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tonin-terets · 8 months ago
Herman Miller - Last Mile from Dress Code on Vimeo.
Production Company: Dress Code (dresscodeny.com) Client: Herman Miller Director: Pedro Piccinini Executive Creative Director: Andre Andreev Executive Producer: Brad Edelstein Head of Post Production & Operations: Tara Rose Stromberg Design: Christopher Vela, Pedro Piccinini Animation: Marta Lemos, Peter Harp, Pedro Piccinini
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ministeriocompartilhando · 1 year ago
Biografia - Novo Testamento - Apóstolo Tiago (filho de Alfeu)
novembro 13, 2023
Graça, Paz e Alegria!
Mensagem do Portal Evangélico Compartilhando Na Web.
Praticamente lemos a respeito dele nas listas dos discípulos. Para diferenciar do Tiago, filho de Zebedeu, o Tiago, filho de Alfeu pode ser conhecido como "menor". Pode se referir mais facilmente a sua altura mesmo, ou ainda ao fato de ser mais novo, mas pode ter algum outro sentido, como se o outro Tiago tivesse mais destaque. Ele era um dos doze!
Os dois Tiagos da lista de discípulos podem ser confundidos com o Tiago irmão de Jesus. Como muito cedo se tentou defender que os irmãos seriam primos ou filhos de José de um suposto casamento anterior, as traduções podem tentar esconder um irmão. Pessoalmente, acredito que temos 3 Tiagos nesse caso: o filho de Alfeu, o filho de Zebedeu e o filho de José e Maria, pois a Bíblia diz que José não conheceu (que quer dizer: não teve relações sexuais com) Maria até o nascimento de Jesus. Se nunca tivesse acontecido, a Bíblia revelaria isso, acredito. E este Tiago não seria o autor da Epístola de Tiago, de autoria do irmão de Jesus.
Como há textos que dizem que Mateus também seria filho de Alfeu, há quem defina que Mateus e Tiago seriam irmãos. Mas os outros irmãos da lista de discípulos (Pedro e Andre, Tiago e João) são definidos com mais ênfase. Assim, podemos ter dois pais com nome "Alfeu".
A tradição que entende que esse Tiago é uma pessoa diferente dos outros, como eu entendo, define que ele acabou seus dias como missionário no Egito, onde morreu crucificado na cidade de Ostrakine.
Forte abraço!
Em Cristo,
Ricardo, pastor
OBS - Caso o player não toque a mensagem até a execução da música no final, você pode clicar nos "três pontinhos" (...) no próprio player e ouvir direto no Spotify. Aproveite e siga nosso Podcast por lá ou em outra plataforma que agrega podcasts! Pesquise "Ministério Compartilhando"!
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portugalnet · 5 years ago
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O twitter está a tentar matar-me crl afwvaiwo bom dia
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blogdojuanesteves · 5 years ago
A PAISAGEM QUE HABITA EM MIM > Marisa de Sá  EU TE INVALIDO > Daniel Dayan BENIN > Mirian Ramalho  JUÇARA a palmeira da Mata Atlântica > Eliza Carneiro  DA MINHA JANELA > Flávia Cirne UTUPI entes da floresta > Laure Gomes STRANGER > Jô Gonçalves   ZONA DE CONFLITO > Karen Caetano AN.OMI.A> Leonardo Tumonis.
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A Origem assim como diversas outras editoras, publicam seus livros já projetados para 2020. Apesar de não serem lançados em eventos tradicionais por conta dos cancelamentos da pandemia, já estão já disponíveis ao público.  Alguns deles em parceria com a Rios.Greco,  alguns já comentados neste blog e página e agora separo outros em um eclético conjunto cujo range vai das imagens da natureza e documentais às mais conceituais em cujos horizontes vislubramos fotógrafos ainda em desenvolvimento e outros estabelecendo-se na maturidade.
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DA MINHA JANELA, edição de 300 exemplares da carioca Flávia Cirne  tomadas da sacada de seu apartamento na praia Jardim de Alah, em Salvador, traz fotografias da última década mostrando o cotidiano da cidade no perímetro que vai das comunidades mais pobres à orla do mar. A autora, que também é psicoterapeuta, faz uma tentativa de "mostrar o olhar de dentro para fora diante das luzes, cores, escuros, sons e silêncios. Do recolhimento da casa ao horizonte do mar." O fotojornalista baiano, radicado no Rio de Janeiro, Evandro Teixeira escreve que ela capturou belos flagrantes do cotidiano: "da alegria, da dor, das dificuldades e também do prazer de viver." Entre as mais interessantes estão as noturnas em um clima noir, diametralmente opostas as diurnas que parecem querer explorar a cor como forma.
A temática tem diante de si alguns desafios. Em 1957 o consagrado fotógrafo americano W.Eugene Smith (1918-1978) começou a empreender um registro das ruas, fotografando da janela de seu loft na Sexta Avenida entre as ruas 28th e 29th. Cerca de 40 mil fotografias, 1447 filmes até 1965 que resultou em um material inestimável. Igualmente lembramos do livro São Paulo de todas as sombras (Briquet de Lemos, 2013 ) de Lucia Guanaes, paulista radicada em Paris, com o francês Marc Dumas e texto do escritor pernambucano Diógenes Moura que escolheram 11 hotéis situados em pontos estratégicos (cruzamentos, praças) cujas janelas possuíam uma vista livre e fotografaram tudo o que viram delas entre 2009 e 2012, em ciclos de no mínimo 24 horas em cada hotel.
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Juçara, a palmeira da Mata Atlântica, segundo livro de  Eliza Carneiro, fotógrafa que vem trabalhando com o meio ambiente, foca nesta espécie que está entre as 2400 palmeiras encontradas na florestas neotropicais no mundo. Em 2008 a mesma foi colocada na lista das espécies ameaçadas de extinção na categoria vulnerabilidade, mas segundo a autora o uso sustentável vem felizmente  crescendo. É uma publicação que aproxima-se do Chapada dos Veadeiros (Editora Origem, 2020) de André Dib, [ leia review aqui em https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/616566807556407296/chapada-dos-veadeiros-andr%C3%A9-dib ] ou do livro Carnaúba, a Árvore que arranha (Tempo d'Imagem, 2012) da fotógrafa cearense Sheila Oliveira.
 Juçara é uma edição mais modesta, de formato médio, mas traz uma interação entre seu objeto principal e diferentes espécies da fauna e flora, ampliando seu espectro. São 500 exemplares em papel Couché, impressos como os demais livros na gráfica Ipsis, com imagens de mamíferos  como a Cutia e o Esquilo Caxinguelê  e  pássaros como o Periquito-rico e o Bicudinho -do- Brejo-paulista, além dos detalhes da Juçara e seu cultivo em suas diferentes etapas, cumprindo assim, sem grandes maneirismos, a sua função mais informativa, importante elo na luta pela preservação do nosso meio ambiente.
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A carioca Miriam Ramalho é graduada em Artes Plásticas e Letras, mas com seu livro Benin aproxima-se do ideal documental, realizado por meio de expedições especializadas em produzir este tipo de imagens e guiadas por fotógrafos profissionais através do Vietnan, Índia, China, Etiópia e alguns países da África, cujos roteiros recorrentes  possibilitam o contato com o que, para alguns, pode ainda sugerir certa singularidade. No entanto, a publicação bem cuidada, impressa no refinado papel Garda Kiara, edição de imagens de Valdemir Cunha, fotógrafo e publisher da Origem, com uma tiragem numerada de apenas 250 exemplares traz um registro bem executado.
