#and yesterday when i opened to fill my planner at the end of the day i went this yearly page excitingly to write SOOBIE CAME and
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napoftustar · 2 months ago
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annieintheaair · 10 months ago
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art. You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart.
Well, I'm pretty delirious at this point and I should probably be in bed, even though it's not even 7pm yet, but of course, I got home and had to pour myself a glass of wine -- I deserve it.
Yesterday I got home from work in the morning and tried to nap but couldn't so I watched a movie. I hate the nail salon I go to in Fort Worth but I had no choice and went last week and of course, they did a pretty crappy job so I had three cracked nails within a few days. I decided to go there to have them fix them, hoping I'd get in and out quickly and then make it to yoga. I ended up missing yoga. It was literally the one thing I had been looking forward to all week.
To make my drive to Fort Worth worth it, I stopped at Costco and then picked up Chick-fil-A on my way home. I felt like I had a million things to do at home but jumped on a call with my therapist and cried my eyes out for the hour. I filled him in on all that had happened since we last spoke and once again, he reminded me that I do need to do what's best for me and move since everything in my life seems to be dependent on it at this point. When I was done with our appointment, I had to take some anxiety meds to calm myself down. I thought for sure that it would put me to sleep but it didn't.
The apartment complex I applied at has been giving me the hardest time, not wanting to accept my income from my second job because I'm technically self-employed and don't have paystubs. I spent nearly the entire afternoon trying to find a solution. It wore me down so bad that I was really wishing I didn't have to go to work last night. It kept me going though knowing that I'd be working with my friend, Nancy.
Everything went pretty smoothly last night and we made it to Oklahoma City just fine. I got up this morning at 4:40am, drank some hotel coffee, and expected to be on the ground in DFW by 7am. After boarding all of the passengers, the rolling delays began. The weather hit Dallas -- badly. Storms rolled in and there was a ground stop. Thankfully, my dog helper, Ashley, was back from her vacation and able to make a few trips over to my house to let the dogs out and feed them today.
After waiting with the passengers on the plane for hours, we allowed them to have the opportunity to deplane to go to the terminal to get food. Eventually, we deplaned everyone and then eventually reboarded, even though we knew we were going to go illegal.
Once we got the door closed, the captain made an announcement that the ground stop that had been lifted was once again in place. We would not be able to leave OKC. We sat on the plane as the rolling delay continued and we were officially illegal, per FAA regulations. The company had actually tricked us into getting the passengers back on the plane because once the door was closed, our legalities basically didn't matter. As I spoke with the passengers about their connections, I helped them to realize that it was in their best interest to try to rebook their trips with connections in any city except for DFW. We had no choice but to open the door to let everyone off.
In all of this, I ended up talking to a grandma named Georgia who was trying to get to Delaware to see her grandchildren since one of them was having her First Communion. I worked with her to figure out which flights she could rebook on to make it home today. Georgia said that she felt like we had become her family and I told her I wanted to adopt her because she felt like our family too. It was honestly so heartwarming to be with some really kind people. However, there were also plenty of passengers who basically told us we looked like shit since we were so tired.
During all of the delays, the planner/coordinator in me booked a rental car. I knew we would need to drive home (we ended up with a Kia Soul and I told everyone I felt like we were like the hamsters in the commercials). The company completely forgot about us and currently thinks we are still in OKC, however, we got the rental car and drove home.
I was so thankful to be with such an amazing crew. All four of us maintained a positive attitude throughout the day, even though we were all completely exhausted. We stopped at Love's and I got two Red Bulls, a little pepperoni pizza, and some spicy pickles. We drove through the rain, jammed out to the new Taylor Swift album, and listened to a few episodes of the Murder with My Husband podcast.
While the other two flight attendants slept in the back, Nancy and I did some catching up. Throughout the whole day, Brady, who I was supposed to go on a date with today, was texting me. I told Nancy that even though he seems like a really great guy, I'm not sure that I'm actually ready to date yet. She reminded me that it's ok and I don't need to if I don't want to and I should feel comfortable being honest with people if going on a date isn't something I want to do right now. I've gotten some matches on the apps but have really tapered off with talking to people. I feel like I already have a lot on my plate right now and dating just isn't what I need to focus on currently.
Back in DFW, we dropped off the rental car, and then all went to the employee lot to get our cars and head home. The ride home was terrible because of all of the flooding but I drove slowly and it took me an hour.
As the rain came down harder and I approached my house, I thought about how all I wanted on this chilly, rainy night, was to go home and put on my pajamas and cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie with my dogs and someone I loved. I just really wanted a hug. I wanted someone to be there with me after this challenging week. I think that's the hardest thing sometimes-- knowing you need a hug but not being able to get one.
I thought again about dating and how I hate the idea of going on dates and starting over. Even though I want that person to be with me on the couch watching movies on a rainy night, I don't want to go through the process again to get to that point. I'm not ready to put myself back out there again and risk my heart hurting again.
At home, my dogs were overjoyed to see me. I took a shower, put on my pajamas, gave them dinner, and poured that glass of wine. I quickly responded to some emails for my other job and then, well, here I am, writing a recap of the last two days.
As much as I miss the weekends that I had since August, there's also something about being able to be home. I was able to drop my trip for tomorrow night so now I have two nights at home and I'm really excited to sleep in my own bed. Of course, I do wish I had someone to cuddle with instead of it just being me and my dogs but I love knowing that I can have this time to myself on the weekend. When I'm flying all week, it's nice to be at home in my own space and have no one forcing me to do anything. I like being able to have this time to recharge after a long week without an actual plan all of the time.
Well, I'm fading fast now that those Red Bulls are wearing off and I think that glass of wine is calling my name. Goodnight friends!
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brianc521 · 5 years ago
Valentines | CEO Peter
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Peter was a classy man. He wasn’t one that went for cliches and he wasn’t one to fall for the world's antics on celebrating a ‘day of love’ just as a ploy to spend money on candy and flowers. 
Last year, since you were in love with the idea of valentine's day, he agreed to take you to dinner, allowed you to dress him up and then dress him down at the end of the night.
Hearts and flowers weren’t totally this thing, or well at least not in public. 
This time around? Different story.
Peter is really lovesick. He is head over cufflinks in love with you. You’re wearing his ring, and your initials are tattoo’d just behind his ear. He is devoted to you, and he wants you to know that. So he might have gone a little crazy. It really didn’t help that he hasn’t seen you all week.
You’ve been in Ohio, with he who shall not be named, on a work business trip. You were meant to be home yesterday morning, but weather loves to fuck things up. Your plane was delayed and you didn’t end up getting into town but around 3 am this morning. Since your brother lives just around the corner from the airport, and you and Peter live a good 45 minutes away, it just made sense to crash at Ashtons. 
Peter understood, and really didn’t want you driving that far while being dead tired, he needed you safe. With that said, it still really sucked to spend yet another night alone in the cold sheets. 
Soooooo, that amped up his wanting to do something special for you.
The man not only had the whole store catered for breakfast for you and your employee’s, he also had your office completely filled with dozens of bouquets of roses and sunflowers (your two most favorite flowers). 
But that’s not all. You kept finding little gifts everywhere. Opening your desk drawer to grab a notepad left you munching on a box of chocolates. Accepting the shipment for the day had you hugging a 6 ft teddy bear. 
You called him once the shipment guys left, leaving you alone in the back of the shop.
“Mrs. Mendes, Happy Valentine’s day!” Stan answers cheerfully. 
“Hi Stan! Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” 
“Thank you Mrs. Mendes.” 
“He busy right now?” You ask, chewing on your thumb nail. 
You hear some shuffling and a murmured voice. “He’s about to step into a meeting, he’s walking past me as we speak.” 
“My wife?” You hear in the background, and then suddenly his voice fills your ear. “Hi Baby.” 
“Hi Love.” You sigh, melting into your seat from the sound of his voice alone. “I don’t wanna keep you.” 
“Please do.” He responds.
“Bad meeting?” 
“A fire is about to go out.” He nods, using some code to tell you he’s about to fire someone. 
“Oh, well then call me after.” 
“Or better yet, I’ll pick you up after.” He quips. 
“I got the rest of the day off.” He bribes. 
“Okay, when should I expect you.” You grin.
“Really? You can come?” 
“Baby, I’m the boss, I can leave if I want. I’ve just spent the week working for this place in a different state.” 
“It’s sexy when you say things like that.” You hear a gag and then Peter’s rough chuckle. “Fuck off Stan.” 
You smile and bite your lip, taking notice of how good of a mood he’s in. 
“Well? Am I ditching this place or what?” 
“Be ready in 30, this fire won’t take long.” 
“Okay, and Mr. Mendes?” 
“You’re always sexy.” 
He chokes a bit and you giggle as you hang up your phone, strutting your stuff off to the sales floor to tell Micheal you’ll be leaving soon.
You start running a little when you see him leaning against his 2019 Porsche 911. He looks too good to be true, and he’s all yours.
“Baby!” He cheers, standing up straight to catch you as you jump into his arms. 
Your legs wrap around his waist, locking your ankles at the small of his back. His arms tighten as you bury your face in his neck, and he kisses your neck as he takes in a deep breath of your perfume. A plus from you working at a body shop, you always smell so good. 
“Fuckin’ missed you.” He mumbles against your skin. “Don’t ever leave me for that long again.” 
“I won’t, that was pure torture.” 
He walks you around to the passenger side of his car, tapping your bum a few times to get you to hop down. 
“Can I drive?” You grin at him, eyeing the car. 
“If you’re good maybe I’ll let you someday, but today I have plans in store that are meant to be a surprise.” He says helping you into the seat. He shuts your door, walking around the car and slipping in himself. 
“Can I have a kiss then?” 
“You don’t even have to ask that question.” He hums, leaning over the console to plant his lips on yours. 
“Thanks for my flowers, chocolates, and teddy bear. Although I don’t need a teddy bear, I already have you.” 
“Okay, so you’re going to be extra cheesy today?” He raises his eyebrow at you as he pulls out of the parking garage. 
“Me? You sir had me drowning in roses today.” 
He grins, shaking his head. “I’ve arranged for Bailey to get your gifts at the end of the work day when the store closes. I don’t want him messing up your conversion walking in and out so much.” 
You stare at him in awe and lean over to kiss his cheek. “The team says thank you for breakfast, and I’m saying thank you for being an incredible husband.” 
“Speaking of that.” He clears his throat. “We keep calling each other husband and wife.” 
“Yes we do and it confuses the hell out of everyone, I love it.” You giggle. 
“What if it didn’t anymore?” He inquired. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What if I told you we’d actually be married by the end of the night?” 
“What if I told you Bailey was setting up an Officiant right now?” 
“Really?” You squeal turning to him. “What about the wedding we’re already planning? You know with our Mom’s, the planner, the dress designer?” 
“We’ll have that.” He nods. “But it’s taking too long to make you my actual wife. So what if we got married today, and again in a year when the wedding’s planned. We’ll know we’re already married, to everyone else they’ll celebrate our marriage, for us we’ll celebrate our anniversary?” He grins, looking at you.
“I think I’m in love with you, and that I’ll do anything you want.” 
“Anything?” He teases. 
“I mean a honeymoon has to happen right?” You tease back. 
“Oh Baby you don’t even know what you just asked for.”
You stare at yourself in the mirror and smile. Peter had taken you to pick out a simple dress for tonight, then to a jeweler to pick out his and your ring, and then dropped you off at home with a stylist team to glam you the fuck up. 
Bailey holds the door for you as you climb into the limo. Peter’s going full out tonight. Pulling out all the stops.
The drive to the venue is short, mainly because you’re heavy in your thoughts, but before you know it Bailey is opening the door for you and helping you out. 
You’re handed a bouquet of roses and sunflowers while ushered into the dim building. A few of the stylists fuss about a few strands of your hair, and fix your dress a bit. When they finally have perfected your look they scurry away.
Music starts and Bailey appears to open the double doors for you. “Ready?” He asks softly.
“More than ready.” You smile at Bailey.
“You make a beautiful Bride Mrs. Mendes, thank you for being in our lives.” With that Bailey opens the door and watches you walk down the aisle. 
Peter has booked out the most amazing venue, it’s empty, save for an arch in place behind Peter and the officiant. Raul and Shawn stand in the front row, both in nice slacks and a button up shirt. Raul’s in red, Shawn’s in yellow, matching your flowers. They both smile at you and watch you walk to Peter at the end of the aisle. 
Before you know it Peter is dipping you down to kiss you fiercely, you’re named Mrs. Mendes, officially, and suddenly the world is just right. You finally feel like you belong in this crazy place. 
“Congrats!” Shawn cheers, Raul whistling as Peter stands you back up, hand firmly gripping your ass. 
You giggle as you pull away, turning towards the boys. Peter kisses your cheek and is ready to whisk you off, but you laugh harder as you stare at Shawn and Raul.
“What are you laughing at Sis?” Raul asks. 
“You look like Ketchup and Mustard.” You lose it when they stare at each other and laugh too. Peter lets out a good belly laugh and shakes his head. 
“Let’s go, I’m ready to take my wife home, and kick these losers out.” He tugs you down the aisle. 
“Oh we can at least get the McDonalds boys dinner.” You giggle, cackling at the fact that your jokes are just gonna keep on rolling. 
“Wow, make her a Mendes and she suddenly feels like she can tease you.” Shawn says to Raul, nudging his elbow. 
Raul grins and rushes towards you and Peter, swooping you up over his shoulder, twirling in circles. “Oh Sis, what’s the matter? Feeling a little dizzy?”
“Raul stop!” You laugh, hitting his back repeatedly. 
“Raul.” Peter stands straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “Put my wife down before something seriously happens to you.” 
“Ooh, scary.” Raul scoffs, setting you back on your heeled feet. You sway and reach for Peter as you try to regain your footing. 
Peter swings you up into his arms, holding you with one arm under your back and the other under your knees. 
“What is with you two and picking me up?” You ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“It’s customary for the groom to walk his wife over the threshold.” 
“We’re not home though.” You point out with a raised eyebrow. 
“I’m practicing then.” He grins, leaning down to kiss you softly. 
“Okay, we don’t need to see you practice for the honeymoon.” Shawn gags. 
Peter rolls his eyes, looking to Bailey as you all step outside. “Bailey, take Mickey-” He points to Shawn, “And Dee-” He points to Raul, “Home so I can take my wife away from the greasy mess they are.” 
“Haha.” Shawn rolls his eyes. “Very funny dickhead.” Raul shakes his head. “You wanted us to match her flowers, we were good brothers and followed your orders. Should be thanking us.” 
Peter smiles, looking at his brother, setting you down and engulfing each in a huge hug. “I do thank you. Thanks for being the witnesses to the greatest achievement of my life.” 
Each brother wraps you up in a big hug, leaving you with your Husband. 
“Well Mrs. Mendes,” Peter holds your hand as he leads you to his Porsche. “What do you say about driving me to the beach house?”
“I get to drive?” 
“I told you if you were good you could.” He nods opening the drivers side for you.
“And if I want to be bad?” 
“Oh Baby you’ve got a whole mini honeymoon to be bad.” 
“Mini honeymoon?” 
He nods, leaning against the car. “Beach house this weekend, alone. Month in Bora Bora once you’re settled at work.” 
You raise your eyebrows, grinning at him. “So I have a lot of time to be bad.”
“Do your worst Mrs. Mendes.”
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endingscenery · 5 years ago
I Need You | Johnny
johnny suh  x reader
genre: fluff, ceo and single-dad johnny au
summary: in many ways, johnny relies on you, his personal assistant, to keep him on track and ease his stressful life a little. what he doesn’t realise though, is just how much he actually needs you in it and that makes him a little scared.
words: 4.4K
a/n: this took me longer to write than expected. also johnny in the new mv has left me deceased
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Knocking twice, you enter through the open door and walk into Johnny’s office, your planner and tablet in hand.
“You asked to see me?”
Johnny straightens in his chair, shoulders arching backwards to fix his posture, before he decides to simply stand instead.
“Y/N, I know this may be a bit much but I really need to ask a massive favour of you.”
You nod and so he continues.
“I need you to pick up Joon from school,” he exhales whilst his hand rubs against his temples. “There was some miscommunication between the babysitter and after school care isn’t open today.” 
Your lips press together, teeth sinking in slightly. You already had a pile of documents sitting at your desk requiring your attention, there are multiple business calls to be made, follow up enquiries from past appointments and you still have to organise next month���s corporate dinner.
As if reading your mind, Johnny acknowledges, “I know you’re extremely busy as it is, but it would really mean the world to me if you could. Once he’s at the office you can just give Joon something to do and you can get on with your work. He probably has things in his backpack that will keep him busy.”
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and nod.
“Okay, I’ll do it. You owe me one though.”
Johnny smiles, and the look of relief on his face gives you a sense of calm despite knowing how stressed you will likely be soon after. You’re not even sure what you can find in your office that will keep the seven year old occupied while you work. At least Joon’s school isn’t too far from work.
You arrive at the school in roughly seventeen minutes. As you cross the street and enter into the school grounds, navigating through the children chasing each other and narrowly avoiding colliding into your body, high-pitch voices filling your ears, you notice the boy you’re looking for. Somehow, despite never having met Johnny’s son before, you can immediately recognise him, and not just from the photos which line Johnny’s office desk. As you watch him talk and laugh along with his friends, you can’t help but see remnants of Johnny in his actions. His stance, the way his eyes crinkle at the sides, his laughter, his smile; it all is reminiscent of his father. You chuckle to yourself before approaching the boy.
Stopping in your tracks, you’re surprised Joon is able to recognise you. He even knows your name. This is the first time you’ve met him.
Perhaps he recognised the work car and saw me get out of the driver’s seat.
Joon sits in the passenger seat beside you as you start the journey back to the office. His boyish voice fills the car as he animatedly tells you about his day; the things he learned, the mischief he got up to with his friends, the cool video game his classmate showed him; anything that comes to mind. His youthful energy brings a smile to your cheeks, the stress and anxiety work piled on you starting to ease as a calmness falls on you seeing the happiness and excitement of the boy beside you. Perhaps doing Johnny this favour wasn’t such a bad idea.
Johnny is in a meeting by the time you return to work, so you lead Joon into your office, telling him you’ll let his father know he’s here once the meeting finishes. Joon makes his way to the circular table positioned in the corner of your office and takes a seat, eyes scanning over your workspace before lingering on the paintings adorning the walls.
“There isn’t much to do here,” you apologise, “But if there’s anything you want to do, I can try to see if I can make it possible.”
The boy thinks for a bit before deciding he wants to draw.
Grabbing some paper from the printer, you hand it over to him before rummaging through your drawers to find some pens, pencils, highlighters, texters; anything he can use for drawing, until you watch him take out his pencil case from his bag.
“Oh, of course you would have pencils in your bag,” you mumble to yourself, mentally slapping your head, as Joon chuckles.
You get back to work, occasionally looking over to ensure Joon isn’t getting too bored yet. The two of you continue your tasks quietly, the only sound being the music playing through your speakers as melodies gently dance throughout the room.
Staring at the screen, your eyes tired and strained, you close them for a second, leaning back in your seat to stretch your aching back. You listen to the music from the radio, noticing an extra voice humming to the tune. Tilting your head, you look over to Joon, finding him humming along to the song as he works on his drawing.
“Hey Joon.”
He looks up at you. 
“If you like, I can connect my phone to the speakers and you can pick whatever song you want to listen to,” you offer.
Walking over to you, he takes your phone from your outstretched hand and searches through your Spotify account before picking a song.
Two soft knocks sound against your door, causing Joon to look in your direction and then towards the direction of the noise.
“Come in.”
You recognise the black, gelled-back hair, before Johnny fully enters and so does Joon. You watch from your desk as Johnny runs towards his son, lifting him up from under his arms and spinning him in the air, Joon’s legs dangerously missing your shelf. Their boyish laughter fills the room, their innocent smiles softening your heart. Biting your lip, you can’t help but feel a little guilty you felt annoyed when Johnny asked you for this favour. Only as he lowers his son back to the ground, does Johnny recognise the tune of the song playing from your speakers.
“Hey, it’s your favourite song!” he exclaims, goofily dancing at his son with moves you recognise from the memes your little cousin loves.
You can’t help but laugh at the sight of your boss, dressed in his tailored grey suit, dancing and otherwise making a fool of himself in order to make his son happy.
Johnny stops his actions almost immediately. Admittedly, he forgot you were even in the room, despite the fact he was standing in your office and he was the one who asked you to look after his son. He can feel the rush of blood climb towards his cheeks and he knows they are probably an obvious bright shade of pink. This only seems to make you laugh even harder, though you do offer him a sweet smile afterwards, calming his nerves just a little bit.
“Don’t mind me,” you giggle. “I’ll be out for a few minutes anyway since I need to talk to Jaehyun about some upcoming appointments. I’ll let you two continue having your fun.”
The two boys watch you exit your office, Joon chuckling once the door closes.
“You scared her off with your terrible dancing.”
“You think?”
Joon nods sheepishly at his father.
“You really think so?” Johnny teases, crouching down to tickle him as Joon shrieks in surprise, attempting to wriggle out of his father’s embrace.
Johnny enters your office the following morning as you’re setting things up for the day.
“How are you?”
“I’m good,” you answer, watching your boss as he inspects the photos of your family and friends framed on your shelf.
“I didn’t get to say it yesterday, but I  really am so thankful you watched over Joon. I’m not sure what I would have done if you couldn’t.”
