#and yet people will go absolutely mad about being called racist
so i finally watched Dot and Bubble and
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Yet another thing that will never not have me by the fucking throat is Ed's remembering his conversation with his mom in s1e5 - the "we're just not that kind of people" talk.
Because that's a talk that I'm pretty confident in saying most kids of color get when we're around that age, old enough to understand but young enough you don't get it. Ed's mom is obviously trying to be so, so careful with him - there's no way for this talk to be easy, and there's no way it won't hurt, but they're having it at home, where he's safe, while his father is asleep. She wants to keep Ed safe, but to keep him safe, he has to understand that there are beautiful, soft, amazing things like that piece of red silk, and he cannot have them. Given where she worked, Ed's mom no doubt had a very clear understanding of what happened to people who look like them when they try to step outside the role they were prescribed by society. OFMD absolutely nails what this conversation is like.
And the thing is, when you're given that talk, even though it's important and you have to know it and your parents are doing the best they can, you're going to internalize it. Ed clearly does; I know I did - I'm from a town that's 98% White and my parents told me in very clear terms that if anyone called me a slur I was supposed to just nod and smile and do whatever the fuck I needed to so I could walk away, and to this day if anyone starts being racist around me I just fucking freeze. When I see Ed scramble to hide that piece of red silk when Stede sees him with it, it reminds me so much of that, it breaks my heart. Even though Ed is likely sure, even by the beginning of s1e5, that Stede will not be mad at him for having it, he got the message that he's not supposed to own things like that.
I see a lot of talk about Ed's class issues, but it's not just that he grew up poor, he grew up brown and those two things go together to shape how he understands himself. Ed obviously internalized this talk; he's got more riches than you can shake a fucking stick at but we don't see him enjoy it. He kept that piece of silk hidden away and even though we know he loves soft, fine fabrics, his quarters on his ship are devoid of those comforts.
Ed has internalized that he's not the kind of person who gets nice things, and it's heartbreakingly realistic. It's so fucking well done. I really hope in s3 we get to see Ed slowly accept that he's just as worthy of having nice, comfortable things as anyone else.
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gunbun · 1 year
this post is about the cultural concerns regarding ffxiv: dawntrail
Hi doods. Activism has brushed up against fandom YET AGAIN but this time it punches me straight in the heritage and this time I wanna talk about it.
I'm a non-status Qalipu Mik'maq, for the record. An Indigenous American, if thou wilt.
I discuss some pretty heavy shit below the cut. I pray it persists across all devices. Please advise if you want me to tag this as something, or block the tags I have used. I do not need anyone to spread this on my behalf, I do not need anyone's defense. I just have some thoughts and I want to think them.
So it's been less than 24 hours since Dawntrail was announced and we got the Keynote.
We're going to Fantasy The Americas! Before Industrialization!
Many people went "oh hell yeah, that's Brazil, this is gonna be great! We don't usually see this!"
On Twitter especially, many MORE people lost their goddamn minds, citing CBU3's prior wobbles with depicting foreign/indigenous persons.
And of course, the White Community Leaders are out in force performing pre-emptive outrage or even asking people to quit FFXIV in light of this announcement.
I'm here to ask folks not to do that.
What follows is my tweet-thread about it.
"It is perfectly okay to be waiting and seeing how Tural is going to be portrayed in Dawntrail. It's okay to have a concern.
It is NOT okay to come out preemptively swinging and performing outrage.
Because blood quanta are their own touchy subject I usually don't bring this up, but I am the class of indigenous person what represents "what's left".
And I fucking tell you now I don't need the opinions of Concerned White People.
I do not need Concerned White People telling me what colonialism is.
I do not need Concerned White People telling me to be mad.
I do need Concerned White People to realise that the above two actions are microaggressive as fuuuuck.
"but Jai, aren't you White?"
colonialism and genocide comes in many forms. this includes forcing indigenous persons to assimilate or be killed.
also stuff like reinforcing the idea that being indigenous is shameful so that when their descendants find out, they deny it."
Thus ended my tweet thread. There's one more tweet linking to qalipu.ca.
So I want to write more about this on Tumblr.
I really want to make sure that folks take a hard look at what they're concerned about and why.
Like… a lot of White Concern about the use of indigenous motifs in Dawntrail is itself a brand of anti-indigenous racism.
Thinking that the MSQ is going to automatically be about the Scions starting a colonialism in Tural? That's a pretty gross thing to say in the same breath y'all complain about Always Fantasy Europe.
Calling "cultural appropriation" when everyday items are displayed and depicted in the manner in which they were/are used (gulal, curry)? Way to exoticise foreign and indigenous cultures by thinking that everything they make, wear, use, or eat is something of Deep Cultural Significance that Cannot Ever Be Shared With Outsiders. Saris and salwar kameez are just as culturally significant as skirts and slacks. Moccasins are just shoes.
And moreover, getting preemptively Concerned when thus far THERE IS LITERALLY NO NEED TO BE CONCERNED is actually kind of beyond the pale. I haven't seen many indigenous folks and/or folks from South America being anything but pleased that this time The Americas gets a cool pastiche like Europe, Asia, and India have gotten in the past. There's an undercurrent of "oh no, I hope it's not bad stereotypes" which is ABSOLUTELY OKAY. Reblog and retweet what THOSE people are saying. Do not add commentary.
Preemptively saying "you're worried" about your South American/Indigenous friends with zero indication that they're bothered? Come the actual fuck on. We are not a monolithic group that you can "be concerned" for to get a pat on the back later as a Good Person. Do not Perform the I'm A Good Person And The Worst Thing You Could Do is CALL Me A Racist dance.
Don't "get ahead of the discourse". Not every conversation needs your fucking input. Shut your mouth.
What is and isn't an Offensive Portrayal of Indigenous Americans is a lot more nuanced than most people who like to perform outrage make it out to be.
We can and will speak up for ourselves. Share our words and our concerns if you must. Do not go and distill our words and turn us into the monolith you hide behind to perpetuate white saviourism and neocolonialism.
We aren't a monolith of poor uneducated people who don't understand what the europeans did that need to be uwu protected.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
as a woc (who is south asian, so i share that with harris), it's deeply upsetting to me that......nothing she could do would be right. i see people wondering why she isn't doing more, but then she does something, and then those same people pick that thing apart and tear her to pieces and it really does go to show that nothing we ever do will be "right".
i have yet to see criticism of her specifically that doesn't boil down to racism or misogyny (or a combination of both), and it's frustrating, especially in leftist spaces, because i do want to think critically and have conversations about what she's doing right and what she (and the administration as a whole) could improve upon, but i feel like i can't start or participate in those conversations without dealing with that same racism + misogyny. and this isn't even getting into the gop, this is about people who call themselves progressive/leftist/whatever. so much effort goes into maintaining the idea that they're better than the right, but i don't see nearly as much effort put into.....being better tbh
Unfortunately, among all their other problems, Online Leftists are a) often just as likely to be racist and misogynist as the GOP, and b) to strenuously deny that they are, weaponize that language in bad faith against people or candidates they dislike, and otherwise parrot abstract "social justice" talking points and Progressive Jargon while being absolutely noxious to the real, actual people that are involved. They do, as you say, assume they are Morally Righteous, and then don't actually interrogate that or question it in any way. So.... yeah. Yeah, pretty much. As I've said before and will say again, they are an absolute failure as any kind of practical or effective opposing force to right-wing fascism, and often inadvertently or even deliberately enable it in deeply disappointing ways.
It's funny that in all my posts/answers on the topic, I stated multiple times that if people could provide me an actual reason that made empirical sense as to why they didn't like Kamala, I was happy to have that discussion. Instead I got a lot of weird angry asks from people clearly still trying to justify their Hillary Clinton Derangement Syndrome (I only answered one of them because I have better things to do with my life), accusing me of being "emotional," "angry," "trauma-dumping" and God knows what else. And like. I'm sorry that pointing out a clearly verifiable fact (misogyny is what doomed HRC, anti-Obama backlash/racism was what enabled Trump) triggered y'all to that degree, but I think that fact is pretty illuminating on its own. And no, actually, I don't have to "get over" HRC's loss or "just accept" that people had "reasons" (conveniently never articulated, but they were real! They totally weren't misogyny! PEOPLE HAD REAL REASONS FOR NOT LIKING HER WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME AND ACCEPT THAT!!!) for disliking her and/or not voting for her when her opponent was Donald F'n Trump. Like, I know they live in the magical realm of the Permanently Online where the real world suffers no consequences from their bullshit and the argument about why 2016 was not their fault changes daily, but that's not the case with us here on Earth. And yeah, we're pretty mad.
