#and yes. he's bringing food back for her. and gifts. and medicines.
tenebriism · 9 months
Of all the people Jean has come to find gifts for, Tsuki is by far the hardest. There are so many things she wants to gift to him. So many simple things that he has been denied throughout the course of his long and perilous life. But while the novelty of an ugly winter sweater or a batch of homemade cookies may convey some of what she wants him to know, it still falls short of the gravity of compassion she wishes to bestow upon him. 
So this Winter, as the year draws to a close and the lantern rite looms on the horizon, it is an envelope that she gives to the former Wanderer. Just a small little thing, sealed with a wax stamp that bears the Gunnhildr family crest. Contained within that elegant paper is a simple key to the place she now calls home and a note that conveys a sentiment that perhaps carries more weight than the outside world can ever truly comprehend. 
Wherever the wind may take you; know that you will always have a home to return to for as long as you need it.
- J x
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This, still, is a strange concept to him. The idea that a time of the year can seemingly shift an entire nation and beyond, in unison, and have everyone in an auto-piloted endeavor to shove it in each other's faces. This goes FAR beyond some annual festival, he's noticed. The decor stays up for weeks, mora passed around aplenty for materialistic trading, and where, normally, he may have been able to tuck himself into a tree for an extended spell of silence, he CAN'T, now, what with some fashion of festivities going on every single night.
Perhaps it's the ' most wonderful time of the year ' for those actually INVOLVED in it, but to him, it feels like it's more trouble than it's worth ( and, a right detriment to his already fragile nerves ).
So what, then, keeps him lingering outside of Mondstadt, in particular, watching how the town evolves day by day? Lights strewn and the Angel's Share more packed than usual. Gift exchanges at the Anemo Archon's statue, sometimes with tears ( a proposal, a baby announcement... alright, so ' gifts ' aren't always materialistic, then, he learns ). Holiday carols and seasonal plays at the fountain, whilst food and drink is passed around. He loathes the thought of admitting it seems somewhat NICE... that he would dare YEARN for something like this, even if he knows it would only end up overwhelming him.
The Acting Grand Master, though, is the exception. Though not a modicum of understanding exists in regards to why she endeavors, so fiercely, to take care of and INCLUDE him, he never turns her down despite it. Like a lost puppy, he follows her out of town, away from the hustle and bustle of Mondstadt as yet another party kicks off. She's come to know him relatively well, he fears, and it's likely why whatever she wishes to speak with him about will be done outside the city.
Away from interruptions, away from prying eyes, away from an atmosphere she knows he won't like.
" If you need help with something, just say so, moth--- ugh. Jean. " the Wanderer mumbles. He won't hesitate to, she should KNOW this, considering he's one of few people who even bothers to make sure she doesn't kill herself amidst all the duties she takes on. The envelope, extended towards him, then, earns her a sigh, like he'd had the audacity to forget the kind of person she was. Of course she would make sure to include him in her pot of generosity, no matter how much he may act like he doesn't want to be. It's why she continues to hold out the envelope to him with that... gentle, PATIENT smile of hers, and doesn't force him to accept it while he battles with himself over why he should in the first place.
Is it to make HER happy? Or, is it because he wants to know how it feels to be given something, when all his life, everything has been TAKEN?
Thumb glides against the fold, carefully separating it from the adhesive, and as he pulls both the key and the note from its confines, he shoots her a very confused look. " What is this? " Obviously, he could just read the note to find out, but forgive him for not being a fan of the unknown. As she gestures for him to read the note, he sighs and relents... and that's where the interaction stops for several moments.
He reads it once. Reads it twice. Flips it over to look for something else he may have missed, and when nothing is there, he looks at her. To the soft eyes that have only ever gazed upon him with kindness and adoration, and the even softer smile that he feels, deep down, he doesn't deserve to see.
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Don't cry... no, don't cry.
He hasn't had a home in so very long. Not a proper one to go back to, at least, besides Lesser Lord Kusanali's domain. It doesn't matter that he, in a way, doesn't need one--- it isn't as if he functions off of food and sleep like mortals do, but he wanders largely because he doesn't HAVE one to return to. If he keeps on the move, keeps occupied, he needn't worry about everything WRONG with him ( and it's a wonder that's not ALWAYS on his mind, because there's a LOT. )
Tsuki ducks his head as he pulls the key from the envelope and squeezes it within his palm, as if he fears it may up and disappear, or get lost, if he doesn't clutch onto it as hard as he can. In a swift motion, he swipes his opposite arm against his eyes, growing in silent frustration at how futile his efforts were proving to banish his emotions. Eventually, though, he gives up, and slowly steps forward, leaning his face into her body with a stupidly childish hiccup.
He can't say thank you right now, or even BEGIN to verbally convey just how much this means to him right this very minute, but he hopes his inability to get himself together is proof enough that this is a gift he does not mind at all. Even if he's far, far older than her, she still feels like the mother he never had, but always needed, and maybe this is the gods' way of finally showing him MERCY, by giving him the one thing he has always wanted.
@gunnhildred ;;
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writersdrug · 2 months
Simon "Ghost" Riley is the kind of man who:
In your shared home, always sits with his legs spread. Manspreading king. Adores it when you cross your arms and give him a disapproving look, saying there's no room for you. "Course there is, luv. Jus' sit between my thighs."
Refuses to let you do simple tasks around the house, like making tea, folding his underwear, or putting away the dishes. One might think it's a sweet, husbandly gesture - but he's just super picky. You made tea in the microwave once, and now you're banned from ever touching his tea stash. Likes his underwear folded in a specific way, and you don't understand the importance of it. He got tired of you stuffing his underwear in his drawer, so now he folds it himself. And the dishes? Couldn't stand how you put them away. "There's no rhyme or reason to 'em." "I didn't think there had to be, Si-" "Just gimme the damn bowl." Fewer chores? You aren't complaining.
Looks like he's always on edge - and he is, kinda. When he's out with you, he can't help but be alert and watchful, and extremely protective of you. You've tried to get him to loosen up - it's the supermarket, what could happen? - but have just come to accept it as his nature. Plus, you get that giddy feeling when you see other men look straight down at the floor, avoiding Simon's stare as the two of you pass.
Is the grumpiest, poutiest, and most indignant man ever when he gets sick. Doesn't want you doting on him in case you catch whatever he has. But, wait - where are you going? "Get your ass back in this bed - 'm cold." Grumbles like a child when you force him to let you get up to grab him soup, tea, or medicine. And no, he doesn't care how sick he is, he's not wearing that stupid, floppy ice pack hat.
Brings Johnny over unannounced, and you've grown used to it. The moment you hear that Scottish yapping out the front door as the key unlocks, you grab a third plate for dinner - he insists you don't need to feed him, but you always make extra for Simon's lunch the next day regardless, and the last time he'd said that, he ended up grabbing an extra fork and picking from Simon's plate. Which, of course, had Simon up at 1 am making instant ramen because he was still hungry, but didn't have the heart to ask you to make him a decent meal. So, yes, Johnny would be fed.
Loves spoiling you on your birthday. What is a man if not someone who spoils his partner rotten? Orders in food from your favorite bakery, sets all your presents neat and nice on the table (the excellent wrapping job done by yours truly, Gaz), flower petals sprinkled on the ground and the table top (also Gaz's idea), and a seat on his lap so for you while you open your presents. Loves watching your face light up, and each little "you remembered?!" fall from your lips as you open each gift. Scoffs and shifts in his seat. "I's not that much of a fuss, luv..." as you squeal excitedly, but you know he's biting back a proud smile. The blush, he can't even attempt to hide.
Is somehow a magnet for your young nephews. Every time he comes along to your sister's place, he's either making conversation with her husband in the living room, or he's interrogated and cornered by her two sons. And, lord help him, he doesn't understand it either. He'd always expected kids to look at him like a monster, but, especially with these two, that was never the case. They'd ask him for stories about "being in war" - half of the time, he'd make up some not-too-gory adventure, sparing them the details of real war. The rest of the time, he'd talk about "Soap, my mate who blows everything up." And they'd listen with wide eyes and jaws on the floor.
Has scared you unintentionally, more than too many times. He'd come home at three in the morning from a mission, and all he wanted was to quietly peel his dirty uniform off and slip into bed with you. His main intention was to avoid waking you up, because you'd force him to shower before joining you in bed - and he was too tired for that. However, you'd been rounding the corner, up for your 3 am glass of water - you screamed as you saw the hulking, dark figure by the front door, launching your phone at him. He'd caught it effortlessly and shoved it into his back pocket. "What've I told ya 'bout using the bat?" "I was just getting water!" "I coulda been anyone." "Well you're not." "Missed ya, luvie." "Missed you too- but you're grimy. Go take a-" "No." He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your protests as he hauled you back to bed.
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley Headcannons
A/N: these are loosely inspired from real life experiences I’ve had living on a military base, these men have a on & off switch it’s crazy
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Warnings: NSFW
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• Simon first saw you while he was in the States for a training exercise, he was out at one of the local bars with some of the other soldiers he was with
• Soap had actually asked for your number first & since he was so intoxicated you turned him down
• Simon apologized for Soap & that’s how you met
• he did have a heart attack when he found out there was a bit of a age gap between you two but quickly got over it when he realized how mature you were
• it was a long distance relationship at first (from personal experience it sucks in the beginning)
• there were times when he couldn’t talk due to the risk of potentially exposing his teams location so you had to write letters every now & then
• you cried constantly whenever you saw some horrific news in the paper about what was going on overseas, the anxiety was awful
• but when he returned the reunions were euphoric
• you have a bottle of his cologne & aftershave so you can always feel close to him
• and you’d spray your perfume on the letters you sent so he couldn’t always smell the paper when he was missing you
• it took him sometime to open up to you about what had happened to him in his past, & your respected that
• when he first met your family, he was shocked by all the support he had received from them
• he asked your parents to marry you the first time he met them & showed them the ring too (ofc they said yes)
• he proposed to you in private after a nice dinner, he got choked up during the proposal
• your dad specifically was elated, he got to brag at how bad ass his son in law is
• your mom if she’s a teacher, had her entire class send cards, candy, anything they’d need in care packages Soap nearly cried when he opened the sweetest letter from a little girl (this actually happened irl my mom’s class did this & one guy got really choked up)
• Simon always would be your fiercest protector
• since he’s like an freakin tree he will guide your head with his bear paw of a hand in crowds
•he CANNOT sit with his back facing the door it stresses him out
•this man is strapped 24/7 whether that be a knife, bear spray etc. he’s ready
•he has a trauma kit in his car because “you never know”
•Simon is 1000% one of those apocalypse preppers you have freeze dried food, medicine, water, etc. he’s always on edge
• he sleeps with a damn rifle next to y’all’s bed
• you have a whole security system too
• your guy’s apartment is impeccable like you could eat off of the floor
• hell your guy’s bed has damn hospital corners
• Simon adopted a cat so you don’t feel as lonely when he’s deployed
• He’s your chonky boy & you do send plenty of photos to Simon when he’s deployed
• Gaz & Soap tease him about him living his “cat dad” life
• you start trying for a baby two years into your marriage
• Simon does fall victim to the “curse of the infantry” (which is not a negative thing btw it’s a running joke that infantry soldiers have all daughters) he makes girls
• he was deployed during your pregnancy & was worried sick he nearly missed the birth of your daughter
• that little girl is the most well protected baby in the whole world, the Task Force gifted him not just baby stuff but damn security for the nursery
• He watches your baby from his phone in the nursery on deployment, he was silently crying once when he was watching you sing a lullaby to your baby girl
•Price had to comfort him father to father
•In reality Simon has a very hard cold exterior at work for the sake of keeping his mental health for the profession he’s in but deep down he’s always held a soft spot & your relationship just brings it out
• there is a big size difference between you two & it drives him insane
• the first time y’all had together he didn’t want to break you in half
• when he returns from deployment y’all go at it like rabbits for multiple rounds, your poor pussy was so sore afterwards
• has a massive corruption & daddy kink
• he’s an ass man I don’t make the rules here so any position where your ass if the focal point is his favorite
• y’all have made so many sex tapes for him when he’s deployed, he has a whole folder on his phone & jerks off to them in the bathroom or the porta potty (it’s a canon event, trust me) to them
• he lets your cockwarm him constantly when you’re on the couch, when he’s working, hell y’all had even fallen asleep like that
• I know people say he has a Prince Albert piercing but alas per army regulation that is safety risk I think it’s more likely he’d use a cock ring on you
• during a military ball you two snuck off & fucked in a supply closet
• he couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room after seeing you in your gown, it was red his favorite color
• and he just looked so fucking good in his dress uniform, that was the night you totally conceived your baby girl
• he groans into your ear when he cums & he’ll use his body to just eclipse yours
• “one more baby girl” & “c’mon pretty girl use your words tell me what you want”
• is a sucker for babydoll lingerie it brings your innocence & triggers his corruption kink
• moral of the story Simon Riley fucks
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Headcannons of xiao, scaramouche, zhongli, and al haitham, patching you up after a serious battle? 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Yes you may, my dear. :) Please enjoy and stay clear from allergies this spring. :)
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Xiao: ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈
He is lecturing you on your recklessness, and how you are disregarding people's worries and cares for you. Mostly him though.
He wraps your wounds gently, and keeps asking if your bandages are too tight, or if it stings or hurt.
He ask Zhongli if there are medicines for healing "Humans Wounds."
He checks your wounds every night, and keeps an eye on you since you don't fully have your footing back.
He sometimes massages and rubs it for you, to help ease the pain or help ease your mind.
He will ask about it everyday.
He will 100% fight you to the death for you to not fight monsters or get into trouble. He will pick you back up and take you to bed and stay there with you until you give up.
He would kiss your wounds, giving it his own little custom prayers to help it heal faster and easier.
Will make sure everything is accessible to you before he leaves to go fight fallen gods and demons.
Sometimes will bring healing charms and little gifts in hope it would make you happy.
I don't think he fully understands human wounds apart from adepti wounds, so he will treat your wounds as if you have karmic debt of your own, but easier to manage. He has some idea of it.
Scaramouche: ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈
He doesn't actually know what to do at first, but he definitely calls you an idiot, or other names of you being dumb and reckless. But you can tell it was because he was scared and didn't know how to react.
Instinctively, He probably things he will lose you like he lost his child friend in his past. Despite him knowing better.
He would rip some of his own clothes to wrap around your wounds to stop the bleeding, since he has seen people done so in the past.
Once you reassure him, and calm him down, he will carry you to a nearby area that has medical equipment.
As for this scenario, let's say Mondstadt since you know the area well.
