice breaking at the end “I’ll always love you”
“Y/N, don’t-” He pleaded one last time before you ended the call “FUCK” He yelled, throwing the phone to god knows where. 
He lost you. 
Luke, Calum and Michael came running towards the room when they heard Ashton yell. However, they didn’t expect to find their friend sitting on the floor, sobbing as he started to hyperventilate. 
“Mate, what happened?” Ashton took a big breath.
“I fucked up, Cal” He said with a voice as broken as his heart “I fucked up and I don’t know if I can fix it”
Part 2
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star-six7 · 4 years
I’ll Stand Up With You Forever
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Andy Biersack x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Word Count: 1461
Request: Can you write an Andy Biersack imagine on a honeymoon?
A/N:  This is my longest one yet! I really enjoyed writing this; if you guys have any more requests for any band listed in my bio, please send them in!
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. No part of this story is meant to be libel, slander, or in any way derogatory towards any character’s real life counterpart. I’m not delusional; I know that these characters are simply based off of a public persona and may not actually resemble the people behind those personas. Any additional characters that you do not recognize are entirely fictional, unless otherwise stated. And finally, if you got here by Googling yourself, whatever happens next is 100% on you.
You closed your eyes and sighed happily, settling back into your seat. The flight from Cincinnati to Maui was a long one, and you didn’t want to be jet-lagged all week. Today marked your first full day of being married to one Andrew Dennis Biersack, and it was also going to be the first day of your two-week long honeymoon in Hawaii. Needless to say, you were the happiest you had ever been. You replayed the highlights of your wedding (and the night after) as the plane taxied down the runway, smiling. It was an amazing feeling to know that you had the rest of your life to keep making those kinds of memories with Andy, and you couldn’t wait.
Andy couldn’t wait either, but even more so, he couldn’t wait for the plane to take off. Or land. Or both. He kept leaning over you to peer out the window. You wondered if his legs or his back felt cramped, given his height, but when you opened your eyes, he was grinning.
“What’s up?” You smiled back at him, raising an eyebrow.
“I can’t believe we’re finally married! I can’t believe we’re going on our honeymoon. Can you believe it? I can’t.”
You laughed quietly at his enthusiasm, glancing down at your own wedding band. “Are you sure you don’t want the window seat?” You asked him, gesturing at the setting sun.
“Why would I need the window seat when the best view is sitting right next to me?” He smirked.
You blushed, slightly giddy that he still managed to take your breath away after all these years. “Thank you,” you mumbled. “I’m gonna try and sleep now, okay? I wanna be awake for at least some of our honeymoon.”
“So… we’re not joining the Mile High Club?”
You groaned and covered your face with the in-flight magazine.
“Come on babe, don’t you want to get with an extremely handsome rockstar?” He winked exaggeratedly.
“Actually, yes, do you know any?” You lowered the magazine and grinned at him.
“I’m hurt,” he said, feigning disappointment. “But after years of knowing you, I am definitely not shocked.”
“Well,” you said, leaning your head back against the seat, eyes closed. “Go to sleep. We have the rest of our lives to try again.”
After twelve hours and some change, the plane touched down. You had managed to get a decent amount of sleep, even with Andy’s fidgeting and restlessness. However, taking off during a sunset and landing half a day later during the same one due to the time zones was enough to throw off anybody’s internal clock, and therefore, make them a bit grumpy.
You frowned as Andy led you to the rental car, luggage in tow. “Can’t we just check in at the hotel and go to bed? My body is telling me it’s six am!”
“Nope!” he said, grinning far too brightly for someone who hadn’t slept in almost twenty-four hours. “Can’t get off schedule!”
You sighed as he kissed your cheek and started humming lightly as he drove. While you had taken care of most of the smaller details of your actual wedding and reception, Andy had been in charge of the honeymoon. You had both decided on a destination, and you had given your input on some of the activities you were looking forward to (at least, those that took place outside of the bedroom), but Andy did the bulk of the work as far as making reservations and planning an itinerary. And Andy loved planning itineraries. 
Every trip you had gone on as a couple, Andy had meticulously outlined every day of it, almost down to every hour. This could be both a blessing and a curse, because while it was nice to have a plan, Andy was pretty insistent on sticking to it. You had joked before that he should plan the mission timelines for NASA. He just laughed and said that years of being in a far-traveling, highly successful rock band following a strict tour schedule had drilled it into him, and besides you were stuck with him, weren’t you? Yes, you thought now, looking back down at the ring on your finger, you were stuck with him, and you couldn’t be happier.
The jolt of Andy putting the car into park snapped you out of your reminiscing, as you looked around, taking in the restaurant he had pulled up to.
“Come on, I know this will make you feel better! I looked up the menu a few weeks ago, and I think you’ll love it!”
You just smiled, shaking your head. Of course he did. “You know I love you, right?”
“Of course I do. And you know I love you too.” He put his arm through yours and led you inside.
Andy was right, like always. Eating delicious food while looking out over a stunning view of the ocean did wonders to your mood, not to mention simply just talking and laughing with Andy and being with him. Soon, it was time to pick up the check and head back to the hotel.
You had parked in the basement lot of the building, but Andy grabbed your arm when you went to get the suitcases out of the back of the trunk.
“Wait,” he said, a playful look coming across his face. “We should do something first.”
“Huh? What about the schedule?” You edged out of his grasp. “I’m still in my plane clothes. And besides, don’t you wanna do something in our room?” You added a note of flirtation in your voice.
“No, it’s- I mean, yes! Yes, I wanna do bedroom activities, but-” And then he grabbed your hand and started sprinting towards the exit.
“Andy, what-” you tried, stumbling to keep up.
He just laughed and stopped to pick you up and swing you over his shoulder. “You’re too slow, come on!”
By this point, the sun had set over the island, but Andy navigated the dark path through the hotel grounds with ease. He skittered sideways through an open gate and down a sandy concrete walkway towards what you realized was the beach.
“Andrew! You better not be planning on throwing me in the water or I swear-”
“Good idea,” he laughed, “but no. You should take off your shoes.” He set you down on the sand.
You complied, as he did the same, and then you waded out into the surf with him. You watched Andy as he immediately began searching for shells to give you, knowing how much you loved to collect them. All of a sudden, the entirety of the past few days started to catch up with you all at once. While there wasn’t any scientific proof of fate, or soulmates, or anything like that, you couldn’t help but feel like every decision, every event, in both your life and Andy’s had led you to this exact moment. Standing knee deep in water, alone on the beach at night, with the moon shining down on the two of you as you tried not to get soaked by the incoming tide. Every disappointment and roadblock you had experienced snapped into place, and now you could appreciate them for where they had gotten you. You admired the way the moonlight glinted off Andy’s smile, the way his arms had felt around you moments ago, and the way his laugh sounded over the waves. You knew that there would certainly be more challenges in the course of your life, but you knew you could get through them with someone as kind, talented, smart, beautiful, and loving as Andy by your side.
Suddenly, you were pulled back into reality by the shock of ocean water down your front. Whirling to your right, you saw Andy standing next to you with the most see-through attempt of a look of innocence on his face. However, you couldn’t find it in you to pretend to be annoyed.
“Hey, so, if you missed it the first five times, I found you a-”
“Andy.” You cut him off. “Um. I know I only said it a million times yesterday, but… I really love you. And I’m so glad you’re in my life, forever now…”
Unwittingly, you felt yourself starting to tear up.
“Hey,” Andy said, moving closer, wrapping his arms around your waist and shoulders. “I know, I love you too, and you complete me. That’s kinda why we got married, remember?”
You chuckled, smiling up at him. “I’m glad that we’re having this moment and everything, but it’s getting cold…”
“You’re right,” he said, taking your hand in his. He glanced wistfully up at the hotel, a sly smile appearing on his face. “Maybe we should go take advantage of the honeymoon suite.”
A/N: Thank you for reading my work! If you enjoyed it, please comment and let me know what you liked about it or what your favorite part was! Also, feel free to send in requests! :)
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 years
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Chapter 3
I smiled as I looked at Robert. He looked so hopeful and I realized I was quickly falling for him. 
“Yes you get a second date.” I said softly. Robert grinned as he lifted my hand closer to his face. He gently kissed my knuckles before pulling me close and into a tight hug. I grinned madly as I hugged him back. 
“I had so much fun tonight.” Robert whispered. “More fun than I’ve had in awhile. Thank you.” I sighed happily as I relaxed more into the hug. Robert pulled away slowly before smiling at me. “How’s tomorrow after work?” I nodded and laughed. 
“As long as you don’t ask me to leave early again.” I teased. Robert smirked and took a step forward, blocking me between him and my car. His hand rested on the car door. 
“Take tomorrow off.” Robert’s voice dropped. My eyes widened. 
“Are you serious?” I gasped. Robert nodded as he took another step towards me. 
“I’ll pay your salary.” He reached up and cupped my cheek. I leaned into his touch slightly and bit my lip. “No wait that makes it sound illegal.” He chuckled. I nodded as he started to rub my cheekbone gently. “I’ll buy whatever you want. Even if it goes over what I pay you to work here.” I reached out and put my arms around Robert’s waist. His eyebrow raised. 
“You’re really serious about this.” I said with conviction. Robert nodded. “Ok then. I’ll take tomorrow off.” I smiled as Robert reached up to brush some hair back. 
“I’ll text you where to meet me.” He said before leaning in to kiss my cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow (Y/N).” Robert pulled back and walked over to his car before backing up and tearing out of the parking lot. I sloughed against my car, grabbing the car door to keep myself from falling to the ground. When I had finally collected myself, I got in my car and drove home. I got ready for bed before plugging in my phone and smiling at the thought of seeing Robert again tomorrow. I decided to text him before going to bed. 
‘I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.’ I hit send and settled into bed. I watched as the little dots appeared before being replaced by his message. 
‘I can’t wait either.’ I smiled before typing out my response. 
‘Anything in particular I should wear?’ I put my phone on my nightstand before turning out the light and settling back down. I reached for my phone as Robert’s text came through.
‘Just dress like you would if you were going to the mall.’ I started to type out my next message when Robert sent another. ‘You might want to bring a bathing suit. I managed to get an agreement with the soon to be ex Mrs. California to have the house for the weekend.’ I giggled at the eye roll emoji he used before adding to my original message. 
‘Sounds like a plan. I know just what I’m going to wear. Wait...you have a pool?’ After sending the message I opened my notes and wrote down what I would need to take to Robert’s as I no longer knew what to expect. I also set my alarm for a little later as I did not need to go into work. 
‘Yes I do. Well did.’ I smiled as I imagined Robert’s reaction to my text. ‘You better get some rest (Y/N). I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good night x’ 
‘Good night Robert x’ I sent before putting my phone back down and settling in for the night. I drifted off with a smile on my face. I woke up to my phone ringing. Blinking at the bright light, I groaned at the time before answering it. 
“Hello?” I asked groggily. I rubbed my eyes before flopping on my back. 
“(Y/N)? Where are you?” Jim asked. I sighed as I looked at the time again. 
“Robert gave me the day off. I was sleeping.” I groaned. I heard Jim chuckle. This wasn’t the first time he had woken me up on one of my days off. “Please tell me that you don’t need me to come in.” I heard murmuring on the other end.
“No. You don’t need to come in. I think we all know why Robert wanted to give you the day off.” Jim sighed. “Andy was just a little concerned. We figured that since the warehouse crew quit…” I cut off Jim. 
“Wait what do you mean the warehouse crew quit?” I asked, shocked. “Why did they do that?” I sat up quickly. 
“They won the lotto.” I heard Pam answer. “You’re on speaker by the way.” I rolled my eyes at the obvious. 
“No I didn’t quit. I have a reason I’m not there and no it isn’t what you think Jim.” I explained. I heard a couple chuckles on the other end. 
“It’s ok (Y/N). You can tell us.” Meredith’s voice carried over the line. I rubbed my forehead, urging the oncoming headache to stop before it started. “We won’t tell anyone.” There were groans of protest from everyone before Meredith walked off in a huff. 
“So what’s it come to? What did they each win?” I asked as I layed back again. 
“Oh man, it’s gotta be over a hundred thousand dollars.” Jim said. 
“Awesome.” Pam and I said at the same time. 
“Before taxes.” Dwight informed us. 
“That’s still a lot of money.” Phyllis reminded everyone. 
“What really interests me is the group dynamic of six people winning the lottery.” Oscar said. “This will not end well. Right?” 
“Yeah.” Everyone agreed with him. 
“We’re looking at at least one suicide and one weird sex thing.” Meredith chimed back in. 
“At least.” I said. “Well before everyone starts fantasizing about what they would do with that much money, I’m going to try to get some more sleep before starting my day. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” I hung up my phone and checked the time again. Realizing my alarm would go off soon anyway I turned it off and got out of bed. I sent a quick text to Robert before jumping in the shower. I went as fast as I could and walked back into my bedroom wearing only a towel. I checked my phone and smiled at Robert’s text. 
‘Morning sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you later today.’ I wrote down the address he sent in a separate text before replying. 
‘I can’t wait either. Although are you sure that you don’t have to deal with the warehouse crew quitting?’ While I waited for his response, I pulled out my bathing suit to pack for later. I looked through my closet for the perfect outfit to wear. Nothing seemed to catch my attention until I reached the black ripped skinny jeans in the back of my closet. I smiled as I pulled them out and looked for a shirt to go with them. A text distracted me from my pursuit. 
‘What do you mean the warehouse crew quit?’ I rolled my eyes. Of course everyone at the office would keep it to themselves about the little set back. 
‘Jim called me this morning to see if I was a part of the group that won the lottery yesterday. Apparently the warehouse crew won and decided they didn’t need to work at Dunder Mifflin anymore.’ I quickly filled him in before going back to my search for the perfect shirt. I found it and pulled it out. I was halfway through getting ready when Robert texted me again. 
‘There. Andy is in charge of it. Problem solved.’ I laughed and decided to call him. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” His voice drifted over my speaker as I finished getting ready. 
“You kept distracting me from getting ready. So I solved the problem.” I laughed. Robert’s laugh joined mine and I couldn’t stop the smile that was growing. I put my phone in my back pocket and returned to the closet to pull out some shoes. 
“You’re the one who was asking me about work.” Robert teased. 
“I know. I know.” I conceded. “I just wanted to make sure that we wouldn’t have to go in when we are supposed to be enjoying ourselves.” There was silence on the other end and I pulled my phone out of my pocket to make sure that I hadn’t accidentally ended the call. I hadn’t. “Robert?” I asked when there was still no response. 
“You still want to spend the whole day with me in my soon to be ex-wife’s house?” Robert finally said. “Uninterrupted?” I bit back my giggle, knowing it wouldn’t be helpful in this situation. 
“Yes Robert.” I said calmly. “I’ve been looking forward to it actually.” I heard him sigh with relief on the other end. 
“How soon can you get here?” he asked. I could hear the tension in his voice. 
“I can leave in ten minutes.” I said as I quickly pulled out a pair of combat boots and laced them up. “Are you there already?” I heard a muffled voice on the other end before Robert sighed again. 
“Unfortunately.” He muttered. “As much as it pains me I have to go sweetheart. I will see you soon.” I bit my lip as Robert ended the call. I assumed the muffled voice was his soon to be ex-wife and couldn’t help the feeling of jealousy that was bubbling up. 
“It’s probably just so he can get the keys.” I murmured to myself as I finished packing my bag. I thought about packing a change of clothes just in case. I shook my head and zipped up the bag. Looking around the room, I pocketed my phone and headed to the front door. I picked up my keys before turning around and walking back into my room. I grumbled as I grabbed another shirt and pair of jeans from the closet and threw them in my bag along with my charger. Zipping it up and shouldering it, I made my way out the front door. I eagerly got into my car and put the address that Robert had given me into the GPS. The entire ride over, I was smiling with excitement as I got out of my car even though there was still a shred of jealousy swimming around in my head. I knocked on the door and bit my lip as I waited. The door opened, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Hi!” I said, nerves making my voice shaky. The woman that opened the door raised an eyebrow and turned back towards the inside of the house. 