Kamala has, in my view, been doing a perfectly fine job as the vice president. She has been able to give a few powerful and relevant speeches about race relations, gun violence, abortion, and other topics. I occasionally see news articles from "anonymous sources" who "don't like her" or want to cause trouble for whatever reason, which I treat with the usual degree of skepticism that I employ when reading anything the mainstream media writes about Democrats (which is then repurposed and reused in the Online Leftists' "Democrats Terrible!" screeds in equally bad faith). Yet again, I repeat my offer for anyone who wants to complain about her for an actual and clearly articulated reason to explain what that reason is and why it's not a double standard, why it's not attributable to racism and misogyny (even and especially the unacknowledged sort), what they expect she should be doing differently, and why this is any kind of big deal for the actual mainstream electorate. But judging from previous experience, this will just trigger another round of anonymous WE HAVE GOOD REASONS FOR NOT LIKING HER!!! whines with cheese, and to that I say, yeah, don't even waste your time.
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junkiepunkie · 6 months
the Scottish hate crime law
[I’ll preface this with the fact I’m Scottish] So... a lot of bigots appear to be having trouble understanding the new Scottish hate crime law. Let me explain.
This law is a massive step forward for Scotland, in my opinion, in the fight for social equality. It criminalizes the targeted abuse/purposeful discrimination of trans and gender non-conforming people, disabled people, as well as some other categories. If a person is reported under the law they can be charged as committing a hate crime -which would be true as that is in fact what that is- and at the very least all reported cases would be investigated, at which point you could be either found not guilty, guilty of non-criminal hate or guilty of a hate crime. Now, to me this is ABSOLUTELY FAIR and COMPLETELY WARRANTED, because I’m not a piece of absolute shit. The only people who could possibly be worried by this law are people who actively commit hate crimes and whom we should therefore have no sympathy for regarding this matter.
But why do I think people don’t understand the law? Well, that’s simple. Some people are angry because Humza Yusaf (first minister and there for leader of the country) and a Tory MP who’s name escapes me right now have both been accused of hate crimes, but only the Tory MP is maybe going to be charged. Now, Humza is being reported over talk that he was racist -to fucking WHITE PEOPLE!! The literal dominant socio-economic race- in a speech made 4 years ago about George Floyd. Spoiler alert: what he said wasn’t racist it just made idiotic white people uncomfortable. The Tory MP, in stark contrast, compared identifying as non-binary to announcing you were a cat. ....People are mad.... that only.... one of these men.... is getting charged....
now, I know what you’re thinking. “Ok sure, that is pretty stupid, but I mean, people have a right under this new law to report what they deem to be hate towards their race and so they weren’t exactly wrong-“
except that this new law doesn’t deal with race, that law was passed years ago. If this comment Humza made was really that bad they could have reported it years ago, but instead a ridiculous amount of white cos people decided to try and play a racism card without even understanding the idiocy of their own actions. Idiots.
in conclusion, I’m proud of Scotland for passing laws to keep up with the times yet I am also deeply dissapointed in my country’s population for taking advantage of a new law to be bigoted.
terfs suck.
trans people are entitled to rights.
white people need to stop calling things that check their privelage attacks.
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scorpio-karma · 1 month
I honestly really don't get it, why after all these years, are people still obsessed and invested in TVD or with the cast? That show nothing but a complete shit show and dumpster fire garbage from start to finish (though the first few seasons did a better job in hiding it, because the show had promise and potential). Nothing  but one problematic thing after another and just so much negativity and toxicity surrounding it. And a lot of your stances raise a lot of questions and put a lot of things into perspective for me. 
First, it's so funny to me that you single out Nina for being a mediocre actress and using that as a reason to say her career after TVD flopped, or that she hasn't done anything since leaving the show. Because the majority of the TVD/TO cast (with the exception of only a few select), were also mediocre and not particularly good either. And honestly, what did you expect from a CW show, of all things? Also, the other cast members haven't done anything or gotten jobs after TVD either. 
Second, only singling out Nina for being problematic and doing shady things, when all of the TVD cast, including your dear and lovely Kat Graham, have done a lot of fucked up, problematic, and shady shit as well. Absolutely none of them are innocent or saints. Ian acted like a straight up, petty, and bitter manchild after he and Nina broke up and he got with Nikki Reed, while Nina handled that whole situation with grace and maturity, even with how shitty both Ian and Nikki treated her. On top of that, he's a fucking abuser who threw away Nikki's birth control pills, coerced her into pregnancy, and bragged about it publicly on a podcast as if it was something to be proud of. 
Third, singling out Nina for supposedly being racist (which to my knowledge, I've never seen her make any racist posts or comments), but say fuck all about Matt Davis, the biggest racist piece of shit in the whole show. Or Nate Buzolic, who on top of being racist, is also a raging homophobic and anti abortion rights. Most of the men on the show have done way worse than Nina or any of the girls, yet I don't see any posts from you calling them out on their shit behavior. Because as always, men can do the most abhorrent shit, they can be racist, homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, they can abuse, rape, or even kill somoene, and still have people defend and support them. But god forbid women aren't perfect and have flaws or make mistakes and fuck up. 
And you all wonder why the TVD fandom had such a bad rep back then, and still continue to have such a bad rep now. The very definition of toxic. 
First of all sweetie, you seem to be responding to some old ass posts from like 2019, so you the one that's still obsessed. Second of all, if you searched my Tumblr thoroughly (which I know is hard given Tumblr piss poor searching system) you'd find posts critical of all cast members. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only one I'm not critical of is Trevino because he knows when to stay quiet. And lastly, I'm definitely only skimming that whole message because you're clearly an unhinged Nina fan who went searching for shit to be mad at since they're tagged as "anti" meaning your not the audience for these opinions. Maybe find more recent and relevant criticisms before blowing up someone's inbox anonymously with a dissertation as to why they're wrong. In fact, maybe put this in an actual response to that post so they know what the fuck you're going on about.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Shit got detour, but for gun magic
Now I absolutely 100% understand why Rowling avoided such a idea given it’s was already a bitch to do magical stuff for kids thanks to parent groups AND all the discourse around that time
But if I was to make gun magic, I would say that early development of it did exist in the ancient past like with China. And the European wizard improved it but in the end it was considered a niche as I check wands been in use in the potter since the BC era. So magical guns were a niche in the old world that got heavily developed in the new world for multiple reasons.
What tribes folklore giants we didn’t wipeout completely in the Wild West we can use? Like here a joke
The native wizard: Pale one, perhaps we can use our magic to create certain guns?
The cowboy wizard: Why?
The giant monster in the distance: GROOOOORA!
Cowboy:…I got a idea
Oh oh oh! UFO sightings in Nevada and areas actually just wizard flying around?
Of course American wizards use wands since they were acknowledged since book 4 and we saw them in fantastic beasts though I heard Ilvermorny kids can’t take their wands homes and have to leave it at school until the age of 17
Oh yeah that totally going to work with a lot of Americans wizards
(They probably have more bootleg magical items than all the prohibiton bootleg liquor and poor black person bootleg dvd collections…not that I may or may not have my own or know a guy)
Also one thing, Rowling (and people who try to copy her) often forget that Harry Potter Wizarding setting worked because she combined and modernize it. And used Britain existing folklore. She also had the Roman republic/empire to fall back to as a the Roman’s established a lot of trades routes in Western Europe thus many wizards from different parts of it could interacted and merge.
Maybe because she is British, Rowling can’t or don’t understand how diverse everything is. Like I can see the magical Congress she made try to keep the American Wizard society in check. But so vast
I mean look at the Midwest, Midwest wizards probably got a lot of good farming magic. But we also probably very innovative
Hmm as a Chicagoan…should I say the Midwestern wizards made a magical Tommy gun? Much pay homage to the infamous Al Capone
Also not to mention the LOCAL native tribes that still exist. I mean western tribes would definitely have their own desert magic vs the forest eastern ones.
Of course she mention the European wizards…but we should also have a huge change when the Chinese and other Asians wizards immigrated to America. Maybe martial art magic is an extra curriculum and such.
Am I making sense, yeah the American wizards guns is funny because we would make some of the most powerful magic bullets that would be consider heresy
But a joke if Voldemort won and attacked America
Voldemort: You disgusted mutts, the blood of the must powerful wizards runs in your veins yet also the blood of steer rats
The current head of the magical Congress(been around since Teddy and look like an America navy officer around that time): Ah voldy mort! Welcome to America!
V: You dare talk to me like a commoner!
American Wizard: I would say you can go to Asia as their Wizard got skin magic that can make you look handsome
V: Enough, my dear eaters would rule this filthy country! You thought it was foolish enough to leave all your items in Massachusetts?!
AW: (Holy shit they took the bait), hmm Mr snake Sidious
V: Who?
AW: Nevermind, but heard about an infamous writer called HP lovecraft?