“It’s nothing,” you shrug but he shakes his head.
“I know you, Y/N, more than you probably realise. I could tell you didn’t really want to do it when I asked.”
Johnny laughs as he watches your eyes widen and your cheeks redden in embarrassment.
“It’s fine, I know I give you a lot of work to do. I swear I don’t mean to have things pile up on you the way they do but it sometimes just seems to happen that way,” he apologises, running his hand through his hair, strands now escaping the usual sleek gelled-back look he was sporting.
You shake your head.
“Yes, perhaps I was annoyed a little in the beginning but I’m alright. In the end I was happy I agreed to look after him. He’s a good kid.”
“He enjoyed being with you too, you know,” Johnny smiles.
“Of course,” you laugh. “Who wouldn’t?”
Johnny lingers in your office for a few more seconds though he knows he should probably let you continue with what you need to do. As you finish setting up your desk, laying out the files and documents you need for the day, you check the time on your desktop.
“You know you have a meeting in the next ten minutes with Mark,” you remind him and Johnny stills.
“Oh my god, I do,” he stammers before turning to the door. “Well, I guess I’ll be off then.”
You shake your head at him while he just beams at you.
“What would I do without you, Y/N?”
Wringing your hands and biting your lip, you stand nervously in front of Johnny’s office. Normally, your boss calling you in for a meeting wouldn’t worry you at all, but the email seemed overly direct and something about the unemotional wording gave you an uneasy feeling. Perhaps you were reading too much into the short sentence, but even when sending important emails to you, Johnny had always been somewhat more casual, the two of you having developed a friendship throughout the years you’ve been his assistant. So now you stood confused. You hadn’t done anything to warrant an impromptu meeting unless you had missed something important. Holding your breath, you knock on the door, entering as the sound of his voice tells you to come inside.  
Johnny sat at his desk, fingers tapping against the wooden surface of the table. He is nervous, you can see it clearly, which isn’t helping ease your anxious thoughts. The fabric of your shirt is clinging to your skin, you can sense the slight tremble of your hands and your throat feels dry.
“Look, I know this is kind of strange to ask and you don’t have to say yes,” Johnny starts, his speech fast as he tries to just get the words out. “But Joon misses you. He keeps wondering when he will get to see you again and I don’t want to make things weird with our work relationship, but would you want to spend a day with us?”
Johnny notices you starting to fiddle with your hands, pulling at the sleeves of your blouse. He knows he shouldn’t have asked you this by calling you in for a meeting but it was the only way he would be able to ask you without chickening out since he has no real reason to call you in for a meeting and he wouldn’t be able to make something up as you were doing your job perfectly. He was too focused on his quick-beating and anxious heart, he didn’t think how his actions would make you nervous too.
“O-only if you want to, of course,” he adds quickly, praying this isn’t a mistake.
“I would love that.”
Your voice is so quiet Johnny almost misses your response. Almost.
He can’t help but feel relieved at your words, letting out a breath he didn’t realise he was even holding.
“Great I’ll message you after work then.”
You nod, but he notices you’re still fiddling with your hands, fingers clenching and unclenching.
“Did you really have to call me in for a meeting to ask that?” you laugh, trying to ease the tension as you get up from your seat.
Johnny shrugs, “No,” he lies. “But it ensured I got to have some time with you to ask,” he winks, back to his normal flirtatious self.
You smile, “You had me worried is all.”
But as you head out of his office and open the door, you hear him let out a quiet, “Sorry.”
Johnny arranged for the two of you to meet on a bright Sunday morning. Hopping off the train at the bustling city station, you manoeuvred through the crowds, towards the exit. Tapping your card off and exiting the terminal, you spot Johnny’s tall figure in the distance, Joon’s head appearing in and out of your field of vision as he tries to move so as not to be obstructed by the bodies walking in between your path. Sending him a wave, Joon smiles, jumping up and waving in hopes you’ll see his actions. 
“How was the train ride? Packed?” Johnny asks as you approach the two boys.
“Very,” you nod.
“Well, you were heading to the city, so that’s understandable,” he shrugs. “Could have driven here.”
“I hate city parking and you know that.”
Johnny does know that, hence why he offered to meet you at the station. Also, it is more convenient you meet Joon and himself since you both can take one car to the various places he has planned for the day. He decided to start the day in the city and grab breakfast at his favourite café and perhaps do some light shopping afterwards. He then thought it may be nice to head to the park east of the city as it has a massive playground which will keep Joon occupied. It also happens to have nice flowers and scenery he hopes you will like. If things go well, he can then take the two of you to the beach to eat chips by the sea and then see what the rest of the day seems to offer. He knows he may be going a little overboard and he’s not sure why, but he does know he wants you to enjoy yourself during this favour you’re doing for him.
Stop fooling yourself, you know It’s because you like her. 
Johnny shakes his head, burying the intrusive thoughts.
That definitely isn’t it. 
But as he watches Joon take your hand, running ahead out of the station towards the street, genuine smiles and laughter escaping your lips as you quicken your pace to keep up with his son, Johnny can’t help but feel something tugging at his heart.
Johnny sits beside you on the park bench as the two of you watch over Joon as he swings from the monkey bars before climbing up onto the playground slide. He is happy interacting with the other kids on the playground, quickly making friends. 
He definitely inherited Johnny’s playful and friendly charm, you think to yourself, chuckling. 
Turning to look at you, Johnny raises an eyebrow.
“He has your playful charm,” you repeat, gesturing to his son and Johnny grins.
“So you think I’m charming?”
You roll your eyes.
“I said he has your charm, not that you are charming.”
“But you also think that too,” he teases, not missing the opportunity to send you a wink.
Pushing his shoulder playfully, you scoff, “You wish.”
The melody of Johnny’s ringtone interrupts your conversation. You watch him take his phone out of his pocket, frowning at the screen.
“It’s for work. Sorry, I’m gonna have to take this,” he apologises, lips downturned in a pout.
“Go ahead and take it, I’ll keep an eye on Joon.”
He nods, apologising again before stepping away to answer it.
You turn your attention towards Joon, noticing he seems to be getting a little tired.
Johnny sighs as he answers the phone call. He didn’t want to take it; this was the day he had allocated to you and his son, he didn’t want to think about work, but he recognised the number as the CEO of an important business he has been trying to arrange negotiations with and knows it’s crucial he take it. Stealing glances your way, he knows he should try to focus more on the words of the person on the end of the line but he can’t help but let his attention occasionally drift towards you and his son. So when he hears the distinct sound of Joon’s cries, he quickly apologises, hanging up the call and rushing towards you and his son.
He arrives to the sight of you crouched down in front of Joon, wiping his tears away with your thumb as you reassuringly rub circles on his back, the boy calming down as his choked sobs start to subside. Johnny realises you must not have seen him yet. He looks on as you reach for the bag hanging from your shoulders, searching inside before pulling out a water bottle, antiseptic and some band-aids.
Prepared as always.
As you attend to his wounds, Johnny crouches beside you, causing you to look up at him and offer him a reassuring smile.
“We had a little accident jumping off the swing,” you inform. “But he’s alright, just gotta clean the wound and put some band-aids.”
Johnny nods, relieved he has you to take care of Joon.
“I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t call you over immediately, I didn’t want to interrupt your call, it seemed important.”
“That’s okay.”
“He’s a strong boy so he’ll be fine,” you say, smiling at Joon. “You’re tough aren’t you?”
Joon nods, biting his lip from the pain.
Johnny watches, mesmerised, as he watches you tediously treat and look after his son’s wounds. He can’t help but feel touched at your actions, looking after Joon with such care, almost as if he was your own.
It’s around 7:00pm when Johnny pulls his car into your driveway. Joon had fallen asleep in the backseat, and the ride was filled with the soft atmospheric tunes of Johnny’s playlist. Stepping out, you search through the pockets in your bag to find your keys as Johnny opens the back passenger door, gently unbuckling and lifting up the sleeping boy. After spending time at the beach, Johnny had offered to drive you home and along the way, before falling asleep, Joon announced he felt like a hot chocolate. When you asked if he wanted to drink some at your place before he and his father continued their journey home, Joon had been more than excited to do so. Yet now he lay asleep in Johnny’s arms.
“He’ll probably wake up once we get inside,” Johnny shrugs and you nod.
As he enters your home, he spreads Joon onto your couch, careful not to interrupt his rest, while you busy yourself grabbing the chocolate and milk. Johnny positions himself on one of the stools by your kitchen counter, taking in the decor and layout of your home. He’s amazed at how organised everything is, everything having its own place yet no one spot looks overcrowded. 
No wonder you do so well at your job as an assistant. Even at home your things are organised, Johnny thinks to himself, smiling. 
Plants accent the room, brightening up the otherwise empty corner spaces and vases full flowers sit atop all the tables throughout your house.
“Oh, you’re awake now.”
Johnny follows your gaze, swivelling his seat, to find Joon lazily walking up to the counter, rubbing his eyes as he adjusts to the bright kitchen lights.
“Right on time too, I just finished the hot chocolates.”
Joon’s lips upturn into a wide grin and he no longer looks sleepy. Johnny looks on as Joon climbs onto the high stool and wraps his two small hands around the mug you push towards him. But it’s the expression on your face that gets him the most. The look of endearment, of a motherly love, that leaves his throat dry. It feels too domestic; the two of you spending a Sunday together looking after his son, going to a park, the beach, having hot chocolates in the evening at home. Yet, now that he has felt it again, he can’t help but want more.
The two boys arrive home just past nine. Being visibly exhausted from the day, it is easy for Johnny to get Joon to go to bed. As he fluffs his pillows and pulls the duvet over Joon’s small frame, Johnny decides to sit on the edge of his son’s bed for just a little longer.
“I really like Y/N,” Joon mumbles, letting out a yawn.
Johnny nods. “She is an amazing person.”
“You really like her too, don't you?”
Looking down at his son, Johnny finds he’s not sure how to respond.
“You act differently around Y/N,” he muses. “And you stare at her a lot.”
Johnny laughs, knowing he can’t argue with Joon’s statement.
“Is that so?”
“It is so.”
Johnny knows he’s falling for you. He knows it from the fact that you cross his mind at strange times throughout the day and that whenever he sees something he thinks you’ll like, he gets the urge to buy it just to see you smile. He knows it because he often finds himself wondering if you’re having a good day and if you’re happy. When he’s not with you, he wonders what you are doing. His heart skips a beat every time he sees you. He knows he’s falling for you from the fact that he’s doing and thinking all the romantic things he promised he wouldn’t allow himself again.
In truth, the thought of being with you frightens him. After Joon’s mother abandoned him, he never wanted to let another person that close to him again. He pushed through the struggle of balancing looking after his son alone and giving him the love of both parents on his own, and he can proudly say he has been doing so successfully. Better than he thought he was capable of, if he’s being honest. But somehow, as he watches you from across the staff room joking and laughing through your conversation with your co-workers, and as he thinks about the Sunday you spent together and the way you cared for his son, he can’t help but feel a tug at his heart, his head prompting him to change his cynical attitude. 
Perhaps this time things will work with you. 
And as you look over to him at that moment, catching his gaze and offering him a bright smile, Johnny knows he’s made up his mind over you.
Johnny holds business meetings with the CEOs of some of the country’s top companies. He knows he can be strict and blunt when employees slack off. He can make split decisions for heavy matters that involve millions of dollars without a drop of sweat. Yet, as he stands before you at the park he took you the previous week, taking in your unique features as the pretty flowers behind you frame your pretty face, he feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He can hear the loud beating of his heart. He can feel the sweat accumulating on the palm of his hands. And for once, he feels scared. Scared of your response, scared his next words will affect the good relationship the two of you have, scared your answer may let his son down, scared once he says his next words he won’t be able to take them back, but mostly, he feels scared you don’t feel the same.
“Look, Y/N, I didn’t ask you to join me here for just a walk,” Johnny admits. “I want to ask you something important.”
“Well, at least you didn’t call me in for a meeting this time,” you tease and Johnny smiles at the memory.
You can see how tense he is and you’re doing your best to brighten the atmosphere for him which he is thankful for.
“I like you. A lot.”
You can tell he has more to say so you nod, encouraging him to continue.
“You can probably imagine why, but I tried to push any idea of a romantic relationship from my head when Joon’s mother left.”
He tries to push down the lump forming in his throat restricting his speech and ability to say what he wants.
“I had been pretty successful at it too,” he chuckles. “Until recently.”
You bite your lip as he takes your hands in his.
“Being with you makes me incredibly happy in a way I thought I wouldn’t ever feel again. And I think it’s been building up for a while, but when I got to spend the whole day with you and saw how you take care of Joon, how I know you treat and care for everyone at the office, how you care for me; I know that’s what I need in my life. I need you in my life.”
You can feel the tears running down the side of your face and you notice the look of panic that crosses Johnny’s features. But when a smile emerges from your lips and you gently rest your hand along his cheeks, Johnny understands your tears are from happiness.
“I need you in my life too.”
Despite how cliché it sounds, the sensation of Johnny’s lips pressing against yours makes him feel as if he’s in heaven. They’re softer than he imagined and through the kiss he can feel your love for him.
The sound of a forced cough, causes the two of you to separate from each other. Looking down, you find Joon standing in front of you both, arms crossed and his left eyebrow raised.
Johnny glares at his son, knowing he told Joon to let the two of you be alone for a few minutes before pulling you aside.
The boy only stares back, as if to tell him he has given you both enough time.
Joon looks back at the two of you, still wrapped in each other’s arms, before he wedges himself in between the both of you so that he’s in the middle of the hug, causing you to break out in laughter.
Johnny sighs, but you only shake your head.
“Don’t be upset, Joon just got jealous he wasn’t involved in the family hug.”
You hear a whine of protest from Joon and notice Johnny’s face soften.
Something about those words left a warm feeling in his chest.
You are now fully a part of his life.
Part of his family.
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bexterbex · 5 years ago
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 9a
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Originally posted on my Ao3 Crystallclover (If you can’t find it here)
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a | 7b | 8 | 9b
I really enjoy everyone’s feedback. It makes my day to know you all are enjoying this story so far. There is still a lot planned for the future. I said this is slow-burn, it is don’t worry. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Chapter 9: Packing Up
Summary: “Your theory about possibly being matched with aliens? Well, he isn’t exactly an alien, he is a part of the First Order. When they found out who I was matched to I was immediately escorted here.”
You were alone for a moment, you swore you could almost hear Kylo talking to the general on the other side of the door. He sounded harsh. You hear his footsteps walk further down the hall.
The door opens and the general walks in with the tree junior officers trailing him. He stepped back and let the junior officers quickly clean up your and Kylo’s lunch. “The Supreme Leader has made me in charge of your safety. He also said I am to take you where ever you would like to go.”
You nodded. Just now you realized you never messaged Hayden or Carter that you had been escorted, in fact, you had yet to check your phone.
You pulled it out of your back pocket and saw that you had 30 messages from Carter and Hayden and 15 missed calls. They were all asking where you were, if something happened, if you were all right and if you were being interrogated.
You decided to call Carter. “Excuse me, General, I need to make a phone call.”
He nodded and stepped out of the room leaving you alone. You dialed Carter’s phone number, it rang twice before they picked up.
“Oh my god Y/N! Are you all alright? We have been trying to get a hold of you for hours now,” their voice was laced heavily with concern.
“I know. I’m alright, everything is fine. Actually, it’s better than fine, but I don’t know if this is how I want to explain it. I’m safe, I’m in Washington D.C.”
“Wait I’ll put you on speaker. You will explain everything,” you heard Carter switch the phone to speaker. And heard Hayden clear his throat.
“Hayden, you were right,” you said with a light chuckle.
“Sweet! Wait right about what,” he asked not remembering.
“Your theory about possibly being matched with aliens? Well, he isn’t exactly an alien, he is a part of the First Order. When they found out who I was matched to I was immediately escorted here,” you paused second guessing if you should reveal who Kylo is. “He is a high ranking officer, so it looks like I’ll be joining them.”
“Wow, Y/N we are so happy for you. I’m guessing you’ll probably leave when they do. Are you coming home tonight?” Asked Carter.
“He said I’ll be joining him on the ship tonight and that I will be able to come back down tomorrow,” You glanced at your watch. 3:30 PM, the suttle ride itself only took an hour and a half to get you from Toronto to D.C. You should have enough time to go back grab some things and be back in time for the nightly public First Order address. “I know you guys have more questions but I have to go.”
“Bye, be safe my dude,” said Hayden.
“You know we love you and want you to be happy, just call us when you can,” said Carter.
“I know and I love you guys too,” and with that, you said your goodbyes and you ended the call.
Unsure of what to do you walked over to the door opened it and stuck your head out. You could see the general down the hallway talking to some other First Order officers and people whom you assumed to be White House staff. You called to him, “General?”
He turned and started walking towards you. You now exited the room. “Yes,” he asked.
“Your orders were to take me anywhere that I would like to go, correct,” you asked.
“Correct, I am assuming you have made a choice,” he responded.
“I was wondering if I could take a shuttle back to Toronto to gather some of my things? I’m hoping to return before the nightly public address.”
“That can be arranged,” with that he looked over his shoulder to one of the junior officers who left immediately to make the arrangement. “Of course because I have been tasked personally with your safety I will have to escort you.” And with that, the junior was back and informed the general that there was a shuttle ready. He nodded and they excused themselves. He gestured for you to once again follow him and you were off to the shuttle.
You exited the White House and were once again aboard the shuttle, “This is a Xi-class light shuttle. It is mostly used for ferrying on planet surfaces and transporting freight. Not, that I expect that you will remember this right now, but if you are to be Supreme Leader’s consort then you will be expected to know these things.”
You looked at the general slightly shocked. This wasn’t something you had thought deeply about. You were now about to literally give up your whole, albeit boring, life for a man who was in charge of a military regime. You didn’t want to be in the spotlight. You just wanted to be loved and to love.
Both of you buckled in facing each other, “Would you like me to prepare some education videos for you? You have much more to learn than the average First Order planet citizen,” he said while working on a datapad.
You just nodded your head and he handed one to you, “This video is outdated but contains lots of good information and background knowledge for you,” responded the general.
He pulled up a video titled “First Order” by The Templin Institute. This one was much shorter and was just under ten minutes. This video gave you an idea as to who the man Kylo killed in order to receive the Supreme Leader position. It also gave you more information as to how the First Order came to be. When you glanced up after finishing the video the general used his datapad to send you another.
This time it was a speech given by the general himself from Starkiller base, “The First Order: Last day fo the Republic.” The video was intimidatingly impressive, it was similar to the speech he gave yesterday, but this time it caused the destruction of an entire star system, the New Republic’s capital.
“What did you think,” he asks as you can see the smug look on his face.
“It was intimidatingly impressive. An entire system gone in a matter of minutes.”
He was pleased with your answer as he sent you a news release from the First Order. “The Voice of the First Order: Issue 23.” Ironically the first one being about propaganda, avoiding Resistance and the New Republic propaganda and where a First Order citizen my uncover the truth.
Lastly, he sent you a bunch of articles talking about the different transport ships that were standard issue within the First Order.
The pilot spoke to the general informing him of the arrival back at the registration station. You handed the general back the data pad. You both unbuckled and stood to exit the shuttle.
“General, if you don’t mind I need to take my car back to my apartment to get my things,” you said to him.
“Yes, one of the ancient wheeled vehicles. I suppose we will have to return it. How many passengers can you fit,” he asked almost disgusted by the idea of having to ride in a car.
���Not including the driver I can technically seat 4, but only three comfortably as it is a sedan,” you replied.
“This will probably be the only time you will be allowed to drive one of those death machines again, but we will take three troopers with us for protection,” he said. And the thought of never driving again made you sad and curious as to see what freedoms you would be allowed. The general ordered three troopers to escort you two your car. “We will have the shuttle pick us up from your apartment to make things easier upon departure.”
With that, you got into your car. The general still seemed to be disgusted with it, even though it was clean. The three troopers struggled to sit in the back as they were too large for the seat. Once everyone was settled and buckled you were on your way to your apartment. It was not a long drive and for once all of the lights were green when you got to them.
Parking in your ramp you all got out of your car and approached your building's elevator. The troopers were making sweeps of the area and the general followed confidently behind them and all of them behind you. The elevator ride is awkward, even more so than the car ride. You reach your floor and you unlock your do, but be for you enter one of the stormtroopers moves you out of the way. They enter and sweep your tiny apartment.
You moved to follow them in as did the general. “I thought the people of your planet were supposed to have large dwellings,” he said commenting on your small apartment.
This made you a bit ticked off, and the fact that they were all wearing shoes inside and tracking dirt in. “Why would I need a larger apartment when I live alone?”
The general just hummed in response. You went to your closet and gathered your duffle bag and your backpack. You began packing all of your clothes and your toiletries knowing this could be one of the last times you would be back at your apartment. Packing didn’t take very long. You grabbed your work tote and filled it with your laptop, planner, notebooks, and chargers. You also grabbed your favorite coffee to-go cup and water bottle. It only took about 15 minutes to pack everything. “Is there anything I can get you? I have water, tea, coffee, and various fruit and snacks.”
The general shook his head in response and the troopers gave no sign of acknowledgment. And with that, your life was packed and ready to be moved again.
“This is everything I need, we should be able to go now.”
The general nodded to the troopers and you made your way down to the main entrance of your apartment building. Once again you boarded the shuttle.
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edourado · 5 years ago
This is just a lil bitty something, just to kick me into writing again. Just some domestic fluff for you.
