#and you can drive to Melbourne safely
idsb · 8 months
Like zoom out and it’s actually fucking PSYCHO, I am better at anyone in the universe at keeping a smile on my face when shits fucked up and just powering through it being “resilient” etc etc etc but like. JESUS dude. Give me a fucking break. It’s just been comedically bad thing after comedically bad thing and it’s RELENTLESS; I feel like I’m being fucking emotionally water boarded and it’s never going to end
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callmewrinkles3 · 2 years
All Too Well - DR3 x Fem!OC
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Summary: Saying goodbye is hard. Saying goodbye to your family without telling them it’s a final goodbye is even harder. But Em has come to terms that Dan doesn’t love her the same way she loves him, and leaving on her own terms will hurt less than being told he’s ending things. March 2022.
Word Count: 12.3k
Warnings: fighting, all the angst this bad boy can carry, lil bit of a dickhead!Dan, running away from your friends, mentions of death, mentions of motorsport crashes and deaths, moving without telling anyone, lying to family, talk of medical procedures, frank talks about what people want to happen if they can’t decide.
A/N: We’ve kept you waiting, but we hope this was worth the wait! This part of our story is what started us on this madcap adventure together, and it’s a lot of what makes our beloved Em Em. Thank you in advance!
Em stared at the two boarding passes in front of her as she sat in the fancy Heathrow lounge, a caramel latte beside them. Heathrow to Dubai, Dubai to Melbourne. More than twenty hours spent on planes to get to Melbourne, to jump into work and get stuck in at the Australian Grand Prix. And it was the last thing she wanted to do.
She should be excited. She should be so happy because she was about to see the boys after over a week apart, she was about to see Dan. She was finally going to get to see the Ricciardos after almost two years apart. But she was dreading it, the memories from Saudi filling her head as she thought. Em forced her attention to the laptop sitting on her knees, emails up and the one she never thought she’d write sitting in the middle of the screen.
SUB: Resignation Letter
Dear Blake,
Please use this email as my official resignation, effective immediately. I’m sorry that I can’t offer any more notice.
Working with you has been fantastic, and I appreciate everything we’ve gotten to do over the past three years.
Kind regards,
Signing it Emma felt wrong. Emma was for Zak Brown and Andreas Sidle. Christian Horner had used it the one time she was introduced to him at Red Bull. She was always Em or Ems now. Except for Dan, she was his Emmy. But that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Or ever again. If he called her that she thought she might lose the last grip she had on her composure and break.
The email was scheduled and sitting in her outbox to send after the race, and the last thing she did before boarding was reschedule her flight home. Instead of leaving Monday morning with the boys, she was going on Sunday evening. She’d be somewhere over Queensland by the time Blake received the email and the boys would be at least twelve hours behind her. It was enough time to make sure she could be well ahead of them and get away.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She was supposed to be smiling and laughing, and she was supposed to be in Perth right now cuddling her niblings and laughing with Grace and Joe. Learning to cook yet another family recipe and insisting that she and Dan were just friends. She couldn’t even answer the question honestly if they were friends now.
He’d sent her away. The one thing she begged him not to do, the pinkie promise she’d made him give. The only promise she had ever asked him to keep. Not to stay safe while driving, not to do anything else. Not to leave her alone. The near screaming match they’d had in his drivers room that Blake and Michael had to break up. The way he didn’t even look at her but told Blake to “take Ems to the hotel”. How she had tears streaming down her face as she was escorted through the paddock like she wasn’t supposed to be there.
She still didn’t fully believe that she’d dropped her phone in the car. Em shouldn’t even have been in the car alone with Blake, but Dan insisted she went to the hotel room so she went. She was left there alone in Saudi Arabia, where Dan knew she couldn’t leave the hotel. She stared out the window at the smoke from the rockets, completely alone all night until Michael knocked on her door the following morning and she had to pretend everything was fine.
She’d worked from hospitality and as soon as the race finished she changed her flights to go back to London instead of Perth, making up an excuse. And Dan bought that she was going back for her parents.
“Family stuff.” She’d said when he asked.
“Em, you don’t talk to your family much.” She was folding clothes into her case, the one she’d brought that had her Australia clothes already standing fully packed.
“Yeah, but it’s family. My parents have their thirty fifth wedding anniversary in a few weeks, I’m helping plan it.” Only the last part of her words were a lie and she bit her tongue.
“Everyone wants to see you, they all miss you and they keep asking when you’ll be over. The kids miss you.”
“I’ll see them in Melbourne, Dan. You go, enjoy your time at home with them.”
She’d gotten a car to bring her to the airport and Dan hadn’t even asked a question, just a “text me when you land”. There was no hug, no even quick hand squeeze like they usually did in the Middle East. That’s when she knew whatever they were doing. The nearly four years of sleeping together and pretending they weren’t, of the media wondering who she was and why she was always there, was over.
She’d promised herself that she wasn’t going to catch feelings, that it was just sex. That she could do it. That every time she told Dan “y’know, right?” it was purely platonic. That the slow sex was just them wanting to take their time, nothing else. That she hadn’t murmured to Dan to make love to her in Bahrain when they shouldn’t have even been sharing a room after Grosjean’s crash, when he kissed her and held onto her and whispered that he loved her as he entered her.
Because that was sixteen months ago and nothing had changed. It was never going to change between them. Their fight in Saudi had proven it, and now she had to pretend that everything was fine before she said goodbye to the people she loved for the last time.
She couldn’t keep working with Dan when not sleeping with him. She couldn’t watch him fall for another woman, couldn’t get introduced to more people as “Em, my best friend” anymore. She was his Emmy. He was her Danny. And not getting to love him and be loved by him how she wanted to was going to kill her.
The flights were what she expected, Dan had upgraded her tickets to first class like he always did and she wanted to kill him like she always did. She spent the flights and the layovers organising his calendar for the next three months, tracking his flights and cross checking the sponsor events that had been filled in. Everything up to Hungary was booked and ready to go. She checked her watch when she was halfway to Melbourne, realising that he’d be at the Optus event she was usually on his arm for. She was supposed to be there this year, but she told him to take Michelle instead. All the events around the Australian GP that she always went as his plus one, wearing the star necklace he’d gotten her for her birthday, and the matching earrings that were her Christmas present the same year. Her outfit was usually one he’d bought for her against her protests because “let me spoil you” was how he showed that he cared, and she always wore the gold moon ring on her thumb that matched the sun one she’d bought him for his little finger. Most of her wardrobe and all of her everyday jewellery were presents from Dan. Her life was completely entwined with his, and untangling it all was going to hurt.
Her flight got in at god-awful o’clock that Wednesday morning, she’d lost a full day having left London on the Monday evening, but she walked through Melbourne customs with her suitcase glad to just be through. She’d told everyone she’d get an Uber to the hotel and meet them for breakfast, but instead as soon as she appeared in front of the glowing Melbourne sign two small figures ran to her yelling.
“AUNTIE EMMY YOU’RE HERE YOU’RE HERE!” Em dropped her bags and fell to her knees, arms wide open to pull Isaac and Isabella into her and pressing so many kisses to their curly heads.
“I’m here, I’m here. I missed you both so much. So, so much. I’m so sorry I couldn’t see you, I wanted to see you sooner.” Stupid Western Australia and closed borders and not letting people through. Her eyes began shining as she took in the difference in the two kids, Isaac at least a foot taller and losing the childlike way he’d spoken. Isabella had doubled in size, long hair and a child instead of a toddler the last time she’d seen her in person.
“It’s ok, you’re here now! Nana said you’ll sit with us for ev’rything ‘cept the race? Cause we’ve got two years of birthday and Christmas pressies for you!” Isaac looked so proud, grinning as he took her wheeled carry on and pulled it.
“I can’t wait. Who’re you here with?”
“Grandad Joe! He has our sign, Uncle Mike and Uncle Blake told us we had to use all the glitter. We were gonna wait, but I saw you and I wanted a hug. Is that ok?” He looked almost worried of her response, but she ruffled his hair.
“It’s more than ok. All I wanted was hugs from the two of you.”
Isabella clung to her waist, Em lifting her up with one arm and mentally thanking Michael for the strength training that let her carry the girl and pull her suitcase with her. She looked around to see Joe holding a giant piece of bright orange card, Auntie Emmy written on it in blue and silver glitter. It was the shiniest thing she’d ever seen in her life, and it was coming home with her even with the craft herpes that would infest her suitcase. Joe pulled her into a one armed hug on the side his granddaughter wasn’t monopolising, pushing a kiss to the side of her forehead that made her want to cry.
“We missed you, kiddo. Grace wanted to be here but we couldn’t fit her in the car too, and Dan’s doing media today. You cut it tight to get in.”
“It’s my parents wedding anniversary next week, I’ve been helping. I have to fly out after the race on Sunday.” It was Wednesday, and she could see his face fall as he realised how little time they’d have together.
“We’re spending as much time with you as we can until you go. Those boys get you all year round, we get you for this weekend.”
“That sounds perfect.”
When they made it to the hotel Em was greeted with yet more hugs from Grace, Michelle, and Michelle’s husband Adam. There were tears in everyone’s eyes at the reunion, and the long hug from Grace was the best thing ever and broke her heart at the same time. It was so restorative, so good, but she wasn’t going to get many more of them.
“Dan checked you in, here’s your key. He’s got the room on the other side of you, Blake’s on the other wall, we’re most of our corridor. Do you want to get some sleep and we’ll call you at noon?”
The first thing Em noticed about her room was the adjoining door between her room and Dan’s. She closed the lock gently to make sure she was completely alone. After that she napped fitfully, waking up to knocks on the door and yet more hugs. The day was spent going to the zoo, kids hanging out of her as she swung them around and gave piggybacks, feeling exactly like part of the family. Blake told her to take the day off for jet lag, and she wasn’t complaining.
That evening was filled with fun as the kids clung to her while she pulled out the first of so many presents. Chocolate first so she could see their faces eating proper chocolate rather than the Australian stuff that didn’t melt in the heat. The bag of duty free was quickly eaten between everyone, a movie on tv as she filled everyone in on what she had been doing. It wasn’t until after eight that Dan appeared wearing a suit.
“Ems! I thought you were coming with me tonight?” She looked up from where she’d been half dozing with Isabella curled up against her, taking in her best friend wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt.
“Coming to what? I’m taking today for jet lag. What’s tonight?”
“The AusGP reception. You always come!” Confusion was written all over his face and Em swallowed once, looking at him carefully.
“I said I wasn’t doing anything this year. I have to leave pretty much straight after the race, I don’t have time.”
“Emmy, please.” She hated that she couldn’t resist him when he did that, when her name curled around his accent like that.
“I don’t have anything to wear.” This was the closest they’d ever come to an argument in front of his family. Their eyes were going between them as if watching a tennis match.
“I got you something.”
“Dan, you can’t do that.” It was pointless to argue but she had to try make her point. She couldn’t just do everything because he wanted her to.
“I did. C’mon, it’s three hours and some schmoozing and we can come back so you can go to bed. He did his best impression of puppy dog eyes, lifting Isabella from her. “You want to see Auntie Emmy all glam and pretty, right Is?”
“Yeah! She’s always pretty.”