 Tendo como interesse a região do Benin, costa oeste africana, o antigo Reino do Daomé - já exemplarmente ilustrada pelo etnógrafo e fotógrafo francês Pierre Verger (1902-1996) como em seu antológico Orixás Deuses Iorubás na África e Novo Mundo (Ed.Fundação Pierre Verger, 2018) -[leia aqui review em     https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/176271743256/orix%C3%A1s-deuses-iorub%C3%A1s-na-%C3%A1frica-e-no-novo-mundo] - a fotógrafa transita pelo dia a dia do país, explorando cores e peculiariedades de sua contemporaneidade, algo próximo do propagado estilo "Nat Geo", com imagens bem realizadas mas distantes de um perfil mais autoral.
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Ainda no quesito "natureza"  Utupi, entes da floresta,  da paulista Laure Gomes, biomédica e ex-professora da Unicamp, é um booklet bem cuidado, impresso em papel Pólen com apenas 10 páginas e 50 exemplares, numerados e assinados pela autora. É fruto de uma única viagem ao Parque Nacional do Jaú, no Amazonas, durante uma expedição fotográfica organizada pela Origem Expedições em 2019 no momento em que ocorreram as maiores queimadas do lugar na última década. Surge como um manifesto da autora contra o desmatamento.
 Vem costurado e delicadamente envelopado manualmente com um cordão de fibras e sementes trazidas da Amazônia. As imagens que duplicam as tramas capturadas a partir das margens do Rio Negro e do Rio Jaú, que de certa forma lembram os testes de Rorschach, uma técnica de avaliação psicológica pictórica, geram grafismos muito bem engedrados que assemelham-se a rostos ora humanos, ora animais, criando assim uma relação mais ontógica com sua proposta. No momento que ainda pululam edições de grande formato mas de conteúdo encolhido é bom saber que em contrapartida ainda é possível ser criativo com tão pouco.
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Nesta mesma toada mais arrojada e criativa a médica paraibana Jô Gonçalves, fotógrafa diletante há 10 anos, que participa do Candango Foto Clube de Brasília publica seu segundo livro, Stranger, após sua estréia com o belo Ykpaïha-Ucrânia (Ed.Origem, 2018) [já comentado aqui em https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/183706430191/4-in%C3%A9ditos-da-editora-origem-ana-carolina ] desta vez elaborando uma intrincada e instigante alegoria à sociedade brasileira nestes "tempos estranhos" em que estamos vivendo.
 Em vez da paisagem gelada do livro anterior, Jô Gonçalves em seu booklet de 20 páginas em papel Munken Lynx, com edição numerada de apenas 100 exemplares, recorre as assemblages ou registros de manequins e bonecas depois da perda de sua função lúdica. "Cada carcaça é uma bagagem de cores desbotadas, arranhões, sujeiras e mutilações" escreve André Bezerra, jornalista e filho da autora que trabalha na Fiocruz. Dificil não recordar de algumas das bonecas surrealistas do alemão Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) do início dos anos 1930 que constituiam uma resposta idiossincrática ao autoritarismo do regime nazista, contrastando com a utópica celebração mística da adolescência, como bem analisa a curadora Therese Lichtenstein em seu livro Behind Close Doors Art of Hans Bellmer ( University California Press, 2001). As alegorias produzidas pela autora também nos remetem as criadas pelo genial artista mineiro Farnese de Andrade ( 1926-1996) e suas complexas assemblages.
Já A.no.mi.a, do paulistano Leonardo Tumonis, que tem co-edição da Rio.Greco (do fotógrafo Marcelo Greco e da designer Helena Rios)  com a Editora Origem caminha mais na tentativa de ser conceitual e autoral como o livro  Zona de Conflito, da também paulista Karen Caetano. Ambos com um preto e branco acentuado, procuram expressar suas inquietudes através de detalhes na experiência do claro e escuro, na sensibilidade entre grãos de prata para o fotógrafo e digital para a fotógrafa,  poucas semelhanças que se extinguem aqui, pois cada um segue por experimentações muito distintas.
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Paulistana e graduada em Administração e Marketing, Karen Caetano, fotografa comercialmente e vem participando de vários grupos de fotografia autoral e de algumas publicações e exposições. Com seu  primeiro livro procura mostrar uma visão crítica sobre a cidade de São Paulo. Segundo o editor, uma cidade isolada em seu próprio conflito com seus habitantes. Assim nos lembrando do recém lançado Cheiro Marginal (Ed.Origem,2020) [ leia review em https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/614136098826944512/cheiro-marginal-magon-a-ideia-do-marginal-na ] livro de Marcos Gonçalves (MaGon), onde a escolha recai sobre o abandono na cidade, embora este trate diretamente do humano nas imagens e a fotógrafa apenas de conhecidos vestígios em sua imagética.
"Destroços desfilam impunes frente aos olhos em nossas áreas de risco habituais..." diz a fotógrafa que também argumenta atravessar com coragem as margens de sua zona de conforto racional, e na Arte, encarar "a rebeldia da minha zona de conflito." No entanto, seus vestígios da cidade não se emparelham com a eloquência de seu discurso, gerando uma paisagem inerte a qual, como o editor argumenta, vislumbramos constantemente pela cidade. Ainda assim, o bem cuidado tratamento das imagens, a direção de arte de Lígia Fernandes além da excelente impressão em papel Eurobulk, com tiragem de apenas 100 exemplares numerados, sustentam a publicação em correta beleza gráfica.
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O paulistano Leonardo Tumonis já revela um pouco mais de experiência com seu  Ano.mi.a  que com seu título, um substantivo a significar algo que não possui norma ou, na medicina, a incapacidade de dar nomes a objetos ainda que o paciente os reconheça, já se posiciona distante de certa materialidade dispondo a possibilidade do leitor encontrar talvez um percurso mais metafísico, trafegando por imagens granuladas pela película analógica, por fragmentos de uma paisagem urbana incógnita, mas que também nos traz profusas referências, paradoxalmente a normatizar a publicação.
 Reverente e poética, sua estética nos remete diretamente aos seus professores, entre eles os holandeses Leo Divendal e Machiel Botman, evocando diretamente o primeiro com seus cadernos manufaturados Moutarde, em especial o número 1, Rue des Archives do final dos anos 1990, ou seu Suite Vézelienne, de 2007 entre outros; e o belo One Tree (Nasraelli Press, 2012) do segundo; e o paulistano Marcelo Greco, co-editor do livro, com seu novíssimo Abrigo ( Ed.Origem-Rios.Greco, 2020) [ leia aqui review em https://blogdojuanesteves.tumblr.com/post/617848292603199488/as-imagens-do-fot%C3%B3grafo-paulistano-marcelo-greco ]  que toldam a pequena edição que traz edição de imagens e direção de arte do autor, com uma tiragem de 200 exemplares numerados, impressos em papel Pólen, que acrescenta substância a prazerosa afabilidade ao mesmo.
Embora os teóricos da arte classifiquem tipos de fotografias muito diferentes de abstratas, como as visões filosóficas comuns nas imagens, existe certa confusão sobre o que conta como uma imagem subjetiva. Os livros A paisagem que habita em mim da carioca Marina de Sá e Eu te invalido, do paulista Daniel Dayan que como seus títulos se utilizam da retórica para percursos que poderíamos ver como imateriais, ao menos em alguns quesitos como não trazer uma objetividade e certos experimentalismos assíduos à história da fotografia como a busca pelo movimento, encontrado no primeiro e a exploração de fragmentos da cor como forma, expressos no segundo.
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O livro da goianense Marisa de Sá é um trabalho de conclusão no Curso de Especialização em Fotografia ) de 2018 e 2019 na Pós-Graduação Latu Sensu na Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM) , orientada pelo professor Mauro Trindade. Tem caráter contemplativo e pictórico com uma bela palette pastel, que acompanha a ideia de um espaço aparentemente  vazio e desconectado, o que remete a uma solidão involuntária, conforme argumenta a fotógrafa. O projeto gráfico é de Arthur Langer Garcia e a concepção e edição de imagens da autora.