Much love.
The thing that gets to him most is that she was always so happy to see him.
Always, every damn time, and that happiness just did something to him, made him swear to himself all over again that he’d be worthy of that smile.
And that anxiety from before, all that fear of danger and his demons and his own reservations, she slowly worked them away, little by little, every time she turned her head towards him and smiled, happy he was there.
“No, no, don’t go”, she asked, arms tight around him when he said he had to go back to his own place, he needed clean clothes, he needed to air the space out, he needed to see if the building was still standing, but she never wanted to let him go. “Stay here, just one more night.”
“You said that three nights ago”, he replied, his own arms around her, hands running up and down her back, and yeah, of course he was reluctant to leave.
“Well, because this is ridiculous, don’t you think?” She leaned back, all blue eyes and the air of someone who’s right. “Why don’t you just… Stay here?”
Frank looked back at her, almost saying those words, that she couldn’t be serious, she couldn’t actually want him in her space with her all the time, but she blinked up at him, eyes determined, and her hands caressed his face.
“You’re here all the time, anyway. I don’t like it when you leave, you’re spending money on an horrible place you don’t even like, why not just do us both a favor and just stay here?”
“You sure you want that?” He tried, surprised again at how deep his feelings for her actually ran. “Someone messing up your place?”
“You’re the neatest person I have ever met in my entire life”, she argued.
“You’d have to share your closet.”
“Not a problem. You’ll just might have to cram your shoes a little, but I don’t have that many clothes.”
“I don’t have that many shoes”, he blurted out, out of nowhere, and she smiled so big it made him smile, too.
“There you go”, and a kiss, like they had just settled it, and then she was letting go of him and walking towards the closet. “I’ll go with you. Well get the rest of your things, and you’ll tell the landlord that you’ll be giving the place up.”
She looked at him, unfolding the jeans in front of her.
“Give me one good reason why you should keep that place. Just one.”
She did have a point. It was a shitty, shitty place, the walls thinner than paper, and he was never there anymore. He never wanted be to be there anymore.
Ever since he saw Karen again, killed Pointdexter to save her life, and ever since she told him all about Fisk and his personal grudge, he was reluctant to leave her side. Even more so ever since that first night, when he finally stopped fighting and decided to give them a chance, give himself a chance, it was so difficult for him to leave her, now.
“Plus”, she completed, fastening her jeans and walking back towards him. “I thought we both agreed that it’s safer for me with you. Right?”
“Right”, he agreed, closing his eyes when she walked past him with a hand on his face, a quick caress to settle the subject.
“Alright, then. If you must pay rent, you can split the one from this place with me.”
Frank smiled and watched her pick up her purse.
Hours later, on the way back, his car loaded with the rest of his clothes, books, and the little other possessions he had, she looked at him and said she wanted a burger.
“With beer. And something sweet after.”
They ate their burgers leaning against the hood of his car, cold beers to wash it down, looking at a bridge they had flirted and then argued by, once upon a time, when she had to put flowers on her window to reach him. She ate double stuff Oreos on the way home.
“I buy Oreos in bulk, by the way”, she informed him after insisting he ate one, too. “Keep that in mind.”
“Yes, ma’am”, he replied, kissing her knuckles, her fingertips coated with crumbs.
It took almost no time at all to put his things away. She quickly reorganized her clothes to make room for his, put on her planner to buy some shelves for her shoes, because his had to be crammed after all. Most of his guns were in the… “Office” he and David kept, but the ones he kept with him found suitable places around her - their - apartment: on his nightstand drawer, behind the cleaning supplies in the bathroom cupboard, a special knife behind the cutlery door.
Books were organized among hers, she let him do that. His computer sat a little behind hers on the desk, he let her do that. His coat hung neatly by hers on the hook by the door, and she grazed a finger over the sleeve.
“This lives here, now”, she said, admiring the coats hanging side by side as if they were more that just two coats hanging side by side. She turned to him, smiling simply, and then back to the door. “Oh, one more thing!”
Frank watched as she opened the door, walked outside to the other side of the hall, and stood on tiptoes to reach the edge of the electric panel door.
“Your key!”, she said, smiling again, closing the door behind her, walking to him and handing him a key, somewhat ceremoniously. “We can get a new one made later, but for now, you get this one.”
Frank looked at the key sitting on the palm of his hand. It was rusty, stained on the base, it felt rough to the touch, but it worked just fine. With a small sigh, he looked at her.
“Guess its oficial, then?”
She nodded once, with vigor, and her hair tumbled from behind her ear to graze her cheek. “Yes, sir”, she confirmed, pushing the strands off her face again. “No turning back, now.”
They fell asleep on the couch watching TV, and when he woke up, she was curled up against him, and the TV showed a message that asked “are you still watching?”
Usually, this would be the time he would use to sneak out, while she was sleeping and couldn’t talk him - kiss him hug him whisper him seduce him undress him - into staying. Usually, he would place a soft soft soft kiss on the top of her head and tiptoe to the door.
This time, there was nowhere else he needed to be, no apartment he needed to go back to, he was home. For the very first time since he woke up in a hospital bed with a bullet wound on his head, he had a home. And it had nothing at all to do with the address.
Karen had been his home for much, much longer than he realized.
Turning the TV off, Frank ran his hand on Karen’s arm, touching his lips to her forehead when she stirred.
“Let’s go to bed”, he whispered, and she stretched and rubbed her eyes before she got up. He put his arms around her while they walked to the bedroom, the floor was cold under their feet.
He hugged her to him again once the covers were over them, and she settled more comfortably against him.
There were, still, a million reasons in his head of why he should not do this. Each of them getting weaker by the minute, and her skin against his own skin strengthening the argument that this, right here, was home.
It began the very next day.
They had all heard about the virus, a nasty little thing that was making its way, fast, over the world.
David had called to invite Frank to stay at the house with him, Sarah and the kids, and he was touched, because Leo shouted that she could show him all the new books she got, and when Frank, after thanking them, declined the offer, he insisted.
“You sure? I mean, no offense, man, but your apartment really sucks. You’re in more danger isolating there than at an airport, I’d say.”
Frank chuckled.
“You���re not wrong”. He looked over at Kren, who was sitting on her desk, on the phone with either Nelson or Murdock. “That’s why I gave it up yesterday.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I moved.”
“You moved? Where did you- oh! Did you- did you move in with Karen?”
He could hear David’s excitement over the phone, and he rolled her eyes? But his mouth curved in a smile anyway.
“No shit! Wow, man, way to go! I’m happy for you. For you both, really. HEY SARAH!”
There was a whole deal after that, where Sarah took the phone to express how happy she was for him, and they both filled Frank with questions, and he only answered because he owed that family a whole lot.
In the end, Sarah gave him a bunch of instructions he didn’t need on how to take care of himself, how to properly wash his hands and not buy too much toilet paper, they sent their love to Karen, and then he hung up.
A few minutes later, Karen also hung up, and they looked at each other.
“Regretting that decision yet?” He asked, only half joking. She furrowed her brows in confusion.
“What decision?”
“That key you gave me.”
She clicked her tongue and got up from her chair.
“I’m happy we did it yesterday. All we have to do now is some grocery shopping, a run to the drug store, and hope this thing runs its course quickly.” She sat next to him on the couch, her body turned towards him. “If you weren’t here already, I’d be calling you right about now. This social distancing thing…” She leaned into him, her lips grazing his softly. Frank closed his eyes. “I’d much rather do it with you.”
Frank smiled, and leaned in further to kiss her properly.
He was home.
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nearlymanaged · 5 years ago
3. Lily, Lupin, and Lilacs
Remus made his way to the sixth floor all by himself before Ancient Runes lesson. He’d spent breakfast being entertained by Peter, who had turned into a rat to freak out some first years by going for a swim in their cereal bowls. The performance was cut short though when they noticed a couple of teachers eyeing them from across the Great Hall. James leapt to his feet, grabbed Wormtail, and hurried out of there, yelling something about his ‘poorly behaved pet’.
The lesson had been going on for nearly five minutes when the classroom door flew open and a very flustered Lily Evans burst in, muttering apologies and something about having overslept and how it had never happened before. She went for the nearest seat, which happened to be right next to Remus, and pulled out her things very slowly, trying not to make any more sounds.
Professor Argyle stared at her blankly for a moment and Remus was sure Gryffindor was about to lose ten points, but instead… “Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time tonight, Miss Evans. Mr. Lupin, could you kindly share your notes with Miss Evans…” And she proceeded to teach the class.
Remus pushed his notes closer to Lily so she could copy the five or six sentences they had been instructed to copy by professor Argyle. “Thanks,” she whispered, scribbling frantically.
About halfway through the lesson, Remus started hearing a strange muffled gurgling sound. The classroom was filled with the scratching of quills on parchment, so it took him a couple of minutes to realise that it was Lily’s stomach that was growling greedily. “Hungry?” He whispered, stifling a laugh.
“Hmpf… I can’t even concentrate on this. Is that ‘leech’ or ‘cockroach’?” She squinted at a rune in a paragraph they had been instructed to translate.
“Leech,” Remus whispered and bent over to retrieve something from his bag. “Here.” He pushed half a bar of chocolate across the desk. “Also, I have no doubt that you know this, but that should be ‘lake’, not ‘puddle’.”
Lily seemed to be taken aback briefly, but then she gave him a genuine smile and breathed ‘thanks, Remus,’ before breaking off a piece and shoving it in her mouth. They had always been friendly with each other. Incidentally, only when James wasn’t around. Or Snape, for that matter. And now that September was drawing to a close, they had started exchanging little interactions here and there more frequently. It was only natural, since some of the classes they had both picked up for their sixth year only had small handfuls of students, none of whom were James or Snape.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you be late for class,” Remus whispered brightly, watching Lily eat the last crumbs of his chocolate, even licking little specks off her fingers once it was all gone.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been late. I just had so much homework yesterday and it got so late and… I need to revisit my homework planner.”
“Yeah, it’s been a long month…”
Just then, the bell rang throughout the castle, announcing the end of the lesson. Both Gryffindors started packing their things and Lily was the first to reach the door while Remus was still fiddling with the zipper of his bag. 
“Well?” He heard her say and looked up to see her waiting for him in the doorway. “Let’s go, I don’t want to be late again!” And they left the classroom together to head to a double Care of Magical Creatures lesson.
* * *
Sirius was eyeing Remus, who was curled up in one of the armchairs with a thick, dusty book. Black had just made himself comfortable in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room. James was servicing his broomstick in anticipation of the upcoming Quidditch season, and Peter was still working on his Potions essay (James’ freshly finished one lying in front of him). It was one of the quieter evenings, the likes of which occurred more frequently since they had started their sixth year.
It had been a whole month since the beginning of term; a whole month since Sirius was reunited with Moony. A whole month since he had been having these new, curious feelings for him. He kept telling himself that it would go away eventually, but there was a part of him that didn’t particularly care for that to happen. He had spent a whole month relentlessly staring at Moony and he could not think of anyone or anything more beautiful, and he had never thought that about anyone for a whole month straight.
He had always liked Moony’s scars; not the pain that they were born out of, of course. But he always liked the way that they looked, as if counteracting how much Remus himself hated them. Sirius remembered the first time he heard his friend call them ugly, back in their second year, and he couldn’t believe his ears. He thought they looked cool; they bore witness of Remus’ strength and resilience. But now he thought they were beautiful -- maybe he had always thought them beautiful?
Throughout the past month, Sirius had been catching himself wanting to wrap his arms around Moony at the most random moments. Or hold his hand. Or kiss him. And then he’d wonder if he would realistically ever be able to do that. He wanted it all to go away, but he also...didn’t. Deep down, more so than that, he wanted to know if there was any chance at all that Moony could like him back. So far, his inventory of clues was that Remus wasn’t girl-crazy, but that could have easily been attributed to him being a bit of a bookworm. A lot of a bookworm.
But then, there was this vague feeling, which Sirius couldn’t put into words, that him and Moony had always had a different kind of...chemistry; different from him and Prongs or him and Wormtail. If only there had been a way to explore that without putting their friendship at risk...
All of a sudden, Sirius’ whole body perked up with a brilliant idea, and before he could question its brilliance further, the words slipped out of his mouth. 
“You guys know I’m bisexual, right?” Sirius’ eyes lingered on Remus for just a moment longer before he casually looked down to inspect his fingernails. 
“Er...you’re what?” James looked at him puzzled, as if he’d just been woken up from a nap. 
“Bisexual, Prongs,” the Black replied with an exaggerated sigh. “Means I swing both ways.”
“And...have you?” Peter asked with some kind of a mixture of awe and confusion.  
“Have I what?”
“Snogged a boy?”
“Not yet.” Sirius’ gaze flickered over to Remus for a split second; the werewolf was still adamantly staring at his book but Sirius could see that his eyes were fixated on a single spot on the page. 
“How do you know then?” Peter asked and James shuffled his stare from him back to Sirius. 
“How do people know they’re straight before they get to snog anyone? Or how does Prongs know he wants to spend the rest of his life making sweet love to Evans without having so much as accidentally bumped elbows with her?”
It seemed to take a second for James to register the answer but then he shrugged and nodded. “Fair enough.”
“So… Has anyone in particular caught your eye?” Peter asked and Sirius restrained himself from looking at Remus.
“Nope, no one in particular.”
For a little while, no one said anything, blankly staring at one another as if confunded. Then, Peter went back to his potions essay and James resumed polishing his broom handle. 
“So?” Sirius’ voice was tinged with annoyance now. 
“So what?” James asked without looking up. 
“You lot okay with that? Any thoughts? Feedback? Anything?”
“‘Course we are okay with it!” Peter affirmed. 
“Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense,” James mumbles casually, and Sirius was about to inquire further about that statement, but then he realised that Remus was still frozen in the same position, still pretending to read the same page. 
“What?” He answered rather quickly. 
“Any thoughts?”
“Of course I am okay with it, Sirius,” he punctuated his irritated response by closing his book with a thud. 
“Sorry we’re not more shocked, mate,” James shrugged. 
* * *
James did his best to keep his focus on professor Slughorn, but his gaze would inadvertently land on the side of Lily Evans’ face time and time again during that day’s Potions lesson. And then, once in a while, he’d look over at Snape; he couldn’t help but wonder why Lily and him weren’t friends anymore. He was happy about it, no doubt; but curious nonetheless.
Even with those distractions, James had to admit that it was an interesting lesson. Slughorn was telling them about the strongest love potion in the world, Amortentia. There was a whole couldronfull of it and James was quite aware of the fact that everyone in the classroom was leaning forward ever so slightly, trying to get closer to its intoxicating scent (which, apparently, smelled of different things to every single person).
A couple of the students jumped in their seats at the sound of a loud knock on the door. Slughorn stared at it for a second and then shuffled over to open it. James looked over at Peter and both grinned when they heard the sound of Sirius’ voice.
“Sorry, sir. Professor McGonagall sent me to get Potter. It’s about Quidditch…”
“Right now? In the middle of the lesson?”
“You know how she gets just before the season starts, sir,” Sirius’ voice carried a note of very well faked innocence.
“Ah yes, I daresay, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of Minerva and the Quidditch cup…” Slughorn wheezed and then mumbled something about ‘insufferable’ and ‘fury’. “Very well then, just make sure to get today’s notes from one of your friends, James.”
James scrambled to his feet, shoved all his stuff in his bag, and rushed out of the classroom. They had done this sort of thing so many times, and had planned so many different, slight variations of it, that he wasn’t worried about getting caught at all anymore. He grinned at Sirius and both started down the corridor, to wait around the corner. If James wasn’t much mistaken, Peter was about to use one of those fake blood capsules from Muggle jokes shops that Remus had introduced them to a while ago. 
Sure enough, no more than five minutes later, Peter appeared with red paint down his front. The brilliance of this particular trick was that Slughorn tried to magic Wormtail’s supposed nosebleed away, but since his nose wasn’t really bleeding, the spell didn’t do anything. Pretty quickly, Slughorn gave up and sent Peter to the hospital wing.
“Why did it smell like coffee, lilacs, and Moony in there?” 
There was a second’s pause and then James turned to Peter, shock and curiosity mirrored in his face too.
“What?” Sirius lifted his hands in a brief shrug when his two friends exchanged very eloquent and very obvious looks. Then he explained rather proudly: “I’ve been able to pick up even the most subtle scents a lot more since I’ve started casually transforming into a massive black dog. Was Remus here already to get you out of Potions?”
James, and by the looks of it, Peter too, knew that the cauldron full of Amortentia was seated nearest to the door, and the only scent that Sirius could have possibly been picking up was that. And it smelled like Moony to him.
“No er…” James shook his head as if waking up from some kind of a trance. “Yeah, Merlin’s beard, that’s incredible! That you can smell things like a bloody dog now!”
“Yeah… Completely!” Peter agreed. “Incredible!”
“Come on, you must have noticed things like that too since last year?” Sirius shrugged again and his two friends exchanged looks, again. “Anywho,” he rolled his eyes, probably thinking that they were trying to mess with him. “Shall we make a quick stop at the kitchen?”
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years ago
Road To The Aisles
Thanks for your patience as we get to the end of this story, couple more chapters to go and I’m hitting some serious writer’s block. I’m getting there, but slowly!!
Thanks to @wickedgoodbooks, @happytoobserve, @mo-nighean-rouge for their support.
23. A Hectic Enterprise
Phoebe: (her mobile phone rings) Oh, it's my wedding planner. She's driving me crazy! (she answers) Hello... Hey, ok, stop screaming! Ok? So, halibut. All right, so salmon, either way. I don't-I don't... it doesn't matter to me!
Claire was roused from sleep by a persistent squeaking close to her left ear. Opening one eye, she was greeted by a big grin from William, his hedgehog firmly clasped in his fist. An aroma of dirty nappy filled the air.
“Morning, precious,” Claire said croakily.
William babbled in delight and pushed the hedgehog even closer to her ear.
“Not so close, lovie.” Claire sniffed. “Jamie, someone ‘round here needs a clean bottom…. and what time is it? I can’t be late. We have so much to do. I’m meant to be meeting Mrs. Crook… and the caterers… and the florist is coming. And we have the rehearsal this afternoon at the church, so Geillis and Dougal need to have arrived before then —“
“Dinna fash. It’s no’ even seven yet.” Jamie stopped rifling through a suitcase and turned around to face Claire. “I heard William stirring and jes’ thought I’d bring him in tae say hello before getting him cleaned up. I ken we’ve a lot tae do.”
William suddenly launched himself forward from his sitting position onto Claire’s chest. Laughing, Claire brought her arms around to cuddle the baby. Jamie stood still for a moment, just watching as she rolled William onto his back and began tickling him. William erupted into fits of helpless chuckles. Jamie put down the nappy cream and moved back to bed. What difference would five minutes make?
Jamie lay down on top of the covers and joined in, gently biting William’s toes through the fleecy sleepsuit. His eyes met Claire’s as a wave of pure joy washed over him.
“I canna wait fer tomorrow,” he whispered.
“Me neither.”
“Dadadada,” William babbled as he rolled back towards Claire and grabbed a handful of her curls.
“Hear that?” Jamie spoke proudly. “He said dada, he called me dada.”
“I think you’ll find he actually called me dada. But we can be working on it… together.”
By the time Claire had showered and dressed, Mrs Crook had arrived and was busy feeding William his porridge. The baby smacked his lips greedily between mouthfuls, trying to grab the spoon from Mrs. Crook’s hand.
“He certainly likes his food,” Mrs.Crook said as Claire planted a kiss on her cheek. “Jes’ like his da.”
Claire poured herself a cup of tea and joined them at the table. “Where is his father?”
“Och, we dinna ken, do we, ma wee puddin’?”
Spooning the dregs of the porridge into William’s mouth, Mrs. Crook then handed him the spoon.
“Jamie went out a few minutes ago wi’ Brian. They didna say where.”
Having discovered the spoon contained no more food, William pushed his bottom lip out in a sulk. His mood was lightened somewhat as he discovered the tympanic qualities of the spoon, enthusiastically banging it on the tray of the high chair.
“You are a noisy little tyke, aren’t you?”
“Oh William, you have to remember. Say that when your da is actually here,”
Claire lifted William out of the high chair, still tightly clutching his spoon.
“Did ye take a wee keek at the marquee when ye arrived?”
“No, it was dark by the time we got here. Let me just get a jacket on William and then why don’t we both go and have a look?”
Claire hitched William more securely on her hip and looked around the marquee… the cavernous marquee… the cavernous, unfinished marquee. Stacks of chairs were stored in one corner, tables in another. Several large hampers had been dumped on top of a makeshift platform. The structural steel poles stood grey and unadorned. Claire turned to Mrs. Crook, dismay clearly etched on her face.
“It’s nowhere near ready, Mrs. C, is it?”
“Ah, dinna fash, Claire. They’re on the way now. Ye’ll see, by this evening, ye willna be able tae recognise the place. Trust me, I’ve seen this every year wi’ the Hallowe’en party. It’ll be grand. I’ll be away and wait fer them in the yard.”
After Mrs. Crook had left, Claire wandered around trying, and failing, to imagine the finished decor. She had faith in the event planners, up to a point,  but this seemed too much even for them.
Geillis appeared from behind a stack of chairs and looked around. “I like what ye’ve done with the place. Kind of workhouse chic meets brutal minimalism.”
She kissed Claire’s cheek and ruffled William’s hair.
“Geillis! We weren’t expecting you until later. How early did you get up? And where’s Dougal?”
