#Phone Spy App with Call Recording
onemonitarsoftware · 4 months
ONEMONITAR: Phone Spy App with GPS Tracking
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Keep track of the target phone's location in real-time with ONEMONITAR's phone spy app featuring GPS tracking capabilities.
Protect Your Loved Ones and Ensure Safety with ONEMONITAR– The Ultimate Monitoring Solution!
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roxannarambles · 5 months
Rough Legends Arceus/Volo Headcanon Notes
While playing through Legends Arceus, while I was bored grinding out research tasks I amused myself with developing headcanons for the game.
These are for an OC in the player role/player is not Akari, though. (It's for my character June, who was a Bug Catcher while she was growing up, never did the gym circuit in her region, just liked bugs and casual pokemon battles and hanging out with her pokemon. She was attending her local junior college when she got snatched by the Void)
Headcanons focused on June & her "friendship" with Volo.
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They chat about her work with Galaxy. She doesn't actually enjoy it much. She loves pokemon, sure, and the nature's pretty, but the survey work is tedious, lonely, boring, dirty, hazardous, etc. Pokemon research sounds fun in theory but not in practice-- not in ancient Hisui, anyway. The research tasks the Professor assigns her seem so arbitrary and weird, there are very few people in the Survey Corps who are brave or skilled enough to help her out so she usually works alone, she lacks all the conveniences of modern civilization, etc. Camping out for a week in the bogs and going to bed each night caked in mud and slime, not able to bathe 'til you get back to the village, so forth.
Volo comments, 'Well they must pay you handsomely at least?' No, the pay isn't that great, most money she makes is from stuff she picks up off the ground. But, well, at least they're housing and feeding her. It's something.
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He calls her sky child.
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She remembers her life from before she fell here. She doesn't know why she came to be here, and why that weird phone appeared along with her. She half-remembers a weird pokemon that she dreamed about while in the rift, but she can't remember what it said to her. It was probably just a dream, anyway.
The phone is weird. It has a map of the area, and icons light up sometimes, and she also gets texted mysterious messages. She thinks maybe she accidentally fell through a portal to another realm, but the presense of this phone makes her suspect it's more than that. Did a person intentionally create a portal and push her through it? And now they're ordering her around with this phone? They seem to want her to study the pokemon here.
She doesn't like being used.
The phone has a Notes app. She thought about using it to record her thoughts, but she's paranoid that whoever sent this phone could be spying, reading her notes. She doesn't know if writing on a paper journal is good idea either though, anyone here could find it. She's not sure who to trust here, they already seem so mistrustful of her, they'd likely rifle through her stuff. She wouldn't put it past them, anyway.
Eventually she asks Volo if he can get her a journal with a lock on it. If such a thing exists here. He seems very curious about her request, but doesn't push questions on her about it. A few days later, he appears, having procured her a leatherbound journal with a sturdy locked latch.
He keeps a copy of the key in secret.
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Sometimes she camps out for many days in a row during her field work. It's often gruelling and lonesome. People from the Security Corps bring her meals sometimes and supplies to the campsite, but they are not always there-- they come and go. The pokemon professor drops by on occasion too but he's often busy with work back at the village. At night June sits in her tent and writes in her journal by the light of her phone. She can't even get attached to her pokemon, since her rearch forces her to constantly change her team. Supplies are precious, too, so she often can't afford to use tons of potions, and her pokemon faint a lot. They work as hard as she does, to the point of exhaustion, and she imagines they resent her for it.
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"So how are things going with your Galaxy friends?"
She tells Volo about how most people in the village seem to act nice enough around her, or polite in the very least. But even after all of these weeks here, she can tell none of them trust her. She can see the looks they cast her, from the corner of her vision, the way they still whisper about her when they think she can't hear. Some are still openly mistrustful or hostile, like the Commander of the Security Corps, although most are a little more subtle. Either way, it's exhausting to deal with. She's worked herself to the bone for them, and they tell her, "you're a part of our family now, we have your back," but it's not true, she know it isn't true. And she's realized by now that no matter how hard she works, how many favors she grants, how many missions she fulfills, it's never going to be enough, is it? She'll always be a stranger here, always out of place.
Even the Pokemon Professor and Rei, the people who are friendliest to her in the village, she doesn't feel close to. They seem nice enough, but in the end they're just using her too, aren't they? To get their research done. So who's to say whether their kindness isn't conditional? It always seems conditional here, in this place. Maybe she's just paranoid, but it's hard to tell. It's hard not to resent them all. She feels scared and alone. She has no one here.
She tells all this to Volo. She's not sure why. Maybe because he seems like an impartial party. Maybe because he's the only one who doesn't look at her with the eyes of someone who's mistrustful. Maybe because he's just there and she has to tell somebody, she can't bear not truly talking to somebody anymore. He listens compassionately. Seems to understand. And tentatively, he tells her that if it pleases her to think it, he'd be happy to call her friend.
She's quiet for a while. So far, her rapport with the Gingko merchant over the weeks had been friendly, but she hadn't been sure whether it had qualified as friendship. He had been straightforward in the past that his motives were professional ones; being congenial with customers was just good business sense. Still, she had always liked to think perhaps it might become more than just being chummy with customers. He'd seemed like a genuinely nice person, and she'd always enjoyed their conversations.
She smiles and shyly thanks him, realizing she's maybe not entirely alone in this place. She's quiet a while, but soon says she wants to give him something. She digs through her satchel. She doesn't have much right now, but she pulls out a curious little fragment of stone, pretty and angular and red. She says she found it while exploring one of the space-time distortions that everyone else is too afraid to approach. He asks if she's sure she wants to give it to him. She says yes. He thanks her and promises he shall treasure it.
Later, he has a jewler turn it into a necklace. He makes sure to wear it all the time, usually beneath the folds of his clothing, so that one day June can 'accidentally' see it.
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They run across each other at random times. He's always traveling, and so is she, but their paths always seem to cross eventually. They stop for a spell to chat whenever it happens.
He helps to teach her survival skills, sometimes, like cooking food out in the wild. She cannot always rely on the Survey Corps to bring her food, after all, especially when she's in a more far-flung area all alone. He tells her what fish are good for eating; Basculin are best, Magikarp are worst. He teaches her how to scale and gut and clean fish, how to cook them. He tells her that Sitrus berries are toxic when unrripe, how to find Razz berries, where to look for mushrooms. In turn, she brings him things she finds sometimes that are curious, old verses that Ursaluna dug up, shards of pottery, photos of ruins, strange pieces of colored glass.
One day, they see each other while out in the mirelands, and walk together for a time. He's on his way to gather caster ferns. She warns him not to head in that direction, an alpha has been patrolling there lately. He's never seen an alpha there before and has been to that spot dozens of times, hundreds by now, so he sort of just ignores her, insisting it will be fine, until they hear the cry echoing across the marsh and he stops.
"Er . . . perhaps . . . I will gather some other day."
She decides to catch the alpha so he doesn't have to do that. She's happy she can do something to help him out for once, since it always seems like he's the one helping her. She knows he only has Togepi, after all.
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"So what have you been doing to pass the time here, June? When you finally have the chance to rest for a spell from all that survey work of yours, that is."
"Not much. Overthinking, mostly."
"I see . . ."
"What do you do to pass the time, when you're out traveling?"
"Probably much the same."
She looks to him, surprised. The comment had been dropped quietly, carelessly, and he seemed to quickly rebound.
"With all these mysteries to ponder, after all, I'd hardly have much chance to be bored!"
She isn't sure that's really what he'd meant, but she doesn't push it. He tells her he also reads quite a bit. They chat about books and he says he can loan her one of the ones he'd finished reading. He gives her a well-worn book, and when she opens it for a peek, a piece of paper slips out that he'd been using as a bookmark. When she picks it up, she sees there's a charcoal drawing of Togepi on it. It looks beautiful. She holds it up and asks Volo if he drew it.
He seems briefly distressed, but stifles the expression, admitting he did. She tells him he shouldn't be shy, it looks really good! He awkwardly thanks her, saying it was just idle scribbling, really.
When she reads the book later in her tent, she finds he's also left some notes scrawled in the margins. She suspects he's forgotten about them. She enjoys the book but finds his scribbled notes the most interesting part of the book.
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When they meet again, they chat about the book she borrowed, discussing the story and characters. One day she asks him if he can teach her to draw. He seems in a rather laid-back mood and indulges her.
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She tells him about the Arc phone, eventually. She usually doesn't whip it out in front of people, feeling reluctant to do that; she knows it's a strange piece of technology and it tends to make others uneasy of her, not to mention some might see it and think to steal it. But eventually she trusts Volo enough to show the device to him. It comes up in conversation when he finds her with her pokemon team, taking a group photo of them. (All Alpha Bug pokemon)
He's very curious about it. She shows him the map app, and how to use it. He picks up the basics quickly. He asks her how the technology works. She's not sure how to explain a tiny, pocket-sized computer to the people of this era. It doesn't help she has a poor understanding of how computers work, herself, even coming from an era with them. She gives a very stilted explanation of computer chips and computer code and how a ton of data can be crammed into a very small space. It's not a good explanation but he appreciates her trying. He asks what else her device can do. She shows him the camera app, they take a few photos and a selfie together. He's fascinated with it. What else can it do? There aren't a ton of apps on it, there's a clock, a notes app, a flashlight function . . . she switches the light on. Volo says that must be very handy. Does this device require fuel? She isn't sure. Normally phones do need an energy source, you need to plug them in to charge them, but there doesn't seem to be any charger for this phone. Not that she'd have a way to plug it in, if there were. She's been using this phone for weeks and it's yet to lose power, so she doesn't know if it's solar powered somehow or if it's some other energy source . . . she honestly doesn't know.
"So if you use this device for too long, it's possible that . . ."
"Yeah. It might die eventually, and then never work again. That's why I try not to use it too often."
She doesn't mention the weird text messages she gets on the phone, or the way icons light up on her map sometimes as objectives.
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One time she comments Volo seems like a man with a lot of secrets.
"Who, me?" He holds his chin and acts as though he's thinking.
"Mmm, well. In my line of work, you get to know a lot of people. You must be good at small talk, getting to know your customers, and people do like to talk, so I end up hearing a lot of gossip . . . so I suppose I do know some secrets."
He asks June if she'd like to know any gossip and she says sure. He tells her that her Galaxy Commander, he sleeps with a Teddiursa plushie. She laughs. He asks now that she knows it, will she try and blackmail him? So that she could continue getting paid but no longer need to do this tedious survey work?
She says no. She'll have an easier time dealing with the jerk, just knowing the information now. She's not the sort to blackmail, anyway. Volo tells her that she's a good person. June isn't so sure.
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He procures for her a bigger bag, like the ones the Gingko Guild use. It's much roomier than the tiny satchel. It's well worth the purchase.
During conversation with him June mentions one time that she gets cold easily and has been freezing her butt off lately during work. A few days later, Volo appears with a nice warm jacket and gloves for her, that fit her perfectly. She is very excited and grateful. He's always charged her for the things he gets her (although he sometimes offers a friendly discount) so she expects the same here. But when she asks how much she owes him, this time he says not to worry about it. She is flustered at first, saying they must have cost him a lot, is he sure . . . but he insists. It would not do him any good if his favorite customer died of hypothermia out in the wilds.
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At the Coronet Highlands, there is a place called the Fabled Spring, a secret little alcove by a calm lake, with trees and soft grass and wildflowers. This is where Volo finds June laying there, staring out at the water, idly picking grass, looking very lost in thought.
"Fancy seeing you here."
She looks up in surprise. She asks what he's doing here and he responds he comes here for razz berries. He asks if he might join her, and she nods. He sits with her.
Conversation turns to the next Noble she's meant to face. She's nervous. He tells her he's sure she'll be fine, she handled the last one so well, after all.
She says it's getting harder each time. The last time, with the Arcanine, she got burned very, very badly, and she had to withdraw her first attempt. They had to carry her home. Back in Jubilife, they had a special medicine they used to help heal her, although it still took several days for her to recover.
"So you recovered fully?"
She did. It was a powerful medicine, made from an herb that was a pokemon. But she still remembers the pain of those burns. She returned and soothed the Noble on her second attempt. She's worried this next Noble will be even harder, though.
"Well . . . if it goes rough, all you need is more of Galaxy team's medicine and you'll be as right as rain again, right?"
Maybe. What if they run out of medicine though? She could tell it was precious to team Galaxy and rare, difficult for them to harvest and make. Or what if . . . something worse happens to her than just burns or a little paralysis. They are both quiet a while.
Volo eventually tells her he's sure everything will work out. He changes the subject so she won't dwell on her worries. Shares some leftover fish with her. She loves how it tastes. He has spices that Galaxy doesn't use. It's so much better than that potato mochi she's so tired of.