“Robert! Get your ass over here!” She yelled into the house. I watched as she tapped her nails against the doorframe and I gripped my bag a little tighter. She eyed me as I nervously fidgeted and I gave her a nervous smile. Robert appeared behind her and he gave me a warm smile before turning to look at her. 
“What?” he snarked. I bit my lip as he held out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me into the house. “I told you I was having a guest. This is my guest.” I tried not to giggle as Robert pulled me into him and wrapped his arm around me. 
“You can’t be serious.” Robert smirked at the woman that was now blocking the door. 
“Oh come on.” He teased. “You’re not jealous are you?” He laughed as he tugged me a little closer. “If you are, that’s just too bad.” He looked her up and down before licking his lips. I kept my eyes on him as the woman who had answered the door scared me. “You made your choice perfectly clear when you chose to bring YOUR date back here the day you knew I would be coming back from Florida.” The woman’s nostrils flared and her face turned red while Robert looked smug. “So if you’d be so kind to leave us the house like you said you would, we have some things to attend to.” Letting go of me, Robert slowly walked towards the woman who kept backing up until she was out of the door. “Good-bye.” He slammed the door in her face before busting up laughing. I smiled at him as he made his way back to me. “That felt so damn good!” he laughed. I shook my head at him. 
“How long have you been waiting to do that?” I giggled as I asked. Robert took my bag and hung it over his shoulder. I took his free hand and let him gently pull me through the house. Robert looked over at me with a big grin. 
“Probably since a month after we got married.” He shrugged. “I’ll never understand what it was about her that I was attracted to. If I’m being honest it was probably the sex but even that lost whatever it was that made it good.” I moved closer and hugged his arm. 
“So why did you stick around so long?” I asked quietly. Robert bit his lip as he pushed a door open and tossed my bag on the bed. He looked down at my arms entwined around his. 
“I’m not entirely sure if I’m being honest.” He murmured. “It was probably because she was one of the few people that would put up with me. Or that she never really judged me.” I squeezed his hand and rested my head on his shoulder. “I knew she was sleeping around. Hell I was too.”
“Then why divorce her now?” I asked quietly. Robert turned towards me and gently pulled me over to the bed. Sitting down, he put his hands on my waist. I rested my hands on his shoulders and he looked up at me. 
“Something snapped. The last guy,” Robert shook his head. “She brought him back here and I caught them. It was real all of a sudden. It didn’t help that he was an old partner at the company I left for Dunder Mifflin.” I gently gripped the material on his shoulders. “Thing is, I had somehow known it was going to be him. Not some random guy.. He shrugged. “I guess that is the price I pay for basically doing the same thing when I started with her.” My eyes widened and Robert shook his head. “I’m not doing that with you. Me and her were over before I even laid eyes on you. It just took that one event to push us over the finish line. We were already getting a divorce before I met you.” 
“You said when you got back from Florida.” I said, confusion spilling into my tone. “But I thought,” Robert cut me off. 
“I got back from Florida a week before I met you. I went back down after I arrived at the office and then I came back that day I met you. The divorce was already being worked out before I even arrived at the office.” Robert comforted me. I nodded as he pulled me closer. “(Y/N), I swear it is going to be different between us. No sleeping around. No running around all the time. No cutting you out. If you want to continue this, that is.” I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“I want to continue this.” I whispered. Robert smiled up at me. “I believe you. I trust you. And I won’t do any of that to you. Ever.” He pulled me into his lap and I giggled at the action. 
“That is incredibly good to hear.” He said as he rested his head against mine. “Do you want to stay the whole weekend? I realized I never actually asked you that.” I laughed as I started to run my fingers through Robert’s hair. 
“I’m going to have to go back to my house to grab some extra clothes but yeah. I’d love to spend the weekend here with you.” Robert pressed a kiss to my cheek before hugging me tighter. “It just isn’t fair to leave you all alone in this giant house all weekend.” I teased. Robert chuckled before pulling back from me. “It isn’t!” My voice rose slowly as Robert stood up with me in his arms. 
“That’s what you say now.” He teased back as he walked through the house. I saw the backyard through the glass doors. “What about later?” I quickly flung my arms around his neck and held on tightly. 
“Robert!” I cried as he started to laugh. “Don’t you dare!” He smiled at me as he adjusted his grip on me. 
“Dare what?” He chuckled at my reaction as I attempted to move closer to him. 
“At least let me put my bathing suit on!” Robert backed into the door and turned back towards the pool. “Robert, my clothes are going to get all wet!” He laughed as he walked over to the edge of the pool. I tried to maneuver myself so I was on his back instead but Robert’s grip tightened on me. 
“Then I’ll put them in the dryer.” Robert said. I held onto him for dear life. “Do you want me to put you down sweetheart?” 
“Yes!” I exclaimed. Robert started to drop me. “But not in the…” My sentence was cut off by a splash. I surfaced and Robert laughed as I pushed my hair out of my face. “Pool.” Robert doubled over with laughter and I bit the inside of my lip. 
“You should have seen the look on your face.” He gasped out. I bit my lip a little harder before I got an idea. 
“Oh yeah?” I asked. “You should see the look on yours.” He looked up at me before he was covered in the miniwave that I created with my arm. I laid back in the water and laughed. Robert wiped the excess water off of his face before smiling down at me. Robert shook his head and chuckled. 
“I should have seen that coming.” He shook his head. I moved to the edge of the pool and smiled up at him. 
“Yes you should have.” I giggled. Robert squatted down in front of me and brushed a piece of hair off of my cheek. I smiled at him as I pushed back from the wall and carefully reached below the water to pull off my pants. I successfully removed them and tossed them at Robert. They hit his leg and he looked at me in awe. I took the moment of shock to remove my top and threw it at him as well. I ducked below the water to hide my blush and avoid Robert’s reaction. When I broke the surface, I pushed my hair out of my face. I swallowed when I saw the look on Robert’s face. I bit my lip as I watched him slowly unzip his track jacket and take it off. 
“If that’s how you want to play it.” He deadpanned. I took in what he looked like and nodded. “Alright then.” He smirked and pulled down his pants before jumping into the pool. I stayed where I was and let him come to me. My cheeks grew even redder as he put his hands on my waist. He kept his eyes level with mine. 
“I did not expect you to do that.” I murmured. Robert cocked his head and chewed on the inside of his lip. I noticed he did that a lot when he was thinking. 
“Is this alright?” He asked softly. I put my hands on his shoulders as I nodded. 
“More than alright.” I said. “I just didn’t expect it. Although with you I should expect the unexpected.” Robert chuckled before gently tugging me towards him. I let him pick me up underwater and wrapped my legs around his waist. I smiled as his hands settled on the small of my back. Robert looked at me lovingly and I blushed under his constant gaze. 
“This beats having to deal with the warehouse crew doesn’t it?” He asked. I nodded again as I gently ran my fingers through his slowly curling hair. 
“Yeah.” I said absentmindedly. “It does.” Robert smiled gently at me again before leaning in slowly. I stayed where I was and waited. It was like time stood still as he kissed me for the first time. My fingers stopped moving and remained entangled in his hair as his grip tightened on me. Any nerves I had about spending the rest of the weekend with Robert dissipated when we pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes. “That really beats it.” I murmured. Robert smiled and started walking to the wall of the pool.
“I concur.” He said as he sat me on the edge of the pool. I kept my legs wrapped around him and removed my fingers from his hair. We settled into a comfortable silence before I broke it. 
“Will there be more of that this weekend?” I asked, my voice coming out small and hopeful. Robert kissed me gently again before answering. 
“There will definitely be more of that this weekend.” he said, his breath fanning over my lips. I smiled at the feeling. “And even more of it in the coming weeks.” He kissed me again, almost sealing away the promise of something more to come. We stayed out in the pool, making out and enjoying the warmth of the day. When the sun had moved overhead, we got out of the pool and Robert collected our clothes. He moved through the house with ease and I had to remind myself that he had lived here for awhile before moving into his apartment. “Do you have a change of clothes?” Robert asked as he noticed me in the doorway, still wrapped in the towel that he had given me. I shrugged. 
“What if I don’t?” I asked, curious to see what his response would be. He took my hand and led me back to the bedroom. Pulling out his suitcase from under the bed, he took out a shirt and a pair of boxers. 
“They’re going to be big but they should work until your clothes are dry at least.” He held them out to me and I gaped at him. “What?” He looked at me confused before trying to put the clothes in my hand. “Don’t you need clothes?” I slowly shook my head and Robert lowered the clothes to the bed. 
“I just wanted to see what you would do.” I said. “I didn’t expect you to give me something to wear out of your own suitcase.” He chuckled and picked at a stray string on the shirt. 
“Well I wasn’t going to give you something of hers.” He motioned behind him to a closet undoubtedly filled with his ex’s clothes. There was a tense silence that settled over us. “I feel like an idiot now.” He said as he finally looked at me. I shook my head and took the clothes. I kissed his cheek and walked into the ensuite bathroom. I stripped out of my undergarments and put on Robert’s clothes. I used the towel to dry my hair some more before walking back out of the bathroom. 
“How do I look?” I asked as I leaned against the doorway. Robert looked over at me before giving me a small smile. He nodded as he took me in and I noticed him biting his lip again. I smiled as I made my way into the room and walked right up to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist before leaning in to kiss him. Robert relaxed into the kiss and let out a small whine as we pulled away. “Thank you.” He nodded slowly. 
“It’s awkward isn’t it?” He asked. I cocked my head. 
“What is?” I asked. Robert looked around the room. 
“Being here instead of my apartment.” He looked back at me. “Or yours.” I shrugged as I ran my hand up his back. 
“A little.” I agreed. “But once we get comfortable around each other like this, it won't be as awkward. It’ll be a little rebellious. Making out in your ex’s house and sleeping in her bed. Swimming in her pool and eating her food.” I shrugged again before giving him a quick kiss. “Sounds like fun to me.” Robert chuckled lowly as he pulled me tighter against him. 
“Sounds like fun to me too darling.” He said before pulling me onto the bed with him. And it was the most fun weekend I had had in a long time.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
When a Grady Actor Confirmed TD and Other Reasons the Spoilers Don’t Spoil TD
Okay Everyone, I’m gonna cover a few of things today that I hope will help everyone to continue feeling at least somewhat better about the spoilers. 
***More spoilers below (same ones as yesterday, actually) but don’t read if you don’t want to know. You’ve been warned.***
1) Could the spoilers be fake?
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I got plenty of messages and comments yesterday, too. Some of them claiming these spoilers aren’t even true and the person who spoiled them is a troll and unreliable. 
Now, before everyone starts messaging me and commenting about how you “know” these are true and the screeners are out, please note that I’m not making a claim either way. The account that spoiled this isn’t one who normally gets and reviews screeners, which means they could be false. That doesn’t mean that account didn’t get these from a reputable source, which means they could be true.
As I said yesterday, overall, I think they’re probably true. I think they were probably intentionally leaked to hype up the fandom and gauge our reactions. And I would rather you all make your peace with them being real rather than holding out hope that they’re totally false. But I think it’s worth reiterating that they haven’t been 100% confirmed, yet.
2) There’s a whole other person involved in this Leah arc that we don’t know about yet.
You know how yesterday I went on and on about how we don’t have anything near all the details of this arc? Well, someone pointed this out to me. Don’t feel bad if you totally missed it, because I did, too, and I haven’t seen anyone talking about it.
Look at the picture of Leah below carefully. Look at what’s behind her. If you look closely, there’s someone kneeling on the ground. They’ve got one knee resting on the floor, and the other one pointed toward the ceiling with their foot flat. You can see one shoulder to the left of Leah’s hip.
Spoilers make no mention of this person. We have no idea who they are or how they fit into the story.
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This looks to me like it’s when she and Daryl first meet (hence, she doesn’t trust him and is holding him at gunpoint) and she seems to be protecting this person from him. Whoever it is, it probably has to do with why she’s out there to begin with, and will probably factor in how/why she disappears.
And I have no doubt that this shot is purposeful, guys. If they wanted us to know about this person directly, they would have given us a more obvious shot of them. And yet, they have put hints of the person in the shots they DID release. Isn’t that just like them?
But my point is, this is proof that there is a lot about this episode the spoilers are leaving out. So please keep that in mind.
3) When a Grady actor directly addressed TD.
So, for the past few days, as you can imagine I’ve been talking with and consoling people about these spoilers. I just keep going back to the stuff we KNOW. Like that there are missing scenes Emily was in from S5. Those have nothing to do with Leah and suggest Beth’s return. And if she’s returning, I promise you, Bethyl will be a thing.
The other thing I mentioned to people is when Jarod Thompson (guy that played one of the Grady cops) addressed TD directly. 
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I quickly realized I needed to repost this because no one seemed to have any idea what I was talking about. Then it took me an hour to find it because I didn’t give it its own post when I first posted it. It was buried at the bottom of this Rick’s Fate post from S9 and not properly indexed. But I did finally locate it.
So, here’s the rundown. Right after the episode where Jadis took Rick away in the helicopter, Jarod Thompson tweeted this:
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I’m pretty sure you can’t find this tweet anymore. It was taken down. But let me make a couple of points here. 
First, the obvious. TD has nothing to do with Leah. She wasn’t even on anyone’s radar back then. So what he’s telling us here has nothing to do with Leah. He’s basically telling us that Beth will return. 
Translation: Leah doesn’t matter. Beth is coming back. 
This is just one (of many) things that keeps me strong in TD. Because the actor actually confirmed this for us. And then it was quickly taken down, which is always suspicious to me. Why? Well, I’m sure some people will be quick to counter with the argument that maybe he was just trolling or making fun of us. But I don’t see that as a terribly logical argument. 
He’s never done it before or since. 
We have other evidence (HERE) of him working with Emily post-season 5, and possibly in the hospital setting. 
The timing is suspicious. This happened after Rick left. And I personally think that what he referred to here was the CRM. 9x05 was the first time they really came front and center, an active part of the story. So I think he was hinting that Beth is inside that organization as well and that now that the audience knows who they are, the stage is set and things are in motion for her return.
For the record, it was not long after this that we started getting the massing amount of Beth/Emily promotion on social media. 
Most importantly, his tweet was removed, probably by him at someone else’s request. Think about this really logically, guys. They don’t remove tweets about Caryl happening. They don’t remove teases about Daryl and Connie. They only remove suspicious posts that might tell us something about Beth’s return. There’s a reason for that. 
Furthermore, consider this. He’s kind of a small-time actor on the show. Of course I don’t mean that in a negative way. He’s fabulous. But I mean he’s not a main character on the show like Andy or Norman or Lauren. And HE knows all about TD, what we want, obviously what is going to happen, and which events in the show constitute room for us “to breathe.” 
So what does that tell you about other actors on the show, the writers, and any higher-ups connected to the show?
Yeah. Exactly.
Which leads me to my next order of business:
4) Kirkman’s Post/Poll
I think most people saw this last night, but if you didn’t , here it is. 
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You can still vote HERE. I took the screenshot last night. I just checked again and the percentage has gone down a couple of points (still at 47%) with more than 9500 votes at this time. So the ‘bring Beth back’ option is still the runaway winner.
Here’s the thing. The timing on this is super-suspicious to me. When was the last time Kirkman tweeted something about Beth? I have no idea, and don’t care to go digging through his Twitter account to find out, but I promise you he hasn’t done it in a long time. He’s said things about her and Bethyl during interviews and such, of course, but he doesn’t just randomly tweet about her. Like...ever.
So you’re telling me that on day 2 after these spoilers leak, when the fandoms are loosing their collective minds, Kirkman just so happens to post this? No way. I don’t buy it.