“You’re very right. I left the dress in your room, Ems. Please?”
She said her goodbyes and went into her room, making sure the adjoining door was locked before going into shower and change. As she walked into the bathroom she thought she heard the door rattle but ignored it, forcing herself to take time to put herself together.
Years travelling around the world had taught her how to make herself look presentable in very little time, forcing her to learn how to do a blow dry with a hotel hairdryer. It took less than an hour to have hair and makeup perfectly done, a wrap around her shoulders and a pair of heels on her feet. The dress Dan had picked was perfect for her. It was lavender, knee length with a corset top, and her jewellery worked perfectly with it. He had taste when it wasn’t about party shirts. Once she was ready she picked up a clutch and knocked on Dan’s door. He opened the door confused, but ready to go.
“I thought you’d use the adjoining door? It’s why I got us these rooms.”
“I’m tired, Dan. Can we just get this over with?”
The launch was like anything else, an event to deal with. There were speeches and then wandering around the room, Dan’s hand hovering at her lower back but not quite touching her. She smiled as she was introduced as “meet Ems, she’s my best friend and my manager’s assistant who keeps my life on track”, even while her heart was breaking. But she kept her cool, finally managing to break away from Dan for a few minutes to chat to Ted and Natalie from Sky while Dan did the rounds.
“I didn’t know if you’d be here. I was talking to Michael yesterday, he said you weren’t in Perth with them,” Ted remarked as Em looked at the almost empty glass of champagne in his hand.
“Is this going to end up as gossip on the notebook if we talk?” Nat nearly snorted with laughter, Ted shaking his head with a chuckle.
“Nope. I’m drinking so I’m officially off work duties. Unless you have any gossip about things? Anything that I can attribute to an unnamed McLaren source?”
“I don’t work for McLaren, thankfully Zak doesn’t sign my paycheque. But no, I’ve got no gossip. There’s some family stuff happening so I have to head home pretty much as soon as the race is over. But I needed to see everyone, it’s been almost two years and I missed them.”
“Fair.” They chatted about the season so far, studiously ignoring the controversy around the last race, until Dan arrived back to make excuses and get them to leave the party.
“Back to the hotel?”
“You read my mind.”
The car ride back was the most awkward one the two of them had ever done and Em didn’t know what to do. Usually if they were in a car alone together they’d be curled into each other or at least holding hands. But she was on her side of the SUV, Dan was on his, and the hand she’d stretched into the middle as a peace offering was ignored. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do with that. Didn’t want to know, really. All his actions did was solidify that the painful decision she’d reached was the right one. Just because things could be easy didn’t mean they were right.
When they reached their floor in the hotel Dan stopped outside her hotel room as Em waved the keycard at the lock.
“Night, Dan.”
“But I thought…”
“What?” She was sharper than she should have been, but she was jet lagged and tired and heart sore.
“I thought we’d be sharing a room.”
“Your family are two doors down and the kids are here. The chances of at least one of them knocking on my door before I want to get up in the morning are high, and I don’t want to have to explain why we share a bed when we’re not married. Do you?”
“Not particularly.”
“Exactly. I’ll see you in the morning.”
As soon as the hallway door closed behind her she double checked the lock on the adjoining door before flipping over the door lock. If she’d looked out the peephole she would have seen a confused and disappointed Dan standing in the hallway.
The next few days passed in a haze of having the kids around, working, and ignoring Zak. She knew he was the original source of the rumours the year before, he was the one who got Mazepin to start spreading that she was sleeping with all three of her boys. It was her greatest pleasure to get to tell him no, and she did it with joy.
But in between finalising as much as she could before her resignation was sent she had time to wander Melbourne alone. She loved the city. It had always welcomed her in, it was Dan’s home race and the place where she knew everyone adored him. Em wandered around a craft market, finding a jewellery maker who made gold charms and engraved them on the spot. It took her all of ten seconds to buy two and get them put on different coloured leather cords, one each for Isaac and Isabella. The front had a pair of angel wings for each of her angel kids, and the engraving on the back read love you forever, Auntie Emmy. 
Leaving her family behind was going to be the hardest part of this, and she needed to make sure that they knew just how much she loved them. Em was so aware that she was about to be the first adult to choose to walk out of their lives, and she didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to break their hearts the way hers would break too. She just hoped that when they realised she wasn’t coming back they’d know she wanted to tell them how much she loved them.
Practice and qualifying were shit and she felt her dislike of the team growing even stronger. She didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to deal with the stupid orange team and the way that they were favouring Lando already. Dan was the one who won a race last year, not Lando. He was the one who had proven himself with podiums galore. But they didn’t care.
That night she left the door between their rooms unlocked. Her bags were half packed, her resignation email was scheduled to send and she’d triple checked the timezone on it. Em had spent the last two days hugging everyone as much as she could, surprising Chloe by popping into the Aston garage before a practice and waving to Lance and Seb as she pulled Chloe into a giant hug. Scotty got one too, trying to put the love and care she had for her best friends outside her boys into a hug. There were waves to the people she couldn’t hug because rumours would start, giving Susie a recommendation for the restaurant they all ate at the night before so she and Toto could have a family meal with Jack in privacy. The small things to make sure everyone knew she thought about them and loved them.
Em couldn’t sleep straight away. Nights before races were hard, the crashes she’d watched with her own two eyes usually playing in her head. Dan in Anthoine’s car, Dan in Grosjean’s. Dan in Lewis’s place the year before with no halo. Dan in the rain and a tractor on track. All the ways she knew people had died racing she thought about and she couldn’t deal. Her fear every time Dan slid into his seat in the car was all encompassing but racing was his first love and she could never ask him to stop.
She was about to get up and go down to Michael’s room to ask for some melatonin, but the doorknob between the two rooms rattled and clicked open quietly. Em stayed still as she was, breathing in and out steadily.
Dan slipped into the other side of the bed. If she just opened her eyes she’d be able to see him. If she reached her fingers out slightly she could touch him. It was the first time they’d shared a bed since Bahrain and being just over covid and she wanted him to hold her. Her body was screaming to curl into him and tell him she loves him and she’s his and she doesn’t want him to fall in love with anyone else because she wants him to love her. To choose her over all the models in the world he could have.
She didn’t sleep that night, too aware of his presence in the bed. She could hear his snores but she didn’t dare look up at him, didn’t dare move in case she disturbed him. He needed his sleep the night before a race.
As the morning dawned through crappy hotel curtains she could feel the vibrations from the alarm on his watch, the one he always used to try let her get some extra sleep when he needed to be up early.
Please kiss my forehead. Please, Dan. Please just give me any sign you want me to stay. Don’t leave me again.
Every morning was the same when they shared a bed. He’d delay until the very last minute to stay in the warmth and then kiss her forehead in goodbye. And then he’d leave, not content to get out from there until he made sure she knew he said goodbye.
This time he slid out of the bed without touching her, padding across the still room and going back into his. Em heard the lock slide shut on his side and rolled over, tears filling her eyes.
It hurt so much already, how was she supposed to pretend that everything was fine? How was she supposed to act normal around everyone when she wanted to scream that they were over and nothing would ever be the same again? How could she be okay when she felt like this? 
He’d left her alone. Again. He hadn’t even touched her but he’d slept in her bed and she never thought Dan could be so cruel. She never thought he’d leave her with the barest hint of his scent, that if she hadn’t been awake she wouldn’t have known he was there. The ache spread through her chest and she tried to quiet her sobs but it hurt. It hurt so, so badly.
A cold shower soothed her puffy face, getting rid of some of the usual redness while makeup did the rest. She was dressed in her usual race day gear of shorts, vans, a McLaren polo, and a Dan hat on her head by the time there was a knock on her door, Michael standing there.
“Hey, I’m heading in with Dan and Blake now. He said you’re going in with his family in an hour?” Another cut in her heart. More space between them. But she schooled her face into a smile, hoping Michael would believe everything was fine.
“Yeah. I said I wanted as much time with the kids as possible, it’s fine.  See you there?”
“See you there.”
Michael was a couple of metres away from her when she stepped into the hall, grabbing her room key from the slot just inside the door.
“Michael?” He turned and she half jogged, pulling him into a tight hug.
“What’s this for?”
“Haven’t seen you as much. You know you’re my brother, right? How lucky I am to have you as my family?”
“You’re the most annoying little sister Ems, but you’re my little sister. I’ve missed having you around.”
“Miss you too.”
She watched him walk away as step one of her goodbyes was done. The next was to go to breakfast with everyone and pretend that things were normal for the next few hours until the race was over. She could do it. She had to.
Breakfast with the extended Ricciardo clan was fun, Isabella still clinging to her and Isaac insisting on sitting beside her. She soaked up every moment she got with them, walking out to the car Dan had arranged holding Isabella on her hip.
“That’ll be you in a few years,” Michelle commented as Em struggled with the car seat buckle before getting it right. “The mother, not the cool aunt. We can swap places.”
Another stab to her already mangled heart. “I dunno. Wait and see, but I’m not sure that’s on the cards any time soon.” Considering the only man she wanted to have a child with didn’t want to be with her, it was a no.
You’ll be a good mother, Em. Plus you’ll have loads of family around.” She wanted to scream that she was leaving her family behind for good this afternoon but instead she just smiled tightly. It was too close to home. She couldn’t keep this conversation going. It hurt.
The race matched her mood. The strategy wasn’t good, the car was a tractor, and the oblique team orders to not let Dan try overtake Lando made her want to scream. The team points would be the same, but no. Not for his home race even. The crowd were amazing and let out loud cheers every time the orange car made its way around the circuit, but it wasn’t enough and Em knew it. It hurt. Her last time at a Grand Prix, her last time cheering for the man she was so deeply in love with, and the team and car had let him down again.
The plan was already to delay debrief till Monday so Dan got to spend time with his family, and Em decided to head to the airport nearly immediately. She couldn’t stay any longer. She couldn’t deal with any more hints from Michelle about a niece or nephew in the future, couldn’t listen to Grace or Joe talking about how much they’d missed her. She couldn’t spend more time with Blake and Michael without wanting to break down and tell them that they had changed her life and she wouldn’t make them choose between her and Dan.
Because that was what it came down to. She was the last one in this group that was all united by their love of Daniel Ricciardo. She was the one who loved him so deeply it hurt, the one who loved every single member of the group to the moon and to Saturn. And she loved them so much she couldn’t bear to have them walk away from her. Because that was what would happen.
Her own blood family didn’t choose her. They saw her as a disgrace, as a failure because she was thirty one years old, unmarried and without kids. They didn’t realise that she was the one who kept Dan on schedule, who organised sponsor events and filtered out the crap he and Blake didn’t need to know about. She stopped the balls from falling out of the sky. Because she was just an assistant.
And if the people who gave birth to her wouldn’t choose her, she knew the family she’d built wouldn’t either. She was never the one who was chosen, and she didn’t blame them. She was just Emma. Danny was Dan. She knew who she’d pick if given a quarter of a chance.
She’d just finished packing when the adjoining door opened, Dan walking in already speaking but stopping when he saw the case by the door, her carry on full with the edge of the orange poster getting folded in.
“Where are you going?” His tone was accusatory and she steeled herself for the argument.
