#and yes his cane turns into a canon; wanna fight about it?
mfdragon · 10 months
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Mob Boss!
Hey look it’s ma dad! M….Maaaagnus.
No, Muuuurdock. It’s got murder in the name and it’s Scottish.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
End of all things [1] | Chat Noir x witch!reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug (Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir)
Summary: Y/N had been Chat Noir’s friend and moral support for a long time now. Even though she had magical powers too, she never liked getting involved with akuma attacks, but now, as Hawkmoth’s gotten control of the miraculous of creation, she couldn’t stay indiferent anymore. She had to save her friend and Paris!
Genre: Mostly angst? A little fluff
Warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of death/dying
A/N: This was requested, but as I was writting it, it got very long and I’ve decided to post it in 2 parts. I’m not gonna post the request just now, so as to not spoil the rest of the story but Part 2 will be coming out on friday!!!
Part 2
Chat was pacing around the room, waiting for you to be done with your potion. You had heard from your parents that there had been a new akuma attack today, but as the news reported, the two parisian heros took care of the problem in no time. For this reason, Chat’s presence at your house felt unusual. Normally he would stop by when he needed to rant, when he was in need of comfort and reassurance but the fight today went well, so what could possibly be bothering him?
“Ok, I’m done” you said, screwing the cap on the little bottle and placing it on your shelf “Wanna talk?” you asked, to which Chat gave you a shy smile
“Yeah, a little”
You made your way to your bed, motioning for him to follow you. You got under your covers and passed him his favorite plushie, a cat to no one’s surprise
“So what’s up? Is it about the fight today?”
“Well no it’s more like a...personal problem?”
“Claws out” in a rush of light and electricity, the infamous hero vanished before you, transforming into Adrien Agrest
“Well, what is it?” 
Adrien revealed his identity to you months ago. You first met him as Chat, but when you really got to know each other, he decided you needed to know all of him. Well, he needed you to know all of him.
You listened to him rant until way past midnight. Until you were both too tired to stand up straight, so you laid down in your bed, covers up to your necks, muffled stories told in between yawns. You listened carefully, giving him your full attention. He fidgeted with the collar of the stuffed toy and you used your magic to make 2 hot chocolates. Eventually, everything that needed to be said, was said. You offered Adrien to watch a movie, since that always cheered him up, but he refused
“It’s late and I have a photoshoot early in the morning. My makeup team will be angry with my dark circles anyways, better not make it worse” he joked
Adrien transformed back into Chat and you cast a safety spell on him, which you did every time he left your house late at night. He always teased you about being ‘too protective’, but deep down he found it sweet how much you cared and wanted to know that he would get home in one piece.
“Night Chat” you said, wrapping your arms around the hero
“Good night Y/N!”
The next few days went by quietly. You hadn’t run into Adrien at all, but you texted a bit back and forth. Sunday evening however, things took a toll for the worst. You turned on your tv, ready to catch up with your show when you heard Nadja Chamack’s voice doing the news report
“It seems as though Rena Rouge and Chat Noir are struggling to stay on their feet! They have taken shelter under a fallen bus, leaving Ladybug alone to defeat Hawkmoth'' your pulse skyrocketed. As you watched the screen you could see Chat and Rena off to the side, struggling to catch their breath. Rena seemed to be in pain while Chat was trying to help. Ladybug was using her yoyo the best she could in order to protect herself from the supervillain, who was wielding his cane like a sword over her head. The fight was clearly going in Hawkmoth's favour! You grabbed your jacket and ran out the front door and onto the empty streets of Paris, towards the Eiffel Tower, where the fight was taking place. 