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After she defeats the Electrode Noble, he asks her how it went. Surprisingly well. Easier than Arcanine. He acts pleased, told you it would be all right.
She's been thinking though, about the rift. Since the Commander keeps bringing it up. See, for now, Galaxy and June's goals are aligned. But they might not always be. And she knows this, and it troubles her. Galaxy wants to close the rift, eventually. But what if, in order for June to get home, she finds out she needs to leave the rift open? Or even . . . to widen it?
Could she do that? To leave everyone to that chaos and just bounce? Especially when she's the only one around here strong enough and brave enough to face frenzied Nobles?
Volo says it is an interesting conundrum she brings up. (She says she wouldn't use the word 'interesting' to describe it...) What would she do? he asks.
She doesn't know. It is a horrible thought, she doesn't think she can do it, just leave and screw everyone. Do that to a whole region, a whole group of people?? That'd be awful. But on the other hand. To not only never see her family ever again, but her entire world and timeline....to be stuck in what's to her, a backwater era that's super technologically primitive, among people she doesn't even like (well, except for you, you're pretty cool), to be forever displaced in time....it's....god, she doesn't know if she could face that either. She'd be out of place, out of time and a stranger her whole life, here.
After a span of silence she asks quietly,
"Would you blame me if I left?"
He murmurs a response so gently she almost doesn't hear.
"I wouldn't."
She gives him a bunch of colored fragments and stardust that she's collected.
"Take these, Volo, just . . . just in case."
He asks, what do you mean, June? She says, if things get bad, if worse comes to worst, you can sell these, maybe get out of the area altogether. You're a merchant, you must know how to get out of here in a hurry. So at least . . . you'd be safe . . .
She explains she has a ton of money now, nobody ever wants to approach the rifts, and she collects the stuff there in droves. People are too afraid of the powerful pokemon there and of being sucked into the distortions. But she goes towards them, hoping the distortions will bring her home again. Picks up valuables while there. She still works for Galaxy but now not for the money. But because she needs them as allies for now. They are powerful. And she needs their help learning more about all these mysteries, so she can hopefully get home.
"It's just in case. Hopefully it never comes to that. And I may not even decide-- you know--"
"All right, June. I'll take them."
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One hot day, June overworks herself to the point of nearly fainting. Volo finds her on the ground, dizzy and weak. He carries her to a safer place where pokemon are less likely to harass them, under the shade of a tree, gets her some food and water. Asks things such as when's the last time she's eaten, or bathed, or slept. She mumbles her answers. It's been days since she's slept any longer than ten minute stints, she was lost in areas with way too much pokemon activity to let her guard down.
He starts to wash the grime from her face with a wet washcloth, chewing her out for letting the Galaxy people overwork her, and treating her for any less than she's worth (if those idiots realized how valuable an asset she really was, they should never do that, and she's worth her weight in gold), she has to take care of herself--
June starts to cry while being chewed out. Mostly from being overwhelmed from it all. He apologizes awkwardly, tries to comfort her, touching her face and telling her it will be okay. Dries her tears and washes her face, then wants to pull her hair back to help with her cooling down, has to brush her hair first but it's all snagged and caked with dried mud, he gets a comb from his bag and brushes it all out, carefully, so that it doesn't hurt her. Gets her to nap, eventually, convinces her he shall watch over while she sleeps. She is concerned he will be bored, he laughs, he's very much used to passing time. She tells him to look in her bag, she got a book she wanted to give to him next time she saw him.
He reads her diary while she sleeps.
She records her struggles. Her fears and confusion. How much she misses home, how estranged she is here. Her desperate attempts to figure things out, speculations. She hates the public bathhouse the town has, she hates the food, she hates the way everyone looks at her, she hates the cold, the mosquitoes, so many things. The weeks spent filthy in the bog before finally returning to town for a pathetic amount of research points. It's recorded here, so raw.
She talks about the townspeople she meets. Including the Gingko Guild trader named Volo. She analyzes him shrewdly, cautious about trusting anyone, including him. But he's caught her interest, enough to make note of it.
Her entries continie to talk about the professor and Rei a lot, the Commander, the 'stupid potato mochi resturuant jerk' (she hates the mochi too, just because it's all they ever eat), but she also writes about Volo. Mentions each time she comes across him.
He begins to show up in the diary more and more. She eventually says, 'He's the only one who's any fun to talk to, really,' saying that she finds his pure curiosity in investigating things to be refreshing, (as opposed to the Galaxy people, whose research is motivated by protection/safety but claims to be scientific; or the Pearl/Diamond clan's petty squabbles and nonsensical arguments) and his directness about his motivations refreshing too (he's a merchant, he's being friendly because it's good business). It stands in contrast to everyone else. The other Gingko guild folks are fine enough but not particularly engaged in talking with her, the way Volo is. And just not . . . hmm. The sort of person who's interesting, she supposes. He's engaging, intriguing. Still, June knows she musn't be too open with things when talking to him. She knows nothing about the charismatic merchant, nothing about anyone really, and she must be careful in this world.
"He never talks about his past. I often wonder why. I can tell he's carrying secrets, though. I try to ask him about his past, but he always deflects. Sometimes I think he's a criminal on the run from the law, and he's traveled to this region to avoid punishment. He could be a serial murderer, for all I know. Of course, he might simply not want to think about his past, perhaps something painful happened to him or his family. It could be many things, really. We all have our reasons for keeping secrets, I suppose . . . I won't try to push it, just see what he feels like sharing."
Volo begins to flip more hastily through the diary to directly hunt for mention of his name. He sees their interactions through her point of view now. He is pleased with the effectiveness of his infiltrations but also impressed with her attention to detail and her sharp observations and analyses and continued caution. Her descriptions of him stroke his ego and as the entries continue they grow more and more flattering, more and more detailed. He gets to the part where she is analyzing the comments he'd left in the margins of that novel.
June stirrs and he quickly puts the diary away.
When she recovers enough, she's embarassed she worked herself hard enough to get to that point, and is very apologetic to Volo. He tells her not to worry about it, it wasn't any trouble for him; she just had to promise him she'd take better care of herself in the future.
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She is asked to quell the final Noble. She drags her feet getting around to it. She needs to earn a 5 Star Rank before they let her go there. She's earned plenty of research points for that but delays telling them, pretends she needs to get more research done.
She's trying to learn more. She's afraid once she quells the last one, the rift will close and she will never get home. She tells this to Volo. But she can't delay forever, she knows; sooner or later Team Galaxy will catch wise. The two settle on a plan; June will try to hunt for those plates and those verses with Ursaluna. And Volo will do what he can to find out more for her, too. They decide to meet up again in a week, choose a place and time.
Eventually, even with what info June turns up, it's not enough. And Volo has his own contacts, but they insist that they have nothing more to tell him. They are still no closer to understanding this mystery.
"In truth, June, it seems the best shot we have at learning more is for you to face this final Noble. Perhaps doing so will help us learn more about these strange frenzies. Perhaps the others are right and something may happen once you calm them all."
"Yeah . . . I was afraid you were going to say that."
He tells her that he's sorry he couldn't be of more help to her. She shakes her head, says it isn't his fault.
He tries to comfort her.
"Who knows, June. Perhaps nothing will happen when you calm the final one. Or something will, but the rift may not close, that's just pure speculation, something else could happen. Perhaps the Almighty will be pleased with your work and send you home!"
She chuckles.
"That's always possible. Although I dunno if I believe in Sinnoh."
"Oh? . . . I suppose an outsider has no real reason to. . ."
June apologizes and realizes it was probably a rude thing to say. He says that no, he's glad that she feels comfortable enough around him to be honest. She asks if he believes in Sinnoh. He says he knows it by a different name, but that he does indeed; he's studied it for most his life. 'What more proof do you need than this strange rift in the sky and the fact that you are here?' June explains her perspective. That portals to other realms are not beyond the realm of possibility. That she may not need the explanation of divine intervention for them. They simply may be an aspect of nature, the same way that the sky, the air, the trees, the sun are . . . and that strange lightning. Perhaps that is just a weird sort of weather. Odd that it strikes the Nobles, but uhm, maybe it's like a lightning rod and hits the strong ones, you know? Who knows. Point is. She doesn't know. But. It is possible that Sinnoh exists and brought her here. She really doesn't know. They are quiet and thoughtful a while.
He speaks again.
"Well. The only way for us to learn is to keep asking questions, to keep searching for answers, and to keep moving forward."
She agrees that is true, smiling faintly. He asks if she is ready. She nods.
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When nothing seemed to change after quelling the final Noble, June was glad. The forboding hole in the sky frightened everyone but her. Where they saw fear, she saw hope that she might still return home. They returned to Jubilife and dined on bland, tasteless mochi that sat heavy in her stomach, while the Professor nattered on about pokedex work. There was a certain comfort in it.
The next morning, it all went to shit.
Even June was frightened at the sight of the blood-red sky, which made the rift look like an open wound. It seemed like armageddon. When they summoned her to a meeting, she wasn't too surprised what came next. Was she angry? Yes. But she wasn't surprised. Part of her had always hoped she had been wrong about the Commander, about all the people here, and that they wouldn't turn on her, so it still hurt when it happened, but it really didn't surprise her. That asshole had been looking for a scapegoat the day she landed here, and today she was the lamb chosen for the slaughter. They whispered and stared as she was led out of town like some kind of criminal.
For what it was worth, the professor and Rei tried to help her, sort of. They suggested she seek out the Diamond and Pearl clans. However, the clan's respective leaders could only offer sympathy. They explained they could not help June, lest they risk war with Team Galaxy. The professor and Rei likewise were unwilling to directly disobey their superiors and risk banishment themselves. There was a lot of hand-wringing and sad looks, but not much else. After everything she'd done for them, all the times they swore she was family now, that they had her back. Not a single person stepped up to help her in return, now that she really needed it most.
They sent her away into the wilderness, alone. She had her big backpack stuffed with everything she could carry, and her team of six bug alphas, pokemon who still hardly knew her at all, since she rarely had opportunity to even bond with them. She sat on the hill overlooking Gruelling Grove, under the blood-red sky, just staring out at the fields numbly and wondering what to do next, and trying not to give into the fear threatening to overtake her.
Eventually, a voice startled her from her dark thoughts, and she looked up, meeting with a familiar, friendly face. The corners of Volo's eyes crinkled and his face lit up with his usual sunny smile, even under the cast of the grim, terrifying sky.
"I've been looking for you everywhere, June," he said.
She had only cried once since she'd fallen through the rift, when Volo had found her dizzy and exhausted that one time, but not since then. She felt the tears begin to fall now, though. Volo spoke soothing words and helped pull her to her feet.
She pulled him into a hug, squeezing him fiercely, causing him to wheeze, sounding startled and flustered.
It had felt like an angel had come to save her.
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He brought her to his humble campsite to shelter her. "It isn't much, but it's home, and you're welcome to it," he tells her cheerfully. They sit around a campfire; he makes what are essentially shish kebabs for dinner, chunks of vegetable and meat skewered and roasted over the fire. While they eat, he tells her excitedly about one of his contacts and how he's going to take her there to meet her tomorrow morning. This mysterious contact was now feeling much more cooperative, once Volo told her that June had quelled the last Noble and apparently met with her approval. He says that she is very wise on the myths passed down from the Celestica peoples of old, and she will surely be able to help them sort out this space-time mystery.
They share his tent that night. It's a snug fit, and June doesn't sleep much, her mind swimming with thoughts.
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She never paid attention in school when they discussed ancient mythology. In hindsight she wished she had. Maybe if she did, she would have noticed sooner that something was amiss.
It wasn't until the two of them reached the top of Mount Coronet with all the plates, and he chose to reveal his true colors, that she learned the truth. She trusted him right up to the end.
When he told her how he bid Giratina to tear a hole in the sky, the one that she fell through, it felt like being run through with a knife.
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After everything that happens on top of that mountain, when June returns and gives her report, she doesn't mention Volo tried to destroy the world and everyone in it. She just says they finished collecting the plates, and climbed to the top of the mountain to see if anything would happen. Giratina appeared there, and she battled it, but it escaped before she could catch it.
Technically, all of it was true. She just left out some important parts, is all.
Later, when she's alone doing her survey work, he finds her and grabs her roughly by the shoulder, hisses at her,
“You! What game are you trying to play here?!”
She asks what he means.
“Don't play dumb. I know you didn't tell your Galaxy fools about me. Why not? If you're hoping to use it as leverage, you can forget it, I won't be anyone's puppet--”
“That's-- that's not why I did it!”
“Then why?”
She confesses she's not exactly sure why.
“I guess I just . . . look, if I told them, I'm not sure exactly what they'd do, I don't know how you even punish someone for that kind of crime, but in the very least they'd do something, banish you from basically all of Hisui, probably. And that's what you deserve. But I also know if they did it, there'd be zero chance of you . . . getting better.”
