#and/or forcing coworkers to look at baby photos
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//breeding, very heavy focus on impreg + pregnancy/motherhood stuff, sort of in conjunction with [this post] as well as [this post]
Happy (one day belated) Mother's Day, let's celebrate the joys of motherhood :)
Childe has no concept of a small family. At least, not of it being acceptable.
It's part of the culture of certain nations' rural areas, Snezhnaya being one of them. Everyone in the rural, smaller town regions strives to have big families. Maybe it originates from a rougher climate leading to a need for ensuring the survival of one's lineage, or something like that, but regardless, for Snezhnayan men, having a lot of kids is one of those masculine pride things, and by contrast, not having lots of kids is unthinkable, shameful even.
So, of course, he's long since decided on having a large family. He's wanted it for so long, but his work has prevented him from following the other tradition that rural areas and smaller towns in all nations are known for... you know, marrying and starting to have kids practically the millisecond one reaches adulthood.
He's young, sure, most people would think him too young for that sort of thing, but in his mind, he's grown up seeing people marrying and starting families at very young ages to be normal, expected. Which means he's missing out on what he's more or less entitled to. He knows from visits home that all the kids he grew up with are already marrying and having kids at his own age. But is he going to let his position stop him? Of course not. So, truthfully, he had this in the back of his mind for some time, and he just so happened to take the opportunity that presented itself.
In other words, you were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and just so happened to not only fit a list of physical preferences that caught the wrong person's eye, but also just happened to be so defiant, so resistant, and far too often cold and mean. Perhaps if you hadn't been, he might have left you alone. If you had just entertained his fantasies, even in word only, he might have had a bit of pity on you, felt a shred of guilt at the thought of tearing you away from your life.
How ironic that a defense mechanism you intended to deter him, would have ignited the very urges you wanted to extinguish, an unintended consequence of applying normal tactics to a sick mind.
But regardless, you just happened to meet, and thus now you're here. That's what he tells you, after whisking you away and bringing you to live with him, constantly pulled from one dark room to another between his room on the ship, Fatui bases, hotels in various regions, and every other place he spends the night. Not with that exact wording of course, no, he's got that excitable, almost childish romanticized view of things, he portrays it as aligned fates, that you were destined to cross paths at the right time.
It's part of one big long spiel you get. The whole you're going to stay here and nothing you can do will change that part is spoken very quickly and nonchalantly, while he treats the other parts with much more importance, namely his intentions for the future.
That being, you're going to have a big family and have lots of his kids. That you'll be a mother. He says it very happily, like you're a young just-married couple or something, like the living scenario you have is normal, like you're here of your own volition.
It does take you by surprise at first — you had thought you were being taken as more of a sex slave than anything, but quickly find you're being treated more like a spouse, in a... really odd way. That, too, is done with a blissful but casual attitude, as if he's almost unaware of the gravity of the crime being inherently committed by having you here... although you suppose people like him are more or less above the law. He announces his arrival when he returns each day, is very affectionate towards you, laughs off any hostility from you as if it's a grumpy little kitten making a fuss, not a human being with a very justified reason for vitriol.
He's very transparent and straightforward with you, it's not like he's trying to slowly ease you into it or enact his wishes without telling you what will happen, no. No deception. No avoidance of the topic. And not a single shred of willingness to compromise.
No consideration of how you may feel about that matter. It's not a discussion, it's telling you. Merely communicating information that is already set in stone. The information is laid on you so fast and suddenly that your mind is left reeling. First you're forcibly fucked and dragged here, now you're being told it's permanent and oh by the way get ready to start the rest of your life as some mother-slave-wife amalgamation?
It's too much for you to handle. What's even more baffling is that even as you protest, he just blows it off like it's nothing, like this isn't an incredibly grave, serious ordeal.
B-but... I don't want--
Ah, you think that now, but you'll be happy, promise.
But... but you can't just do this to me!
Yeah? What are you gonna do to stop me? Haha....
That all still doesn't give you quite the same extent of nausea compared to the next set of information you're given.
Even if you were familiar with the cultural norm, you didn't realize the sheer extent. You knew he had like, what, six or seven siblings? That strikes you as a large number, so it fits with what you're aware of regarding the norm.
You didn't realize that was an average number to them. Not until he told you so, in the midst of his ramblings about your future, when you gathered the courage to ask what he means by "big" when the words big family come out of his mouth.
He pauses, looks up pensively. Well, anything less than five is small, he says, anything from five to eight is about the median, and anything above that is when you finally get to be considered to be "above average". So his family, with seven or eight or so kids total, is kind of in the middle, about average, in his own words.
But he wants a big family. So, you know, gotta at least hit double digits.
He says it very casually, like it's no big deal. He's too excited to notice the look on your face, at least not for a few seconds, finally turning to you after realizing your stunned silence.
Mm? Something wrong?
...That... that's... I can't...
But your protests are quickly brushed off again. Sure you can. Your body is perfectly capable, so what would be stopping you? You're just worrying too much. Don't think about it so much, just... lay back and let it happen.
In most regional cultures of any nation, people do tend to at least plan families — they save up a bit first to make sure they have enough money, they calculate the gap between when they have a first and second child, often not wanting to wait too long so that the children will have more time and similarity to bond, but not so soon that the added responsibility overwhelms the parents.
That's not something that crosses his mind. He has no reason to worry about finances, sure, but he also pays no mind to questions like is this really an environment to raise a kid in? Is the tsaritsa okay with that? Where will they stay?
Eh... that's all stuff that can be dealt with another time. He tends to take the philosophy of crossing bridges when he gets to them. Baby-planning later, baby-making now.
And nothing you can say deters him. Yes you'll be a good mom (don't worry, he'll make sure you behave exactly like he thinks a good mother should), yes you'll be fine, the Fatui has some of the best doctors in the world, so you'll be great health-wise, actually. Yes he has the resources.
And no, he's not waiting. You have this weird insistence on this idea that you should have a period of time where you just... aren't even trying to have kids. Is that normal, where you're from? Do people really get together, get married and live together and not immediately start trying for a baby? Won't that detract from the maximum number of kids you can have in the end? Then why would anyone do that? When he asks that very question, though, you don't really have a good answer, to him at least. You can't just rush something like that, is what you say.
But... of course you can? That's what he's trying to do, rush it so you can go ahead and get a head start and have more and more kids in the future. It's like talking to a brick wall. He cannot process, cannot fathom how people can exist for whom making as many offspring as possible isn't the number one priority in life. Well, whatever, it seems you just have these weird cultural ideas you're not going to let go of, so there's no point in trying to reason with you.
His determination is somewhat obsessive. Even when he's inside you, hips bouncing off the back of your thighs, he keeps talking about it, words slurring as he mumbles something about putting a baby in you, knocking you up, so on and so on, all the while, gripping at your hips and making sure to slam all the way in as far as possible when he finally cums inside you. Maybe he's already accomplished that, who knows, but he has to just keep trying until it's certain, so you only get a few minutes of respite before starting back again.
No condoms. No pulling out, even though you beg for him to do so. Whimpering and pulling at his hair, pushing at his chest, all night long, over and over.
N-not yet, please, I'm not ready, I can't...
Your pleas are partially just for the very sake of not wanting that, but of course, there's also the fact that you realize it will be a death sentence to any hope of escaping him. You've been looking for ways to do it since you were dragged here a day or so ago, you can't let this inhibit you. You just need some more time, just a little bit of time...
You don't get that time.
It doesn't take long. He's young and virile, so, perhaps that's why you don't even get a single cycle from the time you get brought to him. The realization hits you like a punch to the stomach. At first, you don't say anything, deciding not to bring the matter up unless he does, partially out of your own denial, and partially because seeing him get inevitably excited will irritate you.
Apparently, they must have some rather atrocious reproductive education out in rural Teyvat too (or, rather, you realize it's probably just fine, and it's more the fact that he probably paid no attention), seeing as he had no idea that that is the standard tell, instead asking you hey, is there a way you can tell if you're pregnant? Do you just wait for your stomach to get bigger or...? and thus, you had to reluctantly explain that.
You can sort of see the gears turning in that otherwise empty head of his. You've been here two months now... you haven't bled at all in that time (he would know, he's been fucking you multiple times a day)... so that means...? You can practically see his eyes light up before he reaches out and wraps his arms around you. He's ecstatic for the rest of the night, won't shut up about all the things you're going to do. You feel sick.
Not that this information in any way impedes him from continuing to empty his balls in you on a daily basis, no. It doesn't slow down in the slightest. In fact, you were sort of hoping he would get turned off the further along you got, since you know that happens with a lot of guys... but not him. No, if anything, you're pretty sure you have more rounds per day the further along you are, sometimes he'll just look you up and down, staring at your belly for a few moments with a haze in his eyes before more or less dragging you over to bed -- and it's not like you can resist much, you're all wobbly as it is...
And, of course, any negativity from you is shut down on the spot. At first, he mistakes it for nervousness -- don't worry! It'll be fine! He can recite those words with ease, over and over, telling you to just not worry about it is his default answer to any concern you have. But once you start getting a bit more openly negative, making it clear it's an attitude issue from you, and finally crossing a line when you outright state you never wanted this, and thereby implying the most heartless and callous thing he can conceive of, that you're going to be resentful of him and your child... it's one of the few times you ever see him not all smiles and sunshine about the whole thing. A complete change of expression, face going dark, eyes narrowing. He grabs your jaw with a grip so firm it hurts.
Don't say that.
It's one of the few times you've seen him so serious and firm. It makes your heart skip a beat.
But almost as soon as he says it, he's back to being cheery... ah, you're just grumpy because you're hormonal and all that. You're lucky he has thick skin. Besides, you're too cute to take your grouchiness seriously, haha... what's that look for...?
And soon, you find yourself in a state of dissociation, having to process and accept reality once you have a living, breathing infant in your arms. It's not until that moment that the reality truly sets in, that you can feel your fate being sealed, that you realize this is actually, genuinely the beginning of the rest of your life.
You try not to dwell on that.
It's hard not to, though, considering that you barely get any time to rest, being pestered each day with questions of how many more days left until the doctor said you can have sex again?? Because he's suffering and miserable. He was devastated to find out you can't go back to it in less than 24 hours, no one ever told him about that part. And you don't even seem to sympathize with him, are you heartless? Yes you gave birth five days ago and he's been very loving and taking care of you and all but haven't you thought at all about how this is affecting him? Yes you sucked him off because the whining was getting annoying but it's not the same, he needs pussy you don't understand, why are you looking at him like you're mad— did you just say "weeks?" As in plural? As in more than one week? Surely you didn't mean that, it can't be that long, right? Why aren't you saying anything. It can't be that long, it can't—
So he fucks you like a man starved when you finally give a green light. It does burn a bit, after having gone a while without getting so ruthlessly stretched and pounded as he always does to you. You're pretty sure he doesn't know his own strength, doesn't realize the sheer intensity of the force with which he grips your hips and arms and throat and presses your face into the mattress and fucks into you with such strength the whole bed creaks as it rocks back and forth. You'll be covered in bruises and sore spots in the morning, just from the grip.
And you notice the way his fingernails dig into your hips, holding your bodies as close as possible, the closer and closer you both get. You feel a sense of dread. You try to reach up and tap on his arm.
D-don't cum inside, it's too soon... I need more time, I'm not ready yet, please—
Just a little bit of time, just some time to feel like you can finally breathe, but once again, you don't get that time.
Shh... don't think about it... just focus on how good it feels, okay?
You whimper, but you're incapable of pushing him off, only able to make soft little sounds of protest when he stops fully inside, making sure not a drop goes to waste when he stuffs you with cum. He stays inside you for some time, not pulling out so as to prevent any from spilling. Just like he did before. And he holds you, rubs your back, says soothing little mumbled things about how you worry too much while you sniffle and tremble.
And then there's two.
He does take quite a bit of pride in it. That applies when you're alone too, he likes to lay his head on your stomach laying in bed and will just relax there for a while, grinning like an idiot. But it applies to others too; it's somewhat of an ego boost to have other people see what he views as an accomplishment. He likes showing you off in general, but he's especially happy to parade you around whenever you're very heavily swollen up. It's some sort of ego thing, you guess.
He likes getting to show off the kids too, a testament to a sort of success. It's a very simple-minded sort of pride, almost humorously so, you often think to yourself. A simplistic mentality of look at these! I made these!, almost a childish pridefulness.
Which, frankly, gets on your last nerve, how he loves to run around forcing his reluctant and rather annoyed coworkers to look at his offspring and listen to him ramble, so beamingly proud of the kid that you carried and you birthed and you care for and you feed and bathe and put to sleep, so proud of their existence as if he did anything to contribute to said existence other than being a sperm depository.
And then there's three, and then there's four, and then you get the special blessing of two at once. You think to yourself with bitter humorousness that you're over halfway to the set standard. And then there's another... and another... the realization even strikes you, a few years in, that since beginning your "new life," you've spent more time pregnant than not pregnant, information that you spend far too long taking in the weight of.
It's an incredibly awkward living situation — you basically were granted what used to be a few interconnected rooms they'd house a few bunk-bed-fuls of soliders in, turned into a sort of apartment-esque dwelling. It's where you carry out most of your tasks and live your life. You never get a break, always getting another one pumped into you as soon as it's physically possible again.
With him gone most of the days, and you having no job to speak of, you've essentially taken on a housewife role, and spend most of your day caring for the increasing number of offspring, each and every one of which, to your dismay, quickly proves to have inherited a rambunctious, hotheaded, and far too energetic nature. You will reluctantly admit, he does actually help you out quite a bit when he can, and genuinely enjoys doing so. You suppose you can admit he's actually more involved and enthusiastically helpful than a lot of fathers are... you don't give him the satisfaction of such praise, though.
Still, he's just gone for most of the day on most days, so you have to do it by yourself, or enlist whichever unfortunate newbie soldier has not yet learned to not go wandering around that one area, lest they be roped into helping out that poor slave-mother-girl that lives in that section with all those energetic kids, so they try to warn newcomers... still, some actually still offer to help, if nothing but out of pity.
Most of the time, though, it's just you and the ever-increasing number of children. You felt bad the first time you called one by the wrong name. They all look so much alike — and each one is so close together in age to the next immediate older and younger one — that you get confused sometimes, and it quickly becomes a habit, but they're quick to correct you. And you do end up loving them — you suppose that's just instinct — but sometimes... it's just too much. You can't get a spare second. You feel exhausted.
You're constantly moving, taking care of something. This one fell and scraped his knee and comes crying and blubbering to you, and you're still bandaging that up and mumbling words of comfort when you get a tug on your sleeve from behind you — Mama, I'm hungry — and you barely finish saying just a minute, I'll get you something before another one is calling for you from another room — MamaaaaAAAAAA — and soon you're holding one in each arm (a more difficult task than usual considering you're heavily pregnant again), waddling over to go check on the one that called you, and then another one comes softly shuffling over with a look what I found!, and you know it's going to be something very simple like a cool-shaped rock or leaf like always, but you don't want to hurt the poor thing's feelings and want him to be happy so you stand there smiling and feigning interest and awe and pretending it's the neatest thing ever while your arms start to tremble from the strain of holding two heavy sacks of flesh in each arm -- still trying to soothingly bounce the sniffling one up and down a bit -- and the other one is saying something but you can't make it out because three of them are talking at the same time and oh god where's the fifth and sixth ones because you told them to hang on when you went to bandage the first one and now you don't see either one and is the seventh one still asleep where you left him or not and you start to panic and -- hang on just a second, ______ -- no, I-I mean, ______ -- no, wait, uh... which one are...you're -- uh --
You feel like you're going insane. Each and every day wears you out in full.
When you finally get that rare, wonderful moment in which you can get all of them asleep at once, finally go lay down to try and get a much needed rest yourself... you always seems to have such precise timing, you barely close your eyes before the door opens and you get the announcement that your lover who you certainly must have missed is home, and what do you know, everything is so quiet, this gives you two an opportunity to make another one!
The only downside for him is that sometimes, the existing offspring have a habit of interrupting the sibling-making process... so, sometimes some poor underling (rather, usually, they need at least two or three to control them all) gets saddled with a command to entertain and herd the harbinger's offspring when he takes a day off, giving you two a day to yourselves... not to go out or anything, no. You usually spend the entirety of those days in bed, going at it like rabbits again and again.
And again. And again. Sometimes you get summoned by some underling to follow because his superior needs you for "something important," which you both know is just getting fucked over a desk or in a hallway closet because he has needs you know, and it's torture to have to wait until he can come back for the evening. Stuffs you full of cum and rests his head on your chest for a moment to recharge (they're so nice, all soft and swollen, more or less perpetually so these days), before sending you back, promising to hurry and come back for the night as soon as possible.
Oh, and you don't even get the respite of having him gone at times whenever he has to go abroad. No, he brings you with him... yes, all of you. He insisted, and eventually the few authorities above him gave in and now reserve a few extra rooms all next to each other on the ships and hotels. You don't mind that too much. It's basically just a vacation for the lot of you, and that's what you tell the kids it is too... at least they're more easily entertained than usual by looking out the window, which gives you chances to rest.
Ajax likes those trips too. He's usually more worked up and frustrated by the end of the day, and what better way to blow that steam off than to come back and breed your wife-pet again and again? He smiles when he tells you you should use these trips to set a new goal of making at least one kid in every nation. You know better than to think it's a joke.
When the people you're allowed to interact with and meet ask you how many children you have, you often have to pause and recall what number you're on now. Regardless, the answer always makes people's jaws drop. At least most of them know not to ask you why, since they seem to be well aware it's not a choice on your part. Sometimes people commend you for it, say something about how it must be so hard. Your eye twitches. You have no idea. Haha.
Everything happened so fast, the full weight of it all doesn't really dawn on you until one day, for seemingly no reason. Woken up in the early morning by crying, the same way you're woken up roughly 9 out of 10 mornings, groggily shuffling out of bed, tending to whatever the issue is before shuffling back to bed... you catch a glimpse of yourself in the window, the dark circles under your eyes, and for once, the rare sight of yourself not heavily swollen up. Still, your face is exhausted, the sort that sleep can't fix.
The reality of it settles in — you've been so busy with everything happening, you never really got to process how much time has passed, how deep into this life you've settled... you supposed in the back of your head, even after accepting the current reality, you kept this mentality that you'd still find a way out one day, but in that moment, you realize all too late that that will never happen. Even if you had the chance — and looking back, it occurs to you now you've had many chances to run — you could never bring yourself to abandon them... you get the sense that's part of his intention. It's just never really settled in in full until this moment.
Still, all you can do is stand there, trying to despair, but almost too numb to do so... you let out a heavy sigh and let yourself fall back into bed, pulling a blanket back over you and settling back into the warmth. Your weight falling onto the mattress makes it bounce a bit, causing your bedmate to stir, groggily moving closer to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close.
He murmurs something asking you if the kid is okay, you say yes, and then it moves onto asking what time it is, you say you don't know but it's definitely not time to get up just yet... on it goes, both of you with your eyes closed and words coming out groggy and mumbled. You can almost sort of enjoy the soft tenderness of the moment, if you forget a lot of what went into this life you live.
The exchange draws quiet after a moment, and you begin to drift back off to sleep, slowly breathing in and out in time with the rising and falling of the chest pressed to your back. You're just about to slip into slumber once again when you feel the arm wrapped around you move, hand coming to rest on your hip and slowly trail down your thigh.
Hey, I want another baby....
#chlde rambling while holding a human infant up like the baby lion harassing the other harbngers with the existence of his offspring#the tsritsa has had to specify that asking if anyone has anything important to share at meetings does not include personal life updates#and/or forcing coworkers to look at baby photos#also i realize its criminal that i didnt have a momcon post for mothers day but i had to get this thought out#rest assured ill be back on the momcon agenda soon#.ch
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Darkceo!logan and employer!fem-reader when he's using his power to control her fully as employer and plaything💯
pairing: dark!boss!logan howlett x employ!reader
warnings: controlling, unprofessional, threats, choking, hair pulling, sexual harassment, high power, forced creampie, rough sex, marking, baby trapping, etc.
note: I’ll be Logan’s slut coworker anytime.
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
“Logan, I can’t stay after hours to help the kids in detention. I’ve got work to do myself,” y/n said after the man called her in his office. This was his third time within a week, making her stay back.
“Well, I’ve got paperwork, and need someone to watch the kids when I’m not looking,” the man fixed his glasses before looking back at the computer he was typing on.
“You’re in the same room as them — I’m sure they’re not gonna up and leave,” y/n tried convincing the man to let her go, but that wasn’t happening, just like the other nights.
“When I tell something once, I expect you to listen, y/n. Don’t make me tell you again,” the man had looked up at the girl.
Y/n stood in the middle of the man’s office, wanting to fight for some kind of break, but last time he had scared her into staying.
“Yes, sir,” the young lady said before turning around and walking off. She could see the smirk on the older man after her sentence. He owned her, and she had no one to go to and tell.
“Y/n, stay back — We need to talk,” Logan said after y/n dismissed detention for the kids. Some laughed as others ran out, ready to do whatever teenage mutants did at this time of night.
“Mister Howlett, I really need to get to my own work-“ she tried saying. “Don’t start,” the man cut her off at the end of her sentence. The way he always looked over his glasses, made her shut up in an instant.
The class was finally empty. Logan stood outside of the door, waiting for all of his students to leave before closing and locking his classroom door.
“You’re the best teacher I’ve got, y/n, but your attitude — It ain’t pretty,” Logan finally turned around, eyes burning into hers. She didn’t want to get fired. She’s done everything he’s asked, but she could feel something coming.
“Ima need you to work after hours right here with me. Confused it a mild punishment for your recent behaviors,” he said, confusing the girls.
“Mister Howlett, I’ve donen’t everything you’ve asked me to for days. If I don’t get my own work done, I can fall behind. The stress isn’t good for teaching,” she tried telling the man.
Logan walked toward the girl, letting her talk for once until he stood right before her.
“I know you love this job, y/n, but you will lose it if you don’t obey me,” the man said. Obey? “Logan, this isn’t some kind of joke. I can’t be around you all day and night for no reason. I have papers myself,” y/n tried standing her ground, but it was hard. His gaze intimidated her.
“Then take ‘em down here for now on. Don’t argue with me anymore,” the man looked down at her as she rolled her eyes. He didn’t like that.
“Look-“ Logan said as his hand raised, gripping the girl's neck out of nowhere. “I don’t know who the fuck told you, you can act a certain way towards me — But I’d advise you to cut that shit out,” he said.
When the girl didn’t give a response and just looked up at the man, he dragged her until her body was pinned against the cold thick wooden walls.
“You think I’m a joke, Bub? I’ll fire you right now. I don’t give a fuck how important you are to my school. I’ll fire you and throw you out tonight,” the man threatened as his body pressed against her.
“So as I said, cut the fuckin’ attitude, before I do it for you,” another threat was made. “You can’t just-“ y/n tried saying. “I can’t just what? Hm!?” Gripped her neck tighter, waiting for her to tell him what he couldn’t do with her.
“Y-You can’t just do this, Logan. I have a job to do, just like you, and you’re getting in my way. Y-You’re distracting me,” she finally said.
She had been trying to tell the man for weeks now, but every time, he’d threaten the woman’s job. It was unprofessional of him shaking up in her room one night, and telling her she needed to come to her rooms at times and work. She didn’t know what the man's problem was, and she was scared to ask.
“Oh, I’m distracting?” He asked in a low voice which slightly came out as a growl. He couldn’t help but smirk and scan the young lady. She looked so good like this.
“Maybe I am too — Those lips aren’t very easy to ignore,” he said, face coming close to hers. Once his hot breath hit her skin, her heart dropped and reality hit her. This man has been hitting on her…
“M-Mister Howlett,” the girl spoke, earning a groan from the man. “Yes, princes?” He asked as one knee moved in between her leg, pushing until he grazed her clothes folds.
Y/n regretted listening to the man when he demanded her to look more professional by wearing skirts and dressed to teach.
“T-This is unprofessional,” she said, instantly making the man laugh as he tilted his head back. “God, you’re so fuckin’ dumb. Lucky me, I like ‘em that way,” the man said before he slowly leaned at her neck.
The young girl whined softly, her heart rate raising as her boss sucked on her neck. “L-Logan,” she pushed at his shoulders softly, but what would that do? He was stronger and wanted this.
The man growled in her neck, loving the way his name rolled from her tongue. “L-Logan, stop this,” y/n pushed harder at the man’s shoulders, but all he did was laugh at her skin.
Y/n’s eyes filled with tears as she noticed her cunt throb on his thigh. She was growing wet as well, and she knew he knew that.
After Logan realized how much she was leaking, he pulled her off of the wall by her hair, pulling her over to his desk. “Be a good coworker, and spread for me,” the man pushed her down onto his desk, almost breaking it.
“Ow, Logan,” the girl whined. He loved how venerable she was. The girl wasn’t a mutant, so she knew he was too strong for her. He loved the power he had over her as a mutant and boss.
Y/n repeatedly begged the man to let her go, telling him she’d do whatever he wanted from now on with no attitude, but all he said was “Ima get that anyway,”.
Logan pulled the girl's tight dress up, eyes filling with darkness as he saw her wet spot. “Fuckin’ slut got wet on the job,” the spat before ripping them off clean.
“P-Please, Logan,” y/n begged again, legs already shaking from the fear in her body. She’s never been with a mutant, and having her boss be the first, isn’t professional of her. She can’t do this.
“Don’t worry, Bub — Gonna fill this cunt right up. Give her what she needs,” he made up his own thoughts on what y/n wanted as he pulled himself out, stroking until he felt pre cum leak from his tip.
Logan knew the young lady wasn’t on birth control. He made her sign work papers, having that down as one of the questions. She didn’t think of it at first because she just wanted a job. A normal job, but now she knows it’s not so normal.
Logan forcefully pushed at the girl's entrance, making her grip his table. He was huge, and he hadn’t even filled her to the brim yet.
“L-Logan, please!” She begged as tears slipped from her eyes. The man groaned as he slipped into her walls, feeling the instant warmth and grip. “Fuck,” he couldn’t keep in. He’s been waiting on this for a while.
L-Logan,” the girl's cracked voice filled the room as he pushed all the way into her. She felt full. She felt pain. She felt pleasure. He knew she liked this deep down.
“Ah huh, baby — You like it?” He asked as he slowly pulled back before pushing back in. Y/n’s body went stiff at the length he was. He was too deep, and he loved it.
“T-Too much, Logan,” she cried low, gripping his desk harder. “I know, Bub, but whose fault was that for not being nicer to me? I would’ve trained you with my fingers, but you’ve been pissin’ me off lately,” Logan leaned over y/n, rubbing at her cheeks.
“Got me so fuckin’ angry, but all I could think about if fuckin’ it out. All out, into you,” the snap on his hips made the girl yelp. “So, you’re gonna lay here, and fuckin’ take it — professionally,”
Logan couldn’t help himself. He tugged on the girl's hair and gripped the side of her waist, pulling her into every hard thrust he could give. He knew the screws on the table were loosening, but he’ll fix it later.
“Can’t walk around here this tight and think I don’t want a taste, baby. Gonna be havin’ this cunt whenever I want, and however I want from now on,”
Y/n’s cunt was finally stretched and wet, good enough for Logan to slip into her with ease, but still rough enough to punish her. He neared to use the power he had over her, and he was.
“For now on, you’re in my room. Don’t need you unsupervised when you’re this tight,” the sounds of y/n’s juice filled the room as he talked. She couldn’t control her system. She was leaking worse than before. “And leave the panties alone. Need ease access in what’s mine,”
The girl's cunt throbbed at his words, not knowing why, but she knew she was fucked. If she tried telling anyone she didn’t want this after knowing the knot in her stomach getting harder to hold, they’d laugh in her face.
“Petty girls gonna cum, hm? Well, that ain’t so professional of you, ain’t it? Tellin’ me how unprofessional I am, but you’re about to cum on my jeans like the whore of the night,”
Y/n tried holding herself back, angry that he read her like a book, but she soon failed. She came all over his lower body, making the sounds of his thrust louder and more sloppy.
“That’s it, baby — Cum in my cock, and I might give you a raise,” he chuckled as he felt himself eat close. Y/n felt horrible. She clenched around the man after he mentioned a raise. That could only mean she was fine with this, as long as she got paid.
“Gonna have to save after the baby forms in your stomach. Can’t have my pretty girl workin’ too hard,” a whine left the girl's mouth. A very sexual moan that made him know she wanted this. Deep down, she couldn’t hide it. She couldn’t hide how good he was fucking the life out of her.
“That’s it, baby — Keep moaning like that, and Ima put a village in this sweet cunt,” the man said between his teeth, now slamming into her. His thrust was brutal, knowing the wind and trapped moans from her mouth any time his pelvis slapped her ass.
“Fuck, yes, baby. Grip me — Grip me and show me you want it,” the man's cock twitched in her walls, warning her, he was close. Before he could say another teasing sentence, he was cut off by his groans as he filled the girl up.
He spilled in her for what felt like hours, pushing his cock deeper into her cunt to make sure one of them would be a winner.
#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett x you#logan howlett xmen#logan howlett x reader#logan howlet smut#logan howlett smut#dark!logan howlett#dom!logan howlett#james howlett x you#james howlett x reader#james howlett smut#james howlett#dark!james howlett#dom!james howlett#wolverine x female reader#wolverin smut#wolverine x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine smut#wolverine xmen#wolverine x men#wolverine#dark!wolverine#dom!wolverine#hugh jackman x you#hugh jackman x reader#hugh jackman smut#hugh jackman#x men smut#x men x reader
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a/n: rindou was highly requested on my feedback form, so i decided to give it a shot and try writing something for him! :) forgive me if my characterization is trash. i hope you guys enjoy <3.
pairings: rindou haitani x fem!reader
warnings: some angst, cheating, businessman!rindou, mentions of reader x male!oc, hookups, nsfw, smut, flirty rindou, unprotected sex, some possessive behavior, use of pet names (baby, angel, my girl, princess, good girl), dirty talk, creampie, choking, praising.
synopsis: your boyfriend of almost one and a half years has been unfaithful to you with multiple women at his job. you’re aware of this every single day, and he doesn’t even hide it anymore. one day, you met his boss, rindou haitani, and were completely captivated by the man. he was more polite to you than any other man had been, so one night when your shitty boyfriend was clearly cheating, you decide to invite rindou over to have some fun of your own.
promotion ft. rindou haitani