V: That foolish man? Yes
AW: Well his stories were real since those asses couldn’t shut up around the time and we ask him who was probe by them often to infamous the No-Maj about such creature
V: those stories are true!
AW: Kinda, but check this bowl
Voldemort then saw visions of his death eaters ripping each other faces off, screaming around like mad, and being eaten by horrific monsters
V: W-Why I was never told this?!
AW: Because your a racist inbreed jackaas that could barely tolerate fellow English man much less America
V: I will have my revenge!
AW: Man those southern wizards are good with illusions *snap his fingers*
The room dissolved and Voldemort say they were in a purple cosmos realm. He then heard giant creepy laughing
AW: All your’s Kulu
Voldemort turn around and saw it was the infamous old one Cthulhu. Despite having the master wand and use all three forgivable curses. The old one laugh and grabbed the dark lord
V: NOOOOOO I CAN NOT DIED I CAN NOT-proceed to be eaten
AW: Ugh good, now take you little nap kulu *pic up an old telephone* Yeah operation “help mother Britain” is a go. Well at least he did go to Mexico, those wizards would have gut him harder than a fish
Now I absolutely 100% understand why Rowling avoided such a idea given it’s was already a bitch to do magical stuff for kids thanks to parent groups AND all the discourse around that time
Post on here was just something about a exchange student from America at the battle of Hogwarts pulling out a handgun, I think that was what it was, faster than magic since you don't need to say words and do something with your wand.
I cast glock, pulls out a gun boom dead.
UFO's are golden snitches that made their way too far away from the quidditch pitch.
The current head of the magical Congress(been around since Teddy and look like an America navy officer around that time): Ah voldy mort! Welcome to America!
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Admiral of the Navy George Dewy work as a model for you, he was in charge of the fleet in the Spanish American war so perfect for TR.
The conversation there was brilliant BTW, funny stuff.
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deeenerys17 · 1 year
These so-called fans need to just unstan and follow another popstar. I'm sure they'll find some unproblematic musicians out there. And yet despite saying that Taylor is the absolute worst, and just a step away from saying she's also a racist POS, they still won't stop reblogging her or talking about her. Why don't they just completely stop listening to her music and leave the fandom.
They wont be able to do so and certainly doesn't want to. These people are a bunch of FOMOs - same type of people who would go to her concert to brag about being able to go there. Apart from that, Taylor's music is universal - you can hate her but you cant deny the fact that she makes great music that are relatable and therapeutic.
I honestly wish we can get rid of them - there's a blog here that I used to follow and also talk to (sometimes) who is just so angry now, she was already mad when the break up news drop and now its like a bomb went off. I feel bad for that person - living in this world for 36 years, it has been my personal motto to remove any negative energy in my life (that's probably why I look so young for my age lol) point being is - if Taylor Swift is not making you happy (in that blogger's case she's so ANGRY) just drop her. I don't understand whining and being petty and loud over something you aren't entitled to.
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anxietycalling · 2 years
just having the absolute worst week and it is only tuesday, my dudes
yesterday, pup got bulldozed by another dog at the park and was limping, and the other dog's mom got mad at me for wanting to check on Maz. (this lady has also taken a story I once told her and twisted it to be incredibly racist, and she now hates me and Husband and shit talks us to people at the park bc Husband called her on repeating racist shit) so, like, obviously that ruined my afternoon
and then we were supposed to do virtual book club for Gideon the Ninth with some friends, and the one friend's husband is literally insufferable. talked over everyone, focused on the stupidest details that literally he doesn't have information on yet, and I had to keep being like "Muir. Will. Elaborate. please read the fucking books." so I didn't spoil anyone else. and it was increasingly uncomfortable and like an academic forum with this dude wanting us to cite page and paragraph numbers, and like, i exclusively read ebooks! shut the fuck up! Husband reads audiobooks! stop being fucking ableist!
and when Husband was like, "hey have you actually read any queer or authors of color before?" and the dude just listed a bunch of dead white dudes. and to treat the locked tomb as hard sci-fi is not a good or critical reading of the text at all. the sci-fi elements are set dressing. the drapes are fucking blue because that's the color of fabric they could afford, Gerald.
and it's hard to explain to someone so laser focused on one aspect of the Empire that the progression of the books is meant to go from Emperor as myth to "he's just some guy" to "ugh he's the Worst guy." but no, let's complain about the Empire not having changed in 10k years (which is just not true! Gideon just has a very limited scope! think about the fucking POV character!)
so anyway, that was our night last night
and today we had planned to keep our neighbors' cat for a bit bc pest control is spraying, but one of them invited herself over for literal hours and talked at us and read recipes out loud to us. and when we asked her to not bc Husband is literally at work, she stormed out dramatically without a word? i don't understand? and she's like 70 so I was trying not to be rude, but she literally corners folks in the hallway and talks at them constantly
today is cancelled, I am anxious, people are the worst.
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freddiefiction · 2 years
It's quite worrying how many people have this strange idea that criticising terrible behaviour is somehow worse than the behaviour itself. And it's not just on here, it's everywhere. I was watching a true crime documentary on youtube the other day, and someone commented saying how they wanted the murderer to suffer in prison (rightfully so.) Several of the replies were all like, 'it's not our place to judge.' 'We can't judge him, God will.' 'You have to be the better person and forgive.' 'If you're judging him, you're just as bad.'
This is a serial killer we're talking about. A man who brutally assaulted and murdered several women and has shown zero remorse. Yet somehow calling him out for it was "just as bad" as him murdering people. I understand that religious people have a thing about forgiveness, because that's what most holy texts preach about, but I'm not ashamed to say that I think no one is obligated to forgive, especially for crimes as terrible as murder. For all we know, God doesn't exist, and these criminals won't get their comeuppance after death. That's enough for me to be perfectly comfortable with judging them, as any sane human would.
I know this is an extreme example, but it goes to show just how far people push this "don't criticise" narrative. I know there are some situations where compromises can be made, but when it comes to topics that actively harm other people (any kind of bigotry, murder, abuse, etc.) there are no excuses and victims should not be pressured into feeling like they're in the wrong for refusing to be reasonable with people who defend such terrible views.
I couldn't agree more, anon. If I had a penny for all the times I've seen people get more angry at criticism of harmful behaviour than the behaviour itself, I'd be a millionaire.
You're absolutely right when you say that no one is entitled to forgiveness. Forgiveness is something that should benefit the victim, and the victim only. If it brings them some sort of peace and helps them move on from their trauma, then they should be free to forgive. They also have every right not to forgive, because some things are simply unforgiveable.
As someone who was raised Christian, the whole "turn the other cheek" rhetoric has always bothered me. The idea that we can never judge, because only God can judge, bothers me also. Like you said, there's no guarantee that God exists. There's no guarantee that a serial killer will face proper justice in an afterlife. It's most likely that they'll live their lives in a comfortable prison cell and then cease to exist after death. I'm sorry but I'm going to judge the fuck out of a man who assaults and murders women because it gives him some sick satisfaction. If God gets mad at me for using the natural instincts he gave me, that's on him.
Moving away from the religious arguments, I think another reason people seem desperate to be "neutral" on such controversial topics is because they either agree with the negative opinions (but are too scared to admit it and face the backlash), or they somehow think being centrist about everything makes them look morally superior and mature. Like you said, there are some topics where there's no problem picking a side (like whether you think pineapple belongs on pizza), but when it comes to stuff like straight up bigotry and remorseless serial killers, you really can't be in the middle.
It makes me so angry that some have the audacity to tell victims and marginalised people that they should be "understanding" when it comes to those who push views that actively harm them. I sound like a broken record, but I don't care if a mass murderer who killed innocent people had a rough childhood. I don't care if a person who says homophobic bullshit is from a "different generation." I don't care if the local racist was once mugged by a black man. Some of these situations can explain a person's behaviour, but it never ever excuses it.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Slytherin!Muggleborn X Draco Extensive Dating Headcanons
requested by the ever lovely @mimsyisgianna​
A/n: Hi, this is super long and I’m in love with it.
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oh this is going to be fun
As a muggle born you have absolutely no idea what’s going on 
But you guess magic is cool? And your parents said that you don’t have to stay at Hogwarts if you’d rather a muggle school and forget all of the magic stuff
Which quells your anxiety a bit
Then there’s this asshole
Draco Lucius Malfoy: arrogant asshole extraordinaire, even as an eleven year old
You’re over his entire personality in about 0.2 seconds and you haven’t even talked to him yet
So maybe this magic thing wasn’t for you, because good god these purebloods are awful
Then you’re in the same House as Draco and you really just want to go home, but you decide you can try it for a semester and you shouldn’t let some prissy rich boy ruin your fun
Because, well magic is a lot of fun--and you’re pretty good at it
There are a few other half-bloods and muggle born in Slytherin, not many, but enough that you don’t feel alone
And maybe you become best friends with a muggle born hufflepuff who lives up the road from you back home
Draco, on the other hand, has made it his personal mission to make sure that you know you don’t belong at Hogwarts and you definitely don’t belong in Slytherin
he tells you as much. in so many words. in front of the entire great hall
You’re not hurt, you’re livid
“You know what you’re right!” You snap back, “I’d rather be anywhere but here with your vain racist arrogant ass!”  
