#and zoro gets a head pat
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dandiliar15 · 1 month ago
The amount of serotonin this brought might actually kill me
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Revolutionary Army’s Chief of Staff’s Special Move: Positive Reinforcement. Revered throughout his troops for it’s effectiveness as a morale booster.
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clare-875 · 25 days ago
Misplaced Rings (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro)
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_____ Pairings: Luffy x Reader; Sanji x Reader; Zoro x Reader Summary: They misplace their wedding ring/band and are sent into a panic. Warnings: Some Angst, Fluff, Female Reader [One Piece Masterlist] _____
- Luffy -
Everyone knows that Luffy's most prized possession is his straw hat. It is always on his head or within his reach wherever he may go, and if it was not, he would be sent into an untamable panic that almost always ended with tears if the hat was not found within the day. However, unbeknownst to most, there is now a second possession he cherishes just as much: his wedding band.
The simple strip of gold around his ring finger adorned with crushed rubies was a fitting wedding band you had picked out just for him. And though Sanji often berates his Captain for wearing such precious jewellery during battles, his concern was for naught; you had sought Franky's help, ensuring the band could survive Luffy's battles and keep up with his elasticity.
Thanks to those facts, the ring remained on Luffy's finger indefinitely, just like the iconic straw hat on his head. It reminded him of his wedding with you upon his ship; the banquet far larger than any he had thrown before, the lively music and laughter, the utter joy. But more importantly, it reminded him of you and your pledge to stay by his side as he became the pirate king; it was an oath you undertook with pride every day of your life.
So, imagine his utter despair when he realises it has gone missing.
You were sitting at the dining room table with Nami and Robin, the three of you chatting and looking over magazines away from the harsh summer sun when you heard a familiar shout. You startle along with the two women you sit beside, meeting glances with utter confusion.
"What was that-"
You barely get to finish your sentence when the door to the kitchen slams open, revealing a wide-eyed Luffy who looks as though he is about to be sick. Your brows furrow together, Sanji looking over from his kitchen and about to give his Captain a piece of his mind, but you are concerned seeing your husband look as though on the brink of rare dread.
"Lu, what's wrong?"
You stand from your chair and run up to him but he already has comical tears almost pouring from his eyes. He is on his knees and instantly grabs your hands, and shakes them in his despair.
"[y/n] it's gone!!!"
You are still lost in your confusion as you look at him, his straw hat still attached to his head. You remember his outbursts in the past when he had thought he lost his hat for good, so you look down at him confounded at why he is having a similar breakdown with it still on his person.
"But Luffy, you still have your straw hat. It's on your head."
Luffy shakes his head like a downtrodden puppy as he looks up to you with tears falling from his eyes.
"No, my wedding band, it's gone!!"
Your eyes widen for just a moment as you look at the hands that still hold yours, noticing for the first time that there remains a tan line where Luffy's wedding band used to be. You feel your heart drop lightly at the predicament, and at that point, your friends had also gathered around in the fuss their Captain seemed to cause. Sanji seemed shocked the most whilst Robin and Nami frowns in concern behind you.
"What?! You lost the wedding ring [y/n]-san especially bought for you?!"
Sanji starts berating Luffy but you can hardly be mad at him when he looks so genuinely upset and in despair on the ground before you. You instantly kneel down to his level, and caress his raven hair gently trying to soothe the turmoil in his eyes. "W-wedding band-" He murmurs, and you are touched by how much he seems to hold the simple piece of jewellery so dear, to the point where he reacts to losing it just as he does his straw hat. You smile gently, and pat the straw hat that remains atop his head.
"It's okay Lu. I'm sure we'll find it."
"W-what if we don't?!"
You sigh as he looks at you imploringly, but you take his hands and help him to his feet.
"We'll all look for it, surely we'll find it then."
You turn to the cook who stands beside you, still glaring at his Captain as though he had committed the worst crime in the world.
"Right, Sanji? You'll help us too right?"
Sanji instantly perks up at the mention of his name past your lips and turns into a puddle of nods and affirmations.
"Of course, [y/n]-swan-"
You sigh at his never changing demeanour but turn to your husband who seems to have collected himself and nods in grim agreement. You smile as you take Luffy's hand, ready to search every nook and cranny of the ship. Nami, Robin and Sanji also help, with Chopper joining in when he bumps into you all searching the ship for a glimpse of gold and red. You force Luffy to retrace his steps entering the rooms he went to the past day for the glimmer of jewellery, but soon hours pass with no sign of his beloved ring.
"W-wedding band-"
You had all returned to the kitchen, Luffy now with his head on the table and tears pouring down it like a river of defeat. Chopper tries to cheer up his Captain but it is for naught, and you pat his shoulder in comfort whilst the others look on sympathetically.
In his mind, Luffy cannot believe that he has lost the one piece of jewellery he thought he would cherish until the day he died. Gold was often a mere bonus to him as a Pirate amongst the sea; an afterthought often intertwined in his adventures on the path to becoming Pirate King. But the gold around his finger was another story.
"I'm sorry Lu, I'll ask Franky if he can make you another one?"
But Luffy seems inconsolable as he is adamant the one he received on his wedding day, was the only one he wanted. However, before you can even input another word, the door smacks open, revealing the very man you had just spoken about. What's more, in his hand, the shine of gold and red reflected from the kitchen lights; Luffy's wedding band.
"Here you go Luffy! Sorry, it took a while but I promise I added some SUUUPER upgrades to keep up with your SUUUPER gears."
For a moment, there lasts a long and lingering silence in the wake of Franky's words, when suddenly, Luffy sits up like he was told the day's weather.
"That's right, I did give it to Franky yesterday."
Everyone falls off their chairs in utter bewilderment at Luffy's words; the day spent searching that could've been solved by one trip to Franky who had been working away all day, or by lack of Luffy's dense memory. Sanji instantly stands back up, kicking the underside of his Captain's head in utter rage and causing his head to hit the table.
"Idiot! We searched the whole day for that damned ring!"
But Luffy seems unfazed, and you have to let out a small laugh as he collects the ring from Franky and puts it back in its rightful place. You don't know if your laughter comes from relief or discomposure at the stupidity of the scenario you were in, but Robin joins you, your other crewmates more agitated. When Luffy looks up to you, however, with his wide and satisfied grin, ring shown proudly on his ring finger you can't help but get up and kiss his cheek lightly.
"I found it!"
He was an idiot, but he was your idiot.
- Sanji -
Sanji adores you, he is utterly in love with you, and if anyone asks what the happiest day of his life is, they don't even need to wait a second before he tells them about his wedding day. The gorgeous atmosphere, the pleasant music, the wedding cake he pondered and spent hours making just right, you adorned in your beautiful white dress. He could speak hours on his love if you let him, and he is not afraid to shout it out for everyone else to know and hear: you were his and he was yours.
If there was anything that symbolised the depths of your love and his, it would be the wedding ring around your finger and the wedding band around his. Yours was gorgeous but simple, a beautiful diamond reflecting the strength of the love you both shared. His was personal and beautiful, a gold band etched with sapphires, engraved with the date of the wedding until the end of time.
He adored it, he adored the weight of it on his finger, a reaffirmation of the oath you both pledged. He adored showing it off to people, just as he adored seeing you pointing to your ring when asked if you were taken. He would only remove it when absolutely necessary, such as when he prepared meals for his crew, but even then it stayed close to him where he could never misplace it. He told you he would look after it forever, but amongst Sanji's abundance of thoughts, there was a moment where the location of his prized ring slipped his mind.
Sanji has been absent all day, hastily making meals, moving swiftly from your side, and not even a murmur of hello as he leaves every room you enter. You are confused and slightly hurt, but most of all you are concerned.
Have you done something?
Was he feeling okay?
Why was he avoiding you?
When you asked your crewmates about his behaviour, however, they said similar things. How his answers had been short, unable to request meals due to his haste to enter the next room, even Nami and Robin claimed he had seemed more distracted. So you frown at the entrance of the kitchen; you had just seen him enter and knew you could try and talk to him now. You only hoped he would share in his troubles.
As the door to the kitchen creeps open, Sanji freezes at the sound of your footsteps and looks up at you standing before him. When your eyes meet you catch guilt and trepidation in the depths of his, and you are instantly more worried than before.
"Sanji, what's wrong? You're not being yourself."
Your husband grits his teeth in regret, and you catch a slither of tears amongst his lower lash line, causing you to reach up and caress his face in concern. But in his mind, Sanji feels as though he does not deserve your touch or your care. He had lost his wedding band and could not for the life of him remember where he put it. He felt as though he had been searching the whole day, but as the hours passed, he felt his hopes withering along with the sun.
His most prized possession, a symbol of your love and a remnant of the best day of his life, was lost due to his carelessness.
His eyebrows furrow together as he reaches out and holds your hand that lingers on his face, his words low and softly spoken.
"I lost my wedding band. I- I'm so sorry love."
Your eyes widen slightly in surprise, and Sanji readies himself for the disappointment and your swift anger, rejection, your swift dismissal of him from in front of you. But instead, you collect yourself before continuing to bear the concern in your gaze mixed with what looked like understanding; finally knowing why he was acting this way.
"It'll be okay Sanji, no need to work yourself up. We'll look for it together, I'm sure we'll find it."
Sanji's eyes spark open in his own surprise at your kind words and conduct. God, he didn't deserve you. Guilt still travels freely within him, especially as he feels the coolness of your own wedding ring against his cheek; you had looked after your ring with so much care.
"I'm sorry love."
You smile but you release the touch on his face in favour of grasping his hand in comfort.
"It's okay, now come on, let's retrace your steps shall we?"
The next few hours are spent all around the Sunny, every room Sanji had been in before he remembered losing the ring was searched from the roof to the floor. You asked your crewmates if they had seen the mix of gold and blue you both are so adamant to find, had looked in every small crevice that may contain the precious jewellery. And as the sun started to dim, you were now looking in your shared chambers one last time.
Your hair was ruffled like his, clothes wrinkled under the time spent trying to find the ring, but to Sanji, you were still the beautiful, thoughtful and loving wife he married. You had spent all day trying to find something due to his own mistake, and he was never more regretful for losing the wedding band, nor more grateful for having you as his wife than he was now. Moments pass in silence, but finally, you let out a delighted gasp.
Your husband instantly perks up from the other side of the room and in your hands is the wedding band, finally found. Your smile is wide, as you quickly run over to him, taking his hand and sliding it on his ring finger where it lay as perfect as it did all that time ago at your wedding. Sanji meets your gaze with such gratitude he cannot describe and impatiently presses his lips to yours. You smile as you return his fervour and pull away.
"Thank you, my love."
You let out light laughter as you roll your eyes.
"Of course, I am your wife you know? You can come to me about these things."
Sanji's heart warms even more than he thought possible as he tucks away a loose strand of hair from your face, admiring your features.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Sanji makes you your favourite dinner and dessert as a thank you for your help and your love. You never see him without the ring on his person, again.
- Zoro -
Among the straw hats, Zoro seemed the least likely to be intertwined with thoughts of love and rings and weddings, well at least that's what the Strawhat crew initially thought. But as time passed, he fell for you, and what would you know, suddenly he is asking Robin and Nami about weddings and dresses and ceremonies; how it works, what would you like, how soon could he pledge his love and you yours? In utter reluctance and on rare occasions he would even approach the 'idiot cook' for advice; something he would often regret afterwards.
But suddenly, the two of you were married and had rings on your fingers and he was your husband and you were his wife. The ring he got you was surprisingly thoughtful, and you knew the girls had something to do with it as it looked so much like how you wished it to be when you talked to them. His was simple. A gold band, but on the underside there etched your name. He very rarely took it off, and it became a part of him just like the earrings he wore or the three swords always at his hip; secretly finding strength in the piece of your love always present.
Zoro is a man, adamant about loyalty, and it is one of the things he adored most about you. The rings symbolised that for him; that an oath had been pledged and the two of you belonged to the other. It was something you both took pride in every day, and he found satisfaction watching the crestfallen faces of men when they spotted your wedding ring, just as you did when you saw women leave him be when they spotted his wedding band. He took care of it and treasured it, more than he would allow you to know, so he is honestly shocked when one day, he finds it missing.
Zoro feels cold sweat rising on his skin, and he honestly can't remember a time he felt more stressed. He is looking down at his hands again and again, as though he can't believe the absence of jewellery he always had on his finger.
He looks frantically around your shared chambers, looking in drawers of bedside tables, under the bed, and every nook where gold might enter his vision. He spent many moments, searching in utter silence, but he finds no semblance of a ring anywhere.
The door suddenly creaks and Zoro stands upright, hair and clothes slightly ruffled, swords leant against the wall in his haste to find the missing ring. You enter your room, looking up in surprise at the rare presence of your husband in the middle of the day, but it was lucky for you as you had been searching for him.
"Zoro," you smile, before your eyebrows pull together in confusion. "Are you okay? I thought you're usually in the crow's nest about this time?"
Your husband freezes, static under the weight of your searching eyes and scouring for an excuse. You step closer, and instantly his hands go behind his back, causing you to stare at him in bewilderment at his strange behaviour. You eye his discomposure, his hidden hands and his guilty expression with suspicion.
"Zoro what are you hiding?"
"N-nothing woman just got up from a nap. I'll be in the crow's nest-"
He doesn't let you continue your words and is out the door in a swift movement. You frown but shrug looking down into your hands. Ussop had found Zoro's wedding band in the bathroom, no doubt from the shower you had somehow forced him into this morning. You had simply wanted to give it back but decided to wait until a better time when he wasn't in such a hurry to get to his training. As you are about to let the matter go, however, you spot three familiar swords on the wall of your room where Zoro left them.
You frown at the sight, just what was your husband up to?
Meanwhile, Zoro is moving at speed throughout the Sunny, every room he barges in, searching in what he hopes is discretion before running off in frustration again. Many times he left his crewmembers in utter surprise at his uncharacteristic demeanour, usually he was training or napping, not found running around deck in discomposure.
