#android device monitoring
onemonitarsoftware · 3 months
Discover ONEMONITAR: The Ultimate Hidden Spy App for Android
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Uncover the truth with ONEMONITAR, the hidden spy app engineered to discreetly monitor Android phones. With its stealth mode capabilities, ONEMONITAR operates covertly in the background, ensuring your monitoring activities remain undetected. Keep a close eye on target devices without arousing suspicion, thanks to ONEMONITAR's advanced features for tracking calls, messages, browsing history, and more. Stay in control and protect your loved ones or business interests with ONEMONITAR's unmatched hidden spy capabilities for Android.
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the-trans-dragon · 9 months
What if they didn't put ads every 3 posts. Three posts between ads, literally. Not even counting the ad for Tumblr Live.
Also what if tumblr didn't know what city Im in. I do not want my location tracked or stored anywhere unless I give explicit ongoing permission, like with my GPS app that I allow to track me only when the app is open, and then it deletes the data (allegedly) when I stop giving permission.
#ugh i do SO much to try to keep my location private. i use an android with all the tracking things Off (except for my weather app#which is a highly specific app that does NOTHING except provide weather; and i have the location turned Off so it doesnt even know where i#live). my tumblr email is not connected to any real life stuff because i made it when i was very closeted and made a new email and password#for it and never linked them to anything else. i have bare minimum apps. i use firefox and duckduckgo.#for shits sake i use a small barely-known map app because any Map App that has had large success under capitalism is inevitably going to#start selling private info or working with a cheap security system designed to allow quiet data leaks.#i guess i use gmail and gphotos but my phone doesnt HAVE a native Photo App. i have to use one i download and im too damn skittish to try#i guess i did get netflix recently....sigh.... i figured they WERENT tracking me because they email me EVERY TIME I USE NETFLIX to alert me#that OHHHH A NEW DEVICE IS USING NETFLIX AAAAA WHAT IF ITS AGAINST NETFLIX POLICY OH NOOOO. so i figured they didnt have a way to ID me.#UGH. CAN I PLEASE EXIST WITHOUT BEING MONITORED FOR FIVE SECONDS. can i please access Social Media which is a shitty substitute for actual#human connection but its the best i have--without someone noting my location and then trying to sell me things??? can i please watch film???#i cant go to a theater because my region does NOT believe in covid and not even medical staff attending Very Ill Patients wear masks anymore#stupid fucking homophobic transphobic anti-vax society has made it too dangerous for me to access most Not-Online forms of enrichment. and i#cant even use the Internet (a magnificent ASTONISHING human creation) without being tracked and advertised to.#ugh..#humanity is just so cool and brave and kind and amazing and yet we have taxes and advertisment IDs and traffic and medicine shortages.#its not like the ads even work. even when it shows me stuff i DO want. i cant fucking afford things. i already have spent too much money on#things that i dont need like Good Food and Entertainment and Juice. ugh....okay i do need food and liquids....Good food even. my body cant#survive on College Foods like it could in the past. And i might literally die if i dont buy juice...#and i guess its really really really heartwarming to have good entertainment to take breaks from all the stress.... its not like i havent l#..... like im so frugal. thank god my partners encourage me to buy myself things. i have been so much healthier since giving in and buying#Non-Water drinks instead of just Chronically Drinking Less Than A Bottle Of Water A Day. my partners are so good and sweet 😓 i shouldnt be#upset with myself for letting them convince me to take care of myself. that isnt fair to them or me so i will stop doing that now.#my faith in humanity is mostly just knowing that my partners exist. theyre so sweet. if people like them exist--then i have faith in humanty#no pressure lol. they are both so good and perfect regardless of how much energy they have to spare for Being Good. they are just inherently#very dear and good to me and for me. but just because i have faith in humanity doesnt mean im gonna stop complaining the whole time!!!!!! i#will whine about the bad stuff forever!!!! and BITE IT if i ever get the chance. but i will complain until the bothersome things go away.#if i complain my whole life with no results then...! so be it. i will whine and it will be art somehow.#sorenhoots
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okbuy99 · 6 months
Owlet Dream Duo Smart Baby Monitor
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asonofpeter · 10 months
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Pairing: Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
Summary: Everything falls into shambles as Kord tries to get the scarab from Jaime. When will it be time to rebuild?
Warnings: mentions of death and depictions of violence, SPOILERS FOR BLUE BEETLE!
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Part 3? Yes it is! I saw Blue Beetle for the second time yesterday with my parents and they liked it! My brother saw it with his gf and he related so that's a win in my book! Also got more inspo for this part so I hope you enjoy! 💕💕💕
I don't consent to my work being copied, reposted, or translated.
“There’s a way to get it out,” Rudy said and your ears perked in anticipation but his next words made your blood rush cold. “You’d have to be dead though”.
“What? What do you mean?” Jaime shook his head, fear casting over his gaze.
“Look, chamaco, the scarab is fusing to every cell in your body,” he pointed at the monitor and you watched as it practically covered everything in sight. 
What happened before is happening to your Jaime. 
You pressed your mouth into your palm, trying to contemplate it all. You stayed silent, not wanting to incite a reaction from your boyfriend just as he was already having a meltdown. 
“This isn’t fair! Why does this always happen to us? I just wanted to get a job!” he exclaimed sorrowfully. “This wasn’t supposed to be my future,” he exhaled, glancing at you briefly. 
It was brief but you knew all of his concerns at that moment. 
Were you going to be able to be together? Did you want to love an android alien? Even if you did, are you able to? What if you wanted kids? Was he going to be able to give you that future without fucking it up? What about everything that comes before and after? What now? 
He stormed off after yelling at Rudy, saying he needed to go on a walk. Wanting to chase after him, you ignored that feeling, knowing this conversation was one he needed to hear from his uncle. 
Giving it a brief moment, you went upstairs, Jenny following you as you knew where he went.
“Do you hear that?” Jenny stopped you as you made the stairs to the roof. 
You furrowed your brows, glancing up and hearing a low rumble. Making it onto the roof, you saw the purple lights signaling a Kord helicopter. 
“They’re going home,” Jaime realized. “I gotta get over there,” he said. “I’m gonna fly,” he jumped, hyping himself up.
“You got this, baby,” you encouraged him, clapping your hands together. 
“Woo!” he jutted his fists in the air but nothing appeared. “Okay, hang on,” he sighed, repeating the actions as before.
“Take your time,” Jenny reassured.
“Maybe you gotta force it out,” Rudy said nonchalantly. 
“Wait, you’re a genius, Rudy!” Jaime grinned, stepping off the bench and walking backward. 
“I know, what I’d say?” he furrowed his brows just as Jaime started running towards the ledge.
“Wait, Jaime!” you screamed as he jumped over but thankfully Khaji-Da made herself known. 
“Woohoo!” he cheered, flying towards Edge Keys. 
You don’t think you’re ever getting used to that.
Rudy pulled up in front of the house and your heart broke. Flames blazing out the windows and up the walls, ashes falling down to the lawn, and then your family crowded on the sidewalk came into your vision.
“Apa! No!” Milagro cried out, you and Rudy running over to help.
“Papi!” a familiar voice cried out and you turned your head to see Jaime being dragged into the helicopter. He was trapped by some device, causing him pain. You wanted to run after them, get your boyfriend back, but the chances you had standing against Kord and her bodyguard? 
You admitted defeat and went back to running towards your family. You stopped a few steps ahead of you, breath hitching at the sight.
Alberto was unconscious on the ground, face pale. He had another heart attack. 
Dropping to your knees next to Nana, you let the tears pour out as you stared at the man who loved you like your father never had. He was the man who looked out for you, who provided for you, the one who accepted you and welcomed you into his home after everything you lost. 
Clutching to what you had left, you tried to drown out the cries of Jaime and everyone else. You tried not to pay attention to the piercing headache that’s been aching at you for the last few hours nor the sting in your eyes from the lack of sleep. 
You wanted to focus on the silence, the light, something to tell you that all of this is a dream. You’d wake up from your nap, greeting Jaime and congratulating him on his job, and then you would get ready for work again and Jaime would walk you but you’d be against it since he has a big day tomorrow. 
But every time you opened your eyes, nothing changed. 
You stared blankly at the rubble before you bent down to pick up the family photo. You remembered the day.
