#and writing what I want to music that fits the tone of what I'm writing bc it gives me major motivation đŸ«¶đŸ«¶
nervocat · 7 months
Announcement time!!
This abt my writing status — no I am not going on hiatus. I plan to finish my hcq series before I do anything else, and then open my requests to everyone after I get a couple of other things done!!
It's been forever since I've opened up my requests to everyone, but the time is approaching! Now that I'm done with exams for a bit, I'll hopefully have more time for now until it gets to be near summer (that's when my family and I go camping and I go hunting more and you get it.. very busy 🙏🙏)
But that's basically it I think ^^ I'm working on finishing ch 2 of my hcq series so look out for that. It will be on the shorter side, but it will be laying out more of the dynamics the reader and the others had before we get to the rlly angsty part of the series and go into more details of the past!! I'm very excited for when the action for this goes up and I hope you all are too :33
Love you guys!!(/p) Stay safe out there and have a good day/night <;33
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You Call It Madness But I Call It Love
Chapter 8: Jealousy Doesn't Look Good On Anybody Except...
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary: When the reader left Payback 40 years ago after a falling out with her childhood best friend she never looked back, but when two men show up to her apartment and start asking her questions about the past, the reader begins to think those things can’t stay hidden and starts to question what’s real and what’s fantasy.  This is a re-telling of The Boys Season 3, where the reader is a supe who's known Soldier Boy since 1927. The chapters will fluctuate between past and present. This is chapter eight of my "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" series. (I'm so bad at summaries please forgive me!)
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: References to sex, Cursing (a few times), Drinking, Soldier Boy might be, is, really, absolutely, a little OOC,
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. Reader is described as "curvy" occasionally. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
The song they dance to is "You Call It Madness But I Call It Love" by Russ Columbo and this should take you to the song. It's the song I named the series for, because I believe it encompasses how both the reader feels, but also how Soldier Boy will feel in a few chapters. I also believe that the song House of Memories by Panic at the Disco, fits the more modern parts of the series.
Internal Monologue is in first person and is in italics
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Philadelphia 1938
The lights twinkled along the ceiling of the dance hall as the gentle swell of jazz floated through the air. Couples swayed on the dance floor clinging to one another as the soft tones of the music soothed the dull throb of the whispers of rising tension overseas. It was a Saturday night, and you and a few of your friends from the Dawson School for Girls had slipped away to spend the evening twirling in the arms of whomever caught your fancy.
Well, at least that's what your friends wanted to do. There was only one particular man who'd caught your fancy, but he was nowhere to be seen.
The Dawson School for Girls was the answer to your mother's prayers, a boarding school in Boston, far away from Ben's "corruptive influence" as she put it. Ben was currently at boarding school number ten in Upstate New York. The last time you’d seen him was when you were on break and Ben had just left boarding school number nine for fighting with other students, but he wouldn't say what for. You’d sent him a few letters to tell him how bored you were including a few sketches and watercolor paintings, with minimal response, but it was like him not to write back.
You hadn't mentioned that Howard Stine had been coming on the weekends to take you out. Your mother was pleased with him, he checked all the boxes: wealthy, not Ben, educated, not Ben, from a nice family, not Ben, and of course most importantly, not Ben.
She was practically making wedding invitations and choosing the names of your children after only three months. However, it was nice to see her happy for a change, kept her from sniping at your figure now that someone was interested. Well, not sniping that much.
Howard was
 nice, but he was one of the most boring people you'd ever met and he never understood why you always carried a sketchbook with you. When he'd taken you to Franklin Park one weekend, you stopped along the pond to sketch some of the ducks that were waddling on the bank, but Howard told you he didn’t have time to wait for you to draw them. Instead of telling him that he could just leave, you shut the sketchpad and continued to walk with him and quickly learned that it was better to leave your sketchpad at the dorm whenever he was in town. You also found yourself talking less and less, allowing him to fill the silence with his talk of the stock market crash and how the United States economy recovered due to the efforts of President FDR.
You hated that. You didn't recognize yourself when you were with him. You didn't feel like you.
And every time he was here all you could do was compare him to Ben. Ben would never tell you to stop drawing, yes he would tease you about it, but he always sat next to you while you were sketching, watching you work. You never understood that. Ben was so impatient with everyone else, but he was willing to sit with you for any inordinate amount of time if you were drawing while making you laugh the whole time.
I miss him so much.
"Can I get you a drink?" Howard puts his hand on the small of your back, leaning in to whisper in your ear. You try not to flinch at his touch. He had already been in town, walking you home from a dinner that was dominated by awkward silence and the clicking of utensils on plates when you'd run into your friends just as he was walking you back to the dorm. They had rounded the corner giggling and begging you to come with them. Despite your insistences for him to stay in and relax for the night at his hotel, he refused.
It meant that now you were stuck with him while all your friends got to twirl around with men that made them warm and giddy. Howard made you feel like you'd swallowed a lemon.
"I'm fine, but thank you." You force a smile.
Howard shrugs, before he walks away towards the crowded bar on the other side of the room and blessedly far away from you.
Your thoughts drifted to Ben. You missed your friend more than words could comprehend. Not just because you were far from your family in another city, but because it felt like you were missing apart of yourself when he wasn't there. You briefly wonder if he felt the same way when he wasn't with you.
Probably not.
You turn away from Howard's retreating figure, to watch the couples on the dance floor. You sway to the music, holding your arms around yourself and feeling your dark green dress swish around your ankles, one that you'd picked out yourself, not a monstrosity of pink tulle, but something that you believed accentuated the natural curves of your body that your mother used other dresses to hide. Your mouth turns down into a frown remembering how Howard had reacted to seeing you in it, when he tried to give you his jacket to cover up, but you refused.
You had wanted him to be stunned by how you looked in it, or at least, wanted someone to be. The same someone that was miles away and probably tickling the skirt of someone who caught his fancy.
"One of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life is at the bar." Your friend Pearl stated looking behind you with wide eyes.
I've got you beat. You think to yourself to a sigh, wishing, again, that you were here with Ben instead of Howard.
"Very funny." You roll your eyes, thinking that she’s making fun of where Howard is sitting probably flagging down the bartender with both hands to catch his attention.
"I'm not talking about Howard. This guy is seriously a looker. And he's staring at you." Pearl says again.
"Sure." You continue to watch an elderly couple sway back and forth to the smooth jazz that ebbs from the band on stage.
Must be nice to be with someone for that long.
You watch how effortlessly the couple moves as one, how the man stares down at the woman with more love than you can comprehend. It makes your heart sink in your chest.
The way things were panning out, you were going to end up with Howard and you couldn't imagine looking at anyone like that other than Ben.
"You're about to see, because he's coming this way." Pearl takes a step back from you as if anticipating the stranger interrupting your conversation.
"He's not-" You begin to say, but you feel someone place their hand on the small of your back, turning you towards them.
"Fancy meeting you here." Ben smiles down at you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.
"Ben!" Your heart soars when you recognize your friend and you can't help but hug him so tight he laughs, the movement of his chuckle makes you feel alive for the first time in weeks. The sharp smell of whiskey and the familiar spicy scent of his cologne greets you.
"Guess you missed me." The rumble of his voice vibrates where your cheek rests against his chest.
"I did." You pull away from him reluctantly. "What are you doing here?" You can't help but smile at him, probably wider than what was attractive.
"Thought I'd stop by and visit on my way back to Philadelphia. Saw you walk into this place. " Ben shrugs. "What are you doing out so late?"
"Looking for trouble." You smirk.
"You found him sweetheart." Ben leans down towards you making your throat get unusually tight.
"Hi." Pearl says interrupting the conversation.
 Ben turns his smug smile on her. "Hi."
"I'm Pearl." She looks from you to Ben as if trying to decide that it's okay for her to introduce yourself.
"Benjamin." You watch him slip into the cool and smooth Ben, the one that charmed whomever caught his eye.
You can't help but feel a prick of jealousy against your skin. It was familiar, but every time it happened, it didn't make any of this easier. You knew that you shouldn't be jealous, you didn't have a claim on him, you were friends, just friends, only friends, best friends

And now you were with Howard.
You let out a soft sigh watching the way that Pearl looks up at Ben and the way he leans towards her with the confident smirk you love so much on his face.
"Would you like to dance Benjamin?" She asks.
"I would." Ben's smirk turns into a smile.
Pearl steps forward to reach for his hand, expecting him to take it, but he doesnt.
"Come on sweetheart." Ben reaches out and takes your hand, twirling you ahead of him onto the dance floor.
"Ben-" You giggle, head spinning with the movement, but when he twirls you back into his chest, you feel your breath catch. This wasn't the first time you'd been pressed up against him and it wasn't the first time you recognized how perfectly you fit together. Your soft curves molding against the hardness of his muscles as you sway back and forth to the music. When you were pressed up against him, you didn't feel like you were too big, you felt perfect, because of the way you fit against him.
"You know I am here with someone-" You say, before you get too wrapped up in how good it feels to be with him.
"Yes. Howard Stine. Though I do believe you said he stepped on your toes." Ben smiles at you, eyes twinkling in the light.
"That was four years ago, and he's
"Hmph." Ben rolls his eyes. "You can't even say it with a straight face sweetheart."
"I have never said anything bad about your companions."
"Besides her." You frown.
He laughs at your reaction, the hand clutched in your right seems to warm with his smile. "You've never said anything about them period."
Because I hate thinking about how many of them there have been. Because I hate that you don't see me as someone who could be with you.
"I try not to dwell on your numerous escapades."
"You sound a little jealous doll." He smirks at you.
"What was that you were saying about Howard again?" You tease, holding on to his shoulders as you sway back and forth to the music.
"Can't be jealous of someone I've seen get chased by a duck." Ben's eyes trace your body for a moment. Your cheeks blush under his gaze. "You look nice. Not one of your mom's I'm guessing?"
"What makes you say that?"
"You don't look like a cupcake." He spins you away one more time before bringing you back into his chest.
"No. I think she'd probably have an aneurysm if she saw me wearing this. Howard also thought it was a bit much-"
Ben's hand tightens on your waist. "What?"
You shrug, leveling your eyes on his chest to distract yourself from his hand placement. "He tried to get me to wear his coat."
"He what?"
You shake your head to dissipate the self-doubt and body-shaming conversation that was about to unfold in your head.
"It's nothing." You raise your gaze back to his, but you're surprised to see the anger that burns behind his green eyes.
"It's not nothing. He had no right to-"
"Ben." You soothe, rubbing your thumb over his shoulder to comfort him.
The song shifts to something softer, forlorn, a song that reminded you of the heartache you felt with Ben, but also a melody that eases your soul somehow.
"I don't understand why you're with him." Ben sighs, but you can still feel the tension in his shoulders beneath your hand.
"My mother is happy-"
"But you're not." The look in his eyes is unfamiliar, almost earnest, as if he's trying to get you to understand something that he can't say.
"Ben." You breathe.
"Fine. I don't want you to think about him when we're dancing to our song anyway." The look in his eyes shifts back to the playful green they'd been before.
"Our song?" The words make your heart skip a beat and you can't help but smile at him.
You couldn't remember the last time you'd smiled this much. Probably the last time I saw him.
"Yes." Ben dips you back, before bringing you up against him, the playful look in his eyes becoming softer as you come back.
You know that your own gaze is filled with love and you remember watching the elderly couple. The way they looked at one another warming your heart as you gaze up at Ben. The three little words tiptoe against your tongue, the three little words that you'd been trying to say forever, but you can't. You don't want to lose him, don't want to live in a world without him, because you know that it won't be worth living.
So instead you lean forward and lay your head against his chest, in the space between his neck and shoulder as the song continues. You think that you feel Ben's arms tighten around you, pulling you further into his embrace, but you chock that up to wishful thinking.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You hear someone yell, and all of a sudden someone's hand is on your wrist jerking you away from Ben.
Howard is standing there his chest pushed against Ben’s, trying to look intimidating, but Howard's inability to reach Ben's shoulders made it difficult for him.
You rub your fingers over your wrist, where Howard’s bright red handprint stands out against your skin.
Ben’s eyes shift to notice your ministrations, darkening with the force of his anger at the thought that Howard hurt you.
“I think I was dancing with my girl.” Ben’s eyes narrow, skating back to Howard.
Your heart skips a beat when he says that, but you shake away the thought, knowing that Ben is only saying that to make Howard angry.
“Your girl?!” Howard sputters, his face growing red. “She’s not your girl!”
“Howie, buddy-“ Ben’s confident smirk slips over his features but you still see the anger beneath the surface. “Calm down, you’ll give yourself a heart attack.”
“Just because you think you have some claim on her because you’ve been stringing her along with the harem that usually follows you, does not make her your girl!” Howard fumes. “She’s with me.” Howard grabs your wrist again and drags you towards him.
“Hey wait a minute-“ You begin to say.
Ben grabs the front of Howard's tailored suit, rumpling the pristine fabric. “Don’t you dare touch her like that.”
“I will touch her however I damn well please! She's mine-"
The grip on your wrist is so tight that you know it’ll leave bruises. “Howard wait-“ You try again to diffuse the tension, bringing your free hand to rest on his forearm to make him let go.
“Shut up.” He snaps, eyes flashing back to you.
Ben’s temper flares and the sharp crack of his fist against Howard’s face echoes through the room. Howard stumbles away, letting go of your wrist as he reels backward to the welcoming hardwood floor that catches him when he falls.
“Don’t you ever speak to her that way you arrogant son of a bitch!” Ben shouts taking a step forward. His shoulders are tense, fists clenched at his sides and his jaw is tight, as his anger burns through the air.
By now the band has stopped playing music and all the couples around you are watching with wide eyes.
I have to do something before he kills him.
You put yourself between them, your hands firmly planted on Ben’s muscular chest so your back is to where Howard stands fuming. “Ben. Don’t.”
But he’s not looking at you, his gaze is locked with Howard’s, eyes blazing, muscles tensing beneath the palms of your hands. You try to ignore how good his chest feels beneath your touch.
Damn it.
“Ben.” You say his name again.
His eyes snap back to yours. The soft green has hardened to an emerald with the force of his rage, so different than how he looked when the two of you were dancing. But he doesn’t say anything.
“Please.” You whisper. "Stop."
Ben looks from you to Howard, before he finally exhales. “Fine.” He mutters, and he turns and vanishes into the crowd of people without another word.
A minute passes and the music begins all over again, the band on the stage starting with a lively tune that makes the couples around you to move back on to the dance floor, but the tension of what just happened remains in the air.
Because what did just happen? Did Ben do that because he was protective of me? Or did he do that because he was jealous?
Your eyes trace where he vanished, longing for him to come back, but when he doesn't appear, you're left to deal with the aftermath. 
After numerous apologies to Howard, he finally relented and took you back to your dorm, leaving your group of friends at the dance hall. You knew there would definitely be a conversation about what just happened between you all when they got back, but even you were confused. Ben was always protective of you, but what happened seemed over the top. You think about how Ben called you “my girl," the way he said it sending a thrill down your spine. He’d never done that before and you wondered if it was because he wanted to get a rise out of Howard or because he believed it.
Not like he’s tried to do anything about it. You think to yourself stroking one finger against your bruised wrist. The discoloration was more prominent now, black and blue marks beginning to sprout like flowers in spring. Howard’s eye didn’t look much better when he dropped you off. You were surprised that he’d been forgiving enough to continue to see you, not that you wanted to see him, but you didn't think you could handle a letter from your mother.
Then again maybe she would pull you out of this ridiculous school.
A small tap at your window causes you to raise your head to look out the glass. Ben is sitting there, but he doesn’t smile like he usually does. Your dorm room was on the first floor, which meant that Ben didn't need to shimmy up a tree to get into it like he did when you were home. Then again this was the first time he'd showed up here and you wondered how he knew where your room was. You also weren't thrilled at his appearance because you didn't know when Pearl would come back and you weren't sure what your roommate would do if she came back and found Ben in your room. She was a stickler for the rules and despite your friendship, rooming with her was one of your least favorite things about the Dawson School For Girls.
“If they find you here I’m going to be in so much trouble.” You say helping him through the small window, putting your hand on the back of his head so that he doesn't bang it against the glass. "You might like getting kicked out of boarding schools, but I don't."
“They won’t find out.” Ben rolls his eyes. He glances at Pearl’s empty bed on the other side of the room. “Roommate not back yet?”
“No she was still dancing when I left.”
Ben frowns. “Where’s the asshole?”
“He left. And I don't exactly invite him up to where I sleep."
“Good.” Ben flexes his fist.
“How did you know which room was mine?” You ask. Ben had never come to see you before at boarding school and the fact that he was here probably meant that boarding school number ten was out.
“I might have guessed wrong.” He smirks.
“Uh-huh.” You sigh, but all you can think about is how he acted earlier. Your feet shift back and forth “Why did you hit him?”
Ben’s eyes darken. “He shouldn’t have touched you like that or said that to you.”
You stand there for a minute observing his reaction.
“He kinda deserved it." You say slowly.
You knew it was true. When Ben showed up Howard shouldn’t have lost it like he did, he definitely shouldn’t have grabbed you like that or called you his-
You stutter on that thought. But maybe he is right. I am Howard’s. We’ve been going steady
 The thought of being his makes something curl up in your chest and die. There was only one man that you wanted to belong to.
"Yeah.” Ben sighs.
"Why did you call me your 'girl'?" You ask.
"Um." Ben shrugs. "Felt right in the moment."
"I mean you are. You're my friend-"
"But that doesn't mean friend Ben." You say it gently trying to catch his eye, but Ben won't meet your gaze.
"Fine. I just wanted to mess with him a little bit." Ben frowns. "But I didn't like that he called you his, or the fact that he hurt you."
“But Ben I am his.” You whisper even though you don’t want to. “We’re going steady-“
“That doesn’t make you his!” Ben snaps, eyes flashing. “Just because he feels the need to say it doesn’t mean it’s true.”
“But Ben-“
“And I never want to hear you say it.” He continues loudly.
What is wrong with him? I've never seen him this angry about anything.
“Because that means he has some claim on you. You’re not his, you’re my friend.”
"You're being ridiculous. You're saying that he can't have some claim on me but you're possessively calling me your friend!" You shout back frustrated.
Why is he acting like this? Does he really hate Howard that much?
"I am not! I'm just saying that you're my friend and you're not his!"
“I can’t be both?” Your words hang in the air between the two of you and you mentally beg Ben to answer. He was acting like he wanted you to be his, like he believed that he had some claim on you and you couldn't remember another time that he'd acted this way. Sure he teased Howard, but this was more than that.
It was almost possessive and it kinda scared you how much you liked it.
Ben doesn’t answer your question. His shoulders are tense, hands clenched into fists at his sides, while something lurks behind his eyes that you can’t identify.
“Ben?” You say it like a question, ignoring the urge to press your hands against his chest like you did earlier at the dance to calm him down.
His gaze drops to your arm, where Howard grabbed you, tracing the bruises and clenching his jaw together. Ben’s right hand comes to delicately pick up your bruised wrist, running his thumb over the discolored flesh with a frown. “Does it hurt?” He rumbles changing the subject.
“No. Does that hurt?” You breathe noticing his bruised knuckles and gently probe your fingers along them.
You hated the though that he was hurt and for you, no less.
Why did he have to intervene? Why did he hit Howard?
“It was worth it.”
You both stand there for a minute, with Ben holding on to your wrist, touch surprisingly gentle.
“I just don’t like that he hurt you okay?” He mutters raising his eyes to yours. You weren't prepared for the soft look in his eyes. You expected him to still be angry over Howard, but he almost looked, worried.
“I'm okay Ben." You whisper back.
You want him to answer your question. You think again about telling him those three little words you wanted to say when you were swaying on the dance floor together but you can’t.
He nods once before he looks around the room, eyes falling on your sketchpad where it lays closed on your bed. "Got any new ones?"
You knew it was Ben's way of asking if he could stay, trying to tell you that he didn’t want to go back to Philadelphia that night, and you didn't want him to either.
"A few. If you're not too tired-"
"I’m never too tired for you."
You feel your heart beat rapidly in your chest. “Okay.”
The whole time you sit together on your bed, Ben doesn't drop your wrist, in fact he continues to brush his thumb against it while you look through your sketchbook. And in a few hours when Pearl finds you and Ben curled up in bed together, you’re not embarrassed, because deep down you’re starting to believe that Ben cared for you more than he was willing to admit.
Thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series, please let me know :)
Taglist: @roseblue373 @anundyingfidelity @cheynovak @cassiecasluciluce @muhahaha303 @deans-spinster-witch @kayleighmeister @demodemo909 @fruitfacess @bobbobbobinogs @bughill126
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
Bringing Law Home for a Family Holiday
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Readers' Note: Reader has a large and generally good but overbearing family. Only happy things in this, little to no angst!
A/N: Every holiday I get struck with the desire to write my latest blorbo coming home with their s/o for the holidays. I don't have time to crack out 10-15k words so this is probs gonna be more stream of consciousness but it'll get the point across.
I've been imagining how tense the travel to Law's s/o's house is because God forbid y'all be late because Law wants to make a good impression no matter how many times you explain it's a very loose 4 p.m. arrival time.
You've been dating for long enough that you think it's reasonable for him to meet your family (that was enough to make Law's heart flutter and then start hammering...could it be you're just as serious about him as he is about you?)
"My aunt showed up at noon and my cousin's probably not going to be here until after dark, really it's fine!" You'd insist. "Besides, the people that show up on time are the ones that end up having to go back out because someone forgot something!"
And of course Law would say "that's fine." With a such a stubborn and determined tone. Being on time or a few minutes early is better than being late! Suddenly your man is a rule follower! đŸ€­Suddenly you can picture Law as he was a kid studious and button-ed up in his little doctor's uniform. It's almost kind of cute if he wasn't so nervous.
The closest thing to family Law has is Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. Not since the Donquixote family has Law had anything to do with that word and he's so nervous he feels sick. For Law this translate to acting like he has the world's biggest cactus shoved up his ass, and you know that so you try not to take his coolness personally.
Holding his hand helps a little though. You ignore how shaky and sweaty it is.
He's feeling a lot of big feelings right now, poor guy.
He insisted on you giving him a "family tree" when he realized how big your family is and a list of things not to accidentally mention or do. He's been studying it for days, re-reading it over and over obsessively.
The fact that he's a pirate is fine, which takes a lot of pressure off. You come from a family full of pirates, so you swear Law will fit right in. Although you warn him your grandfather's probably going to start reminiscing about how he knew Gol D. Roger as a kid (which no one knows if that's actually true) and ranting about the young pirates these days.
You'd walk up to your family home high on a hill over looking the sea. From several yards away you can already hear music. You realize as you get closer it's more like you're dragging Law more than he's walking with you.
It's subconscious lol. I promise you he's not doing it on purpose. As soon as you notice it he speaks, "I'm fine."
Poor Traffy is so pale!
His tone dares you to question him, almost as if to actually say "I'm fine, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here Y/N. Please trust me to be honest with you about how I'm feeling." But that's a lot of words for someone who's mouth is cotton dry. He's trying his best, so you give him a quick kiss on the cheek for courage and walk up to the house together.
The first thing your family comments on when you open the door is how early you are despite the fact that it's three minutes to 4:00.
"We weren't expecting Y/N for another hour!" Your aunt winks at Law and nudges him, no introduction, no nothing, and says "you must really be something special if you can get them here to early!"
Despite Law's best efforts, having one of your family members immediately point out his supposed specialness to you makes blush and stutter.
It doesn't matter how awkward his no response of blinking at your aunt was because she's already gone flitting around with an arm full of what your family calls "the good plates."
You pull Law down to whisper in his ear, "told you we'd be early," you giggle.
It's not the nicest house, but it is big, and warm, and festive. Just standing in the doorway taking it in Law's struck with the remembrance of home. He tries to only focus on the present, not Swallow Island, Spider Miles, or even Flevance, your home is good..for today. But tomorrow he'll back at his home: the Polar Tang.
You introduce him to what little family is already there. Your heart squeezes at the way Law awkwardly waves at the baby your cousin's bouncing on his lap and the surprise that quickly turns into a soft smile that spreads across his lips when the baby coos back.
