#and yes this is a repost of something I posted 3 hours ago. mutuals you saw the vip preview or something
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ph-cutie · 1 year ago
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deadlyglacier · 4 years ago
20 Questions tag~
I was tagged by @mythicamagic thank you senpai~<3
How many works do you have on AO3?
40 right now, plus 1 that is still hidden because of the SOFA Exchange event.  (I’m still a lil fish.)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
486,920!  That’s so amazing to me!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
InuYasha - A Feudal Fairytale (18)
FullMetal Alchemist (18)
Mass Effect Trilogy (3)
Let’s Play (Webtoon) (1)
Kingdom Hearts (1) But I hope to write for many more fandoms in the future!  I have ideas for fics for Castlevania, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Last of Us Part II, and more!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
#1.  Stardust FemShep/Garrus, Mass Effect Trilogy, Rated Explicit. A retelling of the Shepard/Vakarian love story, with lots (and LOTS) of sexiness, from Garrus' point of view. Starts from before the Omega-4 and will end sometime after the end of ME3. Trying to stay as true to the game as possible, while adding some things happening off camera and a new ending.
#2.  Flamingo Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome's method of beating the summer heat attracts a certain demon lord...
#3.  Hawk Sess/Kag, Inuyasha, Rated Explicit Kagome and Sesshomaru discover they have a mutual attraction for each other after a battle and a slight comedic incident brings them together. At first their relationship seems entirely sexual, but eventually evolves into something real. What will this romance mean for Naraku? Or even the future?  *TRIGGER WARNING FOR CHAPTER 6! MAJOR VIOLENCE AND TRAGEDY* Very, very loosely based on "A Mere Digression" by elle6778
#4.  Daisy Sam/Charles, Let’s Play, Rated Mature Sam wakes up somewhere unfamiliar with a splitting headache with no memory of the night before. Takes place right after the S2 finale.  First chapter was my prediction for what would happen next, and then three other “wishful thinking” chapters happened, lol.
#5.  Chemistry Ed/Winry, FullMetal Alchemist, Rated Mature A look at how the relationship between Ed and Winry developed after Brotherhood ended.  Cute, sweet, funny, and hot (eventually—y'all that know me know I gotta have some NSFW in there).
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to everyone, especially when a fic of mine has just been posted, but sometimes I just forget.  If I haven’t responded to your comment, please know it’s just because I’m a big dumb and forgot!  I love getting comments, and I reread them all the time!  I just feel like there’s a time limit to when I can respond to them--if I let too much go by, it’s awkward if I reply.  Gah, but that’s just me getting in my own head, I guess.  I’ll do better!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oof, definitely Psychology, a fic I wrote for RoyEdOTPoly this year.  The prompt I got was dark, and I didn’t see any way around an angsty ending.  Read at your own risk!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Well, aside from the last fic, I try to write happy endings for all my fics!  But, if I have to name names, I’m torn between Zoology (another FullMetal Alchemist fic, RoyEd, for RoyEdOTPoly this year) and Stardust (my Mass Effect fic, which is long, but so worth it, in my opinion).  Both are very fluffy in the end!
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Argh...  I don’t really like crossovers, to be honest.  I actively avoid them when looking for fics to read.  But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought of writing them myself.  (I’m a total hypocrite, I know.)  I had an idea for an Inuyasha x The Sims fic, years ago, that I never did anything with.  The premise was basically Inuyasha and Kagome would get trapped in the game somehow (via the jewel or magic or something), and they’d be controlled by Souta, Kagome’s friends, Hojo--all sorts of different people who think the fact that Kagome and Inuyasha are in the game is just some kind of silly mod.  I probably won’t write it, so if anyone is interested in that crazy idea, have at it!  You have my blessing. <3 I also have a crazy crossover idea for what I call an “Ultimate OT3″ of mine that I’ve mentioned to my friends, but I haven’t actually written down yet:  Sesshomaru/Alucard/Sebastian Michaelis.  So be on the lookout for that!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I wouldn’t call it “hate” so much as “mansplaining,” but I have gotten a couple of comments that made my eyebrow twitch on Stardust--both on AO3 and FFN.  Just dudes (and I’m fairly certain they were dudes, just from their tone) trying to explain why a certain plot twist wouldn’t work, or tell me how to save Sidonis in the actual game (which I already knew, that person just didn’t read what I wrote). I’ve also gotten a comment on one of my more controversial fics, Hippology, on FFN, where the person asked me if I thought my summary was K-Rated (which, admittedly, it does need to be for the site, and mine wasn’t--because of a single word).  I changed it and messaged them saying it was fixed.  Going to that commenter’s profile, however, proved to be fairly enlightening...  They’re nuts.  They have another profile, too.  Read at your own risk.  Yikes. There’s also a team of people on FFN who make it their life’s mission to report stories with rule violations.  I’ve gotten a comment from one of them as well.  These people are not mods, they just like to pretend they are--one of them even made their name look official!  “CU Administration,” gtfo dude. I also recently got one of my fics removed from FFN.  It wasn’t even one of my sexiest ones!  They put me in timeout for 48 hours, and when I was finally able to publish something new on the site again, I posted Hippology (my centaur smut), and it’s still up as I type this.  (Wonder how long it’ll take them to notice?)  And since the fic that got taken down was a SessKag fic, I’m thinking it might have been a petty SessRinner who reported it to the “authorities” of FFN, because another friend of mine got hers taken down not long after mine, and it was also SessKag.  Just my tinfoil theory, anyway!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, yes, yes.  It’s practically all I write.  I do all sorts of smut, from romantic, sensual stuff, to specific kinks, to monsterfucking--all that good stuff.  Can’t change me~<3
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don’t think so.  No one has asked me if they can translate one, anyway.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet!  I’m open to the idea, and I’ve had little discussions with my fic-writing buddies about it, but nothing’s come out of it just yet.  Keep your eyes peeled!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh, now come on!  I can’t pick just one!  But I’ll give you a top 3 (in no particular order, because they change places a lot, depending on how obsessed I am with them at the moment). Inuyasha:  Sess/Kag FullMetal Alchemist:  Roy/Ed Mass Effect:  Garrus/FemShep
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a couple of stories that I deleted from my original FFN account that I’d like to re-write and re-post on AO3, but I don’t think I’ll ever get around to it.  There were a couple of Inu/Kag fics I had in-progress, and then a Koug/Kag fic.  I recently rewrote and reposted my SessKag fic from years ago, Hawk, on FFN, AO3, and Dokuga!  So maybe all hope isn’t lost.  I’m even writing a sequel for Hawk! All the stories I have in-progress right now I plan on finishing.  At some point, lol.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, without a doubt.  It’s my favorite thing to write, aside from smut, of course--which is another strength of mine.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, ugh.  I try to do them well, but I always feel like they get stale.  So I keep them somewhat vague, because in my mind, I think readers will fill in the gaps themselves whether you describe something immaculately or not--they’ll see what they want to see, and that is totally fine in my book!  Or maybe I’m just making excuses, lol.  I’ll only describe something in a lot of detail if I want the reader to focus on that--usually an outfit, accessory, or weapon--otherwise, I leave it up to their imagination (I don’t want manipulate it too much, I suppose).
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Wildly unnecessary unless that author speaks the language as well, or if certain words already exist in the fandom’s translations (ex. “youkai,” “alkahestry,” etc).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha, and the fic(s) I wrote in the beginning were terrible.  I want to burn all traces of them off the face of the earth.  I was in middle school.  I was young and stupid.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I gotta go with Stardust.  It’s the longest fic I’ve ever completed at more than 160k words.  I was so immensely proud when I typed “The End,” and I was able to say to myself “I did it.”
I tag: @glassesmcfancyhair @willowsrain 
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unattainabledreams · 5 years ago
fill out & repost ♥
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Mun note: I’m gonna put this below the cut cause it’s a biiiig tag. But if you do read it, hmu honestly cause I’ve love to chatting.
And if you do it? Let me know! I love learning about people’s connection to their muses, new or old.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK (Mixed impressions depending on who you ask and how you ask it I reckon.)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant to the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?
