#and... sadly just cause of who I am; if I were in a room alone with him I think I'd just lay into him instead of beating his ass
medicinemane · 2 months
Mike johnson has so god damn much blood on his hands, obviously Ukrainian blood, but also plenty of American blood
Refusing to renew something that helps vets exposed to atomic blast and Americans who were downwind of the fall out... it's just sick. I can't fucking stand mike johnson, he's one of the worst scum to ever be in congress, and that's fucking saying something
"Johnson refused to allow House members to vote on bipartisan legislation to renew and improve the program"
Fucking quivering little pimple seems to have a real MO for just wringing his hands while insisting it's not his fault, he just can't do the one fucking part of his job of putting shit up to a vote... oh boo hoo, so sad, he'll just have to unilaterally let funding expire on things instead of literally just putting it up to our elected representatives to see if they want to vote yay or nay
Single handedly make the choices but it's not his fault when they work out how they do
#I'm sorry; I both genuinely hate the man and will never forgive him; so seeing this just adds more fuel to that fire#and I'm also genuinely pissed to hear that we aren't gonna be bothering to fucking help out people we fucked over#it's fucking sick#listen; I try not to talk politics too much and I try not to tell people how to vote cause it's not really my business#and cause I don't like arguing with people on tumblr; waste of my time#but for all the dems many many many many many fucking flaws; it's shit like this that makes me hate the gop#every last line about sticking up for rural or poor people or whatever is such a fucking lie#god bless our troops... unless it would cost money to compensate them for making them stand near atomic detonations#at every turn I see fucking simple easy decent bipartisan policy shot down but fuckers like johnson; who is the gop at this point#fuck em; can't stand em#go fucking vote if you can in whatever country you're in; try and get a mail in ballot for your sake#I'm still not gonna tell you how to vote but uh... maybe keep in mind when someone's hands are fucking caked in blood#and keep in mind what kind of company people keep in their political party#fucking murder#cause inaction is murder as sure as if he stood their and kept them from getting treatment directly#removing the funding to let these people get cancers and stuff operated on#it's the same as murder#and again; that's not even going back to him personally; like literally it was just him and him alone#holding up aid to Ukraine for months because he refused to put it to the floor#where... oh look... once it was put to the floor it passed just fine (with a fucking tiktok ban added)#(hate that site but I hate government overreach with this kinda shit more)#one of the few people in this world I think I actually truly hate#I'm never gonna fucking stomach the 'he was so brave for holding a vote' shit lie#bullshit; if he had a spine or a soul he would have brought Ukraine aid to the floor before funding ran out#just like if he had a spine or a soul he'd have brought this radiation victim funding to the floor before it ran out#almost like there's a fucking pattern here of him squirming like a pus filled pimple simpering about how he just can't do his job#can't do the one fucking thing he's supposed to do and bring shit to the floor for a vote#I have more opinions on him; but if I said how I really feel right now I think it would get me put on a list#and... sadly just cause of who I am; if I were in a room alone with him I think I'd just lay into him instead of beating his ass#but he's a fucking monster and reading this story just now... I'm almost seeing red with how much it's pissing me off
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marvelsmylife · 7 months
Protecting his high lady
Pairing: Rhysand x reader
Plot: After finding out why you’ve been depressed and on edge, Rhysand will stop at nothing until he sees you happy again.
a/n This is part two of Not As It Seems. I hope you guys like it. I’m accepting requests, specifically Rhysand and Cassian because I feel like I haven’t written enough of them. (As you guys can tell Azriel is kind of my favorite but I want to explore writing about the other two bag boys 😂)
ACOTAR Masterlist
Prompt list
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After ushering their friends out of your room, Rhysand carried you onto your bed, where he spent hours soothing you. After many hours, you finally revealed that your mother was responsible for your current state. You revealed that she has been demanding money from your bakery ever since you opened it, and now that you were married, she expected you to take his money so you could give it to her.
Rhysand was livid. He couldn’t believe your mother would treat and exploit you that way.
He was prepared to show up at her door and kill her. Unfortunately, you begged him not to: “I know she did this to me, but she’s still my mom. I can’t let you kill her.”
It was moments like these when Rhysand wished you weren’t so kind-hearted. “Ok,” Rhysand gave in to your plea: “Let’s go to bed then; you’ve had a long and draining day.”
The following day, Rhysand informed the others about what you had told him, and they were all livid. Amren and Mor begging to track down your mother and make her pay for the pain she has caused you. Sadly, Rhysand prohibited them from doing anything but told them he was going to have a little “chat” with your mother. Since he promised not to kill her, he just decided to give her a little fright.
“Make her regret making our high lady cry,” Amren told Rhysand before he left to track down your mother.
It did not take long for Rhysand to track down your mother. He only had to ask a few fae’s about your mother’s whereabouts before they gave him her address. When he arrived, he was surprised with how rundown your mother's house looked and wondered where the money your mother was receiving was going. 
Rhysand knocked on the door furiously before your mother shouted for him to calm down and that she was almost at the door. “Oh Rhysand, how may I help you?” your mother looked flustered, realizing she spoke rudely at the high lord.
Rhysand had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at your mother’s sudden mood change: “It’s high lord to you.” Your mother stammered out an apology for how she addressed her high lord: “And I’ve come here to let you know you are prohibited from contacting my mate. You've been abusing her generosity for too long, and it stops now.”
“You can’t do that ! ! !” your mother argued back: “She is my daughter, and I’ll speak and treat her as I please.”
Rhysand’s eyes darkened at your mother’s words: “Careful how you speak about my mate, who happens to be your high lady. She might be kind, too kind for her own good, but I’m not. I will make it my personal mission to make your life miserable if you continue to contact her.”
“What am I supposed to do about money ?” your mother asked, realizing now that she might have to get a job again.
“I will give you enough money to last you two years. After that, you are on your own. You are also prohibited from stepping foot inside y/n’s bakery. That place is her safe space, and I’ll be damned if you ruin her safe space for her.”
Your mother wanted more than anything to argue with Rhysand that he could not do that to her. She didn’t though. Not when she realized Rhysand was now inside her head and knew he could kill her that very moment. “Ok, I’ll leave her alone,” your mother finally caved: “But I hope you both live miserable lives together,” before slamming the door in Rhysand’s face.
Rhysand had a satisfying grin on his face at the outcome of this situation. He kept his promise to you, but he got his point across, and he was happy your mother was no longer going to be a problem for you.
The minute he landed back at his townhouse, Rhysand went to your room to tell you what happened. Once he finished telling you what happened between him and your mother, you started to cry against his chest. “You didn’t have to do that,” you whispered into Rhysand’s chest.
Rhysand placed a kiss on top of your head and replied: “Of course I did. You’re my high lady and my mate. I’ll always protect you.”
All you could do was hug Rhysand as tight as possible and start thanking the mother that she has gifted you an amazing mate.
@paankhaleyaar @amara-moonlight @favsrachz @fxckmiup
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klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
Why am i ready for stalker aemond that has slow burn and is super angsty? like someone who isnt afraid of his scar in preschool then moves away but he found her in either social media or a sports meet and started stalking from then on and then he goes to the same college and remembers her schedule, which dorm shes in and trying to get in her room at night or is in the dorm across from her and ugh i could start a fic tbh
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If you do start a Fic, 100% tag me in that sh*t! I would LOVE to read it, but because you sent it to me imma give it a go for you cause it sounds delicious! I hope it is everything you want it to be!
Yandere!Aemond. Major Stalking! You’ve Been Warned!
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Aemond considered Y/n to be a miracle from the day he met her.
It was the first day of Pre-School and he wanted to be anywhere but there, surrounded by other students. He wanted to be at home with his mother, or even his big brother, anyone just to get away from the staring children.
Aemond had learned almost as soon as his cousin had sliced his face open that while adults would stare, they would at least be discreet about it, children were not. Aemond, while being a child, didn’t consider himself one, and it was something most adults found amusing as he would much rather spend time with his mother or the adults in his family than with his siblings or cousins. He would rather read than play with toys, rather watch movies his mother liked than ones his siblings enjoyed, it’s just the way Aemond had always been…until her.
All of the children stared at him from the moment he walked in and said “goodbye” to his mother. The staff tried to direct the children away, told them it was rude to stare, but they weren’t always paying attention and trying to get a bunch of 4 year olds attention when they’re locked onto something is…difficult at best. Around lunch time the staff had left all but one in the room to prepare food for the kids and suddenly Aemond found a boy much larger than him to be holding his eyepatch in his hand, the children around him laughing and teasing immediately. The teacher was on the other side of the room and oblivious as Aemond tried to grab his eyepatch back, the other boy shoving him to the ground before he was suddenly laying right beside Aemond holding his crotch and wailing in pain. A blonde girl that Aemond could only describe as beautiful was standing above him with an angry look on her face.
‘What did he ever do to you?! Huh?! Leave Him Alone!’ She snatched the eyepatch from the portly child’s hand and moved to hand it back to Aemond who strapped it back on immediately. ‘Are you okay?’ Aemond nodded quickly, opening his mouth to speak but finding no words that would come out. ‘I’m Y/n, you’re Aemond, right?’ He nodded again, mouth hanging open dumbly and looking like an idiot he is sure. ‘I’m sorry he did that, No one should be mean like that for something you can’t help and you don’t have to tell no one nothing…I’m sorry, you want to be alone.’ She turned to walk away when he finally got his voice box to work…sadly it had been muted so long that the sound he finally made was a bit too loud.
‘NO!’ He exclaimed and she jumped, turning back to him instantly. ‘I’m sorry…I mean, no, I don’t want to be alone…it’s nice to meet you Y/n…do you want to sit with me for lunch?’ She smiled, a red tint to her cheeks and Aemond decided he absolutely adored her pretty smile.
‘Yeah…that sounds fun.’ She grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him over to a table, handing him a place mat and some crayons to decorate it with. Coloring was never something Aemond had really enjoyed, Art wasn’t his thing, but if Y/n enjoyed it then so did he.
Aemond and Y/n spent the rest of the day together before pick-up and as soon as he said “good-bye”, leaving with his mothers driver and climbed into the car beside his mom, he was talking about her. Alicent was thrilled that her son had made a friend his own age, while it’s entertaining to see her 4 year old boy so grown-up and mature, she didn’t want him to miss out on being a child just because he didn’t have any friends.
At the end of the week, after learning that Aemond and Y/n’s friendship wasn’t going anywhere, Alicent stood outside to pick her son up rather than wait in the car for their driver to get him. She watched her son run outside, hand in hand with a girl a bit shorter than him and they looked truly adorable. ‘Mom!’ Her son exclaimed, excited to see her waiting for him herself and deciding she should do this more often to see that smile so rare on her baby’s face.
‘Hello, my sweet Little Dragon! How was your day?’ She asked, watching the girl run to a women a few feet away and take her hand.
‘It was so good! Y/n and I made pictures of our families for the wall-wait! You need to meet her! Y/n!’ Aemond exclaimed, the girl stopping and her mother looking back as well, slightly irritated. ‘Mom, this is Y/n, she’s my best friend!’ He grinned and so did Y/n who hugged him at that deceleration.
‘Well, if she’s your best friend then you must have her over for a play date. Would that be alright?’ She asked the girls mom.
‘Oh, yes, of course. Anytime.’ She spoke, writing down her number on a piece of paper. ‘I’m Marie, it’s nice to meet you, Y/n talks about your boy all the time.’
‘Mom!’ The girl whined, the mothers sharing a side smile at their kids evident first crush on each other.
‘It’s lovely to meet you, I’m Alicent. How about tomorrow? She can come by and spend the day with us, I’ll drop her at home after dinner?’ Her mom looked surprised.
‘That’s perfect actually, I have work all day. Text me your address and what time to drop her off, she will love spending the day with Aemond rather than the neighbor. I’m sorry to say I’m in a rush to get back to work, it was nice meeting you Alicent, and you too Aemond. Come on Y/n, let go.’
‘Bye Aemond!’ Y/n waved, her mother dragging her off. She didn’t strike Alicent as rude, just in a bit of a hurry. You could clearly see the difference in their status in life, if not just from the fact that Y/n’s mother was wearing a waitress uniform and Alicent was wearing a Versace dress and Gucci shoes. She finds herself wondering how the women pays for the fancy daycare at all.
Alicent had married rich, Viserys happy to give her anything she wants as long as she doesn’t bother him at work, and he’s always at work. When he’s not however he is spending time with his daughter from his first marriage, Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra is 24 now, Viserys being significantly older than Alicent but she didn’t mind, he was a good, gentle man and that was hard to come by now a days. She had 2 sons, Jace who was 5 and Luke who was 3 (a child she detested for being the one who had sliced her baby’s face open 6 months before as he ran around the mansion with an old dagger from Viserys’ office and didn’t pay attention to her son sitting on the ground), though Rhaenyra was also pregnant with another child, none of which are her husbands clearly but that’s not her business… Alicent has 3 children of her own, Aegon who was 7, Helaena who was 5 and Aemond who had just turned 4, though she also suspected she was carrying a child that she hoped was a girl if not just to keep another boy from the chaos and bullying that goes on between the siblings and cousins.
‘Y/n is gonna spend the whole day with me?!’ Aemond suddenly exclaimed, knocking his mother from her thoughts.
‘Yes, she is. You’ll need to plan what you two want to do for the day and I’ll make sure Aegon doesn’t disturb you.’
‘Jace and Luke either?’ He asked…begged is more like.
‘Jace and Luke either, I’ll make sure they have something to do when they come tomorrow.’ The family always came to the house on the weekends as Viserys took that time for his family…part of it anyway.
‘Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!’ Alicent was thrilled to see her son so happy…she had no idea it would be so incredibly short lived.
Y/n had begun spending the day with Aemond every day, coming to their house in their car after school, her mother coming to get her after work to take her home looking more tired than the night before. Alicent had tried to help the poor women. It turns out her husband had cheated on her while she was pregnant and gotten another women pregnant, divorcing her for his mistress and son. He’s the one who paid for the fancy preschool while her mother worked 3 jobs to keep everything afloat in their one bedroom apartment, since he paid for such a nice school he only paid 200 in child support leaving Marie with everything else and all the debt he had left behind in her name.
Alicent was happy to watch Y/n whenever she needed, it made her son happy and that’s all she wanted in the world. She had been so scared for him before he met Y/n that he would end up going down a dark path, the bullying at home and at school having been hard for him as well as his father clearly loving the child who had butchered him more than his own son.
That all came to a grinding halt however when Y/n’s mom was evicted from her apartment leaving them homeless, forcing them to move in with Marie’s ex-mother in-law who lived in New York. Aemond had tried to promise to visit every weekend before Alicent was forced to explain just how far away New York was from California, to say the children were upset was a huge understatement. The teary good-bye nearly broke the mothers hearts as they swore to write to each other every day, and they did, they both learned to write faster than any of the kids their age just to write to each other and it lasted about a year. Y/n’s grandmother had found out she was writing to a boy in California and cut it off, threatening to take Y/n away from her mother if her mother didn’t stop the interaction. Marie wrote Alicent and explained what had happened leaving her to break her baby’s heart all over again.
Aemond became cold after that. He had no more friends, detested his cousins, tolerated his brothers and only loved Helaena though she was with friends everyday of her life. He took his schooling very seriously, taking several extra curricular’s on the side to take up his time which consisted of Jiu-Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, and oddly enough, sword fighting which Alicent didn’t support right away until he promised to start with fencing. It turned out that he was really good at it and his father hired a trainer, Criston Cole, to teach him sword fighting, paying to transform a room in the mansion into a training room.
Once Aemond got to middle school, no one was bullying him anymore after breaking 3 kids noses and 2 of their arms. When he turned 14 and moved up to high school he had finally broken down and created an Instagram account. Aemond hated social media, he found it annoying and pointless, but he quickly found a use for it once he looked up Y/n and found her account. It wasn’t private, making it easy to look through all of her pictures, finding out that she still lived in New York with just her Grandmother now as her mother had passed away in a hit and run with a drunk driver when she was 9. She had many pictures with her and another girl who seemed to be her best and only friend and nowhere could Aemond find anything about a boyfriend which gave him an instant sense of relief. He had spent the last almost 10 years obsessing over her, though he kept it to himself. He had sent her a letter a few years before, hoping that maybe now that they had grown a bit she would be able to write him back but it was returned unopened with a note that told him to never send anything again or her grandmother would file a restraining order.
For the next 2 years he was as content as he could be watching her life through social media, until their junior year that is when he decided to pay a man to hack into her computer, actually watching what he did and figuring out how to go about doing it himself. He read all of her emails from then on, finding out what colleges she was applying to and applying himself, knowing he would obviously get in with his incredible grades and extra curricular’s. Her grandmother was forcing her to go to college, wanting her to be a physical therapist despite the fact that she wanted to be an artist. Aemond had found she had a separate, secret Instagram account that her grandmother didn’t know about that held all of her paintings and sketches, and she was honestly incredible.
Aemond had decided that when she was his she would drop out of college and move in with him, she would have her own little art studio to do whatever she wanted in. He would buy her anything she wanted, give her everything in the world if she only asked for it, Y/n Y/L/n was going to be his wife…whether she knew it yet or not.