He demands to know what that means.
“Becoming a better person? It . . . it sounds stupid when I say it outloud, I guess. I know the past few months you've spent just lying to my face and using me, but part of me still wants to believe that maybe a small piece of all that wasn't a lie. That there was a grain of truth to it, that the goodness I saw in you is still buried down in there and wasn't entirely made-up.”
She looks into his eyes, trying to find even a flicker of evidence for that. She's not sure. She can't trust her own judgment, anymore. He stares back for a time, then silently turns and skulks away without another word.
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She does not see him again for a long time. When he reappears again it's to demand a rematch. She wins again, by a narrow margin. He rants and raves about how close he is to defeating her, fumes about Arceus having chosen her. They argue. As he storms away she yells after him, voice choked,
“I'm being used by Arceus like a puppet, I don't think that's something to envy!”
He stops.
His demeanor changes. Like flipping a switch.
Eventually, says,
“If you resent Arceus, why do you still scamper about and do their bidding?”
“. . . because I want to go home.”
He turns. Asks her if her world is as cruel and unforgiving a place as it is here. June argues she doesn't think the world is cruel and unforgiving, then amends, well, it can be sometimes. But it's also filled with good things, too.
“And why should such ugliness and horror exist alongside such beauty? Why should some prosper while others are left to dine on naught but dust?”
She . . . she doesn't know.
“That is why I want to meet them. So that I may ask. And . . . perhaps fix things.”
“Volo, I understand wanting to make things better, but I don't think the solution is to mass murder everyone on the planet and starting over from scratch! There are better ways . . .”
He remains silent for some time. Then he pulls on the cord about his neck, takes his necklace off. The one he made out of the comet shard she gave him. He gives it to her.
“I don't deserve to keep something accepted under false pretenses.”
Then he leaves. June stares after for some time, confused. Why was he even still wearing it? If he'd been wearing it only to manipulate her, why continue the act once she knew the truth? Did part of him actually care? Or was he still trying to manipulate her now?
He didn't seem to be. It seemed to be a good-bye, in fact. She had a feeling he didn't plan to see her again.
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She finds Giratina one day, in a small, dark cave she stumbles across while exploring the coastlands. She's shocked that she can capture it in a pokeball. Gods shouldn't be so easy to subjugate, surely. Perhaps the Pearl cand Diamond clans were right to fear the contraptions. They were strangely chill about her capturing their sacred Palkia and Dialga in pokeballs, but she had promised it was a temporary thing, so perhaps it just went to show how much trust was finally placed in her now.
When she told the Professor about Giratina, he revealed something that surprised her. He said Volo had approached him not long ago and spoke to him. Told him that Giratina had been responsible for tearing the rift in space-time, but that once it battled June, it realized that it was no match for her. It chose to instead protect Hisui, and it was no longer a threat to them.
June should catch it. So that you may study it, he told him.
Perhaps that's why it had been so easy to capture. June was still shocked, though. Shocked that Volo had bothered to speak to the Professor at all. Why did he? Did he feel protective over Giratina and wanted to ensure its safety? Did he want to reassure Team Galaxy that they didn't need to worry-- a peace offering, of sorts? Did he do it for June?
She didn't know. The Professor told her the last thing he said was that it was probably the last time he'd see him; and then he wandered off. She's pretty sure he meant it. She hadn't seen him for a month now, not since he'd given her the necklace.
Later, June sent Giratina out of its ball, when she was alone out on the coastlands. She stared at it, calmly, and spoke to it.
“You spoke to him after you fled the mountain, didn't you? What did he plan on doing? Where did he go?”
The dragon stared back at her silently.
“Please. I . . . I'm worried about him.”
In truth, Hisui wasn't the same without him. She hated what he did, what he did to her, and it felt like twisting a knife whenever she thought of him, but she also missed him.
She was reminded of him constantly, and she spent hours upon hours going over the memories. Sometimes she searched her memories for hints of his subterfuge, wishing she'd noticed sooner, wishing it had been different. Sometimes she'd daydream of getting revenge. Sometimes she'd spend the time wondering if any of his friendship had been real, hoping at least something had been. Often she wondered what was going through his head, who he really was, what he was doing now.
She'd been alone with her thoughts for too long and they were driving her mad. She needed closure. She needed to know what became of him. And she needed something more than the daily life she was living now. Once he'd left she'd turned her obsessive focus to finishing the Pokedex, as Arceus seemed to demand of her. She hardly had spent time doing anything but that work. She was withdrawn with everyone else. She'd gotten closer to her main team of pokemon, that was about it. It was horrifically lonely and monotonous.
It took June time to realize Giratina had lowered to the ground, uncoiling its long body, almost in invitation. She blinked at it.
“Do you want me to, um, climb aboard?”
She was nervous, but when she approached, it remained still. She climbed onto its back, half-surprised to find it felt solid, despite it being a ghost. She settled onto one of its golden ribs, as though it were a saddle. Silently, the dragon raised up once more, and began to fly through the starry sky. It felt surreal.
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He misses her and their "friendship," now that she's gone. It takes him by surprise. Why should he miss such a thing? It wasn't a real friendship on his side, of course, but it wasn't real on her side, either; since she had merely liked the lie, not the real him. He was certain she wouldn't have liked the real him. Certainly not after what he did. Naturally.
But he missed it, anyway, that beautiful lie he'd created with her. Perhaps because he hoped like she had liked at least a part of him. Perhaps because it was just nice to pretend.
He hated to admit it; he'd spent so very long in denial that he had cared about her at all, and it still churned his stomach to think about the ugly truth, but it was becoming impossible to deny.
Because he can't seem to stop thinking about her. And it's driving him a bit mad. He's lost now, no clue what he's going to do. He just keeps thinking of the way she once looked at him with such kindness and affection. And how it all transformed to anger and hurt and mistrust and pain instead. Like a lovely flower plucked and crushed.
It didn't matter.
It didn't matter.
It was too late. It wasn't as though she'd ever forgive him. It wasn't as though he wanted her forgiveness.
. . . perhaps he did. But he certainly didn't deserve it.
What was he? Some poor wretch who'd fallen from Arceus' grace. Even Giratina had turned its back on him, in the end. The one creature in all the realms he thought would understand him. He didn't blame it; he'd failed it, after all. He was not worthy to weild its power.
He hid from the world, tucked away deep in a corner of Hisui that others dared not tred. The days passed in a blur, and he barely thought to eat. He spent much time sleeping, but still found little rest, tormented by his dreams.
At first he assumes the Hoopa portal that abducts him is Arceus finally choosing to smite him from this mortal plane.
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Giratina leads her to the cave Volo had been staying at. She picks through the refuse, it's disgusting there, a total mess, and his possessions are strewn all about, but she finds no one home. She grows more and more anxious as she searches. There is a fire still smoldering as if he'd been there recently; what's more, she eventually finds his pokemon team is left there. She asks Giratina what happened but the dragon either doesn't wish to speak or she cannot hear it.
The portal finds her too eventually. She's sucked into it in a much better position though. She has her backpack and her full pokemon team on her. When she's spat out on some grass somewhere, she is . . . unamused, though. It feels far too familiar. Powerful pokemon transporting her across time and space at their whimsy.
She wanders around, and eventually comes across Volo. He's disheveled, disoriented, and devoid of most possessions, save for a single pokeball, which has a Togepi. He won't say why he has it (it's the child of his Togekiss). He's shocked when she appears, and says it musn't be the afterlife after all. He asks why she's here, she explains she went searching for him, found his camp empty, Giratina led her there. Then a portal got her. He wants to know why she went searching for him at all, but their conversation is interrupted when they are discovered by some friendly locals. They're led back into town by them. They learn this place is an island called Pasio.
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At first June is very, very excited. She thinks she's landed in her native time-line. However, once she gets a phone and contacts her family, she is shocked to learn a version of her already exists in this place. So close to home and yet so far.
In the meanwhile, Volo is amazed by the future and his changed situation and the gears in his head are quickly turning. He tries to lie to the people here and pretend to be nothing but a simple merchant from the past with an interest in myths and the research into sync stones. But June is having none of his bullshit. Once she figures out what he is up to, she goes right to Professor Bellis and the Prince and warns them what he tried to do in the past, and that he might try to do the same again. She doesn't want them to simply lock him up, though, so she asks if there might be some other solution. They thank June for the warning and decide to restrict Volo's access to certain things, such as learning about sync stone research. They also put June in charge of keeping an eye on him, so that he does not cause trouble.
When she delivers the news to Volo, he's shocked, at first, then tries to act innocent, saying he wasn't lying to anyone, he merely didn't see a reason to bring up the past; he'd hoped he could start fresh, turn over a new leaf. June gets very angry, and hurt, yelling,
"Are you KIDDING me? You're still trying to lie to me, even now?!"
This seems to get to him, and he stops trying to convince her his intentions were all purely innocent. She finishes explaining the deal to him, including the fact she's responsible for keeping him out of trouble, now. His mouth curves in a smile and he laughs, dry, bitter.
"So you are to be my warden."
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Things don't go very well at first with this new arrangement, and he's not cooperative at all, keeps trying to get away with things, manipulate her, and they keep arguing over his obsessive goals. Tensions mount and they keep butting heads until an especially heated argument, June just snaps.
She barks an order to her Alpha Scizor; it immediately reaches out and grabs Volo around the neck with its massive claw. She screams at him,
“If you're so eager to meet Arceus, why don't I help send you to it?!”
Scizor lifts Volo up off the ground until his feet are dangling. Eyes wide, he looks down at her.
He looks terrified.
She hesitates and then sighs. She tells Scizor to put him down. It was only an empty threat because she was absolutely sick with anger, but seeing the genuine fear in his eyes made her immediately feel bad. She could never actually hurt him.
Maybe she was too good of a person for her own good.
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Things change after that. Volo seems to realize June isn't going to be manipulated anymore. He grows more cooperative, more contemplative. (Other plot stuff happens that I only have vaguely defined, but one of them is he starts to become sort of friends with Jacq-- for real this time, not like at the start when he was putting on an act. He also is doing work while on this island, so is June, and he's battling trainers, sometimes, and learning more about the world and the future here.)
Their relationship gradually shifts, and they start to have conversations that are not purely antagonistic.
One day he tells June he read her diary, back in Hisui.
June is appalled but reigns in her anger and asks why he's telling her this. He explains he asked her to start telling her the truth.
"I did say that, didn't I . . . ugh. Okay, that's fair, I guess. But why did you feel the need to even do that to begin with?"
He explains that he thought perhaps Arceus had sent her to Hisui for some purpose, and he needed to figure out why, because perhaps she could be the key to him meeting it. He hoped to find more information there. She sees the cold logic in his choice, and then asks with some trepidation how much he actually read. He relays what he could recall reading, and then starts to ramble about his judgments of her, which were very harsh judgments at that (he thought she was weak, and soft, and pathetic, and she whined and complained about how everything was difficult, and he didn't understand why Arceus would choose her) and she gets understandably ticked off, face flushed in anger.
He cuts her off before she can yell at him, though, when he says reading her diary started to shift his thinking, though.
He says it made him realize just how much she was up against every single day. She had the deck stacked against her from the start. No one and nothing was kind to her in this place, and every gain she made was as hard-fought as possible, and yet . . . she kept going. The weight of the world on her shoulders, pressing down on her, but she didn't buckle. She bent but didn't break.
She awkwardly thanks him for acknowledging it.
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One day they are having a relatively minor disagreement and she says,
"I could have just told them to lock you up, you know."
"I know."
"Would a 'thank you' kill you?"
He hesitantly explains no it would not, but he doesnt want to say something to her that he doesnt mean.
She is very unamused.
"So it's not that you can't say thank you, it's that you're incapable of feeling gratitude. Great."
He's quiet for a time.
"...possibly. I'm not sure."
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One night he rushes to her room and shakes her awake.
"Hnnngh . . . Volo? What is it? What's wrong??"
He instantly loses nerve and apologizes for waking her, and says that it isn't important
"Wh-what??" She demands to know what it is, it must be important enough to charge into here like that, but he apologizes again and starts to leave and she grabs his wrist. His eyes widen.
She senses his uncertainty and speaks much more gently.
"No, w-wait, Volo, don't go. Tell me what it is." He looks to her.
He hesitates a while, working himself up to it, face a little red and licking his dry lips. Finally says,
"Thank you."
She is confused. "What?" With difficulty, he repeats,
"Thank you."
"For what?"
After a bit, he tells her,
"For asking them to allow me to remain."
He explains it does not benefit her in the slightest, on the contrary, it inconveniences her at every turn. Even when he's made it clear he shall never feel indebted to her or help her in any way, she persists . . . she continues to help him. And he doesn't understand why, after everything he's done . . .