He would snap at Barbara to heal you and to hurry up. But he would gently ask her if you are okay, and if you are holding up alright.
Once you are out, maybe having a little cane to support you, he would full on take care of you, no questions ask.
He would always have one arm around you, or holding your hand to make sure you are okay, but also to reassure himself that you are okay.
He would buy foods, or do most of the cooking, it's not the best, but that's because he doesn't need to eat since he is a puppet.
Probably hold you close to him and gently adjust your bandages for you when it gets a little sloppy.
100% annihilate any monsters that turn their eyes on you.
Zhongli: ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈
Immediately knows what to do, based on his past knowledge, he will immediately have medicine or bandages on him to take care of you.
He would cook healing meals, and do everything within his knowledge to help heal your wounds.
Thanks to that, it wasn't as fatal as before, since he has experience and he is prepared.
He would definitely carry you, because the less stress on wounds the better.
He would take you to Baizhu to look after your wounds and checking up on your wounds.
He makes tea for you everyday.
He would lay in you bed with you, and tell you stories to help you sleep.
He would rub medicine on your wounds for you, and keep you to a strict schedule no matter how much you protest.
Gently stroke your hair as you are laying down in bed and resting, offering extra pillows and blankets.
Bringing you your favorite desserts.
He might sometimes rest his cheek on your head in bed and keep his arms around you to keep your warm, of course with his button up shirt open.
He wouldn't express his worries for you by words, but definitely by actions, such as sealing the door so no one can get in to hurt you, but also so you won't sneak out. Leaving out breakfast, or comfy clothes for you.
Al Haitham: ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈ ◈━◈━◈━◈━◈
He would probably sigh and say stuff like he knew you'd be reckless and get seriously hurt.
He would also lecture you on how to properly fight the monster you were fighting, and pinpoint why you got hurt in the first place.
The next time he sees the monsters you were fighting of any kind, he would take over for you and defeat them. If you got seriously hurt from a hilichurl? He got it. But you can handle Azhdaha just fine.
He wouldn't need to take you to a medical facility since he knows what he is doing, we are in Sumeru forest after all, you have the best medicine there already is.
Despite his aloof and distant nature, he handles you very gently, and he becomes more touch base with you, such as when asking if if your wounds are healing, he would immediately place his hand gently on your bandages.
He would stick nearby you, but he won't show his worries, as he feels the rational thing to do right now is to offer you assistance, not stress you with his worries.
He tries to hold back his own emotions when he hears you wince in pain and see you have a pained face. Immediately would finish the task for you, such as putting your plate away, picking things up.
Usually, when he reached his limit of that, he would pull you in between his legs and ask you to stay with him so you can heal in peace rather than in pain. He would hold you close to him and push your head into his neck, as a way to help you ease down and relax. He would be reading a book in this process as well and maybe throw up an excuse on how him doing this has healing properties.
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weskin-time · 2 years
Jill or Carlos with a S/O that has autism or ADHD? Listening intently to their partners rants and rambles about their hyperfixations or stimming with them when they get too excited or their emotions get too strong
YES! i am on the spectrum so this made me so fucking happy to write you have no idea
Jill Valentine and Carlos Oliveira with an Autistic S/O HCs
i am. on pain medication from getting my wisdom teeth out today so im sorry if anything makes no sense or there are errors i am just vibing
Jill Valentine
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she keeps a pair of ear plugs in her pockets when you two go anywhere just incase
loves to hear you infodump and stim after shes had a rough day. just loves to unwind at home while listening to your voice
and she’ll nod her head, hum in agreement and ask questions when you’re talking. never in a ‘im not fully listening’ she actually loves to see your eyes light up and the happy expression on your face when you talk about a hyperfixation or special interest
she was a little confused when you first visually stimmed but instead of asking you she just followed your movements which made you even more excited
if you get too excited about something where you’re starting to hyperventilate and you feel like you’re going to explode she will open the bedroom door and make you wiggle around on the bed. full body stim so good good yes
will get you little trinkets or gifts from the things you’re obsessed about to show how much she listens and cares
doesn’t mind cooking you your samefood over and over again, it gives her a chance to brush up on her cooking skills plus she loves to cook with you (she kinda sucks at it but it’s okay i love her so much *smooch*)
if you’re starting to get overstimulated in public she quickly learns the early signs and tries to get you away, or you could just tell her “i’m starting to get overstimulated here” and you’re out of wherever you’re at instantly. she can come back another time if there’s something she needs
she keeps every rock, flower, marble or what ever you bring her. she has old police books with pressed flowers you gave her, the rocks are in a jewelry box.
when you start to freak out and have a breakdown she’s sorta at a loss to help but in a split second she runs and grabs your weighted blanket and puts it around your shoulders while getting you your favorite drink. it all depends on you and how you deal but she’s quick to make adjustments
non verbal moments? she will help you make little cards to show your wants and needs and other information.
angry? ripped your shirt in anger? banged your head against a wall? tore some hair out? she will try to help you calm down as best she can and then patch you up. she’ll take safety pins and pin your shirt. she’ll give you an ice pack and some pain relief medicine. she gives you kisses
don’t like a certain texture? boom it’s gone. if you feel it still even after you’ve touched it she’ll bring you your favorite texture
loves it when you sit on her lap and rub your face on her like a cat. she will join you in the face rubbing
food textures you don’t like? give them to her she’ll eat them. don’t like mushrooms bc they’re squishy and weird and make you want to punch a man? she’ll give you a tiny fork to pick them off your pizza and she’s putting it on hers
Carlos Oliveira
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he’s an adhd haver
autism and adhd solidarity
when he washes his hair it’s so soft and fluffy and thick that you could sit there and pet his head and rub your fingers thought it for hours. he doesn’t mind at all. he’s sitting there almost purring like a cat
vocal stim echo chamber
y’all can make sounds or words over and over again and just keep bouncing them off each other for hours no matter what you’re going
his beard is also very soft. he keeps very good care of his appearance so it’s not like super scratchy it’s a very good texture please rub your face against it once or twice before kissing his nose
this man can’t cook for shit. normally it’s take out. most of the time y’all develop a samefood at the same restaurant so you two must order the same place for weeks and just get the same food
WILL LAY ON YOU AND CRUSH YOU WITH HIS WEIGHT.!! he loves cuddles so much and now he’s getting cuddles and helping you? his new favorite cuddling position is him laying on top of you while you run your finger through his hair
He’s the one who goes into places and talks to the workers there for you if you need him too. want to order lunch but feeling not up for it to order? tell him what you want he’s got you <3
non verbal moments? he talks enough for the both of you honestly. he knows sign language so you two could take that way or he’ll use cards too. if you text him he will read out your text before responding lol
pillow fort movies/tv show/ video game nights. filled with all that good sensory shit and your favorite snacks and his.
he stims with you. every time. it’s involuntary on his part.
more than likely there is one texture he loves that you hATE. you hate velvet? the first time you come over to his place he had a velvet blanket on his bed.
stocks the fridge with his and your favorite food textures. he likes pudding and cottage cheeses textures
he’s better at preventing meltdowns or breakdowns before they happen than helping you during the act
you two bring each other things. he picked up his paperclip to throw it away but he gained emotional attachment to it and he’s giving it to you bc he doesn’t want to loose his new friend. has all the thing you give him in a shoebox under his bed for safe keeping
one of his favorite stims is running his callused hands up and down your softer skin at a medium pace. he starts out slow before speeding up a bit more. just placing his hand on your body and running it down before picking it up and putting it where he first started. loves if you do a ‘cat making biscuits’ stim on his body while he does that to you
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Got7′s Reaction to...Your Time of the Month
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Backstory: You cancel date night because your period is kicking your ass
Mark’s been through this before, thanks to his sisters. He even has an app to keep track of everything himself. He planned date night with the possibility of your period coming into play. Mark is at your door with flowers and a new stuffy that also acts as a heating pad since you like to cuddle so much. He brings dinner to you from that restaurant that you wanted to try and later orders dessert to be delivered right to your door. The two of you are on the couch, your head reading on Mark’s lap while he massages your temples and pecks your nose playfully.
“Babe? Surprise! I hope you’re up for cuddles and chocolate!”
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This man is hands on. He is rubbing your back, using that super expensive body creme that you love so much. He remembered that you were running low and thought this was the best time to gift you with more...yes you did cry. Jaebeom’s fingers works their magic while you scroll through his phone trying to decide what you want to eat for dinner. You want something spicy and sweet. Keeping you in his arms, Jaebeom digs his fingers into your lower back and lets you absorb his body heat.
“Feeling better, babe? No? Just take a nap. I’m not going anywhere.”
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The moment he receives your text message, he’s already driving to the store with a mental checklist. He’s buying your favorite candy, tea and ramen. He even makes it a point to stop at that little bakery you love so much and gets your favorite cake. When Jackson shows up to your place, he is bundling you up in a warm blanket and hand feeding you which ever food you want first while giving you endless cuddles.
“Want more candy? Drink? Does it still hurt? Want me to kiss it better?”
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Canceling date night is a strong no. Jinyoung comes over to your place all dressed up and when he sees you on the couch stuffing your face with treats he sighs. Jinyoung settles beside you and pulls your feet into his lap, rubbing your feet and calves while you put on a movie. He’s okay with a date night in, no worries.
*sighs* “You’re really feeling it tonight huh? Did you need me to grab anything before you pass out?”
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Youngjae is worried, very worried. He knows that your period isn’t fun at all, hell the last time it landed you in the hospital. He brings out the big guns and asks his eomma for her famous beef stir-fry recipe and gets to work. He even stops by her house to steal some homemade kimchi. At your place, Youngjae won’t let you move a finger. He is at your beck and call, treating you like the royalty that you are. The candy and little kisses to your forehead while you snuggle Coco is a wonderful bonus.
“Awe, my baby...I-I got eomma’s beef stir-fry recipe! Just wait a little and we can eat, kay? Get some rest, my lovely. Coco, your on watch until I’m done!”
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Can you say extra? This man is at your door with half the pharmacy and the ice cream aisle in his arms. Bambam makes sure to settle you in bed, making a fortress of pillows and the new heated blanket he got you. It’s nothing but sweet kisses and soothing words as he pulls out a handheld massager and starts working on your lower back and shoulders.
*struggling to turn on the massager* “Get comfy while I figure this thing out...oh! Nevermind, I got it!”
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Your pain is Yugyeom’s pain. The poor guy is doing the best he can at keeping you comfy, all nice and tucked away in your bed. He flew to your house with nothing but his love and Dalkyum. Thankfully you have everything you need to help ease the pain. Yugyeom orders food and he runs to the corner store to get treats, Facetiming you to make sure he gets everything that you would want along with some extra pain medicine.
“Okay, now what do you want, babe? Chocolate? Which one?”
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evereinefaust · 7 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kurama (Shuichi Minamino) X afab!Reader
Sypnosis: Every day, Shuichi visits and brings her flowers. He was her ideal boyfriend, yet, she knew that they would be nothing more than just friends. However, a certain visit from him proved her otherwise.
Word Count: 930
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"Lalala~ Hmmmm~" You hummed while watering your precious garden. Your garden had plenty of flowers, a few herbs and shrubs, and one sakura tree. Every day, a certain redhead gives you different kinds of flowers as a gift. You loved the redhead, he was kind, polite, and most of all, handsome. Shuichi Minamino, your ideal boyfriend. You wished that the redhead was your boyfriend, but he is nothing more than a best friend. Well, that's what you always thought. Though, a certain brunette told you that Shuichi had fallen for you, which you actually didn't believe. But there is a possibility, is there?
"I hope Shuichi would visit me today..." You mumbled to yourself, pouting a bit. You are living alone, both of your parents were working abroad. And Shuichi always visits you at your place to keep you company, which is why you are always expecting him to come. After you finished watering the flowers, you wipe away the sweat on your face then place the water bucket back in its place. You smile to yourself while admiring your finished work. "Might as well as clean myself" You stated then entered the house. You removed your gardening clothes and then headed to the bathroom.
You entered inside and then locked the door. You strip all of your dirty clothes then put them inside the hamper. You step inside the shower and then turn it on. "Hmmmm~ I wonder what kind of flower Shuichi will give me today~" You wondered while thoroughly cleaning your body. After showering, you exit the bathroom with your bathrobe and then head towards your room. Once you enter inside, you search for a clean dress in your closet. You got out a [f/c] Chinese dress that reaches your ankle, it is strapless, covers your neck, and has a slip from the end up to your knee. You dried your [h/c] hair using a hair blower and then tied it into [f/h]. You put on some powder and a lip gloss. "Shuichi will be here any moment now," You said, putting the lip gloss down on your table.
Just after you finished, there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" You yelled while hurrying down the stairs. When you arrived in front of the door, you opened it quickly with glee. Standing outside your door revealed a handsome young man with crimson hair and emerald eyes. "This is for you, milady" He gave you a bouquet of several different flowers. "Thank you" You accepted the gift and then smelled the fragrant flowers. "Come in" You step aside for him to enter. Once he was inside, you unwrapped the bouquet and placed the bundle of flowers in a large vase filled with water. Shuichi sat on the couch and admired your features, he had to admit, you look gorgeous in that dress.
"I'll make some tea, Shuichi. Please stay here for a while" You informed him as you entered the kitchen, your dress trailing behind. "Take your time, [Name]" Shuichi replied. While waiting for you, the redhead played with his signature rose. "My love is sweet as the rose..." He muttered, smiling to himself. "Here" A cup of tea was placed on the coffee table in front of the redhead, he snapped out from his gaze and then smiled at you. "You're welcome" You understood what his smile meant and then smiled back, sitting next to him. "Hey, Shuichi" You called, tugging on his sleeve a bit. "Yes?" He looked at you after he took a sip of his tea. "Care for some quotes that I made?" You asked, eyes pleading for him to say yes. "Of course" He chuckled then placed the cup down.
"Okay, here it is" You took a deep breath then straightened your posture. "Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul" Shuichi smiled at your first quote. The flowers that surround your place inspired you to make quotes about it, and he is proud of you because of that. "Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth's lips spoken without sound," There comes the second one. "Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature" The third. "Love is the flower you've got to let grow" This one earns the redhead's attention. "Life is a flower, so precious in your hand" This one is about life. "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love" is another one that earns his attention.