It was a month after you had officially moved in. Your side of the room was claimed, you had a seat at the dining table, and you had your list of chores to get done. But something was still missing…
“Necessitamos una nueva foto,” Nana had stood in front of the old family photo. A picture of a younger everyone—Jaime looked so cute. “Ya, Y/N es una parte de la familia,” she gestured towards you and your heart swelled.
The next day you found yourselves at JCPenney, wearing your best clothes, being posed by the photographer. 
You were smiling brightly for the first time in a while. It was all because of your family.
Running your fingers over Jaime’s face in the photo, you pressed your lips together to stop the tears from pouring down. You were already mourning one loved one, you don’t think you could handle another. 
“Oye,” you heard Nana speak up, everyone gathering around her. “No es hora de llorar,” she cooed at Milagro. “We need to fight and get Jaime back because that’s what your father would’ve wanted us to do,” she affirmed and you wiped your eyes, Millie crying harder at the mention of her father. 
She was right and that’s how you found yourself in the bug ship. Thanks to the help of Jenny, who you were sure felt remorse for causing this. You were handed some sort of gadget and out of the corner of your eye, you saw as Nana grabbed the biggest gun you’ve ever seen.
“How do you know how to hold that so well?” Millie questioned. 
“There are many things you don’t know about your grandma,” Nana grinned and your eyes widened. 
The plan was set, you would go with Jenny and Milagro to find the generator room and shut everything down to find Jaime. Following the two girls in front of you, you were dodging guards back and forth as you were instructed to place explosives on the walls. 
Everything seemed to go accordingly until you and the girls had to run from the guards, you felt like you were going to escape until the ceiling above you started rumbling. 
“Millie! Go!” you pushed her out of the way before it crushed her, unfortunately, you were now separated. 
You called out for anyone, but it was hard as your lids grew heavy. Then everything went dark. 
Woken up abruptly, you winced at the pain that radiated through your body. Someone was shouting at you but you could only stay still and you cried out in pain as you were lifted up. You didn’t think anything severe was broken or injured, just sore. 
Suddenly you were outside, being dragged towards the same Kord helicopter. Jenny was beside you and she sent you a look, something about it was trusting and reassuring. You tipped your head, letting her know you understood.
“Y/N L/N,” a raspy voice rang through your ears. 
You stared at Vicky Kord, your stomach sinking as you shifted in your seat and that’s when you realized she had a gun in her hands.
“22-year-old woman, cosmetology school drop-out, kicked out by her own family after she refused to join her family’s drug dealing business,” she smiled wickedly as she leaned forward towards you. “Works night shifts at Margaritaville and is in love with a boy named Jaime Reyes”.
You glanced down, ashamed and angry. Not many people knew your life’s story. You kept it under wraps and your found family helped you leave it in the past. But now, a Kord seemingly knows all of it.
“What do you want?” you spat. 
“Oh, just one thing,” she grinned. “You think you’re on the right path, dear, but working night shifts at a bar doesn’t get you anywhere. But I can help,” she offered and you narrowed your gaze at her. “I can get you out of Edge Keys, you can make something out of yourself and truly know the meaning of hard work,” she said like a promise. “I just need you to get me the scarab,” she shrugged like it didn’t mean killing Jaime in the process.
“Being with family is me being on the right path and I don’t need you to tell me what hard work is,” you sneered.
“Like you would know anything about family,” she chuckled. “You’re really going to give up everything I can give you over a stupid Edge Keys piece of trash,” she scoffed and you grew angry. 
Jaime was much more than that and you knew it deep in your soul.
About to strangle the life out of her, Jenny spoke up. 
“He might be from Edge Keys, but he knows more about family than you’ll ever know!” Jenny stated firmly before she spit the gum she was chewing out, creating a bubbly goo around you three as you fell out of the helicopter.
You stood up with a groan, finding Jenny and her aunt having a one-on-one before your eyes scanned over the fiery field, and caught sight of Jaime. 
“Jaime, oh my god,” you covered your mouth in shock as you ran over to him.
“Y/N,” he said like he couldn’t believe it but he snapped out of it, embracing you as he ran a hand over your hair. “I thought I lost you,” he said, glancing in your eyes, tears streaming down both your faces.
“I’m here,” you rested your head against his before he kissed you. You leaned back, granting him better access before you both pulled away. “I’m so sorry, Jaime,” you licked your lips, sobbing. “Your apá,” you shook your head, cupping his face.
“I know,” he glanced down sorrowfully. “He’s okay, I know it,” he affirmed and you sucked in a breath. 
“Okay,” you pressed a smile.
Behind the two of you, Carapax was doing something to Vicky just as he walked over to you. Jaime was quick to shield you as he stopped in front of him.
“Go with your family,” he said in his deep voice and Jaime nodded, gulping. 
Clutching to his arm, you looked at Jaime before he spoke.
“Go! Go to the bug ship, I’ll be there!” he pushed you towards the beetle but you shook your head. It was like he sensed something was going to happen and you didn’t like it.
“No, I’m not leaving without you!” you argued, keeping your feet planted.
“Please, just trust me,” he begged and you agreed before grabbing his face and pressing your lips together.
“You better be right about this, Jaime,” you rolled your lips together, taking in one last look at him before you broke off in a sprint.  
You sat at the top of the ramp, looking out into the field to see what Jaime was doing. His face became frantic and you leaned forward as he began to run, explosions going off behind him. He made it onto the ramp but slipped until you managed to grab him.
He gasped as he looked up, a soft smile on his face. Rudy and the rest of the family helped you pull him up. 
“Now we can cry”. 
“Nana, you need help with the nopales?” you asked, kneeling down beside her as you began to pick the most viable ones. 
Everyone was dressed in black. Alberto’s funeral was tear-filled. You missed him dearly, but it was time to rebuild. You’d never forget him though.
“Gracias, mija, ven ayudame,” she held her hand out and you got up, giving her support to come up as well. 
The rest of the family circled around you, Jaime wrapping his arms around you as he kissed your temple. 
“Now we can start rebuilding,” Nana said, holding out the little pot of cacti. 
The neighborhood had come to help. Food was brought and a celebration was being made. Jenny even appeared, promising Kord Industries was going to rebuild the house and she gave Rudy a new Tailgate. 
The family went to check it out while you, Jaime, and Jenny stayed back. She said something about making sure Jaime got a good job at the company and you couldn’t help but grin in a proud moment. 
Things were right for once.
“Let’s take a walk,” Jaime suggested and you agreed, linking your hands together.
You stayed quiet, enjoying the soft breeze and the views of Edge Keys. Rounding the corner, you found yourselves a nice spot on the curb, sitting down next to each other.
“What now?” he asked.
“Like Nana said, we rebuild,” you hummed. “But there’s something I’ve been thinking about for a bit,” you took a breath in and he looked at you expectedly. “I think I want to go back to cosmetology school,” you announced and Jaime’s face broke out into a grin.
“That’s amazing, Y/N!” he hugged you. “What made you decide that?” he asked.
“Not sleeping puts things into perspective,” you began, ending with a laugh. “Now that Jenny is going to give the Edge Keys back to our community, I don’t need to work those night shifts anymore,” you grabbed his hands. 
“I’m so glad,” he grabbed your face and pressed kisses around it. “So proud,” he said against your mouth.
“Thank you, Jaime,” you smiled. 
“Maybe now that you won’t be working so much, we’ll finally get that alone time,” he wiggled his brows and you laughed. 
“Oh yeah, for sure now considering we don’t have a house,” you snorted.
“We can go everywhere now,” he looked up at the sky and you glanced at him as an idea washed over his face. “You wanna take a ride?” he asked and you furrowed your brows. 
“How?” you questioned. “Where?”
“Somewhere private,” he smirked and you smiled.
“You’re something else, Jaime,” you stood up, meeting his gaze as you looped your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his.
“Stop,” he exhaled, closing his eyes in embarrassment. 
“What?” you grinned, searching his eyes for a guess. 
“It’s nothing,” he shook off and that’s when you realized he was talking to Khaji-Da. 
“What is it saying?” you grew curious. 
“Just,” he dropped his gaze to your lips before he leaned in, enveloping your lips in a soft, gentle kiss. You moaned, fingers grazing his hair. “Hold on,” he broke away and your eyes widened in shock as the suit appeared. 
You took off a moment later and you were flying.
Reblogs are the best!