He seems to realize he's saying more than he meant to.
"I don't know why I'm here saying all this. I'll let you get back to sleep--"
"It's okay, really, I don't . . . mind you at all. You can come talk to me anytime. Even in the middle of the night."
He seems uncertain.
"Yes. I mean, within reason, maybe knock on my door gently next time instead of giving me a heart attack, but yeah. Also, um, you . . . you are wearing pants, right?"
The room's still very dim but she can see that he's shirtless. He looks down at himself, considering the question and looking alarmed she might think that. He stammers,
"Yes, of course, I-- I was in bed, but I'm wearing pants--"
The incredible awkwardness in his voice makes her giggle a little. In relief, she says,
"Okay, good, just checking."
He is spellbound for a time by the feeling that goes shooting through his chest when she giggles. It is the first time he's heard her laugh in his presense since he'd pretended to be her friend.
When he returns to his bed, laying there, staring at the ceiling, he decides he'd do anything to be the reason for her to smile and laugh again.
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wolfliving · 2 years
Bad Alexa publicity
*When you’re reduced to saying stuff like this, you’ve probably already lost.
We’re clearing up common misconceptions about how Alexa works, from how your privacy is protected to managing your experience.
In the 1950s, a movie executive predicted that interest in a new technology—the television—would dwindle after six months. In the 1970s, the chairman of a computer manufacturing company asserted that no one would actually want a computer in their home. And in the 1990s, one economist declared that the impact of the internet would be no greater than that of fax machines.
Emerging technologies often face scepticism, especially if it isn’t immediately clear how they work or what benefit they serve. The same goes for voice assistants like Alexa. Aspects of how they work are sometimes still misunderstood.
We’re addressing a few common myths and demystifying how Alexa works. Here’s what you need to know:
Myth 1: Alexa is recording everything I say, all the time.
Fact: By default, Echo devices are designed to record audio only after the device detects your chosen wake word (or if the action button is pushed).
Until your Echo device detects your chosen wake word—current options include “Alexa,” “Amazon,” “Echo,” “Ziggy,” and “Computer”—Alexa does not record or store what you or any other person in the room has said. This is made possible by built-in technology called “keyword spotting” that matches spoken audio to the wake word’s acoustic patterns. Echo devices are designed to listen for the sound waves of the wake word while ignoring everything else. This is why your device can detect the wake word without listening in on your personal conversations.
Customers will always know when Alexa is listening to their request. Echo smart speakers have a blue light indicator that glows when the device is listening and an optional audio tone. In the Alexa app, a blue light indicator bar appears at the bottom of the phone screen when Alexa is listening.
For added peace of mind, the microphones can be manually turned off on all Echo devices. A red light will appear when the microphones have been disconnected and cannot detect audio. Learn more: Explore how Alexa works.
Myth 2: There’s no way for me to know what Alexa is recording.  
Fact: You can review your voice history in the Alexa app or online, and you have several options to manage your recordings.
When you speak to Alexa, your request is sent to Amazon’s secure cloud so that Alexa can respond to you. Customers are in control of their voice recordings. You can see exactly what Alexa heard and sent to Amazon’s cloud in the Alexa app by visiting Settings > Alexa Privacy > Review Voice History. Or you can look online at your Alexa privacy settings. Listen to the actual audio recorded or manage your voice history by choosing to delete specific recordings—sorting by date, device, or profile. You can delete them all at once, have them deleted on an ongoing basis, or not have them saved at all.
Beyond managing your voice recordings, use the Alexa app to control how your Alexa data is used, manage your Amazon Skills permissions, and review smart home device history (like if you’ve used Alexa to turn your smart lightbulbs on or off).
Customers can also visit the Alexa Privacy Hub for helpful information about how we’ve designed Alexa and our Echo devices with privacy in mind. The hub also offers an easy way to access the most important Alexa privacy settings. If you don’t want to pull out your phone or go online, just say: “Alexa, what are my privacy settings?” You’ll get a reminder of how long your voice recordings are saved and whether they can be used to help improve Alexa. Learn more: Use this step-by-step guide to personalise your Alexa privacy settings and find privacy controls and features you can access by simply asking Alexa.
Myth 3: The information I share with Alexa is not secure, and hackers can spy on me or gain access to my data through my device.
Fact: Data encryption, rigorous security reviews, and regular automatic updates to your Alexa-enabled devices work together to help ensure they operate as securely as possible.
Beyond designing all of our devices and services with security in mind, we dedicate significant resources and people power to test and maintain the safety of our devices. This includes setting and validating the hardware requirements of our devices; performing application security reviews; automated security scanning to quickly identify vulnerabilities and roll-out updates; conducting rigorous security testing; and ongoing verification to ensure Amazon software updates are authentic—meaning they’re approved and coming directly from Amazon. We also partner with internal and external security experts to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.
All data streamed between an Alexa-enabled device and the cloud is encrypted. Devices also regularly receive security updates with the latest protections against possible threats and vulnerabilities until at least four years after the device is last available for purchase as a new unit on Amazon.com, it happens automatically when the devices are connected.
Learn more: For added protection, we make two-step verification (also known as 2SV) available to customers wanting to further secure their accounts.
Myth 4: Anyone can use Drop In to eavesdrop on my home.
Fact: By default, Drop In is turned off. When you choose to turn on this feature, you must first grant Drop In permissions to your contacts—which you can manage at any time.
Drop In is a two-way, intercom-like feature that makes it easier for family and friends to check in with one another with their Alexa-enabled devices, no matter where they are. In order to use Drop In, you have to manually enable the feature and explicitly grant permissions to specific contacts within your contact list through the Alexa app. Those customers, whether family, friends, or neighbours, must also be saved in your contacts. (This means you can only Drop In on yourself and your household until you grant access to other contacts.)
Assign names to your devices in different rooms of your house and have intercom-like conversations by saying something like, “Alexa, Drop In on kitchen.” Communicate with friends and family who have Alexa-enabled devices by saying something like, “Alexa, Drop In on grandma.”
Learn more: You can turn on Do Not Disturb for one (or all) of your Echo devices by saying, “Alexa, turn on Do Not Disturb.” The feature blocks notifications like calls, Drop Ins, and messages to that device.
Learn more about privacy features and settings for your Alexa-enabled devices.
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vishal6x · 9 months
Can a spy app be installed remotely?
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The rise of the internet has surely made the world a smaller and better place. The advancement of technology to such an extent that you just have to make a few clicks to get anything was unimaginable a decade back. A huge spike in the number of internet users has been seen in just the past few years. If you look around, you can find everyone with their smartphones in their hands, engaged in some sort of content. Apart from the ability to stay connected with people, it has enabled us to run a whole business just through a smartphone. 
However, like any good thing in life, this also came at a cost of being exposed to various online risks. Fortunately, these risks are totally avoidable with the use of a mobile spy app like Chyldmonitor. The app lets you monitor the online activities of your family and friends to keep them safe over the web. Not everyone out there can be educated about the risks involved and how not to fall for it. The whole process of creating awareness around the hazards of the internet is neither realistic nor doable. Therefore, using an spy app for android is the best solution one can opt for.
Making yourself aware of the risks and how to deal with them, can really help your loved ones to browse safely. However, the biggest question that people get when it comes to spy apps is whether they can be remotely installed or not.
The answer is no. But the good news is that you need access to their phone for about 5 - 7 minutes only for the whole process to complete. This should be very doable for anyone who wants to spy on someone for their sake. You can ask to use the targeted phone for a while, and before they know it, you’ll be able to set up the whole thing.
Beneficial Features Provided by the Chyldmonitor App
The app is offering more than 60+ features to their users all over the world. With this app in your toolbag, you get to fully monitor the target phone. Not a single aspect which could prove to be harmful for your family is spared by the app. The app comes packed with features like call recordings, location tracking, access to chats, ambience sound recording, etc. 
The app also has a hidden call recorder feature available to record every call taking place on the targeted phone. With its unique feature of remaining hidden from the app drawer, there’s no way anyone can know if they’re being spied on. 
Apart from this, one also gets the option to track location of the intended device. Majority of the scams these days are taking place over the most used communication platforms. This is where WhatsApp Spy feature can help you to maintain the security of your loved ones. Frem the recordings of the calls made over WhatsApp, to the media shared, everything can be accessed from the web portal once you login to your account.
Install a Spy App in Your Phone This Easily
Many people think that installing a spyware application on the intended device must be a complicated process. The word ‘rooting’ or ‘jailbreaking’ comes to their mind when they think about it. However, with Chyldmonitor application, you are not required to root your device to get advanced permissions. The app is fully functional on any android device. 
Once you have managed to get a hold of the targeted device, the installation process will only take you about 7 minutes at most. If you face any trouble while installing the app, their customer service is available 24x7.
You can be guided through the installation process over the call or the agent might take remote access to your device, to perform the installation on your behalf. It has gotten way easier than ever to spy on your family and friends to keep them protected over the internet. However, no ethical boundaries should be crossed in the process. The consent is the crucial thing to make sure that your relationship doesn’t get affected with the intended person on whom you want to spy on.
The arrival of spy apps have revolutionized the way in which we deal with the online threats. Monitoring the online activities of your loved ones is the only reasonable way today to ensure their safety online.
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phoneclone · 6 days
The Best Phone Spy Apps to Control Your Wife’s Phone #1
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In this digital era, communication is mostly done through smartphones. It is essential to keep an eye on your family members. Because now, it is easier than ever to do so. Due to the increase of infidelity and dishonesty in relationships. A lot of people are now looking for phone spy apps as a method to get their dishonest spouses caught red-handed. These potent devices enable you to keep track. It can be easy to track each and every activity on your partner's phone. Even the texts, call records, and his or her social media transactions.
Understanding the Need for a Spying
If you feel like your spouse is cheating on you. Then a phone spy app can give you the real evidence you need to call them out on it. It depends on the rumors or intuition. These apps let you directly get into your partner's phone activity. You can see for yourself if they are engaging in inappropriate behaviors. For more information you can see world population review about infidelity.
How Does a Phone Spy App Work?
Phone spy apps are normally installed on the target phone. You can installed it without the user's knowledge. After installing the application, it runs in the background. Then it works to gather all the incoming and outgoing data. This data is thus transferred to a secure online portal, which you can log in to and view at any time. Most spy phone apps are not detectable, hence your spouse will not know that he is being monitored.
Top Features of the Best Phone Spy Apps
The most popular phone hack apps provide a large list of features to help you to catch your cheating spouse. Some of the top features include: Some of the top features include:
Call monitoring
Text message tracking
GPS location tracking
Social media monitoring
Email tracking
🔎 Choosing the Right  App for Android and IOS
It is necessary to select a well-known supplier of the phone spy app for Android. It has a history of success. As you are choosing your phone spy app for Android. Try to find those apps which are not so expensive but at the same time are very useful. Also, read reviews of other users to know whether they are really useful or not. Click here for best service
Benefits of Using the Technology
The phone spy app is a tool that has many advantages. A spouse can use it to catch a cheating partner. Besides, it gives you the factual proof of the offense and at the same time. It also gives you the peace of mind and closure in a hard situation. Moreover, Cell phone spying apps can assist you. It keeps your relationship away from more troubles by tackling the problem directly. Get more update to catch a cheating spouse.
Free Phone Spy Apps vs. Paid Phone Spy Apps
Although there are free phone spy apps that are available free of charge. Those usually has limited features and may not be as dependable as the paid ones. The paid apps give more sophisticated features and better customer assistance. Thus, they have a good investment for those who want to catch a cheating spouse.
Remote Cell Phone Spy Review: Is It Worth It?
The remote cell phone clone apps you can use to monitor your spouse's phone activity from every corner of the world. On the one hand, these apps are very useful, but on the other hand, they can be expensive and carry security risks. Think twice before you use a remote cell phone clone app, because of the possible disadvantages, and be sure you are ready to accept the degree of surveillance.
Empowering Yourself with Phone Spy Technology
Through the use of phone hacking technology, you can take your relationship in your own hands. Then make your own choices about your future. Even though you will eventually make up your mind. A phone spy app gives you the evidence with clarity. Or it's important to confront and counsel your cheating spouse.
In a nutshell, the process of catching a cheating spouse can be very difficult. it's an emotional and exhausting process. Phone spy apps come with a great tool to collect evidence and to face your partner. Thus you will be in a position to make the best decisions for yourself and your relationship. You should not be scared of using the technology. If you think that your partner is cheating, as it might be the solution to your questions about what to do next.
Recall, in the issue of the heart, honesty is the best policy. You should trust your instincts, but also check with an app for the guarantee of your mind and the relationship.
