#andrew garfield x wife!reader
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 11 months ago
'It Couple'
note: my first andrew ask!!!
warnings: none!
word count: 850~
♡ summary: Where Andrew and Y/n are the 'it couple' of Hollywood
♡ Andrew Garfield x actress/director!reader
request ✓
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The loud clicks as well as the bright flashes only got louder and brighter after Andrew and Y/n stepped out of their car, heading into the venue. It was understandable, both were up for very prestigious awards tonight, Andrew for best actor and Y/n for directing as well as writing. But of course paparazzi didn’t care about that, they wanted what sold, and pictures of the couple sold.
The couple was also making their first appearance since their ten year anniversary, they had co-starred in Spider-man together. They were twenty-eight then and both in that place in life to settle down with someone, while still putting their best foot forward for their careers. They fit together like pieces of a puzzle, like she was the espresso and he was the milk to a cappuccino.
It took them a while to get married, only being three years of marriage in a ten year relationship, many people at the time pushed for them to take that step. But they knew what was right for them, and they both grew tired of saying ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ when they could be saying ‘husband’ and ‘wife’.
It took them a while to get married, only being three years of marriage in a ten year relationship, many people at the time pushed for them to take that step. But they knew what was right for them, and they both grew tired of saying ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ when they could be saying ‘husband’ and ‘wife’.
Throughout the carpet they whispered sweet nothings and little jokes only they would understand. It was something the internet loved, how, unlike some celebrity couples, you could see the love in their eyes. After ten years it has never left, forever stuck in the honeymoon phase while knowing each other like the back of their hand.
After what felt like an hour, they finally made their way into the venue, venturing out of their seats to mingle, but mostly enjoying the night out together in peace. Not trying to think about the awards they were nominated for.
It was now the end of the night, both a little tipsy, Y/n already won for best original screenplay. But now was for the big awards, two of which the couple were nominated for, only making it all the more nerve racking.
“And best directing goes to…” The booming voice on stage spoke, of course stalling as they always did for dramatic affect. It was as if a Y/n was no longer there, like she was merely watching at home on a screen, dreaming she was the director to win.
The only indication it had been announced, is the warm and firm hug Andrew brought her into. Leaving a kiss on her forehead in congratulation, but also of pride. His wife won best director.
“Love, I am so proud of you. You deserve this.”
His words brought her back to life, as they always did, looking up at him she left a kiss on his lips, herself and him whispering ‘I love you’s against each other's soft lips. They didn’t care that they were on live TV, they were celebrating. After quickly getting hugs from the cast and crew that were there, Y/n made her way up the stage, accepting the award.
“I truly just had an out of body experience. This has been a dream since I was- god like thirteen, when I took my first film class. Mrs. Goldstone, thank you for fighting for that class to be given at my school. If it wasn’t I wouldn't be here. And to my husband, Andrew, I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t push me to pursue directing six years ago. I love you.”
After thanking the cast and crew, as well as the academy, Y/n made her way off the stage. Only to run backstage to her seat, not wanting to miss the best actor award.Coming back to her seat she was huffing and puffing from all the running, “What? Did you run here?” “Yes, actually.”
Turning his head, left another string of kisses from the woman’s forehead to her check, “I’m so proud of you.”
“And the nominees for best actor!” The camera panned to the respective actors as the man on stage read off the names, “And the award for best actor goes to… Andrew Garfield! Tick, Tick… Boom!”
Both rose from their chairs, smiling widely, and bringing each other into a tight hug, “My turn to be proud. You deserve this, I love you.” “I love you.”
Andrew made his way to the stage this time, accepting the award, shaking the hands out everyone on stage before he made his way to the microphone, “I just can only say thank you. I know everyone says it, but I did not see this coming. I want to thank every member of the cast as well as the crew, you made this movie possible. And Lin, thank you, I love working with you. And my wife, who lied to Lin when he asked her if I could sing. Without you immediately lying for me, this wouldn’t be possible. I love you.”
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gghostwriter · 4 months ago
Time is a Fickle Thing
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Girl Dad!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer realizes how important it is to occupy the present and be active in the little things Trope: Fluff & Comfort w.c: 1.48k a/n: this was inspired by an essay I read over the week titled ‘Learning to Measure time in Love & Loss’ by Chris Huntington. It’s very profound so I would suggest you go read it—Andrew Garfield also read it on the podcast called ‘Modern Love’ so go listen to that too. Not proofread. Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! 💗 masterlist
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There was still an array of paperwork to be done in his desk at Quantico. Case files that needed to be written down and reviewed by his unit chief, Emily.
The past Dr. Spencer Reid—the one who was still wet behind the ears and green in the eyes of his team members, would have found the droll of filling out forms therapeutic. But now at his age of 40, everything else—typing out information and grading essays, were chores that demanded his every waking attention. He had found himself agitated with the looming workload that seemed never ending.
“Daddy,” a sweet voice murmured beside him. The source—a small body nestling closer to his side.
He hummed in reply, absentmindedly as his brain was preoccupied with estimating how many hours he needed to finish checking submissions in lieu of sleep.
Tiny hands patted his cheeks. “Daddy,” the sweet voice now coated with a hint of urgency.
Spencer’s hazel eyes locked with a pair of replicas. “Yes, Aurora?”
“What happens next?”
Shaking his head, he glanced down at her choice for a bedtime story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and realized it was the end of a chapter. Reading together was a sacred ritual he formed ever since he had found out you were pregnant.
It made you giggle when you pointed out that she, still a fetus cocooned safely in your body, would not understand the works of The Giving Tree or The Rainbow Fish. He rattled of statistics that although she couldn’t understand the meaning, she could still hear quite well.
In truth, he wanted her to know him—his voice, his presence. Her father who was quite scared to bring in an innocent into the world.
Still, scared even.
Her pink bottom lip jutting out into a frown, reminiscent of the ‘look’ his wife gives to him that renders him speechless and pliable to demands.
It was fascinating how you and him created such a perfect combination—a seven year old daughter who was into reading, as he was, and confident, as you were.
“Daddy, what happens next?”
The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. The look of exasperation on her tiny face was adorable.
Everything about her was captivating.
“Well, sweet pea,” he began to close the book. “That would be a story for another night.”
“Remember what we promised?”
She sighed, gripping her white bunny—a gift from Aunt Penelope, closer. “One chapter only.”
“That’s right,” tucking the stray tendrils away from her angelic face.
As he started to stand up from his precarious lying position on her gingham patterned bed, Aurora’s tiny warm hands gave his sleeves a double tug.
“You’re forgetting something, Daddy.”
He leaned in to give her forehead a kiss.
“Is that it?” He teased.
She giggled, her feet kicking under the covers. “No!”
Brushing his fingers behind her neck—her tickle spot that matched yours. “What about this one?”
Aurora squealed, her infectious happy energy warming his heart. She was a treasure and he felt blessed to be considered her father.
“Stop Daddy, stop!” She sat up, hands crossing over her chest to state she meant business.
Spencer conceded, showing his hands in front of him—a sign of surrender. If she was standing, he could just imagine her little foot stomping on the ground and taking in a wide stance she learned from observing Uncle Morgan.
“Mommy always said you never forget anything,” she argued. “She said you have an ei-eid—perfect memory.”
“Eidetic memory, Aurora, and yes, mommy is right.”
She tilted her head then, her wavy hazel hair swaying behind her. “Then how come you don’t remember?”
“How about giving me a clue then?”
She huffed. “Best part, worst part, Daddy! You forgot to ask me!”
That was another ritual he added when Aurora started to learn how to string words along. Although there were nights away from a case that he could not read to her, he always made it a point to ask her via call the best and worst part of her day. It made him feel connected with her even though he was miles away.
“Oh how could I forget, sweet pea,” Spencer sat back on the bed, tucking her back as he went. “Now, can I know what your worst part is?”
She went silent for a moment. Deep in thought, brows scrunching together.
“When Mommy didn’t allow me to wear my new rain boots to school. She said it’s because it wasn’t raining but I really wanted to wear them.”
He laughed, having heard of the small disagreement you had which made you late for work. “We only wear rain boots when the weather is sad, remember?”
Aurora nodded.
“And what about the best part?”
She smiled, the answer quickly spilling out of her. “This is, Daddy.”
Spencer could feel the effect her simple words had to his system. It warmed his heart that expanded for two when she came into the world. It put a halt to any train of thought in his brain.
“Want to know a secret?” He whispered. “This is mine too.”
Tiny hands rubbed her drooping eyes before further nestling in her bed. “Good night, Daddy. I love you.”
He slowly crept out of the room.
“I love you too,” he flicked the light off and closed the door behind him.
Spencer found himself repeating those words and slowly lamenting over missed milestones in her burgeoning life.
Her first steps.
Her first tooth falling out.
Her latest family presentation in school in which you recorded her explaining where he was and what he does for a living—catching bad guys.
In his focused dedication in trying to make the country a better place for her future, Spencer had forgotten to appreciate the present, her growth, and the very notion that time could not be reversed to live the mundane things that make everyday worth living.
Aristotle once said ‘time crumbles things; everything grows old under the power of time and is forgotten through the lapse of time.’
It was a concept he was familiar with by the ripe age of nine, having spent his early youth in isolation and soaking up every thinking thought from the great minds that had roamed this planet before him.
He never forgot the words—not that his memory would allow him to.
And yet, as he found himself sitting on his desk, a cup of fresh tea in front of him, the phrase came to surface like a forgotten pair of lucky socks hidden within the depths of a cabinet.
Perhaps it was his heart that kept it hidden or better yet forgotten, a feat on its own. Perhaps during his tender age, he had yet sculpted the capacity to digest what it meant to his very soul.
Or perhaps, it was a sign from the unknown to focus and live in the present.
She was growing and becoming her very own person right before his unfocused eyes.
Spencer sighed, feeling a pair of arms glide to wrap around his shoulders.
“What’s got you so down, handsome?” You left a kiss on his cheek.
He intertwined your hands together. “It’s just—I missed out on so many milestones. Does that make me an absentee father?”
You walked around him before propping yourself on his lap. “I don’t think so, Spence. Why? What brought this on?”
“I found myself thinking about work when I should be focused on spending time—reading to Aurora. It made me feel sad that she was looking forward to our nightly routine and there I was, thinking about paperwork.”
There was a flash of sadness in your eyes as you caressed his cheek. “That’s alright. We all have our moments, Spence. You just got caught up with life and the responsibilities it has given you,” a lithe finger twisted a loose tendril blocking hos vision. “I know—we know, Aurora and I, that you being busy doesn’t mean you love us any less.”
“I just wish I wouldn’t miss anymore, love.”
You trailed kisses all over his cheeks, the corners of his mouth, before landing perfectly on his awaiting lips. “And I know you’d try your best moving forward.”
“Have I told you I love you?” He teased, arms securely on your waist. “Because I do and I feel lucky to have an understanding partner as you.”
“I love you too, Spence, and Aurora loves you too,” you giggled. “And between you and me, I think you’re still her favorite parent.”
Head thrown back, he laughed, thighs shaking from your admission. “It’s because I cave more to her whims more than you do.”
“Well, there’s that too.”
You gave him another kiss.
“We can try to be more present next time—together. I won’t let you doubt yourself. Okay?”
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josephquinnswhore · 2 years ago
hi honey! i discovered your blog not too long ago and my love your writing is so amazing i actually can't get enough!
i had a request if your taking them? it would be a dad!pedro pascal x wife!reader. and i've been thinking about this heavy since he was at the oscar's
could you do like a super fluff about everyone's reactions if he was the one to win an oscar for best actor?
hope you have a wonderful day my love! 💝
Cause for Celebration - pedro pascal x female reader
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Summary: Pedro is nervous about being nominated for his first Oscar Award.
Word Count: 1.9k
Note: This is the best frigging idea I’ve ever seen. I love this and I hope it lives up to your expectations!! 🤍 This is my first request I’m crying so many tears right now! Thank you anon I LOVE you. May you pillow always be cold on both sides. Please let me know if you like it 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Your fingers seem to have a conscious of their own, mindlessly twisting your wedding ring around your finger to stop your hands from jittering as you were led to the paparazzi.
“Pedro! Pedro over here!” The flash of white light was blinding, the screaming and calling of paparazzi as they’re desperately attempting to gain your attention, you smile politely as you stand next to Pedro, changing your pose to his arm around your back and your hand resting on his chest. “Pedrito! I love you!” A fan screamed from next to the photographers, the one confession was enough for Pedro to thank the photographers, entwine your hands and make a beeline straight for his fans, as you approach the fans are a mess, crying and screaming as Pedro signs their items, even taking some selfies with fans. “Y/n can we please get a photo! We love you!” Your heart skipped, smiling at how sweet his fans were and you accepted graciously, “of course sweetheart!” You bare the biggest grin and lean into her as she cries, ignoring the metal barrier that presses into your ribs. “Thank you so much! Good luck Pedro!” You both thank them and move on to the interview the woman, you knew well from Pedro’s past interviews and long mop of auburn hair. Pedro’s warm hand met your back, hands grazing on the sequinned gold dress that clung to your body graciously.
“Pedro it’s so good to see you again, this is your wife right?” Pedro let out a small laugh, turning his body towards you in an attempt to include you. “Yes, this is my beautiful wife, how couldn’t I bring her? She’s my number one supporter.” The redness that spreads along your cheeks heats your face, adding to the blush from your make up. You clasp your hands together and let out an excited huff of air, “you’ve done so incredibly this year honey, you deserve this Oscar. I’ll run up to the stage and snatch it if you don’t win!” Your giggles are harmonised by Pedro’s and Amelia’s laugh. “Will you be on the dance floor with Pedro at the after party this evening?” Your hand tentatively rubs down Pedro’s arm, shaking the nerves off you, “of course how could I not? I cant have another beautiful woman claiming my man!” Pedro scoffs playfully, “you know I only have eyes for you cariño.” Amelia sighs adoringly at the two of you, “well that confirms it folks! Pedro and y/n are the hottest couple on the red carpet tonight!” She turns away from the camera her co worker held and back to you, “good luck tonight, see you two next time!”
Both saying your goodbyes, Pedro’s assistant led you past a long line of celebrities, waiting to be let in, your breath hitched, “oh my god you’re skipping past Andrew Garfield!” Pedro slips his hand into yours, “must be getting important baby,” he jokes, knowing of your little crush on Andrew, and you’re led straight into the venue. “You’re the most important to me baby- whoa,” you gasp in awe, interrupting yourself. The room was ridiculously huge, hundreds of seats in rows you couldn’t count, the stage was empty, other than the stand and a large screen above the stage, red curtains framed the outside.
“I can’t believe this is real, I mean I can. You deserve this more than anyone, I’m just so proud of you.” Celebrities fill the hundreds of seats, the ones near you being filled with A-List celebrities you’d crushed on when you were younger. “Thank you baby.” He presses a soft kiss to your temple, moving his arm around to rest on the back of your chair, you lean into him as the ceremony begins, lights dimming slightly as the spotlights shone bright on the presenters.
Unsurprisingly, Michelle Yeoh won best actress. She was a talented actor, her role as Evelyn in ‘everything everywhere all at once’ was unmatched. The mix of sci-fi and adventure had you on the edge of your seat and was a brilliantly produced movie. Her speech was just as brilliant, her sense of humour and gratitude was touching, and you felt nothing but happiness for her as she thanked her family, shaking the hands of presenters, Harrison Ford and Kate Hudson who clapped in celebration for her.
“We would like to start off with a massive thank you to everyone who joins us tonight, this has been a massive year of acting and the most incredible. We are excited to announce that Halle Berry and Elizabeth Olsen will be presenting the next award and last of the night.” Harrison Ford and Kate Hudson clap to themselves as they introduce two of your idols, barely containing your excitement you clap steadily, Pedro laughing at your excitement.
“This is it baby, this is yours.” You grip his hand encouragingly. “We are happy to present this years best actor, with some incredible nominees including; Austin Butler for his role in Elvis”, a montage of the Elvis movie flashes on the large screen tv. “Brandon Fraser for his role in The Whale,” cheer erupts through the stadium, Brandon was special to a lot of people, no doubt he would win if Pedro didn’t. “Colin Farrell for his role in ‘The Banshees of Inisherin, and what an interesting movie that was.” You find yourself jittering, Pedro’s warmth leaving your hand as he straightens his jacket, a nervous twitch of his. “Last but not least, Pedro Pascal for his spectacular role of Joel Miller in The Last of Us game rendition.” Your eyes focus on the screen, your husband portraying Joel Miller, your hand running down his suit pant on his thigh. “I’m here baby, we got this.” You whisper, reassuring the anxiety both of you felt.
The room cheered for Pedro, your heart soars with pride as you cheer along. “Alright alright let’s get to it.” The crowd shushes, the rooms tension increased tenfold. The fumbling of the envelope could be heard through the microphone, the crackling of the paper as it opened and the two women looked at each other with a big smile on their face. “The winner for the 2023 Best Actor award is,” you’re on the edge of your seat and Pedro is still, anxiety clawing at him. “Pedro Pascal!” They exclaim in unison. Your jaw hits the floor, pride and excitement becoming too much, the whole room cheered for him, he was unmoving in his seat, in shock that he actually won. You pull his arm upward, a big grin on your face as he stands, you stand with him and you don’t miss the loving look in his eyes, he kisses you softly, laughing as he pulls away, moving toward the stage. You and your peers are clapping, your tears welling on your lash line threatened to ruin your perfectly applied make up. Pedro shakes Halle and Elizabeth’s hands, taking the Oscar in his hands and cradles it, as if it were made of glass. “I don’t even know what to say, I was certain I wouldn’t win so I haven’t prepared much of a speech.” The confession earned him a chuckle from the crowd, yourself included at his truth. “I just, want to thank my family, my mother for guiding me my sisters and nephews for their support. Everyone on my team and the guys at Naughty Dog for giving me this life-changing opportunity. I want to thank the other nominees, especially Brandon Frasier, your journey and story has touched us all and we love you man.” The room erupts in cheer, whistling clapping and yelling echo in agreement. “Lastly and most importantly, I want to thank my beautiful wife, for always believing in me, pushing me to be a better man. For loving me and for being selfless, for putting up with a lifestyle she knew nothing about. I want to thank her especially for making me a father to our beautiful daughter Eméile, and our beautiful son on the way!” Your cheeks are burning ferociously as the crowd gasps and turns to you, seeing you confirm the statement with your hands protectively grasping your stomach, a small bump that would’ve been otherwise noticeable, was now noticeable.
Past the point of caring about your make up, tears are falling down your cheeks, a sob choking you up as it gets stuck in your throat, you blow him a kiss as he finalises his speech with a repetition of his wedding vows. “Thank you for saving me, I wouldn’t be here without you cariño.” You were sobbing, clapping for your husband as your chest expands to make more room for your heart that is so full of love. He pulls you into a bear hug as he embraces you, his own tears of happiness falling on to your bare shoulder. The event coming to an end as they thank everyone for their presence. “With that ladies and gentlemen, we want to thank you all for joining us tonight. Please feel free to stick around for the after party to celebrate!”