Look, I know most of us don’t like Kirkman. And I’m not defending him. I don’t like him either. But after watching his interaction with tptb all these years, I have come to believe that they do use him. 
Gimple (and now Kang, I’m sure) are very careful about what they say. Guys, I’ve watched and analyzed this VERY closely over the years, which is why I always say that they never directly lie to us. Misdirection? Yes. Hyperbole? Of course. But they never look into the camera and tell us something blatantly untrue. 
I believe that’s because they don’t want the fans to be able to point at anything they say and accuse them of falsehood. That’s why they can’t ever say much, because it’s either give spoilers (which they won’t) or lie (which they also won’t). That’s why their answers are always so vague and general and very, very irritating. 
But Kirkman isn’t one of the showrunners. He’s connected to it, of course, and I think he knows a lot about what’s coming down the pipeline, but if he says something that’s untrue, tptb can simply shrug and say, “he’ doesn’t make executive story decisions.” Because of that, I believe they use him to sew discord and misdirection. 
And again, I’m not saying this isn’t troll-ish. I’m not saying I like this tactic or that it’s a good thing. I’m simply saying this is what they do. 
So when Kirkman says anything TD-related, I pay attention. Not because I think we should take it at face value, but because the timing, context, how he frames it, and what’s going on in the fandom at the time can tell us a lot about it and give us some clues. 
So, in this case, I think tptb are watching the fandom’s reactions to the spoilers and trying to do a little damage control. But here’s what really gets me: he only mentioned Beth, and specifically in the context of bringing her back. I mean, ALL the shipping fandoms are freaking out right now. All of them are hating these spoilers and losing their shit right now. But he ONLY mentions Beth.
I truly believe that this is tptb, through Kirkman, addressing TD specifically, and just kind of throwing us a bone. They’re not addressing the others because there isn’t any hope for those other ships. 
I know there will be people who disagree with him and think he’s just making fun of us. I understand why people think that. But guys, if that were the case, we’d see at least SOME comments about other characters or ships. There aren’t any. And hey, look through the comments on his tweet. There’s a ton of Beth support (which is why she won the poll) and a few haters, but there are also lots of people who are kind of mystified, saying things like, “How about bring back Glenn? Or Rick? Or Carl?”
See what I mean? 
5) The time Gimple Confirmed Something that was NOT Going to Happen on the Show
Okay, gonna end by reminding you of just one more thing. Just a couple of months ago, before the finale of The World Beyond, S1, one of the actors teased on TTD that we might see Rick in the finale. 
Now, that was totally false. The finale came and went with no Rick (obviously). The actor was just trolling and trying to get people riled up, which he succeeded at. A few days later, Gimple was giving an interview to a clickbait site and they asked him about it. Gimple started to give his run-of-the-mill, vague answer but stopped mid-sentence and said this:
ComicBook.com asked Gimple if World Beyond was working up to a Rick Grimes reveal. 
“You know what? I’m very happy to say… I’m not happy to say the answer,” he said, clearly aware he was about to disappoint people. “I’m happy to be definitive with people. It is not.”
That’s one, I don’t know if people are being cagey about that. But I feel that one’s important not to be cagey about…I think people could watch this show and learn a lot about the mythology that Rick Grimes is caught up in. And they might even see places where Rick Grimes has been. But yeah, he’s not swinging around the corner. And I don’t even know if I’m making people upset saying that, but I just don’t like people watching it, sort of expecting Rick.”
Full article HERE.
Guys, they’ve never done that with Beth and TD. EVER!!!
I’m just saying.
And I can already hear counter arguments about how they’ve never shut down other ships like C@ryl or Donnie either. You’re right, but those characters are still front and center on the show. If Beth is dead and not coming back, why wouldn’t they put her to rest for us the way he did with this Rick rumor? (And I’m also going to argue that they’ve given us very clear indications in the show about a few of these ships, and the shippers just don’t want to accept them. But that’s not entirely relevant here.)
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astronomoney · 3 years
This story was made by @tomatosamla and @le-green-lion and inspired by that one Oogway quote and the villain from spy kids 4 because why the fuck not
Summary: The Teen Titans of the future are sucked into the past where they run into their parents and must work together to get back to their own time
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: cursing, time travel, speedsters (they deserve their own warning)
Chapter One: A Twist in Time
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift! That is why it is called present.
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The day was as clear as Gotham could be. Batman and the Teen Titans were battling the villain known as Tick Tock, another Arkham wannabe that was kinda powerful in his own right, he was able to slow down time which definitely gave him advantage over the team, thankfully the speedster was able to do more damage than the rest (thank you superspeed).
"Damnit," Andromeda Kent cursed as time slowed once again. "I can't land any hits on this guy!"
"Just keep trying," Thomas Wayne shouted back. "He can't keep this up forever so we just need to outlast him! Kid Flash, go right!" He threw an exploding batarang at the villain and it moved in slow motion, drifting towards Pamela West who used her Super speed to give it an extra boost. Even with her help Tick Tock still had time to casually side step and avoid getting hit, luckily Nobody had planned for this and the batarang exploded next to the villains head.
He was thrown off balance and the effect of his powers disappeared giving Jaiden Pham a chance to use their powers. With the Green Lantern ring they tied up Tick tock so he couldn't slow the time. The Teen Titans walked over to him cautiously and Pam spoke up.
"Haha we stopped you! You really thought you'd get away with it butcha didn't cause we're here! The Teen Titans can stop anyone who threatens the innocent!" she rambled in true speedster fashion.
The villain laughed. "Do you really think you've defeated me? I'm offended. You must think of me as any old cheap bad guy without a backup plan. Well children, that was your first mistake." A swirling light came out of the ground underneath him, it stretched and began sucking things in. The heros were taken by surprise and none of them had time to react before they were sucked into the void.
Batman was the only person left on the road.
"KIDS!" screamed Damian as he saw his children fall into the portal, he reached out to grab them but they were already gone.
The Titans landed in a hard surface face first, Caipora was the first one to react, she tried attacking Tick Tock but he once again used his powers, she was able to land a hit thanks to her super abilities. Thomas once again began giving orders, until he saw his brother.
"Orphan! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"I don't know. I was collecting intel and then I landed here!" he replied.
"Watch out!" screamed a guy in the... Robin costume?
"What the he-" said Kai, right before being pushed aside by none other than the Yara Flor herself, but she was younger...?
Tick Tock tried using his tricks once again, this time accelerating time (which none of them had seen before) in order to send Pam flying with too much speed for anyone's liking, Jai West was able to catch her in time.
"What is going on?" this time spoke Minh, Damian was... confused to say the very least, why was this kid dressed as him? Were these teenagers cosplaying or playing dress up? Those costumes looked like real hero stuff, so what the hell was going on?
Andromeda launched herself towards Tick Tock once more, the villain accelerated time again and Superboy came to catch her as the time warper slowed time once more. Damian started barking orders to all the heroes, he figured the abilities of those weird teenagers just by observing, maybe they would serve a purpose. Together the two teams tied Tick Tock once again, Damian touched his communicator in order to contact the batfam and take this dangerous villain to Arkham, in the meantime, they needed to talk.
Tick Tock laughed at their attempts to catch him before slowing time so much that they could barely move. "As fun as this is, I really must be going. I'm sure I'll see you all later." And with that he disappeared behind a corner leaving two generations of Titans behind, and one of those generations stranded.
Once the villain was far enough away his powers wore off and everyone was released from the time trap. Damian, kind of frustrated, went over to someone who was dressed like Nobody, first as he assumed that was the leader.
"Do you know that guy?"
"Yeah, an Arkham villain, before today we didn't think much of him, but now... I don't know."
"I don't know any Arkham villain with those abilities."
"Seriously? He's one of the popular ones."
Damian looked at him with just a brow raised, not much else in his face, Thomas eyes widened, he looked around and saw every other hero there, his sister gave him a confused look as he began to kinda panic.
"You're R-r-obin... the fifth Robin."
Damian moved his head in surprise, the other Titans started to figure out as well and they also started to panic.
"Yes, who are you?"
He didn't know if he should tell him, Thomas looked at his teammates and all of them nodded their heads, he took his mask off, Damian formulated a theory before the guy talked (they looked way too similar to him to be a coincidence), boy was his theory wrong.
"I'm your son."
Everyone of the present Titans froze at that, "What?"
"My name is Thomas Wayne, this is my brother-" he said signaling for his siblings to come over, "Jackson Wayne, and my sister... Minh Wayne." Damian was in shock, he kinda believed him because the similarities are way too many to ignore, still, he wouldn't totally believe them until he made some DNA tests.
Andromeda went over to Jon and Yara, "Mom... Dad-" she said, hugging them, they reacted kinda late, Jon totally believed her right that instant and hugged her back, Yara on the other hand wasn't quite sure.
Pam on the other, other hand didn't make any sentimentalism shit and just launched herself to her father, Jai didn't react right away, it took him a moment to process.
The Pham kids firstly went to Lian and then, smiling, Kai signaled his dad to come join them in the not so comfortable hug, Tai was shook, and drama completely ensued, because... well... he was not dating Lian... he was dating Mar'i.
"Wait a second, you're saying that you guys," Lian motioned towards the future Titans. "Are our," she pointed back at her team. "Kids? More specifically me and Tai have... kids?" She was definitely in shock as she looked over at Tai.
Mar'i stepped forward and spoke up. "That can't be right. I mean I'm dating Tai but if you guys are supposed to be their kids then," She paused as if trying to figure out how to word the question. "Then what happens to me?"
"YOU GUYS DATED?!?" Pam exclaimed before anyone else could say anything. "You never told me that!"
"KF, now's not the time." Thomas jumped in, he realized how confusing the situation was and he wasn't too sure what happened either but he did know they'd be better off talking about it somewhere more secure. He turned to Damian who still looked sceptical about everything. "You probably don't believe us and won't want to take us back to your base so why don't we head to a safe house. Is the one on Schapp avenue up yet?"
"We don't have any safe houses on Schapp avenue but I do know of a place nearby." He glanced at Jon, his eyes told the super to be alert. The Future Titans looked, acted, and had powers awfully similar to the Teen Titans but who's to say they weren't just trying to trick them. "It's on the corner of Camron and Murphy, are you familiar with that area?"
"Upper west side right?" Minh asked. "We know it but where we're from it's called the West River district."
"Interesting," Damian muttered. He looked around at the future Titans again before turning towards his bike. "Let's all meet there." With that he sped off, the Teen Titans followed shortly after most of them having some form of fast power. The Future Titans were left standing on the corner.
"Listen team, I don't know what's happening but we're clearly in the past and I don't think telling them everything about the future is the best idea." Thomas said in his signature Batman authority voice. "If they know what'll happen to them they might try to prevent some things and that won't go over well for anyone so be careful about what you say. Especially you KF."
"What? Why are you targeting me?" She asked with exaggerated offense.
"Because out of everyone on this team you're the most likely to tell them about some crazy important event that they definitely shouldn't know about," Jaiden laughed, pointing out how bad Pam was at keeping secrets.
She smacked their arm lightly. "That is so not fair."
"Also, Kai, I know you didn't do it on purpose but... come on man" Thomas continued.
"Everyone was doing it!"
"So they DID date, why didn't anyone tell m-"
"Just!" interrupted Jackson "let's get this over with, we will meet them there and then we will find a way to go back to our time and also to capture Tick Tock."
Andromeda interjected, "or... we can capture Tick Tock and wait for our parents to come for us."
"Either way, we should get going, knowing my dad he called grandpa Bruce to bring some DNA tests and uncle Tim will be there too, and knowing them they will bring the whole family and uncle Dick will be very impatient." said the team leader with his siblings nodding every word he said.
"In that case, wouldn't all of our families be called?" Asked Pam.
"I don't know, probably not." answered Jaiden.
Thomas and Jackson were carried there by Andy, because super strength, Kai was carried by Jaiden, because ring, and Mihn was carried by Pam, because speed. Maybe some drama would ensue, but they were sure of something, everything would work out.
"I don't remember uncle Jason ever being this strong worded with his kids, or us for that matter." said Mihn in a whisper to Kai who just nodded in shock.
"Little Wing, just... don't." Dick put a hand up before anything else could be said or done. "Ok, so... ummm, jeez, how do we start this?"
May we clarify that this conversation took place right after the DNA results returned, and they CONFIRMED that those kids were the Titans kids. Bruce went into shock, with Selina trying to calm him down (the main word being trying), Tim and Dick were surprised but said nothing, Jason... we already know, Clark was already playing with Jon and Andromeda, Roy almost fainted, Kori also started playing with Pam, and overall it was a very quiet moment for everyone... surprisingly.
"Soooo... who is your mom?" asked an Irey full of curiosity to her niece.
"Oh, she's-"
"Nope nope nope nope nope, you won't do that, nope." interrupted Jaiden.
Pam whined "But whyyyy?"
Andromeda puts a hand on her shoulder and says "Because, if anything in this world screams 'Temporal mayhem' it is speedsters."
"Ugh Andyyyy, that's no fun." Pam slumped.
"All right" says Irey, Andy lowers her hand and the next thing anyone knows is that Pam is almost on top of Irey screaming out loud "HER NAME IS RENATA AND SHE'S A CIVIL- ow, what was that for?" she said holding her head after Kai had used one of his arrows on her, barely touching her but making her stop.
"Why wouldn't I?"
Thomas just shook his head in disappointment for their behavior, and Dick came to ask him something, of course he wouldn't miss a chance to tease his little brother.
"So, who's your mom?"
"I definitely won't answer that one, thank you very much."
On the other side of the safe house (in the same room, just on the other side of it) Jason aproched Jackson.
"What's your name kid?"
"Wait what?!" asked Tim before anyone could say anything.
Mihn walked over to them, "Ummm, yeah, so?"
"You get along with Demon Spawn and you get along with Replacement, oh how great this day is."
"Jason, please stop, you're embarrassing me" complained Drake while Damian was giving them all his best ew face, Dick was kinda giving them a little smile, Jason was laughing his ass off and Bruce had a face that spelled regret for having so many children.
