#and without even having my full list of symptoms or any real consulting with me slapped a diagnosis on me anyway.
saintedbythestorm · 1 year
Love reading my medical journal and seeing all the lies in there ❤️
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nikkoliferous · 5 years
Are we just uhhhh not going to even talk about how the state is slowing murdering Julian Assange before our eyes or...? No? Ok cool.
I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening.
Before I get on to the blatant lack of fair process, the first thing I must note was Julian’s condition. I was badly shocked by just how much weight my friend has lost, by the speed his hair has receded and by the appearance of premature and vastly accelerated ageing. He has a pronounced limp I have never seen before. Since his arrest he has lost over 15 kg in weight.
But his physical appearance was not as shocking as his mental deterioration. When asked to give his name and date of birth, he struggled visibly over several seconds to recall both. I will come to the important content of his statement at the end of proceedings in due course, but his difficulty in making it was very evident; it was a real struggle for him to articulate the words and focus his train of thought.
Until yesterday I had always been quietly sceptical of those who claimed that Julian’s treatment amounted to torture – even of Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture – and sceptical of those who suggested he may be subject to debilitating drug treatments. But having attended the trials in Uzbekistan of several victims of extreme torture, and having worked with survivors from Sierra Leone and elsewhere, I can tell you that yesterday changed my mind entirely and Julian exhibited exactly the symptoms of a torture victim brought blinking into the light, particularly in terms of disorientation, confusion, and the real struggle to assert free will through the fog of learned helplessness.
I had been even more sceptical of those who claimed, as a senior member of his legal team did to me on Sunday night, that they were worried that Julian might not live to the end of the extradition process. I now find myself not only believing it, but haunted by the thought. Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes. To see my friend, the most articulate man, the fastest thinker, I have ever known, reduced to that shambling and incoherent wreck, was unbearable. Yet the agents of the state, particularly the callous magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, were not just prepared but eager to be a part of this bloodsport. She actually told him that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. The question of why a man who, by the very charges against him, was acknowledged to be highly intelligent and competent, had been reduced by the state to somebody incapable of following court proceedings, gave her not a millisecond of concern.
The charge against Julian is very specific; conspiring with Chelsea Manning to publish the Iraq War logs, the Afghanistan war logs and the State Department cables. The charges are nothing to do with Sweden, nothing to do with sex, and nothing to do with the 2016 US election; a simple clarification the mainstream media appears incapable of understanding.
The purpose of yesterday’s hearing was case management; to determine the timetable for the extradition proceedings. The key points at issue were that Julian’s defence was requesting more time to prepare their evidence; and arguing that political offences were specifically excluded from the extradition treaty. There should, they argued, therefore be a preliminary hearing to determine whether the extradition treaty applied at all.
The reasons given by Assange’s defence team for more time to prepare were both compelling and startling. They had very limited access to their client in jail and had not been permitted to hand him any documents about the case until one week ago. He had also only just been given limited computer access, and all his relevant records and materials had been seized from the Ecuadorean Embassy by the US Government; he had no access to his own materials for the purpose of preparing his defence.
Furthermore, the defence argued, they were in touch with the Spanish courts about a very important and relevant legal case in Madrid which would provide vital evidence. It showed that the CIA had been directly ordering spying on Julian in the Embassy through a Spanish company, UC Global, contracted to provide security there. Crucially this included spying on privileged conversations between Assange and his lawyers discussing his defence against these extradition proceedings, which had been in train in the USA since 2010. In any normal process, that fact would in itself be sufficient to have the extradition proceedings dismissed. Incidentally I learnt on Sunday that the Spanish material produced in court, which had been commissioned by the CIA, specifically includes high resolution video coverage of Julian and I discussing various matters.
The evidence to the Spanish court also included a CIA plot to kidnap Assange, which went to the US authorities’ attitude to lawfulness in his case and the treatment he might expect in the United States. Julian’s team explained that the Spanish legal process was happening now and the evidence from it would be extremely important, but it might not be finished and thus the evidence not fully validated and available in time for the current proposed timetable for the Assange extradition hearings.
For the prosecution, James Lewis QC stated that the government strongly opposed any delay being given for the defence to prepare, and strongly opposed any separate consideration of the question of whether the charge was a political offence excluded by the extradition treaty. Baraitser took her cue from Lewis and stated categorically that the date for the extradition hearing, 25 February, could not be changed. She was open to changes in dates for submission of evidence and responses before this, and called a ten minute recess for the prosecution and defence to agree these steps.
What happened next was very instructive. There were five representatives of the US government present (initially three, and two more arrived in the course of the hearing), seated at desks behind the lawyers in court. The prosecution lawyers immediately went into huddle with the US representatives, then went outside the courtroom with them, to decide how to respond on the dates.
After the recess the defence team stated they could not, in their professional opinion, adequately prepare if the hearing date were kept to February, but within Baraitser’s instruction to do so they nevertheless outlined a proposed timetable on delivery of evidence. In responding to this, Lewis’ junior counsel scurried to the back of the court to consult the Americans again while Lewis actually told the judge he was “taking instructions from those behind”. It is important to note that as he said this, it was not the UK Attorney-General’s office who were being consulted but the US Embassy. Lewis received his American instructions and agreed that the defence might have two months to prepare their evidence (they had said they needed an absolute minimum of three) but the February hearing date may not be moved. Baraitser gave a ruling agreeing everything Lewis had said.
At this stage it was unclear why we were sitting through this farce. The US government was dictating its instructions to Lewis, who was relaying those instructions to Baraitser, who was ruling them as her legal decision. The charade might as well have been cut and the US government simply sat on the bench to control the whole process. Nobody could sit there and believe they were in any part of a genuine legal process or that Baraitser was giving a moment’s consideration to the arguments of the defence. Her facial expressions on the few occasions she looked at the defence ranged from contempt through boredom to sarcasm. When she looked at Lewis she was attentive, open and warm.
The extradition is plainly being rushed through in accordance with a Washington dictated timetable. Apart from a desire to pre-empt the Spanish court providing evidence on CIA activity in sabotaging the defence, what makes the February date so important to the USA? I would welcome any thoughts.