OG Canon, By default, up until Zack’s canonical death, I follow canon very muchly. (That doesn’t mean I’m not open to earlier plotted divergence though!) If the overall plot ends with death, then I’m alright with that, I love the handing on of the torch from Angeal to Zack to Cloud. My goal is to never minimize that. But for interactions beyond the end of Crisis Core, I have two particular verses that I absolutely adore based on already established lore and my own head-canons for how Zack would continue.
OG Canon Remake Canon, while it’s nice for options and I don’t mind it, on a technical front I think it weakens the ongoing plot for other characters who then wouldn’t have been forced to grow so much themselves. I enjoyed the remake, but regarding Zack it’s not my cup of tea. I’ll write remake by request, but it’s not my default.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutual.
His genuine care for those around him with unrelenting selflessness is both heartwarming -and heart-wrenching.
Zack’s journey from naivety about the world and events around him to recognizing the harm of the organization he’s been directly a part of. He grows in both substance and maturity as he’s increasingly forced to reckon with reality.
Chasing after an idea which is realized but not how he once imagined it. 
While Zack is strong, he’s most certainly not the strongest. I enjoy playing with weakness.
Almost relentless optimism. How he pushes onward to continue trying to pick up the pieces. Additionally as such a genuine character and I hope that love comes through in my portrayal.
Look. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But on a personal my muse front, despite my love for him I love putting him in situations where I get to break him down to build back up again because that’s his strength as a character.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  
His early naivety and blind loyalty to ShinRa. (IMO tho, you gotta have a ‘from’ in order to have a ‘to’)
Puppy goofy himbo dummy. (At least, that’s how some people see him.)
Almost relentless optimism.
Some feel he draws away from Cloud’s story.
Look again.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  
Have you ever had a time when you’re watching or playing something and there’s just a character you really identify with like, not just ‘oh, me’ - but beyond that in an almost scary way? For where I was in life and what I was going through, Zack was exactly that for me, and I fell in love with how kept pushing through.
So that was four years ago, and I RP’d him privately within friend groups. Said friends of course moved on from the fandom and I just quietly always wanted to come back to him, there were so many things I’d come up with that I hadn’t gotten to using yet in writing.
So late last year when a friend decided to get into FF7 I made my blog(s) to join them. :3 I did go on hiatus when 7R came out to avoid spoilers as I didn’t have access to a console through the lockdown in my country to play, but I’ve finally returned. (And now you have like a million blogs shgjfjkasghfd.)
What keeps your inspiration going?
On a personal note, Zack’s been an intrinsic part of my life for the past four years. Even when friend groups moved on from the fandom in waves coming and going, he’s never really gone from my life because I live in a fairly small country and he’s one of two cosplays I’m known for here in con/geek circles. (I’ve even Cosplayed him for an official event! <3)
On a writing front, honestly, as I said before, I love the way he keeps on keeping on no matter what’s thrown at him. I don’t want his journey to end. I want him to fall again and again but also to conquer those shortcomings and rise stronger.
That doesn’t have to make him the strongest in body, but in mind that makes him a personal hero for me at least so he’s forever an inspiration. Despite the labels applied to his dream, (See my URL) the pursuit as such defines him admirably.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. (I have a terrible habit of keeping most of em in my head, but they do exist. I’m trying to get better at posting them casually. I know they're good at helping prospective RP partners work out openings for interactions. ;; )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (Honestly this is usually what happens when I do try to do a HC post, It becomes a drabble incorporating it instead. Whoops?)
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
Criticism and Critique. Boy oh boy. That’s gonna be a pass, please.
Unsolicited criticism sucks. That’s not what I’m here for, nor many of us I expect. Miss me with that anxiety spike. I’ve done study in writing for films. I know a lot of technical stuff. But I also enjoy switching that off and allowing things to happen. I’m also a performer, and the the improvisational and spontaneous reactionary side is just as important as the plotted. I’m here for fun to explore what I want with other like minded people. Not for criticism.
‘Hey have you thought about ___’ - that’s okay. If we grow together, cool, that’s great! In fact, it kinda leads into the next question.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  
Yeeee! Please. Just be aware I’m sometimes slow with my inbox though I am getting better at this!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? 
Unless it’s something that clashes between our two muses like a death or lack-thereof, or important shared-background things that needs discussing, I don’t think there’s much reason for it to be brought up. My headcanons exist for the general purpose of ‘without outside influence, this is my default.’ - that’s it. Sometimes they just aren’t relevant.
If it’s simply ‘I don’t like this this idea’ see the next answer.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
If someone does, please don’t tell me. You can go write him yourself or find another closer to how you perceive him. My portrayal is my own, and I don’t need to conform to your idea of what Zack would do or say. Neither of us need to waste energy on this.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
If it’s my muse, fine. But don’t get aggressive at me about it. I’m also a Genesis mun, so I get the rivalry. But cool your jets.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  
Sure. In fact please. Honestly, @ RP partners, I don’t mind if you quietly fix em yourself. Dyslexia’s an uphill battle. I’ll often edit posts after the fact if I notice my own mistakes, so sure. But @ Readers, please don’t get at my RP partners grammar. This is consent for my writing, not theirs. Though also don’t be a pick-apart grammar police just to get to me. Have some sense about it. ;)
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
I can be very talkative. Honestly if that surprises you despite my choice of muses with Zack and Gen then gaia help you. So uh, heads up on that. If I haven’t talked to you yet, the key word is ‘yet’ - I’m just working out where to start or for something to react to.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by:  @lifedxbt​ tagged me for returning from hiatus so I should probably do this. :p Tagging: Uhhhhh, it big. Do if want? Yay. (It took me two hours)
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early-sxnsets · 6 years ago
Don’t @ Me
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18215168/chapters/43092371
Chapter 1/10 of It’s A Handheld Disaster
Word Count: 3118
Fic Summary: Teenage life is hard enough, but with the added weight of their lives, both Simon and Baz thrive online in a fandom for the British crime show, Gastrell, about the genius Huxley and his "flatmate" Sam. Through Tumblr, they find each other, and sink into something more than just being mutuals.
Chapter Summary: A shitpost is taken a little too personally, and an argument breaks out. In true Baz fashion, he seeks to prove himself right in the most ridiculous way possible.
Morning routines are the most menial shit in the realm of existence of arbitrary tasks.
Everyone seems to have them, yet nobody really has a set one. For example, my step-mum has a long, seemingly pointless hour of simply facial cleansers, serums, and hair products. When I’d asked her years ago why she does it all, she shook her head and said “You’ll never be an aging woman, Basilton.”
I couldn’t quite argue with that.
Regardless, it’s a part of life. The routines. Wake up, morning routine, morning activity, eat, afternoon activity, usually afternoon snack, evening activity, dinner, night-time activity, sleep.
A boring, underwhelming cycle of the day.
Although, I suppose it’s shittier for me, since the homeschooling doesn’t give me a chance to do much besides sit and read. Of course, I have my car and I can drive off to whatever. Hell, father even suggested I get a job to occupy myself, but I don’t quite see the point given how much money we have (and the risk factors with moving around so frequently).
So, here I am. Finishing my classes in a matter of months, then having an entire year of pointless bullshit.
Needless to say, my entire day’s routine isn’t the most thrilling. Wake up at 10 on a good day, check social media and emails, then just lay here until I can’t wait to piss. Piss. Go to eat breakfast and get greeted by screaming children and my poor step-mum trying to wrangle them in. Go upstairs, go back online, see whatever’s on my dash, reblog some shit, then try to do something vaguely productive. Check Archive, check email again. Nothing’s on the emails, ever. Text Dev and Niall, who get awfully pissed since they are in school. Get more food. Eat. Bring tea upstairs, despite the disdained look from our maid (who hates collecting my piles of mugs). Write for a couple hours. Take an afternoon nap, if I please. Wake up and sit there (again). Maybe lonely wank. Go back to the bathroom, stare at myself in the mirror for a good few minutes. Sit on the toilet for half an hour for no reason besides the fact that my phone seems more interesting while sitting there as compared to sitting in bed. Sit then on the bathroom floor doing the same thing. Go back to my bed, listen to music on my phone and work on my laptop. Write, maybe scroll. Get dinner brought to me as they tut that I should be more active. Eat. Go downstairs for an evening workout (they’re right, I shouldn’t confine myself to my bed). Come back, do exactly what I do for half the day until I pass out somewhere around 3 am. Repeat.