"Really [Name]?" He smiled. "I don't know, I just thought about it" You shrugged. He referred the question to your 6th quote. He just smiled. "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart" You continued, eyes closed while reciting the quote. You personally love this quote, and a certain green-eyed male started a liking to it too. "Well, that's it! Do you like it?" You said, turning your attention to him. He is awestruck, you can say that he liked your quotes very much. "That was wonderful, [Name]" He complimented. "Thanks" You blushed at his compliment. "But you know..." He said, earning your full attention. "My love is sweet as the rose" He stated. He looked at you and locked eyes with yours for a while, you could melt under his beautiful gaze. You didn't also realize that your face is only an inch apart from him, before slowly leaning in. Both of your lips touched and you stayed like that for a while, kissing your beloved future boyfriend.
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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djsjxjsj i hope i'm not late?? i probably am. aaaa my own faultcjxjsj [but] i haven't written for my fave disney nrc malewife (/j ily, jamil bbg—) in a while. but i forgot the contest either ends on the 10th?? or submissions close on the 10th aka. i missed the deadline?? aaaaa for submissions to @merotwst 's and @cvlutos 's #jamilsummercontest (here) aaaaaa also was this also an excuse to write for najma/write some najma-jamil brother-sister action? uhhhh looks away. LISTEN. i love them! the crumbs we got of their interactions are still on my mind aaaaaa lastly, am i also using this fic as an opportunity to brainrot about the new spiderverse movie and its album? yes.
mention of the ramshackle prefect (gn!yuu). but it'll mainly be about jamil and najma bc i love his sister almost as much. spoilers for al'ab naariya story, scarabia chapter plot, jamil's backstory, and maybe???? a spoiler for the new spiderverse movie?? if you squint. also really bad arabic.... i tried.... other than that, i present very cute, soft fluffy letters between reader and jamil detailing their lives apart during summer break (assuming the scalding sands' fireworks festival is in the summer. aaaa).
jamil could practically see (name)'s red face as they read his letter briefly written amidst the asim family chaos.
Dearest (Name),
Kalim and Najma were disappointed you couldn't join me this year for Summer break. I actually had to stop him from convincing his father into sending for you personally... Camels, elephants, and all. You're welcome!
Despite that, they wish you all well. My mother is insisting I return to NRC after break with some of her homemade shawarma. And please tell Grim that there will be enough for him as well.
The fireworks were beautiful but it wasn't the same without you by my side, ya nujumi. I missed turning to the side and seeing your smiling face, eyes alight with a childlike wonder. My heart swells with remembering that first Al'ab Naariya. You turned back to me urging me to join you and the others to dance.
Najma just asked what I was smiling about. I tried to lie but the smug look on her face told her all she needed to know. She'd like to also say a few words.
Hello, (Name)! My older brother is laying on his bed right now screaming into his pillow. Ya ummi and I are laughing right now; she has never laughed so hard in a long time. Yesterday the Asims gave us the afternoon off to enjoy the bazaar. You should see the haul Jamil brought home for you and Grim. There's— lotliIItLyjkq
Sorry, ya shamsi. Najma does not know what she's talking about. I got them as gifts for her— ljyIL
Jamil is lying! He is so red right now, (Name)! I want to take a picture to send you but he took my phone! So awful, right? Ah, the Asims are calling for us and abina is about to bring out the belt if we don't resume our work soon.
My apologies, ya qamar, but as Najma said, I have to return to work. There are rumors from the other servants that Kalim is "missing." He's probably with the animals in the garden. I will write to you again shortly. You are always in my thoughts, (Name), ya hubi. Make sure to not stay up too late talking to Ace and Deuce. Take your medicine and potions and eat at least two full meals a day (I know you're not a fan of breakfast). Don't forget to drink plenty of water too.
With Love,
Jamil Viper.
he wanted to write more and tell them all about the new stalls selling mouthwatering foods, soft, vibrant, assorted silks, and other painted, colorful wares he saw at the bazaar. he wanted to tell her about the concert he miraculously got tickets to for one of their favorite music artists. there was also the pet parrot his parents finally let him get! it had to stay on the asims' property. but kalim said he'd personally look after iago for jamil.
there was also a new playlist he made the other night after coming home from a movie he and his sister went to see. jamil lays in bed thinking of his sister's latest fictional crush and thinking of all the things he'd do to keep his girl and her father while living his best life doing what he loved. jamil wished that were him. he wished he could have (name) by his side, still please his family, and see the world. he wanted to learn about the magic and cultures of other lands in twisted wonderland.
wishes and reality are two separate things, though. and the chance of them intersecting and wishes becoming reality was slim. for now, though, he was content and letting things be. he'll find kalim, drag him to his next meeting with possible mergers and other clients, read the evening itinerary to kalim, go home, help with dinner, wash and dry najma's hair for her, bathe, and go to bed.
....that was the original plan. however, najma must have thought it funny to hide his headphones after she finished her chores and homework.
"what are you looking for, brother?"
jamil glared at the girl leaning against his door frame as he rifled through the belongings on his desk. "you know exactly what i am looking for. drop the act, najma!"
"not until you write another letter to (name)." she grinned and crossed her arms over her chest, straightening her posture.
"huh?!" he stuttered.
"it was written all over your face. you wanted to write and tell them more about everything that you saw and experienced yesterday and today. ever since you came home from school with your friends and (name), you've changed. mom and dad haven't stopped talking about it; they think i went to bed but i can hear them. they aren't as quiet as they think." the younger sister laughed at jamil's stunned face. "you don't know all this since you sleep like that one princess in those fae tales. i've caught you snoring a few times, actually. wanna hear it? i can show you if you don't believe m—"
jamil grabs najma's phone again before she can pull up the videos. "just—! give me back my headphones. and i'll write to (name)."
"nah," najma shrugged and walked off. "letter first. mom and dad are out finishing up some business with kalim's parents in their estate. you can blast your music all you want."
groaning in exasperation, he still couldn't deny that he'd rather have sent (name) a proper letter rather than the one he mailed earlier that afternoon.
normally, he and (name) would text each other or call. but one magic carpet ride after a rough exam, they told him about how they used to write letters to their childhood friends whenever they'd change schools. so the first time jamil and (name)'s other night raven college friends went home for holiday break, he started writing letters to them. and ever since that sweet, thoughtful surprise, whenever they were apart, jamil'd write letters to them while they'd send back recipe cards with handwritten notes featuring the story behind each food. sometimes they'd drop details about their family back home or include tiny magic trinkets or bits of stationary sold at sam's shop. a note and a smiley face tied around each item: "saw this and thought of you, ya qamar. ;p"
bringing himself back to reality, jamil sat down and began another letter. with this one, though, he made sure not to leave out a single detail of his day. softly he smiled as he included lines from old poets and added in folded star maps, photos of a dog he saw sitting outside a cafe, a tea bag from the little old lady next door. but this time — instead of signing off with a simple "With Love" like his last letter — he penned a lyric from their favorite song, nodding his head to the music as it played from his speakers.
"Your my star, hubi. My one light. We gon' link up, just like the rumors."
Jamil Viper.
ya shamsi: my sun
ya qamar: my moon
ya nujumi: my stars
hubi/ya hubi: love/my love
ya ummi: my mother
abina: our father
— is2g if i got the arabic vocab wrong, i am going to cry. @softbajis djsjsj idk if this is right or notdjdjdj i am so upset. oh well....?
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mykingdomforapen · 5 months
courage of stars, ch3 | writer's commentary
Hello all! Thank you for coming back to chapter 3! This chapter is one I was so excited to share with people, as it introduces the characters to a new setting that the story will take place for a good chunk--and it's a setting near and dear to my heart. It also contains QUITE a lot of historical background, which I might take for granted as someone growing up with the stories but may be new to another reader, so I will try to explain succinctly. Without further ado, let's get into some notes!
“Little chicken cookies!” he gasped. “Kai zai,” Popo said, correcting his Cantonese pronunciation. “Not muscle cookies, silly boy.” “Kai zai,” Xiaoshi repeated, although his mind was entirely elsewhere.
If I had a writer's commentary for every bit of food that these characters eat in this story, we would be here forever, so I will resist doing that. However, I just want to shout out little chicken cookies. Little chicken cookies, aka 'kai chai paeng' (or kai zai, Cantonese romanization varies), are a very Cantonese biscuit. They're originally called 'little phoenix biscuits' but I have mostly heard them be referred to as chicken biscuits. They're crispy, lightly meat-flavored, and delicious, and they are generally popularly sold in a specific historical neighborhood in Guangzhou.
“Did you know, Xiaoshi?” she murmured. “That the moon has mountains?”  “It does?” Xiaoshi said incredulously. “Where? Can I see?”  “Not from here,” she said. “But it has many. One of them is so tall, it’s over half the height of Everest. Do you remember learning about Everest?”  Xiaoshi nodded, transfixed.  “What else?” he asked.  Cai Liangxing hummed.  “Did you know,” she said, “that the moon gets moonquakes?”  “Mooncakes?”  “Silly! Moonquakes!”
Shout-out to this episode of Radiolab for all their wonderful moon facts that I learned to include in this fic. But yes, these are true facts! I highly recommend giving that episode, and that podcast as a whole, a listen, as there are just some incredible thoughts on the moon and about human curiosity. I can't recommend it enough.
“What about the rabbit?” Xiaoshi asked. “Do you think they get scared from all the shaking?” “No,” she said assuredly. “They’re there to be with their friend. So that she is never lonely. They can be brave if it helps their friend.” 
The Chinese legend of Chang'Er is probably quite well known, but I'll give it a quick summary in case anyone is unfamiliar: legend has it that Chang'er, the wife of a legendary hero, was entrusted with magic pills that would make a human immortal, which were gifted to her husband. While he was away, a baddie came and try to threaten her into giving him the pills. In order to keep it from the hands of the baddie, she swallowed the pills and ascended to the moon, but she has no way of coming back home to her husband. Her pet bunny did come along though, to keep her company. Legend has it that the bunny is pounding medicine in order to concoct a pill that would reverse the effects and bring Chang'er back home to Earth. There's a shadow that is bunny-shaped on the moon if you look at it in its fullness. But this is also where Cheng Xiaoshi gets his nickname from his mother!
“Ah,” Qiao Ling said softly. “They probably didn’t want you accidentally slipping it to her.” “I guess,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, somber. “I wonder if it even helped.”
It is rather common in China that if a loved one receives a terminal diagnosis, the doctors will actually tell the loved one's family, but not the patient themselves. Then, the family will elect not to tell their loved one about the diagnosis, and instead take care of all of their health matters in a subtle way to not let their loved one know that they're actually dying. The belief behind this is that if the patient finds out that they're dying, the distress will only worsen their health, and so the family will take upon themselves the burden of the truth and do what they can to give their loved one an unburdened remainder of their days.
Peidi University
In Guangzhou, and perhaps in other cities of China but I only know about one city, older universities will also be a residential neighborhood. It's all still within campus, but there are apartment buildings and living spaces where professors, faculty, and retired staff live, right next to student dormitories and school buildings. They're usually a peaceful oasis within the city, because traffic is very controlled so there are very few vehicles driving in and out, and generally only residents and workers mill about. Retirees still have a lot of privileges on campus, and they can still access the food canteens. Peidi University, while fictional, certainly draws from real beloved places! They were also older places, long-established universities from the 1800s, so I do not know if for example the university that the trio attend in the show would have been the same setup. Theirs look a little more modern.
“And his hair was pitch black too!” another retiree piped up.  “I’m starting to think you don’t like my hair, Professor,” Lu Guang chided lightly.  “Oh, you know that I’m teasing,” she laughed. “You may look like Yang Xier, but you are still so genteel.” 
Yang Xier is the heroine of a Chinese modern opera called The White-Haired Girl. My memories of the storyline are very vague and hazy, but what I know of it is that this young girl's father was killed (?) in front of her by enemy soldiers and she ran and hid in a cave for years. The shock and trauma then turned her hair pure white, and eventually came out of the cave and fell in love with a kind comrade or something along those lines.
Professor Lu's story
I'm not ever going to claim to be an expert on the CR. It almost feels strange of me to even try. As I've mentioned in a previous commentary, I will not claim to aim for historical accuracy, at the same time, I drew Professor Lu's stories almost entirely from oral history and I don't typically exaggerate or make something up--after all, truth is generally far more intense than fiction. There is a possibility I misunderstood, or parts of history become compounded into one.
Professor Lu does serve as like the Exposition character in this chapter, as he does have the role of tell vs show. Indeed, university campuses were pretty dire places to be during the CR, especially for a professor, especially for a physicist. Students were really passionate about this birth of New China, really championed this cause, and then sadly were swept up in the movement. As Professor Lu mentioned re: Wang Dai, not every university student would turn against their professors, but certainly many did (and, just as Professor Lu mentioned, many of them have come to apologize for it later).
Professors and academics indeed were sent to 'reform camps,' usually if not always in the countryside, to work in the farms with physical laborers. Tea farms or mountains or bricklaying are examples of them. They could be there for a year at a time, or several years. They might be allowed back to their homes for major holidays but otherwise they're living in the camps.
One had to be extremely careful about what you say or do for fear of it being interpreted as anti-Party, and then you are going to get in big trouble. Even if your intentions were absolutely not anti-Party, you can still get in big trouble. It got to the point where there was for lack of better words rampant witch hunts--people fervently turning in their neighbors, or forced to denounce their spouses, or children manipulated into turning in their parents. Sadly, a lot of people died this way, whether by the crowds or by suicide.
I know anecdotes of people walking outside of the campus and there would be bodies hanging from the trees, or buildings set on fire, etc. And technically, things in Guangzhou were tame compared to other regions. It was much worse elsewhere.
A capitalist roader, which Professor Lu mentions at one point, is someone who was perceived to be trying to hold China back from its Revolution, or try to bring China back to the ways of ye olde capitalism. Basically, someone who was in the Party but seemed to capitulate to capitalist ways or systems.
The CR is a very dense topic, and I wrote to be anecdotal rather than historical, so I don't want to try and explain why any of it happened the way it did, but rather think of what someone like Prof. Lu would have lived through in his humble life.
Sun Yihan's Story
This is where I do fudge the timeline a bit, and that's mainly because of how young Lu Guang is. Sun Yihan and LG's Grandma hunting for frogs to stave off hunger would have happened during the early 60s, because at the time of the Great Leap Forward there was a nationwide manmade famine. People had so so little food, and so I know anecdotes of family indeed hunting for frogs at the university pond for extra bites to eat whilst pregnant, but that was around the early 60s. Lu Guang is quite young though, and I reckon his dad is born later than that. So this is a part where I muck up the timeline. That isn't to say that people wouldn't have been hungry in the late 60s or early 70s, because there was still some heavy rationing of food all the way up to like, the 80s so people didn't have all that much access too food (hence how in chapter 1, one of the characters mentions that they only have chicken once a year, and meat only about twice a week). There very well may have been frog-hunting as a mean to survive. But I want to be transparent about where my stories are coming from.