The entire Hall goes quiet and Snape breaks the two of you up
Now you both have detention together on Saturday 
Draco yells something about his father hearing about this and you roll your eyes and go back to your dorm, dinner forgotten
Detention with Snape could be worse. All you’re doing it organizing potions ingredients onto the shelves 
“That doesn’t go there,” You point to the misplaced vial of newt. “Yes it does,” Draco snaps, “Don’t tell me what to do little mudblood,” 
“Don’t call me mudblood, asshole. Newt goes over there,” You point to a different shelf. “With the rest of the reptile related ingredients,” 
You and Draco stare each other down, both convinced you’re right. You scoff and go back to your own ingredients letting him be wrong. It didn’t matter to you. 
Draco would never admit that you were right. But you were. 
You smirk at him when Snape points out the mistake
Since you’re Slytherin, it’s unavoidable that sometimes Draco is your partner in class
You mostly ignore him and try to focus on the professor, but sometimes he gets under your skin and you just want to deck him in his perfect face
“That’s not how...” “Good lord Draco how are you still alive...” Draco that’s not what the professor said...” “What in the world are you doing?” “I don’t think that’s how...” “He said 1354CE not 1435CE,” 
“I don’t need a mudblood telling me what to do,” He always snaps. 
“What about a Slytherin?” You fire back. He never has an answer to that. 
It’s the end of first year and late one night after exams and you’re alone in the Common Room, staring at the murky lake water outside the stained glass, well almost alone. 
You’re so lost in thought that you don’t hear him the first time he speaks to you
“Oi, Y/n,” He calls. It was the first time he ever used your name. It caught your attention. 
“I’m not really in the mood,” You hug your knees barely glancing at him. “I’m sure Hermione is somewhere in a library if you want a mudblood to taunt.” 
“I’m here as a Slytherin actually,” He leans against the wall adjacent to the window seat. “How were exams?” 
You shrug. “Fine. I guess.” Sighing you rest your head against the wall, closing your eyes. “Mom thinks I should go back home... go to a normal--muggle,” You mend, “school, and give up all this magic stuff,” 
“What?” He demands. “Why would you do something so... so stupid?” 
This time you do look at him, confused. Sure, he had called you a lot of things and mocked you more times than you could count but they had always been about your blood status, never about you inkling to leave this magical world. 
“It’s not stupid!” You argue back. “How--all year you’ve given me hell for not belonging and now that I might actually want to go, you’re telling me no!?” 
You don’t let him say a word, instead you rush down the hall and to your room, slamming the door shut and locking the door, confusing your roommate, but she sees the tears in your eyes and decides not to question it. 
Draco sort of hates himself for making you cry, but he can’t quite figure out why. He can’t figure out why the thought of you leaving for good bothered him so much. His friends couldn’t figure out why he cared so much. And neither could he. 
You’re not at the End Of Year feast, nor on the train back to King’s Cross, and Draco gets really worried that you have left for good. 
The more he thinks about it over the summer, the more he thinks that you weren’t so bad for a mudblood. And maybe sometimes you were actually brilliant. And maybe you’re the only one who can see right through him and yet you still help him when you can even though he’s stubborn about it. And maybe you did belong in the Wizarding world with him.
But he had to go and screw all of that up. 
He does a double take when he sees you September 1st with a few other Slytherins on the Hogwarts Express. 
“You came back,” He blurts out. “You can’t get rid of me that easy Malfoy,” You grin at him. 
You still snap at each other but now it’s more of an inside joke rather than malicious. It’s a game that you both like playing. 
“Happy now Y/l/n,” Draco grumbles after you correct him in front of the entire class. “Ever so more, now that you’re put off Malfoy,” You laugh. 
Boy does Draco freak out when he hears that mudb-muggle borns are the target when the chamber of secrets is opened
Now he’s constantly worried about you and still doesn’t know why. He chalks it up to “you’re a slytherin and slytherins take care of their own,” 
Not that he cares about any other slytherin muggle born, just you
Not that he admits that to himself either
So maybe he stalks you a bit in second year. You notice but shrug it off. Draco’s weird, that wasn’t new info to you. 
This year you go to Quidditch games, one because Draco mentioned he was the new Seeker, and two... well, why not? 
You go to one, then swear them off. Good lord they’re dangerous and give you unnecessary anxiety. Especially the amount of times people get hurt. Magic or not, you didn’t want to watch that. 
After the first match that Draco sees you there, he always looks for you in the crowd again, but never sees you. It throws off his focus more than he cared to admit
he liked showing off to you okay?
He finds you in the common room after one victory, enjoying the party with your friends. You wave at him and after a while congratulate him on catching the snitch. It’s blushing and awkward but then Pansy comes and draws Draco’s attention and you can barely get out goodbye
The fact that you’re a muggleborn hardly bothers him anymore. You’re just... you. 
After one particularly aggravating quidditch match you find him afterwards, sulking in the library. 
“Draco?” You ask, confusion in your voice. 
“Go away,” He grumbles, more or less hiding behind his book. 
“I heard about what happened today...” 
“And you’ve come to mock me, brilliant,” 
“No,” you offer a smile. “Though the thought is appealing... I was wondering if you were okay,” 
“I’m fine,” He snaps, taken aback that you came to check on him. No one did that. Ever. 
The summer still gives him anxiety because there’s always the possibility that you won’t come back to Hogwarts the next year. And Draco can’t have that
But his fears are put to rest when your in his train compartment that next year (you have the same friends after all--and Slytherins stick together)
You notice that Draco’s wearing his hair a bit different this year and maybe he’s a bit taller...
and you have no idea what feeling is in your chest because of it. was it nervousness? No... was different... but what was it?
You shrug mentally and the game is on again with Draco. 
“I was going to insult you but it seems like you’re doing just fine on your own,” You grin and Draco is livid. And it makes you laugh. He’s just so cute when he’s mad.
“I can see that you’re failing at attempting to mock me Y/l/n,” Draco smirks. “Oh you’re completely right,” You smile innocently, and Draco’s eyes widen because did you just say he was right?. “I’m not attempting, I’m succeeding at mocking you.” You giggle and make a face at him before heading down the hall with your friends. 
and maybe Draco’s heart skips a beat
Animosity between the Gryffindors and Slytherin is real and even though you’re a muggle born the self righteous golden children don’t seem to care
Hi Dracos protective of you
“You don’t have to defend me. I’m just fine on my own,” you huff one day after class. “Slytherin take care of their own,” Draco shrugs and walks off.
Did Draco just call you a Slytherin genuinely? Did he just call you one of his own?? What the f—
Okay but Buckbeak terrifies you?? Like sure horses you could do but this??
Draco laughs at your apprehension before he realizes what you really are terrified and ducking behind him and the other Slytherin.
Hagrid picks you to come forward and greet Buckbeak and you can’t seem to get out the words “no thank you”
Draco, being over dramatic and now protective goes forward instead (you know the scene) and despite your fear of Buckbeak you’re scolding Draco that he’s going to get hurt if he doesn’t do it properly
Then he does get hurt
“It’s killed me!” He cries and you have to laugh, crouching down beside him.
“You’re fine drama queen,” you help him up and take him to Pomfrey. “Thanks,” you whisper as his arm is getting wrapped.
“Sure, I save you from a bloody chicken and all I get is a thanks?” He grumbles.
You rest your hand on his and your eyes meet.
“Thank you,” you say softly and boy does Draco melt on the spot
He still scoffs and plays it off. “Whatever,”
The same thing happens again with the boggarts but this time the roles are switched. Draco is terrified to go up but you’re pretty brave and reckless for a Slytherin
But holy heck does this backfire
Because your Boggart is Draco...
“You don’t belong here and you never will! You filthy little mudblood! Just go home and don’t come back! No one wants you here!”
You can’t manage the spell—because honestly you didn’t expect it to be that—and Lupin has to rescue you and you rush out of the room, tears in your eyes and everyone is just staring at Draco.
As you can imagine, things get pretty bad. Draco avoids and ignores you to the best of his ability because he had no idea how scared you were of him... sure maybe a little bit... but to be your greatest fear? It didn’t sit well with him. 
And you figure out pretty quick why that was your boggart but you don’t know if you can admit it to anyone. 