You had bumped into a few of your friends who shared the same concern you had earlier; his strange behaviour and franticity. Nami complained that he had barged in while she was making a map, ruined due to her shock, Robin said that she had been reading on deck when he had been looking closely at the floor for something, Luffy exclaimed that he thought he was looking for some sort of treasure but quickly left in his boredom of nothing found.
You start to put the pieces together and begin to realise, that he was looking for something. And that something was probably the ring the Ussop had turned to you, so even if Zoro did check the bathroom it wouldn't have been there for him to find. You sigh as you quickly get up, trying to find him, Robin assuring that she had last seen him enter the kitchen and with the sounds of two men fighting, you supposed she was right.
When you open the door to the kitchen, Sanji and Zoro who seemed as though they had been arguing look at you blankly before crossing their arms and looking away from the other. You hear Zoro murmur something along the lines of, "Don't tell her," but you ignore it, hoping to relieve the tension in the room.
"Hey guys, everything alright?"
You ask, and Sanji sighs at your words before walking out of the kitchen; he seemed disappointed in your husband, more than usual. "I'll be outside [y/n]-san." You turn back to your boyfriend in Sanji's absence and you furrow your brows in concern.
"I lost my wedding band."
Zoro interrupts you before you can continue or pass him the ring in your grasp. You pause at the abruptness of his words, and the surprising amount of regret and hurt in his downcast eyes; he looked as though he had failed you.
"Zoro, it's okay I-"
"No, it's not okay, dammit." He looks to you then, and his eyes betray the stress and worry he had held onto all day, softening at the sight of his wife - you - looking at him in concern when he has just lost a treasured possession you had given him. You watch the way your husband's eyebrows pull together, and a frown makes its way to your face at the sight of him so worked up over the ring.
"It was my wedding band, a part of an oath we pledged on our wedding day, and I- I lost it. I should've looked after it better, I know that. I'm sorry."
You look, wide-eyed at the sight of the swordsman apologising to you. One of the rare times he would, but you realise now how much he placed importance on what the ring symbolised and what guilt must've filled his senses at his readiness for your disappointment. You step forward, caressing the curve of his face with one hand, as his eyes look at you, emotion betraying his eyes, but you smile softly and unravel your other hand. A moment of shock enters your husband's vision at the sight of the golden band he had almost turned the ship over for.
You smile sheepishly then, "I'm sorry, I tried telling you and giving it to you earlier but you were, you know, you seemed busy. Ussop found it in the bathroom."
You expect him to become irritated, having searched so long for something already found, but instead, Zoro smiles wide, kissing your lips suddenly in one swift movement. When he pulls away, he puts the ring back on his finger, satisfied by the light weight of it on his hand. "Thank God," he murmurs before looking at you so determinately it makes you blush. "I won't lose it again." You collect yourself before nodding, warmth spreading in your chest at his rare emotion in front of your eyes.
"I know you won't."
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inseobts · 1 month ago
(Accidental) PDA
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characters: zoro, sanji, law, ace, kid
words count: around 300-500 each
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Roronoa Zoro:
The crew is gathered at a lively tavern, drinks flowing, laughter echoing off the wooden walls. You’re seated next to Zoro, who, as usual, seems more focused on his drink than the conversation. His arm is draped casually along the back of the bench, and at some point, probably without realizing it, his fingers start lightly tracing circles on your shoulder.
It’s absentminded, subconscious, but you notice.
And so does everyone else.
You don’t say anything at first, just letting yourself enjoy the rare show of affection. Zoro isn’t exactly the touchy type, so the feeling of his rough, calloused fingers against your skin is something to savor. You lean into him just a little, and his grip unconsciously tightens.
Then, Sanji snickers “Didn’t take you for the clingy type, Marimo.”
Zoro’s fingers stops instantly.
You can practically hear the gears turning in his head as he replays the last few minutes, piecing together what just happened. His arm stiffens, and when you glance up, you find his face frozen in mild horror, like his own body has just betrayed him.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice comes out a little too sharp, too defensive, which only makes Sanji smirk wider.
“Oh, nothing” The cook takes a drag of his cigarette “It’s just cute, that's all. Didn’t think you’d be the type to get all touchy in public.”
Zoro yanks his arm back so fast you almost fall sideways “I wasn’t!” He groans, rubbing his face like he can physically scrub the moment from existence “It wasn’t on purpose.”
You stifle a laugh, reaching up to pat his arm “Relax, Zoro. It’s fine.”
He glares at you, but there’s a bit of redness creeping up his neck “I don’t do that stuff in public.”
Sanji hums, clearly enjoying this way too much “Mhm. Sure. Just keep telling yourself that.”
Zoro grumbles something under his breath, clearly ready to die on this hill. But even as he crosses his arms and scowls at his drink, his knee remains pressed against yours under the table.
Accidental or not, you’ll take what you can get.
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Vinsmoke Sanji:
The sun is setting over the Sunny, casting golden hues across the deck. Dinner is long over, but most of the crew lingers, full and satisfied. You sit beside Sanji near the railing, listening to the breeze and the distant laughter of the others. He’s in a good mood, smiling as he talks to you about a new dessert he’s planning, something with caramel and sea salt, he says, because “a contrast of flavors makes things more exciting, mon amour.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname but don’t bother fighting it. Sanji flirts like he breathes, and by now, you’ve just learned to go along with it.
Then, it happens.
You’re mid-sip of your drink when Sanji, without thinking, reaches out and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
It’s so natural, so smooth, that it takes you a second to process what just happened. The conversation around you continues, but you feel frozen, heat creeping up your neck.
Sanji, of course, remains utterly unaware. He keeps talking like nothing’s happened, his fingers lingering near your ear for just a moment before pulling away. It wasn’t even a grand gesture, just an absentminded, casual thing. But the way it makes your heart stutter? Absolutely unfair.
Unfortunately, someone does notice.
“Oi, Sanji,” Usopp teases, leaning over the table with a shit-eating grin “Didn’t know you were already at the ‘tucking their hair back like a romance novel protagonist’ stage.”
Sanji blinks “Hah?”
Nami chuckles “That was smooth, even for you.”
Sanji frowns, clearly replaying the last few seconds in his head. His hand twitches, as if only now realizing what it just did. He looks at you, at your slightly wide eyes, at the way you’re still holding your drink midair like an idiot, and then… it hits him.
“Oh—!” His face erupts into red “I—I wasn’t—! That was—!”
He immediately buries his face in his hands, groaning “Shit… I didn’t even notice I—!”
“You touched their hair, Sanji,” Usopp deadpans, grinning. “That’s practically a confession.”
Sanji sputters, waving his arms dramatically “It’s not like that! I— I just—” He stops, then sighs, rubbing his temples. “Mon dieu…”
You watch him, amused. The smooth-talking, ever-flirty Sanji, reduced to a blushing mess over one small gesture.
You smile. Maybe you didn’t mind it so much after all.
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Trafalgar D. Water Law:
Trafalgar Law doesn't do public displays of affection. The man acts like love is a classified disease, and he’s the only doctor qualified to handle it.
Which is why the Heart Pirates are absolutely living for this moment.
It starts small, Bepo makes an offhand comment about how you and Law seem weirdly close today. And by that, he means Law has casually draped an arm around your waist while reading his book.
Then it escalates.
Law, your usually grumpy, no-nonsense captain, absentmindedly feeds you a bite of his food at dinner. Like it’s nothing. Like this is normal.
The crew goes silent.
Then whispers.
Then snickering.
Shachi elbows Penguin “Did you see that?”
“I felt that” Penguin whispers back, eyes wide.
“Are we being punked?” Ikkaku mutters “Is this a medical experiment or what?”
Meanwhile, Law, completely oblivious, keeps eating... until he notices just how unnaturally quiet everyone has gotten. He glances up, fork mid-air, only to be met with a table full of smug grins and barely contained laughter.
“…What?” he asks, narrowing his eyes.
Bepo smiles innocently “Nothing, Captain. Please, continue being adorable.”
Law blinks. Then slowly turns to you, as if just now realizing what he’s done.
You, being the absolute menace that you are, grin and open your mouth again, waiting for another bite.
A muscle in his jaw twitches.
“You’re enjoying this” he mutters.
“Oh, immensely.”
Law exhales through his nose, looking between the crew and you. For a second, it seems like he’ll retreat, go full grumpy captain mode,
but instead, he smirks, leans in, and presses a quick kiss to your cheek.
The chaos that erupts is instant.
Shachi falls out of his chair. Penguin screams. Bepo claps. Ikkaku nearly chokes on her drink.
Law, of course, acts like nothing happened and goes right back to eating.
But the red tips of his ears? Oh yeah. That’s a win.
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Portgas D. Ace:
The bonfire crackles, casting a golden glow over the Whitebeard Pirates as laughter and conversation fill the night air. You’re sitting next to Ace, comfortably close, the warmth of the fire mingling with the heat radiating off his skin.
He’s relaxed, grinning as he chats with Marco, one arm casually slung over the back of the log where you're sitting. It's nothing unusual... Ace has always been a little touchy without thinking much of it. But at some point, his fingers start absentmindedly playing with the ends of your hair, twirling and tugging in slow, lazy motions.
You blink.
The conversation continues like nothing’s happening, and Ace doesn’t seem to notice what he’s doing. It’s almost endearing, the way he’s so comfortable, so unaware, until Thatch smirks over his tankard and loudly clears his throat.
“Well, well” Thatch drawls, tapping his mug against Marco’s “Didn’t realize we were in the middle of a romantic drama. Should we leave you two alone?”
Ace freezes mid-twist of your hair.
His fingers tighten ever so slightly before he slowly lets the strand slip from his grip. The realization crashes down on him in real-time, his freckles disappearing under the deepening red of his face.
“Huh?” His voice cracks slightly “I...That’s not...”
Marco chuckles, sipping his drink “You’re adorable when you’re oblivious, yoi.”
Ace immediately throws a handful of sand in his direction, scowling. “Shut up!” His voice is a little too high-pitched to be threatening “I wasn’t—! It wasn’t on purpose!”
“Sure” Thatch grins, wiggling his eyebrows “Accidental flirting. A classic.”
Ace groans into his hands, looking very much like he wants the ground to swallow him whole. You, on the other hand, are biting back a laugh as you lean in slightly.
“Didn’t know you liked playing with my hair” you tease, just loud enough for him to hear.
His head snaps to you, wide-eyed, before he grumbles something incoherent under his breath. You’re pretty sure you catch the words never living this down.
Still, despite his embarrassment, he doesn’t move away, his warmth lingers beside you, a silent contradiction to his flustered protests.
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Eustass Kid:
The atmosphere in the tavern is loud and chaotic, just the way the Kid Pirates like it. The crew is drinking, shouting, and causing their usual brand of mayhem while you sit beside Kid, with your drink. He’s in a rare good mood tonight, smirking as he argues with Killer over some pointless bet.
You’re just relaxing, letting the warmth of the room settle into your bones, when you feel it... Kid’s hand resting on your thigh.
Not just resting. His fingers drum absently against your skin, his grip solid, like it belongs there.
Your brain short-circuits for a second. He’s not the type for public affection. Hell, he barely acknowledges feelings exist, so the fact that he’s touching you like this, so casually, is… unexpected.
And the worst part? He doesn’t seem to realize he’s doing it.
You glance down, then back up at him. He’s still engaged in his conversation with Killer, completely unaware of the way his thumb is now slowly tracing circles against your leg.
It’s fine. It’s totally fine. You can just pretend like this isn’t affecting you...
"Oi, Kid" Heat suddenly snickers from across the table, eyes gleaming with mischief "y/n is so red that it like they're about to explode. Didn’t know you were the handsy type."
Kid pauses mid-sentence "Huh?"
He follows Heat’s gaze, straight to where his hand is resting on you. His fingers twitch. You feel the exact moment his brain catches up with his body, the slow realization creeping onto his face.
The entire table is watching now, grinning like they’ve just witnessed something hilarious.
"Shit," Kid mutters, yanking his hand away like he’s been burned. His face twists into a scowl, and his cheeks—just barely—tinge red "I wasn’t—!" His voice raises, defensive. "It was just—!"
Killer snorts "Yeah, sure. Just absentmindedly groping them in the middle of a crowded tavern. Totally normal."
The crew erupts into laughter. Kid growls, kicking Heat’s chair out from under him, sending the man crashing to the floor "Shut the hell up!"
You bite your lip, fighting back a grin.
Even as he huffs and glares at his drink, grumbling about stupid bastards and their stupid comments, his knee remains firmly pressed against yours under the table.
Accidental or not, he’s not moving away.
And neither are you.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months ago
Do you think you could do somewhere like where the straw hats + doflamingo are really tired after a hard day and reader offers their lap for them to lay on? And they end up falling asleep? Sorry if it's to much to ask, or if you've done something similar 😅 😭
I originally wasn't going to do this, because I don't really write for OP anymore, but sure! Also, Doflamingo will not be included, as I am not up to that point in the anime yet!
OP Strawhats lying on your lap!
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Summary: After a long day, you offer to let them rest in your lap!
Warnings: Innuendo on some, mostly fluff, short
Monkey D. Luffy:
"Ugh, I'm so tired!" The captain groaned, wandering below deck after hours of standing very still at the help of the ship. Nami had condemned him to boredom after finding out how much money he blew on food the past week while in port and he had finally finished serving his punishment.
"You look it," You mused with a small smile. You rolled your eyes as he approached you, dramatically swaying. "Oh, c'mere then, before you fall over."
Luffy cheered, collapsing to the floor, head snuggly tucked in your lap, sighing happily. "You're the best..." He purred, already on the verge of drifting off.
Roronoa Zoro:
Zoro had been crabby all day, he was just tired and it was entirely his own fault. That meant it was everyone else's problem. He was currently ranting at Sanji for something silly when you whistled at him and called him over. "I'm not a damn dog! You can't just-" You patted your thigh invitingly. His shoulders slumped and he came over and planted his cheek against your thigh, not caring for who saw.
"You better stop staying up all night working out." You scolded lightly, raking your fingers through his short hair.
