I’ve been lurking on tumblr for a long time, but it seems like a good place to start to see if I can’t get a little fanbase. So I think I’ll just post some writhing.
It should be noted that I’m not a professional writer and I’m purely doing this because it’s fun. I feel I’m more of an amateur at writing, so feel free to critique it.
I like warrior cats a lot, and I’ve been rewatching some old Moonkitt videos and it gave me an idea. Me and a friend developed four new clans, completely separate from the warrior cats series. If this gets attention I’ll post more detail about the clans we kept created. I hope you enjoy, and have a glorious day/night
Every day felt more grueling than the last. Or perhaps like a never ending sand-swirl, forever going round and round, being forced to spin endlessly by the wind.
They wake just before sunrise, organize their little patrols, and hunt. Hunt until Starclan gifts us food so we won’t starve. Drink what little water we have left. Then sleep. Every day is more brutal than the last. It’s never different. It’s always the same. Worst of all, Sandstar can’t do anything but watch her clan slowly disappear and join Starclan.
Soon, they will all die from either starvation or dehydration. That is unless the sickness doesn’t finish them off first.
She lost such great warriors in a matter of days. She missed Leafbelly’s excitement for patrol and Fernbeetle’s attempts to make jokes. Sweetroot’s passing was the most heartbreaking. She fell ill and passed her sickness to her apprentice, Stempaw. No. Stemheart. It wasn’t fair for Stemheart not to receive a warrior name when they were shy, one moon away from becoming a warrior.
Harefoot was a gifted medicine cat, and they needed her more than ever. Poor Mousejump… he relied heavily on Harefoot’s Sunny personality and is more unsure than ever.
Sometimes, Harefoot visits Mousejump’s dreams, but it isn’t the same. Though Mousejump and Ghostcough say they can still feel her presence, they can’t hear her soft voice.
Sandstar stared at her paws. No more wallowing in her selfishness. She had to do something. The sandy cat stretched and slowly crawled out of the den. She looked for Viperstrike, who trotted to her side.
“You seem tired,” he rumbled.
“Yes. But there is no time to rest when my clan needs me. We must have a meeting.”
“Of course. I have my faith in you, as well as Starclan.”
Sandstar closed her eyes and thought of her previous leader, Lionstar. She focused on his image, his being, his soul.
“May Lionstar guide my speech and gift me wisdom to share with my Clan.” She waited for some feeling of a presence. Yet she felt nothing but a pit in her stomach.
Sandstar looked at Viperstrike and slowly shook her head. He said nothing but lowered his head.
Why Starclan? Why won’t you answer my calls?
She leaped on top of the large burrow and sat stoically.
“Let all cats who are old enough to dig a burrow gather above the sand,” Sandstar voice yowled. One by one, she watched as her cats emerged from their dug burrows. The queen Spottedstem crawled out of the nest, leaving Sorrelspot with her three kits.
Please, Starclan. Give Sorrelspot’s kits strength so they may become warriors.
She prayed but once again felt nothing.
Jackalpaw and Lilacpaw sat proudly next to their mentors, Adderbelly and Lizardtail.
Sandstar’s hair stood up as Spiderfrost, the messenger, lurked out. Frogtuft was close behind, affectionately licking her ear. Sandstar’s and Spiderfrost’s eyes met, equally glaring at one another. But in a split second, Sandstar’s eyes softened.
It wasn’t fair for me to hold Spiderfrost responsible. I failed her as a leader.
Sandstar’s eyes darted away, and she looked over her clan. Her small, starving clan. She nodded her head to every cat, counting them. She got to twelve before Viperstrike spoke up,
“Fifteen,” he said plainly.
“No,” she corrected, “three. Three cats that can properly go on patrols and bring back food. Two are still in training, and the kits won’t be ready to prepare until six moons.”
Every cat grew silent.
“I apologize,” she lowered her head sympathetically, “This drought has been hard on us all. We lost many great warriors. Let us never forget them. Leafbelly was young yet brave. He never gave up hope that rain would come, and we must thank him.”
“Thank you, Leafbelly,” Every cat yowled.
“Fernbelly, you traveled to Starclan too soon, but you did not want to be separated from your brother. I’m sorry you didn’t have an opportunity to train an apprentice. For your loyalty to your kin, we thank you.”
“Thank you, Fernbelly,” Every cat yowled.
“Sweetroot, we thank you for your loyalty to your clan and for staying out during the night searching for food, even when you weren’t on patrol. You were a wonderful mentor to Stempaw. And Stempaw, it wasn’t fair for you not to have a warrior name. If you are with us and listening, I will grant you a proper warrior name. Stemheart, for your generosity and kindness,”
Cats began to yowl Stemheart’s name for all of Starclan to hear.
“Let us thank you both,”
“Thank you, Sweetroot and Stemheart.”
“Finally, Harefoot. You came from SwampClan yet chose to join us here. We thank you for that, as well as your optimistic attitude. If you have advice for us, please, our ears are open. Let us thank her,”
“Thank you, Harefoot.”
Her eyes opened and fell back onto Spiderfrost and Mousejump. They lost two of their siblings in a matter of days. All they have are each other. Sandstar can only hope they will support each other through this endeavor.
“Five wonderful and brave cats. And though their spirits will always be with us, I’m afraid they can no longer help us thrive,” Sandstar paused, her gaze falling onto the queen. “Spottedstem. I understand you’re from Swampclan, and I can not thank you enough for joining us when we needed more kits. If you ever wish to return to your original home, I would understand,”
Spottedstem stepped forward, “Thank you, but I volunteered to come here when I heard of the situation. Yes, it is hard some days, but I love watching my kits grow, and I’m proud to be a part of SandClan.”
Sandstar grew a tired smile. The weight in her chest softened, “Thank you.”
She took a deep breath,
“Now, we just discuss our plans for the future. We have three cats that can properly hunt, and next moon, we will have five. I am aware it isn’t traditional to have our messengers hunt, but we are in desperate need of food. Spiderfrost, Frogtuft, I request you two to search for a new watering hole and bring back any food you find.”
Spiderfrost said nothing, and Frogtuft nodded accordingly.
“Do you two understand?” Hissed Viperstrike. Sandstar glared a warning to him, but he was too busy staring at the couple with uncertainty.
“Yes, you—“ Spiderfrost began,
“-We do! Understand, I mean.” Frogtuft shuffled with her paws, avoiding eye contact.
“Thank you,” mewed Sandstar, “now, we must discuss gaining more warriors.”
Suddenly, Rootspring, the elder, stepped up,
“If I may,” she began. Sandstar nodded her head. Rootspring stood firmly in front of her clan,
“I am only ten moons old. I will admit I sometimes sneak off at night to hunt for my clan, but then I’m gently reminded of my age. I still have some years to kick, and if possible, I would like to reverse my retirement and become a warrior once again officially. I can not stand by doing nothing while my clan slowly starves.“
Sandstar blinked. She could feel her eyes begin to water from joy.
“Thank you, Rootspring,” she began. Sandstar wanted to leap from the burrow and hug her friend, but she wasn’t a kit. Sandstar instead stood up firm, “From the power I hold as a leader, I now declare Rootspring a warrior, once again. Starclan light your path,”
“Starclan, light your path,” the clan echoed.
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