Dream life for an 17 year old. Social life of a god.
It’s shit to say (and sort of embarrassing to share) that there’s sort of a social media presence around me. Not quite the Instagram model bullshit, but based around fan life.
Yes, it’s a laughing stock. That’s where my popularity lies--a mixed grab-bag of various ages gathering around various platforms to enthuse about certain topics. And I’m somehow lucky enough to have the slightest bit of popularity here.
As in, a large following. A large, somehow active following.
It isn’t exactly thrilling as one would like to think. Sure, it’s fun to see a scattered group of regulars pop up, and I have my mutuals, but it’s a sad existence to sit around and make various shitposts with nothing better to occupy my mind. Or, at least, that’s what Dev and Niall tell me.
All in all, I blame Fiona. She’s the one who got me into the show, saying she thought the character was a bit like me. After I saw it, I found the three connections she’d grasped at.
Gay, dark-haired, and violinist.
As if that’s a rarity.
Yet, surely enough, I did love it. The cinematography, the characters, the storyline. It was intriguing--captivating.
It doesn’t hurt that the online community was still on the smaller side when I first got there. The show was only a season in when I made my blog, and I’ve stuck through all this bullshit to get me here. One of the regulars. Reposted everywhere, uncredited usually. Big fics, large interactions. Shitposts with thousands upon thousands of notes. I’m recognizable; a suggested name.
Don’t get me wrong, the attention is spectacular. I love interacting with people beyond this depressing household, and they’re usually fairly nice (usually) (except those ravenous for an argument). It’s just awkward to share at times when people ask why your mobile’s got 99+ symbols next to the apps and you just shrug and say “I’m shit at checking it” to avoid the conversation because most people see it as childish.
It’s a shame, really. Especially since I feel emotionally attached to these goddamn fictional fuckers.
I suppose that’s what makes it all the more personal, then. Even the shitposts mean something to me.
Which is what makes this is a long, winded way of saying fuck whoever’s arguing with me about whether or not Huxley is a fucking Ravenclaw. (He is. Hands down.) How’d I get here, staring at my mobile in disbelief at a brief back and forth post turned fight? Because it feels like a reasonable question to wonder.
I got here because, as almost all mornings, I woke up, opened my phone, read my notifs, then sat here, thinking of something. Anything. Then, in a tired haze, typed out a single text post on tumblr.
huxley gastrell is a ravenclaw send tweet
Following so, I went about my typical morning. Of course. Then--then--I check my phone as I’m going downstairs and I see it. I see the “@bi-sammy mentioned you in a post!” notif, then read the God-forsaken reblog.
@gaystrell op do you take criticism on your posts?
I frowned at my phone, typing out a quick response before tucking it back into my pocket.
@bi-sammy no.
What I hadn’t anticipated, though, was the reply I’d open up to soon after I’d started poking at my morning meal.
@gaystrell well too bad bc ur WRONG and ur opinions are UGLY
#he’s clearly a slytherin this is slytherin oppression #don’t tell me he and bryonie aren’t from a slytherin family
Now I sit, staring and completely awestruck at such a post. Now, I won’t deny Bryonie Gastrell is definitely, in all possible ways, a Slytherin. Cunning and ambitious as fuck, as any political spy may be, but fuck anyone who tries to dismiss Huxley’s clear Ravenclaw leanings.
It takes me a moment to fully process, mouth robotically chewing my eggs as I contemplate my answer.
@bi-sammy there is absolutely no proof of huxley being a slytherin and more than enough support towards him being a ravenclaw. get your clueless negativity off my blog, you utter tit.
With that, I settle my phone face down onto my table and try to enjoy my lovely plate of scrambled eggs, barely ignoring the boiling of my blood.
My phone lights up with the new notification, dragging my attention away from my laptop as the words slide down onto the screen. “@gaystrell mentioned you in a post!” I hate to admit that I get a little pattering in my heart, urging my hand out to grasp the mobile as I pause the Youtube video currently playing. As I read his words, I slowly blink out of my excitement.
Tit. He called me a bloody tit.
Of course this fucking wanker called me a tit.
He must think that since he’s this big bad blogger, he can call me a tit right out in the open. (Although, he is talking to me, so that’s a plus) (No! No no no, bad validation, Simon. Bad). What, with his thousands of followers and fans of his own, he thinks he can try to say shit out in the open?
Fuck it. He’s either getting a DM or a bloody fist fight from me. I’ll take a train to wherever the fuck he lives (which is somewhere in England, since that’s what his bio says) (and his aunt lives in London, since he’s posted about visiting her) (I really do wonder where he’s from and how close he might be--what if I run into him one day?) (No wait fuck I don’t want that anymore).
Clicking on his blog, the little person drop down gives me the option of a message. I barely think as I type it out, vision going spotty from the adrenaline of the twinging anger.
bi-sammy: i swear to god there was no point to the battle of hogwarts if you’re just going to go around and absolutely slander the slytherin name and dare say that huxley is not one of them and, rather, is a ravenclaw
At first, I grin at it, watching my lone message appear into the empty chat. It’s so freeing--so powerful to send it. I pride myself, in the moment, for this solid move of communication. Of course I’m fucking proud. I messaged the arse myself and gave him a space to fight.
Maybe Penny’s right, I should dial down the confrontation, but it’s just the internet. Nothing important happens through a stupid little argument over Huxley’s true Hogwarts house (although, I’m sure I know I’m right in my heart), but it is a bit of fun to fuck around with someone. It’s a distraction. And that’s why I’m here, afterall. To have a distraction.
Penny thinks it’s a bit silly, but she doesn’t really complain. All she’s ever said was  “I thought we left fandom stuff behind us when we were 14.” She said it over lunch, watching me scroll through my at-the-time new tumblr.
It’s funny, I thought I did leave it behind when I was younger. It seemed unneeded as life shifted. I’d just found a stable foster home, with someone who was going to keep me for a while. I found Penny a couple months before I deactivated my old account. I was happy; we were free. I didn’t need a venting place.
Shits been sort of hitting the fan recently, though. No uni plans, David’s been getting more controlling, and of course, Agatha dumping me. It all crashed on top of me a few months ago, and somehow, the only place that I could find healthy coping was online. So, I started fresh. Made a blog and settled in. It’s not big, but I’ve had a few posts get noticed. I have a good few hundred followers, and one nice anon who asks me how I am every few weeks. It’s not a lot, but it’s comforting.
I feel at home here, even with a little discourse.
Well, only when the discourse is answered. Which, in this situation, I don’t know if it will be, given it’s been over an hour now and Baz hasn’t answered.
If that’s even his name.
It’s what his bio says, at least.
baz. 17. cisguy (he/him). gay. don’t interact if you think huxley is remotely straight.
I’ve wondered for a while what Baz stands for. He refuses to answer it in asks; he always says it’s too personal. He’s sort of odd like that--never posts pictures of anything that could be linked back. Seems sort of creepy, but then again, a lot of people follow him. It’s reasonable to want space.
Maybe that’s why he’s not answering. He probably wants space of some sort, but it’d be at least decent to answer someone who tried to have a discussion (that’s at least what I’m calling that message I sent--a discussion starter).
I frown at my phone, keeping it on silent as I slide it into my front pocket and settle into my seat in maths. I’ll say it--I sulk in class, a little bitter that I don’t have his attention (despite the fact that he seems like he’s always active online, which seems odd). Eventually, I exhale and try to let it slip away. There went my one interaction with him. My few seconds of the weirdest fucking bliss online, gone.
Then, it happens. As the class is ending, I pull out my screen just enough to see and there it is. A clear notification telling me he’d answered. Oddly enough, it’s just him sending me a link to a Google Doc.
I ignore it for the moment being, letting myself ride the wave of relaxation that I actually got a reply. It passes my mind until I’m sitting in the back of Agatha’s car, listening to Penny and Aggie in the front talking about whatever’s on their mind. The rides are sort of awkward as of recently. At least Agatha agreed to drive me home (it’s a good 45 minute walk, if not) after some convincing from Penny, but her and I don’t really chat. It’s just the two of them.