 As imagens nos trazem à lembrança do belo livro Imagens Posteriores (Ed.Reptil, 2012) da também carioca Patricia Gouvêa, fruto de uma década de pesquisas, não obstante esta trabalhar com o movimento da câmera e não do objeto como pratica Marisa de Sá. Na formatação final onde a natureza marinha se resume a linhas horizontais, se as mesmas fossem em preto e branco, nos lembraríamos do japonês Hiroshi Sugimoto e sua série Seascapes, iniciada em 1980. Entretanto ao  envolver a percepção do humano, a autora adiciona uma intrigante proposta e uma atraente perspectiva da paisagem carioca, além de, como menciono em alguns livros anteriores, trazer uma obra eloquente em um pequeno formato e seus poucos 30 exemplares.
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Eu te invalido é uma edição de 200 exemplares numerados impressos no belo papel Munken Linx Rough de certa textura e é também o primeiro livro do paulista Daniel Dayan que desde 1981 atua como fotógrafo aplicado ao design de publicidade. A edição das imagens é do publisher Valdemir Cunha que também assina a direção de arte, trazendo um conceito gráfico minimalista, mas apenas na superfície, enquanto no seu interior trata de reflexões densas, criando um interessante contraponto.
 É predominantemente abstrato com inserções figurativas nas quais a exploração da cor mais saturada em oposição a que suas capas frias sugerem (oriundas do ensaio Cicatrizes)  permeia um trajeto a sugerir uma digressão ontológica, que de certa forma apoia a retórica de seu título. Costurado por diferentes argumentos, as imagens produzidas a partir dos anos 1990  buscam representar suas inquietações, relacionadas a um "rito de passagem" abordando crises e seus reflexos, como explica o editor. Uma condução a nos lembrar do filósofo francês  Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) em seu La poetique de la Reverie ( Presses Universitaires de France, 1960) "Demasiadamente tarde, conheci a boa consciência, no trabalho alternado das imagens e dos conceitos, duas boas consciências, que seria a do pleno dia e a que aceita o lado noturno da alma". (tradução de Antônio Pádua Danesi para A poética do Devaneio, Ed.Martins Fontes, 1988)
 Imagens © autores  Texto © Juan Esteves
* nestes tempos bicudos de pandemia e irresponsabilidade política com a cultura vamos apoiar artistas, pesquisadores, editoras, gráficas e toda nossa cultura. A contribuição deles é essencial para além da nossa existência e conforto doméstico nesta quarentena *
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years ago
“Ending the year with a card that starts at 2 and features a makeshift main event”  UFC in South Korea preview
December 15th
Fights: 13
Debuts: Omar Morales
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 3 (Brian Ortega OUT, Frankie Edgar IN vs Korean Zombie/Veronica Macedo OUT, Miranda Granger IN vs Amanda Lemos/Sabino Mazo vs Ji Yeon Kim CANCELLED)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 5 (Korean Zombie, Frankie Edgar, Volkan Oezdemir, Doo Ho Choi, Aleksandar Rakić)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: Dong Hyun Ma, Seung Woo Choi,Marc-André Barriault, Doo Ho Choi
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: Aleksandar Rakic, Matt Schnell, Said Nurmagomedov, Raoni Barcelos, Kyung Ho Kang, Cyril Gane
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 18- 16
Korean Zombie- 2-1 Frankie Edgar- 2-2 Aleksandar Rakic- 4-0 Volkan Oezdemir- 4-3 Doo Ho Choi- 0-1 Charles Jourdain- 0-1 Mike Rodriguez- 1-2 Da Un Jung- 0-1 Marc Andre-Berriault- 0-2 Jun Yong Park- 0-1 Pingyuan Liu- 2-1 Kyung Ho Kang- 3-1
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Featherweight-  3 (64) Bantamweight-  3 (62) Light Heavyweight- 2 (46) Lightweight- 1 (76) Women’s Flyweight-  1 (35) Heavyweight-  1 (40) Middleweight-  1 (50) Flyweight-  1 (17)
Welterweight-  (76) Women’s Bantamweight-  (23) Women’s Strawweight- (30) Women’s Featherweight- (8)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (43-62-1)-
Short Notice Fighters (33-42-2)- Frankie Edgar, Miranda Granger
Second Fight (59-41)- Da Un Jung, Charles Jourdain, Jun Yong Park, Tanner Boser, Suman Mokhtarian, Amanda Lemos, Heili Alateng
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (24-41-1)- Amanda Lemos, Ryan Benoit, Doo Ho Choi, Suman Mokhtarian
Undefeated Fighters (46-41-3)- Ciryl Gane
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (13-11)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (33-27)- Ryan Benoit,  Amanda Lemos
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Let's begin with the obvious and point out that the reason that the UFC keeps coming to places like Mexico, Korea and China is because that they feel like they're one move way from having a champion from that region. From the debut back in 2014 until now, the move to do consistent shows in China was to finally find a way to get what inevitably come out of with Weilli Zhang (and perhaps maybe even Yadong Song in time). They've been grinding away in Mexico to try and found a Mexican champion (Cain was already in the UFC) so far to no avail. You have to assume they figure their odds in Korea were pretty good going into their first foray there. Since that point though it's been pretty rocky with Doo Ho Choi hitting the skids and a group of the women they brought in from South Korea not really clicking either. At this point you have to wonder if the UFC's going to go as far as the Zombie and Choi are able to take them. This entire card feels lika  pseudo rebound attempt for the market as the UFC are pitting a bunch of talented Koreans coming off losses against opponents in worse shape than them outside of the very good main event. So how far off are we from a Korean challenger for a title?
2- Is there anything on this card you'd feel compelled to wake up at 3 am for?
3- Is Frankie Edgar the one guy who in theory is best suited for a short notice fight? His style is basically the same regardless of opposition with a base gameplan that exists regardless of who he's fighting. He may tweak it here or there (more wrestling vs smaller guys, more striking vs slower guys) but Edgar's going to do what he do. The UFC is almost certainly hoping for the Korean Zombie to get a big stylish finish for the home fans and I'm just left to wonder if it's setting itself up for some disappointment. Edgar could absolutely stall out the Korean Zombie enough to escape with ad ecision win.
4-  Worth remembering; the few times Holloway actually threw with conviction vs Edgar, he hurt Frankie pretty badly. We also saw Ortega finish Edgar and Frankie's trademark durability may be on the decline at a time where he's fighting one of the divisions best marksmen. This is not the sort of guy you want to test your chin strength against.
5- Anybody still on the Doo Ho Choi bandwagon or did back to back finishes and two fights in four years get you out of that phase?
6- Volkan Oezdemir vs Aleksandar Rakic is a GREAT fight at 205 lbs. Oezdemir has had a somewhat surprising 2019 after a really bad 2018. H gave Dom Reyes his toughest fight en route to a tough decision loss and then beat the hell out of Ilir Latifi badly. Oezdemir seems to be rediscovering his pop and his pressure game at a time where there's a lot of fluidity at the top of 205 lbs. Aleksandar Rakic came out of nowhere and has morphed from a really good wrestler and patient striker (vs Barroso and Justin Ledet) into a violent fight finisher with insane offensive versatility (vs Devin Clark and Jimi Manuwa). Great proven guy vs prospect fight.
7- If Rakic finishes Oezdemir, where does he go in this LHW clusterfuck?
8- Could anybody tell me who Da Un Jong and Jun Yong Park fought in their last fights? Yes, both dudes fought in the UFC.
9- The plans to run a show in France probably knocks Cyril Gane off of the expected progression path the UFC had for him but maybe that's a good thing since it'll buy him some more time to devleop. He gets reliable Canadian HW veteran Tanner Boser in his third fight in the organization.