11:58 PM-> Yakashi: i’ll be home tomorrow morning
11:59 PM-> Yakashi: don’t wait up for me. i got business to attend to.
Your eyes rolled at the messages you received from your lover. It wasn’t unusual for your boyfriend to stay out late for work or go out with his buddies until the crack of dawn, but what honestly annoyed you the most was the fact that Yakashi was a horrible fucking liar. You were completely aware that he wasn’t being truthful in any of those words he sent you. However, you always had to force yourself into believing whatever shitty lie he came up with next.
You knew exactly what he was doing. Yakashi was clearly cheating on you with another woman.
A little over six months ago, you had discovered that he had been unfaithful to you. You unfortunately had the experience of seeing some of the messages he had been sending back and forth with other women. Some of which were actually his coworkers that you knew of. The others were completely strangers to you. Finding out that information crushed you to your core. You had been with him for a whole year at that point. Three hundred sixty five days. It left you with so many questions, and it eventually led to an intense argument inside your apartment. Yakashi denied it all at first. He claimed that they were simply platonic relationships, but you backed yours with the fact that you would never send your male friend photos of your genitals and consistently flirt with them. After that, he finally released the truth and admitted that he was being dishonest with you.
For a little while, you could hardly trust the man. Yakashi wanted to continue being in a relationship with you, and he promised many times that he would remain loyal to you. He also said that he loved you and if you ever wanted to search his phone you had every right to. It sounded reassuring to you, so you decided to give him another chance. You believed in second chances and you prayed to god that he would never do it again.
Though, like every promise he made, it soon ended up becoming shattered.
After about three months, Yakashi had cheated on you yet again. You had the urge to confront him once more, but unfortunately, you knew you would sound like a broken record. You also didn’t want to lose your relationship with the one man you found so much happiness in. A complete war had begun inside of yourself. You knew full well that it was wrong to stay with a man who was making a fool out of you every night, but what could you do? You lived in the same apartment with one another, and you knew if you ended the relationship that you would barely be able to make ends meet every week. As much as you tried to swallow down the reality, you always had hope that one day his behavior would change and he would be the same man you met almost a year prior. It seemed highly unlikely, but you always tried to look at the brighter side to things.
All of the signs were in your face. You never missed the aroma of sweet perfume wafting from his dress shirts, the random text messages he would receive in the middle of the night, maroon lipstick stains on his white collar, the out of the blue disappearances throughout the day. He had also become quite secretive of his whereabouts as well. He would often not reply to your messages until way later. It was so painfully obvious that he wasn’t telling you the truth. You honestly wished he would so you could just abandon the man entirely.
Despite all of that, you stayed. You would put on fake smiles and those stupid “I love you’s” that meant absolutely nothing at the end of the day. Being with him exhausted you. You knew a man like him would never ever change. Once a cheater, always a cheater. It was a very well known fact.
One day, you were informed by your boyfriend that you had to attend a dinner party for the company he worked for. It was very professional and Yakashi had drilled it into your mind that you must dress very nicely and be as polite as possible with his coworkers. Originally, you didn’t want to attend such an event. Yakashi would probably just toss you to the side and do whatever the fuck he wanted with whoever. It honestly didn’t seem like it would be of any positive benefit for you, so the idea of going with him seemed sour inside your mind. Why would you get all dolled up to be seen with a man who never knew your worth? His damn coworkers probably were aware of his actions too, so you would probably receive lots of side eyes and whispers.
However, despite showing little interest in going, he somehow managed to get you to come.
Your dress was gorgeous. It was black one that stopped around mid-thigh and you wore gold jewelry to match it. Your boyfriend didn’t show much interest in your outfit. He gave you that fake grin and whispered how great you looked, but you could tell by his dull eyes and forced tone that he was lying to you. You swallowed down that anger that bubbled inside you and put on a feigned expression. You just had to survive through the entire night and then you would be able to put the whole thing behind you.
Once you arrived at the banquet hall, you saw just how elegant it was. The inside was honestly like a mansion with how luxurious it presented itself to be. The floors were made of a rich marble that had specks of gold inside it, an impressively large chandelier hung above your head with a few tears of glass hanging from the sections. Overall, it was a beautiful sight. It just went to show how much your boyfriend’s job took these things seriously. Everyone around you was dressed from head to toe in expensive items. Some of the women wore red bottoms, while the men had Rolex watches wrapped around their wrists. It was no wonder these people seemed happy to stay at their jobs.
A few of Yakashi’s coworkers had approached him when you both stepped into the ballroom. There was soft music being played from a piano that sat in the corner of the room. It was a very lively place. Though, your positive emotions were soon washed away by your boyfriend.
“This is (Y/N), she’s my date for tonight.”
For tonight.
Those words pissed you off more than you realized. You would have thought that your own boyfriend would introduce you as his girlfriend or even his significant other, but no. You were just his “date” for the evening. That’s how you came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t ever return back to the person he used to be. He was practically concealing your relationship from the eyes of other people. It made you sick. Was he embarrassed to be seen with you? Was there something wrong with you? There were so many itching questions. One thing was for sure though, you felt insecure. You despised feeling such an emotion at your age, but the man you were with did absolutely nothing to tame those self destructive thoughts you had on a daily basis. He put you in such an uncomfortable position that night that you had thoughts of just leaving early.
You managed to maintain a composed expression and introduced yourself to the people he worked with. They asked about what your job was and how you knew Yakashi.
If only they knew.
After some mingling and conversation, you both ended up at a round table with chairs circling it. Your name was on a small place card, written in some of the most beautiful cursive you had ever laid your eyes upon. You had assumed that is where you would be sitting, so you plopped down on the chair beside Yakashi. Soon enough, other guests had arrived and joined you both at the table. All of them were familiar to your boyfriend. Once introductions were over, you had completely tuned out the entire conversation. He blabbed on about work and how he couldn’t wait to buy this new car he had been eyeing for a little while. All of it bored the hell out of you. He never once considered what you might be feeling, nor did he make any effort to include you in the conversation. It honestly felt like you were sitting at a table back in high school.
It wasn’t until about ten minutes in that someone else had approached the table. Everyone sitting there had lightened up and began shaking hands with someone who was standing right beside the table. Yakashi sounded more thrilled than he was before, so you lifted your eyes away from the tablecloth to see who was there. Your eyes landed on a very fine man. He made your heart race with nervousness, and he was honestly just drop dead gorgeous.
He wore a navy blue suit that looked more expensive than the rent Yakashi paid. A tattoo had trailed down his hand and a nice gold watch was wrapped around his wrist. He had eyes the color of amethyst and his hair was styled in a mullet that paused at his shoulders. The color was a mix between black and lavender. Some of his bangs had covered his eyes, but it seemed just comfortable enough for him to see. You didn’t know who he was, but judging by everyone’s demeanor towards him, you came to the conclusion that he was of some importance to everyone there. Your boyfriend was speaking with him in such a way like he was trying to impress him. Everyone else was sort of doing the same thing, and they all seemed to be on eggshells around the mysterious man. His identity to you was unknown. You had never seen him prior to the dinner party, and your boyfriend never really mentioned anyone fitting his description. Not surprising.
Then, much to your shock, the man noticed your presence at the table. He sensed your awkwardness and sort of felt bad for you. He completely missed you at the table, and who was he to not be a proper host?
“And who are you?”
Once you lifted your eyes, you saw him staring at you. Your mouth had gone completely dry and you had no idea what to say. All of the guests, including Yakashi, had their eyes on you. His voice was smooth and it slipped through your ears like honey.
Yakashi seemed to notice you being unmoved by the question asked to you.
“This is-“
“I didn’t ask you, I asked her.”
The atmosphere around your table fell still at the man’s response to your boyfriend. You had never seen someone speak to him in such a manner, and it even astounded some of the people sitting around you. Yakashi’s face had turned somewhat red from embarrassment. Who was this man? He easily had the respect of every individual in that room, but what was he to them? Was he a coworker who had no problem putting others in their place? Could he be higher up? Your mind buzzed with questions you had very little answers to. He was very bold, though. You would fully give him that credit.
“I’m (Y/N).. Yakashi’s date.”
The man beside your boyfriend flickered his eyes from where you were sitting to Yakashi. It was almost like he was reading if you guys were some perfect match. There was this expression on his features that seemed almost.. shady. A look that screamed he knew something that he wasn’t supposed to. It made you wonder what that could be. This man clearly had some hold over your boyfriend that you had yet to know of.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Rindou Haitani. I’m Yakashi’s boss and owner of this business.”
Your mouth almost fell open when he said that he was your boyfriend’s boss. It all added up now. Everyone had to respect the man who was the reason for their employment. It was no wonder Yakashi was trying to suck up to that man. Rindou had that high power over the rest of them. It honestly made you intrigued. He was quite the man. He then approached you in your seat, barely giving any mind to Yakashi who had become very quiet since Rindou had shut him down. He outstretched his hand, and you gladly reached over to shake it. He had a delicious cologne lingering from his suit. It smelled expensive. Better than anything Yakashi had ever owned.
“I hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”
His voice sent shivers ghosting down your spine from how deep it had become. Once he released your hand, he walked away from your table and left you ultimately stunned. He went off to greet other guests and people who worked with him. All you could think was the same thing over and over the entire evening.
What a man.
Rindou was clearly no stranger to the business game. He had his shit together, and fuck, he was so handsome. You were wondering how a man like that didn’t have multiple women clinging onto his arm. He seemed to have no problem telling people the blunt truth, which was so attractive. A man who could make others cower in their knees was so hot to you. You knew having a wandering eye while being in a relationship was wrong, but your boyfriend was doing it twenty four seven. He was going behind your back all the time, so you reciprocating that energy only felt deserved if you were being honest. He didn’t have to know either.
Afterwards, you had seemed to always somehow run into the man.
There was an occasion where Yakashi needed you to come drop off his lunch. You were in the middle of dealing with something for work when the man had phoned you over the issue. As much as you wanted to tell him to go fuck himself and that he had a car too, you obliged and went back to your shared apartment to grab the small container that contained his lunch. You made the lengthy drive to the building he worked in which was downtown. Your boyfriend instructed you to leave it in the break room and he would grab it once he had a moment of free time. Once you reached the top floor, the receptionist had directed you down a lengthy corridor with many doors on each side. Some of them were shut with clients sitting in the chairs, while others were left wide open and empty. He worked at such a great place, yet he was a piece of shit.
Eventually, you had gotten lost in the hallways of the building. Some of them led you absolutely nowhere or they went to doors that could only be gone through with a key card. You didn’t have one, so you honestly felt like you were an idiot for walking around so freely. Someone was bound to catch you at some point and question your reasoning for loitering in an empty hall with a container of food in your hand. You figured you would call Yakashi and ask him to pick it up somewhere else.
The container in your hand almost went slack when a voice spoke from behind you. For a moment, you believed that someone had found you lingering around and were suspicious of your presence. However, that soon changed when you realized it wasn’t a mere stranger concerned for your well being. It was Rindou Haitani. The same man who owned that building you were mindlessly walking around in. This had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your life. The big boss caught you standing there, looking like an idiot. He probably would throw you out and scold your boyfriend for allowing you to enter. You couldn’t wait to feel that wrath once you went home.
“I was looking for Yakashi.. he told me to bring his lunch.”
Your eyes didn’t miss the way Rindou’s expression slightly shifted at the mention of Yakashi. He honestly looked like he had something he wanted to say, but he chose to keep his mouth shut. Instead, that odd expression averted to a smile.
“Yakashi is busy, but I can take it to him for you. I can escort you to the exit as well, if you’d like.”
Your eyes widened a little from his sudden proposal, but it was a lot better than wandering around without knowing a damn thing. Plus, who were you to deny an offer like that? You had only about fifteen minutes before you were supposed to head back to work, and you weren’t trying to piss off your boss by being late. You then walked over to the man, handing the container of food to him. Rindou was much more attractive up close. He seemed more professional and serious rather than his social demeanor he had at the dinner party.
“Thank you, I appreciate it. I have to go back to work anyway.”
Rindou seemed satisfied with your response, so he motioned for you to follow him down the corridor. It was sort of a quiet walk. Neither of you spoke any words, but the silence between you both was comfortable like you two were good friends or something. You passed by a few people who said hello to him or asked him how his day was. All of them instantly shifted in their stances when he passed by. It was almost amazing to see how quick people change when someone in a higher position of power is in their presence. He could change the entire energy of a room with just a snap of his finger.
Eventually, you both made it to the end of the corridor and back where you began. You were relieved to have made it out without an issue from Rindou. He would probably gossip about that experience later on. This had to be the oddest experience you have ever had, and you hoped to drown it out later on by going back to work.
“Have a good one, (Y/N). I hope to see you again soon.”
You wished that was the last time, but it wasn’t.
You had faced Rindou multiple times after that. Whether it was dropping off some food for Yakashi, or seeing him at one of those dinner events. He was always somehow around the corner, and each time he was always conversing with you in a polite manner. There were things that Rindou did that no other man, not even Yakashi, would ever do. He held doors open for you, pulled out your chair one time, and he had even complimented your diamond earrings that you had received as a gift from your mother. He was a sweet man. He could almost give you cavities from it all. There was a feeling inside your chest that was warm whenever Rindou was around you. It was wrong, so wrong. You still had a boyfriend and that was his boss. Seeing it as something more than just professional would be inappropriate, and you knew that.
Things had really come to a head when you had gone to another dinner event with Yakashi. He had wandered off somewhere inside the banquet and left you by yourself at the table. He was probably in some bathroom with his tongue buried down some girl’s throat, but at that point, you could care less. She could have whatever shitty man your boyfriend was.
You sat there, bored. Not much was really happening except for the many conversations you could hear around you. People were discussing business deals and flexing whatever amount of money they received on their check. All of it was foreign to you and just really boring. You honestly just considered ordering an Uber and going home by yourself. You could care less if Yakashi would complain the next morning. It’s not your fault that your shitty excuse of a boyfriend decided to leave you there unattended.
You reached for your purse which was hanging on the wooden chair you were sitting on. You pulled the buttons holding it together apart and reached inside of it to fish for your cell phone. As you were digging around, you paused when you felt something foreign inside of your bag. There was a small piece of paper folded neatly. Your eyebrows furrowed the moment your eyes settled on the object. You had no recollection of placing the paper inside your bag before you left, so you grew curious as to what was inside of it. You pulled it out and opened the top flap, reading the contents written on it.
“You seem lonely, call me sometime- Rin.”
Warmth spread across your cheeks when you noticed his phone number was written just underneath the text. There was no way he actually made such a bold move. It felt unbelievable to you. A man like him doing such a thing had completely thrown you off. It could have very easily been a test. He could have just done that to see if you would possibly send him a message, but it didn’t seem like Rindou had anything against your boyfriend.
You decided to conceal the secret and hide the phone number in your purse. Yakashi would never search through your things unless he was looking for his cell phone, but he hardly ever gave you the chance to even hold it. He was always so secretive. He had even gone to the lengths of removing you as his lock screen. You knew exactly why he did such a thing, so that’s why you never asked him about it. He would make up some stupid excuse and expect you to believe it. That’s what happened when you questioned him the first time. He practically tugged at certain strings to make his stories believable, but you weren’t an idiot anymore. You knew full well what the hell he was doing behind your back, so you could care less if he found the phone number in your purse. He probably was just waiting to catch you doing something so he could seem like the good guy in whatever foolish story he’d tell his buddies or his next girlfriend.
You never texted Rindou. To be honest, you were afraid to. He was quite an intimidating guy and you weren’t sure what he would say, so you pretty much left it be. You only saw him twice after he dropped his phone number in your purse, and all of them were very friendly encounters. Though, you didn’t miss the way he placed his hands around your waist to “scooch” past you in the crowded room. Those touches sparked on your skin and made you melt like putty, but you remained firm and tried to stay calm.
That was until tonight hit. You were fully expecting those text messages from Yakashi. He claimed that he would be staying late after work to deal with some extra paperwork left behind, and you just shrugged when he told you. You honestly found peace in his absence in your bedroom. You didn’t have to deal with those fake words he’d say to you whenever he lied down in your bed. It also meant that you got to do whatever you wanted.
It was already five past midnight. You just reacted to the text messages and exited the text app. You already know what the hell he was up to right now. He was probably dragging some girl to a hotel room and having sex with her. It almost felt unfair to you. He was here having the time of his life without a care in the world, while you were at your apartment in an empty bed with no one beside you. It was lonely. You never considered cheating on Yakashi before. Some people say it’s unclassy to do the same thing to someone else, but that never made sense to you. If anything, it made a lot of sense to do it right back to the person who destroyed your trust in the first place. Although, sometimes it backfired, and the guy or girl wins in the end because they cover their ass so hard that you’re made into the villain. Some people just loved living in denial. Even your own friends told you to do the same thing to him, but with who? You had guy friends but none of them would ever sleep with you while you were with Yakashi.
An idea crossed into your mind when browsing your brain for a man you could possibly sleep with, and it was a bad one.
You don’t know why you thought of Rindou as the first candidate. It must have been his polite demeanor towards you. For once, a man made you feel like you mattered. He made you feel beautiful and his presence was almost comforting to you in a way. You sort of blamed it on the fact that he was the first person showing you attention in almost six months, but there was just something about that man that was completely alluring to you. He did things that Yakashi never could do.
You scrolled through your contacts to find Rindou’s. It had remained untouched since you added it into your phone secretly. You weren’t sure if the man wasn’t even awake at this hour. He could very much be asleep in his own bed, and it honestly seemed a little embarrassing to wake up to see a missed text from you. You chewed on your bottom lip, heart pounding furiously against your chest as you typed and deleted a message on your keyboard. Was this even a good idea? He could very easily tell Yakashi or even somebody else, but Rindou didn’t even know you two were in a serious relationship. He claimed you were his “date” so maybe Rindou had assumed you were single, but truth is, you weren’t. The last thing you would want is this circling back to Yakashi and ending up in deep shit. He had a big mouth on him.
Though, the pure thought that your own boyfriend was out there with some other woman angered you. He had gotten away with it so many times that you pretty much didn’t give a fuck if he found out. Yakashi wasn’t an idiot. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, and that needed to come to a close.
Fuck it.
You sat up in your bed and began thinking of a text. You wanted something simple and casual. He was in fact a businessman and typing like you were a damn teenager in heat would rub this man the wrong way. You wanted to play it cool and safe. Moving too quickly might cause a rift between you both.
You: hi rindou, it’s (y/n)
Once you sent the message, you clicked your phone off and waited. Your heart was slamming against your rib cage and your mouth had gone completely dry. You sort of prayed that he was asleep so you could deal with such a matter tomorrow morning. Honestly, you just hoped you didn’t look like an idiot messaging him in the middle of the night. He could very easily be busy too and not paying attention to his cell phone.
You were about to give up about five minutes in, but the vibration of your phone made you fumble for your device.
Rindou replied.
Rindou: took you a while
Rindou: but it’s a little late princess.. what’s got you messaging me?
The pet name made your cheeks burn. You didn’t know why, but the thrill of this conversation was making you excited. It was almost like doing such a thing was good for you. After all, it was Rindou Haitani that you were messaging with. He seemed like the kind of man that could get anything he wanted without having to apply force to get it.
You: i’m just bored and can’t sleep
You: do you want to come over?
Asking that question took a lot of confidence for you to do. You had no idea what he might be thinking right now. He could easily laugh and just block your number right then and there if he wanted to. He made you nervous. The good and bad kind. You hoped that he had something good to say, and you would respect any decision that he came forth with. If that wasn’t his cup of tea, then that was completely okay with you.
Rindou: mhm sure
Rindou: send me your address i’ll swing by