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At 18, Aemond moved out to New York for the year, deciding not to go to college but convincing his father to open a branch of his publishing business out there and let him set everything up for him. It wouldn’t be hard, honestly Aemond would pay others to do everything and just oversee the company while he watched over his Princess. He had already been stalking her online for over 4 years and in her own computer for 2, this was hardly a step up.
Alicent knew of course, she knew that her son had become more than a little obsessed with his childhood friend and she knew that that’s why her boy was going to New York, she had been the one to talk her husband into letting him go. She wanted him to be happy, by any means necessary after all this time of misery and if he needed Y/n to make that happen then she was more than happy to welcome the sweet girl into the family. Even if she knew what her son was doing was wrong, she couldn’t change his mind, and she didn’t want to. Alicent loved Y/n and she knew that if there was one person in the world that her son would never hurt, it was her.
He watched from across the Quad as she arrived at the school, unpacking her things from the car and moving it all into her dorm room, a room which Aemond had made sure was a single for only her, he also made sure he had acquired a key for himself. He felt horrible that he couldn’t help her move things, especially the heavy things, but he knew there was no way she wouldn’t recognize him, and she clearly remembered him. She had several old pictures uploaded to her Instagram of the two of them together, one of them at a Carnival with their faces painted (which she had made him do, even forcing the painter to paint over the eyepatch since it would wash off), one of them carving pumpkins on Halloween, and Aemond’s personal favorite, a picture of the two of them snuggled up in his bed as she had slept over the night before, she was snuggled into his chest with his arms around her and his face in her hair which covered the scar completely. He knew she had plenty of pictures of the two of them without his eye patch on but she never put them online and he loved her for that, even if she didn’t know it yet. Next to his mother, she was the only person who really understood how sensitive he was about his scar and she never made him feel less than because of it, he knew she would never betray him, not even having shown her mother the pictures without the eyepatch.
He followed her to all of her classes, often watching them through the security cameras he had hacked into (becoming quite good at it) to see her during class, he had always loved her look of concentration as her eyes narrowed and she looked like she was scowling at you, she was adorable. He had placed several cameras in her room as well, watching her whenever he could, all she really did was school work and he realized how overwhelmed she was by college life, school was never her environment, it was too stressful for her and her free spirited mind and he knew it. He also knew that her Grandmother had threatened to kick her out onto the streets if she didn’t go to college for what she told her to, he had plans for that women, she will get what she deserves.
On several occasions he was witness to moments that he knew should be private, whether that be her stressed out crying or more…intimate moments. He couldn’t help but watch as her fingers touched her pretty little pussy, rubbing her clit and listening to the sweet sounds she made trying to be quiet, he couldn’t help but wrap his fingers around his length and edge himself right along with her, imagining those fingers in her cunt were his cock, desperate to feel her soft, warm pussy squeezing him as tight as it could as he made her cum again and again until she couldn’t take it anymore. He had fantasized about making her cum on his cock since he was 13 years old and by now he was more than desperate for her.
There were a few nights he actually snuck into the dorms and into her room, watching her sleep up close, trailing his fingers down her body, hating that he can’t just crawl into the bed beside her and hold her tight while he shoves his cock into her and makes her fall asleep with it as deep as it can get.
2 months he watched her before knowing he needed to make her his now, before it was too late. She had been asked out on a date by a Frat guy, begging to take her to a party and Aemond knew he couldn’t allow this.
The Frat boy got a visit from him later that night, waking up to Aemond sitting on the edge of his bed and realizing he had been tied down so tight that the ropes were cutting off circulation to his hands and feet. ‘Hello Chad, so sorry to wake you but this is a very important matter you see. Scream, and I will bash your brains in before anyone can even find out the door is locked, got it?’ He nodded quickly, terror in his eyes and Aemond found that he loved it, he loved scaring people that would hurt his Princess, she doesn’t deserve the kind of treatment this idiot would give her and Aemond knew that party wasn’t anything more than to make fun of his girl. The Frat assholes all getting a freshman girl to come to the ‘party’ and whichever guy could get their girl to put out first won some bullshit prize.
No. His Princess would not be humiliated like that.
‘You see Chad, you are bringing a girl back here tomorrow night, her name is Y/n, yes?’ He nodded again.
‘I didn’t know she was your girl, she didn’t say anything like that! I would never-‘
‘Yes you would, don’t lie to me Chad, boyfriend or not you would happily have brought her back here and made her a part of your little game.’ His eyes widened, unsure how Aemond could possibly know about that. ‘You’re not going to pick her up tomorrow Chad, do you understand? I will not have my Princess hurt and humiliated by an idiotic asshole who realistically couldn’t make a girl smile let alone cum. Now, this is just a warning of course, if I find out you went anywhere near her after our little conversation here, I would have to do something far worse than break into your disgusting Frat house and break your eye socket, do you get me?’
‘Yes! Yes, I-wait…break my wha-‘ quickly Aemond brought the bat he had picked up from the floor, down against the jackasses face, shoving the edge of his blanket into his mouth as he went to scream.
‘Secretly, I hope you do try something just so I get to have an excuse to come back here and break every one of your ribs before I ensure no women will ever say yes to a date with you again.’ He flicked open a blade, holding it against Chads face and hearing him whimper like a bitch. ‘It’s okay Chad, I’m not going to hurt you as long as you do what I’ve said here tonight. Are we on the same page?’ He nodded quickly and Aemond stood, walking out of the room and leaving the house, deciding on taking the bat with him, just in case.
The next night Y/n waited in the Quad at 9 o’clock, cursing out the asshole who didn’t pick her up and feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. She had been so alone here all this time, in a place she didn’t want to be at in the first place and just when she thought someone might be interested in her, even an asshole Frat jock, he stands her up. She felt like she couldn’t hold it in anymore, trying to muffle her cries with the sleeves of her hoodie before hearing someone speak to her.
‘Are you alright Princess?’ Princess? No one had called her Princess since-
Her head snapped up and she saw a very tall man standing about 5 feet away, he was lanky but still covered in muscle that you could clearly see through his tight henley shirt, he wore jeans and heavy boots with his silver hair tied in a bun at the back of his head. They black eyepatch sealed the deal for her though, if she didn’t already assume who this is, now she knows. ‘Aemond? Is that you?’
‘In the flesh…why are you crying Princess?’ He moved to sit beside her on the edge of the fountain and she just stared at him in shock.
‘I…I got stood up-what are you doing here?!’ He smiled sweetly and she couldn’t help but think how handsome her best friend had become…he’s a panty dropper!
‘I’m in New York setting up a branch here for Dad, the school however, my father has recently become a benefactor of, Daeron wants to come to school here for a year to start his doctorate in 2 years, you know dad, start bribing them as early as possible.’ He joked and she giggled, remembering exactly how Viserys used to be. She never had seen him much, which she understood was Aemond’s experience too, but he was always very sweet to her, bringing her gifts and sweets with all of his other children since she was there almost 100% of the time.
‘Did you know I was here?’ He nodded and she glared half heartedly at him. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?!’ She raged, punching him in the arm.
‘We’ll mostly because I sent a letter a few years after you left and your grandmother wrote back that I would receive a restraining order if I ever contacted you again. That’s why I never reached out online either, I didn’t want to get you in trouble if she found out.’ Her face fell as he told her that and her tears began streaming again. ‘No more tears Princess, please? Such a gorgeous girl should never feel the need to shed a tear.’ He reached up, taking her face in his hands and wiping her tears with his thumbs tenderly.
‘I’m sorry she did that to you! I wanted to talk to you so badly, everyday! She was so awful to my mom and I thought maybe I would be able to talk to you when we were older but she kept tabs on everything I ever did and now I’m being forced to go to this shitty fucking school and live on campus all alone, and suffocate under a course load that I didn’t want in the first place…I just wanted to paint…and the first time I think maybe I could actually not be completely alone here I get stood up by an asshole Frat jerk!’ Aemond had pulled her to his chest as soon as she started ranting, knowing she needs someone to be there for her and he was determined to make sure it was him. ‘And now I’m ranting to you when you clearly have places to be, I’m sorry!’ She tried to pull away but he didn’t let her, lifting her into his lap for good measure and smiling at the squeak that came from her when she was sat down on him.
‘None of that Princess, you have always been and will always be most important, and I finished my meeting. I’m all yours.’ He said it in a way that he hoped she would hear his dedication to her, and she did, she heard it and couldn’t help but hope he meant he really was all hers. ‘Do you have classes tomorrow?’ She shook her head, resting it against his chest and he felt his entire body heat up as he held her to him firmly, determined that no one would ever take her away again. ‘Okay, then here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go back to my place, you’re going to borrow some clothes and we’re going to order dinner-‘
‘No, you have things to do, you’re working here, I can’t-‘
‘No, I can’t! I can’t leave you like this, and I won’t, I will take care of you…you’re mine Princess.’ She looked up at him shocked and he tried his best to convey how hard it’s been without seeing her for the last 14 years. ‘I let them take you from me once, I won’t do it again now that I’ve found you…don’t make me let you go back to a dorm all alone…I won’t do it Y/n.’ She nodded her head quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
‘I missed you so much Aemond, if you’re sure you’re not too busy-‘
‘I will never be too busy for you. My weekend is yours, come on.’ He helped her stand up but didn’t let go of her, keeping his arm around her waist as he took her bag and led her down to the parking lot where his car is waiting. Aemond opened the door and lifted her into the car, hearing her gasp as he man handled her in, not once complaining about it. The drive was quick back to his home, it was an apartment in a high rise building and he loved watching her eyes slowly widen as she watched the numbers on the elevator go up and up, all the way to the top.
‘You have a penthouse apartment?’ He nodded, smirking down at her and she shoved him playfully.
‘Surely you can’t forget how we live Y/n, you think my father would let me stay anywhere else. Even if I am the least favorite, he insists on a certain condition of living for his family…he would be appalled by your state by the way, and I’m sure once I tell him he will be fixing it-‘
‘What are you talking about? I’m already in a single dorm, I have everything I-‘
‘You shouldn’t be living in a dorm room with God knows how many other women all sharing a bathroom, you’re basically family-‘
‘But I’m not.’ She cut him off and he looked at her startled as he opened the door. ‘Look at this place Aemond! It’s an apartment and I could never afford something like this! I love that you think of me as a sister and your parents think of me like an honorary child but I’m not, I am a peasant compared to you and that will never change, we live in 2 different worlds Aemond.’ He stared at her, trying to calm himself before opening his mouth.
‘You loved being a part of our family…you never judged me for how I lived before-‘
‘I’m not judging you-‘
‘But you are! I don’t like the idea that you think we’re in 2 different worlds, because I never want to exist in a world where you are not beside me, you will never live like that again, not now that I’ve found you. And the fact that you think I ever thought of you like a sister…well it’s just disgusting.’ He explained, leaning down and brushing his lips against hers as lightly as possible before moving to the kitchen, putting her bag on the couch. ‘Now, what would you like for dinner? Are you still a pizza girl, or would you like Chinese? We can get burgers too.’ He offered, pulling out a burger place menu, knowing that’s what she would pick and she quickly did, her whole face red in a heavy blush.
They ordered dinner and Aemond had a man go and pick it up for them while they chose a scary movie to watch. Aemond had loaned her one of his Henley’s before getting her a pair of his boxers from the drawer and letting her change, throwing her clothes into the wash and not being able to stop the creepy stalker inside of him from smelling her panties before putting them in. He had to stop himself from jumping her the second he walked back into the room, seeing his Princess wearing his clothes and sitting in his bed clearly waiting for him.
He set the food down, handing her her chocolate milkshake before stripping to his boxers and climbing into the bed beside her. He saw her try to hide her reddening cheeks as she looked at him, staring at his muscular chest before tearing her eyes away. It wasn’t until he noticed her rubbing her legs together that he felt his cock begin to twitch. She was just as effected by him as he was by her and he was going to have her!
They talked through the movie while eating, getting to know each other, mostly her getting to know him but he asked questions to things he knows the answers to but shouldn’t, and he loved that no matter how personal, she never once lied to him about anything. After all this time she still felt completely comfortable with him.
‘Oh! Mother will be so excited to see you! Come here!’ He held up his phone and pulled her to him, taking a picture of them quickly with her back to his chest as his arm wrapped across her shoulder and torso, his face nuzzled against her hair. It smelled like mangos and pomegranates, everything about her was just perfect.
‘Wait! You’re shirtless! She’s gonna think-‘
‘What?’ He asked, smirking down at her, humor written all over his face as he waited for her to say it. ‘What is she going to think, Princess?’
‘Nothing, never mind.’ She rolled her eyes, leaning against him as the movie finished, Aemond now laying down on the pillows with her head on his chest as if they were children at a sleepover once again.
‘I really did miss you Y/n…there wasn’t one day that I didn’t think about you.’ He willed his cock to stop twitching as she traced her finger around his stomach.
‘I missed you too, I never forgot about you Aemond. You know, I often wondered how someone who had been in my life for such little time could be such a big part of it but you were…you are. I never stopped loving you.’ He took hold of her chin, turning her head to face him and traced her bottom lip with his thumb lightly.
‘I am never leaving you again…tell me you’re mine.’ She gasped quietly, hesitating only a moment before nodding. ‘I know you want me…tell me you’re mine Y/n…tell me.’
‘I’m yours-‘ He cut her off instantly, lips crashing to hers hard and pulling her against his chest firmly. One arm held her waist firmly while his other hand buried his fingers into her hair. He licked her bottom lip, his tongue instantly exploring her mouth as she parted them, sucking her tongue between his lips and making her giggle. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling the hair tie out and tugging it firmly prompting him to bite down on her lip roughly making her squeal.
‘Such fun noises you make, you’ve no idea how long I’ve wondered what you would sound like for me!’ He rolled on top of her, hauling her legs up around his waist and grinding his crotch against her.
‘Oh! Oh Fuck Aemond! Feels so good!’ She whined as he ground his hard cock down against her.
‘You have no idea Princess, I’m going to make you see stars.’ He swore, grabbing ahold of the bottom of his shirt and pulling it up and off of her. ‘So fucking perfect baby, perfect fucking tits!’ His lips wrapped around her rosy nipple, sucking hard and chuckling when her back arched up into him as he did this. He switched tits, pulling her hardened peak between his teeth teasingly before beginning to kiss and suck his way down her stomach, fingers catching on her boxers and pulling them down, throwing them off to the side of the bed. He took a pause, leaning back and looking down at her…Finally seeing his girl on his bed laid out for him…nothing could be sweeter. She closed her legs awkwardly, unsure why he stopped but he quickly caught them, yanking them apart again roughly. ‘No you don’t gorgeous! You’re mine, all mine. I’m allowed to look at what’s mine. All fucking mine.’ He growled, leaning back down and shoving his face between her legs, tasting her for the first time. Aemond lifted her legs onto his shoulders, sucking on her clit and grinning as he heard her loud, needy cries.
‘Fuck, yes! Please? Please Aemond, don’t stop?!’ Stop? Stop? What is Stop? He couldn’t define that word right now, it didn’t fucking exist to him as he flattened his tongue and traced it down to her hole, pushing into her and moaning at how tight his little cunt was for him. He peeked up at her as he began fucking into her with his tongue, his nose brushing against her clit and making her squeal. ‘Oh God!’
‘No!’ He cut her off, fingers rubbing hard at her clit as he looks up at her and she tries to pull away from the almost painful attention on her body. ‘Tonight, I am your God. Do you understand me? Tonight you pray to me while I worship this body. Yes?’
‘Yes! YES! Please God, Please?!’ She sobbed, tears falling from her eyes now as she teetered on the edge, so close and needing one last push.
‘Yes Princess.’ He moaned, pushing his long fingers into her and shoving her over that edge just as she needed, watching her face contort in ecstasy as she came, hips lifting off of the bed as she screamed.
‘Fuck Aemond!’
‘There’s my good girl! Cumming so good for me.’ He kissed his way back up her body, removing his boxers as he did and leaning against her, taking his thick cock in his hand and preparing to push himself into her. ‘How do you feel baby?’ She just moaned, nodding her head and pulling him down to kiss her and as she did he pressed his cock against her hole, driving his hips home and finding her cute little squeal completely adorable. ‘So good!’ Aemond groaned, pulling out and pushing into her again. ‘So fucking tight on me, aren’t you?’ She nodded, her mouth hanging open as if screaming but no sound was coming out. ‘Yes you are, so good to me, this little pussy loves my cock so much, feel how she’s pulsing around me? She knows my cock is the only one that can make you feel like this. The only one that ever will again.’ He had picked up his pace and was now slamming into her over and over again. ‘You’re mine now Princess, all mine! Mine to care for, mine to love, mine to fuck! Isn’t that right?’
‘Yes! Yes Aemond! All yours! Please, please never stop! Oh Fuck!’
‘No need to beg Baby.’ Tears were now leaking down her cheeks and he knew he had her just where he wanted her. He could get her to agree to anything he’d like. He felt her cunt tighten around him and watched her eyes roll up as she came around his cock, squeezing so good he could make a case for why this wasn’t Earth anymore but Heaven that they were tethered to. His thumb found her clit as he sat back, thrusting into her at a rapid pace and feeling his end approaching quickly, throwing her into another orgasm before allowing himself to finish, burying his cock inside of her as deeply as he could and filling her up. ‘That’s it. Good Girl, taking all of me so good. I’m gonna take you home, back to where you belong with our family. No more school you don’t want to be in, no more grandparents you despise, just you and me and all of the babies that I’m going to fill this body with. How does that sound?’ Y/n’s responding moan was answer enough for him, whether it was meant to be or not. ‘All mine now Princess…all mine.’
