jnmpasking · 1 year
how do i get more androgynous
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hipstersoulgushers · 6 days
I hate gender, I deeply hate that in practice gender is split between "Afraid" and "Not Afraid"
I don't want to feel like this. I don't give a fuck, but I still feel like I do, like I have to.
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lesbians4torispring · 2 years
i hope all very feminine or very masculine non-binary ppl are having a nice day 🫶
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sonoyoung · 4 months
— i think he knows
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boyfriend!jeonghan x gn!reader | fluff + early stages | 0.5k | i think he knows - taylor swift
a/n. im actually really glad i found pleasure in writing again i hope this is well received, i always appreciate feedback ty
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So this is love mhm. It was funny to you, actually loving someone romantically, you had read so many depictions of the feeling and yet nothing close to it.
It was all still so fresh you wondered if it was actually love but what else could it be. Whenever you met eyes, it felt like heaven, a whole choir singing in your heart sweet harmonies that kept you warm. It was all his fault, Yoon Jeonghan.
You weren’t one to focus on romance aside from indulging in the various medias illustrating the concept, but you got distracted by his boyish looks and the way he’d tease you just enough to get you riled up only to be the one to comfort you afterwards.
It was addictive, loving him made it seem so easy and you wanted so badly to believe every single drop of affection you felt from him was him displaying his own love to you.
“You’re like if a man and a woman had a baby or something” he smiled taking a deep breath in so he didn’t just laugh in your face at the absurdity of your sentence,
“Or something” he hissed through his teeth tilting his head taking it all in, slightly pursing his bottom lip as he thought about it, you rolled your eyes at him, “You know what I mean”
“Do I?” his tiny teeth shining between his lips as he grinned, enjoying every bit of your annoyance.
“Androgy… Androgenius…?” you thought out loud, his little snickering distracting you as you raked your brain for the right word.
“it’s Androgynous baby” he finally revealed placing a soft peck on your temple putting you out of your vocabulary misery, nuzzling your head into his neck just wanting to sink into his comfort.
Being so playful with him only added to the appeal of the romance, he had such an amusing personality that somehow meant you never had the chance to get bored. His prickly attitude was what drew you towards him, letting your curiosity take over your actions as you explored his mind more and more, slowly falling into him more and more.
It’s like that coming of age part of life when everything seems so confusing and no one has the answers you need because why is he the only constant thought in your mind. How could you explain that feeling of wanting to be close to someone so badly that being close isn't close enough, no one would understand, maybe you loved harder than the average person because this wasn't in the descriptions.
Even now just sitting by him in the car, radio noises masking the sound of the engine, the only sound between you, even in the silence it felt right and you wanted him more. Maybe it was the way his hair flowed with the summer breeze , the way he leaned back in his seat one hand on the wheel while the other wrapped between your thigh brushing soft circles on your skin.
He had you so easily under his fingertips and you didn't even mind it.
ty for reading, feedback is much appreciated!
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stormy-caffeine · 4 months
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Androgy(n)thing - Nonhuman Androgy(n)thing
A gender related to being both androgyne/androgynous and a thing ; an androgy(n)thing.
The nonhuman variant is exclusive to all nonhumans, alterhumans, therians, otherkin, etc etc, who feel that being androgyne and/or a thing is related to their nonhumanity.
The "n" inclusion is an optional spelling and pronunciation alternative. Both spellings and pronunciations are accurate.
The top 4 stripes represent variations of binary androgyny while the bottom 4 represent abinary androgyny and nonconformity. The 3 center stripes, to me, contrast the other colors to represent being a "thing", as something that stands out in contrast to the social norm.
The base flag was inspired by @ryanyflags versions of the boything and girlthing flags. They are both pretty and inclusive!
