#and wont be posting until march at the earliest
thefandomcassandra · 2 years
Champion (10/20): I’ve a Good Heart
cham·pi·on — /ˈCHampēən/
(n) - a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else
(v) - support the cause of; defend — "I don't want these powers. They're too much."
Reigen said he would bear any burden too big for Mob.
If Reigen Arataka had to use one word to describe himself for the rest of time immemorial, it would be 'adaptable'. If he had a second word, he'd use 'bullshitter', but the first word is way more important.
But he was adaptable and, as much as he'd like to gripe and complain about it, he had someone in his corner. Even if the 'someone' was Dimple, it was someone. Someone willing to help him learn to fake it till he made it. Someone willing to keep his smug little mouth shut for the greater good.
Someone who was happy to earn his pay.
"You're getting better at this," Dimple remarked around a mouthful of ghost. Reigen grimaced as he swallowed the awful skittering thing—the grudge that had been haunting Himiko, his upstairs neighbor—and added, "I can't believe Shigeo hasn't noticed."
"I can." Exorcisms left Reigen feeling weird. Oily and slick and choked up, the ever-present pressure in his chest swelling and choking him after excessive uses of his (Mob's) power. "For the first time in his life, Mob can be a kid. He isn't worrying about anything else. He trusts me."
"That must eat you up inside." Dimple wasn't wrong but...he wasn't going to tell him that.
"No more than performing exorcisms for free does."
"So a lot." Dimple wouldn't stop laughing, even after Reigen sent him a sharp look and shock of psychic energy.
For all his bitching and moaning, he was deeply grateful to the evil spirit. If Dimple hadn't been so gracious as to teach Reigen the intricacies of exorcisms and psychic powers—down to the finest bit of aura control, so he wasn't projecting his emotions to every spiritually sensitive person in a ten kilometer radius—he would have absolutely blown his cover within twenty four hours of the revelation. His guidance, no matter how frustratingly smug, allowed Reigen to keep up the lie.
Their first client the day they opened back up—genuinely upset about how infrequent the hours of Spirits and Such had been the past week, and unwilling to accept Reigen's half-assed 'medical emergencies' excuse—was someone being haunted by the negative emotions of a bitter relative. Reigen had to swallow a wave of horror and nausea as the haunting—a centipede-like thing made of desiccated human heads and human arms, covered in bristling hair with a mouth on its underside with teeth-like ribs gnawing on the client's back—made eye-contact with him and spoke.
The client couldn't hear it and, until days before, neither could Reigen. Its voice was like dozens of screaming people, clamoring to be heard, wet and choked. "Tell this piece of shit he's running out of flesh. We want him with us, deep below. Tell him that."
Reigen cordially wove together a palatable tale as Dimple whispered details in his ear, low enough that Mob couldn't hear. The thing was a grudge, obvious by how attached and insectoid it was. The formality with the client meant it was from someone close to him. The flaying of his back meant someone was resentful of his success. They wanted him to lose everything. Burden him. So Reigen Arataka, the Greatest Pscyhic of the 21st Century would exorcise it, of course!
His first public (ish) exorcism was clunky and not at all as flashy as he would have liked—he really just held his hand out, used his powers to tear down the grudge's defenses, then tossed the remnants to Dimple, while the client only saw a fancy light show—but the results were obvious. As it was, the payment he received and the knowledge that his hard work would pay off was enough to keep him from complaining...out loud.
(He still kept seeing the way the grudge twitched and shuddered, human enough to be uncanny but inhuman enough to make the bottom drop out of his stomach. Seeing spirits, ghosts or otherwise, would probably always be horrific. He wasn't sure how Mob could have handled seeing such things his whole life without going mad.)
Read the Rest on AO3
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Oh my god, how are they gonna arrange the schedules? If Finn has Ghost Busters 2 then it means he's gonna be filming that for months, and what about the other schedules then 😅? I sometimes wonder if the show will just come out in 2025 bc of different schedules and bc the actors either have different projects or are busy with smth else
I know it's super disappointing, but it's very possible s5 won't premiere until 2025!
I answered an ask about this a while back, but basically if we're wanting s5 to be top notch quality, then settling for a s5 release in 2025 is what we're looking at.
Finn made the comment that he was looking forward to being able to drink with some of his cast-mates at the next premiere since he'll now be of age this time around, and he wont be 21 until December 2024... Unless they plan on premiering that literal month, the premiere probably wont be until the following year some time (early 2025).