Baraitser dismissed the defence’s request for a separate prior hearing to consider whether the extradition treaty applied at all, without bothering to give any reason why (possibly she had not properly memorised what Lewis had been instructing her to agree with). Yet this is Article 4 of the UK/US Extradition Treaty 2007 in full:
On the face of it, what Assange is accused of is the very definition of a political offence – if this is not, then what is? It is not covered by any of the exceptions from that listed. There is every reason to consider whether this charge is excluded by the extradition treaty, and to do so before the long and very costly process of considering all the evidence should the treaty apply. But Baraitser simply dismissed the argument out of hand.
Just in case anybody was left in any doubt as to what was happening here, Lewis then stood up and suggested that the defence should not be allowed to waste the court’s time with a lot of arguments. All arguments for the substantive hearing should be given in writing in advance and a “guillotine should be applied” (his exact words) to arguments and witnesses in court, perhaps of five hours for the defence. The defence had suggested they would need more than the scheduled five days to present their case. Lewis countered that the entire hearing should be over in two days. Baraitser said this was not procedurally the correct moment to agree this but she will consider it once she had received the evidence bundles.
(SPOILER: Baraitser is going to do as Lewis instructs and cut the substantive hearing short).
Baraitser then capped it all by saying the February hearing will be held, not at the comparatively open and accessible Westminster Magistrates Court where we were, but at Belmarsh Magistrates Court, the grim high security facility used for preliminary legal processing of terrorists, attached to the maximum security prison where Assange is being held. There are only six seats for the public in even the largest court at Belmarsh, and the object is plainly to evade public scrutiny and make sure that Baraitser is not exposed in public again to a genuine account of her proceedings, like this one you are reading. I will probably be unable to get in to the substantive hearing at Belmarsh.
Plainly the authorities were disconcerted by the hundreds of good people who had turned up to support Julian. They hope that far fewer will get to the much less accessible Belmarsh. I am fairly certain (and recall I had a long career as a diplomat) that the two extra American government officials who arrived halfway through proceedings were armed security personnel, brought in because of alarm at the number of protestors around a hearing in which were present senior US officials. The move to Belmarsh may be an American initiative.
Assange’s defence team objected strenuously to the move to Belmarsh, in particular on the grounds that there are no conference rooms available there to consult their client and they have very inadequate access to him in the jail. Baraitser dismissed their objection offhand and with a very definite smirk.
Finally, Baraitser turned to Julian and ordered him to stand, and asked him if he had understood the proceedings. He replied in the negative, said that he could not think, and gave every appearance of disorientation. Then he seemed to find an inner strength, drew himself up a little, and said:
I do not understand how this process is equitable. This superpower had 10 years to prepare for this case and I can’t even access my writings. It is very difficult, where I am, to do anything. These people have unlimited resources.
The effort then seemed to become too much, his voice dropped and he became increasingly confused and incoherent. He spoke of whistleblowers and publishers being labeled enemies of the people, then spoke about his children’s DNA being stolen and of being spied on in his meetings with his psychologist. I am not suggesting at all that Julian was wrong about these points, but he could not properly frame nor articulate them. He was plainly not himself, very ill and it was just horribly painful to watch. Baraitser showed neither sympathy nor the least concern. She tartly observed that if he could not understand what had happened, his lawyers could explain it to him, and she swept out of court.
The whole experience was profoundly upsetting. It was very plain that there was no genuine process of legal consideration happening here. What we had was a naked demonstration of the power of the state, and a naked dictation of proceedings by the Americans. Julian was in a box behind bulletproof glass, and I and the thirty odd other members of the public who had squeezed in were in a different box behind more bulletproof glass. I do not know if he could see me or his other friends in the court, or if he was capable of recognising anybody. He gave no indication that he did.
In Belmarsh he is kept in complete isolation for 23 hours a day. He is permitted 45 minutes exercise. If he has to be moved, they clear the corridors before he walks down them and they lock all cell doors to ensure he has no contact with any other prisoner outside the short and strictly supervised exercise period. There is no possible justification for this inhuman regime, used on major terrorists, being imposed on a publisher who is a remand prisoner.
I have been both cataloguing and protesting for years the increasingly authoritarian powers of the UK state, but that the most gross abuse could be so open and undisguised is still a shock. The campaign of demonisation and dehumanisation against Julian, based on government and media lie after government and media lie, has led to a situation where he can be slowly killed in public sight, and arraigned on a charge of publishing the truth about government wrongdoing, while receiving no assistance from “liberal” society.
Unless Julian is released shortly he will be destroyed. If the state can do this, then who is next?
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LGBT - How To Prepare For Your H.R.T. Meeting
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    Why do you want to seek hormone replacement therapy? What is the underlying cause to have you seek transformation? Is it because you’re sexually disadvantaged? A victim of abuse? A patient suffering from dysphoria of the body? Or have you been socially conditioned to alter your appearance? Knowing why is a must! Because 50% of those who undergo H.R.T. truly need it and 50% of those who undergo H.R.T. end up regretting it.
     Once you know why you want to undergo H.R.T.; you need to educate yourself about the benefits and risks of H.R.T..
     If you are reading this article, then it is likely that you are in phase two and seeking education. Sadly, many (including myself) do not feel conformable bringing up this subject in public and have a difficult time doing the research online. There is so many ‘bad’ articles out there. Opinionated articles written by with pro-LGBT or anti-LGBT groups to push a narrative or agenda, using salacious data or failing to address the risks, both physiologically and psychologically to the patient.
     If you can...talk to you Primary Care Physician or a center that specializes in LGBT services and ask for resources to make your own decision. Write articles, take notes, talk to your closes friends about the risks and benefits of H.R.T. and why you want to undergo this dramatic transition.
     Prior to the clinical appointment with a physician, it is totally natural to feel nervous, anxious, excited, ambivalent, scared or all of there emotions all at once. When I was waiting, I felt all these emotions...I felt bipolar when it comes to the altering range of emotions.
     One moment I am nervous (Will I be given the injection hormone? Or pills?), then anxious (time, place, money and open mindedness). Excited (I can’t believe I actually am doing this!), ambivalent (I pray this isn’t a phase...hate to ask my PCP for breast reduction!), scared (What if they deny me, or I take on too many female characteristics? Will my parents actually kill me if I beginning looking like a woman in two to six years? What will my friends think of me?).
   One feeling I would add and that is: doubt
   For 33 years I danced with doubt, and the last four months have been our grand ballroom dance. Even before I hear what they think, I already begun doubting myself, mostly because I realized that being on estrogen meant my transition was real, physical changes will happen and people will notice. No more hiding, no more Illuminati-like secrets...they will see and my brain will change as my testosterone levels are replaced with estrogen.