“Och, he’s faffing about with the car, trying to park it so it doesna get scratched by any of yer comings and goings. And, for yer information, we drove up yesterday,” she unstacked a chair, placed it in the middle of the floor and sat down.
“Weel, I was sae inspired by yer Jenny’s story the other week. Ye ken, the one about the highland warrior and the serving wench. We decided tae drive up yesterday, find a wee glen and try it fer ourselves.”
“It worked a treat,” Geillis winked. “And—“
“Hello, ye in here?”
To Claire’s relief, Geillis immediately halted her, no doubt overly detailed, story as Dougal sauntered into the marquee. Whilst not quite as tall or as broad as Jamie, and at least twenty years older, Claire recognised there was a certain tough quality about him. He would definitely have made a good warrior, fighting the redcoats.
“Morning, Claire,” Dougal pecked her cheek. “And who do we have here?”
He scooped William out of Claire’s arms. She glanced across at Geillis, who gave a small uncertain smile.
William looked momentarily surprised by this stranger but relaxed against his shoulder.
“Da—“ he began.
Claire shot him a warning look. “What have I said, William? Save that for your da.”
William put his thumb in his mouth and proceeded to tap the spoon he was still holding against the side of Dougal’s head.
“William, no! Sorry, Dougal.”
To the baby’s disgust, Claire prised the spoon from his tightly clenched fist. He let out a wail of dissatisfaction, only quietening as he heard his father’s voice coming into the marquee.
“Ah, Geillis, Dougal. Good tae see ye. Fancy a coffee? Ma sister and her family have jes’ arrived too.”
Jamie took the fidgeting baby from Dougal as they walked back to the house.
“Are you not worried about the state of the marquee?” Claire whispered to Jamie.
“Och, no. It’ll be fine. I saw the vans pulling up as I came in. Trust me, Sassenach. Ye’ll see.”
The old stone church had been the focus of Fraser family worship for many generations, as various plaques and stone engravings bore testament to, and was an intrinsic part of Jamie’s memories. It was here that he had been christened. Although that was obviously not one of his memories, he still cherished the photograph taken by the font of himself in his father’s arms while his mother wrangled an unhappy toddler Jenny. It was here that Jenny married Ian, and her children were christened, too. And in less happy times, it was here that his mother had been lain to rest.
So, it had always been important for him to marry here. When Claire had willingly suggested Lallybroch as their wedding venue, he had been both thrilled and touched by her enthusiasm for his family home and traditions. He tried not to think about the possible battle looming over any suggestion of William being christened here.
The priest greeted them in the doorway and escorted them down the aisle towards the altar, explaining the order of service and their roles tomorrow. A noise in the porch indicated the arrival of Ian, Geillis, Jenny and Wee Jamie.
“Da and Murtagh are looking after Maggie and William.” Jenny explained.
“Aye, and Dougal offered to help them.” Geillis added with an exaggerated  eye roll.
Wee Jamie pulled on his mother’s hand and whispered loudly. “Where are all the people, ye ken? The people what watch us. There’s no-one sitting on the benches.”
Jenny pursed her lips in an effort not to laugh. “This isna the wedding, Jamie. It’s a rehearsal, a practice fer tomorrow, so ye all ken what tae do.”
Wee Jamie breathed a loud sigh of relief. “That’s good ‘cos I havena got the rings, nor ma kilt.”
Jamie felt the butterflies building in his stomach as the priest positioned himself and Ian at the front and then instructed Claire, Geillis and his nephew on walking formally down the aisle. Jenny hovered, anxious for Wee Jamie, but she had no need for worry. Her son strode down the aisle in front of Claire, his tongue peeking out from between his lips in concentration as he held his arms in front of his body, pretending to hold a cushion.
Jamie watched as Claire approached with measured paces, the only sounds being the footsteps on the hard floor tiles. He found himself holding his breath as she drew closer, until…
“Oh, poo,” Wee Jamie said in a loud voice, the word echoing around the stone walls. “I forget which way tae go now.”
“Sorry, Father.” Jenny quickly apologised. “Jamie, apologise to Father Michael for saying that word.”
“Sorry, Father,” Wee Jamie repeated. “But we say it all the time at home, Da sings a song about poo tae Maggie. He says it’s no’ a bad word.”
Jenny glared at her son as Jamie and Ian dissolved into fits of laughter. “Aye, it’s no’ swearing but we dinna say it in the kirk, OK?”
“Weel, I think we’re about done now fer today. We all ken what we’ve tae do, and,” the priest looked hard at Wee Jamie. “And what we’ve no’ tae do tomorrow.”
The sun was beginning to set as they made their way back to Lallybroch. Mrs. Crook had already left for the day, with plans for a ‘shampoo and set’ at the local hairdressers before a good night’s sleep.
Despite an invitation for Geillis and Dougal to join them for a family dinner,  Geillis graciously declined. Claire wasn’t sure if Geillis was worried about the proximity of so many babies and small children giving Dougal more paternal thoughts, or if Geillis had some thoughts of her own of a less pure nature to share with Dougal. With a promise of an early return to Lallybroch, Claire bade farewell to the couple.
Jamie had momentarily disappeared. Claire supposed he was keen to reclaim his son from Brian and Murtagh. She turned and walked across the gravel forecourt to the kitchen door. A whistle made her turn around. Jamie stood on the makeshift path leading to the marquee.
“Fancy a quick keek at it now?” He asked.
“Or maybe I should wait ‘til they’ve finished in the morning. I don’t want to be thinking about it’s unfinished state tonight.”
“Oh, come on. A quick look.”
He held out his hand and led her into the marquee.
Jamie had obviously crept in and switched on a couple of lights on the small platform stage. Claire looked around in amazement. Though dimly lit, the transformation from that morning was clear. In front of the stage, a dance floor had been laid. The circular tables were in place, each adorned with a pristine white tablecloth and gauzy russet runner. A posy vase in the centre of each table stood ready for the simple sprigs of autumn leaves and berries to be added. The chairs reflected the colour scheme with white covers and russet bows.
One corner of the marquee was occupied by a bar, not yet stocked. Empty pedestals were scattered around, waiting for the florist’s artistry the following morning. The steel poles were now elegantly covered in white and russet fabric entwined with fairy lights.
“Still worried about this place?” Jamie asked.
Claire shook her head. “No, it’s going to look magical.”
“I kent it would, jes’ needs the finishing touches in the morning.”
They stood quietly for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Claire stood on tip toes and kissed Jamie’s cheek, his bristles rough against her lips.
“What was that fer?”
“Oh, this… you… William… your family… everything.”
“Nae regrets? Even after all that’s happened this year?”
“Not a single one.”
Jamie stooped and returned the kiss.
“Thank ye, Sassenach. I love ye.”
Back outside, Claire turned towards the house. Jamie gently pulled her in the opposite direction.
“Oh, do you not want to get back to William?” Claire enquired.
“Och, William will be fine fer a wee while longer. He’ll be having a grand time wi’ Da and Murtagh. No, seeing as how ye are banishing me from yer bed tonight and I canna see ye ‘til the kirk, I jes’ wanted a few minutes alone wi’ ye.”
Jamie stopped in a corner of the garden. “Remember this place, Sassenach ? Nearly this time last year?”
“The Hallowe’en party. Of course, We escaped up here to watch the fireworks. You were Harry Potter.”
“Aye and ye were the sexiest witch I’d ever seen…that dress and those stockings... wi’ yer skin all pale and glowing in the moonlight. When I laid ye down on the blanket and ye opened herself tae me and I could hear yer moans and sighs, weel, I kent then that ye were mine fer always… and I was yers.”
Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head to hers. She kissed him gently before parting his lips with her tongue, lightly caressing his mouth. Jamie responded eagerly, tongues entwining, bodies pressed tightly together. He could feel Claire’s moans catch in her throat. He traced a path of kisses from her mouth to that sweet spot behind her ear…
“Jamie… Claire… are ye there? Da says d’ye fancy a wee nip afore dinner? And Murtagh says he canna face another dirty nappy, sae ye’re going tae have tae see tae yer son… right now.” Jenny called from the bottom of the path.
Jamie and Claire broke apart.
“We’d better go in then.”
“Christ, woman, what have ye done tae me?” Jamie panted. “Ye’ve got me all riled up… let me wait a moment until I’m… weel, er, more composed.”
Claire laughed. “Sorry. But can you believe that was only a year ago? So much has happened, so many changes… William, living together, now marriage.”
“But there’s one thing that hasna changed, Sassenach. And that’s how much I love ye. So, Mrs Soon-tae-be-Fraser, shall we join the family?”
“Yes, Jamie, I’d love to. Let’s join our family.”
171 notes · View notes
carryonsimoncarryonbaz · 5 years ago
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A new hurt/comfort, isolation, Snowbaz sick fic that wouldn't leave my head and that I cranked out in the last 24 hours. 
Baz and Simon shelter in place in London during the pandemic but they are not aware SImon has been infected until he falls ill. Baz does the care taking as Simon descends into illness and then Baz has some very difficult moments to face and decisions to make. Angst with a happy ending.
*trigger warning from frank descriptions of severe pneumonia and respiratory illness*
Day 1
Penny left this morning. Her mum wanted her home once the shutdown order came through and with her uni having gone all online there wasn’t much point in her staying around.
Other than for me, that is.
She wanted to but I told her that’s daft. She should be with her family. I’d never choose to cross Mitali Bunce and there’s no reason for Penny to, not for this.
I’ll be fine. My classes are all online. I can buy what I need at the corner shop and the curry place is staying open.
And I’ve got Baz. He’s staying too. Spouted some rubbish about not wanting to possibly transmit something to his family, seeing as they’re half-isolated as it is, way out where they are.
And don’t I know it. I made that jog from the road to their place more than once. Isolated doesn’t do it justice. It’s remote.
But I also know that’s not the real reason he’s staying here. I know he’s staying for me, the sappy git.
I tried to make him go. Tried to convince him he should be with his family.
He’d turned his sea-grey eyes on me then and said, “I am with my family.”
There’s not much I could say in answer to that. Not with words that is. I practically knocked him off the sofa in my attempt to snog him senseless. He says things like that and I . . . well, fuck, it makes me believe it’s all been worth it. All that came before.
No, I know it’s worth it. I’d give up my magic again in a heartbeat to have what I’ve got with Baz. Give it all to the Humdrum, fight mutant vampires in the desert, deal with that fucking Lamb character—I’d go through it all over again for him. Every moment of it, to be where we are now.
Together. In love and able to say it. Out loud. To each other.
My therapy appointments are down to once a month now. Baz and I have one together every few months. I was surprised when he started seeing someone, a few months after we came back. After everything had finally settled down.
Fiona found him someone she trusted.
It made it easier for me to do it, once he started. Sometimes I wonder if that’s why he did it. But there’s never been a point in asking him that. It doesn’t serve a purpose. He wouldn’t have kept going if it wasn’t something he needed as well. So why he started doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he did.
And I did.
And we’re here now, better than we’ve ever been.
Well, other than this pandemic shit.
I don’t think it’s going to be as bad as they say. They’ve shut the whole damn country down. Hospitals and clinics at ready. I think it will take time, but it’ll pass.
It’s done a right number on all of our plans, I’ll say that.
Last year of uni for Baz and Penny. I basically fucked away my first year so I’m a bit behind, but still. We’re all moving forward, not looking back.
I hope this doesn’t fuck up Baz’s graduation. He’s top of his class here too, the swot. I want to see that. See him graduate.
I didn’t get to see him give his leavers speech at Watford.
Baz says he’s not fussed about graduation. What he’s fussed about is possibly having to cancel his graduation gift from his parents. They’ve sprung for a two-week vacation on the Continent for the both of us.
I’m part of the gift, it seems. Daphne came right out and said it like that, when they told Baz about it. I thought I was going to go up in flames right there and then.
It’s right embarrassing sometimes, the things she and Malcolm say. I call him Malcolm now, as if that doesn’t take the bloody cake. Took me long enough. (It’s still awkward as fuck, but he likes it so I try.)
It was bad enough when they assumed we were shagging and we weren’t. Yet.
Now they’re even less inhibited. Sending us away on romantic weekend trips. Buying us matching gifts. Asking us when we’re going to move in together (yes, we’ve talked about it) (probably this summer) (or we were planning to, before this bloody thing started) (just hadn’t told anyone but Penny yet.)
But this. This is like some wedding planner’s ideal honeymoon trip. Paris. Venice. Barcelona. The bloody Amalfi Coast.
It’s as if Daphne looked up every romantic location on Pinterest and added it to the itinerary.
Every bloody romantic proposal location, I mean.
That’s what it feels like to me.
Because I’d been thinking to ask him, after graduation. And I’ll be good god-damned if I don’t get to do it first.
Knowing Baz, he’d probably try to get the drop on me, just to be a competitive arse.
No, he wouldn’t actually. Not for this. He’d want me to be sure, he’d want to know I was the one who really wanted it.
And he’d want to see me try to set up something romantic. For him. He’s such a sappy git. I think he’d be just as thrilled if I did it in the Tesco car park as the Eiffel Tower at sunset.
Which is where I’m currently planning on asking, when I let myself think about it. Paris, that is, not the Tesco. Although last week it was a gondola in Venice. And by next week it may well be somewhere else.
It’s not as if I’ve bought a ring or anything yet. I was waiting a bit. Getting comfortable with the idea rather than just letting myself daydream about it.
Not that I’ll be getting any ring shopping done anytime soon.
Not even online, not with his meddlesome self looking over my shoulder when I’m on my laptop, now that he’s going to be here every minute, not just a few nights a week.
He’s here more than a few nights, to be honest, has been for a while. Unless he’s got a big paper or some sort of group project and I’m too much of a distraction.
Baz basically moved in at the start of the fall term. I mean, he still has his place in Camberwell. He’s just rarely there anymore. His clothes fill my closet, he’s got a colourful array of spare pants in the dresser, his toiletries on my sink and in my shower—not travel sized versions carried back and forth in his knapsack anymore.
There’re orderly pints of blood in the fridge and cold vampire feet in my bed every night.
I’m not complaining one bit. It’s taken us long enough to get here.
And so here we are, our coursework done for the day, curled up on my sofa watching Derry Girls again, my head resting on his shoulder.
I’m feeling all right. None of the symptoms they’re blathering on about in the news updates and emails from the uni health centre.
And Baz . . . well, he’s being Baz. Calm in the midst of the anxiety that’s overtaken the city. Meticulous about his personal hygiene and bloody annoying about mine.
Like now.
“Go wash your hands, Simon.”
“I just did, when I went to the loo a bit ago.”
“You just touched your nose. Wash them again.”
“Bloody hell, must you watch me every minute?”
“Not about to change my habits now, they’re ingrained.” He’s smiling, the prat.
“Don’t I know it.”
His eyebrow goes up. “Someone has to, you’re an absolute menace to cleanliness as a rule.”
“Piss off.”
But I love him for it, so I go and wash my hands. I know why he does it. I know it’s out of concern.
I’m being careful. I am.
I’ve not been out other than for a run, not since uni shut down. I mean other than to go to the corner shop for snacks a few days ago. And to the curry place for some samosas yesterday.
Baz has put a stop to all that now though. Said he’s doing the shopping and the food runs from now on. I watched him empty the shopping bags earlier—wouldn’t even let me help, the tosser. He’s stocked up on paracetamol, thermometer covers, zinc throat lozenges, throat syrup, and whatnot.
“Didn’t you get any crisps? I thought you were going to get more crisps?” We’re not going to make it long without crisps.
He just rolls his eyes at me. “We’ve got bags of them, Simon. We’ll be fine.”
I’m trying not to let on to Simon how worried I am.
I’ve seen the projections. It’s not looking good. This government has bollocksed the entire situation from the very start. Even my father is appalled at the Tories and has not been shy about saying so, which is unprecedented and not doing anything to dampen my anxiety about all this.
It’s end times when my father is to the point of vehemently condemning a Tory government.
I don’t know what Simon and Penelope were thinking. They’ve not stocked up on much other than toilet paper and crisps. I had to purchase the bare necessities today and it took me to two Tescos and one Boots to find any paracetamol.
I do know what Penelope was thinking—that a few well-cast spells would sort it.
She sorted Simon when I thought we’d lose him. I can understand her confidence but it’s wildly misplaced.
This isn’t like that.
This is, for lack of a better term, insidious. Fuck. I hate that word. I can’t use it and not think of the bloody Humdrum. That leads to thinking about the Mage and Simon’s magic and then I’m off on tangents that make me want to rage.
I know it’s been years now. I know he and I have both talked through it, with each other and with Simon’s therapist.
But at moments like this, in the middle of this fucking plague, all I can think about is how much easier this would be, how much safer, if Simon still had his magic. Not that it made him impervious to injuries or illnesses. It didn’t, I know that first hand, from all those nights he’d drag himself up the steps to our turret, bruised and battered and a bloody mess.
But he had a capacity to heal, to bounce back, without needing to be coated in spells. He’s not got that anymore.
But he acts like he still does.
Like he did in America. Like he’s acting now. Like somehow, he’s resistant to it all, that he can barrel through as he is and still come out relatively unscathed.
I’ve put a stop to all that. No more trips to the corner shop or the curry place. No unnecessary activities outside of the flat. None. I’ll be damned if we’ve made it this far only to have some rogue virus destroy it all.
I’m the one who’s impervious. I’m the one who will still be standing at the end of the day, when this is all over. And I want Simon at my side.
I need him to be.
He can content himself with sitting at home, on the sofa, watching the telly. I’ll even buy him some cider, if he’ll just bloody well stay inside.
Here I am, wishing that Simon Snow would just lie the fuck down on the sofa and not argue about it. Who would have thought we’d come to this? Crowley, the world is upside down.
At least now I get to lie down with him.
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myforeverforlife · 5 years ago
portrait of you.
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For @colorful-taste​! Junmyeon and 48. "We've become the clingy couple that you used to complain about." (I hope you like it! 💖)
Come send in a request here!
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Word Count: 2,164
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You loved your boyfriend, you honestly did. But sometimes, you wondered if he really needed rows upon rows of jackets in his closet. That didn't even count the shirts and pants folded away in numerous drawers, as well as accessories.
From where you sat on the floor in his walk-in closet, everything seemed even more cluttered and suffocating. Junmyeon had kept a lot of the clothes since he had begun his career, unable to throw things away because of the sentiment that each one had. 
"Chanyeol bought that for me!" he said once, as you were trying to help him sort through his clothes. The puffy jacket was a bright-yellow color, and a few sizes too small for him now. But still, he refused to let you give it away or throw it out. 
Shaking your head, you brought yourself back to the present. "Sweetie, we're going to be late for the exhibit. You look fine."
Junmyeon came back into the closet, two different ties in his hands as he held them up. "Which one do you think is better?"
"Myeon, you don't need to dress up. It's just a normal museum exhibit." 
"It's Van Gogh, Y/N," he said, as if that explained everything. Although you supposed in Junmyeon's eyes, it did. "But maybe ties aren't the way to go." He placed them on top of a small dresser, placing his hands on his head as he looked around the room. He was truly a sight to see — white button-up left open over his chest, and tweed pants threatening to slide down his hips. 
Sighing, you stood up and smoothed your hands over his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. "You always look amazing, no matter what you wear. But, I think you're really overthinking it right now. Just go with your gut." 
Junmyeon smiled bashfully, emphasizing the round apples of his cheeks. "You're right." He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, before following it up with a kiss on your forehead. "What time is it?" 
You pulled out your phone, both of you grimacing as the screen lit up. "Almost two. But we should leave soon, there's always traffic and parking to think about."
Junmyeon began scrambling to change out of his clothes, hands and feet flailing as he struggled to pull his arms out of his sleeves. With a giggle, you reached over to help him out, folding the garment over your arm once it was finally off. 
"I'm surprised you didn't plan your outfit already." Junmyeon was by nature, a meticulous planner, but even more so when it came to figuring out what to wear. You didn't mind though — not when the end result was so appealing to look at. "Oh, I did," he replied. "But when I put it on today, it didn't look right." He hummed thoughtfully, rummaging through a rack of cardigans. 
Setting his button-up down, you squeezed his shoulder reassuringly as you passed by. "I'm gonna run to the restroom, but we really need to leave when I come back."
"Shoot," Junmyeon gasped, quickly moving over to a set of shelves and pulling open the top one. 
You could hear him moving around, hangers clattering against each other and drawers shutting closed even from your spot in the bathroom. Upon returning, you were pleasantly surprised to see that your boyfriend had found an outfit that he liked.
Junmyeon stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring down at his phone as he texted someone. He was unaware that you were back, so caught up in his conversation as you took the time to admire his beauty. You almost felt like you were studying a portrait in an art gallery, studying every detail that made up Junmyeon's overall charm. He had gone for a simple, black and white striped polo shirt with some well-worn light blue jeans. On his head, he wore a black felt beret, only it was sitting backwards. Altogether, it made for a very pleasing sight, especially with the face of the wearer. Junmyeon let out a soft giggle at something he read, awakening a fluttering sensation in your chest. 
"Are you ready?" you asked sweetly, touched to see how his face lit up when he heard you.
"Yep!" Junmyeon stuck his phone into his pocket before checking that he had his wallet in the other one was well. Walking over to you, he wrapped an arm around your waist. "Let's go!" 