“Han Ge, your face is like Buddha,” little Lin laughed once. She wiggled her finger over Sun Yihan’s birthmark. “What if they chop your head off too?”
Buddhism wasn't really acceptable during the CR. Temples and Buddha statues were among the casualties of destroyed historical or cultural relics during the CR, hence little Lin's childish comment.
And, within that millisecond, Lu Tianbao was pierced with what he had long tried to forget. A memory that he never reopened, but instead let it rattle and howl like a ghost in a haunted hall. The memory of when he was ten years old when Japanese soldiers grabbed his uncle by the hair and dragged him to the edge of the Pearl River, where three other men shivered at gunpoint. They tied him with a rope to the doomed men, tight around the waist and only an arm’s width apart. 
We take another look back at the Japanese invasion of China here, with Professor Lu's memories. There was an incident where the Japanese soldiers tied Chinese men together, where one of those men could not swim, and then threw them all into the waters. The one drowning man dragged all of them down, and so they all drowned.
The Library
Book-burning and book-banning was, of course, prevalent in China's modern history. Western physicists would not have been smiled upon and would have likely been tossed into the refuse pile. Other banned books included Chinese classic novels, European novels...basically, anything that wasn't written by Mao or by Russian Communists were on thin ice. And while people were tasked to toss out those books, those who appreciated them would sneakily read them all beforehand. After all, no one's going to bother you when you've got the library to yourself.
Einstein's quote mentioned in the story is from a letter he wrote to someone, so frankly it is dicey how accessible that quote would have been to a Chinese person in the 70s. However, it was a good quote, and relevant, so I used it.
Gosh, that was a lot of notes, and I KNOW that I was purposely vague or brief. I don't mean to be blase as to dismiss anyone's desire to learn, but I want to emphasize I'm not the word of truth, and also I want to be mindful of how I explain things since the internet is quite public, and I would like to avoid causing trouble. But, I really hope that this adds to your reading experience. These historical and cultural contexts are going to be important for other aspects of this story, so I do appreciate you reading through this and hope that they all make sense. Happy to talk on DM if you have questions or want details! Thank you so much!
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furious-blueberry0 · 6 months
Sneak peak of my current fic wip:
As the Suns continued their travel across the midday sky, Q’Tark started to prepare for her own journey to the mysterious location. 
She changed her clothes, taking off her jewelry and her darker robes, opting for pale sandy clothes that would help her to camouflage better with the environment, but she did not change her belt and her iron mask.
She also prepared her bags, filling them with food, water, medicine and extra clothing, and then bringed them to where Rok’orruk was giving the last adjustments to the Bantha he had chosen for her.
As she had gotten closer, she had noticed other members of the tribe helping him, like the little A’Yaarr and her father U’rurr, or the old artisan Q’Leirg, but the most notorious of them was Ch’Vo Theq, the boy who had recently become a man, according to A’Qam and the Tusken costumes.
He had begun courting Q’Tark since her last visit a month before, constantly helping her in any way he could and leaving her gifts in the tent she was staying in.
He had not openly said anything about it, but Q’Tark was no fool, plus she once saw him sneaking into her tent, and when she went in she had found an intricate bone necklace on her mat.
Of course she wore none of the gifts, that would have insinuated that she had accepted the courting, which would have been a real issue, not only because of her jedi status, but also because Ch’Vo, even though he was an adult by Tusken standards, was actually 16, while Q’Tark had just celebrated her 30th birthday a few months back.
She had talked about this with A’Qam, searching for advice.
The Tusken courting ritual was a private affair, the chief had explained to her, and the only way to stop it is to clearly reject the one who initiated it in front of at least a witness, and if after that they still persist, then outsiders can intervene.
So it was up to Q’Tark to make it stop, but every time she tried to talk to him they were either alone, or he ran away before she could even say hi.
Today it seemed that his gift would be helping her prepare for her trip.
As he and Rok’orruk secured her saddle on top of the Bantha, he kept looking back towards her, visibly getting more and more nervous as she approached them.
“You’re here!” exclaimed Rok’orruk as he finished adjusting the last belt of the saddle. “The Bantha is ready”
“Here!” she said in her broken Tusken “Bags are ready, can tie them?”
She still had some difficulties speaking the language of her people. Obviously there was no one who could teach her at the Temple, so she had to learn it pretty late in her life, when she visited the planet for the first time.
Luckily the others in the camp understood her difficulties, so they also used their signing language when talking to her to help her understand, she wholeheartedly appreciated it, but it still made her feel self conscious about it.
“Yes, yes, give them to A’Yaarr”
At that the young girl came running towards her, arms extended as Q’Tark lowered the bags to her. 
She then walked to her father, the weight of the bags making her stagger, passing them to him as he tied them to the side of the Bantha.
“Thank for the help, Rok’orruk” she said to the her friend as she bowed in gratitude for the favor.
“No need for that Q’Tark” he responded with both his voice and his hands “Just be careful, bad people live there, and they do not like us Tuskens.”
“Know and will, more than 3 days no, I will come back.” 
“I know this. But please try to bring the Bantha back, we already lost 2 this month.”
“Rok’orruk!” suddenly shouted Q’Leirg from the top of the animal “All’s ready!”
“Yes I can see that.” responded Rok “Come on it’s time to go”
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contreparry · 2 years
Hello! Id love to see where you take the prompt “A window filled with eerily smiling faces”
Absolutely! Here’s some preteen f!Hawke from the roommates AU for @dadrunkwriting !
“Oh, isn’t that nice, Marian?” Mother asked, and she pointed to a dress in the boutique window. “It would look so pretty on you!”
Marian Hawke bit her tongue. Papa asked her to go for a walk with Mother while he and Carver stayed with Bethany at the hospital. Look around at the shops downtown, he suggested. Get an ice cream. Pet a dog. And because Mother was pacing in the hall and Bethany was clinging to Carver’s hand tight enough that the skin over her knobby knuckles went as white as bone and because Papa never asked for anything, Marian shrugged her coat on and ruffled Carver’s curly dark hair before pressing a kiss to the top of Bethany’s head.
“We’ll be back soon, ‘kay?” she murmured.
“‘Kay.” Bethany’s voice was so soft and small it could have been the autumn wind blowing through the window. Carver, who stood as straight as a lamppost, nodded stiffly. His bright blue eyes were fierce, as if he thought he could beat back Bethany’s sickness by glowering at it, at everyone, at the whole damn world.
“I’ll bring something good for you. Both of you,” Marian promised them, and soon enough she and Mother were on their way.
That’s what Marian was looking for now as she and Mother walked down the sidewalk: something good she could get the twins once Mother had walked off her nerves (that’s what she liked to call it, walking off her nerves). Downtown Denerim had to have at least one bookstore or toy shop, right? But it was all high end boutiques and cafes and the occasional fast food joint, and every window reflected her tense, fake smile back at her until all Marian saw was that wide, eerie grin.
“Yeah. It’s a nice dress,” Marian hollowly agreed, her eyes staring past the pale yellow wisp of a gown that looked like a summer sunbeam given form. Mother always hoped she’d start enjoying frills once she got older. But here Marian was, thirteen and allergic to dresses. Bethany was the feminine one, the one who liked pretty things and dressing up (even if she fought like a demon and chucked snowballs better than anyone else in the neighborhood). It really was more of a Bethany dress, the sort she could wear to a party someday, when she…
When she… Marian clenched her jaw. Bethany WOULD get older. Her baby sister was going to be fine, everyone said she’d be fine, they caught it early and there was a cure now, it was going to be- she would be fine. She’d get better. She was tough and a Hawke! Bethany would be fine.
You could heal from the Blight. Healing magic and medicine had come a long way these days.
“Mum?” Marian asked softly, half-hoping that her mother wouldn’t hear her.
“D’you…” Marian paused. Stared at her reflection in the glass and that strained smile. Her gaze drifted up to her mother’s reflection and the smile that mirrored her own: stiff, cracked, fake. It would be so easy to break those smiles. Marian wanted to do it. Instead she cleared her throat.
“I, uh… the gift shop has a bad selection of kid books. Just so you know,” Marian said. Mother paused. Blinked. Marian turned her head and faced her, traced her elegant, weary profile as she waited for a response.
“Really now?”
“Yeah,” Marian replied. “Baby stuff, Bethany and Carver won’t like any of it. Can we- d’you think we can go to a bookstore? A good one?” She couldn’t fix Bethany’s sickness. She might be a Mage but she wasn’t any good at healing. They didn’t even let apprentices practice at hospitals anyways. And Carver bristled whenever she tried to reassure him, and Bethany was just so tired and Papa and Mother were on edge all the time- but Marian could find some good books for her siblings. She could bring them a toy and a book and a sketchbook and crayons and- and whatever else they needed.
Marian would always make sure her siblings got what they needed.
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realpeanutjam · 11 months
I’ve been lurking on tumblr for a long time, but it seems like a good place to start to see if I can’t get a little fanbase. So I think I’ll just post some writhing.
It should be noted that I’m not a professional writer and I’m purely doing this because it’s fun. I feel I’m more of an amateur at writing, so feel free to critique it.
I like warrior cats a lot, and I’ve been rewatching some old Moonkitt videos and it gave me an idea. Me and a friend developed four new clans, completely separate from the warrior cats series. If this gets attention I’ll post more detail about the clans we kept created. I hope you enjoy, and have a glorious day/night
Every day felt more grueling than the last. Or perhaps like a never ending sand-swirl, forever going round and round, being forced to spin endlessly by the wind.
They wake just before sunrise, organize their little patrols, and hunt. Hunt until Starclan gifts us food so we won’t starve. Drink what little water we have left. Then sleep. Every day is more brutal than the last. It’s never different. It’s always the same. Worst of all, Sandstar can’t do anything but watch her clan slowly disappear and join Starclan.
Soon, they will all die from either starvation or dehydration. That is unless the sickness doesn’t finish them off first.
She lost such great warriors in a matter of days. She missed Leafbelly’s excitement for patrol and Fernbeetle’s attempts to make jokes. Sweetroot’s passing was the most heartbreaking. She fell ill and passed her sickness to her apprentice, Stempaw. No. Stemheart. It wasn’t fair for Stemheart not to receive a warrior name when they were shy, one moon away from becoming a warrior.
Harefoot was a gifted medicine cat, and they needed her more than ever. Poor Mousejump… he relied heavily on Harefoot’s Sunny personality and is more unsure than ever.
Sometimes, Harefoot visits Mousejump’s dreams, but it isn’t the same. Though Mousejump and Ghostcough say they can still feel her presence, they can’t hear her soft voice.
Sandstar stared at her paws. No more wallowing in her selfishness. She had to do something. The sandy cat stretched and slowly crawled out of the den. She looked for Viperstrike, who trotted to her side.
“You seem tired,” he rumbled.
“Yes. But there is no time to rest when my clan needs me. We must have a meeting.”
“Of course. I have my faith in you, as well as Starclan.”
Sandstar closed her eyes and thought of her previous leader, Lionstar. She focused on his image, his being, his soul.
“May Lionstar guide my speech and gift me wisdom to share with my Clan.” She waited for some feeling of a presence. Yet she felt nothing but a pit in her stomach.
Sandstar looked at Viperstrike and slowly shook her head. He said nothing but lowered his head.
Why Starclan? Why won’t you answer my calls?
She leaped on top of the large burrow and sat stoically.
“Let all cats who are old enough to dig a burrow gather above the sand,” Sandstar voice yowled. One by one, she watched as her cats emerged from their dug burrows. The queen Spottedstem crawled out of the nest, leaving Sorrelspot with her three kits.
Please, Starclan. Give Sorrelspot’s kits strength so they may become warriors.
She prayed but once again felt nothing.
Jackalpaw and Lilacpaw sat proudly next to their mentors, Adderbelly and Lizardtail.
Sandstar’s hair stood up as Spiderfrost, the messenger, lurked out. Frogtuft was close behind, affectionately licking her ear. Sandstar’s and Spiderfrost’s eyes met, equally glaring at one another. But in a split second, Sandstar’s eyes softened.
It wasn’t fair for me to hold Spiderfrost responsible. I failed her as a leader.
Sandstar’s eyes darted away, and she looked over her clan. Her small, starving clan. She nodded her head to every cat, counting them. She got to twelve before Viperstrike spoke up,
“Fifteen,” he said plainly.
“No,” she corrected, “three. Three cats that can properly go on patrols and bring back food. Two are still in training, and the kits won’t be ready to prepare until six moons.”
Every cat grew silent.
“I apologize,” she lowered her head sympathetically, “This drought has been hard on us all. We lost many great warriors. Let us never forget them. Leafbelly was young yet brave. He never gave up hope that rain would come, and we must thank him.”
“Thank you, Leafbelly,” Every cat yowled.
“Fernbelly, you traveled to Starclan too soon, but you did not want to be separated from your brother. I’m sorry you didn’t have an opportunity to train an apprentice. For your loyalty to your kin, we thank you.”
“Thank you, Fernbelly,” Every cat yowled.
“Sweetroot, we thank you for your loyalty to your clan and for staying out during the night searching for food, even when you weren’t on patrol. You were a wonderful mentor to Stempaw. And Stempaw, it wasn’t fair for you not to have a warrior name. If you are with us and listening, I will grant you a proper warrior name. Stemheart, for your generosity and kindness,”
Cats began to yowl Stemheart’s name for all of Starclan to hear.
“Let us thank you both,”
“Thank you, Sweetroot and Stemheart.”
“Finally, Harefoot. You came from SwampClan yet chose to join us here. We thank you for that, as well as your optimistic attitude. If you have advice for us, please, our ears are open. Let us thank her,”
“Thank you, Harefoot.”
Her eyes opened and fell back onto Spiderfrost and Mousejump. They lost two of their siblings in a matter of days. All they have are each other. Sandstar can only hope they will support each other through this endeavor.
“Five wonderful and brave cats. And though their spirits will always be with us, I’m afraid they can no longer help us thrive,” Sandstar paused, her gaze falling onto the queen. “Spottedstem. I understand you’re from Swampclan, and I can not thank you enough for joining us when we needed more kits. If you ever wish to return to your original home, I would understand,”
Spottedstem stepped forward, “Thank you, but I volunteered to come here when I heard of the situation. Yes, it is hard some days, but I love watching my kits grow, and I’m proud to be a part of SandClan.”
Sandstar grew a tired smile. The weight in her chest softened, “Thank you.”