He meets your grandpa, who appraises him very officially. You swear to God Law's holding his breath as the stout man with a peg leg circles him with his arms behind his back. "Trafalgar Law, hmm..." he says very seriously. "You know back in my day pirates didn't all these tattoos to prove they were tough."
"I heard your day was quite a long time ago," Law says almost automatically. In for a penny, in for a pound, he doubles down, adding "sir" at the end.
That would be your boyfriend hehe. Too sharp for his own good.
Of course that's what your grandfather likes. He shakes Law's hand and pulls him into a crushing hug. Your grandpa promises later he's got words for him (ie. the shovel talk). It's a little disturbing how comfortable Law feels knowing he'll be threatened with an unspeakably awful death later. That's the most familiar thing that has happened all day. lol
But he knows the person he needs to impart the best impression on is your grandmother. You don't think you've ever seen Law so perfectly polite in your life....which makes your grandmother howl with laughter! "My ass whooping days are over, boy! Relax!" Her frail hands clutch her stomach as she laughs. She wipes a tear from her eyes, "I thought you said he was a pirate?!" She pats Law on the cheek like he's a sweet little boy (because at her old age 26 is a little boy) and gives it a squeeze. And because it's your grandma, he lets her.
You have to hide your laughter behind your hand.
"He's a sweet boy, Y/N," she says to you. "And so handsome! Where were all the good-looking men like him when I was at sea?"
"I killed 'em all!" Your grandpa yells across the house.
And just like that, Law's in your grandmother's good graces. Of course you knew he would be.
True to your word earlier, you get sent in to town to pick up a short list of last minute things. It's a nice moment to breathe. As soon as you're far enough from the house you wrap your arms around him and kiss him deeply.
"I'm so happy they like you," you say quietly once you come up for air. You don't tease him about how strange it is to see him hoping for someone's approval like you would in most circumstances. Instead you feel yourself melt, "I knew they would, but now you believe me?"
"They like me for now," he says because god forbid he go easy on himself.
"You're not as hard to love as you think you are, Law." You press another kiss to his lips.
(A/N: ooh chile lemme tell you, for saying that right there that man is going to romantically rail you within an inch of your life when y'all get back to the ship. That is the only way I can convey to you how much you saying that means to him. He's speechless.)
By time y'all get back there are a lot more people here and it's a lot louder. Your brother asks Law about a rash on elbow (at the dinner table no less, but hey these are pirates!) and he actually gives him advice.
Law meets your little cousins, who ask him a million questions including but not limited to:
"Why do you wears that funny looking hat?"
"Are you actually a surgeon?"
"Does getting a tattoo hurt?"
"Can you give me a tattoo?"
"How many Marines have you killed?"
"Are the Straw Hat Pirates really that strong?"
"Do you really have a polar bear on your ship?"
"Are you and Y/N ever gonna have a baby?"
To which Law responds:
"Who said it was funny looking?"
"I don't know. I don't feel pain." you thought this man would take their questions seriously?
"Surgeons aren't allowed to do that. My hands will fall off if I do."
"Definitely more than you."
"As strong as they are stupid."
"Yeah, he's our navigator."
".........I think I heard someone calling you from the kitchen."
Your little cousins think "he's weird funny." He does "surgery" on the dolls your cousins offer up to him and thoroughly enjoy the weird monstrosities he creates. And Your moody teenage nephew deems Law "cool."
Your mom insists Law's too skinny for his own good and piles more food on his plate. "If you're going to survive out there you need some meat on your bones! I wanna see you here next year, Trafalgar."
Law almost chokes. Your mom already wants him back next year. He was expecting to have to get her approval somehow too, but she's accepted him immediately. "All I needed to know is if you make my little Y/N happy!" Your mom explains while hugging you, "And look how happy they are!"
And your old man, a pirate captain in his own right, several beers deep, slings his arm over Law's shoulder. "You're the one that's got that big ol' bounty, huh?" Before Law can fully answer, he continues on drunkenly, "that means you probably looted enough to cover your own wedding, right? Cause I'm sure's shit not." God bless Law for taking it with a grain of salt and taking him over to a couch. "That means you can marry 'em if ya want, as'long as I don' havta pay none. But if you break their heart I'll turn ya in myself...goddamn Marines...making me a traitor..." he says until his words turn into drunk muttering.
"That's your blessing in case you were wondering," your mom sighs. "I know you didn't ask but that was it. That man is fine with anything as long as he doesn't have to pay for it."
"You get my blessing because you helped clean up!" Your grandma pipes in. "Nothing more valuable than a man that knows how clean up after himself!"
I don't know how many times Law is rendered speechless for a moment. Was it that easy or was your family truly that accepting? In a handful of hours he's been completely welcomed and they want him to come back next year, to marry you? It's dizzying, but in a...hopeful way? Because...he wants it to happen too...if he's lucky enough to come back next year as your husband.
At the end of the night, you and Law are sent on your way with tons of food to bring back to Heart Pirates, and whether he likes it or not your mom and your grandma each press a kiss to Law's cheek.
You walk back down the hill together.
"It was good to see them again," you say. "Was that too much?"
"No," Law says. "I'm happy."
A/N: so yeah, I just had that bumbling around in my head today. I hope it was fluffy enough for ya! 😘
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lovrsm · 11 months
sum: in which your brother invites you to a party, and oh god, you're so glad you accepted.
word count: 2.4k
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader
warnings: drinking, curse words & insinuation of cheating.
Spotify - Apple Music
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"you should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk"
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Monaco was such a lovely place, when my brother had told me about it I thought he was exaggerating. I mean, it wouldn't be that weird if he had, he's always excited about everything, he's the kind of guy who makes you see as if the world is made of bright rainbow colors, and I believe him.
I arrived from the airport about 2 hours ago, I was on my way to the hotel where Lando was staying, he told me he got another room for me. How could I say no?
He called me yesterday at about 3pm
"No, I'm telling you, IT WILL BE THE PARTY OF THE YEAR!" he screamed over the phone, making me laugh.
"Lando, I just came from signing with my sponsors, they expect me to write more songs in a 4 months period, you know how complicated that's going to be?" I exhaled, taking off my heels, tossing them across the room as I lay down on the couch. I was exhausted.
"C'mon, you'll have plenty of things to write songs about, look, I can already hear it!" he started to hum a catchy tone, making the corners of my mouth go up. "Lando... Jake won't be able to be there, god, I don't even know if he'll want me to be there, you know?"
I could already see him in the doorway telling me where am I.
Sure, he was on canada filming, but what if he finds out?
"I'm not even letting you say no, I'm already booking tickets, get all you need, you can even shop here if you want, I just want my sister with me tomorrow night with me"
"You better go get me at the airport Lando Norris."
"I wont let you down peanut" He chuckled and hung up on me.
Well he kinda let me down, he couldn't come get me due to some last minute meeting he had. I don't really mind, I know having a busy life is exhausting.
I thanked the taxi driver giving his a generous tip, my bodyguard helped me get out my suitcases, I had a hoodie and black sunglasses, he had a casual outfit so we wouldn't stand out.
For being a top artist in the whole world, I did not like having that much security. But it was an obligation, not an option, I had to stick to what my manager and team asks me to do.
After a busy day of shopping and walking around the streets, I could barely feel my feet. I had gotten a beautiful short red dress. Perfect fit for the occasion. It was just 7p.m. and Lando had texted me he was on his way to my dorm.
The door opened to reveal my very festive brother in the other side "You're here!" "I'm here!" I screamed back jumping into his arms.
We catched up, he was telling me about how he checked the track, for the next season, since we were in December. Although I never really understood racing, when we were kids our parents would take us out to the karts, and I'd always crash while he was beating all of us who tried to play.
He focused on sports and I focused on music, since I was 12 years old I learned to play the guitar. My mom used to tell me that I was a genius at writing songs, I guess many people think the same.
Time passed by too fast, with him I felt like an hour were just 5 minutes.
After hating each other all our childhood, we became closer than ever after my career and his took off. I think it was because we were twins, we hated it when people said we acted the same, because physically we are not alike at all. I am so much prettier, obviously.
it was already 8 o'clock "I'm leaving, I should get ready, do you wanna come with me?"
"I'd stopped talking to you if you let me get there alone, I know none of these guys Lando."
"I'm sure you'll know somebody miss famous." He bumped my shoulder and left my room, entering to his which was next door.
I took my time getting ready. God, I love being a woman. I took a bath, fixed my hair, put on my make-up and finally there was the dress, hanging on the bathroom door. I think it is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen in my life.
How did I manage to put on the mini dress correctly by myself? I don't even know, but I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror. God if only someone could look at me.
Oh wait! There is someone, I grabbed my phone to click his name, my phone started to ring. I waited patiently, but he did not answer. So I called him once more, this time he did answer.
I heard loud music and singing in the back. "What do you need?" he asked, I could hear the irritation in his voice. "I wanted to hear from you, we haven't talked-"
"We talked last Monday, wasn't that enough? I'm busy." He interrupted me.
"Where are you?" I asked intrigued this time.
"Uhm... I'm in the bar with some friends"
"Oh and that's just more important than your girlfriend?" I raised my voice at him, I was now sitting the edge on the bed.
"Look, I don't want to fight, just call me later." He said, basically hanging the phone. "Jake..." I said before he could do so.
"What?" He sounded desperate. "Take care." I said.
"Ok" He hung. I felt disgusted, why? not idea, I just felt dirty, as if I was forcing him to talk to me. I took some deep breathes so I could calm my nerves down.
I don't even want to go out anymore.
I tried hard not to cry, I wasn't going to ruin my makeup over some small argument, I'm sure tomorrow we'll be alright, we always end up alright.
It felt as an eternity till I heard a knock on my door, I quickly grabbed my bag, looked in the mirror once more to fix my dark wavy hair, and rushed to the door. I opened it, in the side was Lando, his back on the wall while he was looking at his phone.
He turned it off and looked at me, I smiled "Ready to go Peanut?"
"Lets go"
We finally got to the club, electronic music was blasting off, people were already drunk, and boy they didn't even tried to hide it.
We had to basically run to the VIP area, I didn't said anything to my bodyguard about this, besides, he can use a break.
Lando was immediately greeted by everyone who was in the room. "LANDO!" A man screamed to him "Ayee, we're here!" He said hugging the man, and patting him in the back. "you're so late, you were the only ones missing!"
"we're here Pierre, I'd like to present to you all my sister!" He hugged me by the side and I waved with a smile on my face. It seemed that most of them recognized me, because some of them just stood there in shock "Hey everyone, ready to get wasted?" I laughed, that made them less tense and cheered, lifting their cups.
Lando gave a me a sweet kiss in my head, "see, you'll be fine, have some fun peanut!" I let go and we both went our own way.
I started to talk to a girl, her name is Kika, I learnt she was the girlfriend of a guy named Pierre Gasly. I've heard about him but no one ever told me how fun his girlfriend was!
"Girl, you should try this margarita, the most wholesome thing you'll have in your life!"
She was not kidding with that. In a few minutes, I had asked for... about 5 of them, or maybe just 13.
I had talked to everyone in the room by 10 pm, they were all so fun, and the energy was of another planet.
"Yeah, and then Max would make that grumpy face. I swear he looks like and old man!"
"very mature Lando, so mature." I bursted out laughing. "LECLERC HAS ARRIVED!" I heard someone scream in the entrance, and in seconds half of the group was there greeting the guy.
I decided I was going to take something else than a margarita. I walked up to the bartender, who definitely did not understood me. I don't know if I was speaking too softly or if I was just way too drunk to talk, but I decided to leave, I turned around and bumped into someone.
I was about to loose my balance till his arms were wrapped around my waist, I was able to stand straight. "are you alright?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes, green eyes "what?"was all I could manage. "Are you alright?" He asked again, I now noticed a thick accent, I bursted out laughing for that.
He looked so confused, he let go and chuckled with me. For a second it was as if the whole club was quiet. I looked again at him, and I immediately looked down at the floor. He grabbed my hand, the lights went out for a second and my world spun. My legs were about to give up.
His touch was... it was, god I can't even say it.
"I'm Charles, what's your name?"
I bit my lip, what went out of my mouth was definitely not what I wanted to say. "Do you always talk like that?" I asked a bit to seriously, I chuckled so that I wasn't that rude.
"Yeah, my first language isn't english."
"Huh." I said, I felt as if he had a goddamn magnetic field and it was pulling me towards him, I couldn't stand it.
I ran off to the other side of the room, leaving him standing alone next to the bar.
All night.
All night I couldn't stop thinking about him, his hand touching my hand in the darkened room...
and I made fun of the way he talked.
I'm never drinking again.
Yet there I was, in the bar once more, asking for whiskey. Mature, so mature.
I kept bouncing back and forth between the people there, once I saw Charles walking to my way, I would ran to the other side of the room.
I have a boyfriend for gods sake! I can't be thinking these unhealthy things about him.
But, I mean, can you blame me?
Look at him.
His first two buttons were unbottened which made him look so attractive. And you should see his dimples, he's so gorgeous it actually fucking hurts!
"So you're not going to talk to me?" I heard a voice behind my ear. His chest touching my back. I didn't move, but I did answer.
"Who said I wasn't going to?" I asked playfully, with a grin on my face, knowing he couldn’t see me.
He hummed in my ear, before he turned me to look him in the eye, he grabbed my neck, but he didn't kiss me. Instead, he brought his lips back to my ear.
"Then why do you keep running, huh?" His hot breath sent a shiver down my spine. I was dumbfolded by his actions, he took a step back to look at me.
I looked into his eyes, I was absolutely taking him in. I looked at his dimples because of the grin he had in his face. His eyebrows, his slightly sweaty hair, with pieces of it falling into his face.
I couldn't help myself, I noticed how he looked into my eyes, and then to my mouth.
What if..?
I asked to myself, I closed my eyes and got closer to him, waiting for a kiss. But he grabbed me by my hips pulling me back.
"You're far too drunk, ma chou" I heard and opened my eyes, he gave me a sympathetic smile. I felt dumb for a second, but after seeing his face... I think I might be falling.
"Why don't we leave, would you like that?" I hugged him, my head in his neck. I nodded as fast as I could. He grabbed me and in a second, we were in his car.
For sure the alcohol got to my head that night.
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pinkthrone445 · 8 months
-Your new neighbor-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, love, hurt
Warnings:Mention of touching yourself, mention of dead, manipulation, mention of accidents
Summary:Mel never thought that one day at 3 a.m. she would meet the love of her life.
I really wanted to write this, I was inspired hahah I hope you like it. I posted this earlier but I didn't mean to and it was unfinished, but now it's perfect, enjoy!
Half-past three in the morning, that was the time when the noisy, annoying rumbles of the music woke Melissa up. The redhead was aware that there was a new neighbor in the neighborhood, she knew it was next door to her house, but she wasn't aware that it would be one of those young neighbors who played the music too loud to keep the others awake all night feeling like the walls would fall off any second.
Determined to put an end to the annoying noise and return to her well-deserved rest, the woman got up in her pyjamas and, after putting on her coat, took determined steps to the house next door. There were people in the garden drinking and smoking and a much larger group inside the house, she asked those outside if anyone knew who the party belonged to, but no one answered her. So she climbed the steps and entered the house, but before she could go any further, a very tall man stood in front of her with an annoyed look on his face and with a few too many drinks, she could feel it in his breath
-"What do you want lady? Can I help you?"-The big guy stood there blocking her path
-"Yes, is this your party?"- she asked and he laughed
-"No, but this is a private event and you were not invited"-he answered
-"Look big bozo, I'm just looking for the owner of this house"-The redhead folded her arms at the big, young boy
-"That's none of your business, told you this is a private event, so beat it"-The guy answered a little to agresive and that made the redhead angrier, but before she could answer, a sweet voice interrupted her
-"Good night, is everything okay?"-You asked worriedly bringing some bags of snacks stopping behind her, the redhead turned to look at you and was speechless when she saw your beautiful smile-"Hello? Can I help you?"-You smiled by moving your hand in front of her to get her to react
-"Oh right! Good night... I'm your neighbor next door..."-She whispered and you quickly left the bags on the counter
-"Oh shit, the music, I'm so sorry"-You whispered and went to the sound system to lower it to a more pleasant tone and less annoying to the neighbors
-"Do you live here?" - The big bozo asked her but Mel ignored him-"she never said she lived here..."
-"It's unbelievable, I'm gone for a few minutes and they turn this into a club..."-You muttered going back to her-"Again I'm sorry... What's your name, neighbor?" - You asked with a kind smile that also made her smile
-"I'm Melissa..." - The redhead replied and you smiled, her name for some reason fit her
-"Nice to meet you Melissa, I am (Y/N)" - You whispered looking into her captivating green eyes. Your friend, the one who had previously won't let her go into the house, interrupted you
-"And I'm Jack"- He smiled and you shook your head looking at Melissa
-"Do you want a drink?"-You offered her and she shook her head
-"No thanks, I should go back to sleep"-She whispered tying her jacket, for some reason she was now embarrassed to be in her pajamas in front of you
-"Oh, Okey... And don't worry, we were almost done anyway"-You smiled looking at her pajamas
-"No, don't worry about that, I don't wanna be a party popper, it's Friday, you can keep the party up, turn up the music and enjoy!"-The redhead responded, and you laughed at her tender attempt to liven up the party
-"Okay ma'am... Have good dreams" - You whispered as the redhead walked out the door.
The next morning, the redhead couldn't get the tone of your voice and your beautiful smile, your kindness and your smile out of her head... How she liked to see you smile... She could do anything to see you smile again...They way you called her "ma'am"...
A knock on the door made her burst out of her thoughts and a choked and frustrated moan left her mouth, the hand she had in her pants came out of there and she sighed getting up to open the door. Who dared interrupt the best jerkoff she was having in years?
When she opened the door she blushed to see that it was you, the same person she was fantasizing about and touching herself for
-"Hi..."-There was that sweet voice again-"I'm so sorry for last night, I feel so bad, the party got a little out of hand, I didn't mean to bother you..."-You commented to apologize and she laughed
-"It's okay, you excuse me, I shouldn't have complained about a party on a Friday night..."-She whispered, still blushing
-"Anyway... In order to calm my guilty conscience, I wanted to see if you'd like to go eat with me, I'll pay, to compensate for any lack of sleep"-You commented and smiled
-"Yeah, sure" - The redhead replied and waited for you to say something else, but when she saw you stay there, she just smiled
-"How much time do you need?" - You asked and she was surprised
-"Oh shit, you meant now... Give me a minute to change"-The redhead quickly closed the door to go change and you laughed waiting for her sitting on her doorsteps. When she was ready, Mel began to walk beside you, following you where you had chosen
-"Just so you know, since you're paying, I'll order 2 of everything" - The redhead commented and you laughed entering a restaurant that was not far from home, Mel was surprised to see how humble the restaurant was, you noticed her face and laughed
-"What?" - you asked while you choose a place to sit, she sat in front of you
-"I didn't imagine you'd choose a place like this"-She whispered and you laughed
-"What does that even mean?"-you asked
-"Look at your amazing clothes, your fine shoes, your luxurious home... I thought you'd take me to one of those restaurants that charge more than rent and the portion is smaller than rabbit poop" - Mel commented and you laughed sincerely, grabbing your stomach from how hard you laughed
-"Gosh Melissa, you're funny... This is my special place, I'd rather have a thousand burgers here than fancy restaurant meals... My father loves those places, but I love coming here, that's why I moved here, to be close to this magical place"-You responded by playing with the menu
-"Magical place? A burger restaurant? You're easy to please hon...-Mel joked and you laughed a little bit blushed because of the pet name-"So tell me, what do you do for living, besides looking for underestimated restaurants?"
-"Do you know the "Bright" company?"-You asked, and she nodded
-"Yeah, the huge security company in the middle of the city. I've heard that they have companies all over the world..."-Mel replied looking at the menu
-"Yes...I'm (Y/N) Bright... Oldest daughter of Robert Bright, I'm the CEO and future heir of the company..."-You answered, and Mel opened her eyes in surprise
-"Wow kid, that explains the big house and fancy clothes... But why did you moved to this neighborhood? Besides your love for this place, It's not fancy at all, at least not fancy enough for someone like you"-Mel asked, surprised and curious
-"Just wanted something new, a new place with new and cute neighbors like you..."-You smiled looking at her and grabbed the menu-"Can I order? Do you trust me?"-You asked, and Mel nodded. As you ate, you continued talking
-"What do you do for a living?" - It was your turn to ask
-"I'm a teacher at Abbott elementary"-Mel smiled looking at you-"Nothing fancy..."
-"That's cute, kids must love you..."-You whispered, continuing with the conversation and listening attentively to everything she told you.
After eating, you walked around talking about everything for a bit, and then walked home together, the whole trip Mel walked on the side closest to the street, protecting you somehow.
Before you could go in your house, she called your name once again, you turned around to look at her
-"Thanks for the food, it was delicious..."-she whispered and you smiled
-"Thanks for accepting my invitation... See you around neighbor" - You whispered before you walked home.
A few days later, you were giving the finishing touches to your clothes while you talked with your sister
-"When will the second date be?" - Your younger sister asked excitedly after hearing the recap of the outing with the redhead
-"After there is a first date"-You responded by looking in the mirror touching up your makeup and arranging your dress
-"So, inviting her to dinner, taking her to your favorite spot, and walking together doesn't count as a date?"-Your sister asked and you looked at her through the mirror
-"I guess it was a date..."-You whispered in confusion and your sister laughed
-"I'm happy you met someone... It's been a while since your last relationship" - She replied and you rolled your eyes
-"Calm down a bit, I just took her out to eat, I barely know her..."-You responded happily by looking in the mirror noticing that you were finally ready-"Come on, Dad's waiting for us"
After a short trip, you, your sister, and your father arrived at a company party, you hated those kinds of parties and they overwhelmed you, but they were necessary for networking and business. While your father was talking to some people and your sister was going with her friends, you sat at the bar ordering a drink. Minutes later, someone sat next to you, you thought you were hallucinating when you heard your neighbor's voice asking for a drink too, but when the redhead called your name, you couldn't help but smile as you turned and saw her
-"Melissa? What are you doing here?"-You asked in surprise
-"I was invited... This is a" security for schools" party, some teachers got invited...It's nice to see you again, you look good" - she answered and made you blush
-"I didn't think fate would bring us together so soon."-You whispered smiling and looking into her eyes, she had beautiful eyes
-"How little faith you have in destiny, we live next to each other" - The redhead joked and you laughed-"With all due respect, this party is so boring, the only good thing here is the drinks and you... Your father doesn't know how to throw better parties?"-Mel asked with her usual honesty and you shook your head
-"No... More than 25 years doing parties and each day it's more boring... Do you want to get out of here?-You offered, and she nodded. After texting your sister that you were leaving to cover for your father, you and Mel went to your car. Without thinking twice, you decided to take her to see something, while you were talking, you drove to a warehouse place and Mel looked at you scared
-"Are you going to kill me? Because my Nona always said that I had a beautiful face to be in local news..."-She asked and you laughed
-"No, just wanna show you something..."-After parking, you opened one of the larger containers and turned on the light, the redhead was surprised to see a large number of delicately placed drawings and paintings, next to various art items
-"Wow...Are you smuggling paints? Seeing this makes me your accomplice? 'Cause it wouldn't be the worst thing the police had catch me doing" - She muttered looking carefully at each painting and you laughed
-"I didn't steal anything, I made those... I come here when I'm stressed. Do you like them?-You asked. For some reason, having her approval was necessary for you
-"Wow hon, you really got talent, I love them... You know, if you get tired of the fancy life and all of the luxury, we could use an art teacher"-Mel joked and you laughed
-"I'll keep it in mind..."-You commented watching as Mel looked at the paintings and stopped in front of one in particular
-"Who is her? She is gorgeous"-She whispered, pointing to a painting you loved
-"I don't think the painting does her justice, she was remarkable and beautiful inside out... She was my mom, Maria... She passed a few years ago" - You murmured with a smile remembering her and Mel turned to look at you
-"You are just like her... Why do you have your paintings here? It's a shame that such a beautiful treasure it's hidden from the world..."-Mel talked walking up to you
-"My dad think this a waste of time... My mom used to support me, I always wanted to do a gallery to show and sell my art, but when she passed, my dad convinced me that it was better if I focused on the family business... So I did"-You told the redhead looking at your brushes and paints
-"That's a shame... You should do that art gallery, people will love you! I even want to buy something right now, can you paint something for me, please?" - The redhead begged with a very cute face to say no and you nodded laughing.