Your eyes widened and shock was written all over your features. He actually said yes to you. You couldn’t believe what the hell you were reading at that moment. A huge wave of relief had crashed over you at his reply. You feared that he might make fun of you or joke about it, but he didn’t. This probably was something he was used to very often. He seemed like a ladies man if you were being honest. He probably had tons of women in his bed before.
You wasted no time and sent your address to the man. Little did you know that the text you sent would be the reason that Rindou, not even thirty minutes later, had his cock stuffing inside your tight little hole.
Your legs had been spread apart and your clothes were all discarded onto the floor near your bed. Rindou was big. He was splitting your pussy apart with his thrusts that you could hardly take him. He was so handsome up above you. His lilac hair clung to his forehead from the beads of sweat that had formed on his skin, and there was a slight dust of pink that swept across his cheeks. He was fucking you so good. It was like scratching an itch inside of your brain. He was so much better than anyone else you had ever been in bed with. God, where the hell had he been your entire life? He was right under your nose the whole time.
Your hands held onto his broad shoulders, eyes trailing down the tattoo that covered the right side of his body. He was gorgeous to look at. He had such a divine physique underneath his clothes that it turned you on even more seeing him naked. “Ah! Rindou.. fuck.. so good!” your voice was whiny and almost breathless as you spoke. Hearing that tone made Rindou all the more needy to fuck your brains out.
He smirked at the noises you were making. He knew you were probably a goddess in bed, but he never imagined that you would be this beautiful underneath him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. There was just so much to look at. Your gorgeous face, those pretty tits that were bouncing with every thrust of his hips, the way your cunt sucked in his cock. He couldn’t believe a woman like you was being fucked by him right now. “Yeah.. keep callin’ for me, angel! Say my name..” his fingers curled around the sheets that were beside your bed. They turned painfully white from how hard his grip was on the fabric.
Neither of you had expected this moment to ever become a reality. It honestly started out casual. Rindou had arrived within about fifteen minutes. It was much quicker than you had expected, but you gladly opened the door and allowed him inside. He was not in his usual suit and tie that he prodded around in at work. Instead, he wore sweatpants the color of charcoal and a loose white t-shirt. He was a lot more friendly and sort of dropped that professional tone he had whenever he saw you. It was kind of like whiplash seeing him cracking jokes and swearing like a damn sailor inside your room, but that nature made the atmosphere less tense. You felt like you could actually speak with him without walking on eggshells.
Eventually, the funny and light conversations turned much darker and more somber. You sort of cracked. You hesitated so many times, but all of the emotions inside of you had flowed out about Yakashi. Rindou listened intently as you spoke about the many affairs he had behind your back. You ranted and spoke about how he was still doing it now, and how his treatment towards you has only made you angrier with the man. It was surprising to Rindou that you were aware of such a thing, because he ultimately revealed to you that he knew something was up. He knew you weren’t just Yakashi’s date that night, because he had seen a framed photo of you both in his office a while back. It wasn’t until he noticed that photograph disappear and women appearing randomly in his office that he placed the pieces together and realized he was either cheating or single. That first one seemed likely when he saw you walk in with him at the dinner party.
Rindou felt bad for you. He truly did. You had stayed in a relationship that completely drained you and you feared becoming homeless because of him. He understood that internal fight with wanting to stay, but also knowing that it isn’t right to. You deserved so much better than that.
He knew it was wrong, but he kissed you.
For a minute, you were frozen, but you then kissed back when you felt how warm his lips were against your own. Rindou asked if that was something you wanted to do with him, and you hastily said yes to him. You didn’t give a shit about Yakashi anymore and you had honestly moved on a while ago. You knew he did too, so none of it mattered to you anymore. All you desired was Rindou, and that energy was gladly reciprocated. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
Rindou took genuine care of you. He thought of you as fine china that could be broken at any moment. You were delicate and beautiful. You didn’t deserve to be tampered with by some lame excuse of a man who didn’t deserve you. Rindou was going to show you how much he valued you as a person. Cheating on someone was pussy shit. He knew better than to ever do that to someone else. Yakashi could go fuck himself if he believed that he was some great guy. Rindou was about to fuck the shit out of his girl and not think twice about it.
You were in complete and utter bliss. Rindou had complete control over your body, and he was doing everything to make you wrap around his finger. You stared at him with hazy eyes and just let the pleasure take over you. You completely submitted to him. “Rindou! Rindou! S-Shit..” you arched your back upwards to feel more of his fat cock. He was irresistible right now. In all honesty, you wished you had made a move much sooner if you knew he would be fucking you this great on your shared bed. “So good.. mmph! Need you..”
Rindou’s hand went to trail up your body. Your skin formed goosebumps at his gentle touch against your skin. His mouth watered at the sight of your hardened nipples. You were such a fucking beauty. He would treat you so much better than that stupid asshole. He didn’t give a shit. He would probably fire Yakashi once the weekend was over. “Fuck.. yeah? You need me, princess?” his hand went to wrap around your throat, squeezing hard enough to restrict air from flowing into your lungs. “Tell me how bad you need me, baby. Need me more than him? More than that lousy dick he was giving you? Fucckkk, baby, I’ll give you it all. Won’t need that fucking asshole after I’m done..”
You could hardly speak from his hold on your neck. His possessive side turned you on so much. Rindou could feel your walls fluttering around him, and it made him all the more excited. You liked hearing him say such things to you. He would for sure take a note of that. “Rin..dou! Y-Yes!” you managed to gasp through his firm grip. Your eyes showed how desperate you were for the man.
Rindou’s pace had suddenly picked up. Your pussy was dripping wet. It was making a mess on the blankets that you were lying on. Neither of you paid much mind to that. All you wanted was each other, and you were for sure going to have one another no matter what. Your eyes practically rolled back at the tip of his dick kissing at your g-spot. White stars filled your vision every time he reached that delicious spot. He was finding all the areas that made you dizzy, and all you could do was take it. He was truly good at what he did. He was so much better than Yakashi. He didn’t make you feel that burning desire in your gut that Rindou was creating for you.
He thought you were one of the most beautiful women he ever laid his eyes upon. When he saw you that night at the dinner party, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Meanwhile, your shit boyfriend was sitting there beside you not saying a damn word. If it wasn’t so professional, Rindou would have escorted you elsewhere for a drink or even a private walk around the banquet. Your dress was gorgeous and the fact that Yakashi paid zero attention to you made him appalled. You were perfect in every aspect. Someone had to inform you of that, and it was going to be him.
Rindou abandoned his hold on your throat, allowing oxygen to fill into your lungs and for proper blood flow to return to your brain. Your lips fell slack and those pretty moans of yours echoed off the walls of your bedroom. Hearing his name only encouraged him to go faster and to place you on cloud nine. He took your thighs and put them around his waist, earning a much deeper angle. Rindou already knew he found that nice button inside of you already. Your whines would grow sharper the more he hit it. “So perfect, baby! Love this fuckin’ pussy.. he didn’t know what the hell to do with all of this, yeah?” he then leaned towards the shell of your ear, his breath tickling your skin. “Well I do.. and I’ll never that – fuck! – asshole touch you again!”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him towards you for a sloppy wet kiss. He swallowed every noise that escaped your throat with such ease. Your nails dug into the flesh of his shoulder blade. He was winding you up so perfectly that all you could even think of was Rindou. It was almost too much to handle. “R-Rindou..!” you broke the kiss, feeling almost too tired to be able to kiss back. “Close.. I’m close..!”
He grinned devilishly at those words. He knew that moment would arrive soon, considering your pussy was closing in around his shaft. Rindou wanted to make you cum so hard that you would only think about him. You needed someone to fuck? You better come and call him up, because he was the only one who could make you feel that way. Your cunt was calling for him the second he took your panties off earlier. “Yeah? Close, princess? Shit, I can feel ya clenchin’ real tight for me..” he smirked. “Gonna make you all mine, no one else’s. Especially not that asshole..”
The thought of belonging to Rindou turned you on so much. You didn’t oppose the idea whatsoever because you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. He could give you the things you had been lacking for the past few months, and that only made you need him more than ever. “Yes! God, yes! ‘M yours, Rindou!” you cried, looking at him with that fucked out expression he loved so much.
Rindou placed one of his hands on your hip, holding it quite firmly. He started fucking you at such a relentless pace it almost knocked all of the wind out of your lungs. He hit your g-spot so many times that your vision had become blurry from the repetitive thrusts against it. The knot inside your belly tightened, only drawing you closer to that climax you wanted more than anything. “C’mon, angel, be a good girl and cum around my cock..” he encouraged you. “You got a real man fuckin’ you, baby. Fuck! Would never cheat on you.. I’d give you the – shit – the fuckin’ world, princess.”
Your orgasm then rippled through your body. A loud whine filled the room and your body shook from the intensity of it. You hadn’t cum that hard in a very long time. Rindou smirked when he felt your pussy clamp around his cock. Your walls spasmed and twitched, creating a white ring around his dick from your cum. You were such a good girl.
Rindou was close to his own high. His cock was twitching inside of your cunt, and there was a pit forming in his belly. You could also tell from the way he grunted that he was almost there. Your mind was foggy, but the desire to have him filling you up was there. You wanted him to claim you as his, and that was the most perfect way to do it. “C-Cum inside me, Rindou..!” your voice was somewhat shaky from the high of your orgasm, but he understood you loud and clear.
You were so fucking nasty, but he loved it. Seeing you begging for his cum to be inside of you only made him more excited to let go. “Want me to cum inside you..? Oh, baby, I’ll do just that..” he groaned, feeling his balls twitch. “Gonna make sure you’re nice and filled.. yeah. He won’t break that pretty little heart of yours anymore. You’re my girl now, baby! ‘M gonna spoil you rotten.. give you more than he ever did..”
A moan slipped from his lips when he finally reached his high. Rindou held your hip with such a tight grip it would probably leave a bruise. His thick cum seeped into your cunt, covering your velvet walls with white. The warmth spread across your belly, earning several shivers from you. He then leaned down, pressing his lips against yours. This kiss wasn’t aggressive or rough, but instead, it was sweet and quite gentle. It made you melt. There was this swell inside your chest when you both made contact with one another. He was the one person you had been searching for. You spent all these months wallowing in your pain and anger, and having this moment made those negative thoughts disappear within an instant. Rindou was truly the person you needed.
He broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own. Both of you were quite exhausted and your bodies were at their limits. Rindou thought you looked so pretty. Your messy hair, glossy but also swollen lips, clouded hues. There was so much to like about you. How the hell did you end up with an asshole like Yakashi? He never deserved any ounce of your time or energy. That needed to change, and Rindou would happily be the person to shift that.
“You’re so beautiful.. I-“
“What the fuck?!”
You and Rindou both turned your heads to look at your bedroom door, which was now wide open. Shock wrote itself on both of your features. You weren’t expecting Yakashi to be standing there. You thought the man would return sometime tomorrow morning like he promised. You would have enough time by then to cover your tracks, but his sudden arrival completely threw you and Rindou off. Neither of you knew what to do or say, so it was somewhat awkward.
However, Rindou cleared his throat. Yakashi was standing there stunned at what he was seeing. His own boss was lying in bed with you. Rindou glanced towards your boyfriend with a serious expression. “Yakashi..” he shifted around on the bed, allowing you to cover yourself.
“Rindou..” your boyfriend replied, watching with intense eyes as he stood up.
“You’re fired, I want your shit gone by Monday.”
#summer speaks#tokyo revengers#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers x you#tokyo revengers x y/n#tokyo revengers smut#tokyo revengers fanfiction#rindou haitani#rindou haitani x you#rindou haitani x reader#rindou#rindou smut#rindou x reader#rindou x y/n#rindou x you#anime fanfiction#anime fanfic
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"I’ll burn the world if it means keeping you warm in the ashes."
♡ Book. A Heart Devoured: A Dark Yandere Anthology
♡ Pairing. Yandere! Vigilante x Fem. Reader
♡ Headcanons. #1
♡ Word Count. 1,018
His Obsession
From the moment he laid eyes on you, the world shifted. It wasn’t love—not in the way you might imagine—but an all-consuming need to take every piece of you and weave it into his existence.
He doesn’t see you as fragile. No, you’re far too strong for his liking. It irritates him, the way you resist, the way your eyes hold defiance. He’s determined to break that. Not to destroy you—oh no—but to rebuild you into something better, something his.
Every breath you take feels stolen to him. Every step you take away from him feels like a betrayal.
He memorizes you. The slope of your neck, the twitch of your lips, the way your hands tremble when you think you’re alone. He sees it all, cataloging it, dissecting it, planning how he’ll use every piece of you against yourself.
Psychological Warfare
He doesn’t just break your body—he unravels your mind.
The messages start small: a flower on your doorstep with a petal missing. A photo of yourself, taken from outside your window, tucked into your mailbox. His handwriting scrawled on the back: "Beautiful, even when you don’t know I’m watching."
He isolates you with precision. Your friends suddenly stop answering your calls. Your coworkers grow distant. He forces a world where only he exists.
“You feel it, don’t you?” he whispers one night, his voice a husky growl in the suffocating silence of your apartment. “The weight of my gaze, even when you think you’re alone.”
And you do. You feel it in the way shadows linger too long, in the phantom sensation of fingers brushing against your skin.
Manipulation: The Shackling of Your Soul
He isn’t satisfied with just having you near—he wants your thoughts, your dreams, your nightmares.
He doesn’t lock you away; no, that would be too simple. Instead, he ties you to him with invisible chains. He makes himself indispensable, the only constant in the chaos he’s created around you.
When you cry, he holds you. When you scream, he covers your mouth. “Shh, sweetheart. Don’t waste your voice. You’ll need it when you’re begging me to stop.”
You try to run once. You don’t even make it to the end of the street before his hand clamps over your mouth, dragging you into the shadows. His breath is hot against your ear as he growls: “I should be furious with you. But I’ll let it slide this time. You know why?” His lips curl into a twisted smile. “Because I enjoy the chase. But don’t test me again.”
Sadistic Precision
Pain isn’t just an act for him—it’s an art form.
He knows exactly how to break you, how to inflict the kind of pain that lingers without destroying you completely. “Did you know,” he muses, dragging a blade across your forearm, just deep enough to sting, “that the human body can endure up to forty-five del? That’s childbirth-level pain. Let’s see how close we can get, sweetheart.”
He takes his time, savoring every gasp, every twitch of your muscles. The blood doesn’t scare him; it excites him. It’s proof of his power over you.
His voice is soft, almost tender, as he presses his lips to your ear: “Don’t cry, sweetheart. It only makes me want to hurt you more.”
The Age Gap Dynamic
He’s older, wiser, and infinitely more dangerous. His presence fills every room he enters, his broad shoulders and battle-scarred hands a silent testament to his past.
He uses his age and experience as leverage. “You think you know everything,” he says, his voice dripping with condescension. “But you’re just a baby in a world full of monsters who would ruin you. Blessed for you, you’ve got me to keep you safe.”
His touches are deliberate, dominating. He enjoys reminding you how small you are compared to him, how easily he could break you if he wanted to. “Look at you,” he murmurs, his fingers tightening around your wrist. “So delicate. So helpless. It’s almost adorable.”
Dialogue: His Words Are Knives
The room was silent except for the sound of his breathing, each exhale a reminder of his control, each inhale a claim on your existence.
“The world doesn’t deserve you. But I do.”
His hands, stained with blood and malice, were the hands that cradled your trembling frame. A paradox of cruelty and care, his touch left bruises that whispered stories of love twisted beyond recognition.
“It’s funny, isn’t it? How quickly people break when you press the right buttons.”
Blood seeped into the cracks of the wooden floor, a silent witness to his devotion. His voice, low and reverent, cut through the suffocating stillness: “I’m making you perfect, piece by agonizing piece.”
“So scream all you want. No one will hear you but me. And I like the sound.”
“I don’t want to own you. I want you to willingly offer yourself to me.”
“Your body is mine. Your soul? I’ll carve my name into it, one way or another.”
His smile wasn’t warmth—it was a blade, sharp and cruel, slicing through the thin fabric of your hope.
The Night Visitor: You woke up to the sound of your door creaking open. Your breath catches as his shadow fills the doorway, tall and unyielding. He steps into the room, his boots heavy against the floor. His voice is a low murmur: “Couldn’t sleep without checking on you. You looked lonely.”
The Reminder: He corners you in the kitchen, his hand slamming against the counter beside your head. The knife in his other hand gleams under the dim light. “I thought I told you not to leave the house,” he says, his tone calm but laced with menace. “You’re testing my patience, sweetheart.”
The Revelation: Blood drips from his fingers as he kneels in front of you, his eyes wild. “I did it for you,” he says, his voice trembling with something between madness and devotion. “Every scream, every drop of blood—it was all for you.”
#yandere#male yandere#obsessive yandere#yandere x reader#yandere imagines#yandere male#male yandere x reader#yandere x darling#yandere x you#yandere blog#yandere romance#yandere boy#yandere oneshot#yandere oneshots#oneshotx reader#yandere oc x reader#yandere male x reader#fem reader#yandere boyfriend#possessive yandere#dark romance#tw yandere#yandere drabble#yandere oc#reader insert#yan blog#obsession#obsessive love#yandere hero x reader#yandere hero
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Thinking about Laswell using Price as a surrogate
for her and her wife hehehe („ಡωಡ„)
18+ minors DNI
• They’re at a pub after a mission well done and he can tell something’s on her mind. She tells him about her wife wanting a baby but Kate is extremely picky and the agency is running out of surrogate options.
• After a couple of drinks, she makes her proposition. She wants John to be the father. He’s a good man, He’s met her wife a few times before, and she trusts him. She offers to pay him but he refuses. They’re friends after all.
• When Kate brings him home that night, you’re a bit surprised to see him. She usually lets you know before guests stop by. You greet your wife with a peck on the lips and give John a small wave
• You expect her to pull out her playing cards and a couple of beers but instead, she sits down on the couch and pulls you onto her lap, a strong hand kneading your thigh. She fills you in on the plan as John sits on the couch opposite you two, legs spread and leaning back into the soft cushion. Your thighs involuntarily clench and Kate smiles.
“What a whore. Should’ve asked the whole squad to come up here if I knew you’d be so willing to open your legs”
• She drawls, hand sliding up to cop a feel of your breast. You glance over at John who’s stroking himself over his pants
• Eventually, you all end up in the bedroom, nightstand adorned with various knick-knacks and wedding photos. By this point, you’re naked and laid back against the plush pillows on yours and Kate’s bed
• Kate lazily rubbed your clit, eliciting soft moans from you. She dips her fingers between your lips and spreads them causing John to inhale sharply. There’s a long sticky string of arousal coating her fingers before she sucks it off
“Make her cum first,”
• Soft moans fill the room as John circles his tongue around your clit, a thick finger prodding at your entrance. He sucks your clit as he squeezes another finger in, scissoring them deep inside you to prepare you for him. Kate grabs your chin, forcing you to look at her while her coworker eats your pussy. She places her mouth on yours and your heart skips a beat.
• Kate makes out with you while your legs shake, her kisses muffling your moans as John eats you out like a man starved. He grinds on the bedsheets, his dick aching for any sort of relief as your noises spur him on. He wants you to cum so he can finally be inside you. So he can finally pump you full of his cum. His facial hair is SOAKED and you’re whimpering and your legs are shaking but he won’t stop licking and slurping your pussy until your back arches and your thighs squeeze his head. Your eyes flutter closed as you experience your first orgasm of the night. Kate takes her free hand and starts massaging your breast
“Can’t wait until these are all big and full of milk. You’re gonna be such a good mommy”
• You whimper when he finally pushes against your entrance, hand gripping Kate a bit harder. You can’t stop the moan that tears itself from your throat when he finally squeezes inside.
“Oh, you can take it. You’ve been fucked by straps thicker than this”
• John huffs but he continues to slowly stretch you open. When he finally bottoms out he tries to keep a steady pace. Doesn’t want to seem too eager. He isn’t desperate.
• Ok, maybe he's a little desperate.
• He angles himself to hit that spot inside you that makes you see stars. You’re whimpering against Kate’s mouth as John fucks a baby into you. She’s still fully clothed, nestled against your side, and holding your hand as your pussy forms a thick creamy ring around John’s dick. You try to tuck your head into her neck out of embarrassment at the sheer lewdity of the situation but she forces you to look. Your pussy convulses around him as you cum again, hypnotized as he picks up the pace.
• Kate whispers filthy degrading things in your ear as John spears you on his dick. Your face is red at how wet you are. The room is filled with John’s groans, your moaning, and the filthy wet noises that your abused pussy is making
• John’s proud of himself for not blowing his load as soon as he started fucking you but now he can feel that telltale tingle in his balls knowing he’s about to bust soon. He suddenly yanks you down on his dick, flipping your legs over his shoulders as he reaches even deeper now. You’re incoherent as he grinds against your cervix, Kate giving you a smug smile as your legs start to shake.
“That’s it, take it all.”
• She mumbles against your neck as John lets out a throaty moan and paints your insides white. You’re still whining from the overstimulation as he continues to fuck you. You can feel his cum drip out of you and onto your satin bedsheets, Kate taking a moment away from rubbing the spot on your stomach where your womb is to gather up some of the cum dripping down to your puckered hole and scooping it up with her finger before swirling it on your tongue.
• John groans at the sight, kissing you. He sucks his cum off of your tongue as he slows his movement to an excruciating grinding motion that makes your pussy flutter around his again.
• When Kate decides he’s kissed you long enough she plucks his head and he gets the hint. He smiles and pulls away, a string of saliva and semen connecting you both before he wipes his mouth.