Until Lupin pulls you aside after class one day to ask if you’re okay and if Malfoy is giving you any trouble about being a muggleborn. 
“I can give him detention,” Lupin offers. “Maybe it’ll straighten him out.” 
“Stars, no!” You gasp. “Professor, please, Draco’s never...” You can’t exactly say he’s never said that, because he did, in first year. “It’s not for the reason you think, but Draco really... it’s not...” You don’t know how to explain without telling Lupin the entire thing. 
“Alright,” Lupin appeases. “But if you have any trouble with anyone, you come to me you understand?” 
You nod and leave, accidentally running into Draco in the hall. He barely looks at you before rushing off again. 
“Draco, wait!” You call. “Please,” 
Apprehensively he pauses and turns to face you. He waits for there to be fear in your eyes, but all he can see is desperation and sadness. 
“I thought you were afraid of me,” He meant it as a snarky reply, but it comes out broken. 
“No,” You shake your head. Biting your lip you decide to tell him why he’s your boggart. “You’re... you’re the only one I... I trust enough to believe... if you told me I didn’t belong... It only scares me if it comes from you,” 
“What the bloody hell am I supposed to do with that!?” He demands. 
You shrug, sighing thinking about the same. “I don’t know... I’m sorry Draco,” You turn and walk down the hall. 
It’s gone from bad to worse because not the awkward tension between you two is tangible and about every Slytherin is over it. So are most of the other students but they don’t have to live with you two. 
Draco barely sleeps at night. He’s just thinking about how he actually said that to you in first year and how you still held onto his words. He never meant for them to hurt you that badly. At least now he didn’t mean it. 
Then there was the matter of what you had explained to him. That he was the only one who could hurt you with those words. Because you trust him? Why the hell would you trust him? Why was it him of all people? 
Maybe his thoughts shifted to the panic in your eyes the day with Buckbeak, or the smile when you helped him off the ground, or the gentle kindness in your eyes when you thanked him in the infirmary. 
Or maybe it was the determination in your eyes when you volunteered yourself to face the boggart so he didn’t have to. 
Or maybe it was every taunt and tease that had you both smiling and laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Every name calling, every insult. 
Maybe it was the day he saw you at King’s Cross, telling him that he couldn’t get rid of you that easily and grinning at him like it was some sort of inside joke. 
Or maybe it was the soft apology you gave him for the mess you were in.
You didn’t really talk for the rest of the year, but the tension seemed to ease after Draco’s epiphany that night. You smile at him and he waves to you in the halls... it’s nice. It’s friends. 
Draco still thinks that this is finally the year that you don’t come back to Hogwarts and it really does crush him over the summer not being able to ask you or contact you at all. The disconnect between wizard and muggle was very irritating because he just wanted to talk to you. 
His fears are again quelled when you’re on the Hogwarts Express. He sits with you this year. 
Fourth year means the Durmstrang students are being hosted by the Slytherins and more than one has their eye on you and you just feel creeped out
Hi, Draco is jealous
Now he was your partner in every class, and constantly beside you in the halls, glaring down whichever guy dares to come near you. 
Not that you notice. Again, Draco was weird. It wasn’t news to you. Besides he’s cute when he’s grumpy
Until one day you’re irritable and Draco just happens to be the person closest to you when you’re pushed over the limit. 
“I don’t need you to protect me okay! I can handle guys just fine on my own thank you! God what is with you Draco!?” You scream at him during study hall and storm off. Against his better judgement, he gets up and follows you. 
He finds you in the library leaning against a bookshelf in the back, your eyes closed. 
“Go away Malfoy,” You sigh. 
“How did you know it was me?” 
“Because I know you,” You look over at him. “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” 
“I’m sorry if I made you feel...” He looks down. “I... You’re...” He turns a slight shade of pink and trails off. 
“It’s alright,” You offer a smile. “It’s actually kinda sweet,” 
Now you’re both blushing. 
You go to the first task together with the rest of the slytherins and Draco can barely watch the task because he’s watching your face light up at the sight of dragons, because your little muggle self has never seen a dragon before and it’s amusing and cute
Then Draco asks you to the Yule Ball for before any of the imbeciles from Durmstrang can in front of the entire Great Hall.
“Malfoy’s got himself a muggleborn girlfriend!” It’s some Gryffindor mocking you
You turn bright red and run off, finding yourself in the Forbidden Forest hiding behind a tree. You’re crying because you’re embarrassed and you’re mad that you’ve even crying, which makes you cry more.
You hear his voice calling your name and you pray to whatever god existed that Draco wouldn’t find you or see you cry. 
He does find you. 
“Go away Draco,” You beg, hiding your face in your hands. 
“Now where have I heard that before?” He teases softly. A silence falls again. 
“You never answered me,” His voice is soft and gentle. “Do you want to go to the Ball with me?” 
You dare to look at him, confused as hell. He sitting beside you, staring at the grass and tree roots beneath you. 
“Do you really mean that? Don’t give me that look. I know you don’t exactly hate my existence, and things are different... but asking me to the ball? I...” Shaking your head you rub your face. 
“I can’t blame you for questioning my motives, though a part of me thought... maybe hoped you wouldn’t, but I really do mean it. I know I was an ass to you in the beginning, and sometimes I still am, and I’m sorry for that. I really am trying.” He nervous and rambling and you know it. “But I really do want to take you to the ball, because you’re kind, and sweet, and a brilliant slytherin and an amazing witch-” 
He’s cut off because you pulled his tie and pressed your lips to his. 
of course it’s awkward and weird because you’re kissing him and... he’s kissing you back? 
You pull away, thoroughly confused, and you start to apologize, but he’s not having that, so with a bit more elegance, he pulls you in for another kiss. 
This one is softer and slower and it gives you both time to figure out what kissing is now that it’s a thing you’re actually doing. 
“Will you please go to the Ball with me?” He asks again, when the perfect kiss is ended. You nod and smiling giving him a “yes,” 
“And maybe go out with me?�� 
You grin. “Whatever you want Malfoy,” 
maybe he kisses you again
You to eventually head back inside, hand in hand and all of the Slytherins sigh in relief because finally
You’re a nervous wreck because all you can hear is “Malfoy’s got himself a muggleborn girlfriend,” on repeat and you can’t help but feel wrong
“You’re thinking about it again,” Draco raises an eyebrow at you. 
“And you’re not?” You challenge. “It feels... wrong. How could a pureblood, a Malfoy no less, choose a muggleborn, a mudblood,” 
“Don’t you ever,” Draco gets dangerous with cold fury. “Don’t you ever call yourself that. You hear me?” He’s towering over you, his grey eyes trained on yours. “You are a Slytherin,” He cups your face, his demeanor softening, “You are a brilliant witch. Pureblood or not, you’re mine. You hear me?” 
You nod, and he wraps you into a hug, sighing. “I’m so sorry,” He whispers. 
Your dress for the Ball is a bit more muggle than wizard, and you’re nervous about what the others in your house will say, but all of the worry goes away when Draco stares at you, turning pink and stumbling over his words
Not that you’re faring much better, because good lord is he gorgeous
It’s awkward and weird to be officially dating, but soon you fall back into your familiar game but now it’s harmless banter and lowkey flirting
Because Draco is protective and jealous of the Durmstrang blokes gaping at you maybe he’s okay with holding you closer than strictly necessary, or kissing you in a way that not completely polite in the company of others. 
You roll your eyes at his antics, but allow it because you don’t like the way a few girls are staring at Draco. 
Boy is Draco a goner when you get jealous and just as protective. He’s a stammering blushing mess if he can even make a word out at all
At the moment, Draco’s parents don’t know about you--partly for your safety partly because neither you nor Draco are ready for that battle
Draco and you spend free nights acclimating each other with wizard or muggle culture. Some nights are fun and carefree, some not so much... 
Draco gives you a very strict rundown of the looming war and the threat of the Dark Lord and how very serious it is and how easily you can (and will) be killed for simply existing under Voldemort’s regime
Maybe once Draco agreed with his father that muggles shouldn’t exist and muggle born wizards were preposterous, but now? How could he look at you, your family, who welcomed him with open arms, and say that? How could anyone believe that? 
He says “I love you” first. It’s an accident but you’re studying kne night and your eyes light up—like they always do when you learn something magic related—and it just slips out.
You gawk at him for a bit. Draco turns bright red and stares down at the books in front of you trying to play it off.
“I... I love you too,” you finally get out.
His eyes flash back to yours and your homework is forgotten and you’re in your own little bubble of a world in the epiphany that you love each other
“Of course I love you Draco,” there are tears in your eyes as he pulls you into his arms and now you’re both crying and kissing and mumbling “I love you”s
This summer, now that Voldemort is back, Draco goes about insane thinking about you, sending you owls almost daily to make sure that you were alright as well as hiding you from his parents
Except his mother finds out. Well, more like she knows her son and can see that he’s changed and casually asks “who is she?”