After painting for a while and getting to know each other better (she told you about her failed marriage and how her husband had cheated on her, you told her about past relationships and your family), you took her home, said goodbye with a hug and went to your bed to relive every interaction with her.
The next day, your sister came to your house to see you, and you told her how your walk with the redhead had gone when you disappeared together that night
-"That's it? Not sex? Not even a kiss goodbye?"-Your sister asked, almost offended, and you just laughed
It felt good to spend time with her, nothing was forced and she really made you laugh, Mel was a breath of fresh air in your life, a breath of fresh air that you need it. You didn't wanted to rush things and screw everything. But your sister's words kept echoing in your head and as much as you wanted not to think about it, you really wanted to kiss your neighbor, all the time you wondered how her beautiful and juicy lips would taste...
That night, when your sister left, you opened the door to go see Melissa, but you were surprised when you saw her standing right there on your porch with her hand raised ready to knock on your door
-"Hey..."-You smiled seeing her lips, the redhead didn't say a single word, she just slowly walked up to you and kissed you gently. God that woman kissed well, she was addictive, how come you waited so long to kiss her? Your hands went to her waist and you tugged at her clothes to usher into your house, kicking the door shut without having to stop kissing her.
That night you and Mel had sex, amazing sex, you understood each other too well and listened to each other, which made everything better.
The next morning, you and Mel woke up and took a bath together, and she made breakfast, a better breakfast than the chefs at your father's house.
From that night everything progressed perfectly, you introduced her to your sister, she introduced you to her friends at school, you had many more dates, much more sex, many more conversations together. Mel even pushed you to open your art gallery and promised to be there on opening day, which made you happy because she was your muse, a big inspiration for you.
But not everything could be perfect, the press took a couple of pictures with you and Mel, which got into your father's hands and generated a few big discussions, which you decided to ignore.
One night, after dating a few months, while you were sleeping together, your cell phone started ringing with several text messages that woke up the redhead, she grabbed the cell phone thinking it was hers and saw a notification of an online news story, it was you leaving a luxurious building and making out with another woman, she knew who she was, it was your ex. The redhead's blood began to boil, she knew that you and she were nothing officially, but how could you do this after she told you how much her ex-husband's cheating had hurt her. Mel didn't quite understand things, but carefully and quietly, she left your house and went to sleep in hers.
The next morning you woke up confused that you didn't see Melissa there, but when you took your cell phone everything made sense, your photo kissing your ex was all over the Internet. You quickly got up and left your house going to Melissa's to talk, before you could knock, the redhead was leaving her house to go to work
-"Mel! Wait, can we talk please? This it's not what it looks like" - You spoke desperately, and she looked at you, stopping inches away from getting into her friend's car
-"Not what it seems? Where you with her yesterday?"-She asked in a cold tone that you weren't used to hearing around you
-"Yeah... But I didn't..."-You wanted to explain, but she interrupted you
-"I gotta go to work" - Melissa turned around and opened the car door
-"Mel please, nothing happened... I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I really didn't do anything, we were having a businesses dinner and when I was to say goodbye to her, she kissed me... I really like you and I'd like you to know that you can trust me, I'd never hurt you on purpose..."-You whispered sadly and she sighed
-"Look (Y/N) I really like you too..."-she turned to look at you seriously-"But I think this is going to fast and we come and are from very different places... I think the best thing right now if is we take a second apart..."-Mel got in the car and you went to the window
-"Melissa..."-You whispered and Barbara started the car making you take a step back and fall sitting on the sidewalk
-"I can't do this, I have to go"-Melissa whispered and then her friend drove away, leaving you there alone on the ground.
Days began to pass and then weeks, you knocked on her door several times but no one came out even though you knew she was there, you sent her several messages but none of them reached her, apparently she had blocked you, you went to see her at school but Barbara wouldn't let you in saying that it was better if you gave her space, so you started to move away from her. You thought that if you gave her her space maybe she would come back, but the weeks turned into months and her memories seemed more and more distant each passing hour.
The opening night of your gallery finally arrived, your sister was by your side cheering you on, but your eyes scanned the crowd over and over again looking for someone who was never going to show up
-"I feel kind of dumb waiting for her..."-You whispered looking at your sister
-"Don't say that, don't think about her, she didn't wanted to listen to you, this is her loss, she is the dumb one. This is your night! You should be proud, mom would be proud, I'm proud of you... Enjoy this, you deserve a litte bit of happiness..."-Your sister whispered and you sighed hugging her
-"Since when did you become wise knowing what to say? That was my job"-You whispered, hugging her tight
-"Since you let your horniness mess up your brain"-Your sister joked and you laughed-"I love you"
-"I love you too kiddo"- You whispered up the courage to go and present your work.
After you had presented your art pieces, you couldn't help but think of her again, red was something that had encompassed much of your work because of her. Before closing the gallery, you carefully took out your cell phone and decided to send it one last message even though you knew it wouldn't arrive because she had blocked you
-"The art gallery was a success, and I owe most of it to you... Thanks for giving me the courage to do what I love... I really wish you were here..."-You sighed sending the message and closed the gallery quickly because it had started to rain, ran to your car and started driving home.
The next day Melissa arrived at work and sighed sitting down to watch the news with her colleagues, her mind was elsewhere, she missed you too much and still doubted if it was a good idea to miss your presentation, it hurt her to be away from you but it was not easy to get close either. Her attention returned to the television when she heard a particular news story
"We regret to inform you of a terrible accident that occurred last night, a pickup truck with a drunk driver, lost control in the heavy rain last night and hit a car in the opposite lane, both drivers are hospitalized at this time... The driver of the victim's car was identified as (Y/N) Bright, the future heiress of the Bright security companies. At the moment little is known about her condition, the only thing we know is that she was admitted to the hospital at 2am with several injuries, cuts and broken bones and that she is in intensive care. Soon we will inform you with more news about her condition..."-Melissa's blood froze looking at the screen, and without even being able to register what she was doing, she ran out to her car to find out more about you.
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eeulysian · 8 months
hm enough smut for today, i kinda got tired of it.. sigh, maybe i ate too much. anyhoo, what do u feel about [insert charac] x shy!reader? ^_^ lllike imagine chRCter being all extrovert, party addict, and fun then there's this little lost zoul clinging on the charactwr's arm TT it's be such a cute relationship i swear.
idk what character that would be fit for this role...
reader being shy and possessive after the party (overthinks a lot as well.. im not romanticizing that btw) AKSJDHJEBDHEHEJWHEHU——
“you were talking to them the whole time, u shouldn't have brought me here with u.. they didn't need me there anyway,” tsk. tsk. character ends up cimforting and doing whatever reader wants becuz they neglected them wayy.. too much. (if this even makes sense, im half asleep writing this)🩈🩈🩈🩈 ermm.. im not requesting a fic btw! ur free to make it into one tho. :D
I LOVE THIS TROPE SOO MUCH. its one of my favourite tropes. its like, in terms of animal tropes, it would be golden retriever x black cat. the characters i have in mind for this areeee.... topaz, serval, bai yi, beidou, elysia and kafka. i think all of them would definitely be a perfect fit for this kind of trope. not a fic but just a little short imagine!!
forced to be invited to this rich kid's mansion party by college gf!(char) because she wants to taste the drinks there, eat the food and have fun with other people. you kept refusing at first, because your introverted ass cannot handle crowds. you'd look like a small, crying kitten in the midst of the crowd. you know you'd be pushed here and there, hearing crazy screams and shouting, with rave music in the background and you hated it. in the end, you gave in and was dragged to the mansion by (char). in there was so many people, chatting, laughing, having fun and dancing to the music. (char) saw a friend and ran after them, forgetting you were there with her. 30 minutes passed, you were standing in a corner, a little further from the crowd and you started getting anxious, wondering where she is and why she just left you like that. you decided to just swarm and squiggle into the crowd to find her, feeling your social battery get drained even more. and you spotted her talking with her friend, because her hair color just stood out alot. you ran after her and shyly hugged her from behind, trying to silently tell her that she forgot about you and that you're still here. she flinched a little, but knowing it was you, she gave you an apologetic smile and told her friend that you're her girlfriend in case they were confused.
"y/n, i'm sorry i accidentally left you behind. it wont happen again, i promise", she told you, but you still felt a little insecure that she just... left you like that for a friend. "no it's fine, maybe i shouldn't have been here anyways if i wasn't so important. i don't like parties anyways." you blurted out. she noticed you looked and even sounded sad from that tone, she knew she was going to have to make it up to you with hugs, kisses and snacks when you two get home tonight. she apologizes once again, and tells her friend that she'll be going home earlier to avert her attention more to you. she feels guilty, but she knows you meant no harm and you can't help feeling like that. but she just loves taking care of you and reassuring you anyways, no matter if you guys have huge differences, contrasts and are considered total opposites by others. they say opposites attracts anyways đŸ€­
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grandlinedreams · 10 months
Hiii, long time lurker first time requester here!! (on anon bcos tumblr is my safe place, I hope that’s okay :3) I was wondering if I could submit a request before you close them? 💕
I love how you write lighthearted scenes with Law, it’s always the perfect balance of comedy while staying true to his character! So, may I propose: the fake relationship trope with Law x reader?? Yknow the iconic scenario when two characters who are definitely not dating find themselves in a sticky situation so the reader pulls the ‘oh this is my boyfriend/girlfriend’ card completely out of the blue and the other person just has to kinda go along with it so as not to blow their cover?
Idek how that would even come about in a scenario involving Law but I just know he would be so exasperated but still committed to going along with it hehe
Anon your mind is đŸ˜™đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ chefs kiss I love that trope and I hope that I made it work well bc i wanted to go the humor route but decided that the Kaz/Inej coding of reader and Law needed some more food so ㅡ
[heads up!: spy!reader, reader is not specifically gendered but they do wear a dress, angst, Law's a lil dumb okay]
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The party is beautiful. 
Soft orchestral music plays over the soft din of conversation, the sway of couples in lavish clothing and practiced weaving of staff through the clusters of socialites, trays of food held aloft and offered at various intervals.
Flute of champagne in hand, you watch from your place near a pillar, half-studying the people around you, half watching the fizz of tiny bubbles in your glass. 
"Not much of a dancer?" The speaker's tone is light and conversational, and when you look over, you half-recognize the man now standing next to you. He's the grandson of the man hosting this entire soiree ㅡ and you turn towards him.
"Unfortunately no," you answer with a demure smile, then dip your head to look through your eyelashes, tapping the rim of your glass against your lip. "I'm waiting on someone." 
You know his type, playing right into the invisible appeal as his gaze flickers, then brightens as he offers you his arm. "Perhaps I can at least offer a dance in the meantime?" 
Your smile widens just a little, the careful bat of your eyes. "Perhaps you can."
Your flute is set down in favor of tucking your arm into his and allowing him to sweep you out further onto the floor with the whisper of your dress against your legs. It's heavy and far from what you're accustomed to, but worth the extra beri for the way you fit right in amongst the others.
The press of his other hand is warm against your back, just shy of touching exposed skin ㅡ and you welcome the touch of dizziness from the champagne to keep from balking at the idea of him touching you. 
"This person you're waiting for," your partner says as he leads you through a graceful arc past another couple, "shame on them for keeping such a lovely creature such as yourself waiting for so long."
Your skin crawls, even as you laugh softly. "I assure you, they'reㅡ"
"There you are." A familiar voice makes you turn, finding sharp gold eyes focused on you, then your partner. Trafalgar Law looks less than thrilled about much at any given moment but right now, he looks livid, jaw taut as he watches you and your partner scramble for something to say.
"My apologies," your dance partner says, his expression shifting to mask his discomfort at Law's sudden appearance. "I take it that this is your
"My boyfriend," you answer smoothly, sheepish and apologetic as you disengage your arm from his and step towards Law. "It was lovely to dance with you. But if you'll excuse us for a moment?"
You don't give him or Law a chance to answer, grabbing the latter's hand to pull him with you as you hurry away as quickly as your dress and situational awareness will allow you. You're still working, after all, even if Law showing up has potentially jammed a wrench into the cogs. 
What is he even doing here? You want to demand answers, furious that he'd decided to show up unannounced ㅡ like he doesn't trust you. That alone both stokes your fury and douses it in cold water, an odd juxtaposition that ultimately just makes you feel sick.
Law lets you drag him down the hallway, the hard click of your shoes against the marble floor, studying the bounce of your carefully styled hair, the way the jeweled end of your hairpin sways with your movement. 
You'd been lucky enough to weave your web of deception strong enough to secure yourself a place to stay close to your target, and you let go of Law's hand in favor of fussing with the door before yanking him inside.
Law watches your shoulders sag with visible relief as you shut the door, then turn towards him. "What were you thinking? I had this under control." 
He knows. He knows you're more than capable of handling things like this, have proven yourself time and time again ㅡ he doesn't need to check in on you. But he doesn't want to admit the real reason, that he'd been jealous of someone else's hands on you, touching you the way he should be. 
Of course he'd never admit that, he'd rather take it to the grave with him than offer the open wound of vulnerability when he isn't sure you'd return his feelings. 
"You know what?" You say when he's quiet for too long, tone sharp with hurt wrapped in exhausted disbelief at his actions, "I don't want to hear it." 
He should apologize. Tell you that he hadn't meant to almost blow your cover, that he hadn't been thinking ㅡ but instead he watches you cross the room with the rustle of your dress, trying to clean up the clutter of just hours before.
"I just wish you'd trust me," you say, and Law can tell that it's more than just tonight that's bothering you. 
"I do trust you."
You scoff, silence broken by the hard click of plastic cased cosmetics that you toss roughly back into your bag and then reach to tug the pin out of your hair. "Could have fooled me."
Your tone is scathing, all raised hackles and sharp teeth ㅡ remnants of the wild thing you'd once been and in some ways still are. You, for all your sharp edges and uncomfortable truths, still find a way to nestle in his chest, tuck yourself in his heart in ways that terrify him. 
Your huff of frustration breaks Law out of his thoughts to find you struggling with the zipper at the top of your back, and he crosses the room without thinking.
The silent bat of his hand against yours makes you stiffen, hands moving to the bodice of your dress as he pinches the key of the zipper between his fingers.
"I do trust you," he repeats softly. He struggles, the drag of the zipper teeth agonizingly slow. "I apologize if I haven't made that clear." 
You stare at the mess of your bed. "I don't understand what the issue is, then." Your words are a knife you know how to wield and do it well, tight grip on the hilt and sharp tip at proverbial underbelly. "You do your job, I do mine. It's simple."
And yet it isn't. As much as Law wishes that it were, it's far from it. Because he cares about you, cares for you in ways he's trying so hard not to. 
The slow gap of your skin exposed, soft and unguarded that entices him, makes him want in ways he knows he shouldn't. You should pull away, demand he leave, that you'll see him later when you return to the Polar Tang. 
You don't. Instead, you let him pull the zipper down further. And maybe, if he were a different man, that would be enough. 
It isn't. 
The ghost of his fingers against your back makes you stiffen, but you don't discourage him. They slide along the slope of your shoulders, make an invisible path he entertains the brief fantasy of following with his mouth.
And maybe he could, maybe you'd let him ㅡ after all, you'd told those party goers he was your boyfriend. It'd been hasty, quick thinking on your part, but brilliant ㅡ as always. You never miss a beat, always thinking ahead. What he admires about you is the same thing that drives him crazy ㅡ you're always ahead of him, even in this. He knows, and is aware all he has to do is meet you in the middle.
He pulls away. 
"Do you regret allowing me to join your crew, Law?" Your voice, ever that blade, slices through the uncomfortable silence to twist deeper into the ache of his chest. "If you do, this is the perfect time to tell me to leave. I'm sure you can come up with something to tell the others."
You're offering him an out. A way to escape this complicated tangle, let him deflect and deny until you're nothing but a distant memory and a handful of reminders left around the Polar Tang. He should let you leave. 
"I want you," he says instead, and he means to follow that up with something, but it falls flat in the now stilted gap between you. 
You exhale. "You want me." 
You turn towards him, moonlight against the slope of your neck, the dip of your collarbone. Your eyes gleam, flashing with emotion. "And how would you have me, Law? Fully clothed, head turned so our lips can never meet?" 
That knife slips between his ribs and up, punctures his heart, lets him silently bleed out between every breath. He's reminded that you don't wear the boiler suit, your clothes unadorned with his jolly roger ㅡ a reminder that he does not own you (nor does he want to. He just wants you to stay.), and you are not his. But you could be, you tell him silently. You need him to meet you in the middle. That's all.
Something in your face shifts, breaking in his silence. "I will have you without armor, Trafalgar Law, or I will not have you at all." 
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morallygreyyn · 10 months
can we get a second part to do your duty pls?? not even just for the smut, i wanna see the reader grow soft for our boy <3
do your duty (omega!illumi x alpha!reader) (part 2)
description: omegaverse au where after you, a wealthy highborn, presented as an alpha, your parents immediately arranged for your marriage to illumi zoldyck, an omega, when you both came of age. as you began to resent the idea over the years, you had no idea that the allegedly haughty and indifferent illumi had begun to feel the opposite

authors note: this is my favourite fic that i've ever written, no question. part 2 has been sitting in my drafts for just under a year at this point but i'm so glad i'm finally posting it
this fic will be turned into a full story very very soon (i've started writing it) so if you would like to be tagged when it's posted, please lmk! i'm so excited to be writing it as it gives a lot more depth to this fic that i randomly wrote one day because i was reading too much of the omegaverse genre - enjoy!
warnings: same as the last fic
word count: 7.6k (not proofread we die like men).
tag list (adding the people who commented on my last fic so sorry if you didn't want to be tagged!): @justyanderes @laylasbunbunny @expectroyalpurple @ladies-man217 @nai2fly
read part one here
requests are open! please read my rules!
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You stood at the altar, fidgeting with your formal black attire. Surprisingly, you weren’t nervous, just more impatient to get this wedding over and done with. You couldn’t wait to get away from your family, from your intended family, from the prying eyes and expectations. Even if you had to drag Illumi away with you, it wasn’t all bad. At least he would also be somewhere he was appreciated.
His wedding necklace lay on an embroidered pillow, waiting to be clamped around the omega’s neck. It was a tradition within rich families for the alpha to claim their omega with a collar during the wedding ceremony, and a bite to the neck during the honeymoon. Any omega with both the necklace and mark was considered untouchable to other alphas.
A ridiculous tradition but one your families insisted on.
You took in your surroundings with a disinterested gaze. It seemed a wedding of this scale was bound to have a large audience. All of your close and distant family were sitting on one side of the aisle, your bride’s family on the other. You could see Illumi’s younger siblings sitting next to Kikyo and Silva, all dressed in their finest. Killua, the obvious family favourite and the heir to their fortune, was sitting between his parents looking for all the world as if he’d like nothing more than to leave. The rest of Illumi’s siblings wore similar expressions, with the exception of Alluka who just looked happy to be somewhere that wasn’t her house. 
You had only a couple of brief interactions with your soon to be in-laws, but from what you could gather, it seemed all of the Zoldyck siblings had a screw loose. Being the eldest, you supposed Illumi had to bear the burden of each of his siblings and all of their unique oddities. Then again, it appeared as though your bride was perhaps the strangest of them all.
When the music started, your heart gave a minute jump. Perhaps you were nervous after all. Turning to face the doors at the opposite end of the aisle, you watched as they pulled apart, revealing your bride. One look at him was enough to knock the breath out of your lungs. 
He was wearing white, forced by his family no doubt, and his pale skin almost matched the tone of the fabric. It was an impressive garment, truly fit for a bride of his calibre. His trousers, while tailored perfectly to his long and slim frame, were paired with an almost translucent, billowing shirt that flowed like water with each slight movement. Attached to the shoulders of his shirt was a matching sheer cape with gold and emerald details embroidered from the hem, branching upwards. 
Turning your attention upwards, you noticed that his admittedly gorgeous long hair was coiled into a bun at the nape, with large gold needles holding it in place. An odd accessory to choose but it didn’t stand out as peculiar.
Illumi looked as if he was an omegan fairytale prince that alpha knights would slay dragons for. You wanted to laugh at the thought that his family was the dragon and your wedding attire was armour. Your wedding ring that was currently lying on a cushion could be your sword. 
Focusing your attention back on your bride, you watched as Illumi’s eyes scanned the room, stopping briefly on his family. It didn’t take a genius to guess what he was thinking. Once his eyes found yours, they didn’t leave your gaze. You tried to give him a small smile in hopes to quell any fears he may or may not be feeling. If there was one thing to come from this marriage, it was that your bride had nothing to fear from you.  
The music started up again, and Illumi made his walk down the aisle. He kept his head held high, portraying almost an aura of royalty. All eyes in the audience were on him and you knew he didn’t want to embarrass his family, so with his gaze firmly locked on you, he soldiered on past the people who raised him and headed straight towards where you waited. 
It didn’t take long for Illumi to climb the steps that lead to the altar and soon enough, he had joined your side. You couldn’t believe he looked even more breathtaking up close.
“You look beautiful.” You murmured, low enough that he was the only one who heard. Illumi, to no one's surprise, didn’t reply. He just quietly stood beside you, surveying the venue. His scent was stronger today, no doubt a side effect of his upcoming heat. It was difficult to maintain a composed exterior when all you wanted to do was bury your face into his neck and drink in as much of the heady scent as you could. 
This was going to be an incredible test of your self control.
On cue, Silva stood from his place in the audience and approached the vacant spot beside Illumi.
The minister approached the altar then, standing before the two of you. “Who gives this omega to this alpha?”
“I, Silva Zoldyck, give my son, Illumi, to this alpha.” Taking the omega’s hand, your soon to be father-in-law placed it in your waiting one. Ignoring the coldness of his fingers, you gently squeezed Illumi’s hand. Silva, having done his part, made his way back to his seat.
“Kneel omega and be brought under the alpha’s protection.”
Illumi dropped to his knees before you, cape and shirt fluttering as he lowered his head to expose his nape. Picking up the glorified collar and feeling the weight of it in your hands, you almost considered walking out then and there. If Illumi was to wear this everyday, surely he’d have neck problems before the year ended. However as everyone was watching, you didn’t even have time to pause. Your fingers brushed over the soft skin of his neck, and clamped the necklace into place, and if your fingers lingered longer than necessary, no one was able to tell. Nobody apart from one.
Illumi rose once you pulled away, his expression betraying nothing of his feelings, if he was feeling anything at all that is. His hand quickly fluttered to brush the foreign object around his neck, feeling its cold, emerald encrusted exterior. At least the green suited him.
It was customary for the omega to wear that necklace in public and you began to hate the stupid tradition that your families were determined to uphold. The saving grace was that Illumi would be yours, and therefore he wouldn’t be subject to anything he didn't want anymore. If your families wanted to follow tradition, then they couldn’t ignore the one that states that the omega belongs to their alpha before anyone else. Not even the Zoldycks themselves had the power that the spouse, now you, holds.
“May all people present today be witness to the union of y/n l/n and Illumi Zoldyck. Today it is their wish, and the will of their families, for them to be joined as one. One heart, one body, one mind, one soul.” The minister paused, and you felt the gravity of the situation sink in. This was really happening. Your fate, that was organised for you so many years ago, the one you thought you could outrun, had finally caught you. The minister turned to you then, not giving you a moment to lament your situation. “Do you, y/n l/n, take this omega to be your lawfully wedded wife and mate? Will you love him, comfort him and protect him? Will you honour and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Do you, Illumi Zoldyck, take this alpha to be your lawfully wedded husband and mate? Will you love them, comfort them and abide by them? Will you honour and obey them, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to them as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
A small part of you was surprised at the utter lack of hesitation in Illumi’s response.
“May the alpha please stand before the omega and pronounce your vows.”