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Aemond T. Masterlist
Stalker Aemond Moodboard
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talesofely · 9 months
The (Wo)Man Who Can't Be Moved
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Pairings : Natasha Romanoff x GN/Fem!Reader
Summary : Natasha's your ex-girlfriend, she broke up with you without giving you a solid reason as to why. Obviously, you want her back. One problem, she's unofficially dating Bucky Barnes. So you decided to solve it with a little performance.
Warnings : Angst, Fluff, Hopeful Ending (?), Swearing I think, reader is mostly gender neutral but i envisioned it as a fem!reader soooo, pls tell me if u see anything else
Note : I rlly wanna make a part 2 of this, lmk what u guys think thooo
Word Count : almost 2k
Save My Tears - Part 2
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Tony decided to host another one of his famous Stark parties. This time, his excuse was that you are single again, and that Natasha and Bucky had something going on. What he didn't know was you and Natasha didn't quite end in good terms, cause she broke up with you. And of course... that you still miss her so god damn much.
So there you were, in your room, mentally preparing yourself to see the love of your life with her soon to be boyfriend. You didn't want to go, you absolutely wanted to just run away. But you couldn't. You had to show that the break up didn't affect you as much as they thought it did, even if it really did.
A knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Come in." The door opened and revealed a redhead. You smiled sadly at the woman, it wasn't your redhead. It was Vision's.
"I told you I'm fine, Wands." You tried your best to give her a genuine chuckle. Wanda didn't seem to be convinced though.
"You look good, L/N. Trying to impress somebody?" Wanda said as she leaned against the closed door of your room.
"You already know the answer to that." You said as you shook your head, standing up to apply perfume.
"Just tell her, Y/N/N. I mean, you should shoot your shot before it's too late. I heard Buck's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend officially tonight." Wanda announced, watching you intently as you try desperately to calm your nerves.
"What am I supposed to say, Wands? Please take me back, I miss you so much, I know you broke up with me but I want you back?" You sarcastically said as you scoffed. "Plus, I don't wanna ruin what she has with Bucky. She must like him so much if she made their relationship public within three days of seeing each other."
"She isn't happy with him, and we both know that. I care about Natasha too, Y/N, I want her to be atleast happy with who she's with. Plus, how can you know she doesn't want you back if you haven't even asked?" Wanda asked with a raised brow. You didn't dare to make eye contact, just staring at the perfume bottle on your hand. "Think about it, alright?"
Wanda left your room, leaving you alone with more thoughts than you had 30 minutes ago.
Stark decided to go to the next level for this party. He had a stage in the middle of the living room, a bunch of speakers, and a mic stand.
The party was more lively than normal. Everyone was teasing the future couple, much to your annoyance. Natasha and Bucky were the center of attention.
Apparently, Bucky loves getting all that recognition and attention, but deep down you know Natasha doesn't. Your ex-girlfriend loves parties, but she doesn't like it when she's the center of attention. Bucky doesn't seem to know it considering he's showing her off like she's just a trophy.
You sat at the bar, alone, drinking your Aunt Roberta cocktail. Clint approached you, Tony right behind him. You didn't acknowledge them, just continuing to watch the 'It Couple' as Tony calls them.
"You okay, Y/n?" Clint asked with a small smile. You're guessing he didn't know what happened, you didn't know if Natasha told him how she broke your heart. You just nodded in response, drinking down the last of your cocktail.
"They're such a nice couple, right? Natasha and Bucky? I'm not glad you and Nat broke up but I'm glad they found each other." Tony said with a grin, oblivious to the fact that you want to punch him in the face.
"Mhm." You responded with another nod. You couldn't do this sober, but the alcohol wasn't doing anything.
"Hey, Y/N, you should sing! You have a great voice, right!? You used to sing for Natasha when you were still together!" Tony slurred out, obviously intoxicated now. Clint nodded in agreement, both trying to convince you to sing.
You didn't want to, you weren't in the right mood to put on a show.
However, when your eyes drift to Natasha and Bucky slow dancing to your song, 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton, the same song you two always danced to, you snapped.
You cleared your throat to steal Tony and Clint's attention. You stood up and fixed your suit's jacket. The polo you were wearing underneath had three buttons unbuttoned, showing just enough for men and women to go wild.
"I'll go sing, Anthony. The tablet beside the mic is connected to the speakers, right?" You asked as Tony nodded eagerly. He always liked it when you sang, saying you had a specific vibe he couldn't get from other singers.
Before you could fully walk away, Clint shouted at you, making you turn around and raise a brow at him.
"Go get your girl back." He mouthed then winked. You rolled your eyes at him before flipping him off.
When you reached the stage, Steve got off and handed you the mic with a smile. You sat down on the chair, everyone was surprisingly cheering for you. Mostly everyone's eyes were on you, excited for the song you were about to play.
You didn't dare to look into the audience, in fear of meeting those green eyes you used to call home. The fondness in them wasn't for you anymore, anyways.
"Hey, everyone. I hope y'all are having an amazing night. I do hope you enjoy these songs I'm about to play." You said as you clicked the instrumental version of the song you chose, on the tablet.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
(Italics are flashbacks)
Three days after Natasha broke up with you, you decided to drive to a park where you two always went on. You sat on the exact bench where you asked her to be your girlfriend. Not a lot of people walked by, it was a slightly secluded area.
You stared at the lake in front of you, watching as the ducks you always used to feed with Natasha swim towards you. One duck in particular, the one you named Nibbles, the one you considered your child, approached you and stood on your foot.
You smiled sadly at him, caressing his fluffy head.
"Hi, Nibbles. Your mama isn't here, I'm sorry. We won't show up together anymore, buddy. I still promise to visit, okay?"
People were giving you weird looks but you didn't care. You just gave the duck a piece of bread that he dipped in the lake before waddling back to you so he could eat it beside you.
And how can I move on when I'm still in love with you?
You met those green eyes while singing the particular line. You couldn't read it, it had too many emotions for you to decipher. You saw her smile faltered though. You gave her a small bittersweet smile as everyone around you was singing along to the song and nodding their heads to the beat.
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
"Where the fuck is Y/N, Wanda?" Natasha asked, barging in the younger redhead's room.
Wanda's head snapped to her door. She saw Natasha was holding the letter you left in her room over and over again, memorizing every sentence. A few tears escaped, but she immediately wiped them away. She saw how the 'Love Always, Y/N.' was smudged, like it got wet from a teardrop.
"What do you mean, Natasha? I thought you knew she left. She's gone, Nat. She left for a no-contact mission, even Fury doesn't know when she'll be back." Wanda said flatly, standing up to kick Natasha out of her room.
"Why'd you care anyways? Miss her?" Wanda said sarcastically with an eye roll.
"She didn't tell me." Natasha murmured, stepping out of the room.
"Why would she? You broke up with her, remember?" With that, Wanda closed the door to her room, making sure to lock it.
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
You walked around the park, even walking the streets where you two would 'window shop' but you end up buying her everything she looks at. Your feet stopped when you saw the familiar ice cream parlor on the corner of the street.
You remember taking her there on your first half-anniversary, right after you two finished a mission. The mission was rough, it didn't physically hurt any of you but it did take a toll on your mental states. You wanted to cheer her up and distract her so you made up an occasion to convince her to go eat ice cream.
Policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go"
Your eyes met Steve's and he gave you a small smile. He remembers it too.
It was your first winter without Natasha. You were sitting on a swing in the park right in front of the compound. No one else was there except you cause it was cold and snowing really hard.
You felt someone sit on the swing beside you. It was Steve. He gave you a small comforting smile, nodding his head to greet you.
"You can't stay here all night, Y/N. It's cold, you should come in." He said in a low voice, trying to stay as casual as possible.
"I'm fine." You said, giving him an unconvincing smile.
"You're still waiting for her?" He asked. You looked at him but he was staring ahead.
You nodded timidly. "Always."
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
"You're my world, Natasha." You murmured into her hair. You were cuddling in bed, her head on your chest.
She looked up at you, her ethereal green eyes staring up at you, filled with adoration. She smiled, that same smile that never fails to make your heart flutter no matter how many times you've seen it.
"I love you, детка." She whispered as you leaned down to press a soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you more, my Natalia."
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
When the last note ended, some were clapping, some were silent and looking at you in worry. You furrowed your brows, realizing a tear was currently rolling down your cheek.
You saw Clint giving you two thumbs up while Wanda was smiling sadly at you. You tried looking for your redhead, but you couldn't see her anywhere. Even Bucky wasn't there.
You bit your lower lip, trying to control your emotions. Did they leave together? Were they currently having the time of their life in Natasha's bedroom? Did Natasha bring Bucky to the rooftop like you two used to? Why did she leave?
You sighed and decided that you're going to take her absence as an answer to all your questions.
She moved on.
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imshii-kin · 4 months
Good Luck
Chapter # 4 As Sweet as Sugar Cookies
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (You are here), Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. - Mary Poppins
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
"No," Tim says crossing his arms. "I have homework to catch up on, I can't play Minecraft with you right now."
Y/n frowns, "But Tim," she whines "Everyone else is busy, and I'm booored!" She complained while tugging at his shirt.
The boy rolls his eye at the young girl's antics, "Fine if I play with you, will you leave me alone?" Y/n nodded furiously.
With a tired sigh, Tim leaves his desk, picking up the game chip. "Thirty minutes, max, you got it?"
Y/n laughs happily, running out of his room and down to the lounging room. Tim smiles, a familiar warmth filling his chest.
Tim opens his eyes slowly, the early morning sky peeking through the curtains to greet him. A dream, a memory, a mix of both. Tim groans, what a mess this whole situation was.
Slowly, he lifted himself out of bed, checking his phone to see what time it was.
5:34 am
He let out another tired groan, it was too early to be awake. Sadly, he knew falling back asleep would be impossible. Slipping on some sweatpants, Tim makes his way to the kitchen to brew some coffee.
He makes it to the kitchen, tiredly grabbing the coffee grounds from the cabinet, and making his way to the coffee machine.
Tim watches the coffee slide into his mug, the smell of coffee filling the kitchen, before walking back to the cabinet to get some sugar. While he would usually drink his coffee black, he was in the mood for something sweet.
"Can I borrow the sugar when you're done?" A groggy voice asked him.
Tim jumps, swiftly turning around to see who spooked him. Y/n stands behind him with a bowl of Cheerios.
Tim sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "Why are you up this early?" Y/n shrugged, "Couldn't sleep." She answered.
Frowning, Tim walks back over to the coffee machine, which has stopped brewing. Y/n watches, frowning at his lack of answering, before following.
He puts two spoons of sugar into his coffee, stirring it thoroughly, then passes Y/n the sugar. She mumbles a quiet thank you, putting a little bit of sugar in her cheerios.
Tim and Y/n sit with each other, quietly enjoying the silent Manor.
It was early afternoon, and Y/n was sneaking some of the cookies Alfred had made. They were heavenly, light, and sweet, the chocolate rich and smooth.
Jason enters the kitchen, clearing his voice, and catching Y/n's attention. "Looks like I've caught a little thief," Jason smirked, Y/n giving him a wide-eyed look, knowing she was caught red-handed.
"...You can have Dick's portion if you don't tell."
Jason laughs, before nodding, "OK, deal." He walks over to Y/n, taking a cookie and biting into it. "Mmm~ They are as good as I remember." Jason chuckles, "Plus, Dick has enough sweets, I'm sure he won't mind me taking some of his."
"Oh? Really now?"
Y/n and Jason look at each other before turning around slowly facing the eldest Wayne. He had a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes.
"You think I've had enough sweets? Can't help but feel like you're implying something, Jaybird."
Y/n makes a break for it, leaving Jason behind. "Wha- You Traitor!!" Jason yells as Y/n makes her getaway.
While running Y/n bumps into Damien, causing both of them to stumble. "What the- why are you running around the mansion? You're supposed to be with Alfred." Damion glares at Y/n, annoyed. She bashfully rubs the back of her head, "I was running from Dick," she admits, "speaking of which, do you know any hiding spots? I think I can hear him coming, he must have finished off Jason." Rest in peace Jason... again.
Damion deadpanned, "Seriously?" He blandly questioned. He grumbled when Y/n nodded, a pleading look in her eyes. Dick has been annoying him recently. So, Damien supposes helping Y/n would be a good way to get back at him. Nodding, he helps Y/n up. "I've got some places for you to hide. Follow me."
Y/n and Damion hid in a small crawl space behind one of the larger paintings for around twenty minutes.
Sadly, Dick is very set on finding Y/n, so twenty minutes was not enough hiding time.
"I got you Y/n!" Dick picked Y/n up, a squeal escaping her as he spins her around. "I'm going to get you back for eating my cookies," he said playfully while carrying Y/n to the living room. Throwing her onto the couch, then trapping her in a hug.
"Let me go." She whined, trying to get out of his grip. Dick smiles, laughing at Y/n's misery, "No, you ate my cookies. Now you must pay the ultimate price." He cackled evilly.
Y/n frowned, "And here I thought you were a hero who believed in mercy." She said, giving him a betrayed and disappointed look, and making him laugh.
Bruce enters the room with a serious look on his face, instantly killing the mood. He looks at Y/n and Dick, before talking.
"Y/n, Clark is here to visit you."
Chapter 5
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joeys-babe · 8 months
Joey B Imagines: Out of My League
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Summary: Flashback. The story of how you and Joe came to be. Years before marriage and your little family.
Warnings: none, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Beginning of… Into The Mystic
A/N: Joe is a senior in high school and you are a junior. It's your first year at Athens HS! Also, most of these students' names are made up.
August, 2014
(Joe’s pov)
“Yo! Joey!” - Zach
I turned around to see one of my best friends running up to me.
“First day of senior year!” - Zach
“Yup! Just think about it, we’re like the big dogs now.” - Joe
“Ya know it. I heard that there's this really hot new chick coming from Kentucky.” - Zach
“Well, I don't want any part of that. I've got enough going on with football and schoolwork. Don't be surprised if my next girlfriend is in college.” - Joe
“Damn dude, that was pretty forward. You haven't even seen her yet. This could be your Juliette, Romeo!” - Zach
“I highly doubt it.” - Joe
We rounded the corner to find a few more of the football guys and a few of their girlfriends with them.
“Yeah, her name is y/n.” - Cassidy
“Who is?” - Joe
After making my presence known, Cassidy turned around and rolled her eyes at the sight of me.
“Dude, what was that for?” - Joe
“Shoo, Joe.” - Cassidy
“What, why?” - Joe
“Because I'd rather you leave than explain that we have a new girl just to hear you say you're focusing on football.” - Cassidy
“She’s got a point.” - Zach
“Who's side are you on?” - Joe rolled his eyes
Before Zach could answer, the bell rang, telling us to head to first period.
The group disbanded, and when everyone else went in the direction of the same classroom, I realized I was probably going to be alone in this class.
My first period was chemistry, and sadly, the teacher was notorious for a boy-girl seating chart.
I walked upstairs and found the room. When I walked in, everyone was in their seats already.
Looking for my name attached to a seat number on the board, I found it and then went on trying to find it.
The tables were for two people, and in the back corner where my table was, I saw that a girl was already occupying the other seat.
She was pretty, I won't lie, but I'd never seen her before.
The girl was looking down at her schedule when I sat my stuff down on the table, causing her to look up at me.
A warm smile spread across her lips, and I found myself studying her face a little too long.
“Hi.” - Joe
“Hey.” - you
I sat down next to her, my mind trying to come up with a conversation.
“Enjoying your first day so far?” - Joe
“Yeah, pretty well, you?” - you
“Same. Other than my friend’s girlfriend being rude to me for no reason.” - Joe
She laughed. It was one of the cutest laughs I've ever heard, and it was infectious too.
“I'm sure you didn't deserve it.” - you
“Thank you! I walked up to them, and she just rolled her eyes at me.” - Joe
“Dang man, she has beef with you.” - you
“That's what I'm sayin’. I don't know what I've ever done to her, though.” - Joe
“Ask her.” - you shrugged
“Nah, I don't care that much. Why am I even telling you this?” - Joe
“I don't know.” - you laughed
There's that laugh again.
“I just started unloading on you, huh? Well, I haven't seen you before so tell me about yourself.” - Joe
“Well, I'm a junior, so that's probably why. I'm not that interesting though. I strive for good grades, and I do gymnastics with a side of dance.” - you
“Oh really? I play football.” - Joe
“That's cool.” - you smiled
“Yeah, I’m feeling really good about this season, I just know it's gonna be great.” - Joe
“Well, I wish you luck.” - you
“I appreciate that, and you too. Hope gymnastics goes well.” - Joe
“Thank you.” - you smiled
Before the conversation could go further, the teacher started talking about what we should expect in this class. The teacher didn't stop me and my new seat buddy from talking, though.
As we talked longer, I realized we had a lot in common. I wouldn't be lying if I said she was the first girl I've talked to about Star Wars.
She was really fun, though, and easy to talk to.
Our conversation lasted till the bell rang, and we both sheepishly smiled when we realized that we'd been loudly talking in a quiet classroom.