People screamed at you from their balconies to go home, warning you about the fight and the danger you were putting your life in but you didn’t care. All you could think about was how they needed you. Chat needed you! Every late night talk and every inside joke shared between you two replaid in your head like a broken record. Behind Chat’s tough mask, his alter ego of hero and protector, was the fragile figure of Adrien Agreste. The young blonde boy who cried during romantic comedies, who liked to have his hair braided and forgot how to speak when someone complimented him. If you didn’t help, the heros would loose and he would most likely die! Alongside Ladybug and Rena who, even though you didn’t know their real identities, were still young girls. As you ran down the street, you heard kids crying inside one of the homes. You ran past but at the last second you heard Nadia’s voice coming from their tv
“Ladybug was akumatized”
You approached the Eiffel tower from the side, where you could see everything going on. In front of the tower, right next to Hawkmoth, stood Marinette Dupain-Cheng, dressed in a tight, dark red suit, darker than Ladybug’s. Black butterflies replaced the dots of the heroine's suit and the purple butterfly mask of Hawkmoth’s control was shining over her face. Marinette was Ladybug! She did, in fact, get akumatized. On the other side, you saw Rena and Chat, struggling to stay up right. They were obviously in a lot of pain and extremely tired, but Hawkmoth was merely mocking them.
“After all this time” Chat spoke up, but his breaths were shallow and rapid “I thought you’d know one thing about us! We don’t give up without a fight. Never will. Especially not against you” and with that, the two ran at each other.
“It doesn’t have to end like this, you know?” he said “We don’t have to fight to death. I wouldn’t want to have that on my conscience. All you have to do is give me your miraculouses willingly. The town will be safe, you will be safe! It’s the most heroic option you’ve got. You won’t be any good to Paris if you are dead”
You knew this was not just another fight between them. This was it. Either the heros won or everything they’ve worked for would be lost. Hawkmoth would win and get his hands on both miraculous and god knows what kind of destruction that would bring not only upon Paris, but the world. You focused all your energy in one spot in the air, right between where Chat and Hawkmoth were supposed to clash but before they could reach each other, you sent a wave of energy that blew both of them apart, like a bomb. Hawkmoth flew back into the Eiffel tower while Chat hit the pavement with a thud. Confused and certainly disturbed, both of them began looking around for an answer as to what happened when, finally, Hawkmoth’s eyes landed on yours.
“Aha, miss Y/L/N. What a spectacular honor to finally meet you!” you didn’t reply, instead you stood tall, maintaining eye contact
“I know a lot about you. Seen a lot. Felt a lot of your emotions. None of them can compare to the powers I’ll have with the two miraculouses. With Ladybug’s earrings and the guardian under my control, I’d say my mission here is almost over’’
“Y/N get back!’’ Chat screamed but you were too involved now to run. This was your fight too.
“It is time you give up Hawkmoth. Paris is not yours, neither are the miraculouses. We will destroy you, no matter what it takes!”
“Listen to yourself, kid! <<Destroy me>>? The most you can do is pull a rabbit out of your hat…” before he could finish his sentence, you snapped your fingers in his direction and instantly, the ground around beneath Hawkmoth and akumatized Marinette, fractured. From within the cracks, many tangled plants came out, encapsulating the 2 villains. You sprinted towards Chat and Rena, ignoring the signs of struggle coming from the prison of weeds.
 Alongside the two superheros, you hid inside a corner coffee shop, which was now empty.
“Y/N, you need to leave!! You are putting yourself in too much danger!” Rena told you, as she collapsed to the ground from exhaustion
“Stop with that already! I am here and I’m not going anywhere!”
“Yes you are!” Chat looked at you. His voice was calm and yet, his eyes were filled with disappointment “You are not a superhero. This is our job!”
“You need help”
“No we don’t!” Chat had never, in all your years of friendship, raised his voice at you, let alone yell “ You need to stay safe! You could die! Hawkmoth doesn’t care about anything if it helps him get what he wants! I am ready to take that risk. Rena is too” you both turned to the red headed hero, only to see her slowly nod “But I can’t allow you to take it”
“You can’t tell me what to do”
“I don’t want you to die!” he screamed again “I love you and I will never forgive myself if you don’t come out of this alive!”
Before you could say anything, you saw Hawkmoth and his minion, through the cafe window, cutting through the last of the plants and escaping your trap. You grabbed Chat’s arm and pulled him to the floor, from where you could not be seen
“We’re in this together now” you said in a stern voice, looking the blonde kid right in his eyes “Whether you like it or not '' this time, he simply nodded.