"Yeah, yeah..."
"They're all just so dumb!" She groaned, pacing the floors. "You have no idea how hard it is being a secretary to these men." You simply nodded and listened, knowing better than to interject during a rant. "Like seriously, you don't wanna know how much Luffy spent on food while we were ported. And I don't mean for all of us, just for himself!"
Eventually, her pacing turned to standing, then sitting beside you, and finally, she found herself lying between your legs, face snuggled into your inner thigh, anger ebbing in exchange for drowsiness.
"Feel better?" You asked softly, petting her tangerine hair gently.
"I guess..."
You entered his workshop, shoulders slumping at the sight. He was slumped over the workbench again, cheek squished to the wooden surface. You rolled your eyes and approached him, nudging him lightly. "Usopp," You whispered so as not to startle him, though ultimately, your caution was for not.
He jumped, scrambling up into a straight sitting position. "(Y-Y/N)! Y-You can't just scare me like that!" You simply snickered and pulled him up and toward the small bed in the corner. "No, I gotta finish this project-"
"I'll let you lay in my lap." You offered with a knowing smile.
"O-Okay!" He smiled sheepishly, following you, collapsing in your lap without hesitation. The moment he stopped shifting, he began to snore again.
Vinsmoke Sanji:
You had watched him bustle around the kitchen all day, refusing any help offered to him. In the back of your mind, you knew, when Sanji crashed, he'd crash hard. As predicted, after the dinner dishes were finished, he made a beeline for you, hugging you tightly. "I'm so tired..." He mumbled into your ear, voice deep and groggy. "What would be the best way to charm you without exhausting any effort?"
"Consider me charmed." You scoffed playfully, pulling him over to the couch in the lounge before patting your thigh. The way he stared at you, you would have thought you'd just asked him to claim you right then and there. His face was red, eyes glued to your thighs. "Behave yourself." You wanted as he dropped to the floor and nuzzled between your plush thighs.
"Yes ma'am!"
Tony Tony Chopper:
It was typical of Chopper to get sleepy earlier than the rest of the crew, frequently curling up with Robin while the adults settled down to enjoy an evening activity together. This night was different only in one way.
"Ha, royal flush!" You laughed, laying your cards on the table and claiming the cash in the middle of it. You nearly yelped when you felt soft fur brush your calf. Looking down, you found the reindeer climbing up on the bench beside you and curling up in your lap.
"Awe..." You cooed on a whisper, shushing the rowdy rest. "Look at him..."
"It seems I've been replaced," Robin mused with a gentle smile. "How tragic."
Nico Robin:
It was known that on especially hard days, she would welcome you into her lap, uttering soothing words or reading silently while threading her long nails through your hair. But tonight was different. You could tell she was upset, despite her cool nature. When you'd finally convinced her to open up, you found that she was having unpleasent dreams involving her past.
"Can't get anything past you, can I?" She laughed sadly, before her brows shot up in surprise as you patted your lap.
"I know I'm probably not as good at this as you are..." You muttered sheepishly. "But..."
To your delight, she laid down, face up in your lap, and allowed you to play with her hair while she read quietly to herself. "You couldn't be more wrong, this is perfect." She sighed blissfully.
Cyborg Franky:
Franky had been in an awfully sour mood lately, totally uncharacteristic of him. After witnessing him get into a small argument with Usopp over a new ship upgrade thew were collaborating on, you knew you had to have a word with him. "Franky, what's your deal lately?" You huffed, hands on your hips.
"No deal," He scoffed, turning away. "What's it to ya?"
"You're acting like Zoro when he misses a nap." Your eyes narrowed sternly. He sighed.
"I ain't been sleepin' well, okay?" He finally admitted sheepishly. You softened, smiling slightly.
"Why didn't you just say so?" You climbed up on a large crate of ale, sitting at the perfect height, patting your lap. "Come take a nap, you'll feel better."
"N-Nah, I'll be good," He shook his head, cheeks a bit pink. After a bit more convincing, he finally sat on the floor, back against the crate, and rested his head in your lap as you brushed the cyan locks from his eyes and removed his shades. "You were right, this is nice..."
The ship was eerily quiet today and for the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. Suddenly, it hit you. You hadn't seen or heard Brook all day long. After asking around, you found him in the lounge, staring at the fish. "Brook, you okay?" You asked softly, tilting your head into his view.
"Oh, yes, my dear. Just in thought." He sighed, empty sockets seemingly tracking the tropical fish as they wandered the glass enclosure. "The only I get, the younger my old friends seem." He admitted quietly and your eyes softened.
You weren't entirely sure how long had passed as you sat there with him, watching the fish interact with one another, or when you'd begun to lean into one another. "Brook?" You asked softly, eyes never looking away from the tank. "I can't do much to help but...would you like to lay in my lap?"
"I'd like that very much, my dear." He replied, patiently waiting for you to get into a comfortable position before laying out his lanky form on the sofa between your thighs. "This helps so much more than you know." The pair of you stayed that way for a while until you began to feel skeletal phalanges lightly digging into the meat of your legs. "You know, since you're in such a giving mood..."
"You're done." You deadpanned, pushing him away.
You had never had much experience with Jinbe, having only known him for a short while, be he seemed to always know when the emotional atmosphere around him had changed. Thanks to this empathy, he noticed immediately when you'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed. "(Y/N)? What's the matter?" He asked, cocking a brow as you stepped below deck.
"Just in a mood..." You grumbled, coldly brushing him off. Ever patient, he simply gave you a warm smile and let you be. As the day wore on, you both found yourself winding down in the lounge. You grumpy day catching up with you, you dozed off, cheek pressed to his shoulder. Smiling fondly, Jinbe repositioned you, delicately resting your head in his lap, large webbed hand very carefully brushing the fringe from your eyes.
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zorosangell · 3 months ago
I LOVE INN!!! I love devoted pathetic men! I need to see them during the time skip tho! What if during the two year training arc (idk who or what she trains under, you can make that up) she happens to stop by the same island zoro and mihawk where stopping by on their way back to Gloom island. It’s been well over a year since they’ve seen each other, and it’s been pure torture for them both (and also the inconvenience of zoro relearning how to properly shine his own swords and fold his laundry the special way he likes it). I’d like to see your take on this!
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⛥゚・。 bento
synopsis: part two of inn -- you and zoro have a heartfelt reunion on the sabaody archipelago... with the help of a kindly fisherman.
cw: fluffy fluff, comfort, zoro is DOWN BAD for reader, reader's a cutie, fools pining pretty much.
a/n: i love writing zoro like this
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"Hey, gramps," Zoro started, yanking open the flap and entering Isamu's Fresh Fish tent, his eye snapping over to the old man hunched in the corner. "I'm lookin' to do some fishing."
Confused, Old Man Isamu halted his movement, looking up from his basket of lures to find the infamous, three-sword wielding pirate hunter.
Roronoa Zoro.
Of course, being a lonely old man who lived on the outskirts of Sabaody Archipelago, he had no idea who he was.
I mean, why would he need to know?
But even still, he couldn't help the shiver that rolled down his spine at the sight of the moss-head's scowl, its intensity sending a slight pang of fear through the man's old heart.
"No offense, young man, but I wouldn't exactly peg you as the fishing type..."
Zoro sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Normally, you'd be right... I'm supposed to be meeting some friends on this island, but they haven't made it yet, so I'm bored out of my skull."
Scratching the side of his face, he glanced out to sea, a certain sense of homesickness plaguing his chest.
"I used to have someone to do this for me... but she's not around right now. So I need something to keep me entertained while I wait."
It felt odd offering to do the fishing himself, as he could barely even remember the last time he picked up a fishing rod.
But the feeling was nothing new, as for the last two years the swordsman had been forced to take up the tasks that you had been so insistent on doing for him.
Fishing... Laundry... Shining his swords...
Even dressing his wounds, which, although Perona did for him, still didn't feel the same as when you did it.
It wasn't long before he realized how much he took you for granted, and how subpar his domestic skills were in comparison to yours.
He bristled, annoyed with the aching throb of his heart.
God, he felt pathetic...
A measly two years apart, and all of a sudden he was a ship without a rudder.
"So, you think you can help me out or not?" he asked, snapping himself out of his thoughts.
"Sure. I'll finish getting everything we need ready and then meet you on my boat right over there," Isamu nodded with a warm smile, standing to his full height and pointing toward a small fishing boat moored to the shore. "We'll have to wait a moment, though. A young woman is supposed to be joining me."
Zoro's brow raised, intrigued.
"Young woman?" he asked, expecting some elaboration.
"Why yes! She's been fishing with me for the past two days and is just such a sweetheart!" the old man gushed. "She went into town to go grab us some lunch before we left. Said something about picking up some polishing equipment, too."
That caught the swordsman's attention.
"Polishing equipment?"
"Yeah, for swords," Isamu nodded, leaning in a little closer to the swordsman and lowering his voice. "Between you and me... I think her boyfriend's a pirate. I always catch her lookin' out at the sea, like she's waitin' for something."
He gave Zoro a pat on the back with a small chuckle, a little sorry.
"It's a shame. If I hadn't known, I would've introduced you two. Y'look like her type."
Intrigued, Zoro looked down at himself, fighting off the thunder in his chest.
'Could it be...?'
"What'd she look like?" Zoro asked, straight to the point. "About this tall? (h/l), (h/c) hair? (s/c) skin? Nice (e/c) eyes? Pretty smile?"
Quickly, he shoved his hand into his robe, hurriedly rummaging around until his fingers locked on a piece of crumbled paper.
"Like this?" he asked, hopefully, pulling out your wanted poster and holding it up for the old man to see.
He'd managed to get his hands on it when he joined Mihawk on a grocery run and found it posted up on a fruit stall.
When no one was looking, he shoved it in his pocket, and kept it with him ever since.
Sure, it was a little stalker-ish, but when it came to you he didn't really care.
"Yes! That's her!" Isamu nodded, turning to the man. "She said she's been waiting for some friends to show, too!"
Instantly, the pieces clicked, the old man suddenly realizing your relationship with the swordsman.
He was he thing you were looking out to sea for.
With a knowing smirk, he gave Zoro a slight nudge, amused.
"Oh, ho ho! You must be the fella she's been searchin' for..." he grinned, almost as a congratulations. "You're a lucky guy! She reminds me of my Emi."
With a faint roll of his eyes, Zoro sighed, trying to muffle the burn of his cheeks by turning away.
That is... until a familiar voice cut through the air.
"Hey, watch it, asshole! That bento's for the old man!" you spat, the sound of a scuffle occurring in a nearby alleyway.
An embarrassing amount of excitement soared through his chest, a certain glimmer returning to his eye at the sound of your voice.
Springing into action, he sprinted toward the noise, quickly drawing his sword.
Whoever was on the other side of the altercation wasn't going to be standing by the end of it.
"Wait, young man!"
But Isamu was too late, as the swordsman was already at the mouth of the alley.
Bring his feet to a screeching halt, Zoro lowered himself into an offensive stance, taking a gauge of the situation as he prepped his attack.
You were standing off with a large man, who was about five times your size, huge with muscles and practically cracked out on testosterone.
An opponent like him would've sent you running for the hills two years ago.
But you stared him down with conviction, a small smirk quirking on your lips.
And without warning, you broke into a sprint, charging the man head on.
You had to calculate this just right, or you were going to get squashed like a bug.
Zoro watched with surprise as you used your running start to slide between the thug's legs, nimbly scaling his body like a tree and swirling yourself around to pull him off balance.
"The hell?!"
He tried to grab at you, but your movements were too quick and it wasn't long before you were sat right on his shoulders, your thighs locking tightly around his neck.
"Gimme back the damn bento, you bastard!"
Effortlessly, you threw around your body weight, flipping both of you over and slamming his head into the ground, creating a small crater.
But you weren't done.
With a soft grunt, and a small jerk of your legs, you twisted his neck with a sickening crack—the action sending a warm tingle through Zoro's stomach.
He'd be a liar if he said he didn't find your demonstration incredibly hot.
You pulled yourself up off the ground with a chuckle, using your foot to poke the man, who was down for the count, before snatching the lunchbox back from his grasp.
"Have a nice nap," you wished, cheekily, pulling down your eyelid and sticking out your tongue.
But, when you turned your attention to the alley's exit, your eyes landed on a certain green-haired swordsman—the star of a multitude of different daydreams you'd enjoyed throughout your two years apart.
Time seemed to slow down as your eyes met, him having been staring at you since he entered the alley.
He was huge, way more muscular than what he once was, and now donned a scar on his left eye, which was permanently shut.
His chest was exposed in his robe, showing off his big pecs, and his hair was still just as green and unruly as you remembered.
Lighting up like the world's brightest Christmas tree, you let out a loud, dramatic gasp, dropping the lunchbox in shock.
"Zoro!" you cheesed, completely forgetting about the bento as you rushed toward him.
"(y/n)! You made it!" Zoro broke into a wide grin, utterly relieved to see you were okay.
Launching yourself into his arms, you tackled him to the ground, pulling him into you as he let out a few laughs at your enthusiasm.
"Ah! Look at you! Those muscles! That hair! You look great! I missed you!" you squealed, ecstatic to see your favorite guy in the flesh.
Though, in your excitement, you had failed to realize you were suffocating the swordsman with your breasts.
"Mished you, twoo!" he nodded, muffled, frantically patting your back. "But yer killin' me!"
Finally noticing, you quickly pulled back, flashing him a sheepish smile.
Relieved, he took in an aggressive gasp, before turning to you with his grin once again.
"That was a new special move, huh? I've never seen you do something like that before!" he asked, eagerly.
"You noticed, eh?" you raised a brow. "Yeah, it's a maneuver my master taught me back on Kibi, a martial arts island."
A proud smirk rose to your lips, having waited to tell him of your success for so long.
"It was hard work... and I got knocked on my ass a bunch... but the monks at my temple managed to beat some kung fu techniques into me," you cheesed, cheekily. "I might not be on par with you yet... but it's only a matter of time."
His eyes found yours, and the way you were looking at him made his chest roar.