Noah also made a comment about it when asked if it was coming out soon, and he basically just changed the subject saying that they're main priority is doing the story justice by ensuring it's all well done and satisfying.
Netflix has not come out to give a year for release yet and it's because they are probably pretty sure it will be 2025, but they know it's going to piss people off so they're going to wait a little bit before breaking the news.
Also just thinking about filming scheduling like you said, it takes a lot longer than it usually does for a number of reasons. I'm pretty sure s1 only needed like 6-7 months to film and only like 3-4 months for post-production. But the level of the story was so much less grand. We also had actors that had no experience and so therefore there wasn't much demand in trying to fit with their schedule bc they had no other work.
But now they're all A and B listers with crammed schedules.
We're talking 10+ months of filming and AT LEAST 8+ months of post-production. Best case scenario they would be ready for a premiere by DEC 2024 at the earliest! That gives them a lot of wiggle room assuming there could be delays and what not.
Remember they didn't finish filming for s4 until Sept. 2021, which means they needed about 8 or so months for post-production with the May 27th, 2022 premiere.
When we're talking about like major CGI dragon battles potentially, we're looking at the high end of the spectrum for time spent of VFX in post-production, so something close to what we saw for s4, more or less (about 8 months).
And then you have to think about all the planning that goes into the promotion and the advertising and contracts with products that is planned months/years in advance and that all rolling out to get people pumped.
Then there's also the fact that their choice of when to release it usually has to be sort of unique.
It has to premiere on a Friday, and it has to preferably be at at time that works best for Netflix in combination with all of their other releases.
There are no interesting Friday dates in late 2024... The most interesting date I can find is Friday March 21st, 2025, which would allow for the release to match up with the setting of the show (especially if we're circling back to birthdaygate and what happened in early s4 that was misconstrued bc of will's unreliable narrator arc).
Also... arguably we want a later release bc then it means we get to be here a little bit longer. Bc once this is over, it's over forever. The end!
ST5 in 2025 wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, assuming that promotion for that season would start as early as late 2024 and also be really consistent leading up to it, followed by us getting it and having to, only to move on forever.
It's kind of sad thinking about it. I don't want to.
Also it's possible we could get split into two volumes again bc this is the end and they really want to milk the excitement of it. Having it premiere once and be done is only ensuring like one month of hype, whereas 2 volumes split up between a 2-3 month period ensure like 4 months of hype, and that's a good way to end things with a bang.
Maybe we'll get lucky with a vol one in late 2024 and a vol 1 in early 2025? We'll have to wait and see as we get closer!
All I know is it wont be 2026, so we can just rest knowing that's not a possibility... right?
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shadowthorne · 5 years
I’m so frustrated and stressed about Vertigo.
About early/mid January, we noticed him being picky about eating and grinding his teeth, so I opened his mouth and saw he had a pretty bad looking tooth. I took him into the vet I work for, which is already and extremely stressful situation for him because he hates to leave his comfort zone. Doctor agreed that he has a few bad teeth and needs at least four extractions. Everything else during his exam looked great. So we did blood work and scheduled his dental procedure. Well, the next day, the blood work results looked pretty bad. He had elevated liver values and an EXTREMELY high thyroid value. He’s majorly hyperthyroid. Like, a few months longer without treatment away from serious complications, high. We had no idea. He hadn’t shown any of the classic signs of hyperthyroidism. He lost like a pound in the past four-ish months, but I had been working to better control his calorie intake and coaxing him into more play to get him more exorcise. I thought he was finally losing a little weight as a result of my efforts. That was our only sign. He didn’t get any more vocal than usual, he didn’t scarf his food down any faster/more aggressively than usual. He didn’t get aggressive with us or the other cats. Nothing. 
So we started him on methimazole to control the thyroid elevations. He gained his pound back pretty quickly, which was disappointing, but for almost a month, didn’t otherwise seem to effect him. He was a super good boy about his meds. We had a good, morning/night routine. He happily took his pill in a little bit of cheese and he would wait by the fridge at 7AM and 7PM for me to get it ready for him. (I posted a video of him taking his meds on twitter; he loved it. It was like getting a treat!)
Then, about two weeks ago at this point, he started copiously vomiting out of nowhere. He vomited three or four times a day for a week. He was miserable and dumpy and wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything. He stopped taking his meds easily and I had to start pilling him. But we were told the meds could make him nauseous for a few days and that they normally rode it out on their own and were fine. So we tried to let him ride it out. He was still alert and responsive, his color was still good, pulse was good, breathing was good, he still ate, drank, used his liter box. He just felt like shit. 