   Even though I am scared, nothing will kept me from my appointment...I have been working my way to this point...it will be the greatest scientific experiment I will ever conduct...a second puberty occurring on my own body...I will document it to the tee. This might be a capstone in biological transformation that I’ve written and drawled so many times. I always placed myself in my characters shoes, but never could say what it was truly like...so now I will know!
   The night after the call I kept thinking of all the things I was going to ask the doctor. Things the doctor might ask of me. HRT is like a transplant...if you are not mentally prepared, you will reject it! I ran simulation after simulation of different ways the appointment might go and my mind goes blank and the representative of me is left mumbling uh and um and yeah. I wanted to prevent this from happening, so I wrote down a few simulations. Sometimes it is better to have a list of questions prior to going into your appointment so you are collected and ready. It is also a great way to judge the doctor to see if they are the right one...remember...they are the one rebirthing you to your second birth!
   Here are three areas to focus on during the first appointment...
1) To assess the providers knowledge and comfort with the different forms of treatment being oral, epidermal or endodermis.
2) To go over side effects and what to expect from starting on estrogen. This is a good way to see if the doctor knows the risks and emotional effects at which stage.
3) And to begin building a relationship with a healthcare provider that hopefully will be based on trust and openness.
   It is important to be able to assess the provider’s knowledge and comfort because you want someone that can properly screen for any health issues that may be a problem in the future (I.e. heart trouble, cancer, blood clots and stroke).
   Since I am Gender Neutral (closely related to Gender Fluid), it would be in my best interest to communicate with the provider that there are some things I am looking to physically change (I.e., breasts, fat distribution around the hips and butt, feminine features in the face and hair growth decrease on chest with halting male pattern baldness on head), but others that I wish to remain the same (I.e., penis, male facial features and muscular support that I have).
   Lastly, having a provider that is up-to-date with the different types of dosing and methods to administer hormones is always helpful because then you are given options, options are extremely important when it comes to hormone therapy because a certain method may work well for one person, but not so well for another. (as seen in Operation B.O. H.R.T.)
   So, when learning about the provider, questions that may help you assess their knowledge and comfort are as follows:
What methods do you give as options when prescribing hormones to your patients?
1a) Current options for estrogen, antiandrogens include: injectable, sublingual or oral, and transdermal.
1b) 17-beta estradiol (estradiol) is most commonly delivered to transgender women via a transdermal patch, oral or sublingual tablet, or injection of a conjugated ester (estradiol valerate or estradiol cypionate). No outcome studies have been conducted on injectable estradiol valerate or cypionate, presumably due to their uncommon modern use outside of transgender care settings; due to this limited use manufacturers have little incentive to produce this medicine, and shortages have been reported. Other delivery routes for estradiol such as transdermal gel or spray are formulated for the treatment of menopausal vasomotor symptoms and while convenient and effective in some transgender women, in others these routes may not be able to achieve blood levels in the physiologic female range. Compounded topical creams and gels also exist from specialty pharmacies; if these are to be used it is recommended that the prescriber consult with the compounding pharmacist to understand the specific details and dosing of the individual preparation. Compounded estradiol valerate or cypionate for injection also exists, and may be an alternative in times of shortage or more cost effective for those who must pay cash for their prescriptions.
Conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin®) have been used in the past but are not recommended for a number of reasons, including inability to accurately measure blood levels and some suggestion of increased thrombogenicity and cardiovascular risk. Equine estrogens are obtained from the urine of pregnant, catheterized horses; no evidence exists to suggest that these estrogens are superior to bioidentical human estradiol.
Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic estrogen used in contraceptive preparations and is associated with an increased thrombotic risk. In the context of contraception, ethinyl estradiol has more consistent and reliable cycle control and as such is better tolerated, balancing out the potentially increased risk of VTE. In the setting of gender affirmation there is no need for cycle or bleeding regulation, and thus the use of ethinyl estradiol and its inherent risks are not warranted.
General Side effects of estrogens may include migraines, mood swings, hot flashes, and weight gain.
Spironolactone is the most commonly used androgen blocker in the U.S. Spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic, which in higher doses also has direct anti-androgen receptor activity as well as a suppressive effect on testosterone synthesis. Doses of 200mg daily in non-transgender women being treated for hair loss have been described as safe, though doses of up to 400mg/day have been reported without negative effect. Hyperkalemia is the most serious risk but is very uncommon when precaution is taken to avoid use in individuals with renal insufficiency, and use with caution and frequent monitoring in those on ACE inhibitor or ARB type medications. Due to its diuretic effect, patients may experience self-limited polyuria, polydipsia, or orthostasis.
5-alpha reductase inhibitors include finasteride and dutasteride. Finasteride blocks 5-alpha reductase type 2 and 3 mediated conversion of testosterone to the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone. Finasteride 1mg daily is FDA-approved for male pattern baldness, while the 5mg dose is approved for management of prostatic hypertrophy. Dutasteride 0.5mg more effectively blocks the type 1 isozyme, which is present in the pilosebaceous unit and therefore may have more dramatic feminizing effects. Since these medications block neither the production nor action of testosterone, their antiandrogen effect is less than that encountered with full blockade. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may be a good choice for those unable to tolerate, or with contraindications to the use of spironolactone. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may also be an option for use as a single agent in patients seeking partial feminization, or for those who continue to exhibit virilized features or hair loss after complete androgen blockade or orchiectomy.
Hormone                            Low Dose   Medium Dose   Maximum Dose
Estradiol oral/sublingual
                                            1mg/dat        2-4mg/day        8mg/day if >2mg
                                            Recommended divided bid dosing
                                            50mcg          100mcg            100-400mcg
                                            Max single patch dose available is 100mcg. Frequency of change is brand/product dependent. More than 2 patches at a time may be cumbersome for patient.
Estradiol valerate IMa
                                           <20mg 2wk     20mg 2wk       40mg 2wk
                                           May divide dose into weekly injections for cyclical symptoms.
Estradiol cypionate IM
                                            <2mg 2wk     2mg 2wk        5mg 2wk
                                           May divide dose into weekly injections for cyclical symptoms.
                                             25mg qd      50mg bid        200mg bid
                                             1mg qd        N/A                 5mg qd
                                             N/A               N/A                0.5mg qd
Are you familiar with the different methods and doses used? Are you open to trying different methods/doses?
