#and yet i am constantly in awe at the steadfast faith that things will get better
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booksandothersecrets · 3 months ago
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Dedication of Maurice by E.M. Forster // Sappho // The Well of Loneliness, Radclyffe Hall
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piecesofmicorazon · 3 years ago
day 4
in all circumstances, we have to choose to trust God. esp when we're in the midst of a storm. and when i'm down, it's the perfect time to do it. when i feel like i have nothing and have been stripped of all i have -- i realize that i have God, and He's everything -- everything else fades away. i am reminded how temporary everything is. this world, all my possessions, literally all of it. why do i hold so closely to all these things? at the end of the day, God is the only constant. the only good thing that doesn't waver or fade. so i hope to not put my trust in my circumstances but to wholly lay it down for Him. when it goes exactly my way or when it doesn't make any sense, and everything in between -- i hope i can be worshipping God the whole time. to have that real faith He calls us to have. true worship is telling God that He's good even though we don't fully understand what He's doing. in a world constantly wavering, He is constant. that is the most peaceful truth.
"the best way to heal from our pain and disappointment is to use it to impact someone else" ^ i feel like i'm a walking truth of this. my pain and suffering turns into the most beautiful stories that proclaim God's power and love. these stories make it real to people and can help bring people to faith. it becomes my testimony and declaration of God's faithfulness. it's not just that the Bible says these things but they are real to each of us. without my testimony, i wouldn't be... me. i wouldn't have learned anything or be so close to Him. if my pain can turn into this beautiful story, and that story can bring someone to faith -- i'd go through it 10 more times. the very point of our lives is to love and serve God the best we can on earth, and proclaim Him to the nations. no matter how hard that can be sometimes, we are called to this. and i hope i can live it out better. what once almost destroyed me is now something that directs me to Him. there is nothing more lovely than He
the things that always gives me peace at the end of the day is that God will restore us. He will wholly restore us and not only that -- make us strong, firm, and steadfast. these things are true and promised. no matter what we go through or how hard the storm, we will come out knowing God more -- and perhaps that's the answer to all of our questions. in the storm, i find myself clinging to God more than ever, and it sucks that it takes a bad situation for me to do that, yet it is the sweetest moment. i am fully known by Him. like completely known by God. ???!! fully seen, heard, loved, understood, all of it. isn't that the most extraordinary thing?
to know that no matter what happens, God restores us. that we will be victorious at the end of it, i can rest in that. the devo refers to romans 8:38-39. this is a verse that saved my life when i was very lost a couple years ago. i felt like i really messed up and i couldn't go back to God. i had sinned too much, i couldn't bear to face Him. and He gave me this verse as an answer. to know that nothing in Heaven or earth or hell could ever separate us from His unfailing love... that is a very bold statement. like fr nothing? lol. but that just shows the magnitude of His love, something that we can never find on earth. i am fully loved in all circumstances.. it leaves me in awe. no matter how bad it gets, how far away i run, i am completely loved. on my best and worst days, His love is not shaken and it remains at the same level of love. no cause.. how does that make sense? it almost annoys me at how gracious God is. i am beyond undeserving and He gives this to me for free.
His mercies are new every morning and His love is steadfast. those 2 things will always remain true. so truly no matter what happens, everything will be okay. at the end of the day, God is still sitting on His throne. His love for us is overflowing and He has our best interests at heart. His ways are higher in all ways and His timing is perfect. all our brokenness, pain, suffering, disappointments, will be restored by His perfect love. i think that's why we can say we are victorious in all things-- because these things are promised to us. and it's 100% trustworthy.
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dfroza · 4 years ago
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Tuesday, february 2 of 2021 with Proverbs 2 and Psalm 2, accompanied by Psalm 44 for the 44th day of Winter and Psalm 33 for day 33 of the year
[Psalm 2]
You are wondering: What has provoked the nations to embrace anger and chaos?
Why are the people making plans to pursue their own vacant and empty greatness?
Leaders of nations stand united;
rulers put their heads together,
plotting against the Eternal One and His Anointed King, trying to figure out
How they can throw off the gentle reign of God’s love,
step out from under the restrictions of His claims to advance their own schemes.
At first, the Power of heaven laughs at their silliness.
The Eternal mocks their ignorant selfishness.
But His laughter turns to rage, and He rebukes them.
As God displays His righteous anger, they begin to know the meaning of fear. He says,
“I am the One who appointed My king who reigns from Zion, My mount of holiness.
He is the one in charge.”
I am telling all of you the truth. I have heard the Eternal’s decree.
He said clearly to me, “You are My son.
Today I have become your Father.
The nations shall be yours for the asking,
and the entire earth will belong to you.
They are yours to crush with an iron scepter,
yours to shatter like fragile, clay pots.”
So leaders, kings, and judges,
be wise, and be warned.
There is only one God, the Eternal;
worship Him with respect and awe;
take delight in Him and tremble.
Bow down before God’s son.
If you don’t, you will face His anger and retribution,
And you won’t stand a chance.
For it doesn’t take long to kindle royal wrath,
But blessings await all who trust in Him.
They will find God a gentle refuge.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 2 (The Voice)
[Proverbs 2]
My son, if you accept what I am telling you
and store my counsel and directives deep within you,
If you listen for Lady Wisdom, attune your ears to her,
and engage your mind to understand what she is telling you,
If you cry out to her for insight
and beg for understanding,
If you sift through the clamor of everything around you
to seek her like some precious prize,
to search for her like buried treasure;
Then you will grasp what it means to truly respect the Eternal,
and you will have discovered the knowledge of the one True God.