Taking a breath, you turned to face your bride. You didn’t need a sheet as you had thankfully memorised the vows you had written. Truthfully, you had much different vows a few days prior, however last night had you hastily scribbling new ones as you reeled from the events. 
“I, y/n, take you, Illumi, to be my omega and these are my vows to you that I shall uphold until my last breath. I promise to put you first above all others, your needs and wants will always be a top priority to me. I vow to never turn you away or reject you. I promise to care for and protect you, and to always take your side should you need me to. I will always honour you and you will never be alone as I am now a part of you, just as you are now a part of me. Till death do us part.”
Illumi’s already wide eyes seemed to have opened slightly wider at your words, if that were possible. Perhaps he didn’t expect those vows to be made to him, or didn’t expect the sincerity behind them. Either way, it appeared as though a light flush was creeping up his neck though you couldn’t be sure due to the makeup that expertly covered his skin.
“May the omega stand before the alpha and pronounce your vows.” 
Illumi didn’t have a sheet of paper either and you wondered if he had memorised his too. Then you questioned who exactly wrote his vows because you were sure his family would’ve had some input as to what he was supposed to promise.
“I, Illumi, take you, y/n, to be my alpha and these are my vows to you.” It was almost uncomfortable looking into the omega’s eyes as he began reciting his vows, it felt as though these were for your ears alone and all others present in the room were unwelcome. 
You almost missed what he said as you were too shocked at what was happening. Your omega was promising to obey you, care for you, provide support where you needed it, and all you could focus on was the frantic race of your heart. How ironic that you needed support now at this moment. 
You gave him a small smile once he had finished, providing some proof that you had been paying attention. Something had shifted in his eyes, they looked slightly less lifeless.
“Does anyone present today reject the union of these two souls?” Not a single sound could be heard and you didn’t expect to find yourself relieved, but you couldn’t deny that you were. The minister then asked for the rings, signalling that your ceremony was coming to a close and so was your free life. Though you could argue that it was never free to begin with.
“With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed.” You repeated, swiftly slipping the wedding ring onto his slender finger, giving his cold hands a light squeeze. You weren’t sure, but you imagined he squeezed back. Then Illumi repeated the same steps, sliding your metaphorical sword onto your finger.
Your fate was sealed. Staring at your new wife, you struggled to comprehend the complex emotions that were surging through you.
“By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, y/n and Illumi l/n!” Then the minister turned to you, shaking you out of your shock at hearing Illumi having your surname for the first time. You had forgotten about that part. “You may now kiss your bride.”
Illumi closed his eyes and waited, and you realised with a start that he was following your instructions from the night before. Immensely glad that you had already practised, you couldn’t help the small smile as you pressed your lips against his. All the kisses you previously shared flashed through your mind and it was almost impossible to keep it as a chaste kiss, you wanted very much to explore the omega’s mouth the way you did last night. By some miracle, you managed to restrain yourself as sophisticated applause rang out throughout the venue.
Hand in hand, you both turned to face your now joined families. You could feel Illumi’s fingers warming under your touch as you both gazed out at the families who had forced you into this situation. Surprisingly, you felt as though you had gained some power rather than having lost some like you had previously expected. You glanced over at your wife who was looking at his family, something deeper lingering in his usual blank stare. You could only begin to understand what he must be feeling right now. Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, you smiled slightly as he turned to face you.
“We made it.” You whispered as your family ushered you outside the venue to meet the photographer who was in charge of your wedding photos.
Illumi nodded, seemingly unable to find his voice. Subconsciously, you felt yourself grip his hand tighter as you were both suddenly caught up in the drama of arranging family members for the photos.
“Now time for the newlyweds, alone.” The photographer said after what felt like a thousand clicks of the camera, waiting until your surrounding family members filed out of his shot. 
Noticing that there was a slight gap between you, you gently pulled the omega towards you. You could feel Illumi jump slightly at the arm you wrapped around his thin waist.
“Sorry.” You murmured, stepping closer to him like the photographer asked. 
“It’s okay.” He replied, not looking away from the lens. 
Unsatisfied with that response, you leaned to whisper in his ear. “If ever you’re uncomfortable with me touching you, please let me know.” 
“I’m not uncomfortable.” It seemed as though Illumi wanted to say more, but he restrained himself for reasons unknown to you.
Unwilling to pry, you left it there. “If you’re sure.” 
A couple clicks of the camera later, the photographer still seemed unsatisfied with the results. 
“Maybe we’re not photogenic enough for him.” You mused, watching with humour as the man fiddled with the focus.
“Or he needs a new lens.”
Chuckling, you turned to face your new wife, photos be damned. You hadn’t expected your wife to be funny, albeit unintentionally. 
Illumi turned his head to look at you, lips parted ever so slightly, seemingly shocked by your reaction to something he said. Perhaps no one had ever given him the reaction you just had.
Just then you heard the click of a camera, the photographer's astounded voice following soon after. “That looks perfect! We’re finished!”
Without getting the chance to breathe a sigh of relief, you both were then ushered into a side room to fill out your marriage paperwork while the guests made their way back to your family estate where the reception was to be held. You didn’t even get to utter a word to your new wife as you were both relentlessly hounded into signing sheet after sheet of paperwork by the administrator. Barely having time to process what you were signing, you took what felt like your first breath once you left the room and headed outside. 
Illumi diligently followed, matching your steps in silence, heels clicking as he walked.
“I’m amazed you even made it down the aisle wearing those.” You commented, looking at those injury promising shoes.
“They’re not as high as some shoes mother wears.”
Illumi hummed in response, watching as you opened the car door for him. Quickly making sure his attire didn’t get caught underneath him or in the car door, you closed the door and swiftly got into the driver's seat. Pulling away from the venue, you begrudgingly turned onto the main road that would take you home for the reception.
“Maybe now’s the time to run away.” You grumbled after a while, breaking the tense silence between the two of you.
“Why would we do that?”
“Do you really want to spend an evening with our families with us as the centre of attention?” Feeling like it was necessary, you took his empty hand into your free one.
“Not particularly.” Turning away from the window, he stared at your interlocked hands and then at you. “Where would we go?”
Happy your bride was playing along, you cast him a mischievous glance. “Hmm, let’s see. Somewhere far away, preferably warm too. Does anywhere come to mind?”
Illumi shook his head. “I’ve never been anywhere other than my home and yours so I wouldn’t know where to go.”
“Then that makes running away an even greater adventure.” You squeezed his hand and then brushed your thumb over his knuckles. “Perhaps a beach resort on a far away island, or a cabin nestled in mountain woodland? Or how about a skyscraper hotel in a bustling city? Or a cruise ship that takes us to famous tourist spots all over the world?”
Illumi blinked, looking a smidge shocked at all of the options you were suggesting. “All of them.”
“All of them it is.” You laughed, giving him a rare, genuine smile and to your utter bafflement, he offered a small one in return. 
You almost stopped the car. Never in a million years did you think your bride had the capability to smile but here he was. Granted, it was barely there, a mere tug at the corners of his lips, but it was there nonetheless. 
Careful not to break the mood, you pretended you weren’t floored by his expression and went back to discussing becoming runaways. Before long and before you were ready, you pulled up to your manor.
You sighed, wishing you could put the many plans you made in the car into action. “Are you ready for this?”
“It’s only a couple of hours.” He nodded, looking out of the window to the unavoidable party that awaited you. “Then we’ll be on our honeymoon.”
“Our first grand escapade.” You chuckled as you got out of the car, ignoring the fact that you’d have to deal with Illumi’s heat for a portion of it. You circled around the vehicle and opened the door for your new wife. Taking his hand, you helped him stand in those treacherous looking high heels. 
Once he was standing, it was only then that you noticed the proximity. Face inches away, Illumi’s flat gaze was locked on yours. 
“Screw them, they can wait another five minutes.” Wrapping an arm around his waist, you pulled Illumi in for a much less innocent kiss than the one you gave him at the altar. 
You supposed that his upcoming heat was to blame for his whisper of a whine. Nonetheless, it spurred you on. However it was only a couple of seconds later before Illumi pulled away, though it seemed with poorly veiled reluctance.
“We need to go inside.” 
Groaning, you dropped your head onto his shoulder, unable to help yourself from breathing in more of that addictive scent. “It’s not too late, we can still jump in the car.”
“We can later.”
Begrudgingly, you lifted your head and held out your hand. "Let’s get this over with then.”
Nodding, your bride quickly took your hand and you both made your way inside. The sound of applause was the first thing that greeted you, choruses of congratulations rang out from the many guests in attendance.
“There they are!” Your father announced, approaching you with the rest of your beaming family in tow. Illumi’s family also made their way in front of you, looking a little relieved that you had actually gone through with the wedding.
“You’re just in time for the banquet.” Your mother ushered the two of you through the halls and outside to the grounds which had been turned into a wedding reception fit for royalty. 
Extravagant tents had been pitched with many tables and chairs for all your guests situated underneath. Strings of warm fairy lights hung from the ceiling, mixed with garlands of flowers. There was even a dance floor and a couple of chandeliers.
Taking your seats at the head table, you watched as everyone else found their places. Your parents sat at the same table as you, yours on your side and Illumi’s on his. It didn’t take long for everyone to be seated, however you did find it a bit funny that some people were hidden due to the giant bouquets adorning every table.
“Attention please.” Your mother called and almost immediately there was silence. “I would like to give a huge congratulations to y/n and my new son in law, Illumi. We welcome you with open arms into this family and wish you a very happy marriage. With that, I’d like us all to raise a toast to the newlyweds. To y/n and Illumi l/n!”
You didn’t think you’d ever get used to hearing that. Absently, you wondered what Illumi thought of his new name.
The banquet was a boring affair. Multiple dishes were put in front of you, each more elaborate than the last. Buzzing chatter from the attendees filled the air, even your parents eagerly chatted to the Zoldycks. It seemed as if you and your omega were the only silent ones. 
Determined not to be the odd ones out at your own wedding, you turned to Illumi, making sure to keep your voice low so you couldn’t be overheard. “So, have you thought anymore about where you’d like to go?”
The omega looked at you, seemingly happy enough to be speaking with you and not part of the larger conversation that was happening at your table. “I keep trying but I can’t picture anything.”
“That’s probably because you don’t know what you like yet.” You tapped your chin in mock sympathy. “I’m afraid there’s only one cure for that.”
“What’s that?”
You grinned. “We have to keep travelling until you do know.”
“Okay.” Illumi nodded, apparently liking the sound of your suggestion. 
Toasts came after the food and you all but blacked out during most of the speeches, most being the same with well wishes, future children, and inheritance. It was decided before, with heavy backing on your part, that neither you or Illumi would have to make a speech. You said everything that needed to be said in front of family during your vows. Anything else was for your bride’s ears only.
You leaned towards him, lips almost touching his ear. “Was that as boring for you as it was for me?”
Your wife agreed with a bob of his head. “They were all the same.”
“I guess money and children is all we’re good for.” You joked humourlessly, hating the truth to it. “How I would hate to disappoint them.”
“You sound as though you would love nothing more.”
Laughing lightly, you smiled mischievously at Illumi. “Perhaps I would.”
You were brought out of your scheming by your father announcing that the banquet was over and it was time for the first dance. 
Groaning internally, you took Illumi’s hand and led him to the centre of the dance floor. You could not only feel your nerves, but you imagined you could feel his too. Dancing? Neither of you had practiced that. Granted, you should’ve expected to dance at your own wedding, but in your defence, you didn’t want to think about it much until today. Vaguely remembering the ballroom dance lessons your mother insisted you take in your younger years, you somehow managed to get both you and your bride into position.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” He whispered as you both waited for the music to start.
“Not a clue, I’m just going with it.” You could see Illumi’s shoulders oddly relax at your words and once the music started, you guided him around the dance floor. Stiff in the beginning, you both began to get the hang of it more and more and soon enough, you were both gliding across the floor. You even chanced it by spinning you both around, Illumi’s cape swirling around you like a ripple of water. 
Once the music stopped, everyone applauded and joined you on the dance floor as the music started up again in a continuous loop.
“Looks like we survived.” You panted, struggling to regain your breath. You were only stepping together now, both coming down from the extravagant display you put on.
“Somehow.” Illumi looked at your joint hands, seemingly lost in thought. However, just when you were about to ask, your mother cut in.
“It’s time for the parent dances.”
Ah, you had forgotten that you would be dancing with your mother, and Illumi with his father. Reluctant to let go, you suppressed a sigh and you took your mother’s hand and guided her around the dance floor. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Illumi watching you leave until his father approached. 
“It looked like those dance lessons you took came in handy.” Your mother remarked, pleased to be proven right. “I told you they would and yet you still complained.”
“Yes mother, thanks to you I didn’t make a bumbling fool of myself and my bride.”
She hummed and her smug expression stayed in place for a while until it dropped abruptly. 
“It will be a lot quieter without you now.” Her voice was softer, as if she had just realised that she was losing her child today. “Take good care of your omega, we’re quite high maintenance. It takes a lot to keep us happy.”
Actually smiling, you kissed your mother’s cheek. While your family did many things that you disagreed with, your mother wasn’t entirely bad all of the time. “Just say you’ll miss me and be done with it.”
She didn’t hesitate to playfully smack the upside of your head before giving you a serious, pointed look. “Just make sure his needs are met.”
Ah, so she also knew about how Illumi was raised. “I will.”
“I know you will, I raised you right.” She spoke proudly. “Also, I know where you’re going for your honeymoon.”
Neither you or Illumi knew where you were going so it came as a shock for your mother to bring it up so soon. “You do? Where is it?”
“Of course I do, I’m the one who organised it.” She smiled at your eager expression. “We have the family run beach resort which you seem to have forgotten about.”
“The beach resort? As in the island beach resort a couple of miles out to sea?” You stared at her, flashing back to your hopeful conversation in the car a couple of hours ago.
“The very one.”
A whole month by the beach, on an island, away from your families. You couldn’t have asked for anything more than that. “Illumi will be overjoyed to hear that.”
“Will he? I never know what that boy is thinking.”
You laughed, understanding that feeling all too well. “Neither do I but I better start figuring it out.”
“Yes, you should.” Suddenly her gaze shifted past your shoulder. You followed her gaze to where your father stood at the edge of the tent, beckoning you over. “Your father wants to speak to you.”
“This can’t be good.”
“Regardless, don’t forget what I said.” Your mother smoothed your attire, looking more lost than you’d ever seen her in your life. “You did so well, I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
You were frozen, unable to comprehend the words you had never heard directed at you throughout your whole life. “You are?”
“Of course. Look at the responsible alpha you’ve become, how could I not be?” She kissed the top of your forehead before letting you go. “Don’t forget about me in this new chapter of your life, okay? Feel free to take me and your bride out shopping any time.”
Laughing once, you bid your mother goodbye before making your way over to your less favourable parent. 
“Father.” You greeted, walking with him out of the tent and onto the grounds. It was night now which made the fairy lights seem all that more inviting. 
“Y/n, I trust you’re enjoying your wedding.” 
“I am.” You were surprised that your response wasn’t a total lie.
“And your bride?”
“Is probably enjoying it just as much. Speaking of, I haven’t seen him in a while so if you’ll excuse me I should probably get back to him.”
Before you could make your getaway, your father spoke again. “One moment.”
“Yes?” You feigned politeness through gritted teeth.
“After your honeymoon, I expect news of an heir.”
“What?” Somehow, you had almost forgotten about that crucial part. How stupid of you. 
“You will do your duty to this family and put an alpha child in that omega as soon as possible.”
Oh you didn’t like his tone one bit. 
“That omega is now my wife and therefore a part of this family. You will show him respect.” You couldn’t hold back the sneer if you tried. The way he spoke about your omega had you seeing red. “I will put a child in him if he so wishes and he does, so rest assured, our family will have heirs.”
Your father made a move to reply but you cut him off before he could. “Also, his name is Illumi and he’s now your son-in-law.”
You didn’t bother sticking around to see your father’s face, and you quickly retreated to where you knew you could be alone for a moment. Slipping away from the reception and into the manor, you successfully made it to your room. Throwing open the doors to the balcony, you had a wonderful view of your wedding reception which you had abandoned. Closing your eyes, you quietly listened to the sound of the merriment that you couldn’t bring yourself to be a part of.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t been all bad. You had even enjoyed some parts of your wedding. It was just a shame that your father had to bring you crashing back down to earth. 
A child? You weren’t sure you were ready for that just yet. There were still so many things you wanted to do that would become a lot more difficult if you had a child to worry about.
You spent a few minutes wallowing until the sound of heels could be heard approaching from the hall.
“Y/n?” A muffled voice called from behind the door, the only one you wouldn’t turn away.
“Out here, Illumi.” The door to your room pushed open and your bride stood in the doorway, looking at you with that same unreadable expression.
He slowly made his way into your room, drawing closer to you. “Why are you hiding?”
“My father was getting on my nerves.” You admitted, resting your forearms against the railing. “They’re already hounding me about putting an ‘alpha baby’ in you.”
He nodded, as if that made complete sense to him. “I need to produce heirs.”
“No.” You shook your head, hating that your mate was brainwashed into thinking that bearing children was his duty. “You’re mine now. You don’t have to answer to them anymore, not if you don’t want to.”
“I know, I obey you.”
“Not if you don’t want to, Illumi.”
“I want to, I made a vow.”
“A vow your family wrote no doubt.”
“I wrote my own vows.” He whispered, as if unsure he should be revealing this information.
Baffled, you turned to face him with wide eyes. “You did?”
“My parents checked over them, but yes.”
“Then why did you write that one?”
“Because I want to obey you.” You were so sure he’d leave it there, but to your shock, Illumi kept speaking. “You’re my alpha and someone who has my best interests in mind.”
He moved to stand beside you, heels clicking against the marble flooring. 
“And that's a good enough reason to obey my every word?”
“I also know you’ll put me and our future children first.”
You snorted. “Still not seeing how this adds up.”
Then your omega did something you never expected to happen twice in a lifetime, let alone twice in one day. Giving you a small, half smile, you had to strain your ears to hear his soft whisper. “I know that you’ll never do anything to harm me.”
It was obviously quite challenging for Illumi to say such a thing as his expression quickly shifted back into one of indifference, but for a brief fleeting moment, you felt as though you had cracked through his impenetrable armour. It was clear that his parents didn’t care for their oldest child, and you wondered to what extent did that mental, emotional and physical abuse scar the boy before you. Being touch starved was about the extent of your knowledge and you shuddered to think about what other things your mate must be dealing with.
You nodded, unable to stop yourself from wrapping your arm over his shoulders and bringing the omega into your side. “You’ll always be safe with me. I'll take care of you.”
You couldn’t stop the mushy words from leaving your mouth even if you tried. You supposed it was the injustice he had faced, you couldn’t help but want to shield him from it all. Perhaps you really were a knight in shining armour come to save the prince.
“Will you?” His voice was quieter than you had ever heard it before. Maybe his upcoming heat was affecting him more than he let on? If this is what he was like before his heat, you wondered with abject fascination at what he would be like during.
Hooking a finger under his chin, you tilted his head up. Once your eyes locked, you gave your bride a lopsided grin. “I made a vow.”
Illumi took a sharp intake of breath, an uncertain hand slowly coming up to rest on your one. You caressed his cheek, unable to stop yourself from marvelling at his unique beauty. It still hadn’t settled in yet that this was your wife. He now bore your last name. He was your omega. Illumi was yours. Yours.
Perhaps his heat was starting to affect you too. 
You could feel Illumi leaning into your touch, as if he was desperate for it. You could also sense his hesitation, unsure what to do with the attention he was receiving, clearly not used to it like an omega should be. You would be sure to fix that. It may take several years, and perhaps all the damage done could never be erased, but you would try your very best to help him through it. Your own private vow to him that didn’t need hundreds of witnesses to hear it. Just one was enough.
“From now on, if you ever feel like you need me for anything, don’t hesitate to ask, okay? Even the smallest of things.” You whispered as you leaned in, unable to bear the thought of someone overhearing. “I promise, I will always be by your side to help you through it.”
Guiding his chin upwards, you brought your lips to his. It was meant to be a simple reassurance kiss however when Illumi so eagerly opened his mouth for you, all innocent notions flew out the window, so to speak. Pulling Illumi flush against your body, you deepened the kiss. 
He desperately clutched the front of your shirt, as if you were some kind of lifeline. You could feel yourself doing the same, your grip tightening around his waist, ensuring there was no gap between you. You couldn’t explain how you felt, even if you tried. 
From not wanting to be married and pretending as if your bride didn’t exist, to wanting nothing more than him being safe in your arms; your emotions were almost giving you whiplash. 
But you didn’t have time to focus on that, not when Illumi was making breathy little moans in your mouth. His whines and whimpers, while still quiet, were a little more audible today. Another side effect of his heat. 
Before you both passed the point of no return, you reluctantly broke away. “We better go back down.”
“Can we stay up here for a while longer?” Came a barely audible response, as though he was daring to ask for something unattainable, something he wasn’t allowed.
You were shocked he would even suggest such a thing. “Why?”
He hesitated, unwilling to say too much.
“Illumi?” You tried catching his gaze, wanting to know what thoughts he was locking away. “What’s wrong?”
“You might be stolen away again.” You could’ve sworn his grip on your shirt tightened. “I...”
“I don’t want that.”
You would have laughed at the situation if it weren’t for your new wife finally showing some vulnerability. Perhaps his heat was a considerable factor in why he wasn’t as tight-lipped. “Are you possessed?”
“No, I think my heat is already affecting me.” Bingo.
“Ah, so you’ll say what you really think only when you’re about to go into a heat cycle. Got it.” You teased, shooting him a half grin. “Don’t fret, you’re the only one I want to dance with anyway.”
He caught your gaze then, almost too innocent with the way his flat eyes locked with yours. “Really?”
You smiled, resting your forehead against his. “You’re my bride and this is our wedding. Of course you are.”
“Oh.” Came his response. 
You stroked his cheek, loving the way he subconsciously leaned into your touch. “Just a couple more minutes then.”
Standing behind him, you wrapped your arms around Illumi’s narrow waist and looked out at the festivities below. 
“Honestly,” You whispered after a couple moments of silence. “This wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. Even dancing with my mother was somewhat enjoyable.”
“I enjoyed dancing with you.” Illumi’s voice matched yours. “Even if you are terrible at it.”
“I’m not that bad! I got us through it, didn’t I?”
“I suppose.”
“You suppose.” You huffed, resting your head on Illumi’s. “How does it feel now that your surname isn’t Zoldyck anymore?”
“It feels weird.” He paused, considering his words. “But not in a bad way.”
“Weird in a good way? You’re happy to have my last name?”
“Huh.” You didn’t want to say how happy that made you. You didn’t even know the reason why. “Nice.”
Illumi let out a breath that almost resembled a laugh.
“You seem a lot less guarded today.”
“Would you prefer me the other way?” He seemed to ask this honestly, as if he truly wanted to know.
“Absolutely not, I’m quite happy with you like this.”
“I see.”
You left it at that, closing your eyes and feeling the summer breeze that carried the sound of festivities with it. An odd sense of calmness washed over you, one you hadn’t expected to feel in this situation but it was welcome nonetheless. Illumi seemed a lot less rigid in your arms, as though he had finally found a safe place where he could finally, finally let the mask fall.
Maybe you could get used to this after all. 
“We really need to go back down there now.” You sighed after a couple of minutes that felt more like seconds, not really wanting this quiet moment to end. 
“I suppose we must.” Illumi didn’t move from his position in your arms, nor did you make any effort to remove them.
You chuckled and finding the will to step away, you held out your hand to your new wife, offering him a rare genuine smile. “Let’s rejoin the celebrations. We are the main event after all.”
Heading back downstairs and outside, it was almost as if you had never left at all. The celebrations were still in full swing by the time you spun Illumi back onto the dance floor. As promised, you held on tightly to your omega and didn’t even consider dancing with anyone else who wasn’t him. 
A couple of songs had passed before you remembered your previous conversation with your mother. “Oh, I know where we’re going for our honeymoon.”
“It’s a surprise.”
“It’s not a surprise if you know.”
“I meant it’s a surprise for you.”
“But I want to know.”
“You’ll know soon enough.” You chuckled, spinning your bride before pulling him back in. “But I can give you a hint.”