2a) The answers to these questions will let you know how open your provider is, and also how knowledgeable they are regarding advances and new forms of treatment in transgender healthcare.
How many transgender clients do you currently work with?
3a) If you are the first, second, or third, you are most likely going to be learning together. If you are with a provider of over 20, 30 or 100, then they most likely are more experienced.
Do you follow the most up-to-date and current guidelines for transgender care?
4a) Although the World Professional Association of Transgender Health is not the only organization that provides Standards of Care, they are the most well-known. WPATH SOCv.7. is the old model. ICATH is the modern model.
Do they know other providers in different areas of transgender health in case you need a referral for specific care?
5a) You may have some health complications that require monitoring by a specialist. Or in the future you may require specialist care for something (it doesn’t have to be trans related) so having other provider’s names is always helpful. If your current provider has a trans-friendly referral list it may also be a sign that they are more knowledgeable and connected.
Questions to ask about hormones:
What are the side effects?
1a) If there are things they go over that causes you concern, ask for more information.
How will hormone therapy affected my fertility/reproductive options?
2a) If you are considering or would like the option of having (biological) kids in the future, then being informed of options and also risks with being on hormones therapy is something you should consider.
What is the general timeline for seeing changes?
3a) The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has a general timeline that can show you the expected changes as noted below:
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Body Fat Redistribution
3-6 months to show 2-5 years to finalize
Decreased Muscle Mass/Strength
3-6 months to show 1-2 years to finalize
Softening Of Skin/Decreased Oiliness
3-6 months to show Unknown
Decreased Libido
1-3 months to show 1-2 years to finalize
Decreased Spontaneous Erections
1-3 months to show 3-6 months to finalize
Male Sexual Dysfunction
Variable Variable
Breast Growth
3-6 months to show 2-3 years to finalize
Decreased Testicular Volume
3-6 months to show 2-3 years to finalize
Decreased Sperm Production
Variable Variable
Thinning And Slowed Growth Of Body And Facial Hair
6-12 months to show > 3 years to finalize
Male Pattern Baldness
No Regrowth, loss stops 1-3 months 1-2 years to finalize
What questions do they have for you?
1a) Question they ask may bring up more things that you wanted to ask them, but hadn’t thought of before.
Finally, if you are ready and feel good about your relationship with the provider then ask,
When can I get started!?
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deadmomjokes · 6 years
Normal Anon Again 1: Your response was great, don't worry about a thing there. I just really feel stuck because Im still with my emotionally abusive family, and so I had to sneak to even see a doctor. I honestly felt like the doctor barely ever heard me at all, so even though she did prescribe an SSRI (not that she said what brand), I'm kind of scared to continue treatment with her. Because I made the notebook with a lot of care, she said I had OCD and did bring it up again later when I
had refuted it and tried to explain the notebook was just something I wanted to be well done for her. She didn't ever look at it either, so she based it off me buying little tabs and labeling them for ease of access and writing my name on the front I guess? I don't have a lot of money, as I don't have a job, and getting a job is the main reason I want to try medication... I basically have to move out by 2020 from my family, both by their desires and mine, so I'm on acrazy deadline to try to get my life together and I feel like I have no time to find someone new if I'm going to be looking to move away when all the apartments are renting. So it feels like if I want to try medication this is my one chance, but I don't feel like I can trust the doctor handling them. I don't know if I should just try to find a way to make my life work out for a couple months or give the medication a shot even though I don't trust the provider...I've got to worry about getting a job this month or being homeless too, which is why it feels so one or the other for my current situation. Thank you so much for all your feedback, sorry if this was a little messy being explained, I'm a bit frazzled yet, haha.
Oh man, I’m SO very sorry for everything you’re going through! You’re dealing with a ton, and this incident with Dr Garbage certainly didn’t help.
One thing that may be a possibility is going to a normal doctor, like a family medicine doc or general practitioner, and talking to them about your anxiety/depression problems. They can also prescribe psych medication, and it might be easier to pass off around your family and/or to find once you move, since a lot of offices partner or have networks that you can just transfer through. Anyone from a Nurse Practitioner to a PhD in general medicine can prescribe meds like an SSRI or even low-level mood stabilizers. (For my recently upped dosage, I went to a PA-C and they consulted with the folks at my obgyn, so I never even saw a psychiatrist. Tho I’m trying to get in with one anyway, but that’s way beside the point.)
I definitely understand you being unable to trust the current provider; she clearly didn’t hear you or take everything (anything?) into account. Anyone who comes to you from an emotionally abusive situation should warrant a ton of follow-up questions and in-depth probing. Even beyond that, just in general, taking stock of all the symptoms and reviewing any identified triggers is going to go a long way toward real diagnosis. Your notebook should have made her job a breeze, instead of her having to pick through your anecdotes of what happens when, she could just look at your notes! You were doing everything right; a therapist’s dream, honestly. I’ve been in therapy for years and I’m still not that good at keeping tabs on my own symptoms and patterns. I’m enraged on your behalf, because when someone comes to you for help you should reach back out to them, not be prescriptivist even if you’re dealing with prescriptions.
If medication is something you’ve been considering for a while, and feel like it might be a good fit for you, it may be worth trying the current prescription even though the current doctor is garbage, since SSRIs are usually the first try medications anyway. But that always comes with risks, because sometimes the first try doesn’t really work out for you or your specific situation. But SSRIs as a category are pretty safe, and are used for anxiety disorders (including panic disorder and generalized anxiety), ptsd, depression, and ocd as well. So chances are even if you found a psych who did their job well (aka not labeling you ocd for being prepared), they were going to land on an SSRI as a first try, too. That definitely doesn’t make it an easy decision, tho. That nagging fear may always be with you if you try it anyway despite not really trusting her diagnosis, and that could add a layer of complexity to deciding whether the medicine is right for you. Especially if you end up needing to switch medication or dosage, having a doctor you trust from the outset is going to be important.
I obviously cannot tell you what to do, nor do I want to, or even think I should if I could, because personal situations are just that--personal. I would only caution that if you’re already having difficulty getting or doing a job without medical assistance (ie medication), that trying it under serious stress for a few months may do more harm than good as far as worsening your difficulties, or causing new ones. However, sometimes we aren’t in the position to make the “best” decision for our health because living takes precedence; I’ve taken plenty of jobs that wrecked my mind and body and I kept them anyway because I absolutely had to. So I’m not going to get on a high horse because I know exactly how hard it is, and the difficult decisions you have to make in order to survive. I’m just so very sorry you are in that position to make such a decision.