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Genshin Impact · Cloud US & Canada Open Beta on iOS, Android, and PC Now Available!
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Dear Travelers,
Genshin Impact · Cloud US & Canada Open Beta on iOS, Android, and PC is now available!
Genshin Impact · Cloud currently supports US, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Myanmar. Players in other regions, stay tuned!
★ Genshin Impact · Cloud is a cloud version of HoYoverse's Genshin Impact. Real-time cloud technology allows you to enjoy high graphics and high frame rates without having to download Genshin Impact's full game package.
After logging in to Genshin Impact · Cloud, Travelers will be able to experience Genshin Impact on mobile devices. Game progress is shared across other platforms.
>> Click here to download Genshin Impact · Cloud <<
〓Payment Guidelines〓
Billing will start immediately after Travelers launch the game within Genshin Impact · Cloud. The billing standard is at 10 Cloud Coins per minute. If their accounts still have remaining Free Trial time or an active Cloud Pass, then bills will be deducted in the order of Cloud Pass > Free Trial > Cloud Coins.
Travelers can obtain a certain amount of Free Trial. Upon Travelers' first login, you may obtain a 5-hour Free Trial. Also, you may claim a 15-minute Free Trial by logging in daily (refreshes at 12:00 UTC+8 daily). The upper limit of Free Trial is 600 minutes. You will be unable to accumulate any more Free Trial once this limit is reached.
Thanks to Travelers' love and support, Genshin Impact · Cloud is now officially launched for iOS, Android, and PC in the United States and Canada. We will continue to monitor Travelers' suggestions and feedback, and work to provide a better gaming experience for Travelers.
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bluesturngold · 5 months
Hi, do you have a source that the tumblr breach is from 2013?
Hey, thank you for asking!
The article included in that post states that pretty much all of the leaked info in the big database that was published comes from old breaches. It doesn't really suggest what amount of the data could be new, or where it might have come from, other than that if there is new data it's only a small portion of the records. In essence: there's no evidence that suggests Tumblr has been breached a second time. That idea was erroneously posited by the OP of the Tumblr post who shared the article, and they've since apologized in the reblogs.
They meant well!
Anyway, you can check to see whether your info is included in this specific breach, and if so what site(s) it came from, by using the tool here: https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/
An additional anecdote: if you've ever used Google One's tool for checking where your stolen information is being posted on the web, it specifically flags when something it detects is a republishing of old data rather than a new breach. People repost stolen data a lot in order to sell it after the original post gets taken down, or to clean it up so the data is easier for people to access and use.
I can't suggest people go check Google One for themselves because I'm pretty sure the security monitoring functionality is paid (I have Google One for expanded cloud storage, the security monitoring is a relatively recent perk, I think), but Have I Been Pwned is generally the best free option. Firefox Monitor, a Mozilla service for checking whether your data is secure, is powered by HIBP, so better to just go to the source imo.
After checking again, HIBP doesn't seem to have this breach fully catalogued yet (it's a lot of stuff to go through, so that's normal), but the Cyber News tool that was linked in the article in the original post (and which I linked previously) kinda tells you most of what you need to know.
I recognize this isn't as concise as posting a link to an article that debunks rumors of Tumblr getting breached a second time, but the breach is new and also contains nearly 30,000 information sources (my data was found leaked from 10 different sources, all of which I knew about already because they were old, one of which was Tumblr) so honestly I don't think it's even worth focusing on Tumblr on its own tbh.
If you reuse passwords it honestly might be worth it to get a strong password generator and a password manager, then spend a free afternoon going through and updating your accounts. I use Firefox browser's in-built password manager with a strong-but-memorable password for my Firefox account because you can sync passwords between desktop/mobile/various devices, plus there's integration with autofill on Android if you set Firefox as the autofill app in your default app settings.
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aliceattheart · 17 days
Vox with a new an uprising tech demon threatening to take his spot that turns into a hate fuck situation with like an enemies to lovers troupe (also I figured out how to request yayyy)
You're making me short circuit
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When clicking the read more you consent that you are 18 I guess. I never followed this when I was younger 🤭 but for real this is adult content so viewer discretion advised ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ
Also drak themes(You have been warned)
Vox x AFAB Reader
Heyyy y'all Alice here
I thought of the perfect idea for this I hope you enjoy. I'm a bit new to writing smut 😼
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You weren't shocked after your unfashionable death did you find yourself spiraling straight down to hell. After countless amounts of murdering of the masses. You're crimes never caught up to you until you died of liver failure due to your obsessive drinking problem.
Your interesting new body that also accompanied you was strange. Your body has a luscious glow from the weird skin like sheet metal. With a small monitor on your wrist that showed you your vitals.
Having no foundation and a slight craft of making something out of nothing. You got yourself a business making Android assistance bots. Who needs Demons and Sinners when you have ready made bots willing to do almost anything. You're still working on somethings but none the less from perfection.
You were a spit fire that's for sure. Finding your place fairly easy. Being the Mastermind behind an Electric business in your recent past. You've learned a few dirty tricks at getting what you want.
Having frequent battles to aquire a turf to call your own. Even if I meant trying to brutally murder other low life's. Who cares? You're in hell and you only live once. Well twice in every Sinners case.
But as of late some asshole of a Poor functioning monitor company wanted to get in your way. He was "Big time" but all of his accomplishments were mediocre at best. Your Android assistance bots gravely out weighted his TV Empire beyond comparison. And he was "friends" with that loser Valentino. Good golly do you hate him and his disgusting business.
He once wanting to combine your business with his. Wanting you to work under him. He honestly thought he was smart. You're not that dumb, he wants the publicity of you joining. You have been the talk of the whole realm. It was truly an honor to the single flower that stuck out. Quite the eye catcher.
Which honestly you would have if he'd ask nicer than just say, "Join my fucking Empire and lavish in all it's charm."
You gently got up from your sit and said this on your way out. "As if I'd join the Three Musketeer and work under your pitiful display of power." Walking out of the door slamming it.
He came up with a brilliant idea. "I'm tired of playing nice with that bitch." Vox took to anger before rationally thinking. He was proud of himself when telling his subordinates to put a tracking device in your car. And it surely didn't take long for him to locate you.
You weren't one to mess around with. Having a zero tolerance for idioc and rambunctious losers who would waste your time. And unfortunately for Vox he fit both categories.
Stepping out of the car. The service bot held your hand to help you out. Closing the door behind you. Without a chance to catch view of the bustling only to see Vox. "What do you want from me? I thought I made it clear that I wanted no part in that bogus deal." Snapping at him as he followed this long strides behind you. "Don't be like that, can't you just see how much more you'll gain working under me? You can't be so stupid to think I won't use force did you?" "Oh no! Whatever shall I do? You know I'm not helpless, correct?" He scoffed at you. Unfortunately for him he recently learned of your alliance with Alastor.
Picking up your pace as you walked into the booming establishment. Hoping to loosen up after your truly eventful week. Quickly finding yourself to the bar. Only to have that insufferable TV sit right next to you.
"What would you like Y/L?" "Take the strongest things you have and mix them together. I want the strongest hangover tomorrow." "Give me what's she's having."
After a few drinks you both shared a unspoken mood. You couldn't quite put your finger on it but the desire you felt at the moment for the very distasteful yet Handsome TV. Perhaps it was the lights, or maybe the music but most definitely the drinks. Checking your arm monitor. [Hammered] That's all you needed to know to put your almost finished drink down.
After putting the money on the table with a nice tip, you turned and started up another conversation with Vox. "Why are you still here? I've already said no to the deal, get it through that think screen of yours."
"Someone is feeling that Martini. I just thought that you might want some company. I've seen the way you've been staring at me all night." "Hop off your high horse. Though you aren't mistaken. Just be warned that I don't play sweetly." "Don't worry sweetheart. I like to play rough."
After that short but sweet conversation you can't even remember how you ended up in your room. But that's a problem for tomorrow.
Your elaborate outfit was long gone, making conversation with the carpet. You knew Vox wasn't a kind man but some decency wouldn't hurt. He littered your skin with sharp nips.
His slick fingers found it's way to your chest. "Remember what you said, what happened to all that bite?" Vox smirked down at you while he pinched at your oh so sensitive nipples. "Oh shut up. You should be greatful that I'm allowing you the pleasure of pleasing me tonight. Many souls have fought for this pleasure." Your legs clamped around his waist, successful flipping both of you over. "But since you asked so nicely, I'll show you some bite "
You made quick work of his tattered clothes. Throwing the button up and pants on the floor to join the conversation with yours. You decided to leave his undergarments on. You being in no rush. You had nothing to do in the morning.