Given that time, I have a chance to pull out my mobile and thumb through what was sent.
gaystrell: https://docs.google.com/document/d/175qFASmqD7hey8lE0eoE-6VhhFYE9DP6bpnI32Aay98/edit?usp=sharing
I click on it, not expecting that much (or, really, not expecting anything at all). Yet, the second it pops up and loads, my jaw drops.
“Jesus fuck,” I say aloud, scrolling through it. Penny turns her head, frowning as I stay locked on my screen.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“No--no nothing,” I say, waving a hand. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s got to be something for that reaction,” she says, keeping turned in her seat as she eyes me up. “Just tell us, Si.”
“I mean it when I say it’s nothing.” My voice gets quieter as I shift, reading the title. “It’s just fandom stuff. It’s really nothing.”
I hear her disgruntled huff as she turns back, mumbling something about me reacting too dramatically to this. “It isn’t even real.” It’s said under her breath, yet it still rings clear in my ears.
It isn’t really fake, either.
Hell, this is six pages of real. “Why Huxley Gastrell is, Without a Doubt, a Ravenclaw”. Shared by Basilton Pitch (is that his actual name?!). Fucking hell, it’s detailed to no ends. You’d think, with this much writing, there’d be pages of pointless filler where he’d just type “im gay hi huxley is also a gay we’re all gay here aren’t we”, but no. It’s full, grammatically correct sentences detailing his points.
It’s a bit much to read in the car, so I settle my mobile face down onto the seat as I’m left reeling. That… was a bit more than I’d expected.
Shit, did he write that for me?
This isn’t real. This can’t be real.
Whoever says that having a flair for the dramatics is pointless has clearly never met me, because I wouldn’t quite call this masterpiece of an essay “pointless”. In fact, I should send it to academics. Rename it “A Study In Multi-Dimensional Characters and their Associated Generalized Personality Traits”. I’ll be hailed as a genius, as I deserve to be.
I crack my knuckles, and see the little person pop up.
Surely enough, it’s @bi-sammy’s name that he has listed online, Simon. It’s curious, he has his last name listed as “Snow”. Although, the smallest part of me believes it’s a pseudonym. Given our interactions, I doubt he’s clever enough to think of a solid pseudonym. And, even at that, why pick Snow?
Either way, it’s surprisingly endearing. Simon Snow. Sounds sweet. Sounds innocent.
I watch his cursor turn on, then his icon goes grey after a few moments. My heart starts to trip, making my cheeks begin to flush. Is… he ignoring this?
No. He can’t be. I put in hard work and dedication into this work, and I deserve the respect I’d sent into it. Fucking hell, three fully developed points (his devotion to intellectual work, his effort to step out of public light for Sam’s sake, and his overall lack of ambition for moving forward). I clearly set it out, and ended it properly; I’d proven that Huxley is a Ravenclaw. Case and point, opinion made, the end.
And, here I sit, watching him have the audacity to open it up then close it back. That was my hard work put in there, and he closes it? Who in the name of all that is sacred thinks he’s that above other people to the point where he just ignores--
Oh. He’s back on. Nevermind.
He’s… probably a school student. It’s roughly the time that most classes end, I suppose.
I make a mental apology to him, despite having never ranted directly to him in the first place.
He stays active for a good bit; long enough to show he’s reading. I assume that he’d just close off and message me, but after minutes, I notice a little highlighted comment pop up on the last sentence.
Simon Snow i………. owe you every single possible apology
Each word makes me grin like I haven’t in a while. A wide, cheek-creasing grin. There’s something so sweet to that--so personal. It feels like a note passed to me in a classroom under the tables. Like a cute “Blink if you like me”, although I doubt he has quite an intention.
Nevertheless, it warms my chest, sending my head back as I smile. I’m not sure whether or not it’s the satisfaction of winning, or his words, but I laugh outwardly into the room. It stays with me, reverberating onto my skin and my throat.
I look back at the comment, then leave it untouched. If he won’t remove it, then I won’t either.
With a glance at our personal messages tab, I figure that’s that. Even field, no more argument. No more interaction. It’s a bit of a shame, given the effort I’d just extorted for his sake, that he hasn’t answered in our chat.
While I’m disappointed to close off the document, I smile at it one last time. Sometimes I have to move on from random people, especially when they come on a bit strong.
Except, I find, moments later that I’m wrong about one thing--the moving on. He didn’t just stop his interaction, but instead made a public post.
“@bi-sammy mentioned you in a post!”
This time, I really laugh. A full bellied, hand-covering-mouth laugh.
i guess i have to suck @gayhuxell’s cock now because i was wrong and the bloody arse was right. huxley is a ravenclaw.
#fuck me i guess
I take a minute, rereading over his words a few times before typing a simple answer with my reblog.
i’m available anytime behind a mcdonald’s parking lot
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theycallmebeccawrites · 6 years ago
Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 7
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: n/a
Episode Summary: This episode takes place in August 2013. Chris takes Ellie with him to a friend's wedding.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological.  It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future.  However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Episode 6
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Episode 7: The Wedding
August 16, 2013
Ellie was in the kitchen cleaning up dinner when Chris came into the room with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Not wanting to eavesdrop, she tried to block out his voice, but he was talking so loudly that it was difficult.
"You promised to go with me, Scott," he said into the phone. "What the hell am I supposed to do now? I hate going to these things alone… You're right, you're right, work comes first… Ellie?"
Ellie looked up at the mention of her name and found Chris looking at her.
"Yeah, I supposed it wouldn't hurt to ask her," Chris said into the phone. "I know, Scott…. I just wish you'd given me more notice that's all… I promise I will ask her, she is actually staring at me right now…. Yes, I will let you know if you are off the hook."
Curious, Ellie waited until Chris pulled the phone from his ear and hit the 'end' button.
"So," he said, casually. "What are the chances you have this weekend off from the bookstore?"
"Depends on what you need me to do," Ellie replied, crossing her arms.
"Scott was supposed to go with me to a wedding in Palm Springs this weekend," Chris explained. "But he just called to tell me that they need him here in LA for reshoots. So I was hoping you were available to go to the wedding with me as my, uh, date."
"You were going to take your brother to a wedding as your date?" Ellie teased, unable to stop herself.
"Funny," Chris replied, rolling his eyes. "I RSVP'd with a plus one and I can't go to this thing by myself. If I do, women tend to think I am free game and won't leave me alone."
"So it's less date and more personal bodyguard?" she theorized. She wasn't sure if she was up to the task of protecting Chris from the aforementioned 'women', but she wouldn't be a friend if she made him go by himself.
"You're going to make me beg, aren't you?" he said with a sigh.
"Well, now that you mention it," she smirked, curious to see how far this would go.
"You truly are evil," Chris muttered as his phone dinged alerting him to a text message. A smile spread across his face as he read his brother's text. He shot a quick 'thanks' in reply then turned his attention back to Ellie. "Before you make me beg, the resort the wedding is at has a full service day spa. The wedding is tomorrow night and Scott had scheduled himself a massage that they won't let him cancel. It's fully paid for. If you come with me, the massage is yours."
Ellie scrunched up her face as she realized her gig was up and the cocky grin on Chris's face told her he knew it, too. "Alright, I'm in," Ellie sighed, after a moment, reaching her hand across the island to shake Chris's.
"You're the best," Chris said with a smile.
"What does one wear to a Palm Springs resort?" Ellie asked.
Chris took in her cutoff jean shorts and her hot pink racer back tank top and said, "Definitely not that."
"What? You mean you don't think this is a classy look?" Ellie asked. She did a slow turn and caught Chris's eyes bouncing from her ass to her face. "See something you like?" The words slipped from her mouth before she realized it and she felt her face heat up as she watched Chris's do the same. "Oh my God, don't answer that."
"In the sake of all honesty, you have a nice ass," Chris confessed, unable to stop himself. "I noticed it that first day we met."
"Yeah, well you have a nice cock." Ellie's eyes widened as the words registered in her head and she slapped her hand over her mouth as Chris let out a roar of laughter.
"That is the best come back I have ever heard," Chris said, wiping the tears from his eyes as he laughed.