You stuffed your hands into the pocket of your jacket and pulled out 3 little bottles, containing a mate, green liquid. You had prepared one for each of the heros, now you’d only need two.
“Here, drink this!” You handed each of them one “Regeneration potion. Should put you back on your feet.” as soon as they finished drinking the brew, you could see color coming back to their faces
“Where’s Marinette’s akuma??” 
“Her necklace” replied Rena “It’s a gift from her kwami”
“Got it. You deal with Hawkmoth. I’ll bring Marinette back!”
Chat and Rena exited through the front door, grabbing Hawkmoth’s attention. He called out to Marinette to attack, but before she could take a single step in your direction, you had snuck up behind her. Using a simple invisibility spell, you managed to exit unnoticed behind the two heros. It finally felt like the fight had truly begun. From the corner of your eye you could see Chat and Rena doging Hawkmoth’s attacks while you, were doing your best to get your hands on the stupid necklace! Even though she couldn’t see you, Marinette seemed to almost always know what your next move was. She would expertly block all your attack and would keep you an arm’s length away at all times. Finally, you had enough and in one swift motion, you pinned her back to your chest, ripping the necklace away. A wave of black and purple took over the both of you and when it vanished, all you were left with was a half unconscious Marinette in your arms. You dropped her to the ground slowly as she was coming back to her senses. You wanted to talk to her but your thoughts were driven away as you heard Chat scream bloody murder.
On the opposite side of the platza, you saw Hawkmoth rip Chat’s ring off his finger, forcing him to detransform. The exhausted figure of Adrien Agreste fell to the ground with a thud. Hawkmoth had, indeed, gotten his hand on both the miraculouses.
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Weird things Me and Dad said while talking about RWBY:
Dad: Here's my theory.
Me: Take two.
Dad: Ruby. Silver eyes. Summer realizes this and goes to Ozpin. Ozpin tells Summer about Jinn.
Me: So Summer and Raven join forces?
Dad: Not unlikely. Raven would want something in return tho.
Me: Raven is like "Ya ok but what do I get out of this" and Summer goes "You'll get answers." And Raven says "Sounds sus but ok."
Dad: Ya. So they go to Mistral, open the vault, ask Jinn about why Silver eyes are being hunted, and get their answer.
Me: Raven just nopes out of there like "I ain't ever going back" while Summer goes "Welp. Time to get myself killed."
Dad: Ya, probably. Raven leaves and Summer tries to Kamahamaha Salem with her silver eyes but dies trying.
Dad: Winter is going to kill Ironwood. Sword right through the throat.
Dad: Teah brought something up earlier-
Me: Was it the taco thing?
Mom: Taco thing?
Dad: It was not the taco thing.
Me: Oscar uses the staff and says "Spooky Spooky give us back the husband" to bring back Ozma. "Please help we have your wife and we don't know what to do with her we are sorry."
Dad: If anyone hurts a hair on Penny's head I will kill everyone and them myself.
Dad: Kill off Qrow. And Robynn. Just for the shock value.
Me: Do it infront of the kids, cause they see him as a father figure.
Dad: Yes. Do it at the end. Right after Salem is purged of her Grimm self by the silver eyes-
Me: -if the group is smart enough to figure that out-
Dad: -and have it happen unexpectedly.
Me: Do it right at the end of the volume. Have everyone's shocked faces and then cut off the season. Have Raven and Tai and Zwei portal in to and watch Qrow die. The Happy Huntresses are there for Robynn.
Mom: No! Dont kill off Qrow.
Me: Or wait for Qrow to die. Do it after Vacuo when he's adopted CFVY and the Beacon students there.
Dad: No, because, as much as I love Qrow, he's had his arc now its death time. Just have the fandom cannibalize itself.
Dad: Ozpin is hiding much more then we know. He knows too much.
Me: Is that part of the reason why he lied about the no more lies amd halftruths things? Because he knew Yang and everyone else was keeping lies and telling half truths?
Dad: Yes!
Me: Listen, Robynn has fingerless gloves. Who else has fingerless gloves? Coco and Yang. What do Yang and Coco have in common? Theyre both lesbians. Therefore, Robynn is Lesbian.