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techtired · 9 days
How to Catch a Cheating Girlfriend on Snapchat in 3 Minutes
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Today’s technologically advanced world has made cheating easier than ever. Mobile apps provide an opportunity to send and receive secretive messages. Snapchat is particularly synonymous with cheating as it allows users to send messages and files that can only be viewed once. If you’ve recently noticed a change in your girlfriend’s attitude, and she’s always on Snapchat, but you don’t know who she’s constantly chatting with, chances are she’s cheating on you. However, you can never be 100% sure until you see her Snapchat messages. A spy app is one of the best ways to discover the truth. This post highlights the best strategies for catching a cheating girlfriend in three minutes using SpyPhone.cc. Working Strategies for Catching a Cheating Girlfriend on Snapchat If you suspect your girlfriend is cheating on you, you can confront her without evidence or get definite proof that she’s cheating on you. The latter is a better method as it will help you make a better decision. Here are the best methods for catching a cheating girlfriend. Method 1: Use SpyPhone.cc Using a Spy app like SpyPhone.cc is the best and most effective method of discovering the truth. The app uses advanced technology to collect data from the target phone without their knowledge. With SpyPhone.cc, you can catch a cheating girlfriend on Snapchat. You don’t need to install the app on the target device, allowing for discreet monitoring, which is essential when looking for hard evidence. And if you find out that your girlfriend isn’t cheating, she’ll never know you spied on her, maintaining the trust between you and her. Features of SpyPhone.cc SpyPhone.cc provides a range of features to help you catch a cheating girlfriend. Let’s explore them. Discrete monitoring—If your girlfriend is overprotective of her phone and often places it face down, SpyPhone.cc allows you to monitor her Snapchat messages without touching her phone. The app operates stealth mode; no icon appears on your target’s phone. Real-time monitoring—SpyPhone.cc allows you to monitor your girlfriend’s real-time Snapchat messages. This makes it always easier to watch her best friends list. New additions to the list could be a sign of cheating. GPS location tracking—One of the most common signs of a cheating girlfriend is a disabled location on Snap map. SpyPhone’s GPS location tracking lets you monitor their location on a detailed map. Comprehensive features—SpyPhone.cc provides comprehensive monitoring of multiple apps, including social media, SMS, web browsers, and more, ensuring you’re always in the know. How to Set Up SpyPhone.cc SpyPhone.cc is one of the easiest apps to use. You don’t even need to touch the target phone. The app works seamlessly with Android and iOS devices, allowing cross-platform monitoring and following these steps to monitor your girlfriend’s Snapchat with SpyPhone.cc. Visit SpyPhone.cc and create an account. You’ll need a working email address. Select the device you want to monitor (Android or iOS). The app does not support Snapchat monitoring on Android devices, but we should expect this functionality shortly. Verify the connection between SpyPhone.cc and the target devices with a cloud account. Log into your SpyPhone.cc account to access your dashboard. Start monitoring your girlfriend’s Snapchat messages Besides Snapchat messages, you can access different data types on SpyPhone. These include sent and received SMS, call logs, photos, videos, browser history, WhatsApp messages, Social Media apps, and others. To explore more about the app's features, check out the comprehensive review of SpyPhone, which delves into its capabilities as the top cheating spouse tracker. Method 2: Screen recording Setting up a recording of your screen is quite an easy and effective option to save the messages on Snapchat before they are lost forever. Most new smartphones have this feature in their settings; if yours doesn't, you may download any third-party application from your app store to serve your motive. First of all, you need to enable the screen recording feature. For example, you can add it to the Control Center via settings on an iPhone. This option is available on Android in the Quick Settings panel or through an application like AZ Screen Recorder. After setting up screen recording, enter Snapchat and record all the messages you want to save. Scroll through the conversations and let the screen recorder capture everything in real-time. Record all essential snaps and chats in real time before they disappear. After recording, stop the screen recorder and save your video. Later, you will be able to play back what you have captured. Snapchat will notify the sender when it detects a user recording something on their screen. This might be something you wish to consider before following this option. What To Do When You Discover She’s Cheating on You Handling betrayal from someone you cherished and invested time and money in can be very painful. Many people find it difficult to accept that their partner is having an affair. Here are tips to keep in mind Break it off—It might not be easy, but you must end the relationship for your good. Delete her number, photos, videos, and anything related to her. Move to a new apartment and start a new life. Work on yourself—Once you end the relationship, start working on yourself. You want to be a better version of yourself when you start a new relationship, Join a ‘tribe’ of men—Get out of the house and join a tribe of men who inspire you to become a better version of yourself. Conclusion If you suspect your girlfriend is cheating on you, you must find out the truth before asking her. Otherwise, you risk damaging the trust in the relationship. The best way to know the truth is using SpyPhone.cc to monitor her Snapchat messages. The app is traceless and doesn’t require installation on the target device. With the app, you can view all her messages and files without her knowing. This way, you can decide based on the evidence you’ve gathered. Read the full article
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rebeccabarrett · 13 days
Social Media Spy To Track Your Unfaithful Wife Messages
Uncover potential infidelity by tracking your wife's social media messages with a social media spy tool. Stay informed and protect your relationship.
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Related: WhatsApp Spy Online Tracker App for Android and iPhone
Infidelity can be a devastating revelation in any relationship, leaving one feeling betrayed, hurt, and unsure of what to do next. With the advent of social media and messaging platforms, suspicions of infidelity can arise more frequently, as digital communication provides ample opportunities for secrecy and deception. If you find yourself in a situation where you suspect your wife of being unfaithful, you may be tempted to seek out ways to confirm your suspicions. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of social media spy tools.
💢 Signs of Infidelity
Before considering the use of social media spy tools, it's crucial to recognize potential signs of infidelity in your relationship. These signs may include:
📍 Behavioral Changes: Sudden changes in behavior, such as becoming more secretive about their devices or spending more time than usual on social media.
📍 Secrecy Regarding Devices: Guarding their phone or laptop more closely, keeping it locked or password-protected, and being hesitant to share passwords.
📍 Unexplained Absences: Spending excessive time away from home or making excuses for why they can't be reached.
📍 Emotional Distance: Notice withdrawal from intimacy, lack of affection, or disinterest in spending quality time together.
📍 Change in Routine: Be wary of alterations in schedule, frequent outings without explanation, or unexplained absences.
📍 Lack of Communication: Pay attention to avoidance of relationship conversations, becoming defensive, or deflecting questions.
📍 Suspicious Financial Behavior: Watch for unexplained expenses, secretive spending, or discrepancies in financial records.
📍 Intuition: Trust your gut feelings or instincts, often triggered by inconsistencies or a nagging sense that something is wrong.
💢 Benefits of Social Media Spy
📘 Market Research: Social media spying provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, aiding businesses in refining their marketing strategies.
📘 Competitive Analysis: By monitoring competitors' activities and engagements, businesses can gain a competitive edge, identifying strengths and weaknesses to enhance their own offerings.
📘 Brand Reputation Management: Tracking mentions and sentiments allows businesses to promptly address negative feedback, protect their brand image, and maintain a positive online reputation.
📘 Influencer Identification: Social media spying helps identify influential personalities within a niche, facilitating partnerships and collaborations to expand reach and credibility.
📘 Crisis Management: Early detection of potential crises through monitoring conversations enables proactive measures to mitigate risks and prevent reputational damage.
📘 Customer Insights: Analyzing customer interactions and feedback aids in understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, fostering improved products or services.
📘 Content Strategy Optimization: Monitoring engagement metrics and audience demographics helps tailor content strategies for maximum impact, driving better results and ROI.
💢 Understanding Social Media Spy Tools
Spy tools are software applications or services designed to monitor and track activity on various social media platforms and messaging apps. These tools allow users to discreetly access messages, call logs, location data, and more from a target device. While initially intended for monitoring children's online activities or managing employees' device usage, spy tools are increasingly being used by individuals who suspect their partners of infidelity.
💢 How Social Media Spy Tools Work
Spy tools typically require physical access to the target device for installation. Once installed, they operate discreetly in the background, capturing data from the device's activity. Users can then access this data remotely through a web-based dashboard or mobile app, allowing them to monitor their partner's social media interactions in real-time.
💢 Choosing the Right Spy Tool
When selecting a spy tool, it's essential to choose one that meets your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as compatibility with your wife's devices and the platforms she uses most frequently. Look for a tool that offers a user-friendly interface and robust features for monitoring social media activity effectively.
💢 Monitoring Your Wife's Social Media Activities
Once you've chosen and installed a social media spy tool, you can begin monitoring your wife's social media activities discreetly. Depending on the tool you've chosen, you may be able to access a variety of information, including:
📙 Messages and Chat Conversations: Read incoming and outgoing messages from messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Snapchat.
📙 Call Logs: View a log of incoming and outgoing calls, including timestamps and duration.
📙 Location Tracking: Track your wife's whereabouts in real-time using GPS tracking features.
📙 Social Media Posts: Monitor her activity on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, including posts, comments, and likes.
💢 The Decision to Hire a Hacker
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In an unprecedented move, Spy Service hired a social media hacker to uncover evidence of his partner's infidelity. Delve into the ethical considerations surrounding such actions and the emotional turmoil faced by individuals when contemplating invasive measures. As a cyber security expat I can tell you some trusted sites. And among them the most accepted and snack site is "Hackerslist". Their service quality and privacy are much better. In that case you can definitely hire their professionals.
💢 Handling Discoveries
If you discover evidence of infidelity while monitoring your wife's social media activities, it's essential to approach the situation with care and caution. Take time to process your emotions and consider your next steps carefully. Depending on the nature of your relationship and the evidence you've uncovered, you may choose to confront your wife directly or seek support from a trusted friend or counselor.
🔘 Finishing Word
Discovering evidence of infidelity in your marriage can be a painful and emotionally challenging experience. While social media spy tools offer a way to gather evidence discreetly, their use should be approached with caution and consideration for the ethical and legal implications. Before resorting to spying on your wife's social media activities, consider whether there are alternative approaches to addressing your concerns and rebuilding trust in your relationship.
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eunicemiddleton421 · 16 days
How to Spy on Someone's Phone Without Access
The increasing integration of technology into our daily lives has brought about various privacy concerns and curiosity around topics like monitoring someone’s mobile phone activity. With smartphones carrying much of our personal and professional information, the idea of remotely spying on someone’s phone without access has intrigued many. While this practice may raise significant ethical and legal questions, there are several methods available, both legal and illegal, for accomplishing this task.
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This blog delves into the top five ways to spy on someone’s phone without access, explains how spy apps can help, investigates the possibility of using phone numbers to spy, and explores some alternative and ethical approaches to addressing your concerns.
1. Top 5 Ways to Spy on Someone's Phone Without Access
While there are various methods to spy on someone’s phone remotely, the effectiveness and legality of these methods vary. Here are five of the most commonly known ways:
a. Spy Apps
Spy apps are one of the most popular methods for remotely monitoring someone’s phone activity. These applications allow users to track activities such as text messages, call logs, GPS location, and even social media usage. The catch? Some apps require initial installation on the target phone, but a select few boast of remote installation features. Many spy apps run in stealth mode, meaning they work without the user of the phone knowing.
Examples of well-known spy apps include:
HackersList: Often used by parents to monitor their children, HackersList allows users to remotely access texts, calls, locations, and social media activity. However, it usually requires one-time physical access to the phone.
FlexiSPY: Known for its powerful tracking capabilities, FlexiSPY offers advanced features like call recording and live phone monitoring. While some features are accessible remotely, the app still often requires installation on the target phone.
While spy apps can offer powerful tracking options, you must understand their legal implications. Using these apps without permission from the phone’s owner is illegal in many jurisdictions.
b. Cloud Backup Exploitation
Another method to spy on someone’s phone without direct access is by exploiting cloud backup services like iCloud for iPhones or Google Drive for Android devices. These services store backups of a phone’s data, such as messages, call history, and photos. If you have the login credentials for the person's cloud account, you may be able to access the data remotely.
However, two-factor authentication and other security measures often limit this approach. It may not be as reliable or accessible as spy apps, and there are ethical and legal concerns associated with using someone’s cloud account without their permission.
c. Phishing Attacks
Phishing attacks involve sending fake emails, messages, or links that appear legitimate but are designed to capture personal information, such as passwords. If someone falls for a phishing attack, the attacker could gain access to the victim's phone or cloud account without ever touching the device.
This method, while effective in some cases, is illegal and highly unethical. Phishing violates privacy laws, and using it to spy on someone’s phone can result in legal consequences.
d. SIM Card Swapping
SIM swapping is a technique used to intercept communication by gaining control of the victim's phone number. By tricking the mobile service provider, the attacker gets the victim's SIM card reissued and can then access phone calls, text messages, and even two-factor authentication codes.