• A few weeks later John tries to suppress a smile when he reads a text from Kate
“Test was negative. Come over tonight.”
#cod mw2 x reader#kate laswell x reader#john price x reader#cod headcanons#and Kate’s wife gives birth to the cutest baby everrrr they have rosy cheeks and the cutest brown eyes ARGH
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million dollar baby - kendall roy x f! reader
You go on a blind date with Kendall Roy circa his college graduation and learn the truth beneath his public front.
word count: 4.5k
warnings: language, drug use, sex while intoxicated, piv sex, discussions of infertility
You anxiously drummed your fingers on the back of the car seat in front of you. Bass music throbbed in your ears, barely drowning out the voice of your taxi driver blabbering to someone on the phone. You were used to overeager drivers pushing the speed limit, but this guy seemed to pride himself on going at least 5 under at all times. Worst of all, the heater in his car was broken, leaving you shivering within the fogged-up windows.
You kept glancing down at the “I’m outside” text on your BlackBerry, received a minute ago and counting. Unable to delay it any further, you typed out “I’m just a few blocks away”, and hit send. Several moments later, it buzzed with his response: “Don’t keep me waiting.”
As the taxi slowed towards the restaurant, you squinted out of the window to search for your date. Truth be told, you were wholly unsure what to expect of him. From what your friend Cecily had told you when she set the two of you up, Kendall Roy could either show up to a date wearing a tuxedo or a tracksuit.
You slipped the driver his fare and scrambled out of the backseat before the car had even fully stopped, hurriedly pulling your bunched-up dress down. You cautiously stepped onto the curb in your knee-high boots.
“I’m here,” you texted Kendall as you made your way towards the restaurant’s signage. A bustling crowd was gathered in front for dinner, obscuring your view of the entrance. Heat lamps burned outside with customers flocking around them as they warmed themselves.
You didn’t receive a reply. Your eyes scanning the area, you spied a lone figure standing away from the mass of bodies. He was dressed in a white shirt and black slacks. A cloud of smoke billowed around him, his fingers holding a cigarette to his lips.
He matched the description your friend had provided: average height and a head of coiffed dark hair. As you approached him, his features became more evident, resembling the photo you’d seen. Your gaze flicked from his dark chocolate eyes to his angular nose, his long face bearing an expression absent of any emotion.
“You’re Kendall, right?”
His eyes narrowed, the end of his cigarette crackling.
“Yeah. Hey. You finally showed up.” His voice was deep and distinctly authoritative, speaking to you with all the air of someone at a business meeting.
“Sorry, the taxi was really slow.”
He nodded, taking one last puff of his cigarette before dropping it on the slush-covered cement. He ground it down with the heel of his dress shoe, his movements effortless and fluid.
“Shall we?” he asked, striding towards the entrance of the restaurant without waiting for a response. You were compelled to fall in step behind him - you guessed that a lot of people fell prey to the magnetic force that seemed to orbit him and his family.
He deftly maneuvered his way through the crowd and walked up to the hostess. She didn’t notice him at first, leaning over her coworker in conversation. He cleared his throat abruptly. Her head jerked up, and she blinked a few times in succession as she took in the sight of him and the way he’d forcefully inserted himself into the space.
“Sorry, sir. How can I help you?” she asked, her tone cool.
“Reservation for Roy,” he said in a confident, clear voice, fixing her with an intense stare.
“Alright, let me check that out for you. For 8:30?”
“Yeah. I know we’re a bit late,” he said, placing a pointed emphasis on the last word, “but I know you guys have a grace period. So, I’m hoping we can get seated ASAP.”
A look of brief irritation flashed across the hostess’ face as she picked up two menus. “No problem. Follow me.”
“Ladies first,” he directed towards you, gesturing for you to go ahead of him. You walked behind the hostess, feeling vulnerable to his eyes through the exposed skin on your backless dress.
The hostess guided you to a secluded area at the far corner of the dining room - whether he’d requested the privacy or she had opted to spare herself from Kendall being in her eye line, you were unsure. You thanked her, taking your seat across from your date.
“Can we start off with two Smirnoffs on the rocks?” Kendall asked.
“Oh, I don’t drink. I’ll have an iced tea,” you said quickly.
“One Smirnoff and an iced tea then.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably as the hostess walked away.
“Have you, um, been here before?” you inquired, studying him over the top of your menu.
“Of course. I take all my dates here,” he replied in an indecipherable tone.
“Oh. Haha,” you deadpanned.
“No, seriously, I do.” He paused, before letting out a curt laugh at your disbelieving expression. “Come on. I’m fucking with you, you know that, right?”
“Hard to tell.” Your face burned.
“Yeah, I’ve been here a few times. Cool if I order for the both of us? I know which dishes are the best.”
“Yeah, sure.” You tried to hide the disbelief in your voice.
His eyes studied your face. “So, Cecily wasn't wrong. You’re very pretty.”
“Thank you,” you replied, your glossed lips curving into a hesitant smile.
“I hear you want to go into politics?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You know, starting out as an ATN anchor wouldn't be so bad,” he said. “I’m sure we could work something out. You know who I am, right?”
“Yup,” you said, forcefully popping the “p”. “Cecily told me all about you.”
Clearly not enough.
“Cool. Now that I’m out of college, I’m ready to start becoming more involved in Waystar.”
He looked at you expectantly, waiting for the ego stroke.
You settled on: “Party days are finally behind you?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” He flashed you his first grin of the night.
“Pardon my reach.” A voice appeared at your shoulder, leaning over you to place the drinks on the table, ice clinking in the glasses.
“Alright. What can I get for you two?” The waiter plastered a smile onto their face and pulled out their notepad.
You slid the iced tea towards yourself and took a long sip, tuning out Kendall’s voice as he recited your joint order to the waiter.
He focused his eyes on you once they’d left, searching your face once again. You weren’t sure what he was trying to find. You got the impression that he was inept at reading people when so much was centered around himself.
“Food should be good,” he said simply.
“Mm.” You were about to excuse yourself to the bathroom when his phone rang.
He flipped open his Blackberry screen and squinted at the number. “Oh. I should take this. I’ll be right back.”
“No problem,” you said with a polite smile, trying to disguise your relief.
As soon as he was out of sight, you flipped out your own phone and furiously typed out a message.
“U didn’t tell me Kendall was the WORST. WTF?!?!”
Cecily’s reply came within the minute:
“No!!!! He is an acquired taste but I thought the 2 of u might click ):”
Your fingers raced to fire back: "He’s so entitled."
“Growing up rich will do that 2 u,” She wrote. “Seriously though, he has a good heart. Give him a chance, 4 me?”
“Ugh,” you murmured to yourself.
You closed the phone in frustration and stuffed it into your purse, before noticing a pair of black loafers on the ground next to you.
You glanced up to meet Kendall’s eyes. He looked as if he didn't quite know how he’d gotten there. Suddenly so much smaller, his arms curled towards his chest and his phone hung limply from his hand. A lone figure amidst the clinking silverware and pleasant conversation.
“Um, hey..” He said, his voice shaky. His bottom lip was wavering almost imperceptibly. “I’m not really hungry anymore. Can, uh, can we just go back to my place?”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You shook the grease-soaked paper bag, the remainder of the fries rustling around inside. You balanced it on your lap as you sat gingerly on Kendall’s art deco sofa.
“Do you want any more?” you asked softly.
You were answered by the sound of snorting and sniffing from beside you. Then, a nasally: “Nah, I'm good.”
You tried to keep your eyes away from the lines of cocaine on his phone screen. The two of you had sat in silence on the car ride there, save for him asking your McDonald’s order. It had felt so strange to pull through the drive-thru in one of Logan Roy’s many limos, driven by a stuffy, well-dressed chauffeur.
Kendall still hadn’t spoken to you when you got to his apartment, descending upon bags of white powder he had stashed away. He’d wordlessly offered it to you, and when you vehemently shook your head no, he seemed to interpret that as an invitation to consume more for himself.
You chewed on the fries at the bottom of the bag, feeling like the eating noises were deafening. The apartment was eerily silent, punctuated only by snorting from Kendall’s end of the couch.
“Thanks, for, uh, being chill with this,” he said dumbly, pinching and wiping his nose. You felt relieved to see that all that was left on his phone was the white residue.
“With the… cocaine?”
“Just all of it, I guess. Sorry.” He turned his head to fix you with his penetrating gaze.
You guessed this was as close to an apology for his behavior as you were going to receive. Placing the bag on the table, you hesitantly scooted closer to him.
“Can I ask what happened on that phone call?”
His head snapped away from you again. “I don't really want to talk about that.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He slumped back on the couch.
Your purse vibrated from a text. You dug through it for your phone, holding back a dazed laugh as you saw the text that flashed across the screen.
From Cecily: How’s it going??
You switched it to silent.
“Do you want to smoke a blunt?” Kendall blurted.
“Um, is that a good idea? After… You know.” You jerked your head towards the evidence on his phone.
“Yeah, why the fuck not?” He clapped his hands together. “Let’s do it.”
The next thing you knew, you were on his balcony, Kendall’s face illuminated by the skyscrapers and cars passing below. You shivered as the night air chilled you to the bone.
“Here,” he said, shrugging his jacket off and holding it out to you.
“Thanks.” Your joint crackling between your fingers, you moved it into the corner of your mouth. You draped Kendall’s jacket over your shoulders and were immediately greeted by the smell of Dior cologne and cigarette smoke.
“You smoke really sexy,” he said. “Like a James Bond love interest. Mysterious and hot.”
You burst into a mix between a laugh and cough, waving smoke out of your face. “You’re so high right now.”
“So? Doesn’t mean it’s not true.” He inhaled deeply, then blew out a smoke ring. “You do this a lot?”
“Go on dates or smoke weed?” you questioned.
“Um, both, I guess.”
“I’ve only smoked a couple times. With friends. And I go on dates every few weeks or so.”
“All first dates?” he asked.
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Are most of them bad?”
He drew in a deep breath of smoke. “I hope ours doesn’t rank as the worst.” His eyes shined with the vulnerability you’d seen back at the restaurant. As if your opinion held significant weight to him, though you’d known him for less than an hour. As if he couldn't hear one more bad thing tonight.
“No, of course not. There was one guy who I think was, like, into eugenics?”
“What?” he laughed.
“Yeah. Like 20 minutes into the date, he said something like,” you deepen your voice, “Doctors say I have the best sperm they’ve ever seen. So I need a healthy wife who’s gonna bear me a shitload of children.”
He let out a curt laugh as a darkness suddenly settled over his expression. Bringing the joint to his mouth, he took another deep inhale.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at his shift in demeanor.
“No, no. I just fucking hate guys like that, you know? The way they treat women, like they aren't equals.” The inexplicable passion didn't reach his eyes, as if he was reciting a script.
“Oh. Yeah, fuck him.” You wrapped Kendall’s jacket more tightly around yourself, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air.
“Do you want kids?” he asked after a few moments.
“Uh, I don’t know. Not at this stage of life. But later on, with the right person… maybe,” you replied, your voice nearly drowned out by a gust of wind on the balcony. “What about you?”
“Same,”’ he said tersely. He looked like he wanted to say more, but the joint was in his mouth again before he could. The smoke drifted away in the increasing wind. “You wanna go back inside? Getting pretty cold out here.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry for taking your jacket.”
“Don’t be. It looks good on you.” He paused. “You should keep it.”
You laughed in disbelief, sliding it off of your shoulders. You caught a glance at the tag - Saint Laurent. “I’m not going to keep this, Kendall.”
You tried to toss it back to him, but he expertly moved out of the way. Your heart dropped as the jacket soared off the balcony and onto the street below. Scrambling to the railing, you watched helplessly as it was swallowed up by the headlights.
Your knuckles whitened around the railing and you could simultaneously feel the color draining out of your face. “Fuck. Kendall, I’m so sorry.”
He erupted into laughter behind you. “That was a pretty impressive throw.”
You swiveled around and stared at him in shock, your mouth slightly ajar as you imagined the thousands of dollars being flattened by cars below you. “Huh?”
“Hey,” he said, moving forward and placing his hands on your shoulders. “It’s cute how worried you are, but don't stress. I was going to give it to you anyway.”
“Oh,” was all you could manage.
“Come on, let’s just go inside.” He stubbed the blunt out on the railing and you copied his movements. His free hand found yours, cold and shaking, and steadied it as he interlocked your fingers.
You welcomed the warmth that greeted you upon stepping back inside his expansive apartment. You could feel a heady sensation wash over your body, a mix of the heat and marijuana putting you into a hazy state of relaxation. Like Kendall, you didn’t care about the jacket: you wanted to hold onto the comfort that he must come back to every night. You let go of his hand and flopped down onto his couch, flinging off your shoes and closing your eyes.
Cecily’s words appeared behind your eyelids: It’s not his fault he grew up rich.
You wondered if you’d be as much of an asshole as he’d been earlier tonight if you were used to being in a bubble where only your needs mattered. You’d probably laugh too if someone threw a $5,000 jacket over your balcony. His lifestyle was like a numbing agent, keeping him coddled and wanting for nothing. But it seemed like he was trying so hard to pretend that he was serious now that he’d come out of college, with his desire to become involved in Waystar - although you surmised he’d spent most of school in a cocaine-induced stupor.
Did it weigh on him that none of this was his? Or did it not matter where it came from, as long as it was his?
You opened your eyes and glanced over, his back facing you. Your eyes studied the curve of his spine through the fabric of his fitted white shirt. You registered the sound of a needle dropping onto a record, and the thump of hip-hop music filled the room.
“How vintage of you,” you teased.
“I took this player from my dad. He’d probably be pissed if he saw what I was listening to on it.” He turned to you, his eyes alight with supposed rebellion.
He moved closer until he was standing over you, his face a few inches above yours. You rolled over onto your side, looking at him through half-lidded eyes, and realized you wanted to know how his lips would feel against yours. Before you could change your mind, you reached out to cup his face and brought it towards you, brushing your mouth against his. His lips crashed against yours, his tongue exploring your mouth; he tasted unsurprisingly of cigarettes and vodka, the scent of his cologne again filling your nostrils.
He clambered on top of you, his pelvis digging into your hips. You smoothed your fingers over his shaggy hair, gelled strands falling into your face and lightly tickling your cheeks. The long, wavy locks felt so inherently boyish as you mussed them up, providing a stark contrast to his attire. You turned your attention to getting rid of that attire, working open the buttons on his pristine white shirt. His body was pale and lean, a light smattering of chest hair coarse underneath your fingertips.
You felt his fingers travel to the back of your dress, tugging on the zipper and sliding it off of your body. He murmured a compliment against your mouth as he ran his hands up your stomach to your breasts, gently squeezing the flesh.
“You want to move to the bedroom?” he asked softly.
He hoisted you up, guiding your legs around his waist as he carried you to his room. Your lips were fixed to his neck the entire way there, leaving marks on the creamy, stubbled skin.
Kendall deposited you on his bed before going to undo his belt. You sunk into the plush mattress, intoxicated by his luxuries. Reveling in your high, you pulled your panties down, tracing circles on your clit as you watched him finish undressing. He studied you just as intently. Tugging his pants down revealed his hardening cock through the fabric of his Tom Ford boxers.
You dipped your fingers into your entrance in eager anticipation. He tossed his boxers to the side, allowing his cock to spring free, precum leaking from the tip.
“Come here,” you murmured, moving the decorative pillows out of the way with your free hand.
His arms were around you again, his tongue exploring your mouth, his hands traveling across your naked body. You were hopelessly under the spell of Kendall Roy, dying for him to be inside you.
“Please,” you whined.
“Please what?”
“Please, fuck me.”
He tossed one of the pillows at you. “Use that to show me how much you want it.”
You were too far-gone to be irritated at this obvious power trip.
“Okay,” you sighed, obediently straddling the throw. You rubbed your bare pussy against the blue velvet, undoubtedly leaving a trail of slick as you ground into it.
He laid on his side in an emulation of Kate Winslet, pumping his cock as he watched you.
“Are you enjoying the show?” you asked, your question punctuated by a soft moan.
“Very much so.” He smirked. “You can stop now.” You ignored him, continuing to roll your hips against the pillow. He reached across the bed and pulled it out from under you.
“You’re no fun,” you complained, mourning the loss of friction.
“Wouldn’t you prefer me to the pillow?” He put his arms on either side of your torso, boxing you in. You stared up at his face; his expression was hungering for you and for something inaccessible at the same time. If you were sober, you might have stopped, asked him if he was okay. But your drug-addled brain only had one urge: the ubiquitous urge shared by a frat guy hoping to score.
“Yes,” you admitted breathily.
He responded by lightly teasing his cock against your folds. You let out a noise that was a mixture between frustration and lust. He coaxed your legs into the air, putting you into a spread-eagle position. His eyes locking with yours, he slid inside you with agonizing slowness.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to absorb as much of his body heat as possible as he thrusted into you. You were inches away from his dark, intense eyes, feeling so close to him yet so far away at the same time. You wanted to melt into one another so there was not even the tiniest amount of space between you - your flesh turning into jelly, mixing together with his dripping body into one inseparable mass. To share a hive mind, know the thoughts and emotions he was hiding beneath his well-groomed face, the desire behind each movement of his cock.
His thrusts were sloppy, wet, unfocused. His hands held your legs in place, allowing him to push into you ever deeper. You were intoxicated by the animalistic scent of his sweat as perspiration ran off his chest onto yours.
“I’m close,” he murmured, his thrusts increasing in speed.
“Wait, I’m not on birth control,” you protested, momentarily breaking out of your lustful daze. “Pull out first.”
“Don’t worry, I’m shooting blanks anyway.” He said it as casually as if he was telling you the weather, but he was unable to fully mask the fresh pain in his voice. Words faltered on your lips as shock washed over you.
“So can I just cum in you?” he pressed.
He stilled, a grunt escaping his mouth as a feeling of sticky warmth filled you up. Cum dripped out of your pussy and onto his pristine sheets as he slid out. He flopped onto his side next to you, facing away.
You stood up and walked over to the room’s adjoining bathroom, locking the door behind you.
What the fuck? You mouthed at yourself in the mirror. You smoothed your hair and wiped away your smeared makeup, trying to remove all evidence of a tryst that had soured. You’d blame the weed and forget all your misplaced desperation and affection for a man who didn’t even have the decency to offer to help clean you up.
You sat down on his heated Toto toilet to empty everything out. When you stood up to flush, you found yourself at eye-level with Logan Roy. He wore a smile that didn’t quite reach the rest of his face, begrudgingly posing in a newspaper clipping from 1980 which marked the billionaire’s founding of Royco. A clipping that was, strangely, framed and affixed above the toilet in Kendall’s apartment.
You imagined Kendall standing in front of this toilet every day during his American Psycho morning routine, staring up at his father. Dad, am I good enough for you? Do I piss like a man? A slave to the judgment of his God. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
You scanned the expensive products littered haphazardly across the bathroom counter before lathering your hands in his Aesop soap. You envied the suds and water washing down the drain of the stone vessel sink, wishing you could disappear as easily. Checking your appearance in the mirror one more time, you unlocked the door and cautiously ventured back into the bedroom.
Kendall’s back was still facing you, his limbs splayed out awkwardly across the bed. He almost appeared to be shaking despite the warmth of the apartment.
“Um, do you want me to stay?” you asked quietly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Whatever you want,” he murmured into the pillow. His voice was thick with tears.
Damn it.
You didn't owe him anything, but you still couldn't bear to leave him like this. Tentatively, you laid beside him, reaching for his hand. He crossed his fingers through yours. You flinched at the sensation of his clammy palm.
“The call I took at dinner, it was the sperm bank telling me my sample wasn't viable,” he said, his voice muffled by the pillow.
Your stomach plummeted to the floor. It was as if all the blanks of the night had been suddenly filled in. Every strange reaction, forlorn look, shifty glance. “I'm so sorry.”
He rolled over to face the ceiling. He stared at it for several moments as if trying to decipher something in the creases of the paint. “It was a stupid dare by my friend to donate it. He thought it'd be funny if Logan Roy had some nobody heir out there somewhere and he never knew.” He sniffled. “Anarchy and all that shit, right? Well, now he won’t have an heir at all. At least not from me.”
“There are other ways, Kendall,” you comforted.
“I know my family. None of them will be the right way.”
You snuck a glance at his red-rimmed eyes, feeling your pull towards his lifestyle fade into obscurity. In his world of excess, there was a constant demand for more, and he was never quite enough. Just laying beside him felt stifling. The massive bedroom was closing in on you.
You waited for him to say something else, but all you heard coming from his side of the bed was soft, steady breathing. You weren’t going to wait for him to regain consciousness. You were going to take this chance to leave, doubting that he’d ever contact you again and feeling guilty about not contacting him first.
You threw one last look at his crumpled form before leaving to collect your purse from the living room. You were left still slightly buzzed, consumed by the odd combination of human emotions that you surmised kept zoos in business: pity for the caged animal mixed with a sick, guilty fascination at the spectacle of it all. As you boarded the elevator down to the ground floor, you pulled your phone out and stared blankly at your chat with Cecily, wondering what the fuck you were going to tell her. Your head buried in your Blackberry, you almost didn’t hear the voice calling out to you as you pushed out of the revolving doors.
“Miss. Miss!” You whirled around to see the chauffeur from earlier waiting patiently by the limo, parked out front. “I’ll take you home.”
“Oh- are you sure?” You wondered how long he'd been waiting there.
“Yes,” he said tersely.
“Okay, thank you so much.” You clambered into the car, reciting the area of New York City where you lived. You were unsure whether you appreciated this gesture or felt like you were being shuttled away like just another hook-up. But you were just another hook-up, you reminded yourself. You were a blip on Kendall’s radar, a chance encounter, a rando he’d told too much. All you could do now was forget.
#kendall roy#succession#kendall roy fanfic#jeremy strong#waystar royco#kendall roy smut#smut#fanfic#kendall roy x reader#kendall roy x you
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𝐀 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬

summary: you bring Tim takeout when he works another late night at the office.
warnings: tim rockford x fem!reader. UTTER FILTH. cockwarming (tim feeds you noodles while you sit on his cock). sex in a public but private setting. oral sex (f). dirty talk. cream pie. fluffy feels. no beta.
word count: 1.8k
author’s note: all i want is for this man to feed me noodles while i sit on his lap.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♁ 𝐎𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 ♁ 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
There’s a rapping set of knocks at Tim’s door. The detective pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. He could’ve sworn everyone had gone home for the night as he sat working in his dimly lit office.
Tim raises his head, groaning from the creak in his neck from looking over the scattered images and paperwork of his latest case.
“Yeah?” He yells, hoping whatever it is can wait until morning.
His heart soars when his eyes land on your face. Your head peaks around the edge of the door with that same endearing smile that first captured his heart.
“Hungry?” You dangle a piping hot bag of Chinese takeout in the air.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Tim muses with a grin.
He leans back in his chair and rubs a hand over his tired features as you stalk around his cluttered desk. He cups your jaw as you lean in for a chaste kiss before setting the bag down next to the smattering of crime scene photos.
You do your best not to look at the carnage. How this sweet man was able to do this job day in and day out always amazed you.
He hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you into his lap. His body is soft and solid in all the right places as you smooth your hands over his chest and curl around his broad shoulders.
“Sorry I didn’t make it home.” He rests his chin on your shoulder, molding into your warmth.
You run your fingers along the nape of his nape and into his hairline, scratching his scalp and making him moan. Heat stirs deep in your belly hearing him make those wicked noises.
“That feels so nice.” He murmurs. You wiggle in his lap as he plants soft kisses against your skin. His lips and mustache tease that sensitive spot behind your ear.
Large hands latch onto your waist holding you steady against his growing cock. You couldn’t help but grind onto his half hard length with a soft whine. He pulls away from your skin and you flash him a smirk.
“We should eat before the food gets cold.” You suggest and move to rise from his lap but he stops you with a low growl.
“Not just yet.” He says flatly.
You squeak when he places you on the edge of his desk and lays a hand on your clothed chest. “Lay back, Baby. I’m hungry.” He rolls his chair and slots himself between your spread thighs hiking your skirt over your hips.
He licks a hot stripe up the center of your panties adding to your already sweltering core and takes a deep, shuddering breath. “Fuck, you smell good.”
That was your only warning before he snapped the gusset of your panties like a rubber band and pockets the drenched material before smothering your pussy with his mouth.
Tim assaults your core with feverish delight, swirling his tongue in tight circles around your clit and landing sharp flicks that have your spine bowing off the desk.
He sucks the tiny bundle of nerves into his mouth, humming around the overstimulated button, and forcing a wrecked gasp from your lips. He strikes with precision, knowing just the right amount of pressure and suction needed to get you off.
Your hands dive into his locks as he thrusts his tongue into your soaked center making you bite your cheek praying you don’t scream out loud in case any of his coworkers still happened to be in the building.
He eats you like a wild animal and drinks down your sweet arousal as it floods from your folds. His hands ensnare your thighs keeping your writhing body still as he laps greedily at your weeping core.
Your limbs twitch from the hypersensual onslaught. The tingle in the base of your spine rises higher and higher until your orgasm explodes behind your eyes.
Arousal pours from your pussy as he tips you over the edge. You slam your hands over your mouth, subduing a scream as your legs lock around his head. He laps at your creamy spend with a deep, chest rumbling growl.
“You taste so fuckin’ good. Just what I needed.” Tim grunts as he pulls away. The lower half of his jaw is coated in a thin, shiny layer of arousal and he couldn’t look more pleased with himself.
You’re spent. It takes all your energy to sit up even with his help making the both of you laugh. He chuckles as your head lolls backward when he scoops you into his arms. “C’mere, Baby.”
You dumbly nod as he tugs you into his lap once more but this time his naked cock stands at attention and brushes your drenched slit. The bulbous crown is pulsing red and leaking from the tip as he grasps the base with a tight fist.
“Want you to sit on me.” Tim softly commands. “Just want to feel you around me for a little bit.”
You shift forward nudging your pussy on his swollen tip, desperate to have him inside of you. He steadies your hips as you slowly sink down, stretching your cunt around him until you’re seated at the wide base.
His massive girth spreads your petals and molds your walls around him. It knocks the air from your lungs every time. “There you go. Good girl.”
The once tense man now looks sated and relaxed as he sits with you in his lap. He cradles your face in his palms and tenderly presses his lips to yours. He feels so big in every sense as his large body smothers you and his cock presses into the deepest depths of your cunt.
He breaks the kiss with a groan when he feels your core swirl. “Like feeling my cock buried deep inside you?”
You rake your fingers down his white button up, wishing you could move and feel that heavy drag that only his cock could elicit. His brow furrows at your pout. “What’s wrong, Baby?”
“I need to move. I need something.” You stir.
Tim wraps his arms around your back, hushing your frazzled nerves as your head sags against a broad shoulder. He smoothes a hand up and down your back before eyeing the bag of food.
He reaches for the now lukewarm box of Lo Mein. “Let me feed you, Baby.”
You lean back as he picks up a few noodles with his chopsticks. “Open wide.” He muses and carefully drops the salty food into your awaiting mouth.
The delicious food bursts on your tongue and distracts you from your current cock induced frenzied state. You happily chew the greasy noodles as he feeds them to you. “Gotta keep up your strength. You know how ravenous I can be.” He quips with a wink before taking a bite for himself.
You scoff and almost choke on the slippery noodles. “You okay there, Baby?” He jabs, pointing the chopsticks at you.
“Shut up.” You swat his chest before dragging him into a fiery kiss. He groans into your mouth as your teeth nibble his plump bottom lip.
His cock twitches from the playful motion, pressing deeper into your core and making your core seize with a fresh wave of slick.
With rogueish eyes, he chucks the half empty container on his desk. He tips his head in your direction and settles his feet firmly on the ground. “Prop yourself back. I wanna watch my cock split this tight, little cunt open.”
Your elbows take the brunt of your weight as you lean back on his desk and put on a show for him. Arching your spine and exaggerating your curves in a lewd display. You get off on making the man beneath you pant like a dog.
His hands scramble for your clothed tits, needing to see them jiggle as he yanks your top down. His hands latch onto your naked flesh, pinching and sharply tugging your hardened nips. The obscene sounds that squeak from your throat drive him wild.
“You needed a cock so bad that you’re taking it on my desk like a common whore.” He mockingly grunts.
The flesh of your bare ass smacks against his thighs on every downbeat, causing the knot in your belly to cinch tight. He lays a nimble thumb over your slicked stained clit and flicks the tiny bud making your cunt lock like a vice as your orgasm peaks suddenly.
Tim grunts as your core quivers and milks his length. He ensnares your waist and bucks his hips, wildly fucking you through the overwhelming, blissful high.
“That’s it, Baby. Grind that greedy cunt. Wanna feel you drip down my balls.” He swears under his breath. Your core convulses from his rough treatment as you smash your clit against the fine dark hair that peppers his pelvis.
The intense sensation makes your eyes go all glossy and dumb. You feel another orgasm quickly build in the base of your belly. Sticky, sharp thwaps reverberate off the walls as you meet his relentless thrusts.
“You’re looking fucked out, Baby.” His eyes lock to where he’s spearing you open. “So fucking wet and gaping, it makes my cock throb.”
Your belly flips at his crude words and they ignite your kindling orgasm, stoking it higher and higher until it smothers you completely. His balls draw up tight as your core clamps down around him with a delectable wail. He follows close behind, emitting a strangled noise that bursts from his chest as he fills you to the brim with his seed.
Your body twitches as he wraps his arms around you and lays you against his heated chest. Your hearts beat in tandem and he peppers soft kisses to the inside of your neck as the high slowly wears off.
“How about we head home, Baby?” Tim says rubbing a warm hand along your back. You mumble an agreement into his neck making him lightly chuckle. “Come on, up you go.”
He holds you until you’re steady on your feet. You hiss as his release slips down your thighs after dismounting him. “Shit- where are my panties?”
He looks concerned until you lift your skirt and show him the thick, gluey seed that’s drooling from your folds. His cock twitches at the sight.
“Grab the food. We’ve gotta get you cleaned up.” He commands, leaving out the part where his mouth was involved. He tugs your skirt down and shoves you toward the door despite your protest in finding your panties.
He stops in his tracks and reaches into his pocket to reveal your lost panties. “Now do you really think I’d let these leave my clutches?”
You stick your tongue out at him and he retaliates by swatting your ass and pushing you out the door. “Just for that, you don’t get them back.”
follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates 💙
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Back to [Navigation], [Part 1]
Pairing: Ceo!Jongho x fembody!coworker!reader (gn pronouns)
Summary: After being forced to wait for over ten hours to get laid, you decided to take matters in your own hands.
Genre: smut, little fluff and hint of angst
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warnings: unedited!, dom!Jongho, sub!reader, possessive!behaviour!, praising!, breeding!, unprotected!sex! (wrap it before you tap it), cream!pie!, pet names (baby, good girl, sweet girl, slut), choking!, bondage!, manhandling!, mentions of yandere! and degrading!
Please let me know if I’ve missed anything <33
Exactly nine hours and forty nine minutes ago, you and your boss, Choi Jongho, had a make out session after he comforted you from an uncomfortable experience with your work colleague, Rufus Jones. Despite on the verge of fucking, he left you stranded and horny, only agreeing to fuck you after hours in his office. You were in utter disbelief of this man’s audacity. Ten fucking hours.. just to get laid. What the fuck were you to do?
By sending explicit selfies to him of course. 🤭
You were in an impatient and bratty mood after his sudden retreat, so why not give him a taste of his own medicine? With your conjured scheme in mind, you quickly scrolled through your hidden folder of nudes and boudoir pics, selecting a series of ten sultry photos that adorned your body in various laces and fabrics. Every hour, you sent one to him accompanied with a dirty text, each one filthier than the previous. Was it stupid? Maybe. Was it petty? Perhaps. Would it get you railed senseless?
And here you are now, patiently waiting outside his office door. You checked the time.
5:59 pm.
You took a deep breath. Time to send the last one. With slightly trembling hands, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket and sent the last photo.
Y/N: I’m outside
You began to bite your thumb nail. Your body twitched at every sound as you stared intently at the screen. Not even a second later, he saw the message. Adrenaline began to course through your veins as excitement lapped in your stomach. Before he could respond, you knocked on the door, your hands slightly trembling in anticipation. You hear a faint “enter” echo from inside and you slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. There he was, sat in his leather chair and gazing at his phone, a stone expression plastered on his face.
You closed the door and stood there, waiting patiently. The tense atmosphere engulfed the room, the soft ticking of the clock rebounding against the cool grey walls. You swallowed as your fingers twitched behind your back. You began to get nervous as the near silence continued to stretch. Finally, he looked up as his eyes pierced into yours in an unwavering stare. Your breath hitched. Slowly, he stood up as he leisurely paced his way to you, loosening his tie and adjusting his wrist watch in the process. The closer and closer he got, the more you stepped back as your confidence began to gradually ebb away.
Suddenly, you felt the cool wood of the door press against your back. A shocked gasp forced from you throat. Jongho slammed his fist against the door, sending a jolt through your body. Your heart pounded. A seething primal hunger surged in his eyes as his domineering presence loomed over your shuddering frame. You left out a soft whimper. His stare bore into yours as silence hung in the room, observing your body from head to toe. You felt a red hot rouge bloom against your cheeks as your averted your gaze. He delicately placed his finger under your chin, tilting your eyes to meet his lustful ones. He had you right where he wanted.
“So,” he spoke condescendingly. “My pretty baby decided she wanted to be bratty today.” He snaked his finger down below your chin and towards your neck, wrapping his hand around it in a threatening position. You bit your lip, twiddling your thumbs in agitation. You could feel your arousal slowly seep through your black lacy thong. Subtly, you began to rub your legs together to ease the ache, only to be shoved onto the couch and your legs forced apart with his thick thigh. He pinned your wrists in his iron grip as he mockingly tutted, undoing his black leather belt with his free hand. “Naughty baby,” he cooed. “Getting yourself off without my permission. What should I do with you for being so disobedient?”
His belt clattered against the soft leather as your hands began to perspire in nervousness. You began to squirm, your throbbing pussy rubbing against the expanse of his thigh in desperate need for attention. However, your motions were halted by light slap against your leg. A forced yelp erupted from your throat. “Now, now baby,” he brought his belt up towards your hands. “Only good girls get what they want, not slutty little brats that send nudes throughout the day.” He began to bind your wrists together with his belt, roughly tugging it to make sure it was tight.
“Now princess,” he looks you directly into your eyes. “I’m going to need full cooperation on this. If at any given time you feel uncomfortable or want to stop, say the word ‘red’ and we’ll be done for the night. Am I understood?” You let out a small nod. “Yes Jongho.” A gentle smile graced his lips as he lent down to peck your cheek. “Such a good girl for me.” You felt your heart flutter. Slowly, he began to leave wet kisses against your neck as he unbuttoned your white blouse. He ripped the sides of your top, a shocked gasp echoing the room at his sudden roughness. A gradually snaked his hands to your black pencil skirt and teasingly pulled it down, dropping your black stilettos on the floor along with it. An audible groan expelled from his chest as he captured your figure in your black lace lingerie. “So fucking gorgeous,” he slithered his hand from your abdomen to your throat. “And all for me.”
With that, he smashed your lips together in a passionate kiss, squeezing his hand around your throat. With his free hand, he trailed his finger down, pressing against your damp heat. You released a small squeak as you felt a drip of arousal escape your sopping pussy. He entered his tongue into your mouth as he shoved aside your panties and entered two fingers.
You flung your head back, whining at the slight stretch of his thick phalanges slowly pumping in and out of you at a fast steady pace. He spaced love bites across your collar bone and shoulder, earning a violent shudder when his fingers touched a particular spot. “J-Jongho,” you whimpered, rocking your hips back and fourth to meet his movements. “S-slow down, please.” A dark chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Such a sweet girl asking so nicely,” he pinched your clit, making you jump from the sudden sensation. “But did you forget about your earlier actions?”
You thrashed your fists against the cool leather couch as a pornographic moan echoed around the room. “I-I’m sorry Jongho, I w-want to be y-you’re good girl, please I’m s-sorry,” you begged pathetically as a glassy sheen glossed your eyes. Your pants became heavier as you squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter. “Is my pretty baby going to cum?” He cooed as he continued his brutal antics. You vigorously nodded as your mouth hung agape, bridging closer and closer to your long awaited orgasm.
He abruptly pulling his fingers out and shoving your ruined panties down to your ankles. Before you could complain, he swiftly shoved his shaft into your soaking puss. “J-JONGHO,” you cried as he pounded into you with a bruising speed. He tightened his hold against your neck, leaning down to your ear. “Rufus almost saw the photos you sent today,” he seethed. “Almost saw your gorgeous figure.. god he would have killed to be here right now, seeing you splayed out against my couch and being the obedient slut you are. Tell me, would you have let him fuck you like I am right now?”
“NO,” you howled as a burning white rimmed the edges of your vision. “Would you have let him claim you like I am now?” “NO,” you whined, teetering on the edge of your orgasm. “Maybe I should breed you, just so everyone will know who you belong to. You would like that wouldn’t you, slut? Showcasing you fucked you so hard that you got pregnant.” You gushed over his length, a loud gasp echoing the room as you came on his length. “F-fuck,” Jongho released a guttural moan as he expelled his load inside of you, his warmth spreading inside your gummy walls. You collapsed against the couch, the cool leather soothing your flushed skin as Jongho continued to steadily thrust in your full heat.
Slowly, he pulled out, his cock dripping in both your seeds. He carefully untied your wrists and sat you on his lap, your head lolling against his neck as your arms dropped over his shoulders. He gentle stroked your back, lulling you into an exhausted slumber. After a few moments, Jongho felt your breathing slow and heard your quiet snores. A loving smile splayed across his lips as he admired your tranquil state, a warmth kindling within his chest. Gingerly, he reached for his phone and pressed the send button before laying you both on the couch and drifting off to sleep.
Jongho: *Rufus’ address*
If you ever think of even breathing near Y/N again, I will come and slit your throat myself.
A/N: Here’s part two of the “A Man of Few Words” and tbh, I think I could’ve definitely done better with this. To me it just feels a bit rushed, but hopefully I’ll get better in the future. Idk what else to say this week wasn’t just my week and I’m sorry :/
As always, please feel free to reblog on tumblr, give me any feedback (all is welcome), and if you have any fic ideas/thoughts please send them in my bio and I’ll make sure to tag you in the post. Have a wonderful day/night and I hope to see y’all soon <33
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Year One Summer: Rossi
We're back with the Rossi family, back to