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fipindustries · 1 year
(sorry if this is barely coherent, im coming down from being high on weed) now that im catching up with full metal alchemist: the good one, i get a really cool chance to compare and contrast the homunculus with the demiurges from ksbd and it truly is fascinating.
envy/gog agog: lets begin with my favourite demiurge, both have actually quite similar powers and both are technically worms which is really cool. character wise they are very different though, where one is this androgious sadistic sassy bitch the other is a completly deranged clown girl. i would say gog inhabits the sin she represents a bit better than envy does since she is the one who is constantly immitating everyone else and she is the one who desperatly wants to be admired and paid attention to.
sloth/jadis: these two on the other hand took their respective sin and went into completly opposite directions with it. while they do have in common the fact that both of them stayed pretty much at the sidelines during the entire proceedings, only to show up at the ending climax, one was sloth in the sense of the nihilistic academic who knows so much that is paralized by predetermination and the sheer wheight of her knowledge, whereas the other takes it in the more ironic direction by being this unstoppable hulking force who none the less is burdened by the hardest tasks by their own sheer density, the one who has the power to work the hardest and the fases being the one who is constantly tired which gives it a delicious ironic turn.
gluttony/mottom: gluttony went the more direct, obvious route of the fat guy who eats everything, he is kind of a dullard and kind of a joke and also kind of pityful (albeit one of the more disturbing by how dehumanizing is the way he treats everyone). whereas mottom took it in the direction of an ever exapnding ever conquering queen who bleeds words dry and who has to constantly eat to preserve her youth, trapped in a life she no longer wants, and yet continuing to eat no matter how full of it she feels.
wrath/jagganoth: both are actually pretty similar pretty direct warlords with a genuine poetic soul underneath (or at the very least hidden depths) but bradley is more the simmering, barely restrained rage of a profesional dictator who knows when to realease at the maximum tactical moment, whereas jagganoth is more the prepetually boiling caustic furiousness that burns everything in his wake, who hates everything, who just wants to destroy everything.
greed/mammon: i would dare say these two are the most different conceptually out of all the other sins, since one represents more the begging of greed, the bluster of a young man who has the world open to him and he wants it all for himself, whereas the dragon is more the place where all greed ends, alone, pathetic, depressed, having lost and sacrificed everything that truly matters in the world. the do share the fact that they seem to be the ones who are the least antagonistic/malicious to the heroes
lust/incubus: other two who are fairly similar, except one is a sexy woman and the other, in a slight detour from where this trope is taken, is a sexy man. another difference is that lust is at the end of the day not that deep of a character whereas incubus life is the one we have probably examined the most. the gimmick underneath him is that even though he shows himself as the most glamorous, attractive and seductive of the demiurges, deep down he is a disgusting leech like gremlin that lives in a pit of blood and mud, who came from shit and hasnt gone much further than it during his life. beyond that i would say incubus backstory is not all that tied up to his sin thematically speaking beyond the concept of the lust for power and the seduction of control. but that is certainly more that lust who, besides being a sexy lady, seems to be even less thematically realted to her sin.
pride/solomon: another two who are fairly different in execution. lust, much like sloth, takes it on an ironic spin by showing him as an arrogant prepotent child, which is essentially what everyone who has ever fallen to the sin of pride looks like, an immature kid. which i personally find really clever. solomon takes it on a more conventional direction by being a genuenly powerful selfrighteous formidable emeperor. although both of them are pretty tied on the "insufferably smug smile" department.
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emptyjunior · 1 year
Met gala themes I would pick cause woof we've had some rough ones huh
I am definitely not the first to bring up this theme but I do feel like it has the best shot so I'm honourable mentioning it first. The opportunity for guests to go victim or slasher, the haunted aspects, the opportunities for construction with their Killer outfits, there's just so Much here, banger theme.
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Maybe I want to see someone in a big ol yellow raincoat and a beard. Is that too much to ask.
But honestly a lot of fashion history has been inspired by naval themes, sailor uniforms, bucket hats, knit sweaters, working with rubber/waterproof coatings. And you could always get crazy with it and go the mermaid/sea monster/eldritch horror from the depths route as well. (And yes I suppose pirates too but I feel like Anna might eat someone alive like the spirited away guy if they came dressed as a pirate).
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Am I just rehashing camp, yes, do I still want it, yes. I feel like the gala has been struggling for a Lot of years now with public perception, I think we're all aware how problematic an event uplifting the wealthy and famous can feel at this point. But I think they can go just fully on the nose, let people know they're Aware of it and be in on the joke. An event showcasing gluttony, heaped on patchworks and colours, mounds of accessories, cartoonish layers of jewels and chains. Just fully embracing it (and the smart designers will Know how to do some interesting dialogue with it).