“Don’t Emmy me, Daniel! You know I have to go back for the anniversary.” She turned to look at him, watching as confusion turned to anger.
“And I also know that’s bullshit. I’ve known you for how many years, Em? You’ve visited your parents twice. Michael was with you one of those times, the visit lasted twenty minutes and even he didn’t have anything nice to say about it. Michael. Who has a good thing to say about almost everyone. So tell me the truth, why are you leaving now? Why not get on the flight with us tomorrow?”
“Because I have to go back.”
“Don’t lie to me Em!” He raised his voice and Em gave as good as she got, staring back at him.
“You want the truth, Dan? All of it?”
“Yes! That’s all I want, it’s all I’ve ever wanted with you.”
She took a deep breath, staring into his brown eyes for the last time, soaking in that even so angry he was so beautiful. She’d had the privilege of sleeping with him for nearly four years, of loving him for three. Whoever got to do that next would be so incredibly lucky.
“You left me alone. The one thing I ever asked of you, the only thing I ever asked you to promise me was to never leave me alone. I begged you. Whatever was going on, whatever was happening with us, please don’t leave me alone. And then there were bombs flying and I watched one explode and you made me get into a car and leave. You made me stay alone, and you didn’t come back to me that night. I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know if you were even alive because I didn’t have my fucking phone until the next morning and all the news was in Arabic. You were gone to the track before I knew what had happened. You left. You broke your promise, Daniel.”
“I didn’t have a choice!” It was the worst thing he could have said.
“But Blake and Michael got to stay. Angela stayed with Lewis, don’t try to lie to me and tell me she didn’t. Britta stayed with Seb. You sent me away, Dan. I was sobbing and begging you to stay and you made Blake drive me away. You made me leave when I was scared.” She let her words sink into him fully. “Just leave. Get out of this room and leave.”
“Emmy…” His voice was soft and she blinked back the tears she knew she wanted to cry. Not until the airport. Not until then.
“GET OUT DAN!” She yelled at him for the first time, shock on his face. “JUST LEAVE! It’s what you’ve been doing this whole weekend, just leave.”
“Fine. Fine. If that’s what you want, I’m fucking gone. I’m done here, I’m gone. I’ll be downstairs in five for you to say goodbye to everyone.” She watched him walk through the adjoining door and lock it as Em’s heart completely broke in two. She’d ruined it. He was done. He was gone. He was leaving and she was going and she would never speak to him again because her Daniel wasn’t hers anymore. One person down, eight to go.
She brought her bags down to the lobby alone, everyone standing there waiting to say goodbye. Michael got a hug, she’d said everything she needed to earlier that day. Blake was beside him, wrapping her in a full body giant one and holding her tight.
“You know I love you, don’t you? I really love you.” Blake grinned and pulled her close again.
“Love you too, Ems. Moving beside you was the best decision I ever made.”
Saying goodbye to Michelle and Adam was hugs and whispers of seeing them for Christmas when she knew it was a lie. Grace pulled her into a hug that only a mother figure could, whispering in her ear.
“We’re coming over for Silverstone and yours and Dan’s birthdays, so we’ll see you then. We love you Em. If you need anything I’m only a FaceTime away. Don’t let them get you down when you’re with your family.”
“I love you too, Grace.”
Joe got a hug and a murmured love you, his hand patting her back soothingly. The kids were last, sulking as Em squatted down in front of them.
“So I got my angels a present to say goodbye, cause I know I didn’t get to see you lots. Want to see them?” There were identical nods and Em strapped the bracelets on, Isaac’s on a black cord and Isabella’s on a purple one.
“It matches the one I made you and Uncle Dan,” Isabella murmured as Em pulled her into a tight hug.
“It does. It’s a reminder that I love you both so very, very much. No matter how far away we are, I’m always going to love you, okay? Don’t ever, ever forget that. Pinkie promise me?” She held out her little fingers, laughing as they both enthusiastically took part in the ritual. She pulled them in for a final hug, pressing kisses to both of their heads.
“See you on winter break!” Isaac grinned as he spoke, Em putting a tight smile on her face. 
“We call it summer break, but I’ll see what we have to do then buddy.”
��Do you want a lift to the airport? I’ve got the rental?” Joe asked but Em shook her head.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ve got an Uber coming, I just want to get on the road. It’s hard enough to say goodbye to everyone I can’t drag it out much longer.”
“Fair. Love you, kiddo.”
“Love you too, Joe.” Her phone buzzed with the notification that her driver was there and she started towards the door. Dan still hadn’t come down and that was it. He didn’t love her. He didn’t feel anything like how she did because no matter what he’d said, he’d never make her leave. But she made him leave. He was gone.
She was almost at the door when an oh too familiar voice called across the lobby, running up to them. 
“I didn’t think you’d be leaving already.”
“My Uber’s outside, I need to leave.”
“Oh.” There was none of their usual hugs, none of the subtle kisses he pushed to the top of her head when they were separated. He didn’t even squeeze her fingers. It was like they were strangers. “Send a text when you get to London?”
“Yeah, sure.”
She turned to get her luggage into the car, shielding her face from everyone with her hair. The driver lifted it in and she was soon safely ensconced in the back seat, tears falling down her cheeks as she waved goodbye behind partially tinted glass.
“Was that Daniel Ricciardo?” The driver asked, Em forcing a smile.
“Yeah, I work with him.” It was true for another five hours at least.
“He seems like a good guy.”
“He’s one of the best.”
Tears streamed down Em’s cheeks the entire way to the airport, through the fancy check in area and security, and following her into her first class pod. She mostly ignored the staff apart from nodding at them, continuing to cry and wipe her eyes on tissues. The tears barely stopped until Dubai, only aided by Blake’s near constant texts as soon as her email sent.
She knew when she arrived in London that she had about twelve hours before the boys landed, Blake texting even while he was on his flights. She sent a I got back safely, receiving another flurry of responses.
Em, what’s this email about?
What’s going on?
Tell me you didn’t mean to send this
Is it the travel? Do you want to slow down? Why?
Ems we need you. How am I supposed to tell everyone you’re not coming with us anymore? Did you meet someone? Did something happen?
We’re about to land in Heathrow. Dan’s going to his place and looks miserable. I’ll be at your door in less than two hours.
When she got the final text Em grabbed the bags she’d hastily packed with clothes and the things she needed for the next eight days until the boys had left London for Imola. The address of the last minute airbnb was in her email, getting an Uber to it handy. She was long gone by the time Blake arrived, sitting in her temporary home for the next while and planning what she had to do. They’d leave England on the Wednesday, she had five days to empty her flat.
It started with an email to her landlord to give up the lease. Her family reasons excuse was accepted quickly, the landlord told she had to leave London and the apartment would be vacant from the end of the month. After that she had to start planning on where to go to.
There were too many memories in London. Nearly every street reminded her of Dan, of days walking around hand in hand to show him her London, not the tourist one he knew. The city she’d moved to at eighteen with a dream and a student loan and where she’d discovered who she was. Dan was everywhere in the city for her - memories of their first kiss in the pub she’d spent too many hours in, museums she’d dragged him to, streets he’d stolen a kiss from her at with a grin and a chuckle when they were waiting to cross the road. The cafes and greasy spoons she’d brought him to with the promise of not telling Michael. She couldn’t stay there, it was too much.
But everywhere she thought of had memories of him. Filthy weekends away when they were at home because of covid, eating out to help out and driving to Manchester or Glasgow to spend time together and have hotel sex. The midlands were completely out because of Silverstone, of memories of Enstone and the Renault factory, of Milton Keynes and his goodbye from Red Bull.
The only big city she could think of without a memory of Dan - with only one memory of her boys - was Liverpool. Which meant her parents. Which meant a conversation she never wanted to have. Calling her mother wasn’t like calling Grace. But she didn’t have Grace in her life anymore, so she had to do it.
“Emma, what country do you deign to call us from today?” Her mother answered the phone, disdain dripping from every word.
“Good morning, Mother. I’m in England. I was calling because I need to ask for a favour from you.”
Em swallowed, teeing up words on her too thick tongue. “I had to leave my job, they didn’t have the funding to keep me on. I was wondering if I could move home for a few weeks while I’m applying for new jobs. I want to leave motorsports, there’s too much travelling and I want to settle down.” She hit every keyword that her mother had as she checked her bank account balance, spotting her final pay deposited in the account. It was more than healthy thanks to travelling so much for work and Dan covering that under work expenses. But she needed to be sensible, and renting somewhere without a job would be a mistake.
“You can. You will need to pay rent while you’re here.”
“Of course. Just let me know how much. It wont be for long, it’s just a few weeks. It’ll be like I won’t even be there, if I’m not interviewing I’ll be in my bedroom.”
“Fine. Let me know when you plan to arrive.” She sounded bored of the conversation already.
“I’ll be back April twenty fourth. I can send you the train details then.
“See you then.”
The difference between the call with her mother and a call with Grace just cut the wound in her chest even harder. Grace never let a call end without a million “I love you”s between them. She made sure that Em spoke to everyone in the family, and if Joe was out at the garage she took a message and told Em that he loved her. Instead her mother hadn’t even asked if Em wanted to leave a message for her father.
It felt so, so wrong.
The list of things she had to do before the boys left for Italy was beginning to shrink, but there was still so much to do. She ignored Blake and Michael’s texts, refusing to even open them. The chats were archived so the red dots didn’t irritate her. Dan didn’t send her anything at all, yet more proof that he meant everything he said in Melbourne. He was done with her. She didn’t realise that emotional pain could hurt this much. She’d never believed in soulmates, never believed in fate. She always thought that if a relationship ended she’d get through it. But now? This not quite a relationship over? It ached to her core.
Friday morning she had an appointment with a solicitor, walking in with a tear stained sheet of what she wanted to leave to different people. She’d always fought with Dan about being prepared if something happened to him, not wanting to know what he left her. She was one of the two people who could decide what medical treatment he got if he couldn’t consent. She’d cried when he told her that day in Spa when they got that tragic news what he wanted if he was in a crash like that. That he trusted her to not let him stay on machines. Some of her nightmares included his plaintive “I don’t want false hope” that made her ache.
She didn’t trust her parents to not do the same for her. They’d keep her hooked up to machines for as long as possible, they’d insist it was for “hope”. Em didn’t know what hope, but she knew them. They’d barely spoken for five years apart from occasional texts and birthday cards, they didn’t have the right to decide what happened to her.
It was a blustery Friday morning when she walked into that office and signed the papers to say Daniel Ricciardo, Blake Friend, and Michael Italiano were the people who decided what would happen if she couldn’t make her own medical decisions. She gave the lawyer the makeshift will that was handwritten and tearstained. It was simple - her cookbooks and exercise equipment to Michael because he was always trying to adapt her recipes. All but one piece of her furniture to Blake. Her CDs and DVDs to Dan, along with the coffee table he kept falling over. Her collection of Dan’s raceworn helmets to Isaac and Isabella. Dan, Grace, and Michelle were to divide her jewellery between them based on who wanted what. The rest of her belongings were to be sold and the money put in Isaac and Isabella’s college funds. It was too easy.
Even after everything that had happened, even after walking away, she trusted her boys more than she trusted anyone else in the world.