Mom: I still headcanon they are both bi.
Me: Robynn litteraly runs an army of women, Mom.
Dad: Alright, I'm not gonna interfere with your shipper logic.
Dad: I headcanon Hot Chocolate was invented during the Great War and the King of Vale tried it and was all like "This is good. I'm gonna drink it for the rest of my life." And when he was put into Ozpin Ozpin was "I have the sudden urge for Hot Chocolate."
Me: Poor Oscar.
Me: I still like your theory that Oscar has a mimicry semblance.
Dad: If they don't unlock Oscar's semblance as the ability to act as someone else and no one says "Give this man an award" I will riot.
Dad: Oz is going to have his ideal happy ending, right? What does he want most in the world? Death.
Me: Ooh, fun.
Me: I never understood why heroes do the motivational speech. Like, if someone went up to me and said "Hey wanna fight an evil organization and stop the end of the world for the good of humanity" I would be like "No thanks." But if someone came up to me and said "Wanna go fight a guy?" I would immediatly say yes.
Dad: See, that's the same thing. You just worded it differently. You got to appeal to your audience. In any case, Ruby isnt going to be able to unite humanity against Salem. Salem, however, could do something so bad that humanity turns agaisnt her without leadership. Because when someone gives a motivational speech there is always that one person that goes "BuT wHaT iF-" or when the fight begins someone says "wElL aCtUaLlY-" like no shut up.
Dad: Salem is going to be taken care of this season, and Cinder will go in Volume 9. The bad guy if Volume 10, in Vale, with be the Brothers.
Me: Figures.
Me: The staff of creation just summons a bunch of ghosts in suits discussing how to take down Salem.
Dad: a staff meeting, ha!
Me: Like Summer and Pyrrha are there in suits-
Dad: And all of the Oz incarnations. Just like "you got them in your head to?" "Yep." "Same."
Me: Do you think after they free Salem of her Grimm self she'll join the gang?
Dad: No-
Me: That's sad.
Me: *trying to explain the Oz timeline and where the Infinite Man fits in*
Dad: *nodding in obvious confusion*
Dad: Did Ozma 2.0 and Salem have a son?
Me: Diggs and Salem had four daughters. One for each season. Spring, Winter, Summer, Fall. Color coordinated and everything.
Dad: They arent going to have a happily ever after. What's going to happen is the brothers are going to view humanity as a disaster. With 3 out of 4 of the nations being in ruin, they won't see humanity as being united even if everyone worked together to defeat the final boss. So they are going to let Oz and Salem die and then send RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, ect. back to before Salem went batshit crazy-
Me: The first time or Atlas?
Dad: The first time. So they are going to stop Salem from jumping into craziness. Get it, because she jumped into the pools-
Me: I get it.
Dad: It wont be a HAPPY happy ending but there is no saving Remnant. It was a punishment anyways and Salem already won.
Me: Why cant they just put Atlas on top of the Pools of Grimm?
Dad: Because then Salem will have a giant flying castle.
Me: She already has a castle. And she has a flying whale Grimm. Just put the castle on top of the whale and BOOM! Flying castle.
Dad: I still think Jaune's sword is the Sword of Destruction. Nothing in this show happens without purpose.
Me: No, everything has a purpose, just some things get forgotten and/or ignored.
Me: The group is going to be those parents that when their kid says they don't want to do homework go "When I was your age-"
Dad: Like "When I was your age I stopped an evil monster!"
Me: "I killed my Collage Professor's evil ex wife!" Nora is going to be telling her and Ren's kids the battle of Atlas. "We were alone facimg against an army of Grimm!"
Dad: Its going to play out as Nora telling the group the Beowulf story with Ren correcting her. "We were hopelessly outnumbered." "We weren't." "Surrounded by an army of Beowulfs." "There were two."
Me: "The middle of the night!" "It was the afternoon."
Dad: Ren just resigns himself to spending his life correcting Nora's story telling.
Me: She's telling her kids stories-
Dad: And Ren is just in the kitchen making tea.