After a week of that, we decided we couldn’t let him be so miserable any more, so we took him back to the vet. Again, upon physical exam, the doctor couldn’t find anything. He looked great, aside from his teeth. We did repeat blood work to check for pancreatitis and check on his thyroid levels and liver elevations. The good news was that his blood work looked amazing. Liver values were perfect, thyroid had come right back down to a good, healthy level. No pancreatitis. We had no answers for what was going on with him. The doctor prescribed a Metronidazole (and antibiotic) and Cerenia (an anti-nausea). Cerenia is pretty potent by nature, so if an animal vomits while on it, it’s a very bad sign. After his first dose, he stopped vomiting, but he still seemed miserable. After 3/4 of his course, he started to bounce back a little. He started being a little more vocal again, he’d get up to come see me, follow me around the kitchen. Still didn’t want to play, still wouldn’t take his meds in cheese (or anything else) anymore. 
Now we’re one day away from finishing his course of antibiotics, he’s been off Cerenia for five days, and he’s still not puking but he’s acting completely not himself. He’s distant and depressed. He will not play, not with anything for any amount of coaxing. I still have to pill him because he wont take it in anything any more (we’ve tried various kinds of cheeses, chicken, cream cheese, pill pockets). He doesn’t greet me at the door anymore like he used to, he wont sit on the couch with me or follow me around the kitchen anymore, he doesn’t want attention. He’s still eating (though he really just picks at his food for a little bit, then goes to take a nap, then comes back to pick at it some more, rinse and repeat until it’s gone), still drinking, still using the liter box. He’s just not himself at all.
I scheduled his dental for the earliest I could get him in with the doctor I want him to see (March 10). It’s my last ditch hope that he’s just really that painful and will go back to being himself after his teeth are taken care of. 
If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know what to do.
I feel like I’m going to have to choose between managing his thyroid and having a healthy but distant and miserable cat, or taking him off his meds and letting him be happy for the short time he’ll have left after his thyroid starts killing him. What’s the point of keeping him alive if he has a low quality of life anyway? Just because he’s functioning doesn’t mean it’s a good existence. But at the same time, how can I take him off the medication that’s supposed to be keeping him alive and healthy?
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violetkatgrove · 6 years
i deleted the ask already but now that i think abt it it wouldve made sense to just answer the ask w this post but anyway-
sense uh,,,i still cant draw and havent been able to for nearly 4-5 months and wont be starting getting that checked out until febuary and the earliest ill probably recover enough to draw again is march(probably later tho depending on how bad my wrist is)
id rather....not get any merch suggestions regarding valentines day i know yall mean well sending em but it usually just. makes me frustrated bc i know i wont be able to get them done on ti me
that being said i still accept other suggestions, however if you can id prefer you send them to my actual art blog @violetkatart so i can have a easier time looking back at them yeye!
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indianangel01 · 4 years
A Corona Warrior's Tale of Woe
This is a guest post Day 75 of lockdown: More than 2 months of lockdown have passed by in a haze. On 21st March, our PM declared a nationwide lockdown. The next 10 days resident doctors spent in a limbo wherein we wondered about the upsurge of cases, what measures would be taken to contain them, and when would the public healthcare system be hit. What we didn't anticipate is how badly it would be hit and how fast it would crumble. I'm an exam going resident who got relieved of my duties as a resident on 1st February of this year. I was expected to give my International Council of Ophthalmology examination on 20th April and my M.S. Ophthalmology theory exam on 15th of May. By June end I was supposed to be a free bird. Cut to 1st April, all exam going residents who were neck deep in exam prep were recalled back for duties. Specifically covid duties. All exam leaves were declared cancelled until further notice. ICO flashed status of our exam as postponed to 3 months later. Shit was about to hit the fan. Those of us who were in the same city rejoined immediately, others from different cities and states scrambled to find transport to rejoin as the lockdown was in full swing and all trains and flights and cabs were suspended. We were given circulars saying legal action would be taken against anyone who didnt rejoin work. Our degrees were already at stake. A friend of mine spent 25000 and hired a car to come from Bangalore to Mumbai. There would be no mercy shown to those who couldn't show up. I work at Sion Hospital, one of the busiest in Mumbai. There was buzz that Nair hospital would soon be converted into a COVID designated hospital. Sion was referring positives to Seven Hills, Kasturbha. We were managing the workload quite efficiently. The first danger started when Dharavi got its first COVID positive case. Dharavi, last recorded population of over 8 lakhs, is situated exactly behind Sion Hospital, and its residents form a major chunk of our patient load. When cases started emerging from Dharavi, initially in single digits, then rapidly in double and triple digits, we knew Sion