After all of that her final task was to organise her storage unit and movers. That was easiest of all if Em was honest. A call to a moving company who agreed to put everything in the unit without her there, and walking into a storage company. She signed a two year contract and paid the full rent then and there, surprising the man at the counter. Now she was able to disappear.
The texts kept coming from Blake and Michael. WhatsApp and iMessage, even a signal account she’d forgotten she had on her phone. Michael sent her instagram DMs so she deleted the app instead of trying to avoid reading them and appearing online. But finally it was Wednesday and she knew exactly when the boys were flying out of London City Airport. She’d organised the private flight for them, booked the plane and made sure the flight was as clean as possible. As soon as they’d take off her plan could start.
Walking back into her apartment felt too normal, just checking her post and finding it mostly full of letters from Blake. Get in touch, we’re worried, we miss you. Sentiments she knew he’d share but it would be easy for him to forget about her. The letters went out in recycling and she began to pack up her life.
The boxes were settled easily. Storage, donating, and Dan’s stuff. The ones for him filled quickly, clothes and accessories and things he’d left lying around the apartment that had become theirs instead of just hers. It took three boxes to get rid of the sense of him.
The storage boxes were easier, but the final thing she had to do at four that Sunday morning was decide what to do with her helmet wall. Ever since Monaco and his win, Dan had given her his race worn helmet for any new race design. She could name which race each of them was from, and in the middle was her Monza win one. McLaren had wanted it for the MTC but Dan refused to give it over, insisting it was his and he was keeping it. They got the trophy so he got the helmet. And then he put it in the middle of the IKEA shelves that they’d spent a weekend putting together and laughing.
Part of her - a large part if she was truly honest - wanted to donate them. Get rid of them for the clean break she insisted she needed. But she couldn’t. They were the good parts of the last four years, the best part of her life and the reminder that for years she got to love Daniel Ricciardo and travel the world with her best friends. Once she was settled somewhere she’d put them all back up to get her and explain to whoever asked that she was a part of Formula One for a short while, and it meant so much to her.
It took longer than she expected to get them wrapped carefully and boxed away. Two just about fit in one box, but they were light at least. When they were carefully labelled with the races, a tear falling from her eye when she wrote Monaco 2018 on a box in looping letters, she sat down to write notes to her boys. They deserved more than a resignation email and leaving without saying goodbye but if she saw them in person she wouldn’t walk away. She was barely strong enough to do that the first time. Em couldn’t do it again.
Dan’s took the longest. It started with anger. How could you make me love you when you didn’t love me back scrawled angrily, tears staining the lined pages as she wrote everything. But she couldn’t give it to him how she’d written it. She couldn’t deliberately hurt him. It wasn’t Dan’s fault that she’d fallen in love with a man who couldn’t love her back the way she wanted him to love her. It was her fifth draft, still tear stained, that was the one she was giving him.
I’m sorry I didn’t say this in person but I couldn’t do it. We both know that things between us haven’t been working for a while. It’s nobody’s fault. I guess we just wanted different things. It happens to us all. But we’re both done and writing this is easier than another long conversation and another fight.
Go be happy. I’ll cheer you on from wherever I end up, no matter what. You’ve changed so many lives, mine included. Thank you for the amazing years and experiences. You let me do things that so few people ever get to do and I can’t thank you enough for that.
Michael and Blake’s were harder and easier. She only needed one attempt at them, trying to wipe the tears before they fell.
I’m sorry for leaving like this. I’m sorry for leaving you in the lurch, but I made sure that everything logistically is booked until the summer break. Just get him where he needs to be on time, you were always better at that than me.
I love you. You’re my big brother and i wasn’t going to make you choose between me and Dan, that was never going to be fair. I’ll be happy and I want you to be happy too. Find a girl and settle down or bring her around the world. I’m rooting for you the entire time.
Will you make sure everyone in the paddock knows I love them? Tell Chloe and Scotty to get their wedding planned. Chloe will be the most beautiful bride and I’m so sorry I won’t get to see her in person. Scotty will look ok, I guess.
Thank you for everything.
PS - the extra key is for my storage unit. A1 Storage in Wimbledon. Figured you’d be a good person to have it.
She folded Blake’s letter into an envelope and labelled it before writing the last one. Somehow this was the hardest, having to ask Michael to do what she couldn’t.
I’m sorry for leaving and I’m sorry for asking you to pass a message on but I know you will. I love you so much. You made lockdown bearable even when I was being a bitch, and you made me actually enjoy exercising you cruel man.
Tell everyone that I love them and I’m sorry? You let me know exactly what a family is and how I deserve to be loved and that’s something I can never thank you enough for. Ever. I can’t make people decide between me and Dan. He wins every time and that’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s easier if I just leave.
Tell Grace and Joe I love them and I will forever be grateful for their love and support. Let Michelle know that she’s the best big sister ever. Please make sure that Isaac and Isabella know that I love them no matter what. It’s not their fault I left and I will always love them. Whoever gets to be their auntie is the luckiest person in the world and I wish it got to be me.
Tell all your family I love them, and ti voglio bene to Nadia and your Nana. I love you all so much, and I’m cheering you all on from wherever I end up.
When the movers came she handed them the key to the storage unit, letting them know what to do. Everything was out of the apartment in a few moments and Em took a last look around her almost empty apartment. The memories were suffocating. Dan tripping over the coffee table, the London lockdown when they got back from Australia and they lied to Michael about what the yoga mat’s primary purpose was. The way Dan danced with her in the dark kitchen, distracting her from finding food for them in the fridge and getting them to sway in the silence. The kisses and living together like he loved her the same way she loved him.
He’d been blowing up her voicemail since Wednesday and she deleted them I listened to. The first “Emmy” hurt her too much, so she decided to practice self preservation for once. As soon as her voicemail said “you have an unlistened to voicemail from Dan” it was deleted. The same with Blake and Michael. She couldn’t do it.
Finally it was time to leave, and she carried Dan’s boxes one at a time into Blake’s apartment. The three were stacked one atop the other, the letters on top of them. Em stared at her thumb, at the moon ring that had been there since Dan bought it for her calling her his moon on dark nights. She couldn’t bear to take off the three necklace hanging on her chest, but this she had to leave behind. She wasn’t his moon, and he was too bright to be her sun.
She slipped it off and rubbed her finger against the warm gold, pushing a kiss to it before stepping back. The final thing she needed to do was leave the envelope with her medical power papers and will on Blake’s coffee table before she locked the front door and slipped his keys in his post box. It was done. She was gone.
The tube to Euston was quicker than expected and she joined the trek to the Liverpool train, settling into her seat a few minutes before they were due to pull out. Her phone lit up with a notification that the race was about to start, illuminating the photo from lockdown of her and Dan holding Isaac and Isabella. They looked like a family. Em unlocked her phone and pushed her thumb firmly down on the F1 app to delete it. A clean break.
The train pulled off exactly at two, her mind echoing Crofty’s “lights out and away we go”. Dan was in the car and racing and all she wanted was a good points finish for him. But she couldn’t check. She couldn’t let herself find out what he was doing.
Her tears fell harder as the train pulled into Milton Keynes, the memories of the last time she’d done this train journey as Dan’s plus one. His leaving Red Bull party, staying in a hotel with him the week before they flew to Perth for Christmas. It was the only time she’d gotten to visit the impressive Red Bull factory. Meeting Max properly, Christian cornering her with his wife - and keeping her cool around Geri fucking Halliwell - to ask if she could convince Dan to come back. Getting whisked away from Helmut quickly when he tried to speak to her, meeting the mechanics and team that she’d seen at several races properly for once. Yet another place she could never visit again because all she’d think about was Dan.
Em made herself stop crying shortly after, pushing a cold bottle of water to her eyes. She couldn’t be red eyed or puffy seeing her parents. It was bad enough returning with her tail between her legs. She didn’t know if she’d survive the I told you so.
When Dan got out of the car in Imola he knew what he had to do. His first stop was being weighed and getting his slip, Mike pushing one of those AG1 drinks into his hand to down to get electrolytes and water back into him. After that it was media rounds, apologising to Carlos, and doing media. Once the debrief was finished it was London. He needed to get to Emmy. For the second time he’d gotten on a plane when he should have been with her and he needed to apologise. Needed to make things right.
“The jet will be ready when we finish? I need to get back to London tonight.” Michael handed him a McLaren branded shirt and pair of skinny jeans to put on once he was out of the shower.
“It’ll be ready. Mate, you need to know that she might not want—“
“She’ll see me. It’s Em. She’s my Emmy. She’s going to see me and I’m going to tell her everything. I can’t do this without her. I can’t. I dunno how I did it before.”
“Ok. Go shower and head out.”
The debrief was painful. Lando on the fucking podium, Dan last. They wrote off his technical debrief after the collision. It was clear Dan couldn’t have done anything, and the rest of his race was nothing to write home about. He should have just retired. It was shit and he just had to listen to how Lando had a flawless race and was extracting the most out of the tractor McLaren had built. He had to wait until it was over, half listening and taking notes while stewing.
All he could think about was Emmy. He hadn’t reached out because he thought she needed space, wanted time. He’d had the fucking ring in his pocket in the hotel room and then they’d fought and he couldn’t exactly get on one knee and ask her to marry him after that. But now she was gone and she’d been gone for weeks and he didn’t know. He needed her to be ok. He needed to go home and see her on the couch and beg for her forgiveness because he was hers. His apartment was so fucking lonely, driving in and out of the factory without seeing her. Without going to sleep curled up beside her and waking up with the fairy lights glowing as she read whatever dog eared book she was rereading that month.
The voicemails were being listened to. Her inbox went from full to empty and he kept texting, determined to get through to her. Needing her to talk to him. To say anything at all. People kept asking where she was, he laughed it off and gave the excuse of family stuff. Natalie had nodded and said she hoped Em would be back soon. Chloe had looked at him oddly when she heard the excuse but he shrugged and moved on. The elder Stroll could be terrifying and he didn’t want to get on her bad side. Not even Scotty could save him from that.
There was nothing he could do but wait to be freed. The moment they were able to break - after Dan apologised to the mechanics for the job they’d have to do on the car - he was on his way to the driver room. Blake and Michael were already there with bags packed and ready to go.
It was a two hour flight to London and they landed at nine. After forcing their way through traffic in a black cab it was after nine thirty by the time they arrived at Blake and Em’s building. Dan stepped out of the car and grabbed his bags, heading straight upstairs to the two identical doors. He didn’t realise when it became more normal to stand in front of Em’s door than Blakes, but it had years before. He knocked twice to no response.
“Em? I’ve got my key, I’m coming in.”
The lock turned easily with the familiar key and Dan set his bags down to flick the light switch. What he saw terrified him.
The room was empty. The couch that killed his back, the coffee table his shins hated, gone. The bookshelves and the kitchen table they’d spent a lockdown day building, gone. Her helmet collection was missing. Em had once told him that if the building went on fire she would save whichever helmets she could. If they were gone, she was gone.
He ran to her bedroom but everything was missing. The fairy lights they’d taped up with double sided tape. Her bed. The throw cushions he laughed about. Even the case at the bottom of her wardrobe with the lingerie he’d bought her was gone. Her pink boots weren't there. It was like nobody had lived there for years. He couldn’t even smell her perfume in the air.