"Yeah, and my second name is Peter." Everyone froze at that, everything was silent until Dick, Tim and Damian, all at the same time started hysterically laughing
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your-world-with-nct · 4 years
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— 2020 has been a wild year for all of us and let me start this off by saying well done to us all for simply making it through this crazy ride - if surviving this year was your biggest achievement, that’s completely okay, and i am so proud of you for being here today !! despite the many, let’s say, mishaps, that have occurred this year, both nct and nctzens have been key in my 2020 and i couldn’t be more grateful for them, so i decided to make a little appreciation post of my own before the year ends 🥰
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— to my followers ;
my petals !! i can’t believe i started off this year with around 300 followers and i’m now nearing 600 🙈 this account has grown so much this year and it’s all thanks to you. if you’ve ever come across my blog, liked or reblogged a piece of mine, sent me an ask, or pressed that follow button, i want you to know that i am so grateful for you and thank you for enjoying my works 🥺 hopefully 2021 will carry the same positive energy here on your-world-with-nct as it has this year and i’m hoping that you’ll be seeing a lot more fics in the near future 👀 once again, i love you petals <3
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— to my dearest mutuals ;
em bubs !!! i know i could easily do this on any other app or even irl but i just wanted to thank you for making my year 🥺 my lockdown wouldn’t have been the same without us constantly texting and fangirling and our ty track/bfc reunion on my birthday was elite. and obviously this new school year has been an adventure and a half so far, with all the lunch time shenanigans, revision sessions, and exam stress, but i can’t wait for the rest of it 🙈 i am so grateful that i had you by my side during 2020 and i am eternally thankful that i’ll be able to go into the new year with you by my side once again 🧡💚💜
bella - my first mutual, my tumblr mum - it feels like just yesterday that you wrote a beomgyu blurb for me after seeing my pink theme; now you’ve finished college and i’m applying to colleges 🙈i know we haven’t been able to talk as much recently but that doesn’t mean i appreciate your presence any less - i’m so proud of you for getting into med school and pursuing your dream 🥺🥺 i hope that this year treated you well, and that 2021 treats you even better 💞
loml, almost birthday-twin, fellow leo and xiaojaem stan, fave writer - what do these things have in common? they all apply to v, or, yeet anon, if you remember the days where i ranted to you about my crush and you were a baby stay 😪 not only have you delivered such amazing content on ur writing and gif blogs, but you have provided so much comfort and joy to me whenever we message with dilay 🤧 i look forward to checking your blog every day for new posts and my twt and insta notifs in case you’ve sent me something or you’ve seen what i sent you 🙈 the fact that you think of me when you see certain things just warms my heart and you’re just such a caring person in general, thank you for being a part of my 2020 v, all the best wishes for your 2021 🖤
dilay !!! my resident yangqi and the person i think of straight away whenever i see yangyang 😚 i remember when you first requested that e2l chenle blurb back in 2019 and now the only chenle stan between us is v 😁 finding you on this app again after i forgot what ur skz blog’s url was, was just amazing and i don’t know what my tumblr experience would be like without me being able to reconnect with you 🥺 thank you for being able to make me laugh effortlessly with our lack of geography knowledge and our random antics, i will always look forward to seeing the username @cloudy_____ on my dash and screaming over renhyuckyang (+ sungchan 👀) with you for years to come 🤍
andi bb, my fellow dad!johnny stan 🥺 seeing you post a jaemin birthday blurb for me after your return to tumblr was so sweet and i can’t believe your first post after coming back was dedicated to me 🤧 i remember the day i first messaged you and you were gushing over how you were a big fan of mine and i said the same about you - we were just going back and forth about how much we love each other’s work 😌 you are such a talented writer and you are so full of love - wishing all the best for you in the coming new year babie 🥰
coming across leyna’s blog after reading that jsmr fic was the best decision, because not only have i befriended a brilliant writer, but also a jensung enthusiast who is just the kindest 🥺🥺 i think now would be a good time to tell you that despite jeno’s bias wrecking antics back in august, i actually bias jisung now 😃 i know we haven’t talked in a while, because of our busy schedules, but i hope you’re resting well and i hope that 2021 won’t be as hectic for you 💟
joyce, i know we only started talking recently but the serotonin boost both you and your works have given me this year is just incredible and i am so thankful for your warm personality on your blog and for your amazing fics 🤧 i started off as a silent reader who gushed about your writing in the tags but now i’m friends with such a talented writer and we just casually ramble about doie and jaems biases and writing struggles,,, wow 🤯 (btw took some of ur tips on editing headers 🙈) i hope that next year we can expand our friendship and that i can continue to give you the feedback you deserve 🥺💕
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— favourite reads of the year ;
i have reblogged all of these to my main @/lovelycharm05 before, but i just wanted these masterpieces on here with everyone since these fics are so memorable and enjoyable to me <3 (beware there is lots of me gushing over how f&%#ing good all these writing techniques and plot devices are - can you tell i’m an eng lit nerd)
@nsheetee - moonlight café
obviously v released so many iconic pieces this year but this series was just *chef’s kiss* coffee shop au’s are the cutest to me because you can do so many different things with them, and you truly showcased that through each members’ part. although i am nahyuck biased (out of all the 00 liners), i have a soft spot for jeno’s part 🥺🤧 but that doesn’t mean i’m not obsessed with jealous jaems and cocky hyuck 🙈
@notnctu - to all the j’s i loved before
the very first work i ever read of yours, joyce 🥺🥺 i remember seeing an nct network reblog this and after reading through the summary of the series, i was enticed by the plot and i read most of your masterlist whilst waiting for the next parts 🤧 the main character’s relationship with each ‘j’ was unique to them and their interactions were just so sweet to read (except jaemin’s >:( why did my ult’s part have to be the angsty one 😤 jk jk i loved it anyways) special mention to ‘cupid’s arrow’, because that fic was an emotional rollercoaster and i loved that almost as much as i love bestfriend!jungwoo in the last part 😌
@misfitneo - lee haechan’s pride
it would be a sin if i didn’t include this in my top reads this year, pun intended 😌, especially since i have a weakness for mafia aus. i haven’t had the time to read mark or renjun’s parts yet, but from what i read in this fic, i’m sure theirs are just as good, if not better. the storybuilding and the development of the plot are so detailed and intricate and that is what i love in a fic. i already reviewed this on my main with a lengthy description of my favourite parts so i’m gonna keep this short and sweet - if you love haechan, mafia au’s, and enemies to lovers, you need to read this !!
@jensungf - passing clouds + only forever
these fics hit different now that i bias jisung 😭 ‘passing clouds’ was pure angst and as much as it hurt, it was written so beautifully and i loved it so much. ‘only forever’ healed the jisung shaped hole in my heart and made me fall in love with him all over again. the first love vibes he gives off is unbelievable and that innocence was presented perfectly in this 🤧 side note: never let jisung bake for you even if it’s as a peace offering 😖
@hyucksie - in the long run + second first kiss
although ‘sweet talk’ and ‘silent treatment’ are also contenders for some of my favourite fics of the year, these two have taken the cake 😌 the concept itself of time travel and mark and y/n seeing their future child was so creative and the mixed emotions that the characters experienced seeing their future were executed so well and the ending when their actual future selves remembered the day they time travelled 🥺🥺 not to mention the sequel doesn’t feel forced at all, the story flows well, and jealous mark is a cutie 🥰
@luvdsc - not clickbait
i’ve been following cat after i first read ‘i turned my best friend into an e-boy!! (and kissed him)’ and ever since then every piece of hers that i’ve read is simply breathtaking and so engaging. her style of writing is so unique and whenever i read anything of hers i feel so immersed in the fic. the dreamies as youtubers and tiktokers was such a cute concept to me and the little comment section at the end of each fic is probably my favourite part 😳 the way each member’s fic connects to the plot of another is perfect and their cameos in one another’s fic >>> (jisung telling y/n about the tiktok challenge in mark’s fic + cameraman jisung in chenle’s) i could keep talking abt this series for a lot longer but i’ll end it here, also i can’t wait for norensung’s parts 💞💞
@pwarkhans - the neo academy
i’ve probably mentioned my love for ‘the umbrella academy’ before but THIS !!! this series just made me love it even more 🙈 despite yangyang’s part being the only one that’s out, that and the prologue are interesting enough and seeing the 00 liners in this alternate universe is honestly amazing jxjwjxkw jaemin as three and hyuck as two is everything. the brothers’ relationship, especially in yangyang’s part, is so complicated yet so cute and i can’t wait for the rest of the members’ parts 💘
@yongtxt - vintage
when i first stumbled across this series, i was immediately intrigued by the plot, and not just because it was about rapper!mark and singer!y/n🧑‍🦯🧑‍🦯 the side characters (dreamies + doie and jisoo) were so funny and well-written and the plot >>>> i was so invested in the twists and turns of the story, the relief i felt when the conflict was finally resolved and we got our fav musician couple !!
@byunbaekby - apartment b23
i only found this series recently but wow am i invested in the plot already 😭😭 the conflict in the story is realistic and feels like something you could actually relate to. norenmin’s friendship/bond is so strong and evident through the story and the side characters are my babies (heejin, shuhua, lia - ily 🤧) i can’t wait for the rest of this series since i am a sucker for the perfect balance of angst, fluff, and crack in this 🥰
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— favourite works of the year ;
unfortunately i haven’t had enough time to release any fics this year, and i’m hoping that that won’t be the case next year, but here are my top 5 favourite blurbs that i enjoyed writing and reading <3
1:48pm -> dad!johnny
one of the most popular blurbs on my blog to this day 🥺 honestly i get why, who doesn’t love dad!johnny? hyejoo is literally so adorable here and the family dynamics make me soft all over again whenever i reread this piece. also everyone’s reactions and replies to this are so heartwarming because everyone’s just whipped for the suh family 🙈
1:05pm -> soulmate!taeyong
i love soulmate au’s but something always irked me with the permanence of your soulmate like ,,, what if you end up falling out of love with them? then what? that inspired me to write my own take on soulmates, where they aren’t found, but made. taeyong’s character here is just so full of love and you know how much i love lovable boys 🤧 (ever wondered why i ult na jaemin...?)
12:13pm -> boyfriend!mark
7dream!!!! i don’t usually write domestic fluff even though it’s one of the genres i indulge in the most 😔 but when i do, i go all out because everyone needs to know how soft i am for my boys >:( mark’s love for the dreamies is so unique and i love their friendship so much, i had to write about it when i first heard about the 7dream announcement which i definitely did not cry at
11:40pm -> boyfriend!jeno
this was one of the first requests i ever got and i was just so touched than someone personally requested something from me AND it was jeno 🥺🥺 everytime i read the tags under this, everyone is just gushing over jeno and like,,, same 🙈 this type of fluff >>>
waking up with wayv -> wayv reaction
when em first requested this, i didn’t exactly know how to write something for each member without being too repetitive, but in the end, i loved the mini plots i wrote for them and it’s just one of my underappreciated faves 🥰
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— favourite releases of the year ;
just a few of my favourite albums that got me through online school and revision sessions for offline school 🥲 ft. lots of nct + october albums bc that month was PACKED
nct 2020 - resonance pt1 + pt2
nct 127 - neozone: the final round
nct dream - ridin’
wayv - awaken the world
superm - super one
enhypen - border: day one
twice - eyes wide open
txt - minisode1: blue hour
seventeen - semicolon
stray kids - go live + in life
itzy - not shy
conan gray - kid krow
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if you’ve managed to read all the way to the end, congrats for putting up with my lengthy and very sappy sentiment and sorry that you had to go through all of that 😭😭 thank you for being a part of my 2020, i hope that the new year allows us all to have a fresh start and brings us the opportunities we didn’t have this year. happiest new year to you all 🥳 (even tho it’s not 2021 yet when i’m posting this :))
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gaiapaia · 3 years
Kermit and Friends: God Bless America
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Kermit and Friends was all over the news cycle last week.
From Elisa Jordana being interviewed in US Weekly Magazine, to Wendy Williams addressing Elisa and Andy Dick on her show, to even Fox News covering the story.... everyone wanted to discuss the bombshell Elisa dropped last week on Kermit and Friends regarding Andy Dick's most recent arrest.
All of this began on Tuesday evening. Elisa's birthday was on Wednesday and she remained relatively quiet on her social media and in the Kermit and Friends Discord. So what happened at her birthday party?
Andy forgot about Elisa's birthday. No shocker there. Still, Elisa managed to get Andy on the phone and paid to have a car go pick him up. To Andy’s credit, he got in the car. Unfortunately, that’s the only credit he will receive from this point forward.
When Andy arrived, the first thing Elisa did was introduce him to her lovely mother. Instead of small talking and exchanging pleasantries, Andy immediately asked Elisa’s mom if she had any pills she could give him. Yikes!
Andy would only stay at the party for a short while. He showed more attention to Lisa Vanderpump than he did to Elisa, and then he would run off to go hang out with the guy who allegedly broke his ankle, Lucas.
So Andy pretty much ruined Elisa’s birthday. Does he care? Of course not. Andy wouldn’t talk to Elisa again until Saturday night when he called Elisa to ask her to pay for his hotel bill. After Elisa declined, Andy hung up on her and blocked Elisa on Instagram. This is really sad, pathetic behavior.
Elisa is claiming she’s officially done with Andy. The thing is, Elisa has one of the most forgiving souls on the planet. All Andy would have to do is have one nice conversation with Elisa and she’ll most likely then treat him (and his friends) to dinner. Who knows if Andy will even do that though. I personally hope not, and if he does... maybe Elisa will keep her foot down this time and refuse to allow Andy to keep hurting her like this.
I’ve been friends with Elisa since 2015. I could do a run down right now of the guys Elisa has dated since I’ve been blessed to know her, and I wouldn’t have anything good to say about any of them except maybe Gonzo, which honestly was just a fling.
Elisa deserves better than this. I desperately hope throughout our friendship that I set some kind of precedent to show Elisa how she should be treated by anyone who claims to love her. If I can get one thing out of my efforts these last 5 years, it’s that. It’s fine that Elisa doesn’t love me back... but it’s my main wish that she someday understands how I treat her is how the real man in her life should treat her. And hopefully that guy has many other amazing qualities to offer too, because Elisa deserves that as well if she’s going to give her heart to someone.
For all my bickering and griping about the men in Elisa’s life this last decade, we met a lovely young woman yesterday by the name of Mel who’s had it even worse than Elisa!
Mel is Jesse G-Rider’s ex-girlfriend. She was a part of the infamous trap house gang right before Elisa became emerged in it. Mel’s relationship with Jesse was extremely abusive, to say the least. There were cases of petty jealousy, beatings, drugs... you name it, it most likely happened.
Jesse called in highly upset with Elisa for having Mel on the show. Jesse claims he has a restraining order against Mel despite the fact that Mel moved all the way to Detroit, Michigan to escape Jesse.
Jesse then threatened Elisa with legal action, claiming it’s illegal to help a person contact another person who has a restraining order against them. Newsflash to Jesse: first of all, that’s not illegal, dumb dumb. Secondly, YOU called into the show. Elisa didn’t call you with Mel on the line. So even if in some ass backwards World where you could press charges against Elisa, they would be dropped immediately because JESSE initiated the contact by his own free will, and it’s all on recorded video.
Anyway, Mel was fantastic on the show. She had cute little elf ears, top notch internet and audio, a nice gaming chair... Elisa was impressed by all of this, as I was I. Mel looked like a professional streamer and she was a good storyteller that was also very vulnerable and honest. She’s everything Elisa looks for in a Kermit and Friends star. Hopefully Mel will become a regular in our community.
During Mel’s interview, Sharmin Smith went in head first about the horrors of abuse and what America needs to do to help women like Mel out. As a survivor of abuse, Sharmin has some strong feelings on the matter and she was not shy to share them. Even though her Presidential bid for 2020 was unsuccessful, I hear by declare Sharmin Smith President of Kermit and Friends. In my book, that’s why better than being President of the United States of America!
We love America on Kermit and Friends though. Yesterday was July the 4th and Elisa invited Tony Alexander on to discuss his career in the American military and what he’s heroically done to help fellow veterans who have had a rough time adjusting to normal life once they returned home from the war. Tony was a class act through and through, and it was great to see Kermit make a new friend like him on Independence Day.
Another US veteran joined the show, Kermit’s old pal Chris Christine. She said a lovely prayer and then randomly flip opened the Bible so that God could choose a special passage to share with all of Kermit’s beautiful friends. She landed on 1 Kings 6, which is about Solomon building a temple of the Lord, much like Elisa has built the Kermitarian Church!
Claire from New Jersey called at the beginning of the show to ask Elisa her thoughts on Wendy Williams’ segment about Elisa and Andy. Wendy wasn’t very kind - she made light of Andy’s addiction despite being an addict herself, she told a very distasteful joke about Bill Cosby getting hired before Andy ever would, she mispronounced Elisa’s name on purpose, and she claimed that Elisa was trying to use Andy for success. So funny how the ignorant morons who say stuff like that don’t realize it’s been Andy using Elisa this entire time... it’s honestly sexism. Wendy as a woman herself should know better, but I guess her IQ just isn’t at a place where she could ever grasp that.
Sigmond returned to Kermit and Friends this week. Elisa kindly invited Sigmond to her birthday party on Wednesday and by all accounts, he was a superb guest. He even bought Elisa a present! Yep, Sigmond Twayne's Mental Cookbook was his gift and Elisa seemed to love it. This led to Gonzo calling in to ask why the book is so cheap on Amazon. Sigmond, remembering that it was Gonzo who called him a serial killer last week, said Gonzo is a liar and that the book cost $37 on Amazon. Well, Gonzo was actually being truthful because at the time of this blog entry, the book is on sale for just $8.76 from it’s listed price of $37.00. Do NOT miss out on this AMAZING deal and buy your copy today by clicking here! 