Slowly you started to grind your hips down to meet his. You were quick to make your hands busy with raking them up and down his chest. Feeling naughty you started to traced his cute nipples. He started to look slightly displeased.
"Oh what's wrong cupcake? Is this too much for you already?" He scoffed at you while grinding his hip up to yours. "It's not that it's too much, I've never had someone--Ah !" He cut himself off with a airy moan. You don't spare him any glances as you started to toy with his nipples.
You gave him the same rough treatment he gave you. Pulling and twisting them. Tonight shall be an interesting night. Was all you could think about. While your hands were busy you started to lean down and bite at his shoulders. Leaving deep bite marks in it's wake. Slowly dragging your tongue around the craters. Trailing your tongue to meet your hands. Latching onto his left nipple and gently sucking.
You could tell that Vox was getting impatient with the lack of friction between his legs. Looking him in his eyes he had a deep flush on his monitor. He was cute.
Suddenly out of nowhere he decided that he wanted to take charge again. Mostly likely because he felt humiliated that he was being dominated by you. "I've had enough play time. Let's get the real party started." He snatched your beautiful decorated panties off without a second thought. He were quick to follow.
"Like I've said, I'm not gonna go easy on you." Flashing his pearly sharp teeth at you again. Precisely lining himself up with you soaking wet entrance. Just the tip felt heavy and he had even inserted yet. What have you've gotten yourself into. Too late to back out now.
He slammed his throbbing hard dick into you. All you could do was hold your mouth open as all the air rushed out of you. The sting of the stretch was orgasmic. Your legs pulled him in closer, not wanted to let him go.
His pace was slightly unbearable. The jack ass didn't even give you a change to catch your breath. He was thrusting in so hard and deep. It was the deepest someone has gotten. He grabbed your legs and pulled them down to your chest. "Waait! Slow DOwn!" "What ah happened to you don't play nice? So take what I givve you." He was groaning as he picked his pace up.
You didn't know about him but you were about to cum. He was just being so rough. It was a major turn on for you. "I'm... I'm CUMMING!" The orgasm shook through you. Vox on the other hand did not slow down for a second. He worked you through your first orgasm into your second. It was becoming too much, your legs started to shake. Vox finally emptied himself into your warm cavern. "Ahhh, that was great. But don't think that we're finished yet."
He pulled out. And turned you over flat on your stomach. Pulling your hips up towards his. He reinserted himself into you with on strong thrust. He picked back up his brutal pace again. Your face went straight into the pillows to hide your loud moans. As he slammed his hips into the back of your ass it stung oh so good. Vox pulled at your scalp and yanked your head back. "Don't go quiet on me now. I wanna he your screams." And boy did you not let him down. "AhhaaA, I'm CUMMING AGAIN!"
You couldn't take anymore, he was being so mean. You looked at your arm monitor it said [Error]!? What does that mean? Vox slid his fingers down to meet your painfully throbbing clit and started to play with it. "You like that don't you?" He said proud of himself for successful.aking you cum three times non-stop. Your fourth orgasm was coming in fast. "Give me one more." "I CAN'T!" "YOU CAN." Your vitals started to say"Short circuit!" Along with "ERROR"
Before you knew it you blacked out for a few seconds. When you came to you realized between your legs was a gushing stream of liquid. You were beyond embarrassed. Vox grunted on last time as he slowed his pace down. Having reaching his limit. With you milking his cock just right. His orgasm was trying blissful.
"God we should do this more often." He smiled at your oh so tired body. "Maybe another time when I'm under the influence of a sharp Martini." You chuckled. The rest of your night was quite peaceful as you quickly feel asleep. Who would have thought Vox loves to cuddle.
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allthegeopolitics · 2 days
The founder of the spyware app pcTattletale said his company is “out of business and completely done” following a data breach over the weekend. The shutdown comes days after a hacker defaced the spyware maker’s website and published links containing large amounts of data from pcTattletale’s servers, including databases of customers’ information and some victims’ stolen data. pcTattletale was a remote surveillance app — often known as “stalkerware” for its ability to track people without their knowledge — that allowed the person who planted the app to remotely view screenshots of the victim’s Android or Windows device and its private data from anywhere in the world. pcTattletale advertised its spyware app as a way to monitor employees, but also openly promoted its ability to snoop on spouses and domestic partners without their consent, which is illegal. 
Continue Reading
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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As midnight struck on this warm summer's eve the sound of static rang out across the city. It was distracting, piercing, and so incessantly loud that it would have stirred almost anyone from their slumber. A hiss that sounded from each and every television for roughly thirty seconds, the sound and distorted display eventually cut out before each screen began to play something unusual.
It was a commercial for a multimedia project of some sort. A game? A television series? A collectable merch line? It was all of these things at once but the commercial was rather old-fashioned. Like something from the 90s.
The advertisement ended with this seemingly standard line and yet as it came to an end and regular programming returned, the quiet city came to life with surprise. At the side of every character that had been brought into the city from another world was a strange creature, one that embodied traits from the person they had appeared beside.
Their very own Spiramonster!
"Ofiuco... When you said you wanted to run a "social experiment" you never indicated you'd be creating this much data." One Star remarked to the android that sat before a wall of computer monitors that reflected their light off of her artificial eyes. Ofiuco did not reply immediately and instead continued to type, fingers moving at an inhuman pace as she finalized the programming.
When she finally finished she spun several times in her chair with a blank expression on her face. She was an eccentric young lady. "I just wanted to see how they reacted. This is a classic concept, isn't it? After all, they deserve to have fun once in a while too."
After a very confusing night caring for some very cryptic critters, at 7am the next morning some context was finally provided to the city by the way of another television broadcast featuring Ofiuco in a lab coat. "Welcome to the world of... Oh... I should avoid copying too much, shouldn't I? Um. As you all may have noticed you've each received a Spiramonsters. They are very much real. At least as real as you are."
"You'll be taking care of them for a short time. Raise them. Train them. Befriend them. Love them. But also you should partake in our Spiramonster Cup, known otherwise as The Challenger's Road. It would provide us with some very valuable data." She raised her hand and a map of the island appeared with various locations marked with star symbols. "There are challenges for your Spiramonsters to accomplish at these points. Complete one of the eight and we'll reward you. I pinky promise."
Was she not going to elaborate on that?
Welcome to our twenty-fifth event, THE CHALLENGER'S PATH!
It's probably very obvious what inspired this event, but it was naturally drawn from the very popular monster collecting genre.
This event is the first of two new events that will be run over the summer. The second will run in August and will be connected in terms of story but will be a different kind of event entirely!
The event ends at 11:59:59PM EST on July 21st.
After the event ends any Spiramonsters created will lose their physical forms, however you will be able to preserve them in Spiragotchi devices you receive for completing a challenge (see: The Challenger's Road).
There are plans to make the monsters you create more permanent fixtures in the group, however this won't happen until the conclusion of the August event!
So what is a Spiramonster? It's a monster designed after the character that acts as their companion, possessing traits of the character that it has this close relationship with.
These means that a Spiramonster could share physical, personality, or ability traits with your character and we encourage you to design them with these things in mind, though you don't need to if you want to design something completely original!
Each Spiramonster can have up to five attacks that you can base on your muse's own abilities / personality / etc. For example: if your character was an idol you could make up music related abilities, or if your character has like super strength you could give them a strength related move.
Simply for comparison's sake, a Spiramonster cannot be stronger than your average Pokemon. It also cannot be any larger than a horse. You can model them after animals, machines, objects, whatever you'd like so long as you don't just make them little people.
On that note whether or not they can communicate in the human tongue is up to you!
Otherwise feel free to be as creative as you would like! You can describe them with words or if you feel up to it you can demonstrate how they look with other talents!
Feel free to name them whatever you'd like (so long as it's appropriate)!
You can give a copy of your own Spiramonster to a friend via an app that will appear on your character's phone. Whether you want to give it for free, after beating you in a battle, or for money or a favour is up to you though! You can only have a party of five Spiramonsters however!
You do not need to create a Spiramonster for event participation. However you must write with someone who has one and we do encourage it, because they will be relevant in the August event in some capacity.