10- Dong Hyun Ma vs Omar Morales has big insane fight potential if that sort of thing is your bag. Two wacky strikers who throw a lot of funky shit.
11- Alejandre Pantoja vs Matt Schnell is a great flyweight fight. Give it a good look as Schnell has gone from an 0-2 start in the UFC to winning his last four fights.
12- Suman Mokhtarian may be in the discussion of worst UFC fighters on the roster BUT naybe he's gotten better after being off for a year.
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pesquisamento-blog · 7 years ago
André Lemos discute o que é Cibercultura!
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architectnews · 3 years ago
Casa Prime, Riviera de São Lourenço beach, SP
Casa Prime Riviera de São Lourenço beach, São Paulo luxury property, Brazilian architecture, SP real estate
Casa Prime, Riviera de São Lourenço beach, São Paulo
13 September 2021
Design: Raiz Arquitetura, Architects
Location: Riviera de São Lourenço beach, Bertioga, São Paulo, Brasil, South America
Raiz Arquitetura Beach House Project with a lot of integration of environments for social use and leisure
Photos by Leonardo Giantomasi
Casa Prime, Praia de São Lourenco
São Paulo, 2021 – Casa Prime, located on Riviera de São Lourenço beach, on the coast of São Paulo, was implemented in a rectangular shape with the largest face parallel to the street. The project is signed by Raiz Arquitetura, of architects and associates Alexandre Ferraz and Elias Souza, who have in their portfolio several high-end houses on the São Paulo coast.
Through the “Rectangular Shape” of the project, it was possible to obtain a free plan without pillars in areas designed for social use and to implant the pool integrated into the house block, simulating the image of an immense mirror of water in the living and balcony environments, thus obtaining a larger leisure área turned to the face where the greatest predominance of green areas is located.
The layout on the lower floor of the residence made it possible to integrate the kitchen, dining room, living room and balcony, all connected with the full opening of the frames. A Functionality Permeability where users can see themselves from anywhere in the house on the ground floor. The program designed for the upper block was structured into 1 guest suite for the front and 4 family suites, all facing the back of the lot, where the Atlantic Forest vegetation is located and also is where the sun rises.
One of the highlights of the project development was to seek more natural lighting without taking away privacy. In this way, a ceiling height was created in the entrance hall in order to insert a rip at the top and another at the bottom, bringing lighting to the circulations and environments for social use of the residence.
The Lighting and Landscaping were developed in through the experience of “Feng Shui”, at the request of the client’s wife, where colors and ambiance provide moments of relaxation and contemplation. The landscaping project also featured a large green wall on the front facade in order to bring identity to the house.
New Vila Mariana Apartment, São Paulo, Brazil – Building Information
Architecture: Raiz Arquitetura – https://ift.tt/3vrGVdd / @raiz_arquitetura Team: Elias Souza, Alexandre Ferraz, Leila Lemos, Sabrina Borotto, Guilherme Alonso Souza Interior design: Raiz Arquitetura, Carla Brandão, Janaina Campanella Area: 614,87m² Year: 2018 Location: Riviera de São Lourenço – Bertioga/SP, Brasil
Photographs: Leonardo Giantomasi @leogiantomasi
Providers: Coverings – Eliane/Portinari / Neolith / Pedra Hijau Structural Project – Engas Frames – Esquadralum Solar Heating System – AQS Aquecedores Woodwork – Phanda Marble – Mac Mármores Metals – Perflex Paintings – Defragoso Planned – Bontempo and Clark & Clark Brises – Atual Painéis Equipment – Construflama / Crissair/ Elvi / Riolax Furniture – Saccaro / Neobox / Estofados Italia / Tissot / Tidelli
Casa Prime, Riviera de São Lourenço beach, São Paulo images / information received 130921 from Raiz Arquitetura Architects
Location: Riviera de São Lourenço beach, São Paulo, Brasil, South America
São Paulo Architecture
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Casa Neblina São Paulo Home, Itatiba’s Valley, SP Design: FGMF Arquitetos photo : Estevam Trabbold Casa Neblina
OF House in Campinas Design: Studio Otto Felix photo : Denilson Machado – MCA estudio New House in Campinas
Planalto House, São Paulo, Brasil Architect: Flavio Castro photograph : Nelson Kon Planalto House
São Paulo Buildings
Dois Trópicos, R. Mateus Grou, 589 – Pinheiros Architects: MNMA photo : Andre Klotz Dois Trópicos São Paulo
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Comments / photos for the Casa Prime, Riviera de São Lourenço beach, São Paulo design by Raiz Arquitetura page welcome
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tonin-terets · 1 year ago
Coke Quadgen :30 from Dress Code on Vimeo.
Production Company: Dress Code (dresscodeny.com) Agency: M&C Saatchi Group Client: Coca-Cola Executive Creative Director: Andre Andreev Executive Producer: Brad Edelstein Head of Post Production & Operations: Tara Rose Stromberg Director: Ceci Fletcher Post Producer: Sarah Nadeau Design: Raul Burgos, Ceci Fletcher Animation: Erika Bernetich, Matt Choi, Marta Lemos Audio & Music: YouTooCanWoo VO: Jackie Netis
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lakbaybusko · 4 years ago
“Halika na sa Baler, Aurora!”
Ni Ricardo Andres T. De Lemos
Ever since I was little I was fascinated by surfers. The stories of riding waves while you basked in the sun was such an appealing sport to me. February of 2018 my family decided to go on a roadtrip to Central Luzon to live out my childhood dream of becoming a surfer. We stayed at Aliya Surf Camp Resort where we stayed for a week. Surfing was such a strange experience, getting close with the waves, not to mention I even had a fear of open water (thalassophobia). But getting into the rhythm of surfing was something that you couldn’t simply forget! It was such an exhilarating experience. Surfing instructors, which were locals, would teach you the basics, from getting on your board to standing up and eventually riding a wave. Every year since our first trip, we made going to Baler, Aurora a family thing. I was definitely not the best at surfing but the overall experience of staying beachfront and waking up to the crashing waves on the shoreline makes me miss it more. Although covid continues to get in the way of us going on with our fun activities with friends and family, surfing in Baler will always be on the list of things to do when we get back on our feet!