“Dan?” He hadn’t realised tears were streaming down his face when he turned to see his best mates standing in the doorway. “Mate, you need to see this.”
He followed them back to Blakes, pausing to lock Emmy’s front door. She had to come back. The idea that she wouldn’t come back was impossible.
Until he saw the boxes.
Three of them, neatly stacked almost up to Blake’s chest. There were three envelopes on them, and a glint of gold on top of one. He nearly ran to it, ignoring the post race soreness going through his body to see the ring he’d given her sitting on top of the one neatly labelled Daniel.
She’d used his first name. Emmy never used his first name unless something was wrong. He’d fucked up so badly that he didn’t want to open it.
Instead he held the ring firmly in his palm, the metal cold against his hand. She was there. She had been there and now she was gone and he didn’t know what to do. But instead he followed what Blake and Michael had done and opened his letter.
It was how impersonal it was that killed him. Em was done. She’d be fine. Thanking him for bringing her around the world and letting her work with him. She didn’t want another fight and she thought he was done with her.
She didn’t love him like he loved her and for a brief moment that made him want to die. The moments they’d shared, the times they’d said they loved each other. The times he’d held her and traced I love you down her back or against her clit when he was eating her out, desperate for her to know but too afraid to say it. The 'y’know, right?'. Everything from the last nearly four years. None of it had ever mattered because she wouldn’t have married him. He had her ring in his fucking ever present backpack and thank God he hadn’t tried to propose because she’d have said no and he’d have been humiliated.
“I guess you were right. Buying the ring was a mistake.”
His choked voice broke the silence, but it was Michael who got the next sentence in, cutting off Blake’s question about the ring.
“Mate, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“She doesn’t love me like I love her. I was wrong. I just got my heart broken so please, don’t rub it in right now?”
“Did you read any of what she wrote?”
“Yeah. She’s done. She thanked me for letting her travel with us. Like she didn’t earn her place. She signed it Emma. I was wrong, ok? I was wrong and I can’t take you rubbing it the fuck in when I think Im gonna break.”
“What happened? Because the two of you were fine in Bahrain, and then after Saudi she disappeared and skipped Perth, and she was barely in Melbourne. What happened with you?” Blake was the one who asked, Dan flopping on the couch beside him. He held out his much shorter letter for them to read.
“Things were weird when we got back after Christmas. Then we had covid and got through it. And Saudi fucking happened. With everything going on and keeping her safe I didn’t see her till after the race and she was already leaving. And in Melbourne we… We had a fight.” The memories of what he’d said were circling again, the anger between them, Em telling him to leave again. Him walking away.
“We thought that much. You didn’t even hug her goodbye.”
“She told me to leave!”
“In self preservation.” Michael’s voice was low and Dan was almost afraid of his best friend. “She said she didn’t want to make us choose between you and her, that she knew we’d pick you. So she left. I have to tell your fucking family she’s gone, by the way. She asked me to. So you’re going to tell me everything that’s happened between the two of you and we’re going to fix this. What the fuck did you do?”
He wanted to be annoyed that he was being blamed but he couldn’t blame the boys. So he let everything out.
He told them about wanting to kiss her in Blake’s that first night, of Monaco and their agreement that it was over once she left Monaco. Coffee and Silverstone and her birthday drinks. Spa and I love you when they were faced with the reality of what could happen with his job again. Em begging him to never leave her behind, that no matter what he wouldn’t leave her alone. Her dick of an ex who’d destroyed her self-esteem and meant she lost her friends. The meaning of 'Y’know, right?', the phrase that had been their mantra since 2019. That he hadn’t slept with anyone else since he’d met her because he just knew she was supposed to be his. That he’d bought the ring when they spent Christmas 2020 together but was just waiting for the right moment. And then in Saudi she’d been sobbing and he sent her away. He made Blake take her away from him. From them. He’d broken his fucking promise and again in Australia he walked away when he should have stayed in that room.
She’d picked the fight. She’d picked it so she’d be left alone and leave and the realisation of how well she fucking knew him hurt so much. She knew him like the palm of her hand and for a minute he forgot about it.
“Let me get this straight. You’ve known just how shit her family is for longer than any of us, and I’m the only one who’s actually met them. She asked for exactly one thing from you which was don’t leave her alone. And in Saudi, one of the countries she’s most scared of being away from us for any length of time, you made her go back to the hotel and stay there on her own. She begged you to stay and was sobbing and you left her to cry when she asked you to stay? I could fucking punch you right now.” He nodded at Michael’s words, shame filling every cell in his body.
“You made us leave her alone.” Blake spoke and Dan thought he was going to be sick. “In Melbourne. The morning of the race. 'Em’s going with my parents. She wants family time.' She didn’t know she was going with them, did she? Why?”
“She… I… No. We weren’t ok. I didn’t know if I could be in the car with her. Not after that night.”
“What happened?”
“I… Fuck. She kept the door between our rooms locked that whole week. But Saturday night it wasn’t locked. I had a habit of just trying it, just in case. It was open and I went in. I just lay down on the edge of the bed and watched her sleep for a while before falling asleep. I left before she woke up. She didn’t know, she was asleep the whole time.”
“You think our Ems was asleep for a full night before a fucking race? Are you an idiot? Did you get brain damage in that crash today? She doesn’t fucking sleep! You slept in the same bed as her for four fucking years and you don't know that? She’s into me for melatonin every damn night because she can’t sleep worrying about you. She was awake that entire night and you left her without saying a goddamn word and then you abandoned her again. Again, Dan. Don’t tell me you did something stupid and cheated on her like her fucking ex.”
“I never cheated. I haven’t touched another woman.” The thought made him sick. “I’m not that asshole. You know I’m not.”
“I don’t mean to be funny Dan. She lived beside me for nearly five years. She’s my friend. And now her apartment is for rent, your shit is here, and she’s told us all goodbye and to give messages to the people she loves. So you might not have cheated on her, but you broke her. It took us four years to help Em feel like herself again and put her pieces back together and you broke her.” Blake was opening another envelope mixed in with the post on his coffee table that Em had left in as he spoke, eyes widening slightly. Before he could get the words out Michael had to.
“You’re telling your family, by the way.” His voice was solid, a way Dan had never heard before. “She asked me to tell them but I can’t. I can’t break those kids hearts and tell them their auntie Emmy loves them forever but she can’t see them again. I can’t tell your sister that she’s lost a sister, and I can’t tell your parents that you ran off the woman they want you to marry. That the woman your mum teaches family recipes to had to leave, because you fucked up that much. You know she’s their second daughter, right? Even before whatever the fuck you’ve been doing started they adored her. From Monaco. Em’s lost the only decent mother she’s ever had because of you. She didn’t want to make us choose but if she was here right now I’d choose her over you any day.”
“If you think she doesn’t love you, read this.” Blake held out a package of papers, Dan skimming them.
Everyone in his line of work was familiar with leaving a will behind. The fucking academies basically demanded it at this point. He’d put Emmy on his own medical power of attorney form after Spa, told her what he was leaving her when she was ready for that conversation after Roman nearly died in Bahrain. 
But Emma wasn't racing cars every weekend, so she didn't need the papers she signed. She didn't need to leave a will behind, but his name was there to make decisions for Em. She’d left him specific things. The cold fear snaked up his spine, tightening around his lungs and making it hard to breathe.
“She wouldn’t. She won’t do anything stupid. It’s Em, she wouldn’t.” The words came out as a rush but certain. She wouldn’t hurt herself. God, he couldn’t live with himself if she did.
“It’s probably just a precaution. But Jesus Christ, Dan. She’s gone. We have no idea where she is, we don’t even know what country she’s in. We don’t know what kind of head start she has and with the amount of frequent flier miles she has she could be anywhere. We can probably cross off here and Australia, but that doesn’t take away much.” 
“I need to leave.” Dan turned to see Michael pick up his bag. “I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk. I’ll email you workout plans. She’s my fucking sister, Dan. She’s my little sister and I trusted you knew what you were doing with her. She said goodbye to me and I didn’t even know. You… I can’t look at you right now. I’m this close to quitting too because I don’t know you anymore. The Dan I grew up with? He would have said something. He wouldn’t make the woman he kept saying he was going to make his wife run away. He wouldn’t make her feel unloved. Just work out what you’re going to do. I’ll be on the plane to Miami but I don’t know if I’ll see you before then.” Dan watched as his oldest friend, the man he’d known since primary school, who’d supported him through thick and thin, walked out of the apartment into the London night.
“She’s gone. She’s really gone and she’s not coming back. I… I have to find her, Blake. I can’t do this without her.”
“You need to work out what you’re doing. You need to tell your family she’s gone. You need to do your job. We’re all hurting right now and yeah your heart is breaking. But its my job to do tough love and tell you that you need to work first and then think about her.” He stared at Blake in shock. “I’m pissed. But work first. Em somehow managed to take everything off my plate when she was leaving, because she didn’t want to make things hard on me. Go home, Dan. I have to call Chloe Stroll and tell her Em’s not coming back.”
“Not yet. Please. Let me f—“
“I’m telling her. You can hide it from the media, from your family, whatever. Chloe is Em’s best friend outside us. Do you really think she hasn’t tried calling Em already? Really?” Dan nodded once. “Go home. Your place, not the empty apartment next door you called home. Go home and get your shit together. Em would kill you if you fucked up a race over her.”
Dan got an Uber on his phone, taking his bags downstairs along with his letter from Em. He slipped the moon ring onto his little finger, settling it just above the sun. He needed her back. He just didn’t know how to find her.
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bellezaycafe · 9 months
Get Your Shit Together - Extra; a section of a DTS Episode.
Masterlist | Part 1
genre: 2024 Season AU
pairing: there will be romance but I haven't finalised who yet. platonic! oc x literally the whole grid.
warnings: lots swearing, major car accident, mentions of broken bones, blood and hospitals. A lot of shit happens.
context: Sadie, a 20 year old university student from Melbourne, decided to take a gap year and volunteer at 2 Formula One races in different countries.
Sadie's Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell (but you can visualise her however you want :) )
comments: READ CHAPTER FOUR BEFORE READING THIS. This is an extra and is not actually thaaaat vital to the story. I just know if this happened irl, DTS would 100% make an entire episode on it. This is gonna be so strange to write because DTS is a visual format but imma try for the cool perspective. You’re gonna need a good imagination.
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*Drive to Survive theme and intro*
WILL BUXTON: Silverstone, the home of formula one.
LANDO NORRIS: It’s one of my favourite tracks, I love the support we get there.
BUXTON: Our hearts were in our mouths, in 2024. The title fight was ramping up!
CHARLES LECLERC: It was close.
CARLOS SAINZ: We were fighting, but it was horrific race.
BUXTON: It ended in shambles.
OSCAR PIASTRI: I mean, I was out in lap, 5 I think, it might’ve been 6.
BUXTON: No one expected five DNF’s.
LEWIS HAMILTON: I don’t know how it happened.
BUXTON: Let alone Lando’s accident.
NORRIS: I don’t remember much.
BUXTON: or the Mystery Medic.
*dramatic pause*
BUXTON: It was incredible, in a morbid way.