I stood up and started packing my things. She did the same. The rest of the students were filing out of the room when we both put our backpacks on, seemingly in sync.
“I… I’m Joe, by the way. Joe Burrow, but most call me Joey.” - Joe
“It was nice talking to you, Joey. I'm y/n.” - you
She shook my hand and walked out of the door, leaving me shocked.
y/n… new hot girl from Kentucky.
After talking to her, it felt wrong to refer to her in that way. She was really pretty, but hot isn't a word I like to use when referring to girls.
I hope I have more classes with her. Woah, what am I saying?!
Focus on football, Joe.
Sadly, I didn't have any more classes with y/n, but I thankfully had friends in all my other classes.
I had lunch B, and most of my football buddies were in there, but I found myself zoning out while trying to look around the room for her.
Ever since the bell rang in chemistry, I haven't stopped thinking about y/n. It was becoming a slight problem, but it seemed like all I wanted was to go to chemistry tomorrow and talk to her.
After school ended, the football team stayed after school since we had our first home game the same day.
Hours later, we were suited up and ready to go out and stretch.
When we ran out and took the field as the senior quarterback, I was naturally the one leading the pack, but my eyes drifted toward the sideline.
One of the cheerleaders was flipping while the others were in stunts, but when she landed her last trick and posed, I gasped lightly when I saw who it was.
That's how Cassidy knew her name! She’s a cheerleader!
“Joe! Where are you going?” - Zach
The sound of my teammate yelling snapped me out of my daydream, and I realized that when the rest of the team stopped running to stretch, I kept going because all I was paying attention to was y/n.
“Oh.” - Joe
I turned around and ran to where I was supposed to be, but when I turned around, y/n was smiling at me. I smiled back.
We ended up winning the game, which is always amazing, but even better since it was our home opener.
After walking back into the locker room to hear what the coaches had to say, I showered and packed up to find my parents.
I wasn't at all surprised when most of the cheerleaders were standing outside waiting. Most of their boyfriends were players, so they'd wait after for them.
My eyes landed on my parents and brothers, but as I was walking in their direction, I heard a familiar voice calling for me.
“Joe!” - you
I turned in the direction of the voice to see y/n speedwalking over to me with a smile on her face.
“Hey, y/n.” - Joe smiled
“Hey, you did well! I knew you said you played football but I wasn't expecting that. You're super good.” - you
Is it hot out here all of a sudden? Why is my face heating up?
“Thanks. You're really good too. I know those flips are hard to do. You make it look effortless.” - Joe
“Thanks… sorry I distracted you though.” - you
“Not your fault, I just wasn't expecting to see you. You look uh… good, by the way.” - Joe
“You too.” - you giggled
Just as I was about to say something else, I heard my mom's voice calling for me.
“Sorry, that's my mom. I gotta go.” - Joe
“It's all good. See you in chem?” - you
“See you in chem.” - Joe
As I walked away from her, I felt something I'd never felt before.
Oh no.
Next Day
It was Friday and lunchtime.
All my teammates were feeling good after the win yesterday, and sure, I was too, but that wasn't what was on my mind.
This morning in chemistry, I found myself lost in a conversation with y/n again. The disappointment when the bell rang was insane. I never wanted to stop talking to her.
She was just different.
The attention she got from other guys was because of her looks, and she was pretty, gosh, she was pretty… but I didn't like being around her for that.
We had a lot in common and never ran out of things to talk about. She listened to what I had to say and gave great feedback. We talked about our futures and what we wanted to be when we graduated.
I told her about my hopes of going to the league, and what she replied with gave me a flutter in my stomach that I'd never felt before.
“If you make it to the NFL, you have to invite me to come see you.”
I’d known this girl for two days and I was already ready to make that promise.
My mind was so stuck on that altercation that I didn't hear Zach talking to me from across the table.
“Joe? Joe!” - Zach
I flinched slightly and looked up at him, all the guys at the table watching me with weird looks on their faces.
“Sorry… I spaced out.” - Joe
“Anyway, Cassidy told me that y/n was asking about you at their lunch.” - Zach
“What? What'd she ask?” - Joe
Should my heart be beating this fast?
“Asked if you had a girlfriend, I guess. Don't worry, though, Cas told her that you're focusing on football.” - Zach
“Oh. Okay.” - Joe
Is that really what I want?
“She’s so funny to tease.” - Chad
“Seriously, she's got cheerleader brain.” - Max
Why are they talking about her like that??
“I gotta go.” - Joe
I stood up from the lunch table, quickly finding a trashcan and throwing my stuff away before walking out of the lunch room.
“What’s his problem?” - Max
“I don't know, bro.” - Chad
Zach knew because he was right. What he told me yesterday was haunting me.
Romeo, this could be your Juliette.
My thoughts ran wild as I went to the office and asked to do some volunteer work.
The receptionist gave me the okay to go down to the middle school for the remainder of the lunch period.
I drove over to the middle school and went up to the office, clicking the button to signal the office worker that I was out there.
When the door unlocked I was able to open it. I did, and whose eyes I met surprised me.
“y/n?” - Joe
“Oh, hey Joe.” - you
“What are you doing here?” - Joe
“Gonna head to a class to volunteer, I have a free period right now. Aren't you supposed to be in lunch?” - you
“Well, yeah, but I had to get out of there.” - Joe
“Why’s that?” - you
Her brows were furrowed like she could hear the slight edge in my voice.
“Some of the guys were saying stuff about you, kinda pissed me off, so I left.” - Joe
“What? You left because of that? I’m used to it, Joe. I'm just a dumb cheerleader.” - you
“You're not, though, that's why I didn't want to listen to it. I've only known you for two days, but I look forward to every conversation we share. They don't know you as I do.” - Joe
y/n placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. Her eyes gave off a grateful look.
“You're the first person who’s made attempts to get to know me, and I appreciate it.” - you
“Not even your teammates?” - Joe
“I love ‘em, but they're not the Star Wars type like you are.” - you
“Yeah… I'm pretty cool like that.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you rolled your eyes
We laughed with each other before the receptionist cleared her throat. Both y/n and I froze when we realized where we were.
“Oh, sorry!” - you
“You guys can both go to room 379 if you’d like, seems like you two have a spark.” - receptionist
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, but y/n smiled at the older lady and walked through the double doors into the building.
There weren't any words shared between us as we walked to the room, both of us were thinking about what the woman had said. Do we have a spark?
Ten minutes into hanging out with the sixth graders, the teacher sent y/n and me to the copy room.
“Hey, have you thought about formal?” - Joe
“What about it?” - you
Winter formal wasn't coming until December, obviously, but I felt the need to ask.
“Like are you going? Date ideas?” - Joe
“I figured I'd go, yeah. I don't know who I'm gonna go with, though. Might just go with friends, the guys here aren't the best.” - you
“Ouch.” - Joe
“Hey, I don't count you with them. You’re separate.” - you
“I think that's good.” - Joe
“It is. You're a jock, but a nice one, you know? I like you.” - you
My face dropped as I looked at her, feeling my cheeks flush and my stomach flop.
“Not in that way!” - you rushed to say
“Oh… okay.” - Joe
“Why do you act disappointed? I thought you weren't looking for anything and focusing on football.” - you
“I don't know. I thought I was, but you're making it hard to.” - Joe
“What does that mean?” - you
“I barely know you, but I can't stop thinking about you. You understand me in a way I didn't think was possible… you're just different.” - Joe
“I feel the same way about you. You're nerdy but athletic and have these quirks that I'm obsessed with. You're oddly the guy version of me.” - you
“Nah, you're the girl version of me.” - Joe
“Oh, whatever!” - you shoved his chest
I'm feeling a little bold after she told me she can't stop thinking about me either. Should I make a little move?
“You look cute when you do that. You roll your eyes at me but are smiling.” - Joe
“Oh, uh. Thanks.” - you blushed
“You're welcome.” - Joe smiled
October, 2014
That's as far as we went talking about it.
Nothing ever came from that one conversation we shared at the middle school. That's the closest thing we ever did that could come close to showing feelings for one another.
We just continued being really good friends who giggle in the back of the chemistry room, but the eye contact we make while I'm on the field and she’s on the sidelines tells me there's something there.
In the past two months, I've concluded that no matter how hard I try to deny it, I have a crush on y/n.
I just don't know how to act on it.
She still thinks that I don't want a relationship right now, so I need to start dropping hints.
The first step of my plan was to ask her to study with me after school, like at my house.
So, when I walked into chemistry this morning, I had that idea in the back of my head.
“Hey.” - Joe smiled
“Morning.” - you smiled back
I sat my stuff down and took my seat next to her.
“I need to ask you something.” - you
“Oh, what's that?” - Joe
“They haven't announced it yet, but I won junior attendant for homecoming.” - you
“Really?! That's awesome!” - Joe
“Yeah, thanks. We have to have a guy from the football team be our escort…” - you
“And you want me to ask someone for you?” - Joe
She looked at me with a “boy, please” look on her face that made me laugh.
“I'm just playing. I'd love to walk you.” - Joe
“Okay, good. Thanks, Joey.” - you
“Mhm. When will you find out who won Hoco Queen?” - Joe
“Not till the game, but if I win, you’ll get a little crown too.” - you
“I get a crown too?? Now you have to win.” - Joe
“I'll try my hardest. You have to help my campaign, though.” - you
“Sounds like a deal.” - Joe smiled
Later that week, I met up with y/n during my lunch period and her free period. I helped her campaign, and when she wasn't around, I convinced the football team to vote for her.
I wanted to make sure she'd win.
“Junior attendant, y/n y/l/n, escorted by Joey Burrow.”
The announcer’s voice beamed through the speakers as we walked down the middle of the football field. My arm was looped with y/n’s, and I shortened my strides with the length of her heals in mine.
I hadn't seen her till she walked out and looped her arm with mine, but she looked so beautiful.
“You look gorgeous.” - Joe whispered
“Thank you.” - you blushed
We smiled for the camera when we reached the end of the field, and y/n gently squeezed my arm when we walked over and stood in our directed spot.
“You don't look too bad yourself.” - you
Our conversation was drowning out the announcer’s voice, who was reading the short paragraph that y/n wrote a couple of days ago. She'd made me proofread it so many times that I had it practically memorized.
“y/n would like to thank her parents and friends, especially her best friend, who is escorting her tonight.”
That part was new.
My cheeks heated up when I looked down at y/n to see her already smiling at me. She'd never come out and said that I was her best friend, but I couldn't say it didn't make sense.
“Surprise.” - you nudged him
“I'm your best friend, huh?” - Joe
“Yeah.” - you smiled
“You're mine too.” - Joe
“No way!” - you pushed Joe’s chest
“Don't tell Zach I said that, though.” - Joe
Her smile was infectious, and I felt my lips mirror y/n’s expression.
The announcer went on to introduce the senior attendant and read her little background story.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen. Your 2014 football homecoming queen is…”
I reached my other hand up to squeeze y/n’s that was wrapped around my bicep.
“y/n y/l/n!”
“You did it! Go get your crown!” - Joe
She let go of my arm and walked back to the middle of the field.
I watched with a proud smile on my face as y/n was handed a bouquet, a sash draped over her shoulder, and the crown on her head.
There was so much adoration in my heart for her, and when she turned around to look at me, my smile only widened.
“C’mere!” - you mouthed
I slowly walked over to her, and y/n re-looped our arms.
Bowing my head slightly, the crown was put on top of it. y/n laughed at the sight of the crown adorning my forehead.
“Lemme fix that. It's kinda sideways.” - you
She stepped on her tiptoes and fixed it, a blush forming on my cheeks when her fingers brushed down my face when she pulled away.
“You look cute.” - you smiled
“Thanks.” - Joe grinned
December, 2014
“Hey.” - Joe
“Oh, hey.” - you
I put my stuff down and sat down in my chair, the same routine since the first day of school. Hopefully, though, today some things will change.
Or at least be set in the right direction to change.
“I need to ask you a question.” - Joe
“Shoot.” - you
“Be my date too formal?” - Joe
I looked at her with hopefulness in my eyes. Please say yes.
“I'm already going with Chad… sorry, Joe.” - you
“Oh. It's okay, I just thought… nevermind.” - Joe
My shoulders slumped as I turned away from her and faced the board, biting the insides of my cheeks nervously.
The one time I shoot my shot with a girl, and I get rejected.
Guess that tells me what my priorities should be.
Focusing on football.
“What do you mean Joe’s here alone?” - you
“Yeah, Zach had to practically beg him to even come. Joe said there wasn't any point in going since he didn't have a date.” - Cassidy
“That makes me feel terrible…” - you
“Why?” - Cassidy
“Because he asked me, but I'd already said yes to Chad.” - you
“It's not your fault, how were you supposed to know that Joe was gonna ask you? I mean, he isn't looking for anything right now.” - Cassidy
“Yeah… do you know where he is?” - you
“No idea. Probably hiding in a corner.” - Cassidy
“Chad literally ditched me after pictures. Joe never would've done that…” - you
A few seconds of silence between the two girls went by before Cassidy had a lightbulb moment.
“Do you have a crush on Joe?!” - Cassidy
“What?! No!” - you
“You so do! y/n you should tell him! I honestly think he feels the same way…” - Cassidy
“No… he's focusing on football.” - you sighed
“So you do like him?” - Cassidy
“Maybe…” - you
When you admitted it out loud, it felt real. You like Joe.
Joey Burrow, the quarterback with the nerdy side that only you knew of, the one with the imperfect but adorable smile, the one that made you look forward to first period, your crush.
“I'm gonna go find him.” - you
You walked as fast as your heels allowed you and threw your half-drank cup of subpar punch in the trash can, pushing open the gym doors as Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE playing through the speakers served as a soundtrack.
Zach wasn't hard to find as a sea of letterman jackets was in the hallway.
“Where’s Joe?” - you
“Oh, hey, y/n! He said he was gonna go take a walk around.” - Zach shrugged
You nodded and walked away toward the academic wing of the school.
Only the generator lights were on, but there was enough lighting to make out that familiar tall frame looking into the trophy cases.
Carefully, so as to not scare him, you slowly walked up behind Joe and tapped his shoulder.
“Hi.” - you
“Hi.” - Joe
“Chad ditched me…” - you
“That sucks.” - Joe
He hadn't even looked up at you yet.
“I'm sorry. If I had known you were going to ask me, I wouldn't have said yes to him.” - you
“S’okay, probably for the better.” - Joe
“Why are you just walking around by yourself, Joe?” - you
“Nothing else to do. Kinda bored.” - Joe
“Wanna go see what teachers left their classrooms unlocked?” - you grinned
Joe’s eyes drifted away from the trophy case for the first time and found yours. A smile pulled at his lips as he nodded his head.
You held your hand out to him, and Joe gladly accepted, clasping his fingers with yours.
There were so many unspoken feelings shared between you two as you made your way down the hallways to find an open door.
“The chem room is open…” - Joe
You gently opened the door and pulled Joe in behind you, the lights being motion-activated turned on as you two walked in.
Joe flicked the light switch back off as the moonlight through the window lit up the room.
Making your way to your table, you and Joe sat down in your respective seats without sharing a word.
“Your dress is pretty.” - Joe
With a longing glance, you examined Joe’s hair, outfit, and shoes.
“Thanks. You look handsome.” - you
“Thanks.” - Joe smiled
A few seconds of silence went by before Joe cleared his throat, immediately getting your attention.
“Uhm… can I be honest with you?” - Joe
“Always.” - you
Here goes nothing.
“I think you're amazing. Talking to you every day makes me want to come to school, and I enjoy every word that's shared between us. You get to see a side of me that many people don't because I feel safe with you. I hope what I'm about to tell you doesn't ruin that, and you might just see me as a friend… but I like you.” - Joe
“In what way?” - you
In all honesty, you knew exactly what he meant, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“In the way that I find myself staring at you all the time because I think you're beautiful, In the way that you give me butterflies when you laugh or smile at me. You are incredible, y/n; gorgeous, smart, talented, crazy athletic, loyal, trustworthy.” - Joe
He paused for a second to scan your face for somewhat of a reaction.
“Now that I think about it, you're so out of my league.” - Joe laughed
“Go on, Joey.” - you giggled
“What I'm trying to say is… I have a crush on you, y/n.” - Joe
“Mr. ‘I'm focusing on football’ has a crush on me?!?” - you
Joe felt his stomach drop at your teasing. He'd just poured his heart out, and was thinking the worst.
“So you don't feel the same way?” - Joe
“What? I didn't say that!” - you
“So…?” - Joe
“I like you too, Joe. More than friends.” - you
“Really?” - Joe smiled
“Yeah.” - you grinned
You two sat there, no words shared, just tooth-rotting grins.
“I've never done this before… what happens next?” - Joe
“I think there's another question you need to ask me.” - you
“Oh, yeah! y/n…” - Joe
He took your hand in his, the size difference making your heart flutter for a second before you shifted your attention back to his beautiful blue eyes.
“Be my girlfriend?” - Joe finished
“I'd love to.” - you smiled
Somehow, your other hand found its way into his. Almost as if magnets were pulling your faces together, you both leaned in.
Your lips molded together so perfectly like you were each other’s missing piece.
Maybe because you guys were.
Joe would forever be grateful that he took the leap of faith and confessed to the girl that he swore was out of his league, for she would become his everything for the rest of his life.
