#and youre smiling and so happy and hes literallyyy about to go to the back and curl up in a corner
6okuto · 2 months
barista!keiji who memorizes your usual 3 orders after he first learns your name, takes another 3 to build the courage to compliment your outfit, and another 2 to finally start a conversation while you wait by the counter on a quiet day—only to feel his heart twist into a knot 2 orders later when you bring a date to your "favourite café" and smile at him with another person's coat draped over your shoulders
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katsumiiii · 2 years
Anyways thinking about Katsuki with a little girl and how he cannot say no bc his little girl is a daddies girl 😔 she wants daddy to do her hair and he will do it with no complaints whatsoever bc whatever his little girls wants, his little girl gets, however he is also a pretty good father, bc i like to think he's much closer to his dad than his mother, bc his dad is so mellow but only gets nervy when his milf of a wife is like she hulk, and Katsuki listens to his advice and understands that no dad is the same, and no dad is perfect and Katsuki has a lot of trouble accepting that he won't be the perfect dad bc he wants his little girl to see him as this great man, but he understands that she might, but with a little flaws
So when she comes to him with her first heartbreak, he immediately goes into anger mode but then remembers how he couldn't go to his parents with that issue, and immediately calls you for help because he has no idea how to help
It's a learning experience for everyone, and no doubt his little girl listens and learns too because in every photo they have together, he smiles, because he didn't with his parents and he'll be damned if he makes his little girl suffer or cry.
One time he did and tried his best to fix ot by giving her his black card,,,,,,, and it was maxed out an HOUR LATER
but if anything Katsuki is so grateful to have you by his side because he wouldve been dubbed worst dad ever if it weren't for your help, and if anything it makes his love for you grow
literallyyy yes like if katsuki ever had a daughter she’d definitely be a daddy’s girl. like he’d just spoil her rotten and have a hard time saying no so that would leave you to do the discipline. and I also feel like the older he gets the more willing he is to ask for help. like when he was younger he used to think it was almost taboo to ask someone for assistance, but now he asks you for help everydayyy when it comes to his daughter.
and I’d pray she never gets upset with him because he’d just be devastated. kinda piggy backing on your daughter heartbreak thingy, let’s say she were to get a bf and katsuki find out right. and yk he’s all in ‘protective dad mode’ bc nobody can treat his little girl right in his eyes. so he does the cliché and scares off her little bf right. so his daughter finds out and is just lividdddd, I mean smoke coming out the ears type pissed.
“no fucking way you just did that shit dad.”
“hey, watch your fuckin’ mouth.” he barks, crossing his beefy arms over his chest. he didn’t rlly understand why she was upset in the first place. the boy was just some little punk katsuki scared off, and now he’s getting lip for it?
“dad, I’m at an age where I’m going to start bringing guys home that I like.”
“not in this house sweetheart.”
“and in what other house would I being doing it in?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know, but not this one.”
and she gets all huffy like he usually does and just decides to stomp off before she says something that might get her in real trouble, “whatever.”
and he’s just all wide eyed and confused like he doesn’t know wtf he did wrong ??? doesn’t quite understand that his little sweetheart could even catch an attitude with him, but there’s a first for everything !
you were listening to the whole thing tho and you’re just standing there kinda shaking your head at his obliviousness. he stalks over to you with doe eyes and is all like, “what the fuck just happened?”
“she’s pissed at you kats.”
“yeah but I don’t fuckin’ know why? i ain’t do shit wrong.”
“well then, figure it out.” and you just leave him there all awe struck, going to find your daughter to comfort her.
eventually he gets it after overhearing yalls conversation and grows enough balls to apologize. he realizes that his little girl is going to have other people in her life, other people that make her happy. and though it’s going to take him some time to get used to, he’s as on board with it as he can be!
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