Me: Nora goes "Our teacher's wife invaded mantle with thousands of Grimm! The Jellyfish were invading Mantle!" "They were floating in the sky." "We were farther apart then ever-"
Dad: "We were a block away."
Me: "The General.... Was Ironwooding." The rest of the group comes over with their kids. Nora is screaming about the story and Ruby and Yang join in. Ren and Weiss correcting them.
Dad: Blake is in the corner drinking tea.
Me: She looks up and goes "This is great tea." Meanwhile Ren is still busy correcting Nora.
Dad: "But they didnt know we had a secret weapon... A 20 foot laser eyed robot!" "She was 4' 8""
Me: Oscar comes over one day and says "Remember that one time I was shot off Atlas by James and fell and broke my aura falling down to Mantle." And everyone is like no??? Cause with the way things are going, he's not going to tell them.
Dad: Qrow is just upstairs banging his cane on the ground like "Keep it down I'm trying to sleep!"
Me: I love how we assume Qrow lives with them.
Dad: Of course he does. Where else would he stay?
Me: Tai.
Dad: Qrow is that old nuisance who lives with them.
Me: He's an old bird half the time just chilling on everyone's shoulders. How would the rest of the group be paired up? The only canon ship we got is Renora.
Dad: What Salem did with bringing back Ozma was essentially the 'Go to ask Dad. Dad gave you an answer you did not like. Go to Mom. Mom says yes. Parents start fighting and punish the kid."
Me: If Salem had gone to the younger brother, or in this case, mom, she wouldve gotten what she wanted and there would be a war on the Brother's hands cause the older couldn't punish Salem and could only argue against the younger.
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weirddemiwood · 6 years
Warlock Pirate, Part 16
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"Is that it?" Emma yelled as they saw an island in the distance.
"Aye," Killian said, "Neverland."
Majo had been underdeck and preparing her weapons. She took out her sword and a few daggers and put them on top of her cupboard. She had sharpened them and walked back onto the main deck now.
"I'm gonna get Henry." The Crocodile said and she noticed that he was in his old clothing again.
"We agreed to do this together," Regina said.
"Actually, we made no such agreement."
Emma looked up at the man who was standing on the Quarter Deck. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I wanna succeed."
"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?"
"Well, how could you not?" Rumplestiltskin asked her mockingly, "you don't believe in your parents or in magic or even in yourself."
"I slayed a dragon. I think I believe." Majo raised an eyebrow at this.
"Only what was shown to you." The Dark One said, "When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've known you some time, Ms. Swan. And sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that...bail bondsperson, looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland."
"I'll do whatever it takes."
"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie. Our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild. And sadly...yours doesn't." he spun his cane and before it hit the floor, Rumplestiltskin was gone.
Majo was lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling. There were knife marks all over it from here throwing her daggers in and pulling them out again with her magic when bored.
She sighed, she had only been on Neverland once. That very first time with the Jones brothers. After that, she had not felt the need to visit an island full of lonely children.
As the ship wobbled on the waves, Majo furrowed her eyebrows and stood up, putting one of her daggers in her right boot, just in case.
She walked onto the Quarter Deck were Snow White and Prince Charming were looking miserable behind the steering wheel.
"What the hell are you two doing?!" The Queen voiced her thoughts.
"Trying to keep it steady!" the shorthaired woman yelled back.
"Hold on!" the prince yelled.
Killian walked towards them, "Prepare for attack!" he took the place of the Charming couple.
"Be more specific," Regina told the Captain.
Majo yelled, "If you got a weapon, then grab it!" and also conjured her sword to her belt.
Killian grunted and they could hear screeching in the distance as Emma asked, "What's out there? A shark?! A whale?!"
"A Kraken?!" her father added.
"Worse," Killian said as the screeching grew louder, "Mermaids."
"Mermaids?!" Emma asked as the screeching continued.
"Yes, and they're quite unpleasant," Killian said.
"And smell like Seaweed!" Majo added.
Killian gripped the steering wheel tighter, "I'll try and outrun them."