That chemistry room is where you found your first real boyfriend, who would be your first kiss, and unbeknownst to you, you were Joe’s first real girlfriend and kiss as well.
In fact, you were each other’s first everything.
And you'd also be each other’s last.
Authors note: One of my favorite requests to write, it was so fun picturing the beginning of their relationship!
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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justporo · 1 year
Astarion owns property in my head at this point. Can I request for Astarion and Tav where they finally settle down after everything with the Absolute is over and has finally calmed down, and Tav immediately gets extremely sick. Nothing deadly, but still severe. After all the stress from the tadpoles and fighting for their lives, Tav's body kinda just gives out. I'd imagine Astarion would be at a complete loss at taking care of someone, let alone someone that sick lol probably gets scared they're dying too
Oh, Anon, I feel you. It's not that he lives in my head rentfree, no! He owns the building and makes ME pay the rent by now...
This request resonates a lot with me, today, because I'm frankly barely holding on atm, my stomach's acting up and I can't wait for the finishline for this week... so I too could actually use some Astarion taking care of me - although if that might help? Let's see! (Spoilers ahead)
This is pure ridiculous fluff btw. And thank you for the sweet request!
Pairing: Astarion / GN!Tav (You) Wordcount: 1,5k
Strawberry Sugar High
You hadn't left the bed for the better part of a week and you felt you had contracted most every kind of ailment that one could suffer from under this sun. You felt shaky and dizzy. Your limbs hurt and felt weak. Your stomach was in a weird limbo of feeling strange and barely allowing you to keep anything down. Radiating heatwaves making your whole body sweat came and switched places with icy chills so even the coziest of blankets couldn't stop you from shivering. You were down bad - and Astarion almost scaled the walls not knowing what to do with you or how to take care of you.
"My sweet, I brought you...", Astarion started to announce cheerfully as he opened the door to your bedroom with a bowl and a steaming mug in his hands. Then he saw how you had hogged every possible piece of fabric in your giant joint bed and had wrapped yourself in it. At the sight of it, Astarion's shoulders slumped visibly and with it his procured goods - which almost caused scorching hot tea to splash on the floor.
“…some fruit and tea”, he finished audibly distraught and walked over to sit somewhat next to where you had rolled up into a mess of sheets and blankets and were silently shivering. He carefully placed down mug and bowl on the nightstand before he turned to the pile that you had become.
“I really thought you were getting better, my love!” The sad and suffering puppy eyes he made at you almost made you think he was the one to be worried about.
“Y-you say t-that every-ytime you le-leave the room and co-ome back, A-Astarion”, you replied through shattering teeth which sadly took the edge off of your snide remark.
“I know, love. Because every time I hope you might would have started to feel better. But you’ve been like this for almost a week and yet no improvement in sight. You have me worried sick!”, he dramatically explained.
The shivers temporarily left your body to allow you to give Astarion a death stare – the audacity of this man. “I am so terribly sorry that I dare put you through th-this. Now please h-hand me the t-tea!”, you sarcastically replied and worked your hands out of the mountain of blankets to stretch them out towards the nightstand where the vampire had placed the mug.
Astarion handed you the mug. “Careful, it’s scorching ho…”, he said while you grabbed it from him and placed your palms around the hot ceramic and sighed at the bliss of warmth.
Astarion stared at you as if you had turned into an ox.
You took in the smell of the fresh brew and sighed again – pine needles, mint, chamomile, and a hint of lavender. You took a sip slowly because it was actually really hot and closed your eyes for a second. The hot drink temporarily made you feel better.
“You really got the right mixture down now, Astarion, thank you!”, you said as you opened your eyes again and smiled broadly at the vampire who had swung his legs onto the bed and crossed them by the ankles – bare feet sticking out of the pant legs – to sit beside you. At your compliment his face lit up, his eyes filling with sincere joy.
“Well, I’m happy to hear I am proficient at taking care of you, my sweet sick darling”, he said and raised one of his eyebrows in arrogant manner. “Well, let’s not forget the time when you didn’t strain the pine needles or when you tried to make mushroom soup and created bile”, you replied to his cocky demeanour and then took another sip of tea. The shivers were really calming down now.
Astarion’s mouth became a straight line. “Well, I am sorry, but it’s been over two hundred years since I last had to know my way around a kitchen – you’d be surprised how easily forgotten mundane things are”, he pouted but stretched out his arm to rub circles on your back – or what he thought must be your back under the thick padding of fabric.
You were fairly certain, Astarion had never really known his way around a kitchen, but you really didn’t want to rub it in since he was actually trying so hard to take care of you. And he had really been worried sick about you since it seemed he had also forgotten how much impact even a rather harmless sickness could have on a mortal body.
“Feeling better now?”, Astarion asked while he kept rubbing your back. This time there wasn’t a hint of sarcasm or arrogance in his tone, just a sincere, caring question.
“I am. Thank you, my heart”, you answered and turned a bit to him to give him another smile. “I guess after everything that happened my body was just in dire need of a break – and now forced me to take it. I guess in a few days I’ll be merrily dallying around again”, you spoke as you looked at Astarion but then spied past him to where you had seen something of interest in the bowl he had brought.
“I’m happy to hear that, my sweet, because I don’t know…”, the vampire replied with a smile then furrowed his brows as he saw your focus shift past him and you leaned to look behind him. He made to lean with you. “My beautiful eyes are up here, my love”, he murmured playfully.
But you craned your neck now to see what it was he had brought you – broad shoulders and handsome face be damned. “Gods, are those strawberries?” “Indeed, sweetheart.”
Your mouth opened and you stared at Astarion in anticipation: “Where did you get them? Those are not in season for a few more months! I love strawberries, they’re my favourite fruit, no, food!” Your eyes gleamed at the vampire who replied with a smug grin: “I know, darling. I am actually a good listener in case you hadn’t noticed yet.”
You stretched to give him a kiss which almost resulted in you falling over and spilling all of the remaining tea. Your heart filled with an incredible amount of joy – not only because there were strawberries to be had, but because you felt so seen by your soulmate. You smiled at Astarion. “Indeed, you are”, you happily cheered him. He smiled back just as warmly.
“I got them from a place where they magically empower the crops. It did almost cost me an arm and the rest of my dignity though, but here we are”, he explained jokingly to which you raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him.
“Feed me!”, you then demanded excitedly when he didn’t spill any more details. To which the vampire grinned even more broadly, showing his sharp fangs in the process. “Oh love, I am more than happy to indulge you in this pleasant reversal of roles”, he crooned and turned around to grab the bowl of fruit while you kept sipping on your herbal tea.
He grabbed one of the deep red fruits and slowly lifted it to your already excitedly opened mouth. You were almost salivating, as Astarion offered you the berry, holding it elegantly in his long, slender fingers. The fruit almost touched your lips, but then, at the last possible moment: the vampire flicked it in his own mouth with his thumb.
Your mouth stayed open but now in a desperate expression while Astarion chewed. His facial expression became confused then pleasantly surprised, not even looking at you for a moment. “Oh dear, these are actually rather good. I had almost also forgotten how good these taste. I haven’t eaten a strawberry in forever.” He gave a quick high-pitched laugh while still looking a bit confused. This certainly had awoken a memory he had probably thought lost forever. But still – weren’t these for you?
“Excuse me, my tragic darling vampire, I really love you rediscovering your love for these mortal pleasures known as fruit, but weren’t these meant to soothe my sufferings?”, you said and pouted at Astarion. He readily replied by finally offering you one – for real this time, while he smirked at you and stole another one for himself.
As you bit down the taste just about exploded in your mouth. They were perfectly delicious and sweet. You sighed blissfully and let your head fall back with closed eyes. You were definitely feeling better by the minute.
“So good! Thank you so much for getting them – I feel so much better already!”, you said to Astarion and shimmied over to him to first lean past him and put the mug on the nightstand and then hugging him – arms extending from your ball of blankets.
Astarion pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “You’re welcome, my love. Now – share the rest?” “Only if you promise to get more tomorrow!”
The pale elf threw his head back and laughed. “If that is what it takes to nurse you back to health, I am more than happy to oblige, sweetheart”, he promised with a chuckle before he gave you another of the sweet berries and then popped another strawberry in his own mouth.
Author's note: Okay cool, where do I get strawberries now? Hope you enjoyed!
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reareaotaku · 2 months
Yes please Axl Heck reader omg
Love thy Sister's Friend
Summary: You've always just been Sue's friend and Axl's never seen you as anything else... So, he says Tw: Axl being a bully, blackmail briefly mentioned Taglist: N/a
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Axl was annoying and mean. You weren't necessarily sure why he was the way he was, but that's how he had always been; Especially to you. In fact, he seemed to take joy in being cruel to you. And while one might say he was like that to everyone, it seemed he took more joy into bullying you specifically. You could remember some very distinct times that stuck out to you.
You felt a light tug on your hair, causing you to swing your hair back and glare at the perpetrator, Axl. You groaned, ignoring him.
"What are you doing here, dweeb? Don't you have a house?" He walks around the counter to face you and eat his cereal. He takes a nice spoonful, before looking back at you as you roll your eyes.
"My house is being fumigated and your mother offered me to stay here for the next three days."
"Three days? No way-" He turns to his father who happened to walk in. "She's staying here for three days?"
Mike opens the fridge and grabs a beer before turning to Axl and shrugging. "That's what your mother said."
"Uh!" Axl groans. "That's not fair-"
"Hey, take it up with your mother."
He makes an ugly face and sticks his tongue out before heading back to his room.
You snuck up on the benchers, looking over, hoping to see a certain someone- Until you were interrupted.
"What are you doing?"
You quickly turned around, blindsided that you were caught by the worse person to be caught by- Axl. He was giving you that look- The one that said he had caught you.
You put a hand on your hip and sighed, "What... am I doing?" You looked around before tilting your head, "Um, I'm not doing anything."
"That's funny," He gestures to the group you were just staring at. "It looks like you're being a pervert."
"Pervert? Like you're one to talk."
He chuckles, before looking back at the group. "I wonder what they'd think if I told them some girl is spying on them?"
"And you think they'd believe you?"
"Yeah, I do," He pulls out his phone, snapping a quick photo of you. "Especially when they see this."
"You wouldn't dare-"
"Oh, but I would."
"God, what is your deal, Axl?"
"You. You are my deal."
You groan, rolling your eyes before crossing your arms. "What do you want?"
"I am so glad you asked."
You shook your head thinking of the memory. Axl had you do his chores and clean his room for a whole month. It was a nightmare. But at least he deleted the picture. There was a thought in the back of your mind that told you Axl had never truly planned on showing those boys the photo, but you didn't want to risk it.
You picked at your lunch, disappointed that you were sitting by yourself, since Sue was sick. You sighed, saddened that you were eating lunch alone. But, it could have been worse.
"Oh, wow, eating lunch alone? Ha! What a loser."
Nevermind. It just got as worse as it could get.
Axl took the seat across from you and set his lunch on the table. You had hoped when starting high school that you would have a different lunch than Axl, since he was an upperclassmen, but you were sadly mistaken. Since Axl was sitting with you, his other buddies Sean and Darrin, also decided to sit at your lunch table.
"Sue can't possibly be your only friend." He jokes, pointing his fork at you.
"God, can't you let me be a loser- ALONE?"
He shakes his head, "No, I like to bask in it. Makes me feel alive."
You roll your eyes and pick up your tray before leaving the cafeteria.
You sat on the step, before pushing out your dress, hoping your tears wouldn't ruin your makeup, but you were sure it was to late. You felt the water drip down your face and your face was slowly becoming soaked as the tear began to pour from your eyes. You had never felt so humilated by a man who you thought liked you.
You decided to push yourself up and just walk home. Sure, it was far, but it was better than staying at the dance where anyone could see you and laugh.
You walk on the rocky sidewalk, your heel suddenly breaking after getting caught in a hole, causing you to yell and take your heel off before throwing it. As if to make it worse, a car drives by, splashing you in muddy water.
"Aw dude- Fuck You!" You yell, before sighing and deciding it wasn't worth it. This had to be the worse night of your life...
"God, what happened to you?"
You groan when hearing the voice. You wish you had noticed his beaten down car pulling up, because you would have hidden in a bush or something.
"Hey- Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." You said quickly, picking up your pace.
"You sure don't look fine." He stops the car and opens the door causing you to finally look at him. He pats the seat, giving you a look that you knew meant he knew you wouldn't say no.
It was quiet as he drove, beside the occasional weird sound the old car made. You weren't sure what to say, since this was the nicest thing Axl had ever done for you.
He didn't ask you what happened, and you were happy about that. The last thing you needed was for him to laugh at you too. You were more than relieved when he pulled into your driveway. You quickly hop out and shut the door, but not before sighing and turning to him.
"Thanks.... Axl. I appreciate it."
He smiles, putting his head down, so he could look at you through the window. "Of course, Y/n. No girl as pretty as you should ever cry because of some asshole guy."
Before you could even question what he meant, he was driving off, leaving you cluelessly watching him. Pretty.... He said you were pretty. Maybe Axl wasn't that bad...
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brooooswriting · 1 year
vada/jenna being like, super touchy and needy? after r was away for a couple of days due to going to see their fam/going on holiday..
btw love ur work!! i’m waiting for p2 of whipped :)) it was so cute
Never leave again
Vada Cavell x reader
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The holidays used to be vadas favorite time, People from school were annoying the fuck out of her and she hated waking up early. So the holidays, where she could spend everyday with either Nick or Amelia was great. Until she met you.
She suddenly loved school and you were the reason. While nick and her drove to school together you’d wait for her outside every damn day, walking her to her locker and to class, offering her snacks, skipping classes with her every now and then. You were everything she wished for and at the same time everything her parents wished for her, at least mostly.
Vada was impulsive, she didn’t think most of her actions through which made her being alone dangerous. But you? You were always on time, you had good grades and manners, you were calculated at most times and knew how to deal with Vada. What her parents didn’t know was that you liked to drink and smoke too every now and then. But after all you were still just a teenager.
But now Vada had a problem with holidays, your family was one of those families who liked to go away every damn holiday. When you were on short trips they allowed you to take Vada with you, but when you asked if you could take Vada with you to your aunts house they denied. It was supposed to be an only family vacation, your sister also wasn’t allowed to take somebody with her. Even after four days of annoying them you weren’t allowed to take her with you. Sure, 6 days weren’t the world but still.
So you said your goodbye with some tears being shed on Vadas side, which nearly made you cry too. After promising that you’d text her and call her everyday she finally let you go and get into the car, waving you until you were out of sight.
Obviously you kept your promise and texted her everyday but sadly the WiFi was terrible so it wasn’t a lot of texting. You could text her like three times a day, no pictures or FaceTime. Vada understood that it wasn’t your fault and was fine with your three texts but not being able to talk to you for longer than 5 minutes.
Your family decided to stay a week longer, your and vadas downfall. At least until you could convince them to let you go already, your grandparents offered to take them home which meant that you could take the car and go back home. You decided to not tell Vada until you arrived, loading up and her favorite snacks and fast food you parked in front of her house and rang her up.
“Look outside” you said as soon as she picked up, a confused grunt following your statement indicating that she took a nap when you called.
“Why would I?” She asked with a yawn, but you could still hear her standing up. So you got out of the car and leaned against the hood, smiling as soon as you saw the front door crack open.
“Y/n” she squealed, running across the street into your arms. Her arms wrapped around your neck and your legs around your waist, while your rested under her legs to keep her up. You quickly pressed your lips to her head before nuzzling your head into the crook of her neck, placing soft kisses there.
“God, I missed you” you mumbled into her, slightly pulling away to press a kiss to her lips. She hummed in delight, one of her hands playing with the baby hairs on your neck. “I have some snacks, fast food and a house alllll to myself. Wanna come?” You grinned as you sat her back on the ground, a while leaving her.
“Of course, I’ll just get my phone and tell my parents. Then we can go” she said, grabbing your hand and pulling you along which caused you to grunt, clearly confused.
“Why am I coming along?” You asked laughing slightly as you tripped over your own feet. “Hey Mr. And Mrs. Cavell, Amelia” you called out as Vada pulled you up to her room. A faint ‘hello y/n” before laughing.
“Because, I’m not letting you go again, you’re staying with me from now on” she stated completely serious, her hand tightening around yours. The small brunette pulled your intertwined hands up to her mouth, quickly pressing a kiss to the back of yours. “Now let’s go, I gotta tell my parents” she pulled you downstairs with her, into the kitchen were her parents stood. “I’m gonna go with y/n ok?” She said as if it was the most normal and obvious thing ever, and to them it kind off was.
“Alright, don’t do anything stupid” her mother said, pressing a kiss to her head before side hugging you. You smiled and hugged her back before shaking her fathers hand, mumbling a ‘Mr. Cavell’ which made him laugh. He had told you around a thousand times to stop calling him that but you stocked with him, wanting to show him as much respect as possible.
You said your goodbyes and disappeared off to your car where you opened the passenger door for her and helped her inside before closing the door and getting in yourself. Starting the car and driving off was harder than you thought with one hand as Vada whined and grunted as soon as you were in the car, only stopping when your hand started to stroke her thigh. “Took you long enough” she grinned, you chuckled and waited until the next red light to lean over and kiss her.