Of course, Kermit and Friends isn’t Kermit and Friends without some spectacular musical performances. Boy, were we blessed with some good ones for the 4th of July. Elisa’s dad Craig returned to the show to beautifully perform a patriotic song from the 1700′s in which I sadly can’t find the title of. Sigmond’s partner Wappy performed an incredible original song and covered Pool Shark by Sublime. Elisa would also play one of Sugar’s awesome music videos for everyone to enjoy. Good stuff all around from Kermit’s unbelievably talented friends.
All in all, it was a very eventual Kermit and Friends, one absolutely fitting for Independence Day. The future seems more uncertain than ever, but as long as Kermit has all her friends to enjoy, everything will be A-okay. Can’t wait to see what next week’s show will bring :)
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen."
"Good Morning!"
A pure voice echoes through the Kendo hall of "Promotion Scepter 4".
Many remains of that remain, in the office that was created with the remodeling of the old Army facilities. The Kendo hall is one of them, and the idols belonging to "Scepter 4" sometimes take lessons there and other times hold their swords in their hands.
And at the beginning of the week, there was always an instruction from the president, the "Idol Blue King", Reisi Munakata.
Munakata makes a soft voice in front of the idols lined up in a "rest" position.
"By the way, this week is the biggest event of the year for my production, "Sprint". The "Dream Live Tour" will take place. I hope to have the encouragement of each member so that no preparation or lesson is neglected."
The responses of the idols are not disturbed. More than an entertainment bureau, the closer rigor to the police or the military was due to the nature of representative Reisi Munakata, and it was also a feature of "Promotion Scepter 4".
The group's glasses glowed brightly, staring at an idol.
"But recently, I have received some concerns, Andy Domyoji-kun. Go ahead."
Domyoji, who was called by name, screamed to death. From his normally cheerful face, blood is drawn in the blink of an eye.
Domyoji took a heavy step and stepped out in front of the superior.
There is no anger in Munakata's expression. A slight smile floats on the sleek face like a statue. That doesn't mean that Domyoji and the other idols were relieved that they didn't understand the superior.
It was a man named Reisi Munakata, who sentenced to death with a smile.
"Domyoji-kun. The other day, there was a report that you were 5 minutes and 27 seconds late for the entire "Gyumetai" lesson. Is this true?"
"Actually, that's…"
"What is an idol in "Promotion Scepter 4"?"
"Ah, idols aim to be the ideal humans who should become the norm for people..."
"Do you have your own excuse for being late, knowing that?"
"No, I'm sorry..."
Domyoji is drooling. It was like a prosecution and a defendant, but in this case it was a military trial rather than an ordinary court. The sentence is already decided from the beginning, and this exchange is only a ritual.
Munakata acts like he's convinced of something,
"Ok. Let's ask Domyoji-kun to do one of the highlights of the "Sprint Dream Live Tour", "Extreme solo part, Idol from above 6500~”."
With a strange voice, Domyoji's expression was frozen in despair. Munakata smiles and touches his shoulder intimately.
"As you know, "Extreme Solo Part" is one of the most popular projects on "Countdown Dissolution, Shoumutai". This time it's a solo part while skydiving from an altitude of 2,000 meters, so his brave figure will be a great copy on the big screen."
"President, please! That's! Just forgive me!"
"What do you say? This is your chance to get more fans. And if you're at the mercy of your life, you won't be late for lessons."
Munakata treats Domyoji, who clings to his eyes, with a smiling smile. The idols are silently staring at the horrible sight.
"Kindness is called haste. Let's start the special training today. Akiyama-kun, Benzai-kun, please take him to the office to complete the procedure."
The same members of the "Shoumutai", Himori Akiyama and Yujiro Benzai, grabbed Domyoji crying from both sides. Domyoji screams while ruffling his hair.
"Not! I don't like the "Extreme solo part"! Akiyama, Benzai, I am a posterity, so don't miss out!"
"Hold on, Domyoji."
"Oh. Get angry and train. Hopefully you won't die."
Domyoji was dragged out of the Kendo room.
When the door closed, Munakata saw the idols lined up. All the idols looked at Munakata with a better attitude than before.
Munakata says, looking at him with satisfaction.
"Don't be late either. As members of society and as idols who should be a human norm, please respect that."
The voice of the idols who responded contained a desperate sound.
"Sorry, President! I can't make it on time!"
The driver's scream also contains a desperate sound.
As he listened to him in the backseat, Munakata gracefully reassembled his legs, put his hand to his jaw, and muttered, "Hmm."
"Sprint Dream Live Tour", first day, 4:52 pm.
Munakata's transport vehicle got caught in heavy traffic filling the road and got stuck at all.
Until the day before, Munakata was planning a large-scale live concert in London as part of the overseas expansion of "Promotion Scepter 4". The big picture and charisma of Reisi Munakata, the "Idol King", managed to shake up the stubborn management of the French entertainment world. A few hours ago he won a partnership and a contract in the EU and returned triumphantly to Narita airport.
From the transport vehicle, Munakata continued to instruct the "Sprint Dream Live Tour". Back home. Although he has a difficult schedule of immediate events, he does not have fatigue or mistakes. There was a figure like: the perfect idol king.
It was in the time after Sakura's exchange that the news of the accident and jamming arrived.
Fortunately, no one died, but traffic was completely paralyzed. A line of cars continues towards the horizon, and it takes 30 minutes to finally reach 100 meters. Literally, he was forced into a state of immobility.
If nothing is done, the big event that is approaching a few hours later, will expose the mistake that the "Idol King" will be late.
In such a critical situation, however, there was no impatience in Reisi Munakata's expression.
Munakata says cheerfully to the driver reflected in the rearview mirror.
"I understand the situation. Please, I'll get off at the next intersection."
"But it will take 30 minutes to get there and, according to traffic information, the situation is similar on the lower road."
"It doesn't matter. In the meantime, let's get ready."
Munakata took his PDA out of his pocket and made a call. Munakata's trusted deputy director responded with two calls. It's Awashima Seri.
"Where is he now, President?"
"Currently, we are targeting a four-way interchange. It will take about 30 minutes to get there. I am planning to get out of here."
"That is…"
Awashima groaned. Even if he can get off the four road interchange, it will take more than an hour from there to the location, regardless of the mode of transportation. Since the show started at 6:30 pm, arrival on time is desperate.
After a few seconds of silence, Awashima's voice regained its composure.
"I would like to review the song list. The current program is to start with the president's number at the same time the performance begins, but we will correct this to start from "Shoumutai" and put the president's turn as far back as possible."
Munakata categorically blocked her.
“Changing the song list will cut the rhythm of the fans. As idols, we shouldn't give fans any kind of anxiety."
"However! If this continues…!"
"I will be on time."
Awashima lost the words.
He was not surprised by Munakata's recklessness. She knows more than anyone what kind of person Munakata is and what kind of idol he is. He's never the type to talk about the impossible and break the plan.
If Reisi Munakata says that he can do it, he certainly can do it even if all other humans can't.
The next time Awashima opened her mouth, there was a determined intention.
"So, President. Please give us instructions."
A satisfied smile reached Munakata's mouth.
And 30 minutes later.
As soon as all contacts were completed, the transport vehicle passed the toll booth.
The lower street was still full of cars. Since Munakata hated traffic, he analyzed the situation. Progress is not much different from high speed.
However, that is no longer relevant to Munakata.
Because this is the end of the transport vehicle.
When he got out of the vehicle, the driver's seat window was opened. The driver looks from there and says...
"President, I wish you good luck."
Munakata smiled calmly at the young driver.
"Yes. Please drive carefully and come back."
That said, the next moment, Munakata was on the run.
With a forward leaning sprint style, Munakata is steadily increasing in speed. He reached a row of cars that couldn't move like a tombstone, and finally couldn't see his back.
Even after that, the conductor continued to pour his longing eyes beyond the horizon where Munakata disappeared. Holding on his chest the driver's cap that he took off as a sign of respect.
That day, Kazumasa Hatanaka (19) was driving his favorite Hara Chari.
He is in an unprecedented mood because he was able to finish his work early. The construction company he works for has been working hard these days, but yesterday they calmed down and was able to pay him. Hatanaka, who worked especially hard, was allowed to return home as the president had a special plan that day.
Akemi Hatanaka (18), a heavy wife, waits at home. Just thinking about it will loosen the origin of Hatanaka. When he wondered if he could serve his beloved wife and a child he had yet to see, his tired body mysteriously strengthened.
(Oh, that's right. Should I contact her to get back to Akemi soon?)
Suddenly, Hatanaka took out his mobile phone while driving the Hara Chari. He tries to send a message to his wife using one hand to handle and one hand to write.
Was when…
Hatanaka was about to fall due to the noise surrounding his ears. The body, which was about to slalom, was held by an outstretched hand and returned to its original trajectory.
While running to Hatanaka's side, the bespectacled man yells in a soft voice.
"It is a violation of the Road Traffic Law to use a mobile phone while driving."
"Uh, oh, sorry."
“In addition, it has already exceeded the legal speed of motorized bicycles. Wear your helmet correctly. It is meant to protect your life."
"Ah, hey, uh, yeah, sorry."
Hatanaka, who was once feared for being a "Chitaka mad dog", simply admitted his guilt not because he understood the accuracy of the words of the man with the glasses. This is because he was upset and scared by Hara Chari's run and the appearance of a man running side by side on only his own feet.
The man with the glasses smiled at Hatanaka's stunned face.
"Okay. If you follow the law and try to drive safely, you won't make driving mistakes like you do now."
(No, no, I'm going to be mad now because you called me. Do you want them to tell you that driving safely is something like running at that speed?)
The word never left Hatanaka's mouth at last. The man with the glasses raised his hand slightly and said, "Excuse me, bye." and then sped up and disappeared from Hatanaka's sight.
Hatanaka was stunned as he slowed the Hara Chari to 30 km / h.
(Is that so? I wonder if the god of the road advised me...)
There is a yellow light ahead. It stopped at the stop line correctly where it would normally cut, and the director took control.
(From now on, I will drive safely.)
That day, Nami Sakai (6) looked at the giant tree with tears in her eyes.
A blue balloon is stuck in a tree branch. It was in the hands of Nami just a few minutes ago, and in the hands of her beloved grandmother ten minutes ago.
Nami felt like a treasure when she received the blue balloon from her grandmother's wrinkled hand. She would take it home, about 10 minutes on foot, and she rushed to show it to her mother, but she accidentally fell off.
The balloon, which was detached from Nami's hand, floated in the sky and was blown away by the wind. She got trapped in a giant tree.
The giant tree has a height of about 10 meters. The blue balloon got caught near the top. Even if she asked the adults who passed by to take it, they just laughed and shook their heads.
Can't she get it again?
Every time she thought about it, she was filled with regret, sadness and guilt, and it turned into tears and appeared in Nami's eyes.
When the tears were about to break, Nami suddenly noticed something approaching from a distant road.
In her childhood thoughts, Nami makes such a judgment.
In fact, in the distance it was like a colored wind. If she thinks it were there, it is way ahead. Nami stared at the blue breeze, which flowed without shaking her side, for a while, forgetting her sadness.
With that wind, the eyes met.
The moment she thought that, he was already in front of her. When he stopped, the wind was not the wind, but a grown man with glasses. The skin is white like a woman and the facial features are beautifully groomed.
For some embarrassed reason, Nami looked down at her toes. The voice of a kind man spills over her.
"Do you have any problem?"
Nami looks at the man.
When she looked into the eyes behind the glasses, she felt like she was being sucked into the deep sky.
Nami opens her mouth to be fascinated.
"I cannot do it."
The man looks at the balloon at the point. Nami looked away and turned down. She was sure this person couldn't do it, and like everyone else, he would laugh and say "Give up", she felt such disappointment in her small chest.
But the man said in a nonsensical tone.
"Please wait a bit."
The man was already kicking the ground when she turned her face away.
He clings to the trunk of the huge tree and climbs up when he's ready. He deftly found the dents and bumps that could be called a steps, and in the blink of an eye he reached the top and took the blue balloon in his hand.
Nami was looking at the man who came down the same way, her mouth hanging open.
"Here it is."
Although he offered her the balloon, she was unable to receive it for a time. Then, finally picking it up, she asked with all her courage.
"Oni-chan... what?"
If you translate those boring words into something that makes more sense, it would mean something like "That move was out of the ordinary, who are you?"
The man accurately grasped the meaning of the question, smiled a little,
"I am an idol."
He responded like this.
Nami didn't really understand what an "idol" was. She blinks and look at the man. With a smile on his face, the man reached into his pocket and handed Nami a card.
"If you grow a little, come see us live."
The words "Promotion Scepter 4, President Reisi Munakata" were written there.
Of course, Nami can't read the card. She doesn’t even know about the existence of a business card. However, she thought the blue-tinted card was beautiful. Blue was Nami's favorite color.
Nami finally remembered what she should say to the man who gave her something nice and got back what she wanted back.
"Thank you."
"You are welcome. Well, I'm going."
The man bowed, turned blue again, and ran down the road.
Nami won't forget him forever.
An hour after the start of "Sprint Dream Live", the heat in the Tsubakimon Dome was visibly increasing. At the same time as the entrance began, a group of fans flowed into the audience seats like a flood, and they began to furnish the place with posters, posters and items with each of the recommended men drawn. At the same time, fans are excited about the upcoming festival and are looking at the stage with shining eyes.
To meet that expectation, a scene similar to a battlefield was unfolding in the backyard of the stage.
"The president has arrived at Shikaido Station! We will move on to Sequence B!"
"The target has been set at point B! We will wait until the president picks it up!"
In the temporary monitor room with the sign "Headquarters for the execution of the president's return plan", a part of the backyard, reports were constantly being raised.
The purpose of this headquarters is to fully support the return of Munakata. The staff involved are elite to make the "return plan" successful, from organizing and contacting various locations, managing the schedule, passing on traffic information and understanding Munakata's current position.
In one of the compounds in the panel, his current position is always displayed by the Munakata PDA tracking system. Awashima asks the staff while looking at them with a tight gaze.
"What is the progress of the plan?"
"It is 2 minutes and 15 seconds late, but it is within expectations. Currently, the Sequence C execution unit is moving. We will get to Point C on time."
Awashima occupies a small area and looks at the monitor.
The plan is going well. At this rate, he can be in time for the opening ceremony, even if it's at the last minute. Unless something unexpected happens.
"Deputy Director Awashima."
Awashima looks around in a loose voice, rolling her shoulders.
Fushimi Saruhiko was as if he was leaning against the monitor room door.
He is the star idol of "Promotion Scepter 4", which is the center of the popular "Shoumutai" unit. Many fans were fascinated by the lonely atmosphere, and about 30% of the customers who packed the dome today are looking for him.
Awashima opens her mouth as she calmly looks at Fushimi.
"Fushimi. You should be in the final stages of doing a "Dream Corps."
"If the president is late, there won't be any 'Shoumutai', right?"
Awashima's beautiful eyebrows drew a dangerous angle.
“The plan is on the right track. You do not have to worry about that."
Fushimi laughs. It was an annoying laugh.
"Isn't there a countermeasure in case we run out of the star? Do you really think he can pull it off?"
"What do you mean?"
Fushimi casually pulled his hand out of his pocket and tossed what he was holding to Awashima. Awashima takes it deftly.
It is a recording medium in the form of a micro card.
"If you don't, I will. I made a new list of songs. If the president is late, I will."
Awashima's expression becomes more and more pronounced in a throwing tone. She squeezes the recording medium and she says quietly.
"Do you think I will receive this?"
"If you don't need it, you can throw it away. I can't bear to expose ourselves to that person's mistakes."
Awashima quickly waved her arm and threw the recording medium back.