Hospital was about to go under the COVID wave. It was days before the State Government finally accepted that community spread had occurred in Mumbai. Community spread is spread basically which cannot be contact traced, direct contacts are already traced and tested; it's very difficult to contain a disease once community spread occurs. By the time the government declared community spread, Sion hospital was already receiving enough COVID cases that it could no longer refer to any other hospital. We had become a covid and non covid hospital now fighting to strike a work balance. Residents were shunted from departments to work in COVID wards in shifts. The Category A residents of specialties like Chest Medicine, General Medicine, Anesthesia would lead the fight; specialties like Obstetrics and Gynecology, Radiology, ENT and Ophthalmology were to struggle alongside. Ophthalmology as a specialty doesnt equip us to deal with either respiratory distress or cardiac arrest. Systemically unstable patients are encountered by an ophthalmic surgeon as frequently as chilly weather is encountered in Mumbai. Once in a blue moon. I was petrified of what I would even do in such a scenario. I hadn't declared a single death in three years of residency. More precisely, none of my patients had died in three years because systemically unstable patients are always stabilised before we operate on them. Thrust into an unending vortex of community screening, ward duty which was putting angiocatheters, catheterizations, blood collections, vital monitoring, paperwork with alternate managing of department duties- casualties, OPD and OT it started looking like residency would never really be over. Exams or no exams, this was war and everyone had to participate. Everyday we would get some new protocol from the authorities; some change in the period of quarantine we would be offered- which decreased from 7 day work and 7 day quarantine to 5 day work and 2 day quarantine to 9 days of work and 6 days of quarantine to 14 days of work and 9 days of quarantine and so on. Apex institutions disagreed with the Municipal Corporation which disagreed with institutes which disagreed with departments. The result? Residents were testing positive by the dozens. Within a couple of weeks, 61 residents at Sion Hospital had tested positive, some were critical, all were stressed and overburdened. Meanwhile Nair was declared COVID only and referrals of non covid patients to Sion had of course increased substantially. Sion was crumbling under the weight but apparently nobody except residents could see the cracks. One afternoon a video from Sion became viral. It was shot by the relative of one of the COVID positive patients and showed body bags on beds next to living patients. It didnt take long for everyone from civilians to the media to the government to raise questions about how Sion hospital was being managed so badly. They questioned the humanity of the doctors and the delay in transportation of dead bodies. What they didnt question was the reason behind it. They didn't question the lack of goverment investment in public healthcare since decades. They didn't question why noone bothered to rectify this when shortage of beds and manpower has been an issue way before this pandemic. And they definitely didn't question whether the government had let doctors down by sending them to battle ill equipped and underprepared. Residents were being made to work inhumane hours but noone had the energy to really speak against it because things were getting worse by the day. We lay in wait for the new resident batch to join so that we could get some respite. New circulars kept popping every day - "Residents will receive COVID work benefits of rupees 300 per say", "residents will receive a pay hike". Meanwhile our salaries were credited late, with a 10% tax cut, no COVID benefit and definitely no stipend hike. A stay order on the state merit list of new incoming resident batch was finally lifted a week ago, which gave us some hope. Hope that was immediately squashed by the administration which issued a circular saying no matter when the new residents joined, we would not be relieved of our duties till 31st July at the earliest. No word about our exams or if we would get a preparatory leave period. Meanwhile residents were thrust to the forefront while everyone else cowered conveniently behind us. We were being called "corona warriors" but we felt nothing more than a scapegoat. There is no glory in working a PPE suit so impervious your sweat forms puddles around your feet or taking swabs going from house to house in 40 degrees in a PPE suit. I wont even get into how worried our families were during this ordeal. My mother lives in Nagpur and with every phone call she was becoming increasingly worried and upset and I was becoming increasingly quiet. She asked me to leave everything and just come home. Nothing is more important than staying healthy, she said. Of course, I didn't listen to her. Though none of us had signed up for this, this was a price we would all have to pay, whether we liked it or not. What was awful to watch was not the fact that we all were being coerced into work, but the fact that not only were the people of Mumbai doing nothing to abide by the lockdown, but our administration wasn't supporting us with a well formulated protocol either. There was complete chaos in the way the pandemic was managed, right from availability of PPE and masks, to overlapping duty schedules, lack of facilities to isolate positive asymptomatic resident doctors and symptomatic ones, lack of facilities to keep asymptomatic positive patients and lack of tests. The government was refusing