Once you arrived you brought your suitcase, the snacks and the fast food inside. “I’m gonna take a shower real quick, why don’t you already choose a movie?” You asked as you set the snacks down.
“You know what, I think I might need a shower too” she grinned and run upstairs to the bathroom, you chuckled and shook your head before following. Whatever one might think happened in that shower, is probably wrong. The small brunette clung onto you the whole time, making it hard to get clean but at one point you still succeeded and could finally leave the shower. Both of you got redressed in comfy cloths before going downstairs to eat on the couch while watching whatever movie Vada chose.
Even while eating her legs were thrown over yours, her body constantly touching yours. It has been a rather long time since you and Vada had been separated for that long so her touchiness wasn’t really something that you were confused by.
Once you guys finished your food you laid back, the petite brunette immediately laying on top of you, pulling herself as close as possible. A smile forming on your face as your hand rubbed up and down her back. “I want a kiss” she mumbled into your chest for the sixth time in probably 15 minutes but nonetheless you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips, this time she didn’t let you go quickly. She kept the kiss going, titling her head to deepen it, a small moan leaving your mouth causing a grin to form on her face. “You’re insatiable, you know that?” You smiled as you parted, her lips slightly swollen and red.
A giggle left her mouth as she nodded, her hands placing themself under your hoodie, causing a shiver to erupt all over your body. Her touch always had that effect on you. “I love you” you mumbled into her hair as your arms wrapped around her waist.
“I love you too” she said and kissed your chest through your hoodie. The tv was still silently playing in the back, but both of you were only focused on each other, finally being able to bask in each others presence again. You couldn’t wait to spend a week with Vada alone.
“Wanna smoke?” You asked, a happy squeal leaving her mouth as she jumped up and pulled you outside with her. You went to sit on one of the chairs, thinking Vada would sit on the one next to you but instead she settled onto your lap, her head resting against your shoulder.
You didn’t think that getting high would make Vada even clingier but it did, she didn’t even stand up when you decided to go to bed. Instead insisting on you carrying her to bed, which you did. And again, the moment your back touched the bed she was on top of you. But the thing is, you wouldn’t have changed it for the world. There was something about Vada being vulnerable like this which made you melt.
She fell asleep on you almost immediately, a chuckle leaving your chest as she snorted slightly. God, you love this woman.
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amymbona · 23 days
i need angst so !! thinking about patrick with an introverted, shy, kinda closed off reader who sometimes needs to just be by herself and isolates and ghosts the people around her because she gets overwhelmed. and of course patrick gets mad because he doesn't get it and he confronts her about it and they get in a huge argument idk. i feel like she's a lot like a female version of art and she gest sneaky and mean when she's angry so i just imagine patrick seeing this part of her for the first time and they end up saying the worst things to each other
thank you <33
Patrick angst Zweig <3
I think that, as much as Patrick tries to be a good guy, he's just really oblivious and fails to notice important stuff. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care - no no no - but he's simply kinda stupid. And unfortunately, he's having issues with figuring out certain social cues.
So when your responses are dry, only sending simple yes and no to his messages, Patrick gets really pissed. What exactly is the issue - do you suddenly hate him? Has he done something so terrible that offended you and you weren't even able to talk to him about it? Or is it the harsh truth that you don't want to be friends with him anymore? While you're (somewhat) peacefully asleep, hoping to get past your anxiety in that way, Patrick spends hours pacing around his room, literal steam shooting from his ears.
And then he storms into your dorm in the middle of the night - because Patrick Zweig doesn't understand the concept of time and because Patrick Zweig doesn't care if somebody wants to get rest and mainly because Patrick Zweig doesn't like waiting - so you're forced to listen to him rant, half asleep, in your pyjamas.
"I don't understand it, I just - did I do something? - or what is it? Why won't you just tell me?"
"Patrick, just go to your place. We'll talk in the morning," you beg him with a sleepy voice, eyes closing.
He stomps towards your bed, hands on his hips, staring down at your tired frame, "Why? Why won't you just talk to me? You've been ignorin' me since the start of the week. What the hell's your issue?"
"Just go," you plead once again, genuinely not in the mood for any of it.
"Don't tell me to go - goddamn - don't sleep now! Just talk to me, for fuck's sake," Patrick is still pushing his luck, unable to respect your wishes. He is determined to get this answer. And unfortunately, that pushes you over the edge.
"Why do you have to be so pushy all the time? Oh my god, just leave me alone - why don't you get it? I'm not texting you cause I wanna be alone!"
He's dumbfounded, totally.
"What the hell, Y/N?"
But you're having none of it, sadly, too upset about this whole treatment, about Patrick constantly chasing you, glued to your back, not allowing you a single moment for yourself. You love him, but you need to be alone as well, "You're after me all the time - do you have an idea how frusttating that is? I can't be with you all the time, Pat. I'm not a robot, I need some time for myself too!"
And you know Patrick is quite an emotional guy, dependent too. He requires constant reassurance and presence of his loved ones - so much, that he's blind to all the hints of discomfort, unable to understand the world doesn't revolve around him.
"Oh," he nods, stepping away from your bed slowly, "Okay."
Like a harsh shake, the realisation that you have unintentionally hurt his feelings wakes you up. But you couldn't hold it back, you just couldn't, when you were so overwhelmed, "Wait, Patrick-"
"No no no," he cuts you off, "Good night."
And then you're left alone. But suddenly, you don't want to be alone. You want Patrick to come back, to be here, lay next to you and talk your ear off. To rant and rant and rant until you're asleep, unaware of anything he's saying, but snuggled closely to his side. Hurriedly, you pick up your phone and text him.
Y/N: pat [0:28 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: i'm sorry [0:28 am]
Y/N: come baxk [0:28 am]
Y/N: please [0:29 am]
Y/N: sorry [0:29 am]
Y/N: :( [0:29 am]
[seen by Patrick Zweig]
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themorriganwitch · 1 year
The Au Pair Diaries Part 1 | Jake Seresin x Reader
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Summary: Jake Seresin was in desperate need for an au pair for his twin girls. What he did not expect was to fall in love with the 23 year old girl who is absolutely forbidden but now lives next to his bedroom.
Words: 2,6k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Reader
A/N: This is the first part of my upcoming series about Jake and his Au Pair. This Series will contain 18+ content, so MDNI. Please be aware that English is not my firs language, so there will be mistakes. Feedback and Rebloggs are always dearly appreciated.
“You can do this”, you mutter to yourself. “Everything will be alright. You just have to ring the doorbell and beg on your knees that he will give you the job. And if this won’t work you could use your position on your knees to suck him mind-blowingly good, so he will give you the job regardless”. 
Yeah, that won’t work. Not just because you have absolutely no clue about giving a mind-blowing blow job, but also because your meeting with Lieutenant Jake Seresin was in exactly 4 minutes and 32 seconds and if you won’t stop running up and down the sidewalk in front of his pretty beach house, you would still be running out here next week instead of taking  your very last chance to not fuck everything up you had worked the last 3 years of your life for.
As you make your way down the Seresin driveway, you try to calm your nerves. 
You absolutely hated the fact that you had be here alone, but since your chaperon, Lily, had called you this morning and told you that she sadly won’t make it to the interview, you had no choice but to go through this on your own. 
You know you should not be mad at her; you were very well aware of the fact that you can’t control when your kids get sick, but after the disaster with your last host family you just wished you had someone to hold your hand and tell you everything will be alright. 
Welcome to adulthood, you guess, where you have to handle any hardships of life alone. 
As you were now eye to eye with the nice white front door of your hopefully soon-to be home, you took a last breath and prayed for a tiny wonder as your finger push the doorbell on your right. 
It only took a couple of seconds until you were hearing footsteps approaching  on the other side of the door and soon you were staring into a beautiful pair of green eyes. 
“Hey, how can I help you?”, the man in front of you asks.
You open your mouth to answer but holy hell if this has not been the most handsome man you have ever seen in your life.
Tall, broad shoulders, perfectly styled blonde hair and a face as gorgeous as it was chiseled by Michelangelo himself.
You were honestly to stunned to speak. 
“Are you okay?”, he asks, a cocky smile forming on his kissable looking lips, like he knows exactly why you were not answering right now. 
You clear you throat, trying to not embarrass yourself any further.
 “Hi, I am y/n. I am here for the au pair interview”, you smile the kindest smile you have to offer. 
Now it was his turn to clear his throat. “Yeah sure, thought you were coming with your chaperon”, it wasn’t a real question, but you answer nevertheless, trying to ban all of the uneasiness caused by your starring scene. 
“Her son got sick, so it’s just all me”.
“Oh. Huh. Do you want to come inside?”.
You nod, following him inside his home where he directs the both of you into his kitchen. 
“My daughters are currently in their room”, he informs you while subtly directing you to take place on a chair in front of the counter. “Thought it would be better if the both of us talk first, before you are meeting them”. 
“Sure”, you agree, looking up to him, waiting that he might ask you a question or anything. Instead of talking to you, you caught him eyeing you from head to toes, similar the way you did at his doorstep. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jake Seresin knew that you were going to be the death to him as soon as he opened the door. 
Your green tank top that fitted you just right, the denim shorts that were not short enough to be called slutty but sat just tight enough that he knew that if he would have seen your backside, he’d had to fight the urge to bend you over the counter and spank your ass for teasing him like this. 
After you fully consented to this, of course. 
And now you were looking up to him with big eyes and pouty lips, and for a second, he questions how you would look with tears streaming out of those gorgeous eyes, your pretty mouth stuffed full of his cock, while he praises you for taking him so well. 
Damn it, Hangman, he tells himself. Get a hold of yourself. She is here to work with your daughters and live with you for fucks sake. You are in desperate need of her help, don’t let your cock fuck this up. 
“So, you already had a host family before?”, he asks you after a moment of silence while he crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Your mouth went dry. Holy Moly, that’s a huge biceps. 
“Yes”, you clear your throat. “But I have only been there for six weeks. It did not go very well, so the agency suggested me to leave”. 
Jake nods: “So how many months do you have left then, for your stay?”
“A bit more than 10”.
Jake nods again.
“I read your profile. You seem to be very qualified. You are 23 and studying back home to become a primary school teacher, which makes you a bit older than most of the profiles I went through. But I would like to hear a bit more of your personality. What are your hobbies back home or how are you planning to spend the time with my kids?”, he looks at you attentively.
You thought about his question for a second, before you answer it truthfully, enumerating most of your hobbies as well as all the free time activates for his girls you thought about, after Lily had told you about their profile. 
The interview goes on, as he asks you everything he comes up with at the moment. 
After he finished, he continues by telling you what he was expecting from you. 
“The girls are at school from 9 to 3, since I must be on base at 7, it would be your job to get them ready, pack breakfast and Lunch and drive them to school. 
After you come back, it would be nice if you could tidy up a bit, nothing wild though. Just like starting the dishwasher and packing the girls’ toys away. I can take care of my stuff, so you won’t have to bother with that. Until the girls are done with school you would then have been time to do anything you like.
Around 3, you would have to pick them up again and then either bring them to their after-school activities or come home and do whatever you come up with to keep them entertained. I’ll be back home around 5, so you won’t have to deal with dinner except for the cases where I’ll be late, which sadly will occur more often than not”. 
“Sounds pretty doable to me”, you say, figuring out that he will tell you the details of his daughters afternoon activities and anything else as soon as he decides if you are going to match. 
Even though you felt like your interview went pretty good until now, you could feel some kind of resistance on his side. You swallow. Lily made you well aware of the fact that Jake Seresins family was the only one who were looking for someone that matches your profile right now, if he declines you as his au pair, the agency would have no choice but to send you back home and all the money you worked your ass up for, to pay the agency. would be flushed down the toilet. 
Something you won’t let happen.
You could not know that the reason for the aviators resistsance towards you was coming from his unexplainable, but primal urge to dick you down. 
“Please, Lieutenant Seresin”, you say but he interrupts you, his jaw clenches while a shiver went down his spine as you use his rank. 
“You can call me Jake, kid.  No need for calling me Lieutenant or God forbid, Mr. Seresin”.
“Fine, Jake”, you start again exaggerating his first name, trying to gain some plus points. 
“I will be the best Au Pair you could ask for; I promise. I am extremely tidy, my food tastes good and I will never complain about working a bit longer on the weekends, when you have to stay on base a little longer or want to out with your friends”.
You look at him with your best pleading eyes. 
Jake sighs, rubbing his forehead as he feels a migraine approaching. This shit was tiring, he went through so many Au pairs, reading their online profiles and spending hours with skype interviews but all of them just weren’t it for him. 
And now you were sitting in his kitchen, hair in a messy bun, the fabric of your green tank top thin enough, that he could see your nipples perking through.
He groans inwardly. The last thing he could do is making such an important decision because his dick told him so, but as he looks into your desperate but yet hopeful eyes, he just could not say no to you.
“Fine, we can try this”, the blonde man announces. “But you will have to meet the girls first and if I have the feeling that the three of you will work out when I’m gone, you can move in, and I’ll talk to your agency”. 
“Oh my god, thank you so much”, you say, standing up from your chair and hugging him tight before you could really think about it. 
But as soon as you feel your hands on his hard, muscled back, you just realized what you were doing, and your hands were gone as fast as they had approached him.
“I’m sorry”, you state awkwardly, avoiding his gaze while panic arises inside you mind. 
Holy hell, not enough that he caught you eye fucking him in the very beginning but now he has to think you are encroaching too.
You already open your mouth again, a ton of excuses on the edge of your lips, as you make yourself ready to beg for his forgiveness, but Jake simply clears his throat, an amused glance in his green eyes as he nods his head towards the hallway.
 “Ready to meet the girls?” 
The Double Trouble, as their dad lovingly introduces his twin daughters to you, were two beautiful ocean-eyed girls at the age of 8.
Charlie, the older one, by exactly 2 and a half minutes as she tells you proudly, closes you into her heart forever as soon as you compliment all 13 Taylor Swift Poster that were hanging on her side of the room. 
“You like Taylor Swift?”, she asks you with doll eyes. 
“Oh, I love her”, you reply smiling. “My favorite Album is Reputation. Which is yours?” 
“Lover”, Charlie tells you, her long blond curls bouncing wildly as she hops up and down in excitement. “But I really love Fearless too. Daddy is also a huge fan”.
You turn your head back to the doorframe, where Jake was standing. “You are?”, you ask interested. He lifts his hands defensively: “All I ever said was that her Debut Album sounds okay, for country music”.
“Daddy, you told us not to lie”, Charlie says, the look in her green eyes was way too mischievous for a girl her age. “He loves singing to her with us in the car, he also has a special dance move he does when we- “.
“Charlotte Seresin, there is no need to tell everyone your dad’s secrets, alright?”, Jake reminds his daughter, who he knows inherited way too much of his cocky manner. 
“That’s why I sometimes call her ‘little devil’”. There was definitely no explanation needed where this nickname was coming from. You smile to yourself, already knowing that Charlie would be a handful.
“What about you, Izzy?”, you ask the other twin, who has been silent  for most of the time since you had entered the room. “Do you also like Taylor Swift?”.
She shakes her head. “Not really. I listen to her with Charlie and Daddy but not by myself”. You take a step closer to her bed, where she was sitting, before you kneel in front of her. 
“Well, what do you like to do when you are by yourself?”
She crooks her head slightly, the same blonde curls as her sisters framing her face. Where Charlie seems to be the outspoken and louder on, Izzy was quieter and more reserved. 
 “I like to read”, she then answers. 
“Really? Me too. I absolutely loved the Harry Potter books, when I was your age. Do you know them?
Her eyes light up as you mention the book that was currently laying on her nightstand. She takes it with her tiny hands and offers it to you. “I am reading book three”, she tells you, smiling shyly. 
“It is my favorite book from all of them”.
“It is a really good one”, you agree, reciprocating her smile. 
“Do you also like to read, Charlie?”, you look back to the other side of the room, where Charlie was sitting on her own bad. 
“Not really. Daddy also does not read”, you heard Jake sigh in the doorframe at her words. 
You chuckle to yourself, if Jake really lets you stay, you think, you will really have a great time with his daughters. 
The next couple of minutes you were talking to Izzy and Charlie about music and books and anything else each of them comes up with. Charlie was currently telling you about a particular beach day the twins had with their dad and some of his friends, when Jakes phone rings and he excuses himself out of the room to answer the call. 
“Is this the phone of Lieutenant Seresin?”, a voice asks.
“It is, yeah”, Jake answers, leaning his back on the hallway wall where he still gets a good view of you sitting in his twin’s bedroom. 
“My name is Lily. I am y/ns advisor in her au pair agency. I am calling to ask how the interview went?”
“Oh”, Jake stutters, thinking about a good answer. The interview went well, really well.
 And it seems like you were doing great with his daughters too, especially with Izzy. 
He knows his younger twin sometimes has a hard time with her bubbly sister, but as he could now hear her voice down the hallway how she tells you excitedly how he lost a match of Mario Kart to Bradshaw once  and then had to jump into the ocean, fully clothed, he feels his heart swelling with pure adoration for his daughter but also for you, pulling this side out of her so easily. 
“Lieutenant?”, he hears Lily asking. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah”, Jake clears his throat. “The Interview went well”.
And as soon as I stop thinking with my cock, I hope it also stays well, he thinks to himself.