Madam Valentina kissing her coworker the moment she gets home, ignoring her toddler Vincenzo. Oh how I love the Rossi family.
Other members are older daughter Bianca, who is dating Zac Efron, one of her mom's flings.



And finally twin girls Aria and Livia. Despite the amount of time she spends with a rotating cast of men, Valentina is a fantastic mom. She is a hell of a romance sim to raise five kids on her own and genuinely and love and care for them.
Her cast of men do help with stress relief, however.


After a quick romp, it's time for a family dinner.


Valentina's man of the day even manages to stay the whole night

Even if he does leave before breakfast

Valentina doesn't seem bothered. She headed right to work without any complaint.

And she even brings home a new man, Jasper Hale, who is a vampire. Vincenzo is kinda lacking in the facial department- and he may roll to be gay or just not want kids. I think we should go for a spare.
My reasoning:
I love seeing new genetics and you've made some cute kids
Jasper is a vampire and that means the baby and/or heir could be a vampire
There aren't any playable vamps yet and it would be cool to have that
You're the best suited for a baby, you're rich and have a live-in nanny in your daughter.
Valentina's reasoning:
I have a fear of having a baby
Well, as I am a just god I will not force you. Risky woohoo is still on, however.

No baby chime
The rest of the night is fairly uneventful.


And fades into a lazy morning



It's Vincenzo's birthday already! Here's hoping you age into your face little man.

I mean... it's better. Right? Maybe? Please?!


Giada and Mateo bring baby Riley to the birthday party and Auntie Biana is immediately on the case.

Grandma gets some baby time too, despite Bianca's protests.
Breakfast the next morning is controversial. Livia brings up politics at 7 am.


Luckily, we're all such nice sims that no fights break out.

Bianca is feeling stuck with Zac. She wants to settle down and he is playing around. She goes for a dramatic new look on their date.

And commemorates the moment with a photo.



The night gets romantic as the sun sets.