"I'm glad you think so, meanwhile, I'm ready to go bury myself under the blankets of my bed and never leave," Ellie replied. She couldn't believe the words had left her mouth; true as they were or not.
"It's ok, honestly," Chris said, attempting to calm himself. "It's been like five months, we should be able laugh about it by now…"
"I suppose you're right," Ellie replied. "It was pretty funny when you think about it." She giggled as she remembered the paper towels. "The fact that you grabbed the -"
"Paper towels when there was a newspaper right there, yeah, yeah, yeah. My mom loves that part of the story too."
"How are we going to do this?" Ellie asked, sobering. "Like what are we telling people this weekend if they ask how we met."
"We'll keep it simple, you're my friend and you came as my date," Chris replied. "Keep it simple. We met through a mutual friend."
"There isn't going to be any paparazzi there, right? I mean, am I going to have to worry about them posting my picture somewhere with the caption 'Chris Evans dates mystery brunette with fake boobs' the next time I go to the grocery store?"
"It's not an industry wedding," Chris said with a chuckle. "So no, there shouldn't be any paparazzi. In fact, the resort we are going to is well protected so we should be fine."
"Ok, good," Ellie nodded. "I didn't want to have to defend myself to the cashier about my boobs being real."
"Should the situation present itself, I'd be happy to take a feel and confirm they're real, to defend your honor and all that," Chris said, earning him a glare from Ellie. "Too soon?"
"Too soon," Ellie said with a nod. "Now if you'll excuse me. I have some packing to do and I have to see if I can find someone to watch -"
"Scott said he'd stay here tomorrow night," Chris cut her off. "He also doesn't have to be on set until noon, so he'll check on Daisy before then."
"Perfect," Ellie replied. "I'll bring her kennel into the house in the morning. What time do I need to be ready?"
"9ish? Your massage is at noon, so leaving at 9 would give you time to get settled in your room first."
"Sounds good, I'll see you in the a.m."
With Daisy following her, Ellie went out to the guesthouse and opened her closet to pick out her most resort appropriate clothing. She selected the brand new dress she'd purchased when shopping with her sisters and then grabbed nice clothes from the back of her closet that she hadn't worn since she'd first moved to LA. She quickly tried them on and was pleasantly surprised when they still fit and actually felt a little looser than she remembered.
Not wanting to fold her nice clothes, she put them all under a dry cleaning plastic cover and then proceeded to fill her medium sized rolling suitcase with everything she thought she might need. It was nearly midnight by the time she lifted Daisy up onto the bed and climbed in after her.
When her alarm went off seven hours later, she sprung from her bed and took a quick shower. She waited until after she'd carried Daisy's kennel up to the main house before she put on her navy blue dress with striped top. She then made sure all the lights were off in the guesthouse before grabbing her purse, suitcase and the clothes that were hanging and carrying them up to the main house.
Chris came into the kitchen shortly after eight wearing a pair of khaki dress pants and a navy blue shirt that matched her outfit perfectly. He was carrying a hanging luggage bag and stopped short when he saw Ellie's stuff piled next to the table. "You do remember we are only going to be gone for one night, right?" he said, fighting back his laughter.
"Shut up," Ellie retorted, pushing her naturally curly hair out of her face. Spotting Chris's hanging luggage bag she asked, "I don't suppose you have another one of those…"
"You can just add 'em to mine," Chris replied. He unzipped it and held it open for her to add her stuff.
"Thanks," Ellie replied. "Want eggs for breakfast?"
"Sure, I'll get the coffee going," Chris offered.
An hour later, they were in Chris's car and pulling out of the driveway. They argued all the way to the freeway as to what music to play and Ellie finally convinced him to listen to one of her random car mixes.
After about thirty minutes of country songs and 90's boybands, Chris reached over and lowered the volume. "How about we just talk," he suggested.
"About what?" Ellie replied as she switched to a different playlist on her phone. She reached over to turn the volume back up, but had her hand swatted away.
"How about sports? I know you like baseball. Do you like anything?"
"I love football," she said with a grin. "I can't wait for the season to start."
"Really?" He cocked his eyebrow and glanced at her. "Who's your team?"
"Depends, are you asking college or NFL?"
"Do you have a preference?"
"I like college better, because every year you have new players and every 3 to 4 years, there is a major change over."
"Far enough. Who's your college team?"
"The Oregon Ducks, of course. Fun fact, our mascot, Puddles, is Donald Duck's alter ego."
"Uh huh, sure."
"No, I'm serious. One of our former Athletic Directors in the 1940's knew a Disney cartoonist and through him got a meeting with Walt Disney himself," Ellie stated. "There is a picture of Walt wearing an Oregon Ducks jacket. They changed the mascot costume a little, a few years ago, but all the Puddles branded stuff is Donald Duck."
"Given that that was a lot of information in like sixty seconds, I'm just going to believe you," Chris said with a chuckle. "Do you have an NFL team?"
"Of course I do. I'm a Northwest girl so it's obviously the Seahawks. I know you're a Pats fan, though."
"What gave it away?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Obviously not the Patriots shit you have all over the house," she said shaking her head. "I guess I'm just glad you don't like the Cowboys."
From football their conversation moved to sports they played as kids then to childhood memories and everything in between while music played quietly in the background. It made the two and a half hour drive pass quickly; especially when traffic slowed to a crawl in certain places.
"Holy shit," Ellie gasped as she caught sight of the mission style resort. "This place is gorgeous."
"It belongs to the bride's family," Chris said. "The groom was one of my first roommates here in California."
Pulling up to the entrance, Chris and Ellie's doors were opened for them by resort staff. Chris was given a ticket for the valet service while Ellie supervised the other staff member pulling their luggage out of the trunk.
They made their way into the lobby and were greeted by a third staff member. "Good morning," she said, greeting them. "Can I get you two something to drink before I check you in?"
"No, I think we're good, thanks though," Chris replied.
"Follow me please." She led them over to the check in desk and asked Chris his name. "Ah, yes, I see your reservation here. It's an excellent room overlooking the golf course."
"One room?" Ellie asked in surprise.
"There must be a mistake," Chris told the lady. "There should be two rooms."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Evans, but there is only one room with a king size bed reserved under your name," the woman replied.
"But you have other rooms available, right?" Ellie asked her.
"No, Miss, I apologize, but we are fully booked this weekend," the lady replied.
"Can you give us a minute to talk?" Chris asked her.
"Of course," the woman replied, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.
"Now what?" Ellie asked as she and Chris moved away from the check-in desk. "There's nothing else out this way."
"I know," Chris replied. "We just shared a bed two weeks ago, are you opposed to doing it again?"
"I don't think we have any other options," Ellie sighed.
Walking back to the counter, Chris finished the checking in process and then he and Ellie were led to their second floor room by a bellhop.
The room was of modest size with a large king bed taking up most of it. The attached bathroom had a full glass shower, a separate tub and two sinks. The best feature, however, was the wall of windows that separated the small balcony from the rest of the room and looked out over the beautiful green golf course.
"I don't feel like we're in southern California anymore," Ellie muttered after the bellhop had left. "It's so green."
"You're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy," Chris teased as he opened the patio door and they stepped out into the warm air. "Gah, heat like this makes me miss Boston."
"All this green makes me miss Oregon," Ellie agreed. "This heat is atrocious. I feel my hair getting bigger already."
Chris snickered and stole a look at her before nodding his head. "It's definitely doing something…"
"Fuck, I may have to squeeze in a hair appointment today, too," Ellie grumbled. "You got any more of that Grant money I saw you hand the bellhop? You know, in case they don't take pity on me in the spa by the mere appearance of my hair?"
"Since you're helping me out this weekend, yes, I can give you some money," Chris replied with a shake of his head. "Can we go back inside now?"
Thirty minutes later, Ellie left the room with her room key, a small bag of supplies and extra money in her purse. The spa was easy to find and the receptionist took one look at her hair, asked if she was here for the wedding and quickly ushered her into a stylist's chair.
The stylist applied a product to Ellie's hair then wrapped her hair up before she was escorted to one of the private changing rooms. She took off her clothes and put on a thick terry cotton robe then grabbed the key to the changing room before being led to the massage table.