“That’s great. After everything that went down with her old family, I was really rooting for you to be her new host family. So, do you think it will work out with the four of you?”
That’s the moment he hears you laughing whole heartly at something Charlie said to you and it was one of the purest sounds he had ever witness. 
Even though he did not know about it right know, his future self was thanking him with his entire being for the decision he was about to make, while his current one was sure that this would end in an absolute disaster.
Nevertheless, he answers Lilys question honestly. 
“Yeah, I think the four of us will work out pretty good”.
Part 2 can be read here
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beansboop · 8 months
after the tour - julien baker x reader
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okay, so this is my first time writing for Julien. its just something small and was just an idea ive had in my head for a couple days. I know only a few people who write for Julien (i love their work) so I thought maybe I could start writing for her and even the other members of boygenius too! but anyways I hope this is good and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it :)
summary - Julien has been on tour for a while now and all she wants to do is be with the person she loves most. you.
rating - none
warnings - literally just fluff. she/her pronouns. reader is younger (in college) not proofread.
word count - 800
It was still dark out when you first woke up. Some birds were chirping and you could hear the soft snores from the person lying next to you. 
Julien. Your little body heater. 
She was laying on her stomach with her arm thrown around you. Her face tucked in the back on your neck, her breath tickling you every time she exhaled. 
You shuffled around until you were facing her. Admiring her relaxed face. She had just finished the tour with the boys and has been exhausted ever since she got home. All she wanted to do was crawl into your arms and go to sleep.
Which is exactly what she did last night. 
The boys had just finished the last song of the night and the last show of the tour. You were backstage waiting for Julien, and the rest of them. Mostly Julien though. You weren’t able to go to every show sadly, you were in college and had to keep things going with yours and julien’s shared home. You guys facetimed and texted throught the day. You did go to some shows and were able to support them front row or back stage. But Julien felt bad cause she was always so tired after shows all she wanted to do was go to sleep. So she didn’t get to talk to you much or spend much time with you. But you understood completely. You loved Julien and your just happy to be together wherever it is and whatever you guys are doing. 
Julien, Phoebe, and Lucy all came running back and collided into you with the biggest hug. 
“you guys were absolutely incredible out there” you said before you quite literally ran out of breath from the bear hug. 
They all laughed, phoebe and lucy went to go to their rooms to grab their stuff to bring to the tour bus leaving you and Julien alone.  Julien just kept looking at you smiling. 
“what are you looking at?” you smirked. 
Julien laughed “im just looking at you.. ive missed you so much” she says wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. 
“me too,” you said sadly.  “but were together now and we’ll be home soon and we can do whatever you want” you said, kissing the tip of her nose then her mouth. 
“oh.. whatever I want huh” Julien smirked and raised her eyebrows. You chuckled and lightly smacked her cheek. 
You rolled your eyes “ugh come on” you grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards her room to get her things. 
For some reason you were wide awake and just thinking about random stuff. You were so in your head you didn’t even realise Julien had woken up. 
“whatcha thinkin’ about baby?” she asked tiredly.
“just life. You, and me” 
She smiled at that. “good thoughts I hope?” 
“Yes, of course” you said, cupping her face with your hand and brushing hair out of her face.
Her eyes starting to close again. 
You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes so she thought you had fallen back asleep. She pulled you closer to her so your face was in the crook of her neck. You both keeping eachother warm from the cool air. 
“are you awake?” Julien asked softly. 
You hummed
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds trying to think of a way to get this all out. “I know because of the tour I haven’t been able to talk to you much or be with you and im sorry. Ive been so stressed and tired lately I know I haven’t been making time to really be with you and when I am with you im just annoying cause im having to practice or talking with the band and im not giving you my full attention” she started rambling. 
Now you were really awake. 
“Julien” is all you said. 
“you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it. Your stressed, anyone would be. eThis was one of your biggest tours and im so, so proud of you.” You exclaimed. 
She started tearing up at your words. She really felt like she was such a bad girlfriend. But of course you would understand, that’s why she loved you so much. 
“Im just so-“  you cut her off with your lips.
“stop saying sorry. You don’t have any reason to be sorry. Im not mad, I never was,  In the slightest.” You kissed her again. This time slowly to make sure she really gets that your not upset. 
You could never be upset at her. 
Especially over something like this. 
You rested your foreheads against each other and just laid with each other. 
“I love you so much y/n. I mean it. You are it for me” Julien said. 
She kissed you gently. “I love you Julien. Your it for me too.” 
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My saviour
Word count: 4.0K
Warnings: dark themes: abusive relationship, pregnancy. Hurt/comfort
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
You had no idea how you managed to run away. Literally you had no idea. All you knew was that you had finally managed to run away from your abusive boyfriend, after he kept you locked in his apartment for days beating you up continuously and taking advantage of you whenever he wanted, almost as if you were an object, his little lab rat to play with.
With you being an rising actress, this thing in your relationship had to stay hidden. You didn’t have huge roles, you weren’t famous all you had were one liners in movies that didn’t have that much of a success, even if they were movies with actors from A24. Pretty damn good actors, at that. But well, the make up artists always did a good job covering up the bruises.
The thing is, now you were homeless, and you had no one, you didn’t have anyone that could help you in this fucked up situation. You didn’t have that much experience to become known at least in your city, and to get some help. Currently it was a bit after 1 am and you were walking around the street of a creepy Los Angeles, you were limping for how much he beat you up, your lip was busted and you had a black eye and a nosebleed. You just wanted to find some place to sleep, and you’d figure out what to do in the morning.
However you never found it because you were stopped, when a car pulled over next to you. You heard someone getting out of it but you kept walking on the street. “Hey, do you need help?” You heard a sweet voice speak behind you. You had your hood over your head trying to cover your face and bruises… the dark of the night helped way more. You tried to ignore the girl as you kept ignoring her, until she moved in front of you. “Hey… are you okay?” Just then did you see who she was. Jenna fucking Ortega, the girl playing Wednesday in that new famous series. However at the moment you had no interest in the matter. You briefly looked at her, soon averting her eyes but god did she look at you.
“I know you. You’re from A24 right?” What in the world, how did Jenna Ortega know who you were? “Uh… yeah” you said, your voice shaking from how weak and in pain you were. “You were with that guy who played the lead in the movie you were in” she said and you didn’t have the time to nod, because she spoke again. “Did he do this to you?” You nodded again and looked down. “Come with me” she said and took you by the wrist, making you flinch because you were in pain and dragging you to her car. “Where are we going?” You asked her, your voice low and soft. “I’m taking you to my place, my mom’s a nurse. I hate this stuff, I hate domestic abuse and if there’s some way I can help someone, I will, gladly”. You smiled softly at her words, now you saw why everyone liked her. She was sweet, she fights for the right causes and god isn’t she beautiful.
It wasn’t long until the two of you arrived at her place, the big-looking house had lights on and off, and her mother was already waiting for us at the front porch, a sign that Jenna had already texted her mother about your arrival. It took you some time to walk there, and when you were at the front door, Jenna’s mother came to you. “Oh dear,” she said, raising her hand to caress your cheek. You flinched at first, which caused Natalie to move her hand away but then you leaned in for the touch, a gesture that made the woman smile sadly. “Come inside, let me help patch you up” she said and brought you inside the house, everyone was pretty asleep, the only ones awake in the house were Jenna and her mother. “Sit down, I’m gonna take my med kit. Jen can you make her something warm?” The young girl immediately sprinted towards the kitchen, and you were left alone in the living room for a brief moment before Natalie came back with whatever she needed.
The woman kneeled down in front of you and started taking a cloth as she dampened it in water and disinfectant, gently moving your head with her hand. “He messed you up real good huh?” You nodded and she placed the cloth on your busted lip, it did sting a while but then it turned into pleasure. Jenna walked over and placed a cup of tea on the table next to where you were sitting “thank you” you said quietly. “Do you know who did this to her?” Natalie said and Jenna nodded, you could see she was pretty upset, I mean, who wouldn’t be? “Yeah I know who he is. I swear I’m gonna make sure he looses his job” “you didn’t reply in the matter, not wanting to bring up some unwanted memory and you just zoned out, letting them talk until they were finished.
“(Y/N)” Jenna called, but you were too busy trying to think of something else, not wanting to focus on your now ex and what he did to you. “(Y/N)” she called once again, moving her hand in front of your face, but you weren’t budging. “(Y/N)!” She called again, this time raising her voice and putting a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your trance state. “Huh?” You said and looked at Jenna. The girl looked at her mother with a look that you considered “worried”.
“You’re bleeding” she said again, and you looked at yourself, your pants were soaked in blood and it wasn’t stopping. You didn’t know how to react, you weren’t scared, you weren’t worried, you were just confused but before you could realize it you were in the family car being taken to the hospital. It didn’t take long for you to be admitted, with Natalie being a nurse in that same hospital, now you sort of had privileges. You weren’t in pain, you were actually pretty calm but just to be sure, a nurse decided it would be a good idea to give you an ultrasound.
“You almost lost your baby, honey. It’s good that now you’re safe” the nurse said, and you furrowed your brows. “I’m sorry, what?” You asked, confused as hell. Baby? “Baby?” You said it out loud too, not believing what you had just heard. You weren’t pregnant. No, it couldn’t be… but when was the last time you had your period? You didn’t notice. “(Y/N), you didn’t know you were pregnant?” The nurse asked you, and you shook you head in shock not believing what you were hearing. “H-how… how far along am I?” The nurse looked at you with a sad smile, checking once again. “Judging on the size of the fetus I’d say that you’re entering the second trimester”
“T-that means that I ca- I can’t abort anymore. Right?” You were panicking. “I’m afraid that can’t be possible darling” Yep, you were definitely panicking. You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t deal with a baby. Not yet, not now. But on the other hand. You didn’t have any choice, did you? “Can we- can we leave? Please?” You looked both at Jenna and her mother, their eyes softening as they helped you off the bed and out of the hospital.
But when you got into the car, it hit you. “I can’t stay with you” you said, making the two women look at you. “I appreciate your help but with a baby-“ you shook your head. “It’s too much… I can’t ask you that” you said and you looked at Jenna the girl was looking at you with sad eyes, the look in them telling you a thousand things, yet you couldn’t even understand any of them. “Listen to me, dear” Natalie said, waiting for you to look at her and when you did, looking at her through the rearview mirror she began talking. “You have nowhere, no one to be with. We’re here to help, I’m a nurse, we have space in the house… trust me you won’t be a bother, okay? We want you and your baby to be okay and you certainly can’t go back to him. We’ll make sure he gets what he deserves”
You had to admit you didn’t expect all that support from Jenna and her family, you didn’t know them after all. But being with them, you learned a lot. You learned that your Ex was also Jenna’s ex and that he covered up a lot of bad things he did such as drug addiction and articles about him, just because he wanted to keep his reputation up high. So once you recovered fully, you and Jenna started working together on getting him arrested, you had a lot of evidence and so did she, so it was gonna be really easy.
Of course this brought the two of you to get incredibly closer, to the point where you’d watch movies together in the same room and fall asleep in the same bed, though with you always trying to keep some distance. You hated physical contact, and while Jenna loved it she always made sure to respect you and your spaces, knowing that you were scared of it, now it nearly burned you. You just couldn’t handle it and you were lucky that Jenna respected it.
The change in that came one day, when you had to go for the ultrasound to find out the gender. With Jenna’s help you learned to see the good sides of this pregnancy, you didn’t think of him anymore, you had started living out your life normally, you started booking roles, and Jenna’s manager was a huge help in that. Back to the ultrasound, you were now waiting for your turn, leg bouncing up and down and a hand on your baby bump. You had started feeling kicks recently, and this is one of those moments. “Is the baby kicking?” Jenna asked, seeing as you were gently caressing the bump. She had been coming with you to every doctor’s appointment and you were grateful to her for that. “Yeah… it feels weird” to said and looked at her. “Can I… can I feel it?” She asked.
Her question made you hesitate, you hated physical contact. Not because you didn’t like it, more because you were scared of it but she’s helped you so much, surely you could trust her… right? “Y-yeah” you said kind of nervously, you removed your hand and waited for her to place her own on your bump. Her touch was ever so delicate, her hand was so warm and soft and gentle, you had never felt this calm when someone was touching you. The baby kicked twice, right where her hand was and you saw a huge smile appear on her face and you had to be honest, it calmed you. Your eyes met for a couple seconds, god the feeling of safety she gave you. You were about to speak when the doctor came out.
“Miss (L/N)?” She called, and both you and Jenna recomposed before getting up and into the room, you laid on the bed and lifted your shirt. The cold gel was kind of soothing as you you looked at the monitor. “There it is” the doctor said smiling, turning the monitor for you to see. You could see the head and you could make out the arms and the little legs. “Would you like to hear the heartbeat while I figure out if you’re having a boy or a girl?” She asked and you looked at Jenna, before looking back at the monitor and nodding quickly “yes, yes please” the doctor nodded and turned on the audio, a fast heartbeat could be heard and you couldn’t help but smile “oh…” you teared up, looking at the monitor at the little baby moving its hands, while you had subconsciously took a hold of Jenna’s hand.
“Looks like you’re having a little girl!”
From that day on, you only grew closer with Jenna. You allowed her into your personal space and she treated you like a feather. Even when you cuddled, she always made sure you were comfortable with her, but how could you not be? She treated you like a princess. Her family treated you like their own, her mother always made sure you were taking your vitamins, giving you tips on how to do stuff the more your bump grew. Her sisters talked with you as if you were family, you enjoyed that, you loved that.
On this particular morning you had woken up with her by your side. The last thing you remembered from last night was watching a movie together, apparently you both fell asleep and didn’t notice. A few months ago you would have freaked out if someone was in your bed but now, not anymore. You looked at Jenna, scanned her face. God was she even more beautiful in the morning. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, mouth slightly ajar and the beautiful freckles sprawled on her nose and cheeks. You didn’t think you could have a crush on women but, here you were. You didn’t even notice when you moved a strand of hair off her face and behind her ear, letting your hand linger more than necessary on her cheek.
And that’s when she woke up. She stared at you with a small smile, blushing. And that’s when you realized. “Shit- I’m sorry” you said and immediately pulled your hand away, blushing and looking away as well. “No, don’t be sorry… I was enjoying it” she said softly as to not startle you “really?” You asked her, almost in a whisper as you looked at her in the eyes, she nodded softly and for a brief second you could swear you saw her looking at your lips. You nodded as well and placed your band back on her cheek. “You’re so pretty…” you whispered as you caressed her cheek. You blushed immediately after saying this and she blushed as well, the two of you giggling for a while, before going back to look at each other.
“Can I… kiss you?” She asked. No one was ever gentle enough to ask you to kiss you. No, people just assumed it was okay to do so without your consent. “Yeah…” you whispered and sheepishly nodded, you watched a smile appear on Jenna’s face before she leaned in to place the softest kiss on your lips, her lips were as soft as silk and god wasn’t she addicting. You felt as if your heart was going to explode in your chest, you were so happy right now. She was so careful, so gentle, and you felt so at peace around her. Unfortunately it was a short lived kiss, and she soon pulled back, however staying a few inches away from your face. She smiled softly and you did so too.
“I really like you, (Y/N)” she whispered, if you were smiling bright earlier, now your smile reached your ears and you pulled her down for one more kiss. She moved so she was slightly leaning over you and you could lay comfortably, while her hand gently found its place on your stomach, precisely on your baby bump. You sighed contently at the contact and placed your free hand on top of hers.
From that moment on, the two of you were a couple, and when you officially told her family, they already knew. They could sense the tension between the two of you and knew that sooner or later, you were going to end up together. You were never in a relationship this healthy and god was it good to live it. She talked about your daughter like her own, and it wasn’t rare that she’d talk to your bump, especially during your latest stages of pregnancy.
This was one of those days.
You were laying comfortably on your bed, and you had some back ache so Jenna made sure you had enough pillows around you, so you weren’t in any pain. She was laying next to you, a hand on your bump like always, tracing shapes on it and watching the baby’s reaction, which would be small kicks, but you were grunting because of your back ache so she decided to distract you a bit and she moved so she was facing your bump, hand still tracing shapes.
“Hello little one” she said in a cute voice, drawing your attention as you looked at her. “You know, your mama’s in a lot of pain and she really really wants to meet you… and so do I” she said and watched you giggle “I’m going to spoil you so much babygirl. I will buy you cute dresses, take you on sets and show you off to my friends… maybe we can take you to red carpets too! Your mama’s going to be with me anyway, right mama?” She asked you and you nodded happily, still smiling like an idiot and she placed kisses on your bump, where the baby was kicking, before coming up to kiss you very softly, like she always did.
“I love you” she said, for the first time since the two of you were officially a couple. You looked at her with heart eyes and a small smile before replying. “Really?” You asked her, only to watch her smile brighter. “Yes, I love you (Y/N)” she said and leaned down for another kiss, which you happily reciprocated “I love you too” you whispered.
It wasn’t too long after that you went into labor. You had agreed on doing a home birth, so that Jenna would nor be seen in public and followed by paparazzi, and well at least you had some peace. You hated hospitals anyways, so when they asked you this you happily agreed. Natalie was a nurse, and her best friend at the hospital was an OB so it was perfect for the occasion. You had medical attentions and all of that, so you and your babygirl were safe.