She took a deep breath,
“Now, we just discuss our plans for the future. We have three cats that can properly hunt, and next moon, we will have five. I am aware it isn’t traditional to have our messengers hunt, but we are in desperate need of food. Spiderfrost, Frogtuft, I request you two to search for a new watering hole and bring back any food you find.”
Spiderfrost said nothing, and Frogtuft nodded accordingly.
“Do you two understand?” Hissed Viperstrike. Sandstar glared a warning to him, but he was too busy staring at the couple with uncertainty.
“Yes, you—“ Spiderfrost began,
“-We do! Understand, I mean.” Frogtuft shuffled with her paws, avoiding eye contact.
“Thank you,” mewed Sandstar, “now, we must discuss gaining more warriors.”
Suddenly, Rootspring, the elder, stepped up,
“If I may,” she began. Sandstar nodded her head. Rootspring stood firmly in front of her clan,
“I am only ten moons old. I will admit I sometimes sneak off at night to hunt for my clan, but then I’m gently reminded of my age. I still have some years to kick, and if possible, I would like to reverse my retirement and become a warrior once again officially. I can not stand by doing nothing while my clan slowly starves.“
Sandstar blinked. She could feel her eyes begin to water from joy.
“Thank you, Rootspring,” she began. Sandstar wanted to leap from the burrow and hug her friend, but she wasn’t a kit. Sandstar instead stood up firm, “From the power I hold as a leader, I now declare Rootspring a warrior, once again. Starclan light your path,”
“Starclan, light your path,” the clan echoed.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Hello cookie, congratulations on 700! For the event, can I plz ask for domestic headcanons for the bleach captains? If not that's ok! Thank you!
Of course! Enjoy!
Shunsui Kyouraku
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Shunsui is at the age where he no longer plays around in a relationship. He's in it until the end, or not at all. He insists on open an honest communication and on being able to talk differences out like adults instead of screaming at each other like two stubborn teenagers.
He will do pretty much anything you ask him to do in the house. Captain or not, you shouldn't be the only one keeping your house clean and organized.
Waking up with a bad mood when living together with Shunsui is impossible. He prefers to have you in his arms when going to sleep, and he will hold on to you throughout the night. When he wakes up, he'll stay as still as possible until you wake up. Then it's time for morning kisses and cuddles.
Shunsui enjoys stargazing with you in the garden, accompanied by a nice bottle of sake and some snacks. He'll have his arms around you, or even have you sitting on his lap if you're comfortable with that, just so he can comfortably hug you and still watch the stars.
Juushiro Ukitake
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Due to his illness, Juushiro can't do all that much in the house on bad days. On good days though, he likes to take the opportunity to cook for you. He enjoys is and is very good at making typical home-food. Nothing fancy or exotic, but the kind of things that are nutritious and make you feel happy.
Juushiro enjoys being near you more than anything. It doesn't matter if you two are doing different things in the same room, as long as you are near him and sometimes look up to smile at him, he will be happy. This is why he insists on getting a house with an open kitchen.
He also likes to decorate the house with lots of potted plants. Flowers to brighten up the room, some herbs for in the kitchen to cook with, and some bonsai trees for him to occupy himself with on days when he can't leave his bed.
He really enjoys you combing his hair, and if possible, he will gladly return the favour. Ideally, he'll sit in front of a big mirror when you do so, so he can look you in the eyes though the mirror as he talks to you. You can style his hair pretty much anyway you want.
Bakuya Kuchiki
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Byakuya does what he can to be a good boyfriend/husband, but he is and will always be a noble. Things like housework is done by the servants, not by him. This counts for you too, of course. You won't need to lift a finger. He won't really understand if you want to do certain things in the house anyway (be it for the sake of control or just because you like something), but he'll let you.
Well-taught as he is, Byakuya wouldn’t be able to cook a meal if his life depended on it. He never learned how to cook, and he has no intention of learning it either.
Despite his busy schedule, he tries to have dinner with you every night. It’s not always possible, and sometimes when it is he has to go back to finish work afterwards, but he wants to make some time for you every day.
He will often get you little gifts. Flowers, chocolates, jewellery… Sometimes because he saw them and thought of you, sometimes just because he wanted to spoil you a little. Whenever he has something to apologise for, like for example not being able to make it to dinner with you, he gets you something as well.
Unohana, Shinji, Yoruichi, Urahara, Toshiro, Soi-Fohn and Kenpachi below the cut!
Retsu Unohana
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Retsu's house is full of plants, and it wouldn't be complete without a garden as well. Most plants that she grows have some kind of medicinal properties, or can be used to make a nice, calming cup of tea. Teatime is a must, and if the weather allows it, she prefers to have it in her garden.
The plants are pretty much the only bright colours in the house. Aside from those, everything is in soft colours so the plants really pop out. There's also very little dark colours in the house, she prefers everything to be light. Big windows/windows that cover a complete wall are a must.
Retsu insists on no shoes in the house. They are left at the door and changed for indoor slippers or socks. No. Dirty. Shoes. In. The. House.
Marriage is no big deal for Retsu. If you want to get married, she'll be on board, but if you don't want to, she's just as fine with that as well. She appreciates the symbolism but at the end of the day, that's all marriage is. She doesn't need a piece of paper to tell people that she loves you and that she wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
Shinji Hirako
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Shinji loves teasing you and once you live in the same house, that just gets worse. His terribly cheesy sense of humor is also still a daily occurrence. Yes, even when you're in a bad mood. Especially when you're in a bad mood.
Shinji is very lazy when it comes to his household. He'll make sure it's clean enough to not get sick from living in his own trash and dirt, but he'll push his chores off a lot and he'll leave his stuff lying around throughout the house. If you're a person who likes a clean and/or tidy house, you'll either have to kick his ass or clean up after him.
Surprise kisses. They happen a lot in general, just when he feels like it, but especially when you're in a video chat. He thinks it's hilarious to have your friends/family/co-workers think you have a perfect and loving boyfriend/husband, while he's actually a cheeky little bastard.
He leaves little notes throughout the house when he leaves. Some are sweet, some are jokes. He'll put them in the fridge, on the toilet, inside the shower, on his pillow,… anywhere he knows you'll come.
Yoruichi Shihoin
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There is one night of the week dedicated to movie night and takeout. Both the eating and watching the movie will be done in bed. No, this is not up for debate. Lazy movie nights in bed are a must.
Be prepared for this woman wearing little to no clothes when she's home. She doesn't give a damn if people see her naked or not, and you're living together anyway, who cares if she's naked? Clothes are for going outside and for when visitors come over.
She loves taking baths or showers together as well, and not (necessarily) in a suggestive way. It's just a nice way to relax together, ‘and it saves water, right? *wink wink*’
She's actually a pretty good cook, at least when it comes to comfort food. When either of you are in a bad mood she'll step into the kitchen and make some of the best comfort food you've ever had. Which will then, of course, be eaten on the couch or in bed, in front of the tv, with a comfort movie.
Her favourite movies are comedies and romcoms. Anything that'll give her a good laugh is fine.
Kisuke Urahara
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Another very laid-back person to live with. There is no rush at all when living with this man, with anything. He's the type of person to be at least a little late to every party or meeting because he just wanted to take his time and get ready in a relaxed way.
Don't let him take care of plants. He is the worst plant dad and they will die. Only cacti survive, and even those will struggle to do so.
Kisuke moves around in his sleep a lot and will steal the covers. A good way to remedy this is to use his chest as a pillow, he'll barely move at all then. Does the pressure on his chest really keep him still, or did he move around a lot on purpose as an excuse to get to you cuddle up to him at night? You will never know.
This man is very clingy. It doesn't matter what you're doing, he wants to have his arms around you. You're cooking? His arms are around your waist. You're trying to clean up? Good luck. His favourite moment is when you're both watching tv though. He'll pull you as close to possible to cuddle up on the couch.
Toshiro Hitsugaya
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Toshiro has the windows open all-year round in his bedroom. Even when it is freezing outside, he'll want to open the windows for some fresh air as he sleeps, so he doesn't wake up in that stuffy sleep air that gets stuck in bedrooms. This does give a great excuse for cuddling while sleeping though.
He'll get you flowers every week, on the same day. It's a habit, one he doesn't want to miss. It's his way of reminding you that he cares, even though he's usually very busy with his work as a captain.
He'll agree a schedule with you to do chores in the house, just to make sure it all gets done and nothing gets forgotten. Of course, he helps in the house as well.
If you're not a fighter, Toshiro will want a dog in the house to protect you. Toshiro is very good at training dogs, as he is already used to being a leader and giving orders, and this dog will be the sweetest thing until either you or him give it the command to attack. He really counts on the dog to protect you when he cannot.
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Soi-Fohn will decorate her home in a minimalistic way. The colours don't jump out at you and there is just enough decoration to make it feel homely without having trinkets and pictures all over the place. Her home basically radiates calm and is so clean you'd almost wonder if she cleaned every day.
She sleeps with a lot of blankets. During the night she will want to say warm and she'll get closer to any source of warmth, which usually is you.
You need but say the word and Soi-Fohn will help you out with whatever she can in the house. Grocery shopping, the dishes, the laundry,… you name it. She will also start doing things without saying it if she notices you are a little overwhelmed.
She REALLY wants a cat. She loves the little creatures and has always wanted one of her own, but due to her often being away from home for extended periods of time, she never got one. If you've got a job that allows you to go home every day, she'll definitely bring it up.
Of het days off, she likes to cook something for you. She's actually a pretty good cook, though she rarely has the time to prepare something special for you.
Kenpachi Zaraki
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Kenpachi is oddly clingy when you're home. He loves you, so he wants to be around you. Preferably have an arm around you. He's not shy about admitting it either. Why should he be? He wants to hold you. He's your boyfriend/husband. It's only normal.
He is the easiest guy ever to cook for. As long as you have made it, Kenpachi will eat about anything. Doesn't matter if you burnt it a little, doesn't matter if it's something he usually doesn't like. If you made it, he will eat it.
His favourite food is BBQ though, and when you eat BBQ he's the one making it. It's about the only thing he can cook, but that meat is prepared perfectly. He'll wear an apron will some stupid BBQ-related pun on it whenever he's doing so.
Kenpachi needs a dog in the house to play with, to get rid of that excess energy of his. It's likely a breed that's generally seen as dangerous, like a Pitbull. The dog is the absolute sweetest thing though, wouldn't harm a fly, and it loves playing fetch.
Kenpachi lets his dog sleep on his bed, which will cause some funny moments while trying to cuddle because the dog wants in on the affection too.
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Second Chance Love Ch. 6
Chapter 6
Ava was getting her things settled back into her old room at Azuchi castle. Mitsuhide and the others had helped her with her things, not that she had had much, but they were all becoming rather doting on her. None of them were letting her lift anything too heavy. Masamune was still making sure she had delicious and filling food. Ieyasu was even doing his part, bringing her some medicine to help with the morning sickness whenever she felt it coming on. He’d also set up a time to interview some midwives with her.
She was now in her room alone, fighting off tears. It was a mixture of happiness and sadness. She couldn’t help but to appreciate how sweet the guys were all being, but also sad at the fact that it wasn’t Hideyoshi. It was at this moment, she heard a familiar knock coming from her ceiling. She quickly wiped at her tears and looked up as the ceiling tile moved away and the familiar masked face appeared.
“Is now alright for a visit?” Sasuke asked.
Ava nodded. “Yeah.”
Sasuke was then executing a really cool flip and landing silently on the floor. He pulled his mask down. “How are you doing?” He asked. “I am sorry that I haven’t come by sooner…work has been keeping me away. Lord Kenshin has been rather afraid of me leaving him again.”
Ava gave a light chuckle at his words. “I bet…and I’m…doing better.” She told him.
“I’m very sorry about Hideyoshi.” He said.
“Thank you…I should probably make us some tea.” She said, going to get her tea pot and things together.
“Thank you, but that’s not necessary.” He replied. “I really just wanted to talk for a bit and check in on you.”
Ava gestured for Sasuke to take a seat. “Well, there is something I should tell you then.” 
“Of course, I am all ears.” Sasuke replied as he sat down on one of the offered cushions.
Ava took her seat on the other. “It appears Hideyoshi had one last gift for me.” She said, her hand going to rest on her belly.
Sasuke’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open a tad bit. “You’re…pregnant? You’re certain?”
Ava nodded. “Yeah, all the symptoms and my monthly visitor hasn’t shown up.”
“How…do you feel about that?” Sasuke asked.
“Happy…and sad.” Ava answered. “I miss Hideyoshi terribly…and he should be here…he would be such a wonderful father…but at least I get to keep a piece of him with me for the rest of my life.”
“Do the Oda know?” Sasuke asked.
Ava nodded. “Yes…Mitsuhide was taking care of me over the last few weeks…trying to get me out of my grief and back to the land of the living.” She said. “I found out while under his care and he told everyone for me…I couldn’t share the news with them…at least not without bursting into tears.”
“That’s understandable…you felt Hideyoshi should be with you for that.”
Ava nodded. “Yes…going to the council room is hard…seeing his spot empty, but…since I found out I’m pregnant, it’s a little more bearable.” She explained. “I think…I think I will always miss him and long for him, but…I get to have this baby and keep a part of him with me…and everyone has been taking such good care of me…Mitsuhide being…surprisingly comforting.”
“He does have a bit of a reputation.” Sasuke agreed.
“Yes…but he can be…tender and kind, though you wouldn’t necessarily know that that’s what he was doing.” She continued. “He’s actually…very kind. It’s just that his kindness is disguised as selfishness and deceit.”
“I see.” Sasuke replied.
The two friends talked for a bit longer before Sasuke sensed someone appraoching. He vaulted back up into the ceiling and replaced the ceiling tile. It was as if he had never been there. A few moments later and Masamune was appearing, carrying a tray of food.
“Here ya are, lass.” He declared proudly. “Told you I plan on fattening you up in no time.”
Ava gave him a small smile. “Thanks, Masamune.”
“Make sure you eat up.” He told her. “I’ve got some business I have to attend to, but I’ll be making sure to check on you again later.”
“Alright, good luck.” She told him, picking up the chopsticks.
Masamune gave her a smile before leaving. The rest of the day was spent with Ava settling back in and her getting visitors in and out all day. She was summoned to join the warlords for dinner once again, finding herself enjoying the time with them.
After dinner she took a nice warm relaxing bath before heading to bed. She laid down in her futon, feeling exhausted from the pregnancy and from the activity of the day…however she found herself unable to actually sleep. She couldn’t…or rather wouldn’t say that she felt as if something were missing. She let out a sigh and kicked the heavy futon cover back. She slid open her door and stepped out onto the veranda, taking a seat and looking up at the night sky.