And Bianca yells yes.
With that proposal, it's official, Zac has chosen her. The two call a taxi and head to their new life as a couple. They've moved out to Sentinel Apartments and will be saving for a home. Zac is officially playable (and has more wants with and chemistry with Valentina than his fiancé).
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explanation for boss baby (FAQ)
so people have been concerned or confused about why boss baby is in this tournament, why his name is theodore templeton, and why he went against bubble. here are some answers so you can stop spamming the notes with the same questions.
Why is boss baby in this tournament?
Boss baby got one submission. Here is their explanation:
after saving Baby Corp and making it more successful than it had ever been, he was forced to retire as a normal baby. decades later, he is forcibly returned to the world of baby business by his niece, where he and his older brother (aged down to how old he was in the first movie) need to infiltrate a school. his brother gets him stuck in the school's day-care, which essentially served as a prison for babies. after finally being able to return to his normal adult life, the board of executives at his company frame him for embezzlement, forcing him to go back into hiding as a baby. despite saving Baby Corp MULTIPLE TIMES at this point, he still needs to basically beg for a job, only to find that Baby Corp has become an elitist organization that only focuses on the 5% of cutest babies. alongside this, he still needs to pretend to be not just a normal baby, but his brother's son. this comes to a head on his birthday, when he finds himself unable to celebrate the way he usually does due to being a baby with no access to his assets. he tries to watch his favorite improv performers, but his baby transformation wears off, causing him to nearly get caught by the FBI. after all this shit, he just wants to share a pizza with his sister-in-law, but the pizzeria was already closed. eventually, he teamed up with the other department heads at Baby Corp to try and end the 5% system, only for all of them to get fired. and THEN, as if trying to start a new baby love company with zero assets wasn't hard enough, the CEO of Baby Corp hired a FUCKING BOUNTY HUNTER to tear down his startup. said bounty hunter put him through essentially a Nonary Game, framed his company for the destruction of stuffed animals, took over a bank just to make baby love unprofitable, and finally attempted to turn Boss Baby into a permanent adult. even when this bounty hunter is finally defeated, he leaves behind a message exposing Boss Baby as Theodore Templeton, who is still wanted for embezzlement. Boss Baby then has to flee the country, rescue his family from a dog casino, break out of an FBI prison, and track down the person who's been turning other criminals into babies. during the last process, he is chased down by a bear and accused of kidnapping his niece/coworker.
As to why i chose to have him in this tournament, well. i actually didn’t read that entire essay and i still haven’t i just put boss baby in because i needed more less popular, not-as-mistreated characters to go against the more mistreated ones. i thought “well this person took the time to write that entire thing so he must be at least a little mistreated”
2. Boss baby has a name? And it’s Theodore Templeton?
Yes, he has a name. i was surprised too. when i first read the submission i thought theodore was some other baby in the movie but i looked at the photos and realized theodore was the boss baby. Why is his name theodore? i don’t know.
3. Why is boss baby against bubble?
i don’t fucking know. just vote and don’t question it.
I hope this answers your questions.
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Gemstones Episode 3.3: Baby Billy sings forever, Kelvin can't say the Word, BJ poses nude, and I'm depressed
The Greek Chorus: The white-haired, grinning Baby Billy, dressed like a clam, sings"There will Come a Payday," while walking through the Gemstone resort, Zion's Landing. He sings incessantly in a swimming pool area with absolutely no beefcake, while viewers grate their teeth and snarl "Get the f*k on with it." Yes, we know he's a Greek Chorus, singing about the "payday" coming to the Gemstones. We don't need ten minutes of it, in a show that is already squeezing in too many plotlines.
Finally, long after we put on the mute, Baby Billy returns to his penthouse, where his very pregnant wife Tiffany and their three-year old son Lionel are watching the old game show Family Feud. The Baby Billy/Tiffany plotline this season will be about trying to get the Gemstones to invest in a Christian-based Family Feud show, Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers.
Timeline problem: Tiffany had her first baby in the last episode of Season 2. Now he's at least three years old. But three years have not passed in the Gemstone universe.
"We don't like you": The Montgomery Boys (Robert Oberst, top photo, Lukas Haas) in bathrobes in Eli's house, eating breakfast, discussing Peter's militia with Eli, May-May, and the siblings:
Peter thinks that his sons and Gemstones tipped off the feds, so now he's gunning for all of them. May-May wants the boys to come home with her, but they refuse: "We'd rather be homeless bums living under a bridge." Or living in a mansion with a staff of 17?
Afterwards, the siblings go down to the Aimee-Leigh memorial, discuss how much they hate their cousins, and give them the finger as they peer through an upstairs window. Eli insists that they have a Cousin's Night and try to get along.
The Redeemer: Amber brings a copy of her marital-problem System to BJ, who claims to be unaware of any problems between him and Judy. Does everyone in the church know that Judy has been withholding sex? Or did Jesse tell Amber about the affair?
A Complete Lack of Knowing How to Fit into the World: Kelvin and the teens are making anti-smut posters in the parking garage outside the Salvation Center Stage, for some reason, when Keefe drives up in the Smut Busters van. Kelvin flitters over, laying on the femme stereotypes, and says "Hey, Bud." Keefe calls him "Bro." This must be facade language: they are pretending to be buddies and co-pastors in front of the kids.
Keefe drove to an adult store and bought out their inventory of sex toys. "You've been having all the fun lately!" Kelvin exclaims, wishing that he could have been there to help pick out the toys He does his usual titty-tweak display of affection, then reveals that his Daddy is forcing him to go to Cousins' Night with the Montgomerys. They have "a complete lack of knowing how to fit into the world around them."
Sounds exactly like Keefe! He tries to guilt his way into an invitation.
Wouldn't he be invited automatically? He was admitted to the family as Kelvin's partner back in Season 2. But maybe, to stay closeted, Kelvin only brings him to events where a lot of people are invited, like the dinners at Jason's Steakhouse and the Zion's Landing ground-breaking. This is a family-only event, and not even the entire family. It's limited to Montgomery cousins by blood or marriage. If Kelvin brings Keefe, no one will be able to pretend that they are just coworkers or platonic pals.
Keefe's bribes are: his special sausage dip and his "flames and swords." The dip is served with crackers on a phallic dish. Everything these guys do involves dicks. It is amazing that some fans, actually quite a lot, were still arguing that Kelvin and Keefe were straight after this episode.
Let's look more closely at the "flames and swords." Kelvin knows exactly what Keefe is talking about: he doesn't have to say "Remember that fire dance I performed that one time?" He must perform it regularly, but you wouldn't do it for just one person, and the family has never seen it. We can conclude that the guys are involved in the local gay community, attending gay events with sausage dip and Keefe's "flames and swords"
The Best Dude Friend of a Cousin Kerfluffle: Kelvin is happy to invite him, but that's not enough. Keefe pushes him to name their relationship: "I ain't a cousin, though." An odd way to put it; he means "not the Montgomerys' cousin."
"I know you're not a cousin," Kelvin responds. "You're my b...best...dude...friend of a cousin." He was starting to say "boyfriend," but couldn't say it, then tried "best friend," but couldn't say that either, since it is obviously not true. Why can't he say "boyfriend"? Because they are in public with the teens nearby, or because he won't admit it to himself?
Notice the profound sadness in Kelvin's eyes. He is in pain. He is desperate to Say the Word, but he can't. Why not?
I see someone who has been closeted for so long that he must remain closeted, even in private. Despite their forays into the local gay community, despire their wedding rings, despire sharing a house, a bed, and some "good buddy" sexual activity, he cannot admit that Keefe is his lover. Remember Leonard Bernstein's Mass:
What I say, I don't feel.
What I feel, I can't show.
What I show, isn't real.
What is real? Oh Lord, I don't know.
BJ and Judy are having problems of their own: BJ is watching the instructional video for Amber's System. Now we see how it works: when you are tempted to say or do something wrong, you drop a blue or pink gemstone into the jar, and your spouse doesn't get hurt. But they'll know how often you've been thinking about it. Judy enters and becomes irate over the implication that they need marital counseling.
We cut to the women's group, where Amber is quoting one of the main same-sex couples in the Bible, Ruth and Naomi: "Where you go, I will go. and where you stay, I will stay. You're people will be my people, and your God my God." Then she asks the women to think about "the commitment we have made to the people we love," implicitly validating same-sex marriages.
Judy bursts in and throws the System carton at her. But they need the System, Amber insists, because "the decline is real," people aren't showing up, and the scandal of marital infidelity could destroy the church altogether. What about the scandal of a gay youth minister living openly with his boyfriend in the Gemstone compound?
Next, the siblings, in their throne room...um, executive board room, reject Baby Billy's pitch for the Bible Bonkers game show.
Timeline Problem: In Episode 3.2, the board room is still under construction, with Percy making rough sketches, on the same day the Montgomerys flee the militia. Cousins' Night has to be just a few days later. Percy works very fast!
The Night, and a lot of vulnerability, next.
The full review, with nude photos and explicit sexual discussions, is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
#the righteous gemstones#kelvin gemstone#keefe chambers#Adam Devine#Robert Oberst#Tony Cavalero#Episode review
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[Page from Mary]
It was a slow day in the Bonnet Industries office, but not slow enough for Stede to catch up on the mountain of work he’d amassed over the past week. It loomed over him, a Mount Everest’s amount of graphs and reports and spreadsheets. And he didn’t know where to start his ascension. It almost felt purposefully insurmountable; as though the Badminton twins had forced him on a climb they knew he wasn’t well equipped for, intentionally drowning him in an avalanche of paperwork and red tape.
A knock came at the door and Stede looked up from his floundering to see his direct boss darkening his doorway. Panic roiled in his empty stomach (he’d missed lunch in favour of working). He still had until 5. He still had time.
“Baby Bonnet,” Chauncey drawled, and Stede tried not to visibly wince at the nickname, refusing to give his superior any more power over him than he already held, “I trust the expense reports will be on my desk by 5 tonight?”
“Of course,” Stede assured, not assured at all.
Chauncey sauntered into his office with all the false confidence of a man who felt like he owned the place (Stede’s father owned the place, but now seemed like a bad time to remind him of that fact) and nicked a photograph from Stede’s desk, twirling a Polaroid of Mary between his fingers with a hunger Stede didn’t appreciate. “Wouldn’t want to keep you from your pretty wife any longer than we have to.”
Chauncey was trying to get a rise out of him, Stede knew. Searching for any reason to place another dark mark against his file, needling him to commit a fireable offense.
“No, we wouldn’t,” Stede smiled tersely.
“Get it done, Bonnet.” Chanuncey said, tossing the photo back towards his employee, “or it’s another evening of overtime.” Stede nodded, knowing this was no hollow threat. He had the overtime hours to prove it.
As it turned out, Stede couldn't ‘get it done’. Instead of clocking off at 5pm on a Friday to go home to his wife, he received a proper dressing down from Chauncey and several hours of overtime to complete his overdue reports.
It was mundane and arduous work— and certainly more than his coworkers were expected to do. But who was there to complain to? Chauncey? Nigel? His father ( You're a weak-hearted, soft-handed, lily-livered little rich boy. That's all you'll ever be, Stede Bonnet )?
So when the fax went off, it was a surprising but welcome reprieve.
10 🍹
Start here 🍹
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Selection #1 for celebrating 600 & 700 Followers! Thank you again. A reminder requests are closed until further notice but feel free to send some in still! Or if you’d like to commission a fic from me please Dm!
Dad Choso FLUFF
Jujutsu Kaisen
Soon to be Dad Choso when he first found out you were pregnant tended to everything you needed. He never wanted you to overexert yourself. He cried when you showed him the positive pregnancy test.
Soon to be Dad Choso carry’s around every ultrasound photo that was taken of the baby, showing it off to all his coworkers and explaining how big the baby was in terms of what fruit/vegetable they were weighing in and sizing at.
Soon to be Dad Choso rubbed your feet everytime you asked when your feet ached.
Soon to be Dad Choso took you on a shopping spree to buy all the baby things you would need. Already spoiling the unborn child.
Soon to be dad Choso told you he didn’t want to know the gender because he wanted it to be a surprise when they came.
Soon to be dad Choso spent all night setting up the nursery and putting together other things you would need.
Soon to be Dad Choso requested time off to be with you everyday once you got closer to your due date.
Soon to be Dad Choso nested with you.
Soon to be Dad Choso rubbed your round belly every night placing a kiss on it before the two of you went to bed every night. He made sure to tell the baby he loved them very much.
Soon to be Dad Choso planned the best maternity photos and scheduled babies first pictures when they would a few weeks old.
Soon to be Dad Choso cuddled you every night rubbing your belly and would wake up everytime there was a kick “don’t tell me your already taking possession of mommy, she was mine first.” He said the baby kicking harder at his hand.
Soon to be Dad Choso kept his cool when your water broke and your contractions got closer together, grabbing the hospital bag and making sure the car seat was secure. Helping you into the car.
Dad Choso cried when his little girl made her appearance into the world. He couldn’t stop looking at you and the baby, how beautiful she was like just like her mama.
Dad Choso became very protective of his little girl and he took less hours to be by your side to watch all the milestones she reached.
Dad Choso was ecstatic when you told him a year later that you were pregnant once again.
Dad Choso freaked out slightly when he found out it was twin boys this time the doctor made the mistake of gasping at the screen making two concerned parents and a confused one year old seemingly asking questions with her angrily babbling.
Dad Choso started only exclusively working nights here and there to make sure he spent time with everyone.
Dad Choso would bring all 3 children into your bedroom and lay them between the two of you reading a nighttime story every night.
Dad Choso asked if you would want a few more kids and smile was brought to his face when you said maybe 2 more and then he’s getting snipped.
Two years passed before you blessed his ears with the words of “I’m pregnant again and it’s all your fault!” A sobbing mess from the hormones.
Dad Choso always shared the responsibilities with you, there was no asking for him to do something he just did it because that’s what fathers do.
Dad Choso sat with his eyes wide open when the doctor said this time there was 3, two girls, and one boy. You would have fainted right then and there. The 3 Toddlers cheered hearing the news of 3 more siblings joining them.
Dad Choso was proud of himself for giving you 6 children.
Dad Choso loved all the children equally.
Dad Choso kept a photo in his wallet of him wearing a shirt that said “I made them all” all 6 children clinging to his legs and arms.
Dad Choso was forced by his little princesses to dress up either as their prince or as a princess like him so sometimes you’d come downstairs and see him wearing a tiara and a pink glittery tutu that even he wouldn’t take off after the girls went to play with something else.
Dad Choso would run you a bath letting you relax while he read the children a bedtime story.
Dad Choso would try holding all 6 kids in his arms or around his arms whenever he could. When the triplets were born he would carry the three of them in a carrier strapped to his chest and the toddlers would cling to his arms.
Dad Choso learned how to braid hair so he could help you get the girls ready for school while you fixed up your sons hair.
Dad Choso taught his sons how to be gentlemen and to protect their sisters.
Dad Choso played catch and tag with his sons whenever they wanted to
Sometimes Dad Choso would pass out on the couch with all the children’s baby blankets covering him instead of a big blanket right next to him.
Dad Choso was a happy man spending the rest of his life with his beautiful wife and beautiful children. He did not end up getting a vasectomy because he found your journal saying you wouldn’t mind having just a few more after watching him be such an amazing father.
JJK Masterlist
Taglist: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn
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No Time Like the Present
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Part Two
Summary: Wednesday confesses to Enid about Y/N.
Warnings: Minor mention of violence.
Minors DNI
Word Count:2.0k Authors Note: All characters aged up to 18. Also, the note in the photo, is the note that Wednesday gave to reader.
“I don’t see this ending well Tyler. You know I’m sensitive.” You nervously tell him as the phone begins to ring.
“Shut it y/n, it’ll be fine. Just be quiet and I’ll pretend I’m alone.’’ He whispers. On the fourth ring you finally hear a loud voice answer the phone.
“This is Enid Sinclair; how can I help you?”
“Oh, hi Enid, this is Tyler, from the weathervane, Sheriff Galpin’s son.’’
“I know who you are Tyler, we’ve met before.’’ Enid states plainly.
You hit Tyler with a pillow and mouth idiot to him, making him hit you back with the pillow.
“On yeah, so sorry about that. I was calling to talk to Wednesday. My coworker told me she stopped by looking for me. Is she available to talk? " Tyler asks as you start to pace around the room nervously.
“Alright, sure, here she is.” Enid replies and gives the phone to Wednesday.”
“Hello Tyler, why were you not at work today? I needed a ride to the train station like you said you would give me. If you weren’t going to take me, you could’ve told me, and I would’ve found a different way to get there.” Wednesday says blankly.
“I’m sorry about that. I had some personal stuff going on.” Tyler explains. “I heard you met Y/N today though. She relayed you needing me so here I am.”
“Your personal problems hold no importance to me and yes, I met her. Incompetent at best. She sat with me when I wanted to be alone and then wasted the cafés money by giving me a croissant that I didn’t even eat. Not to mention her abysmal ability to control a crowd. You really shouldn't leave her alone in there you know, she’s a nuisance.” Wednesday complained as you suddenly stop walking and just stare at the ground trying to not tear up.
You snatch the phone from Tyler and loudly state “Yeah, well you’re not all sunshine and daisies either Wednesday Addams.” Hanging up before she has a chance to respond and handing Tyler back his phone.
“I am so sorry y/n. I had no idea she would say something like that.” Tyler says as he watches your cheeks turn red from embarrassment.
“I told you it was a bad idea, come on let’s go eat dinner.” You pull Tyler by the arm back downstairs and see your mom and Tyler’s dad heading to the table. Sitting down Tyler sits cross from you and both parents sit across from each other.
The first person to speak is Sheriff Galpin. “So, y/n, how are you enjoying working at the café?”
“It’s pretty good” you respond “I get all the free coffee I want and most of the customers are nice. Working with Tyler is fun as well. He’s become like my only friend.” You giggle and start putting some of the pasta your mom made on your plate.
“I’m so glad you’re enjoying it baby.” Your mother states as she smiles up at you fondly.
All four of you continue making light conversation just enjoying each other’s company having no idea the panic currently happening across town at Nevermore academy; specifically, what is occurring in one Wednesday Addams’ dorm room.
Currently at Nevermore:
Wednesday Stares down at the phone trying to process exactly what just happened she’s frozen in the spot she’s standing unable to form a coherent sentence. Enid finally snaps her out of her panicked state by taking the phone from her grasp.
“So, would you like to talk about what just happened? Because I sure would.” Enid states as she forces Wednesday to sit in front of her typewriter.
“I would rather carve my eyes out than talk about that.” Wednesday glares as she stands and starts to pace back and forth frantically and begins to mumble under her breath.
“Why? Why did I say that? I didn’t mean it. She was actually nice to me. Why why why?!” Wednesday finally catches her breath and looks up at Enid “She smiled at me."
“Okay? And?” Enid asks.
“You don’t understand! She smiled at me, and it made me feel like I was the only person she was looking at; I absolutely hated it.” Wednesday says as she grabs one of Enid’s stuffed animals and wraps her hands around its neck.
“Okay, so you don’t like her?” A confused Enid questions.
“She called me pretty, no one has ever been dumb enough to call me pretty. I watched her for like 20 minutes while she worked all because she was smiling!” Wednesday starts to touch her face not expecting to find a layer of warmth and redness coating her cheeks.
“My face feels warm Enid, I think I’m going to be sick. Why is it so warm?”
“It’s not warm Wednesday, you’re talking about her and blushing.” Enid explains as she smiles at the poor girl’s confusion.
“I do not blush!” Wednesday yells. “Take it back or you will not wake up tomorrow” She threatens.
“No can-do bestie, you’re blushing! OMG you like her, like her.”
“No.” Wednesday argues.
"No Enid" Wednesday Growls
“Yes Wednesday!” Enid begins dancing around the room singing loudly “Wednesday has a girlfriendddddd”.
“I do not have a girlfriend you idiot; I am meant to be alone.” Wednesday says sullenly.
“You’re going to be alone if you don’t go to the café and apologize to her!” Enid says seriously.
“I can’t do that. I may have a black heart and murderous tendencies, but I can feel embarrassment and I refuse to embarrass myself, especially in front of her! This is why I’m meant to be alone.”
Enid glares at her and says “Oh, shut up. Go apologize tomorrow and make her understand that you don’t have normal people emotions. You’re an Addams; nothing about you is normal.” Enid states as she smiles and crawls into her bed.
“That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said” Wednesday notes. “She’s already making me soft; I really am my father’s daughter. Ugh, Dreadful.” Wednesday rolls her eyes and decides to go to sleep so she can go to the café first thing in the morning and try and catch Y/N at work.
The Following Morning:
Y/N P.O.V.
“Tyler, I’m telling you right now, if she or anyone from Nevermore shows up, I will throw myself on the ground and pretend to be dead.” You dramatically say as you both start opening the store and getting ready for the morning rush.
“Please don’t, I don’t need you hitting your head on the cabinet, AGAIN.” Tyler laughs.
“That was one time and I thought I saw a spider. You also said if I gave you $10.00 you would never bring it up again! Pay me back or I’m going to post the video of you slipping on wet coffee and tag every person we know!” You joke as the front doorbell chimes, and you get a small line of customers.
Working in sync, you and Tyler managed to clear the line until you both came face to face with the last customer in line- Wednesday Addams.
You immediately dropped to the ground as promised and squeezed your eyes shut, playing dead. You stayed that way for at least three minutes until peeking one eye open and seeing both Wednesday and Tyler towering over you; Wednesday showing no emotion and Tyler trying his hardest not to laugh.
“Well, this is awkward.” You state, making your way back upright to your feet.
“Do you often faint at the sight of others?” Wednesday asks blankly.
“Tyler, please tell Wednesday that I’m not talking to people who think I’m a nuisance." you say rudely. "I’m going on my break, tell her she better be gone by the time I get back, or I’m leaving work early today.” You walk out without another look in her direction, throwing your apron on the counter.
Wednesday looked down and mumbles under her breath “You should have told me you weren’t alone; I wouldn’t have said anything like that.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have said it in the first place, Y/N is a nice person, not a nuisance.” Tyler counters her argument as he makes her usual drink.
“Look Tyler, I need her to talk to me so I can explain. I’m going to write her a note on this napkin, please give it to her.” Wednesday asks as she reaches for a napkin and begins writing.
“Here and give her Enid’s number as well please. I’m going to go so she can continue to work.” Wednesday leaves and 10 minutes later you come back in to see only Tyler and a customer ordering a coffee to go.
“She left and asked me to please give you this as well as Enid’s phone number.” Tyler says as he hands you the folded note.
You read the note and roll your eyes, deciding that you would not be telling her if you were going to be showing up or not. Shoving the note in your back pocket, you look at Tyler “Do you think I should meet her?”
“I think that Wednesday Addams is the most complicated person I have ever met and that there is more to her than just being dark. I think you should go. If I remember you did call her the love of your life.” Making his way over, he gives you Enid’s phone number.
“Well, I’m not calling to let her know, she shows up or she doesn’t; and if she makes me wait, I’m leaving.” You say confidently.
“Good choice, now back to work.” He smiles and makes you an iced coffee.
The rest of your shift goes by without a hitch, you decide to go home and change instead of showing up in your work clothes smelling like coffee. Walking into the house you notice your mother is still at work, so you have the house to yourself. After showering you pick your clothes, nothing too fancy, you don’t want Wednesday thinking you put too much effort into this affair. You settle on a pair of black leggings, black booties, and a cream-colored long sleeve dress that ends mid-thigh. You settle on a neutral eye look with and a matte nude lipstick. Looking over yourself one last time in the mirror, you think you look amazing and head out to the carnival.
Upon arriving you see a mix of kids from Nevermore and Jericho, all playing games and enjoying themselves. You walk over to where there is a short line for food and wait patiently before deciding to go ahead and go to the forests edge. Upon getting there you see a strange boy in glasses walk into the woods as he mutters nonsense to himself. You slowly begin to follow him to see what is going on. Hearing leaves rustling behind you, you see Wednesday with her finger raised to her lips telling you to be quiet. She walks up to you trying to make as little noise as possible.
“I know you’re mad at me, but I need you to stay here, do not follow me into the woods any further please. I need you to trust me; Something bad is going to happen and I can not have you there. Do you understand?” Wednesday asks as she has a firm hold on your shoulders looking you directly in the eyes.
You continue to stare at her and just shake your head yes and watch her head into the woods. After about 5 minutes of silence, you disregard what she said and start to walk further until you stumble upon Wednesday being held up to a tree 10 feet in the air and a boy ranting about her being the demise of Nevermore and how he needed to kill her. You go to scream at him to let her go but are met with growls from a monster you have never seen before. You see the boy get attacked and Wednesday fall to the ground.
“WEDNESDAY!” you yell before everything fades to black.
Taglist: @athenablack1959 @deadpool-in-a-snood @wednesdayiswoe
#wednesday#wednesday addams#wednesday addams x fem!reader#wednesday series#wednesday season 1#wednesday addams fanfic#wednesday fanfic#wednesday addams x y/n#wednesday addams x reader#parttwo#no time like the present
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What do the boys do when they help volunteer at my work