You had been having contractions the whole night and you couldn’t sleep. You had found a comfortable position on the bed, laying on your left side while Jenna was spooning you, hand on your bump while she sang to you trying to get you to feel better. Her mother was there, keeping track of your contractions and how close they were with one another. You weren’t much dilated yet, so with Jenna’s help you walked a bit around the house, some times stopping when you got the contractions. It took about 8 hours for you to get fully dilated and by then you were tired and in so much pain. The OB had arrived and was getting everything ready for you and the baby’s arrival, all while Jenna’s mother was filling the bathtub with warm water.
“Jen- I don’t think I can do this” you grunted in pain, all while taking your clothes off to get into the bath tub. “Yes, you can. love, look at me” she said and turned your face to look at her. “You got this. Okay? Your babygirl’s almost here, and then everything will be better” you nodded and almost immediately after that, you started pushing. God was it painful. You were squeezing Jenna’s hand so hard, you were sure it was gonna be bruised. After the second push, the head still wasn’t out and you were so tired. “Jen, it hurts” you said and a few tears escaped your eyes. “I know love, I know.” Jenna wanted to find another way to comfort you more, so she did something, that she actually saw on Grey’s anatomy.
Being fully dressed, she slid behind you inside the bath tub and wrapped her arms around you, being careful not to touch your stomach and kissed your forehead. “I’m here, my love. You’re okay.” This gave you a lot of confidence, and just in two more pushes, your little girl was out, and Jenna was right her cries made it worth everything.
Soon enough the little girl was placed in your arms and everything melted away. The pain, the exhaustion, it all went away the moment you met her eyes “hi babygirl” you nearly sobbed, Jenna looking at her from behind your shoulder “you did it my love… she’s gorgeous” she whispered and kissed your forehead once more. “How do you want to call her?” The OB asked, having to put it on the birth certificate. “Marie” you said without hesitation. “Marie (L/N)” Jenna looked at you both with love and surprise. “Babe, Marie is my middle name” she said and you nodded “I know… you saved my life, Jen. All this… is thanks to you” she smiled brightly and kissed you softly “god I love you so much”
Ever since your little girl was born, your life has been way much better. Marie was a sweet little angel, and Jenna took care of her almost as if she was her own daughter. You told her she didn’t have to give you this much help, but she wanted to. She wanted to take care of both you and your daughter, and you let her, of course. Almost every morning you’d find the two of them cuddling in your bed, Jenna would change her diapers, feed her, and do anything a mom does. Her family loved your daughter, and Jenna’s mother treated Marie like another niece. You and her were part of the family now.
Just like that, the first year of Marie’s life went by. In that period of time you had managed to shoot a couple movies, having gotten the roles thanks to Jenna’s help. No one except for your cast mates knew about you having a baby, but once you had gotten a bit more famous, you decided to hit to that with this instagram story.
“My two favorite babies <3”
Everyone tho knew about your relationship with Jenna. You didn’t make it public, but it was pretty obvious so the two of you didn’t mind posting pictures together. But the fact that you “might” have a baby (say might, because no one was sure yet) made this even more famous.
Sooner than you knew, Jenna was invited to the MET Gala, and she had invited you along. “Can we also bring Marie? Pretty pleaseeee” she basically begged, but how could you say no to that pretty face? Of course you had to agree.
The moment you stepped into the museum, everyone started cheering for the two, well, three of you. Your little girl was used to the loud noises so she was laughing and smiling at the cameras, you were sure that you would get a lot of pics form this gala. Yours and Marie’s dresses matched Jenna’s so every picture was going to look like a family picture and to be honest, none of you minded that.
Your little girl was now 1 and a half, she was walking and running around with you always making sure she didn’t get hurt and being hot on her trail. Then the cutest thing happened. Jenna was taking some photos alone, and you were standing not too far as you were being taken pictures with your daughter. Just as you placed her down once the photographers were satisfied, Marie saw Jenna and ran over, Making grabby hands at the young actress.
You mouthed an “I’m sorry” once Jenna looked at you, but she picked your daughter up and invited you over for some more pictures.
Yep, you were definitely going to enjoy this family pictures.
Part two…?
Comment with what you’d want to read!
Taglist: @livininshadow @cartierdreamx @oh-thats-cute-blog @fanboy7794 @seph305 @eviekensington @tundra1029 @secretbackrooms @wandassock @mindingmybidness12 @ulicebld @sgriffin0127-blog @realgreyscxle @andsoigotabutterfly
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dontyouworrydaddy · 7 months
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Mike Schmidt x fem! reader
summary: Mike couldn’t spend the night with you because of work. But he still needs you.
warning: 18+ MDNI!, phone sex
As you usual, you were sitting on your bed, watching a movie on your own. It was already midnight and you are happy that the day is finally over. The stress from work and then coming home doing laundry etc. Preferably you would love to see your boyfriend Mike but sadly he is currently at work. So you're spending the night alone, as usual.
He really tries to make as much time as possible and you know that. But sometimes you just want to fall asleep in his arms and wake up next to him. But in order to get to this point, you both need to be financially stable, without the support of the other. That was the deal in order to move in together. It was your both´s decision.
The movie you are watching slowly gets interesting but suddenly your phone vibrates underneath your blanket. The sudden vibration caused you to almost fall out of your bed. You search your phone under your blanket and after many failed attempts to reach for it, you finally found it.
You look at your lockscreen and see that Mike, your boyfriend who is at work right now, is calling you. And you couldn’t help but feel scared something might happened to him.
You immediately answer the call and ask him if he is alright. But instead of answering you, you only hear him breathing heavily. What is happening?
“Mike? You okay baby?“ you ask him, worry in your tone. But the worry vanishes as soon as you hear a quite moan from the other side of the call. And it was enough for you to immediately get in your feels.
"Shit baby… I‘m so sorry for calling you so late but fuck… I need your support to help me finish." he whispers and you gladly help him out.
So you let your hand travel down into your panties and start working on yourself. As you let out a small moan, Mike could swear he felt his legs going numb for a few seconds. "Mike. When does your shift end?" you ask him with need filled your tone.
"6 am. I‘ll try and leave as fast as I can. And I‘ll make it up to you. I promise" he says and you close your eyes, trying to imagine it’s his fingers that are making you feel like this. You continue moaning, causing Mike to almost crossing the finish line. "I‘ll fuck you in every room when I get there. Don’t you dare fall asleep on me, yeah?“ you hum quietly but loud enough to make Mike hear it. Everything around you disappears or becomes less important.
"Fuck…" Mike lets out a sigh and his breath gets slower. "Come on baby… let me hear you" he says and you just know he has his smirk on his face. "Mike.. shit" you pick up the speed and don’t dare to open your eyes.
"finish yeah?" he says and it was enough for you. "mike.. come home as soon as you can" you say, clearly out of breath.
"I‘ll be there faster than you think"
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aquagirl1978 · 1 month
I just saw the prompt requests and had to jump on it. If no one else has taken it, may I request Temptation and ikesen Shingen? Man is a temptation, can be NSFW or SFW, your call :) I hope you take the request and I hope this prompt list helps your writers block <3
Thank you for this request! I had trouble deciding if I wanted to make it sweet or smutty, so I went for something in the middle - a little spicy.
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shingen takeda x f!reader | prompt: temptation | word count: 1134 | tags: sfw / pining -> spicy; reader is referred to as goddess
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It had been 8 days, 16 hours, and 46 minutes since you last saw Shingen. Eight days with no Shingen. Eight days of no hugs, no kisses, no cuddles. 
But no one’s counting, right?
Shingen had been called away to assist with some matters in Kai. When you said your goodbyes, he had told you that he hoped to return in time for Yoshimoto’s birthday celebration, which was today, and there was no sign of Shingen returning in time. 
It was times like these that made you wish you had some modern comforts like cellphones. It still wouldn’t bring Shingen to you, but it would at least help pass the time and loneliness.
Sighing, you slunk over to an empty corner of the room, your shoulders slumped as you surveyed the crowd. Yoshimoto was in the center of the room, as proud and pretty as a peacock, greeting the guests. Yukimura was helping himself to some sweets and Kanetsugu, stoic as ever, was deep in conversation with a gentleman you had never seen before. And Kenshin –
“Hey,” a familiar voice greeted you. “You look like you need this.” Sasuke handed you a glass of sake, which you drank in a few quick gulps. 
“Thanks, I needed that.”
“Missing Shingen?” he asked softly.
You nodded and turned to your friend. “Where’s Kenshin? I don’t see him anywhere.”
Sasuke’s face fell. “Someone ate the last pickled plum, so he decided it was a great time to practice his swordsmanship.”
“And you were his target?”
“Aren’t I always?” he replied with a wry laugh. “I let him think I ran out of the room.”
You laughed for what felt like the first time in days, with Sasuke soon joining in the laughter. 
Your moment was soon disturbed when you heard the door bang open and Sasuke’s name being shouted.
Your friend sighed before sliding up his mask. “A ninja’s job is never done.” Before you could say bye, Sasuke quietly slipped out of the room as if he was never there.
With Sasuke gone, your attention turned to the ruckus Kenshin had caused by crashing the party. You watched as people cautiously backed away from him, fearing the sword-wielding madman until one tall figure stuck out to you.
“I must be seeing things,” you muttered under your breath as you rubbed your eyes. Your attention returned to the crowd, easily spotting the tall man again. You wanted to go running to him, but his back was turned to you – what if it wasn’t Shingen and just another tall man with dark hair?
“Turn around, turn around,” your whisper pleaded. 
As the moments passed, your disappointment grew. If this was Shingen, he would know you’d be at this party. And he’d be looking for you. 
No, come back! You wanted to scream – you had lost him in the crowd. Scanning the room, you couldn’t find him anywhere. You sighed sadly, resigned to the fact that Shingen was not coming back today. 
Before tears could spring to your eyes, you left the party. May as well head to bed early. Alone, again. 
Not wanting anyone to see your tear-stained cheeks, you kept your head down as you hurried down the hallway. You made a quick turn around the corner, but with your head down, you didn’t see someone coming from the other direction. 
“Oh no, oh my god, I am so so sorry.” So embarrassed, you couldn’t lift your face to see who you had crashed into. 
That is, until the stranger took your chin in his hand and tilted your face too meet him.
Your jaw slackened and your eyes widened; it couldn’t be.
“Shingen?” you whispered softly.
“I was hoping you could help me,” he said, ignoring your question. “I was looking for someone. She’s around this tall…” He held his hand above your head, smirking as he patted the crown of your hair. “Eyes that sparkle brighter than gemstones. And a smile so beautiful, the moon is jealous of her beauty. Have you seen her?”
His words sent heat to rise from your belly, warming your cheeks. Still reeling from running into your lover in the hallway, you took a few deep breaths before speaking.
“I thought you weren’t coming…” you said breathlessly. 
“I couldn’t stay away a day longer than I had to. I just missed you so much, I was unable to resist the temptation to return home and see my goddess.”
You might have laughed at his dramatics had you not been aggravated by his antics. “That was you in there! I knew it! Why didn’t you look for me? I was there.”
Shingen let out a loud laugh. “Oh, I saw you there. But you looked so adorable, searching the room for me. I didn’t want to ruin that look on your face.”
“You tricked me!” you gasped. Balling your fists, you playfully punched his broad chest. 
“It was worth it,” he said, taking your hands in his and bringing them to his lips to brush a kiss across your knuckles, “just to see you this fired up.”
“Make up for it then,” you said sweetly, while staring straight into his dark eyes, determined to get exactly what you wanted. “Kiss me.”
Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you close and dipped his face to yours. His lips lingered, hovering over your mouth. You were tempted to run your hands in his thick locks and pull him into a kiss, but you resisted, waiting for him to make the first move. 
Minutes felt like hours, until he relented and gave you what you wanted. Your lips melted against his in a passionate kiss, his tongue quickly parting your lips, deepening the kiss. Soft moans slipped from your lips as you weaved your fingers through his hair. 
As he pressed his body against yours, heat radiated through the fabric of his clothes as you felt a familiar hardness against your belly. You pulled away, breaking the kiss, and looked up at him, your breathing heavy.
He pulled you closer, guiding your face to rest upon his chest. He brought his lips to your ear, his breath tickling your skin. 
“I didn’t want our reunion to happen inside the party. I’d be too tempted to ravish you right on the spot. And I didn’t think you’d want everyone to see that.”
No, you definitely did not want that…
“Whoa!” You yelped as your feet were literally swept off the ground – Shingen had taken you in his arms bridal-style. 
“Where are you taking me?” you asked innocently.
“To the bedroom, of course,” he replied with a seductive smile. Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, the smile plastered on your face hidden from his eyes.
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episode 20, The Tree of Life)
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I like to think he was looking for any sign of Armand being a sussy baka, or, alternatively, Armand being actually worried about the things he's been told.
Sadly, Joris finds neither.
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I like to think that Joris and Amalia&Eva have a good pre-established relationship for the following reason: it's shown to be good enough for him to get onto the balcony and for them to be immediately happy about it, instead of going "what the hell are you doing here?" or "were you spying on us? (he was. even if it is for the good of the world.)"
Maybe that's another reason Armand hates him — besides Joris insisting on the instructions that were given to him and not bowing down to Armand's ~power~ — Joris may be a yet another person who likes his sister more.
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Btw Joris is doing batshit insane tower climbing again, just like in the Ush comic.
Never change, king.
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Get ready for my deep, deep, insightful commentary into what the fact that Joris believes that no issue is insolvable implies within the context of his "has seen countless human deaths" life:
I think I hauve covid.
Do you think one of the solutions that he has for issues is to wait it out and watch, as the walls of the prison that are "circumstances of life", start to decay?
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Translation from politespeak: "I am going to cause a political incident with your cringe brother to help you tell your father about Nox's plans."
I love how ready he is to beat people up. And to cause a political incident.
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Joris after getting down from the balcony railing, now suddenly very much below everyone in the room, in a matter of fact voice: After I slam the tree stump on the floor to create a loud sound, — and probably damage said floor, sorry, — you are going to scream that the iop returned. I will keep hitting random things until they run in. When the guards do run in, I beat them to unconsciousness with my magic wand. You can also hit them if you want, — yes, yes, you can use the candelabra, or any other metal object in the room, — but do not hit them on the head without me! It's very easy to accidentally kill a person, when you're not used to beating them to unconscious on a relatively regular basis.
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Bugs when you lift a rock.
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God knows, Joris is extremely aware of how bad the thing he just did is, and how much trouble he'll be in afterwards. God also knows that Joris probably doesn't give a shit.
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The little slam... The commanding voice... He's everything.
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When Joris is this polite, he is either angry as fuck and can't do anything about it, or angry as fuck and about to beat you to death.
This little "I insist" is so uncalled-for. He's just mocking them at this point, considering what he is about to do.
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Something I really noticed this time around, is that Joris really likes kicking things. He kicked Pinpin, he kicked these guys... This is a trait he gets from Kerubim, sure, but he takes kickmaxxing to another level by, very cockily, doing half this battle with his hands behind his back on a simple whim.
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He is the same exact type of an insane, prideful asshole as Kerubim. It maddens me when people think he's actually humble and normal just because of his introversion and more low-key facade.
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He may not scream "I'm smarter and better and stronger than every loser in this room" outwardly like his father, but exudes the same exact noxious aura nonetheless.
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You know why I also think Joris thinks of Amalia and Eva well?
He put this little show on, — fighting two simple guards with pirouettes, hands behind his back, and a little touch of magic, — just for them. We know what he actually fights like when he means it. And it has none of this insanity.
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You see, he points out his ability to fight off an army of simple, normal people, all alone. And on one hand it's just reassuring Eva and Amalia that they have nothing to fear...
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...and on the other hand, it makes me think he likes it when random teenagers think he's cool and awesome.
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Even though this blog is crepinjurgen-focused, I want to say that this is one of my favorite wakfu episodes. This scene always makes me tear up.
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Anyway do you think Joris just carries with him ropes to tie enemies with whenever he goes — or did he take a rope from somewhere within the castle? How often does this happen? Does he do this as a torture method too? Does he—- [I am removed by the secret police by being way too insane today]
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Still using vous, despite hating his ass.
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[guy who made a blog that's 33% dedicated to talking about doomed siblings] Yeah it's so sad that even Tot doesn't understand Clephee's potential, and how insane her relationship with Eva is. Imagine loving your sibling, but they never feel good enough, and they keep leaving you. They turn everything into competition, never celebrate your wins because they feel like their losses. Imagine speaking so little — being so distant, that when you have a happy dream of that sibling, it's them as a child, way back before. And imagine that this sibling wants to turn you into a fur coat— [I am electrocuted]FHDSJHDFJKsdhfsdhfERR-
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There are so many people unconscious and Joris is actually freaking the fuck out, which makes me think that, for the past 10-20 minutes in-universe, he and Armand have been doing the Joris whack-a-mole thing.
Like, Joris is actually alarmed/bewildered by the fact that Armand will literally not listen to a single fucking word and just keeps mindlessly punching the floor.
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Is he insane? Is he for real?
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At this point, he's worried for the guy's health. This has been happening for a while. He sounds scared.
Like Armand keeps hurting himself in his attempts to beat Joris up and it's scaring Joris shitless because it's actually starting to get a little bit weird and off-putting.
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Yet he turns around so nonchalantly.
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