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This was an event that both of you had been looking forward to for a long time — the arrival of the special Van Gogh exhibit. The two of you were a pair of avid museum-goers, and were frequent visitors at the Leeum and Daerim museums. But this journey was different, a visit to see a traveling exhibit on its stop in Seoul. The Van Gogh interactive exhibit was on loan from a museum in Australia, and had been making its rounds through Southeast Asia before coming to Seoul. A wide assortment of Van Gogh's works were projected on large screens that formed an almost maze-like setting, immersing visitors in his work. 
You and Junmyeon could hardly wait once you heard that it was coming to Seoul. 
Junmyeon was practically buzzing with anticipation, his hand tightly holding onto yours as both of you were let in. "Wow," he breathed out in awe. 
The gallery was filled with visitors, from couples admiring the work together, like you and Junmyeon, to groups of friends or family, and even a few individuals wandering around alone. People milled about the open space, marveling at the enormous screens that were currently projecting Van Gogh's "Wheat Field". The billowing clouds looked so soft and fluffy, swirls of white and shades of blue mixed together. The fields of wheat were painted so meticulously, individual brush strokes making up the stalks of grain. It all looked so real, you could have sworn that you were really there. 
Painting by painting, you and Junmyeon watched in wonder as Van Gogh's works flashed before your eyes. At one point, Junmyeon turned around and pointed at the floor. "Y/N, look!" 
Spinning around, you were taken aback to see Van Gogh's "Almond Blossom" projected on the floor below you. A cluster of blossoms overlapped with your feet, the colors creeping up onto your shoes as you exchanged a delighted smile with your boyfriend. 
Of course, Junmyeon didn't forget to take pictures himself, documenting his favorite pieces as he snapped photos of the images. You even took a picture of him posing in front of a large screen displaying "Cafe Terrace at Night", Junmyeon crouching down and pretending to sit in a chair. 
"Did you take it yet?" he asked, squatting and trying to hold an effortless grin.
"Oh, this one's no good," you lied, trying to hide your giggles. "Hmm, no the lighting is weird from this angle." You stepped to the side, taking a photo before shaking your head. "Not this one either."
"What?!" Junmyeon exclaimed, teetering on his feet as he tried to maintain his balance. "Are you serious?" 
You burst into laughter, coming over and showing him the photos you had taken. "I'm kidding! I'm sorry, Myeon, I couldn't help it." 
"Gosh," Junmyeon sighed, finally allowing himself to stand back up. "You're so mean, Y/N. How long were you going to make me stay like that for?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Oh, not much longer. But I'm glad to see your workouts have really been paying off." You patted his stomach as you gave him back his phone, hand brushing over his clothed abs.
Junmyeon shook his head with a grin, playfully swatting your hand away before swiping through the many photos you took. Both of you laughed over some of the funnier ones, Junmyeon visibly trying to maintain his cool composure even as his face said the opposite. 
It was easy to get swept away by the marvels of the exhibit, the paintings constantly changing even as the room stayed the same. From specific works like "Irises" to assorted views of the countryside and self-portraits, the pair of you were spellbound. Most of the visitors reacted the most when "Starry Night" appeared, the swirling skies and repeated brushstrokes evoking a sense of calm. 
"It's amazing how he made all of these," Junmyeon whispered to you. "He put so much emotion into each of his paintings, and we can still feel it, all these years later." He hugged you from behind, lightly swaying both of you from side to side as the animated paintings continued to play on the screens. "I'm so glad I get to experience this with you," he murmured into your ear, placing a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
Leaning back against him, you closed your eyes. "Me too, Myeon. There's no one else I'd rather have with me." 
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Everyone was reluctant to leave the room, still entranced by the interactive displays. But the next area held informational placards on all of the works displayed, providing more context behind each individual piece of work. You and Junmyeon soaked it all in, not leaving a single one unread.
As you neared the end of the placards, you noticed the entryway leading to another part of the museum. "Myeon, look!" you pointed out.
The museum had a cafe set up, normally left minimally decorated in shades of brown and gray. But for this special installation, the cafe had gone along with the Van Gogh theme and changed its interior accordingly. Tiny, elegant light fixtures hung from the ceiling, resembling the stars in Van Gogh's "Starry Night". Even the walls had been covered in the painting, making you feel as if you were an actual part of it. 
You wasted no time in lining up to order something, coaxing Junmyeon into trying one sweet treat with you. Just as he was consistent about many other things, Junmyeon was particular about maintaining good eating habits. "Just one!" you reasoned. "Today can be your cheat day."
Junmyeon stared wistfully at the beautifully decorated cakes and other desserts displayed in the cases. One particularly beautiful cake caught his attention, decorated with a sapphire mirror glaze. "Yesterday was my cheat day though," he said woefully. "But it's a special day today. You deserve it! If it makes you feel better, we can split something?"
Junmyeon's eyes shifted uncertainly, a hand rubbing the back of his neck before he gave in. "Okay, but just for today." 
You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand, leaning against him as the two of you waited in line. "You deserve a treat every once in a while, Myeonnie. You work too hard." 
"Which is why I'm glad I have you to remind me." He sent you a flirty wink, chuckling when you pretended to look away. "You know, we've become the clingy couple that you used to complain about." 
"I don't know what you're talking about," you sing-songed, trying to ignore the familiar sensation that Junmyeon evoked in you. He made it too easy for your stomach to start doing somersaults, for the dormant butterflies to wake up in a frenzy even with just a simple smile of his. 
"You don't remember how when we first started dating, you said I was too cheesy? How the tables have turned," he said with a smirk. 
"You're still the cheesiest," you countered, melting into giggles when Junmyeon swooped in to press a prolonged, sticky kiss to your cheek. "Myeon!" 
"What?" he feigned innocence. "I can't show you how much I love you?" Junmyeon smiled to himself when you hid your face against his shoulder. You mumbled something he couldn't make out, words muffled against the fabric of his shirt. "What did you say, sweetheart?"
Lifting your head, you made an effort not to shy away. "I love you too," you confessed. You cringed inwardly, fighting to urge to retreat back into your hiding spot. But seeing how Junmyeon's eyes lit up so brilliantly held you in place, your smile mirroring his own. 
"I love you more," he countered, his bunny smile only growling larger when you groaned. "Too cheesy?" 
"I should have expected it, coming from you. I don't mind," you joked. "I've grown used to it by now. I don't think I can last a day without your cheesiness."  
Junmyeon's tender eyes drank you in, committing every detail to memory — staring at you intently as if you were the subject of his painting. Even in a gallery full of artwork, he only had eyes for you. 
A furrow appeared between your forehead as you wondered what Junmyeon was thinking about. "What is it?" 
He shook his head, content to keep his sappy musings to himself for now. "Nothing. Just got lost in my thoughts."
"Don't get lost in them for too long. I'll miss you." 
Junmyeon giggled, shaking his head. "Don't worry." 
He would never stray too far away from you, his muse.
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A/N: I went back and watched junmyeon’s heart4u episodes to get inspo for this oneshot, and this idea just jumped out at me! this exhibit is based off of a real traveling exhibit (although I made up the cafe lol 😂 I really recommend checking the official site out, and watching the promo vid they have here at: https://grandeexhibitions.com/van-gogh-alive/#explore)
Come send in a request here!
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melodious-madrigals · 5 years ago
big spoon, little spoon 
Prompt fill for @wondertrevnet‘s Lockout Bingo. 
Fandom: Wonder Woman  Pairing: Diana/Steve Prompt: Fluff  Word Count: 3351 Rating: T? (Some really obliquely referenced sexism, I guess.) Summary:  5 times Diana and Steve were disgustingly cute and very happy (+0 times that they weren't because this is fluff). Literally just fluff, Steve & Diana loving each other a lot. Idk what else to tell you. This is part ii of lost love (sweeter when it’s finally found), and you can read the first chapter here. 
Find this fic below the cut or on AO3. 
Notes: Takes place a year or two after Hades deposits Steve in Diana's living room. I'd planned a vaguely angstier fic for my next release, but then I had such a shitty 72 hours that I did not want anyone to feel anything but fluffy, so I rearranged the line-up. please enjoy 3k words of wondertrev being happy and loving each other very much.
Even in the modern age, Diana remains partial to keeping track of things the old fashioned way. She has a Google calendar like every professional, of course, but all her meetings are also written neatly in a little diary she keeps; her personal life and JL extracurriculars are also neatly coded and transcribed in their own colors in the planner. She writes grocery lists and to-do lists on spare bits of paper, and takes meeting notes in a leatherbound notebook, unless specifically required to be working on an electronic document. She finds there's something satisfying about seeing the ink in front of her.
Yesterday, for example, she jotted a quick to-do list on a sheet of notepaper, and then tacked it to the fridge, so she'd remember to do items three (water succulents on the kitchen and bathroom window sills) and five (check cream level after Steve finishes his coffee) before she leaves in the morning.
She glances over the other eleven items, mentally ticking off what can be completed today while she's running errands on her way to work, and her eyes land on the last line.
There, scrawled in curling letters under her own tight font, is an addition that certainly wasn't there last night: 14. Kiss your husband.
She smiles. That one she'll have no problem checking off.
Steve's out on the terrace, still sipping his coffee, halfway through a crossword puzzle. She swoops in without warning, dropping a quick kiss to his lips, and then another to the top of his head, before whipping out her list and checking off number fourteen.
"Wait, come back," says Steve, setting down the paper.
"I don't know; I'm having a very productive morning and I've already checked it off," Diana teases. "I might have to move on to other things."
"No fair," he pouts.
"The post office is open already," she continues blithely, brandishing the to-do list. "I should probably go there directly."
In a flash, Steve has leaned forward and snatched the list right out of her hands.
"Steve!" she cries, and lunges for it, but by the time their little scuffle is over and it's back in her hands, 15. Let your husband kiss you is scrawled messily along the bottom.
"Well," she says, smirking despite herself, "if the list says so, I can't argue."
"I'm glad you've seen sense," says Steve, leaning in with a gleam in his eye.
She doesn't manage to tick anything else off before work—ends up rushing not to be late, in fact—but she's always felt it's important to be thorough when completing tasks.
It's rainy and gross, the weather just cold enough that it's unpleasant, but not so cold that the rain has turned into snow or sleet. Unfortunately, it's a Thursday.
When Diana's alarm goes off, she groans, and sticks her head under a pillow, and then pulls the duvet over them both.
"Play hooky with me," Steve says sleepily from next to her.  
"I cannot just skip work."
"And how many sick days do you have accrued?" asks Steve, who knows perfectly well that the number is high, because Diana doesn't get sick the way mortals do.
Diana mumbles something from under the pillow.
"What was that?"
"...a lot," she says, grudgingly. "But that would be lying; I'm not sick."
"Mental health days are a thing now," reasons Steve. "And how many projects are due today?"
"You know perfectly well there's nothing big until next Wednesday."
Steve burrows under the duvet, so that they're face to face and hidden from the outside world.
"Are we going to do anything productive?"
"Not a damn thing."
"Yes, I suppose that does sound nice."
"Excellent! I lie for a living. I'll telephone both our jobs."
Steve gets up, and Diana rolls into the warm spot he left behind. She can hear the soft murmur of his voice though the wall, and five minutes later he's slipping back into bed, a self-satisfied smile on his face.
"All set."
She snuggles into him, and they fall back to sleep to the patter of the rain.
When Diana wakes up the second time, it's raining harder still, but there's the soft glow of the bedside lamp. Steve's sitting up, still in pajamas, reading.
She must've been more tired than she thought, because it's rare that Steve wakes up first.
Diana blinks back the sleep in her eyes and takes a moment to appreciate the picture Steve paints, with his tousled hair and reading glasses. He looks soft and sleepy and perfect, and suddenly she's extremely glad he convinced her to take the day off.  
Steve glances over at her, and looks mildly surprised to find she's awake.
He bookmarks his page with care, and then leans over and grabs a steaming mug that was outside her line of vision, offering it to her.
"I did not even hear you get up to make coffee."
"You clearly needed the sleep," Steve says.
"Maybe." Diana sighs, "I suppose I should not lay in bed all day."
"Then I've got just the thing."  He offers her a hand, and she lets him lead her out of the bedroom.
In their living room, instead of the normal furniture configuration, there's a glowing mass of sheets. It seems that Steve has taken it upon himself to make a blanket fort, and has decorated it with a string of lights he must have found at the back of the closet. She really can't believe she slept through this.
"You have been looking at Pinterest again, haven't you?"
"No comment."
"It's lovely."
"There's nothing inside, yet. I thought we could do that bit together."
It's perfect, so she says so.
They pull some cushions off the couch and drag their duvet in too, and all of a sudden, the blanket fort is complete and they have a wonderful little rainy-day nest.
"Breakfast in blanket fort?"
She bites her lip and nods. "But in a minute," she adds, catching his hand in hers before he can move away, and for a moment, they lay on their backs, enjoying the flickering lights.
Diana walks into a massacre.
"What happened here?" Deep red stains cover half the visible surfaces.
Steve looks up, guiltily.
"I spilled cold water on one of the hot jars, and it exploded."
"So just to confirm, none of it is your blood?"
"It's one hundred percent cherry preserves."
Diana breathes a sigh of relief. "That is far easier to fix," she says, slipping her arms around his waist from the back and swooping in to kiss his cheek.
Steve spins in her arms to face her. "It was a rookie mistake. With the amount of jam I've made in my lives, it should never have happened."
Diana sweeps a bit of the exploded cherry preserve off of his cheek with her thumb, and then ducks out of his hold to taste it.
"It is excellent."
Steve grins affably, and rinses both his hands and the rag he's holding. "Good, there are a dozen more jars of it cooling in the dining room."
"Only a dozen?" asks Diana in genuine surprise, because Steve has been known to go a little overboard when it comes to making jams.
"Plus a dozen each of raspberry and blueberry preserves."
"Ahh," she says, nodding. That makes a great deal more sense.
"I already cleaned up the glass, and was going to wipe everything down and start on the peaches. Care to join me?"
Diana knows next to nothing about canning and preserving and jellying, but she missed it last year when the Justice League called her out of town unexpectedly. There's no way she's missing it again this year.
"Tell me where to start," she says, smiling.
"With clothes you don't mind getting dirty, for one. As I've clearly demonstrated," Steve jokes, gesturing at his aproned (and sticky) body.  
Diana glances down at her several-hundred euro suit, and then makes for the bedroom. "I'll only be a moment."
"I've got nothing but time!" Steve calls after her, jovially.
When she comes back out—now dressed in an ancient t-shirt that she's stolen back from Steve (after he stole it from her last year) and jeans so soft they're practically threadbare—she pauses in the doorframe, watching Steve. He's mostly mopped up the cherry preserves, and he's humming as he towels up the bit that somehow managed to get on the backsplash.
He's probably been at this for hours, and despite the mishap, he's still in an excellent mood. It makes her smile softly.
He catches her eye just as he hits the chorus of the soft '80s song he's singing, and he pulls her behind the island and spins her around. She laughs and plays along, and they rock back and forth a few times, Diana joining him on the last chorus as he hands her an apron.
"If you want to start pitting the peaches, I'll finish cleaning the pot."
They chat about their days as they work (Diana gets a play-by-play of the events leading up to the exploding jar, and Steve gets a run-down on the passive-aggressive email war she's having with the British Museum), and eventually Steve comes over to help her pit and cut the fruit.
Once everything has been dumped into the large copper jam pot, they turn up the radio and dance around the kitchen to old music, stirring intermittently until the peach compote has simmered down and thickened enough that it's time to jar and let it set.
"That was fun," Diana says, as they finish the washing up. Their dining room table has been completely overtaken by jams and preserves cooling in quaint-looking Mason jars, but it's worth it.
"I'm hoping to make elderberry jam still this year, and apple jelly in the late autumn, if you'd like to join me," Steve says, a dish-towel flung over his shoulder. (It's very cute.)
"It's a date," Diana declares, and she sees his eyes flick to her lips.
A second later, their lips meet, slow and languid, and Diana sighs into the kiss. Steve's lips taste vaguely sweet, a little like the peach jam they'd swiped samples of while they worked, and hers probably do too.
If Steve's lucky, he might be able to steal the t-shirt back yet this evening.
There's tittering outside her office, which—if Diana had been paying attention—would've tipped her off twenty minutes ago to the fact that Steve is here. Her interns are a bit of a gossipy bunch this year, and they've all taken a shine to Steve. (Apparently he's the most interesting thing to happen to the office, and the presence of the seemingly straight-laced Mme. Prince's charming significant other is always cause for news in a way little else is.)
As it happens, she's in the middle of updating the care manuals for several artifacts that are about to be going on loan, and misses all the signs until there's a distinctive tap on her door, and Steve lets himself in.
She's always pleased to see him, and doubly so since he's been away for the past ten days on a mission with ARGUS.
"Hello, my love," she says, and leans forward over the desk to give him a quick kiss, before returning to her paper.
A moment later, she looks up, doing a spectacular double take. "You are home early!" exclaims Diana, moving out from behind her desk to give him a proper hug and another kiss.
Steve laughs, and kisses her a third time, on the nose.
"We were in and out without any loose ends to take care of. It went as smoothly as could be expected."
"I'm glad you're home."
"Me too. Care to celebrate with a quick dinner?"
Diana sighs. "I would love to, but these need to be sent out early tomorrow morning."
"Oh, come on. You need to eat at some point. Besides," says Steve. "I've still got the time dilator we found on mission if you need to get the reports done later."
"Steve," she scolds, although there's very little heat to it. "You are not considering used banned tech just for a little extra time with me tonight."
"To have dinner with you at a reasonable hour? I absolutely am." He looks at her imploringly. "We'll just slip out to the little Thai place you love and be back in an hour or two."
Diana has known she was going to give in from the moment he suggested it, but she still scrunches her face a little. "Oh, all right." Steve's victorious smile is actually adorable, and they pass a lovely couple of hours catching up on the last few days.
They get back to her office around 21h00, and instead of leaving, Steve pulls out his laptop.
"You don't have to," Diana protests. "It's late."
Steve just shrugs. "I need to work on my mission report anyways."
Diana acquiesces, simply because she's not-so-secretly pleased to have the company.
(They only have to use the time dilator once.)
Later, after Diana has everything squared away, they decide to walk home, despite the distance and the hour.
They amble along the Seine, arm in arm. The soft light of Paris never gets old, especially the way the hazy reflections ripple in the river. For all the madness of the afternoon, it's been a good day. Diana leans her head on Steve's shoulder, and they stroll on.
Midway through her diatribe, Diana flops down in front of him, and leans against his legs, seeking comfort in her frustration. Steve's hands immediately find her hair, and he gently starts rubbing circles into her scalp as she continues the impassioned rant that began a while ago in the kitchen, "—and it is infuriating, because it is not my department, you understand? The only recourse is to file an official complaint, but that could take ages and ages and until then, they are using an outdated method that could potentially cause lasting damage to the artifacts!"
Steve hums sympathetically when Diana pauses to take a sip (well, a swig) of wine, and he splits a bit of her hair to start braiding as she adds, "These are pieces of cultural history, Steve. They should be treated with the utmost respect so that they last for generations to come to tell our history, and instead Michel is going to keep using a compound that will eventually compromise the integrity of the color!"
Steve knows there's a lot of complicated inter-departmental politics and squabbles that mean there's no good way to address the problem.
"—and the way he treats Sophie!" Diana huffs, a clear indication that they're back to Michel—a frequent source of frustration—but on a personal note this time.
"Hair tie," interjects Steve, and without missing a beat, she flicks one off her wrist and hands it to him so he can finish off the braid neatly.  
"It is disgusting, and she does not wish to file a complaint, which I understand is her choice, but it still makes me cringe. I wish he would try it on me, because I would break his—"
Diana's phone pings, cutting her off, and she sags against Steve.  
"You know you can keep going," Steve says, trying to keep the amusement out of his voice, because the content of the rant isn't funny, but the situation is. Several weeks ago, they'd decided to try cutting back on work talk in an effort to keep a healthier work-/home-life balance, and almost invariably, one of them blows through the artificially-imposed time limit. (For reference, Diana holds more blow-throughs, but it was him yesterday, and the day before.) "You don't actually have to stop just because the timer went off."
"It was my idea," Diana says ruefully, running her hand down the tight French braid, subconsciously checking it, "and I still maintain it is a good plan, I am just—"
"Very passionate about things you perceive to be injustices, big or small, yeah, I know," Steve grins. This isn't anything new.
Diana twists around to face him, and rolls her eyes at his expression. "You love me for it."
"Yeah, I do," says Steve, still smiling.
Diana sighs. "The conversation will still be here tomorrow, and I will probably still be annoyed. There is little use in continuing now."
"Unless you want to rant," Steve points out. "That's valid."
"I do, but it will not actually make me feel better. It is not cathartic if it just makes me angrier," says Diana. "Best to step away."
"Want me to set up a bath?"
"No, just come cuddle with me in bed."
"I'll never say no to that."
"Yes, but you have to be the big spoon this time," Diana says.
"I still won't say no, even if little spoon is by far the superior of the two."
Her ensuing laugh rings through the apartment, and her hand skims along the plait again.
"Almost as good as Selene's," she muses, and Steve takes it as the compliment that it is: Selene is an Amazon friend known for the intricacy and skill of her braiding techniques.
"Okay, one good thing about today?" prompts Steve, once they're curled up in bed. They've begun making it a habit to practice gratefulness each evening before bed. Steve read about it in a mindfulness book, and when he'd mentioned it offhandedly, Diana had immediately been on board. "Other than the fact that it's over," he adds, seeing the look on Diana's face.
"You," says Diana, reflexively.