Pedro pulls away from you, shaking the hands of his peers as they congratulate him, inviting him to party with them early into the morning, in which he declines. “No thank you, me and my beautiful wife are going to spend our time celebrating as a family, you all have a wonderful evening!”
“Dad you won! I knew you would! I’m so proud of you!” Your daughter Eméile exclaims excitedly as she sees the golden figure of his Oscar. She buries her face in his suit-clad chest and sighs. “You’re like, the coolest dad ever now. You know that right?” Pedro laughs and ruffles your daughters hair. “Uh I would hope so Em!” She smiles as she hugs you, gently approaching as she doesn’t want to hurt the baby, even if you assure her a hundred times it’s fine. “I’m so proud of you too ma.” You bite your lip to stop it’s wobble, “thank you baby. I’m proud of you too. I’m darn proud of us all!” You admit with a huff. “Why don’t we watch a movie with dinner and popcorn to wind down?” You and Em shoot each other a look and grin, Pedro raises an eyebrow at your scheming. “I vote ‘We can be Heroes’.” You snort as you purse your lips, “Agreed. Two votes babe you’re outnumbered.” You confirm with a smirk on your lips.
Pedro sighs, “alright, I’ll order takeout. Chinese?” There was no objection as you both murmur in agreement taking seat on the lounge.
“I don’t wanna hear a peep outta you two about how cringe this movie is.” You and Eméile both burst out laughing, “but dad it is kinda cringe.” Pedro sighs as he sits with the popcorn, the smell wafting into your nose as you salivating as your hand dives into the oversized bowl of steaming buttered popcorn as the credits roll in. “You’re 16, don’t you wanna watch like, Wednesday or something?” Em scoffs, “no, I wanna watch this,” she points to the tv and turns to her dad, “and since when did my age have anything to do with my interests?” You raise your eyebrows at Pedro and he gives you a look of confusion, shaking his head. “Teenagers are so confusing.” He mumbles to himself as you all settle into the couch, crunching on the popcorn simultaneously as you cuddle up to each other as you wait for your Chinese takeout to arrive.
What in the world did you ever feel nervous for? You think as you watch the movie on the screen, the effects making you laugh as you watch Pedro-Marcus fly through the sky on the tv screen.
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asterias-record-shop · 2 years ago
Wedding night And #8 for Andrew Garfield?
—𓆩[we go down together]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩[your wedding song ♡]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Husband! Andrew Garfield x Wife! Fem! Pregnant! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - pure fluff and smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.5K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Andrew promised you that he would make sure your wedding was perfect. He didn’t care how much it cost, where it would be, who was invited, as long as he was marrying you. Even then though, as much as he wanted to stick by the rules and not see you on the special day, he sneaks a peak and sees a small little surprise you had just for him.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || I gave you best friends with names inspired by Harry Potter cuz my sister was watching it- || Michaela Jaé Rodriguez and Florence Pugh are now your best friend cuz they’re amazing || I didn’t put the actual wedding ceremony cuz it would’ve taken too long sorry with love 🤍 || I chose a wedding song for you || public oral || public sex || fingering || unprotected sex || creampie || breeding kink || multiple orgasms || pregnant sex || daddy kink || lactation kink || pregnancy kink || this is pure filthy smut I’m so sorry I got carried away- ||
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“So, are you going to kick me out now?” Andrew whispered to you, his hands teasing at your hips in an attempt to persuade you into letting him stay the whole night. He thought the superstition was stupid, and to you as well, but your best friends were insisting on it.
Besides, you had a little gift for Andrew you didn’t want him seeing, so it worked out.
You hummed, letting your fingers trail down his bare chest. It was tempting, him and his perfect accent, but no. This was being done for the right reason. “Not yet. You still have a few minutes.”
Andrew sends you his signature lopsided grin. “I can do a lot in a few minutes.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as he leaned forward, kissing you softly with a firm press of his lips. “I know you can baby… I know.”
He grins, raising a brow. “So I can-?”
“It’s 11:55, Andrew, get out!” Your best friend rushed in, grabbing him from the bed and basically dragging him out.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You yelled, sitting up as they paused.
“He can’t see you on your wedding day!” They then proceeded to drag him out, a loud laugh escaping his lips.
“I love you, my sweet girl!”
“I love you too, Andrew!”
The next morning, Andrew knew he wasn’t supposed to see the gift you gave your best friend, a bright blue bag that he had seen around the house but never looked inside because you were yelling exclusively at him not to.
“Look! Isn’t it so cute, I got it custom made,” you pulled out a tiny piece of cloth that he couldn’t see, but it wasn’t like he was trying to whenever he was staring at the beautiful wedding dress you had on. “He’s going to love it, right?”
Maybe it was lingerie, oh he’d love any lingerie you’d put on. It didn’t make sense though, you’d have the lingerie on, underneath that beautiful wedding dress that would’ve had ancestors turning in their graves.
The white fabric was tight on your body, lace overlapping the skin toned fabric that matched yours perfectly to make it seem like the white lace and the intricate beadings and pearls and small white and clear crystals that made it seem like it was dancing on your skin. He inhaled deeply as you turned around, makeup perfect and that perfect white gold ring that had the large diamond created into it made a deep sigh leave his lips, his eyes already watering.
Oh, how could you look so beautiful? You were showing skin and your beautiful form that he had praised for years, mumbling words against your body about how perfect you were.
Fuck, he couldn’t stop staring.
“Andrew!” Your friend saw him still dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt, still designer of course, but he still wasn’t dressed in the suit he picked out. “What the hell are you doing?!”
“I’m leaving, I’m leaving, I’m sorry!” He wiped his eyes quickly as you gasped when Hermione covered your body with her own.
“Get out!” Michaela yells, laughing when she almost trips. “Go!”
Andrew groans dramatically as he walks away, holding back a smile when the door slammed shut. He could hear your laugh, making Andrew look back until Jamie and Charlie walked out.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jaime was laughing, his tux tight in his body. “Sneaking into her room, naughty Andrew, aren’t you?”
“She has a present for me,” he grinned, looking over at Charlie. “And I’m going to enjoy it so much.”
After the official wedding, it was time for the grand entrance. For your something old, new, borrowed, and blue, there were a lot of things your bridesmaids gave you, but one of your families gave you the chance to get married where they did as their something ‘borrowed’.
The reception was adults only, especially with everyone else being adults and the fact you and Andrew were always pretty physical. For something new, Florence gave you diamond ear cuffs to accentuate your new diamond and sapphire earrings Michaela had given you for something blue. For something old, Andrew’s mother gave you a diamond and white gold tennis bracelet that had been in their family.
“You ready to go inside, baby? It’s our grand entrance,” Andrew pulled away from your lips, his fingers digging into your hips. His lips were swollen, thankfully un-smeared of lipstick because of the makeup artist Andrew got to make sure you looked absolutely perfect. “And they’ve been waiting for like half an hour because I couldn’t get this dress off for a quickie.”
You only giggle, humming softly with a shrug. “They’ve waited this long, they can wait a few more minutes. You just… your mouth is just perfect.”
He grinned. “Oh, is it? Let me see, show me,” he leaned back on the wall, pushing himself into a wall sit position to lean his head back so that you were taller than him. He opened his mouth wide, watching as you leaned down to lick against his tongue, his hands pulling you closer between his legs. You tilt your head, pulling him closer as you tug his head farther up, desperate to taste him more.
He tasted like mint, fresh and cold as you exhaled into his mouth and stroked his hair. You sucked even harder, groaning before a loud scream made you pull back.
“Y/N, Andrew, get your butts inside!” Florence yelled, her accent filling the room as you laughed.
“We’re coming!”
“I hope not!” Michaela yelled, peeking out from inside the main building. “Come on, let’s go!”
Andrew stood up straight, fixing his white suit as you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. You both slowly walked in, cheers and laughter and music filling your ears as Andrew looked over at you while pulling you to the middle of the dance floor. Your song started playing, that perfect, perfect song. You had started listening to it randomly, and whenever Andrew heard it, you both agreed that it would be a perfect wedding song.
We Go Down Together by Khalid and Dove Cameron fit the two of you. Sometimes you did fight and fall, there were nights filled with sobbing, but as soon as you both saw each other and were pulled into the other's arms; everything went quiet. It went still, soft, the only thing filling the night was each other.
“I’m always going to be here for you, Andrew,” you whisper, stroking the back of his head. “Always and forever. I will be with you forever.”
Andrew inhaled deeply, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. “I love you, Y/N. Forever and always. I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
Right at the end, there was one last thing that you both had to do. The taking off the garter, it was time.
You sat down in the large cushioned chair that made you feel like a queen, your dress that went out at the waist hiked up as everyone around you both cheered. It was hot, extremely hot temperature wise you were surprised your makeup wasn’t dripping down your face, but it was good.
Andrew must have been hot too, his blazer already off and the tie around his neck gone and the top few buttons already unbuttoned. His face was shiny, sheening with sweat as he kneeled down in front of you, unbuttoning his shirt even lower making everyone cheer. He goes under the poofy skirt of your dress, his tongue shamelessly dragging along your thigh as his hands hold your knees apart and a loud squeal leaves your mouth. Everyone cheers, but your mind was focused on his mouth as he licked against your bare cunt exposed by your lingerie, sucking and rubbing his fingers against your slit. Your hands rush to hold his head through your dress, an uncontrollable giggle leaving your lips as he slides a finger inside of your cunt, easily because he was definitely fingering you earlier in the hall.
It doesn’t change the feeling though, his middle finger thrusting into you knuckle deep and his thumb rubbing around your entrance. Teasing around your entrance with his thumb as his teeth graze down your thigh, teasing the lace and chiffon garter. You hold back a whimper and a moan as he slowly takes a hold of it, pulling out his sticky fingers as he gets down to your ankle, slipping the garter off around your heel before coming out from under your skirt with the garter between his teeth.
Oh you truly couldn’t wait for tonight.
When you and Andrew got home, he was carrying you bridal style like he always wanted to. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, laughing as he kicked the door shut and quickly set the alarm before moving to the stairs. “Andrew. Andrew, baby please, I need you, I need you so bad.”
You had been desperate ever since he finger fucked you while taking off your garter, sneaking away to finish it off while everyone was dancing to fuck you with his long digits in the hallway, effectively making you come undone around his fingers while you begged for more.
He laughed, pressing kisses to your neck as he finally made it up, going straight to your shared room’s closed door. “You need me, love? Yeah? I swear to fucking god I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk straight for the rest of the year baby. I’ll fuck you so much you’ll never forget this night, fill you up with so much cum that you’ll be pregnant by the end of the night.”
You gasped, making him pause after he opened the door, raising a brow. “Y/N, baby, everything alright?”
You looked back inside the room, smiling when you saw the baby blue bag. “Take me inside!” He quickly does as you say, setting you down as you quickly run to the bag, your bare feet padding along the cold wood floor. “Open it!”
“Baby, is everything alright? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just open it!”
He sighs as he slowly sits down on the bed, your hands already undoing the back of your dress and slipping it off easily because Andrew had untied the main knot earlier. You kneeled in front of him, the only thing covering your body was the lingerie that you had underneath your wedding dress. The sight alone made him get distracted, your eyes wide and waiting for him to open the bag that he had seen earlier, face bare of makeup that you had taken off before you both left the venue.
“Andrew!” You whined, a pout on your swollen lips. “Open it!”
“R-Right,” he looks down at the bag, inhaling deeply as he takes out the tissue paper and you giggle. He slowly takes out the fabric, your face falling when he looks at you confused. “What is it?”
“It’s a onesie, Andrew!” You groaned. “Turn it around!”
He did, jaw falling slack when he saw the blue texts underneath the graphic of a swaddled baby, ‘YOU’RE GOING TO BE A DADDY!’
You start to worry when he doesn’t speak, quickly peeking over the onesie to see his eyes red and bloodshot, tears falling down his cheeks. “Oh, Andrew!”
“I’m going to be a dad?” His voice was broken, hoarse as you quickly jumped into his chest, hugging him. “Oh my fucking god, I’m going to be a dad. I’m going to be a daddy, baby, you’re making me a daddy.”
You smiled widely, tears of relief filling your eyes as you slowly pulled the onesie from his grip and pulled him down to press a kiss to your lips. You groaned loudly as his hands quickly hold your hips, pulling you off of the ground as he stood and turned around, easily laying you on the bed before crawling over your body.
His lips trail over your skin, sucking and biting to leave hickies all over your perfect skin. He groaned loudly as your legs spread automatically for him, sitting back to quickly undo his belt and unbutton his pants, fumbling to slip them off making you giggle. He succeeds after a few minutes, ducking back down to kiss against your tits.
“To think these pretty tits are going to be filled with milk for me soon,” he murmured against your nipples, cupping and squeezing at them making your nipples quickly go hard and your back arch. You whined as he sucked on your nipple, teeth grazing the sensitive bud as he stared up at you. “You’re going to be a perfect mommy for our babies, darling, but I think as soon as I taste your milk, I’m gonna keep wanting more.”
You whined as his other hand squeezed at your nipple, flicking with his thumb as he continued to suck and abuse the other, groaning. “Dr-Drew, you’re going to be a perfect daddy, you’re going to be the best daddy ever.”
He groans against your tit, lapping against your perky bud with a wink. “Do you think so, baby? I swear, I’m going to love seeing you round with my baby and tits full of milk. Swear, I’m going to be hard all the fucking time seeing you pregnant with my baby. Think I’m going to like seeing you pregnant.”
You whined loudly, hips bucking as your eyes rolled back when he moved to the other tit. “Andrew, Andrew please!”
“Ah ah baby, I’m a daddy now,” he grinned at you, teasing you. “Think you should call me that now.”
This wasn’t something that happened often, but how could you refuse when he looked so fucking proud of himself? “D-Daddy, daddy please. Please, need you to fuck me. Need to be full of your cum, need to feel your cock inside of me.”
He groaned loudly, leaning up to press his mouth to yours, his tongue swirling around your own. It wasn’t even a kiss, his tongue swirling and shoving down your throat as he guided his cock in between your legs, pushing inside of you and swallowing the loud moan that left your mouth.
“Fucking hell, you feel so fucking good, I swear,” he basically growled against your lips, gasping as your nails dragged down his back. “Maybe it’s because you’re growing my child? Could that be it? You’re making me a daddy, gonna be the perfect fucking mother for our children?”
You nodded, mind blurry as you tried to focus on his voice, but the only thing you could think about was his dick. He was slow at first, his cock not foreign inside of you, but the faster his thrusts got, the more you couldn’t focus. “Yes!” You yelled out, the only thing you could even think about. Yes, I’ll be the perfect mother. Yes, I’ll raise your children, yes, yes, yes.
“Swear baby, if it’s going to make you like this, I’m going to keep you pregnant all the fucking time,” he groans, hips moving faster as your head tilted back, mouth lulled open and moans falling out, but your face was so fucked out it looked like you weren’t thinking of anything else but his cock, not even the words coming out of his mouth. “Look at you, baby. I love you darling, I do, but I fucking love when you get all cock obsessed for me. Are you cock obsessed, baby, dick drunk? Hm?”
Your head lulls, nodding as your nails dig into his shoulders, another orgasm close as you speak. “Yes. Yes, daddy, I’ll be pregnant all the time for you! I’ll stay here, ready to get fucked and bred, pumped full of cum to give you babies!”
It was words fully fueled of lust, the smell of sex in the air and the sounds of skin against skin slapping together echoing off the walls fueling both of your fucked out states. It was fully possible you didn’t even know what you were saying, only thinking about his cock, as you were successful all in your own, but there was the chance where you did know what you were talking about and you would sit here pumping babies out for him every nine months just for him to get you pregnant again and again as soon as you’re cleared.
The thought truly did sound fucking amazing. You both knew damn well he could provide for both of you and all of your children, no matter how many you both chose to have.
“Oh yeah, baby? You gonna be a good fucking cumslut, gonna be bred over and over again? Huh? Gonna keep you fucking pregnant, all while you be the perfect fucking mother for each and every one of our spoiled little brats that are going to fucking praise you like a goddess. Gonna fuck you over and over again, not gonna let any drop of cum spill out, keep all of my sperm inside of you so you can get pregnant over and over. You like that? Do you like the thought of having babies over and over again for me?”
His words easily tipped you over the edge, his cock ramming into you over and over again, fucking you like a fleshlight and using your abused hole to please you. The only thought in your mind was the unrealistic image of cum, his cum, spurting out of your cunt, tummy bulging like you were nine months pregnant just from his sperm and tits leaking breast milk that he would devour every minute of the day if he could.
Even if it was unrealistic, he would make it happen if you asked him to.
“Baby, you already came, you squirted all over my cock. What’s going on in that little fucked out brain of yours, hm? Tell me, it better not be the thought of anything other than my cock,” he grunted as he slammed his hips back into you, his hand pushing between the both of you to rub circles against your puffy clit. His other hand grabbed your chin, wiping the drool running down your chin as he forced you to look at him. “Hey baby, I’m right here. Look at me and tell me what you’re thinking about, tell your daddy what you’re thinking about as his cock fucks you so hard and his cum fills you up. Tell me!”
You screamed out, a broken noise leaving your lips as his thrusts get rougher, harder, his fists squeezing at your tits. “I want to stay pregnant for you, daddy! Want to be leaking with your cum every day, want milk to be inside my titles and for you to drink it every day, don’t care how many babies we have as long as you fuck me and fill me and get me pregnant! Want your babies, daddy, want all your cum!”
He lets out a loud, guttural groan into your neck, his hips faltering as he came inside of you, gasping for air as you pant above him. His hands shakily hold your hips, his lips turning soft against your skin as he rolled his hips gently, your hands stroking his back. You finally came down from your high, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his temple.
“I think… two kids is good.”
“Just two? Thought you wanted more,” he teased at first making you giggle, but he smiled gently at you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “We can have as many as you want. I don’t care, as long as you’re their mother. You will be the best fucking momma, baby, the best mommy to those kids ever.”
You inhaled shakily, smiling up at him with tears running down your cheeks as you leaned up just enough to press a soft kiss to his lips. “And you’re going to be the best daddy. I promise.”
He smiled. “We’ll make amazing parents.”
“We will, Drew. Amazing fucking parents.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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© asterias-record-shop
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indecisivemuch · 2 years ago
Time wasn't in our favor - Part 4 (Sad Ending)
Pairing: TASM Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) x Female!Reader
Summary: What if...your soulmate is from another universe but you didn't know? Soulmate AU. Set during NWH, fluff.
Word count: 3k
Series Masterlist: Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Happy Ending, Sad Ending.