“Please tell me where it is.”
It was incredibly difficult not to tell him then and there, but you held firm to your silly little game. “One hint, take it or leave it.”
He huffed slightly, giving in to your ridiculous behaviour. “Fine, what’s the hint?”
“I mentioned it earlier today in the car.”
“But you mentioned hundreds of places.” He protested and you could almost see a slight pout forming.
“Mhm, you did say you wanted to try them all.” 
“How am I supposed to narrow it down?”
Your grin turned evil. “You’re not.”
Before he could retort, you pulled Illumi in for a kiss. Smiling at the small noise of surprise he made, you quickly pulled away again. Your good mood soured when you noticed who was getting closer to where you were.
“It’s almost time for you to leave for your honeymoon.” Your new mother-in-law approached, giving you a warm smile before turning to her son. “You must change before you go, follow me.”
“I’ll see you soon.” You whispered to him, placing the ghost of a kiss against his cheek before he was whisked away to change into more suitable travel attire. Your only issue was that Illumi was to be alone with his mother and who knows what sort of nonsense she was going to fill his head with. At least you’d be able to rebuke it now. 
You also quietly slipped away to get changed. Having previously set out travel clothes the night before, it didn’t take long until you were back under the fairy lights waiting for your omega. You passed the time talking to some distant relatives, only partially listening to the conversation as you eagerly counted down the seconds until you could leave. You didn’t have to wait long until Illumi returned, side by side with his mother, in flowy clothes, save for his wedding necklace, that seemed a lot more comfortable than what he was wearing a few moments prior. 
You watched him as his disinterested gaze scanned the crowd, actively seeking you out. Watched him as he spotted you and looked for all the world as though he wanted nothing more than to run to your side. Before he could move towards you however, his mother caught him by the arm and whispered something harshly in his ear. Illumi nodded and pulled away.
“What was that about?” You asked when he approached, automatically wrapping an arm around his waist. 
He just shook his head, clearly unwilling to give the details now. You made a mental note to ask later. 
Car packed and ready to go, you were ushered towards the driveway by the rest of your family. Clapping and cheering filled the night as you helped your bride into the car, and finally pulled away from the place you called home. 
It was an odd feeling, driving away from your childhood manor to start a new life. Granted, it wasn’t one you had chosen but something told you it wasn’t bad. Sneaking a glance at Illumi, you decided that perhaps this was almost something you would have wanted for yourself, without the family duty aspect.
“Can I get another hint?” Illumi broke the silence first, seemingly thinking very hard about where you were driving to.
You laughed at his helpless tone as you turned onto the main road that would take you to the docks. “Fine, I can’t drive the entire way there.”
“You can’t?” Illumi’s nose scrunched slightly, brain working on overdrive in attempts to figure out where his first adventure would take place. 
“Nope.” You were still chuckling as you relished in the odd glow this day had filled you with, feeling lighter and freer than you had in years. Taking your wife’s hand, you began the long journey to the coast. 
“How are we going to get there?”
“Ah ah, that’s more than one hint.”
He paused, contemplating the options. “Are we going by rocket?”
You couldn’t help it. His innocent tone had you thrown into a fit of laughter. You had no idea your bride was able to crack jokes, albeit accidentally. 
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” You had to calm down and focus on the road. It wouldn’t do to die before your honeymoon. “No, we’re not going by rocket. Hate to break it to you but we are limited to this planet.”
The omega hummed and looked out of the window. He then very quickly realised that he couldn’t see much in the dead of night. 
When did Illumi get so cute? Or was he always like this and you just never noticed? He certainly wasn’t like this around his family, that much you were certain about. A delicate, warm feeling settled over you at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he was like this only with you. That he was comfortable enough that you wouldn’t judge, yell or reprimand him if he put a toe out of line. 
You felt yourself grip his hand tighter.
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captainsophiestark · 3 months
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Jack's ex-fiance left New York and moved to LA to start fresh after she realized he would never see her as an equal. Now, however, their paths might be crossing again, and Jack Thompson's managed to have a lot of growth since the last time they saw each other.
Word Count: 5,152
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I hummed to myself as I steeped my tea, soft music floating through the kitchen. I'd finished eating my favorite dinner before now preparing to settle in for my favorite radio program. A calm, perfect evening after a long day. All torn to shreds by the ringing of a phone in my living room.
I closed my eyes and sighed, but left my tea on its own and moved to answer the phone. Hopefully, whatever this was could be dealt with quickly, and I wouldn't miss any of my radio program.
"Hello?" I asked, resting the phone in the crook between my shoulder and neck and reaching for a pad and pencil, just in case. I froze mid-reach when I heard the voice on the other end of the line.
"Hey, uh, this is Agent Daniel Sousa. With the SSR. I don't know if you remember me-"
"Of course I remember you, Daniel," I broke in. "What do you want?"
He hesitated, and I couldn't help feeling just a little bad. My tone had turned from friendly to harsh in a split second, and Daniel and I had always been friendly. But if he was calling, it must've had something to do with my ex, and I certainly didn't want anything to do with that.
I'd met Daniel through the course of dating Jack Thomspon, who I later learned was actually Agent Jack Thompson. I'd met him when I was young and in love with the idea of being swept off my feet by a tall, handsome man, and Jack had more than fit the bill. It wasn't until much later, after he'd proposed and come home from the war, that I'd realized I wanted so much more.
I wanted a partner. Someone to have my back and build me up, to support me through life the same way I supported them. Jack wanted a maid that he could also sleep with, a picture perfect housewife with no external life or ambitions of her own. So I'd left him.
Before that, though, we'd gotten far enough that I'd found out about the SSR, and met Daniel in the process. We were friendly, and had even been on our way to being friends before everything between Jack and I had fallen apart. Since then, however, we hadn't spoken.
"...I'm sorry to do this to you, but I need your help."
Daniel's voice brought me back to the present. I sighed, sparing a longing glance for the tea in my kitchen before plopping down in the seat next to the phone.
"I assume this is about Jack? Is he... alright?" I almost choked on the word, surprised to find I actually still cared about the answer. I gripped the phone a little tighter as Daniel responded.
"Yeah, he's fine. Look, it's a long story, but we don't have a lot of time. There are some very bad people putting the fate of the world at risk, and I'm working with another agent to try to stop them. We have a plan we're in the process of enacting, but... we need your help to make sure it goes off without a hitch."
"Who's the other agent, Daniel?"
"Agent Peggy Carter. She's one of the best we have."
I paused. I'd been fairly confident he was about to say Jack, and to have him say a female agent's name instead was a nice surprise.
"Okay... but aren't you in New York? I don't know if you remember, but I moved pretty far away after things ended between Jack and I."
"And landed in LA, right?"
"...Yes... How did you-?"
"It's not important right now, just... how quickly can you get downtown? To the parking lot behind the hotel hosting Calvin Chadwick's campaign event?"
"Daniel, I haven't even said yes yet! I haven't talked to you in years, and I honestly don't think I want to get involved in this."
"I wouldn't be calling you if it weren't important. Meaning end of the world important. Please."
I paused, letting out a long, heavy sigh. I could practically hear Daniel waiting impatiently on the other end of the line, but I ignored the pressure. Unfortunatley for me, I believed that he really wouldn't be calling me if it weren't an emergency. And I didn't want to leave the world out to dry just because I didn't want to see Jack.
Which, also unfortunately for me, I knew this would involve. Daniel had very carefully danced around the subject of my ex-fiance, and I knew that dodginess was intentional. One way or another, Jack would be involved. But damn it all, I wasn't willing to blow off Daniel's cry for help on behalf of the world just to avoid Jack.
"...Fine. Dammit, fine. I can be there in fifteen minutes. I'm on my way."
"Thank you, serio-"
I hung up on him, giving myself one moment to relax back in the chair with a heavy sigh before launching into motion. I'd just have to make myself a new cup of tea when I got home, and ask someone at work tomorrow what I missed on my radio program.
Just under fifteen minutes later, I pulled into the back parking lot of the hotel hosting the campaign event. Carefully, I stepped out of my car, on high alert for a certain blond SSR agent. I whirled around at the sound of a door flying open only to find Daniel Sousa climbing out of an undercover van. He looked basically the same as the last time I'd seen him, although he'd apparently traded in his sweater vests for a Hawaiian shirt and a blazer.
"Thanks for coming," he said, crossing the parking lot to meet me. I nodded, my gaze going to the woman behind him. Daniel noticed my attention shift, and nodded to her. "This is Agent Peggy Carter."
"Pleasure, I'm sure."
I nodded and took Peggy's offered hand for a shake, but didn't say anything else as I quickly brought my attention back to Daniel.
"Alright, Daniel, why am I here? Specifically, not just 'to help'. And where's Jack? Don't try to tell me he's not here, you wouldn't have been so dodgy and nervous on the phone if he weren't."
"Dodgy and nervous?" Daniel asked, sounding more than a little offended. I just raised an eyebrow at him, so he sighed. "Fine. Here's the thing... we actually need you to go in there and distract Jack."
I didn't respond right away. I just stared at Daniel, waiting for him to say 'suprise' or 'gotchya' or some variation of the same thing. He just stared back, grimacing slightly. I finally came to the conclusion that he was being serious.
"I'll... pop back into the van and make sure Dottie and Mr. Jarvis are alright," Peggy said much too casually as she backed away from us. I never took my eyes off Daniel, my stare cooling considerably from when I'd first arrived.
"Daniel. Do you want to explain to me what's happening here, please? And why you need to distract a fellow agent, and especially why you think this is something you ought to be involving me in?"
Daniel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then shifted slightly closer to me. He lowered his voice, then spoke again.
"Look, here's the thing. You should know Jack's had some growth since you left. He's changed enough that I can actually stand to work with him, and I might still say I want to kill him, but I probably wouldn't follow through if I got the chance anymore. But recently, he's got his head up his ass again."
I snorted. "I really hope this is not going to involve you asking me to talk to him or get him to come around or whatever."
"Not quite. Recently, he's decided to take the side of some pretty bad people, although I don't think he realizes just how bad. A few of those people are in that event tonight, and we have operatives inside who need to get something from one of them. But Jack's in there, too. And he'll recognize our operatives if he's aware enough to see them, and since he doesn't seem to know better, he'll stop them. We can't let that happen. Which is where you come in."
I stared at Daniel again, then after a moment, started shaking my head. I was frankly a little speechless, which gave Daniel an opportunity to keep talking before I could get a cohearant thought together.
"Look, I know this won't be easy for you. I know it's unfair of me to ask, to call you out of nowhere. And I know the only reason you showed up at all is because we used to be friends. But please, please do this. I promise it's important, and if it weren't this important, I never would've asked. I... I've been out in LA for a while now, and I thought about touching base, but I figured you'd want your space, since I'm probably tied up with Jack in memories for you. But we need your help with this one."
I shook my head, holding up a hand to stop Daniel's pitch.
"Alright. I came all the way down here, and because it's you asking and I know that means this thing you're involved in is actually, seriously important... I'll still help. But then you are not going to speak to me for at least a month, after dragging me into this mess to manipulate my ex-fiance, and then we're going to go to lunch. And you're paying, because it's ridiculous that you've been out here this long and haven't talked to me, noble intentions or not."
Daniel huffed a laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile. "It's a deal. Promise."
"Great. So... where exactly am I going to do your dirty work?"
"Just in there," said Daniel, gesturing for a set of doors at the back of the hotel. I nodded and turned to face the doors in question, intending to head in. But for some reason, I couldn't make myself start moving. "Uh... you alright?"
I cleared my throat and nodded, although I knew I wasn't convincing either of us.
"Yes, yeah, I'm... I'm fine. Just gonna... go in there. And see Jack. For the first time in a few years."
"Hey." Daniel shifted closer to me, resting one hand on my shoulder and lowering his voice. I huffed and closed my eyes, but didn't pull away. "Look, I'm sorry to put you in this position... if you really don't think you can do it-"
"No. We're not going down that path. I know you wouldn't have asked me if it weren't a legitimate emergency, so I can't afford to think about an out. Just... maybe you could give me a push?"
I didn't turn to face Daniel, but even out of the corner of my eye I perfectly caught the judgey, raised-eyebrow look he gave me.
"Are you serious?"
"Daniel, I am about to go in there and distract my ex-fiance. I am dead serious."
"...Alright. You ready then?"
"No, I'm not! That's the whole point of requiring a push!"
"Okay, okay! Geeze."
A moment later, I felt Daniel's hand on my shoulder, gently moving me in the direction of the ballroom. It had nowhere near the amount of force I'd been hoping for, but the thought at least was enough to get me moving.
I crossed the parking lot at a steady pace, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. I pushed open the door to the ballroom without letting myself hesitate, striding through without looking back. I tried to ignore the sound of it slamming shut behind me as I strode confidently into the room, head held high despite the warring storm of emotions swirling in my gut. It took every ounce of strength I had to walk into that ballroom, but somehow I managed it.
And then I saw him.
I wasn't sure what I'd been expecting, but the moment I saw Jack, my heart stopped in my chest and my knees threatened to give out. So much history stood between us, and even though we'd ended on fairly bad terms and I knew I'd made the right decision, my heart still couldn't completely ignore everything we'd been through. Everything he'd meant to me.
I took a deep, shaky breath. Apparently, a lot of the world was counting on me keeping Jack from interfering in whatever Daniel had going on tonight. I'd agreed to come in here, and now I couldn't afford to fall apart.
I squared my shoulders, then strode across the ballroom, past dancing couples and schmoozing politicians. Everything faded away the closer I got to Jack, until I was standing next to him, just out of his peripheral vision, and we were the only two people in the world.
I reached out a hand to tap Jack on the shoulder, and time nearly stood still. He turned towards me in slow motion, and I watched his face go from one slightly raised eyebrow to wide-eyed, gut-punched shock. The moment our eyes met seemed to stretch for years, until Jack finally broke it, saying my name in a breathy voice that shouldn't have been audible over the sounds in the rest of the ballroom. Surprisingly, I didn't have to fake the slight smile pulling at the corner of my mouth.
"Hey, Jack," I breathed. He blinked at me a few times, maybe expecting me to disappear like some hallucination. When I didn't, he managed to find his voice again.
"Wh... what are you doing here?"
"I feel like I could ask you the same question," I said, voice soft. Speaking anywhere near normal force or volume felt like it would shatter something about the peace of the moment, or bring our problems back to the forefront of our minds. "I thought you were still in New York."
"I was. Am. Still in New York, that is. I, uh... they made me Chief."
My eyebrows shot up. Daniel hadn't bothered to mention that.
"Wow. Well... congratulations. When did that happen?"
"A little over a year ago," he said, shrugging his shoulders and glancing away like it was nothing. I knew him much too well for it to fool, me, though. He was beyond proud, and he wanted me to be impressed.
"That's great, Jack," I said, not entirely sure whether I meant it. "So is that what brings you out here?"
"Something like that," he huffed. He shook his head, staring off at the wall of the bar, apparently snapping out of the moment we'd found ourselves in with something else hovering over his head. It didn't bother me to be a part of that something, although maybe it should have.
"I take it this is more of that highly-classified, highly 'over my head' stuff you always refused to talk to me about?"
Jack's eyes slid back to mine, looking genuinely sad in a way I hadn't expected. Honestly, I'd been expecting to spark some anger. Instead, he looked like I'd just punched him in the stomach.
"I... wasn't great at communicating with you back then, was I?"
I snorted. "That's an understatement."
Jack sighed and took a sip of his drink, nodding slowly.
"Yeah. Yeah, it probably is. Look, I don't know why you're here right now, but..." He cut himself off abruptly, glancing away from me again with a shake of his head. I raised an eyebrow, just waiting for him to work up the courage to say what he wanted to say. The longer he took, the easier it was for me to help Daniel with whatever this was, anyway. Jack took a deep breath, shot the rest of his drink, and set the glass down on the bar before looking at me again. "I was gonna look you up, while I was out here. I've been putting it off, because, well, I wasn't sure you'd want to see me. But... since you're here now...?"
I started shaking my head. I couldn't help it. Jack, apparently undeterred, stepped forward and took my hands in his. I wished I could say helping Daniel was the only reason I let him.
"You hate me. I get it, alright? But I'm not the same man I was the last time I saw you."
"Oh really, Jack? Then what kind of man are you now?" I asked, unable to stop myself. "What are you doing here, schmoozing at some party with a bunch of shady guys in suits? How different is that to the last time I saw you?"
"Very different! Listen, I get it now. I understand what you wanted from me, and I understand why you left. You wanted respect, and I... I wasn't willing to give that to you."
I frowned, scanning Jack's face for any hint of inscenserity or rehearsed speech. All I found was an honest, open expression staring back at me, my ex-fiance looking more open and interested in talking about the hard stuff than he'd been once in the time we were together.
"But sweetheart," he continued, after a brief pause to let his words sink in. I met his gorgeous blue eyes that I'd fallen in love with so long ago, and a hand clenched around my heart. "I get it now. And... I want a shot at giving you that respect, knowing what I know now. Being who I am now."
I huffed a disbelieving laugh, shaking my head as I broke Jack's intense stare.
"Jack... are you kidding me right now?"
"Not even a little bit." He squeezed my hands lightly, stepping even closer to me. The hand around my heart dug its claws in. "I... I love you. I never stopped loving you. If you give me a second chance... I promise, I won't screw this one up."
A choked sob forced its way out of my mouth as the room started spinning under me. I pulled my hands away from Jack, shaking my head fervently as I did.
"I... You can't... I can't think about this right now. After everything you can't just..." I huffed, shaking my head again and moving out of the way as Jack reached for my hands again.
I turned on my heel and ran before he got another word out. Hopefully, that was good enough for Daniel and his friends. One way or another it would have to be. I couldn't stay there for another second, and it was starting to feel like it'd been a mistake to come in the first place.
I'd been expecting some slightly charged conversation, maybe even some arguing. Breaking off an engagement wasn't usually amiable, and our situation had been no exception. I hadn't been expecting to see real pain on his face, or real regret, or real love still lingering there. And I definitely hadn't expected to feel the faintest hint of the same emotions in my own chest.
Whatever the hell that meant, I couldn't face it right now. Not when I was standing in that ballroom in the first place to trick and lie to the man giving me the apology I'd wanted for years before finally excepting I'd never get it. The guilt started creeping in like a knife to the heart, another thing I hadn't been expecting.
I didn't check to see if Jack was following me as I headed straight for the parking lot, back out the door I'd come in. A thousand different emotions and thoughts screamed through my head, and the only thing that seemed clear was that I needed to get as far away as possible from here, now.
I don't know why I hadn't been expecting to run into Daniel, but I'd barely gotten a breath of the cool night air in before he called out to me, moving quickly from the back of their undercover van to where I'd parked my car.
"Hey! Are you okay? We didn't mic you up, but one of our agents inside said they saw you running out-"
"This was a bad idea, Daniel," I said, shaking my head and pausing to talk only because Daniel was in the way of the driver's door of my car. "I shouldn't have agreed to this. I didn't... I don't know what I expected. The same asshole I broke up with, I guess. An argument. Not... not what I got."
I moved to push past him, but he put a hand on my shoulder to stop me in my tracks. His eyebrows knit together as he scanned me up and down, concern radiating from him in waves.
"What happened in there? Are you okay?"
I shook my head. "It was a mistake to get in the middle of this, with you and him. He said some stuff... I don't know. I don't know, okay? This was stupid, I should've just stayed home. I need to go home, Daniel. So please, get out of my way."
Daniel hesitated again, looking me over, this time with a more critical eye. I huffed.
"I promise I'm not hurt, and that I'm fine to drive, alright? I just... I need to get out of here."
After another second, Daniel finally nodded and stepped out of my way. I didn't bother sparing him another glance as I got into my car and pulled away, putting as much distance as possible between me and Jack and everything to do with that ballroom.
When I got home, I replayed the conversation I'd had with Jack over and over again in my head, on an endless loop. I didn't hear another word from Daniel, or from Jack, which I tried to convince myself was for the best. When the radio silence stretched on for days, however, my arguments to myself became less and less convincing, and every additional day of silence was another day to overthink myself into a frenzy. Had something gone wrong with whatever world-ending threat they were dealing with? Did something bad happen to one or both of the SSR boys? Or was there some other reason the SSR agents continued to give me space?
By the end of the week, I'd just about decided to go track down Jack or Daniel or maybe Peggy, although I'd only met her in passing, myself. Finding a secret agency probably wouldn't be easy, but I'd been reeling and replaying everything in my mind for days, and I couldn't go back to pretending none of them had ever been part of my life again. I'd just started flipping through a phone book over my morning coffee, looking for any businesses that looked like feasible fronts for the SSR, when someone rang my doorbell.
I sighed, marking my spot in the phone book before standing and moving to the door, my cup of coffee in-hand. I almost dropped my favorite mug when I opened the door to find Jack standing on my doorstep in a nice suit, holding a bouquet of roses.
"Before you say anything, Sousa's the one who gave me your address. So if you didn't want to see me... blame him."
I couldn't hold back a laugh, at least half the weight on my chest lifting off with the knowledge that Jack and Daniel were both okay. I bit my lip, trying to keep control of myself, as I looked Jack over.
"I... I'm really glad you're okay," I finally sighed. "When I didn't hear from you for a while, I got a little worried..."
"We had... some stuff to deal with. But it's dealt with now. I'd love to come in and tell you about it... if you'd be willing to have some company for breakfast."
My eyes shot up to Jack's. He tried to look calm and collected, but I could see the way his hands fidgeted around the stems of the flowers, and the way his eyes searched my face for any sign of an answer in either direction. I sighed.
"Listen, Jack... I don't know..."
"Alright, look. I'm technically supposed to be leaving for the airport to catch a plane back to New York in about half an hour. But I also got Sousa to agree to let me stay with him for a while, if... if I need to stay in LA for a bit longer, for whatever reason. But if you don't want me here, if it's too little too late for you..." He clenched his jaw, swallowing hard and steeling himself before continuing. "Then I'll head to the airport and get out of your hair. And I won't bother you again."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, looking down and shaking my head to try to clear it. I'd sworn to myself when I moved out here that I wouldn't let Jack Thompson back into my life. I'd been confident it was for the best. But he really did seem different than he had the last time I'd seen him. And I couldn't ignore the way my heart still skipped a beat when I looked at him, or how badly I wanted to believe what he'd told me in the ballroom.
Finally, I looked back up at Jack. I met his ice blue eyes, the same ones I'd been staring into since we were basically kids, before he'd served in Japan and a thousand other things in our lives had changed. And I knew I couldn't send him away without at least hearing him out. I knew it might mean I got hurt again, badly, but I also knew the regret of never knowing for sure would eat me alive for the rest of my life.
"Jack... there's something you should know first."
"And that is?"
"It wasn't fate that brought me to the ballroom, or whatever else you thought it was. I... was actually there because Daniel called me to ask for my help."
Jack sighed. "I know. He and Carter told me. They seemed to have a guilty conscience about it. But I'll tell you what I told them: I don't care. It brought you back into my life, so... I'll take it."
The corner of my mouth tugged up again, and I tried not to let the excitement take over too much as Jack leaned a little forward.
"So... does that mean I can come in?"
I bit my lip again in a failed half-attempt to stop the smile rapidly spreading across my face. Finally, I let it win, and gave Jack a nod.
"Oh, thank god," he sighed, sagging and flopping over the doorframe, the flowers falling to his side for a moment until he looked back up at me. "You really had me thinking I was gonna have to race to make my plane for a minute there, sweetheart."
I laughed and shook my head, taking the flowers from Jack as I motioned for him to come inside. I shut the door behind him, then turned to lead him from the entryway into the kitchen.
"So... do you want some coffee?" I asked, moving to the pot before Jack answered. I knew he did.
"That'd be great." He paused, and I heard him sit at the table himself me as I added sugar and milk the way I knew he liked (although he'd never ask anybody else to add it in). "This place looks great."
"Thanks. It's been a labor of love, for sure. I learned how to fix just about everything in here that could break, since it started out that way."
I shot Jack a little smile as I sat down at the table across from him, sliding his coffee over. The statement was a test, and whether or not he knew it, he smiled back.