Ofiuco mentioned the Spiramonster Cup, otherwise known as The Challenger's Road. So what is this?
A map has been included on everyone's phones that marks challenge locations on the island map. Go there to be given a challenge by one of the Stars or other bodies involved in the city project in the form of a projection.
The challenges will range in goals from battles, to obstacle courses, to treasure hunts; there's a great variety! You can find a list of these challenges here.
Complete one of these challenges either in five-hundred words (per participant) across one or multiple threads or in five-hundred word drabble to unlock 500 Stars and a Spiragotchi device that will allow you to take care of your Spiramonster in pocket form when the event ends!
You do not need to complete a challenge to get rank-up participation! Any post partaking in the event will do!
As always if you have any questions about the event do not hesitate to ask! We'll get back to you as soon as you can!
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rideboomindia · 8 months
How a female can book only female driver with RideBoom , Empowering Women
RideBoom promises to revolutionize the way people travel around the city. The app, which is available for both iOS and Android devices, allows users to book a ride quickly and easily from their current location to their desired destination. With just a few taps on their smartphone, users can select the type of vehicle they want, track their driver in real time, and pay for their ride securely and conveniently through the app. In the words of the RideBoom Founder and CEO Harminder Malhi, known as Harry Malhi, "Our app is designed to make transportation as easy and convenient as possible while also providing a safe and reliable service that our customers can trust." In addition to its user-friendly interface, the app also offers several innovative features that set it apart from other on-demand transportation services. These include: Instant booking: Users can book a ride in seconds, with no need to wait for a driver to become available. Real-time tracking: Users can track their driver's location and estimated time of arrival in real time, giving them peace of mind and reducing the risk of missed pickups. Multiple payment options: Users can pay for their rides directly through the app, using a credit card, debit card, or other payment method. Driver ratings and reviews: Users can rate their drivers and leave feedback after each ride, helping to maintain a high level of service quality. Safety features: The app includes several safety features, such as a two-factor authentication system, a panic button, and a real-time monitoring system that alerts the company in case of any emergencies. In the words of the Founder, "We believe that our new ride-sharing app will change the way people think about transportation, and we're excited to be at the forefront of this revolution," Further. "We're committed to providing our customers with the best possible service, and we look forward to expanding our reach and making our app available to more people in the coming months." The RideBoom app is available in both stores and is free to download. Let's RideBoom your business.
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onemonitarsoftware · 26 days
ONEMONITAR: Phone Spy App with GPS Tracking
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Keep track of the target phone's location in real-time with ONEMONITAR's phone spy app featuring GPS tracking capabilities.
Protect Your Loved Ones and Ensure Safety with ONEMONITAR– The Ultimate Monitoring Solution!
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solidwater-arts · 5 months
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[ID: A pixel drawing of Celine, a humanoid android with dark blue "skin", a USB cord tail, and a monitor head stylized as a rectangle. Her palms are a lighter shade of blue. Her monitor displays two simple eyes with a bigger pixel size than the rest of the drawing.
She wears tight black pants, a short grey top, and an unzipped bright cyan jacket. Her jacket has silver embroidered leaves around the right shoulder. She wears a lavender belt from her right shoulder to her left hip.
She is floating with her right leg fully extended and her left leg bent, with her left foot behind her right knee. She is stretching her right arm downwards, and she has her left arm up, as if she had just snapped her fingers. /End ID]
Not pictured: her AAC device that should be attached to her belt but I forgot to draw it. Pretend that it's behind her back or something idk
So! This is Celine! She's an old design I'm repurposing for the Dream Realm, which is a concept based on a dream I had! There are other two characters from the Dream Realm that have not been introduced yet
Some fun facts about her!
She's an AI! One of those super advanced sci-fi ones
She's friends with the other two characters I mentioned!
Her voice can be best described as an 8-bit soundfont
She can play multiple tracks at once! But it's hard to do. Doesn't stop her from trying to sing entire songs on her own tho
She can't really. pronounce things. So she uses sign language or AAC depending on whether or not whoever she's talking with knows sign
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p3ski · 6 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now punished in the same way as crimes against humans. A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' be the thing to change this?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 3K
The incident at the church was never discussed, although the tension from the event still lingered. Gavin stared unwaveringly at his monitor, scrolling through the latest CyberLife testimonies. This had become a pattern over the last few days, with him trying to complete his work with as little engagement with Nines as possible. This had not gone unnoticed by his partner, who quickly grew resentful of being served the cold shoulder. It seemed equally content to ignore him back. If only out of spite. 
"Still fuck all coming from these interviews”, Gavin mused, finally breaking the silence. “If anyone knows anything about this Synthetic Reaper, they're keeping tight-lipped."
This was not a topic that Nines was interested in, evident in its painfully unenthused response. 
The detective bristled, knowing he only had himself to blame for the unsociable atmosphere. Turning his attention back to his computer, the menial task of report filing suddenly felt like a blessed escape. After a few minutes of typing, his phone reverberated from the side of his desk. He ignored the notifications at first until the persistent buzzing became a nuisance. 
Reaching over to silence the device, he was soon grateful he'd done so, as brightly illuminated on the screen was a series of incriminating texts. Outlining the embarrassing details of his most recent personal struggle:
Actually Decent (4)
[10:03am] Gav
[10:03am] hey
[10:04am] have you and Nines made out yet
[10:04am] or are u still planning on wimping out
Gavin pulled his phone closer, out of the view of prying eyes. He went back to scanning the information on his report, focusing on a section he had yet to finish. "You got anything for this new code? The one in the victim’s scripture?"
His phone shook again, and glancing down, he saw that Tina was diligently adding to the collection of unwanted messages:
Actually Decent (7)
[10:06 am] because if youre gonna bang a stranger 
[10:06 am] please pick one thats normal
[10:07 am] no more weird kinks
"No?" Gavin questioned, eyebrows raised in disbelief. "That's a first for you, smart ass."  The tone was intended as jovial, but the reception was frosty at best. Nines shot him a sharp glare, huffing disapprovingly under its breath. 
Gavin’s fingers twitched on his keyboard, wondering if he should cut his losses and accept his looming termination. There were other jobs he could pursue, after all. Perhaps a career as the world's most surly birthday clown. Or a disappointing male stripper. 
Actually Decent (9)
[10:09 am] I still have nightmares about the pet-play guy
[10:10 am] I’ll never recover from the things u told me
Nines slid Gavin a slip of paper. "The message is nonsensical. Most of the text makes sense, but the ending appears to be gibberish." 
He peered down, scanning over the carefully penned digits. "...So what are we thinking? Another hidden code, like SL C?" 
"Might I suggest you take some time to determine that yourself." The android squeezed its mouse tightly. As if it were trying to crush it to pieces. “I am getting rather tired of you ‘copying my homework’." 
Gavin was caught off guard by this. While his partner was far from agreeable, it was unusual for it to lash out in such a juvenile way. There wasn’t a hint of care or remorse as it diligently scanned its monitor, refusing to look up. 
Once the initial shock had subsided, it transformed into something ugly. An instinctive urge to push back. Gavin balled up the paper indignantly, flicking it over the desk. “You got a problem with sharing notes, just say. You don’t have to be a little bitch about it." 
Nines laughed, although not in the way that he’d grown used to. It was a harsh sound, short and sharp, "I find it insulting that you have snubbed me this long, only to speak now when it seeks to benefit you."
The detective tensed uncomfortably at this before puffing out his chest defensively. “In case you’ve forgotten, we’re working together. Hardly an effective partnership if we can't at least share information." 
“It is difficult to work with you in a professional capacity when there is something more pressing we need to discuss." 
"And what the fuck would that be?" 
There was a loud, crunching noise. Gavin looked over to confirm that Nines had, indeed, destroyed its mouse. Fragments of plastic littered the desk whilst others remained embedded in its hand. In the android’s eyes, there was a strange vulnerability intermingled with its usual intensity. Not so much confronting as it was pleading. 
"You know." 
A tight bind encompassed Gavin's chest and threatened to cut his breathing. His focus drifted from his companion’s eyes down the expanse of its smooth, pale skin. He followed the gentle slope of its nose, counting the freckles on the way, and ultimately found its lips. They looked warm and inviting—enough that he felt compelled to lean towards them. 
It was then that he realised he was utterly fucked. 