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The first thing Peter Parker did after he returned to his universe was swing back to his apartment. He needed the confirmation despite his heart already giving indications of the truth. Ignoring the injuries that he was sporting after the multiversal battle, Peter checked his soul mark. A shaky chuckle echoed as he saw the mark identical to Y/N’s.
His tattoo indeed changed after meeting her. They were red - a color Peter never thought his tattoo would ever be in again. Peter shook his head as his brain started racking up ideas on how to see her again. While changing out of his Spider-man suit, an item fell out and onto the ground. They were the photos he took with Y/N from the photo booth.
Peter quickly threw on a hoodie before picking the photo up. His hands ever so lightly held the item, as if afraid he would ruin it. But as of that moment, it was the only thing left of her that he had - excluding the tattoo, of course. He settled down onto his bed, eyes never leaving the item. He traced every inch of her face, clinging to every detail the little paper would convey. He finally had time to breathe, instead of getting tangled into the rush of saving the day. It was only now that he got to memorize every inch of her face, something he, unfortunately, could not do before leaving the second chance he got at a soulmate.
Suddenly, the sound of his front door unlocking caused Peter’s senses to perk up. The hero immediately listened for more signs of danger. He set the photos on his desk before inching towards the bedroom door. His hands gripped the knob as he heard the sound of a sigh, some things being dropped before footsteps sounded. With determination, Peter stormed out of his room and prepared to attack the stranger.
“Oh my gosh, Peter, you scared me,” the voice yelled right after yelping. The person started soothing their heart by rubbing their hand above where their heart would be. 
Meanwhile, Peter froze in disbelief.
“...Gwen?” his voice broke while calling out to his first love.
“Yeah...who else?” she jested, giving him that familiar grin that he once wished to cherish more often than before. But now, he had the chance to see it again. “Oh my gosh, what happened to you?” she asked upon noticing the dried blood on him, inching closer and putting both her hands on his face. 
“I-I’m not sure,” the boy muttered, lost in the thought of her and what was happening.
“Must be quite a bad guy, huh? For them to be able to do this? I do trust that you kept your promise to be careful though,” Gwen caressed his face, lightly tracing it as if scared that she would hurt him.
“H-how did you get in?” Peter asked, finally realizing that he always locked his front every time he got home.
“...What do you mean?” she asked, looking at him as if he had lost his mind. All that came back at her was a genuinely confused face. “Peter...I have a key?” It was a statement that came out as a question. “I...I live here with you? We’re married?” Again, Gwen was met with no replies. “Babe, this is our home,” she continued.
Home? Why does home sound so wrong? He could not help but wonder as the words spilled out of her mouth.
“Did they hit you that hard? The bad guys? Are you...do you have an amnesia?” Gwen touched his forehead at this. 
“No, I-” he stopped himself, staring at his supposed wife in disbelief. 
How did this happen?
“Don’t worry about me,” Peter finally settled on saying.
“Yeah, well, it’s included in the vows so I can’t really opt out on that. ‘Through sickness and in health’, remember?” Gwen smiled, finally removing her scarf and discarding it on their sofa. “Well, how about I make dinner tonight, you’d like that?” she asked, even though her mind had already settled on the idea. Gwen proceeded to wrap her arms around her husband’s neck, grinning up at him like a kid on Christmas day.
“Yeah, I-I’d like that.”
“Good, now, go shower. You stink,” she confessed, offering him another one of those gorgeous smiles before walking into the kitchen.
He saw his ring on the sink when he walked into the bathroom.
Marriage was definitely something Peter had wanted his whole life. However, he could not help but be scared at the thought of knowing he was in one right that second. He was already unsettled from the fact that Gwen’s stuff was already in the bedroom when he returned but he was so engulfed in post-battle and thoughts of Y/N that he did not notice.
Peter looked down at his tattoo. It was still identical to the one on the wrist of the girl he had met a day ago. The color was still bright red. Peter could not tell how he should feel about Gwen no longer being his soulmate. Seeing her again right after finally healing that one wound he never thought would stop hurting made it worse. Either way, he has to face this.
Exiting the bedroom, Peter found Gwen swaying to the music playing on their speaker.
“I bumped into one of my old classmates from Oxford and had a quick catch-up. I just can’t believe how long ago it has be-” Gwen immediately let out a chuckle as she heard the next song come on. “It’s our wedding song. Dance with me, Peter, please?” she asked, tugging at his hand.
“Won’t the food burn?”
“It’ll be quick,” she pulled Peter out of the kitchen and into their living room, where her hands found themselves around his neck as the two started swaying to the song that apparently signified so much to them. However, to him, it was the first time Peter heard that song. It hurt him so much to know that he somehow unintentionally missed out the last few years of their relationship. He knew that it was somewhat selfish cause he should feel grateful to have her back, but half of his thoughts were purely about Y/N.
Before he knew it, the song was over. Gwen lifted her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. She inched on her toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 
“I love you,” she said after breaking away from the kiss.
“I love you too,” why was it so damn easy for those words to slip out of him.
Maybe this is a sign from the universe. It gave her back to him.
Next thing he knew, Peter was bending over as he groaned. His left hand immediately clung around his wrist, where his tattoo would be. It felt almost numbing, yet the burning sensation made Peter want to collapse on his knees. Without even looking at Gwen, Peter stormed into the bedroom and locked the door.
“Peter? Are you okay?” he heard her from inside the bedroom, but dismissed it as he rolled his sleeves up to look at the source of his pain. 
There it was. His skin was swelling and morphing into something new as the previous red mark blistered and scarred. Peter gasped for air as the pain seemed to amplify while his heart rate tripled. He looked away from the tattoo as he hid his face in the pillow, letting out a muffled scream over the agony.
Then just like that, the pain abruptly stopped and all Peter was left with was a hazing feeling. He weakly lifted his head up in disbelief over the experience. Almost immediately, his eyes landed on the wrist and almost dry chuckled at the situation.
There it was, a red soul mark. Except this one matched with Gwen instead of Y/N. However, he could briefly see a scar underneath that resembled what was his second chance. 
Sitting up, Peter blinked wildly as he tried to comprehend what was happening. He approached the desk and saw the photo booth photo again. The boy picked it up and stared at the item in confusion before hearing Gwen call out again.
“Peter, please let me in. I’m worried about you.”
He turned towards the bedroom door before his eyes took in the sight of what used to be his bedroom. It was now his and Gwen’s bedroom. There were photos of them hung everywhere. His stuff was intertwined with hers. Every little thing here resembled a life that he somehow missed. Everything in this room was what he had always dreamed of. His happy ending was right here, but why does it feel so wrong to have it?
“No...” Peter muttered as he tried to have an internal conversation with himself. A part of him tried to convince his mind that perhaps he deserved this and the hesitation would go away once he settled into this life. After all, this was what he had wished for for so long. 
Maybe it was time to just take things for granted. Perhaps this was life giving him a true second chance. What is to say that he will ever see Y/N again anyway? His heart ached at that, but Peter ignored it as he tried to sway the thoughts away. He looked back at the photo in his hand. 
Maybe...the ‘this feels wrong’ feeling will disappear...if he lets the memories go.
With that, he dropped the photo out of the window, letting the wind take his what-ifs away.
“Come back in two hours, yeah?” though his voice made the question come out as more of a command than anything. But the girl knew it was all with good intentions, so she nodded and watched as the man closed the magic portal.
Y/N was here on a mission: find Peter Parker - the one that belonged to her, and…possibly stay here and run from Doctor Strange if he tries to take her back to her universe. Though now that she is in his world, she felt almost foolish to come here without a plan to actually find her Peter. So here she was, standing in an alleyway, clueless and lost. Neither does she know how to find him either.
“Life, please give me a sign on where to find him...” she groaned as she muttered to herself. The girl covered her face as she brainstormed on ways to find Peter. That was when something light hit her head, which made her uncover her eyes and look at the object. Her mouth fell agape as she recognized what had landed on her a second ago. Y/N picked up what was metaphorically “a sign” for her, It was the photo she took with Peter in the photo booth. However, the girl scrunched her eyes as she realized this was not her copy, but Peter’s.
Y/N looked up into the sky before averting to the building next to the alleyway. She then saw the light turning on in one of the rooms. In a slight cliche way, a lightbulb almost went off in her head as she deduced the situation. Perhaps Peter lived in this building and left his window open, and somehow the photo fell out and reached her. Even though Y/N knew it was technically illegal, the girl decided to try it anyway. She climbed through the fence and reached the fire escape with slight difficulty. Once there, Y/N made her way up to each window on each floor, peering in slightly to check and hoped that it was Peter’s apartment.
She almost gave up when she reached the fourth window. However, that was when Y/N halted as she peered in. There he was, just like how she remembered him. Except now he was in ordinary clothing that fitted him, instead of his spider-suit or clothes of a Peter Parker from another universe. Blood was no longer on his face, but there were marks indicating that the battle did happen and that he had saved her New York City.
But what struck Y/N was the blonde that was with him. Y/N desperately wanted to believe she was only a friend, but with her hand on his face and the ring on both their left hands’ fourth fingers. Y/N bit her lip as she glanced around his bedroom and saw the photos that hung on the wall. They almost all had the blonde in them. He also looked so happy in all of them. 
He looked in love.
Y/N hands gripped slightly harder on the photo booth’s photos, scrunching it slightly. She held back the tears, but all her self-control broke when she saw his wrist.
His soulmate mark did not match hers.
A sob left her lips as she felt pain jolt through her wrist. Y/N slapped a hand over her mouth as she ducked down from the window, afraid of getting caught.
Peter heard the noise and turned towards the window.
“Probably our neighbor again, she’s always drunk on Friday nights,” Gwen commented, dismissing the noise. Peter kept his glance out the window for a second, his spidey senses signaling something to him but he could not decipher it. Also dismissing the noise, Peter turned back to Gwen and smiled at her.
Meanwhile, Y/N was sitting on the fire escape, her head under the window as she bit into her arm to keep herself from screaming. She leaned against the wall near the window, hiding in the shadow. Tears were free-falling from her eyes as she looked down at her tattoo. The radiating color it once held was slowly slipping away. Another sob almost escaped as she realized that instead of reverting back to black, her soulmate tattoo now had a faded gray color.
The pain slowly subsided, but the numbness remained. Y/N looked at the photo again.
She wondered if he had thought of her at all ever since he came back. She wondered why he never mentioned having a wife and why he would ever cheat on his partner like that. She wondered if he had felt it all like she did, or was it all one-sided and this was once again another false hope situation. Out of bitterness, Y/N ripped the photo in half and discarded it on the metal ground she was sitting on.
He made his choice, so she walked away. Her legs dragged her numb self down the stairs before sliding down a wall in the alleyway to wait for Doctor Strange. 
“Hey, kid,” Doctor Strange called out, scrunching his eyebrows softly as he saw her tear-stained face. Y/N, on the other hand, realized that she was too occupied by her mind to notice that time had passed and the man who had already portaled there.
“...Come on, let’s go home,” he spoke quietly, his voice soft and the most empathetic he could. Doctor Strange knew asking if she was okay would be stupid, and offering sentimental support was not his forte either. In fact, the doctor believed that with his lack of skill in displaying empathy, he might make things worse by accidentally saying something sarcastic and mocking. But either way, he decided to try: “There’s some ice cream at the sanctum...” he muttered, glancing away from the crying girl.
“Thank you, but...just take me home, sir,” Y/N replied, knowing that even though he offered it, the sorcerer was uncomfortable with this kind of situation. Stephen Strange nodded, conjuring a portal with the hand motion that Y/N had seen many times. He stepped through it with ease, but Y/N’s foot felt heavy as she dragged herself closer to the sparkling circle. The girl looked back up at that brightly lit window.
“You coming?” he said softly from the other side of the portal.
Despite her anger at that moment, she knew that if he decided to run after her in the future, she’d still open her arms to him. So if, by chance, it doesn’t work out with Gwen, he’ll always have a chance with Y/N and her world. With that last thought, Y/N stepped through the portal and into her world, saying goodbye to the man that had stolen her heart in less than twenty-four hours.
Granted, her wish came true. She fell in love with no indication from her mark or the concept. And it did prove to her that the concept was genuine. However, it also proved that sometimes soulmates aren’t meant to be, because hers never belonged to her since the beginning.
In the middle of New York, a girl entered her favorite sandwich shop. “Hi, can I get a meatball sandwich without pickles and extra cheese, please? Thanks, Richard” the girl ordered.
“No problem, Y/N. How was the shift?”
“Super busy...and depressing. I had to slip away to get my mind off today's surgeries. Everything just seems to fall apart today,” Doctor Y/N L/N answered. Surgery after surgery, the girl has worked for over 50 hours without sleeping. Not only that, but the bus accident has left many in critical conditions.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Here, a brownie on the house,”
“Thank you, Richard, I’ll see you soon.”
The girl picked up her sandwich and brownie before heading towards the door. Before she could reach it, her knee gave away. She collapsed on the ground, groaning loudly as she felt an excruciating pain on her wrist, where her soul mark was.
“What’s happening?” she looked down to see her tattoo of a spider with two shorter legs slowly vanishing. 
“Y/N?” the owner called out, coming up from behind her, trying to figure out what was wrong. The doctor, however, only had her eyes on what was happening to her wrist. There it was, a pink scar in the spot where her soulmate tattoo used to be. Without answering the man behind her, Y/N took out her phone and dialed it.
“This is the Palmer-Strange clinic for soulmate care. How may we help you?” a voice answered through the device.
“Get Doctor Christine Palmer on the phone, please.”
That's it for the series. Thank you for reading!!!!!!
Series Masterlist: Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Happy Ending, Sad Ending.
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backtothefanfiction · 12 days ago
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Welcome to the West Wing of the BackToTheFanfiction Library. Here you can find the complete collection of stories written for characters played by Andrew Garfield. Here you will find Peter Parker variants a plenty and a few other characters too.
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The Angel In The Garden of Evil | Mob!Peter AU (18+ ONLY)
Peter Parker’s wife left him 3 years ago. Suddenly she’s back and she’s brought some news that is about to change everything, unfortunately that news comes with it’s own set of complications and he’s out for blood.
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Turn Around
His Favourite Place Your Favourite Place
Can't Swing Home From Amsterdam
A Matter of Life and Death
Last Kiss
Peter Parker x Nurse Reader
Circus!Peter x Reader
I Got You
It's Always Been You
Wake Up
The Dishwasher
Oh Honey (Peter cheers you up)
In Your Boss's Office (**)
Tease (**)
Crushed Make Me Forget (**)
A Christmas Blessing: The Gift of Moving On (frat!Peter)
The Bet & The Costume (frat!Peter) (**)
Super Dad (dad!Peter)
It's A Right of Passage (dad!Peter)
Mayday in the Playroom (dad!Peter/Spiderverse Au)
20 Minutes (dad!Peter)
Spiders & Lace (1920s Mob!Peter Au) (**)
Bitten (SpiderVerse Au)
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One Last Date For Christmas (18+ Only)
What happens when the annual holiday hookup becomes a holidate situation.
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A Collection of Professor!Peter Parker Stories (18+ Only)
What happens when you turn up to your first day of college classes and your new physics Professor is the same guy who rocked your world the night before?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5 Part 3(coming soon)
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Cherry Bomb (18+ Only)
A group of 20 something year old young heroes just trying to live in the city that never sleeps.
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The Secrets We Keep
After the Lafferty Case Jeb is still struggling with his shaken faith. When he takes a new job in the next state over to escape all the horrors of his hometown, he runs into a familiar face from his past, will old comforts help him to heal or will all the secrets from their adult lives ruin everything.
ONE TWO THREE (coming soon)
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nikoruistyping · 3 years ago
hello hello💕, could you do one of andrew garfield x actress or model (your choice) !reader, they had a baby girl and said her first word. and they both got excited and proud and started celebrating like little kids and the baby is like 🤨 “tf?” looking at them
idk I think is funny😭
First Word || Andrew Garfield
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Andrew Garfield x Wife!Actress!Fem!reader​
Summary: Andrew comes home early from one of his movie shoots and to both your and his surprise your daughter ends up saying her first word...
TW: Fluff, Mention of Children/Babies, Kissing
Word Count: 1,175
A/N: This was such a cute fluffy one to write! I’m still getting used to writing RPF of Andrew specifically since I haven’t seen many interviews with him yet so some of this might be a bit freeform and its kinda short so sorry for that as well! Thanks for requesting Anon and hope you enjoy! ALSO LOL I'm dead this was literally the only GIF I could find since none of the gifs I have saved from Tumblr want to upload or work so enjoy fluffy sunflower Andrew!
You glanced over at your beautiful daughter who was currently making a complete mess of your bed as she pushed and pulled the covers, grabbing her teething toys and throwing them about. You just continued to admire and smile at the beautiful creation you and your husband were able to make together, you didn't think it could be done but here you were a year later. It was crazy to think that one year had flew by so fast after having to give up acting so that you could focus on starting a family. 
You continued to fold clothes and organize your bedroom while watching her play around and drooling all over the place but at this point, it couldn't be helped.
"Who is my precious little drool monster?" You cooed at her from afar as you slipped a shirt into the dresser drawer.
"You are! You are my lovely honey bee!" Your finger pointing at her and in return she gave you a big toothless smile while she mumbled gibberish at you.
Before you could keep showering your daughter in compliments Andrew entered the room with a bouquet of roses in hand and you immediately smiled as he playfully waltz and skipped his way over to you.
"Hmmm, let me guess, these are for me?" You grabbed the roses while he handed them to you.
"Of course, they are darling but make sure you play nice and share." He said pointing over to your daughter and you giggled at the thought while he leaned in closer to you.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" You asked playfully tapping the bouquet against his chest.
"Oh, of course, how could I ever forget?!" He exclaimed in an exaggerated and dramatic voice as his hand landed on your waist drawing you close and his lips touching yours, a small kiss to greet you hello.
"Mmm...much better, hello to you too hubby," You said with a small giggle as you looked into his eyes pulling away from the kiss.
"I thought you weren't supposed to be home till six?" You questioned while holding the roses close to your chest while Andrew nuzzled his nose against yours. He quickly pulled away and jumped back to a playful tone while looking at his beautiful daughter who was staring him down.
"Filming ended early today and plus I wanted to come home as fast as I could to see my little honey bee." He said approaching the bed and starting to coo at her. He made the cutest faces at your daughter and she just giggled at her father who was completely and utterly in love with her.
"Hmm...and what about honey bee's mama? I would hope she gets some love too no?" You said with a small pout as you walked over to his side and you both were now kneeling down by the bedside while your daughter faced the both of you. She frantically was grabbing toys, throwing them and chewing the living hell out of them.
"I mean obviously you do too my darling. No need to get all jealous now." He said with a chuckle while his hand reached out to your daughter and she grabbed his fingers pulling and pushing them. She was almost about to start using them as a teething toy if Andrew wasn't careful enough.