This method is typically more advanced and is often used in fraud and cyberattacks. It requires specific technical knowledge and is considered illegal in most cases.
e. Network Monitoring
If you have access to the same Wi-Fi network as the target phone, you could potentially use network monitoring tools to spy on internet traffic. Tools like packet sniffers can capture data sent over the network, potentially revealing the content of messages, browsing history, or other data transmitted online.
However, network monitoring requires considerable technical expertise and may not provide complete access to all phone activity. Additionally, spying on someone’s phone through this method without their consent is illegal.
2. How Spy Apps Can Help You Spy on Someone's Phone Without Access
Spy apps are often marketed as the ultimate solution for spying on someone's phone without direct access. While some apps still require brief physical access to install the software, there are exceptions where remote installation is advertised. Here’s how spy apps work and how they can help you spy on someone’s phone remotely:
Data Tracking: Spy apps collect data from the target phone, including text messages, call logs, GPS locations, and even social media activity. This data is then transmitted to the app’s online dashboard, where you can access it remotely.
Remote Access: Some spy apps provide the ability to track the phone without the user ever knowing. They operate in "stealth mode," running quietly in the background while collecting data.
Geofencing and GPS Tracking: For those who want to monitor location, spy apps often include geofencing features that send alerts when the phone moves outside of a specific area. This is commonly used for parental monitoring.
However, even though spy apps can be effective tools for remote monitoring, it’s essential to understand the legal boundaries. Using spy apps without the phone owner’s consent can lead to severe legal consequences, especially if you’re tracking an adult.
3. How to Spy on Someone's Phone Using Only Their Number
One of the most alluring myths is the idea that you can spy on someone’s phone using only their phone number. While it is possible to gain access to some information with just a phone number, the extent of what you can do is limited.
Here are some methods that involve using a phone number to track phone activity:
Social Media Tracking: In some cases, using a phone number can help track social media accounts linked to it. If you enter the phone number in a platform like Facebook or Instagram, you might be able to find the associated profile and see public posts or activity.
Phone Location Services: Some apps claim to be able to track a phone’s location using just the number. These services are generally unreliable, and in most cases, they require additional data or consent from the target phone’s owner.
SIM Card Fraud (SIM Swapping): As mentioned earlier, SIM swapping is one way to take control of a phone number. Once a criminal has swapped the SIM, they can use the phone number to access various accounts. However, this is illegal and complex.
While spying on a phone using just the number may seem easy, in reality, it’s far from practical or reliable without further access or technical expertise.
4. Remote Spy Tools: Spy on Someone's Phone Without Touching It
Some tools and methods allow for remote monitoring without needing physical access to the phone at all. These tools often work over the internet or by exploiting cloud storage and backup systems.
iCloud and Google Accounts: As previously mentioned, accessing someone’s iCloud or Google account can allow you to view their backups. You can monitor messages, photos, and more if you have login credentials for these accounts.
Remote Installation Spyware: Some spy apps claim that they can be installed remotely by sending a link or through email. Once the user clicks the link, the spyware is installed on their phone without needing any physical access.
Keylogging: Keylogging software records every keystroke on the phone, sending logs to the remote monitor. Keylogging can be done remotely by infecting the phone with malware, which is illegal and unethical.
While remote spy tools can work in some instances, they are generally illegal to use without the target's consent and are not foolproof.
5. Challenges You May Face When Trying to Spy on Someone's Phone
While the allure of spying on someone's phone may seem enticing, there are many challenges you will face in the process, including:
Legal Risks: Spying on someone's phone without their consent is illegal in many places. Even if the intent is to protect someone, such as monitoring a child or employee, you may face criminal charges or lawsuits if discovered.
Technological Barriers: Advanced security measures like two-factor authentication, encryption, and biometric locks make it difficult to spy on someone's phone without physical access or their knowledge.
Reliability of Spy Tools: Not all spy apps or tools work as advertised. Many can be scams, fail to deliver the promised results or stop working due to software updates.
Ethical Dilemmas: The ethics of spying on someone’s phone without their knowledge is highly debatable. Even in situations like monitoring a loved one, this action could lead to feelings of mistrust and damaged relationships.
6. Alternatives to Spying on Someone's Phone Without Access
Instead of resorting to unethical or illegal means to spy on someone's phone, there are alternative approaches that are both legal and ethical:
Open Communication: One of the best ways to address concerns about someone's phone use is through open and honest communication. Whether it's with a partner, child, or employee, talking about your worries can often resolve the issue without needing to spy.
Parental Control Apps: If you're a parent concerned about your child's safety, consider using legitimate parental control apps that are transparent and designed specifically for monitoring with consent.
Employee Monitoring Software: If you're an employer wanting to track productivity, use legal employee monitoring software that is transparent and compliant with workplace laws.
Seeking Professional Help: In situations involving trust issues, whether in relationships or at work, it may be better to seek professional guidance, such as therapy or mediation, instead of violating privacy.
Spying on someone's phone without access is a complex, legally risky, and ethically questionable endeavor. While various methods such as spy apps, phishing, cloud backup exploitation, and network monitoring may offer ways to do so, it’s crucial to understand that these approaches may have severe consequences.
The better alternative is to seek legal, ethical solutions, such as transparent monitoring tools or communication, that respect privacy and maintain trust in relationships. Remember, the goal should always be to find a solution that ensures safety and trust without crossing ethical lines.
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onemonitarsoftware · 8 days
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Discover the power of ONEMONITAR’s Call Tracker! Monitor and record phone calls on Android devices with real-time tracking, call recording, and caller details, all from anywhere. Whether you’re a parent ensuring your child’s safety, an employer boosting productivity, or an individual protecting your conversations, ONEMONITAR is your go-to solution. Easy to use, secure, and backed by 24/7 support—get started today!
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dankusner · 3 months
Personalized auto insurance pricing
The cost of driver discounts
The other week, my wife and I were driving to a restaurant when a black pickup truck suddenly jumped into our lane.
There are few sounds I hate more than car metal crashing into car metal.
The dude didn’t stop in what was now a hit-and-run.
Karen, who was driving, followed the truck, which put on its blinkers as if to stop.
While I recorded the scene with my cellphone camera, I called 911.
Officers in three police cars pulled the driver over.
He was shirtless.
They gave him a sobriety test, which he passed, and they let him go.
I tell you this story because when I called my auto insurer, State Farm, the woman who took down the information said, “Oh, that was on Highway 377 at 6:32 p.m.”
Now how did she know that?
Of course.
That Bluetooth beacon in my glove compartment that’s part of State Farm’s voluntary Drive Safe & Save program sent the information.
Actually, last year I signed myself up for you.
I wanted to be a guinea pig and test this potential invasion of privacy, all in the name of getting a promised discount of up to 30%.
My story was headlined “Is that device in your car a spy or a boon to your wallet?”
I wanted to tell you what I learned as your watchdog.
State Farm promptly paid for car repairs and is trying to get the shirtless pickup driver’s insurance company to pay my $500 deductible.
But as part of this monitoring program, I learned two things.
The first is that insurance companies are using our driving records to give us a driving score.
Our score affects what we pay in premiums.
And even if you don’t sign up for one of these programs with your insurer, the company can still monitor your driving through other apps you may keep on your phone.
The second thing I learned is that, in addition to being secretive about your personal score, the whole thing can be very confusing.
I’ll show how.
Your driving score
Driving scores are new, said Alan Demers of InsurTech Consulting, which helps modernize insurance companies.
“This is akin,” he said, “to the early days of credit scores.”
What he means is that millions of Americans have scores but don’t yet know it.
About 15% of all drivers subscribe to these voluntary programs. Travelers Insurance calls its program IntelliDrive.
Allstate calls its offering Drivewise.
Geico offers DriveEasy.
Progressive, one of the first to do this, offers Snapshot, and Nationwide has SmartRide.
State Farm promises discounts for good driving. Here’s what goes into the ratings:
phone distraction
So maybe you’re thinking you don’t have to worry about this since you didn’t sign up for one of these programs.
Data capture
The New York Times reported recently that certain popular phone apps track you the same way and then offer that data to insurers.
Apps included Life360, which parents can use to track their kids, weather forecaster MyRadar and GasBuddy, which helps you find cheap gas.
Arity, a company launched by Allstate, captures the data.
“Arity analyzes how risky their driving is for insurance purposes,” the Times reported. “The company sells access to the driving scores of tens of millions of people.”
I reached out to Arity.
Spokesperson Stacy Silver said that to obtain “personalized auto insurance pricing,” a driver must clearly and explicitly opt in to have Arity create and provide driving data to carriers.
“Consumers can request a copy of this driving report once they opt in to share their driving data,” she said.
Note that the new Texas privacy law that went into effect July 1 requires companies to make personal data available if you ask.
But insurance companies are exempt.
Two sides
There are two sides in this:
One side advocates privacy, and the other seeks data to help price auto insurance.
Pro-consumer watchdog Ware V. Wendell of Texas Watch says companies are “spying on us just so they can jack up their rates even more.”
“Many people have no idea this is happening until their insurance rates are hiked for braking or accelerating too hard in the company’s eyes,” Wendell said. “Their snooping is just plain creepy, and it needs to stop.”
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Richard Johnson of the Insurance Council of Texas says the use of mobile apps is crucial to the future of the insurance industry.
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Consumers may enjoy “a potential cost savings,” he said.
“As with any insurance product or policy, we encourage consumers to research, ask questions and explore the features and advantages of these new mobile apps to ensure it is something for them,” he said.
State Farm spokesperson Kim Kaufman said, “Due to our company privacy policy, we can’t speak publicly about the specifics of an individual customer claim.”
But it’s me.
Your customer.
And I give you permission to talk to me about me.
No go.
So what’s the biggest burr in my saddle?
My annoyance
Last year, I listened to the sales pitch for State Farm’s Drive Safe & Save.
It would help me be a better driver by displaying my strengths and weaknesses.
(My acceleration is rated great, but my braking needs improvement — sounds like my life.)
And I could earn up to 30% in savings.
After a year, State Farm reports that I earned a measly $7.27 applied discount.
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My youngest son, however, earned a $270 discount.
Here’s what rankles me:
His six-month premium increased $308 for collision coverage alone.
So it feels like the discount evaporated into a large premium increase.
I’m told the discount doesn’t apply to one kind of coverage like collision only but is used as a percentage across the board.
So it’s not a discount.
It’s more of a premium adjustment.
The app is confusing to use.
The sales explanation is somewhat deceptive.
Here, truly, I took one for the team so I could learn for you.
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can text messages be tracked on phones with a vpn
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can text messages be tracked on phones with a vpn
Tracking text messages on phones
Tracking text messages on phones has become a common practice among individuals seeking to monitor the communication activities of others. While the idea of tracking text messages may raise concerns about privacy invasion, there are legitimate reasons for doing so, such as parental monitoring of children or employers monitoring company-owned devices for security purposes.
There are various methods available for tracking text messages on phones, each with its own benefits and limitations. One popular method is using spy apps, which can be installed on the target phone to secretly monitor text messages, call logs, and other activities. These apps are typically hidden from the phone's user, providing a discreet way to track communication.
Another way to track text messages is through phone carriers, which may offer services to view text message logs and details online or through their mobile app. This option is often used by parents to monitor their children's texting behavior or by individuals looking to keep track of their own messages for record-keeping purposes.
It's important to note that tracking text messages without consent is illegal in many jurisdictions, so it's crucial to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. Additionally, it's essential to consider ethical implications and respect the privacy of others when monitoring text messages.
Overall, tracking text messages on phones can be a useful tool for certain situations, but it should be approached with caution and used responsibly to avoid legal consequences and ethical dilemmas.
VPN usage for privacy
Title: Protect Your Privacy with VPN Usage
In an age where our online activities are constantly monitored and tracked, safeguarding our privacy has become paramount. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer a vital solution for maintaining anonymity and security while browsing the internet.
A VPN works by encrypting your internet connection, creating a secure tunnel between your device and the VPN server. This encryption ensures that all data transmitted between your device and the internet is encrypted, making it virtually impossible for hackers, government agencies, or internet service providers to intercept and decipher your online activities.
One of the primary reasons individuals turn to VPNs is to protect their sensitive information from prying eyes. Whether you're conducting online banking transactions, accessing confidential work documents, or simply browsing social media, using a VPN shields your data from potential threats.
Moreover, VPNs enable users to bypass geo-restrictions and censorship imposed by governments or internet service providers. By connecting to servers in different countries, you can access content that may be restricted in your region, such as streaming services, websites, or social media platforms.
Additionally, VPNs offer peace of mind when using public Wi-Fi networks. These networks are notoriously insecure, making them easy targets for cybercriminals looking to intercept sensitive information. By using a VPN, you create a secure connection even on unsecured networks, safeguarding your data from potential attacks.
It's important to choose a reputable VPN provider that prioritizes user privacy and does not log your online activities. While there are free VPN services available, they often come with limitations and may compromise your privacy by selling your data to third parties.