"You say that every night," laughs Steve.
"It does not stop being true."  
"I think it's supposed to be something different, each time. To accumulate things you're grateful for."
Diana grumbles, but does pause to come up with something else. "The magnolia trees I pass on my walk to work," she says, finally. "They are in bloom right now, and they brighten my day."
If Steve could answer you, or even say the little smile on Diana's face as she speaks, without sounding like a hypocrite, he would. "I found a little patisserie up by the Bastille that has these lovely little raspberry pastries."
"Mmmm," says Diana, smiling. "You do love raspberries." Then, after a pause, in a softer voice: "The fact that I get to take little things for granted, now, and pretend I do not have to specify the little things for which I am grateful. I know I am not supposed to say you, but I am grateful that you are holding me now."
They talk drowsily for a bit, but soon succumb to sleep.
Here's the thing.
It's Steve's personal policy to never lie to Diana. That's, like, a pretty basic relationship foundation thing, and it's not something he's ever had trouble with.
But there's one white lie that he doesn't suspect he'll ever come clean about: despite what he tells Diana, he doesn't actually think being little spoon is better than being big spoon.
He likes to hold her, likes getting to nose at her neck and loop his arm around her waist. (Big spoon is also less prone to overheating, which does happen sometimes.)
But Steve also knows that Diana sleeps better as big spoon, that being able to physically hold on to him in her sleep is comforting, a balm after years of night terrors and bad dreams and waking up to empty sheets. It's a small price to pay, in the end, knowing that him being the little spoon makes her happy.
It's a secret he'll take with him to the grave.
Steve wakes up in the dead of night, the shadows still long over the bed, the ambient light from Paris's streetlamps a soft glow along the bottom of the windows. It's the foggy sort of waking that means it'll be easy to slip back under, a mere footnote in the night. Just before he drifts off again, he notices that he's now the little spoon. He sighs contentedly, smiles, and falls back asleep.
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saharamae21 · 4 years ago
3, 4, 20, 23, 25
Warning - spoilers for upcoming works and these answers are long.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
I’ve lived a life and I’d love to write a collection of stories based on my experiences. It would be things like conversations I’ve had and events that shaped me to be who I am. My worry with that has been that people would be too critical. I’ve gotten a lot of hate for what I write and how I write it and if I based things completely off of me and people hated it, I think it would be detrimental to my mental health.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Okay, so this comes from something that I wrote a couple months ago. It isn’t a fanfic. It’s the first paragraph from a story I love and is near and dear to my heart (the one I referenced in my last post).
The street had cars piled up the entire length of the block. The air was filled with smoke and wails. One voice stood out the most though. It belonged to a middle-aged woman who was being held by a police officer. She was screaming and begging for the man lying dead on the street to live. That isn’t how it works though. I got out of my car and walked closer to the scene. The ambulance hadn’t arrived yet, but it wouldn’t matter. The poor man’s clock had already reached zero and he was dead. I watched as the women pleaded for him to breathe. As I got closer, I got my first proper look at the woman. She was a brunette with shoulder-length hair and she wore a wedding ring. For the first time, I stopped and really listened to her. The man lying dead on the scene was her husband who pushed her out of the way of an oncoming car. The other observers watched her with hope and pity. I was the only one who knew though. He was dead and his wife would live another 38 years, 11 days, 6 hours, and 23 minutes without her husband. The number read loudly upon her arm like a neon sign only I could see. I sighed for her, letting my pity seep out as well. She would find happiness again, otherwise, she wouldn’t live so long after this accident.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
So I’m a huge fan of character development. It’s my pride and joy. I think that I do a decent (eh) job of creating a realistic OC when it comes to my fics. I love to include anxieties and struggles not always displayed in writing. So with Adelaide, I thought giving her a traumatic background, but a super supportive family would an interesting concept. The support of her family has shaped her in many ways. For Aurora (spoiler if you haven’t read Chapter 6) it’s introduced that her mom suffered from Post Partum Depression after having Rory and Skipper. The second wave of it (after Skip was born) never really went away and developed into a sense of manic/bipolar depression that her mom struggles with. I love details that shape characters. I love displaying their flaws and then giving a real example of what caused them to be this way. I’m working on creating an OC who I can relate a little bit more too for a fic in the works. Keep your eyes open.
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
An idea that has been in my mind forever. I thought about sharing this idea yesterday but shared my shipwreck idea instead. I want to write a story about a girl adopted into the upper-middle class. I want her to be Korean American just like me and I want her to experience the thoughts that I did growing up. I think this could be an adorable Rafe or Topper fic if I write it as a fanfiction. It would about her growing up with them, but struggling to find her identity. It would be wholesome and beautiful. The drama wouldn’t be over the top. It would be realistic.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Everything? I love the prewriting. I love coming up with ideas and shaping my characters. I’m a huge planner and I need to fully think out something before I start, even if it isn’t the direction I end up going in. I love planning everything.
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an-unknown-writers-world · 5 years ago
Game Night
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Day Six:  Christmas Cocktails
Part of @panicfob​ 25 Days of Christmas Challenge
Warnings: Fluff,  Sam and Bucky sass.
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes X Reader (First Person, Nameless). Platonic Bucky x Sam,
Word Count: 1742
A/N:  As always - thank you for taking time to enter this brief fictional moment of heaven. The beginning of this series can be found on my Masterlist if you’ve missed any of this. Also - please know that Saturday and Sunday’s update (Day 7 and 8) will be posted early to mid-afternoon pacific standard time. Thanks for your understanding.
“It’s Friday night. We should do something fun.” Sam said sitting next to me on the couch.
“How is tonight different than any other night?” Bucky asked from the opposite love seat.
“I don’t know, it just is. I feel like we’ve all been so busy lately that we haven’t done much.”
“We just went to the toy store yesterday,” I stated.
“That’s not what I mean.”
“Sam, we are not friends.” Bucky deadpanned.
“Bucky,” I chided, throwing a pillow at him. “Don’t be an ass.”
“Thank you,” Sam looked at me with a smile.
I rolled my eyes, the two of them would be the death of me. Somedays I wondered how I lived with them. But Sam was right we haven’t spent much time together lately. We never did anything traditionally. It’s not like we scheduled things, they just happened, and no one ran away. Often times we would wander into the theater room at various times and watch a movie, once Sam accidentally binge-watched an entire season of Gossip Girl and Bucky sat through both versions of Beauty and the Beast back to back.
“Whatcha got in mind?” I asked Sam.
He shrugged, “You’re usually the party planner.”
I laughed, “I’m not throwing a party, Sam.”
“Are you imply the three of us cannot have a party together?” Sam quipped.
Bucky silently sat across from me fidgeting with the pillow that laid on his lap. The sitting room was arranged with the couch and love seat facing each other with a beautiful oak coffee table in between. I often laughed to myself every time one us forgot to use a coaster or put our feet on the table; Tony would have killed us. There were several things that we could do just the three of us.
“Well let’s start with the basic,” I questioned. “Do you want to stay in or go out?”
“In,” Bucky said,
Sam nodded in agreement.
“We could do a movie night or game night?” I suggested.
“Game Night,” Sam shouted.
“Board games or adult games?”
“Adult,” Sam and Bucky agreed.
“Fine, then I need you to go pick up a few things for game night.”
“It’s your idea.” Bucky pointed at Sam.
Grinning, “It’s a good idea.”
“I’ll make you a list,” I stated. “You’re not off the hook, Barnes. You got things to do too.”
Sam stuck his tongue out at Bucky as I walked by.
“Leave it out there long enough one of your bird brothers is gonna shit on it,” Bucky replied.
I couldn’t stifle the laugh that escaped. Making my way to the kitchen I found my note pad that I kept on the next to the fridge and quickly made out a list for Sam. It was only a handful of things that needed to be picked up, but I was going to need Bucky’s help with locating a few things around the house. Sam came into the kitchen, car keys in hand a reusable bag in the other.  I held out the list for him and he took it.
“That’s an odd list,” Sam noted.
“Not when you put the ingredients together.”
He examined the listed for a moment, “Ooohhh,” It seemed to finally click for him, “table?” He questioned.
“Formal dining room.”
“Valkyrie sent a supply over a few months ago, never been touched.”
“You might be a genius.”
I shook my head, “Just lived a long life.”
We both laughed.
“I can win at this game; old man’s got multiples things stacked against him.”
“Win at what game?” Bucky asked coming around the corner.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Thanks, friend,” I called out as he walked out of the kitchen.
“What game?” Bucky asked again grabbing hold of my hand.
I smiled at him, “A card game.”
He looked at me confused.
“Will you help me do a few things?”
“How can I say no?” He smiled.
“Tony’s old poker set is out in the garage, could you go grab it please?”
He nodded, “Anything else?”
I shook my head no,
He kissed my knuckles, “I do know how to play poker.” Bucky replied smiling as he walked away.
Trying to wrap my head around when and how he learned to play poker I made way to the formal dining room. I needed the drink pitcher and the mead that Valkyrie had sent over. Grabbing one of the drink trays I piled the items I needed and carried them back to the kitchen; none of it had been used since the fourth of July party and I wanted to make sure it was clean.
I was drying the dishes when Bucky came back into the kitchen.
“Poker set is on the table,”
“Thank you,” I said drying the pitcher. “Sam should be back any minute.”
“Does he really think I don’t know how to play poker? I’m old but I’m not that old.” He said pulling himself up to sit on the counter.
“To be fair I also thought that. Not because it wasn’t around the whole time you’ve been alive, but you were so young when you went off to war.”
Bucky’s face fell slightly, “Doll, I wasn’t the most innocent kid when I went off to war and you think we didn’t play poker during world war two?”
“I don’t know,” I replied honestly. “I guess I’ve tried not to put too much thought into that period of your life. It wasn’t exactly a great time to be alive.”
“It had its good moments, every time period does.”
I shrugged realizing I didn’t know as much about Bucky as I wanted to.
“C’mere.” He said softly.
I stepped closer finding myself standing between his legs.
He smiled down at me, “I’ll tell you about it sometime.”
“Promise?” I asked.
He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my shoulder pulling me into his chest. This was a good place to be. Over the last few days, Bucky had become more open about touch – the kiss to my hair in the mornings when he’d come into the kitchen for coffee, hand-holding while watching the evening news; it was a new side of him, one that I was honestly enjoying. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head against his chest.
We stayed that way for a few quiet moments, nothing else existed but us.
“The party can now begin,” Sam called out entering the kitchen. “Oh, come on.” He said looking at the two of us. "I have to go out in the freezing ass cold while y'all sit here and cuddle?"
Bucky laughed at Sam’s look.
“You get the right stuff?” I asked pulling from Bucky’s grasp.
Sam set the bag on the counter pulling out the bottles of rum and cognac.
“Are you making spiked eggnog?” Bucky asked.
“Sure am, and I’m making a separate pitcher for you.” I smiled.
“I can drink alcohol, doll. It won’t hurt me.”
“I know that silly. But I have this.” I held up the Asgardian bottle. “A little present from Valkyrie after the mission you went on for her.”
“Great,” Bucky smiled. “Sam let’s go set up the table.”
“He knows, doesn’t he?” Sam asked me.
I smiled, “apparently he wasn’t a pure soul in 1945.”
Bucky clapped Sam on the shoulder, “That shouldn’t surprise you.”
“Get out of here.” I said smiling, “Taking the cups with you please!”
The boys disappeared into the dining room while I prepared the pitchers. I grew up playing poker with my dad and brothers, so I certainly wasn’t afraid to play with these two. The thing I was looking forward to the most was the bonding; they took cheap shots at each other all the time, but I knew that was never going to change. I just hoped that one day it could lead to an actual friendship between them.
Grabbing both pitchers I went to join them. I sat down at the end of the table with them on either side of me. I filled empty glasses and distributed them to the appropriate person, Bucky moving his pitcher to the other side of him to be sure they didn’t get mixed up.
“To friendship,” Sam raised his glass.
“Awe, Sam,” I said clinking glasses with him.
“Oh, I just meant you and me.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“But we’re not friends,” Bucky replied to Sam.
I rolled my eyes and laughed again. These two, they were friends even if they wouldn’t admit it.
We played, laughed and drank. Before we knew it the pitchers were empty and there wasn’t a single sober soul in sight. In my opinion, empty pitchers meant the end of the night, it was not up for debate for me. Bucky helped Sam put the poker set back together in the case while I washed up dishes.
“Everythings put away, doll,” Bucky said coming to lean against the counter next to me.
“It was fun, thank you for putting this together for us.”
I smiled at him, “Buck, I didn’t do much beside pick a card game and make a pitcher of eggnog.”
“You put up with us.”
I laughed, “That is a task.” Turning the water off. Bucky handed me a dish towel for my hands.
“I”m gonna head to bed,” He said standing up.
Something came over me, I didn’t want him to go. I didn’t want to be on separate sides of the house, I wanted us to be together. Afraid of sounding childish and needy I stepped in to hug him. He pulled me close, my arms around his waist. Feeling brave from the liquid courage surging through my blood I kissed the hollow between his neck and collarbone. Bucky hummed at the touch.
“Stay with me,” I pleaded.
Bucky pulled back to look at me, it was the look of a tortured man. “Doll, I want to, believe me, I want to.” His flesh hand came to cradle the side of my face, “But not tonight, not like this. When we stay together, alcohol will not be a factor.”
It was hard to be upset with him when he was just being noble, but my mind stuck on the phrase ‘when we stay together’. He did not say if, he said when. I let out a heavy sigh, he was right.
He kissed my temple, “Good night, doll.”
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mydearsaddiary · 5 years ago
Speakeasy Tonight Neil Season 3 Fanfic- Chapter 8
Author notes: +16, some subjects may be sensitive to some readers. (Violence and harassment)
Hello! Here’s chapter 8! Can’t believe Im almost done with it! I plan on going until chapter 10 or 11, but we are almost done with the Adler saga! Thank you so much for reading until here! Let’s go on until the end! Enjoy!
Candy (08/16/2020)
Chapter 8- Behind the eight ball
There was a tenseness in the air the whole day while I was at the Ice Box. Vince couldn’t seem to be able to quiet down. Cliff dried glasses that were already dry, Neil was on his third bourbon glass, Donovan grunted every now and then as if he wanted to disagree with something. Even Julius and Cleo sounded off key every now and then
Me and Vince going to dinner that night was messing with everybody’s head in different ways. You could feel in your body that it was like walking into the lions’ den, that you’re putting your life on the line. The anticipation never made me feel so alive before, even if I was scared. My heart palpitated inside my chest, reminding me to be ready, attentive and most of all: careful.
Vince was up and running, but I could tell sometimes he felt pain. His tough exterior and his Italian hot-blooded head didn’t permit him to show weakness for long. That was the Mad Dog alright, no one could keep him down more than a night. Some might say Vince is empty headed due to his lack of skills in grammar, math, manners or anything society deems essential to make it big, but they haven’t been in Vince’s shoes. I didn’t know what had happened to his parents although I heard something about a terrible death when he was a kid, but he was always a survivor. On top of it, he had a way of dealing with people much like I did. He was a salesman whenever he opened his mouth, and people were convinced by his words. And in case they weren’t, he carried his fists and his favorite gun “Pearl”. Having him at my side tonight made my fears controlled enough for me to be sure I could make it out alive out of the mayor’s house that night.
In contrast, there was the man I had fallen in love with. If Vince was the tough man that broke, bent and hurt, Neil was there to fix, put together and heal. The steady hands of the Doc were so much different than the vicious, trained fighter that was Vince Moretti. For this reason he had to stay behind. Someone like the mayor wasn’t his job and he knew it. I could also tell it bothered him to an extreme and that he wished he could do more than just sit still and wait. I reckoned it was the same feeling he had in the war
Whenever the riflemen went ahead to fight, as a medic he must’ve always stayed a little further behind, until he heard a cry for him. I must imagine when they came back many were bleeding and most died. He wasn’t in the thick of action but he always had to deal with the consequences, the aftermath. The admiration for him for doing so grew everyday. Not many would have been able to do it, and even for Neil, the darkness of it almost took over completely. So I couldn’t help but feel he was scared of this dinner, because its the action he wouldn’t be able to partake in, but was wondering if either me or Vince wouldn’t come back unscathed.
The only way I knew how to soothe him was to play leader, act confident. So my feet took me to him, and hugged him around his shoulders from behind. Although his focus remained on the bourbon, I could feel the tenseness in his shoulders ease
-Guess who called me this morning, before I came in?- I said and he turned his head to the side- Your mother
-Mother?-This time he turned to me. It was a weird thing hearing that word come out of his mouth. Being estranged from his family for so long... Hearing him mention a parent made him look younger and softer in my eyes. It wasn’t bad, it was just different- What about?
-She said she’s terribly sorry my last visit to Boston didn’t turn out the way it should have and we should come up again for a formal engagement dinner. I’m betting it’ll be incredibly ritzy and she did invite my family, which means Uncle Charlie will be there!
He seemed to ponder over it for a few seconds- And I’m guessing you agreed, so I have no choice but to attend another social gathering. If I knew a wedding involved meeting with so many people so often I would’ve suggested we did it all in secrecy
-Oh, don’t be a wet blanket! You only get married once!
-Thank the heavens for that- He raised his glass and I punched him in the arm, making him spill some of it- Ow! Hey! Fine, I get it. We’ll go.
-Great. It’s this weekend
-Isn’t it too early? With the whole mayor ordeal?
-It’ll be fine, it’s just a weekend. Besides, the wedding planner did say all the invitations finished being sent out yesterday!-I said with a lot more enthusiasm in me than he had in him. I would’ve taken offense otherwise, but it’s Neil. He never really made a big deal out of most things, wedding invitations included
I asked Cliff for a drink and for a while we were just sitting in a comfortable silence, I was about to propose a chess game when the phone rang
-It’s Charlie, MC. He wants to talk to you- Cliff said
I made my way there, thanking him before picking it up- Hey, Unc
-Hey, Kiddo. Been hearing quite a lot about the mayor from over here- He said cheerfully. He sounded healthier, which made me happier about my decision to send him back for a few weeks, even if it turned out being longer than I expected
-Yea, he’s been some trouble, but we’re actually almost done with him- I mentioned the documents and the dinner, catching up on all of the business recently. Then, we spent some time catching up on family and those little things about relatives like Aunt Mabel or cousin Katrina that didn’t really matter much but if was nice to talk about. I mentioned the Boston dinner and I could hear him smiling through the phone, letting me know he’d tell my family
-Listen, MC. It’s time I went back to Chicago.
-We’re almost done, Uncle Charlie. I’ll let you know!
-I know you were worried about my health. I’m glad you sent this old man away for a few weeks. I needed to call you and tell you that even though I set things up for the long term there for you, it’s time I officially retired from the Ice Box and handed over the keys to you
-I won’t go anywhere, I’ll come in once in a while. It’d give me the chance to take it easy, now that I know the place is in good hands. We’ll still work together at the appliance store- He paused, thinking about his next words- But before I do, I can’t just drop everything on your shoulders. I know the Ice Box has risks and I’ve been in this business way longer than you have. I have plenty to offer before I step down for good. I wanna work on this one last job together.
I didn’t know if his desire was out of pride, or if he was missing his true home and family that he found within the Ice Box. I knew I couldn’t keep Uncle Charlie away for too long, but there was a resolve in his voice that I had to respect
-I could use you here, Unc- That was my answer
He laughed- I thought it’d take more than that to convince you. When we meet in Boston, I’ll come back to Chicago with you and Neil
-Sounds like a plan. I’ll let everyone know.
As the afternoon went on with preparations for the dinner I still had one thing on my mind. I needed to tell Neil I was expecting, that much I already knew. But either something seemed to get in the way, or I got too nervous to say anything. Part of me wondered if it was the universe telling me to tell him later. However, I knew that going to this dinner without telling him would betray his trust
At night when the Ice Box opened and people started to fill up the place, I decided it was time to tell him. With less than an hour before I left and everyone doing their jobs I pulled Neil away from the loud music and excited dancing to the back room
-Did you really pull me here for necking?
I laughed kissing him gently- I could have but... No. I actually need to talk to you. Remember I was trying to tell you something last week? I-
-MC, you in there?-I could hear Vince knocking- We have to go
-Oh for Pete’s sake, this isn’t happening tonight- I grabbed both of his arms looking into his eyes- I’m pregnant.
His eyes weren’t wide with surprise, but the shock was visible, more as if he had just realized something rather than just found something out. His brows twisted, trying to read in my face if I was joking or being serious. Something in my eyes must’ve convinced him, because he let out a sigh, and I could tell he was trying to find the words to say.
-MC!-Vince called again
-I have to go, now... We’ll talk about it tonight- I opened the door
-Wait a second...-He turned to follow me and I knew he was going to try to stop me.
Against my better judgement I forced myself to move to move faster- I have to go!-I repeated myself- There’s no other way
-MC!-I heard Neil’s voice but I was already far away. I could hear him following me outside but I stepped in Vince’s car and told him to drive away
I didn’t allow myself to feel heartless. A decision had to be done and it was the hard one. Although I knew within me I made the right choice by telling him before I went, I knew I had to go. I would probably face the consequences of it later, but what mattered is that the Ice Box would be safe, and Neil would still know.
-You alright, there?-Vince asked while driving
-Yes, there’s just too much going on at once- I answered- Once this night is over it’ll be a weight lifted off our shoulders. Are you ready to steal those documents?