"If only you'd known all that stuff when we were in our old place. Maybe you could've saved me from breaking the sink beyond repair."
"If I remember right, I did try to help with that. And you told me to let you handle it while I made something nice for dinner."
Jack grimaced, taking a sip of his coffee. "Yeah. I do remember that. And... I'm sorry. I was an idiot back then. I wish I'd known then what I do now."
I nodded thoughtfully. He seemed sincere, which truly might've been a miracle-level personal shift. I still tried to keep my hopes from running wild, but it was getting harder by the minute.
"Thanks for the coffee, by the way," he continued. "I haven't had anything this good since... well, in a long time."
I gave him a rueful smile as he bailed out of "since you left". I sighed, taking a sip of my own coffee before looking at Jack again.
"So... why don't you tell me about all this stuff that kept you from visiting earlier? When I talked to Daniel, he said it was end of the world-level."
Jack nodded, running his hand through his hair. "I mean, it sure wasn't good. Might've been one of the worse things we've had to deal with. You're gonna like this though, since we saved the day. One of my best agents who helped solve all this stuff is a woman. Peggy Carter, she said she met you?"
"Only briefly," I said, smiling into my coffee. "She seemed pretty cool."
"She's damn good at her job. And so were you, by the way. You covered for her and Sousa perfectly when you showed up at that fundraiser. It took one of the people you were covering for walking straight into my path for me to realize something was up, and even then I didn't suspect you. Masterclass."
I huffed a laugh, but my smile grew so big I couldn't hide it behind my coffee mug anymore. Jack smiled back.
"Alright, so, this is kind of a long story. Especially if I start from the beginning."
"I want to hear all of it," I decided. "If you're up for it... including the stuff that came before this mission. I want to know about what you've been up to since... since I left."
Jack nodded, a hopeful smile pulling its way onto his own face. I could see him wrestling with himself to keep his cool, and I was happy to see him losing.
"Deal. As long as you promise to tell me everything you've been up to once I'm done."
"Sounds like we have a wonderful plan for the morning," I replied. Jack absolutely beamed back at me.
"I've never been happier to miss a flight in my life."
I laughed, and for a moment, I got a glimmer of the parts of my life with Jack that had made me stay for so long. His humor, and all the good in him that he worked to hide, but now, without the layer of separation that came from him not seeing me as an equal.
It had barely been ten minutes total of time spent with this slightly older, slightly different Jack Thompson. By far too early to say anything difinitively. But that little seed of hope in my chest had bloomed into a full bouquet since I'd opened my door this morning, and I couldn't help feeling that this time, things actually were different. Jack was different. And this time, maybe things would work.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmells @gaychaosgremlin
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months
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Caine Catching the Reader trying on his Suit + gender neutral reader confesses to having a crush on him❀
A/n: I thought this would be a cute thing to write during the wait for what's to come so here's some Caine being a clueless bean, so fluff galore!
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So you were scanning through your digital wardrobe and tbh you were getting really tired of wearing your same nauseating colors of your circus aesthetic why couldn't you ask him to switch it to something..different? That was when you reached the near end of your closet and saw a familiar metallic red garment of clothing
is that..?
no, no you're just having those so-called "digital hallucinations" but to your surprise you took the hanger out of the closet and lo' and behold, it WAS Caine's suit, your face was stuck in a awestruck expression of how you found it, how could that clueless set of dentures lose his fashionable suit? He would probably just make another one with just a snap of his fingers.
You were about to exit your room to return it until you took a good look at it only to notice it almost looked like it could fit you? Well, you were about to find out by trying it on yourself!
Moments later you slid to your mirror and..it was perfect fit..now this is getting weird how did he know your exact measurements?
But it felt so good to look as fly as he does, after all you can admit you got kind of a thing for him..okay a crush! You just never had the guts to tell him but he's probably already heard. Since he hears all, sees all. You just have been holding it in cause you can never get a moment with him alone cause..adventures and stuff.
Turning to see the back of you, a flash of light blinded your vision, only for your sight to return and see the image of Caine with a digital camera. (pun intended but let's say he has an actual digital camera)
"Ah! Caine! I told you nicely to knock before you come in!" you yelped as you jumped nearly out of your skin.
"Terribly sorry my dear! But I actually came in to check on you, but wow do you look stunning in that suit, it could stop traffic and heck, even me in my tracks!" he says clutching his chest dramatically as he pretends to faint.
your face=red from Caine's compliment "th-thanks i guess, I just found it and--''.
"found it? I added it your wardrobe cause..y'know..I couldn't help but overhear you talking to Ragatha about how you could rock a suit like mine! and boy, you were right!" he chirps as he happily floats over to the back of you, placing his hands on your shoulders, admiring how the tux fitted you, that's when it hit you..
Wait..he what?! Oh god, what else has he heard?? hopefully not your endless pining for him, you would metaphorically die!
As Caine faced the mirror, the both of you almost twinning in your matching suits, then he glances at you, a little puzzled of why your face was ablaze from embarrassment, unless..
"So I guess you heard, right?", you question, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Heard what my dear?" Caine asks confused. Well, there was no backing out now, you had to confess or you could go insane before anything else could in this digital hell. You turned to face the ringmaster and explained, "The reason I said I could wear your clothes, is that I have..a..gah! I like you Caine!"
His upper jaw jumps in surprise at your sudden response. A couple seconds of dead silence,his tone stayed ponderous as usual,"....oh. But I don't seem to understand my--"
''Caine, hear me out, I have an interest in you, you're funny, you have alot of personality, and not to mention stylish even if you do wear the same suit everyday, your voice is like music to me and i would listen to it every day. what I'm trying to say is..I want to go out and get to know you more." you confess, finally getting it off your chest as you desperately stare into his dual colored eyes that are now..sparkling?
The A.I took your hands and interlaced them with his as his voice took a softer tone as he asked,"Do you know how long I was waiting for you to say those very words?"
You started to smile brightly, that's one of his favorite features of you ever since he made that one adventure just for you (it was a ballroom that you two slow danced in *sighs lovingly*). "Too long?"
"I didn't know what was going on, at first I thought it was a missing binary code in my system but I realize what this feeling is now, every time I hear your voice, a single glance, your mere presence is but a blessing to me and I would sacrifice all the time in this digital world for you.." he swept one of his hands to push a section of your hair behind in your ear.
His sweet praises make your heart swell with warmth and only causing it to hammer against your chest halting your breathing pattern as you could feel yourself leaning closer and closer until he had to go back to his bombastic ringleader voice,"Now then! My darling, when would you like that date?"
reader.exe stopped working cause Caine called you darling.
"Wh-what about now?..", you stammer, shuffling your feet, "Since we are dressed..fancy."
"Excellent idea, my darling! although the NPC'S may mistake you for me, this should help!" he snaps his fingers as your tux now became a shiny blue with white leggings. It was always amazing of how powerful the A.I was.
Caine being the gentleman he is, links your arm with his as you two head off to the grounds at night laughing and chatting away..who knew a suit could benefit you in so many ways?
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thebelugawhalefriend · 9 months
Yan!Teacher x Reader - Class Pet
CW: NSFW, Fem reader, Male Yandere, Drugging, Kidnapping, Dubcon
Note: Thanks to @yanderenightmare , I was inspired to write a little piece! Please welcome Mr. Florence! This yandere isn't as intense as others but I'll be sure to keep what we love most within him ^^
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Your teacher always had the softest spot for you. Not just your alluring physique or striking gaze, but that bubbly piece of sunshine that was just so excited to come in every day. Unlike highschool, this private class was all about teaching adults the arts. At first you weren't too excited, but the teacher was fun and hey! The class was pretty small and most people were too mature to be caring about high school level drama.
"Oh, not like that, sweetheart!" He quickly picked up the misused tool. Today was a special day, one on one with Mr. Florence. He would usually invite you to these private sessions to help you along with projects, "I know I say art can be done how you want, but usually we don't paint wet clay WITH paint..."
"Oh-" Your cheeks fluster with embarrassment, "I didn't even see the paint on it... Sorry, Mr. Florence..."
He could have sworn his pants grew a little tighter just seeing that sorry face of yours. If your eyes could only meet his, maybe you'd see that desire to ruin you.
"(Y/N), it's quite alright. You didn't know..." He takes a look at your rather stunning art piece, "You're already doing so wonderful, sweets. Look at that! Most people can't sculpt like that right off the bat."
"Really?" The way you perk up at his approval only drives him further into his heated lust. Is it just him or did the room get hotter?
"Yes really. You're a stunning artist, and I'm honored to have you participating in my classes." You couldn't help but notice the sweat that glistened under the florescent lighting. Pale white light isn't too flattering, but paired with that toned dark skin and deep brown eyes? Mr. Florence could honestly quit this hustle and work as a model. Paired with those long dreads pulled back to reveal that well shaped face... It's a wonder how he isn't even married.
"I... Wow, uh, thank you! But I wouldn't have gotten this far without an amazing teacher like you!" Your hand reaches to hold his, some instinct in his mind taking a second look over you. Compared to him, you were easy for the taking. Hopelessly trusting him. "Miss (Y/N), would you like to stop by my place this evening?"
You blink out of surprise, "Like a... Hangout?"
"Yeah. Just the two of us."
It was well past dark when you finally made it to his home. An isolated, rural home down a gravel road. Damn, he can afford this kind of land as a private art teacher? Absolutely no way, he has to have some kind of main income bigger than that! Either that or this is inherited land, but even so... The tax on this would be crazy. Stepping out of the taxi, you wave goodbye and take the walk to his front door. And yet, it was already slightly ajar.
"Mr. Florence?" You give the door a soft knock anyways, only for the man himself to open it all the way. "Ah! There's that sweetheart! Please, when we're not in class, call me Kade."
Unlike his sharp and dapper appearance he usually held in class, he wore a well fitting band tee and baggy grey sweats. You couldn't really tell what band he was wearing considering you've never seen the album before, but it made you relieved that he dressed just as casually as you had.
"Come on in, sweetheart. Would you like anything to drink?"
"I'm okay-"
"Aw come on, I can treat you to something! When you're in my house, it should feel like home..."
"Well... Okay, maybe I'll have..." With your choice made known to him, Kade smiles wide and continues to make what you both want. The scent in the room was just about your favorite kind. Odd, considering you've never even told him what that would be. The music playing softly from his speaker in the living room was your favorite album- and is that pillow on his couch a texture you like? Usually people have all kinds of furnishings you don't really like touching... But you were quick to sit right on the couch and cuddle this wonderful feeling pillow. If you knew better, you'd think he was trying to keep you here...
"Loving the pillows? I made the pattern myself with the help of my brother." He beams, placing both of your drinks on the coffee table in front of you both. "Then I should be careful with it- I didn't mean to-" "Hey, it's alright! Accidents can happen... Besides, he'd love to know that his art is being appreciated. We can always make another pillow." His words always had a way of soothing you. Since his serving of your drink is small enough, you finish with barely any time taken.
"Want another, sweets?" He tilts his head, but you shake yours. "I already had my dinner before coming." A bold faced lie, but Kade seems to take it well. Even when your belly rumbles, he doesn't even seem to notice. Past that little smirk he gets when hearing it.
It isn't until a little while later that you grow tired. "I think I have to go, I'm getting a little..." Kade wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. "It's not a good idea to leave in the dark tired, especially if you took a taxi here. We've been having a problem with violence towards women in those things..." You look up with a little fear in your eyes, "Really? Then you think I should call my family...?"
"No!" He stops himself in his tracks to correct his tone, "You don't have to. I'll let you stay here until you're all rested up."
Your smile returns once more as your eyes flutter close. Your last breaths of freedom drawn into long and soft whispers as you rest.
Morning light peers through dark curtains, alerting your body to wake up. Yet, you found yourself unable to stretch. Behind you, your hands are bound by tight, rough string. Your neck adorns a little yellow collar, attached to the head of the bed by a loose orange rope. At the end stands your teacher, dreadlocks now let down to shadow his face.
"Mr. Florian...?"
"I told you last night, you can call me Kade..."
Oh, you get it now! This is a wet dream! Wet... Nightmare? Well, if this is the case, maybe you could break your chains with your mind! You turn your head to stare intensely at the loose rope holding the collar, but nothing budges. This does, however, draw a laugh from Kade. His eyes are gazing at you with pure adoration.
"You are just adorable, little pet. Do you honestly think staring at the rope will convince me to let you go?"
Kade approaches the foot of the bed, crawling onto it to approach your figure. It's only now you notice that you're reduced to a loose band tee and panties. In a desperate attempt, you try to twist your hands out of your bounds. Shit, this IS real!
"Now don't worry that pretty little head of yours..." The strapping young man shifts to get in between your legs, his hardened tent brushing against the thin fabric of your underwear. "I'll take care of you. My little class pet..."
One of his hands reaches to caress your face, to which you try your hardest to kick him off. "I-I never asked for this! I just wanted to..." He stops you with a soft kiss to your lips, adjusting to have you sitting on his lap. "Sweetheart," He pulls away to look into your eyes, "I know you wanted this. All along you have. How you look at me for all the praise I give you... How you doodle in my class little hearts and stars... Don't go back now that it's happening. Let me care for you."
Before you could utter a word, his lips met yours once again. Gentle yet giant hands work under your shirt to play at your braless breasts. So soft under his touch... No matter your size, he still manages to get his entire hand over your breast for both. Using his thumb to play at your nipples to elicit those sweet sounds from your throat. Your ever relaxing body tells him just how willing you'd be to please him.
"Good girl~" He coos into your ear after pulling away, moving his hips to tease your entrance with his bulge. The mixture of nipple play and grinding has you like putty in his hands. Half lidded eyes once full of fear now laced with lust for him. "K-kade..." You whimper. "What is it, sweetheart? You want to stop?"
That feverish head shaking tells him just what he knows. You want more. He's more than keen to please you, but teasing is just more fun. "Tell me what you want, little pet. I promise I can make it happen~"
"I... Please..."
"Use your big girl words. I know you're a grown woman."
"I-I want you..." You try to make it obvious with as few words as possible, the red of your face making it obvious how much this flusters you.
"Want me to... What?"
"I want you to... To fill me up...!"
"There we go! Was that so hard, sweets?" His teasing smile tells you just how much he enjoys embarrassing you, now slipping your panties to the side while lowering his sweats just enough to reveal his length. His cock throbbed hard with want for you, your eyes looking down with want and fear.
"Wait- Is that... Is that going to fit?"
"I'll take care of you well enough. You'll have to relax for me if you don't want to get hurt..." Kade knows well that it shouldn't do damage. It just boosted his pride to have you worried about it. He lifts you up by the waist and holds you over his size. "Just breathe for me. In and out. I don't want my favorite pet getting hurt now~"
Despite you being over him, Kade still clearly has the power. His grip on your waist kept you sliding onto his size. Halfway through, you whimper as tears prick your eyes. "Come on, sweetheart, I know you can take it all! You're a tough girl, aren't you?" His words try to inspire comfort, but it's clear this was stretching you to your limit. Even with your tears now spilling, Kade still pushes you on. Getting you to his hilt as you pant heavily.
"Aww, you're so cute... I knew you could do it." He pats your head and immediately starts thrusting into your tight hole. It was almost too tight for Kade, but he only found that to be wonderful. He could mould you into his perfect creation. Break your walls and mend them into his perfect cocksleeve. You're going to be his canvas, and he's the painter that won't leave a single spot unpainted.
As for you, your whimpers turned into cries. Not just of pain, but of pleasure. His length ensured every spot is cared for, while one of his fingers reached to find that elusive clit. When he did find it, his middle finger stayed careful to not roughly overstimulate it. Even so, your first orgasm came way before his just by this little affection.
His brown eyes glint with amusement, "Already done? How about another one for me, sweets?" Small cries turned louder as he kept this assault going on your poor pussy. It aches and trembles for him to stop, and yet he simply keeps going. His cool demeanor couldn't tell you if he was even close or just getting started.
Time and time again, you came and came for him. Three orgasms in, he was finally approaching his own. "Fuck-" He curses under his breath, now wrapping both arms around you to pump into you. "Stay like that for me- yeah, like that! You're such a good fucking girl~"
He closes his eyes tight and presses his lips into the skin of your neck, thrusts getting shorter and faster in-between each one. You try your hardest to mutter any words about him cumming inside, but it all falls out as senseless. With one last thrust, bursts of semen rope out of his cock and into your sweet womb. Coating all along the inside and dripping from your hole. A few little thrusts come right after, if only to ensure that all of his white batter successfully made it into your pussy.
"Ahh!~ Aww, fuck, yeah... Such a sweet girl... So tight and good for me... Little pet..." He leans up to kiss your forehead, looking into those eyes of yours. "This was way too good... I think I'll keep you here. Don't worry, you'll be the greatest pet~"
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hina-hina · 2 years
Could you possibly do Ghost or König falling head over heels in a bar over fem! reader, but upon actually going to talk her they find she's mostly mute, signing and such. Though eager to try and converse with this tall masked man who sits at her booth, all pretty smiles and leaning in to listen.
Hello and thank you for requesting!!! This was a super cute senario!! I already wrote a selectively mute reader imagine, but this one is going to be slightly different!
Guys, I'm so sorry for being behind this week! I think I know what I want to do for 1K, but I think I'm going to finish with requests first! Again, sorry for ending my daily posts but hopefully this will cause more high quality work!
First and foremost, I am a Roach-Ghost bestie stan. Someone help me with writing accents!!! ::>_<::
This work is not beta read!!!
→ COD Masterlist
|| Ghost + König With a Mute S/O ||
Tags: Protective Ghost, Meet-Cute, Exchanging of Numbers, Soft Ghost, Bashfulness, Mute!Reader, Ghost knows Sign Language, Possible OOC Ghost (but I try to remain as faithful as possible), Nervous König, Awkward Flirting, Maybe OOC König,
Warnings: Pushy Guys, Alcohol mentions,
Female!Reader // Romantic
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|| Ghost
Ghost very seldom finds people attractive. What even rarer is that he acts on said attraction. He doesn't want to doom anyone to be attached to him, a phantom that death clings to like an ill-fitting coat.
This evening wasn't unlike all the others that happened after a particularly taxing mission. They bar wasn't particularly crowded or nice, filled with stale air and some distant rock music playing over crackly speakers. The others seem content in their conversation, sipping their drinks and laughing as they unwind. Ghost was sat, mask pulled up slightly as he took the last sip from his class of bourbon.
While he does his scan of the room, something catches his eye. Or, rather, someone.
He sees you, sitting off in one of the booths. He finds himself wondering how such a pretty young women is alone in a place like this. Ghost finds himself unable to take his eyes off of you and maybe that's a good thing because he's watching when a (clearly intoxicated) man stumbles over to the booth.
For a moment, Ghost is sure this must be the man you came with and starts to turn away. However, he manages to catch your uncomfortable expression as you try to turn the man away with some hand gestures, to no avail.
With a gruff, "be right back," that is majorly ignored by his companions, Ghost pushes away from the bar and stalks closer to the booth. As he gets closer, he starts to hear what the man is saying and finds himself more disgusted. He is shocked you haven't cursed the man out and slapped him across the face for your trouble.
He clamps one of his hands down onto the (much smaller) man's shoulder, immediately causing him to freeze and glance over his shoulder. "Get lost," Ghost's dark tone reaches even this drunkards rationality causing him to scoff and stumble off.
Upon his departure, Ghost looks back at you who has now begun staring wide eyed at him. He clears his throat, gesturing to the empty booth across from you, "This seat taken?"
You shake your head, gesturing outward to the seat as if to say, "be my guest."
Ghost nods, slumping down into the seat and trying not to make it obvious he was avoiding eye-contact, "I hope that wasn't presumptuous of me. You must've came here with someon'. 'm... Simon. By the way."
You smile, still staring openly at him before shaking your head, signing something with your hands.
Ghost freezes for a moment. He didn't expect this sudden hiccup. He is, for once, thankful for being friends with Roach which led him to learning some sign in order to communicate with him more efficiently.
"'m sorry, love, I didn't catch that," the term slips out before he can stop it, "I know some sign, but can you go a bit slower?"
You look at him in shock for a moment that he can understand before slowing down and signing, "I'm here alone." and tacking on a sign-spelling of your name. You take special care to slow down, carefully signing each word to make sure he catches it. You ask him what he's doing here.
"I think I should be askin' you that. This isn't really the place for pretty ladies," he takes a secret pride in the blush that spreads across your cheeks, "I'm here with some friends."
You glance towards the bar where the other members of 141 have started to calm down a bit before signing, "I was supposed to be meeting someone here. Looks like I've been stood up, though."
Ghost scoffs, "If he wanted to meet you in this place, he ain't worth your worries."
Your smile twitches, "Your probably right. It's not turning out all bad though"
This causes a small, amused scoff to come from his mouth, "I'm glad I can entertain."
Before he could say anything further, a slightly tipsy Soap calls from across the bar, "Ghost! You comin'?" The others have begun paying their tabs and collecting their jackets. Ghost makes a mental note to smack him upside the head for interrupting, nonetheless.
He sighs, "Duty calls." Ghost reluctantly slides, from the booth. "You should get outta' here too. Need someone to take you home?"
You smile and shake your head, "No. I could settle for your number, though."
Ghost's lips twitch into an almost-smile before he holds out his hand for your phone, "That can be arranged."
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He looks so baby girl here
|| König
It wasn't often König found himself going out to bars with his colleagues. Mostly because he found himself getting nervous in crowded places and because it wasn't really acceptable to wear a sniperhood in public spaces.
But, with some urging from his recently-acquired friend Horangi, he found himself reluctantly agreeing. Instead of his normal hood, he put on a simple, black surgical mask to try and help with his anxiety. At least this bar wasn't anywhere near crowded.
He still felt incredibly awkward sitting hunched over in the too-small bar stool. The others seemed to be having a good time at least, all of them caught up in some sports game playing on the tv above the bar. König quickly took a sip of his drink, scanning across the room before his eyes landed on you, sitting quietly off to the side with a group of friends. He pauses, stunned by your smile for a moment before he turns away quickly. Despite his blush being mostly covered by his mask, Horangi notices somehow. "You should send her a drink." If his eyes weren't covered by sunglasses, he was sure the statement would have been accompanied by a wink.
König gulped, "I couldn't..."
Horangi landed a friendly pat on the bigger man's shoulder, "Sure you could. What's the worst that could happen?"
König can think of quite a few things that can go wrong. But even then, he can't get your smile out of his head. He slowly lifts his hand, calling the bartender over before asking for some pleasant, fruity drink to be sent to your table. To you.
When the waiter came to collect the drink to bring to the table, König made a point not to look in your direction. He could already feel the hot waves of embarrassment wash down his back. He briefly thought about bolting from the bar before he realized it was too late, glancing over his shoulder as you scan the bar. Your eyes meet for a moment before König quickly turns away.
He expects nothing to come from it, that you would just laugh about the occurrence with your friends before going about the rest of your night. He figures he's wrong when he hears light footsteps approaching him from behind. You set the drink that he sat you down before sliding into the bar stool next to him. König glaces up nervously.
"I'm sorry..." König can't keep the apology from coming out. You frown slightly and shake your head, signing something with your hands. König pauses, clenching and unclenching his fist around his glass, "Oh... I don't know that much English sign..."
You nod sympathetically, thinking for a moment before gesturing to yourself before slowly fingerspelling your name. König watches intently before nodding slowly, "My friends call me König." At you curious look he laughs softly, "It means King in German. It's a... long story." He didn't really want to get into why he got his callsign.
You smile, slowly signing something along the line of "thank you" before gesturing towards the drink.
König nods, resisting the urge to sheepishly rub at the back of his neck, "Your welcome... I didn't know if you would like it or not."
In response, you smile and take a sip of the drink.
He finds himself laughing softly, turning more openly towards you before saying, "I'm glad. I'm sorry for taking you away from your friends. Your just... Really pretty."
You laugh softly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You start to slowly sign something else but your friends call out to you. You both turn, seeing your friends had begun to collect their things. This causes you to frown slightly, which König can't help but find unreasonably cute, before you turn an apologetic look back to König. He waves his hands dismissivly, "No, no, I-It's alright! Go and join your friends."