Ft: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia *notes: I work for a nonprofit organization where the main building is a shelter that does intakes and adoptions and where the other building is used as a spay/neuter clinic (which is where I am at). Also, this is semi-proofread (thank you my bby girl coworker). **tw: surgery (nothing is explicitly described, but it is referenced) © please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
Probably comes in and immediately comments on how it smells like “animal”
I get vibes that he doesn’t care to be around the dogs that much
Honestly maybe not the cats either
I do think he would want to see the rats at the clinic (emphasis on SEE)
I think at first he would think they are cool but if one peed on him
Rat has no more head, ya know?? (Figuratively)
Would easily come and defend our front desk staff if he hears someone being a Karen
Ultimately going to wash his hands or use germ x every 5 minutes even if he doesn’t touch something
I think he would enjoy walking around and micromanaging the staff
Or maybe he would be good at managing other volunteers
Brings treats for the animals
They were all handmade by him
He probably tries to befriend the mean animals
To no one's surprise, he is their favorite person
He probably brings snacks for the staff as well
Will continue to ask us what he can do to help
Washes all the dishes in minutes and then reorganizes our food pantry
Is very helpful with paw pantry (he is charming and talks to the people easily)
Does not care to see the surgical side of the job and doesn’t step foot into clinic
He would help with intakes or adoptions if asked to
Super sweet to all staff and volunteers
Likes to sit in the cat room and take photos of cats
Jokes that he will start coming to do photo sessions of the animals to get them adopted
Likes to post photos or videos on Instagram for us
Spends a lot of time laughing and looking at his phone instead of actual volunteer work
Compliments the staff and tell us how much he appreciates us and what we do
Enjoys having conversations with the animals, sometimes baby talks with the dogs
Likes to cuddle the puppies and take selfies with them
Any puppy or kitten posted to his personal account is adopted the same day, sometimes within the hour
Never signs in when he volunteers, has to be reminded to every time
Refuses to do “kennel work” as a volunteer
Is adamant he can help with surgical assistance
Honestly he isn’t terrible at the job
He knows how to hold the animals well and he makes jokes the whole morning
He is actually queasy the whole time he volunteers
He passes out trying to force himself to watch a surgery (like who are you trying to impress)
Is sent to the break room to open syringe packages for us
Opens a box and then comes to watch us for a few minutes before being sent back lol
Befriends the asshole clinic cat, May Belle
He and May Belle wreak havoc at the clinic
He talks a lot when he does the recovery area
Probably is like me and likes to hide and scare the clinic staff and volunteers for funsies
Is willing to help wherever he is needed
Really good with helping clients with paperwork if you go over it thoroughly with him first
Does well at damage control with upset clients
Does not mind helping and doing “kennel work” unlike Ace
Will get attached to an animal the first day he volunteers
Found in his favorite dog’s run on break time
Tries to share his sandwiches with the dogs because he wants them to have something special
Keeps asking his mom to let him adopt, she hasn’t said yes yet
Helps front desk staff a lot
Is one of the first to offer help unloading the vans full of bags of food and cat litter
Is very humble when he gets complimented on how helpful he is
Cat volunteer connoisseur
Literally the gatekeeper to cat adoptions
You better be worthy of taking one of his felines home or don’t even bother with an application
He only approves the best of the best
His opinion holds no actual weight when it comes to decisions since he’s a volunteer
HOWEVER, there are so many “misplaced” cat adoption applications that he has received
He doesn’t actually clean the cat room when he volunteers but he does socialize the cats well
He spends a lot of his time worrying about sick kittens
He is always chatting with the shelter director on what more he can do to provide for their care
Any treatments he needs to pay for? Expensive medicines?
You name it and he will buy it for those babies
Always brings the staff donuts from the local donut shop
Runs between shelter volunteering and clinic assisting
Spends his morning translating to the clinic patients what is going to happen during surgery and recovery (like actually talking to the animals)
Usually calms down the crazy wild patients for us or the ones that are really scared
Likes to negotiate with supply reps so I don’t have to because he knows I have anxiety
Always offers to help carry packages for the UPS or FedEx drivers
Will offer helping Trey with paw pantry if he sees him outside with a client
Between he and Trey, people try to come by multiple times a day just to talk to them
Works well with the animals at the shelter
He likes getting them new toys every day and watching them play
He would rather help staff clean than walk the animals
He enjoys spending time with the animals, but knows he does well at cleaning so his help makes it go by faster
Forgets to sign in because as soon as he arrives he is already finding things to do
Helps at surgery center instead of shelter
He is really good at dog handling for getting patients ready for surgery
Stays on top of laundry at the clinic as well, it’s like he hears the signal before we do sometimes
Has staff do a few stretches before we start surgery so we can “stay limber and flexible”
Is the one who carries the large patients to and from recovery
If he sees you carrying something and you’re struggling, he just takes it from you without saying anything
Lectures me about drinking water more and taking my ADHD meds because my brain is always scattered
Is the one we send to stand outside the door if people are acting crazy cause he looks like scary guard dog
Volunteer? No
He actually helps our exec director a lot
He’s really good at overseeing projects and creating plans for the future
He assists more with event planning and acquiring donations for silent auctions
How he acquires the extravagant things he does is a mystery to some..
When he’s not helping the exec director with event stuff, he’s helping at the shelter
He likes working with the cats more because it isn’t as laborious as cleaning after the dogs
He and Leona talk a lot about plans on how to revamp the cat room
Leona knows his voice holds no weight here but maybe a small contract with Azul will get his ideas to the director
He also likes to bring snacks from the lounge occasionally
You’ll find him sipping on his drink in the break room if he has time
Not necessarily “normal” volunteer work for us, but I feel like he would be the one in charge of yard work
I think he would make sure the dog yards are cleaned properly
He’d probably keep their (le poopoo) to take home and use as fertilizer for his plants
He’d make sure the yards are properly mowed and look nice for visitors
Will absolutely yell at you if you try to move his catnip plants from the catio
Has ideas to plant more flowers and do some landscaping outdoors to make the vicinity look more appealing
Would probably not spend a lot of time with the animals while there unless it’s raining and he’s indoors
I think if he is inside, he probably stays up front near the cat room
Or he is asking the front desk staff if there is anything they need help with
He is very helpful at reception
Is not TOTAL chaos when he volunteers
He would rather help clean the dog room instead of walking the dogs
Will constantly yell “buckets” when he goes to throw stuff away
If you’re helping him clean, be prepared to be sprayed with water “by accident”
Likes to take people’s snacks from the break room and hide them around the shelter
He likes to tease and say “you missed a spot” when you’re cleaning something
Is the tall giraffe the clinic calls if they can’t reach stuff on the top shelf
You remember how I said Azul gets nice things for auctions?
It’s Floyd. Floyd is how
He’s super charming to donors and they find him really intriguing
But if they can’t be swayed by charm, he does have other ways to make them give up the goods
Brings us iHOP every time he comes to volunteer
It could be 2pm and he brings a whole bunch of pancakes with a huge smile on his face
Really enjoys helping at the shelter instead of the clinic
He isn’t one who does a lot of cleaning
But he loves walking and socializing the dogs
He really enjoys taking dogs out for meet n greets with potential adopters
His bubbly personality puts the dogs at ease and they’re more likely to show their personality when they meet new people
He likes to go into the dog runs when they’re outside and throw a tennis ball or a stick for hours
If he finds a good stick outside, he brings it to me to put in my stick drawer
The dogs are always tired when he leaves, but so happy
Doesn’t leave the shelter without telling every animal and staff member goodbye individually
“Goodbye Sid, Goodbye Meatloaf, Goodbye Gumby, Goodbye Hinoa”
Always comes on days Kalim is volunteering
Tends to help a lot in the cat room or with intakes
Occasionally will help with cleaning the dog room but hates when Floyd sprays him with water so he leaves
The cats like to climb into his lap in the cat room
He meows back at them to “chat” and isn’t afraid to hiss back if they threaten him
Is surprisingly good at giving the cats their nightly meds
Like how and where did you learn these techniques because wow
Always brings food for everyone to eat at lunch time, he doesn’t want anyone to go without
Makes food for both the shelter and clinic staff
It’s always delicious and well balanced
Always says something like “a well balanced meal will let us take care of the animals better” blahblahblah
Had to wrangle Kalim at night time when volunteering is over
Basically says goodbye to everyone with Kalim
Thank you for coming to my ted talks. I will try to do the other half later tomorrow or something hahahaha. But I have ADHD so that is a really, really funny joke.
#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#riddle rosehearts#trey clover#cater diamond#ace trapolla#deuce spade#leona kingscholar#ruggie bucchi#jack howl#azul ashengrotto#jade leech#floyd leech#kalim al asim#jamil viper#twst headcanons
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SNAP SNAP — ft. o. dazai, d. kunikida, c. nakahara, j. tanizaki
there’s no better way to make your relationship known than having their favourite picture of you as their lockscreen wallpaper.
exhibitionism, vibrators (dazai) implied creampie, mildly possessive behaviour (kunikida) collaring, possessive behaviour, dehumanisation (chuuya) lingerie, masturbation (junichiro) photo-taking (all)
18+ content ahead. minors do not interact.
the photo of you he uses for his lockscreen is fairly simple: a cute photo of you sitting at your desk at the agency staring at your laptop, holding a pen between your teeth as you type away at the keyboard. nothing up with that, right?
wrong. with dazai, it’s never that simple.
because, in that very photo, there is a small vibrator nestled deep in the wet folds of your cunt of which dazai has the controller. he’s been teasing you all day, setting the vibrations so low that you could barely feel it to suddenly shooting it up and making you lurch abruptly.
moments after that photo was taken, dazai set the vibe to the highest possible setting and you whined, the pen in between your teeth clattering onto the desk as your hand flew in between your legs. your watery eyes looked over at dazai and he could only smile slyly in return, the look in his eyes promising that the night to come was going to be very interesting.
you had to force this man to change his wallpaper. kunikida didn’t want anything outlandish or lewd so initially, risqué was completely out of the picture - that was, until you found a picture.
for a man such as himself, kunikida’s wallpaper is outrageous. it’s a backshot of you, laying on your stomach on you shared bed, pyjama shorts pulled tightly over the meat of your ass. if you look closer, there is a small wet patch on the seat, presumably leakage from where he had filled you up earlier that night.
when you chose the photo, kunikida couldn’t help but cuss under his breath. if anyone were to see it (dazai especially) he’d never live it down, subjecting himself to a cruel life of teasing and bullying from his coworkers for having something so … dirty on display for everyone to see.
but, deep inside, kunikida feels an air of possessive authority over you. so, when dazai tries to open his phone to order pizza and is met by the image of you, he knows not to cross into his territory ever again.
chuuya loves it when people know who you belong to. that’s why he does things like this: buy you expensive lingerie to take photos in before peeling it off of you piece by piece, gifting you diamond rings as a promise to never leave you, getting chokers with custom charms made to fit your pretty little neck so that he could take pictures.
chuuya loves taking photos of you and he has his favourite set as his wallpaper; a photo of you looking innocently up at the camera, a thick black choker strapped around your neck and your body adorned in black lace lingerie, all provided by him.
the silver heart charm of the choker sits nicely on your chest, and if one was to look a bit closer, they’d be able to see, etched on the back in curly lettering;
property of c. nakahara. do not touch.
he, like kunikida, isn’t all for the risqué wallpaper thing until you suggest it. junichiro doesn’t take many photos of you in sexual context anyways because he believes that it’s a time to show how much he loves you, to live in the moment instead of trying to preserve the past.
his wallpaper isn’t all that exciting. you sit on your knees on the bed, the buckles of your baby blue lingerie set digging into the soft flesh of your skin as you hug the giant teddy bear beside you. junichiro took this photo the morning after valentines day, when his gift to you was the giant bear and your gift to him was … well, yourself.
he was more than stunned to see you when he came in from work, struggling through the door with the giant bear and dropping it when he saw you, one hand in between your legs and the other squeezing your nipple through the lace fabric of your bra.
“happy valentines, juni baby,” you whine, eyes rolling back into your skull as you pinch your clit. “fuck- i need you so bad.”
the teddy bear is abandoned on the floor for the time being, and that night, some neighbours were definitely disturbed.
© junisangel 2022 — all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
#bungou stray dogs#bungou stray dogs x reader#bungou stray dogs smut#osamu dazai#osamu dazai x reader#chuuya nakahara#chuuya nakahara x reader#doppo kunikida#doppo kunikida x reader#junichiro tanizaki#junichiro tanizaki x reader#ʚɞ locked + loaded.#ʚɞ bungou stray dogs#ʚɞ repost
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