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Hallyu/Korean wave
This one makes me nervous cause with American celebrities there are bound to be some Blunders if we venture into this territory but I do still want to put it on the list. The reality is, South Korean culture is what's Now. It's In. It's the Zeitgeist. Music, tv, fashion. And I think it might be nice to see the "leaders" of the fashion industry acknowledge that in some concrete way. There's korean street style, there's prep/simple style. And hanboks/traditional style have a lot of really cool forms and materials you can base your construction on.
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Teddy Boys/Teddy Girls
I KNOW it's way too niche but I Want it. I feel like there's a way to do it that would be so celebratory of androgy and I just feel like it will resonate with the working class of the day. I want subversion, I want a subculture of roaming youth finding identity in a post-war world and I want Silk Neckerchiefs. Also the style is based in Italian fashion so im sure all the big fashion houses will be able to do Something with that.
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not-goldy · 10 months
Why do you think Jimin laughed out loud when yg said he want to get red line tattoo? He found it funny that men want to be connected by a tattoo representing love ? Pretty homophobic of him tbh.
Homophobic and Park Jimin in one sentence sounds oxymoronic if you ask me.
Jimin is the leader of the Mens liberation movement in BTS. He is the one member who consistently opposes toxic male gender ideologies.
Taemin recently explained how he and Jimin are similar in that their androgy allows them to embody both masculine and feminine identities in their performances.
He's the member who showed BTS it is okay for men to give each other gifts wear rings on their pinkies without that being gay or weird and his constant shipping of Jin and Namjoon and himself and Jungkook as a couple should imply he is not repulsed by the idea of men loving eachother.
He's constantly pushing for BTS to allow themselves to be emotionally vulnerable with each other, share intimacy, say I love you to one another without feeling weirded out by that.
But I also understand that us queers can internalized homophobia and we can be the strongest homophobic individuals and threat to each other especially when we don't live in out truth.
I can't tell if you are coming from a place of wanting to objectively discuss these pertinent issues or you just throwing out words out of spite or to prove you think Jm is straight ergo homophobic and that he hates gay people.
Because he can't find it funny that men want to get tattoos representing love when he's fond of wearing tattoos representing love and devine femininity.
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He is the goddess of love. The perfect blend of masculine and feminine energies.
The crescent tattoos, jewelry, channeling Artemis, venus, Appolo and he dares to make fun of another man channeling his inner love is just wild to me.
If he laughed its because he has a sense of humor.
He laughed because yoongi said that with a straight face.
He laughed because Yoongi is hilarious
He laughed because he laughs at everything
He laughed because- well I would have laughed too that shit pretty gay😭😭😭😭😭😭
I mean if you are a man and want to get a red line tattoo on your pinkie with your home boys you should totally go for it. Power to you honey. Best bros 4 life
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I guess I'm homophobic too then shit cos I'm rolling off the floor 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Most of the time, my reaction when BTS does any gay shit is to laugh. Wait, same as Jimin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No, but the fact that he clocks the gay shit they do faster than anybody in there sends me too🤣🤣🤣
BTS personal gay detector Park Jimin.
Most people, especially Korean people, will do shit without even clocking it comes off as gay- But Park Jimin KNOWS. HE KNOWS.
Jungkook was in the corner busy trying to substitute red for purple like purple would fix the gay
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Bet at the tattoo shop he looked confused when they told him he can't put J above the M on his finger because that comes off as gay.
His shook pickachu face 👁👄👁
B-b-but it's JM. I could be JM you never know😭🤧
Sure clown. You are Jm I a n MR AB JK Sty
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This was literally Jikook in that live. 2 gays in a pod
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And it seems you don't know this but Yoongi himself found it preposterous when he was directly asked the gay question in an interview😔
He made it seem it was ridiculous for two men to be in a relationship 🙄
So no, Jimin laughing is not homophobic towards him. Because Yoongi isn't gay.
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cryptidfuckery · 2 years
Your old social media was literally my first ever introduction to anyone identifying beyond the gender binary. In 2014, I was watching youtube videos in the small UK city I grew up in, and your videos were recommended. And I felt instant recognition when you talked about gender things, because I'm non-binary and I'd never heard of anyone identifying or expressing themselves that way when I was younger. You were the LGBT+ elder that I really appreciated advice from. (Even if you are only a few years older than me, you seemed much wiser). So I just wanted to say thank you for being your out and authentic self for so many years. Wishing you a good week. P.S. if you like cute animals, I highly recommend looking up photos of bog turtles, they definitely made my week better.