"I'm going for a smoke." He pushed away from his desk, shooting to his feet in a hasty motion. There were measured footsteps trailing behind him as he cowardly marched away, but he refused to turn around. Not wishing to cause a scene. 
Shoving his way through the fire exit, he hurriedly paced down the steps, caring little if he slipped on the ice. His hand found the cigarettes in his pocket, and he squeezed the box with such intensity that he successfully crushed half of its contents. Pulling out one of the smokes left intact, he had barely touched it to his lips when the heavy door slammed open behind him. 
"I would appreciate it if you stopped running from me," a stern voice chided. 
Staring vacantly into the parking lot and with nowhere else to go, Gavin glumly accepted the inevitable, surrendering to the demand. "I’m not running," he denied, in staunch contradiction to his previous actions. "What do you want to talk about?" 
"I’d think that is rather obvious. I wish to discuss what happened." 
While he tried to maintain a facade of composure, there was no hiding his racing pulse. He knew Nines would have to suffer a serious malfunction not to sense how panicked he was. "I don’t know what you mean."
“Then I'll have to enlighten you: I am referring to the reckless - and frankly deranged - behaviour you exhibited at the church the other day." 
Gavin was grateful for the harsh wind outside, as it gave him the perfect excuse to hide his face under the guise of preserving his light. He thought back to the day in question and the moments leading up to the assault on his partner. There had been no thoughts when grappling the man, just white-hot rage that scorched his skin and blinded his senses. The answer to what happened eluded him, and he was content to leave that way. 
“I’ve got nothing to say." He said, moving forward to descend another concrete step. 
His partner would not be so easily sated. It calmly closed the door and began its own descent down the staircase. Gavin stepped in time, seeking to maintain the distance between them, as Nines persistently charged forward. This carried on for a while, like some sort of surreal line dance. "For someone who despises androids so vehemently, you seem extremely keen to jump to my defence."
The run of the steps finished, and the two found themselves on the pavement. Unless they wished to carry their quarrel into the busy streets of Detroit, Gavin knew it was best to stay put. “I am not jumping to anyone’s defence."
"It isn't the first time you've done so for me." Nines ignored his protest, exploiting its looming physique to tower over its partner. "There was the man outside Mikey’s—"
"That didn't mean shit."
"I don't believe you." It sounded exhausted, as if it had been dwelling on the subject for days. "Please, I'm just trying to understand."
“There’s nothing to understand. You said before that I have some weird saviour complex. Call it instinct."
"Why would you seek to save something you so openly despise?" 
Gavin took a shaky drag of his cigarette, the smoke catching in his throat, "Because it's my job", he said plainly, though his wavering tone was far from convincing. "I wasn't going to let him hurt you like that. I would have done the same for anyone, human or android." 
"I do not feel pain, of which you are aware." Nines picked holes in the flimsy argument without hesitation. "What reason would you have to believe I was hurt?" 
The detective backpedalled, realising that he'd trapped himself with his own telling wording: 
"I didn't mean hurt; I meant break," he excused. 
"I assured you that my structural integrity had not been compromised." 
"Just let it go. I wasn't thinking." 
"I disagree. You have been thinking a great deal." The android pressed, toeing the line between firmness and aggression. "I needed no saving the night I stayed over, yet you showed me the same consideration. I find your continually shifting attitude towards me deeply confusing." 
This machine doesn’t know what he’s doing , Gavin thought to himself. Nothing good would ever come from the proverbial shitstorm that was beginning to manifest.  
Wait. He stopped, firmly correcting himself:
Not he. 
Oh, Jesus Christ.
“You’re one to talk”, he seethed, expunging his frustration like poisonous venom. “I don't know what's gotten into you, but this buddy-buddy shit is getting old. We aren't friends; we're co-workers. We don’t have to pretend we’re anything more." 
He tried to pull away, to which Nines reached out, grabbing him firmly by the arm. "Why are you so desperate to deny what you feel?" 
"What do you know about what I feel?" Gavin snapped. The proximity between them was dizzying, their faces inches apart. "All you are is a hunk of plastic pretending to be a person."
The cruelty of his words came with little conscious thought. Part of him wanted to stop, but he refused to back down. He had already made the fatal mistake of letting the android into his mind, and he needed to shut it out before things got any worse.
"Your views have changed; you no longer believe that." Nines attempted to sound assured, but its torn expression betrayed this.  
"You said you weren't interested in pretending, and I'm not interested either, android." The word was spat from his lips like an aggressive slur.
His partner’s temple shone red, and its grip tightened with mounting defiance. "I understand that I will never be human, but I do not lack the capacity to feel." 
"Don't delude yourself," he sneered, barking out a cruel laugh. "You try to get into my head, manipulating my feelings to serve your directives, and you wonder why I fucking hate you."  
Nines let go, recoiling fiercely as if the man burned to the touch. As it stared at him with wide eyes, there was no mistaking the raw heartbreak that blighted its features.
"I see." 
The voice barely registered above a whisper, but to Gavin, it could have been screaming. He found himself unable to look, to face the consequences of what he had done. A part of him wished to take it all back. To pull his partner into an embrace and hastily beg for its forgiveness. But he knew that he couldn't. At least not now. 
Once that line had been crossed, there would be no turning back.
The ash built up on his neglected cigarette, and he made no effort to flick it away. With the light extinguished, he allowed it to slip limply from his fingers. "I'm going to get a coffee. Be back in a few." 
"You can get coffee from the canteen”, Nines replied, words strained from its melancholic state. 
“Not that coffee, I want...different coffee...at home”, he cringed at the weakness of his excuse. "Just don't wait up, and don't follow me."
Gavin turned on his heel and made his way to his apartment, refusing to look back. Whilst walking, he looked through his phone, swiping away the messages from Tina and instead opening his USwipe account. Seeking a distraction from the disastrous interaction that had just transpired, he filtered through the matches, looking for someone of interest. 
He was pleasantly surprised to find a well-kempt man around his age with a bio that didn’t immediately scream ‘weird pervert’ or ‘serial killer’. He was reasonably attractive, too - with a mop of dark, curly hair and warm hazel eyes. Emboldened, he opened his chat log and fired off a quick message:
You: Hey
did u want to meet up? 
It wasn’t anything elaborate, but Gavin had never been one for making the first move, so he reasoned it was progress enough. 
Arriving at his front door, he hoped to find some time to unwind. While he knew he couldn’t hide out indefinitely - and would have to return to the station at some point - a fleeting escape was a small mercy that he would happily embrace. However, this hope was quickly extinguished when a distant yowl greeted him from the bathroom. 
"...Tiff?” There was an unpleasant lurch in his stomach, telling him that something was wrong. 
While his cat was usually vocal, there was something off about the noise she was making. It sounded weak and strained. Shaking off his coat, he charged through his living room and slammed the door to the bathroom open. He found Tiffany lying in the bath, half-turned onto her back and staring vacantly into space. Her chest was falling and rising rapidly, and it didn't take Gavin long to realise what was happening.
"Shit", He dropped to his knees, scurrying over in a dazed frenzy. Almost as soon as he'd leaned himself over the bath, Tiffany let out another long cry, and he tried his best to console her. Gently running a hand on her back and shushing softly. "It's okay, girl, I've got you." 
The cat continued to pant and strain, and Gavin wondered, with significant guilt, how long this might have been going on. Extending towards the door, he pulled a towel from the nearby rail and gently pushed it beneath her. At a loss for what else to do, he reached for his phone, preparing to call the vet for some much-needed advice. An incoming call thwarted his efforts, and he stared at the screen in disbelief, unsure how to react.
While he entertained the idea of rejecting the call, he found himself unable to do so. The phone seemed to vibrate endlessly as the called ID quietly mocked him. Slowly, he pressed accept, and the caller wasted no time in pleading their case:
"It was not my place to make such brazen assumptions about your emotions. I would like it if we could talk about this—"
While Nines babbled, the detective noted the faint speckles of blood that littered his bath, plunging him deep into a nervous spiral. "Not now. We'll talk later." 
Tiffany was straining a lot at this point, as Gavin recalled the vet telling him that this should be 'minimal'. He had no idea what defined minimal - or at what stage it was acceptable to freak out. 
"Is everything okay?" Nines pressed, picking up on the obvious tension. 
The cat's legs jerked violently, and he moved closer, pushing her back for a better view. He observed in horror the tiny head peering out from beneath her tail. "I need a fucking vet." 