You take the last sip of the drink he sent you before pulling the napkin you had been using as a coaster from beneath it. You reach across the bar and grab a nearby pen, quickly squibbling down your number onto the napkin before presenting it to König. He takes it carefully, staring astonished before shrinking into himself, trying to hide a rising blush, "Danke..."
You smile before winking back at him, moving towards the bartender to pay your tab before throwing one last look at König that says, "You better text me!"
König nods, carefully folding the napkin and sticking it into his pocket before letting out a deep sigh. He can't help the small smile the comes to his face when he thinks about talking to you again.
Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated!
⇣Taglist⇣ @scarlettproof @unabashednightmarepizza @kk00789 @cl0udii-m00n @polar2oidsworld @meepsters-world @uwu-i-purple-you @punziesworld @heaven-angels-world @crystalliebling @southernbluebellereader @nptnewr @blueoorchid
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hey, I'm a new reader and I love that you write dark stuff! you asked for unhinged requests.. i hope it's not too unhinged <3 a chillout evening with euronymous hearing music and smoking pot at reader's flat. the house party slowly comes to an end and he's the only guest left. He talks about hating posers and that he admires pelle for cutting himself on stage. he wants to try it too - now. both are super drunk and stoned, he gives reader the knife. after a bit hesitation he gets what he wants and it really turns him on. It leads to nasty sloppy bloody sex with a very submissive and masochistic Euro. Could also fit to Kappa!
My dearest nonnie, thank you for this request! đŸ«¶đŸ»
Summary: After a night of party and unprompted celebration, some matters with your boyfriend take a drastic turn in a very different direction

Pairing: Euronymous x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Content Warnings: Trve Kvlt Smvt 18+!, Unprotected P In V, Implied Substance Use (Pot And Alcohol), Kink Acceptance, Consensual Cutting, Blood Kink, Submissive!Euro, Dom!Reader, Reader and Øystein Are Painfully Lost For A Hot Minute, Pet Names/Honorifics, Implied Aftercare, Varg Vikernes Slander đŸ’…đŸ»
A/N: I believe that by now we all know that I'm writing about Rory portraying Euronymous and not the edgelord with a patchy mustache 💀
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine
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But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
- Creep By Radiohead
Accompanied by a long, dragged out yawn, you let your back fall against the cozy mattress of your messy bed. You stretched your tired body and felt like sinking into the fabric of your soft duvet, uncounted amounts of Tequila shots and a bloodstream saturated with THC doubled down on you after hosting a rather impromptu party with Euronymous and his friends from the Black Circle at your place.
"Øystein!", You called out to your boyfriend who waddled towards the bed while simultaneously stripping out of his clothes up to his shorts, "C'm here
I wanna cuddle you!"
Your voice slurred a bit but you didn't care. As long as your head wouldn't start spinning just now, you'd manage.
"On my way!" Euronymous stated, stumbling towards the bed and flopping himself right next to you face first before he turned on his back with an exhausted groan.
"Next time you better warn me before you just bring your greasy boy horde here, Øystein!" You teased whilst closely snuggling up to him, cradling his lean statue in your arms.
"I did!", He mumbled with a wide, zooted-out grin on his face, "I texted you 20 minutes before!"
"You know what I mean." Your elbow playfully nudged his side before he scooted closer into your embrace, sighing contentedly.
"Yeah, yeah
sorry, won't happen again. But it was nice, no?" His temple leaned into the crook of your neck and you felt his warm breath, heavy with hints of weed and alcohol on your collarbone.
"Yeah, unexpectedly nice but I've been wondering why Varg's never around to party." Your furrowed your brows just a little at the thought.
"You mean Christian?", Øystein snarled in an unmistakably derogatory tone, "Fucking poser if you ask me. He's too busy being a boring prick with his no alcohol, no party and no meat policy."
"Kinda no pussy policy, too, huh?" With your comment you elicited a loud and hearty laugh from your boyfriend's mouth.
"Oh, absolutely! Dude ripped off his cringe Scorpions patch and thinks he's the big deal now
stupid poser
" Euronymous mumbled into the skin of your neck before he looked up at you, his bloodshot eyes searching yours.
babe? Can I ask you something?" His lips pursed a little, sparking your curiosity.
"Sure, what's up?" You met his drowsy gaze with a warm smile.
"Uhm, I don't want to sound like a complete nut job, but..", He huffed reluctantly, biting down on the insides of his cheek, "But I think it's pretty cool what Pelle did at our last gig, you know, the
well, y'know?"
.cutting? You mean that?" Your brows arched a bit further in a low wave of concern.
Of course you've supported your boyfriend at their last gig, just like every gig before that but what happened on stage that time had been something a little very outlandish, even to you.
"Yeah, uhm
", Øystein stuttered somewhat insecure, nearly tripping over his own words, "I
okay, so
I think that was really
like really damn true."
" You reciprocated slowly, the creeping feeling that this was not being all to it dawning on you, "....and?"
" Euronymous shimmied himself out of your hug a little to properly look at you, "Hear me out, okay? I-...I know it sounds fucking deranged but
I'd like to know how that feels?"
His voice rendered lower with every word until the last bit of the sentence was nearly inaudible.
", It fell from your lips a little clueless, "I mean
I couldn't stop you from doing it, but.."
"That's not
", Øystein interrupted you, his pale cheeks flushing with a tint of red, "It's not
.I'd like you to do it. Thought about it since the last show. There, it's out now."
He made a move to turn his head away from you in shame but before he could, you cupped his jaw with the palm of your hand and guided him back to look at you. So many alcohol and weed spiked thoughts ran through your thoroughly intoxicated mind that you hardly knew what to say about it and of all things possible it was an upright "Are you sure about that?" that rolled over your tongue.
"Yeah." He muttered, eyes widening in uncertain anticipation.
"Okay, uhm
don't you think that
that we should maybe do this sober, babe?" You suggested, watching how his cheeks turned into a deeper shade of red.
"No, yes, ugh
can we maybe just try it? Now?" You took notice of the almost needy desperation in his voice and you'd be lying if you said it wasn’t doing something to you.
"Now?" You inquired a bit taken aback.
"Yeah.", Øystein nodded, scooting further away from you until he raised his torso off the bed, reaching for his pants, "Here
with that."
His slightly trembling fingers fumbled around the waistband of his trousers, fishing for a hunting knife that he started to carry with himself in a sheath on his belt a while ago. As soon as he had pulled the sharp metal blade from its casing, he held it up to you and your eyes widened at the dedication in his proposal.
"The sharper the better
 Pelle told me.", Euronymous stated with a tremble in his tone, "Takes less effort
"Uh, wow, uhm
you really want that, huh?" , You took the handle from his grip and studied the shape of the blade cautiously, "With all due respect, babe, this looks really sharp
"Fair enough
" With your eyes trained to the blade you sat yourself back upright against the headboard of your bed.
so how do we start this now, huh?" You mumbled more to yourself than to your gradually more excited boyfriend.
where would you want me to cut you?" It rambled out of you.
With an equally puzzled face, Euronymous took a seat in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest while looking at the knife in your hand.
"Not my arms, that's for sure
thighs, maybe?" He suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.
"But, like, the top, yeah? I'm not gonna cut you on the insides." A slight shudder went through you just at the thought of possibly cutting too deep on the inside of his thighs.
"Yeah, yeah
of course, that's good." He replied with a shaky voice.
"Okay, so, am I just gonna
", You inhaled sharply to steady yourself, "Am I just gonna do this now or what?"
"I'm ready, I trust you, babe." Øystein wiggled a little in his sitting position, "Do you want me to help you get started?"
"Yeah, I think that wouldn't be too bad
" At that he reached for your hand that was holding the knife, cupping it and slowly bringing it towards his thigh, pointing the sharp tip right against the delicate, pale skin of his leg.
"Are you really sure about this?" You asked once more, just to be sure.
"Yes. I want that, been thinking about it for so long now
" Euronymous answered in heavy breaths, feeling the tip of the blade on his skin.
" You slowly lowered the end of the blade onto his skin, applying a very careful amount of pressure.
The device was indeed so sharp that it broke through the first layers of his skin like a bread knife through room-temperature butter.
"That's is
" Øystein encouraged you and with that you slid the blade over his thigh, a bright red stream of blood pooling at the incision right away.
"Fuck.." Your boyfriend exhaled while he threw his head back.
"Fuck, what? Is it bad? Do you want me to stop?!" You were ready to pull the blade back at any second.
"No, more
, Ma'am." Euronymous pushed between trembling lips and his intonation shot right through you, sending a jolt of arousal right to your cunt.
With the knife in your hand and your gaze transfixed on the first cut, deeply red droplets gathering all over it, you placed the blade a little lower, repeating the same motion, ripping his skin and drawing even more blood.
.feels so good, Ma'am." He huffed, sounding
"Good god, such a good boy for me, huh?" You jumped right into his headspace, shamelessly indulging in it.
"Always!" Øystein groaned out as you left another shallow yet efficient cut on his thigh.
With a subconsciously forming grin around your lips, you noticed how your boyfriend's cock started twitching in his briefs.
"Aww, is that making you hard, Øystein?" You pushed only to be hit by: "Just one more, please, one more and I'll fuck you so good, Ma'am, I promise!"
With eyes wide and an already throbbing cunt, you cut over his thigh once more, eagerly awaiting his reaction.
"Fuuuuuuuck!" He pressed a guttural groan through trembling lips before unceremoniously slapping the knife out of your hand and practically pouncing on you.
Before your intoxicated brain could truly fathom what was happening, Euronymous shoved his shorts down to his knees for his hard on to slap against his lower abdomen in a wet thud as he pushed his crotch between your legs.
"Shit, you really needed that, didn't you?" It cascaded out of your mouth as you felt him drilling into you.
"Yes, fuck
yes, Ma'am, thank you!" He whined against the shell of your ear as he started fucking into you at a reckless pace.
With every needy thrust of his hips against your lap, you felt the blood, still oozing out of the cuts, sticking against your thighs. Lewd, wet and squelching sounds from his cock pushing in and out of your cunt mixed in with the slapping of skin against skin and you could hardly hold on to yourself because Øystein never ever went that feral on you just like that.
"Such a good, needy boy for me, filling me up so fucking good!" You praised as your eyes fluttered shut, your entire body buzzing with physical sensations.
Every roll of his hips against you had you tethering on the edge of orgasming already. In your thoroughly intoxicated state, you could hardly tell whether or not your pussy was contracting all around him by then or not. Every sensation was fading into the next one, making you feel like cumming on his cock for as long as Øystein kept fucking into you.
"Oh, God, fuck
" It spilled out of his mouth as he hammered himself into you one last time.
"Ma'am, fuck
." Euronymous groaned into your ear right before you recognised his cock twitching and pulsing inside of you, pumping his load deep into your pussy.
"You good?" It left your mouth in heavy breaths.
" He muttered before collapsing right onto you, his face hidden deep into your neck.
that was something
", You tried to catch your breath while wrapping your arms around his sweat coated back, "You did so good for me, love."
"Really?" Øystein hummed into your skin.
"Of course you did. We gonna take good care of those cuts tomorrow, yeah?"
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petrifiedperi-au · 1 month
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 60 FOLLOWERS IN SUCH A SHORT TIME! Guess what I did in celebration? Ehehehe, I wrote a one-shot!
LINK TO THE FIC ON AO3 IS HERE, BUT BUT BUT it's also right below the cut! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! :D
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Squirt?" Wanda glances up at Hazel from her spot on the bag, eyebrows raised.  "I mean, I get that you're worried," she continues, "but it's only been a few days, you know, maybe—"
"Come on, Wanda!" Hazel pouts, "he's not just gonna SKIP school like that! It's been TWO days! TWO!" She counts the number on her fingers, before throwing her arms to the side dramatically, "that's one too many!" A moment of silence follows, before she drops them and goes to knock on the door, again. 
"Really?" Cosmo wriggles around in his spot and glances at Wanda, before looking in the direction of the door. "I thought that was TWO too many." The kid hums and sways back and forth on the balls of her feet as she waits for an answer, "I've NEVER seen him miss school before!" 
A low hum echos from inside the house, and Hazel stares up at it, before letting out a long, dramatic sigh. "I mean, SURE, he'd miss ONE day. It makes SENSE after the whole, you knoooowwww..." She says, gesturing her hand in the air vaguely, "taking over Fairy World with Irep thing and all. But TWO days?! That's TOO suspicious. Too WEIRD..."
"Woooowwww, that's a lot of too two's." Hazel glances down at Cosmo as he speaks, and she huffs, "yeah. And I'm gonna get to the BOTTOM of this. Even if it takes me ALLLLLL night!"
"Don't you think that's a bit much, Kiddo?" Wanda tilts her head— or her body, rather— as her movements are very limited when shifted into something as small as a fidget toy. "I mean, your parents might get worried if you stay out here for too long!" Cosmo gasps and chimes in, "oooh! Like a sleepover! Except we're outside... and not inside. And we're waiting for Dev to answer the door. Whiiiicchhhhhh he might never do."
Hazel taps her chin, thinking, "you're right, Wanda!" She raises her finger as she goes to say the magic word, and the two fairies give each other a worried glance; "oh boy," Wanda mutters, "I don't like the sound of this one..."
"Cosmo! Wanda! I wish—" The door clicks open, and the music that was dramatically building up in the background skrrrts to a stop; gasping, she lets out a gleeful, "nevermind!" There's a sigh in relief, and Cosmo breathes out, "wooowwww, that was a close one! I reaallyyyyy thought we were going to have to sleep outside. Under this big, tall house. Alone..." He shudders, "in the dark!"
"Heeyyyyy, Dev!" She sways back and forth as she speaks, "I was jusssttttt... coming in to check up on you! See how you were holding up since, uhhh, you know..." There's a pause, and she falls silent as the realization dawns on her that he might not remember the events that happened just a few days ago.
"What is it, Hairtie?" Dev leans against the doorframe as it opens the rest of the way; he avoids eye contact with her, but it's unnoticeable through his fresh, new pair of sunglasses. Wait
 are they new...? Hazel squints at them as she replies with a winced, "riiiiiggghhhttttttttt... you never call me my name. Well," she continues, opting to correct him, "it's Hazel, for one."
"Whatever, Harmonica" he huffs, his tone tense, "what do you want." He waves his hand in the air dismissively as he continues, "and DON'T say you're here just to 'be here.' NOBODY comes here just to be here—" His voice cracks, and he clears his throat, before breaking into a sudden, suspiciously fake-sounding coughing fit. Hazel blinks and takes a step back, averting her gaze, and muttering a slightly concerned, "okaaaayyyyyyy... that's new. Arrreeeeee
 you doing okay, Dev? You look a little
“I look a little what?” Dev hisses through clenched teeth, “dumb?” His voice comes out a lot harsher than intended as it tears through his throat, “like a disappointment?” He stuffs his trembling fists into the pockets of his hoodie and lets out a strained chuckle, which he masks as another cough; “like a—”
“What the heck?! No—! Dev— DEV!!!” She grabs his shoulders on impulse. “Don't TOUCH ME, HARPOON!” He shoves her away from him and steps back, breaths picking up a bit of pace; they're hot and a bit wheezy, and a surge of chest-heavy guilt fills the pit that sits in the depths of his stomach. Hazel lets out a quiet “ow” as she hits the pavement, and the silence that follows is almost
 deafening. A low ringing fills his ears, and he moves his hands to clutch them, groaning. 
Hazel sticks her tongue out in discomfort, and she glances down at the two on her bag. “Is it just me, or are his ears ringing so loud that I can hear them?” Silence follows— outside of the growingly obnoxious ringing— before Cosmo responds, “OOOOOHHHHH!!! That's my water alarm!” 
“Ooh! You mean for our house plants?” Wanda wiggles excitedly and leans in closer to him, “I'm so glad you set one up for those! You know, I think I replaced them with plastic ones a while ago—” 
“What?” Cosmo turns to her as a water bottle appears in his non-existent fidget-toy hands; it's a basic, plastic one, with a mini, old-fashioned alarm clock stuffed inside. Wanda raises an eyebrow, before she snorts out, “well, that sure explains it!"
“Guys—!” Hazel whines, her voice hushed, “not now, please!” 
“Ooh, sorry, Squirt!” Wanda nudges Cosmo, and he sticks out his tongue, replying, “oohh, yeah, sorry Hazel! I forgot we were camping out at Dev's.” He shakes the bottle before poofing it away in a magical cloud of dust, and he and his wife turn to look at Dev, who stands there; tense, as he pulls his hands away from his ears.
“We're not—” Hazel winces, before sighing, “nevermind,” as she pushes herself up to stand. The Dimmadome looks away with a huff, and the former continues her previous thought; “look, Dev! I don't know why you're being such a big jerk—”
“Uh-Huh. Rub it in my face, why don't you. As if you have nothing better to do.” He leans against the doorframe, keeping one hand in his pocket.
“—Buuuuttttttt, that's not why I’m here!” She gives him a smile, but it wavers as she starts to get a good look at his demeanor. Has his hair always been this
 messy? Annndddd
 did his voice always sound this, err, shaky
? Tilting her head, her tone grows more quiet and concerned as she continues, “I just came to see why you haven't been at school.”
“You're joking.” 
Hazel shakes her head, “no, look—”
“It's because of school?”
“Weeeeellllllll, yes.” She pauses for a moment as she watches him move away from the door with a huffed breath. “Buuuutttttt
 actually, no. I wanted to come and make sure you were okay. Cause, I mean,” she chuckles, “you're not going to miss TWO whole days, right? One, maybbbeeee, but TWO?”
Dev furrows his eyebrows as he steps closer towards her, stuffing his other hand back into the hoodie. “Why wouldn't I? School is dumb,” he says, nearly choking over his words as his throat goes dry, “and I don’t NEED to go.” Hazel blinks, slowly, eyeing his movements, as she thinks of an answer. “Well,” she responds, tapping her chin, “that's two days of not making fun of me! And calling me names!” She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, continuing, “which I think is two days too many, for you.”
“She's got a point there,” Wanda mutters to herself as she narrows her eyes at Dev; he wheezes out a breath as he responds, sarcastically, “woooowww. You must think you're soooo smart.” He waves his hands in the air for emphasis, but much like everything else, the gesture seems
 off. Tense, maybe? Way more than usual, at least. His voice falls flat and he drops his arms as he responds, “did you figure it out with the help of your faiirriiieeesssss?”
It takes her a minute to fully process, and once she does, it's like ten pounds of bricks on her shoulders. “Oh.”
Panic sets in, and she whispers, “oooohhhhhhh my god.” Cosmo and Wanda glance up at her as she throws her arms to the side, but she speaks before they can get a word in; “ooohhh noooo, Deeevvvvvvvv!!!” She whines, “why didn't you TELL me you still remembered all of that?! I thought you FORGOT!”
He steps back, startled, before clenching his fists and scrunching his nose. His attempt to hide his voice crack falters, but he tries to sound as monotone as possible as he responds, “yeah. I do. So what? It's not like it matters, Hazel.”
“I get it,” she sighs, “you're upset about losing Peri as your Fairy Godparent.” She gives him a tense smile in an attempt to make him feel less bad, but he only stares at her, silently; an unhappy feeling bubbles inside of him that he doesn't know the word for. Anger, maybe? Frustration? None of those feel right
 It feels more complicated than that. More
 guilty. His hands tremble as he takes a step back, chest rising and falling heavily as his breaths pick up a bit of pace.
The nerve. THE AUDACITY. The NERVE and the AUDACITY that Ham Sandwich has to just show up, to HIS HOUSE, and tell him about how HE feels. A rush of adrenaline surges through his body, and he snaps, “why do YOU even care?! He was MY fairy, not YOURS!” 
“Dev!” Horseradish takes a step back and shakes her head, “that's not what I mean—”
His heart pounds against his chest, and he snorts out a strained laugh as a sob tears its way through his throat. “I can't BELIEVE you'd come here just to rub it in my FACE,” he chokes, “you and your TWO fairies and me and my— my— uUGGHHHH—!” He cuts himself off and throws his arms into the air in frustration with a groan. “WHATEVER!”
The door slams shut in Hazel’s face before she can say another word, and she stands there, mouth agape. She drops her arms to her sides and stares, silent, foooorrrrrrr
 she doesn't know. A few minutes, probably; to her, though it feels like hours. All she mutters is a quiet, defeated, “oh.”
“Aww, don't feel bad, Squirt!” Wanda poofs up next to her— no longer shifted— and reaches down to ruffle her hair. Hazel peeks up at her, tears threatening to spill from her big, beady eyes. She wipes her face with her sleeve, whimpering, “why's he always gotta be so mean
“He's not mean! He's just Dev!” Cosmo appears next to Wanda, arms outstretched; “and Dev is, uhhhhh
” He pauses, thinking, before shrugging, “I dunno! Wandaaa, what is he again?”
“Ooohh, how do I word this
” She swirls her wand around in the air as she speaks, “he's a good kid! He just
 you know, doesn't deal well with all those feelings he has. Right?” Hazel looks between her and Cosmo, and the latter chimes in with a simple, “yeah! And he probaablllyyyyy just likes to take things out on other people, you knooowwww, because that's the only way he knows how.”
“...Yeah,” Hazel says, sniffling, “yeah! You guys are right!” Her voice cracks, but she doesn't pay much mind to it. 
“Wait. What are we right about?” Cosmo looks down and squints at the smudged sharpie on his hand. The Godkid hums, “about Dev! And how he takes his feelings out on other people! It makes SO much sense!” She paces back and forth across the ground as she rambles, “I mean, it shouldn't be THAT much of a surprise, but come on, it’s DEV FREAKING DIMMADOME we're talking about, he's like, always trying to—”
Cosmo and Wanda glance at each other as she goes on, smiles stretching across their faces. “Well,” the latter states, placing her hands on her hips, “tonight sure was something!” The former nods in agreement, “yeaaahhhh. First, there was a BIIIIGGGGG pasta fight at school,” he says, counting the events on his fingers, “and then Hazel came down to check up on Dev, annd theeennnn—”
“Cosmo! Wanda!” Hazel, finally finished with her rambles, calls out to them as she catches her breath. “I wish—" she wheezes, “I wish I was back home—!” She collapses and lands face-first into the pavement with a splat!, and the two startle and snap their gaze in her direction.
“I'm okay!” Her voice stays muffled as she remains face-down, and a sigh of relief follows; “well, kiddo,” Wanda replies, raising her wand, “let’s get you out of here!” 
. . . . . .
Dev presses his back against the door as he sinks to his knees, mind racing at millions of miles an hour. He digs his fingers into his scalp, breathing in and out heavily as his head pounds and aches; it's like it's being squeezed by water, except there's no water, and he's all alone, with nobody except himself and his thoughts. His STUPID, STUPID thoughts
 There were so many. Oh, God, there's so many
“UGH!!! STUPID HAZEL!!!” He yells up at the ceiling and throws his head against the door, which is followed by immediate retaliation. “Ow, ow, ow ow ow, oooowwwwwww
” His sunglasses slide off his face and hit the ground with a thunk, and he chokes on a sob that doesn't quite come out. “Stupid, STUPID,” he mutters under his breath as he sinks to the floor, “I'm so stupid
A chill runs down Dev's spine, and he pulls the hood over his head at both the sensation and the horrible feelings bubbling up inside of him. Of COURSE Hazel came to check up on him, of COURSE she HAD to bring her fairies. Why WOULDN’T she have? They're CLEARLY her only friends, her only two, stupid, stupid friends. 
In an instant, everything stops. All of Dev's feelings and thoughts flutter and melt away at the presence, and he lets out a grunt as he attempts to push himself up. He fails; only getting up to his knees before he collapses back down, again. “Uughhhh
“Dev! What are you doing!?” Panic floods Peri's tone as they flutter down to his height; a few lingering pieces of confetti fly out of their mouth and land on the ground next to them. He groans, voice muffled, “don't you have somewhere to be.”
“No—” They cut themself off, wincing, before continuing, “eehhhhhh, well, I found the Ginger Ale you were talking about— it was way down in the back of the fridge actually, but— wait—” A pause follows, and the fairy clasps a hand over his mouth as he suppresses the urge to barf up a barrage of rainbows. It takes him a minute to gain his composure, and he sighs in relief, before bringing his attention back to the kid in front of him. 