NORRIS: I was panicking
*onboard footage of moments after the crash, with radio subtitles*
NORRIS *onboard radio*: MY ANKLE, **** MY FOOT!
BUXTON: First, they catch Lando as he falls from the halo. He is in pain, and at one point you can hear him scream.
*onboard footage of the Mystery Medic catching Lando as he falls from the halo*
NORRIS: I knew it was my ankle or my foot. I’d never been in so much pain.
BUXTON: The medic starts to, essentially drag, Lando towards a safe section of the barrier. We could see that it was bad. We could see how much was relying on them and leaning on them, considering that he was taller than the medic.
PIASTRI: We could see that he wasn’t even letting it touch the ground.
NORRIS: “Keep it off the ground,” they told me. They didn’t have to, I was in too much pain anyway.
BUXTON: Then Sergio Perez approaches the accident.
TOTO WOLFF: There was debris everywhere, McLaren and Mercedes.
SERGIO PEREZ: I still do not know how I did not see it.
NORRIS: I didn’t know until I was on a stretcher.
BUXTON: You can see, if you watch the replay you can see, the moment the Mystery Medic hears Checo’s car.
*footage of the Mystery Medic turning their head towards the track*
BUXTON: Put the moment into slow motion, and you can see them make the choice.
*footage of the Mystery Medic putting both hands on Lando’s waist and switching to his right side*
BUXTON: To put yourself between a driver and a Formula One car? That’s either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid.
WOLFF: Stupid.
BUXTON: Either way, I don’t think Drive to Survive can show what happened.
*footage of Perez’s Red Bull striking black and papaya debris*
BUXTON: The medic barely stumbled.
NORRIS: If I hadn’t have seen it afterwards, I wouldn’t have known. I don’t remember it happening.
BUXTON: It was horrifying! They were walking, and almost carrying Lando, with a piece of debris in their thigh.
NORRIS: I’ve watched the replay. It was headed straight for me.
BUXTON: Watching it live was… it was awful! But you couldn’t look away.
*footage of everyone in the McLaren garage watching screens with various expressions of terror*
BUXTON: You had to know if they were going to make it.
NORRIS: They saved my life. Racing is my life, and if that debris had hit my leg? We don’t know what damage it could have done.
BUXTON: But there’s a reason we call them the Mystery Medic, and it may be a feat just as incredible. They did the impossible.
*seperate shots of Sir Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen placed side by side*
BUXTON: Lewis and Max worked together. They put their rivalry aside and worked together to keep the Mystery Medic a secret and we have no idea why.
MAX VERSTAPPEN and HAMILTON *in unison*: I’m not going to comment on that.
BUXTON: We don’t know their name. We don’t know who they are, where they’re from, or how they’re doing now.
*another dramatic pause*
BUXTON: It’s like they never existed.
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kritischetheologie · 6 months
Omg you were at the Australia GP?! How was it did you make a whole trip of it etc.
I WAS! It was absolutely amazing-- I did make a whole trip of it, and I am actually still in melbourne, so if anyone else is, hit me up!
I cannot recommend it highly enough as a GP. many thoughts below the cut:
The vibes were incredible the whole weekend; everyone was having a great time in the sunshine, which gave the whole thing music festival energy, but it felt very welcoming and safe and I didn't see anyone get sloppy. I met a girl who was volunteering with the organization racing pride on friday and said that she got a couple of old guys taking a wide path around their booth as if to avoid catching the gay, but that's as bad as any interaction she had. I definitely got the sense that some of the old men who have been into motorsport forever are skeptical of the newer generation of drive to survive fans, especially as an american woman, but it was the sort of skepticism that was allayed by showing even the slightest bit of knowledge of and respect for the history of the sport (I got a fair bit of "wow, you really know your stuff" when I started talking about having gone back and watched the 2010 season). there was a real mix of support-- a lot of mclaren, but fairly mixed between lando and oscar, and then a surprising amount of ferrari (and, hilariously, tons of really beautiful girls who looked like they were incredibly bored, all in ferrari merch. scuderia ferrari the #1 team of hot girls who don't wanna be there?). some max fans, some lewis fans, and a stunning amount of people in mixed merch, wearing a mclaren jacket and aston hat or whatever. nobody seemed to be a die-hard about anyone, and everyone was getting along really well with each other. as I've mentioned, everyone cheered when carlos went p1 in q2, even the people in red bull merch, and everyone cheered when max's car caught fire. everybody is a ferrari fan, etc.
in terms of the event: they clearly had put a lot of thought into making sure albert park could accommodate a couple hundred thousand people, because I basically never had trouble procuring food / drink / water / bathroom in time to make it wherever I needed to go. I sprang for a grandstand seat, and I'm glad I did, since I was alone-- but I think GA can work if you've got a group, so somebody can hold your spot, and there's a lot of incredible GA views. as an american, I was stunned and amazed and overjoyed by how easy it was to get to the gp on melbourne's incredible tram system; they were running extra trams all weekend, had the route changes super clearly labeled, and did a really good job directing people where they needed to go. all in all, I think it was one of the best-run events I've ever attended, without feeling corporate at all (a super-tricky balance). albert park is also just absolutely beautiful, and the track is awesome.
I was sitting at turn 11, so I had an amazing view of one of the sharpest corners, and it was fascinating to see how the drivers' styles differed, especially on their quali hot laps. what everyone says about alonso wringing the neck of the car is so true: he braked so much later, having taken such a straighter line, that I always thought he was going to miss the turn and run off. by contrast, lewis was taking basically the shallowest corner of anyone, barely using the curb at all. you could really see how much he didn't trust the car to do what he wanted it. and oh my god, I do have to give max credit where it's due: his turns were so fucking smooth that it felt like physics worked differently for him than anyone else. oscar, actually, was hitting similar lines, especially late in the race-- I came away very impressed with him. for the race itself, they had tvs and audio commentary, so I felt like I got the best of both worlds experience, getting to watch the race on tv and then see them zoom by in the corners. I found the race a lot easier to follow than just watching it on tv, which surprised me, because the opposite has been true of indycar, but it was easier to remember which midfield battles were going on when I could track them around my corner every lap.
the support races were also incredible. I think I'm going to follow f2 a little more closely this year, not just because I want to see what happens to kimi "the next one" antonelli and ollie "my literal son" bearman, but also because the racing is exciting. the reverse grid top 10 for sprint races is amazing and f1 should import it into their sprint races if they're going to insist on having them.
I feel like this weekend really re-invigorated my love for the sport. maybe that's because literally anybody other than max won, but I think it's also because it was really healing to step outside of the bubbles of internet discourse and just focus on the racing. it was fascinating hanging out all day having a great time with all sorts of people and then logging on and watching everybody be Mad Online. I had some great friendly arguments about whether daniel is washed, who of the class of 2019 is the most likely to someday win a title, vettel vs alonso, etc., but it always felt like a bunch of nerds hanging out at a nerd convention excited to get to debate with the other people who care as much about it as they do. I think we can forget, all being in the fandom together, that we are all here because of the thing we love--that's so assumed as the default on f1blr (why else would you be on f1blr) that it's easier to separate ourselves out based on who we support or don't, who we ship or don't, and so on. not to come off as all love and light and whatever, but the thing that connects us is more important than the differences that separate us.
the city of melbourne is also just wonderful--super hip, full of free museums and little cafes and cool people. totally worth an extended visit!
I feel a bit of the reflexive tumblr need to disclaim how much a privilege it was to get to do this, but genuinely, I just feel really fucking blessed. I told everyone who asked me why I flew all this way for the gp that it was a 30th birthday present to myself (and it is), that flights from california were surprisingly cheap (and they were-- under a grand round trip, which is still a ton of money but less than half what I might have expected it to cost if asked to guess; once you factor in the cost of lodging and race tickets, this trip was definitely cheaper than going to miami or vegas would have been), and that the american races basically never fit my calendar (and they don't). but what those disclaimers don't capture is that this is the biggest thing I've ever done for myself, and I did it just for myself, just because I wanted to. in my post about advice for a 26 year old, I mentioned the trade-off of responsibility and agency. this is the agency half: getting to decide that I love something so much that I'm going to fly halfway across the world to experience it.
so yeah, 10/10 stars, can't recommend highly enough. australian grand prix please sponsor me.
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not-goldy · 9 months
This stuff was recorded years ago tbh so jm felt comfortable years ago with us seeing his apartment in some capacity it could just feel different showing it to us in real time or the situation with his privacy being invaded made him feel less safe/comfortable either way we've seen the whole thing now there's nothing more nosey people can ask for
But I think it's also about control and him controlling what he allows out rather than letting people invade him. He always shares the things he wants to share when he wants to share.
And as a celebrity showing us his home is inevitable from a commercial standpoint...
However, him showing his home is not what I find sus. It's Hybe showing us their homes as content that I find sus. It's why I was asking anon for further explanation.
Inside celebrity homes is such a marketable content and I for one do love to consume those vogue inside celebrity homes.... but..
I mean It's a great way for us to peak into their lives, see how they live, get closer to them and feel miserable about ourselves cos we are poor peasants 🥲
You should watch inside Troye Sivan's Melbourne oasis. If that's the kind of vibe hybe was shooting for then....
These are the top apex idols of idols and they know we wanna consume them in every way possible. It's a way to bag some coins off of them.... however
I think Jimin understands he is a celebrity and he understands if he has a home WE WANT TO SEE IT
For me, as long as he is in control of the narrative, getting paid as he should, allowing us in so we can feel closer to him and see his luxurious living I'm good with it.... I guess
If you're gonna go there go there
Hybe frustrates me sometimes
Great apartment tho. Befits Jimin. Love it
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astillnight · 2 months
So just wondering basically whatever you can think would be good advice or insight or tips for someone wanting to move to Melbourne from the UK
Doesn't have to be limited to the likes below;
healthcare, prescriptions (I have a few chronic illnesses; nothing too serious, but I do need different medications etc), Visas, nominations, what sort of yearly wage/income would I need to be comfortable, taxes/insurance, bills, education (I don't have a family; but say I wanted to do a uni course, could ?); rent or buy, is a car needed, should I look into city living or suburb living, is it safe for a single female to move there & live on her own... and yeah just anything else you or anyone else can think of, l've never moved abroad before
I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer all of these as I don't have all the right info or experience you're after, but I'll give you what I can and provide some links to some useful sites 🥰
Healthcare here in general is pretty good-- we have bulk billed doctors services, so for just a check up appointment, you'll be paying around $20AUD. For the bulk billing, you will require an Australian Medicare card.
I get a three monthly prescription for my medication from one appointment. My medicine is significantly reduced in cost with the Medicare card/bulk billing.
Here's some info about UK travelers and Australian visas.
Income to be comfortable varies wildly. Some people suggest no less than $100,000AUD after tax, some much less, others more-- it's really too variable to suggest one specific tax bracket.
I can say that Australia has very high tax rates, so be prepared for that.
Our universities take in a lot of overseas and immigrant students, so you should be good there!
Here's some more info on student loans for non Australian citizens:
The city has a decent train line and buses are also available.
Melbourne is also a very walkable city.
I personally don't drive atm and can still get around okay.