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amorimsanguenovo · 4 years ago
Cultura, comentários, comportamento, musicais, humor, diversão e utilidade pública
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Atlanta shootings: Some officials call for hate crime charges in the Georgia spa shootings that left 8 dead Robert Aaron Long, 21, is being held in connection with Tuesday’s shootings at a massage spa in Georgia’s Cherokee County and two in Atlanta. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are expected to visit Atlanta on Friday, in part to discuss the events with leaders in the state. They are expected to meet with Bottoms, as well as Asian American and Pacific Islander leaders, according to Georgia state Rep. Bee Nguyen. Long claimed responsibility for the shootings, according to sheriff’s office in Cherokee County, where he faces four counts of murder and a charge of aggravated assault. He also has been charged with four counts of murder in Atlanta, police there said. The suspect, arrested Tuesday night in a traffic stop 150 miles south of Atlanta, told police he believed he had a sex addiction and that he saw the spas as “a temptation … that he wanted to eliminate,” Cherokee County sheriff’s Capt. Jay Baker said. But Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant has said it is still too early to know a motive, and Cherokee County District Attorney Shannon Wallace said the investigation is ongoing and appropriate charges will be brought. When asked whether Long could face hate crime charges, Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said Thursday that investigators will follow the evidence. While FBI Director Christopher Wray said the attacks don’t appear to be racially motivated, advocacy groups have argued that it is too soon to make that determination. And shootings don’t have to be racially motivated to constitute a hate crime in Georgia. “Sex” is a hate crime category under Georgia law. If Long was targeting women out of hatred for them or scapegoating them for his own problems, it could potentially be a hate crime. Long had previously frequented the two Atlanta spas, and he bought the gun used in the shooting the day of the incident, Atlanta Deputy Police Chief Charles Hampton Jr. said Thursday. The communities and the nation grapple with fear and grief Flowers have lined the businesses that were the scenes of the violence, but as increased hate impacts Asians and Asian Americans, the emotional toll has been felt across the nation. Anti-Asian hate crimes have more than doubled during the coronavirus pandemic, according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. The violence has surged amid racist rhetoric during the pandemic — some popularized by former President Donald Trump. Many Asian Americans have been subjected to vitriol about the “China virus” or the “kung flu” — even those who have never been to Asia. “Such vicious, unconscionable acts of violence cut at the very core of our country and the values on which it was founded,” former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said Thursday. “As we await the findings of a thorough investigation, the critical work to combat the haunting rise of hatred against the AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders) community must intensify with the immediacy this latest tragedy commands.” Reynolds, the Cherokee County sheriff, visited a candlelight vigil Thursday outside the site of the first shootings — Young’s Asian Spa near the city of Woodstock. Reynolds told reporters he attended to let the Asian American community know that “we have them in our hearts and our prayers and we’re so sorry for the loss of life.” A vigil was also held Thursday outside of one of the other shooting sites, Gold Massage Spa in Atlanta. When Biden and Harris visit Atlanta on Friday, community leaders will urge the shootings be considered a hate crime against Asians and not dismissed as the suspect having a “bad day,” Nguyen said. Biden ordered flags at the White House and other federal grounds to be flown at half-staff Thursday to honor the shooting victims. The US Embassy in Seoul also lowered flags, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim Rob Rapson said on Twitter. “Our hearts go out to the loved ones of those we lost and our nation mourns with you,” he said. Victim’s husband says he heard gunfire from a separate room The names of all eight people slain have been released. Delaina Ashley Yaun, 33, of Acworth; Paul Andre Michels, 54, of Atlanta; Xiaojie Tan, 49, of Kennesaw; and Daoyou Feng, 44, were fatally shot at Young’s Asian Massage in Cherokee County. Elcias R. Hernandez-Ortiz, 30, of Acworth, was also shot but survived. Yaun’s husband, Mario Gonzalez, told the Mundo Hispanico newspaper that he and his wife were at the spa to get massages, and she was in a separate room when the shooting started. “About an hour in … I heard the shots. I didn’t see anything, only I started to think it was in the room where my wife was,” he told the newspaper. “(The shooter) took the most valuable thing I had in my life,” Gonzalez said. “He left me with only pain.” Victim’s son mourns his ‘strongest influence’ About 30 miles away and within an hour of the first shooting, four Asian women were killed in Atlanta — three at the Gold Massage Spa, and one at the Aroma Therapy Spa across the street, authorities said. The four Atlanta victims were: Soon C. Park, 74; Hyun J. Grant, 51; Suncha Kim, 69; and Yong A. Yue, 63, according to the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office. Of those four, three died of gunshot wounds to the head, and one died of a gunshot wound to the chest, the medical examiner’s office said. Grant was a “single mother who dedicated her whole life to providing for my brother and I,” her son Randy Park wrote on a GoFundMe page. “She was one of my best friends and the strongest influence on who we are today,” Park wrote. The GoFundMe page, set up for Grant’s two sons, had raised $550,000 from about 14,000 donors as of Friday morning. GoFundMe told CNN the page is verified; Park did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment. The page says the donated money will pay for food, rent and other monthly bills. It says the brothers now only have each other in the US, with every other relative in South Korea. “Losing her has put a new lens on my eyes on the amount of hate that exists in our world” Park wrote. CNN’s Jason Hanna, Holly Yan, Amir Vera, Gisela Crespo, Amanda Watts, Audrey Ash, Casey Tolan, Nicquel Ellis, Nicole Chavez, Raja Razek, Jamiel Lynch and Gregory Lemos and Paul P. Murphy contributed to this report. Source link Orbem News #Atlanta #call #Charges #Crime #Dead #Georgia #hate #left #Officials #shootings #Spa
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years ago
“Look there’s Holloway vs Edgar and you’re watching this so don’t even give me any of your shit” UFC 240 Preview
July 22nd, 2019
Every once in a while, about once a year or so, the UFC has a PPV that's utterly pointless. It's just a show on the schedule designed to make up for a cancelled show or just a PPV "make some money" cash grab. This card is a little bit column A, little bit column B and so there's really not much to say in the lead in. The UFC lost a show in January when they had a bunch of main events fall through and they needed to move Cejudo and Dillashaw to ESPN+. In response to that happening, the UFC wound up needing to fill a schedule slot and SO we get two July PPVs (we were originally going to get two October ones but they reconfigured the sched). To further complicate matters, they loaded up July (two title fights plus a crazy undercard) and loaded up August (DC/Stipe, Romero/Costa, Nate/Pettis, Heinisch/Brunson plus all sorts of goodies) so this PPV sandwiched in the middle got a whole bunch of nada. This is basically a three fight card and if we're being honest, it just might be a one fight card if you consider Neal/Price and Cyborg/Spencer pointless.  The next three cards after this are all going to be pretty special in their own ways (DC/Stipe, Khabib/Dustin and Israel/Whittaker) so we're just here to kill some time at an unfair price point.  This card is a collection of spent shell casings on the Old West that is MMA. The summer is basically the UFC's seasonal fuck up session; more people are willing to spend money in the summer but fighters don't like fighting and the schedule is so packed that you run the risk of just burning all your bullets. Barring something unforseen, this will be the worst PPV of the year but ya got Holloway/Edgar so I'll be there. OH and it's a Canadian card! Cursed!
Fights: 12
Debuts: Giacomo Lemos, Tanner Boser, Yoshinori Horie
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 1 (Lauren Murphy vs Mara Romero CANCELLED)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 4 (Frankie Edgar, Max Holloway, Cyborg, Alexis Davis)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 2 (Alexis Davis,Erik Koch)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Geoff Neal, Hakeem Dawodu, Alejandre Pantoja)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 22-12
Frankie Edgar- 2-1 Max Holloway- 3-1 Cyborg- 3-1 Felicia Spencer- 1-0 Geoff Neal- 3-0 Niko Price- 4-2 Olivier Aubin-Mercier- 2-2 Arman Tsarukyan- 0-1 Marc Andre Berriault- 0-1 Kryztsof Jokto- 1-3
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Featherweight-  3 (37) Welterweight- 2 (41) Women’s Flyweight- 2 (21) Middleweight- 1 (24) Flyweight- 1 (9) Women’s Featherweight- 1 (7) Heavyweight- 1 (22) Lightweight- 1 (45)
Bantamweight- (39) Light Heavyweight-  (29) Women’s Bantamweight- (13) Women’s Strawweight- (19)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (20-43)- Tanner Bosse, Yoshinori Horie, Giacomo Lemos
Short Notice Fighters (20-27)-
Second Fight (40-16)- Kyle Stewart, Sarah Frota,  Sueng Woo Choi, Viviane Araújo,  Marc-André Barriault, Arman Tsaryukan
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (14-27)- Gavin Tucker, Frankie Edgar
Undefeated Fighters (25-29)- Giacomo Lemos
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (9-8)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (20-17)-  Erik Koch, Sarah Frota, Max Holloway
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1-  In no small part, I think it's fair to acknowledge that moving PPVs to ESPN+ has, at least for me, dampened the enthusiasm fans have for PPV. Maybe that'll ultimately be a good thing but on principle alone, these cards seem a tick below the old school "gather round and party" UFC PPV events. Beyond that though, are we not giving Edgar vs Holloway its just due as a title fight? Max Holloway is still in my opinion the greatest featherweight of all time and this fight would be yet another step towards solidifying a potential hall of fame resume. It's not wrong to suggest that a stoppage over Edgar would be yet another step towards solidifying Holloway's spot among the GOAT. On the other hand, we just saw him get beaten up by Dustin Poirier up a weight class. Going up and taking a risk didn't impact BJ Penn and Conor McGregor but those two had a different sort of legacy and a more dedicated fanbase to make sure those things didn't matter. Frankie Edgar earned a title shot with wins over Jeremy Stephens and Yair Rodriguez before risking it all in the pursuit of being the ultimate company man. A short notice loss to Brian Ortega seemed to put him further to the back of the line but Edgar returned a little over a month later to decision Cub Swanson and has laid low since. In many ways, Edgar getting put back into the title picture is a rare example of the UFC doing something nice and fair. Edgar should've gone to the back of the line but instead the UFC rewarded him for doing them a favor in taking the Ortega fight.