It’s a quiet conversation held behind closed doors and silencing charms. Draco explains who you are to him, and what you mean to him and now Narcissa is on your side, to be your protector from his father and the Dark Lord 
I can throw Snape in there too right? Cuz he’s your head house as well as being close to the Malfoy’s and sees how much you mean to Draco. Yeah, sure, why not?
It’s harder for you as a Slytherin because no one outside of your house sees what kind of danger you’re truly in because they don’t want to take the time.
But you’re still fericely protective of the younger Slytherins who still get berated despite being eleven with no choice of a house
You and Draco as prefects?? Hello?? The CUTEST thing because you’re now the honorary parents of Slytherin younger years. And Draco seeing you take care of the first years does something weird and paternal to him. It’s the same for you.
Which means you might go toe to toe with Harry a few times because once after a quitting match when you’re waiting for Draco he says “how can you be with someone like him? You’re a muggle born. He’s a Malfoy, you don’t exactly belong,”
Cue you hexing Harry for saying that. Then Draco coming between you two. You explaining what Harry said and then Draco turns on Harry and then it becomes a muggle brawl and you have to drag Draco away from it before you get in trouble. By the end Harry has clearly got the message that yes you do belong, and no it’s never up for debate again
You both have detention again. But that’s fine, it’s just uninterrupted time you can spend with Draco and get some homework done
You are 100% over Umbridge and her rules. Especially when she gets between you and Draco with her eight inch rule but then again you’re slytherin and she seems to favor your house so she’s not as strict, especially with Draco as her golden boy
You don’t join the Inquisitional Squad, but you still look after your own house as a unofficial prefect as Draco works as part of the squad.
With the news of Draco’s father in jail, you comfort him that night, not leaving his side. He feels so conflicted because on the one hand it’s his father but on the other hand you’re safer with him locked away
Draco loathes that you leave him in the summer to go back home but he agrees it’s safer for you to be back in the muggle world. Until Voldemort starts to attack your muggle world and dementors hover over your town.
Draco writes to you, begging you to come and stay with him where it’s safer and you can use magic to defend yourself but you refuse because you won’t abandon your family
Draco takes the Dark Mark to keep you safe and to keep his facade up.
But he doesn’t tell you. Not for a long while. You know something is up because Draco looks like the embodiment of death but he won’t tell you why.
“Draco,” you confront him one night as you sit and watch the stars. “Please?” You don’t even have to ask the explicit question. There are tears in your eyes as you plead with him silently.
“I can’t,” he whispers hugging his knees, not daring to meet your eyes.
“Draco it’s me,” you lay a hand on his shoulder. “It’s just me. Whatever it is... I’ll always love you,”
“How can you... how can you love me when I became the one thing who’s truly meant to hate you?”
Your eyebrows furrow as you cup his face softly, his eyes meeting yours. “Do you love me?” Then mend. “Forget what you are... or what I am... or what should be. Look me in the eyes and tell me you love me,”
“I... I love you,” he gasps out, pulling you close. “Merlin of course I love you,” he’s sobbing into your arms and you hold him, letting him cry in peace and comfort.
You two sit in the quiet for a while, both lost in aimless thought.
“I’m sorry,” he finally says pulling away from you. “I’m so sorry,” he tugs up his shirt sleeve and you see the Dark Mark etched into his skin
“Draco,” your eyebrows furrow, your hand running over the mark. “Are you okay?”
“Why is that your first thought?” He laughs hopelessly, cupping your face delicately. “You never cease to amaze me,”
“Now what?” You ask softly after some time in silence. “What does it mean?”
“I don’t think anyone knows,” he admits. “It all became so complicated,”
You chuckle. “Oh the days when our biggest problem was my blood status,” you rest your head on his shoulder, tucked into his arms.
“I mean that’s still a relevant problem,” Draco points out, pulling you in tighter. “I don’t want to lose you. Not because of some stupid notion that pure bloods are better than muggle born,”
You smile at that and close your eyes, relaxing in his arms. “Did it hurt?” You asked after a while. “Like you wouldn’t believe,” there’s still pain in his voice.
You’ve become more protective of Draco now and he of you. It might go back to the core that Slytherins look out for their own, or maybe it was because your to loved another. All of the Slytherins seem to stick together lately.
In an attempt to protect Draco, Harry’s sectumsempra hits you instead
And stars above Draco would have killed Harry if he wasn’t so focused on keeping you alive until Snape arrived
Draco has the dark mark and you had dark magic scars all over your skin. That was a hard one to explain to your parents
If anything your scars make you more confident and self assured because they show the true nature of the precious “chosen one” and you’re not keen on letting Harry forget it from tank tops to shorts and skirts, you boldly show off your scars
Of course Draco takes his sweet and gentle time praising and adoring all of your scars. It leaves the ghost of his lips on your skin for days on end until he does it again
In all honesty you and Draco are a force to be reckoned with, both scarred by a war that hasn’t truly begun.
You’re beside Draco when he’s face to face with a dying Dumbledore. You’re gripping his other hand, a snarled look on your face because you saw his manipulative nature for what it was
Though you couldn’t bare to think of killing another, you didn’t stop Snape from doing the final action
You and Draco fled with the rest of the Death Eaters, both running into the Forbidden Forest before apparating away.
You share a desperate kiss at the Manor behind his locked bedroom door before you have to apparate back home, safe from Voldemort and his other Death Eaters
Now that both you and Draco can apparate legally, you have rendezvous points that you meet during the summer for a few hours a week. Sometimes it’s sunny afternoons in the countryside, sometimes it’s desperate nights in lavish hotels, sometimes it’s lazy mornings in comfortable beds
Seventh Year is hellish. On the one hand it’s great for the Slytherins, on the other hand it’s terrible for muggle borns. You escape a lot of the torture because of being with Draco but you can barely stomach watching it happen to others... especially first years.
“This is wrong Dray,” you whisper one night. “I... I can’t keep pretending like it’s okay. They’re just kids,” there are tears in your eyes.
It’s the first night that the room of requirement opens its doors to you letting you in on the renegade camp. Almost everyone is baffled to see you there.
“So...” Neville starts. “Yeah,” you nod looking around at all of the battered and bruised faces. Your heart breaks a little more.
You use whatever magic and muggle skills you have to help the younger years get patched up and feel safe again, soon becoming a co-leader along side Neville and Ginny.
The fact that you’re a Slytherin gets left at the door.
In fact after a while the room itself gets rid of all of the house banners and just becomes a communal space
You tell Draco where you are and what’s going on but despite how hard he tries, he can’t get into the room
Until one night, the night after Luna is kidnapped and he’s made to torture her, does he become desperate enough that the room opens for him and offers him a safe haven from the war as well
Boy was everyone shocked to see Draco stumble through the doors on the verge of tears.
Wordlessly you stand and go to him, wrapping him into a hug and pulling him to your cot, again letting him break down in peace and comfort
Soon more and more Slytherins start to trickle into the renegade room.
You move your parents far away from England and London while the war is happening with help from Narcissa and Draco
The day comes and the battle of Hogwarts arrives and the Slytherins stand with Hogwarts, knowing that family doesn’t start or end with blood.
You and Draco lead the Slytherins into battle against the Death Eaters with a furious vengeance
No one budged when Voldemort offered to reconcile after Harry was pronounced dead. You and Draco shared one last loving look and prepared to face death together
But then Voldemort is gone
You almost collapse in relief into Draco’s arms and he sinks to the floor unsure of the world himself.
Many lives are lost and many are wounded. You both go around healing and helping where you can, never far from the other
You break down crying when you see Lupin dead before you and Draco holds you tightly shedding a few tears of his own
You and Draco are both acquitted in the trials because most of Hogwarts comes to your defense in testamonies.
Your story makes headlines a few years later....
“Pureblood Ex-Death Eater Malfoy Proposes to Rebel Muggleborn Sweetheart”
It’s not happily ever after just yet, but maybe it’s a step in the right direction
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futuregws · 2 years
This is a big ass rant bc I'm very done with G's fans or fans of the ship even so yeah read it if you want don't read it if you don't want and also dont read if you get triggered easily by being called out or having your fave get called out and I know the comments I'm gonna get for this but don't forget that lately y'all have been nothing but a bunch of hypocrites so I will probably be able to use what you said against you or I will just block you bc y'all are annoying as fuck
I wasn't gonna post this at first bc I'm genuinely tired of ignorant people like this, but I just can't not voice my opinion specially when it's about something like this shit so here I am.