"Hey, hey now! Daddy's fingers are not a toy, please be careful my little bee." He said in a calm tone as you just giggled alongside the two, watching how gentle he was with the baby meant the world to you and you could tell he loved being a father just by the smile on his face every day when he saw her.
Your daughter in response pulled his fingers even harder and furrowed her little eyebrows and she started to ramble in gibberish once more but in protest as he tried to pull his hand away from her mouth.
"D-d-da..." She started to stutter and both you and Andrew looked at each other in confusion.
"Oh. My. God. Y/N get your phone, I think she is going to say her first word!" He said excitedly and you were smiling with joy running across the room to grab your phone and start recording the moment.
"Go on my love. D-d-da-da!" He tried to help her along in saying the whole word but she still stuttered and struggled, her little lungs breathing in so much air to say one word.
"You can do it bee! Just keep on going!" You encouraged while you held the camera up.
"D-d-d-da-da..." Her lips paused for a second while her lips moved, the word was on the verge of coming out.
"Dada!" Finally, she said her first word and both you and Andrew looked at each other in utter excitement being able to witness the special moment, completely overjoyed.
"I can't believe it darling! She really said Dada!" Andrew exclaimed as he faced you and you dropped your phone to the ground being swept off your feet and lifted up while he spun you around hugging you close.
"Yeah, she really did! Our baby did it!" You said repeating it over and over like a broken record as Andrew held you up in his arms and the two of you were looking at each other celebrating. A little dorky dance together even started to happen, so entertained in celebrating that your daughter was still sitting on the bed witnessing her goofy parents look like complete fools.
You had caught a glimpse of your daughter's face from afar in the middle of your celebration and you broke into a burst of contagious laughter that even Andrew couldn't help himself and he started to look in the direction you were. He saw the funny face your daughter was making at you both, a loud chuckle coming from him. Her eyebrows were furrowed, raised and her eyes were squinted while her lips were in a completely straight line, her face serious and confused at the whole ordeal.
"Y/N is our daughter actually giving us sass right now?" He asked you while the two of you looked at your beautiful bundle of joy and you just couldn't help but smile at the funny expression.
"She probably thinks we are two crazy people." You said motioning to your head with your pointer finger.
"Two crazy people who fell in love and made the most beautiful thing on this earth." He said right back as he turned towards you and looked at your daughter, smiling before kissing your lips quickly and hugging you.
"You're definitely not wrong their honey." You say before nuzzling your nose with his and before you could kiss him again crying and screaming sounds started to fill the room.
"Duty calls..." You sighed pulling away from your husband and chuckling a bit trying to put on a smile as you picked up her up and held her in your arms, her head cuddling up against your shoulder and immediately she calmed down.
"Looks like someone was just jealous and wanted in on the hugging party," Andrew said with a laugh as he opened his arms wider to hug the both of you together as one big and happy family.
Complete Masterlist
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puppy-coded · 3 years ago
She’s A Monster {R.L.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Badly written chaos because I’m unoriginal
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Remus Lupin x wife!reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.3k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You and Lily are out for the night so guess who’s watching your kids? That’s right! Remus, James, and Sirius and, well... chaos ensues.
✰ 𝐀/𝐍: Requested by @ell0ra-br3kk3r​ sorry it took so long, hope you like it! <3
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Lily was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and looking bored while you flitted around and gave instructions to your husband and his friends.
You got to the doorway with Lily before going back to stand in front of where your husband and his friends were sitting. “Okay, snacks are in the pantry for the kids, P-O-Ps are in the freezer for after dinner, Aiden’s teething ring is also there, and-” Remus stood up and cut you off as you told them.
He grabbed your hands and kissed your knuckles. “(Y/N) my love, I’m their dad, I think I got it,” He said gently. Meanwhile Sirius made gagging sounds in the background and Remus shot him a glare.
“You’re not Harry’s dad,” Lily told Remus.
Remus just gave Lily an annoyed look. “I was very clearly talking to my wife Lily.”
“Felt left out.” Lily shrugged. “Come on, let’s go! The movie’s going to start without us and I would like to catch the trailers.” Lily tried getting you to leave by pulling on your arm.
You kissed Remus’ cheek and went to hug your kids. “I’ll fill you in on what a movie is later Remmy Love you, bye. And I love you Lilith. And I also love you Aiden. My cuties.” You said, holding Aiden and bouncing him a little. “Lily maybe we shouldn’t leave.”
Lily shook her head. “No. You need a break from your baby fever. You have two kids under the age of four, no.” 
“Okay, bye then. Love you guys.” You told your little family.
“Aww! Love you too (Y/N), especially since you’re providing dinner.” Sirius responded instead of Remus.
“I- Okay, yes. I love you too Sirius.” James opened his mouth and put his hand up but you cut him off. “And you James. But especially Remus.”
“Eww!” James, Sirius, and Lily all groaned.
“Oh like you don’t love your husband Lil.” You said in response to the groaning.
“Babes, I just want shitty movie theater popcorn and overpriced syrupy soda from some snotty teenager who doesn’t care about thier job so I can watch the movie of the century with my best friend.” Lily explained, somewhat agitated.
“Aww! Let’s go then,” You said quickly. “Trailers Lily! Trailers!”
. . .
Remus was holding and bouncing Aiden, the 6 month old, as he tried talking to his friends. “Okay so the pizza should be here in-” Remus was cut off by the doorbell ringing. “Now. It should be here now is what I was going to say.”
James was keeping five year old Harry entertained and Sirius was letting three year old little Lily do his hair and makeup. Of course Sirius was voted to answer the door.
Sirius threw the pizza on the counter and scowled. “I hate you all.”
“You look so pretty Siri!” Baby Lily told him happily, smearing her mom’s red lipstick all over his cheeks.
Sirius couldn’t bring himself to glare at his goddaughter so he just sighed and offered his thanks to her compliment.
“Can I have pizza?” Lily asked, hoping he’d say yes since he clearly loved her so much. Just kidding, she’s three. She just wanted to hear him say yes to get what she wanted.
“Ask your dad.”
Lily toddled up to Remus and struggled to crawl into his lap. “Daddy?”
“Um... Your mom would...” Remus trailed off staring into his daughter’s wide eyes. She was too cute. 
“Mom’s not here mate. Let her have a slice yeah?” James suggested. “What could go wrong?”
. . .
Thirty minutes later Lily and Harry had 5 popsicles each, were jumping on the couch, had drawn on every surface possible, and stolen everyone’s wands. Meanwhile baby Aiden was sleeping through all of it in his crib in the next room over and Remus, James, and Sirius were magically suspended from the ceiling.
Remus just glared at James. “What could go wrong? This could go wrong!” He said, wiggling and trying to get free.
���Okay so I misread that one, is it really my fault though?” James asked.
“Yes!” Sirius and Remus said loudly from either side of him.
“Uncle Siri! Uncle Siri!” The two kids ran up to him happily. 
Sirius tried his best to smile even though he was so, so angry at that exact moment.  “What is it you two? Getting me down?”
“We wanna cut your hair!” The two yelled with the biggest smile on their faces.
“James Fleamont Potter!” Sirius bellowed as the two kids took scissors to his hair and completely butchered it.
. . .
“Did you hear something?” You asked Lily halfway through the movie.
Lily looked at you and shook her head. “I think you’re just worried but don’t worry. I trust the guys.” 
You sat back and tried to relax, nodding at your friend. “Yeah... Yeah you’re right. I trust them too,” You said with a sigh.
Lily nodded and relaxed again since you had relaxed.
You sat straight again and whispered. “But for just in case I’m calling them.”
“Okay, have fun.”
You went out into the hall and tried calling Remus. Instead you got your daughter and you had the cutest conversation. It made you want to go back home but you stayed with Lily. You knew how much the movie meant to her.
. . .
You and Lily were at the door and you expected to see all the kids and your husband asleep on the couch while James and Sirius were on the floor.
You walked into a house full of screaming and chaos.
You backed out and closed the door behind you.
“So... New plan-”
Lily rolled her eyes. “It can’t be that bad.”
You grimaced at her statement. “It’s that bad. Be my guest.”
“Okay good.”
“One, two, three eyes on me!” Lily yelled into the house with her hands up. Harry looked at his mom wide eyed and tapped Lilith on the shoulder. She turned around and her face split into a huge grin.
“Mama!” Little Lily ran to you happily, dropping the crayon she had been writing with.
You picked her up and pointed to the general state of the room. “Hey hon, care to explain?”
“Harry did it!” Lilith yelled, pointing at Harry.
“What? No fair!” Harry exclaimed. “Dad was the one that let us have a whole box of popsicles.” Harry blamed, pointing to an upside down James.
“James!” You and Lily yelled at him.
James tried his best to look as serious as he could while hanging from the ceiling. “I was trying to prove a point.”
“James, honey, remember the last time you tried proving a point?” Lily asked him.
James looked offended by his wife’s words. “Your hair turned back to it’s natural color!”
“Just get us down you two!” Sirius yelled, wiggling in the restraints.
You and Lily got to work with cleaning everything up, getting the boys down, and cleaning up the kids. If you didn’t have magic then it probably would have taken hours instead of minutes which you and Lily were extremely grateful for.
Everyone started to leave in a line with Sirius in front, wanting to get out of there as fast as humanly possible.
You snorted at Sirius’ new haircut. “Nice hair Sirius.”
“Shut up,” He said angrily. “You’re lucky I love your kid.
“Bye Lily, I had fun.” You told her, giving her a goodbye hug. 
Lily laughed. “No you didn’t but thanks for trying.”
You shook your head and crossed your arms at James, who was holding Harry. “Bye James, don’t prove a point ever again.” You gave Harry a small kiss on the forehead. “Bye Harry, I still love you sweetheart.”
Harry happily waved at you. “Bye Mrs. Lupin! Thanks for letting us come over.”
“Of course my dear.” 
You put a hand on Remus’ chest as he tried to leave too. “Oh no you don’t. We are never hosting anything ever again.”
“I- That’s fair,” Remus nodded.
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astranva · 3 years ago
Planet Evans Universe Masterlist
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Following the life of overprotective!dad!Chris x wife!actress!reader!
Disclaimer: You can get to enjoy the one shots/blurbs as stand-alones without knowing the background of the universe but for a full experience, check out the tag! Happy reading. x
Planet Evans Universe Tag
Planet Evans Timeline | pe!reader’s Wikipedia Page | pe!reader's Dating History | Social Media tag | Blurbs tag
One Shots
How We Met - In which Chris was a nervous mess when he met his A+ list celebrity crush, highest-paid, and the most iconic actress, you, at Vanity Fair’s 2014 after party.
Go on a Date With Me - How Chris asked you out on a date.
First Kiss - Teasing led to your first kiss.
Chris' Birthday - First birthday to celebrate together.
Anxious - Chris didn't know that getting drunk would trigger you.
Scared - Seeing you with your co-star, Andrew Garfield, didn’t just make Chris jealous. it made him scared.
Pregnancy Scare - The one where your period was late.
Graduation - Chris talks about attending pe!reader's graduation on Jimmy Kimmel's.
Get Out of Here - Security didn't believe Chris was your fiance when visiting you on set.
Cheating Rumors - Things looked bad during the Knives Out press tour for Chris.
Glambot - pe!reader and Chris pose for the Oscars' glambot.
Buzzcut - Chris posts a video on Instagram of pe!reader giving him a buzzcut during quarantine.
Getting Ready with Vogue - Vogue posts Chris and y/n y/l/n-evans getting ready for 2021 Oscars.
Actors on Actors - Married and in love, you and Chris do Variety’s Actors on Actors interview together.
Celebrities fangirling over y/n y/l/n for 18 minutes straight - Being one of the most globally famous, a-list actresses meant that you were always the talk of other celebrities and shows, and a fan compiles some of these times in one YouTube video.
Your Comfort - Chris can’t help but feel overprotective over his pregnant wife.
Coffee and Bagel -  Pregnant, you and Chris get swarmed by paps and Chris loses his shit when you almost trip.
Bagel Secured - Chris would do anything to get you your bagel.
Loving on Live - A few months before River’s birth, you and Chris went live on Instagram as you cooked, reminiscing some memories and making the world freak out over watching their favorite couple.
Sexiest Man Alive - In which Chris is 2022’s Sexiest Man Alive, he can’t stop talking about you and your son, and you already know.
Oprah Winfrey Interview - As one of the most famous actresses in the world, fans watch your tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey which Chris joins.
TikTok - A fan posts a TikTok edit of pe!reader and Chris.
The Kids as Babies
River - In which you gave birth and Chris is an emotional mess.
Clingy - In which your baby, River, is clingy to you and Chris is upset.
The Kids as Toddlers
Christmas Bliss - With 4 kids, Christmas is emotional and everything but boring.
Overprotective - pe!reader talks about overprotective!Chris in a Jimmy Fallon interview.
The Grey Man Premiere - Pregnant pe!reader attends The Gray Man premiere.
Morning Baby Bump Cuddles - Dodger likes to cuddle pe!reader’s bump every morning.
Hormones - Chris is understanding to pe!reader’s (lonely) hormones.
Wedding Ring - pe!reader feels a little off about Chris not wearing his wedding ring (early marriage period).
Magic Number - pe!reader has been with less people than Chris and he wishes he'd waited.
FaceTime - After tiring press interviews, Chris can't help but sleep during his and pe!reader's facetime and feels bad about it.
Cast Was Great - pe!reader gets asked about her thoughts on The Gray Man in an online interview.
Always Right - When chris gets insecure about pe!reader liking Henry Cavill's mustache.
My Mind & Me - pe!reader in Selena Gomez's documentary.
Do You Love Me? - pe!reader asks Chris if he loves her but he doesn't give her the answer she wants.
Stuck - Chris feels bad about being known for Captain America only and pe!reader assures him.
chris's gifs with dodger. that's the blurb.
Confession - pe!reader admits she didn't know Chris' name when she first met him.
Teenage Crush - James McAvoy finds out that pe!reader had a crush on him when filming atonement for the first time.
Triggered - pe!reader gets triggered by Chris' drinking early on in the relationship.
Full Course Meal - pe!reader knows how to make Chris' bad day better.
Leaked - Chris leaks pictures of himself and pe!reader.
Amy Dune - pe!reader gets asked about Amy Dune as a role model at a press junket.
Shots - River gets his shots a 3 months.
Avatar 2's Dolphin Show - Articles about pe!reader being upset over her movie's press involving animal cruelty.
Rules - Just pe!reader and Chris being flirty on their yacht.
Date Night - pe!reader and Chris have a date night after River is asleep and Chris goes down on his knees for her.
Other Plans - Seeing pe!reader dressed up makes Chris go feral enough to cancel her plans himself.
Cop 'Stache - pe!reader reacts to Chris' 2018 mustache and haircut.
Dior - Dior names a bag after pe!reader.
Butterfly - Chris says why he thinks pe!reader's spirit animal is a butterfly on Jimmy Fallon's.
One and Only - Adele talking about pe!reader at her concert.
Time - pe!reader being flirty with Chris.
Necklace - Chris gets pe!reader a butterfly necklace.
Family Gossip - The family of 6 like a good gossiping session in the kitchen.
Gossip Circle - The men in the family feel left out of pe!reader and B's gossip circle.
That Look - Chris gets confident and cocky when he's jealous.
Jealous - A jealous pe!reader makes an appearance.
Tattoos - People magazine write about Chris' tattoos.
Tiny Mic - pe!reader and Chris react to a tiny mic on the red carpet.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 10 months ago
Marriage Rumours
note: kinda like it, kinda don't 🤷‍♀️
warnings: none <3
word count: n/a
♡ summary: Rumours of a marriage end up being true
♡ Andrew Garfield x Wife!reader
request ✓
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liked by tarayummy, florencepugh, and others
ynln_official: domestic life.
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yn.stannn: they're puzzling together
drew: whos dog is that???
pughpugh: she's adorable and insanely hot at the same time.
tina.bob_idk: i want this 😭
andrew_imcomingforyou: i want her
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liked by zendaya, anyataylorjoy, and others
ynln_official: bring your partner to work day
📸 : andrew
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iamauser: i don't know if i want to be her or be with her
hello.howsurday: y'all notice she never says 'boyfriend' its always 'partner'???
imgettinglazy: i love that andrew just followed yn around work like a lost puppy
author: she's so hot 🥵
user: the hottest couple 🔥🔥
not.lizzie: i don't even know which one i would rather be
lizzie: easy i want to be andrew.
yn and andrew were pictured leaving the gym. looks like they were playing tennis.
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jemma @/tasm.isbest replying to @/ynln-updates i wish i looked that good after working out
Tessa @/torturedpoet replying to @/ynln-updates if you room in you can see that the necklace yn is wearing is a ring
jess @/likeingilmoregirls replying to @/torturedpoet kinda looks like a wedding ring
jess @/likeingilmoregirls replying to @/likeingilmoregirls plus they did go on like a two month long trip last year
Tessa @/torturedpeot replying to @/likeingilmoregirls wait! truee!!!!
Emily @/maisiepeters.stan replying to @/likeingilmoregirls why would it be a wedding ring if it's around her neck?
Tessa @/torturedpoet replying to @/maisiepeters.stan because they just came from the gym my mom does that with her ring
tiffany @/reblogifyouwatched.tns replying to @/ynln-updates he has bi wife energy. thats why i think they're married.
steph @/currentlybelievesinlove replying to @/ynln-updates if they ever break up i don't think i'll believe in love.
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, gemmastyles, and others
ynln_official: one year with the love of my life 🤍
view all comments
tessa_sameone: I KNEW IT
mytummyhurts: prettiest wedding photos everrrr
reneerapp.loml: a YEAR? damnnn
tiff.tns_: knew he gave bi wife energy.
brina.and.tayy: the sunglasses are givingggg
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mads-weasley · 3 years ago
Coming Home: Part Two
Andrew!Peter Parker x Wife!Reader
Coming Home Masterlist
Main Masterlist
A/N: Wow. I've gotten so much positive feedback on the first part of this fic, so I just had to do a part two!! I think I may write little moments from the lives of the Parkers under this title in the future! Thank you for reading!! I don't own anything but (y/n).
Summary: Now that Peter was finally home from the "multiversal mess" that caused him to go missing and worry his poor wife to death, he tries to find a way to make it up to her.
Warnings: mentions of death, violence, tooth rotting fluff
(y/n) - your name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(y/n/n) - your nickname
(y/h/c) - your hair color
(y/e/c) - your eye color
italics - flashbacks
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Peter awoke to the gentle snoring of his wife, who was now sprawled out on his chest, hair sticking every which way. With a smile, he glanced to the clock on their nightstand. It was already 8:30, and (y/n) had to be at work in an hour. Taking one last look at (y/n) sleeping, he sighed and softly rubbed her shoulder.