2- Is the UFC being overly presumptious/optimistic in believing that the winner of this fight can make a quick enough turnaround to fight Volkanovski in early October? As champion, I think the quickest turnaround Frankie Edgar ever made was early October to late February but he was also 7 years younger then. For Holloway, December to March WAS supposed to be his quickest turnaround but he got hurt and the fight got scrapped.
3- Does Holloway have to finish Frankie Edgar to get his buzz back or would a win suffice for most fans?
4- Has any other fighter lost five straight title fights in the UFC? If Edgar loses to Holloway, I think he'll officially break his own record (that he holds with Urijah Faber who lost to Cruz and Barao twice).
5- I wonder IF the UFC could do it over, would they still go through with trying a female featherweight division. It got them a few Cyborg fights (which at the very least gave them a salvaged PPV or two) but overall, you have to wonder if this is what they expected when they (lazily) fell into the division. Although Felicia Spencer is probably a far more reputable opponent for Cyborg than when Cyborg was trying to get the UFC to sign Pam Sorenson.
6- The entire UFC/Cyborg situation could be done over the course of a few days but allow me the opportunity to try and paint the numbers here briefly:
Cyborg was signed because the UFC still had designs of Ronda (now vanquished by Holly Holm) making the comeback, rising up and facing Cyborg once before she'd go on to do other things. It didn't QUITE work out that way and so the UFC had a fighter they had no interest in taking up space on their cards. At this point Brazilian MMA was on a serious slump and Cyborg represented someone who could headline a card or two there, give the UFC some depth on PPVs. Then the UFC wound up deciding to go full bore with a 145 lb division----without Cyborg in the opening fight. It seemed like they were trying to set up Cyborg for the winner but GDR/Holm was a PPV bust and GDR didn't want the fight so they scrapped THAT and tried again with Cyborg as the lead dog. From there, Cyborg turned into a pretty decent PPV draw even though it always felt like this was an arraigned marriage more or less. Her two headliners did well enough (210K-ish vs Yanit, 375K-ish with Holly Holm) but the UFC never seemed to like her much and the feeling was mutual seemingly. Cyborg supported Leslie Smith's Project Spearhead on multiple occasions and would accuse the UFC of bias against her on a number of occasions. The UFC would in turn tell her to stop worrying about things that don't matter and for her to stop trying to act as her own matchmaker. There was a borderline embarrassing moment where Cyborg had a member of the media during a press conference ask Dana White to unblock her on Instagram. Both sides were in a convenient set up where they needed to at least tolerate one another and they could barely pull that off.
Things came to a head when the UFC finally sacked up (at the demands of Amanda Nunes seemingly) and gave us the champ vs champ fight. If Nina Ansaroff deserves a ton of credit for being a liason between the UFC and Amanda Nunes, Cyborg deserves an equal amount of credit for giving them a reason to get over Nunes wiping Meisha Tate and Ronda Rousey while also being a pest about doing media. Nunes wiped Cyborg out and the entire narrative on her changed in an instant. With the changing narrative though emerged the challenge; Nunes wanted a rematch, Cyborg wanted a rematch while the UFC had no interest in Cyborg vs Nunes II with one fight remaining on her deal. Cyborg flirted openly with leaving the UFC, said pretty much as such recently and just when the UFC felt like they were out of the Cyborg business, Amanda Nunes stirred it back up by wanting to REMATCH Cyborg still although I'd suppose the UFC doing a Cyborg fight by and large was bound to make it an issue regardless. Now the only buzz to the co-main is whether Cyborg can win to set up a potential rematch that 90% of the people watching probably have no belief in actually happening.
I think if everybody was on truth serum, you'd probably get a breakdown where everybody agrees that this has no chance of panning out in a positive sense. The UFC on a truth serum would probably be fine with Cyborg not fighting for them after this unless it was on some sort of team friendly deal so to speak (although all MMA contracts are team friendly given the nature of the biz). Cyborg would probably be just fine with fighting in Bellator and being some kind of a novelty act for her remaining fans unless the UFC paid her greatly and made some concessions on their protocol for fighter relations. Amanda Nunes is fine with whatever happens but she probably knows a Cyborg rematch as a co-main trumps trying to convince fans that a GDR rematch or a fight with Macy Chiasson or a fight with Yanit Kunitskaya is must see programming. Cyborg makes the most money in the UFC in theory, the UFC makes the most money with Nunes-Cyborg 2 and Nunes' career resume becomes GOAT regardless of gender if she finishes Cyborg again. It just requires too many ifs, buts or unless' to feel like it has any probability of happening.
7- Which does the UFC want more; a Cyborg win so they can quietly do away with 145 lbs or a Felicia Spencer win where they can stick to Cyborg one last time and maybe give Amanda Nunes something to do?
8- Even if it's probably an ESPN PPV prelim headliner on a more complete card, I'm really excited about Niko Price vs Geoff Neal. Of all the DWTCS guys signed, it could be argued that Geoff Neal is the best so far. He's an insanely good striker with stout takedown defense and some of the best in the pocket combinations you'll see at 170 lbs. He's developing more and more into someone who should be remembered as 170 lbs continues to amass depth in the middle rankings. I have some concerns about his ability to rally in a tough fight and I do think he'll struggle with the bigger welterweights but so far so good. Conversely Niko Price has gone from ultra exciting prospect to a solid proven action fighter who looks set to make the mantle of violent finisher at 170 lbs from the likes of Tim Means and Matt Brown. He'll be a great test for Neal and at the very least, this should be an exciting fight.
9- Is the bloom off of the Hakeem Dawodu rose or are we still holding on? He's 2-1 in the UFC but none of those performances were really of the standout variety. The fact that he's facing a debuting guy and not a proven 145 lber after beating Kyle Bochniak suggests the UFC is looking to slow it down, reassess and see if they can rebuild him again.
10- Can a fighter who is 16-5-1 be a prospect? I suppose that'll have to be the case with 27 year old HW Tanner Boser. Canada needs SOMEBODY to emerge from the mess and Boser, who has been fighting out in Russia, is probably one of their better chances unless you're sold on Gavin Tucker or Hakeem Dawodu. He kicks off the show vs Giacomo Lemos on ESPN+.
11- Erik Koch has fought in the UFC since 2011. He was one of MMA's weirdest resumes with elite names like Dustin Poirier, Rafael Asssuncao, Clay Guida, Ricardo Lamas and Bobby Green on it. He was a former title contender for Jose Aldo's featherweight title. He's got 21 pro fights, fought in three different UFC weight classes and is just NOW 30. You want to ask "Why are they bothering?" but clearly there's something they like there. Maybe Koch just finally needed to get healthy or maybe the UFC just feels some sort of compulsion towards having a guy who WAS going to be a #1 contender get on the right track. Just feels weird at this point. Koch faces Kyle Stewart who made a short notice debut in January as the first ever fight on the first ever ESPN card.