I'm really, really glad that I was able to help you!!
This definitely isn't the first time I've heard this. Notably, when I was at an anime convention years ago during that time, I had someone approach me and say essentially the same thing and also cry. Wonderful experience, also a fucking wild experience!!
It's one of the things I'm proudest of my younger self for. I was lucky enough to learn through my close friends at the time, but I definitely saw that there just. Wasn't enough information readily available for the people who might be interested. So I dug my heels in and allowed myself to be a resource, because it was important. Most of what I was doing was regurgitating what I was learning from my own elders and community, but it was important for people to have a face to the idea. Someone they could talk to and be validated by.
That was either around or over 10 years ago now. I've identified as genderqueer for over 10 years. I sometimes think about an the people who might have a similar time line just for the sake that I talked about it openly.
That time also helped me realize that I didn't want to go into activism full time. I love it, its important, but it made me realize that it would take too much out of me. Maybe I was able to handle it better because I was still being supported by family, and my only obligation (that I shirked a hell of a lot of) was highschool.
That doesn't mean I Completely stopped though. I'm one of those people you can make the joke "they'll trans your gender." I have a joke that the only people who don't end up more trans by the end of dating me are Very cis men. (I have a theory that the people who do end up "more trans" are attracted to the androgy for a reason, whether they realize or not).
I like to think it's because I know what questions to ask, not to push too hard, but more than anything, let them describe how they're feeling about their gender/sexuality with no judgements. Letting them explore it in a safe space. So my activism kind of happens there.
But more than that, I'm a hairdresser that caters toward queer/trans/gay people. That's where I feel I actually do my activism.
And I'll be real with you, I'm not out to all my clients. I work in a mixed bag neighborhood (old conservatives, young liberals, EVERYTHING inbetween) so half of that is keeping myself safe. The other half is not wanting to put extra work on myself trying to fight to explain my identify to someone who 1) doesn't actually care and 2) most likely won't actually hear a thing i say. I talk to the clients that bring it up, and come out to them if they ask. I'm not necessarily tight lipped about my queerness, but like all of us, at know how to illude without specifics. I let my clients decide their comfort level.
But my TRANS CLIENTS. They are SO important to me. I'm able to surround myself with the people I love, who I can crack a gender joke at and know I'll get a laugh. People I can really talk to about dysphoria, about hormones, about surgeries, about relationships, about sex, about family, about friends, about life in a way I don't get to with my other clients.
Even more important than that, I can make a huge step in their transition that much easier. I had a good amount of freshly cracked eggs find me after quarantine/the pandemic (it's not over). As we all know, it was a huge self reflection time. But I got to be there to be the first to validate their gender through their hair. That in itself can be an extremely nerve wracking process. My trans clients coming to me have allowed me to figure out the best way to naviagte the situation in a way where they feel comfortable and validated. It means the world to me. Seriously.
This is where I feel I actually do my activism. It's not explaining what gender is, it's not explaining pronouns. It's getting to assure someone they're on the right path. That what they're doing is good, and it's happy, and there's someone who's proud of them for going through the hard, hard process. I have people I've now been seeing for years who I've gotten to support through hormone changes, through identity changes, through relationship changes.
But one of the things I really try to stress is that being trans, while it absolutely has it's difficulty, it's supposed to be joyous. It's supposed to be the joy of being who you feel you really are. The joy of being loved for who you are. The joy of loving as you are. The joy of being loved by your community. The joy of loving life. Being trans is the joy of love, and the constant readmission that you love yourself more than anyone else can take away.
I cried a little bit writing that ngl.
Last thing I wanna say is that if I did happen to touch your life in a way that helped you become more fully realized, pass on the favor. The next time you have a friend or loved one you're getting the signals from, ask the questions. Be patient with them. Let them change their answers. Nudge but don't shove. Crack a joke. Meet them where they are.
Do it with love.