You were making it a bit hard for him to focus.
He was already holding himself back on a thread of sanity, and now he had to deal with the fact that you looked like a goddess in human form, and smelled of cocoa butter and vanilla.
Your curves were curvier, your hips were dippier, and you now had an unspoken confidence that could bring any man to his knees.
Literally and figuratively.
You had him like a hook on a line, only he didn't want to be set free.
You found his eyes, slightly confused, as his expression morphed into one you'd never seen.
"I. Love. You." he stated, firm and breathless.
Your eyes shot wide, a sharp tinge of red burning onto your cheeks.
The floodgates were opened.
There was no going back.
Without a moment's hesitation, he pressed his lips against yours, hard, unloading well over two years worth of pining.
You sank into it almost immediately, matching his fervor as you rested your hands on his chest, grabbing him by this robe and pulling him even closer.
The two of you moved together in perfect sync, fitting like puzzle pieces, as you kept up with his rhythm.
He grasped you by the small of your back, pressing you further into him and giving your hips a little squeeze, earning a quiet squeak.
Close wasn't close enough.
He wanted you even closer than that.
He wanted you so much, every part of him in contact with you was on fire.
But, alas, you two were human, and air would need eventually.
The two of you separated with a gasp, cheeks flushed and foreheads resting on each other.
"I don't think you have any idea how long I've been waiting to do that," he smirked, catching his breath.
You smiled, sliding your hands up from his chest to his shoulders.
"I think I do," you confessed, looking up at him with those sparkling, (e/c) eyes of yours.
He leaned in closer, about to say something else when, of course, he was interrupted.
"Hate to break up a touchin' moment, kids..." Old Man Isamu chimed with a knowing smirk, the two of you snapping your heads up with surprise. "But might I suggest the inn across the street?"
You both separated, for real this time, and stood up, you straightening out the wrinkles in your clothes as you glanced at the building.
Without warning, Zoro scooped you up and tossed you over his shoulder, forcing you to yelp in surprise as he turned around to walk across the street.
"Thanks, old man!" Zoro waved with his free-hand, unable to fight the pep in his step as his grip tightened around your thighs.
He cracked a smile, glancing at you on his shoulder with an expression Isamu could only attribute to a man in love.
"Your bento's somewhere over there, sir!" you called, limp, and horribly embarrassed as your swordsman dragged you away. "I'm so sorry!"
"Don't worry, dear!" Isamu assured, waving back. "You kids be safe!"
It made his day to see two young people so utterly smitten with each other, as that seemed to be slowly becoming a rarity.
You both reminded him so much of how he and Emi used to be...
Even still, he couldn't help but dreamily sigh, watching as you two entered the inn, playfully bickering like an old, married couple.
'Ah, young love...'
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haerenven · 20 days ago
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        ₊ ˙   ⢷          ˚   ͙✦.         whiplash .
Pairings. M.D.Luffy- R.Zoro- P.D.Ace - T.Law - shanks
summary. Short hair girly.
— (a/n): request!, I really love this idea cause I was pixie hair girly in some point of my life (‘. • ᵕ •. `)
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Monkey D Luffy
• Luffy is fascinated from the start. “Whoa!” he exclaims the first time he sees you. “Your hair’s so short! That’s awesome!”
• He immediately reaches out to pat your head like you’re the softest, most interesting thing in the world. and when you bat his hands away, he just laughs. “But it looks so fun to touch!”
• He adores how unique it makes you. To him, it’s not just hair—it’s you, and that makes it special.
• There’s something endearing about how blunt he is about it. “I like it. It makes your face look happy!” It’s such a simple, childlike way of thinking, but it makes you smile anyway.
• He loves to play with your hair absentmindedly—sometimes when he’s talking to you, sometimes when he’s just lazing around, his fingers twirling a stray strand. It’s never calculated, never flirtatious—just pure, unfiltered affection.
• If you ever feel self-conscious about it, or If you ever say you miss having long hair, Luffy will tilt his head, confused. “But this is how you are, right?” he says, as if that should be the most obvious thing in the world. “And I like you like this.”
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Roronoa Zoro
• Zoro doesn’t notice your hair at first. Not because he’s oblivious, but because things like hair length isn’t register as high on his list of priorities. But one day, he really looks at you—sees how the shorter strands frame your face, how the style suits your sharp gaze, your effortless confidence—and something about it tugs at him in a way he can’t explain.
• He never says it out loud, but he likes how practical it is. You’re not constantly pushing it out of your face, and it never gets in the way. Efficient, No fuss, no unnecessary distractions. Just like you. Just like him.
• When you’re standing side by side, he’ll catch himself staring, though he always looks away before you can call him out on it.
• If someone ever makes a comment—something thoughtless, something meant to imply that short hair is less feminine—Zoro will shut it down instantly, his voice flat, his glare sharp. “Shut the fuck up or I’ll spread your head out of your body” And just like that, the conversation ends.
• He’s not the kind for casual touches, but sometimes—when he’s half-asleep, when the world is quiet—his hand will find the back of your head, fingers grazing your hair in a rare moment of softness. He won’t say anything about it. He won’t need to.
• He won’t outright admit it, but he likes how easy it is to tilt your chin up and kiss you—no stray strands getting in the way, your lips on his—and that’s it.
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Portgas D Ace
• “Damn,” is the first thing Ace says when he meets you. It’s low, almost breathless, like you’ve just knocked the air straight out of his lungs. “I think I’m in love.”
• He’s always been drawn to things that burn bright—things wild and unpredictable, things that feel like freedom. And there’s something about you, about the way you carry yourself, about the way your hair catches the firelight, that makes him want to chase after you.
• He loves the way your short hair makes every expression bolder, sharper. When you laugh, it makes you look even more mischievous. When you glare, it makes you look untouchable. And Ace? He loves a challenge.
• Constantly finds an excuse to touch your hair—Running his fingers through it, ruffling it like you’re a kid, tugging playfully at a strand, resting his chin on your head like you’re his personal pillow. “Soft,” he murmurs, as if it’s some great discovery.
• Calls you every nickname under the sun: “sparky,” “shortcake,” “firecracker.” The more you roll your eyes, the more determined he is to find new ones.
• “Y’know,” he says one night, voice softer than usual, “I like that I can see your face like this. No hiding. Just you.” And there’s something in his eyes, something warm and unguarded, that makes you realize he means it.
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Trafalgar d water Law
• Law is quiet the first time he sees you. Not unimpressed, not indifferent—just observing, those sharp eyes of his taking in every detail. “Hnn,” he says at last, nodding slightly. “It suits you.”
• He’s not one for unnecessary compliments, but the fact that he acknowledges it at all means something.
• But later, when he thinks you’re not looking, you’ll catch his gaze lingering, something almost amused in his expression. He likes the way your hair frames your face, how it highlights the sharp intelligence in your eyes.
• You’ll catch him staring sometimes, though he’s always quick to look away. If you ever call him out on it, he’ll scoff. “You’re imagining things.” But the slight pink on his ears tells a different story.
• He appreciates the practicality of it. No strands falling into your face during fights, no unnecessary fuss. It’s efficient. And Law values efficiency.
• If you ever express doubt—if you ever wonder aloud whether you should grow it out—he’ll glance at you, expression unreadable, before saying simply, “Don’t change it.” And that’s all he’ll say.
• But later, when you’re resting beside him, when the world is quiet and his guard is down, you’ll feel his fingers ghosting over the back of your neck, tracing absent patterns along your hairline. He won’t say anything about it. He doesn’t have to.
• But if you ever run your hands through your hair in frustration, tiredness, or thought? He’ll watch, transfixed, before clearing his throat and looking away.
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Red-haired Shanks
• The first time Shanks sees you, his eyes linger—not just on your hair but on the way it makes you stand out. There’s something wild about it, untamed like the sea, and it suits you.
• Shanks notices everything about you in that lazy, deceptively perceptive way of his. The cut of your hair, the way the sea breeze plays with it, how the sun catches in the strands. His gaze lingers—not just in admiration, but in curiosity, like you’re some beautiful puzzle he’s eager to figure out.
• He has a habit of reaching for you, fingers always finding their way to the nape of your neck, ruffling your hair like he’s testing how much he can get away with. When you glare at him, he just chuckles, utterly unrepentant. “What? It’s soft,” he says, as if that explains everything.
• He loves running his fingers through your short locks, ruffling them playfully before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Cute,” he hums, grinning when you swat his hand away.
• He teases you about it constantly. “Y’know, you remind me of a mischievous little fairy.” But there’s an unmistakable fondness in his voice.
• The crew loves you almost as much as he does. Lucky Roux teases that you must have been a rogue wind spirit in another life, while Yasopp claims your hair makes you look sharper, like a blade that’s just been honed.
• Shanks finds himself watching you when you’re not looking, the way your hair shifts with every tilt of your head, the way it moves when you laugh. He doesn’t just admire you—he memorizes you, drinks you in like the finest sake, and finds himself craving more.
• “You’re trouble, you know that?” he murmurs one evening, arms draped lazily around you, fingers playing with your hair as if he’s always meant to have you this close. “And I like trouble.”
• When you’re out at sea, he watches the wind tousle your hair and thinks you look like you belong nowhere else but here—with him, with the ocean.
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paperultra · 1 year ago
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Word Count: 866 words Warnings: Kissing, slightly suggestive
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“You’re blushing.”
“I am?” Sanji gazes up at you, dreamy and distracted. “I didn’t realize.”
You hum. You’re only vaguely aware of the hammock’s sway, of the blanket slipping down your shoulders as you prop yourself up and place your hands on his cheeks. Warmth soaks into your palms like sunlight, and you tilt your head, thumbs drawing over the flush on his cheekbones and tapping gently.
“Don’t say this is because of me,” you tease.
His hands reach up to cover yours. “Then I’d be lying,” he replies, turning his head to kiss your fingertips, “and I would never lie about how you make me feel.”
“Not even if you hated me?”
“The day I hate you is the day I should be tied to an anchor and fed to the sharks.”
“That’s awful.”
“I know.” His eyes search your face, and they narrow as he murmurs, “Who could ever hate someone as gorgeous as you?”
(Whoever coined the phrase “flattery will get you nowhere” has never met Sanji, you’re sure of it.)
Leaning down, you press your lips to his nose, to his forehead, to each cheek. A contented sigh brushes past your ears as you do so.
Eventually, you make your way to the source of his sweet words. You pause, and Sanji opens his eyes as you hover above his lips, just shy of meeting them with your own.
“Something wrong, sweetheart?”
“No,” you say. “Just wanted to see your pretty eyes before I kiss you senseless.”
He stills. Then he laughs, the sound blooming from deep within his chest and staining your world with gold. “Well – aren’t you a charmer,” Sanji quips, stroking your waist and pecking your cheek. His words are softer than usual. “Careful with my heart, now.”
“Don’t worry,” you say, and you kiss him fully, drinking in the way his grip on you tightens and the way his breath stalls in his throat when you speak against his mouth. “It’s in good hands, I think.”
The kiss is just as warm as his cheeks. You feel drunk as you pull away, and Sanji lifts his head to chase your lips, whispering your name with the reverence of a believer.
“You guys mind doing that somewhere other than here?”
The two of you freeze in each other’s embrace.
You jolt out of it and push yourself up, accidentally knocking the breath out of Sanji in the process. He wheezes and curls up as you lock eyes with a very unimpressed swordsman.
“Z-Zoro! We”—you scramble to unrumple your shirt, which had ridden up underneath the blanket—“I’m sorry, we – we thought everyone was going to be in the lounge for a while.”
“You thought wrong.” Zoro strides past and drops his laundry on the couch. “This isn’t your personal bedroom, Sanji.”
“I’m aware of that,” Sanji replies, annoyance dripping from every syllable. “Now would you mind just stepping out for a few more minutes?”
“Sanji, it’s fine,” you whisper, patting his chest. “The mood is kinda killed now, anyway.”
He visibly droops. “I know.”
“I wasn’t asking for your opinion, mosshead.”
The room fills with a completely different kind of tension as Zoro crosses his arms at Sanji’s response.
You, still trying to cover up your embarrassment, move to block Sanji’s view, pushing his bangs away from his face and attempting to smooth out his frown lines. His cheeks are still flushed, though the color is quickly fading back to normal as his attention turns back to you.
“C’mon, Zoro wants to fold his laundry. Let’s go up to the lounge and see what the others are up to.”
“Is that what you really want to do?”
“Yeah.” (It is now, anyway.)
“… All right, then,” Sanji acquiesces.
With that, you push the blanket off and clamber out of the hammock, nearly tripping and falling flat on your face in your haste to do so. Sanji follows close behind, and once he’s on his feet, you turn to Zoro and give him another quick apology before you and Sanji leave the men’s room.
“Of all the times to be interrupted,” your companion mutters as the two of you head to the lounge. He takes your hand in his and interlaces your fingers. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s nobody’s fault. Ships don’t have a lot of privacy …” You think back to the moment Zoro spoke up and groan, burying your face in your free hand. “I’m just embarrassed he caught us like that. I didn’t even hear him come down.”
“Me neither.” Sanji lets out an irritated sigh and then looks over at you; his displeasure softens. “At the very least, I’ll take it to mean you were enjoying yourself.”
Your face heats up. “Of course,” you say quickly. “I like our alone time."
“I like it too.” He squeezes your hand and leans over to whisper into your ear. “Next time, I could be on top, so I can hide you away if anyone walks in unannounced.”
“Wh – Sanji! Don’t say it like that!”
The man grins as you smack his arm playfully, planting a kiss to your temple as penance.
“Just evening the score, sweetheart.”
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solarspirit · 9 months ago
How They Comfort You
(luffy, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp)
with the east blue five because i miss pre time skip one piece
edit: over 300 likes?! tysm i didnt think my random thoughts would get so far
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As goofy and dumb as he usually seems,  Luffy is actually pretty perceptive. 
If he notices you sulking by yourself, he’ll plop right down next to you, holding a big juicy stick of meat to share with you
Food always makes him feel better, so it should make you feel better, right? 