Fushimi deftly accepts that which came back like a bullet. Awashima, looking at the stagnant eyes behind the glasses as if shooting.
"I will not make any mistakes."
Fushimi shrugged slightly and went back to his place. Looking back at Awashima over his neck.
"Well, tell me if you need it."
With that alone, Fushimi left the monitor room.
Awashima stared at the monitor room door for a while, staring into his eyes. It's like doing it is a protest against Fushimi.
It's not that she doesn’t understand what Fushimi is saying.
Believing is different from believing blindly. Fushimi's view that he assumes the worst and take countermeasures is entirely correct.
However, Awashima did not receive that song list. She refused to even see it and turned around.
She felt that receiving it would be a distrust of Munakata, who had confirmed that he would be on time.
"The president has reached point C! Collection complete!"
"We have started to move! The plan is going well!"
Awashima muttered unknowingly, listening to the reports that came in one after another.
"President, be careful."
Those words were like a prayer.
That day, Yuri Yamazaki (26) was vaguely in front of Shikaido station.
She works in a product store managed directly by "Promotion Scepter 4". It was supposed to be closed today due to the shift, but she got an urgent call from her boss about 5 minutes ago. She had no particular plan, and she was quick to get to this point because she was drawn to a pretty good vacation assignment.
Anyway, Yuri thinks.
It was a strange call. Being with the bicycle in front of the station instead of the store.
Apparently, they told her to lend the bike to someone, but they did not tell him who to lend it to and only told her the time of the meeting. It would be profitable to get a vacation allowance on this alone, but Yuri checks her cell phone while deeply thinking that she would complain if she was forced to do something else.
Seeing the displayed time, she sighed.
The "Sprint Dream Live Tour" will begin soon. Like most idol shop clerks, she is a fan of “Promotion Scepter 4.” She decided to work at an idol shop because she loved idols.
However, just because she is an employee doesn't mean there are benefits. Controls in that area are tight, and the clerk who secretly secured her own live ticket was sometimes ill. She must take the ticket herself, and if the lottery is lost, the schedule may disappear from the vacation she got, just like the current situation.
Two minutes have passed since the specified time.
"I wonder... if he's late, can I contact him?"
She doesn’t know, the murmur leaks out. After 5 minutes, she will contact the store manager. Thinking of that, she suddenly looked up.
And she doubts her eyes.
Someone was running from the street in front of the station, at tremendous speed. He easily overtook the next bike and came closer. Yuri instinctively tried to back away.
However, when she saw the man's face, she doubted her sanity.
"Ah, President?"
What she unwittingly said was the nickname of Reisi Munakata, the representative of "Promotion Scepter 4" and "Idol King". Naturally, it spread from the case where the idols under his command called him "President."
Faced with the stiff lily, Munakata strode over to a halt. He exhales a little and smiles at Yuri.
"Excuse me, are you a store clerk?"
"Eh, yes!"
Her voice shook. Feel the blood of her entire body concentrate on her face. The reason is that Yuri Yamazaki's favorite idol is Reisi Munakata.
Half in panic, she yells out the questions that come to mind.
"But why are you here?! What happened to the 'Sprint Dream Live Tour'?"
"I'm having a little problem and I've taken a different route than normal. Don't worry, I'll be in time for the opening."
She felt as if the blood that had risen through her head was coming down this time.
In other words, it is an emergency. Yuri was a fan and she knew how confusing it would be to be late for the opening ceremony. Perplexity, pain, disappointment. Just imagining being there, the pain felt like its own.
Yuri rushes up and says.
"Is there anything I can do?!"
“Lend me the bicycle. It's enough."
Yuri blushed again. If she thinks about it again, it was probably all part of the plan coming here. It is not a feat for the Munakata representative to give instructions to the directly administered office.
"Thank you."
Munakata straddled the bike without showing any pretense of noticing Yuri's tension. Somehow, it was an unattainable sight. The King of Idols, who can only be seen on TV or on stage, sits astride her bike.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going."
"Oh, yeah!"
Yuri instinctively stopped Munakata who was trying to get out.
Munakata looks at Yuri with his foot on the pedal. She held her breath with a mysterious look.
("Please sign.")
She had to desperately suppress that desire that came to her mind. Hasn’t she just found out it's an emergency? There is no second chance. And yet, unable to say such a silly request, that embarrassment forced Yuri's awkward smile and false words.
"Please do your best. I support you!"
Munakata, however, was looking at Yuri's face with calm eyes that looked through all her smile and strength. Munakata laughed lightly at Yuri, who suddenly became flustered and reached into her pocket.
"What should I write?"
"I have a pen, but I don't really have colored paper. It's not in good taste with a notepad."
Yuri blinked many times. The feeling of regret, even the time she was wandering and wondering why him could see through her desires made her stiff.
Yuri handed him the PDA she was holding in her outstretched hand to Munakata. With her voice asking "Is it okay here?", she was fascinated by the magically moving pen. She picked up the PDA again, looking at the Munakata signature written there, and it was like a soliloquy.
"I am an idol."
Munakata's response, as well as their relationship, was open and frozen.
"Idols live up to the expectations of their fans. My job is to capture your expectations."
"Good luck then. Thank you for your continued support."
With a courteous greeting, Munakata pedaled off the road in no time.
Yuri holds her PDA to her chest while watching him back. She murmured in an emotional voice, promising to turn it into a relic, and she was about to buy a new one.
"President, I will follow you for the rest of my life!"
That day, Yojiro Sato (51) was driving his own high-speed boat and racing in Tokyo Bay.
His main business was fisherman, but he also works as a fishing boat captain as a side job. In any case, the main job is to chase the school of fish, current high-speed boats are used for that purpose.
But today's work was different than usual.
The client was a fishing cooperative and the content of the request was mysterious: "Anyway, I want you to go to Chiba city using a high speed boat." He goes through it several times, but it seems the reason he couldn't get the point was because the fishing cooperative was asked to go further.
Sato accepted it simply because the reward was great. Otherwise, it would not accept suspicious requests.
However, when he passed by the Tokyo Bay Aqualine, he began to regret it.
He doesn't think it's a dangerous story.
It goes without saying that Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world and Tokyo Bay is a large adjacent port. Many are trying to carry out illegal transactions by sea. Unfortunately, he has heard stories of people involved in such problems at the level of rumors.
He's been through the fishing cooperative, so he doesn't think it's something to worry about.
Even so, a bit of anxiety washed over Sato's mind.
At that moment the radio sounded. When he reached out his hand and responded by reflex, he heard an unfamiliar voice on the back of the radio.
"Hello. Is this Mr. Yojiro Sato?"
It was a feminine and intelligent voice. Sato responds while confused.
"Oh, yeah. That's right."
"Nice to meet you, my name is Seri Awashima. I was the one who made the request."
"Oh, I see."
The confusion disappeared, but Sato pressed his face into place. Listen to Awashima's words, eager to decline the request in the event of an emergency.
"First of all, I apologize for reporting uncertain content to you in the application. I was in a hurry, so I thought about explaining after taking the first step."
"Okay, but what kind of job is this after all? It doesn't appear to be a fishing request."
"Yes. I want you to pick up a certain person."
When suspicion and vigilance increase, he raises his eyebrow. Sato asked in a low voice.
"Who is that? He is not a criminal, right?"
"What, criminal?"
From the other side of the meeting, he could feel the sign that Awashima was completely disappointed. The voice that echoed next seemed to lack a bit of calm, unlike before.
"Incorrect! The president is not involved in such things!"
"Oh, yeah."
At the angry response, Awashima coughed a little.
"No, sorry. It may be inevitable that it looks like this. I would like you to pick up Reisi Munakata, the representative idol of "Promotion Scepter 4"."
While driving, Sato is confused.
"Why do idols want to get on our ship?"
“As I said before, it is an urgent matter. He didn't seem to be in time for a regular water taxi, so I contacted you."
"Hmm... Well, it's okay."
Sato is not familiar with idols. He is simply not interested. From time to time he sees them on television, but to him they all have similar faces and clothes, so he cannot tell them apart.
That sect image is probably one of those idols. No wonder that is used instead of a taxi, but, work is work.
"So where should I pick him up?"
"Please wait a moment. I'll link the information on the president's location to that PDA."
A second after the stupid voice leaked out, a spot of light lit up on the GPS map attached to the ship. Sato opens his mouth and looks at it moving at high speed on the map.
“Did you get the location? The point that lights up in blue is the current position of the president."
"Yes, I got it."
"Good. Get closer to the point of light. It also shows the next meeting points."
The GPS map reacts again and projects an orange spot of light. It shows a jetty near the beach park, that made Sato panic even more.
"Wait a minute! How did you do that? This is my PDA, right? Why can you operate it on that side?"
"There is no time to lose! I took emergency measures! Rest assured that we have formal permission to use the system!"
"What is that system?"
To Sato's confusion, Awashima doesn't reply. "More than that!" When he started yelling, the blue point of light on the map continued to flash.
“He is approaching the meeting point. Thanks for your cooperation. Awashima, over and out."
And the radio was unilaterally cut off, leaving only Sato who was confused.
The ship curves and begins to move parallel to the shore. Sato alternately compared the map and the coast. If this location is correct, Munakata will soon be in sight.
With that said, he opened his mouth. Someone was there. That's probably definitely Munakata.
From a distance, he can only tell that he is a man. It would have been indistinguishable on its own, but the appearance of a human who could ride a bicycle at a speed comparable to that of a high-speed boat fits this unusual situation perfectly.
"What should I do?"
Sato is a man of the sea. He is confident that he can handle most things that happen at sea. However, he had never imagined such a situation. Sato looked towards the beach while maintaining his speed.
At that moment, Munakata pointed forward.
Sato looks ahead so he can catch it. A jetty leading off the shore blocked the ship's path as it gently curved.
Reflecting a sailor, Sato curves the speedboat along the jetty.
Munakata's bike has picked up speed.
"Hey, it can't be!"
Unknowingly, Sato was screaming. Because he understood the man's thoughts. Because he understood the meaning of "meeting point" that Awashima said on the radio.
The bicycle races down the jetty at a speed that exceeds that of high-speed boats. Sato made the boat's engine run at full speed. It was not because he understood their speculations, but because he thought that, as a man of the sea, he would not be able to stand upright if he was driving a boat and losing to a bicycle.
The bicycle and the speed boat run next to each other for a very short distance.
For the first time, Sato saw Munakata's face.
Munakata was smiling with a clean face in front of him. It was not the expression of a human reaching such high speed on a bicycle. He was horrified. Perhaps this is a monster that seemed to drag him to the bottom of the sea. Even such an imagination took over his head.
Munakata's bicycle leaned over. At the end of the jetty, Sato's high-speed boat drew closer and Munakata jumped with the bicycle with only the spring from his body.
Sato opened his eyes and looked at the figure of Munakata leaping against the sun.
After a short break, Munakata's bicycle landed on the back of the high-speed boat, made a sharp turn, and came to a stop.
With a sigh, Munakata wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.
Sato was just looking at Munakata, who was behaving like a human, with his mouth open.
When he got out and parked at the bicycle rack, Munakata looked at Sato and said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you. Sato Yojiro-san. My name is Reisi Munakata. Thank you for your transportation to the planned location."
Swallowing hard, Sato asks suspiciously.
"You are a human?"
After opening his eyes somewhat surprisingly, he replied with a bitter smile.
"I'm just an idol."
At the Suzugaya sorting yard, Domyoji Andy (19) turned his pale face down and swallowed nausea.
He, who is scheduled to appear on "Sprint Dream Live Tour", is at that location because the Suzugaya courtyard is a helicopter landing site owned by "Scepter 4."
The event titled "Extreme Solo Part, Idol from Above 6500~", is Domyoji's assigned role this time. The event of strumming a guitar solo while skydiving from 2000 meters above the sky is sure to be a great thrill if it succeeds, but it can only be said that it is insane.
For today, Domyoji was repeating a special training every day. In total, it would have fallen enough to reach the surface from the stratosphere. Domyoji said that if he ran for Guinness, he would not pass, and gave a tired smile.
At that moment the door to the waiting room was opened and the staff entered.
"Domyoji-san, please prepare for take-off!"
His eyes are round. Domyoji looks at the watch as it is. There is still some time left before the live begins. The turn of "Shoumutai", including Domyoji, was supposed to be in the second half of the opening ceremony.
"Is it still early? Was there an accident?"
Anyway, when he got up and left the room with the staff, Domyoji was so quiet. He doesn’t know what kind of problems are waiting in the live presentation. Not only staff but also idols need to take this into account and respond flexibly.
"There is no change to Domyoji-san's appearance time! We are going to pick up the president from now on!"
Domyoji opened his mouth. The staff didn't look back and pushed the door in front of them while walking quickly.
At the landing site, the helicopter was already preparing for takeoff. The high-speed rotating main rotor disperses a roar like a gunshot. Defeating the sound, Domyoji yelled at the back of the staff.
"What happened to the president? That person is surely the interpreter for the opening ceremony!"
“Currently, the president is crossing Tokyo Bay! We'll pick him up at sea and head straight to the Tsubakimon Dome!"
Domyoji is confused. He is crossing Tokyo Bay? He has no idea what the hell is going on. What he knows is that he is about to fly high again.
After sitting on the seat and fixing his body with a harness, Domyoji finally noticed.
"Hey! Don't I need it if I pick up the president?!"
"It's the president's judgment that it's a waste of time to go back every time! After leaving the president in the dome, Domyoji-san will wait in the sky until the time of the "Extreme solo part, Idol from above 6500~”!"
That was brilliant. Wait a minute, he try to tell if he would be flying all the time, but then his body was fixed. Jumping out the rear hatch, the staff gave Domyoji a big thumb up.
"Thank you good luck!"
The hatch closes as he continues. The sound of the rotor increases the pitch. Domyoji's stunned face disappeared into the darkness of the plane.
"The President has arrived at meeting point E! The pickup helicopter that was already waiting has started to approach!"
"Let go of the rope, the helicopter must be very careful!"
"Got it! Let go of the rope! Try to drive safely!"
Brilliant laughter erupted in the monitor room as the pilot made a joke. Private language during the operation should be strictly prohibited, but Awashima felt a slight smile on her lips. This would indicate their high morale. She doesn’t have to worry.
"President, I secured a rope! Start climbing."
"Domyoji, can't you point the CCD camera at the president?"
"Oh, yeah, I'll try."
Domyoji hastily responded to Awashima's voice. After a while, a rough image appears on one of the monitors.
Munakata was about to board the helicopter. Standing in the open hatch, he turns and pays him homage. A high speed boat floating ahead, probably Yojiro Sato, a man who appeared to be the captain took off his hat and waved it.
The expression of the image has been softened.
"President. Thank you for being safe."
On the CCD camera, he sees Munakata smiling.
“Thank you for your hard work, Awashima-kun. Did you worry?"
Awashima shakes her head slowly.
"I wasn't worried."
It was a lie. During these 30 minutes, Awashima has looked at the clock no less than 50 times. It's not because she doesn’t trust Munakata. It is probably due to the weakness of Awashima's heart.
Munakata's deep eyes can even see Awashima's inner heart. Still, she looked directly at her boss and reported on the situation.
"We are on time. If you move at full speed from the current location of the president, it will be enough to reach the inauguration. The president's suit has been brought to the room of the occupant of the helicopter."
"Okay. Let's finish all the preparations on the fly. Has the final landing point I submitted changed?"
"No, there are no changes. The helipad is already in control."
At that moment, one of the monitors lit up red and emitted a warning sound.
"I will confirm it!"
Staff operate the console quickly. Awashima holds her breath and stares at the movement.
Finally, the staff raised a strained voice.
“There was a fire at the Tsubakimon Dome Hotel! Looks like an evacuation notice has been issued at the hotel!"
“No recommendations have been issued for this place! Deputy Chief, what do we do?"