The Savior looked into the sea where you could see tons of scaly blue fishtails, "How many of them are there?!" She yelled and the fish women banged their tails against the Jolly Roger, making it shake even more than it was already.
"I will not be capsized by fish!" Charming yelled and ran over to the canons.
Majo looked from the Prince to the mermaids, "Technically, they are a type of fairies!" As she saw the look Regina gave her she added, "But I guess fish works too."
Charming shot at the mermaids while Snow White and her daughter threw a fishing net into the water. "Why again do we have that?" Majo asked Killian but didn't get an answer as he was concentrating on getting them out of the fishy situation.
"We caught one!" Majo heard Snow yell but she didn't pay a lot of attention as she started sending blue sparks at the Mermaids. She didn't want to kill them but she definitely didn't want to be killed either.
Suddenly, flames danced over the water and Majo looked at Regina who had thrown the fireball. Regina threw another one, making the last three mermaids swim away screeching. "There. They're gone."
"Not all of them!" Emma panted as she held onto the fishing net with her mother.
"What about that one?" Snow asked.
Majo looked over at them, "Release her."
But instead, Regina waved her hand made the mermaid appear on board the ship.
The mermaid cried out and Majo almost felt sorry for her.
Liam's body was let into the ocean. "This belongs to you know...Captain." a bald man, whose name Majo didn't know, said and handed Killian the satchel with the sextant in it.
"You'll never leave my side, brother," he said, looking at it. Then he started talking with the crew, "We are sworn to serve the King and the realm." He traded the satchel for a torch, "They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison, one that killed our dear Captain." He walked towards the Pegasus sail. "Never again shall anyone set sail to that cursed land." He lifted the torch and set the sail on fire. The ashes rained down on the crew, "And never again shall we take such orders..."
A chorus of "Yes!" could be heard.
The new Captain continued, "serving the King, fighting his wars!"
"No!" the crewmen yelled.
"That is the way of dishonor!" Killian yelled, "and all who disagree, flee now or walk the bloody plank! For those who stay will be free men, and I will be your Captain."
"We'll sail under the crimson flag and we'll give our enemies no quarter. We'll take what we please!"
"Yes!" the men yelled.
"And we'll live by our own rules..."
The crew cheered.
"For that is the best form of all!"
"Our kingdom is corrupt and immoral. They took my brother from me, and now I'm gonna take everything they've got..."
"Starting with this ship!"
The crew cheered.
Killian looked at Majo, "It's time we rename this vessel. We no longer sail as the 'Jewel Of The Realm.' We now sail as the 'Jolly Roger.'
The crew cheered again and they began pulling off their blue vests that where Majo came from symbolized the belonging to the Royal Navy and she was sure that it was similar here.
"And when they come for us, I want them to know exactly what we are-Pirates! For at least among thieves there is honor!"
"Long live Captain Jones!"
"Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!"
Majo waved her hand and the Name on the side of the ship changed to 'Jolly Roger'. She looked at the Captain, "You have someplace for a warlock in your crew? I mean you did just burn that what I bought with the last money I had."
"Of course," the Captain nodded, "My brother made a deal that you could stay as long as you wished and I apologize for the loss of your money."
The warlock waved it off, "It was stolen anyway."
"Get that thing off my ship!" Killian yelled.
"No!" Regina replied. "Now we have a hostage."
Charming turned to the Queen, "I hate to say it, but I'm with Hook. Those things just tried to kill us."
"And perhaps we should find out why."
"Well," Majo said, "maybe we're trespassing their territory or something. It's not unusual within downworlders."
The mermaid then grabbed a seashell that was next to her and blew into it.
"What the hell is that?" Emma asked.
"A warning," the mermaid told her as they could hear thunder clapping, "Let me go...or die."
"What is this?" Charming asked holding up the shell to her, "What did you do?"
"Not until you tell us. Or we make you tell us." The Evil Queen said.
Snow turned to her stepmother, "Threatening her isn't the way to motivate her."
"Well, I'm all out of fish food."
Majo snorted, she had to give Regina that, her sass was extraordinary.
"Doesn't matter if you get her to talk." Killian said, motioning towards the mermaid, "You can't trust her. Mermaids are liars."