By the time she returned to her and Chris's room, two hours later, she was completely relaxed from her massage and the hot shower that had followed. The stylist had whipped her hair into submission and, for the first time in her life, she actually had bouncy curls! She'd even had her makeup and her nails done. She'd felt like she was floating during the entire walk back to the room.
"Wow," Chris said when he looked from when where he was laying on the bed. "You look nice."
"Thanks," Ellie replied. Catching sight of herself in the large mirror on the way, she swung her hair and giggled.
"Either you've already started drinking or the spa is experimenting with personality transplants," Chris laughed.
"I may have had a mimosa or two," Ellie smiled as she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. "But look, Chris, look at my hair. It's never looked this good before! Gus, the hair stylist, is a God. There is no other way to describe him."
"It looks good," Chris agreed. Truthfully, he liked her hair in its wild natural form or pulled back in a ponytail. He liked her down to earth spunkiness. "But I'm guessing that this means you don't want to spend the next two hours down at the pool."
"Gus said to stay away from water," Ellie replied. "So that's a definite no."
With a couple hours to kill, they channel surfed until they found a preseason NFL game featuring two teams neither of them cared about, but they watched since it was football.
When they were down to the final thirty minutes, Chris went into the bathroom to take a quick shower while Ellie stayed in the main part of the room to get dressed. By the time Chris left the bathroom dressed and ready to go, all Ellie needed was for him to zip up the back of her dress.
"What are you doing?" she demanded as she saw Chris reaching for his plain black baseball cap. "You're not wearing that."
"Ellie, come on, I'm trying to be incognito, remember?"
"Wearing a baseball hat with a suit is not the way to remain incognito at a formal wedding," she said, putting her hands on her hips. "Just wear your sunglasses and keep your head down."
"You're the boss," Chris replied, holding up his hands defensively.
"And don't you forget it," Ellie smirked. She watched as he grabbed his sunglasses and slipped them on. "Perfect! Let's go."
They made their way down to the outdoor ceremony and took two seats in the very last row that had been reserved for them.
"How many people are here?" Ellie whispered.
"500?" Chris guessed as he looked out over the crowd. Half of them were seated on an upper patio while the rest were in a grassy area.
"Do you know anyone other than the bride and the groom?" Ellie asked.
"The groom, Ray, and I were two of five roommates," Chris replied. "So I suspect our other roommates are here. As for Kady's guests, I don't know anyone."
They stopped talking as Ray and the officiant walked to the front of the audience and took their positions. Fourteen pairs of bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle before the bride appeared with her father.
After the ceremony ended, the wedding party was escorted away for photos while the guests were excused to the cocktail hour. Servers made their way through the crowd with appetizers and custom drinks created by the bride and groom for the wedding.
Chris and Ellie found a quiet table along the edge of the party and relaxed as they people watched. Spotting a group of six walking towards them, Ellie nudged Chris and pointed.
A smile spread across Chris's face as he recognized his three other roommates and their beautiful wives. One by one he gave them each a hug and then introduced them to Ellie. "This is Ellie," he told them. "Ellie, this is Chucky and Tanya Kelley, Bryant and Gloria Gomez and Brock and Tessa Alexander."
"Hi," Ellie said with an awkward wave to the six strangers in front of her.
"So how did this one convince you to come to this festive event?" Chucky asked as he put Chris in a pretend headlock. "Just blink twice if you're not here by your own choosing."
"Shut the fuck up, Chuck," Chris said, elbowing his friend in the gut. "Ellie is just a friend doing me a favor because Scott had a conflict."
"Alright, friend Ellie, how did you meet this guy?" Chucky asked as he gave Chris a playful push.
"Mutual friends," Ellie replied, giving her best poker face as she tried to come up with a better answer. "We both love Red Sox baseball and football and they thought we'd get along great."
"Of course, C.E. would find a girl, sorry, a friend, that loves football," Brock chuckled. "Has he told you about his annual NFL kickoff party? It's a blast."
"No," Ellie said, looking at Chris with raised eyebrows. "He hadn't mentioned anything about a party…"
"We'll have something to talk about on the way home," Chris said with a forced chuckle.
A voice came over the speaker system inviting everyone to make their way to the dinner area.
"Saved by the bell," Bryant teased Chris.
"A kickoff party?" Ellie hissed to Chris as they followed the other three couples.
"It's usually a potluck style," Chris replied. "I usually supply the drinks and chips."
"Still," Ellie said, forcing a smile on her lips as she realized they were sitting at a table with his friends.
As they reached the table, Chris pulled her chair out for her and then pushed it back in once she was seated.
"So," Ellie said, leaning in. "You guys have known this one for a while. I'm sure you have lots of hilarious stories to share." She tossed Chris a grin.
"We're in public," Chris said, shaking his head. "Keep in clean."
Chris's friends shared stories as they ate the delicious five course meal. By the time they'd finished eating, they were all a little tipsy from their drinks and their faces hurt from laughing. Even Chris had joined in on the storytelling, dragging his friends down with him.
They all quieted down as the bride and groom shared their first dance as husband and wife. That dance was followed by the other traditional dances, but soon the lead singer of the live band invited everyone out on top the dance floor to work off their dinner.
Ellie had assumed she and Chris would sit out on the dancing, but his friends wouldn't allow it. She quickly found herself being pulled out onto the dancefloor with her hand clutched in Chris's. The first few dances were lively and upbeat, but then it switched to a slow song.
Before she and Chris had a chance to escape the dance floor, they were pushed together. After moving their hands from the awkward spots they had landed, they repositioned themselves so they were in a basic slow dance hold, with her hands resting on his shoulders and his hands on her waist.
As soon as the song was done, Chris grabbed her hand and made a beeline off the dance floor. Ellie laughed as he pulled her over to the bar and it was as they were leaving with drinks that they ran into the bride and groom. Chris introduced Ellie to them and, in the few minutes they spent with them, Ellie could tell that they were as genuine and sweet as Chris's other friends.
An hour or so later, their group sat at their table listening to the speeches being made by the wedding party and various other people. The toasts were immediately followed by the bride and groom cutting the cake and then the servers delivered small, personal-sized cakes to everyone.
By the time they'd finished eating their dessert, it was nearly midnight and the long day was starting to catch up to Chris and Ellie. They said their goodbyes to Chris's friends and then took one of the golf cart shuttles back to the main building where they were staying.
After Chris helped Ellie unzip the back of her dress, she went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she exited fifteen minutes later, she was wearing one of the hotel's fluffy white robes over her matching camisole and short pajamas.
While Chris was in the bathroom, Ellie admired her hair in the mirror, amazed that it still looked fantastic after so many hours. She was beginning to think that Gus the hairstylist was a magician.
Not ready to climb into the bed yet, Ellie grabbed her phone and sat down on the end of the chaise lounge. She laid back against the soft fabric and wondered if she shouldn't just sleep there with her hair cascading over the side.
When Chris came out of the bathroom, he shook his head and asked, "Are you coming to bed soon?"
"I think I'm going to sleep right here," Ellie replied, moving her head slightly so the still bouncy curls swayed over the edge of the arm. "Keep my hair from getting messed up."
"You are not sleeping on that thing," Chris said firmly. "You'll hurt your neck."
"But my hair looks so good, Chris!" Ellie pouted.
"Ellie -" He stopped when he realized he didn't know her middle name. "What's your middle name?"
"Elaine," she replied with a yawn.
"You're name is Ellie Elaine?"  he asked, confused.
"No, Ellie is short for Elaine. My first name is Sarah," she explained.
"So why don't you go by Sarah?" he inquired.
"Because that was my grandma's name and she went by Sarah."
"Oh, I guess that makes sense," Chris replied. "What were we talking about again?"
"I believe you were getting ready to threaten me," Ellie stated.
"Oh right," Chris nodded. He cleared his throat and then in a stern voice said, "Sarah Elaine, you're not sleeping on that thing. I will carry you to the bed if I have to and I will lay on top of you to make you stay."
Ellie sat up and stared at Chris in shock. "You do realize you would crush me if you laid on top of me, right?" she asked.
"Oh, right," Chris said. "Well, I'd find some way to restrain you to the bed."
"Fine," Ellie sighed as she forced herself up. "Have it your way."