I live about 45 minutes by train from the CBD-- if you are planning on working inner city, you may want to move closer so you have less of a commute, but it's dependent on how long you personally are willing to travel.
I personally prefer outer suburbs for the quieter, greener living.
Rent or buy is really a personal choice! I'm looking to buy in the next 10 years as I want my own space, but it's super dependent on what you want!
I would say yes, Melbourne is in general a safe city and you should be okay living here alone. I have single friends who have lived in the inner city alone and found it to be fine.
Here's some more info I found that I hope helps!!
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 11 months
Traintober 2023: Out Of Service
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Heavy Harry’s Last Train
A sad day for Harry, for he was to pull his final revenue raising train to Melbourne before his overhaul. But the way things were going, everyone doubted if he would actually get it.
He had slept overnight at Seymour before the trip, which was OK because Newport had taken on a charnel house-like atmosphere. The scrap roads filled with exhausted, sad locos ready to be taken apart. It was basically his second home anyway.
Is this the day I finally get to cry? It would be an acceptable excuse to do it.
The tears would not come. He felt drier than the Simpson Desert. Numb.
His cylinders on the other hand, always felt slightly ticklish. And not from those weird happy butterflies he got in them when he saw VR Hudson R700 Nucklevee again, but bad sort of ticklish.
Steam was leaking into them, his regulator was probably broken in addition to his sore, in-need-of-replacement boiler and if it wasn’t for the Westinghouse brake, venting as much steam as he possibly could through his cylinder cocks, safety valve and his sheer willpower in locking them, he would careen off by himself with an 800 tonne load.
He did not want this to happen.
Please, please, please I need my overhaul so bad! Even if you put me in mothballs, at least make me safe!
That’s not going to happen isn’t it?
I’m now an actual danger to myself and people. You can’t really be this negligent, VR? Say it ain’t so? Its one thing to let us get caked in filth, its another thing to lag behind on overhauls just because you want to be rid of us.
You don't care, do you?
I’m about to have my last ride and I’m actively a danger to everyone. I’m trying so very hard…
He was washed and cleaned for his final ride, which didn’t improve his mood a jot but at least he didn’t look as shabby as he did. His paint did shine a little duller though, whether from sadness or from neglect was difficult to tell.
“How are you, Harry…”, asked Driver
“Not great…” he said as if under water.
“I can understand… its a sad day for everyone…”
“I’m shit scared… my regulator is leaking…I can feel the steam in my cylinders even with the regulator shut… I don’t want to do this…”
“Lets try get through today, Har’, we’ll work our darndest to make it safe and get you home...”
“I’m not going to get that overhaul, won’t I…”
“I don’t think so, boy...”
30th of April, 1958
“What are they going to do with me? I’ve been sitting here for two years...I’m bored and antsy… and I haven’t heard from the Historical Society in weeks… Do you have any news, Driver?”
“I’m so sorry, Harry...there’s no nice way of saying this… you are being withdrawn…”
Harry didn’t quite hear Driver say these words, terrible overwhelming fear and confusion flooded his smokebox.
The physical pain that was in his boiler that was now constant but low, suddenly stabbed him and he exhaled sharply.
“No reprieve?”
“No, big fella”
Driver squeezed his knuckle coupling sadly, in an attempt to give him comfort.
“What is to happen to me, Driver…”, he said in a voice that was barely above a murmur.
“We don’t know…the preservationists are working on something… but it will take time…”
That emotional pain that was already there, more of it was being added. But he had to push that aside and think.
“What will you do, Driver…”
“I’m a railwayman, and always have been…
“There’s no place for us in the brave new world of swappable roles they are going to create… easy to drive, easy to train, which was what I suspect was going on the entire time they were doing this diesel introductory thing anyway...
Not a word of thanks for the work and love we put into you and yours, Harry…
I’ll never forget you, big fella…”
Harry wanted so very badly to cry, but the pain could not flow outwards. Instead, it settled back into his cold firebox and burned as bitterness.
The pain in his side flared, as if expressing what he could not.
He just cast his eyes downward and sighed.
There is no light at the end of this tunnel, just another, even bigger fuck-off train ready to barrel through you and out the other side, leaving you in pieces all over the track.
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artemisbarnowl · 1 year
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I am in a cow paddock. I am 5 kilometres from parliament house. With the right breeze you can hear speeches from the national library as people walk for the Voice to parliament, a referendum that will hopefully change our country for reconciliation and recognition of first people. I am 2 kilometres from an international airport with less than 15 gates. This is the capital, the heart of the country. I can smell cow shit and wattle. Less than half a million people live here. Im 4ks from a grape chupa chup bubble tea and an asian grocer but there is so little culture if i post about a class im doing next week you'll be able to meet me there if you wanted (unless the class was piliates. Theres so much pilates). Behind me is a sorta annoyed water dragon and behind her is a porche that got pulled over by federal police. The prime minister lives 7ks away. The entire economy exists for people who fly here from sydney (2.5 hour drive/1 hour flight) or Melbourne (8 hour drive/1 hour flight) on monday morning and fly home again friday afternoon. A main arterial road was closed because of a flower festival. All this within a 5km radius of the cbd. A couple of hours to walk around and you could see everything but mostly just bush and farm. There is 1 tram line and no trains, except the one that takes you interstate and it does not line up with the bus timetable or even go to cbd to meet connecting services. This is where matters of policy and law are decided. Every time I lay eyes on the spire and flag atop parliament house (just left of centre in the background above. Not the tower on the mountain) i think of the women who are not safe there, were assaulted there, their place of work and the house that decides how 23 million people must live. I know for sure that none of the people making decisions have ever stood in this cow paddock and looked back at their house or their office building, but 200 metres to my left is a road they travel down every week.
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At Limo Chauffeur Melbourne, we understand the significance of a reliable and punctual chauffeur service. Our team of professional chauffeurs is highly trained, ensuring that every journey is executed with precision and efficiency. They possess a profound knowledge of Melbourne and its surroundings, allowing them to navigate the city's roads and traffic seamlessly.
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When choosing Limo Chauffeur Melbourne, you can expect nothing short of excellence, luxury, and a seamless journey throughout the beautiful city of Melbourne.
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leqclerc · 1 year
Only mistake Charles made thus far is Melbourne. And that was in part because Ferrari fumbled with quali. Maybe he pushed a bit in Baku but it was tricky for everyone. And he saved the car and the pole was his anyway. I mean do we want results and great racing or just chilling in 5th ? What are people on about ?
« verstappen doesn’t make mistake » « Hamilton doesn’t » yes they do. They don’t when their car is far superior and on rails. They don’t have to push so they don���t « make mistakes ». (And even there sometimes there is a spin or crash those men just want to push the limits all the time that’s also what make the sport what it is).
We go from Charles being god in Baku to he is finished because he lost the rear on FP2
People are really being dramatic about free practice. It’s literally made to test things from settings to driving style. You can’t figure out how much you can push if you don’t cross the line. And the track/asphalt is tricky in Miami. He protected the car so even the cost cap talk is useless. By testing the limits he puts on mega laps come quali or the race.
I’m starting to think domenicalli is right: let’s get rid of FPs if people think they are races or quali sessions.
Also Ferrari are testing new parts. It will affect the balance of the car. He has to push the car to see what’s right or wrong and to figure out what settings they’ll go for. There is much less testing times than in previous years. They do that in FP more than ever. We can’t compare to what was going on even 3 years ago.
Anyway I hope Ferrari can figure something out with that car and développement or what is really wrong with it for next year. And « fans » can learn what free practices are.
The only point I'm gonna disagree on is Melbourne being Charles's mistake when it was analysed and the conclusion was that it was a racing incident (I think that's what you're referring to?). To me, for example, the Baku qualy crash was on him. The pole was safe, but that's something I can admit was his mistake.
Other than that, I agree. Especially re: the recency bias and the knee-jerk reactions, going from him being the only person to at least somewhat challenge the Red Bulls in Baku, to him being finished and not knowing how to drive because of one incident in FP2. Like, what 😭
Also, so true about F1 steadily cutting down more and more testing time for the drivers and teams in favour of focusing on the ~spectacle. In 2019 the pre-season testing was split into two parts, for a total of eight days of testing. In 2020 that was reduced to six. From 2021 onwards they've only had three. Now with the new sprint weekend format they only have one Friday practice session, and Mr Moneybags Domenicali is already eyeing a record 10 sprint weekends for next year. That means ten weekends with only one FP 😶 So, sorry to break it to the ~racing experts over on Twt, but we're probably only going to be seeing more drivers taking risks and possibly making mistakes as they're going to be given less and less time to test new parts, set-ups, etc. going forward.
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starcitychauffeurs · 2 years
Why You Should Hire Limo Service for Your Upcoming Event
Limousines aren’t reserved for the rich only. Nowadays, it is accessible to any person interested in hopping into one. If you dream of riding in a limo, you can charter one. The availability of many limo service providers has reduced the cost of chartering this vehicle. Besides enjoying the luxury and comfort of this vehicle, you will also get exceptional service from the chauffeur. Here are reasons for hiring a limo service for your event. No Distracted Driving Limo service allows you to drive your VIP guests within the city or host an event without having to worrying about guest transport. Irrespective of your objective for hiring this automobile, you are assured of utmost safety in your day tours Melbourne. Limousine drivers are highly professional and well-trained to drive in such situations. They will focus on the road, ignoring the activities of the passengers behind them. They will ensure you and your guests arrive at the event safely. No Sharing with Others If you detest the inconvenience of sharing a ride with strangers or others, hiring a limo is the perfect transport option. Limousines allow passengers to be driven in class to and from their event. Their tinted windows make the limos exclusive. So, it is a suitable automobile for individuals who value privacy. You don’t have to cater for Parking If you are hosting an event in a busy area within the city, parking will be a problem. Looking for safe parking is time-consuming and stressful, especially for a limousine. That might cause unnecessary delays for you. Fortunately, with limousine hire Melbourne, you can focus all your undivided attention to the event. The company will take care of the parking and other concerns for you.
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whisperingseasaus · 2 years
Surfing at Inverloch Surf Beach
Finding an escape from the mundane is a must for carrying out with your daily work life. Taking a short break for a quick holiday escape with your friends or family can be reviving. It is even better when you can spend the vacation attached to some beautiful beachfront. Well, such a destination is not far away. Take a two hours drive south of Melbourne and you will reach the pristine beach of Inverloch. You will be quickly amazed to feel the cool breeze, sand and waves at the seafront. This is why Whispering Seas is offering you the best rental accommodation with premium amenities at Inverloch that are perfect for family reunions, friend's getaways or corporate retreats.
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Along with the spectacular views, Inverloch has a lot of other interesting activities and adventurous water sports to offer you. The wide array of activities include beach sailing, boating, surfing, fishing, jet skiing, windsurfing, canoeing and many more. Let us give you an idea of how you can make your weekend getaway memorable by engaging in some fun activities. 
The Perfect Waterfront to Enjoy Safe Surfing and Other Water Activities
Inverloch is a paradise for anyone who loves surfing or other water sports. Water activities like surfing, sailing and jet skiing are offered on most beachfront destinations. However, at Inverloch, you can enjoy these activities without worrying about safety. What makes Inverloch special is the estuary environment associated with Anderson inlet and its lush green landscapes along with the surfing beachfront. The inlet provides a safe environment for diverse watersports. 