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ratboyhole · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if I would have figured out the nonbinary thing earlier if I had grown up slim and small breasted, and able to present the type of androgy I was so very attracted to for 'some reason'
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mlarayoukai · 9 months
I'm like professor plutonium making little girls out of chemicals but instead of sugar and spice and everything nice it's glasses and pointed ears and androgy. And so they're men and not little girls
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astral-druids · 2 months
My DnD character name ideas since I’ve started playing Baldur’s Gate 3:
Bal Dursgate
Hatsune Miku
John Kerr
Jack Koff
Ed Gelord
Edward Gelord II
Gayle Androgys Franziska Fruitlord III
Cuntrina Spellbound
Tanner Kissboy
will update as i get new ideas
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riiche090 · 1 year
you know how i love these 2 couple dorks..
man i love people with suits and long hair dating and if u may ask why is bin on the people with suits and long hair list? he canonically has a really long hair.
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i love them. they are like my parental figures
this is why i love male × androgy character pairing because its so fun, i love androgy intersex bin. its like a award for shipping them
♂️×⚧️ 🙏🏽
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ohabeeeeeee · 2 years
Rockstar Parfait music sibling mlm wlw solidarity and cousin Wizard short angry bisexual with that androgy maybe enby egg
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carnage-pet · 1 year
*is attracted to androgy*
*finds androgy within*
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Celestia and Luna v The Holders
Djskskdnm oh man we're starting off with the big guns eh?
v. Charles
This one's not close at all, the princesses through and through. Charles is literally made of a shitload of ash compacted together with magic, so either alicorn (Celestia especially) could unravel his ass in ten seconds flat. I'm sure he could get some hits in, but the twink is getting obliterated for sure.
v. Ferris
Ok like, in hand to hand combat, Ferris would definitely lose. His regenerative capabilities and tendril veins may help him last a bit, but given Celestia and Luna have literally centuries worth of combat experience, they could easily take him.
Buuuut the thing is Ferris is not a direct fighter, and his preferred technique could actually give him an advantage; luring people into death traps. Shedskin Park is a dangerous place if you already know what you're in for. If he successfully lured the princesses into the forest, Ferris could just wait for one of the horrible things there to kill Celestia and Luna for him. Or he could wait for them to get separated and kill them either from a distance or via some elaborate trap he set up earlier.
Now to be fair, Celestia and Luna aren't total morons so they probably could fight off a lot of the stuff in there...but you also have to keep in mind they're entering a place full of monster fauna, mechanical fish mutants, violent raiders, and that's just what I have set in stone right now.
Final answer though? Once the princesses get their hands on Ferris, he's fucked. But the sneaky shit could also take them down if they're not careful.
v. John
This one's also not close lol. John is probably the frailest of the holders, it really wouldn't take a lot to kill him. Don't get me wrong, the weather manipulation would likely stall Celestia and Luna a little bit. Still, given they beat Sombra on his own terf, and John doesn't have dark magic to help him out on this, he's definitely losing.
v. Jeagar
This one's interesting because Jeagar is the most proficient in magic amongst the holders, especially with reality bending via infectious mutation, so he actually would have a chance in direct combat. If the spores or gross goo from the fungus he conjures gets into either princess' bloodstream, then they would eventually either die or get mutated into Lovecraftian hellbeasts.
But this is all assuming this is happening in Jeagar's territory. Realistically, if Celestia and Luna just kept their distance and didn't try directly engaging him, they likely would win. Seriously, if they take skele-nerd out of his element and don't let him flee, I think the two ancient magic horses could blast his ass back to the Jurassic period.
v. Daniel
This is actually the only one I think the princesses would likely lose on, and that's cause of one advantage Daniel has over Jeagar. While skele-slut basically only uses icky bugs and mushrooms, androgy-droid relies on technology and giant steampunk weapons. Now, all the other holders have and use firearms, but they're all terrible shots and more heavily rely on magic/tricks. Not only is Daniel the best marksman, but his magic is intrinsically tied to weapons.
What I'm basically saying is that he could probably just conjure up a magic gun and take out Celestia and Luna with relative ease, if not horribly wound them. If he can't get space and time to turn some dirt into a gun, he can turn his larger arm into one and use that. And sure, the princesses do have the advantage of being able to fly and teleport, which definitely would drag the fight on, but all Daniel really needs is one good shot...
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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