12- Three fighters on their second fights to keep an eye on; 1) Arman Tsarukyan on short-ish notice gave Islam Makhachev some serious problems as a quick scrambler who had some power in his hands. He was outwrestled but kept going at a pretty hot clip and made a good enough account of himself that he's on the MAIN CARD here against Olivier Aubin-Mercier. 2) Viviane Araujo looked fantastic against Talita Bernardo in a short notice fight up two weight classes. After beating Bernardo up for two rounds, she finished her with a flying knee in the third round to pick up the upset short notice win. She gets one of those "Let's see what they can't do!" step ups against the insanely slow but insanely strong veteran Alexis Davis. That one has potential to be messy. Lastly Sarah Frota looked pretty impressive in her UFC debut which was hampered by her completely blowing the 115 lb weight limit at 123 lbs. She's got some Thiago Silva-esque vibes in terms of being a powerful slow stalker who wings power shots at will and bets on her chin being better than yours when things get tough. She'll be facing Gillian Robertson who will offer nothing on the feet but is a tremendously adept grappler who can snag subs at will. Remember Livia Souza almost subbed Frota with an armbar.
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inovaniteroi · 5 years ago
Arquitetos se unem para arrecadar mantimentos aos mais necessitados
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Doações de alimentos e itens de higiene são algumas das ações realizadas pelo grupo ao redor do Brasil. Foto: Divulgação
O Juntos Somos Mais surgiu quando um grupo de arquitetos decidiu se unir para angariar fundos, alimentos e itens de higiene para pessoas em situação vulnerável. A iniciativa se espalhou de forma rápida pelo Brasil e atualmente conta com mais de 3.800 arquitetos e designers envolvidos.
O grupo criou algumas formas de arrecadação: doação de alimentos e itens de higiene, depósito em conta e um leilão de peças de mobiliário, arte e design que foram doadas pelos próprios arquitetos, lojas e ateliês que terá toda a renda revertida. Os objetos, assim como todas as informações necessárias para doções, colaboração e prestação de contas estão no perfil @juntossomosmais.arq, criado no Instagram especialmente para a ação.
“Começamos indo ao mercado pessoalmente comprando alimentos para doação. Em muito pouco tempo, outros amigos entraram em contato e quiseram aderir também e acredito que o movimento cresceu por ter muita gente bacana envolvida. Já temos a pretensão de manter um calendário social para os próximos anos, pois vimos que estamos apenas no começo e este projeto pode ser multiplicado ainda mais, explica a arquiteta Paloma Yamagata, arquiteta idealizadora do projeto.
Os números são animadores e provam que a união e todo esforço valem a pena. Só no estado do Rio foram arrecadados R$ 396.840,00; 107,56 Toneladas de alimentos e 7.964 kits de higiene e limpeza, beneficiando diretamente mais de 45 mil pessoas.
A meta do grupo é manter a distribuição de 3 mil cestas básicas até o final de julho para as famílias já cadastradas em 22 comunidades e 5 instituições que vem sendo assistidas nos últimos 3 meses.
Em Niterói, no mês de junho, até o momento foram arrecadados mais de R$ 10 mil, cerca de 2,5 Toneladas de alimentos e entregues 200 kits de higiene e limpeza, beneficiando diretamente mais de 1 mil pessoas.
“Nossa meta é entregar 1 mil cestas básicas até o final de julho para as famílias já cadastradas nas comunidades do morro do palácio, estado, mama África, garganta entre outras. É uma ação que, graças à solidariedade e empatia, está ajudando muita gente em um momento tão delicado”, arquiteta Sandra Wayand, uma das responsáveis pelo projeto na cidade.
É possível ajudar de 2 formas
Doações físicas de alimentos nos postos de coleta, descritos abaixo;
Doações em dinheiro no valor de uma cesta básica de R$ 50, ou múltiplo deste, via conta corrente, abaixo;
O empresário Antônio Saraiva, vem ativando uma campanha nas últimas semanas, onde 10% das vendas foram destinadas ao projeto, sendo ele o responsável por mais de 30% das doações arrecadas por Niterói, nos meses de abril e maio.
Pontos de arrecadação de alimentos
Mãos do Oriente: Rua Lemos Cunha 365 Lj: 101, Icaraí. Terça à quinta, das 10h às 12h ou agendar via telefone: 99594.4843 (Antônio, diretor Mãos do Oriente)
Florense: R. Álvares de Azevedo, 230 – Sala 101, Icaraí. Segunda à sexta, das 10h às 17h ou agendar via telefone: 96828.7560 (Ronaldo, diretor Florense)
Bello Banho: R. Mal. Deodoro, 160, Centro. Segunda à sexta, das 9h às 17h ou agendar via telefone: 98702.2538 (Andressa Almeida, diretora Casa das Fechaduras)
Bontempo: Rui Barbosa, 158, São Francisco Segunda à sexta das 10h às 19h sábado das 10h às 14h.
Honda Hayasa: Est. Fco da Cruz Nunes, 600, Pendotiba Segunda à sexta, das 10h às 17h
Dados bancários para depósito: Andre Nicolau Ribeiro de Almeida (diretor Casa das Fechaduras) Banco Itaú / Ag: 9287 / CC: 06038-9 / CPF: 070.672.447/06 Comprovante pode ser encaminhado para o whatsapp: 99615.3432 (arquiteta Sandra Wayand)
Publicada às 14h12
from Plantão Enfoco https://ift.tt/3fioEam
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2UzWrDS
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andersonlister · 5 years ago
Ninjin é primeira série q dirigi na Birdo Studio e fiquei muito feliz com o resultado. Os animadores mandaram muito bem, o Alexandre K Tsukamoto, Guilherme Milego, Joane Barros Fernandes, Julia Simas, Julio Gomes Prazeres, Pedro Puntel, Elton Takumi Kawamorita, Pedro Miranda Filho, Rodrigo Ferreira, Alef Dias, Daniel Santana, Carlos Yury, Luciana Ferreira Yamana, Pedro H Mendes e Caio Feriotti fizeram um trabalho incrivel e tudo com a supervisao da Paola Hiroki, Gabriel Gomes e Giovanna Ceneviva, com os Storyboard do Rafael Rosa, José Alfredo Pistilli, Michele Vaes Massagli, Ale San e Gabriel Franklin, a direção de arte do Guilherme Yabu q ta linda, pessoal do BG, ilustração Hendric Sueitt, Heitor Isoda, Bruno Ishihira e Ary Yoon, props do Jean Cavalcante e Victor Lemos todos arrebentando, tudo com a produção do Bruno Mafra Macedo q sem ele eu nao sei o q faria hahaha, o Leonardo Bazilio Bentolila sempre me salvando, a Giu Nishiyama e o Luiz Fernando Rangel na Comp, o pessoal da Pocket Trap q são os criadores da serie e do jogo, o roteiro de Roger Keesse, designs d personagem do Rodrigo Zangelmi, produção executiva do Henrique Alonso, a trilha sonora da Submarino Fantástico, o Ingo Tinoco Andre, Otavio Carvalho e Henrique Lorenzi, a direção d voz da Marina Oliveira Santana, os atores d voz, Carol Valença, Luiza Porto, Vii Zedek, Alfredo Rollo, Italo Luiz, Marco França, Pierre Bittencourt, Robson Kumode e Shallana Costa e produção da Simone Évanz. Nossa, q time q o Paulo Manuel de Souza e a Luciana Eguti juntaram.