While she got into the bed, Chris adjusted the air conditioning of the room, turning it to a lower temperature. He then grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and tossed it to Ellie. He knew she liked to sleep in a cold room, like he did, but he'd learned that she was a bit of a blanket hog.
Climbing into the bed, Chris turned off the lights and pulled the blankets up to his chin. He heard Ellie rustling around next to him and waited for her to get settled before his closed his eyes.
Hours later, he awoke to her long hair fanned out across his face. Brushing it away, he looked over and saw that she was lying on her side facing him. Sometime during the night they had moved from their respective edges to the middle of the bed where a mere foot or so separated them from each other.
Unable to fall back to sleep, he watched her. He loved that her hair had returned to its natural form sometime during the night and it surround her like a lion's mane.
"Stop staring at me, you creeper," she mumbled.
Chris couldn't help but laugh.
Episode 7.25
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
My tag list is always open, just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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marlaluster · 6 years ago
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BwxPdwFnmFY/?hl=en 2. romeestrijd's profile picture Liked by romeestrijd and 59,679 others laurensvleeuwen 2018 ���� 2019 annskmdny Bayiliyorum size 💜💜 lorenaandromee Soo cute❤️ marlaluster yay romee n laurens DECEMBER 31, 2018 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsD0WuhFgT8/?hl=en 4. jakegyllenhaal's profile picture Liked by jakegyllenhaal and 480,972 others prattprattpratt Happy Fourth!! I really respect the author Jack Carr. His books are really cool. And he fought for his country. Today we Americans celebrate with parades, fireworks, laughs, love and family. I really like what Jack has to say below. I personally believe it’s important to reflect upon the idea of America. Any institution made by humans is bound to be imperfect. But it is our responsibility to strive to improve, to form a “more perfect union”. What can we do? How can we heal this growing divide? I feel like recognizing the fact that nobody is perfect is a start. It allows us to judge less, to realize despite our differences we have common ground And what is our common ground? In the words of Abraham Lincoln “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Sounds good to me! Quick edit: Yes, Jefferson wrote the words and later Lincoln spoke them. Interesting point to see how that idea evolved to mean so much more by then. What can it mean today? We continue to evolve. We strive to be more perfect. 🙏❤️🇺🇸 #Repost @jackcarrusa ・・・ “...we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” I highly encourage all Americans to read the Declaration of Independence today, and every Fourth of July, with their families, as a tribute to those who pledged their Lives, their Fortunes, and their sacred Honor so that we could inherit the freedoms we enjoy today. Take the opportunity that Independence Day affords to discuss, particularly with your children, the freedoms and opportunities we’ve been entrusted to uphold, and our responsibility as citizens to pass them on to future generations. We will be reading it tonight. Strength and Honor. #IndependenceDay #1776 #FourthOfJuly #DeclarationofIndependence #Revolution #Fight #History #Honor #DontTreadOnMe #JoinOrDie #GadsdenFlag #LibertyOrDeath #GiveMeLibertyOrGiveMeDeath #Patriots #America #USA #Freedom harlanwbontrager Loved seeing you in Nashville singing with @sarahgaylemeech !!!! sharpe2454 Amen marlaluster yay Chris Pratt, something Chris likes here. ... Intended to be quite okay here is something worthwhile to remember. The ideals are very good n thats something for ideals n values to be. JULY 4 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfwFH-py-n/?hl=en 6. https://images.app.goo.gl/xZY6RCDQr61Zvijo9 7. https://www.instagram.com/p/Btz9P2mgZAA/?hl=en 8. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://c8.alamy.com/comp/FAXKH4/in-the-heart-of-the-sea-madrid-film-premiere-featuring-chris-hemsworth-FAXKH4.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-in-the-heart-of-the-sea-madrid-film-premiere-featuring-chris-hemsworth-92784528.html&tbnid=SFVYhtN1BKDGBM&vet=1&docid=9upGNAOvAGWyFM&w=866&h=1390&source=sh/x/im 9. bobbydazzler84's profile picture Liked by bobbydazzler84 and 133,392 others elsapatakyconfidential Early birthday celebrations with my favourite people 🥳 Celebrando el cumple con mi gente favorita fran_zuti_oficial Felicidades guapa!!!!!! sayapilates Felíz cumple!!!! 👏😉 marlaluster Happy birthday Elsa! marlaluster Cute dress 7 HOURS AGO 10. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz8BAopnPFv/?hl=en 11. adamlevine Verified Adam Levine Followed by jakegyllenhaal, justintimberlake, behatiprinsloo + 4 more 538 posts 12.1m followers 349 following This Account is Private Follow to see their photos and videos. Suggestions For You maroon5's profile picture maroon5 Verified Maroon 5 nickjonas's profile picture nickjonas Verified Nick Jonas theellenshow's profile picture theellenshow Verified Ellen teddysphotos's profile picture teddysphotos Verified Ed Sheeran 12. https://www.instagram.com/adamlevine/?hl=en 13. Sara Pinto Sampaio is a Portuguese model and actress. She is best known for being a Victoria's Secret Angel, Giorgio Armani beauty ambassador and working for Calzedonia, as well as her appearance in the 2014 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, a first for a Portuguese model, for which she won Rookie of the Year. Wikipedia Born: July 21, 1991 (age 27 years), Porto, Portugal Height: 5′ 8″ Nationality: Portuguese Partner: Oliver Ripley (2015–) Agencies: The Lions, Elite Model Management Show less 14. https://www.google.com/search?q=sara+sampaio&oq=sara+&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j69i60j69i61l2j69i59j0.2367j0j4&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 15. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6zDVhhk3V/?hl=en 16. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6zDVhhk3V/?hl=en 17. 56,075 views padmalakshmi I’ll be talking food🍜🌮🍕at @ozyfest this Sunday, July 21st! Get your tix. Link in bio. #ozyfest moonlite9 @hi_kg 😍 tiffanypoullete 😭 I want to come but can’t afford it this year. See ya next year?! marlaluster So beautiful. marlaluster Great you look so great. 1 DAY AGO 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz7JJAcF75w/?hl=en 19. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz87oXUhlzW/?hl=en 20. yay Chris Pratt, something Chris likes here. ... Intended to be quite okay here is something worthwhile to remember. The ideals are very good n thats something for ideals n values to be.
0 notes
chokobananya · 8 years ago
[TRANSLATION] MAX Matsuura x ELLY x Yamashita Kenjiro x Iwata Takanori (Gekkan EXILE May 2017)
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Hi! It’s been a long time since I posted my translations in here. I’ve encountered people reposting my translations on their own twitter account without credits. I reminded those people and apparently, my reminders were taken too personal. I’m just hoping it won’t happen again. >_<
My reminders regarding reposting of translations: Click HERE.
This is an interview with Max Matsuura along with JSB Members: Yamashita Kenjiro, ELLY, and Iwata Takanori. Apparently, the first part was in the previous issue of Gekkan EXILE so if anyone has scans please let me know! ^_^ (Thanking my twitter mutual, CINTAAMONYET for the scans! <3)
I’m also hashtagging Tosaka Hiroomi and Sekiguchi Mendy since they were mentioned here! 
ENTERTAINMENT CURRENT AFFAIRS MAX Matsuura x ELLY x Yamashita Kenjiro x Iwata Takanori
LEGEND: M – MAX Matsuura E – ELLY Y – Yamashita Kenjiro I – Iwata Takanori
A Continuation from the Previous Issue, the performers of Sandaime J Soul Brothers ELLY, Yamashita Kenjiro, and Iwata Takanori appear! A start of discourse from the different perspectives of the performers, a secret birthday present, and a lot more will be talked about. 