In conclusion, VPNs are indispensable tools for protecting your online privacy and security. By encrypting your internet connection and masking your IP address, VPNs empower you to browse the web anonymously and securely, ensuring your sensitive information remains private.
Mobile phone security measures
Mobile phone security is a crucial aspect of our digital lives, as our smartphones store a vast amount of personal and sensitive information. Implementing proper security measures is essential to protect our data from unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.
One of the most basic yet important security measures for mobile phones is setting up a strong passcode or biometric authentication such as fingerprint or facial recognition. This helps prevent unauthorized access in case the phone is lost or stolen.
Updating the operating system and apps regularly is another key security measure. Software updates often include security patches that help protect the device from vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit.
Enabling remote tracking and wiping features can be extremely helpful in case the phone is lost or stolen. Both Android and iOS devices offer options to remotely track the device's location and erase data to prevent it from being accessed by unauthorized users.
Installing a reputable mobile security app can add an extra layer of protection against malware, phishing attempts, and other online threats. These apps can scan for malicious software and provide warnings about potentially harmful websites.
Avoiding connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks and being cautious of the permissions requested by apps are also important security practices to keep in mind.
By following these mobile phone security measures, users can significantly reduce the risk of their personal information being compromised and enjoy a safer digital experience.
Monitoring SMS with VPN
Monitoring SMS with VPN ensures an extra layer of privacy and security for users who value confidentiality and protection of their personal data. VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, encrypts internet traffic and routes it through a remote server, making it difficult for third parties to intercept and monitor communication.
When it comes to SMS monitoring, VPN plays a crucial role in safeguarding the content of text messages from unauthorized access. By using a VPN connection, SMS messages are encrypted end-to-end, ensuring that only the intended recipient can access and read the content.
Furthermore, VPN masks the user's IP address, adding an extra level of anonymity to SMS communication. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who want to keep their messaging activities private and secure from potential eavesdroppers and hackers.
In addition to protecting SMS content, VPNs also help bypass geo-restrictions and censorship imposed by certain countries or networks. This means that users can send and receive SMS messages without any limitations, regardless of their location.
Overall, monitoring SMS with VPN is a prudent choice for those who prioritize data security and privacy. By encrypting messages and hiding IP addresses, VPNs provide a secure environment for SMS communication, giving users peace of mind knowing that their personal information is protected from prying eyes.
Confidentiality of text communication
Confidentiality of text communication is a vital aspect of personal privacy and data security in the digital age. With the widespread use of messaging apps, email, and other text-based communication platforms, it is essential to understand the importance of keeping our conversations private and secure.
Text communication can include sensitive information such as personal details, financial data, or confidential business discussions. When this information is shared over digital platforms, there is always a risk of interception or unauthorized access by third parties. This is why ensuring the confidentiality of text communication is crucial for protecting our privacy and preventing data breaches.
There are several measures that can be taken to enhance the confidentiality of text communication. Using end-to-end encryption, for example, ensures that messages are scrambled in such a way that only the sender and recipient can read them. This means that even if the messages are intercepted, they cannot be deciphered by hackers or other malicious actors.
Additionally, it is important to be cautious about sharing sensitive information over unsecured networks or public Wi-Fi hotspots, as these can be easily compromised. Choosing strong and unique passwords for your messaging apps and email accounts can also help prevent unauthorized access to your conversations.
Overall, maintaining the confidentiality of text communication is essential for protecting personal privacy and sensitive data. By being mindful of the security measures available and practicing good digital hygiene, we can safeguard our information and communicate with peace of mind in an increasingly connected world.
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vishal6x · 11 months
WhatsApp Spy Features for Child Safety
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Going that extra mile and protecting your children is top-most priority for every parent. With great exposure to smartphones and technology, there is an obvious feeling of concern for parents to know what their child is up to.
With the help of a good parental control app you can track every move of your child. These apps were secretly to spy on phones and keep you updated with all the activities of your child. A phone spy app is one great way of keeping up with your child. 
Kids online can come across all types of content and it could also include some inappropriate content which can be addictive as well as dangerous for your little one. A good phone spy app can help you to monitor your child’s device, giving you all the information. 
Can a phone spy app help ?
A good spy app can make it simple and easy for you to keep your child safe against violating content and unwanted security threats. In today’s time, kids have a smartphone and internet access, being underage and having restrictions to certain activities is now merely a law but once you have easy access to the phone and internet there is every sort of content online. 
Today, even social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are also full of violating content, spammers and bots. But you can rely on a good mobile spy app to ease your concern. You can keep track of your loved ones’ device and ensure that they do not engage with any inappropriate content. 
We recommend that firstly if you witness your loved one engaging in any activity that is harmful for them or for your relationship with them, it’s better to have understanding and open communication with them. Especially with kids, if you try to impose any restrictions on them without a valid reason or in some cases even if your concern is valid, your loved one would be frustrated. 
To avoid a challenging situation like this, you can try a spy app for android phone that not only gives you all the information you need but is also fully secure. 
Which spy app to go for?
Let us give you a few insights of the app which is loved and recommended by parents. Onemonitar parental app is tried by not only parents but also people who want to ensure the safety of their loved ones in general. This spy phone application has 50+ features and we’ll highlight the most popular ones for you. 
Onemonitar gives you options to listen to the calls through its hidden call recorder which provides high quality of audio. You can track the real-time location of the target device and know the whereabouts of your child, this ensures that they are not lying to you and even if they are, you know where they are remotely. 
Talking about social media tracking, you can check the accounts of your child across all major social media. You can check their WhatsApp with the help of WhatsApp spy software, you can check their chats, calls and any media that is being exchanged with others. You can scroll through the Instagram and Facebook accounts and who they are interacting with, this will ensure that you are aware of if they are not interacting with any person that could be of danger to them. 
Things to remember!
A spy app can be very helpful when you want to control or supervise the activities of your loved ones. With broader usage and multiple features, regardless of who your target is, a spy phone app is now welcomed and has come in use across the globe. 
These solutions provide you 100% data protection and security and with a phone spy app like Onemonitar only you have the access to your control panel and nobody other than you can see your personal information. Also, their 24*7 support team is available for your assistance through live chats and calls.
You can use the spy app and ensure high security and safety for your dear ones. Happy monitoring with Onemonitar!
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onemonitarofficial · 6 months
The Intricate World of Android Spy Apps: Unmasking Functionality and Ethics
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The digital realm has become an extension of ourselves, especially with smartphones playing a central role in our daily lives. This extends to our children, partners, and even employees in specific situations. While trust is paramount, there may be instances where monitoring phone activity becomes a necessity. This is where Android spy apps enter the scene, promising a glimpse into the target device's digital landscape.
However, venturing into the world of spy apps necessitates a clear understanding of the legal and ethical ramifications. Local laws regarding phone monitoring software should be thoroughly reviewed before using any such app. Transparency is also key – always disclose monitoring to those being monitored, particularly in the case of children.
Free vs. Paid Spy Apps: Unveiling the Reality
The quest for a truly free, feature-rich Android spy app can be a deceptive one. While some apps advertise free tiers, they often come with significant limitations. Core functionalities often require a paid subscription, leaving you with a restricted experience in the free version.
Here's a closer look at some popular contenders and their feature breakdowns:
Onemonitar: This user-friendly app boasts a comprehensive feature set. The free version offers a taste of its capabilities, such as limited call history and contact details. However, for in-depth monitoring, a paid subscription unlocks features like extensive call monitoring (recordings and call duration), detailed message tracking across various platforms (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger), real-time GPS location tracking, internet browsing history, and app usage monitoring.
Chyldmonitar: Designed for user ease, Chyldmonitar offers a decent feature range in both free and paid tiers. The free version provides basic call log and SMS monitoring, along with limited app usage tracking. Upgrading unlocks more detailed call recordings, in-depth message tracking, comprehensive app usage monitoring, remote camera activation (for capturing photos and surroundings), and even keylogging functionality.
Onespy: This app focuses on stealth and invisibility. Similar to its counterparts, Onespy offers a free tier with limited features like basic details on calls and SMS. Upgrading unlocks advanced call monitoring (recordings and call duration), comprehensive message tracking across various apps, real-time GPS location tracking, internet browsing history, and app usage monitoring.
Crucial Considerations Before Using Spy Apps:
Legality: Always ensure using a spy app complies with your local laws. Regulations vary by region, so consult with a legal professional if necessary.
Target Device Compatibility: Not all apps are compatible with all Android versions. Verify compatibility before downloading to avoid wasting time and effort.
Rooted vs. Non-Rooted Devices: Certain features might require a rooted device (providing administrator access), which can be risky as it bypasses security measures and exposes the device to vulnerabilities.
Target Device Accessibility: Installing the app often necessitates physical access to the target device. Consider the practicality of acquiring this access.
Alternative Solutions: Consider These Options Before Resorting to Spy Apps
Parental Control Apps: Designed for monitoring children's phone activity, these apps prioritize safety and offer features like app blocking, screen time management, and website filtering.
Built-in Monitoring Tools: Many Android devices have built-in features like Google Family Link that allow for some degree of monitoring for children's devices.
The Ethical Tightrope Walk: Weighing the Implications
The use of spy apps raises a critical ethical question. While there might be legitimate reasons for monitoring someone's phone activity, it's crucial to weigh the ethical concerns. Open communication and trust should be the cornerstone of any relationship. Spy apps should only be considered as a last resort and with complete transparency.
Conclusion: A World Beyond Spy Apps
While Android spy apps exist, approaching them with caution is essential. Understanding the legality, respecting privacy, and exploring alternative solutions are all crucial aspects to consider. Remember, a foundation of trust is irreplaceable. If you have concerns about someone's phone activity, open communication might be a more sustainable solution than resorting to covert monitoring.
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phoneclone · 3 months
Phone Spy App to Read Someone's Text Messages
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Phone spy apps have become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing individuals to monitor and track the activities of others through their mobile devices. However, before delving into the benefits and limitations of these apps, it's crucial to understand their definition and purpose, as well as the considerations surrounding their use.
Definition and Purpose
Phone spy apps are software programs that can be installed on a target device to track its activities, such as text messages, calls, and social media interactions. The primary purpose of these apps is to provide remote monitoring capabilities for parents, employers, or individuals concerned about their loved ones' safety and well-being. Read more
Phone Spy Considerations
While phone spy apps can be valuable tools for monitoring and ensuring the safety of children or employees, it's essential to consider the implications of their use. Invasion of privacy and trust issues may arise when using spy apps without the target's knowledge or consent. It's crucial to weigh the benefits of monitoring against the potential harm to personal relationships and individual autonomy.
Understanding Phone Spy Apps
To effectively utilize phone spy apps, it's essential to understand the two main types: phone trackers and mobile spy software.
Phone Tracker
Phone trackers are applications that allow users to monitor a target phone's location, call logs, text messages, and browsing history. These apps offer various functionalities and features, such as real-time tracking, geofencing alerts, and remote locking capabilities. However, they also come with limitations, such as the need for physical access to the target device and compatibility issues with certain operating systems.
Mobile Spy Software
Mobile spy software goes a step further by providing users with advanced monitoring features, such as social media tracking, keystroke logging, and remote access to the target device's camera and microphone. These apps are compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems, making them versatile tools for remote monitoring.
Remote Monitoring
One of the key advantages of phone spy apps is their ability to facilitate remote monitoring through spyware and cell phone spying functionalities.
Spyware for Phones
Spyware for phones allows users to remotely access a target device's data, including text messages, call logs, and browsing history. The data is typically encrypted to ensure security and privacy, making it difficult for unauthorized users to intercept or manipulate the information.
Cell Phone Spying
Cell phone spying involves monitoring a target device's social media activities, GPS location, and app usage. This feature is particularly useful for parents looking to track their children's whereabouts or employers monitoring their employees' productivity and compliance with company policies.
Popular Spy Apps in the Market
Several spy apps dominate the market, offering a range of surveillance and monitoring capabilities tailored to specific user needs.
Phone Surveillance
Phone surveillance apps provide hidden phone tracker options and a user-friendly interface for easy navigation and monitoring. These apps offer discreet monitoring features, ensuring that the target individual remains unaware of being monitored.
Spy App for Android
Spy apps designed for Android devices offer real-time monitoring features and compatibility with a wide range of Android smartphones and tablets. These apps provide users with comprehensive surveillance capabilities, including call recording, GPS tracking, and social media monitoring.
iPhone Spy Software
iPhone spy software is designed exclusively for iOS devices, offering unique features such as iCloud synchronization and remote access to a target device's data. These apps provide a seamless monitoring experience for iPhone users, ensuring that no activity goes unnoticed.
Covert Monitoring and Stealth Features
To maintain undetectable operation, phone spy apps offer covert monitoring and stealth features for discreet surveillance.