Espero q todos gostem :)
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hotfps · 5 years ago
a film by Alaska presenting Eddy Soares & Larissa Ozato starring Tove Lo & MC Zaac produced by Iconoclast executive producer Charlie Twaddle Francesco Civita Natan Schottenfels Tove Lo producers Francesco Colombo Henrique Danieletto director of photography Pierre Kerchove production designer Pedro (Bolo) Catellani costume designer Marina Vieira tove lo’s stylist Annie & Hannah make up artist Marcella Leme Ferreira tove lo’s makeup artist Korey Fitzpatrick head of production Fabio Arisaka editor Beto Araujo Kaue Kabrera post production Nash Mosh color Osmar Junior (Spalva) lettering design Isabella Vdd 2nd unit director Pedro Clemente 1st assistant director Vanessa Morya 2nd assistant director Marina Loducca production coordinator Andre Bauer assistant producers Carolina Loureiro Izabella Araujo Barbosa Mayara Gabrielle Sandow production assistants Beatriz Soares Carolina Loureiro Fabiana Baptista Lucas Pereira Samantha Figueira location manager Carlos Eduardo de Lima Silva (Dread) assistant location manager Osvaldo Tavares Juliano Neto 1st assistant photographer Marco Antônio Barrera Contreras (Chile) 2nd assistant photographer Caio Freitas de Oliveira video assist Júlia Lacerda de Alcântara logger Vanessa Cristina Alves camara intern Felipe Puerta Coin Ribeiro 1st assistant photographers (2nd unit) Marcelo Bezerra Tavares steadycam Sandro Galvão behind the scenes Pedro Oranges boom operator Sidney Santos Sapucaia (Xuxa) gaffer Juarez Rios Santana (Prego) gaffer assistants Rodolfo Alonso de Melo (Baby) Denis Fabri Hudson Monteiro de Lima Dantas Moacir Monteiro Filho Michel Aparecido Sant Ana de Oliveira Giovani Gomes Araújo rigging Weber José da Silva Cunha (Cabelo) rigging assistants Alexandre Barnete Rodrigo Iamamoto Campos Pedro Luiz Ferreira de Oliveira Fernando Tavares da Silva Fabricio Antônio Galli Thiago Ferreira de Carvalho fidalgo generator operator Maurício Gardim art department assistants Bianca Spina Taisa Malouf art department producer Fabiano Boaretto set decorator Fernanda Madureira Reinert assistant set decorator Maria Carolina C. M. de Campos Menezes art department crew Rodrigo Silva Dos Santos Kaio Monteiro Bruno Jimenes Monteiro Givanildo Carlos da Silva Felipe Santana Abraão Lincoln Gonçalves dos Santos Juan Santos do Livramento Carlos Alberto Silva dos Santos André Santos Sucupira Rodrigo Oliveira Santos tove lo’s manager Laura Harber tove lo’s creative director Charles Twaddle tove lo’s security Marcos Vieira make up artist assistants Carlaxane Passos Maia Francisco head of special effects Vagner Aparecido (Martão) special effects assistant Jefferson Klimke head of stunts Hélio Febrônio Alves stunts Regivaldo José da Silva Gerson da Silva Pinheiro casting Alice Wolfenson Neto Avena casting assistant Verena de Moraes Dias e Moraes actor (boyfriend) Eduardo Dornelis dos Santos choreographer José Henrique de Lima Pereira assistant costume designer Maria Eduarda Waddington Ronaldo do Carmo Junior security Carlos Virgilio assistant editor Tomas Pasten vfx superviser (nash) Cirilo Bonazzi line producer (nash) Flavia Gannam vfx artist (nash) Alice Villela Andre Neumann Diogo de Moura Felipe Passarini Gustavo Samelo Luiz Fernando Tavares Alves Rafael Vormittag post production coordinator (nash) Andre Baltrusaitis post production assistants (nash) Gabriel Bittencourt Renata Prado vfx director (mosh) Bruno Vianna Costa line producer (mosh) Jacquelini Lima vfx coordinator (mosh) Jessica Rodrigues vfx artist (mosh) Daniel “Capanga” Iglesias Conform (mosh) Enrique Augusto 3d Lead (mosh) Leo Dobbins post prodigo films Priscilla Paduano Everson Martins Leandro Ferreira satellite audio Kito Siqueira Ana Cordeiro Ana Tardelli Rafaela Oliveira catering Juliana Souza Emilly Gonçalves da Silva Alexandra Pereira Carla Tedeschi transportation Paulo Xavier da Costa Andre Amorin Renato da Silva Henrique Adaias Francisco Dos Santos Claudir (Cinevan) Alexandre Penkal Andre Bispo José Roberto Oliveira Arnaldo Ramos Palmieri Felismino Rodrigues dos Santos Junior Edson Vieira Borges Alexandre Lemos Passiani Ivanildo Cezar Sturaro (Sabugo) Marcos albino de Freitas Pereira (Marquinhos) Carlos Eduardo de Souza (Duda) Paulo Ricardo Tavares da Silva Gesi Moacir special thanks Mauricio Bouzon Olivia Chiesi Rafael Thomaseto
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flavioximenes-blog · 5 years ago
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Festival Cozinha Raiz acontece em novembro na cidade de Pirenópolis Idealizado pelo chef e pesquisador Gilmar Borges, o Festival Cozinha Raiz 2019 acontecerá dos dias 14 a 17 de novembro na cidade de Pirenópolis - GO. O projeto busca o resgate e valorização da cozinha ancestral brasileira, dando ênfase aos produtos oriundos da agricultura familiar e do bioma cerrado, com o foco nas receitas típicas brasileiras, sempre procurando fazer o intercambio entre o tradicional e a modernidade, sem perder as tradições de cada receita. Embaixador da Gastronomia Brasileira pelo estado de Goiás, Gilmar vem trabalhando neste projeto há mais de 20 anos e em 2019 o tema será: “Cozinha Raiz a Maior Riqueza do Brasil” que será apresentado em grande estilo durante todo o evento, resgatando, valorizando e apresentando as tradições gastronômicas de Goiás com a participação de grandes nomes da gastronomia nacional e com uma programação pra lá de especial. Chefs Convidados: CUMPADRE JOÃO, LEONARDO ROCOM, DÉBORA VALENTE, RIVANDRO FRANÇA, FABRÍCIO LEMOS, LISIANE AROUCA, HUMBERTO MARRA, FABIANA DO COUTO, VINICIUS ROSSIGNOLI, WILLIAN SANTOS, ANDRE BARROS, ANDRE RABELO, SABORES DO FOGO, FOGO NA SAIA, WILLIAN CARVALHO, PRISCILA ÁVILA, ROBERTA PINA, JOSI LOBO, ADRIANA CARVALHO, MANUEL APONTE, TELMA MACHADO, ALESSANDRO SILVA, RAFAEL LINO ROSA, LANA RORIZ, FABIM PEREIRA, OTÁVIA CABRAL, CHRISTOPHER TAVARES E FERNANDO OLIVEIRA, WILL NAVARRO. O festival chega para movimentar a cena gastronômica de Goiás com mais um evento gastronômico de sucesso, com AULAS SHOW, WORKSHOPS, VIVÊNCIAS GASTRONÔMICAS, FOGO DE CHÃO, DEGUSTAÇÕES PROGRAMADAS, SARAU GASTRONÔMICO, VISITAS TÉCNICAS E MUITO MAIS. SERVIÇO: Festival Cozinha Raiz Data: 14 a 17 de Novembro Seguintes locais: FAZENDA BABILÔNIA, RESTAURANTE HAIKAI JARDIM GASTRONÔMICO E NO REFUGIO AVALON. FAZENDA BABILÔNIA: SARAU GASTRONÔMICO DE ABERTURA 17HORAS. COZINHA SHOW: HAIKAI JARDIN GASTRONÔMICO – 09 HORAS ATE ÀS 18 HORAS. VISITA TÉCNICA E ALMOÇO SHOW DE ENCERRAMENTO: REFÚGIO AVALON 09 HORAS ÀS 12 HORAS. (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hJSFVpvTr/?igshid=x38chm8m3ri0
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