"(Y/n), babe, you've gotta get to work. It's 8:30." He cooed.
She shifted, cuddling further into his chest while sleepily slurring. "No, Pete. I'm not getting up. You're my new pillow."
A chuckle escaped his lips, "Come on, (y/n/n)."
"No. I'm calling in sick," she started, peering up at him. "And we have a lot to talk about, mister."
Peter's heart fell slightly, already picturing (y/n) describing how she felt when he was missing. "Okay. I can call May and ask if she can watch Ben. How does a day to ourselves sound?"
Sitting up quickly, a huge smile painted her face. Of course, she loved Ben, but she couldn't remember the last time her and Peter had a date night, much less a whole day to themselves.
"That sounds amazing."
"Yeah?" he asked.
She kissed his bare collarbone, sitting up and pulling the covers off of them. "Yeah. I'm gonna go get Ben ready.
May came and picked Ben up with a smile at 9, leaving the rest of the day for the young couple to spend together. (Y/n) made doubly sure that she packed everything that Ben would need into his diaper bag. As all new moms are, she was somewhat nervous and explained every little thing that she did with Ben to May, who was used to the speech by now. The older woman understood that (y/n) only did so because she loved the little boy so much. Peter came to his aunt's rescue as he placed his hand on (y/n)'s lower back and spoke with raised eyebrows.
"Thanks again, May. We really appreciate it."
"Anytime. You two have fun, okay?" She replied.
With a nod and a smile, (y/n) crouched next to Ben's carrier, and Peter followed, tickling him softly.
"Mommy loves you."
"Be good for aunt May, Benny." Peter whispered in his goofy baby-talk voice that drove his wife crazy...in a good way.
As soon as Peter closed the door behind May, he spun around, picking (y/n) up over his shoulder, causing her to squeal with delight.
"Peter!" She exclaimed as he playfully laid her down on the bed, hovering inches above her, one arm on each side of her face with his signature grin.
"You, my amazing wife, are going to have breakfast in bed, served by your husband who feels terrible that he worried you yesterday."
"Okay then, Mr. Parker. I'll have some pan-"
"-cakes, bacon, and eggs. Coming right up, Mrs. Parker." He interrupted, kissing her lovingly on the nose.
As he was walking away, she yelled, "This doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you!"
(Y/n) sighed in content as Peter disappeared into the kitchen. Looking up at the ceiling, she wondered what she ever did to deserve her wonderful husband and love of her life. Thinking back on the years they'd spent together, she couldn't help but flash back to the day they had met.
10 Years Ago
As (y/n) was about to walk into the first class of her junior year of high school, she couldn't help but feel nervous. She had just moved from a pretty small town, so a ginormous city like New York was a huge change, not including the fact that she knew no one at school. Taking a deep breath, she mustered her courage and walked into the science lab with her head held high.
This confident façade quickly fell when all eyes landed on her. Some people were giving her confused looks, while others were silently picking her appearance apart, as high school girls often do. Her eyes raked across the room for an empty seat, finding that there were only two. One was beside a tall, lanky boy, and the other was next to a girl with freckles and glasses in the front. Going with the second option, she approached the girl with a bated breath.
"Hi. Is anyone sitting here?" (Y/n) asked kindly.
The look on the girl's face could be described as nothing short of disgust when she looked up at her. "Yeah. Someone is."
(Y/n) looked around for anyone else coming into class. She was the very last one. "Who?" She asked, daring to question the girl.
"Someone." She said bitterly, throwing her bookbag on the lab table, right in front of the open chair.
With a nod, (y/n) retreated to the back of the class, opting to sit next to the boy. Passing his side of their lab table, she stepped on something that started to roll, and before she knew it, her foot was leaving the ground as she yelped. Waiting for the ground to welcome her, she clenched her eyes shut. What she didn't expect, though, was for the boy to catch her. Much less by her hips in a dip that she'd only seen on tv.
Time seemed to slow as she looked wide-eyed into his own big brown irises. Studying his face, she noticed how handsome he was. A lopsided smile grew on his face at her reaction. His mouth was moving, but she didn't hear anything. After a few seconds, time sped up again, and she was brought up from his dip, back to a standing position.
"Hey, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He asked, quickly picking up his skateboard and putting it in his bookbag.
Still somewhat out of breath, she huffed, "Yeah. Thanks for catching me..." she prompted for his name.
"Peter. Peter Parker." he answered, never breaking eye contact.
"Peter Parker." She finished, liking the way his name rolled off her lips. "I'm (y/n) (y/l/n). I just moved here."
"Makes sense. I would've remembered you."
(Y/n) felt her face grow hot as she took her seat next to the boy. Grinning, she turned her attention to the teacher at the front of the class, but couldn't stop thinking of the adorable smile right next to her. Needless to say, she didn't learn anything from the lesson, other than the fact that Peter Parker liked to doodle scientific formulas on the side of his notebook paper.
Present Day
After about 20 minutes of laying in bed reminiscing, (y/n) got up and silently padded down the hall, towards the kitchen. Halfway there, she heard something that always made her heart flutter; Peter's singing. He didn't do it much, and it was always off key, but it was adorable. The tune was a favorite of Peter's when they were in high school. She stopped at the end of the hall, leaning on the wall around the corner, out of his sight.
"You're my backbone," he sang, "You're my cornerstone. You're my crutch when my legs stop moving. You're my headstart, You're my rugged heart. You're the pulse that I've always needed."
Pushing off the wall, she turned the corner to see him wearing her Spiderman apron, cooking eggs in a pan, pancake powder streaking his face. Even with his super-hearing, he didn't hear her approaching. Well, maybe he just didn't act like her heard the almost silent patter of her feet on their hardwood floors. Coming up right behind him, she wrapped her arms around his torso, joining him in singing.
"Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you."
He put the spatula down and turning to face her, gently cupping her cheeks with a grin. As the song came to a close, he continued to sing with her softly.
"And long after you're gone, gone, gone. I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone."
He leaned down and wrapped her in his arms. To (y/n) it felt like a warm blanket of safety and adoration was wrapped around her. She buried her face into his neck as the words of the song processed in her mind. 'I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone,' the song had said. Just the night before, she had thought that he was gone. She thought he was dead in some alley somewhere, unable to see her and their son one last time. With this thought circling her mind, she began to cry softly into his neck. Immediately, he knew something was wrong, and he was pretty sure he knew what it was.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." he assured, rubbing her (y/h/c) hair.
"It is now, but, Peter...I thought you were dead, waiting to be found in some alley somewhere. I was here, just waiting to get the call that my husband was dead." She angrily stammered between sobs.
Peter's heart shattered every time she cried, but this time was different: he was the reason she was crying.
"I'm so sorry," mumbled, "I'm okay. I'm in one piece. And I came back as soon as I got the chance, sweetheart."
She pulled back, peering up at him with pleading red-rimmed, tear filled (y/e/c) eyes. "What happened? Where were you, Pete?"
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with a boyish grin. "It's a long story. Let's get you breakfast and then we can talk about it."
Nodding, she gave him one last squeeze before sitting at their breakfast bar behind them. A few minutes later, breakfast was done, and Peter made her a big plate of her favorites. He could still see the remnants of tears on her face as he slid it in front of her.
"Aquí tienes, cebolla," he announces.
A smile grew on her previously distraught face, "That's a new one."
Laughing, she asked, "What did you make in our Spanish class, again?"
"I made a D."
"Yeah, that's what I thought, bug-boy. I ca-."
"Hey! You know you love me!" He interrupted.
"Yes, I do, but you just called me an onion, babe."
They both fell into a fit of laughter as he animatedly yelled, "Oops."
Once the laughter died down, Peter knew he owed her an explanation. "So," he began. "About yesterday..."
He stood up excitedly and began pacing in front of her in the kitchen. "You're not gonna believe it, (y/n/n). I was just out patrolling when all of a sudden, I looked around and I wasn't in New York anymore. Well, not our New York, at least."
Her face was painted with confusion as she spoke with a mouth full of breakfast. "Our New York?"
"Yeah," he responded breathily, "You know how we argued about the multiverse and all that stuff?" She nodded. "Well, I was right! I was somehow in another universe and happened to meet that world's (y/n) (y/l/n), and babe, she looked exactly like you did in high school. She was even dating that world's Spiderman, who also happened to be Peter Parker."
"Wow." She loved watching Peter talk about something he was passionate about, and there wasn't much that topped science in that category. Her anger was slowly dissipating as he continued to explain.
"Do you remember Doc Connors and Electro from high school?"
"How could I forget? They about killed me, Peter." She sassed.
"They were there, alive, somehow. There was also a third Peter that showed up, and his villains showed up too. We devised a way to save them but things didn't go exactly as planned. Everything went great 'til Goblin showed up."
She about choked on the pancake she was eating. "Harry was there?"
"No," he said sadly, "It was Peter 2's Goblin. But anyways, we made it through the bat-Oh! There was this wizard guy who held the multiverse together while we were fighting. It was pretty cool actually. He kind of just threw his ha-"
"Pete." she interrupted, silently teasing him for not staying on topic.
"Right. We fought, won, and I was back here in an instant, thanks to the wizard guy."
It was a lot to take in, and (y/n)'s brain was exploding with all the new information. "You're right. That is a lot." She stated, standing up to meet him in the kitchen.
His voice lowered to barely above a whisper. "I missed you and Ben, though. So much."
She roped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his soft brown hair. "We missed you, too. I really was worried. I didn't know if you were coming back to me."
Eyes fluttering closed at the soothing motion, he tenderly gripped her hips, closing the gap between them as their lips collided. Through the kiss, he mumbled against her sweet lips, "I'll always come back to you."
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- mads <3
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jin0 · 3 years ago
Andrew Has Babies On The Brain [Andrew Garfield]
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(gif is not mine, all credits go to the author)
Summary : Andrew seems to love seeing you pise in front of the camera's. What he'd love more, is to see you flaunt your beauty with a belly full of babies. And you might grand him just that.
Pairing : Andrew Garfield x Reader
Warning : Minors DNI, 18+ ONLY, smut, creampie, breeding kink, pussy job, pussy whipped Andrew, slight dubcon (you gotta squint), kinda subby andrew, cockdrunk/cum hungry reader, basically all filth and a little plot (i fought my own brain to find a storyline here, i swear i did), titty worship, kinda manhandling, oral (m and f receiving), handjob while driving (don't do it kids), fingering while driving, pet names, other stuff that i defo forgot so yeah
A/N : the way i wrote 10k of smut again ??? and i forgot the plot mid writing ?? i genuinely BATTLED to finish this thing
Andrew wasn’t the prideful type, ever. He was actually known for his self degrading ways that were turned more towards the funny side rather than the embarrassing one. Nevertheless, Andrew wasn’t the classic alpha, macho prideful type guy. He could dominate you if he wanted to and he definitely did, regularly but he never made it his mission to dominate you. Now, one thing he was proud of was you. You were his biggest pride and joy, truly everything to him. This would turn into regular possessiveness from him that would then turn into mind blowing sex with him fucking himself so deep in you, there was no way for you not to scream how much you were his.
You’d think, over time, he’d get used to how proud he was to be yours. It would make sense even more since he became your husband. You both married pretty young, right after you’d finished college. He was young and so in love for you, both sets of parents were terrified to even try and talk you out of it. The way you loved him was also like no other, your way of knowing everything about him and his mood before he did simply outstanding. You two completed each other like soulmates would and it wouldn’t be a reach to think you were, indeed, fated.
But to go back on his pride, you were his pride and joy, his everything and it became an even more blatant fact as he watched you pose in front of the cameras and paparazzis. The photographers were calling his name but he was looking at you and you only. Nothing other than the ease and comfort with which presented yourself to the people could bring such a smile on his face. His hand around your waist, you turned and posed for the people as if you were born for this and he couldn’t help it, that unhealthy, primal desire he had to scream in front of all these people that he was yours and you were his in more than a simple girlfriend and boyfriend way.
Because yes, you were married, but no one knew other than your close friends, family and the members of the cast (and by members of the cast, he meant the directors and Emma, the nosy intuitive girl that you both liked and who had walked in on Andrew calling you his wife). The public and the fans had no idea and you liked it that way.
Did this stop him from wanting to reveal it every time someone made a comment or hit on you or him ? No. The amount of time he held back from flaunting his wedding band in the faces of those flirting with him was astronomical and it even became a ridiculous running joke between you both that you’d never have to worry about losing him to someone else because he’d be the first to lose his shit and start a rant on how utterly perfect you were for him and the world.
No matter what he tried, his efforts to seem discreet when talking about you all seemed useless because his urges were always stronger than his will. These specific urges could never be contained when he saw you look so stupidly gorgeous in front of hundreds of cameras. The pride he felt seeing all these people look at you and you only had his heart swelling and beating out of control. He could see you, flaunting yourself in front of these camera’s and could only love you more, there was no vision better than this.
Except there was one thing that would make it better : a baby in your belly. Because yes, Andrew had babies on the brain. How could he not when everything you did made it impossible to not dream of a family with him ?
Coming home from the premier and the after party, you two were already all over each other. The car ride had been painfully long, too long to your liking as you tried not to cause an accident while your husband drove you back to your shared apartment. You’d been so aroused that he had to settle you with a hand nestled between your thighs, pumping his long fingers deep in your heated core and trying not to let his own aching erection drive you both into a tree.
In a desperate and dangerous attempt to relieve him, you’d offered your slick soaked panties to him, letting him moan your name in the piece of fabric while his knuckles turned white from his grip on the steering wheel. Your soft fingers wrapped around his thick girth, you pumped him vigorously, feeling your own release get close when you saw the pearly droplets of cum around slowly dripping out of his tip. The praises he chanted, his eyes tightly shut at every red light, made your head spin, feeling the urge to straddle him and ride him until your legs gave out under you was more than urgent.
How could you not want to watch your sweet pussy swallow his thickness and rip out nasty sounds of pleasure out of him soft lips ? He presented himself to you, unbridled desire exposed to the eyes of anyone who looked a little too close inside the car.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, we’re gonna have an accident sweetheart… Fuck, c-can’t cum just yet… You gotta let me park or wait but fuck, slow down… Can’t cum just yet…” He pleaded, his focus slipping out each time your manicured thumb rubbed the slit on the head of his cock.
Fuck, that exact move made him want to cum gallons all over you. He could see it, your sweet body, naked under his and covered in hid cum, just whining in pleasure as you begged for him to use you more. That exact type of thought was what made it impossible not to dream of you, belly full of his child, waddling about and calling out for his help a little more each passing day.
Your thighs tightening around his arm, you rode his fingers in slow hip rolls, digging the nails of your free hand into his suit covered skin.
“Andrew… Please, I need more… A-Ah, please baby… Can’t wait too long, gotta cum… Please baby, let me cum…” You cried out, biting your lip and swallowing your desire to stuff him deep in your throat.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Baby, I’m begging you, please, can’t risk it bunny… I know you feel good, god I can feel it… Pussy’s clenching around my fingers…but you gotta wait, when we get home, I’ll have you cum all over me… I’ll get you full too, so full you’ll be leaking for days, I’ll keep your pussy messy with my cum...”
“Oh, Andrew… Fuck, can feel it… Your cum… Want it inside… Wanna be full and dripping… Keep me full until I can’t walk anymore… Until I get all heavy and pregnant with your babies…” You mewled, rolling your hips on his and using his hand for pleasure.
In this exact moment, he pressed on the gas harder than ever, desperate to get home a’d get to work. He needed to get you all set up for that, he needed to get you prepared for what he was going to do to you. Fuck, this would be messy.
“Shit… Fuck, baby you gotta wait okay ? For me ? Wait a little, just a little… Fucking hell bunny, you’re so wet, so, so wet… Need to taste you or I’m going to lose it… Pretty pussy’s dripping all around my fingers… Imagine how much you’d be dripping around my cock ? All that sweet juice, can’t let it go to waste… Need it around me… Needa have you dripping on my tongue…” He mused, already daydreaming about the things he’d do to you once you were home.
He was frantically driving, mind jumping between a thousand thoughts, all directed towards you and you only. The small puddle that formed inside your dress and soaked it wet had his stomach tightening in desire, balls full and ready to spill and get you as dirty as you needed to be.
When you both arrived home, he was jumping out of his car, running to your side and pulling you out to carry you in his arms. Your thighs wrapped around his waist and your arms his neck, your fingers slid into his messy hair and pulled on the roots tightly. You could feel the bulge pulsating under you, all warm and soaked with your slick as you moved at the best of your capacities to rub yourself on his thick bulge.
You’d been moaning loudly into his mouth, a little louder each time his hands lowered on your skin. You squirmed and whimpered when his fingers grazed dangerously close to your dripping folds ready to part open as soon as you felt his digits near.
Your clothes, as fancy as they were, were thrown to the side and long forgotten when both your naked bodies, arousal so visible on your husband’s body when you looked down. You could see him, every piece of what you’d done to him. The thick, pulsating girth that throbbed over his stomach, needing all the attention you could give.
When his hand firmly gripped on his sac, desperately seeking to relieve the pain he was feeling, you were ready to drop to your knees and make use of your mouth. He looked magnificent, as exposed as he was on his first day on Earth, his deep brown eyes piercing holes in your skin as he dreamt of the things he’d do to you and the sounds you’d make in return. You could only submit to his will, down on your knees and ready to take whatever treatment he’d give you. In this moment, you were only a sweet meal ready to be devoured and enjoyed fully.
If you’d seen the state of his mind as soon as his hands took hold of your waist, you’d understand why each of your words fell into a deaf ear, heard but ignored or taken for sounds of pleasure (which they were). He could only hear you beg while his tongue worked hard to bring you to heights of pleasure you’d never reached before. Feeling him all around your body, your own mind was so bent, you were certain that your cells had taken his DNA and made it home in your mind. He was turning you into a vessel of his mindless, arousal fueled acts.
His fingers, added to the mix, spreading your walls wide and making your body feel like it was repeatedly being split in two, you bit down on the fabric of the bedsheets and tried to contain the amount if your own spit you choked on each time he’d go back into your tight, warm hole and press into your flesh as if he had a mission to fulfill towards your insides.
For what felt like hours, turned into different positions, all as mind numbing as the previous , you took and took and took, practically losing your capacity to speak a word that wasn’t a praise to the wonders he’d do to you. His name sounded like the only thing on your mind and it wouldn’t be wrong to see it that way, his entire being nestled so deeply inside you while you rode his face desperately.
Fuck, you looked so divine above him, makeup pouring off of your face because of the tears you’d shed every time he’d fuck his warm tongue into you and through an orgasm that would have your entire body shaking and your legs too weak to even stand. You looked like a goddess taken out of some ancient mythology, brought back to the human world to feel his love and let him serve you pleasure and happiness on a platter.