If you do decide to try the medication anyway, some tips on kind of “going it alone” since you won’t be able to/won’t want to go back to the original doctor:
Start at a lower dose than the full final dosage. If she didn’t prescribe a “titration” schedule, starting at half dose for a week is a good place to begin.
Understand that things might get worse before they get better. You might have horrible mood swings, really bad depressive days, or bad anxiety spells before you start seeing the true effects. This isn’t indicative of whether the medicine is going to work eventually, but if it becomes too much for you to deal with, you should stop anyway.
Side effects may come and go. Just worth noting.
If possible, have someone close to you who knows that you’re starting this medicine. Obviously not a family member given your situation, but if you have a friend or anyone you do trust in your immediate vicinity, or even a friend you communicate with long-distance, make sure someone knows. That way you have someone to report in to and who can check up on you as you adjust.
Start by taking them with food, even if it doesn’t have a nausea warning. I’d suggest evening meal or soon thereafter, because SSRIs often cause drowsiness at first (great for helping with insomnia tho!).
You’re probably going to have a full month or two before it reaches its peak effect, since this is your first time trying them. You might see some relief right away, but full efficacy takes time as it builds up in your system. If you can tolerate the side effects (or don’t have any), and you’re able to deal with the mood swings or psychiatric effects, stick with it at least 6 weeks.
Listen to that “don’t drive or operate machinery” warning. First-time-medication drowsiness is a special breed that sneaks up on you and also makes you feel WEIRD.
You can also see about filling the prescription and then researching the name on the label before you decide whether or not to take it. Or, if you have an online account with the pharmacy, as with CVS, you can see the name of the drug there, or even call the pharmacy she sent it to and ask them what the name of it was (”for insurance purposes” or “because I forgot which one it was”) and then research it on sites like Mayo Clinic and rxlist.com (don’t do webmd). These websites include lists of what it’s approved to treat, so if you’re fairly certain you actually have anxiety/depression, look for that on the list. Just know that all websites are essentially required to remind you that an SSRI (really any antidepressant or mood stabilizer) could worsen any suicidal thoughts or behaviors, though this is mostly a risk for the 24 and under crowd with emphasis on teenagers. And it doesn’t happen to everyone.
Should you decide not to do the medicine right now because of the doctor who prescribed it, I applaud you for your bravery and strength in facing both your uncertain future and your mental/emotional difficulties without the assistance you feel you need. That’s a hard, hard thing to do, and I wish it wasn’t a choice you had to make.
I’ll be sending good vibes, thoughts, and prayers your way as you’re dealing with so many transitions and difficulties. I know cyber hugs are kind of a dated internetism, and may not mean much, but I give you all the cyber hugs my cyber arms can muster.
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A Few Words on Clinical Trials...
14 months, two weeks post-dx
It’s come to my attention that there are people following me on social media hoping I’ll figure out how to survive a deadly disease. Gods bless ‘em; that’s now obviously my core function (well, in addition to figuring out how to get a career and/or life that can survive a brain that not infrequently shudders to a halt and explodes)(which reminds me, I got the car fixed, which is a sort of victory unto itself). So, here’s the deal; full disclosure.
A helluva lot of luck is involved. At every step. First of all, I had my first tumor (probably unrelated, but it’s still extremely suspicious) at age 17, which was successfully and completely surgically removed. However, the longest I’ve gone between MRIs is 12 months, so I was tagged and tracked at such an early point that they detected Tumor #2 (astrocytoma grade II) and removed it as soon as possible (ASAP in this case being a 10-month delay while Obamacare protections and funding came into effect so that I could get insurance)(yes, people do die of treatable diseases in America). And, since astrocytoma tends to come back angry (as it already did), I was closely monitored for the two inter-tumor years between Tumor #2 and #3 (I once calculated I’ve had almost 40 MRIs in my life)(there might be a correlation between that).
Secondly, I was able to get into a clinical trial - and stay in one. I’ve written about that previously, but a major takeaway is that you can always refuse treatment or leave a clinical trial, but if you formally leave or are removed, you never, ever get to come back. Also, due to the specificity of cancer treatments, there are loads and loads of qualifying or disqualifying factors for who is and isn’t eligible for a trial - Again, these are usually for patient safety (if you think otherwise, I’d challenge you to inject a known toxic substance into your system and see what happens). I do know, from working at a biotech company, that, even though the costs of running these trials doesn’t justify the $300K that Pfizer plans on charging for treatments, they aren’t cheap, and, if I were a cynical man, I’d try to jam-pack my experimental drug trial with as many people as possible who looked like they’d survive on standard-of-care (SOC is legally required in addition to all experimental treatments). To that end, I’m also lucky  - again, in a very weird, funky way.
There are three different forms of the IDH gene in gliomas; I don’t have the best one, nor do I have the worst one. However, “second best” is miles better than the worst one. I also have a methylated MGMT gene, which is important - the unmethylated version is resistant to radiation treatment, which is bad. I also have an ATRX mutation, which is relatively rare, but confers a high five-year survival rate (in this case “high” is 30-50%, which is considered failing in most places).
And I’m young (less than 40) and relatively healthy, which is another good predictor - whether it’s because that means I’m more likely to survive the nastiest napalm baths available and ask for more (and that makes oncologists considerably less ginger about starting you off with the nastiest stuff imaginable), or whether there’s some intrinsic anti-cancer aspect of youth, I honestly don’t know. Same goes with tolerating treatment well - I don’t know if that’s a correlation/causation issue, but again, anything that makes your oncologists feel safer about ordering more/harsher treatment is probably going to add to your life expectancy (if the chemo and radiation doesn’t kill you first). I honestly don’t know if I’d’ve been written off if I was morbidly obese and had heart problems.
So far in my grand design to survive the unsurvivable and pass that on, I realize I’m not coming up with superb results that can be easily replicated. Youth and mutations are random chance, getting into a trial is a matter of being in the right place at the right time (as so much else in life)(although you can do research through clinicaltrials.gov to see if there’s anything you might qualify for).
The advice I can give is this; and it’s worked for me, so far (feel free to change, ignore, or discard it as applicable to your situation):
1. Early detection is key. Familiarize yourself with the most common risk factors and symptoms of brain tumors, and floor it to a neurologist when you have them.