NO ONE and I mean seriously NO ONE is sending death threats to grace and most definitely not bc of her character or bc "she got in the way" let's just start there, people CALL HER OUT bc that's what it is half of the time bc she has shown a lot of nasty behavior, that goes from screenshoting something from someone that doesn't agree with her and then post it knowing that her little minions would go straight into attack mode, to constantly talking about haters and twisting every single thing said to make herself the victim, she has ignored when her fans were doxxing others for simply not agreeing bc yeah sweetheart we the people that don't agree with her are the ones getting doxxed not you so that little comment in the end of the post, ridiculous, she has multiple times when it was brought to her attention that people were being threatened she made light of the situation and proceeded to make it about herself even when she knew that a lot of the people getting this stuff were MINORS, she took a post from a black person that was simply saying how it's disgusting how they need to have a reason to not like her but yet there's people going around hating on black people for no reason or just simply for existing, and someone answered to that basically calling her basic and she saw the post and what did she do, she posted only the part where she was called basic (this were not the actual words but the meaning is basically the same) and ignored the actual point of that post and what happened after?? her fans went and attacked that person and made some truly disturbing racist comments, she loves to claim her "haters" get mad at her for the smallest things when she's literally the one saying that people are mad when no one is, she just wants people to feel bad for her and treat her like a sweet little angel and also let's not forget the most recent bullshit she did I mean create a whole ass tiktok with screenshots from "haters" with their @'s visible even though she knew what would happen and then poof the video disappeared, bc all she wants is for y'all to feel bad about her nothing else do you not feel embarrassed by how much you defend her and how little shits she gives about you she cares more about her haters than y'all
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And also this isn't as important but I'm gonna mention it as well the post from that blog was very clearly done to simply continue the "ship wars" the first paragraph literally had nothing to do with the rest and why?? bc that was their main goal they just needed an excuse to be making shit up again, bc ed*ssy shippers do not get hate, you are the ones sending it, in 100%, 90% of the time it's steddie shippers or anyone that doesn't like the ed*ssy ship that gets hate the other 10% it's the hate you get that is nowhere near as bad as it is for us, and babe no one hates chrissy/grace bc "she got in the way of the other ship" and the reason why that never happens is due to everything I said above AND ed*ssy is not real so there's no one, NO ONE in the way of steddie or of any other ship with Eddie absolutely no one bc they are not a thing and never will be, and finally for all the stupid shit you say about steddie I can say 10 more things about ed*ssy, bc "steddie has no chemistry" okay then it's your opinion but neither did ed*ssy like at all, if you wanna claim ed*ssy had chemistry you need to admit that steddie did too, bc it's right in front of you in multiple improvised scenes, and you mention as a point to go against steddie that they only met after she died, okay, but are you gonna ignore how her and Eddie barely knew each other like BARELY, and the only reason why she even spoke to him was bc of drugs bc let's not act like they were besties before, and if you say that all of that is what you got from watching the show then watch it again bc I think you might have fallen asleep throughout all the episodes bc there's no way you would be saying that if you actually had paid any attention
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taylors-karma · 2 years
My official week 1 rankings of the houseguests. As always, these are subject to change but I have a feeling some of them are pretty set in stone.
1. Queen Taylor- Homegirl has done absolutely nothing wrong and has proven to be super sweet, caring, and thoughtful. I have mad respect for her because she is keeping her head up and playing to stay, and I hope that even if she does leave this week (most likely) that she returns for something because I would love to see her compete.
2. Brittany- So far she is the only person to have reached out to Taylor and fully explain to her what’s going on in the house. Is she excused for partaking in it and not saying anything before it all happened? No, but at least she had the decency to do it eventually. She’s the best of the worst.
3. Nicole- I cannot believe that I am putting the ex-cop up at number 3 but compared to everyone else this woman is not bad I fear. She is one of the few people to address the oddity of the mob mentality and Taylor bullying going on, and even though she’s done nothing about it for some reason, at least she is fucking aware that this isn’t normal.
4. Michael- He has moved down because he has participated in Taylor slander and doesn’t seem to want to be actively against it, but I do think it’s iconic that he won veto as the HOH’s target and he’s not the worst offender of it all.
5. Indy- She’s kind of irrelevant but she’s starting to defend Taylor so she’s working her way up for me. I don’t think she’s ever been problematic and she’s probably next in line to be evicted but I don’t hate her.
6. Alyssa- Cannot believed she moved up this far but she has legit been so irrelevant and quiet since the first two days that I don’t have much to say. She was a bitch at first but she’s been shutting up so she’s indifferent rn.
7. Turner- He’s done next to nothing to the point where I keep forgetting he’s here, but he still sucks bc he’s been participating in Taylor bashing. 
8. Joseph- This man is confusing bc he’ll say stuff like, “I don’t mind Taylor” then conflict that with, “Taylor called Daniel racist” like boy pick a side.....he still isn’t the worst though somehow.
9. Terrance- Although he is far from the worst, he still has said some shit about Taylor without knowing her and seems to be way too happy about this situation. Like I get that you now have a better chance of staying and good for you, but also fuck you bringing her down for your benefit.
10. Daniel- Some of y’all would probably rank him way lower, but tbh I think this guy is just a fucking idiot. He has no idea that what he is doing is wrong and has even been aware of how it looks, but lets himself be manipulated by assholes to keep it up even though the implications are right there. Stop crying about being seen as problematic and change that I don’t fucking get it. You’re dumb and ignorant. 
11. Kyle- Cannot believe I am ranking a Trumpie this high. Literally cannot, but I have to because he hasn’t done anything super problematic yet. Still goes down though bc of Trumpie shit. 
12. Ameerah- The reason why she’s a little higher up is because she is trying to build an alliance against the bros and has potential to play a great game minus all the bullying, but she has lost my stan card after all of the obvious bullying, mocking of Taylor’s mother, and laughing. She also gets pissed easily and believes every lie that’s being told to her so idk if she really is gonna make it that far or not.
13. Poo Poo Pooch- Fuck this guy. I knew he sucked, I knew he was an asshole, fuck this guy. I hate that he’s not still at the bottom because he’s not one of the main antagonists, but he’s still garbage. 
14. Jizzmine- This bitch screams jealousy and is literally the most annoying person I’ve ever had to listen to on here. Her voice sucks, her personality sucks, and she’s a bitch for no reason coming up with shit and shitting on a woman bc she’s insecure and sad like.....get tf over it and grow tf up. You’re how old???
15. Palomayo- Y’all already know why this bitch is this low. Homegirl is cracked out of her fucking mind, spreading rumors, speaking in fucking fast forward, losing her mind, and literally pretending to be cool with Taylor when SHE started this shit. I hate her. She literally deserves nothing but hell.
16. Derek F 2.0/Monte- I hate this man. Not only did he start the rumor and shit about Taylor and come after her for literally no reason, but the way he talks down to her is actually disgusting and honestly he is the reason everyone else is doing it too. This man is the problem with the group and is the actual cancerous personality thank you very much. He is awfully sexist and gross and needs to be removed immediately. Goodbye. 
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madalice31 · 3 years
So about this Lord of the Rings show…
Isn’t it funny to listen to individuals who are so upset over black elves and dwarfs. These are the same people who claim to be not racist or “hate it” when people bring up racism for why they have a problem. But honestly, what else would it be? I mean put aside the fact that these are fictional characters not based in any lore that is attached to race. No where has it ever said that black elves and dwarfs are not allowed. But because Tolkien was suspect in not including any type of diversity in his works, we’re supposed to continue perpetuating that misstep today? If some dumb ass isn’t yelling stay true to “history” it’s stay true to the source material. They are staying true to the source material. The story is based on Tolkiens works. Them changing the skin tone of a character is not getting away from the subject, the feel, or the point of the stories. And the fact that a person would be upset solely because all of the characters are not white says a lot about that person.
Let’s get one thing straight. There are absolutely times where a character’s race should not be changed. Like when that character’s story is wrapped up in heritage and culture. For example, Black Panther’s race is not interchangeable. His whole schtick is that he’s from Wakanda, a fictional but still African country that is made up of nothing but black and brown people because they’ve been separated from the rest of the world. Not much room for diversity race wise. Although there was still plenty of white people in that movie.
You can’t make Vikings black because that definitely was not a thing historically speaking. But I mean you know, they make Egyptians white all the time. Breakfast at Tiffany’s has a white man pretending to be Asian. We have several depictions of white actors dressed in Native American garb. Nobody seems to care about any of this. But god forbid a black elf!
When it comes to characters, especially in Fantasy and Science Fiction, who’s only idea of race is whether they’re a dwarf, a wizard, or an elf, or even a vampire, a wear wolf, or a pixi fairy, it reeeeaaaalllly doesn’t matter.