Your walls were so wet, he felt the slick run down his face, mixing with the loads of cum he dropped inside your dripping cunt earlier. He could still vividly see the way you squirmed while he straddled you, his hand firm around his cock. He’d made a mess of your pussy and admiring your body take it all willingly. You looked made for this, to carry around his seed and have it grow inside you.
After hours of sucking your insides and ripping orgasms that had your vision blurry and your belly tingling in anticipation, you had pleaded to please him a little. This was his night after all, the outing that started it all was in his honor and you ached to please the man you loved.
Pleasing him you did in more ways than you could even think of, the simple vision of you was enough to break him down to pieces, tearing him apart and putting him back together, hungry for a taste of you. His eyes scanned your entire body, watching you with both love and desire as you knelt obediently between his parted thighs. His muscles were tense under your soft fingers. He inhaled a sharp breath when they neared his balls, so full and veiny, ready to be emptied on your skin.
“See that Bunny… See how hard I get for you ? Felt so fucking needy the whole day, cock so full. Can’t keep it all to myself, you know ? Gotta get you messy all over, you’re still so clean, too fucking clean.” He grunted, pumping his glistening shaft in his fingers.
The golden wedding band he slipped on as soon as he laid you on the bed, fucked out to perfection and whimpering his name, was glowing under the light inside the room. He had made incredibly good use of his fingers, spreading them inside you while your beautiful hand stroke his cock. He could barely see straight, his vision blurred by clouds made of the sweet scent of your cum drenching his face. His need to taste you before he stuffed you full never ceased to amaze you.
Riding on nothing, you whined shamelessly when the cold air came to torture your dripping folds. Your soft lips wrapped around small pieces of skin on your husband’s thighs and bit his skin, closer and closer to his sac, until you reached it. Your mouth opening wide, you swallowed the lump of skin, sucking onto it and rubbing your tits on his knees, you cried out when you couldn’t reach the amount of pleasure you were looking for.
Your brain settled for taking the matter into your own hands, grabbing on your flesh and kneading your breast vigorously while you pushed his legs further apart, needing to have a mouth full of his balls.
If you could see the way you looked, dreamy as ever, trying to stuff your narrow throat with his balls while his cock rested lazily on your face. You rubbed your nose all along the shaft, greedy to feel the entirety of him inside your mouth but too small and stupid to have him fit of think of the right way to make it work.
“Andrew… G-God Andrew, can’t… Can’t make it work… Needa make it work… Too big baby, cock’s too big, I can’t get it to fit…” You moaned, small tears forming in the corner of your eyes in frustration and cock hungry desire.
His poor bunny girl, couldn’t even use her dumb brain to get her mouth stuffed like she wanted. Sliding his palm around the back of her neck, he pulled you back, smiling when you whimpered loudly at the loss of contact.
“Shhh baby, calm down bunny. Can’t think of a way to get your pretty mouth full huh ? Need all the help in the world to have my cock all the way down to your pretty throat ?” He cooed, looking down on you with true tenderness, the kind he reserved to you only. Grazing the front of your throat, he pressed into it, chuckling when you let out a small gasp that he felt vibrate through your skin. “Bet you’ll fell me all the way here. Pretty sure I’ll even see myself in there. What do you think Bunny ?”
As soon as the last word escaped his mouth, you opened yours wide. Good girl, perfect wife you were. He thanked all the deities up in the sky as he grabbed him and slowly entered your mouth. He slid down into you, never going faster to give you time to breath but fuck was it difficult. He wasn’t wrong, he could see the bulbous tip of his cock show throw your esophagus. You looked completely out of it, probably due to the loss of oxygen and the feeling of his tongue filling you up so nicely already.
You could never get used to his size when inside you, too big to fit but always so eager to try. It was heaven on earth to feel the creamy substance drip down your throat already. So much cum that had been wasted on his stomach or on your back while you sat on his face. All of it, you needed a little bit on your tongue.
Sitting back down and guiding your face towards his hips, he cradled your cheek with a loving smile and let you work on pleasuring him and you both. He could practically smell it, your slick pouring onti the floor and down your inner thighs. Your twitching pussy was just as desperate to be filled as you were.
You quickly picked up the pace, digging your nails in his thighs and holding onto him while you fucked your own face on his cock, the obscene sounds of dripping drool and his balls slapping against your chin fueling you with arousal. This was the duty you’d chosen, stuffing your throat full of his cock and letting your pussy rest after hours of abuse. Your senses were overwhelmed by the salty aftertaste he left in your mouth at each drag of your tongue on his shaft.
Every vein, every bump, every parcel of skin a little thicker that the rest, you felt it all, your blood travel to your heart and making it beat so fast you could feel the beating in your cunt. You could barely breath but it was all worth it, everything was worth seeing him lose himself into you. His entire body was tense, chest flexed and neck extended to throw his head back, all in hope to not cum as soon as his eyes would lay on you.
He couldn’t resist it, the vision of your cum stained face, hungrily sucking him dry and milking his cock to perfection. He’d have you belly full enough to satisfy your hunger, that he promised it. His balls swelling up with more cum, he smiled down at you, feeling that same pride he felt earlier spread through his entire being.
“Fuck… Look at you Bunny, pretty little Bunny you are. With a pretty ring on her finger and a pussy dripping sweet, sweet, heavenly juice just for me. Keep moaning like that baby, keep ruining my dick with that pretty throat. Yeah, fuck, a-aaah… Fuck… That mouth is to die for Bunny. Could spend my whole life in there.” He moaned loudly, guiding your head on his girth as he rolled his hips against your lips.
Fuck, he was so happy to be your husband. Only him could get this treatment, your beautiful face all flushed and messy with tears, cum and drool dripping everywhere. You stayed consistent, raising yourself higher on your knees and resting your chest on his thighs. Your fingers ran up his leg to lay on his stomach for a few seconds before he grabbed your hands hastily. He felt like he was falling, his body was deprived of sensations that wouldn’t have him spinning. The knot that formed at the bottom of his stomach, building up each time you’d moan around his member kept his feet shaking and his hands tightening around the back of your neck.
“A-Ah, fuck, Bunny you’re doing so good… Treating me like your last meal baby… Fuck, good girl, sucking me so well…" He muttered, eyes fixated on you while he met your own movement and pushed his hips on your mouth.
You swallowed hard, letting all the liquids in your mouth descend into your stomach and let him slip out slowly. Your eyes never left his face, only closing when your own pussy would make the vision too much for you. Running a hand down your stomach, you twirled your thumb on your clit, crying out around the tip of him cock. Your tongue lapped on the head, hands wrapped around the base, and you softly sucked on the slit.
“A-Andrew… P-Please baby… Need your cum…” You mumbled, dropping tender kisses all around the man’s swollen cock.
This had been all that was needed for him to spill out into your mouth and all over your face. His deep voice resonated into the room, probably echoing all the way down the stairs. With a tight grip, he pushed you to swallow him one last time, which you did eagerly, letting his cum spread inside your mouth and down your throat.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you pushed your palm on your stomach, a warmth enveloping your insides when you felt his seed fill you up. Your hunger satiated and your brained filled up with bright clouds of happiness and true pleasure, you swallowed each and every drop he pored down your into you.
The taste and smell of arousal shook your body and swarmed your sensitive clit with desire. Letting him slip out of your warm mouth, you stared at his manhood still hard and standing straight, painfully begging for what he really craved the whole night. You could see it in his eyes, the way he’d been eyeing you since you got on your knees, hell, since you crossed the door.
Standing up on trembling legs, you reached down to stroke your clit and run your fingers through your folds. As soon as your as met his thighs, he gritted his teeth, grabbing two handfuls and pushing your flesh on his. The feeling of your wetness dripping on his skin had his mouth salivating, drooling shamelessly in front of you. But when you moved to sit on his lower stomach, his cock resting nicely on your backside, he knew he would be cumming again very soon.
“Aah… Ah, Andrew… Fuck, if you could feel how full you got my stomach baby… Feel so, so full… Can you feel it ? Look…” You urged, grabbing his hand to place it over the small part of your stomach that had swelled.
“Fuck Bunny… Fuck, that’s me in there… My cum got your stomach so nice… Got so cum hungry, I couldn’t keep it to myself… Had to much to offer you Bunny… So much cum to keep you satisfied…” He moaned, a fucked out smile stretching his lips.
He leaned towards you, needing to feel your lips on his. When his face neared yours, he quickly pushed his tongue into your mouth. He was getting drunk on the taste of his own cum on your tongue. You, yourself, could cum instantly when the distinct taste of your own slick mixed with your saliva. Kissing loudly and messily, your hands roamed his body while his stayed around your hips, guiding them back and forth to coat his cock with the slick that dripped out of you.
You rode his shaft, teasing another orgasm out of the both of you and feeding on the pleas that escaped him. He needed you, deeply and so, so desperately. He watched you rub your pussy with your fingers but never truly pushing them inside you. Your just play with your folds, letting him rest on his thirst for more. He wanted to see you pleasure yourself, fuck your pretty cunt with your fingers and moans into his ears how good it felt. He wanted you to use him like he loved to see you do.
“F-Fuck baby, please… Fuck Bunny, don’t keep me waiting… Please, let me see these pretty fingers spread inside you… Please you gotta let me see you fuck yourself over me… Please Bunny, please…” He groaned, rubbing his nose on your cheek and kissing you passionately.
You stayed quiet, only moaning his name while slowing down on his cock. Glistening under the lights, he watched you coat him wet of your juices and use him like some inanimate object that was good only for your pleasure. That’s who he was, an object in your hands, ready to be used over and over again, until he hand nothing more to give, until he was cumming dry, crying for you to let him rest.
Observing him with lust clouding your vision, you bit your lips in desire, this man was so desperate for you, it filled you with an unhealthy pride and need to bring him to his knees, exactly like he wanted. You took out your fingers from your cunt and away from your clit before shoving them in his mouth when you felt your orgasm come.
White light wrapped around you and blinded you to everything around when his warm seed shot out of him and on your back. Moving just enough to hover above the tip of his cock, he watched in awe as you spread your pussy open and let his cum shoot up directly into your warm heat.
This had to be a dream, taken straight out of his deepest, darkest fantasies. He couldn’t believe it. His wife, the woman who owned him, mind, body and soul, was right there, opening her magnificent pussy to let him fill her up just right. She was so desperate for his cum, crying out the wonders of the creamy substance that covered her insides, that she was ready to let herself be covered in that manner. She couldn’t be real, not to him, she had to be made straight out of his imagination or his dreams. She was too perfect in his eyes to be.
The only way for her to ever be more perfect would be while carrying a heavy womb, filled with children you’d make together.
In that instant, it could be doubted how absolutely pussy whipped he’d looked and how worst he turned in a matter of seconds. That singular act of you getting yourself messy with his cum cemented in his mind, the need for him to fuck a baby into you, or two, however many you’d want. He just knew he had to or he would die on the spot, his balls exploding with the overload of cum he kept inside of him. It was too much to bear, keeping his need to fuck you silly at bay had his mind melting into a puddle straight into his dick.
When you grabbed him tightly in your hand, he had to move, do something. He couldn’t keep dreaming awake, begging for you to sink him deep into your channel. His head hung loosely in front of yours, letting you guide his tip towards your clit and nudge it so slowly, his heart could stop beating if he didn’t feel you come all around him. His grip on the edge of the seat was iron tight, his nails digging into the leather that stuck to his skin and burned him like hellfire itself.
“See that baby ? Feel how warm my pussy get’s for you ?” You purred against his forehead, rubbing your nose on the crown of his head and trying to move him to look up and into your eyes. You knew he couldn’t, not when he was this overstimulated.
“Yeah Bunny… Yeah I feel that… Fuck, yeah I feel my pretty pussy… Fuck, I need her… Need her so bad…” He cried, pushing his face towards you and pursing his lips to kiss your tenderly.
The softness of the act, probably meant to soften you up, only pushed you away from the idea of stopping the torture you inflicted him. This soft bubble of love that pour around you when his arm wrapped around your waist made your belly tingle and your mind grow hazy.
“God I’m so wet, it’s dripping everywhere… Getting you all messy… I’m sorry baby, so sorry… Can’t help it… Just feels so good to have you in my mouth… You taste so good baby… You cock felt so nice in my mouth… So full and creamy…” You whined into his mouth, swallowing his moans and sucking on his lip.
His hips started moving on their own, jerking into the tender skin of your hand and pulling another load out of him. This one he needed to see it inside you, he needed to get your insides messy with it. The guttural need he had to kiss you was what lowered your guard, giving him the opportunity to reach for what he truly wanted from you.
His warm palm cupping your jaw, he pressed it open allowing himself another taste of you, your delicious sweetness as addictive as drugs would be. He couldn’t resist it, your lips so supple, warm and inviting. All of you was designed to break him and turn him inside out. His cock twitched as soon as he got to feel your tongue on his.
“God, you taste so good Bunny, so fucking good… Can’t get enough of that pretty mouth…” He muttered, leaning towards you and slowly taking back the power from you.
Softly grabbing your wrist, he moved it at a slower pace. He needed to cum inside you, he needed to know that you could feel inside you what was yours, he needed to give it all to you. The frantic look on his face was to die for, a testimony of his eagerness to get inside you as soon as possible. Before he broke right into the palm of your hands.
When he reached for you clit, stroking it delicately, your own thighs started to shake all over again. That sensation of your body pushing itself to the limits to grant him a proof of your pleasure and your love, the things he did to you.
Too drunk on pleasure, you gave in, letting him take your hands off of his cock and hold them instead. He pulled them to your back, kissing you deeper than before while his thumb kept on stroking your sensitive clit. Your swollen folds bare on his skin, his thighs were directly drenched by your wetness. He could feel your insides, pulsating on his muscle and unabashedly using him to reach your own high. You worked yourself on him, ignoring his subtle attempt at nudging your entrance open for his tip.
You pulled away to breath, inhaling a big ball of oxygen and letting it fill your lungs. You hadn’t breathed in a while it seems because as soon as you opened your eyes, your blurry vision noticed your husband smearing the little drops of cum on his tip all over your sensitive bud. His soft eyes laid on you, drinking in your sigh.
“A-Ah… Ah, Andrew… God, Andrew I can’t… Pussy’s too sensitive… Can’t do this, please baby, not yet…” You begged, holding on his shoulders and dragging your nails down to scratch his skin.
His mouth quickly shut you up, covering yours for another passionate kiss. Your lips were warm and sweet, tasting like honey straight from the hive. You were the sweetest honey ever, he could feel the cavities already. Nothing could compare to the sweet taste of you.
His mind wandered in deeper holes when his lips lowered to kiss your cheek, your chin and bite pieces of your neck. He sucked on them long enough before repeating the motion elsewhere, until your skin was entirely covered. He pulled you to hos chest with the arm that still held your hands behind you and stuffed his nose in your breast, deeply turned on by the two swaying in his face.
He wanted to chuckle at the idea of being turned on. He had clearly gone stupid, his brain softly crumbling all over his cranium and proving yet again that he simply could never express entirely how good he felt every time he had your body exposed in front of his. His vocabulary shortened as his cock got harder, all his neurons disappearing when you came in.
“Fuck… Fuck baby, I can’t… Can’t keep it in, gonna cum Bunny… I need to cum inside you… Please Bunny, lemme get you all messy and full…” He pleaded, pressing the bulbous tip of his cock into your heated core.
You shook your head, too sensitive to survive his cock spreading inside you.
“N-No… Please baby, not yet… Can’t handle it…” You whimpered, your hips stuttering when you felt his caress on your clit with the tender head of his cock.
He couldn’t stop himself anymore, his tip well placed on you. He couldn’t even try and think of a way out, his body working on autopilot to nestle himself slowly In the comfort of your warm walls. Feeling your juices spread on his tip, dripping over him to perfection, he could only give into his urges.
“Oh god, oh fuck ! Oh fuck, fuck, baby fuck… It’s going in Bunny, I’m putting it in… Fuck…” He moans, pushing inside you and biting back a pained gasp, feel the overwhelming tightness if your walls swallow him whole and suck in his next orgasm.
His lips stayed on your, whispering yeses softly while you whined no repeatedly, begging for him to not enter you as you wouldn’t be able to take it. You were too sensitive, too raw to be able to take it, to be able to handle his width breaking you down from the inside. But it felt so good, feeling him slowly invade you had your breath caught in your throat.
You tried to refuse him, laying your hands flat on his chest and pushing softly with teary eyes while he kept you close. His large hand held your nape and kissed the side of your face tenderly, his breath fanning your warm skin and hitting your ear. You could hear his raged breath, the internal fight that he was living, too sensitive to himself handle your pussy but his entire being desperate enough to try. He needed to try, he needed to have you wrapped around him, and then, he’d fulfill his mission.
“’M sorry Bunny, so sorry, fuck… Your pussy… Feels too good… Can’t stop, I’m so sorry… You forgive me huh ? Please, f-fuck, tell me you forgive me… Please, can’t survive it… Fuck…” His voice sounded so strained, as if there was more in him that he was holding back.
You didn’t know whether or not he was telling you that he couldn’t survive you being angry at him or if he was saying he couldn’t survive your pussy but either you’d take and enjoy thoroughly. Either was perfect, the sheer desperation in his voice enough to fuel your ego and have you drench the plush head of his cock with slick.
“A-Andrew… Ah, please… W-We… can’t… Please… Please Andrew… Can’t do it anymore… Can’t baby…”
“Yeah you can baby… Look,” His hand caressed your cheek to lower to your jaw and move your head to see the part of you both that joined. Your pretty cunt, wide open and spreading even wider for him, it was happening. “You’re doing it… You’re taking me whole Bunny, so much of me…”
In a few more movement, whispering soothing words to calm down your quivering thighs, he fully penetrated you, buried to the hilt and your pulsating walls vibrating on his sac. He felt pure relief travel through his being and through yours too. He was fully merged with you, a connection that transcended the human level of anything.
His heartbeat as fast as the motor of a sports car or a rocket ship, he pressed you down on his thighs as hard as his muscles allowed without hurting you. Hurting you was the last thing he wanted, unless you asked from him to do so. Right now, all he desired was to tenderly let his every cell soak into the pleasuring and delicious taste of you, starting from your center.
Your own hands reached and searched for him, the brain shattering orgasm teasing it’s arrival a little more at each beat of his heart inside his member. You both shared the same feeling of being merged together, two hearts beating in one commune body. This would be as close as you’d get to sharing a body, and seeing how codependent you both seemed to be when being intimate, it was probably for the best.
Your nails dug deep in the flesh of his back when your body was moved to be fully pressed to his chest. He caressed the side of your neck and tilted your head to the side, exposing your flexed muscles, tender and sensitive to his expert touch. He knew everything there was to know about pleasure and giving it to you. There was no need to try and escape him, not when he knew how to get you to be perfectly softened and pliant in his hands.