Impatience melts in her hand. Various thoughts come to mind instantly. How big is the fire? How to accept evacuees? Should the concert be canceled, even if no recommendations have been made? The enthusiasm of the people involved and the fans for this live show is extraordinary. But if something happens to the fans, it is irreparable.
An intelligent voice broke those thoughts.
"Awashima-kun. Confirm the evacuation of the hotel guests."
Raise her face. Beyond the CCD camera, Munakata's rough expression was as calm as if he were sitting at his usual office desk.
Awashima looks at the staff. The personnel turned to the front and quickly returned to operating the console.
Finally, he told the staff in a shocked voice.
"We share the confirmation of the status of the place, but the evacuation of the three guests has not been completed! It seems that we are reconfirming the people who have been in the air and have been evacuated!"
"Three people. That means they are…"
The CCD camera points in the other direction. Seeing that, Awashima took a breath.
Near the window on the smokeless floor. A man and a woman are crouched in a narrow space. The woman appeared to be holding a child.
"The number of people matches. Apparently, the evacuation was delayed."
Awashima looks at the image from the CCD camera. Imagine a tragic future for a family left behind at the scene of the fire and blood gushes from their faces.
And Munakata said of course.
"I am heading to the rescue."
Awashima knew that Munakata would say so. Knowing that, she still screams...
"President! Don't do it!"
Domyoji's camera captures Munakata's face. Munakata wasn't looking there. He murmured, looking serious at the scene of the fire, perhaps putting together another thought.
"Awashima-kun. About us?"
The answer to that was fixed. Awashima squeezed her hand so tightly that her nails dug into her palm.
"We are... idols...!"
"What kind of person is an idol in "Promotion Scepter 4"?"
"Our goal is to be the ideal human who should be a role model for people."
Munakata looked at Awashima with a teacher's gaze, watching over the poor students who gave the correct answer.
"So that's it."
Munakata goes to the scene of the fire. Although he is an idol, he is only a human. There is no guarantee that he will be able to return safely, so the worst consequences may await him in the future.
And, while looking at the worst, taking steps to prevent it from happening is also a condition of being an ideal human.
Awashima said that decisively when she took a little breath, exhaled and was ready to do it.
“We will contact the various parties involved in the handling of this incident and request assistance in rescue activities. I pray for your safety, President."
Behind the camera, Munakata nodded slightly.
Fushimi Saruhiko clicked his tongue as he leaned his back against the wall.
If Munakata's decision was stupid, Awashima, who followed him, could only be seen as a fool. He are an ideal person and he are trying to ruin his job by getting caught up in an additional idea. Fushimi's frank opinion is that, it is the role of rescuers to help the victims, and that is why they have to get rid of that work.
But he will never reveal it. At least not yet.
It only deals with possible situations.
Makes a call from his PDA. The other party came out with a ringing sound. Before they say something to him there, speak up.
“Akiyama, I got a job. Call the members of the 'Shoumutai'."
While saying that, Fushimi turned away from the wall and quickly headed to the end of the hall.
That day, Maki Arakawa (29) was visiting the Tsubakimon Dome hotel with her husband Takashi Arakawa (32) and their son Daichi Arakawa (0).
That day was Maki and Takashi's third wedding anniversary. The Dome Hotel was the place where Takashi proposed to Maki, and it was customary for the couple to visit this place on their anniversary every year.
With a new family member who is less than a year old, Maki and Takashi huddled together and wanted a night view from the living room. Takashi leans into the champagne and Maki leans into the non-alcoholic sparkling wine, looking at each other with a smile. In Maki's arms, Daichi, who had just fallen asleep, was giving a silent sigh.
A little compliment to a family that usually leads a modest life. Still, Maki was happy enough until the explosion happened.
The moment the explosion caught her, Maki was thrown to the ground with her husband.
When she woke up, her head was covered in black smoke.
The first thing that came to mind was the safety of her son. Looking down into her arms with a pale feeling, Daichi was still asleep. It was just a moment of relief, and he was soon filled with smoke-colored anxiety.
"What the hell?"
There was no way to answer that question. Her husband has wandered off a bit. He appears passed out, bleeding from his head. When she saw him, she was terrified that his heart would stop, but at least he seemed to be breathing.
Maki crawls closer to her husband, feeling pain glowing throughout her body. There seems to be a fire somewhere between the black smoke that comes in and the heat that burns the skin. That fact irritated Maki and made her reach out her hand.
"Get up."
The husband does not respond. Maki raised her face slightly and looked around her.
There is no one but them.
Is it after everyone has evacuated? Have they been left behind? Even if she gets lost, she does not know where to go and cannot leave her husband. It was decided that she cannot take him or her son on her own.
Fear and anxiety clench Maki's throat.
She takes the PDA out of her pocket and touches the emergency number. However, Maki herself wasn't sure how much it meant. The fear that surrounds her is getting stronger. Even if the rescue team is dispatched from now on, will they arrive in time?
"Yes, what happened?"
Communication has been opened. Maki squeezes the words out of her throat that moisten her body.
“Please help, please help. Please, please."
Unless this child is saved.
The moment he muttered a sentence-like word in a weak voice, a roar deafened Maki's ear.
A helicopter appeared outside the living room, behind a glass window.
A high-speed rotating rotor disperses a bombardment sound and the strong wind moves in the opposite direction. The helicopter tilted slightly and a sliding door pointed into the living room. Maki saw with wide eyes that a man with glasses was standing in the place that had already been opened.
It was not a rescue team. She knew it at a glance. After all, clothes are different. She had never heard of a rescue team dressed in such white, flowing clothing. It has beautiful bright colors and is like the clothes that idols wear.
The man with the glasses laughs smartly when he sees Maki. Then jump out the sliding door with a run.
Maki loses her words and watches over the elaborate suicide scene. From the PDA that fell to the ground, a Fire Service official said, "What happened? Please respond!" She heard a scream, but couldn't react. That was not the case.
The man crossed his arms, jumped high and rough, through the window, rolled across the living room floor, and landed brilliantly.
He balanced on his right foot, left knee, and right palm, and lifts his face to look at Maki.
Then he said with a smile.
"Ah, hello."
Barely responding, the man approached slowly, keeping low.
Behind him, there was a figure that jumped in the same way. He rolls on a glass covered floor, jumps and screams.
"Gak! The glass stabs me!"
“Domyoji-kun, continue with the preparations immediately. Be careful not to inhale smoke."
"Yes! President Munakata!"
When the man named Munakata approached Maki, he lifted his body, turned it forward, and began to wrap something.
"Oh, that...?"
“We will get away from this. Please hold your son firmly."
The soft voice in her ear soothed Maki's fear. She hugged her son tightly and, through her armpits, Munakata fixed a harness on Maki's body.
Munakata looks back and calls out to Domyoji, who is also wrapping the husband in a harness.
"Are you ready?"
"Well, somehow!"
Domyoji nods wrapping her weakly passed out husband around his body with a harness. When Munakata turned around, he turned his smart eyes towards Maki.
"Don't worry, I'll get you to safety immediately."
Somehow, however, she had an unpleasant sensation.
Maki looks out the window with her harness wrapped up. She sees the back of a helicopter that was going very far away. Maki asks, swallowing hard.
"Isn't that the one you ride?"
"Unfortunately, the emergency exit leading to the helipad is blocked by fire. Landing is difficult and jumping from here to the helicopter would not be possible with you in tow."
The question of what to do then did not need to be asked.
Munakata walks over to the broken window while tying Maki and Daichi to himself. The trampled piece of glass rings. A strong wind from the high sky blew and caressed Maki's cheeks forcefully.
The Tsubakimon Dome can be seen below. She wonders if he was doing some kind of live performance, and she could see the crowded seats even from such a high place.
Munakata looks at her calmly and has a soft voice.
"And we have less than five minutes to get started. This is the only way to get there on time."
She is not sure what you are talking about, but she understands what "this method" means. Maki looks towards Munakata with tears in her eyes.
"I'll ask you just in case, you've done it before, right?"
Munakata responds with a smile on his face.
"I read the manual."
Maki tried to resist, but her hands were empty and only scratched the air. Maki, who was shaking, saw that she could no longer understand the language, Munakata placed the sole of the shoe on the window frame.
Smooth to the end, Munakata says the last sentence.
"Ok, let's go."
She can't say wait a minute.
Munakata was a man who executed words. A second after he said that, he had already jumped from a height of 100 meters above the ground with Maki and Daichi.
Basically the longer it takes to fall, the faster it will fall.
Its formula, commonly known as gravitational acceleration, is 9.8 m / s, and a rough calculation consumes a height of about 100 meters in less than 5 seconds. Knowing that, it's probably a bit more serious. She would have resisted.
Fortunately, the fear fainted her and it did not interfere with Munakata's work.
At the time of take-off, Munakata quickly opened the parachute. Munakata experienced a free fall for a time until the acceleration died due to air resistance.
At the sound of the wind, Munakata heard laughter.
Suddenly the baby was laughing in his arms. He wondered if he was enjoying the fall, and while hearing a laughing little voice, Munakata was laughing too.
"It's fun? It may be common for you."
The parent's "up and down" game and the current situation may not change much for this child. With that in mind, Munakata precisely operates the parachute.
Air resistance travels through the harness and squeezes Munakata's body. Munakata looked at the Tsubakimon Dome below, while reducing the burden on mother and child as much as possible. Already in his direction, the dome has been opened to reveal the stage.
"President, please respond. Let us know the current situation!"
Awashima's voice echoes from the device close to the ear. Munakata responds to that.
"This is Munakata. We are currently gliding about 70 meters from the earth's surface. We will proceed to land on stage."
In the center of the stage is a circle of bureaucracy, the end of today's sprint. There are 2 minutes and 47 seconds until the start. The image of landing, taking off the parachute, and entering the performance has already been created in Munakata's mind.
"No problem. Everything is fine. Awashima-kun, let's meet up on stage sleeve!"
At the image of Munakata, a sudden gust of wind disappeared.
Before thinking of anything, Munakata had to devote all his energy to controlling his posture. The parachute, which was about to rotate like a cone, was operated with one hand like a hot kneading jumper, and in the worst case it prevented a free fall due to the disappearance of air resistance.
"President? What did you do?"
Awashima screamed at the anomaly.
"Well, it's not a big deal. I was exposed to the wind from the building and my posture was altered for a moment. The check was completed, but there is a problem."
"What kind of problem is it?"
“The current gust of wind has blown me off the field a lot. If nothing is done, we will land in the audience seats."
Awashima took a deep breath.
Due to the gust of wind, the chances of landing on stage were nil. A similar gust of wind might bring the whole picture back to the landing course, but it's like waiting for a miracle. It was the role of the believer, not the role of the idol, to hold onto heaven with prayer.
Munakata ponders as he spins in the air.
He cannot get off in the audience seats. No action can be taken that could compromise the safety of the public. Not only Munakata himself, but even the metal parachute hardware cannot be dropped on the heads of fans.
So there is only one way left.
"We will take a landing course outside of the dome. We won't be in time for the performance, but we can't help it."
Awashima squeezed out a rough voice.
"Come here."
Until now, Munakata has been racing to get to the performance on time and not disappoint the expectations of the fans. It is not unfortunate that the effort turns into a bubble.
Munakata stroked the baby's hair, giggling happily at his mother's breast, with his fingertips.
"Don't be sorry. We are idols. Those who seek the best. But if that doesn't come true, we can choose the next best option."
Awashima's voice has a bitter resignation.
But she was also an idol. Awashima starts working after dispelling it in an instant.
"I get it. Immediately, personnel will be sent to the outside of the cupola, and the president, the mother and the child will be immediately collected. Even if the delay is unavoidable, it should be as short as possible."
"Yes. Thank you."
A sudden voice interrupted Munakata who was about to approve the decision.
"It's not like that."
Munakata slightly opened his eyes.
He can't be wrong, it was the voice of Fushimi Saruhiko, the center of "Shoumutai".
"What are you doing?"
"Please be quiet, Assistant Principal. President, there is no need to change course. 2 minutes to start. If so, it is time to do so."
"Akiyama, do it."
With Fushimi's command as the trigger, a sight of pure white spread under his eyes.
It was a huge cloth that completely covered the audience seats at the Tsubakimon Dome. The pure white fabric that glows under the light has a blue dyed stamp in the center. That's the emblem of “Promotion Scepter 4”, the flag of the idol that they should be proud of.
"Now you don't have to worry about landing in the audience. Please come down quickly. The stage is set!"
Watch the scene and listen to the words.
A powerful smile appeared on Munakata's mouth.
"I get it."
Then she slowly descends towards the emblem of his proud "Promotion Scepter 4".
"Huh... someone..."
In a park located outside the Tsubakimon Dome, Domyoji Andy was trapped in a tree and called for help with a weak voice.
The rescued person, tied in front, fainted slightly. After all, he never woke up during the drop or after the landing. He doesn't think there is any difference in life, but he wants to be rescued as soon as possible and taken to the hospital. It's about time Domyoji's shoulders scream from their weight.
"Oh, Domyoji-san! You were in a place like this!"
At that moment, a light illuminated Domyoji's face with a voice of salvation.
They were the staff of "Scepter 4." It looks like he was holding a ladder and looking around the dome. Domyoji mutters through tears when he sees them preparing for rescue.
"Hail me..."
Domyoji, who was saved several tens of seconds later, asked the staff with a deep sigh.
“No, what happened to the president? Did he do it on time?"
"Yes! It seems that with Fushimi-san's ingenuity, he was able to make it in time for the performance! It seems that he is performing well as of now!"
The staff deftly pulled out the PDA which projected a live image.
6:23 pm. The stage lights go out and the noise from the audience seats quickly subsides. For example, fans' expectations, enthusiasm and excitement increase.
The silence of passion, as if you could see it.
A suddenly glowing spotlight pierced the darkness.
In the center of the stage was a man crouched with one knee raised. He is dressed in a beautifully decorated suit and holds a microphone in his slim hands. There is not a single mistake or a single wrinkle in his clothes. The ideal idol is that person, the Idol King who was there.
Those in the audience, behind the television who are watching him, probably don't know how he got to that stage. Munakata must say that it is also the idol's responsibility not to report it.
As soon as the song started, Munakata looked up. A confident smile. An act that can be said to be solemn. Take a fixed turn and start singing.
Domyoji laughed impressively as he watched the fans' enthusiasm explode.
"I'm glad. He is on time."
"Yeah, I'm glad."
The staff laughs too. Only they know how many difficulties Munakata had to go through to be in that place. These difficulties have finally been overcome and the goal has come true.
"Well then, I'm ready too."
Domyoji says that, shaking his head. He also has a major role in the "Extreme solo part, Idol from Above 6500~". For that, he has to go back to heaven.
The staff stopped Domyoji's back.
"Domyoji-san, it's very difficult to tell... but Domyoji-san's part is gone."
The staff scratched their heads at Domyoji, where their eyes became a point.
“It seems that it is impossible to take off on time because the helicopter has run out of fuel on the previous flight. Therefore, we will reproduce the PV of the album released next week as a replacement for the emergency. That was decided."
Domyoji froze and said...
"What is that? Has all my special training so far been for naught?"
Look at the facial expressions of the staff, quietly but surely.
"What is that? Aaaaaaaaaah!"
Domyoji's scream echoed around the outer edge of the dome.
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 7
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A/N- Thank you to all of you that are showing this Fic love! It means the world to me! ILY 💕
**From here on out expect spoilers from Defending Jacob**
I found it hard to sleep last night, my mind just wouldn't switch off. The thought that there was someone out there that killed a kid..... was this the start of something bigger or just someone with a grudge against Ben Rifkin?
God i wish Frank was here... i really didn't want to be home alone right now. But I hadn't heard from him since i said that i couldn't make drinks, i had sent a few texts but got no reply to any of them. Then my mind would wander to Andy, wondering how he was coping with everything, id seen a different side to him yesterday, a vulnerable side.