Surf Your Way through the Waves
Make your desire for surfing come true at the massive waterfront of the Inverloch surf beach. If you are into watersports, then you are going to witness a sudden adrenaline rush when surfing through the high and low sea waves. However, this water sport is not meant for everyone and should be left to the professionals only. Surfing indeed requires a lot of practice and mastery. Do not attempt it if you have no expertise in the activity as it can be unsafe for you. 
Other Water Activities
Don't get disheartened if you can not enjoy surfing. Inverloch offers countless fun activities and water sports for you to choose from. You can go sailing and boating in the pristine waters which is equally entertaining without the risk. Such rides will require no additional skills and are usually handled by experts. Moreover, all the family members of different age groups can be a part of this, making it a great time for family bonding. Behold the beauty of azure water and the golden sand as you sail through the sea. 
Best Beachside Accommodation 
To enjoy all of these and more you will need a nice and comfortable stay. It is natural to look for accommodation with the most amazing view of the beachfront. This is why Whispering Seas has the most comfortable accommodation with the best view arranged for the visitors. You can keep gazing at the sea from the balcony and enjoy a perfect vacation with your loved ones. Along with the best view, we provide top-notch facilities for our visiting guests. 
Final Word
Inverloch has everything you will need to make your weekend getaway enjoyable and cherishable. Surfing and other water activities can transform the vision of your trip and make it much more exciting than what you planned. 
To know more about such activities and accommodations at Inverloch, visit our website.
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ctandy12 · 5 days
Get the Best Deals on Kumho Tyres in Melbourne
Fear of driving on worn-out tyres? Ensure your ride stays smooth and safe with Kumho Tyres in Melbourne. Whether you're navigating city streets or exploring the outback, Kumho Car Tyres provide unmatched durability and performance. Trusted for over 30 years in Australia, Kumho's extensive range caters to all vehicles—from passenger cars to heavy trucks. With state-wide distribution ensuring easy access, you can rely on Kumho for quality and reliability. Choose Kumho Tyres in Melbourne and drive with confidence. Get the best in tyre technology today!
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ecutuning · 7 days
How To Choose The Best ECU Tuning Specialist For Your Car?
Ever felt like your car’s performance could use a bit of a boost? Or maybe you’re just itching to unlock that hidden horsepower? If you’re nodding along, it’s time to consider ECU tuning. But before diving into the world of ECU tuning in Melbourne, finding the right specialist to get the job done is crucial. 
Think of it as finding the perfect partner for a high-stakes dance—one who knows the moves, has the right rhythm and can keep the performance smooth and thrilling. Here’s how to ensure you’re not only hitting the dance floor but owning it!
Understand the Basics of ECU Tuning
Before you start hunting for an ECU tuning Melbourne specialist, it’s helpful to grasp the basics. ECU tuning, or Engine Control Unit tuning, involves recalibrating your car’s computer to enhance performance. 
This can mean increased horsepower, improved fuel efficiency, or a thrilling driving experience. But remember, not all tunes are created equal, and the quality of the tune can make a significant difference in your vehicle’s performance and longevity.
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Look for Experience and Expertise
When it comes to ECU tuning in Melbourne, experience matters. You wouldn’t trust anyone with a fine instrument, so why would you entrust your car’s ECU to an amateur? Look for specialists with a solid track record and extensive experience with various car models. 
An experienced technician will understand your car’s needs and navigate the complexities of tuning with finesse.
Check for Credentials and Certifications
Credentials and certifications are more than badges—they prove a specialist’s knowledge and commitment to quality. A reputable ECU tuning Melourne specialist should have relevant certifications that attest to their skills and adherence to industry standards. These certifications ensure that the tuning is done professionally and that the modifications are safe and effective.
Read Reviews and Testimonials
In today’s digital age, reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a specialist’s reputation. Look for feedback from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction levels. Were they happy with the performance improvements? 
Did they encounter any issues? A pattern of positive reviews is a good indicator that you’re on the right track. For ECU tuning Melbourne services, check local forums, social media, and review sites for honest opinions from fellow car enthusiasts.
Ask About the Tuning Process
A transparent and detailed tuning process is a hallmark of a professional ECU specialist. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their methods, tools, and the expected results. 
A good specialist will explain the tuning process clearly, including any potential risks and how they mitigate them. They should also offer a clear timeline and cost estimate, avoiding any surprises along the way.
Consider the Equipment and Technology
The equipment quality used in ECU tuning can significantly impact the results. Ensure that the ECU tuning Melbourne specialist uses advanced and up-to-date technology. Modern tuning tools and software can provide more precise and effective results, improving your car’s performance safely and reliably.
Evaluate Customer Service
Great customer service can make a huge difference in your experience. From your initial inquiry to the final tune, a specialist should be responsive, professional, and willing to address any concerns. Good communication is key to ensuring that your expectations are met and you’re satisfied with the results.
Compare Prices and Value
While cost shouldn’t be the sole deciding factor, it is essential to compare prices among different ECU tuning Melbourne specialists. Be wary of prices that seem too good to be true—they might indicate subpar work or hidden costs. Instead, look for a balance between cost and quality. Investing more in a reputable specialist can improve performance and peace of mind.
Trust Your Instincts
Finally, trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right or you’re uncomfortable with a particular specialist, it’s okay to walk away. Your car deserves the best, and finding the right ECU tuning specialist is crucial to achieving optimal performance.
Choosing the best ECU tuning Melbourne specialist is like selecting the right partner for a high-stakes performance. With the right mix of experience, expertise, and customer service, you can elevate your car's performance to new heights. So go ahead, find that perfect specialist, and get ready to experience the thrill of a finely tuned ride!
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booktaxiservice · 9 days
Why Using a Taxi Service in Melbourne is Better Than Ridesharing
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 When it comes to getting around Melbourne, many people resort to ridesharing services such as Uber or Lyft. These services have gained popularity due to their convenience and affordability. However, there is another option that often gets overlooked - taxi services. In this article, we will explore why using a taxi service in Melbourne is better than ridesharing.
The Convenience of Taxi Services
One of the main reasons why using a taxi service in Melbourne is better than ridesharing is the convenience they offer. With taxis, you can simply flag one down on the street or call a dispatch service to have one pick you up at a designated location. You don't have to wait for a ride-sharing driver to accept your request or deal with surge pricing during peak hours. Taxis are readily available and can get you to your destination quickly and efficiently.
The Professionalism of Taxi Drivers
Another advantage of using a taxi service in Melbourne is the professionalism of the drivers. Taxi drivers are trained and licensed professionals who know the city inside and out. They can navigate through traffic and road closures with ease, ensuring that you reach your destination on time. Unlike ridesharing drivers who may be newcomers to the city or rely heavily on GPS, taxi drivers have years of experience and expertise in providing top-notch service to passengers.
The Safety and Security of Taxis
Safety is paramount when it comes to transportation, and taxis are known for their strict safety standards. Taxis must undergo regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that they are safe to operate. Additionally, taxi drivers are required to undergo background checks and have clean driving records. When you ride in a taxi, you can rest assured that you are in good hands and will reach your destination safely.
The Availability and Reliability of Taxi Services
Unlike ridesharing services that may have limited availability in certain areas or during peak times, taxi services in Melbourne are available 24/7. Whether you need a ride to the airport early in the morning or a late-night lift home from a night out, you can always count on taxis to be there when you need them. Taxis are known for their reliability and prompt service, making them a convenient choice for both locals and tourists alike.
The Comfort and Convenience of Taxis
One of the biggest advantages of using a taxi service in Melbourne is the comfort and convenience they provide. Taxis are typically well-maintained and clean, offering a comfortable and hassle-free ride to your destination. You can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride without having to worry about navigating through traffic or following GPS directions. 
In conclusion, when it comes to getting around Melbourne, using a taxi service is a superior option compared to ridesharing. Taxis offer convenience, professionalism, safety, availability, and comfort that cannot be matched by ridesharing services. Next time you need a ride in Melbourne, consider taking a taxi for a stress-free and enjoyable transportation experience.  
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melbournes-world · 17 days
Critical Considerations for Smash Repairs After a Minor Collision
Life in a bustling city is a whirlwind of excitement and stress. We’re all chasing dreams, juggling work, and trying to keep our lives in balance. Amidst this frenzy, accidents can happen—sometimes, they’re minor fender-benders, but they still leave a mark. Finding reliable smash repairs in Melbourne services becomes a priority when that happens. But how do you ensure you get the best care for your car after a minor collision? Let’s dive into some key considerations that can make your repair process smoother and stress-free.
1. Assessing the Damage: A Critical First Step
Before you rush off to the nearest Smash Repairs workshop, take a moment to assess the damage. Minor collisions might leave you with only a few scratches or a small dent, but it's crucial to evaluate the damage's extent thoroughly. Look for any signs of structural issues or hidden damage that might not be immediately visible. If you’re unsure, seek a professional assessment. A reputable repair shop will provide a detailed inspection to ensure that all issues are addressed.
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2. Choose a Trusted Repair Shop
When it comes to smash repairs, reputation is everything. You want a repair shop known for its quality work and reliable service. Look for businesses with positive reviews and recommendations from friends or family. Check if relevant automotive associations accredit the shop, as this can indicate their professionalism and standards. Don’t hesitate to ask for a detailed estimate before you commit. 
3. Understanding the Repair Process
Knowing what to expect during the repair process can help alleviate any worries. Smash repairs in Melbourne typically involve dent removal, panel beating, and repainting for minor collisions. The process may vary depending on the damage. Make sure the repair shop explains each step to you, including how long the repairs will take and if there will be any additional costs.
4. Quality of Parts and Materials
Another crucial factor to consider is the quality of the parts and materials used in the repairs. For a lasting repair, ensure the shop uses high-quality parts and paints that match your car’s original specifications. Some shops may use aftermarket parts to cut costs, but these can sometimes affect the longevity and performance of your vehicle. Verify with the repair shop what parts and materials they use and why.
5. Insurance and Warranty
Reliable Smash Repairs Melbourne offers a smooth claim process and ensures your insurance covers repair costs. They also provide a warranty to guarantee the quality of the repairs.
6. Timeliness of Repairs
In a fast-paced city, prioritise quality repairs while ensuring your car returns to the road quickly. Discuss estimated repair time with a shop with a proven track record.
7. Post-Repair Check
After completing repairs, thoroughly inspect the work to ensure it meets your expectations and functions correctly. If any issues arise, promptly report them to the repair shop.
Accidents might be a bump in the road, but they don’t have to derail your entire journey. In a city that never sleeps, where every moment is filled with hustle and bustle, having your car back in top shape quickly and efficiently is crucial. By taking the time to assess the damage, choosing a top-notch smash repairs Melbourne shop, and understanding the repair process, you can ensure your vehicle is restored to perfection.
With high-quality repairs, trustworthy service, and patience, you’ll be back confidently on the road, ready to tackle whatever the city throws your way. So, remember these key considerations the next time you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a minor collision. Your car and peace of mind will thank you for it. Drive safe and smooth, Melbourne!
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