Q1: In a continuation of the previous issue, the guests are Sandaime J Soul Brothers ELLY-san, Yamashita Kenjiro-san, and Iwata Takanori-san. Since all three of them are together with Matsuura-san, [we] would like to hear the kind of image you have on a performer from each of you. M:  Nowadays, we have this position called a “performer”. However, it was called “dancer” in the past and its existence was not the main one. The vocals may have costumes during a performance but there were times where dancers wear civilian clothes. Under such circumstances, HIRO suggested: I would like to create a group that is focused on dancing. From that, HIRO has created “performers” which have values in terms of their position. Y: Same here. I think HIRO-san is the one who have cultured and opened the path of making “performer” an occupation. I began as a student in EXPG Osaka and then became an instructor. This is why I think “This is why we have a present.” M: Although there wasn’t a firm establishment at the beginning (laughs). HIRO was trying to make everyone equal that’s why the members speak during the lives. In that case, seven members speak during the live so it’s (the live concert) very long (laughs). E: Indeed, it’s gonna be long (laughs). M: “I have to improve it”… hence, the vocals were included in the group and did the MCs. In my opinion, that style is an LDH original. There is no group where performers are in the foreground until 2-3 years ago, even the overseas management were surprised because of that style.
Q2: Is everyone aware of their standing or position as members of Sandaime J Soul Brothers? E: About standings, to be honest I don’t really understand these… (laughs) M: So unexpectedly, you don’t think about these things? (laughs) E: (laughs). The EXILE style which HIRO-san has always been doing has contributed to the growth of Sandaime J Soul Brothers. Of course, I have this kind of feeling. There, with the environment I grew up into, I’ve always been thinking that it is okay to show my own style of dance. Y: In my case, it’s because of HIRO-san that I started from a dancer to making my dream, which is to become a performer, come true. That’s why from now on, it will be good if there will be a lot of performers who will aim to be on the stage. Then, I want more people to live on as performers. I: I want to be a performer who can contribute and respond to Sandaime, LDH, and Avex. I don’t think I have a special talent nor striking characteristics, but I want to respond to everyone’s expectations for them to be pleased and be happy. This is something that I have to do and my feelings about this will never change. E: When I just became a member of Sandaime, there were a lot of things that I didn’t understand. At first, there were a lot of things that I had to learn. When we debuted, it was difficult for me to go out there. Y: There were even rules for discipline. I: Rather than a ranked society, [the company] was more like a sports organization. Y: Around that time, I did not know how to adjust. E: I didn’t understand that [as well]. That’s why I had this feeling that erasing myself should be a right thing to do. (T/N: ELLY used 「自分を消すのが正解」 wherein 消す means to erase or put off. He probably meant remove himself from the group) Y: That’s why at first, everyone felt that: “Everyone is the same”. (laughs) E: In my case, the color of my skin is slightly different from everyone (laughs). M, Y, & I: (laugh out loud) I: Well, I had this feeling that everyone’s skin was dark… (laughs). M: No, everyone’s still dark-skinned (laughs). Y: In spite of Sandaime having 5 performers, it is evident how everyone was able to find their own expertise and individuality. I: Since everyone was their own color, I think everyone should be able to show their own self and find the things which only one person can do during Sandaime’s activities. Y: The number of members who are going out of the group has been obvious with each one increasing their own field of expertise. In spite of that, we’re still gonna flow back to Sandaime again. I: I personally think that ELLY’s self-production is amazing. E: Really? (laughs) I: That’s because a performer holding a microphone is something that was used to be impossible (laughs). With the usual style of a performer, I felt that [ELLY’s production] was a huge breakthrough. E: Before I was able to hold a mic, I asked ATSUSHI-san for an advice. I went to him alone and said, “I would like to try this thing so I would like to hold a mic.” When I was acknowledged, this style has been created. But now, Mendy is also able to hold a mic, it has become something ordinary. When everyone gives [me] a trigger and an encouragement, it makes me happy. I: But it’s not that the consciousness of being a performer will suddenly change one day, isn’t it? It has probably begun from the R.Y.U.S.E.I. period. From that moment, we have started to think more about ourselves. The attention which Sandaime J Soul Brothers gained has also increased. This is why I have to work hard for the sake of the members. In a good sense, I feel like a trigger to do my best was born. E: Furthermore, I was able to express what I really want to do. Also, Matsuura-san has praised me for the hard work in choreographing R.Y.U.S.E.I. He has given me a watch as a present. M: I really thought that R.Y.U.S.E.I.’s choreography was amazing. However, the watch was more of a “drunk momentum” (laughs). I just gave ELLY that watch but apparently, ELLY lost it (laughs). Y & I: What?! E: I-I’m sorry… M: Well, it’s something that is ELLY-like so I’m not mad (laughs). However, after I gave that watch, I was thinking that a gold watch would look better on him so I contacted him and sent a photo of that gold watch: “Would you like to exchange this watch to the watch I gave you the other day?” (laughs). E: It’s [the lost watch] surely somewhere in my house!
Q3: Speaking of presents, it seems that Matsuura-san gives the members a birthday present every year. M: That’s right but giving presents is difficult. I don’t know what to give and there is also a possibility that they have the thing that I want to give. This is why every year, I ask them what gifts they want. Because of that, I am able to differentiate their personalities and it’s interesting. Tosaka received a self-propelled vacuum cleaner from me last year. Then a year before that, he received an ordinary vacuum cleaner. I gave him vacuum cleaners for two consecutive years (laughs). I: (laughs). I receive something different from Matsuura-san every year. M: It’s like I’m giving Gun-chan a special treatment and that is not good (laughs). Y: Please be audacious here. M&I: (lol) M: In the case of Gun-chan, we go to shops together and I tell him, “Please buy whatever you would like to buy”. It has become an annual tradition as if he’s my grandson (laughs). I: Then, I ask Matsuura-san to buy me a cap (laughs). After our shopping, we’ll go out eating. It became an annual tradition and every year is fun. Y: That’s nice (laughs). In my case, I received an electric fishing reel last year. Before that, I received a fishing rod for sea fishing. M: Just like I thought it’s on your personality (laughs). Y: With this reel and rod I received, I’ve always concealed my desire to go on fishing with Matsuura-san (laughs). I think that using these with Matsuura-san will be a good experience. M: I don’t think I will appear in “All Night Nippon” until it’s gonna be over though (laughs). Y: (laughs). If the timing is good, I would like to do it with you (ANN). E: Since I really like music, I received a very good and top class speaker [from Max]. M: I will be putting your birthday present this year on hold until you find that watch (laughs). E: Yes… (bitter smile). M: But if your choreography will be good, I’ll give you a present (laughs). E: Yes! I’ll do my best! Then, I’ll also continue looking for that watch….I’m sorry. M, Y, & I: lol.
T/N: It took me more than 5 hours to translate this haha. I’ll try to recheck this for the fourth time probably tomorrow just in case there are typos ^^; I hope you enjoyed!
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klainelynch · 4 years ago
Thanks for the tag @musing-and-music !
1. why did you choose your url?
A friend told me she saved me in her phone as “klaine lynch” because this was during season 2 of Glee and I had ABSOLUTELY NO CHILL about how much I loved Klaine.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have a fair number of them, though most of them are just saving urls (that at this point I’ll probably never use lol) The only active one is @yourvaginaisdarkandfullofterrors , which started as a place for me to reblog Red Wedding memes before they did it on the show, and now I just reblog whatever ASOIAF shit I want to there
3. how long have you been on Tumblr?
...over ten years...
4. do you have a queue tag?
I don’t tag my queued posts because if I did, 95% of them would be tagged lmaooooo
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
LJ was going through a restructuring and it seemed like fandom was moving here
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I chose my icon after I watched FMAB for the first time. I wanted one with both Riza and Roy that really captured their personalities. I think this one does the trick xD
7. why did you choose your header?
In another life, I am a Hobbit
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I had to wait for the note counter website to dig through 69,972 posts to tell me it’s spparently it’s this picture I reposted 10 years ago??? Why did I do that?????
Here, let’s also throw in my next highest notes post, which is something I actually wrote: Klainers’ Favorite Things
9. how many mutuals do you have?
That sounds like math
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I think most of my shitposting takes places in the tags nowaways
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
During the school year, it’s an hour or so after work. When I have a free day, I like to catch up to the last place on my dash, so it can take much longer.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Not that I can remember?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Almost always ignore them at this point; don’t like the guilt tripping.
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I mean, one of the nice things about tumblr is that we can’t automatically see how many followers everyone has, but I’m gonna guess it’s Jules
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m too tired for crushes
20. tags?
@itreallyatemyhand @oohlookakitty @oohlookapuppy @rousse
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