They all continued arguing and the storm got worse. Majo looked at the mermaid who was now smirking.
Charming put his sword to the mermaid's neck and threatened her but she only smiled. He held it closer and was about to kill her (especially after Regina's 'Fillet the bitch') but he quickly stepped back. "No, we're not barbarians."
"What we're going to be is dead," Regina said as the thunder got worse.
Killian turned around the wheel, "Hold on! I'm gonna turn her around. I've outrun many a storm."
Majo nodded and walked next to Killian, swiping her wet hair out of her face as Snow and Regina began to argue again.
"Stop! We need to think this through!" Emma yelled.
"I already have," Regina said. She waved her hand and turned the mermaid to wood, "There. That should stop the storm."
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weirddemiwood · 6 years
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"Is that it?" Emma yelled as they saw an island in the distance.
"Aye," Killian said, "Neverland."
Majo had been underdeck and preparing her weapons. She took out her sword and a few daggers and put them on top of her cupboard. She had sharpened them and walked back onto the main deck now.
"I'm gonna get Henry." The Crocodile said and she noticed that he was in his old clothing again.
"We agreed to do this together," Regina said.
"Actually, we made no such agreement."
Emma looked up at the man who was standing on the Quarter Deck. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I wanna succeed."
"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?"
"Well, how could you not?" Rumplestiltskin asked her mockingly, "you don't believe in your parents or in magic or even in yourself."
"I slayed a dragon. I think I believe." Majo raised an eyebrow at this.
"Only what was shown to you." The Dark One said, "When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know, the kind where there's absolutely no proof? I've known you some time, Ms. Swan. And sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that...bail bondsperson, looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland."
"I'll do whatever it takes."
"Well, you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie. Our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild. And sadly...yours doesn't." he spun his cane and before it hit the floor, Rumplestiltskin was gone.
Majo was lying on her bed, looking at the ceiling. There were knife marks all over it from here throwing her daggers in and pulling them out again with her magic when bored.
She sighed, she had only been on Neverland once. That very first time with the Jones brothers. After that, she had not felt the need to visit an island full of lonely children.
As the ship wobbled on the waves, Majo furrowed her eyebrows and stood up, putting one of her daggers in her right boot, just in case.
She walked onto the Quarter Deck were Snow White and Prince Charming were looking miserable behind the steering wheel.
"What the hell are you two doing?!" The Queen voiced her thoughts.
"Trying to keep it steady!" the shorthaired woman yelled back.
"Hold on!" the prince yelled.
Killian walked towards them, "Prepare for attack!" he took the place of the Charming couple.
"Be more specific," Regina told the Captain.
Majo yelled, "If you got a weapon, then grab it!" and also conjured her sword to her belt.
Killian grunted and they could hear screeching in the distance as Emma asked, "What's out there? A shark?! A whale?!"
"A Kraken?!" her father added.
"Worse," Killian said as the screeching grew louder, "Mermaids."
"Mermaids?!" Emma asked as the screeching continued.
"Yes, and they're quite unpleasant," Killian said.
"And smell like Seaweed!" Majo added.
Killian gripped the steering wheel tighter, "I'll try and outrun them."
The Savior looked into the sea where you could see tons of scaly blue fishtails, "How many of them are there?!" She yelled and the fish women banged their tails against the Jolly Roger, making it shake even more than it was already.
"I will not be capsized by fish!" Charming yelled and ran over to the canons.
Majo looked from the Prince to the mermaids, "Technically, they are a type of fairies!" As she saw the look Regina gave her she added, "But I guess fish works too."
Charming shot at the mermaids while Snow White and her daughter threw a fishing net into the water. "Why again do we have that?" Majo asked Killian but didn't get an answer as he was concentrating on getting them out of the fishy situation.
"We caught one!" Majo heard Snow yell but she didn't pay a lot of attention as she started sending blue sparks at the Mermaids. She didn't want to kill them but she definitely didn't want to be killed either.
Suddenly, flames danced over the water and Majo looked at Regina who had thrown the fireball. Regina threw another one, making the last three mermaids swim away screeching. "There. They're gone."