to let us test anyone asymptomatic, even those who had known contact with someone who had turned positive. Because of this, asymptomatic carriers were running rampant, and there was no way to identify who would be positive next until a 60+ person landed in respiratory distress in the emergency services. Instead of focusing on things like getting adequate PPE for residents, making sure they got salaries and other covid benefits for their services, their food needs were taken care of; airplanes were busy showering petals from the sky. Policeman had by this time given up on checking ID cards. Essential and non essential people were out on the streets. We were getting the usual trauma like assault when everyone was supposed to be maintaining social distancing and staying indoors. Some routine complaints like watering of eyes and refractive error were resurfacing. Clearly the pandemic seriousness had not permeated to all sections of the society, and even if it had, not even was being done to mitigate it. Amidst the chaos, the fear and frequent blasts of depressing bulletins, residents were waging a war against the virus that had left life as they knew it in shreds. Managing to treat patients to the best of their abilities, bringing smiles to cured patients, delivering babies, operating tumors and saving lives. All while praying they wouldn't contract the illness, praying they would be able to survive this pandemic with only emotional scars and nothing more. Now here we are, still exam going, still very much working, still frustrated, overburdened and exhausted. With no end of the pandemic in sight (the peak is yet to come) and monsoon around the corner, which itself brings a tidal wave of dengue, malaria and leptospirosis and no manpower nor hospital facilities to deal with the upcoming doom. Read the full article
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Canada says it won’t ratify new NAFTA until steel and aluminum tariffs lifted: U.S. Senator
Canada and Mexico won’t consider ratifying the revised North American Free Trade Agreement unless the United States lifts its tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley said Tuesday.
Grassley, who held meetings with Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and Mexico’s Ambassador to the U.S. Martha Bárcena Coquilast week, said the levies are now the “biggest impediment” to approving the deal.
“The Senate in Mexico is not going to take it up until the tariffs are off,” Grassley said during a call with reporters. “The House of Commons in Canada’s not going to take it up if it’s not there soon after March 1 and it’s not going to be there unless the tariffs are off. And even Republicans and Democrats in the Congress of the United States say those tariffs have to go off.”
Grassley, chair of the finance committee responsible for guiding the deal to approval in the U.S. Senate, said Canada’s upcoming federal election is adding to the urgency of lifting the tariffs in order to push the trade agreement through.
“Canada isn’t going to be considering anything like this during their election season starting in June which ends in their October election,” he said. “So it’s very, very important that the White House get on board of doing away with these tariffs so we can get this thing not only before the Congress of the United States but before the Mexican Senate and the House of Commons in Canada.”
Though March 1 is the earliest implementing legislation for the deal can be put before Congress, the U.S. government shutdown delayed publication of several key reports related to the deal. Those delays are widely expected to create a lag in the process.
U.S. President Donald Trump imposed blanket tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminum imports last March, citing national security concerns. Though Canada and Mexico were initially exempted from the levies, Trump allowed those reprieves to expire on June 1 pending the outcome of the NAFTA talks.
Both Canada and Mexico hit back with retaliatory tariffs on American steel, aluminum, agricultural products and a range of other goods.
Though leaders from all three countries signed the revised agreement on Nov. 30, the White House has yet to lift the tariffs.  Since then, Canada has been lobbying to get the tariffs scrapped, though it has not said whether ratification of the deal depended on their removal.
“They believe, and I can understand their belief on this, that these steel and aluminum tariffs were put on to force Canada to the negotiating table,” Grassley said. “Canada went to the negotiating table so you can understand why Canada and Mexico want the tariffs off before they will enter it before the Senate in Mexico and before Canada will take it up.”
Representatives for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland did not respond to requests for comment.
The new NAFTA agreement is facing an uphill climb in Congress with both Republicans and Democrats seeking changes on a range of provisions including environmental and labour enforcement and pharmaceutical patent rules. Business groups and politicians from both parties have also pressed for the tariffs to be removed before the deal is passed.
“I didn’t really have a big problem using tariffs as a negotiating tactic to bring people to the table, but the president said, Wilbur Ross said, once we have the new NAFTA, the USMCA, signed, the tariffs will go away and they haven’t gone away,” Senator Ron Johnson a Republican from Wisconsin said in a TV interview with WISN on Sunday. “So, I am concerned about that. People need to understand tariffs are a tax on American consumers. They’re not paid for by China or Mexico or Canada.”