"For what reason?" Its tone became frantic, as though it were sharing in his panic. "Is it Tiffany? Is there something wrong?" 
"Well, she's about to shit out a kitten. Other than that, she’s just dandy." He held his breath, watching nervously as the baby's head stalled in place. Tiffany brought herself forward, desperately trying to push, before flopping back down in defeat. 
Gavin reached out to support her, aware that Nines was still talking to him but unable to process what it was saying.
"Did you hear me?"
"Hear what?" he hissed back frustratedly, overwhelmed by the situation. "Seriously, I'm not in the mood to play games right now." 
"I'm not suggesting we play games. I'm suggesting I come over and help you." 
He slumped back, groaning deeply, and buried his face in his arms. "What part of 'I need the vet' did you not understand? You can't help any more than I can."
"I beg to differ. While I am not professionally trained, I have reviewed extensive resources on the stages of feline birth." Nines’ voice was calm and reassuring, pulling him back from the brink of a full-blown meltdown. "My assistance would be invaluable to you." 
Gavin paused, determining if he could set his pride aside sufficiently. If only for the sake of his pet. After some deliberation, he conceded, reluctantly accepting the offer, "Fine, just hurry up. This thing's coming out looking like a red Gusher, and I have no idea if that's normal or not." 
The concern soon resolved itself as Tiffany arched her back again and gave another firm push. The kitten’s head fully emerged, revealing a small, furry body behind it. The gentle twitching of its legs assured him that all was well, and his heart swelled with pride for his pet. 
Perhaps something good could come of the overwhelmingly shitty day.
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duckapus · 23 days
Not sure how to start this so I'll just say that Mr. Crocker is down in his not-so-secret Crocker Cave, laughing evilly while working on his latest fairy hunting invention. Currently, it's just a grapefruit-sized sci-fi-looking metal and glass orb full of glowing blue energy.
"With the addition of Meme Energy to my Artificial Magic formula and a bit of respawn code I bummed off of Gohma, the Artificial Magic Core is complete! And with it, I will power the ultimate advancement in fairy hunting technology..."
He turns on the Cave's big computer monitor, revealing schematics for a small, winged android, then spasms while shouting, "THE FAIRY GODDROID!!!"
He begins to pace, petting the core in his hand as though it were a small, glowing metal cat, "Yes, no longer will I be caught on the back foot, forced to compensate for the reality warping power Turner and every other Godchild has at their fingertips. Soon I'll be able to fight Fire with Fire."
Another spasm, "FIRE!!! I mean, FAIRIES!!!"
He wipes his brow, which has gradually become more and more slick with sweat, "Ugh, speaking of fire, I really need to fix the air conditioning down here at some point. California heatwaves and underground laboratories do not mix," under his breath, he adds, "almost makes me wish I was somewhere that was cold year-round instead."
As you might expect, idly wishing when you're holding a device designed to replicate the powers of wish-granting magical creatures isn't a good idea, which Crocker realizes when the AMC's glow suddenly gets brighter...
"Oh shi-" he's rapidly engulfed in a cloud of sparkling blue smoke with the word "BEEP" written on the front in blocky letters, accompanied by the sound of an airhorn, and when it dissipates, the Crocker Cave is empty.
Somewhere in Desiderio, an airhorn calls out across the frigid wilderness, and a human with unsightly features and clothing far too light for the climate is dropped from a mysterious blue cloud in such a way that he faceplants into the snow, screaming all through his brief fall. He quickly gets back up, violently shivering as he clutches his invention close to himself for the small amount of warmth it brings.
"I w-wish I had s-s-some dec-cent w-w-winter c-clothes right n-n-n-now," with another Beep, his collared shirt, black slacks and matching loafers are replaced by a dull blue parka with the hood up, dark grey snow pants, and heavy-duty black boots and gloves. As he's warmed back up, he sighs in both relief and annoyance, "well, at least I know it works now. Where am I, anyway?"
While the sensible thing to do would be to go back home, Denzel Crocker is far from a sensible man, so he stows the AMC in one of his pockets and starts trudging his way in a random direction, eager to see what he might find.
As he goes, he discovers that he's near the shoreline of...wherever he's ended up, and he follows the beach until he comes across a camp of some sort on a long outcrop. He continues onward, soon discovering that the camp is inhabited by humanoid cats in what appear to be medieval knight uniforms designed to withstand the frigid climate. They appear to be guarding something, and the scientist and troublemaker in him just has to see what it is, especially since they don't seem to have noticed his approach yet.
"Hmm...I wish I was invisible."
Once the wish is granted, he slowly picks his way through the camp, doing his best to stay as quiet as possible so the soldiers' no doubt excellent feline hearing won't pick up on his presence (this close to the ocean there's more ice and rock than there is snow, so he's thankfully not leaving much of a trail).
Eventually, he reaches the object that's caught so much attention; a large, round stone structure covered in strange runes embedded into the highest point of the outcrop. From what he can see, it's ancient, but appears to have been tampered with recently, as if someone is trying to slowly cut it away from the cliff. Either the doing of the soldiers themselves or whoever they're guarding this place from.
As he tries to approach for a closer look, he slips on some loose pebbles, and if that didn't alert the guards the sharp "OOF" when he collides with the ancient stone definitely does. He hears the nearest ones shouting, though he's too disoriented to make out exactly what, and he happens to look down and see that his collision somehow managed to make a small crack in the stone, likely due to the AMC's sturdy metal frame based on the position. A green whisp of something shoots out of the crack, which knocks him back on his bony rear, cancels out his invisibility wish, and slips into his pocket.
Now back to his senses, Crocker takes stock of his current situation and finally listens to his common sense, "Well, I think I've just about overstayed my welcome," he pulls out the AMC, briefly noting that it's changed from blue to green but deciding to worry about that later, "I wish I was anywhere but here!"
And with another cloud (green instead of blue now, of course) and airhorn, he's gone, just as the Desidarian soldiers are closing in with weapons and instruments drawn.
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salami-dono · 6 months
7/27/23 or 27 July 2023 🌊🦊&⚡🦔
Surge and Kitsunami travel across dimensions, seeking Dr. Jester’s unique guidance about a problem that’s recently been weighing them down. 
A sterile glow from the hallway cast light into the dim scanning room of Dr. Jester’s facility, where two of his henchmen were stationed. Inside the control room on the far side was a desk with several computer monitors. Beyond the glass window to the left of the monitors was the examination room. Dr. Jester sat quietly at the desk, reviewing dozens of images produced by the scanner. He had recommended full-body scans of Surge the Tenrec and Kitsunami the Fennec in order to examine their complex system of cybernetics. The very same cybernetic enhancements developed by the late Dr. Starline.
While he worked, the chaotic duo waited at a table behind him. Surge kicked her feet up while Kit stared at the screens intently. It was a familiar scene for the two cyborgs.
Cybernetics interwoven in the soft tissue... Why? It would've been so much simpler to build androids. Implanting such devices had to have been absurdly complicated, but credit where it's due.
Frankly, the doctor couldn't wrap his mind around the design of these internal supports. It seemed Dr. Starline was just as short-sighted as his idol. Yes, his idol, the Egg Emperor—better known as Dr. Eggman. Once upon a time, Dr. Jester and Eggman, too, worked together as allies. And like Dr. Starline, he longed to have his genius recognized by that man. It took an ambush for him to finally realize that Eggman had no respect for him whatsoever. However, Dr. Jester survived. 
Enough. He steered his mind back to the task at hand. He had a theory that the impracticality of the design was intended, possibly as a tactic to create dependency in the two subjects. It was another way to control them, as he alone had the knowledge to maintain their inferior cybernetic enhancements. Truly diabolical. It was all so amusing.  Once again, he had to praise that platypus.
He glanced at Surge and Kit. The movement alerted the two and they looked at him expectantly. 
"Well? You done?" Surge asked.
She and her companion hopped out of their seats and approached the doctor's chair. He supposed he'd gathered sufficient data. Now it was time to put on a show. Dr. Jester enlarged the scans on the screen and spun his chair around, ready to address them.
"Inside your bodies is an extensive system of cybernetics—"
"Yeah, we know," Surge interrupted, "Could ya maybe skip through the presentation a little, Tin Man?"
Dr. Jester glared at the petulant child, "—I know that you know. Will you let me finish?"