2. Get the very best quality of care, and be prepared to travel. This one is huge. For some reason, lots of people are eager to have their hometown hero perform on them, and the results are usually horrific. When you have brain cancer, the difference between “the very best” and “well qualified” is measured in corpses.
3. Don’t take “No” for an answer. I realise we all need to get better at consent issues, but the word “inoperable” needs to be removed from the medical lexicon immediately. Someone recently accused me of giving false hope when I linked to Anderson MD’s list of GBM myths that “inoperable” is usually code for a facility that doesn’t have the expertise, competence, or technical facilities needed to successfully operate on it. In other words, someone out there will have the ability to do something for you, likely surgically if you move fast enough. Yeah, that might be false hope, but you know what false hope beats the shit out of? Completely hopeless. Real grown-ups are surprisingly fragile and tend to go to pieces at the smallest things. In the past year, I’ve seen my parents throw temper tantrums over arguments they’ve had with my siblings, or an ant infestation. If that’s your mindset, then, yeah, you’re going to be paralyzed and lose that window of opportunity to beat this thing. As I wrote previously, you’re going to go into complete, paralytic shock the first 48-96 hours after you get a diagnosis. Enjoy it, because you don’t ever get to panic, ever again. Same thing with “inoperable,” if you want to accept that and  die, that’s your decision. Survival - of any sort - is not for the faint of heart, and you will  have to drag yourself across that finish line (or have your friends help you). Again, passing on some wisdom from Original Research Coordinator, the first 6-10 weeks post-diagnosis are the deciding factor for glioblastoma. If someone refuses to treat you, ask for a referral.
4. Stick through the entire treatment regimen. I’ve written previously that there are a lot of things you can do to make yourself more comfortable and healthy during chemo and radiation (that would be where the “complementary medicine” comes in). Again, you can quit treatment at any point, but you can’t always continue it  And, as I know, once post-surgical options get removed, they never come back.
5. Complementary, not alternative medicine. There is no cure “they” don’t want you to know about, there is no secret cancer survivor meeting where we all toast each other on finding the fountain of health - you’re thinking of Skull and Bones. Having said that, I get it - cancer treatments of any sort are a shit sandwich and you’re going to have to just get over it and take a big bite. It’s seductive to think there’s a less painful, disruptive, and dangerous path. Don’t believe it for a minute - you’ve gotten a raw deal, and you have to get over it. Having said that, exercise, diet, and lots of CDB (and THC)(don’t smoke it, though) probably made the difference for me completing the full 12 cycles of chemo. I never for a minute thought they would cure of me of anything, but they might allow you to survive the cure.
6. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and orders. Americans are the only people in the world who will happily accept a mechanics’ bill for five grand without doing any research or shopping around; but will argue with a trained professional about an obscure aspect of treatment or research. Back in the third or fourth cycle, at Mom’s recommendation, I asked Head Warlock in Charge (HWIC) about hyperbaric oxygen chambers (they’re good for radiation recovery). He nixed it (Mad Scientist also said she wouldn’t recommend it), and, at the next MRI, I was rewarded with a new glowing dot. In this case, that turned out to be further radiation scarring, but what if that bet had gone the other way? And, in defense of HWIC, he did mention in the most recent consult that he’d be willing to sign off on the hyperbaric chamber in a few months, if there wasn’t any further growth and my radiation scaring wasn’t improving (for those of you who’ve seen me recently, the scarring is only visible from the inside of my skull).
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Cookbook For Dogs
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/cookbook-for-dogs/
Cookbook For Dogs
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
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Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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scripttorture · 7 years
Hello! Is it realistic for a professinal assassin/torturer in a cultist organization to beat up/torture their lover out of anger and feeling of betrayal when the lover wants to leave them and the organization? What are some ways to torture someone without leaving any marks, other than maybe bruises or small scars that would heal up in few days? Does stationary position torture leave marks? Thank you for your help!
Also in continuation to that cultorganization, lover being tortured by the lover they want to leave etc, I'm notsure did I ask about the long term effects, but if I didn't, what would theybe? On victim especially, since her torturer is a person she did love and whomshe did trust in the past? But also for the torturer, since she at least THINKSshe "loved" the person she's torturing.
Lots of questions! OK I think some of those last questions about how thevictim would deal with this in the long term and how she’d feel towards thetorturer are better addressed to ScriptTraumaSurvivor, whoseblog is here. She’s much better placed than I am to talk about that side ofthings. Because what you’re essentially talking about here is spousal abuse.
 I also just want to be clear that while torturers can be part of organisations torturersthemselves aren’t organised and seem to have a toxic effect in organisationsthey’re part of. A strong presence of torturers within your cultistorganisation will probably cause tension and, in the long term, often leads tothe organisation fracturing or to bloodshed within the organisation. (Justsomething to keep in mind for your story.)
 Your scenario does seem realistic. I think you’d probably find one ofthe case studies in F Fanon’s ‘TheWretched of the Earth’ relevant. And since it’s short I’ll type out therelevant part for you. This is a psychiatric patient during the Franco-Algerianwar.
 ‘Case 5. A European policeinspector who tortured his wife and children.
R- thirty years old. Came of hisown accord to consult us. He was a police inspector and stated that for severalweeks ‘things weren’t working out’. Married, had three children. He smoked alot: five packets of cigarettes a day. He had lost his appetite and his sleepwas frequently disturbed by nightmares. These nightmares had no specialdistinguishing features. What bothered him most were what he called ‘fits ofmadness’. In the first place, he disliked being contradicted.
“Can you give me an explanationfor this, doctor: as soon as someone goes against me I want to hit him. Evenoutside my job, I feel I want to settle the fellows who get in my way, even fornothing at all. Look here, for example, suppose I go to the kiosk to buypapers. There’s a lot of people. Of course you have to wait. I hold out my hand(the chap who keeps the kiosk is a pal of mine) to take my papers. Someone inthe queue gives me a challenging look and says ‘Wait your turn.’ Well, I feel Iwant to beat him up and I say to myself, ‘If I had you for a few hours my finefellow you wouldn’t look so clever afterwards.’”
The patient dislikes noise. Athome he wants to hit everybody all the time. In fact he does hit his children,even the baby of twenty months, with unaccustomed savagery.
But what really frightened himwas one evening when his wife had criticized him particularly for hitting hischildren too much. (She had even said to him ‘My word anyone would think youwere going mad’) He threw himself upon her, beat her and tied her to a chair,saying to himself ‘I’ll teach her once and for all that I’m master in thishouse.’