While some concerns about the revised NAFTA – called the United States Canada- Mexico Agreement by Trump — could be handled in side letters, neither Canada nor Mexico want to renegotiate the deal itself, Grassley said.
“I can tell you visiting with the Ambassador from Mexico last week and the foreign minister from Canada last week there isn’t going to be any reopening of renegotiations,” he said. “Mexico’s had their bellyful of these negotiations. They want to get something done.”
from Financial Post http://bit.ly/2SOyRU1 via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
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viralhottopics · 8 years
The Longer Trump Waits To Release New Travel Ban, The Less It May Fly In The Courts
WASHINGTON Opponents of President Donald Trumps executive order banning refugees and certain foreign travelers believe the administration repeatedly delaying its release of an update version only prove what theyve said all along: The order was slapdash and unnecessary.
They received ammunition this week when anadministration official reportedly told CNNthat the release of a new executive order would be pushed back because Trumps joint address to Congress was so well-received.
If the administration genuinely believed that the ban is urgently needed to protect national security, then one would assume they would not delay issuing a new order for political reasons, Lee Gelernt, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney who is leading the travel ban challenge in Brooklyn federal court, told The Huffington Post in an email. But, as national security experts from both parties have stated, a ban is not the way to protect the country, and is in fact, counterproductive.
One week into his presidency, Trump signed an executive order he said was necessary to prevent terrorists and other people intending to harm Americans from entering the country. The order barred nationals of seven Muslim-majority nations for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and Syrian refugees indefinitely.
Multiple plaintiffs and organizations were quick tochallenge it in court, and a federal judge in Seattle temporarily halted the order nationwide on Feb. 3. Less than a week later, an appeals court refused to unblock the order.
The Trump administration announced plans for a new order in mid-February and told the public and reporters to expect it last week. That timeline keeps changing. First,officials said the new order was likely to drop Wednesday of this week, then pushed the expected release tonext week, likely Monday. They have sincesaid the order wont be released until next week at the earliest,The Associated Press reportedThursday afternoon.
Lawyers for the Department of Justice havetold the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, which is further considering the legality of the initial order, to hold off on moving forward with the case. The President intends in the near future to rescind the Order and replace it with a new, substantially revised Executive Order, they said.
That near future seems to have come and gone, and the 9th Circuit responded Monday by denying the governments request to delay the appeal. The court gave the Trump administration until March 10 to file its opening brief explaining why the travel ban should be reinstated.
A White House official told HuffPost that it was inaccurate to say the new executive order, meant to replace the travel ban blocked in the courts more than a month ago, had been delayed because the date was never formally announced.
But White House officials told reporters this week that they had planned for a Wednesday signing day and those plans changed after Trump delivered his joint address to Congress, indicating the decision was at least in part because the president had received positive feedback on the speech.
We want the [executive order] to have its own moment, one official said, according to CNN.
Axios reported a similar comment from a top aide, who also reportedly said officials were making final tweaks to the orders language to make sure they got it right this time.
For once, we had the wind at our sails, the aide told Axios, referring to the accolades Trump received in response to his speech. We decided not to sh*t on ourselves.
Thats not to say the administration isnt taking the redrafting seriously. Officials are reportedly considering tweaks to address concerns about the first executive order, such as officially exempting green card holders and removing Iraq from the list of seven countries whose citizens are banned.
Some opponents of the original ban suggest that the administration may be taking a long time to draft a new and improved executive order because officials cant quite figure out how to carry out the presidents goals in a way that would hold up in court.
The repeated delays demonstrate just how difficult it will be for the president to craft a constitutional order, saidWashington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson. He spearheaded the lawsuit that led to the nationwide injunction that kept the travel ban from being enforced.
Nearly four weeks have passed since I obtained an injunction halting President Trumps hastily-issued, unconstitutional and illegal executive order, he said in an email. Thats four times as long as it took his administration to rush that initial order out the door, citing urgent national security concerns.
The entire process of redrafting a travel ban seems like more evidence the executive order wasnt necessary in the first place, said Marielena Hincapi, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, which was part of the Brooklyn lawsuit suit one of the first filed against the initial order.
You would think if it were such a necessity for our national security and our safety that they would have issued something quickly, Hincapi said. But now delaying it because his approval ratings are increasing and they dont want his approval ratings to drop again … undermines their arguments that this is actually necessary for national security.
Elise Foley reported from Washington. Cristian Farias reported from New York.
Read more: http://huff.to/2lIMikH
from The Longer Trump Waits To Release New Travel Ban, The Less It May Fly In The Courts
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