If you want to vent your troubles to him, he’ll nod along with a very serious expression and not understand any of it. At least he’s trying! 
If you cry, he’ll panic for a second before making silly faces to distract you and eventually cheer you up
Overall, he’s not great with what to say, but his presence and (somewhat helpful) attempts to make you feel better are comforting 
Out of all the Straw Hats, she’s the best person to go to for comfort 
She’ll actually ask you what you want, if you need advice or words of comfort, she’ll give them to you, and if you just want a hug or silence, she’ll do that instead 
Nami’s a hugger, so her go-to is to give you a warm hug anyway.
If you’re on an island, she’ll treat your sadness with retail therapy. Even if you don’t buy anything, trying on different outfits or looking at whatever you’re interested in helps take your mind off things 
If you’re really inconsolable, she’ll offer you something from her treasures she knows you’ve had your eye on. Only as a last case scenario, and she insists it’s a one time thing (it won’t be) 
Obviously, he’s going to cook for you. 
Sweet, savory, salty, whatever your comfort food is, he’ll make it as soon as he notices you’re sad. 
Although he already bends over backward for you anyway, he’ll be even more compliant with anything you ask for to try and make you feel better. 
If you smoke, he’ll  offer you a cigarette and some kind words to tide you over 
If you don’t, he’ll still give you solid advice or comfort to make you feel better. He’s pretty logical and is able to figure out how to solve whatever you’re going through.  
Zoro knows when something is wrong, but doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to do about it. 
If you’re sulking, he’ll sigh and sit with you until you break the silence. If you don’t want to talk and just need someone to be with you, he’s your guy. 
Zoro will give you solid advice if you ask for it, but won’t sugarcoat it. It’ll be blunt and straightforward.
 If you want comforting words for him, you’ll get them, but he’d rather just pat your head and listen to you vent. 
He’s one of those people who doesn’t know what to do when someone cries in front of them, so it’s a little awkward if you start crying. 
If you initiate it, he’ll let you cry into his chest and tell you it’s okay (partially because he doesn’t know what else to say). 
He’s not great at comforting you, but he tries his best
Usopp relies on humor and lies not fully true stories to cheer you up. 
Whenever you’re sad, he’ll come up with a tale of a grand adventure to take your mind off things 
Whatever he’s talking about, it’s so absurd that you find yourself laughing through your tears, or so indignant on proving what he’s saying is false that you forget  your troubles
He won’t let you be sad by yourself either–if he notices you’re sulking, suddenly the ship has a random repair he absolutely needs your help on, he needs your help with canon practice, any excuse to pull you out of your sadness 
If that doesn’t work, he’s always willing to listen to what you have to say and has surprisingly good advice on how to feel better 
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atsumutu · 1 year ago
it’s your scream that wakes him up. a shrill cry that has zoro jerking upright and latching onto the hilt of his swords. 
it takes him barely a minute to get to you, calling out your name as he enters your shared room where he finds you wide eyed and backed into a corner.
“what’s wrong?”
a quick scan of the room comes up empty for intruders so he returns his attention to you, closing the distance between you two with a few steps. 
there were intruders. just not the human kind. 
“c-cockroach!” you cry, pointing towards the corner of the room where sure enough, there’s a cockroach scuttering past. 
zoro turns to you, unimpressed. it’s a tiny thing that hardly called for this level of reaction. it most definitely didn’t warrant cutting his mid afternoon nap short. 
“seriously? i thought you were dying.” sleep still clings to his voice making it more rough than usual. 
your frenzied eyes move back and forth from the cockroach to the swordsman. “please zoro, if you love me you’ll-“ a squeal cuts off your pleading when another one decides to make an appearance. with nowhere left to run, you just push yourself further into the corner, shutting your eyes. 
before your scream comes to an end, zoro’s taken care of the situation, disposing off the offending creatures before returning to you. 
“god, such a crybaby.” he grumbles, pulling you towards him. a warm palm settles on your back, rubbing up and down between your shoulder blades. “it’s gone now, okay? it’s dead.” 
you peer at zoro through your lashes. “both of them?”
“yes, both of them.”
although his words comfort you, you seek further solace in his embrace, grabbing the fabric of his t shirt and nestling into his chest as he continues running up and down your back. 
a few seconds pass before zoro pulls back, remembering something. “i thought you were going out?” he asks, recalling the lively chatter over breakfast as the straw hats made plans to explore the port town they were docked in for the next few days. 
“I decided to stay in, thought you might appreciate some company.” you grin, mood perking up now that the cockroaches were dealt with. 
zoro rolls his eyes, sassy man that he is, and you suddenly find yourself thrown over his shoulder. 
“what i would appreciate is going back to my nap.” he huffs, making his way towards your shared bed. 
giggling, you give his firm bottom a few pats. “of course, my hero deserves some rest.”
zoro tolerates it all with a smirk playing on his lips, giving your thighs a gentle squeeze. when he reaches the end of the bed, he drops you onto the mattress, chuckling mildly at the disgruntled noise you make. he makes quick work of removing his swords, resting them on their usual spot against the bedside table, before joining you. 
it’s only when you’re tucked into zoro’s side that you pipe up again, lifting yourself to rest on your elbows, feeling playful. “zoro?”
he can already tell this isn't about to be a normal conversation just from the mirth dancing on your lips but he indulges you anyways.
“would you kill all the cockroaches in the world for me?”
zoro snorts at your absurd question. “that’s ridiculous.” he scoffs, fixing an arm behind his head and using the other to have you lie on his chest before answering, only because he knows how this goes with you. “yes, i would.” 
he’s rewarded with a chaste kiss on the lips and the melody of your laughter. its enough to fill his entire body with warmth. 
half an hour and several questions later, sleep still calls to him but his smile remains, content to humour you until your words begin to jumble into one and your breathing evens out into a familiar rhythm, convinced he could do this for an eternity with you.
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noearchives · 1 year ago
one piece boys + first kiss headcanons
pairings: portgas d. ace x gn!reader, trafalgar d. water law x gn!reader, sanji x gn! reader, roronoa zoro x gn! reader
a.n.: a sweet little something. :)
cw: none, a trace amount of suggestive content in sanji's and ace's part if you squint really hard...
portgas d. ace
- happens when both of you are a bit tipsy after a drink or two during a party on the moby dick.
- has kissed a few people here and there (nothing too serious), so he has a bit of experience.
- is good with his tongue, this boy.
- very impatient too.
- that's why after one or two close-mouthed kisses, he’s already slipped his tongue inside your mouth.
- like oh okay! didn't know we were going this fast!
- despite the quick pace, it’s not difficult to pick up. you kiss him like you’ve done it thousands of times before already, and you don't really need to think about what you're doing when you kiss because it just comes to you Naturally.
- it feels like it’s burning, to the point where you suspect ace has unintentionally activated his devil fruit to melt your tongues together.
- is so into it to the point where he didn't even notice when his hat fell off.
- you'd have to pat him on the back twice to make him let go of you because he will Not notice how you're already out of breath.
- leaves you dizzy and breathless. in a way that makes you want more.
- "let's take this to my room, yeah?"
trafalgar d. water law
- you waited for ages for the right timing for him to kiss you first, but it never seemed to come.
- see, the captain of the heart pirates never had the time nor mood for things like this.
- so when you asked if you could kiss him, he panicked a little. just a little.
- he tries to play it cool, but when you’re 1cm away from his lips, it’s like you're holding a gun to his head, frozen in place with his eyes squeezed shut.
- for the first two seconds of the kiss, he’s a little grossed out by the flesh-to-flesh feeling and the thought of the bacteria that’s being exchanged between the both of you is making his head spin a little.
- but as your lips part and connect with his again, he slowly melts into the kiss, copying your movements as you continue.
- it’s not a super passionate kiss or anything, but it leaves his whole body buzzing with his heartbeat thrumming in his ears.
- this feeling is so foreign to him- but somehow, he wants more of it, and he wants to know everything about it.
- "can we do that again?”
- it happened during one of those moments where it’s late at night and all his emotions bubble up to the back of his throat.
- you were the one who initiated the kiss because he kept rambling, going on and on about how much he loves you and how he doesn't deserve you, how a filthy man like him shouldn't be with a beauty like you, eventually spiralling into self-hate.
- it gets to the point where you had to shut him up with a kiss, to prove that yes, you actually want him, and no, he is not a filthy, unlovable man.
- god, your lips are so soft. he might just start crying.
- he doesn't, of course, so he won’t ruin the moment.
- the kiss is soft and tender, but he soon becomes desperate for more and it escalates into something further, the sentimental moment taking a one hundred-and-eighty degree turn.
- it’s strange, because he was just sulking over himself, and now his hands are all over you, fingers hiking up your shirt as the kiss grows deeper.
- the moment your lips are parted, you give him a light-hearted scold.
- “apologies, my love. you're just a little too irresistible.”
roronoa zoro
- catches you absolutely off guard. surprisingly, he’s the one who kisses you first rather than the other way around.
- it happened so casually- you were hanging out with the strawhats, a drink in your hands as zoro bent down to kiss you as he was passing by.
- he didn't say a word. just a swift kiss that lingers on your lips, leaving your ears and cheeks burning.
- it was bold of him to kiss you out of nowhere- in front of everyone too, telling everyone that you're his, and his only.
- (probably to also piss sanji off while doing so.)
- when you ask the swordsman about it a while later when the two of you are alone, he just answers with a longer, deeper kiss.
- “no more questions,” he mumbles against your lips. “do you want the kiss or not?”
- of course, you reply with your lips on his. actions speak louder than words, afterall.
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l-in-the-light · 7 months ago
Trafalgar Law on touching and being touched
It won't be a perverted post despite the title lol. But I won't stop your imagination, be free!
There's this funny theme going on with Law and Luffy in particular that picked my interest.
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Luffy touched him first.
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And he later returned the gesture, much more awkwardly.
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Again, Luffy grabbed him angrily first.
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Law made sure to return the gesture. (btw he also does it with Zoro, who was the first one to wrap an arm around him at post-Dressrosa feast. In Wano Law has no problem grabbing Zoro and shouts at him angrily. Again, it was Zoro who initiated the touch first).
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Law grabbing Luffy to teleport them makes Luffy react in a curious way, you wanna know why?
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Because it totally feels like this moment. Both Law and Ace, right after getting uncuffed, grabbed Luffy in same way to get him to a safer place. Ace-Law parallel in relation to Luffy kills me. The whole Dressrosa arc's plotline between Luffy and Law is just Marineford Went Well This Time. Ngl I kinda hated Oda at first for that. Now i dig it.
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He didn't seem to like that. Luffy says "Let's all get along well!", but Law thinks alliances don't have to "get along".
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Mistranslation here. What Law says here, being so surprised, is "nakayoshi ka?!" which means "you two get along?!" or "you two are buddy-buddies?!". It's a callback to Luffy declaring that Law and Strawhats crew should get along (he uses same word then, nakayoku-get along), Law learns here that Luffy's crew indeed "gets along well". You can interpret it whatever way you wish, but I will use it this time to put this scene into context:
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The same gesture Luffy did to him before, but Law didn't return it to Luffy - that's because they're not crewmates. But he takes the lesson to heart and "gets along" with his own crew. Omg I can't believe i'm writing it, I make Law sound like this completely awkward adult who doesn't know how to be friends with people.
But bear with me, the shit is only starting. If you don't want to have feels I reccommend you just laugh at it and stop reading here. I digged up a feels landmine by accident. In-depth study starts below!
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It's also a possible callback to the "reassurance" Law got from Cora-san. "I'm counting on you to escape" and Law did. He counts for his crew to steer the submarine well in similar manner.
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Law's family didn't seem very touchy-feely, so please keep that in mind as well. He's got limited experience with touches and the few touches he did get familiar with were either taken away from him or brutalized.
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Law getting patted on the head lovingly by his parent.
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Next time this loving gesture happens, he gets thrown from like two-floor building into a pile of garbage.
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And then he gets lied to that everything will be fine. We all know it wasn't.
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Do you still wonder why he hates being touched on the head?
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The sister touches his face gently while showing child Law support and compassion, reminding him not to despair, someone kind will help him.
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Corazon doing the same gentle touch to the face while crying for him, thinking of all the pain Law had to experience. Indeed, the world sent Law someone kind. And Law lost him and blames himself for that.
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Law holding Lammy's hand while lying to her that it will be alright. He never does that gesture again to anyone.
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The sister holding Law's hand.
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"Don't come closer! Don't touch us! We will get infected!" even doing the barrier gesture (I guess that's why Law doesn't get along with Bartolomeo). I used only few examples, there is much more, I just couldn't bear posting them all. Anyway, Law's got the message, his touch is unwanted. The body and mind remembers this.
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Similar shit said at the auction in Sabaody about Fishmen, we don't see Law's reaction to that, but we can guess already that it was for sure triggering. Those people talking are sitting not that far away from him.
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Ever wondered why Law throws people when teleporting? Besides the fact he avoids making contact with anyone unless they initiate it first, because that trauma is still strong in him ("Stay away! Don't come closer!"), there is one other possible reason:
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Wonder no more! He does it to people because that's how people treated him as well, even people who apparently loved him.
Now that I have ruined the "Law is just an awkward unsocial nerd" joke for you, let me offer something to warm your heart a bit in exchange:
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Corazon made sure to touch Law a lot and hold him in his arms, despite being often clumsy about it. I think he understood Law's trauma about being touched and his fear to touch or approach anyone, and tried to help him overcome it.
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Being hugged and trying to return the gesture. Corazon's efforts did bring some results! But it only works for very few people, Law is still wary of people he doesn't know well. He expects to be unwanted and acts uneccessarily cold, distant and unapproachable because of that. But if you scroll back to the beginning of this post, you can see that he is trying his best to overcome it as well, one step at a time. Some things just can't be rushed.
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And hey, at least he seems to be actually relaxed and almost like he *enjoys* being carried around. You think it makes him look uncool? Definitely. But suddenly it feels like Something Important, kinda intimate in a way and not just a silly comedy moment. It's a sign Law relies on people when he lets them carry him and that's why he doesn't protest.