I gave up trying to sleep around 5am, had a shower and dressed for work. I decided to stop at the coffee shop on the way to the office today, so left a little earlier than usual. As i was walking towards the coffee shop i saw Frank walk out with his arm around a little blonde's waist nuzzling her neck and smiling, that same panty dropping smile he gave me. After the initial shock i shook my head and scoffed.... how could i have been so stupid to think he meant the shit he said?? Andy was right, Frank was a fuckboy.
When Frank looked up and saw me he looked a bit like a deer in the headlights.
"Morning" i said as i casually as i carried on walking into the coffee shop. It was far too early to deal with shit like that.
I ordered my coffee and something for Andy then grabbed a couple Cinnamon Rolls. As i waited for my coffee's i was approached by Neal Logiudice, he worked for the DA, Andy's protege from what i heard, i hadnt really had much dealings with him to be honest.
"Hi" he said "your Y/N right? Andy's new assistant?"
"Thats right"
"Im Neal Logiudice, i work at the DA's office"
"Yeah i've seen you around" i nodded.
"Its awful about that kid isnt it?"
"The worst, i cant even imagine what his parents must be going through"
"Me either. Im actually surprised Andy isn't doing more you know?"
"No, i dont know!..... what more do you want him to do?? Andy has done everything he can in this case...."
"You see i dont think he has, i think his too close to this one to see clearly"
"Well your wrong Neal, Andy is doing everything he possibly can..... dont try and use this tragedy to further your own position!" I snapped feeling my blood boil at his shitty accusations.
"Two coffee's for Y/N" was called and i turned to go grab them without another word to Neal.
When i got to work i headed straight to Andy's office to give him his coffee and pastry.
"Knock, knock" i said with a smile holding up the coffee's, Andy was sat at his desk looking over a file.
"Hey, come on in" he leant back in the chair and gave me a smile.
"I brought you the good coffee and a Cinnamon Roll" i placed them on his desk in front of him and sat in the chair opposite.
"You angel!"
"I was up early so i had time to stop" i shrugged taking a sip of my drink.
"You okay?"
"Im fine, just..... it doesn't matter" i scoffed shaking my head as i thought about seeing Frank with the blonde and the weird encounter with Neal.
"You know you can talk to me"
"Yeah i know" i nodded quickly "just been a weird morning...."
"Already? Damn that doesn't sound good" he smiled pulling out the cinnamon roll and taking a bite.
"Actually, there is something i feel like i should mention, it just seemed odd....."
"When i was getting the coffee Neal came over to me"
"Yeah..... he started saying how he thinks you should be doing more on the case, that your too close to see clearly"
"Thats bullshit! I barely even know the Rifkins!" Andy said shocked at what i was telling him.
"I know that, i told him you were doing everything you could. I also may have told him not to use this tragedy to further his own career before walking out" i admitted nervously "i'm sorry.... i just got so pissed when he started talking about you like that"
"Why are you sorry? I would've said a lot worse than that"
"It was unprofessional of me...."
"Neal was the unprofessional one, I wouldn't worry too much about him"
"Okay, i just thought id give you a heads up.... i dont know if his planning to try and get you pushed from the case"
"Probably, sounds like something he would do, his a little shit".
"Creep more like. Anyway, you all set for the interviews at the school? You need me to do anything?"
"We're all good, i'm meeting Duffy at the school at 9 and we'll probably be there all day.... if you can just keep on top of things here for now and i'll call if i need anything?"
"Sounds good"
A knock on the door made us both turn in our seats to see who it was.
"Andy, Lynne's asking to see you" Lynne's assistant Abby said quickly before rushing off on her way.
"Great, i better go. I'll catch up with you later, thanks for breakfast" he winked on his way out.
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It was about 20 minutes later when Andy came marching out of Lynnes office, he stopped at my desk when he reached me.
"You were right about Neal, little prick!"
"Oh god, what happened?"
"He went to Lynne and offered to take over the case, he apparently has concerns about the appearance of conflict! which Lynne agree's with!" Andy was trying to keep calm but i could tell how much this was pissing him off.
"He says i'm dragging my feet with the case..... i cant help it if its going slow! We have no evidence except for a partial print!" He sat on the edge of my desk and rubbed his hands over his face "im not just going to indict someone just to make it look good"
"Of course not!"
"He wanted to know why we hadn't already started to talk to the kids at the school.... half the parents there are lawyers, he knows that. We had to do things right.... every single detail had to be negotiated before we could even attempt to talk to the kids"
"So are they taking you off the case??"
"Not yet, Lynne accepted my argument for staying on. For now anyway."
"Thank god!"
"I gotta go meet Duffy....." he sighed as he checked his watch.
"Okay, good luck, i hope you find something that helps. Call me if you need anything?"
"Sure" he nodded giving me a tight lipped smile "thanks for the heads up about Neal"
"Of course, we've gotta stick together right?"
"Right" he smiled giving my hand a quick squeeze, a minute later he was pulling on his coat and heading to the elevators.
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Frank: Hey, can we talk?
Y/N: Im working
Frank: Y/N please?
Y/N: I dont have time right now! Haven't you heard whats going on??
Frank: U mean the kid in the woods?
Y/N: Yeah! things are crazy here.
Frank: I bet. Maybe i can come by tonight? I can explain....
Y/N: There's no point, its obvious what was going on. It was all just casual fun with us anyway right? we weren't exclusive or anything.
Y/N: I think its best we don't see each other for a while
Frank: seriously??
Y/N: I gotta get back to work. Take care Frank.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama @ex-bloodjunkie @kaithezaftig
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mcustorm · 4 years
Thoughts on Jamie Johnson 5x08
I actually don’t even know what to think. You guys don’t understand. Do you know how serious this episode was? It was so serious, that my afternoon nap was delayed so I could write this post. And only important things stop my head from hitting the pillow.
Last week was Dillon’s glorious coming out, a beautiful moment to put an apex to all the tension between Dillon and Elliot. This week, Dillon’s coming out continues, for better or for worse.
I love how *all* of this episode centered around Dillon coming to terms with being out/being outed. It underlined the significance and severity of the moment. Somebody check up on Patrick Ward’s back because he was carrying this episode, and I know we’re all here for Dillon but he truly is the most fascinating character on the show.
Delliot getting ready to see each other after the previous day’s shocking events was such a cute scene. We all know that the characters on this show tend not to feel any way about anybody romantically, so just seeing those two try to look/smell nice for somebody they may feel some-kind-of-way about...ah, there goes those memories of mine again, haha.
And of course, I for the most part like Elliot’s role as someone who’s a little bit more experienced and can help out a baby gay like Dillon. Elliot being so different from everybody else we’ve met thus far on the show not only makes him fascinating to us, but to Dillon as well. On the other hand, I did not like that 1) Elliot almost immediately went and told Ruby and 2) after helping out Dillon with his gay journey, he mayhaps yeeted off into the sunset.
Ya know, if Hansard and Harry and Indira and Molly and Savage and Wozza and Jethro and Jack’s awesome dad and the different-somehwat-prominent-black-male-extras-on-the-team-each-season didn’t exist, I would have more faith that Elliot might have more of a role in the story moving forward. But this show has proven time and time again that if the character’s name isn’t Jack, then once the story is done with you it’s done. At this point in his journey, it maybe isn’t the best idea that Dillon get involved in a relationship. That makes sense. But to maaaaaybe reduce Elliot to a m*****l n***o? I don’ like det. 
It *seems* from what the show has presented thus far, that the only narrative purpose for Elliot to tell Ruby about Dillon is so that [both in-story and in the writer’s room] Dillon can have a reliable shoulder to lean on who is [and this is the important part] not Elliot. With him out of the picture, now Dillon’s go-to is Ruby if he needs a sounding board. And I have no idea why that’s the story-angle they’re going for. Perhaps Elliot threatens the status quo, which is “all of our characters are hopelessly, eternally single.”
But who knows, maybe I’m completely wrong and these last couple of paragraphs are irrelevant. Maybe not.
SN: Seriously, this show’s ships is definitely an interesting writing decision. Thinking about all the ship inequality thinkpieces that came out of the Andi Mack era, let’s talk about how the only canon het ship on this show that may give you feelings like Delliot is Jack and that rich guy whose name I’ve already forgotten. 
Do you wanna know what? Today was the most sympathetic I’ve ever been for Liam, and yet in this episode he did the most despicable thing he’s ever done. Well, maybe I’m not sympathetic per se, but at least I realize that he’s just another victim of his father’s emotional abuse. You know, Joseph’s brothers felt neglected too, and I never said “well maybe their father could’ve treated them better” when they sold their brother into freakin’ slavery. There has to be a line between seeing Liam as a victim and seeing him as just plain evil. Or maybe it’s a Venn Diagram. Either way, I’m still not a fan. I wonder what redemption for this character looks like.
I just like that this show was so unafraid to go there. It is completely unprecedented in any TV show intended for children/young teens...at least to my knowledge. I’m gonna make it very clear that I’m not trying to downplay other shows’ accomplishments, but coming out really is an internal and external journey. One is how you feel about yourself, and the other is how others react. This is my opinion, but some shows have really got the internal part down (DOAFP was GOAT-tier with this one); however, when the time comes to do the external part, the show either doesn’t go there or kinda just limps over the finish line. Does that make sense? Am I just rambling?
I think of all the programs that I’ve watched, this show has already done the best job of reconciling those two aspects of coming out. Besides The Fosters, perchance. Some people will be right by your side, others may need time. Despite all of the blatant and frankly disgusting homophobia that we saw on the program, the show made it clear that this is just what I said: a journey. There may be hope yet.
Also in this episode: Eric feels bad, because he did wrong and also because his “friends” are being generally dickish to him, and Jamie is also here to tell Dillon he did phenomenally at the cup (which, just a portion of that energy would’ve been great yesterday for the entire team, but go awf Mr. Johnson). I guess I should take away that Jamie and Dillon are in a way better place than they’ve been before. Great.
So there ya go. I must say, that was probably a Top 3 episode of this TV show. Which is why that preview for next week made me say, “Okaaaaay…” So wait, are Boggy and Jamie just like BFF’s again? Are we gonna address the nonsense that Jamie was spewing last week? Are Kat and Zoe just friends like that now? Are we gonna address the nonsense that Zoe was up to last week? WAIT, Freddie wants to spend time with just Alba and Eric? ARE WE GOING TO ADDRESS THE NONSENSE Y’ALL WERE ON LAST WEEK?
I will keep going to bat for Eric, idc idc.
See ya next week. Off to take my nap.
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May 21, 2021
Heather Cox Richardson
Tonight, in Fulton County, Georgia, a judge allowed 9 Georgia voters and their experts to inspect copies of the 147,000 mail-in ballots cast in that county to make sure that officials did not accept counterfeit ballots. Georgia officials have already done three separate audits of the ballots from the 2020 vote, including a hand recount, and found no widespread fraud. But supporters of former president Trump insist that he actually won the 2020 election and that it was stolen from him by fraud.
It is this same belief that led to the private “audit” of ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona, where Republican state senators made election officials give both ballots and election equipment to a private company, Cyber Ninjas, to recount and examine. The Cyber Ninjas had no experience doing such an audit and the process has been widely discredited, but they accused election officials of deleting databases, accusations picked up by Trump loyalists like Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and Paul Gosar (R-AZ).
Today, attorneys for Maricopa County and those election officials warned the Republican Arizona Senators to preserve all evidence surrounding this “audit” for future lawsuits.  
Despite the Arizona debacle, Trump supporters all over the country are demanding recounts like the one in Maricopa County. They say their only goal is to make sure that machines are accurate and the count is fair, but they are echoing Trump, who continues to insist he won the 2020 election.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they found thousands and thousands and thousands of votes,” he said recently at Mar-a-Lago. “So we’re going to watch that very closely. And after that, you’ll watch Pennsylvania and you’ll watch Georgia and you’re going to watch Michigan and Wisconsin. You’re watching New Hampshire. Because this was a rigged election. Everybody knows it.”
It was not a rigged election. Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won by more than 7 million votes with more than 51% of the popular vote to Trump and Mike Pence’s 46.8%. The Democrats won in the Electoral College by a vote of 306 to 232. Trump lost more than 60 lawsuits over the election, and recounts turned up no evidence of widespread fraud.
Observers call Trump’s insistence that he won the 2020 election the Big Lie.
It was this lie that led to the January 6 insurrection, when rioters stormed the Capitol to stop the counting of the electoral votes that would make Biden president. In case after case, the insurrectionists’ lawyers have claimed their clients believed that Trump won and the election was stolen from him. The lawyers have blamed the “propaganda” coming from the Fox News Channel and the former president for their clients’ actions.
According to “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley, his lawyer wrote, if not “for the actions and the words of the President, he would not have appeared in Washington, DC to support the President and, but for the specific words of the then-President during his January 6, 2021 speech, the Defendant would not have walked down Pennsylvania Avenue and would not have gone into the U.S. Capitol Building.”
In an interview with Matt Shuham of Talking Points Memo, the lawyer added: “These aren’t bad people; they don’t have a prior criminal history. F**k, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since f**king Hitler.”
But here’s the rub: Last week, when they removed Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) from party leadership, Republicans indicated they have now tied themselves to Trump, along with his eagerness to overturn elections unless he gets his way.
We are on a very dangerous path.
Republican lawmakers are downplaying the January 6 insurrection, rewriting our history to suggest that the assault on the heart of our democratic process was no big deal. Last week, Representative Andrew S. Clyde (R-GA) said the event was like a “normal tourist visit”—photos show him that day screaming and frantically barricading the doors to the House gallery—and Representative Ralph Norman (R-SC) questioned whether the rioters were Trump supporters, despite their Trump flags and MAGA hats, and the fact the former president told them he loved them. On the Fox News Channel this week, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) claimed the insurrection was largely a “peaceful protest.”
On Wednesday, the House passed a bill to set up a bipartisan independent commission to investigate the events of January 6. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had set out conditions for the commission, apparently with the idea that Democrats would reject them, but in fact the Democrats agreed to his demands, leaving McCarthy scrambling to find a reason to oppose the commission. For oppose it he does, along with all but 35 Republicans (whom Trump promptly called “ineffective and weak”). Four fifths of the Republicans in the House oppose creating a bipartisan independent commission to figure out what happened on that hideous day.
They are opposed in part because they do not want voters to be reminded of their leader’s complicity in the event, driven as it was by the Big Lie, and also because a number of them would be witnesses, called to testify under oath. Cheney has repeatedly suggested that McCarthy himself, who had a heated telephone conversation with the former president during the riot, should testify voluntarily or, if necessary, under subpoena.
Yesterday, McCarthy pointedly refused to answer whether he was sure no members of his caucus had spoken with any of the rioters, bringing to mind the January 13 letter from 34 members of the House, including those with military training and former CIA agent Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), to request an immediate investigation into tours of the Capitol given on January 5. The letter reported that the number and nature of the tours were so concerning that members reported them to the Sergeant at Arms that day.
The bill now goes to the Senate, where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has vowed to oppose it, calling it “slanted and unbalanced” in what seems to be a shout out to Fox News Channel viewers by playing on “fair and balanced.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will bring the bill to the floor, where Republicans are expected to filibuster it, meaning it will take 60 votes, rather than a simple majority of 51, to pass it. They are likely to block even a debate on it.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who has maintained he can work with the Republicans, commented: “So disheartening. It makes you really concerned about our country…. I’m still praying we’ve still got 10 good solid patriots within that conference.”
It seems to me that ship has sailed. Six months after the 2020 election, supporters of the former president are challenging vote counts all over the country as he continues to insist he won. His supporters stormed the Capitol to overturn our electoral process. And now our Republican lawmakers, who have taken an oath to defend the Constitution, are trying to protect their leader from accountability for inciting that insurrection.
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