Surge scoffed at him.
"As I was saying, as much as I hate to admit it—it's more complicated than I had anticipated."
Surge and Kit exchanged slightly perturbed glances.
He got up from his chair and walked over to Kit, looking down at him, "Tell me, have you been feeling any pain lately?"
"A-A little. Why?" Kit asked.
"It baffles me how your tiny bodies accepted those cybernetics in the first place," he said, kneeling by Kit. "Unfortunately, there is a problem: your bodies will grow, the implants will not. That discomfort you've been feeling, Kitsunami? You could call it growing pains."
The doctor instructed Kit to remove his glove so he could examine his hand, to which Kit obeyed. Dr. Jester palpated his wrist with his fingers. The boy flinched as the robotic hedgehog felt the metal wiring. Once he finished, he slipped the glove back on.
"Every single piece of these implants will have to be replaced eventually, perhaps sooner for the little one. They were not designed to accommodate growth. You two will have to endure multiple surgeries until adulthood. And, if you survive that long, the cybernetics will still have to be replaced periodically."
His nonchalant tone did not match his worrying statements.
"Well, you're smart, aren't you?" she retorted. "Can't you design new ones? Ones that won't need replacing?"
"Growth-accommodating cybernetic implants do not rule out the need for surgeries; they only lessen them. Alternatively, we could try a single operation. Yes, I could extract the cybernetics entirely and—"
"But, then we'd lose all of our abilities,” Kit voiced his concerns. “What if we don't survive?"
"Yeah," Surge's brows furrowed, "we're not doing that."
"Ha! If you’re concerned about survival, then roboticization will save you from all that pain. Believe me, it's the best, long-term solution. Dr. Starline may have known how to maintain your enhancements and keep you alive, but, hm... He's gone, isn't he?"
That name. Just the mention of it left her shaking. She hated how it cut into her psyche. Surge gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at her sides. No matter what, that man just wouldn't stay dead. Her body and eyes sparked with electricity. Kit took a few steps back and rose into the air using his hydro coils. His eyes glowed red, perhaps as a warning.
"That's the best solution?! You, turning us into one of your machines?! Forget it!"
Surge and Kit moved to the doorway but were blocked by Dr. Jester’s robots, Saturn and Genesis. They took a step back, squaring up for a fight. Dr. Jester chuckled.
"Here's the thing, children: like any creator, Dr. Starline survives through his creations. Yes, through you, he lives on. I'll unmake you and see to it that his legacy—his loathsome existence—is erased! Either I rip that frame out of you, or I fully mechanize you!"
Suddenly, Surge screamed and, in a quick flash, lunged at Dr. Jester. She threw him off balance with an electrically charged punch. He stopped the following swing by grabbing her arm and absorbing some of her power. His teal and magenta quills lit up—the electricity gave him a boost!
"I'm no pushover, you know!" He shouted, slamming her down.
She gasped, "Kit!!"
Kit attacked Dr. Jester with a powerful blast of water. His metal body collided with the multi-monitor setup, shattering some of his fancy monitors in the impact. He tumbled off the desk. Thanks to Kit’s assistance, Surge was able to regain her footing.
"What are you two deadbolts doing?!" the drenched doctor screeched at the robots frozen at the door. "Neutralize them!"
Genesis squawked apologetically. Saturn approached slowly, kicking chairs to the side and flipping the table. Dr. Jester complained about the wanton destruction of his furniture and equipment. Surge and Kit turned to face the approaching robots. 
"Hey, Drippy," she called, "Let's hit ‘em with the classic combo: you submerge 'em, and I'll zap 'em!"
"Yes, ma'am!"
Kit then conjured a sphere of water to cage the two mechanical monstrosities, leaving them vulnerable to Surge's subsequent bolt of lightning. It successfully incapacitated the roadrunner but Saturn was able to resist the shock as Dr. Jester did.
The doctor stomped his feet, calling Genesis useless repeatedly. Saturn turned his attention to the boy. He fired a beam from his mouth. It scorched his abdomen and he fell to the floor.
"Hey! Don't you dare ignore me!" Shrouded in electricity, Surge bounced wall to wall, smashing into Saturn each time. Saturn shielded his face with his arms. Once her attack stopped, he forced her back with a single palm thrust. She fell back to check on Kit.
"C'mon, kid! I need you," she said before jumping back into the fight.
Kit clutched his stomach and whimpered. His body screamed at him to return to Surge and support her in the fight. He opted to use his hydro coils to lift himself off the ground. His knees trembled, but he was standing. He'd recover. Go to Surge! Support Surge!
Surge shocked Saturn, and went at him with spinning kicks, but he didn't seem to slow down.
He turned his attention to Dr. Jester. Perhaps he could distract the echidna by targeting him. It worked on Metal Sonic. There was a good chance this robot would protect his master, too. Kit wrapped Dr. Jester's limbs using small bands of water. Saturn's head rotated 180 degrees, followed by the rest of his body, at the sound of Dr. Jester's yelp.
Surge grinned. It was an excellent opportunity. She bumped her sparking knuckles, touched them to Saturn's back and released a massive discharge. He powered off, his body smoking from the voltage. Kit proceeded to swing Dr. Jester around and sent him flying toward Saturn at high speed. They crashed into the wall.
Surge wiped her forehead and gave a wink and a thumbs up to Kit. He sighed in relief, returning to her side. They had won this fight.  Kit cautioned Surge about the two of them lingering for too long, in case something else happened. Surge laughed thunderously, and they headed out.
"You won't last long in your condition," Dr. Jester warned them at the threshold. He was pinned against the wall, tangled in the sleeping Saturn’s limbs. "As machines, you would persist.”
"Oh, shut up! You don't know what's best for us, old man. Sure, these enhancements are a curse, but we're nothing without them. The kid and I will figure it out on our own—like we always have."
Dr. Jester laughed incredulously, "Then, why did you come to me for help?"
They left his question unanswered. Surge made sure to stomp on the bionic roadrunner on the way out. 
Dr. Jester sighed and smiled, caressing Saturn’s arm, “I won’t rest until there’s not a single trace of him left in that world…” 
Surge and Kit casually exited from a back entrance of Dr. Jester's lab. The struggle against the doctor left them battered, though the damage was only superficial. Surge's clothes were torn, but her body had nearly fully recovered from the fight. Naturally, it was the same for Kit.
"Well, that wasn't the worst thing ever," Surge said as she adjusted her rings.
"Surge? I think... I think he was telling the truth—a-about the cybernetics, I mean."
"Yeah," she huffed, "I've been feeling it, too. Like, a dull pain all around my body, especially around my eyes... Feels like I'm being crushed from the inside."
Kit gasped, "No! W-We have to get you help right away!"
"From where, exactly?" Surge rubbed her forehead. "Hey, your plan from before—what was it?"
"Oh! Uh," he trailed off, "you won't... like it."
She snapped her fingers and demanded he look up and answer her. Tiny sparks flew from her hand.
"We could ask, um... Tails?" he squeaked and covered his face with his ears.
Surge let out a needlessly long groan. Kit apologized profusely. 
"Fine. We'll go with your plan."
"Huh? Really?!"
"Sure, whatever. Not like we got any other options."
Kit smiled tearfully, "Okay!"
"So, where's the nearest warp-thingy?" Surge asked, stretching her body for a run.
"The checkpoint?" Kit scanned the horizon and pointed north. "That way. There's another stage not far from here."
"Perfect! Good on you for being so mindful of your surroundings!" She ruffled his hair.
He giggled.
"Let's go get our second opinion," she said, crouching with her gloved hands touching the pavement. "Try to keep up, Drippy! We're off!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Kit brought his arms closer to his chest and readied his water pack.
Surge disappeared in a flash, electricity crackling in the spot where she had been standing. Kit gleefully took off running—arms outstretched—at an equally impressive speed, propelled by a powerful stream of water. Under the polluted sky, two streaks of light and water disappeared over the barren hills.
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keystonewarrior · 9 days
only ~5.35 miles tonight (if Google Maps can be trusted) in 1:40, so a smidge better than 3.5 miles per hour
saw a kitty
almost forgot to get the mail
first walk with the new heart monitor on, it's basically a USB sized device that plugs into a lead adhered to my sternum, transmits data to an android phone adapted for this purpose, got to wear it for a month then box it all up and mail it to the original source
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