She wasn’t sure how long she sat out there, her mind wandering over this and that before a familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts. “And here I thought you would be asleep, little mouse.”
Ava turned to see Mitsuhide approaching her. “I just…couldn’t sleep.” She replied with a shrug.
“Do you miss your pillow?” He asked, a teasing smile on his face.
Ava’s cheeks reddened. “No!” She replied too quickly and indignantly, causing Mitsuhide to chuckle.
“So…just enjoying the view then?” He asked, that teasing light still in his eyes, but he didn’t say a word.
“Yeah…something like that.” She replied.
“Then perhaps might I join you?” He asked.
“It’s a free castle.” Ava replied with a shrug once again.
Mitsuhide sat down beside her. “What are you thinking about?” He asked.
“Just this and that.” Ava answered. “Starting to think up names…wondering if it’s a boy or girl…and how glad I am for everyone’s kindness and care.”
“You are a rather important member of the Oda forces now, little mouse.” Mitsuhide told her.
“Yeah, Nobunaga’s lucky charm and all that.” Ava replied., waving her hand.
“It is more than that and you know it.” Mitsuhide told her. “For me personally, you are a great source of entertainment.”
Ava gave him a playful glare as she reached over and gave his shoulder a shove. “You would say that.” 
Mitsuhide chuckled warmly. “You said you were wondering if the baby was a boy or girl. Which are you hoping for?” He asked, deciding to change the subject.
Ava shrugged. “Just a healthy baby.” She answered. “And for them to have Hideyoshi’s eyes and warm smile.”
“I personally think your smile is quite beautiful. It would be good to see a child with that.” Mitsuhide told her, blurting out an honest thought for a change.
Ava looked at him, trying to decide whether she believed him or not. “Well…I guess that wouldn’t be so bad…I was hoping for them to get my nose or something.”
“What names are you thinking of?” Mitsuhide asked, continuing the questions. He knew that talking about the baby would likely be of great help to her.
“Hmm…well I’ve always liked the name Hikari for a girl…Haru for a boy…” Ava answered. “Since either way…they are my light.”
Mitsuhide gave her a soft smile. He was glad to see her thinking about her child and the future. He also thought the names were very fitting either way for a child of such bright people. “Beautiful names.” He told her. “In a couple of days you and Ieyasu meet with some midwives, correct?”
Ava nodded. “Yes…it feels very strange…” She said, thinking of how Hideyoshi would be sure to be there if he hadn’t…but also about how this would be different in the future, her original time.
Mitsuhide reached over and patted her shoulder. “Would you like me to sit in on that meeting as well, little one?” He offered before he could think better of it.
Ava seemed surprised. “You…wouldn’t mind? Or be too busy?” She asked.
“I believe I can make the time.” He replied, unable to stop himself. He had already sworn to be whatever she needed.
“I think…I think I would appreciate that.” She answered with a nod after a moment.
“Alright, then I will be sure to be there.” He told her, giving her a surprisingly tender smile. “I imagine you’ll be busying yourself with making clothes for the child?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation going, keep reminding Ava all she had to live for.
Ava nodded and a smile came to her face. “I suppose I will.” She said, her smile so close to how it once was. “I’ll have to make sure this is the most fashionable baby around.”
“Yes you shall.” Mitsuhide agreed.
“I’ll probably need to start making some slightly larger kimono for myself as well.” She said, thinking about how her belly would be growing soon.
Mitsuhide chuckled. “Especially if Masamune keeps up with his mission to fatten you up.” He teased. “Though I do think you’ll be quite adorable little mouse…especially once you start to waddle.”
Ava frowned and reached over, lightly shoving him on the shoulder. “You…”
The pair chatted a while, Mitsuhide fitting in more teasing towards Ava. He managed to earn scowls, frowns, a few laughs, and even small smiles from her. All of her expressions warming him in a way nothing else could. She was still not as bright as before…perhaps that brightness would never be the same again…but this was close and it was warm. It made him happy to see her slowly returning to herself once more.
Mitsuhide was alerted to a change in Ava when he felt her weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw her head resting there, her eyes closed, her breathing even and deep. He wrapped an arm around her. “I promise you, little mouse, it will get easier…and I will see to it that you and your little one are always safe.” He whispered to her sleeping form. 
She looked so peaceful and beautiful, resting against him in the moonlight. He decided to indulge himself a moment, leaning his head against the top of hers as he held her. He gazed at her face, memorizing her features and the way she glowed in the moonlight. He would revel in these stolen moments with her, cherishing every second. Even if this was all he would ever have from her, he would take it. These would be the moments, the memories that sustained him in even the darkest of times.
What Mitsuhide was surprisingly unaware of, was that he was being watched. One blue eye looked at him from a distance. Grinning to himself before heading off, going to his own manor for the evening. “I think they’re just what each other needs.” He muttered to himself. “Might have to think of a way to help them out.” he said, pondering how best he could manage that task. Schemes were Mitsuhide’s game, but Masamune could come up with his own…and for the sake of his friends he would. After everything, they both deserved to be happy.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
Between the Bloodshed | Chapter 7
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
Going with your parents to an event, you didn’t think to meet some familiar faces there. And finally, the 7 boys get to see the family that you refused to speak about. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
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The dreaded friday morning finally came. Your mother had spent the whole night before on the phone with you, squealing excitedly about the dress she chose for you. 
“I’ll see you tonight, Kookie.” You stroked his head, making sure the rabbit had enough food and water for the day. Adjusting your hair in the mirror, you cringed slightly at yourself, clad in a light blue sundress your mother always liked. You slung your bag over your shoulder and headed out the door. 
“Can I have a coffee to go, please?” You ordered. The maid bowed and scurried off to make your regular iced coffee order. 
“Woah.” Jungkook came down. 
“One word and you’ll be unconscious.” You grumbled. He choked, whistling innocently instead. 
“Have a nice day, agashi.” The maid placed your to-go container on the counter. You nodded your head and took a sip. When you turned to head to the front door, you saw 7 pairs of eyes staring at you. 
“What?” You hissed. 
“Nothing.” Taehyung shook his head. You rolled your eyes, walking to the front to wear your shoes. 
“I’ll be back tonight.” You mumbled, giving a backwards wave before leaving the house. Your father was already waiting by his car for you. You gave a small wave and headed over. Without a word, your father just gave an acknowledging nod and entered the car. That was your relationship, strictly professional. Frankly, you were thankful for that. 
“Your mom is very excited for you to visit.” He said as he started to drive. 
“I know. Work gets busy so it’s hard to stop by.” You shrugged, putting your seatbelt on. 
“This family seems well off.” He commented. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of them. They aren’t exactly hidden from public eye in terms of their achievements and wealth. 7 young men, rich beyond belief.” You scoffed. 
“I do know them, do you?” 
“I would like to think I do. Working for them has been a pleasure, so far. For young men, they keep things very professional.” You said. Your parents always tried to convince you to work in a normal hospital, they always believed your skills should be displayed for others to see. 
“You declined your mother’s invitation for that surgical seminar?” 
“She has other surgeons under her that are equally, if not more, qualified than me. It’ll benefit them better if one of them were elected to go instead of me.” You explained. Your father pursed his lips. 
The car pulled up to the house. It wasn’t a mansion but it was still a rather big property that your parents owned. 
“(y/n)!” Your mother ran out to greet you with a hug. 
“Omma.” You hesitantly wrapped your arms around her. She chuckled, pulling away as she held your hands in hers. Patting the back of your hands, she led you into the house. 
“You look healthy.” She complimented. 
“Thank you.” You gave a small smile. There was an array of dishes on the dining table, ready for you to arrive for a meal. You went to help bring the bowls of rice out. Even if it was awkward with your parents, it was nice to have a sit down, family style meal. Your parents sat opposite you, together, while you sat across the table. 
“The car will be picking us up at 7pm.” Your father said. You nodded your head, chewing the end of your chopstick to stop yourself from saying something you would regret. 
“Stop that, (y/n). It’s a bad habit.” Your mother scolded. You removed the metal from your mouth, picking the foods instead. 
“That’s a nice bracelet.” Your mother smiled. 
“Oh, yeah... Just a token gift from a friend.” You shrugged it off. Through the rest of the meal, you listened to your parents talk about what they have been up to at work, in an attempt to persuade you to work with them. 
“You didn’t accept my invitation for that seminar. It’s prestigious, (y/n), that’s why I want you to go.” Your mother said. 
“One of your surgeons under you would benefit better from it than me, omma. Besides, I’m under a contract to work with my client now. It wouldn’t be responsible of me to just leave for a two week seminar like that.” You scoffed, putting a scoop of rice into your mouth. 
"Have you spoken to your brother recently?” Your father asked. You shook your head. Your brother didn’t live in Korea, he lived in the UK with his family. 
“Well, he has been helping with a lot of big cases in the queen’s court. They may even fly him to the States to give a seminar to some prestigious universities.” He informed. 
“I see...” Your brother wasn’t a doctor like you but he was a big-shot lawyer that worked on tons of famous court cases. 
“He says he wants to visit in a few weeks. You should be here so we can have a nice dinner together. Jumin might want to have the baby here.” Your mother said excitedly. 
“Oh, really...” You weren’t really interested at the thought of your sister-in-law having her second child here. 
“And you can help too.” 
“Omma, I’m working, I told you. I can’t be here just to take care of her new born.” You sighed. You loved your sister-in-law but having to live in a house with her, her new born and your nephew while your brother is here, will be torture for you with your parents constantly telling you how much greater they are compared to you. 
“Sorry, work call.” You stood up and stepped aside to answer your phone.
“Am I interrupting? You just sound like you’re having the time of your life. ” 
“Ha... ha... sure. But no, you’re to interrupting, you called at the perfect time, actually. What’s up? Someone dead or close to being dead?” You asked. Jimin laughed at your joke. 
“Unfortunately, no. Yoongi hyung is complaining about pain so I just wanted to ask if there is anything I can give him.” 
“Well, considering my medicine safe keys are with me, there’s no much you can do. Oh wait, Jin has a spare set. You can get him to open it. Look for the green bottle labelled ‘Celebrex’ or celecoxib. Give him one and that should be enough until I come back tonight.” You instructed. 
“Wait, how come only Jin hyung gets to have a spare set of keys?” 
“As the oldest, I would trust that he is responsible enough to not have a feast with my pills.” You scoffed.
“I’m hurt that you don’t think we’re responsible enough.”
“That doesn’t make me feel guilty at all. Anyway, let me know how Yoongi is. For now, ask him to wear his sling.” You told Jimin. You wouldn’t mind Yoongi having to call you home to help him. 
“He’s still able to curse at us so we should be fine.” 
“Bummer.” You mumbled. With another laugh, Jimin hung up. You sighed, returning to the table. 
“Your dad just got called in for an emergency.” Your mother informed as she cleared up the dishes. You nodded your head, watching your father put his coat on and grab his work bag. With a small wave of acknowledgement, he slipped his shoes on and left. Your parents were both workaholics, they were always highly praised for their work ethics. 
“So, any partners yet?” Your mother asked as you helped her with the dishes.
“Omma, you know I’m not looking for anyone now. I’m very much involved in my work like you and dad.” You said. 
“But still, with our busy schedules as residents, your father and I were able to get married and start a family. If not, you and your brother wouldn’t even be here.” She let out a small laugh. 
“I know. But oppa already made you a grandma with Jisung (nephew), with another on the way. There’s no rush for me.” You shrugged. 
“It’ll still be nice.” 
“I’m gonna rest in my room for a little bit.” You dried your hands and headed up to your room. Conversations like these with your parents were just suffocating and tiresome. 
“I need to get out of this.” You changed out of your dress and slipped on some shorts with an oversized hoodie. 
‘Jimin said you’re having the time of your life. - Hoseok’
‘Yes, I am. And are you supposed to be texting me when I’m off duty? A little unprofessional, don’t you think, Mr Jung? - (y/n)’
‘If you can do wellness checks on us, I can do it on you too. But if you need saving with a ‘medical emergency’ to come back to the house, I’m sure I can injure someone for you. Maybe Jungkook or Jimin can take the bullet. I’ll make sure it’s not fatal. - Hoseok’
‘It’s just visiting my parents. I think I can handle it. But I’m oddly touched that you’re willing to do that for me. Someone kissing a*s here? - (y/n)’
‘With you? NEVERRRRRRR. - Hoseok’
“(y/n)? I wanted to show you your dress that I picked out for you.” Your mother was at your door. Leaving your phone on your bed, you went over and opened the door for her. 
“Look.” She unzipped the cloth covering and revealed the dark blue dress that she picked out for you. It was off shoulder with a flowy skirt. 
“It’s nice.” You forced a smile. 
“I knew you would like it.” She grinned, patting your head. Going to your closet, she hung it up, digging through whatever shoes you had left behind to match the dress. She placed the shoes at the bottom of the dress. 
“I trust that you can do your hair and make up on your own?” She raised an eyebrow. 
“Of course.” You shrugged. 
“Tonight, it’s a gala event to celebrate the approval of a new health campus to be opened. Governors, sponsors and potential candidates for the board of directors will be attending. It’s a rather big event. A lot of big names will be there so naturally, a lot of press ” Your mother informed. You nodded your head, wondering if you would see 7 familiar faces there as well. 
“Your father is a potential candidate for the new psychiatric unit head.” She continued. 
“I’m sure he would love for you to be under him. He can definitely get you a good position under his team. Or you could be under my team when I make the move over.” She looked at you. 
“Wait, both of you are moving over to this new health campus?” You asked, completely ignoring her persuading you to work under them. 
“That’s the plan.” She shrugged. 
“But you’ve been with Korea University Hospital for like... ever. And dad’s already in the board of directors for Seoul Institute of Mental Health.” You frowned slightly. 
“Well, when a better opportunity comes up, means it’s time to move on.” Your mother place her hand over yours. 
You had done your hair, neatly braiding it and pinning it up. Sitting in front of your vanity, you did some light make up on your face, finishing off with some shimmering lip gloss. 
“Time to change.” You went to your closet and fished the blue dress out fo the cloth covering. You slipped it on, smoothing down the skirt with your hands and staring at your reflection to make sure that nothing was out of place. Your parents would want everything to be pristine for a good impression.
“(y/n)! Are you ready?” Your mother called. 
“Coming!” Picking up your shoes in your hands, you carried your small bag and headed downstairs. 