-I am. Going to the John upstairs, his office is third door on the left and the documents are all in folders on the bottom drawer of his desk
-You got it. If you have time though, find out if there’s anything anywhere else, There must be some more important papers laying around.
-I got it, doll. You just focus on distracting the mayor
The moment Vince parked and the roar of the engine stopped, I swear I could hear both of our hearts struggling to not beat out of rib cages. Vince was in his fanciest suit, I was in my ritziest evening dress. He got out and in a respectable manner opened the door and offered his hand to me.
On the gate there were two mean-looking goons, keeping the mayor’s palace safe. We said who we were and easier than I imagined, we were allowed the entrance to the grand house that scared me but pulled me in just as much
When we stepped foot in the immense living room, the main door was closed behind us. The noise it made when it shut echoed throughout the room, as if it reminded us that we were outsiders, peasants and minuscule in the presence of the king, the mayor, who we could see ahead of us in the dining room. The table was set and the gigantic chandelier fell right above it like the sun of his world
-Welcome, Vince... Miss Granger. Sit down-He motioned to two chairs in front of his.
Our slow and steady steps took us to the dinner. Each step made my heart beat faster. Me and Vince hadn’t said anything since we stepped foot in the house, but we must’ve been making a pretty good job out of remaining stone-faced, because the mayor kept smiling unknowing of our plans to betray him in his own house. Vince had made a good job of saving his life. He admired him and now, he trusted him
We ended up sitting opposite to him, and the silence was almost unbearable. Adler’s eyes watched the both of us for a few seconds before he started talking- Don’t be shy. It doesn’t fit the personality of the Mad Dog or the Ice Box flapper... Oh!- He paused as if he had realized something- Don’t tell me you’re intimidated!- He looked at me- Let bygones be bygones, Miss Granger. I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye, but... We’re all working to our mutual benefit now.
I breathed deeply, calming my nerves- That’s right. What matters for me is that the Ice Box is safe. As long as that’s the case, everything’s the cat’s pajamas
I looked at the food in front of me, inside I wondered if it was poisoned, or if he was the one fooling us. But with Vince not being the sharpest tool in the box, he dug right in, eating everything in front of him. He didn’t die or started getting sick so I safely assumed I could too
Once the anticipation of the dinner ended, the whole event was actually pretty boring with the mayor talking on and on. It reminded of dinners with Momma’s friends on Sundays. Suddenly, I was a little girl again and I couldn’t wait for it all to be over. This time, however, I knew more things were at stake. As we finished dessert a signaled to Vince discreetly with my eyes
-‘Scuse me, Adler. This was all fine and well and I’ll be right back- He started getting up- I need to go to the john. Where is it?
-Closest one is upstairs, first door on the left- He pointed up. He agreed and was on his way to, instead, steal all the documents we needed. The tick of the clock seemed to slow down, as if it was letting me know this was a very important moment, one that I would never forget
-You’re looking lovely tonight, Miss Granger- Adler said. It was his turn to get up, only to walk around the table and occupy Vince’s spot by my side. The gesture made my skin tingle, as if millions of ants crawled on it. I wanted to run, to scream and escape. However, if I could keep the mayor talking it’d be the chance we needed to end him for good
-Thanks, Adler. I see you didn’t give up on your advances towards me. Even though you know I’m a taken woman, engaged in fact.
-Oh, I know that- He touched my hair. Why was I shivering? Was I not able to control my fear? Why did his dark eyes scare me so much? I impulsively backed off, looking into his eyes seemingly brave- But- He continued either way- I know that women like you, Miss Granger, don’t consider themselves a lady, and I’ve no doubt that you’d hate to be treated like a porcelain doll, a gentlewoman- His face approached me- No... No...-He whispered- You’re different, MC. You’re fierce, you’re the leader of a group of gangsters. You got dangerous men tied on a leash.
-The Ice Box is but a small operation, there are much bigger competito-
-You’re right- He interrupted- But none of them faces the odds of society, of judgement and underestimation. No, you are an incredible woman. Any man would be lucky to call you his wife- He grabbed my jaw making me look at him. I was trying my hardest not to show any fear, but it was hard- And one thing you should know about me is that I hate when somebody claims a treasure before I do. Lucky for me, you are not married, just engaged.
-Mayor Adler- I tried to pull his hands away, but he was bigger and stronger- This wasn’t what we agreed on
-Here’s my new proposition!-He sad grabbing my jaw tighter, making me yelp- Together we should have control of the entire Chicago’s underworld. You’ll be first lady, my wife! And I’ll give you the keys to be the most powerful and biggest operation Chicago, no, the United States has ever seen. Imagine how much power you would give me. Imagine it, the First Lady of Chicago. You’d have your own empire!- His other free hand pushed my dress up my thighs, I could see the disgusting lust he had in his eyes
A force came upon me, I didn’t know where I found the strength, but I punched him on his nose, making him back away from me. I got up, pulling my gun off my leg holster and pointing it at him- Don’t you dare touch me again. I’ll never belong to a man like you.
It gave me satisfaction to see his nose bleed. But it died quickly when he laughed- Take her.
Before I realized two big men grabbed me from behind overpowering me. My screams must’ve been loud enough because I could hear steps coming towards us, and soon Vince had his gun to the mayor- Let her go!
-Vince, watch out!- I said as another one of his goons fired a shot, which hit Vince’s side. He groaned and collapsed on the floor.
Everything was slow once again. The red forming on his side, the blood gushing from his wound onto the floor. The sound of his beloved gun pearl crashing against the tiles. The sound of his body hitting the ground. The way all the documents we needed spread from inside his suit all over the floor, painting a white that contrasted the deep red around my friend. My uncle’s adopted son.
-You were planning to deceive me all along!-Adler said in rage as he saw the papers. Betrayal showed in his eyes towards Vince
-Don’t you ever dare to threaten my family again- Vince said in a quiet, hurt voice- Way to get your skull cracked
-You know what I do to those who betray me? I make them suffer- He approached Vince’s body on the floor. I sentence you to death.
-Wait! No! I’ll do it!- I yelled, but it was too late.
The two men holding me started to take me away until the whole scene was out of my vision. All I heard was a single shot
-Vince!- I yelled, to no avail
The next thing I remember was being taken down these dark stairs and thrown into some sort of basement. The two goons climbed back up and locked the door.
I took some time to weep. For my friend, for the fact that we failed, and for the reason that I didn’t know what I would do know.
Once I calmed down, I looked around. The basement was old fashioned, mostly grey. It was poorly lit and there was no sign of anywhere sunlight could come in. For a basement it was pretty spacious. It had a bathroom with a shower, two old mattresses on the floor, a bookshelf that was almost empty, some spider webs and a table.
I went up the stairs to try to open the door to find out it was truly locked. I climbed back down, defeated, and positioned myself on one of the mattresses, unsure of what to do next.
-I can’t believe he’s gonna keep me prisoner here...
-You best believe it. He will. And there’s no way out. Now what did little Miss Granger do to put herself into this situation?- A deep familiar female voice echoed throughout the room. From the darkness the once elegant figure emerged. The one who once was the main source of my troubles
-Vera...-I said looking up. She looked nothing like the glory she once was. Her dirty clothes and messy longer hair indicated that she was in there for too long of a time. It didn’t take me long to put two and two together and realize she had been there since she disappeared
-Well, this is a pleasant surprise. And so we reunite- She sat on the other mattress
-So you didn’t shoot the mayor and ran away from Chicago...
She snorted- You believed that story?
I shook my head- No, I just wouldn’t put it past you
-Nice of you to start with the unpleasantness, MC. Will make our time as roommates much more agreeable- She laid down- Now I’d like to get some sleep.
-Vera, how are you okay with this?!-I got up- We have to escape! He can’t do that
-I tried. There’s no way- She replied calmly, too calmly- I don’t care about any of it anymore. Politics, mayor, Chicago. It can all go to hell.
I observed the woman for a few seconds. The woman I knew would never even say “hell” before. I don’t know if I hated her more or was starting to actually like her
-Well, I ain’t staying here- I said going up to the door again.
I pushed my body against it. Pulled it with all my might, tried throwing stuff against it and everything I could. But it was useless. I was tired and I was getting nauseous. Defeated I walked back to where I was
-Finally giving up?-Vera asked
I didn’t bother answering- Just... Exactly how long have you been here?
She thought about it for a second- Must be... A few weeks now- She shrugged- I stopped counting, makes you go insane.
-He’s the only one who’s insane- I replied- I ain’t staying here!- I repeated myself, trying to give my confidence a boost. I tried to get up again but felt a pain. My hand instinctively went to my stomach, caressing it
She eyed me curiously. Then with amusement, which quickly turned into surprise-MC, you’re pregnant.
-Thanks for letting me know.-I responded sarcastically. Man, I was spending too much time with Neil.
Oh, man, Neil... I rubbed my eyes thinking about how much he must be going bonkers right now. Guilt overcame my body. He knew being the head of a gang meant I was always putting myself in danger. However, he didn’t sign up to be told he was going to be a father, and then have the gal completely disappear and have herself kidnapped. I was being so selfish. Especially after everything Neil had been through I just had to know something
-Is Adler gonna bump us off?
Vera stared at me- No... No- She shook her head- Adler only kills when he’s being merciful. Those he really hates, people like us, he likes to see them suffer.
-Sounds like the cat’s pajamas- I said unenthusiastically
-Don’t let him know you’re pregnant, MC. Don’t let him know- She said before turning away, falling asleep rather quickly for someone who was in her position.
I made a promise to come back home. To be safe. How many times had I said “I’ll be fine”.
Sometimes you just have to realize how young and stupid you really are.
Author’s note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! A sneak peak on what’s coming next:
MC and Vera are stuck in Adler’s basement with no hope of rescue or a way to escape. However, that won’t make the Ice Box Flapper give up.
“I have yet to find a lock I couldn’t open”
Thank you so much! Please reach out if you need anything!!!
Coming next: Chapter 9- First, do no harm
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the-gedonelune-times · 5 years ago
It’s been a little while since I’ve uploaded a story and yes, I’m back at it again with some more OC intro content. This will be the first of a couple stories I’ll be trying to post today. This story in particular will be featuring a different kind of intro, starring MC as the one to come into contact and unlock a very special secret about the new OC Lily!
Ugh, where am I? Why does my head hurt and my body feel so heavy? I’ve been sleeping for so long, are my dreams finally over? Will I be awake soon?
A pair of eyes fluttered open, taking in the scenery around them. Lying in a small bed of flowers was a figure who had just woke up after years of being in a dream-like stasis. They were still unable to move, but a smile formed on their lips as they looked at the sky.
“How beautiful…” They murmured. “Oh, how I wish I could touch it with my own two hands.”
The figure smiled before closing their eyes; a gentle breeze passing by as they found themselves staring off into the sky above them, their exhaustion slowly diminishing as the minutes passed by.
“Luca, I told you once and I’ll tell you again. If you’re not going to help us, then get out!”
“Oh come on, it was nothing that bad!”
“You literally just pulled an invisible ink prank on Zeus and now he’s stomping around in the halls like some crazed lunatic because he thinks his face is still the shade of a blueberry.” Joel commented.
“Oh yeah/” Luca laughed. “His reaction was priceless.”
“This is going to spell trouble for the Night Class.” Liz sighed while setting her planner aside.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Gray and Clive have told me that when Zeus gets upset, then the classes he teaches ends up being a total nightmare for them.”
“Nice job Luca.” Elias scoffed.
“Why thank you, Prince Elias. Your compliment has made my heart flutter.”
“That wasn’t a compliment, you idiot!”
“That’s enough!”
With a shout and a slam of her planner against the desk that she was working at, Liz glared at the two of them, silencing them both almost immediately.
“Good. Now aside from that, have there been any more reports on the recent incidents?”
“You mean regarding the new magical creature? No, not a thing.”
“I overheard Schuyler mention something interesting yesterday while I was taking Seth on a walk around the Academy.” Yukiya spoke up.
“Huh? You didn’t think to tell us sooner? Do tell!” Luca sat down and smiled coyly.
“I’m not sure who he was talking to, but he said there’s been an influx of magical energy from the Northern Forest where the Winged Rabbits are. He’s not sure if this poses a threat to us yet but that he’d been keeping an eye on it.”
“I hope it doesn’t turn out to be anything serious.” 
“Nor do I. I’d like to have one normal day of class, thank you very much.” Elias huffed.
“When has anything been normal around here though?” Liz smiled.
“She’s right, you know.” 
Elias just sighed and took a sip of his tea from the teacup near his seat. “Honestly though, I wonder if this influx of magic that Yukiya just brought up, has anything to do with the magical creature everyone is talking about.”
Joel closed the book he had been reading and spoke up. “I was just thinking the same thing.”
“That actually might be possible. We still don’t know what kind of powers it has. That being said, we at least know that the creature itself doesn’t pose a threat to us.” Liz added.
“That’s true.”
A silence had crept in and took over the conversation, leaving them to all sit there in silence. Only the sound of the door opening after a few minutes, brought the room back to life.
“Wow, did we miss something?” 
“The whole atmosphere seems off.”
Another voice entered and there in the doorway stood Alfonse and Caesar, each of them carrying a rather large box which they sat down in one of the corners of the room.
“I wouldn’t call it tense.” Elias replied. “Rather, we’re just doing some thinking.”
“Well, usually when things get quiet, it means that something might have happened, so I thought I’d ask.” Alfonse smiled while taking a seat. “So what is it that you’re all thinking about?”
“I’d like to know that as well.” Caesar spoke up while leaning against the wall.
“Yukiya overheard Schuyler talking and I guess there’s a pretty big influx of magic coming from the Northern Forest.”
“Seriously? Isn’t that where the Winged Rabbits reside?”
“Are they okay?”
“Yes, it seems like the magic isn’t giving off negative effects.”
“Strange. Do you know why it’s happening?” Alfonse asked curiously.
“Elias brought up the possibility of it being linked to the magical creature that everyone has been wanting to catch.” Liz answered.
Caesar nodded his head as he listened. “I can see that.”
“Well, as long as it’s not causing harm to the forest or the Academy, then I really don’t think we have anything to worry about.”
A few seconds after Alfonse spoke, a magic note came floating down in Liz’s hands. With a surprised look she opened it up and began reading the contents.
“Oh dear…”
“What is it?” Elias asked while walking over to peer at the note in her hands.
“It’s from Schuyler and it looks like he’s requesting that we go and investigate the Northern Forest and the surrounding area.”
“Talk about bad timing.” Luca chuckled.
Alfonse laughed. “Seriously!”
“Well, I guess this means we’re all going to have to go and investigate.”
“Hopefully it’ll just be us. I’d like to avoid having a headache if Zeus were to join. He’d most likely complain the whole time.”
“Why do I have to work with a bunch of dumb Day Classers?”
Luca mimicked Zeus and the room erupted in laughter. Once everyone had caught their breaths, they disbanded and started the investigation. Yukiya and Liz were put on a team that was decided at random before they left the room. However, Yukiya had to leave and go help calm Elias down from getting into a ‘fight’ with Luca.
Now it was just Liz as she treaded deeper into the forest. A small breeze blew past and rustled the leaves on the branches while the smell of sweet blooming flowers filled the air. All while small particles of light seemed to rain down from the tree-tops. The Northern Forest truly seemed like something out of a fairytale. As Liz continued her stroll, she saw something up ahead that caught her eye, and right away she knew something was up. A strong magical aura was surrounding whatever, or whoever, it was that was sitting on the ground.
Timidly, she inched closer until she could make out the figure more clearly, soon realizing that the figure was actually a...human? No...it couldn’t be. There, sitting in a small patch of flowers was a pale-skinned girl. She had flowy platinum-blonde hair the danced in the breeze and atop her head were a pair of small white almost glass looking horns. Behind her, a small white tail swished back and forth gently against the grass while a pair of wings, that glittered like fresh snow in the sunlight moved ever so slightly in the wind.
“No way..”
Realizing that the words had fallen out before she could even process it, Liz quickly covered her mouth with her hands and ducked behind the tree closest to her. She desperately hoped the being hadn’t seen her, but she knew that just couldn’t be the case.
“You can come out...I won’t hurt you.” 
A small timid almost sing-song voice called out and although Liz couldn’t see the expression on the person’s face, she thought they were smiling. With a deep breath, Liz moved away from her hiding spot and looked at the figure in front of her.
“You can come closer you know.” The young woman tilted her head to the side and smiled. “I promise I won’t bite.”
As Liz inched closer she noticed that woman had a small sleeping Winged Rabbit in her arms, stroking it’s fur ever so gently in an effort to not wake it.
“Who...are you? What are you doing here?” Liz asked.
“Hehe, I’m sorry, but unfortunately I can answer only one of those questions.” The woman smiled. “My name is Lily, it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I’m afraid I don’t know why I’m here. My memory is a little fuzzy and I can only remember vague pieces of the time before this. Ah, may I ask your name?”
“Oh, yes, my name is Liz Hart.”
“Hello, Liz. What a lovely name. Hm?” Lily’s eyes, which looked like someone had poured the Northern Lights into, were locked on the Academy emblem that rested neatly on her uniform. “What is that emblem for?”
“Huh?” Liz looked down at her emblem. “Oh, this means I’m an official student at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy.”
“Yes. Have you never heard of it?”
“No. I don’t believe I have.”
“I see.”
It didn’t seem like she posed any threat, but even so, Liz knew barely anything about her and it seemed like Lily herself didn’t either. This was becoming a predicament. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes, you may.”
“Are you…” Liz paused, trying to figure out the words she wanted to say.
“Am I what?” Lily smiled.
“Are you a Dragonkin by any chance?”
“Hmmm..” Lily nodded softly. “That I am. I remember that much and yet…”
Her eyes seemed to hold sadness as she looked to the side.
“Is everything alright?” Liz walked over and knelt near the flowers.
“Oh, yes.” Lily shook the sadness away and smiled sweetly. “I just find it hard to find the memories I really want.It’s sort of like looking through thick fog to find a small object.”
“I see. Lily?”
“Would it be alright if you came back to--”
The sound Alfonse’s voice was accompanied by the sound of footsteps from multiple people as they headed in her direction.
“Over here Alfonse!”
Liz called out, smiling as the others came over to her side.
“Did you find anything?”
“Well I-” Liz looked over at the small flower patch, only to find that Lily was no longer there. In fact, there were no traces to prove that she had actually been there in the first place.
“Sorry. No, I didn’t find anything out. Maybe we should try looking again tomorrow? It’ll be getting late soon.”
She wished she didn’t have to lie, but considering the information she had gathered, this seemed like something she couldn’t tell the others, at least not yet. Despite that, she revealed the truth to a certain other Dragonkin a few days later.
“Willem, what do you make of this?”
“Well…” Willem placed his teacup on the coffee table. “It seems hard to believe. Are you sure you saw another Dragonkin?”
“There’s no mistaking it, she had horns, tail and even a set of wings. Plus she even admitted to it. Though...I do wonder..”
“What is it?”
“Why would she disclose such information to me?”
“You said she suffered from memory loss, correct?” Willem sighed and looked down, almost sadly. “Perhaps she has forgotten of our past.”
A small gasp left Liz’s lips as she too placed her teacup down. 
“You mean...she might not remember the war? Or anything?!”
“Yes. Or her death.”
“Death? W-Wait, you mean she might not have been sealed away like Felix or Lacan was?”
“No, those two were the only ones sealed away. I was held as a prisoner and the others were slaughtered.”
“But then how…”
“Do you remember what I told you? When a Dragonkin dies, they become flowers. Our death is symbolized by flowers, but, it can also mean our rebirth. If this girl, Lily, truly is a Dragonkin, then she is the first of our kind to be reborn from a flower.”
Liz looked over at Willem, the two of them knowing full well on what they had to do.
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alecmagnuslwb · 5 years ago
New Year’s Eve: Chapter Two
Read it all on AO3 or previous ch. here
One magical night, five intertwining love stories, all culminating at midnight with just maybe some confessions and kisses as the clock strikes. 
This chapter: It’s all about the ladies. After filling in for her forlorn roommate in a New Year’s Eve ball drop contest, Helen might just find her dream girl in party planner, Aline, on top of getting to put her political science geek out front and center when she meets the mayor.
2 P.M., New Year’s Eve
Aline chuckles as she exits the hotel, pressing a kiss to Catarina’s cheek and urging her to call if their boys get too out of hand.
She’s leaving Alec and Magnus to sort it out for themselves from here if possible. She loves Alec and wants to see him happy. She even played the doting best friend for nine months hating Magnus Bane on his behalf, but she also watched the pain in his eyes and light in his smile dull out. She doesn’t know Magnus’ side, but she knows the way Magnus used to look at Alec was real, something just went fuzzy in the end.
So, today she’d reached out to Magnus for the first time in months after receiving word the record company had to switch out headliners. She’s done her part, she helped bridge the gap now the balls in their court.
She has other things to attend to, most importantly the ball drop ceremony in Times Square. Usually the city handles everything, but after a nationwide search for one person to press the button alongside the mayor and the Jonas Brother’s they’d reached out to an outside event planner to prep the individual and throw a small gathering for them beforehand.
The hotel where the Edom records party is being held is thankfully only a few blocks away from the offsite building where they’re holding the party and meet and greet. A private escort will get them where they need to be closer to midnight. She enjoys the walk the cold December air more of a wake up to her system than any cup of coffee could be.
She arrives at the building fairly quickly, the city just it’s normal amount of busy still so early in the day, heading upstairs flashing the badge she’d gotten sorted out days ago that grants her access to all things here and in Times Square.