“Feel that Bunny ? Feel my cock ? How desperate it’s been for that pussy of yours ? You feel how nice it’s sitting inside you ? Feels perfect don’t it Bunny ?” He whispered, sucking on the veins of your neck that showed.
You mewled softly on top of him, your walls suckling on his shaft and searching for more cum to drench your insides with. Overwhelmed by his size and the softness of his touch on your naked skin, you let yourself be guided by his large hands. He took his time getting you settled, tenderly caressing your back before moving his hips in slow circles.
The small sounds of pleasure you let out directly in his ear had his heart hammering harder against his ribcage. You were so responsive to him, so good, perfect even. The slight movement of your own hips synced in with his to meet his thrust had blood rushing down his veins straight into his cock. This was perfect, you were perfect, he’d never cease to say it, think it, feel it.
Seconds turned into minutes and the pace shifted to a quicker one, your walls tightening around him and making it harder to not cup on the spot. It had been difficult for him to keep it in this whole time, the amount of times he avoided cumming in his pants today being absolutely brain shattering. This effect you had on him, bringing him down to the same level of restraint that a teenager, he was baffled that he managed to hold on this long without cumming more.
Slowly loosing the tenderness and self control he had earlier, he quickly accelerated his movements inside you, and showing more force towards you. You moved like a doll on top of him, dependent on his desires and the way he wanted things to go. His hands, still tight around you, descended towards your hips, holding them firmly before letting his fingers crawl towards your ass that he gripped with passion.
His hold on you was desperate, attempting to hold your whole being in one go and attempting to bring you an overwhelming amount of pleasure as soon as he could. Guiding you from there, he pushed you down, your pussy pressed on his lower stomach and on his sac, he pushed into you repeatedly. You swung your arms around his shoulders and held onto him for support.
“-A-Ah ! Oh fuck, Andrew ! Fuck, t-this… this… F-Feels too good ! Please baby, please Andrew keep going ! God, cock feel so good !” You sobbed loudly, mouth open and breathing hard on his cheek.
Fucking into you as if it was his only task, you could feel the bruises form on your ass, the death grip he held on you, marking his ownership to you. Because he’d never say it out loud or even think it, but you knew better. You had no reason to lie to yourself when you body screamed it regularly : he owned you. Beyond the legal papers that stated that you both were bounded by matrimony and all that shit, even before that. He owned you, mind, body and soul. And the same way he owned you, you owned him.
“Fuck ! God, oh God ! Andrew, m-more ! Please… More, please ! G-Gimme more !” You cried out, the words tumbling out of your mouth in a incoherent string of sounds. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck ! P-Please, baby… Please don’t stop ! So, so fucking good ! Cummin’, I’m cummin’ baby !”
The obscene sounds of your thighs slapping against his while he controlled your movements on top of his large body resonated around the room. These were one of the moments where you’d be thankful for his fame, avoiding the embarrassing explanations and apologies you’d give your neighbors for your loud cries echoing all through the floor.
The vivid sounds of your pussy being repeatedly slapped by his balls only drive him to slam you down on him harder, searching for you both to be the only things that could be heard. His balls meeting your cunt, over and over and over, your wetness dripped down your inner thighs and drowned his senses, as if calibrated to smell you. The overwhelming sweetness of your juices and you scent mixed with the taste of you still on his tongue, he was still covered entirely in you.
His thrust were violent into you, making the seat rock back and forth before it fell when he abruptly stood up, your thighs held firmly in his hands. He was rough, fucking what was probably been hours of restraint and control over his urge to fuck you senseless.
Traveling to the bed, you were unceremoniously dropped on the mattress and your legs were parted open as far as the could reach to not only grant him more access but open the window to the beautiful vision of your swollen cunt taking his fat cock like a charm and begging for more. Greedy you were, sucking him dry and keeping you full.
Your husband slowed down to observed, mercerized by the vision of your insides deformed around the tip of his cock. He could see the faint shape of his cock show through your lower stomach and felt his balls tighten, full and ready to get you full.
“F-Fuck Bunny… Can’t keep going pretty… Gotta get you full, put a baby in there… Look,” He motioned for you to look down, towards your stomach, changing and molding to the will of his girth. He smirked when seeing how blissed out you got as soon as you saw what he wanted you to see. “See that ? I Can get it So warm and full, so pretty too… We can get a pretty baby in there Bunny, get you heavy and waddling all around in front of the cameras…”
The grunts of pleasure coming out of him made your head spin, you felt small and dominated by his primal acts, the desire to be filled coursing through your veins as if you yourself had a mission to fulfill. You needed to feel him inside you for hours, days even. You needed to cradle your stomach and feel the round shape understand your fingers. You needed to let him see for himself how greedy you could get with your hormones all over the place. You wanted Andrew to fuck you full and keep doing so even when your womb would already be occupied by the seed he’d planted inside you.
You wrapped your legs tightly around him and pulled him closer, reaching out to his and scratching the base of his stomach in a pathetic wiggle to get him deeper inside you.
“A-Andrew… Andrew please… Please, please, please, gimme one… Want a baby, please Andrew… Wanna be full, so full I can’t do anything without you… Oh God, oh God, oh fuck ! Want you to fuck my tits full of milk for our baby, please Andrew, please… I need it, gimme a baby !” You wailed, looking at him with blurry eyes.
You couldn’t see yourself right now, you definitely couldn’t but if you had been able too, you’d understand why he was so hard right now. Cumming once wouldn’t be enough, that was for sure, but that was fine. He’d make sure to get you fuller than ever before. You already looked like you’d been pushed to the brink of insanity, but when he’d be done with you, you’d look truly out of your mind.
Slamming his hips harder into you and watching your ass bounce against his skin, he bent down to catch you nipples between his lips. He sucked on both with hunger shining in his eyes, the kind that he only showed when he’d be granted the privilege of tasting your sweet, honey and vanilla scented skin. He let go of your flesh in an obscene plop that resonated in your ears and made your insides twitch. You let go of the sheets and ran your hands through his hair to push him into your chest when he caught your second nipple and repeated the act. You arched your back, giving him access to more places to suck on while you rolled your hips against his, meeting his thrusts.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck ! God, Andrew, can’t keep it in ! Baby, cummin', cummin', Andrew I’m cumming ! Feels so, so good !” You screamed into his mouth when he covered your for a kiss before leaning his forehead against yours. The sudden intimacy had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
His thumb lowered to your sensitive bud, rubbing circles around it as the head of his cock plowed into your cervix. The swollen skin of your clit tingled on his fingers, giving him the response he wanted. You cried louder when in a quick change of position, he hammered into you while pulling on your ankles to slam you against his cock and strike into your deepest part.
Messy hair, drool dripping from the side of his mouth and looking wrecked inside and outside, he watched you scream his name as loud as your vocal cords allowed, cumming all around his cock and drenching the soft sheets under you. He’d never see you cum this hard before but it kept going, his own release flowing over you and making your poor helpless figure tremble harder. Your legs locked him in place inside you, shaking hard but staying strong around his waist.
He was fascinated by how cum hungry your pussy was, so tight around his waist, he felt like his seed was being syphoned out of him. He couldn’t move or this rationally either, a wreck, he was a wreck above you. His eyes clouded by more than desire, they were clouded by devotion to you. He’d made you a promise and he was doing a very good job keeping it. There was no place for doubts or suspicions here, his confidence in his capacities to put a baby in you by the end of the night was at a 100%.
Pulling out of you, he watch your swollen cunt quiver and drip out pearly drops of cum, watching it sip in and out of your folds. His eyes couldn’t get away from the mess you had both made on your pussy, watching it coat your skin and the bed in a pretty white puddle.
His hands started moving on their own, grabbing his cock, still hard and raised high over your shaking figure, and rubbing the plush head between your folds, smearing his cum all over you. Your eyes, red and swollen from the tears you’d shed earlier and all while he fucked you senseless, watered all over again. You were too raw to handle this kind of teasing from him.
“Ah… No… A-Andrew… Andrew please… Can’t… Can’t take more…” You mewled, your head spinning and your eyes rolling when your felt him tease your clit with the slit of his cock.
You bit your lips hard, trying to contain yourself from squirting all over him, your previous orgasm still too fresh to handle that kind of torture. Poor Bunny was too sensitive, too overwhelmed. He’d help you cool down before filling you up all over again. Crawling on top of you, he straddled you and presented his cock to you, letting it rest on top of your nose and smiling when you crossed your eyes to see it before raising a timid glance at him.
“Go on Bunny… Taste us before I get back to her. You know that after this you won’t get to think rationally or at all. So taste us before you get all stupid and giggly on cock.”
His words could’ve been a request but your pussy was doing the thinking for you, and what an obedient girl she was, thoughtless and only ever needing him to be satisfied. You’d let her get you in so much trouble before and here she was again, doing her usual number and still winning. You laid your hand on his thighs and suckled on the tip of his cock, feeling your insides warm all over again and ready themselves for more of this to cum very soon. He took away his cock and leaned down over you, kissing the tip of your nose before kissing your lips and making sure to get a taste of you both. This would be a long night for you both.
For hours, the sound of wet skin slapping against each other, leaving your flesh tender and sensitive to the soft touch of the air, resonated around the room. You’d both been cumming all over the other, leaving more than a trace of you or more than a simple mark on the other.
His cock hitting the perfect places inside you, what you’d remember was his grip on your body and the ways he’d fuck your brains out while whispering the sweetest words there was. You both needed each other in this moment but he was supporting you. You were a wreck in his arms but he was holding you steady on top of him. This last position he’d chosen was more of a way to come down the violent highs you’d been through already.
He kept you sitting on his lap, his chin on your shoulder, a hand holding your breasts and kneading it vigorously while the other arm wrapped around your stomach and caressed the small bulge left by the amount of cum you’d swallowed and he’d poured into your womb. You were falling asleep in his arms, his girth still deeply nestled inside you and twitching from time to time. He had you bouncing in this position earlier but now he wanted to bring you back to a calmer state of mind.
Kissing your skin tenderly, he rocked you from side to side, his deep voice whispering the things he’d been thinking of the whole night.
“If this takes Bunny… You’ll look so divine, can’t even handle the thought of it… Your belly will be so pretty, all round and swollen… And I’ll carry you everywhere, no more walking for you. Fuck, we’ll drive wherever you want and get you all the things you ask for little baby…”
You chuckled softly, caressing his hand over your stomach.
“How do you know there’s a baby already ?” You wondered, looking at him through hooded eyes.
It was his turn to chuckle, kissing your cheek, nose and lips tenderly. You were more than beautiful in these moments, you were one of the wonders hidden by the world and given to him to protect and worship. He was yours to love and adore and these moments proved more than anything else, how deeply you yearned for each other.
His palm was firm on your stomach, cradling whatever was in there now. He could feel it in his soul and so could you, the tender flesh above your uterus feeling warmer than ever and so welcoming. You’d discussed a baby before and you wanted to have some with him but both your careers were taking off and you deserved to settle down and enjoy the married life before. So you kept your wishes to yourself. But here you were, in sync with each other and desiring the same thing.
“I know that there’s something in there because of my fatherly instinct. And no matter what, we’ll put in the work to make sure we get our little us in a few months.” He moved his hips against your ass slowly, ready to get back to it just to make sure. “We’re going to get us a little baby, adorable little one looking exactly like you to run around and steal my heart all over again. I’ll be outnumbered but it’s fine, it’s a battle I’m ready to lose.”
The laugh that echoed in the room made his heart jump, ready to leap out of his chest. You sounded so happy, he could barely contain the love he felt, and the image of another little you just made him die inside.
“We’re going to start a revolution in this house Garfield. Me and little us, we’re going to win this house and make you our servant.” You chuckled, kissing his forehead tenderly and his lips out of habit.
“This sounds like a great time to me Bun Bun…” He responded, his eyes focused on your lips. He bit his own, hungry for kisses and soft caresses from you. “But let’s make sure you get you little ally first okay, can’t risk you not winning this war can we ?”
Yeah, you both already saw it, the red carpets with a full belly to present the world and a future war to begin. That was the dream.
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dailyreverie · 2 years ago
My beautiful, my wonderful, my amazing Jul🥰
I’m so happy you’re getting back to writing again! 🥰
Please may I request:
75: standing on your tippy toes, frustrated you can't reach your lover's lips
With Andrew’s Spidey please ☺️🕷️ tall boyfriend & short girlfriend cliche coming in hot 🥺🥺
A/N: Li!!! Surprise, I'm your secret santa! MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS!!! (and sorry I was so late!) This was a whole journey since I really wanted to gift you some enemies to lovers and I've actually never done that before lol if you only knew how many plots and characters went through, and then you requested this and I was finally illuminated my the gods (aka Andrew Garfield mostly). I really really hope you like it! Also, thanks to my lovely wife @nadja-antipaxos for being an amazing beta!!
Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 1.4 k
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Could you call Peter Parker your enemy, when all he does is make your heart feel like it was going to come out of your chest with pure rage? Yes, yes you can. Peter Parker is your sworn enemy ever since he stepped into your class all those semesters ago and decided to take your spot as the top student.
He outsmarts you, every single time, in every class, and every chance he gets; you even have come to the conclusion that he’s only waiting for you to let him show how much better than you he is, the tiniest opportunity to hold on to make it about himself. Everything is a competition when it comes to your rivalry with Peter. You are sure your whole class hates you both by now since you both end up in debates in every class trying to beat the other one round after round of fact-dropping.
And yet he’s so nice, so flawlessly and naturally nice. Always sending you a smile and a wave when you cross each other in the halls, with his perfectly messed-up hair, his soft shirts, and his always sleepy brown eyes. You loathe him.
It's only natural that you would end up being stuck on a project together, working on it forcing you to spend a whole afternoon together as you try and decide whose idea to use; which book to use, what font color, which argument was better, anything and everything ending in at least 10 minutes of going back and forth.
It is when you are on minute 12 deciding whether to use the book you want or the website he found for your research, going back and forth when you get tired of it. You can’t stand it anymore. “Choose whatever you want then, I’m done.” You stand up from the table, grab your bag, and walking away. 
“Oh, come on! Where are you going?”
“To the roof.” You admit with your back already to him, as if going to the roof was nothing, just as it was for him. 
Peter sees you go with just a chuckle. “Have fun!” He says when your back is all he sees on the distant horizon. Because you won't take long, right? You only needed some fresh air, he guesses.
But minutes go by and you don’t come down, minutes that turn into almost an hour, and with that, the cold winter evening starts to roll around all while your jacket is hanging on the back of your chair. Peter hates to admit it, but his leg keeps bouncing faster with every minute that goes by and you don’t come back. Could you still be up there on the roof? Were you really five floors high sitting there all by yourself?
You were ridiculous, storming out like that. Yes, ridiculous, and Peter has to remind himself that, because suddenly the idea of you out there, up there, completely alone on a New York City rooftop fills his body with a hollow feeling.
He mumbles a curse after a couple more minutes when his hands were already tugging at his hair. Damn you, spidey sense. He storms off, jacket in hand and feet almost sprinting through every floor he goes up.
Quiet meets him when he reaches the roof, and indeed, there you are leaning against the bricks of the roof wall that overlook the city. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” You mumble curling further into yourself when you see him, rolling your eyes when you meet his. “Go away, Peter.”
“See, the thing is I can’t.” With long steps he joins you, standing next to you with his gaze looking straight forward, stretching his hand to give you your jacket. “I can’t let you be by yourself on a roof, there are crazy people here.”
“You don’t have to do it.” You accept the jacket, though, crossing your arms across your chest once you have it on and leaning against the fence again.
“I kind of do, it’s my job as your friendly neighbor.” You try to guess what he means by that just by looking at him. Peter only shrugs, a guilty smile on his face. “It’s my fault you are here. I may be trying to beat you in class but I’m not gonna let someone push you from up here, doesn’t seem like a fair win.”
His sarcasm is loud and clear, and it makes you both chuckle. “Ah, so you didn’t come to do that yourself?”
“Okay, why is it always like this?” The change of mood in his voice startles you, his usual calm demeanor nowhere to be seen. “What did I do to make you hate me so much?”
“Because you get on my nerves, Peter! You always have to be the smarter one, and the one with the final word. Every time I say something it’s like I don’t even matter as soon as you open your mouth!”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t-”
“I’m not done.” You swallow. “I’ve been trying so hard to keep myself casual about it, because there have been so many times where I know I’m right, and that you have to know it too, yet you keep going on and on and I get mad and it really, really makes me hate you so much.”
You breathe once you are done, your eyes almost shining with tears with all the frustration finally out of your system. But when you look him in the eyes, soft and brown and without an ounce of threat in them again, genuinely listening to you with the slightest hint of an amused smile in them. Then, you are reminded of the latest truth: ”but you keep making it really hard to hate you.”
Facing each other now, you have to take a deep breath to regain your composure. Peter stays quiet, his face unmoving with the same smile showing through his eyes. “What?” You find yourself asking, trying to read him, but he only smiles. Right, that’s why you hated him.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, I just-” His head does a little wobble and his eyes finally move away from yours, a small laugh escaping through his lips when words fail him. “It’s ridiculous.” 
“I’m ridiculous?” Your eyebrows shot up your forehead, waiting for him to explain.
“No! I am, this is! I never- ughh!” He grabs your shoulders, maybe to ground himself after his nonsense ramble, maybe to feel you. You try not to give it too much thought, since his touch alone is sending electricity through your veins, you don’t need to add an explanation on top of that. “I never planned on you to hate me, that was not what that was for. I was doing all that because you… you are so smart and so clever and witty and… and I thought maybe if I answer to what you say then maybe you would think I was smart too.” 
“Oh,” there’s a bit of doubt in your voice, a strain that tells him that his plan was not precisely working. 
“I’m sorry I was such an asshole.”
“You are forgiven.” You smirk, and with that, you both relax. “When did it turn into a competition then? Because it certainly did.”
“When I saw you smile every time you won.” Peter huffs a laugh and shrugs as if confessing that to you was an obvious statement, not something that would turn your stomach upside down with butterflies fluttering all over your chest. “You have a very nice smile.”
You take a step towards him, standing almost chest to chest, so close that you can see his throat bobbing as he licks his lips. Your body seems to move without you commanding it to do so, lifting your heels from the ground to try and reach him, any part of him. He sees that, and all he does about it is smile.
“Damn you, Parker,” is all you are able to say before you are standing on your tiptoes and being pulled towards him, with his hands holding your back to help you keep your balance as he kisses you, dipping down to find your lips in the middle. Your hands grab onto his neck, for support and to feel him closer, to be able to hold onto something while your lips move so in sync with each other. 
Whatever competition you had with each other is forgotten, and it’s like all that fighting made him know you better since he knows exactly where to move his hands, when to deepen the kiss, when to squeeze you closer to him, keeping you wanting more of him even after only minutes of knowing what kissing him was like.