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Sanji is like "Why are you relaxing like that?! Get off!!" Finally, it makes sense why Law makes such a sour face here. Sanji should be grateful for the rare privileage after all! Anyway, this is anime-only extension, in manga Sanji actually doesn't tell Traffy to get off and Law chooses to scramble by himself, which doesn't taint the fragile trust those two just shared.
For those who made it to the end of this post, have I ruined Law's comedy moments for you forever? Because I sure just did that for myself.
I could also add one more cute thing from One Piece World Seeker Law's dlc, but I will let those interested to discover it by themselves!
I'm also amazed by the consistency of this theme. Both manga and anime never forget that touch is seemingly a big deal for Law.
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clare-875 · 3 months ago
OMG, Hey, I'm new to this blog. I just read the "New Names" fic you recently wrote. Since Shanks is my favorite character, can you do one of him with the reader?
New Names pt.2 (Shanks, Sabo, Crocodile)
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_____ Pairings: Shanks x Reader; Sabo x Reader; Crocodile x Reader Summary: His reaction when you call him buddy, pal, etc. Warnings: Mostly fluff, Slightly suggestive, Female Reader A/N: I decided to add some characters! I hope you like it! <3 [One Piece Masterlist] [Part 1: Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Law] [Part 3: Corazon, Killer, Mihawk, Penguin] [Part 4: Kid, Katakuri, Smoker] _____
- Shanks -
(A/N: Slightly longer fic than the others <3)
You sigh as your crewmates look at you with shit-eating grins on their faces. "A deal's a deal [y/n]," Yassop tells you, leaning back smugly as you regrettably accept defeat. You had been playing a game of cards, but this time the only thing on the line was the loser having had to do one thing that the winner pleads. Yassop had (unfortunately for you) won, and he wanted to mess with his Captain through you. "Come on, is it the worst thing I could've asked you to do?" You roll your eyes.
"Fine, I'll do it."
You instantly hear the uproar of cheers from around you and smile despite yourself. The crew must really be bored to find such keen interest in such a little prank. But you would be lying to say you also weren't intrigued about your boyfriend's reaction. You get up from your chair and the crew looks on, amusement lingering in their gazes. Luckily for you, as soon as you stand, Shanks makes his way onto the deck. His eyes shine as soon as he sees you approach.
"Hey, love." He grins wide, beckoning you over.
You teasingly smile, but instead of running into him as you usually do, you pat him on the shoulder and walk past him.
"Hey dude, I'll see you in a minute. I've just got to talk to Benn about something."
You walk off, going to find the second-in-charge whilst trying to stifle your laughter. It's as though instantly you broke the man.
"Wait what-"
Shanks reaches for you but you are already gone. His grin fades and his form goes rigid, it's as though the renowned empower was reduced to something like a child just by your mere words. He looks as though he's seen a ghost.
"What did I do?"
He turns to his crewmates who look on, trying to stifle the laughs that threaten to break free. But ultimately they are able to play dumb.
"Don't ask us, Captain."
The rest of the day, Shanks is at your heels following you, talking to you, trying to figure out if he had done something wrong. But it is either you were truly indifferent or you were great at acting because, despite the name you call him, you hadn't changed. You still looked at him lovingly and happily returned conversation, but that only made the red-haired captain more frustrated.
"It's okay dude, I've got it."
"I'm doing great dude, how are you doing?"
"Hey, dude, mind passing me that?"
It drives your Captain insane.
You only break when night falls, and finally, Yassop's word means nothing as the day has passed. You were lying in bed next to your boyfriend and you could feel his burning stare on you. You turn, and sure enough, your Captain looks at you intently, a crease between his brow.
"What is it?" You say, an amused tone lingering beneath your words. Shanks looks as though he is almost pouting and you have to stop yourself from laughing at the childish display of sadness placed right in front of you.
"Love, did I do something wrong today?"
You tilt your head to the side as the red-haired man in front of you finally spills the words he has been holding onto all day.
"You kept calling me dude."
You try to hold your facade, but light laughter falls from your lips, and it only causes the crease between Shank's eyebrows to deepen. A frown lingered on his face.
"Love," you say, and you instantly see the way his irises enlighten even in the darkness of the room. "It was a prank. I lost a bet with Yassop, I'm sorry." You smile sheepishly and your Captain looks dumbfounded as he stares at you blankly. But you yelp as he suddenly pulls you into his side. When you look up he is staring at you with a burning intensity.
"So you're saying I suffered all day, because of a stupid bet?"
You nervously look to your Captain and mutter a small yes. You swear you capture a glimpse of a relieved smile, but he takes you aback as soon, his lips capture yours.
"You'll pay for that princess."
He murmurs to you teasingly and you laugh before he kisses you once more, warmth igniting within you. His hands are in your hair as your lips move against his more fervently, your touch travels among his bare skin.
"Sure, dude." You mutter.
You can hear Shanks growl lowly in your ear at your response.
- Sabo -
It was a normal day at the Revolutionary Army's base and Sabo hadn't a care in the world. Or at least that's what he thought. Unbeknownst to him, however, were you and Koala planning to make the most of a rare, quiet day. And by making the most of it, you meant ruining Sabo's peace. You were sick of him hanging up on you prematurely and ignoring you when he got too engrossed in a mission.
You both wanted to get him back.
"Come on, [y/n], here he comes!" Koala all but pushes you in the direction of your boyfriend, as she holds a hand to her mouth to stop her giggles. You roll your eyes but wink in her direction, hiding your own grin as you approach. It was just a small prank, after all, nothing to worry about. As you get closer, Sabo looks up from a map he was observing and he smiles at you.
"Love! Take a look, it's for the next mission Dragon-san set us."
You smile softly at his devotion but continue on your secret task at hand; you know Koala is somewhere still watching.
"Looks cool, man. Have you gotten far with the planning yet?"
Sabo is about to reply, but he suddenly freezes when the words you say click in his mind. You stifle a grin, as you watch his eyebrows furrow together and his lips downturn. He gazes at you, but instead of the loving stare you had just seen, all you see is confusion and slight worry.
"Love, is something wrong?"
You smile softly trying not to let it turn into a grin.
"No, of course not... man."
Sabo freezes once more in disdain at the choice of your words. His keen eyes seem to travel yours looking for answers, and you can see his increasing frustration when he finds none. However, he seems to stop when he sees something behind you.
You hear a squeak and you know that it is a Koala, most likely spotted by your boyfriend. You see his lips quirk upwards slightly. Trying to keep up a facade you try to save it by interrupting him.
"Anyway, we should really be getting back to the-"
But your boyfriend seems to have caught onto the game you both were playing and he leans into you teasingly.
"Really, love? Why is Koala hiding behind the wall over there?"
"I don't see anyone." You say as you try to play dumb, but the grin on Sabo's face only widens. Your smile on the other hand wavers and it slowly turns to a pout as you realise he has caught on so quickly.
You turn your face away from your boyfriend defiantly but Sabo is quick to reach out and keep you facing him. You look so pretty to him, even when you're upset. Sabo lets out a low chuckle, but when you meet his eyes you are surprised to see the adoration and relief etched within.
"You know, love. If you wanted attention, you could've just asked."
He leans forward and kisses your pouting lips until he feels them upturn against his once more.
- Crocodile -
As you wait in your shared chambers after lord knows how long, your bored mind starts to wander. You come up with an idea that may not be a good idea in the face of a former warlord of the sea, but you already find yourself convinced. Crocodile had been busy the past weeks and you had barely seen him. You missed him but it also made you petty.
You find yourself hiding a grin when your stoic boyfriend makes his way into the room. He seems tired and smoke still blows from the cigar in his mouth. You stand instantly, giving him a kind smile and you momentarily see his eyes soften at the sight of you. You gently pry the jacket from his broad shoulders and hang it up on the wall.
"Evening, love."
His words are murmured lowly in your ear as he walks past. Your heart thrums faster in your chest, but you decide to go through with your little game anyway.
"Evening, pal. How was your day?"
Your words are softly spoken and soothe Crocodile's raging mind after a strenuous day. However, as soon as he picks up the change in the name you call him, irritation brims, causing his eyes to sharpen when he turns to you.
"What was that?"
Your boyfriend's voice is anything but even. It takes on a deadly edge but you know that despite his tenacious nature, he wouldn't exactly do anything to you for a small prank. Or at least that's what you thought, and so you continued.
"What was what, pal?"
You have to fight a grin at the decomposition of your boyfriend's usually sure facade. But soon, the smile on your face fades and in its place anticipation thrums through you. Your boyfriend is suddenly hovering in front of you, a hand placed surprisingly gently under your chin and forcing you to look at him.
"Don't start now, love." He growls lowly into your ear, and your heart picks up pace from the sudden proximity. You feel yourself falter, but you are determined to see your little plan through.
"What are you talking about, pal?"
If it weren't for the intensity in his stare, you would've laughed at the almost comical name you called such a serious individual. However, Crocodile seems to have had a long day, and now as his beloved seems to want to play games, the day seems scarcely over; punishment is in order.
"I think it's time you remember, exactly who you're calling pal."
You let out a gasp as he hoists you over his shoulder, and you struggle only for a minute before giving in.
You should've known that messing with Crocodile would come with consequences.
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backwzzds · 1 year ago
Plug!Zoro x Black Reader. It’s literally 4 am right now and I cannot get him off my mind like just imagine him pulling up and his dark green hellcat for a late night drop but really he’s trying to give you more than just weed 😵‍💫
i never even thought of plug!zoro omg…cuz u onto sum!
like literally i can imagine zoro being that chilled n laid back typa plug. unlike eren or even connie, not a lot of people even know that he sells. he’s the type of plug that has like a set list of customers, and the only way you could cop from him is if one of his already-customers vouched for you to him.
it’s not that he’s scared of getting caught or anything, zoro can give less than a shit about that. but he just didn’t like having his business out there like that. in addition, he didn’t even mean to become a trustworthy ‘plug’ in the first place when his dumb ass accidentally ended up growing some fire ass weed one night. this is purely a hobby for him, one he just happens to make mad bread from!
you on the other hand would be on zoro’s client list through his close friend robin. you forgot how you even got close with him, but that’s how long you’ve known zoro. you could hit him up at any time at night and best believe that blacked out, tinted, emarald green scat pack would be parked outside your house within the half hour.
you couldn’t help but open the door for zoro before he even had the chance to walk in like he usually found himself doing. there was some sexual tension there, you both knew that. but you knew yourself well enough to know that if you gave yourself to zoro, you were never getting your soul back.
“hey mama.”
“man, bout time you got my shit.” the drug dealer gives you a lopsided grin before briefly smiling, flashing you the shiny gold of his canine grill piece. zoro holds up a back and smirks at you. this man would be so fine with the way he’d pat your ass the moment you turned around to let him inside the house.
with a little jump from his grip on you, you playfully roll your eyes at him before taking a seat on the couch. with a small joke, you tease, “31 minutes to get here, that mean my bud free?”
“tch,” the man gives you a quick suck of his teeth as he rests his gun on your coffee table before grabbing your rolling tray and pouring bud on it. “you always get this shit for free, don’t even play with me.” you giggle and throw your feet on his lap underneath the tray as you watch him roll up for the night. “we testing six tonight?”
“are you trying to kill me?” you gasp.
“nah, not when i can do something else,” zoro teased, not even looking in your eyes as he started to seal the first blunt with his saliva. but he doesn’t miss the way your brown cheeks flush a deep red and you look away from his pretty face. he chuckles at your nervousness around him. you were so cute.
six said blunts in, and you were both gone. here you were, perched nearly in zoro’s lap as you yapped his ear off.
“nah, cuz i see the way you be lookin’ at her,” you teased, recalling the memory of some mutual friend of yours, flirting with zoro.
“yeah, so?” zoro teased. “she’s annoying as shit. don’t want her.”
you gasp loudly before giggling. “zee! that’s so mean!”
zoro chuckled, “i didn’t say anything wrong. besides, i got someone else being a pain in my ass right now. i’m good with that,” his voice drops an ovtave as he shoves his face in the crook of your neck. your hand can’t help but fly to his green hair and run your fingers through it.
“damn, imma pain in your ass huh?”
“fine as fuck too,” zoro muttuers, kissing along your neck. “you gonna let me give you sum’n besides bud tonight?”
your breath falters as you feel zoro move his kisses as his hands traveled all over your body. his large hands find their way underneath your pajama shirt and they grip at the fat of your tit, possessively squeezing the flesh in his hand. “yeah? what?”
“could give you dick or head. your pick, mama.” between your legs nearly tingle at his reserved nickname for you. soon after, zoro’s kisses trail across your face as he’s pecking all over your lips. “‘m stayin’ the night either way though.”
you can’t help but test your influence over the plug by teasing him. “ion know, you me playing round. how i know you don’t just wanna fuck me and dip?”
zoro rolls his eyes and slowly shoves his hands down your pajama shorts, finding your already wet heat. with a lopsided smirk, he looks at you malevolently. “yeah, i think you’d like it if i stayed tonight too.”
“nah i don’t think my nigga’ll like that,” you tease, just pulling his leg. at the sight of his glock laid out against your coffee table, you add, “he got a gun you know. like to shoot people. like real scary shit.”
zoro can’t help but smile into your skin as he pulled you into him. “he sure do.”
“oooh, fuck!” you’re damn near struggling to breath as zoro has you split against his cock. “you’re reaching so deep, daddy.”
“yeah, daddy reaching deep in that little pussy baby?” zoro teased as he gave you long and deep strokes. “tell him how much you like that shit mama.”
“so much, daddy. like it so much,” you cried, holding the back of your knees up as far as you could. “gonna cum soon.”
“i know baby, i know,” zoro mutters as he thumbs circles against your puffy clit. “gonna show you that this pussy’s all mine. ‘s all mine right? no one else’s?”
you’re breathing hard as you watch the site of where you two connect. “all yours, zee.” a white ring soon forms against the brownish base of zoro’s cock, highlighting the mix of both your arousals.
eventually, you begin to feel overstimulation peak your adrenaline, so out of instinct, you can’t help but rest your small hands on zoro’s pelvis not exactly pushing him away, but instead trying to relieve the own pressure between your legs.