The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us,
for His words bring true knowledge and insight;
He has stored up the essentials of sound wisdom for those who do right;
He acts as a shield for those who value integrity.
God protects the paths of those who pursue justice,
watching over the lives of those who keep faith with Him.
With this wisdom you will be able to choose the right road,
seek justice, and decide what is good and fair
Because wisdom will penetrate deep within
and knowledge will become a good friend to your soul.
Sound judgment will stand guard over you,
and understanding will watch over you as the Lord promised.
Wisdom will keep you from following the way of evildoers,
of those who twist words to pervert the truth,
Of those who reject the right road
for a darker, more sinister way of life,
Of those who enjoy evil
and pursue perverse pleasures,
Of those who journey down a crooked path,
constantly figuring out new ways to trick and deceive others.
Wisdom will pluck you from the trap of a seductive woman,
from the enticing propositions of the adulteress
Who chose to leave the husband of her youth,
to forget her sacred promises to her God;
For her house is on the road that leads to death,
and her path goes down to the shadowy pit.
Those who go to her will never return;
they will never again find their way back to true life.
As for you, you should walk like those who are good
and keep to the paths of those who love justice,
For those who live right will remain in the land
and those with integrity will endure here.
But not the wicked; they will be forced out and banned from this promised land,
and those who deal in deceit will be plucked up like weeds.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 2 (The Voice)
[Psalm 44]
For the worship leader. A contemplative song of the sons of Korah.
With our own ears, O God, we have heard the stories
our ancestors recited of Your deeds in their days, days long past—
how You saved the day.
With a powerful hand, You drove the nations from this land,
but then You planted our parents here.
You fought for us against people of this land;
You set our parents free to enjoy its goodness.
They did not win the land with their swords.
It wasn’t their strength that won them victory.
It was Your strength—Your right hand, Your arm,
and the light of Your presence that gave them success,
for You loved them.
You are my King, my God!
You ordained victories for Jacob and his people!
You are our victory, pushing back the enemy;
at the sound of Your name, we crush the opposition.
I don’t trust in my weapons
or in my strength to win me victory.
But You rescue us from our foes;
You shame our enemies.
We shout Your name all day long;
we will praise Your name forever!
But wait, God, where have You gone? Why have You shamed us?
Why do our armies stand alone?
Without Your help we must retreat from our enemy,
and the very ones who despise us pillage us.
You have offered us up to our enemies,
like sheep to the slaughter, meat for their feast,
and You have dispersed us among the nations.
You sold Your people for mere pennies,
and You gained nothing from the deal.
You have made us a joke to our friends and neighbors,
mocked and ridiculed by all those around us.
You have brought us infamy among the nations
and made us an object of scorn and laughter to our neighbors.
Disgrace follows me everywhere I go; I am constantly embarrassed.
Shame is written across my face
Because of the taunting and berating of those who are against me,
because the enemy seeks revenge against me.
All this has happened to us,
yet we have never forgotten You;
we have not broken Your covenant with us.
Our hearts stayed true to You;
we have never left Your path;
we follow on.
Yet You have tested us, left us defeated in a land of jackals,
and shrouded us with the veil of death.
Even if we had forgotten the name of our God
or offered praise to another god,
Would not the True God have known it?
For He can see the hidden places of our hearts.
On Your behalf, our lives are endangered constantly;
we are like sheep awaiting slaughter.
Wake up, Lord! Why do You slumber?
Get up! Do not reject us any longer!
Why are You still hiding from us?
Why are You still ignoring our suffering and trouble?
Look and You will see our souls now dwell in the dust;
our bodies hug the earth.
Rise up and help us;
restore us for the sake of Your boundless love.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 44 (The Voice)
[Psalm 33]
Release your heart’s joy in sweet music to the Eternal.
When the upright passionately sing glory-filled songs to Him, everything is in its right place.
Worship the Eternal with your instruments, strings offering their praise;
write awe-filled songs to Him on the 10-stringed harp.
Sing to Him a new song;
play each the best way you can,
and don’t be afraid to be bold with your joyful feelings.
For the word of the Eternal is perfect and true;
His actions are always faithful and right.
He loves virtue and equity;
the Eternal’s love fills the whole earth.
The unfathomable cosmos came into being at the word of the Eternal’s imagination, a solitary voice in endless darkness.
The breath of His mouth whispered the sea of stars into existence.
He gathers every drop of every ocean as in a jar,
securing the ocean depths as His watery treasure.
Let all people stand in awe of the Eternal;
let every man, woman, and child live in wonder of Him.
For He spoke, and all things came into being.
A single command from His lips, and all creation obeyed and stood its ground.
The Eternal cripples the schemes of the other nations;
He impedes the plans of rival peoples.
The Eternal’s purposes will last to the end of time;
the thoughts of His heart will awaken and stir all generations.
The nation whose True God is the Eternal is truly blessed;
fortunate are all whom He chooses to inherit His legacy.
The Eternal peers down from heaven
and watches all of humanity;
He observes every soul
from His divine residence.
He has formed every human heart, breathing life into every human spirit;
He knows the deeds of each person, inside and out.
A king is not delivered by the might of his army.
Even the strongest warrior is not saved by his own strength.
A horse is not the way to victory;
its great strength cannot rescue.
Listen, the eye of the Eternal is upon those who live in awe of Him,
those who hope in His steadfast love,
That He may save them from the darkness of the grave
and be kept alive during the lean seasons.
We live with hope in the Eternal. We wait for Him,
for He is our Divine Help and Impenetrable Shield.
Our hearts erupt with joy in Him
because we trust His holy name.
O Eternal, drench us with Your endless love,
even now as we wait for You.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 33 (The Voice)
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