Fortunately his children beganroaring and crying. He then realized the full gravity of his behaviour, untiedhis wife, and the next day decided to consult a doctor, a ‘nerve specialist’’
 That’s a real life case of a torturer abusing his spouse, using methodshe would have used at work. Fanon was very clear that the problem wasultimately rooted in R- being a torturer and since he refused to quit his casedid not improve and he eventually left therapy. It’s not clear what happened tohim or his family.
 The situation you described seems like a classic escalation of domesticviolence to me. I’d advise asking ScriptTraumaSurvivor more about howescalation happens.
 Fanon’s case is the onlyrelevant case I’m aware of, so it’s not a significant sample size. But at themoment it’s the best we have.
 There are a lot of torturetechniques that don’t leave marks, so your torturer would probably just use thetechniques they would have at work. Which ones would depend on the time periodand where they’re from. I’ll suggest a range and you can pick from thosedepending on what fits.
 Clean beating- repeated hitting with an openhand or a ‘soft’ rounded object. The Chicago phone book was a favourite of USpolice. The Romans used silk whips. This one has a pretty long history and hasbeen used worldwide so it’s a safe bet for any time and setting.
 Electricity- if this is a modern setting inAmerica then Tasers and stun guns especially are famous for leaving no marksand being used as torture devices. If it’s earlier (up to the 1920s) then fieldmagnetos (small portable generators) were used. ‘The Question’ by Henri Alleghas a good description from the victim’s perspective. Magnetos were used inFrance and throughout the French empire. A few places didn’t regularly useelectricity- Britain is one of them.
 Choking with water- The variant you’re most likelyto be aware of is waterboarding. This forms part of both modern American andFrench national ‘styles’ of torture and has a pretty long history. I think thefirst recorded use that’s recognisably waterboarding is Dutch and from the1600s. The victim is tied with their legs above their head. A wet cloth is putover their face and water is poured over it. This prevents the victim frombreathing and they start to drown. The torturer removes the cloth regularly tokeep them alive before repeating the process.
 In thiscase I’m not going to recommend using pumping, it wouldn’t leave marks but it’svery very messy.
 Pepper is something that was particularly used againstwomen. Spices like, chillis, black pepper, ginger, that are mildly irritatingare put into the victim’s mucous membranes: areas like the nose, eyes, genitalsand anus. This has a long history in the Indian subcontinent and has been usedin western Africa (I’m not sure how long it’s been used in western Africathough). Normally the spices are chopped up rolled into a ball and shoved intoan orifice.
 Falaka- This has been used in the Middle East for a veryvery long time. It’s also used throughout Asia, as far east as Thailand. It’sbeating the soles of the feet and it can be done without leaving marks. A hosepipe (or similar) filled with sand is the favoured implement when the torturerdoesn’t want to leave marks. It also has a history of being used specificallyagainst women.
 I haven’tmentioned stress positions yet (stationary positional tortures if you prefer,but I try to keep the terms on the blog consistent, so I’ll use ‘stresspositions’) and yes they very muchwould fit your scenario and not leave any lasting marks.
 There area couple of ways to approach them, the easiest for your torturer in this casewould be to use some form of restraints or objects (because otherwise peopleare kept in stress positions by a watching torturer who beats them when theymove).
 Assumingthat these attacks don’t actually happen in the torturer’s usual place of workthe best bet is probably to use a chair and rope. I think in this case I’d gofor a variant on Israeli stress positions by tying the victim to a child-sizedchair. This would force her into an uncomfortable crouch and even if the ropesare quite loose she wouldn’t be able to wringle enough to relieve the tensionin her muscles.
 If they are in the torturer’s place of work thena more widely used stress position would be ‘standing cuffs’, tying thevictim’s hands high enough above her head that she’d need to stand on her toes.
 Fluidstarts to pool in the victim’s extremities after about 24 hours in a stressposition and most places would not keep someone in a stress position for longerthan 48 hours. (After that the risk of death rises.)
 I’m goingto give you a link to my Masterposton the common effects of torture which lists the most common symptomsvictim’s experience. I still think you should go to ScriptTraumaSurvivor forfurther information on what the victim will be going through, but it shouldgive you a good idea where to start.
 Andfinally the torturer.
 Theinformation we have at the moment indicates that torture is damaging totorturers. They manifest a lot of the same symptoms as the victims, thoughusually to a lesser degree. Addiction and self harm particularly seem to bevery common.
 Giventhat and the scenario you’re describing I think it would fit if your torturerhad pretty low self esteem. She may feel abandoned and like the person sheloved betrayed her or tricked her. Both of those could feed in to lower selfesteem. Perhaps due to her position she’s ‘supposed to protect the cult’, andshe’s ‘failed’ to do this if a traitor like her ex managed to get this close.
 She’llalso have lost a source of social support, the kind people with mental healthproblems usually rely on to keep going day-to-day. That would make the symptomsshe’d already be suffering as a torturer worse.If you decide to give her a substance abuse problem she’d probably hit thebottle hard. If she has mood swings and problems with anger (like R- in Fanoncase study), she might fly off the handle at people at work or even hit someoneelse within the organisation.
 I feellike I’ve skimmed over an awful lot of stuff here. I think I’ve probablyreached the point where I need to leave this with you. If you need any moreinformation on any of the points I’ve covered please don’t hesitate to ask. :)
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yuurisnice · 8 years
Title: Unraveling Summary:  Dan knew he was different from other children very early on. He never lost his 'imaginary friends', they only became a more integral part of his life. Living with his illness is never easy and with a secret as large as his, cracks are bound to appear. While he isn't ashamed of his DID, he knows the consequences of telling the wrong people.  Word Count: 21k Warnings: Smoking, mention of drug use, drinking, mentions of past trauma, anxiety
A/N: I’m really sorry to everyone on mobile because read mores don’t work and this is long af. This fic is my actual child and I’m so happy with how it turned out. So much time and research went into this fic. I wanted it to be as medically accurate as possible.  I got the inspiration of this fic when I stumbled upon a youtuber named Jess who posts videos about her DID. She and all of her alters are amazing and I just want everyone to know their story and learn that DID isn’t scary like the media makes it out to be.  Also huge shout out to @phansdick and @theinsanityplays for listening to me complain about my inability to do this topic justice and for giving me ideas when I was in a rut. And I can’t forget the amazing @moonlitdan for being a lovely beta.  If there are any inaccuracies with this fic, please let me know so I can change them!  That was a really long author’s note. Okay. Enjoy!