So, could you call Peter Parker your enemy, when all he does is make your heart beat so fast? No, maybe you could not, as it turns out it was not rage, you were just in love.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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mrshipsmcgee · 3 years ago
In Another Universe Part 2
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Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Please don’t read if you haven’t watch NWH yet!
a/n: Thank you so much for reading!! It’s been years since I’ve written fanfiction. But I’ve hyper fixated on Andrew Garfield yet again lol pls enjoy <3
What I listen to on repeat lol
Summary: weeks after your first run in with Spider-Man, your thoughts run wild about who the man under the mask is.
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It had been three weeks since Spiderman saved you in the alley way from the Green Goblin. And it’s been three weeks since you’ve been able to keep Spider-Man out of your head.
Who was that amazing man that saved you?
Did he have a girlfriend? Or a wife? Do superhero’s even date?
Is wanting to date Spiderman absolutely ridiculous and probably never going to happen?
You huffed, walking back behind the bar to serve.
“MJ!” One of your regulars slurred, slapping his hand on the wooden bar top, making the surrounding drinks shake. The remaining few people at the bar lay their dollar bills down and leave.
His two friends cheered him as he did yet another shot, then smacking the bar again.
“Woah, Derrick - calm it down. You’re scaring away my customers man! We do close in 20 minutes though, can I get you your bill?,” you ask sweetly, hoping he won’t cause any chaos like he has in the past.
“MJ, baby. Doll face,” he spoke loudly, “How about I go home with you tonight and I can pay for my bill that way?” His eyes matched your gaze, then started undressing you with his eyes. His friends giggled.
Uncomfortable, you roll your eyes and walk away with his bill and card, not realizing he has following behind you. He leans the front of his body against you, “MJ, let me go home with you baby girl. My boys don’t care.”
You turn quickly, pointing a ball point pen and check in his face, “Derrick, if you dont sign this check and get out of my face I’m going to lose my mind. Bye.” He takes the check, quickly signs it and leaves.
Its 2 AM finally and you find yourself in your alley way yet again to decompress after work. But your decompressions have turned into lingering thoughts about the masked man from three weeks ago. You wondered what he was doing. Was he fighting crime or watching Parks and Rec on his sofa? You wondered what he looked like under that mask. You wondered if it was possible that he was thinking of you too.
“MJ” you turn, seeing Derrick and his two friends from the bar approaching you, somehow more drunk than they all were when you had last seen them. Derrick immediately grabs your arms in his hands and shakes you a bit, “why are you so hard to get?”
“Derrick, go home!” You yell, annoyed by this man disturbing your peace. “I don’t want you! I don’t want to take you home! Go away or I’ll tase you and your friends!”
“What’s a taser going to do to me, MJ?” Derrick teases, moving closer to you again, “What good is this taser going to do?”
He quickly snatches your right wrist in his firm grip, starting to drag you away from your home, “You’ll come home with me then MJ. Since you’re so stubborn.”
His friends just laugh, following behind you.
“Stop!” You scream, punching him with your left hand and trying to throw yourself on the ground. He struggles, but then throws you over his shoulder. You start to cry realizing that Derrick is much stronger than you.
“Stop!” You yelled again.
“She said stop,” a familiar voice yelled from on top of a building.
It was him.
Spider-Man quickly landed gracefully right in front of Derricks path, standing up straight, “Put her down immediately.”
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Derrick laughs, “Spider-guy! I thought you retired,” he retorted, quickly squeezing on the back of your thigh.
“Nope,” Spider-Man hissed, shooting a web at Derricks feet - making him fall; while simultaneously shooting a web to pull you into his arms.
His two friends charge the two of you. Spider-Man shoots a web and pulls the both of you up to the roof for safety. He gently sits you down on the roof of the building, “MJ, I’ll be right back. Let me go deal with these guys.” He threw himself backwards from the roof, swinging through the alley way and webbing all three of the drunk guys to the brick wall for the cops to find.
He seamlessly landed on the roof beside you, quietly looking at the moon along with you. “We have really got to stop meeting like this,” he teases. You turn to him, facing your entire body towards him. “Thank you for saving me yet again. Is this going to be an every three weeks kind of a thing?” You both giggle, now looking at each other.
You sigh, looking at the hero beside you. He turns his body towards you, “I-“ you both say, then giggle again. He motions towards you, “you first.” You motion back towards him, “No, you first - that was totally rude of me.”
He looks at you, wanting to tell you everything that he found out months ago. But what would you say? Could you handle it? Would you even want to consider being with someone like Spider-Man?
“I need to get something off of my chest,” you say in a quick hushed tone, “but I don’t want you to be weirded out, because it’s a lot.”
Spider-Man shifts closer towards you, not touching you, but close enough to feel his warmth, “it’s hard for a weird person to be weirded out.”
“Well..” you nervously trail off. You have Spider-Man’s undivided attention. He leans closer, “You don’t have to share if you don’t want-“
“I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. You feel so familiar. I - I know, I know sound crazy.. but I literally haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for weeks now. And I don’t even know what you look like. And you probably think I’m crazy now. I’m so sorry Spider-“
Spider-Man stands up and walks away from you, hands on his hips he looks out towards the city for a few moments. Your stomach drops. He probably thinks you’re crazy.
“MJ,” he sighs, walking closer towards you and sitting back down, “call me by my name..”
Your stomach drops again, looking up at his face as his hands grow closer to the brim of his mask, watching him as he pulls it off.
You gasp, staring at the gorgeous brown eyed man sitting in front of you. His sweaty brown hair somehow perfectly messy. He was more beautiful than you could have imagined.
His heart raced, baring so much of himself to you.
His MJ.
“I’m Peter Parker,” he says, a tearful smile on his handsome face, “It’s so nice to finally say that to you.”
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Thank you guys so much for reading, be on the look out for a part three. Please reach out if you’d like to be added to my tag list you beautiful babies - C <33
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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thespiritoflife · 3 years ago
That JAW in the first photo, oh my god🤤🤤
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Random pictures of Andrew Garfield(again)
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liberty-barnes · 3 years ago
Which Reynolds Is Most Likely To...? ft. Mom, Dad & Tommy
Part 8 of the (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds series
Tom Holland x Singer/Actress!Lively-Reynolds!Reader
Summary: Tom and Blake decide which Reynolds is most likely. It goes about as well as you might imagine.
Warnings: just fluff. Honestly, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 2.4k words
Estimated Reading Time: 11  minutes
A/N: Shoutout to @the-girl-in-the-chair for the Andrew Garfield battle idea! Love you, sweets <3
Also, in case you missed it, there are two more bonus chapters added to this series, you can check them out on the masterlist or here:
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The image shows a grey cotton couch in a brightly-lit living room. On the right side sits Blake, dressed in comfortable yoga pants and an oversized sweater that most likely belongs to Ryan. Her legs are folded under her and she’s running her fingers through Ryan’s hair. Ryan sits on the floor in front of the couch, also dressed comfortably, head pressed up into his wife’s hand. Sitting on the left side of the couch is Tom, wearing his iconic bright pink Hello Kitty sweatpants along with a white shirt with the words lol ur not (y/n) lively-reynolds printed across it. On the floor, leaning against his legs sits (Y/n), wearing black sweatpants and a grey and red Louis Tomlinson World Tour crewneck.
“Good morning lovely people!”
“It’s three in the afternoon.”
(Y/n) sighs.
“Good afternoon, my beautiful followers!”
“But what if when they watch this it’s night?”
She stares blankly at the camera.
“Good evening-”
“But what if-”
“Oh, my God, Thomas!”
“Hi, guys!”
Blake snorts.
“Today, I’m joined by my loving boyfriend, amazing mother, and god-complex of a father, round of applause, please.”
The three pose for the camera while sound effects of people clapping and cheering are put in the background.
“Now, the reason why we’re all here together is that, after three months, Tommy and I have finally finished moving into our new house! So Mom and Dad came to help us put everything away cause I’m really lazy, and also I suck at putting together IKEA furniture.”
Blake nods.
“So we just let the boys do it while we laughed at their stupidity.”
They stretch until they can high five.
Ryan and Tom roll their eyes almost in sync.
“Yes indeed. Now, the thing is that while we were alternating between laughing at their stupidity, filming their confused faces, and scrolling through Twitter, I stumbled upon a game you guys had made called Which Reynolds Is Most Likely? Now, the purpose of the game was to decide who between Dad and I was most likely to do whatever.”
Ryan continues.
“And obviously, we couldn’t help but join in on the fun, so we abandoned the VIITSJÖ, got the camera set up, and decided to participate in this game!”
Tom rests his hand on his knee, fingers gently brushing (Y/n)’s shoulder.
“(Y/n) will be reading the questions directly through Twitter while Blake and I, as the resident Reynolds experts, decide who would be most likely. They can argue, but our word’s final.”
Blake and Tom fist bump.
“I really don’t like how friendly you two are.”
“And if by some chance, Blake and I can’t decide, we’ll just text Taylor and she’ll decide.”
“So let’s get right into it! We should do, what? Maybe ten questions? Fifteen?”
She turns towards the group.
“Fifteen should be fine.”
She nods at her Dad.
“Alright, then, off we go.”
“Oh, here’s a good one! Which Reynolds is most likely to win an eating contest?”
The answer is unanimous, immediate, and almost fully in sync.
Tom’s the one to explain.
“(Y/n) likes to eat, but eating too much or too fast makes her nauseous and just overall feel bad.”
He tilts his head down, looking right at her.
“You do everything fast, you know? But you always eat slowly. Sometimes I feel like that’s the only time you actually stop to take a breath.”
Blake smiles at them.
Ryan scowls.
“Yes, yes, we get it, you’re in love, now stop looking at her like that it’s disgusting. Anyway, I win round one.”
(Y/n) side-eyes him.
“This isn’t a competition, father dearest, remember? This is more of a they-bash-us-and-we-can’t-say-anything-about-it situation.”
“Oh, this one’s a bit obvious but still. Which Reynolds is most likely to adopt an animal and name it after its species? Like, naming their pig Piglet, or their cat Kitty, etc.���
Tom and Blake share a look of ponderation, though they seem to come to a conclusion after a little while.
“(Y/n). You’re always calling animals after their species so it’s really you.”
Ryan nods.
“If anything, you’d try to give them a normal name, but still only call them by their species nickname, to the point where both you and the animal will forget their actual name.”
She blinks.
“Well, alright, no need to call me out that much, geez…”
She smirks mischievously.
“This one might be a bit harder. Which Reynolds is most likely to get arrested?”
Ryan immediately points at her.
Blake slaps his hand down.
“Stop pointing at her when the answer’s obviously you. My baby girl’s smart enough that if she ever does anything illegal, she won’t get caught.”
(Y/n) smirks.
“There’s a comment here too that says Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally get arrested? Does that change your answer?”
Blake shakes her head.
“Nah. The only reason the first one’s answer is your Dad is cause you'd never get caught, but he probably wouldn’t do anything illegal.”
She smushes his cheeks between her palms.
“You’re a big softie underneath all your sarcasm. But you’d definitely end up accidentally getting arrested because you did something illegal without knowing it was illegal.”
Ryan purses his lips.
“Fair enough.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to completely forget how to function when left alone for a week?”
It was almost like an instinctive answer.
She pouts but nods.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to drunk tweet a world leader and get an answer?”
Tom purses his lips.
“Well, I mean, you drunk-tweeted Meghan Markle once and she answered you, so that counts, right?”
She shakes her head.
“That was before she married Prince Harry. Besides, Dad’s more famous than I am, so I feel like he has the highest chance of having someone answer him.”
Blake nods.
“I agree. The world has a bit of an obsession with my husband.”
Ryan smirks.
“I’m every man’s wet dream.”
Blake laughs.
(Y/n) gags.
Tom nods in agreement.
“Oh, this will make for a nice story. Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally get on the wrong plane?”
(Y/n) and Blake immediately turn to Ryan.
“In my defence, it was six in the morning, I had just woken up and I’m not used to flying alone.”
“You went to Tokyo instead of London.”
“Heathrow and Haneda sounded the same to my tired brain!”
“They told you your ticket was for another plane.”
“I just thought I got it wrong when booking the flight!”
Blake facepalms.
“Oh for Heaven’s sake, Ryan.”
(Y/n) turns towards the camera.
“This is why Dad isn’t allowed to fly alone, by the way.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to get returned by their kidnappers cause they were being too annoying?”
They all turn towards (Y/n). She looks around wide-eyed.
“Why are you all looking at me?”
“Two words: One Direction.”
She nods at Tom.
“Yeah, that’s true. But what if the people who kidnap me are Directioners and they don’t mind me ranting about why The Sidelines is the best enemies-to-lovers fic because Escapade doesn’t count as one?”
Ryan blinks at her tiredly, like this monologue is one he’s used to listening to.
“Well, then they wouldn’t be kidnappers anymore because you’d willingly stay and follow them anywhere.”
She blinks but nods in agreement.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to spend their entire fortune on concert tickets? Yeah, I don’t even know why I’m asking, I already know you’re gonna say me.”
Blake reaches over to ruffle her hair lovingly.
“If it makes you feel any better, your Dad would spend his entire fortune following you to them if you asked.”
(Y/n) smiles at Ryan.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
She throws herself into his arms and he hugs her tight, pressing a kiss into the crown of her hair. Blake and Tom smile fondly.
(Y/n) smirks devilishly.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to buy things just to be able to say they own them?”
They all turn towards Ryan.
“It was one time!”
Tom cocks his brow.
“You bought a three foot tall figure of Green Lantern. You hate Green Lantern.”
“Yes, but Hugh wanted it so I had to buy it.”
Blake rolls her eyes.
(Y/n) nods as if that’s a very good reason to buy something you hate. To be petty.
“So, Dad, then.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally join a cult?”
Blake frowns.
“I think I’d say Ryan. Honestly, when you get into things, you don’t actually notice that they may be bad for you, so I’d say you’d definitely join a cult and not notice until it’s too late.”
Tom makes a noise of disagreement.
“Well, yeah, but (Y/n) also does that. And, since she can’t take proper care of herself and worships everyone that brings her candy, they could easily lure her out.”
“Well, yeah, but-”
The video’s speed increases, the screen gets a black and white filter, and a stopwatch appears. In the background, Blake and Tom animately talk and debate while Ryan and (Y/n) look increasingly put off. When the stopwatch reaches ten minutes, the image goes back to normal.
“And I understand that, but-”
“Okay, it’s been ten minutes, I’m calling in Taylor for a tie-breaker.”
Ryan takes out his phone and dials the number, putting it on speaker. After six rings, Taylor Swift’s distinctive voice comes out.
“Do you need a tie-breaker?”
“Yes, please, Tay. The question is which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally join a cult? Mom says it’s Dad, Tom says it’s me, I’m not gonna give you any of their arguments, I’m just letting you make up your own mind.”
She hums, then chuckles a bit.
“Well, to be fair, you became a Directioner and a Swiftie of your own accord, despite knowing how crazy these fandoms are. Ryan got pulled in cause he wanted to listen to the music to support us and you, and just ended up not getting out. That kind of counts as accidentally joining a cult, don’t you think so?”
(Y/n) blinks into the void.
Ryan looks like he’s put on glasses for the first time after years of myopia.
Blake and Tom look pensive.
“Holy shit, she’s right.”
They let Tom’s statement hang in the air.
“I joined those fandoms? I’m a Swiftie? I’m a Directioner? What the fuck? How-”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to turn one of their haters into a hardcore stan?”
Ryan immediately speaks up.
“That’s you. 100%. My haters are basic. Yours? They do almost as much research and obsessive following as your hardcore stans. It would not surprise me if you got all your hardcore stans from people who wanted to hate you but found out they loved you too much for it.”
Blake and Tom nod.
“I concur.”
“I do as well.”
“Ha! Which Reynolds is most likely to burn the house down while trying to cook?”
Three fingers pointed at Ryan.
“I’m getting better!”
“You burned pasta last week cause you forgot to put water in the pot.”
Ryan looks down and pouts.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to write a spicy fanfic about them and their partner? Nope, never mind, I should read things in my head before reading them out loud, this is not a good one.”
“Well, I mean, I’ve written some, so it’s pretty obvious.”
(Y/n) screams and covers her ears.
“Shut up! I don’t wanna know! Shut! It!”
“And finally, wow this one has a lot of votes! It’s a poll one. The question is: Which Reynolds is most likely to fall madly in love with Andrew Garfield?”
Ryan scoffs.
“It’s obviously me.”
(Y/n) crosses her arms.
“Nuh-uh, I win this one. I’ve been obsessed with him since I was sixteen.”
“I kissed him.”
“And it meant nothing to him! You already got your heart broken, just move on and let me have him.”
Ryan gasps, and so the fight continues.
Behind them, Blake laughs delightedly, wincing playfully every time one takes a particularly good jab at the other. She watches the fight as one would watch a wrestling match: sympathetic for the athlete’s pain but simultaneously too enthralled by the fight to care.
Tom, meanwhile, looks out into the void in horror. It’s as if he’s going through the five stages of grief all at once. You can almost hear the words running through his brain.
We’ve been together for almost four years and yet she still likes Andrew better?
White lettering over a black screen.
We debated for twenty-five more minutes. Mom tried to call in Taylor. She refused to get involved. We went to Louis and Harry. Taylor had gotten to them before us so their lips are tightly shut as well. Hugh agreed with me but Dad says it doesn’t count cause of their rivalry. Andrew didn’t answer the phone. The choice is in your hands.
End of video.
The Reynolds fam being iconic for 15 minutes gay
Me, You, and Steve - TomYnAndrew parody
Andrew Garfield & Ryan Reynolds Oscars Kiss
98,456,247 views ● October 10th 2022
65M 👍 2M 👎
yn_my_beloved: So you’re telling me if I kidnap (Y/n), I get fic rants AND her amazing company? Brb, I’m off to buy a white van.
tomynschild: tom’s shirt tom’s shirt tom’s shirt tomsjdsdgfdhjsbaljfgla fuck
slutforreynolds: I love how much Blake loves the fact that the whole world is obsessed with her husband
thereynoldsfamownsme: (Y/n) and Ryan’s hug :’’) I’m just gonna sit here and bawl thanks that was the best fucking father daughter moment ever. 
steppingstonesholland: Ryan just now realising he’s a Directioner/Swiftie HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
tomfuckinghotland: I’m gonna be honest, I’d like to believe that (Y/n) is not the right answer for that last question just cause I don’t think she’d ever break Tom’s heart like that.
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to tomfuckinghotland: That part’s quite a bit of an inconvenience, yes, I’d hate to figure something out.
Tom Holland ✔ reply to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔: Oooor, you could just stop loving him?
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to Tom Holland ✔: I. Would. Rather. Die.
tomfuckinghotland reply to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔: omg mom and dad are fighting in my comment section :o
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