“man move your hand,” zoro kissed his teeth, but you were too fucked out to even listen.
“‘s too much!” you whined.
ignoring your pleas, zoro gravs both your legs and rests them on your shoulders, watching as the gold anklet he bought you dangle by his ears. “mama move your hand or imma move that shit for you, don’t play with me.”
immediately, you move your hand but let out a sharp cry when zoro grips your hips tight and begins to drill your shit with no mercy. “o-oh my go—“
“can’t help you now, pretty.” zoro gave you his million dollar smirk as he began to rub your nipples between his fingers. “fuck, ‘m almost there baby. gonna cum soon.”
“gonna cum soon daddy?” you whine, grabbing his hand. zoro uses his free own to wrap around your neck, lightly squeezing as he watched you effortlessly submit to him.
“mhm,” zoro hummed, feeling the familiar knot tie in his stomach. gosh, he loved fucking you in missionary like this. he loved looking in your eyes and watching all the love you had for him just flow right down to the juices of your waterpark pussy.
it was rare that a smoke session with him didn’t turn into this man fucking you an inch from pure insanity. zoro was crazy and he proved it each time he stroked his dick deep inside you and flooded you with all of him.
“damn girl, this pussy’s so fuckin’ good,” the drug dealer muttered to himself. “all fuckin’ kine. no one’s fuckin’ you like this but me, ya hear?”
you immediately nod your head, finally feeling yourself cum against him. “i’m coming zee! i’m coming i’m com—!” your screams are cut short as your legs shook around zoro’s shoulders
“might be a little selfish and might just put a baby in you,” zoro smirked down at you. “you’d want that pretty? want me to fill you up and make you a mama?”
“yes,” you whined, feeling your energy slowly drain as you continued to cream against him and the sheets. “please come in me, zoro!”
“sure you want it baby? gotta use your words mama.” zoro bites down on his lip as he tries to hold himself back from drilling into you like a madman.
“mhm, yes zee! cum in me please!”
the greenhead takes a deep breath as he feels his dick twitch inside your warm gummy walls. with the green light, he uses the last inch of stamina left in him to completely wreck you. “fucking hell, that’s it, mama. that’s it. just like that. milk me for all i fucking got—fuck!”
you’re left breathless as zoro fills you up and then some, his cum dripping out of your gaping hole and onto the sheets below you. with a collapse beside you, the plug pulls you into his chest and places chaste kisses all along your face.
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zorosangell · 4 months ago
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⛥゚・。 onigiri
synopsis: zoro's on a training binge and refuses to bathe... that is, unlesss its with you (let's be real he would absolutely do this shit)
cw: nsfw (implied), lots and lots of comfort, zoro's a little emotionally constipated, you and nami are besties, he really does love you a whole lot, etc.
a/n: just wanted to let you guys know that both this and piña colada are filler chapters in protector. i haven't posted all the chapters on here but if you wanna read it on wattpad then heres the link: PROTECTOR--wattpad
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"(y/n)! You have to save us! I can't take it anymore!" Nami exclaimed, bursting into the kitchen with a dramatic flourish. 
You paused mid-shaping, looking up from your rice ball and raising a brow.
"Nami? What's up?" you asked, confused, and a little concerned. "Is everything alright?"
"No... it's not..." she sniffled, walking up to the bar and taking a seat before slumping herself over the counter. "And it's all Zoro's fault..."
With a small smile, you quelled your original worries, allowing your shoulders to sink and your hands to return to their work.
"What'd he do this time?" you chuckled, carefully kneading the rice in your hands, molding it into a triangle. "Leave his sweaty towels on the ground again?"
"Shook the deck by dropping one of his heavy weights?"
"Even worse..."
You hummed with thought, doing your best to recall the worst of your swordsman's many transgressions against your navigator.
"Ate the tangerines off one of your trees without asking?"
"Somehow even worse than that..."
You gave up with a laugh, unable to come up with anything else.
"I fold," you smiled, patting a thick piece of seaweed onto the rice ball. "What'd he do?"
"It's this stupid training binge!" Nami groaned, lifting her head from the counter. "He's been working out in the crow's nest for six days straight! And he's starting to stink up the ship!"
Frustrated, she slammed her fist on the wood, her grip tightening with hilarious fury.
"I tried to go up there and get him to bathe, but he completely blew me off!"
With a huff, her gaze lifted to you, and almost immediately softened, curbing her anger if only by a hair.
"You know this warrior-training nonsense better than I do... so could you please talk him into washing his ass? Pretty please!" she pleaded, clasping her hands together and  throwing on her best puppy dog face. "At this rate, he's gonna fumigate the whole Sunny..."
With a soft grin, you nodded, placing your finished onigiri on a plate with the rest of them.
"I got it covered," you assured, picking up the plate and walking out from behind the counter. "Don't worry about the thing."
"Thank you, (y/n)!" she cheesed, jumping up from her seat and throwing her arms around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. "Have I ever told you how much I love ya?"
You chuckled, using your free-hand to return it happily.
Your best friend never failed to make you smile.
"I don't think you'd ever let me forget."
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"Zoro? You still in here?" you called, peeking your head into the crow's nest, the rhythmic shink of his weights letting you know he was, indeed, still in here.
Though, before you could hear a response, you were bombarded by a smell that could only come from a man immersed in his work.
'Or immersed in his musk...'
Fighting off the urge to scrunch your nose, you walked further into the room, the shadows giving way and revealing the man of the hour in all his sweaty glory, toiling away with a freakishly large and heavy weight.
"5566... 5567... 5568... 5569... 5570..."
You watched quietly, with both awe and intrigue, as he swung the weight around with perfect control, almost as if it was a training sword.
His back muscles rippled and twitched with each minute movement, stretching and flexing to accommodate the weight's large size, the veins in his forearms and neck bulging with concentration.
Not to mention his grunts of effort, which were awfully similar to how he sounded when he—
"Y'need somethin', (y/n)?" Zoro asked, ripping you from your thoughts, while still keeping up his cadence and count. 
A tinge of warmth settled on your cheeks, having been caught, but you quickly shoved it away, focusing on the task at hand.
"You've been at this for a while, Zo'," you started, flying into the air and toward one of the even larger weights that sat across from him, taking a seat. "I think it's time you took a break."
"Can't," he grunted out, his swing in perfect sync. "I gotta get to ten-thousand... Then I've got a high intensity leg circuit... before I switch over to core."
To, quite literally, anyone else, this workout would kill them.
"But it's almost midnight. And from what I've seen, you've only slept for two hours in the past week," you added, concerned.
"That's part of my training," he huffed, grinding out his 5863rd swing. "On the battlefield... I won't be well rested... gotta make sure I can still be at top form in this state..."
You sighed, jumping down and landing next to him.
You should've known this was gonna be a struggle.
"That, I understand... but the least you can do is take the rest of the night off. You can always start back up in the morning," you tried again, a little firmer. "Besides, you smell... over-worked."
But he, yet again, denied, this time saying nothing at all, the shink-shink of his weight filling the silence.
You huffed, cheeks puffing with frustration.
'Looks like I'll have to pull out the big guns...'
Slyly, you rested your hand on his shoulder, his movement halting and flesh tensing under your touch.
"C'mon, Zo'... just one little bath?" you pleaded, your voice lowering to a sultry tone, one you knew made him agree to almost anything. "I promise I'll do all the work... you won't have to lift a finger."
Looking at your face, Zoro couldn't help the sudden extra beat to his heart, as it was something he became accustomed to while being in your presence. 
He didn't understand why his knees felt weak when you talked to him like that, or why the tension in his shoulder was magically relieved by your touch.
But what he did understand was that he now had the sudden urge to sit down.
You were dangerous.
With an "annoyed" groan, he caved, dropping his weight and allowing you to take his hand, leading him toward the exit of the crow's nest with a giddy smile.
And though he tried to mask it, he couldn't help but be infected by your warmth, the feeling so potent that he had to physically bite back his smirk.
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"How's the water?" you asked, picking Zoro's discarded clothes off the ground and tossing them in the hamper as he sank into the large bath.
He let out a heavy sigh, allowing his eye to softly drift shut, "Amazing," he admitted, resting his arms on the tub's rim. "Nice 'n' hot, how I like it."
Internally, you pumped your fist in victory, covering your tracks by turning your back to lay out one of his towels.
With a grin, you grabbed the plate you'd rested on a nearby table, "Y'hungry? I made some onigiri."
He glanced at you with a slightly widened eye, pleasantly surprised.
He forgot you could cook.
Before Sanji joined up, you were the one who cooked for the crew, grilling, frying, and sauteing whatever the guys could catch.
And from what the swordsman could remember, it was pretty damn good, but he hadn't had your cooking since Water 7.
"I figured you would need a little pick me up after all that training, so I stuffed 'em full of sea king meat."
Tentatively, he took one off the plate, staring at it as if it was some sort of alien thing.
You combined his two favorite foods...
You knew his two favorite foods...
"You didn't have to do all this..." he stated, glancing up at you.
"No shit," you lightly chuckled, taking a seat on the ledge. "I know I didn't have to. I wanted to."
Sending a feather, you snatched the shampoo from the bathroom counter, bringing it back to you.
"You've been working hard... so I figured you deserved something nice."
Just as you were about to squeeze some into your hand, Zoro realized you still had your clothes on, and was suddenly confused.
"You're not getting in?" he asked, muffled by the delicious, stress-melting food in his mouth.
You paused, turning to him with a raised brow, "Did you want me to?"
And without an ounce of hesitation—
Your chest buzzed at his quick answer, and you gave him a warm smile before standing up and turning around, pulling off your shirt and tugging down your shorts.
And with your back turned, Zoro allowed himself to gawk freely, eyes greedily taking in the soft curves of your body as they were revealed to him.
Your hair swished past your hip as you bent over to pull your shorts off your ankles, giving him a perfect view of the globe of your ass, along with a tiny peek at your core.
How he was going to keep it together, he had no clue.
"Alright," you sighed, carefully stepping into the water before situating yourself back on the ledge, squeezing some shampoo into your hand. "Gimme your head."
Smoothly, he moved over to sit between your legs, facing the wall as your fingers carded through his hair, massaging his scalp in a way he never thought possible.
It felt like heaven.
You let out a small chuckle as his head practically fell into your lap, heart nearly melting as his eye slid shut with a content hum.
With that as motivation, you pulled out all the stops, raking your nails through his hair, using your thumbs to massage the pressure points behind his ears, peppering kisses along his hairline.
The whole nine.
At one point, you were almost completely positive he fell asleep.
When you finished, you used a pitcher to carefully rinse the suds out, making sure all the shampoo was gone before finally sliding into the tub yourself.
But before you could do anything else, Zoro quickly grabbed your hips, carefully pulling you into his lap.
He didn't say anything, but his eyes made it perfectly clear what he wanted you to do.
And, of course, you obliged, grabbing a sponge and softly gliding it across his chest, pressing kisses on his bruises, your power healing them away.
You went on like this across his entire body, diligent in making sure you didn't miss a single one, completely oblivious to the look he was giving you, or the feeling in his chest.
It was as if you were hanging the stars in the sky right before his eyes.
The man wasn't used to so much love and affection all at once, and he was beginning to realize that he'd barely shown you any.
His heart and his head began feeling as heavy as lead, guilt digging into his chest at the revelation.
 The last thing he wanted was for you to think he didn't care about you, because, in all actuality, it was the complete opposite.
"You alright, Zo'?" you asked, tenderly cupping his cheek in your hand, brows furrowed in concern at his sudden shift in expression. "You want me to stop?"
"No," he firmly assured, adjusting his grip on your waist and abruptly hiking you up higher on his lap.
You let out a small yelp of surprise at the sudden movement, though your attention was quickly stolen by the man staring up at you, his eyes swimming with hesitation and uncertainty.
Smoothly, one of his hands slid up to the small of your back, his thumb drawing small, anxious circles on your flesh.
"I..." he paused, taking a few more seconds to gather his thoughts. "I'm not good at this..."
Your face fell almost instantly, confused, "What are you talking about?"
"This," he clarified, glancing at the bath, shampoo, and empty plate. "Gestures... romance... it's not exactly my thing."
He let out a sigh, the sound, along with his expression, making it clear that we was beating himself up over the matter.
"But I want to try... for you..."
A warm smile settled on your lips, his honesty both incredibly appreciated and incredibly admirable.
His communication skills had come a long way.
"Can't promise I'll be as mushy as Curly Brow... or the gentlemen Nami thinks I should be—"
"You wouldn't be you if you were," you assured with a grin, resting your hands on his chest. "If I wanted a mushy, gentle guy, I'd pick up any guy on the street. And you, Zoro, are not any guy on the street."
You let out a small chuckle, resting your forehead on his.
"Besides, I like my guys a little rough."
"Oh, do you, now?" he smirked, teasingly, his hand coming around to cup the back of your neck, pulling you close.
You let out a happy squeal as he pressed his lips against yours, your body melting into him instantly.
As you relished the feeling of his strong hands gliding against your skin, you kissed him back, using your position on his lap to get the angle on him and further deepening the kiss.
Both of you were outpouring gallons upon gallons of emotion, the atmosphere so heavy and passionate that as far as you both were concerned, there was no one but the two of you on the ship.
Though, to Sanji's severe disappointment, and Nami's severe annoyance, it was not just you two on the ship.
You and Zoro's little After-Bath "party" in the bathroom was heard by everyone on the crew (except for Chopper, thankfully), and marked the last time Nami ever asked you to make Zoro take a bath. 
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pinejayy · 7 months ago
╰┈➤ Traitor || One Piece x Reader
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featuring: monkey d. luffy, trafalgar law and eustass kid
summary: you leave them and go your separate ways, including leaving the crew. after two years they come across you and you’ve joined a new crew…
warnings: angst, spoilers, curse words, corazon mentioned, death threat..
Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy is completely heart broken, how could you…the first person who he’s fallen in love with, just join The Blackbeard Pirates. Yes he knows you guys didn’t end off in good terms but seeing with in this crew made his blood boil. And of course it made Luffy worry for you…
How could you! Join the crew of the man who caused his bother’s death. The man who threw Ace into the arms of death. He hates you….but god damn….he cares about you.
Even the rest of The StrawHats were disappointed. How pity can one person be?
But deep down Luffy still had feelings for you, and he desperately wanted you back into his life, in his arms….back on the Sunny.
“How could you! I trusted you….Y/N…please answer me!” Luffy yelled at you, and you just stood there aloof. You didn’t expect to run into your ex lover here. Thankfully he was alone…
You just sighed and looked away “Look Strawhat…Teach offered me a spot on his crew when I was at my lowest, when you weren’t there for me.” You spat out, Luffy cringes at the name ‘Strawhat.’ It felt more harsher coming from you. “Please Y/N….come back to the Sunny…we miss you..I miss you.” He pleaded, and stepped towards your direction and to which you immediately back away.
“No..” To which broke Luffy even more. “Look you ruined what we had between us with your childish behavior. And I needed a crew who doesn’t mess around.”
“Please don’t go! Please!! He’ll take you away like he did with Ace!” He began to cry out, falling onto his knees. Getting some looks from people around. To which you turn you head and began walking away. Leaving him in a broken state..
“Y/N PLEASE COME BACK! DON’T LEAVE ME!” He yelled out and sobbed out as he watched you leave. To which Zoro came running to his side. “PLEASE…I need you there when I become King of the Pirates..”
Trafalgar Law
Law knew when you guys went your separate ways it wasn’t on good terms, both of you had different opinions on life and he was too busy with his Captain Duties to deal with you. But when he found out that you were apart of the Doflamingo family he was completely heart broken.
He’s told you past stories about this man and how much of a monster he was and the second you guys go your separate ways you decide to join his stupid family.
Law doesn’t know if you’re really that stupid or really that pity. But it hurts…
But watching you in the arms of that man made him go feral. He still cared deeply for you…Doflamingo probably forced you into his arms right…RIGHT?!
Law eyes widen as he watched you walk in the room, he was currently chained up with sea stone making him helpless. He struggled against the cuffs “Y/N…please don’t tell me you’re with him..” He pleaded, his eyes began to gloss over. He was trying to keep his emotions in check. But seeing you with this monster was going to break him.
Law came to Dressrosa with Luffy to put a stop to Doflamingo but he didn’t expect you to be here as well. You watch Law struggle against the chains to which Doflamingo laughed at his attempts. “Poor Law, didn’t expect your little ex toy here?” He mocked.
“Y/N isn’t a toy! Don’t call them that!” He yelled at him, and he looks at you. “Please Y/N…what are you doing with this man…you know what he’s capable of doing…” Law struggled even more, hissing at the pain. He watched you, and what broke his heart even more that you didn’t even speak. Did Doflamingo do something?! This man is capable of killing you and it’s hurting Law.
“Now Y/N be a doll and let’s get going we have important business to attend to.” He said and patted your head to which you smile and nod, walking out of the room leaving both men alone.
Doflamingo smirked as he watched Law. “Reminds me of Corazon.” Making Law tense up, he didn’t say anything he just kept staring. “You know Law…I’ll make sure the day I kill Y/N, I’ll do it front of you.” He smirks out, and stood up. Which left Law speechless. And with that Doflamingo is walking towards the door. “I’ll make sure to send Y/N off to wherever Corazon is..” Levaing him alone in the room.
Law just sat there, tears streaming down his face. This man was planning on killing you. And in front of him. First Cora…and now you. He’s going to take everything he cares about. Law just sat there with his head low, sobbing softly. “Y/N…”
Eustass Kid
Kid was pissed off, how could you! How could go running around with the Red Hair Pirates!! They are the reason why he lost an arm! He was pissed off, he wanted to yell at you.
Yes! Yes Kid knew that when you guys broke up it wasn’t the most nicest words in exchange but he didn’t know you were going to be a pity bitch and join that one armed bastard. Shanks!
Now he looks at you like a backstabbing person and he doesn’t tolerate backstabbers, and he promises the next time he comes across you he’ll make your life a living hell. He’ll beat up Shanks! And right in front of you!
Kid really hates Shanks, what you have a type red hair pirates with one arm. Kid won’t admit it but seeing you with Shanks and his crew he’s heart broken, he can’t believe he shared his feelings with you.
“What the hell! Are you fucking stupid Y/N! How could you join a crew like Shanks!” He yelled at your direction, and you couldn’t help but hide behind Shanks. And this made Kid rage even more. How pathetic could you be?! “You back stabbing bitch…” He growled at your direction.
To which you narrowed your eyes and scoffed. But you decided not to give in, so you turn your head around and look away from Kid’s harsh eyes. And he was stomping his feet on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum. “Look at me! Please! You fucking bitch! Look at me!”
“That’s enough Kid. I don’t appreciate you talking to one of my crew members like that especially towards Y/N.” Shanks replied, to which Kid laughed at his face. “Screw you!”
And before you know it, there was a battle between Kid and Shanks, well it was more like Kid being thrown against something and falling. You couldn’t help but look away. Not wanting to see the aftermath…no…
Just covering your ears…and wanting this to end…
Everything soon came to an end with the Victoria Punk into pieces and Eustass Kid thrown into sea…swallowing him into his watery death..
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vyainide · 3 months ago
ㅤㅤㅤ౨ৎ luffy, zoro, law & afterglow
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2024 ©1864RERUNS
includingㅤ━ㅤmonkey d. luffy, roronoa zoro, trafalgar d. law
tag(s)&warning(s). gn! reader, description of the body remains neutral, slightly suggestive, zoro and luffy SUCK at aftercare and it's not my fault; law is marginally better, implied oral (f!receiving) w/ zoro
from vyon. again, not about lust, this is about love 😝 i hate law so much, i wanna suck him off
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your body, and you have to remind yourself that it is yours, can still feel luffy lingering around unkempt corners and sweltering folds; a vigilant ache in muscles that have always been foreign to you until luffy had ran his mouth over them, slobbering and greedy and unhinged. he's panting over your torso, thighs folded over his calves neatly between yours, and his hands loose on your knees when your legs slip from their purchase on his shoulder. he leaves an unbridled barrage of cold bruises when his hands slips down your calves and wraps loosely around your ankles.
hands opening and closing slowly, he squeezes around the bones; his eyes are quietly adjusting back into the room, his lips swollen in the colour of your skin, rubber melting down into contact spots. you reach out a gentle hand and fingers pushed through his hair, turning up wet strands to lay back and luffy follows fluidly. a sort of whine in his throat from the touch as his neck craned, pulling taut his skin until his collarbone is hardened under the low lights.
he's worn down into a latex, liquid and flowing with every which direction that you tug his hair into; there's a certain amusement in having luffy so quiet, blinking slowly through dots and trying to find a suitable beat for his breathing. you're too tired to take advantage of it much, pulling luffy down onto you. he positively melts.
the sweat on your bodies clinging together as luffy stretches out his legs, shifting upwards and finding his nose at the junction of your neck. his eyes drooped, his pleasant scar tugging into a firm line; breathing hot and decisive panting over your skin, feverish exhales condensing on your neck and ultimately dragging real a scar as it melts downwards.
it'd taken a while to get used to luffy when he was like this— it was rare and strange. his eyes blown wide and foggy; an allure of weeping rainclouds pulled over his irises, you nod your head down and press a kiss over his eyebrows. "hungry?" you ask, voice hoarse and quieter than you expected.
the answer doesn't come. you're not even sure he's heard you; small tremors erupting up his spine as he fixed his head over your chest, intent on hearing your heart. you let him be, running your nails over the burning red stripes that clawed down his back and fighting a smile when he almost winces away from the raw touch. you're malleable underneath him, sinking and falling into a quiet lull of promised dreams with his secure body weighing you down— all twenty one grams and more.
you're just about to slip into sleep when luffy's hand finds purchase on your chest and he flings himself upwards with new founded energy. exhausted, your eyes flicker open to regard him. a new year's wild summer burning in his grin, your skin bursts into a domino of supernovae rapidly imploding and collapsing into itself as he drags his hands all over the place— trying to wipe down the sweat you've built up with just his palms.
you make a displeasured groan, brushing away his hands. "s'okay," you dismiss, "jus' go beg sanji for food."
"ya sure?" his hands pat over your shoulder, dragging moisture away and then taking them back; he assesses them and decidedly stretches out his arms to wipe away the sweat onto the walls.
you pat at the sides of his thigh in affirmation and he grins, a laugh on his lips. he moves himself to get off you— not before turning back down to press a final loud and wet kiss onto your nose. "g'night!"
"we're taking a bath after i wake up," you warn.
harsh fingers loosened around your hips, a splintering rush of electricity has you breaking out on top of zoro, eyebrows furrowed and face all scrunched up. pulled tight around a centre on your nose bridge— a mixture of a whine and a moan deep in your throat and zoro lazily turned up to press his lips against it.
teeth scraping against the cartilage of your trachea, worn in skin, like how a blade runs down a branch to a point; the bite just as soft as the bark, calloused hands scratching up your side and squeezing out tension. zoro is a vision of fog, heavy over a field of running blades of grass that always itch when they're on your skin. his eyebrows are pulled straight, face stretched in that misplaced frown; mouth open as he runs his ragged teeth against your neck.
his tar breath sticky as your head rolls onto his shoulder, struggling to find peace; he keeps you firm against him, like you might spill if he moves his hand away from your back, his thumb pressed up under the bone of your shoulder blade. shifting himself against the pinched end of the hammock, he pulls you down onto his chest and almost winces when you slap a hand against his pecs, picking through his own shivering of pleasure.
"quit it," his lips pulled down into a frown when you squeeze intently.
you don't, finding a new joy, instead, in pressing your thumb down into the fat and then pushing down with each other finger, slowly in a domino effect. you mumble something about 'aftercare' and 'grounding yourself' and 'his fault' and other stuff that zoro can't quite shift responsibilities elsewhere for or find a defence against.
he's never quite out of it like you are, stroking slowly up and down your sides— letting you pat at his chest in moments of three, squeeze, three pats, squeeze. one pat, two pat, three— your hand freezes mid–air and you peek up at zoro, the heaviness of his eyes pulled away from you with the licking pass of air. his chest rises slowly, falls even slower— he's asleep, or well, close to falling asleep.
you wonder why he's holding on.
"why'd you stop?" he grumbled, turning away sleep when your promised warmth does not come upon his skin.
you stare a little more. "my bad," you let your hand fall, stroke upwards, nails drag across his collarbone. "you gon' sleep?" the spilling seed of your loving creed dressed his face, undisturbed and unmoving, a shine that is coloured in the hues of zoro's skin underneath the dim lamps of the boys' dorms.
his answer is an affirming sound made with his throat. "you wanna shower first?"
"what?" your jerk almost has you toppling off of the hammock, both surprised and scared that zoro would take the initiative to put off sleep for something like showering.
his hand slammed onto your shoulder, pulling you back down. "what're you doing? s'fine if you don't wanna— shitty cook has stupid ideas anyways."
ah, so it was a sanji special. you'd love a shower personally but there's a smugness about zoro's face that you quite like seeing; you shift upwards, pressing a kiss against his neck. "nah, we can shower after."
the ache in your spine sings a litany of sighs when law shifts the weight used to hold down the curve away, lighter as it turns upwards; his hand wraps gently against your nape as his chest pressed down against your back. the touch feels like the catch of a match against its box, his skin slips against yours and his sweat drips into gasoline over the embers that he's left.
you burn, you ache— more than anything, you want.
"need a minute?" he asks, as gentle and kind as he lets himself be. death blurs into your vision when his fingers picks away a mess of strands from your face; his voice churns your guts like a hymn, a pretty and stoic thing that falls heavy onto your tired brain.
there's a furrow on his brow, unlike the ones that plagues his face on a common day— the usual wrinkles of a frown gone and smoothed down nicely as law waits. you hum a groaning yes. law pulls away, sweeps away the sweat that's clinging over your tire with his shirt, turns you over gently. you fight through the tides of buzzing and stare at law.
the sea paints him an iridescent blue; the same pearly coating of an oyster's core dragged over tanned muscles, each one taut and stretched in a hardened permanence that you've seen only in drawings that depict icarus' fall, a darkened abyss over the curves of his sides; the rest of his face drawn in a stately light. all if not a perfectly heavy heart, worn down and dull in its beating, love hidden in its deep corners and washed in still water.
through your daze, he is a murky presence. he dances all around, shy about being seen but persistent with how he cups water in his hand and tries his best to rub away the unclean in actions that should be below a man of his stature— his hands speak an instruction in their own diatribe of loving you.
you can't help the urge that clicks through you, dislodging a strain in your chest and locking into place all the same— you reach up and clap your hand onto his cheek. his face turned down onto you, amused. "hi," you say, still a little out of touch.
he leaves his shirt over your hips, tilting his head parallel to yours as you lay on your side. "hi," law repeated back to you, more entertained if not anything else. "you see something you like?" he teases, keeping it light.
you hum, then you draw him in. "i do." and law flushes— because he's like that, always shy and quiet around love that he can't deny, can't hide from with the brim of his hat. you feel his heat once more as his palm folds over your side, turning over to your back and dragging his knuckles down your spine. law's touch is always an annoying lingering kind, apt to lurk and loiter; as his hand drags down your back, his tongue turns around yours, soft and sweet.
coaxing out a breath and finding the familiar pattern of your teeth over his tongue, he lets you brush your hands upwards into his hair, tugging desperately for something neither of you have the words for and plays nice until he feels innocent desperation bloom into vulgar need— then, he'll pull back, tugging on your bottom lip as he goes.
"the crew are gonna come back soon." he tells you, not seeming upset about it.
you groan, pulling back from him. "killjoy."
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