“I knew it was a good pick.” Your mother clasped her hands together with sparkling eyes as she saw you approaching. Even your father nodded in approval at your appearance. 
“Thanks.” You murmured. 
“Let’s go.” Your father held his arm out to your mother, who hooked arms with him, and walked out. You simply walked behind them silently. A limousine was ready on the drive way with a driver standing there, opening the door for the three of you to enter. You sat opposite your parents, your hands resting in your lap. Your fingers fiddled with your bracelet. 
“Sir, madam, agashi.” The car came to a stop. Through the tinted window, you saw a row of reporters ready at the entrance of the building. You took a deep breath as the chauffeur opened the door. 
“We’ll answer a few questions then head in. Just smile and answer things briefly.” Your father said to you. You nodded and stepped out. 
“Mr (y/l/n)!” Reporters called out. 
“Is it true that you’re a potential candidate for the new health campus’ psychiatric department?” You stood by the side, a small smile as your father answered questions. 
“Right this way.” The security cut off the questions after a few minutes. You let out a sigh of relief. 
“Let’s go say hi.” Your mother didn’t let you out of her sight, dragging you to meet old men that possibly decided her and your father’s future job positions. All you could do was smile and shake their hands. 
“(y/n), you remember Jaewon?” Your mother smiled, bringing forth a young man in a suit to you. You internally rolled your eyes, here we go. Every event you went to seemed to be a matchmaking opportunity for your mother. She would be very delighted to wed you off. 
“Jaewon?” You tilted your head. 
“He was in my cardio-thoracic team but went to the States 5 years ago for a partnership.” She reminded. 
“Ah, yes.” You smiled and shook his hand. You’ve seen him a few times. Your mother had even invited him over for a couple of meals when youw ere still living with her. 
“How are you, (y/n)? You look amazing.” He complimented. 
“I’m doing good, thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself. I’m glad you still speak Korean fluently.” You raised your eyebrows. 
“(y/n)!” Your mother sent you a disapproving look while Jaewon blinked but laughed, nodding his head. Soon, you saw your mother abandoning you to join your father, leaving you to converse with Jaewon.
“Where are you working now?” 
“Private.” You said, taking a glass of champagne and sipping it. Jaewon nodded his head. 
“Right, you worked with private clients right? As like their in-house, family physician. I know your mother told me that you weren’t comfortable working in a public place. So you turned down a lot of good job opportunities at prestigious hospitals.” Jaewon sipped from his own glass. You frowned slightly, what exactly was he hinting at? 
“What you hear from my mother is what she thinks she knows about my job. Anything to try and convince someone to persuade me to work under them.” You chuckled. 
“That’s not-”
“Sorry, may I interrupt?” A new voice came. There was whispers and murmurs around you. That voice was all too familiar. 
“I was wondering if I was going to see you here.” You smirked, turning around to face 7, all too familiar, men. Jimin winked at you while Hoseok flashed his blinding smile. Jaewon looked confused. 
“Of course we would be here. Sponsors are the main invited guests, you know?” Yoongi spoke first. 
“You know them, (y/n)?” Jaewon asked. 
“Know them? I live with them. Unfortunately.” You rolled your eyes. Jaewon’s eyes widened at your statement. Jungkook placed his arm around your waist, staring Jaewon down. 
“I told you about the touching.” You glared at the youngest, elbowing his ribs. Still, he didn’t lose his composure and just calmly moved away. 
“Well, bye!” Namjoon gave a friendly smile before pulling you away. You gave Jaewon a backwards wave, following the boys to another side of the room. Once you were away from most of the crowd, you let out a sigh of relief, shaking your head while the boys just gave you amused smiles. 
“When you said you had friday night plans, we didn’t expect to see you here, doc.” Jin smiled. 
“Let’s just say, I didn’t come here willingly.” You snorted. 
“Are your parents sponsors?” Taehyung asked. 
“No, they aren’t. They’re supposedly part of the new health campus’ head department team so they’re here to butter people up.” You crossed your arms. The boys weren’t surprised by how honest you were.
“But you look nice.” Jimin smiled. 
“Stop or I will stab your eye. Also, how’s the shoulder Yoongo?” You changed the subject. Yoongi shrugged his good shoulder and you nodded your head with a small smile. 
“(y/n).” Someone called. 
“Dad.” You turned to see your father. He raised an eyebrow and you sighed, walking over to him. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with our sponsors? They’re one of the new campus’ biggest sponsors, you know? Young entrepreneurs with big names.” Your father said. You shrugged. 
“I don’t know if I would call them friends. But they’re the clients I’m working with now. Honestly, didn’t even know that they were coming or that they were sponsors.” You blinked at him. Your father nodded, turning on his business smile before walking over to the 7 young men. They all shook hands with your father, exchanging formalities. 
“I had no idea my daughter was working for the family.” He laughed. 
“Yes, she’s one of our best employees. It’s a pleasure having her work with us.” Namjoon complimented and you mentally scoffed. 
“She could use that talent in a hospital but refuses, sadly.” Your dad joked and you rolled your eyes.
“Shall we get some food?” Jungkook offered. You nodded and headed over to the buffet table with him and Taehyung, leaving your dad to talk to Namjoon and the others. 
“This is boring.” Taehyung complained. 
“You would think that with how many events you guys have been to, that you’re used to all this. I haven’t been to many and I am.” You shrugged, picking up a piece of cheese and putting it into your mouth. Taehyung and Jungkook laughed, they knew you hated being here from the moment they saw you. 
“Shall we get out of here?” Jungkook wriggled his eyebrows. 
“I would actually like to live another day so count me out. I’m here only for my parents and I plan to see to that until the end of the night.” You stated. Taehyung handed you a glass of wine. 
“(y/n), I was looking for you.” Your mother came. You placed the glass down, stepping away from Taehyung and Jungkook. 
“What’s wrong, omma?” 
“You... know them?” She cast a brief glance to the two young men behind you, who had now been surrounded by other young girls that wanted at least half of the attention they gave you. 
“My current clients.” You shrugged. 
“I see... Only clients?” 
“Yes, omma. You know I don’t mix business with personal relations. Everything is strictly professional.” You assured her. She nodded her head. You couldn’t tell if she was relieved or disappointed by what you said. 
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chaozsilhouette · 3 years
Turbulent Beginnings
This forms the opening act to Macaque’s story, showing just how different his and Wukong’s early lives were and why he took Wukong’s disappearance so hard.
The idea Macaque was born from the wind was inspired by @animemoonprincess. And yes, I am a shameless fan of Macaque originally having white fur. The angst is just too perfect.
Brace yourselves, this isn’t going to be pretty. I am essentially shoving our boy through an emotional meat grinder.
On a remote island, a day’s travel from China’s eastern shore, a massive hurricane raged as it had since the beginning of this world. The surrounding storms fed into it as its winds carved stone. No life had dared blossom on its soil out of fear of a painful demise. The merciless storm drank deeply of the waters of the sea, draining all aspects of potential and life before casting it aside. Not even curious spirits were spared.
Various deities had wondered why such a storm existed or why the Jade Emperor allowed such a dangerous presence to continue unchecked. Most believed that since the hurricane was stationary and prove no threat to the established order of the world, it was not important.
One day the hurricane vanished. As though it had never existed. Or rather that it had been transformed into something else.
It was the night of a new moon and with the hurricane gone, the island experienced its first cloudless sky. The only one to witness the momentous occasion was a monkie with pure white fur and six ears. Minding his manners, the nameless monkie bowed to the four winds in greeting.
The newborn proceeded to spend his days searching the island for something. Some clue as to the reason behind his birth. He could hear strange voices and words he didn’t understand yet at the same time could. He knew he wasn’t the only creature alive, so why was he alone?
For food, he walked his way through a cave system towards the sea, where he enjoyed the fish that were drawn in through the whirlpools and the mussels that clung to the sharp rocks. He grew to savor the taste of life, even though there was a part of him that craved something different.
Almost forty years passed before he mustered the courage to leave everything he knew to seek out those voices. He gathered all the driftwood and rope that had drifted onshore over the decades, fashioned it into a makeshift raft, and sailed towards the closest source of voices.
His voyage was actually pretty boring once he cleared the whirlpools.
The only exciting part about it was when that strange fish tried to sink his raft. It was bigger than any fish he’d previously seen with a mouth to match. Didn’t mean it survived past the first blow. Taking a bite Macaque wasn’t sure if he liked this fish. The muscles were tough and the flesh was rough on his tongue. He didn’t particularly like the taste. But there was enough to feed him for a full day.
In the end, he chose to eat a third of the fish’s muscles along with its heart before tossing back into the water.
Docking on dry land was an experience that would haunt him for years.
At first, he was filled with wonder at the sight of buildings and new creatures riding rafts far bigger than his.
When he stepped onto shore the whispers began.
The creatures, who he later learned were called humans, were pointing out his ears. They acknowledged his obvious intelligence. He heard them grip wooden instruments tightly. It was as if they expected him to do something.
No one made a move against him. No one approached him, but he could tell he wasn’t wanted. Everywhere he turned he saw eyes that cursed his every existence.
He didn’t stay in that village for long. In his mind, satisfying his curiosity wasn’t worth being stared at as though he was the source of all evil.
That is what they called him. Was that what he was?
He didn’t know, but he didn’t like it.
He aimlessly wandered the countryside for far too long.
The first act of kindness he received was from a couple who could not have children of their own. He stumbled upon them by accident, but instead of the normal fearful expressions he’d come to expect they greeted him with genuine smiles and an offer to join them for dinner.
They took him in and treated him like family. He became the son they always wanted. They taught him how to properly speak and how to walk comfortably on two limbs. They blessed him with a name.
They were kind and nurturing. In another world, they may have been called bodhisattvas. But sadly, due to them being ordinary mortals, his time with them only lasted four decades.
He buried them with love but grew resentful of his weak emotions.
He learned what it was like to have someone welcome him home after a long day. He learned to savor the taste of a mother’s home-cooked meal. He enjoyed having a father figure who was willing to teach him old military tactics. He experienced friendly competitions to see who could paint the most accurate portrait of a flower they saw earlier that day. It was everything he never knew he craved and then it was gone. Leaving him with an empty home and a broken heart.
Nearly fifty years later he joined a band of traveling performers.
Their natural oddities allowed them to see who he really was and welcome him into their party. With their compassion, he was granted the opportunity to heal. He learned that despite the group’s large size, very few of them had any direct blood relations. What made them special was how they created their own family and turned what many called strange into something beautiful. Out of respect, he delved into the world of entertainment, found he had a natural talent for it.
When he took the stage people assumed he was in costume, but that didn’t matter. The applause of the audience was a gift he cherished. The sheer passion this family expressed through every second in life warmed his heart beyond words. They were just what he needed to bring him out of his depression.
Alas, it was not meant to stay.
One night their camp was ambushed by a group of demons. They were nothing special, hardly worth mentioning. But for him, back then, it was a fight he never imagined. He could easily handle human bandits, so could his family, but never had he traded blows with a small army of his fellow demons. With the rising of the sun, Macaque stared at the cruelly bright sky covered in blood. All around him bodies lay scattered, life essence soaking into the ground. Despite being tasked with fighting off nearly five dozen demonic opponents he managed to survive with barely a scratch, but he was alone. Again.
He tried to change things by sticking to his fellow demons. At least they lived longer.
Somehow that ended up with him becoming the apprentice to a demon healer for almost a century. She was a cold-hearted bitch with a heart of gold. Meticulous in her work, masterful in deduction, and short-tempered with the foolish. She gave everything to her practice and expected the same from him. It was bitter work, but he found it fulfilling. The knowledge that he now possessed the ability to restore others to peak condition settled some unknown part of his soul.
Of course, they would have visitors who wished to take advantage of her skills or steal the medicine. Between the two of them, they protected their clinic, but they weren’t always together. While she may try to hide it, she wasn’t the strongest demon out there. Apparently, the entire reason she got into medicine was to uncover why she was so weak. Centuries of research turned up nothing, but it did make her incredibly skilled at using poisons with her knives to compensate.
One day after he returned from gathering ingredients, he pulled back the door to find the shop in disarray, five unknown bodies slowly dying of extensive blood poisoning, and his master bleeding out from her severed arms. She always said she had no intention of entering Naraka alone.
Guess she kept her word.
The cycle repeated itself over centuries. He would experience a brief window of happiness only for it to be savagely stolen from him, leaving him to mourn and curse his weak heart.
The small glimmers of kindness humanity showed him only made him curse their race even harder when he couldn’t walk into a village without being harassed. The humans who had proven stronger were sadly a rare breed. He was rare to encounter one a century and often they perished at the hands of their kind rather than by demons.
There were times when the ignorance had gotten so bad he’d taken to traveling with a constant glamour, disguising himself as an average human. Whenever he was in the presence of other demons, he allowed his true form to manifest, however, he made it look like he only had a single pair of ears. Standing out was the easiest way to wind up in a complicated situation he had no interest in trying to defuse.
That’s not to say his time was wasted.
Quite the contrary, he had learned much during his travels. He could hardly be compared to the happy young monkie, who was ignorant of the dangers and hardships this world held. In a sad attempt to fill the void, Macaque sought out wisdom and strength. He located masters of both the mystic and martial arts. He may have had to lie about his age, he was becoming quite the accomplished liar, but the results were more than worth it. With every stop, he found himself growing more certain of his strength and his identity.
Eventually, he discovered a strange monastery hidden in a cave in the face of a mountain.
He had never seen anything like it during his travels. But what truly drew his attention was the feeling the temple exuded, every stone exuded a strange aurora. Something powerful dwelled within, powerful yet there was an undeniably human quality to it all.
Hiding beneath his usual glamor, Macaque approached the temple with the desire to discover exactly what was being taught. Before he knew what was happening, he was speaking to the immortal sage who was running the joint. Master Subhuti welcomed him to his home and offered some tea. The disguised monkie was bombarded by dozens of questions, all of which he attempted to answer as though he was a normal human.
The master welcomed him as his newest disciple and showed him his new home. Later he learned the master could see through his disguise and sensed his potential. Apparently, the old immortal believed that the monkie would do well to learn his disciplines and he was fascinated by the monkie’s natural talent.Said something about how with proper guidance only the Buddha would be able to peer past his façade.
The monkie even received a new name to celebrate his rebirth. From that day forward he was Liu’Er Mihou, or the Six-Eared Macaque. He liked it. While he cherished the name his first family gifted him, he felt this was a good sign. A tribute to show that he was a changed monkie.