“Ms. Penhallow,” the Mayor’s assistant greets her when she reaches the proper floor with a smile extending her hand to shake.
“Ms. Herondale, lovely to see you again,” she squeezes her hand letting go. “I assume everything is in order.”
Ms. Herondale shakes her head, gesturing for the Aline to follow her. “Everything arrived and was set up as you ordered yesterday.”
They turn a few corners entering a room with a large floor to ceiling set of windows that give a gorgeous view of the city and a particularly good look at the ball suspended high in the sky. It’s always looked so odd during the day. More like a weird pimple on the side of Times Square than the glowing globe of spectacle and wonder it is after the sun goes down.
She surveys the room; the decorations and settings aren’t the prettiest things she’s ever been in charge of. While the Edom Records party is a stunning ball room of twinkling lights, intricate floral displays and high paid entertainment, this is more like a classed-up Beauty and the Beast themed party with varying tones of gold decorations.
Her budget for this had been fairly small, the city allotting only a sprinkling of money more concerned that Aline show the contest winner a good time than anything else. It’s a low-paying gig that Aline would usually never accept, but the exposure of getting her name and ability into the Mayor’s ear could lead to many well off rich, white dudes being very willing to pay her lots of money to plan exurbanite parties for them.
She loves the concept of taking their money and using it to branch off from her mother’s business and start up her own, so she’s taking this job more seriously than anything.
Helen can’t believe she agreed to this. That she let Rebecca swindle her into going in her place all with the promise of getting to talk politics with the New York City Mayor and dishwashing for a month. She wishes she had Clary’s strong will and actual plans and had turned down the sad eyes and no doubt eventual empty promises of their roommate.
She’s late which is already a valid reason why she shouldn’t be doing this. Rebecca said she was told to be here by three, it’s nearly four already because Rebecca wasted her time moaning about having to go before actually working on convincing her to go and then by law Helen had to stop and pet the large golden retriever that she had gotten tangled up in the leash of when she exited the subway. It’s a sign from above that she should have just stayed at home.
The party itself will likely be boring, she’ll probably only talk to the mayor for barely a minute and then be bored to death. She’ll get some free food if nothing else. The actual ball drop part is a little worrisome, since crowds aren’t Helen’s favorite thing, but she assumes there’ll be alcohol at this pre-party and a few glasses of wine tend to allow her to lose the edge and fall into whatever space she’s in without a care.
She looks down at her phone double checking the address while looking up at the building before her. She’s here and officially just over an hour late. She works her way inside and up to where a receptionist guides her to the event.
She enters the room and first notices how oddly classy it looks. She feels like she’s walking into a way fancier party than Rebecca told her it would be and suddenly she wishes she hadn’t just left in what she’d been wearing around the apartment.
She wishes she was dressed nicer even more so when her eyes scan the room and spot without a doubt the most gorgeous woman she’s ever seen. The beauty is looking down at her phone, a tight black dress with a well-cut silver edged navy-blue blazer over top. Helen on the other hand is wearing a fake fur line leather jacket, possibly her oldest pair of skinny jeans and a Hayley Kiyoko t-shirt.
The woman’s long dark hair falls off to one side and Helen wants to run her fingers through it. She’s staring, she’s aware she’s staring and of course that’s the moment she’s caught. The woman looks up and Helen knows for a fact she’s absolutely screwed once a smile lights up her pretty face.
“I’m the contest winner,” Helen blurts out realizing she should probably say something. The woman’s smile brightens, and suddenly Helen forgets all her worries and concerns about taking Rebecca’s place. The smile is professional but with maybe just maybe an edge of something else when she pockets her phone and starts walking towards her.
Aline spots the blonde entering the room and smiles, not out of professional courtesy but out of sudden, sharp interest. This woman is breathtaking with sharp features and soft eyes. Aline pockets her phone and walks towards her as she announces herself as the contest winner.  
“You don’t look like the photo they sent me,” Aline says looking at the beautiful blonde in front of her. It’s not really the first thing she intended to say, she was just completely thrown by how beautiful this woman is. The blonde squints her eye and Aline panics worrying she might have just offended this goddess. “Not that that’s a bad thing, at all, you’re gorgeous, you just looked different in your photo.”
The blonde smiles shyly before speaking, “That’s because I’m not actually Rebecca Lewis, she’s my roommate, she got dumped recently and decided she hates New Year’s Eve so she bribed me to come in her place. She said she emailed you about it, I’m Helen Blackthorn.”
Aline reaches out a hand and introduces herself in kind. Helen’s hand is soft, the many skinny silver rings on different parts of her fingers are a cool touch against her skin. The handshake lasts a little longer than a handshake should, Aline smiling as she lets go.
She pulls her phone from her pocket opening her mailbox to find a ridiculous amount of unread emails. Down the line at the start of the day sits one from Rebecca Lewis stating she’d be sending a roommate in her place.
“Huh, there it is, it’s pretty busy day of the year for me it must have slipped past,” Aline shrugs pocketing her phone once again and looking back up at Helen with a beaming smile.
“That’s okay,” Helen says with a smile. “Sorry I’m late by the way.”
Aline shakes her head. “No worries, the actual party doesn’t start for about another 30 minutes I just wanted you here early to prep you for anything in case there were nerves about meeting Nick Jonas.”
Helen just snorts in response.
“Honestly, I don’t think I’ll have any sort of reaction to Nick Jonas,” she laughs.
Aline raises an eyebrow then gives Helen a subtle once over noticing her t-shirt, which gives her some unprofessional hopes that this girl likes girls.
“Too much of a lesbian Jesus fan to care?” she asks with a smirk.  
Helen looks down at her shirt as if she’d forgotten what she was wearing and then lifts her eyes back up to Aline’s with a blush. A blush that is very promising. Aline should probably be having a moral crisis about wanting to flirt with this woman, but she’s not technically her client so it seems like a safe area to just go for it.
“Yeah, only second to my great bi leader Halsey,” Helen says and Aline tries to hold back her glee at the sexuality confirmation. “I also will definitely be more excited about meeting the mayor than anyone with the last name Jonas.”
Aline’s about to ask for further explanation when the Mayor’s assistant re-enters the room. From there it’s a flurry of prep and minor introductions. The mayor will be there in an hour or so and Helen seems mostly ready, if not a bit nervous to actually meet the mayor. It’s adorable and Aline is so glad she’s decided not to have a professional moral crisis about her attraction.
Helen listens to everything the mayor’s assistant and Aline tell her before the party starts. Trying desperately not to stare every time Aline makes any sort of movement. It all goes by in a rush after that. The party actually starts, she eats some fancy cheeses and snags a glass of wine happily.
Aline introduces her around once things start getting in full swing. Helen geeks out at every member of the city council she gets to encounter and even starts in on a rousing debate about city by-laws with a few of them that keeps her more than engaged for nearly an hour.
She meets the mayor and is literally stunned. She knows that she probably looks crazy like a super fan meeting their idol. She talks and talks and asks questions that he seems to happily welcome even though some of them are definitely a little critical of his policies. Their conversation is interrupted when the Jonas Brothers arrive and Aline pulls her away to do a quick meet and greet before they have to leave and make their way over to get stage ready.
They’re all three incredibly nice, but Helen could care less and she’s not a very good actor so they likely notice. She goes through the motions gets a picture with them and is more than happy when a few of the city council members ask for selfies as well allowing her to work her way back over to the mayor.
Even through her glee with discussing policy and politics with the mayor she finds her eyes always straying to Aline. She’s 99% sure Aline isn’t straight based on the once over she gave Helen that she just barely caught and the fact that she called Hayley Kiyoko lesbian Jesus. That alone is queer girl confirmation 101, it makes Helen’s little bi heart pitter patter happily. Aline’s flitting about the room, shaking hands and smiling bright, it’s clear she’s in a full professional mode handing out business cards and charming the pants off of everyone in the room.
Helen would quite literally like her to charm the pants off of her. It’s a wholly inappropriate thought that crosses her mind when she blatantly watches Aline bend over after dropping a napkin. She’s pretty sure Joe Jonas catches her doing so judging from his knowing smile. She may not have been too eager about meeting them, but damn does she respect at least one of them after he lets that slide.
It’s getting late, the sun fully set when the mayor excuses himself to take a phone call. Helen looks around, she’s been having a great time shockingly, but crowds aren’t her favorite thing and she suddenly needs a breather so she slips out in the hall finding a stairwell to give herself a moment.
Everything settles and Helen seems comfortable surrounded by local political leaders and less than enthused about the Jonas Brothers. They don’t seem to mind though which Aline respects; she respects even more that they all three requested her business card. She’d expected to schmooze some political minds tonight, three mainstream pop celebrities however could send her career skyrocketing.
She moves about the room in full work mode for a few hours, every now and then looking over at Helen and delighting in the smile on her face when she debates with city planners and mayoral assistants.
It’s hours later when she looks around and spots Helen slipping out of the room. Aline excuses herself from the conversation she’s in the middle of, sweeping past a table and grabbing two glasses of wine to trail after her.
She spots her in the little stairwell off to the side and softly smiles.
“I can’t believe you were more excited about the Mayor than the Jonas Brothers,” Aline teases when she steps up on the stairs behind her. “That’s so weird.”
“I’m a poly-sci grad student of course I’m more excited about the Mayor than the Jonas Brothers,” Helen defends with a smile as she looks over her shoulder. Aline makes an agreeing noise. That tracks with her glee over state versus national level laws when the subject had been lightly broached with the mayor before Aline had politely exited to the conversation to move about the room. The enthusiasm is cute.
“Mind if I sit?” she asks holding out the two glasses. Helen nods patting the steps beside her.
She settles on the step handing a glass over to Helen that she takes with a smile. They sit in comfortable silence for a bit just enjoying each other’s company. Behind her she can hear the rustle of the crowded room; she checks her watch knowing the mayor and everyone will make their leave soon enough.
It won’t be long after that that they make their way to Times Square, but Aline intends to take full advantage of the few scant moments of alone time they’ll have then and that they have now.
They sit for a bit just sipping their wine, both seemingly needing a break for a few quiet seconds. Helen chooses to break the silence after a while inquiring something that’s marveled her about the flirty Aline she first met and the absolute pro she’s watched flit around the party the last few hours.
“You don’t seem like a party planner until you go into full mode,” Helen says breaking the quiet. “No offence.”
Aline snorts and it’s far cuter than any snort has the right to be.
“None taken. It’s a family business,” she explains. “I wasn’t as into at first and definitely don’t put on the show like my mom does all the time, but then it turned out I had an eye for it and sort of fell in love.”
Helen hums taking a sip of her of her wine.
“You mentioned Edom Records earlier, why are you here if you’re also in charge of that event?” Helen enquires. There’s no way showing a random contest winner around and throwing her a party is anywhere near the same level of important as one of the hottest New Year’s Eve parties in the city.
“It practically runs itself once you have good talent in the kitchen and on the stage,” Aline shrugs. “Truthfully I’m only here because I fought for us to take on this job. Or at least that’s how it started; the company has turned out pretty nice.” Aline smiles and bumps her shoulder with an edge of flirtation.
“Why this party?” Helen says blushing and trying to ignore the second part.
“The mayor, I get him as an account for us on future events, then I get his friends and that means a raise or two for me which means more money for my savings to break off and start my own business,” Aline explains. “The Jonas Brothers were an unexpected bonus if they weren’t just being polite in taking my card.”
“Wow, so you want to break off from the family business then?” Aline seems so in her element in there she thinks there’s no doubt she could excel on her own.
Aline scoffs, “Like you wouldn’t believe. My mom, she’s great, but she wants everything done her way and her way can be very elite. I want to be able to do events that aren’t just for dudes with lined wallets. I want to be able to hire on help that might not find a job like this anywhere else and I want to be able to reach out to charity events that need a boost, things like that. I still want the guys with lined wallets, but I want to use the money I make off them to do other work for lower or non-existent rates.”
It’s a pretty incredible idea. A noble thing in a field that Helen wouldn’t expect such nobility to exist.
“What are you gonna call your business? I mean your last name is already taken.”
“I,” Aline starts and thinks for a moment. “Have no idea really. You any good at naming things?” She playfully pushes at Helen’s shoulder in question.
“Ha, no,” Helen barks out the laugh and admits. “We had three dogs growing up and as the oldest I always ended up naming them, they were all named Spot.”
“Helen, Spot? That’s the most basic dog name in the world, did they even have spots?” Aline laughs.
“Two of them did,” she defends. “The third was plain white, poor little guy got a lot of questions.”
Aline chuckles at that taking another sip of her wine before she speaks.
“It’s pretty nice of you to fill in for your friend by the way,” Aline says. “Most people would have forced them to get it together to go.”
Helen shrugs, they tried that. It failed.
“She’s not really heartbroken or anything, she’s just stubborn as hell, so even though I expected this to be a bore frankly, I fell for her sways,” she explains then adds on to make Aline feel certain. “I am however having a great time, so no regrets.”
Aline smiles finishing off her wine and sitting the glass to the side on the steps.
“I’m glad you’re having a nice time,” she says. “And no offence to your friend who I’m sure is lovely, but I’m glad it’s you that came here tonight.”
Helen finishes off her wine as well and turns to face Aline. She’s suddenly a lot closer than she had been a moment ago, just a few inches of space between them. For a second Helen contemplates moving her hands from her lap to settle one atop Aline’s on the step. Aline looks a lot like she wants her to do just that.
But before she can move a booming voice sounds behind them and they shift apart at the sound.
“Excuse us ladies,” the Jonas Brothers large imposing security guard says as they all file in behind him. Helen and Aline both stand smiling at each other quickly and brushing off the moment. The Jonas Brothers ease by them saying their goodbyes and nice to meet you’s, but Helen barely notices instead watching Aline’s striking profile in the low-lit stairwell wondering just what could have happened had the moment not been broken.
They head back into the party after the Jonas Brother sized interruption, Aline keeping a safe distance between them after that charged moment. The mayor leaves and most of the other local politicians do as well and Aline can tell Helen’s bored, but also more at ease. Clearly she’s not a big crowd person, which has Aline worried a bit about the actual Times Square portion of the evening.
They gather their coats following two burly security guards and a driver twice their size out to the street where they’re taken to a small vehicle that can work its way safely through the crowds.
They get in and after a while Aline starts to worry. Helen’s getting more and more quiet as the minutes pass their light talk tensing into silence that seems more about the situation than overthinking about their moment in the stairwell.
“You okay?” Aline asks bravely reaching out to take Helen’s hand in hers.
Helen squeezes her hand in response with a shaky smile. They reach as far as the car can go and the two security guards ready to part the crowds with their behemoth size and get them to where they need to be. Helen freezes as soon as they step out of the vehicle, seemingly frozen in place.
Aline gives the security guards a look that they perceive correctly pushing up enough space so that there’s good distance between the crowd line and where Helen stands. Helen’s looking around a little frantically like the reality of this crowd and the fact she’s going to have to move through it a bit is suddenly hitting her.
Aline could try and talk her down, tell her it’s going to be okay, but she knows that if Helen gets panicked enough no words are going to help this situation. She likes this woman; she doesn’t want to put her in a situation that’ll put her in bad headspace. So, she takes a leap and makes an offer.
“You wanna get out of here?” Aline asks hand gliding up and down Helen’s arms in a soothing manner. This contest is a wash. The actual winner isn’t here and despite seeming into it earlier in the day Helen is now freaking out about the crowd. She already met the Jonas Brother’s and the Mayor and geeked out about politics; that can count as her contest winning prize.
“You can’t just leave, the Mayor and everything,” Helen says with a shake of her head. “I’ll be fine.”
Aline immediately starts shaking her head. “You don’t have to do this and clearly don’t actually want to. Technically my job here is finished. The party and showing you around was my job; the ball drop is more in Ryan Seacrest’s hands than anyone else’s and I’m fairly certain that a pack of five grown men can handle pressing a button. As for the Mayor I’ve done my part I schmoozed and he already sent his wife my info, I’m in the door and a good handful of other doors as well, so don’t worry about that.”
Her hands find Helen’s gripping them tight. “So, in a completely non-leading, just caring about your comfort kind of way, do you want to get out of here?”
Helen releases a breath Aline’s fairly certain she’s been holding far too long, a shy smile gracing her pretty pink lips.
“Where are we going?”
Aline beams tugging Helen past the crowd slowly moving onto the more breathable side streets. She gets one of the guard’s attention making her way back to where they came from. The vehicle has already left, but the guard happily guides them through the crowd making a path and getting them safely outside of the Times Square hot zone. She holds Helen’s hand tight ensuring they don’t get separated the entire time.
When they finally reach the freer, but still buzzing streets the guard nods to them and heads back with instructions from Aline to tell the mayor there was a personal emergency that he needs not worry about.  
“I know a pretty great party a few blocks away, that has some great music and damn good food. I bet we can make it there before midnight,” Aline says turning to Helen. People bustle around them a few uncaringly bumping into her as she speaks. Thank you New York. “Unless you just want to go home.”
“No,” Helen says quickly, maybe a little quicker than she intended judging from the blush on her cheeks. She seems calmer now, comforted by the normal bustle of a New York street. “I want to go with you, a party sounds fun.”
Aline nods taking her hand once again and guiding her through the streets.
Helen’s fears slip away in crashing waves the further they get away from Times Square. The normal bustle of a New York street is oddly comforting to her as is Aline’s hand in hers. She can’t quite believe Aline just ditched it all for her, to make her feel comfortable and is now taking her to one of the hottest parties in the world.
They walk quietly all the way to the Edom Records party Aline clearly giving her the room to get back to ease. The mental space, but close physical comfort of their entangled hands makes Helen’s quick growing crush grow even stronger.
They get into the Edom party easily Aline being recognized by the man at the door instantly. Aline sadly informs her they missed dinner, but dessert is being served shortly. By the time they shed their coats, Helen’s at the same ease she’d been at when the first party had begun.
Aline takes her hand again pulling her into the main hall and Helen is floored. The space is gorgeous and open, if the party for her had looked beautiful this is an entirely different level.
“Wow,” Helen whispers uncertain Aline can hear over the music.
Aline smirks over her shoulder, confident and breezy. She definitely heard her. Magnus Bane is performing on stage and Helen is a little floored by how good he sounds live. Magnus Bane who Aline evidently knows.
“He’s dating my best friend, sort of, it’s complicated,” she shrugs as she plucks two glasses of champagne off of a waiter’s passing tray. She hands one out to Helen. “You feel better now?”
Helen nods, “Definitely. Thank you for that back there, usually a few glasses of wine would take off the edge of crowd worry, but I guess it didn’t work tonight.”
Aline nods in understanding, “It’s no problem. Times Square crowds are a whole lot bigger than a packed club or something of that nature.” She pauses for a second seemingly debating her next words. “Plus, just us at midnight and not on national television could be pretty nice.”
Helen takes in a sharp breath at the layered meaning of that. Midnight means kisses and the concept of kisses with Aline sends her mind into overdrive.
“To us?” Helen says feeling a little bold with Aline’s more blatant flirtations coming out now. She holds out her glass.
Aline smiles reaching out her own glass and tipping it against Helen’s.
“To us.”
They finish their glasses of champagne and Aline holds out a hand for Helen offering a dance that she shyly accepts. The songs go quiet after a while Magnus singing a sweet acoustic track Aline instantly recognizes. She and Helen are taking a dance break just listening to the slow beat. Aline looks around and spots Alec across the room frozen in time as he listens to the song he’s been avoiding for months.
A small smile comes across her lips and she hopes on everything her best friend doesn’t run away from this. Magnus is pouring every emotion into every line and she hopes Alec recognizes every breath is for him.
She casts a sideways glance to Helen watching as she looks at the stage swaying lightly to the song. Helen turns her head catching Aline’s eye. She looks like she’s about to turn away but instead holds the eye contact until the song comes to a close. The boisterous clapping from the room breaks the moment and quickly both of them are standing clapping along with the rest of the crowd.
A DJ takes over and the room starts to spread out a bit more, chatter all around as waiters make their way around with plates of gorgeously designed cupcakes.
They each snatch two cupcakes off a passing waiter’s tray, two strawberry for Aline. One strawberry and one chocolate for Helen.
“Is this the best cupcake I’ve ever tasted or am I just way hungrier than I realized?” Aline asks after the first bite, ready to propose marriage to the cupcake in her hand.
“Definitely the best cupcake,” Helen says as they both polish of their first ones quickly. Aline already half done with her second by the time Helen is biting in to her chocolate one.
“Oh wow,” Helen says taking a bit from her second cupcake making an almost orgasmic sound that nearly knocks Aline off her feet. “You really should have gotten a chocolate one too, even better than the strawberry.”
Aline shakes her head trying to ignore the way that sound affected her.
“No way,” she scoffs ignoring the pit of want in her stomach.
Helen proceeds to shove the rest of the cupcake in her mouth and it shouldn’t be cute with crumbs flinging everywhere, but somehow it is. She brushes her hands off to the side, grabbing another flute of champagne as a waiter passes by and drinks down half of it before handing the other half to Aline. She tosses it back before holding out a hand.
“Thirty minutes till midnight,” she says hoping the thirty minutes will allow her the chance to build up the courage to kiss Helen. That blatant stare they had minutes ago tells her this is definitely a mutual feeling, just one of them needs to make the first move and she’s betting it needs to be her. “Let’s keep dancing.”
Helen takes her hand smiling as she pulls her in close on the dance floor.
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