Covert Phone Monitoring
Covert phone monitoring allows users to track a target device's activities without alerting the user. Stealth mode operations ensure that the app remains hidden on the target device, making it virtually impossible to detect.
Stealth Spy App
Stealth spy apps feature concealed app icons and operations, making them virtually undetectable on the target device. These apps also offer remote control options for seamless monitoring and data retrieval.
Monitoring and Tracking Capabilities
Phone spy apps provide extensive monitoring and tracking capabilities, including keylogging, call and SMS tracking, and data backup options.
Phone Monitoring Tool
Phone monitoring tools offer keylogging and screenshot features for tracking text messages, browsing history, and app usage. These apps also provide call and SMS tracking functionalities for monitoring communication activities. Click here
Phone Spyware
Phone spyware enables users to back up data from a target device, as well as receive alert notifications for specific activities, such as suspicious calls or messages. These apps offer robust surveillance features for comprehensive monitoring and tracking.
Ensuring Undetectable Operation
To ensure the seamless operation of spy apps, users can take steps to prevent detection and maintain discreet surveillance.
Track Phone Activity
Regular updates and bug fixes are essential for preventing anti-virus detection and ensuring the smooth operation of spy apps. Optimizing battery usage and discrete data transmission also help maintain covert monitoring capabilities.
In conclusion, phone spy apps offer valuable monitoring and tracking capabilities for parents, employers, and individuals concerned about their loved ones' safety. It's essential to use these apps, considering the legal implications and privacy considerations surrounding their use.
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techtired · 2 months
How to Spy on iPhone Without Access to Target Phone?
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Modern parenting often involves setting boundaries for phone usage, such as screen time limits and ensuring children access age-appropriate content. However, with busy schedules, parents may struggle to monitor their kids' iPhones thoroughly, including checking call logs, reading messages, and tracking their movements. Fortunately, Msafely, a web-based phone monitoring app, simplifies this process by allowing parents to remotely view phone activity and location history from a single dashboard. Msafely lets you spy on iPhones, so you know what kids do on their phones anytime and anywhere. The user-friendly monitoring app, Msafely, offers robust features for tracking call logs, web browsing history, and location without accessing the target device. This helps parents monitor their children's behaviour and whereabouts for timely guidance and safety. This post will explore how to use Msafely to monitor your child's iPhone securely. You'll learn how to track the websites they visit and their location. Let's dive in! What is the Msafely Phone Monitor Solution? Msafely is a powerful phone monitoring tool for secretly monitoring your kids' devices. The parental control application works invisibly, letting you spy on what kids are doing on their phones without them knowing. Moreover, the phone monitoring solution for parents works smoothly on Android and iPhone. Therefore, regardless of whether your child is a phone model, you can monitor their activity anytime through an easy-to-use parental control app. Msafely Phone Monitor Solution Features To understand why Msafely is your best app to spy on kids' iPhones, let us review its features. Phone Activity Tracker for iPhone As more research shows the negative impacts of excessive phone usage, experts recommend supervising and limiting phone use for children. Msafely lets you monitor the app usage, phone calls, and messages on your kid’s phone. Therefore, you can tell who they are communicating with and the context of their communication by spying on the kid's phone. The child safety application records sent and received messages and calls and keeps a log of deleted messages, giving you a complete view of their communication. Therefore, if your child receives communication from unknown people, you can review when and how often they communicate. With such information, you can easily counsel your child and tell them to stop communicating with strangers. Track Your Child's GPS Location A caring parent will always want to track their kid's movement so they know when they break into dangerous neighbourhoods or attend unsafe parties. Msafely will easily track the current location and the location history of your child’s device in stealth mode. Therefore, you can use Msafely to track location history through their cell phone, keeping a watchful eye on their movement. The Msafely location tracker also has a geo-fencing feature, so you receive alerts whenever your child is not in designated areas. You can contact your child for an explanation and counsel them against visiting such locations whenever you receive such alerts. Social Media App Tracker Cyberbullying and leaking sensitive information are some of the dangers your child is prone to when using social media applications. Moreover, children could be exposed to inappropriate content sent to them by strangers or even their friends through social media applications. By actively monitoring your child’s communication through social media apps using Msafely, you protect them from online dangers. Msafely is a high-quality parental control application offering you valuable assistance so you can effectively protect your child from potential risks associated with social media usage. You can use Msafely to monitor who your child communicates with on social media applications such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Further, you can review their posts, comments, likes and replies to social media posts. WhatsApp Tracker for iPhone Msafely lets you monitor your kid's WhatsApp messages effectively. You can view their private and group messages on WhatsApp using the application. You will discover the photos, videos, messages, and documents they share through WhatsApp. The Msafely WhatsApp tracker lets you view their contact list without jailbreak. Once you find your children chatting with suspicious strangers, you can stop them quickly. For instance, you can know when they share sensitive information, such as their current location and home address and warn them against doing so. Screen Time and Schedule Tracker Excessive phone usage could have adverse effects on your child’s health. Moreover, unsupervised kids could spend so much time on their phones and fail to attend to essential assignments. Therefore, as a parent, you need to track their screen time and even set a schedule so they do not use the device at certain times, such as bedtime, school, etc. Msafely is a safe and secure monitoring app with scheduling features. Therefore, you can use Msafely to schedule restrictions and ensure children do not spend excessive time on their digital devices. Installed Apps Tracker Using Msafely, parents can check the applications installed on their kids' iPhones. Typically, the iPhone tracker provides insights such as the app version and download time and comes with blocking features so you can block your kids from potentially harmful applications and games. Discreet Phone Monitoring Application When you start using Msafely, no application or icon is left on the target phone. Thus, your child will not be suspicious that you are monitoring their messages, screen time, or location. You can review their natural conduct and offer guidance and counselling whenever they act differently than expected or visit restricted areas. How To Use Msafely To Spy on iPhone Without Accessing Target Phone You can set up Msafely phone tracking on your iPhone in simple steps. Here are the steps to follow: Step1. Register a Msafely Account Please register for a Msafely account, which is your first step towards accessing their services. Start using your valid email address, which will serve as your primary contact and login credential for the account. Step2. Choose a Suitable Plan and Connect your phone Msafely offers different user plans tailored to suit everyone's needs. Select your ideal user plan and follow the prompts to add your target device. Step3. Start Monitoring You can begin the monitoring with Ase with the target device(s) added and log into the log user dashboard using the email address you registered with. This dashboard is your command centre - where you can view activity logs, set up alerts, and manage your monitoring devices. Conclusion Msafely is the ultimate parental control application for modern-day phone tracking. Parents can actively review their child’s messages on social media applications, call logs, and even location in real-time using the application. The easy-to-use phone monitoring app has a web-based dashboard for secure and easy access anytime and from anywhere. Download your Msafely phone tracking app today and monitor your child’s iPhone usage. Read the full article
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rebeccabarrett · 27 days
Tracking Your Partner by iPhone Spy Apps
Get the inside scoop on how iPhone spy apps work and the best options for tracking your partner’s location, messages and more.
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Related: Best iPhone Spy App To Track Cheating Boyfriend’s Location
Have you ever wondered if your partner is truly where they say they are? With the rise of technology, keeping tabs on loved ones has never been easier. iPhone spy apps are becoming increasingly popular, especially for individuals who want to track their partner's activities. These apps promise to give you insights into your partner’s location, messages, and online behavior – but is this the right move? 
In this article, we’ll dive into the world of iPhone spy apps, exploring how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, and whether they should be part of a healthy relationship.
🔳 How iPhone Spy Apps Work
iPhone spy apps are software designed to operate in the background of the targeted phone, collecting data such as GPS location, call logs, text messages, social media activity, and even keystrokes. The collected data is then accessible remotely via an online account where the user can review everything happening on the tracked iPhone. These apps typically work invisibly, meaning the person being monitored may not know they’re being tracked.
◻ Key Features of Spy Apps for Partner Tracking
◾ GPS Tracking: Provides real-time location updates.
◾ Call Logs & Messages: Allows you to monitor calls, texts, and media files.
◾ Social Media Monitoring: Keeps an eye on apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Snapchat.
◾ Keylogging: Records everything typed on the phone, including passwords.
◻ Popular iPhone Spy Apps for Tracking
◾ HackersList: Known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of monitoring features. Offers both call and text monitoring along with location tracking.
◾ Spyic: Offers excellent tracking features with no need to jailbreak the iPhone.
◾ FlexiSPY: Provides more advanced features, such as call interception.
◾ Cocospy: Popular for remote installation and an easy-to-navigate dashboard.
🔳 Legality and Ethics of Tracking Your Partner
Is it Legal to Track Your Partner Using Spy Apps?
The legality of using spy apps varies by country and state. In most cases, tracking someone without their consent is illegal and could lead to legal trouble. Even if you own the device, monitoring someone’s activity without their knowledge can lead to severe consequences, including fines and imprisonment.
Ethical Considerations of Partner Monitoring
Beyond legality, there’s a significant ethical question. Is it morally acceptable to invade your partner’s privacy? Trust is a cornerstone of any relationship, and tracking your partner without their consent can severely damage that trust.
🔳 Advantages of Using iPhone Spy Apps
Monitoring Safety Concerns
One potential positive of using spy apps is ensuring your partner’s safety. In certain situations, such as keeping tabs on someone during a dangerous trip or in areas of high crime, this form of tracking can provide peace of mind.
Building Trust or Catching Infidelity
Some individuals turn to spy apps when they suspect infidelity. While this could help reveal the truth, it may also end the relationship, either by confirming suspicions or by creating more distrust if the partner finds out.
🔳 Disadvantages of Using Spy Apps
Invasion of Privacy
By using spy apps, you’re invading the personal space of your partner. This could damage the relationship more than any infidelity ever would.
Potential for Abuse
These apps can easily be misused for harmful purposes, such as controlling or stalking a partner, which can escalate into abusive situations.
🔳 Installation and Setup of iPhone Spy Apps
Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Spy Apps
▶ Choose the Right App: Find a spy app that fits your needs.
▶ Purchase & Install: Download the app on the target device.
▶ Set Up an Account: Register and log into your control panel.
▶ Monitor: Start tracking your partner’s activity through the dashboard.
Common Installation Challenges
Installing these apps on iPhones can sometimes require jailbreaking, which is not easy and may void the phone’s warranty. Other challenges include overcoming security settings and ensuring the app remains undetectable.
🔳 Features to Look for in iPhone Spy Apps
When selecting a spy app, focus on the features that matter most to you:
▶ GPS Location Tracking
▶ Social Media Monitoring
▶ Call and Message Logs
▶ Keylogging
Each app varies in its capabilities, so it’s essential to research and choose the right one.
🔳 How to Use iPhone Spy Apps Responsibly
Setting Boundaries and Expectations
If you decide to use a spy app, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries. Communication with your partner is essential, and using spy apps with mutual consent can help avoid conflict.
Communication Before Monitoring
Open a dialogue with your partner about concerns. In many cases, discussing insecurities may be more effective than resorting to spying.
🔳 Alternative Solutions to Tracking Your Partner
Open Communication and Relationship Counseling
Instead of spying, consider relationship counseling. Often, professional help can resolve issues before they escalate.
Trust-Building Activities
Engage in activities that promote trust and understanding, such as planning time together or working on mutual goals.
🔳 Is It Worth It? Evaluating the Usefulness of Spy Apps
While spy apps offer a technological solution, the emotional and legal costs often outweigh the benefits. In most cases, open communication and trust-building are better long-term solutions.
Real Stories: Partner Tracking Experiences
Many people who have used spy apps share mixed experiences. While some have discovered the truth about their partners, others regret their decision due to the irreparable damage it caused to their relationships.
Related: WhatsApp Spy Online Tracker App for Android and iPhone
🔳 Top Security Tips for Spy App Users
▶ Use Strong Passwords: Protect your control panel with secure login credentials.
▶ Keep It Legal: Research the laws in your area before using any spy app.
▶ Monitor Responsibly: Avoid misusing the app to harm or manipulate your partner.
🟩 Final Thought
Tracking your partner through iPhone spy apps can seem like a quick fix to relationship problems, but it often leads to more issues than it solves. Whether driven by insecurity or a desire for transparency, using these apps can seriously undermine trust. Before you decide to take this route, weigh the ethical, legal, and emotional implications carefully.
🟥 FAQs
1. Can spy apps be detected on iPhones?
While many spy apps claim to be undetectable, skilled users or anti-spyware tools may find them.
2. How can I track my partner’s phone without them knowing?
It is not recommended to do so without consent due to legal and ethical concerns.
3. What should I do if my partner finds out I’m using a spy app?
Be prepared for a difficult conversation. Apologize, explain your concerns, and consider seeking counseling together.
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