Regardless, he refused to drop his glamor. He had seen too many demons be cast out and attacked for getting sloppy. The other students were not thrilled about the newcomer showing them up and he wasn’t willing to give them a true reason to despise him. He learned quickly, more so than any other human disciple, but that put him at odds with those who were still struggling after years of training.
Macaque distanced himself from the others. They weren’t that interesting anyway. He didn’t care that they talked about him behind his back or were fully aware he could hear them. He couldn’t risk getting close so soon. He was determined to break the cycle. He didn’t care about immortality. He didn’t care about obtaining power. All he wanted was to end the pain. So far things had been working out in his favor.
Then heshowed up…
That trice damned monkie with peach-colored fur and markings like a golden mask. He was so naïve about the world. He treated everything as though it was some exciting game. His upbeat energy made Macaque sick. Some twisted part of him wanted to snap his neck just to end it, but a small part was fascinated by it. The other monkie reminded him of a time he had almost forgotten.
The Monkey King, or Sun Wukong, didn’t bother hiding his true appearance. Truthfully, Macaque wasn’t sure he knew how or that he should. He didn’t seem to notice how other students would keep their distance or how they kept their conversations as brief as possible without crossing the threshold into being considered rude.
He was so earnest and happy, it was painful. The new monkie pestered everyone about everything, it was like dealing with a newborn, but it seemed Macaque was his favorite to bother. The worst part was how he stared at Macaque as though he could peer past his glamour. Although Macaque wasn’t sure if that was truly possible. The Master could, but he dedicated centuries to refine his skills. Wait. How old was this annoyance? Perhaps he could smell he wasn’t like the other disciples.
Either way, he knew it was just a matter of time until the truth got out. He just didn’t expect it to be when he was changing.
Each student was offered a meager room for privacy. They were all the same size and offered little to no space for any customization, but the walls were enchanted to cut out sound whenever the doors were closed.
Behind those flimsy walls was the only time Macaque allowed his glamor to drop. While he valued being cautious, even he couldn’t keep up the glamour indefinitely, much less when he was asleep.
It was in that small space of safety that he discovered he wasn’t alone.
He had just allowed himself to relax when a smiling face covered in peach fuzz was shoved into his own.
“I knew it! You’re like me.” Sun Wukong happily exclaimed, stars practically dancing in his eyes.
“Shut up.” Macaque clamped his hand over the other’s mouth. Checking to ensure no one else was present and the door was shut, he faced the intruder. “Have you told anyone?” He hissed, while berating himself for failing to check the ceiling. You always look up when scanning a room, he knew that.
“Nope. Why are you hiding? You’re beautiful.” The cheerful demon spoke as though they were old friends. His golden eyes took in every hair of his fellow monkie’s true appearance.
“I’m a demon. And there is nothing beautiful about me.” Macaque growled.
“Yes, there is.” Wukong insisted. “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you hiding? The Master let me in, I wager he knows about you, so why?”
Sighing, Macaque massaged the bridge of his nose. “I have been hurt enough times to know keeping a low profile is optimal in survival. It is better to keep one’s head down than risk getting called out.” From observation, he knew the newer student wouldn’t leave until he received answers, so the best option was to just give him what he wanted and pray he knew enough to leave.
“That’s no fun.” Wukong stuck his tongue out in distaste. “You shouldn’t have to hide who you are. We were born this way.” He jumped high into the air only to catch himself on his tail with a cheeky grin. “So, they’ll just have to deal with it.”
“Cute speech. But my answer is no. Now leave.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll fix that attitude right up.” Thankfully Wukong left, but not before sending a smile laced with mischief his way. “See you tomorrow.”
Macaque prayed to every deity that would be the end of it. But even he knew it was a futile attempt.
“Do you have a tribe?” Wukong asked, hanging by his tail from Macaque’s favorite tree.
A startled Macaque blinked at the random question. “A what?”
“A tribe. A family. A place to call home?” Wukong asked smoothly even if he wasn’t familiar with the term family until recently he knew it was important.
“Not anymore.” Glaring Macaque returned his focus to his meal.
“Aw.” Wukong knew that look. He had seen plenty of monkeys wear that arura after watching other tribe members die. “Then you should come with me!”
“Yeah. You can join my tribe. There are dozens of us back home. Plenty of food and water, you’ll constantly be surrounded by others like us.”
“Other demons?”
“No.” Wukong smiled as though he told a funny joke. “Other monkeys.”
“There is no reason for me to join you.” Macaque stated, wishing he could finish his lunch in peace.
But Wukong wasn’t letting him go that easily. “And there’s no reason for you to refuse.” He stated, ignoring any and all social cues or common sense for respecting personal space.
It went on like that for years. Every day Macaque would awake to find gold eyes staring at him, waiting for his answer to change. Breaks were spent dodging the hyperactive monkie as he tried to eat alone. Training sessions soon found him sparring with the same partner.
The monkie was stubborn no doubt and Macaque feared his actions were slowly breaking down his walls. The pale furred monkie missed having a connection. He adored being able to talk to others, but whenever he opened up he only got hurt.
But maybe, maybe this time could be different…
Wukong was training to obtain immortality. He had already proven to be stronger and more clever than anyone he’d known. The simian showed that he wanted to know him better. He constantly tried to touch his fur, something he called grooming, which felt pretty nice.
Maybe…maybe this time he could truly have a home.
A streak of light accompanied by a sharp whistle pierced the night sky. For a brief moment, it vanished before exploding in a beautiful display of color and light.
On the monastery’s rooftop, Wukong backflipped in joy at the sight, his golden eyes wide. “Happy New Year!” The monkie cried. In the village below, he could make out dozens of voices echoing the greeting.
It didn’t matter how many times he saw them, fireworks were a sight he always adored. “This has got to be mankind’s greatest invention!” The flowers of fire were simply too beautiful. So unique. Nothing on Flower Fruit Mountain compared to such beauty, it made him thankful he decided to leave.
From the corner of his eye, Wukong noticed that his companion was clutched his ears wincing with every detonation. “You okay, bud?”
“I’m fine. Just loud.” Macaque said. He was truly questioning his sanity by joining Wukong on the roof. Normally he barricaded himself in his room, but his friend was so thrilled about sharing their first New Year together he couldn’t say no.
“Oh.” Somehow the new set of fireworks didn’t look that attractive. “We can go inside if you want.” They were beautiful, but nothing was worth feeling helpless as his friend curled up in pain.
“I’ll be fine. I’m adjusting to the volume. No different than punches that break the sound barrier, right?” Macaque tried flashing a confident grin to varying success.
Wukong suspected that Macaque was lying, but learned enough to know further prying would just cause the other monkie to simply shut out the world. “I’m glad you’re coming with me.”
“You made a persuasive argument.” Anyone who could harass him for nearly five years straight proved their determination.
Wukong playfully stuck his tongue out. “Hehe…Seriously though, I’m happy you chose to be part of my tribe. No one should be alone.”
“Then why have I been for so long.”
“I doubt even Master knows. But you won’t be able to say that anymore.” Wukong wrapped his arms around his best friend. Pulling him close, Wukong faced the fireworks, unconsciously grooming Macaque as he savored every pop of color.
Beneath those gentle digits, Macaque steadied himself against the soothing heartbeat of the one he slowly learned to trust. As the display continued, the pale monkie learned to appreciate the human’s creations. Turns out they weren’t so bad so long as you have the right company.
“I’m sorry. You’re what?!” Macaque’s response was perfectly justified. There was no way he just heard what he thought he heard.
Wukong flashed a blinding grin. “I’m heading to the Celestial realm. I’ve been given a position in Celestial Bureaucracy.” Not seeing any problems whatsoever.
“Why?” Just why? From everything he heard about those stuck-up deities, they would never hand over a position to anyone without requiring the completion of an impossible task, much less to a demon. Least of all a demon who has done nothing but terrorize others and unleash chaos whenever he went.
“Don’t know. But I got to go right now.” Wukong shrugged as he finished packing. The Gold Star of Venus was waiting just outside the waterfall.
“But what about Flower Fruit Mountain? What about your subjects? What am I supposed to do? How long are you going to be gone?” Macaque fired off a rapid stream of questions. Panic was beginning to take hold.
Wukong, however, was as calm and confident as ever. “Stop worrying so much. Look I’ll be back as soon as I can. Until then you’re in charge.” He finished as though it was obvious.
“Me!” A white tail nearly burst into twice its normal size in shock. “But I have no idea how to run a Court!”
“Neither do I. Not in the traditional sense at least. Look just keep an eye on things. Protect the monkeys from hunters and malicious demons. Sometimes one of the allied demon kings will ask for some help. It’s nothing you haven’t helped me with before. I’ll be back before you know it. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle things until I get back.”
Seeing his companion and good friend growing even more lost, Wukong closed the distance and took his face in both hands. “This is a good thing. If I can make this work, none of us will ever have to worry about being hunted or not having enough food ever again.”
In a snap, Macaque grabbed the king’s arms. “What if I don’t care about any of that? What if I just want you to stay?”
For the first time in their conversation, Wukong’s cocky attitude vanished replaced with a loving smile. Gently prying Macaque’s claws off his shirt, Wukong placed his cheek on a palm as he kissed the knuckles of another. “I can’t. This is too good an opportunity to pass up. This isn’t goodbye. I’ll keep in touch. The time will fly. We’ll make this work. Trust me.”
“Alright, Wukong. I trust you.” Macaque said, ignoring every fiber of his being that screamed this would end poorly.
“If things go wrong, remember I’m just a telepathic call away.” Summoning his cloud, Wukong back flipped onto it with his bag. “Monkey King, out!”
One sonic boom later and he was gone, along with a good chunk of the cave walls.
“Hpmh. That’s my idiot.”
How did this happen? How did this happen?!
One moment they were fighting for their lives against the army of the Celestial Realm and the next Macaque bore witness to Wukong being carted away in a diamond snare.
Now as he stared at the charred remains of what once was a growing village of monkeys, Macaque felt something within him change.
For almost two months he had burned in celestial fires. The sounds of the dead and dying rang out, making his namesake almost bleed. He choked on the ashes of the mortal monkeys. The air had a strangely sweet and bitter taste to it.
Macaque lost count of all the times he charged back into the fires to save as many heartbeats as he could. He wasn’t sure but he suspected he blacked out more than once. With every heartbeat that stilled before he could reach them, a part of him followed them into Yama’s realm.
Finally, the fires had died down. They didn’t have anything left to burn.
All around him he saw the pitiful leftovers of what was once a thriving community. He had treated the survivors the best he could, but he lost his medical equipment in the blaze. The only ones he didn’t have to worry about were the monkeys Wukong made immortal, but he did what he could to ease the pain.
But still, he wondered why…why were they staring at him as though they were confused?
Maybe he was overthinking everything. He just worked through 49 days without any sleep. Everything was stable for now. The best course of action was to wash off the ash and get some much-deserved rest.
There was nothing the Celestial Realm could do to Wukong that he couldn’t handle. Besides Macaque didn’t even know how to get there even if he was at full strength. Wukong couldn’t die so it was only a matter of time before someone tripped up allowing him to return home.
He just had to be patient.
Stepping into the clear river, Macaque’s jaw almost dropped as the water around him immediately turned gray. He didn’t realize he was that filthy.
He started scrubbing himself, ducking under the water to ensure he didn’t miss a spot. He had to move a few times due to the sheer amount of shoot and ash that clung to him. The entire cleaning process took a full hour before the water ran clear.
Stepping out, Macaque felt more refreshed than he ever remembered. Shaking to remove as much access water as possible, all the towels were soot so he had to make do, he paused by the waterside to see how much fur he lost. But what he saw met none of his expectations.
Instead of fur that invoked images of the moon, he was cloaked in the color of the darkest ink.
“What happened to me?”
Five hundred years.
Five hundred years he searched, for any trace of the legendary Five-Fingered Moutain Buddha used to trap Sun Wukong only to find nothing. Macaque scoured far and wide. Neither the winds nor the shadows could lead him towards his friend.
He picked fights with countless demons who claimed to witness the great Monkey King brought low. It barely took two punches before they broke down crying how it had been nothing but a lie, how they only repeated rumors.
He bargained for any information he could find, but all accounts claimed the mountain didn’t exist. Many refused to answer him on principle of not interfering with the Celestial Realm’s issues. Their last mistake. Others took Wukoong’s punishment as a sign to amass as much power as possible out of fear that they would be targeted next.
Macaque had witnessed the formation of more alliances and territory grabs in the past century than had been recorded in the last thousand years. Demons were becoming more power-hungry and suspicious, which meant even more trouble for the humans. Things were becoming so chaotic, Macaque had to wonder if it was planned.
But he couldn’t dwell on that.
He hadn’t visited Flower Fruit Moutain in years. His clones kept guard, but slowly he was losing the drive to keep replenishing them. The only reason he called that mountain home was because of Wukong. It wasn’t home without him.
But he had to keep looking. Had to keep trying. He would find his friend.
He tricked himself into thinking this would be different. That he would no longer be alone. That finally he had found a family he could keep.
He was an idiot!
The truth was he was no different than anyone else. The world was Sun Wukong’s toy chest and Macaque was merely a shiny new trinket to bat around until he grew bored. Seeing him with that group, knowing that he chose them over their past, was too much.
He was sick of being left behind. He had been left alone so many times. What made him think he couldn’t be replaced?
He could have attacked, ripped their precious monk to pieces, he could have...should have...but he was tired.
Returning to Flower Fruit Mountain was a chore, but one he swore he would never complete again. The monkeys questioned his return, asking where their king was and if he’d return soon. Macaque ignored them all. He simply walked to the part of the manor he and Wukong had shared for years, where he had been waiting for his return.
Staring at all the knickknacks and souvenirs they had collected from their adventures, Macaque made up his mind. Grabbing a large sturdy bag, he swiftly packed his essentials. In another, he packed non-perishable goods and water containers.
Stepping out, a flash of something peach-colored caught his eye. Spinning around, hope burning a hole in his chest but his dreams once more were proved false. It was just the special peach tree Wukong had planted from the leftover pit he had saved from his time in the Celestial Realm. Apparently, it had reached maturity and was proudly bearing the first fruit Macaque had seen despite having been planted nearly half a millennia ago.
Macaque wasn’t sure why it was so special, Wukong just winked and said it was a surprise for when they could share a fresh one. Feeling something wet on his arm, Macaque looked down to see his hand stretched towards the tree and the memories he held. Feeling his cheeks, he realized he was crying, which was strange as he didn’t think he had any tears left.
Spurred by longing and spite, Macaque plucked six peaches from the tree and stuffed them into his bag. It wasn’t like Wukong was going to miss them. And he needed the food.
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