“Great. Cool.” Dev rubs his face with the sleeve of his jacket, struggling to see through the tears clouding his vision. “Now leave me alone. Do
” He waves his hand in the air dismissively, “whatever. Or something.” His chest remains heavy, and he hiccups silently, finally managing to pull himself to his knees. 
” Peri floats down to eye-level and sets their soda can on the floor next to them. A wince forms in his expression at the kid’s state, and he lets out a sigh, before responding, “you know I can't do that! As your Fairy Godparent, it's my job to keep you company! Annnnndddddd
 grant your wishes. Wheeennnnnnn
 my wand stops messing up.”
The Godkid cringes and looks away, eyes burning from the tears that threaten to spill. 
More than they already have, anyway. God, he hates crying. So much. So, SO much. It makes his face feel all hot and sticky and wet and
 gross. “Yeah, right,” he scoffs, reaching over to pick up his shades off the floor, “like you didn't already try that earlier.”
An awkward moment of silence follows as the two sit there, tense. The low humming of air conditioners is the only thing breaking it— that, and Peri’s gurgling stomach. He cringes and moves to clutch it, and Dev slides the sunglasses onto his face with a sigh. “I'll be up in my room if you need me,” he says, pushing his hand up against the wall for support, “or if I need you, I guess.”
Peri snaps out of their static-filled thoughts and jolts up, shouting, “wait, Dev!” Despite not even taking two steps, he slowly turns towards them; he avoids eye contact, responding with a dry, “what is it?"
Another moment of silence follows before Peri opens up their arms with an uncertain, “dooooo
 you want a hug before you go? Up to your room, I mean. Cause, you knoooowwwww, you've had a long day and— WHOA—!” They fall to the floor as Dev practically tackles them, hiccuping and sniffling quietly as he takes the offer. 
It takes the fairy a second to process, and they give him a genuine, but slightly tense, smile. Dev trembles as he melts into their grasp; Peri is cold, he notices
 or maybe he was always cold? Not like it matters much anyway. They sigh in relief as they hug him back; and he mutters a weak, “you're like a freaking ice block, Peri
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lucyandthepen · 1 year
last eden - i . | lmh
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part i, ii, iii
only one thing has ever mattered to you, in this lifetime, and in all others : mark lee — even if he doesn't know yet, and even if he may never remember.
pairing: mark x reader verse: canon/idol!verse, soulmates trope rating: T warnings: none, possibly some mild language, like... one very tame mention of making love ig word count: 4.3k
A/N: yeah i have a lot of these fics that i'm repurposing that i desperately want to post so i can continue them so please look the other way at my random over enthusiasm i beg !! my only long-standing mark fic is actually gorgeous, and while we do love a good raunchy piece, i love mark way too much to keep it to just that. this was my first ever fic on my old blog, and i'm quite attached to the idea despite the fact that it's actually very difficult for me to write. i changed the name because i actually love this song by maktub (anything he puts out is gold to me), which i think generally fits the vibe of the story, so give it a listen if you're interested! so i hope you all enjoy this idol!verse soulmates fic! (help a gal out by reblogging, liking, and leaving a few kind words if you're so inclined!)
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“This isn’t really your best idea.” 
You know this. You’re fully aware of the possible and endless risks as well as the minimal benefits. But you have to go. The thing that Heehyeon, your roommate, doesn’t fully understand is that this could be your one and only shot, and it could mean life or death. And you know that sounds pretty dramatic, but it really is. you don’t really have all the details (when, where, how, the important stuff) but that doesn’t matter to you right now. 
What really matters is that today is NCT’s comeback stage at M! Countdown, and you have to be there. 
Unfortunately, this isn’t one of those things you have to go to because your a die-hard fan and you just have to support the group and do all those fan chants and lie to your mom about going to the library when you’re really staying over outside a company building for hours just to wave those silly, expensive light sticks that look like they came out of the factory a bit funny. Sure, NCT’s music was nice (enough), but that isn’t really the reason why you told your mom not to come over this weekend because you would be out on a company team building retreat (as if they actually do that). More than anything, you knew you had to take this chance to see him. 
When you don’t respond, Heehyeon presses on with a firmer tone, as if she’s determined to convince you even though you both know nothing is really going to stop you at this point.
“Listen to me, _____________. You are going to a tightly-packed music show with at least a hundred other fans, and you are going to stand in the middle of that dense crowd and — and what? Stare up at him. That’s it. He’s not going to see you; that stage is so high up he’ll probably only catch a look at your forehead, and that’s if you make it up front. And since we both know you’re neither the tallest nor the luckiest person in the world, you know the odds are against you. You’re probably going to get pushed to the back, or stampeded, and it’s going to be messy, and you’re going to push, and they’re going to push you back, and your make-up is going to fall apart, or whatever. Is this really worth it?”
“I told you,” you try to sound patient, but the idea of being buffeted away from the stage by a large wave of sweaty bodies causes more discomfort than you had originally anticipated thanks to her colorful and supremely unhelpful description. “If being near the stage doesn’t work out, I’ll wait out back, near the exit, and —“
“Oh yeah, and ambush him. Because you’ll be the only one there, and because that’s totally safe.” She drops the slightly (well, pretty) judgmental tone when she sees your bottom lip quiver. “I’m not
 I’m not saying you shouldn’t try to reach out to him. But this doesn’t sound like the best way, _____________. Security is so tight there, and NCT’s security is even more wary. Even if you do manage to get close, what in the world are you going to say?” 
“I— I’ll figure it out once I’m there.” You purse your lips; surely I love you; we’re meant to be together wouldn’t be that hard on your end, but the more important question is: did it sound sane? You didn’t express this doubt, though. Doing so would give your roommate more ammunition to turn back at you; you’d play it by ear when you actually got around to making eye contact with him (if that ever happened at all). And — well, maybe you wouldn’t have to say anything. Maybe, just maybe, this time, he’d remember you.
At that thought, you feel an initial wave of laughter, closely followed by a second, much more painful wave of nausea. Of all the absurd things you could think of, that was probably the most ridiculous. 
“This isn’t a good idea,” she recapitulates, shaking her head. “You know what they do to people who stalk idols and say they’re really going to get married to them, or whatever. You know what they’d call you.”
“But I’m not crazy like that,” you argue.
“I know that, but they don’t know anything about you! You’d be labeled a sasaeng. They’ll probably think you’re one of those girls that sneak into their dorms and sniff their underwear before selling them on the dark side of Taobao through a weird Chinese proxy or something.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do?” You ball your fists at your side, feeling a little betrayed. Heehyeon, of all people, should be able to understand why you had to do this, even if it was ludicrous. She had remembered you, reached out to you before you could even place her. She’d heard your story, understood that you had been waiting years for this moment, even stopped you on other occasions when you were about to do the same thing you were planning now, saying it wasn’t the right time. “I don’t have any other way of contacting him. I don’t even know if this is going to work, but you know I have to try, and I feel like this is the right time. I have to see him. I have to — I have to be with him. I don’t need your blessing to go, you know.”
There’s a palpable tension hanging over you now, and Heehyeon’s expression has gone mostly unreadable, save for that twinge of worry still present in her gaze. The soft sound of regular, heavy exhales punctuate every few seconds that pass, and you realize a little later that it’s your breathing, which has turned a bit heavy from the energy spent sort-of yelling at your roommate. 
“I know that,” she finally sighs. “I know that, _____________. I just wish you used a different way. Like, a safer, less crazy one.”
“I would use one if there were one.” You frown. “I’m not going to do anything stupid, like attack him. I would never do that.”
She doesn’t say much anymore, opting to watch you instead as you stuff a few more essential things in your bag. A hat. A fan. a bottle of water. Heehyeon had tried to coerce you to buy one of those cheering kits with those slogans, but you didn’t want to waste your money on it, and, truthfully, you didn’t want his name hanging on your walls like some sick reminder in case he rejected you.
“What did you tell your manager?” She asks in a clear attempt to lighten the mood. 
“I told her I was sick. You know she never really asks as long as I find someone to substitute for me,” you sling your bag over your shoulder, standing straighter. “How do I look?” 
“Pretty damn healthy,” she notes. “But also kind of crazy.” 
“I’ll see you tonight, Heehyeon,” you roll your eyes as you make your way out of the room. Before you close the door, she makes one last quick remark.
“Not if I see you on the evening news first!”
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You have to take two buses to get to Sangamsan-ro. Even though the traffic is generally mild, the buses make too many stops and wait too long for old ladies with their fruit baskets and newspapers to get on. The wait is making you anxious, and you think about getting an orange to abate your growing hunger, but you’re also so nervous that you’re sure you’re going to spew it all out onto the bus floor anyway. So, you content yourself with listening to music and fiddling with your fingers in your lap. 
All you have in your phone is NCT’s music. The files were so large that you’d had to delete everything else you used to listen to and a handful of pictures too (mostly selfies that would have never seen the light of day, anyway) just to get them to fit. You used to only listen to the Korean versions, but you’d found all these little nuances in how Mark raps his lines depending on the language, so you’d started listening to the English and Japanese releases too, even though you can’t understand a lick of anything but ‘baby.’ Most of the time, you skip over to the relevant (see: Mark-filled) parts, already having memorized their timestamps to a kind of sick degree. 
It was kind of dumb, and sort of selfish, but you had never really identified yourself as an NCT fan anyway. If you had been an active part of the groups following, people would have probably called you an akgae. You were really only concerned with one member, and it was that member’s voice that filled your ears when you’d plugged your earbuds in and put the volume up.
The first time you’d seen him was in your last year of college. One of your college friends had asked you to accompany them to a Nature Republic outlet downtown. Despite your general lack of interest in make-up at that point in time, you’d gone because she’d promised to buy you a corndog. What you’d gotten instead was a large standee of a handsome guy smiling at you and holding out a pot of aloe vera gel. 
You knew his eyes. Even though his features changed a million times in your memory, you could never mistake his eyes for anyone else’s — soft, warm, brown eyes that you’d stared into for truly an eternity. His were eyes you could never forget, were never allowed to forget. You could remember the millions of times they’d smiled up at you in those past lives you were haunted with, twinkled with mischief and laughter in your presence, borne deep into yours on hot summer nights as you made love. Of all the uncertain things in all of the lives you remembered living, these eyes acted as your anchor. 
You’d almost forgotten you were there with a friend until she’d called out to you, telling you to step inside the shop. Trying to sound disinterested despite the fact that your heart was pounding, you asked who the guy in the standee was. Mark, she’d called him. Mark of NCT. He was an idol, a rapper in one of those up and coming groups that was starting to gain a lot of attention within the general public because of their ‘cool, chic concepts.’ At that information, your heart had fallen into a pool of acid in your stomach. 
Other times were hard, but not this hard. Most of the factors that had kept you or torn you apart were much larger in scale — war, famine, other natural disasters. This, out of all the other times, seemed to be the most difficult; he wasn’t an ordinary man anymore, but a god among men — a god you couldn’t be allowed to approach. You had ditched your friend the moment she’d gotten her change back at the counter, citing a sudden time of the month as the root cause, and dashed out and back to school, sparing only one last glance at the standee. 
You’d been waiting for him for years, carefully looking for any sign of him in the people around you, but you had grown tired and had come to believe that maybe, in this life, you had been set free — that he didn’t exist, and the curse would be over. However, as you pored over each and every teaser, music video, advertisement, and blurry, noise-heavy radio interview you could find even a sliver of his face in, you realized that the curse had come back, and in a much larger force than you could ever imagine. 
You’d stared at your desk for the longest time that day; the sun had dipped out of sight already when you’d sighed yourself out of your trance. It had never been this difficult. Having the Memory was mostly the worst thing ever, but its usual perk was that you could pick him out a little easier, and he was never too far away — nobody you ever knew in your first life ever was. They just kept coming up again and again, running around in little circles throughout time and space, and you recognized them in a way you’ve come to grow familiar with. It’s a tug, sort of like a tickle in your stomach, and you knew then that he was close by. The signal only stopped when you found him, and it usually wasn’t that hard. From there, you were responsible for weaving the same kind of story — one in which you would fall in love, be happy for a period of time, and then
Heehyeon has the Memory, too. She’d remembered you from a previous life, too, and picked you out of a packed line at a coffee shop, striking up one of the most awkward conversations you’d ever had the displeasure of being a part of because she hadn’t been sure if you remembered her. It was only when she mentioned that you seemed like someone she could be good friends with and that you also seemed like you just happened to like your coffee black with two sugars did you realize that her sudden onslaught of friendliness was a sign she might be like you: unable to forget. She’d actually once asked you if you’d tried just letting him go, and you’d responded with a resolute no. At this point, it was too hard to call him a lost cause, even if he really seemed it. How could you stop loving someone you know you’ve loved for millennia? 
He’s extremely handsome in this life, you’ve noted. Girls were falling all over him, which only made things ten times harder. A couple of years back, some rumors of him dating a labelmate had come up. Heehyeon had talked you through that long night of you clutching tissues in a fist and sobbing about how you didn’t want this anymore, how it was never fair, how every single time you had to find him was just growing more and more difficult until it seemed to reach an impossible arc. But, mostly, you’d cried because you hated the possibility — probably the confirmation — that he didn’t remember you at all. 
You didn’t really expect him to, but you always hoped. Every life, you would approach him, and he would be a clean slate. It was a tiring process, one you wished you weren’t constantly responsible for. Some days, you resented him; how could he live his life carefree, without even the notion that you two were meant to be together? Most days, though, you just longed for him. Him, and a happy ending. 
You let out a sigh as the track changes. His voice greets you again; over time, you’ve noticed it sounding even cooler, more impactful. He’s doing well for himself. And here you are, attempting to make yourself stand out in a pool of fans he probably can’t even see clearly. Nice.
You get to listen to about half of the newly released album before you realize you’re nearing your stop. Sidestepping a couple of baskets of oranges, you make it to the door and dash out. Heehyeon had drawn you a crude map to CJ E&M, and you’d been skeptical of it at first, but you realize now you would have gotten lost and missed the stage long before you got there if you had gone in blind. You’d make sure to thank her when you got back. If you did actually come back in one piece. 
Heehyeon also hadn’t been joking; the line outside looks like it would fill a whole section of Jamsil. You’d heard of the dedication of some of these fans, but you’d never seen it like this, nor had you ever actually been a part of it. Kids were really up at three in the morning in support of NCT. Many of them are probably here specifically in support of Mark, you think. Sure enough, the people you line up behind are holding holographic slogans with the print “Mark-yah!” You swallow hard, trying not to regret your decision not to partake in that. 
It feels like hours before you get even close to the door of the building. The chatter has died down a little, but not by much; even with less people ahead of you, the noise pollution increases in tandem with the excitement in the atmosphere. You’re not excited, though. You’re sick to your stomach, wishing you hadn’t come alone and wondering if you were going to regret this. Probably. Luckily, a couple of teenagers behind you strike up a casual conversation starting with “ah, it’s getting more humid now,” and you take turns complaining about what the weather would probably be like later on in the day before you start talking about NCT. They’re both Jaehyun fans, and you think about whether or not you remember meeting him in a past life. Nothing really rings a bell.
When you tell them you’re here for Mark, they giggle. 
“We know,” they chime. “You’re wearing blue.” 
“It’s his favorite color,” you say, a little defensively. 
“Everyone knows that. Everyone here wearing that ocean blue is a Mark fan. Didn’t he say so once?” They dissolve into laughter again, but you say nothing. Maybe he had said that recently. Then again, his favorite color has always been blue — the color of the sky and the sea he seems to love so much. 
The line grows shorter and shorter, and your ankles feel like they’re starting to swell. You’ve been standing for a good two hours now, and you regret not having bought one of those NCT membership cards that get you up to the front of the line. It’s really no surprise that you, the two Jaehyun fans, and the others in the line behind you are all squished in the back, just like Heehyeon had said you would be. It takes a good twenty minutes before the lights dim down and the stage lights start up, and you hear the buzz that increases in volume right before it becomes a collective deafening shriek from the crowd. The light sticks go up, and you’re momentarily blinded by the large stars that blink NCT in some weird logo form before you get your bearings again. By that time, the members have begun trooping onto the stage in a single file, and you forget your swollen ankles as you tiptoe and crane your head for a better view. 
He’s there, your mind screams. He’s right there. You’ve got a whole crowd in front of you, but he’s right there. 
The Jaehyun fans are losing their mind too; he’s talking, asking them how they found the album and encouraging them to keep supporting it. Typical idol stuff, you assume, but the fans go wild in an attempt to reassure him that they will. They all speak in a line, and you note Mark will be last. When the mic is handed over to him, the fans start screaming again. You feel like you want to yell as well, except you’re not sure if you’ll say something actually coherent that other people will hear. Instead, you tiptoe a little higher, fixing your pretty bad eyesight on his face and perking your ears up. 
“You’re all here so early,” he starts. “How long have you been waiting for us?” 
A flurry of numbers fly across the room. He smiles in this genuinely affectionate way even though his eyes can’t focus on a single person in the dark, and your heart stutters at the sight.
“Do your mothers know you’re here?” He’s teasing now. “You can’t tell them that NCT is the reason you’re not sleeping well, you know. Everyone, make sure that you eat breakfast and rest well before school today, okay?” 
While the crowd screams in response, you let out a little whimper. It’s a weak, pathetic sound, but it essentially sums up how you feel, seeing him like this from so far away. 
The pre-recording starts, but you barely catch anything. You’re too small for this kind of life, and you get so tired of tiptoeing that you actually do try to push your way through the crowd. Of course, this is fruitless, and you end up squatting by the back wall of the room, sipping on your water conservatively and listening to the Jaehyun fans do the chant religiously. 
NCT performs the song two more times before they’re saying their goodbyes. You muster up the energy to stand again and make a beeline for the exit before everyone else can smash their way through. The sun is almost up now; beads of sweat form on the nape of your neck as you round the building, trying to find the indicated spot that Heehyeon had marked as the back exit of CJ E&M. You worry about how you’re in the wrong place for about ten minutes until you see the two Jaehyun fans turning the corner quickly, obviously with the same goal as you: to catch NCT as they leave the building. 
In no time, the fans have gathered at the spot again, and it seems like they’ve multiplied tenfold; the chants are louder and there are girls with gigantic cameras trying to shove you away from the spot. Security from the company camps out in front of you, their gazes shifting from the door to the crowd and back again. 
People around you roar the moment the doorknob turns. Nine of them file out, now in regular clothing, surrounded by their own security. You feel a surge of force behind you, trying to push forward, and someone’s camera lens hits you hard in the side of the face. You barely have time to cry out in surprise, caught in what would have been a scream of pain, when you see him. 
In the growing light, Mark looks like a king. No — like a god, actually. Everything on his face shines even when minimal sunlight strikes it; his teeth help, too, brightening his face as his mouth hangs open in an easy laugh. He’s talking to Doyoung and has to face him, his sharp jawline being the first thing anyone can see from that perspective, and it’s that angle that creates all these alarms in your head. 
For some reason, you’ve blocked out the noise around you. Even the pain from the camera lens attack isn’t bothering you as much anymore; you feel like you’re in an aquarium, and all the screams are on the other side of the glass. Your vision tunnels; all you can see is him. 
You’d promised Heehyeon you wouldn’t do anything stupid. Again and again, she’d asked you and drilled you and reminded you that you weren’t supposed to do anything that would get you into trouble. Even with those promises you’d made, she’d still doubted you. Later, when you’d tell her this story, she’d roll her eyes and yell I told you so!, because, well, she did tell you. And, when you’d look at it in retrospect, you’d see that you should have listened. 
Right now, though, you’re walking. Somehow, the camera lens that had attacked you had turned its gaze onto much more important targets; the guard stationed in front of you grunted in pain and reflexively retracted his hand after the lens made contact with it. It wasn’t a long movement, but it was enough for you to be pushed forward by the crowd. Enough to get your feet moving. 
Other fans had stopped trying to break through; though many were still hysterical, most were trying to take pictures of the members as they climbed into the van. One by one, they were disappearing before your eyes. No, you thought to yourself. Your chest tightened. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you think that the noise behind you has gotten much louder. Not now. He hasn’t seen me yet. Not yet, please. 
You don’t realize that your feet have picked up the pace, and you’ve broken into a short sprint before the building security could catch you. It’s too late; he can’t leave his post, and he only has to hope that NCT’s staff are well-equipped to fend off a running girl. They are, but they’re too busy helping the members that they’re caught unaware — just long enough for you to be within an arm’s reach of them. 
Mark is almost in the van; he’s caught off-guard, too, and he doesn’t realize that something’s not right until you’re already there. Security grabs his arm and tries to tug him out of your reach and into the van at the same time that a strong hand grapples at the back of your shirt. Doyoung, who had been by Mark’s side, tries to use his arms to shield you from his friend when he realizes who you are targeting, yelling out something you can’t really understand. 
It’s a ten-second long struggle of limbs in which you hear your own “Let go of me!” harmonize perfectly with Mark’s frantic “What the —?” Somehow, though, you’re able to fight through Doyoung’s arms and grip Mark’s wrist with a sweaty palm. The contact causes him to turn back reflexively, eyes wide in shock. 
His eyes. God, please, won’t he recognize me? Your fingers close around his wrist a little more tightly. Your mouth is dry, and your throat is on fire. You’re wasting precious time. You only manage out a weak, “Please, Mark, it’s me,” before he’s twisting his wrist away. The arm that gripped your shirt moves to lock around your waist, and you’re hauled, empty-handed, away from the van. Awareness you’d lost slowly trickles back into you. The crowd isn’t screaming at the members now; they’re screaming at you. They’re angry. As you’re dragged away, you vaguely note that the Jaehyun fans you were with are fuming behind the security guards still keeping them in place. 
The security guard that carried you off like a rag doll plants you in front of him, and he lets go of your waist but still keeps his grip tight around both your forearms, which have been twisted behind you. You have no choice but to watch from afar as the members drag Mark into the van, looks of concern etched across their faces. They ask him if he’s hurt, and he shakes his head. Right before the door closes, he quickly glances back at you. Your heart sinks for the second time today as you see something in his eyes you’d never seen before. 
Fear. Mark is afraid of you.
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blood-orange-juice · 6 months
Ok, there was a post I never got to write so now I don't get to post a HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT update. But I want to write it anyway.
TMI, weird personal symbolism, etc.
There's a type I rather dramatically call "people of dark water" and it's usually women. Very rarely represented in media. Almost-tricksters with some kind of important personal truth if I try to boil it down to a sentence. Something deep and dark but pure in its essence.
They usually have been wounded by something most people never notice (canary in the mine situation) or have the privilege never to encounter, and then made it into a strength somehow.
(watch me fall for someone like that every time)
I came up with the term when I learned that in Old Irish and in Proto-Indo-European there was a distinction between clear flowing water (danu) and dark deep water (dubros in PIE, dobur in Old Irish specifically). You can still see it in places' names across Europe (Danube, Dover, etc).
In part, Childe excites me so much because he's that. He's like all the women I've ever loved except that he's a guy.
There's also a Jim White's song Still Waters which is exactly about a person of that type if you look at the lyrics. The tone of the music doesn't match at all though. His still waters are Louisiana swamps, not sea or lake depths.
And I always wondered what would a character or an irl person of that type look like.
And when Aventurine came out I sort of nodded to myself and decided that yeah, that's it. He's that type. Nice to finally have an answer.
"Still Waters" became my Aventurine song.
So imagine my surprise when I used Aventurine's overworld skill and saw a "Still waters run deep" status appear.
*pauses for a moment of incoherent shouting*
A coincidence and something about archetypes, I know. It's a popular proverb, it fits him well and there's no way someone in Hoyo even listens to Jim White. Even Americans don't know him, he's a musicians' musician.
Also I'm not sure whether a similar phrase even exists in Chinese and maybe this parallel happens only in English translation.
Still, I feel like reality just glitched ot something of that sort.
Don't you know there are projects for the dead And there are projects for the living Though I must confess sometimes I get confused by that distinction And I just throw myself into the arms Of that which would betray me. I guess to see how far Providence Will stoop down just to save me.
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