Tolkien lived in a time where writing about people of color, outside of slavery stories of course, was not at all common. I’m sure Tolkien had little if any experience at all with anyone non-white. That’s just the reality of the situation. So I don’t really blame him tooo much for his lack of diversity.
But sitting in 2022, a person is mad that an elf is black, and you expect me to not take that as racism? If your friends, family, and loved ones are upset or debating over black elves and dwarves, and you’re a white person who claims themselves to be an ally, then I hope you open up your mouth and explain to them how ridiculous they sound.
Because remember, if you’re only an ally when you’re around black people, than you’re not an ally. You’re a closeted racist pretending to be forward thinking. We call that fake woke. Which is what Amazon is too for their token black characters that we’re supposed to be impressed by. I keep seeing the same two black actors in all the promo footage and they expect a reward for it. Y’all still don’t get it. People of color make up … let’s just say a good bit of the American population and yet we’re still so underrepresented in entertainment outside of sports and music. Being made to feel like only one or two of us could succeed in film and television at a time. And then when we do get the tiniest bit of representation, it’s dragged through the mud as if we have no right to be recognized as part of the population. That’s the problem with America. As much as white media wants to scream woke from the hill tops, y’all don’t even know what that shit means. Instead it’s become a buzz word. Y’all will never get it because you’re not actually woke! And at the rate we’re going, who knows if you ever will be.
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
Shout Out to all the vegans who aren't insane. There's actually a lot of them out there
and I hope they're all having a nice day =)
To be honest, while I'm all for humane farmers (shameless promo for @dairyisntscary, they’re darling and I get to lookat cute cows when I see their blog) but if they made a milk substitute that doesn’t make me sick, I’d be all for quitting dairy. I’d still eat eggs though. My point being:
veganism is not inherently unhealthy, sickly, or even prompted JUST BECAUSE people want to help animals. Some people just honestly like the lifestyle. And good for them.
Vegans and vegetarians should not ever have to feel like they made the wrong decision or that they shouldn’t have meat+dairy eating friends. We can all coexist so long as we all fight cruelty to animals- the road to which is going to involve a LOT of trial and error (and 0 PeTA). The fact is some people (like me) can’t go vegan where other people can’t eat dairy or meat. You shouldn't badger people about the ‘right’ foods that will magically ‘fix’ them. No food does that. Let people live how they want if it isn’t hurting them or others. Don’t EVER shame indie farmers and rescuers for keeping and caring for the animals they love. Alternatively, it’s good to do research and not make blanket statements about how something “can’t be” cruel. ((Ex 1. Sheep don’t shed their wool. It needs to be shorn and most farmers in the US are good about this. Australia and New Zealand’s wool on the other hand? A LOT of abuse goes down there esp with genetically modified animals. Be wary of buying wool from Australia. Ex 2. For all the Joe Exotics and SeaWorld’s of the world, there are absolutely wonderful wildlife sanctuaries and zoos that need our support. Zoos are possibly the one inhumane form of animal husbandry that has evolved to be about the animals and not the people keeping them.)) I get mad for my stupid veggieSis and cool vegan friends when the arbitrary ‘good guy’ in this argument has to be the meat eater. I get mad at people hating Lisa for turning vegetarian in The Simpsons when the episode where she does so is so obviously critical of the meat industry. You guys deserve your representation.
You know what you also deserve? Literally anyone who’s not ThatVeganTeacher.
Katie Karen is the epitome of the worst possible kind of vegan and the reason actually sane vegans don’t feel comfortable sharing their diet/lifestyle. They know people will associate them with Katie. They’ve been hurt too many times by vegans like Katie who shame them for not being vegan “enough” or using her diet -their diet- to trash talk their culture, beliefs, and sexualities.
No nonJew has any right comparing meat industries to the holocaust. If something involving the treatment of animals speaks to the humanity in you; like it did for Robbyne Kaamil who wrote a song comparing her enslaved ancestors to Lolita the killer whale; make what you will. And yet it IS sick to proudly value animal’s lives over human rights. We are animals too and intelligent animals care for their own first a foremost ((elephants, dolphins, parrots, pigs, primates)) before we care for the animals around us. We should care about the animals too but people always come first.
Not that Katie cares about animals herself, fyi. Any decent dog or cat owner knows their pet can’t turn vegan with them. Raise a freakin’ pig if you want an animal to go vegan with you. Katie is abusing her dog, Bella, by forcing Bella to eat vegan food that she can’t digest because she’s a fucking dog. Bella should be taken away from Katie and given real dog food. She’s a carnivore.
One of the most disgusting things about Katie is her treatment of minors and people younger than her. I pray to god she’s lying about being a teacher because jeezus christ. That woman would make me hate myself if I were in Elementary school. She shouldn’t be allowed near children especially when she makes comments to teenagers like this:
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Katie is a gatekeeper. Everything in her life has to be about her and her brand of veganism. She is a walking, talking PeTA advert. She makes life so much harder for vegans as well as Animal Right's Activists. She’s a living example to people who hate vegans why they think all vegans are bad and her call for veganism is ultimately all about her and not the feelings of anyone else.
I feel like this is an important post to make because any time there's this kind of discourse about creepy vegans or PeTA or whatever it HAS to invite some pos eating meat just to stick it to the big-bad vegan-crazies like Katie. You're doing nothing but adding more fuel to the fire and you need to be taken out of the arena. No one wants you here - farm-guy who thumbs up next to the cow carcass he's strung up and mutilated just so you can see a creepy vegan's reaction. You're creepy too.
Both avid meateaters and devout vegans have disturbing alt-right racist ties that are worth addressing BY the people who share their diet. They need to be taken down a peg and not just by people that'd hate them regardless of their politics. They need to be taken down by their contemporaries.
This post is for those vegans who are done with people like Katie and want to save her poor dog. I want more vegans coming out of the woodwork and roasting her with their vegan enchiladas- served with a tall glass of oat milk.
This is a vegan-friendly blog.
This also a kosher-friendly blog and vegetarian friendly blog. This is a being-a-decent-dog-owner-friendly blog. I am not irredeemable by respecting these people as well. I'm irredeemable if I support abuse, neglect, and bigotry, which is what Katie supports.
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If you want to learn more about what I'm talking about, or you just want context for my post, please read the original here. It's a great read.
Yinx suggested I post the link instead of reblog.
On the topic of White Fragility. I want to teach everyone something that I had to learn after dealing with emotional abuse and gaslighting.
You are not allowed to tell ANYONE how they they are supposed to feel, especially when they tell you that what you said/did hurt their feelings or was offensive.
"So, does that mean if someone tells me that what I said was racist, they aren't allowed to tell me that I can't be upset by their criticism?"
Fuck no, that's not what I meant, you abusive prick.
That means if you said something racist, and they tell you it's offensive, then you aren't allowed to tell them that they can't be offended. You aren't allowed to dictate their feelings. They're offended. You're only allowed to apologize, learn, and do better.
"But what if my feelings are hurt because they criticized me? They aren't allowed to tell me that I can't be upset, right?"
Fuck no, you racist fuck.
If they tell you that they are offended, you can't respond with "Well, your criticism hurt MY feelings." Why? Because it's emotional gaslighting. You're telling them that how they feel is wrong, and attempting to control how they feel.
"Well, what if I am upset?"
Keep it to your damn self. Just shut up and leave. You can feel upset, but you can't dictate how they feel. Be upset elsewhere. If not being allowed to be racist offended YOU then I have news for you. YOU'RE RACIST.
"Well, I'd listen if they weren't so mean about it." Well, sucks to fucking suck. Not everyone is calm and rational when you've hurt their feelings. Trying to dictate how they react is the same as trying to dictate how they feel.
You know what? Some people scream and get mad when they're sad and crying. That's just how the world works.
I remember when I got mad because my "friends" were telling me that I have to stay in a meeting (that mostly consisted of them telling me I wasn't do stuff I was supposed to do even though I absolutely was) because they needed to talk to me, even though I was about to miss the last bus to my apartment, they'd been gaslighting me for weeks on this topic, and it was 10pm and I still hadn't eaten dinner yet because of this meeting. I cussed them out, and they called me "verbally abusive" because of it.
And you know what? My feelings were 100% valid. My reaction was 100% valid. They were the shit for brains for telling ME how to react when they upset me.
And in the same vein, WHITE PEOPLE are not allowed to be upset with how Black people react when a white person says something racist.
Their feelings are valid. Their reaction is valid. We don't know what they're going through to lead up to that point.
Would it be helpful if they expressed their feelings in a calm and logical manner? Sure. However, that's not how emotions work, and if you've hurt someone's feelings, but you won't change yourself because they communicated it to you in a "mean way" then you're still the asshole here. You're just looking for an excuse to ignore them, and that's what ignorant fucks do.
Not sorry
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