"Not all of them!" Emma panted as she held onto the fishing net with her mother.
"What about that one?" Snow asked.
Majo looked over at them, "Release her."
But instead, Regina waved her hand made the mermaid appear on board the ship.
The mermaid cried out and Majo almost felt sorry for her.
Liam's body was let into the ocean. "This belongs to you know...Captain." a bald man, whose name Majo didn't know, said and handed Killian the satchel with the sextant in it.
"You'll never leave my side, brother," he said, looking at it. Then he started talking with the crew, "We are sworn to serve the King and the realm." He traded the satchel for a torch, "They sent us to retrieve an unthinkable poison, one that killed our dear Captain." He walked towards the Pegasus sail. "Never again shall anyone set sail to that cursed land." He lifted the torch and set the sail on fire. The ashes rained down on the crew, "And never again shall we take such orders..."
A chorus of "Yes!" could be heard.
The new Captain continued, "serving the King, fighting his wars!"
"No!" the crewmen yelled.
"That is the way of dishonor!" Killian yelled, "and all who disagree, flee now or walk the bloody plank! For those who stay will be free men, and I will be your Captain."
"We'll sail under the crimson flag and we'll give our enemies no quarter. We'll take what we please!"
"Yes!" the men yelled.
"And we'll live by our own rules..."
The crew cheered.
"For that is the best form of all!"
"Our kingdom is corrupt and immoral. They took my brother from me, and now I'm gonna take everything they've got..."
"Starting with this ship!"
The crew cheered.
Killian looked at Majo, "It's time we rename this vessel. We no longer sail as the 'Jewel Of The Realm.' We now sail as the 'Jolly Roger.'
The crew cheered again and they began pulling off their blue vests that where Majo came from symbolized the belonging to the Royal Navy and she was sure that it was similar here.
"And when they come for us, I want them to know exactly what we are-Pirates! For at least among thieves there is honor!"
"Long live Captain Jones!"
"Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Captain Jones!" "Catain Jones!"
Majo waved her hand and the Name on the side of the ship changed to 'Jolly Roger'. She looked at the Captain, "You have someplace for a warlock in your crew? I mean you did just burn that what I bought with the last money I had."
"Of course," the Captain nodded, "My brother made a deal that you could stay as long as you wished and I apologize for the loss of your money."
The warlock waved it off, "It was stolen anyway."
"Get that thing off my ship!" Killian yelled.
"No!" Regina replied. "Now we have a hostage."
Charming turned to the Queen, "I hate to say it, but I'm with Hook. Those things just tried to kill us."
"And perhaps we should find out why."
"Well," Majo said, "maybe we're trespassing their territory or something. It's not unusual within downworlders."
The mermaid then grabbed a seashell that was next to her and blew into it.
"What the hell is that?" Emma asked.
"A warning," the mermaid told her as they could hear thunder clapping, "Let me go...or die."
"What is this?" Charming asked holding up the shell to her, "What did you do?"
"Not until you tell us. Or we make you tell us." The Evil Queen said.
Snow turned to her stepmother, "Threatening her isn't the way to motivate her."
"Well, I'm all out of fish food."
Majo snorted, she had to give Regina that, her sass was extraordinary.
"Doesn't matter if you get her to talk." Killian said, motioning towards the mermaid, "You can't trust her. Mermaids are liars."
They all continued arguing and the storm got worse. Majo looked at the mermaid who was now smirking.
Charming put his sword to the mermaid's neck and threatened her but she only smiled. He held it closer and was about to kill her (especially after Regina's 'Fillet the bitch') but he quickly stepped back. "No, we're not barbarians."
"What we're going to be is dead," Regina said as the thunder got worse.
Killian turned around the wheel, "Hold on! I'm gonna turn her around. I've outrun many a storm."
Majo nodded and walked next to Killian, swiping her wet hair out of her face as Snow and Regina began to argue again.
"Stop! We need to think this through!" Emma yelled.
"I already have," Regina said. She waved her hand and turned the mermaid to wood, "There. That should stop the storm."
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