Read on AO3!
Dan only remembered  very brief moments in his life where he didn’t have alters. In fact, there’s only a handful of memories, enough that he could count them on one hand. As early as six he remembers playing with Evelyn, having her guide him through the nights. He didn’t know why, it happened or when it started, and he still could not access the reasons behind his disorder. All he knew was that his alters protected him and that was more than enough reasoning for him. It couldn't have been pleasant if his mind had to split into pieces in order to get through.
Evelyn was his best friend. She was there for him through thick and thin. At nights when the threat of the monster coming out from under the bed was strong, Evelyn would rock him to sleep. She would make sure that he went to bed at a reasonable time and woke up early enough to get ready for school. She kept him fed and clean, she helped him with his homework and made sure he paid attention in class. She would hold his hand as they crossed the street and if someone gave Dan what they used to call the ‘heebie jeebies’, Evelyn would take over until she could get Dan to safety.
Dan would insist on setting a place for Evelyn at the dinner table and for a short while his parents went along with it. After all, all children have imaginary friends until they grow up and make real friends. But time went on, Dan got older, and Evelyn stayed right by his side.
When Dan was eight, he started getting notices sent home about his ‘overactive imagination’. His parents and teachers would have conferences where seeing a specialist of childhood development was mentioned. Children were meant to lose their imaginary friends as they got older, but Dan’s relationship with Evelyn only seemed to strengthen.
Still, Dan’s parents didn’t want to admit there was a problem. They were content to live in a bubble where Dan would one day leave his ‘friend’ behind and go on to be a functioning member of society. This denial of the issues led to Kaleb.
For the remainder of his childhood into his teen years, Dan’s parents would make snide comments fully believing themselves to be constructive.
“Haven’t heard from Evelyn in a fair few days. She finally disappear or did she just take a mini vacation?’
“When are you going to grow up and drop this imaginary friend bullshit?”
“The two of you were inseparable, did you have a fight or something?”
“Honey, Dan’s just seeking attention. If we ignore this ‘Evelyn’ stuff, it will go away’.
Dan grew uncomfortable talking about Evelyn to the point where he just stopped mentioning her in front of people. Between the two of them, they decided that around people who knew Dan, Evelyn wouldn’t act like Evelyn, but she would do her best Dan Howell impression. People started to buy it and they lived comfortably for years.
It was when Dan was twelve that he discovered a new person in his head. He didn’t even know they existed for a fair few weeks.
Dan was getting in trouble more often than not, both at home and at school. Things would get broken that Dan didn’t remember breaking. Notes from teachers would go missing; notes that Dan didn’t even remember getting. He would come to in the middle of the night standing in the middle of his childhood park, stuck to find his way home and sneak into the house.
Every time his parents reprimanded him, he would say the same thing.
I don’t remember, it wasn’t me.
He started to turn his back on Evelyn, convinced that she was the one who was ruining his life. He’d spent his entire life trusting her with his body so why wouldn’t she take it for some joyrides? Afterall, Dan knew she had her own separate will so it wasn’t an impossible theory.
Three long weeks he spent ignoring Evelyn, starting to believe his parents when they said that if he ignored the problem it would go away. That perhaps there wasn’t even a problem to begin with. Perhaps it was just in his head.  
This operation clearly didn’t work out too well and it all came to a head when he got home from school one day.
“Dan. Who is Kaleb?” Dan’s mother asked with a bite in her tone. Her hands were on her hips while his father sat quietly in a nearby rocking chair.
Dan, who had never once heard that name before in his life tried to wrack his brain. Was Kaleb another kid at his school? Did something happen to this Kaleb that he should be made aware of? What did this Kaleb do and why did it anger his parents so?
“I don’t know. Who’s Kaleb?” Dan asked, trying to work together an incomplete puzzle.
His parents didn’t answer. Instead his mother shoved a note into his hands and stormed off into the kitchen where loud clanking of dishes could be heard.
“Just go to your room, son. I think your mother and I need some time to process. We’ll be in shortly.” His dad didn’t move from his seat, still hadn’t looked at Dan since he came home, so Dan simply did as he was told.
With a slump of his upper body, Dan dragged himself upstairs, down the hall and into his room. Inside was a mix of things that most people wouldn’t think went together. There were black sheets and covers. The walls were a dark brown with little stick-on flower petals on every wall. There were baby dolls left over from his younger days and his childhood bear he slept with every night. His legos were in a box in the corner and he had a tv with a basic gaming console attached.
Dan dropped his bag onto his messy desk, Evelyn had refused to straighten up until Dan apologized, and headed straight for his bed. He had been hoping for a nap after the stressful day he’d had at school but his mind was now preoccupied with the note held between his hands. As he got comfortable on the bed he unfolded the paper and started to read.
Dear Mr and Mrs. Howell,
It has come to my attention that Daniel has been having far more outbursts than normal. He is unusually chaotic and distracting to his fellow students. He will refuse to do his work and insist on being called ‘Kaleb’. At first we believed it to be just another phase but after consulting with the school psychologist we no longer believe this to be normal pre-teen behaviour.
While we cannot force you to seek outside assistance for your child, we will need to set up a meeting to see what can be done about this disruptive behaviour. If it continues on at its current pace, we will be forced to take action and move Daniel to a class better suited to his needs.
Please call at your earliest convenience to set up an appointment with the school psychologist and Daniel’s guidance counselor. I will also be in attendance as well as Daniel’s teacher.
I do hope we can find a solution to this that will be beneficial to everyone.
Principal Edwin Macafee
Dan read over the letter several times, trying to get a grasp on what the contents really were saying. He got his answer on what his parents were referring to when they mentioned Kaleb, but it wasn’t another student, it was him.
Without noticing, Dan started crying. It wasn’t a normal cry, but a full on sob. He couldn’t remember. He didn’t know that he had been doing so poorly. He was a good student, a good person. Evelyn made sure of that but for once, even Evelyn couldn’t protect him.
For the longest time after that meltdown, Dan’s parents still stayed in denial. It wasn’t until he was fifteen that they agreed it was time to seek outside help.  
Dan had started to lose more and more time, not able to recollect entire conversations, classes, even people. It got to the point where Dan wasn’t Dan for days at a time. His alters would step forward more often than not, letting Dan retreat into a safe place in his mind.
He was taken to his normal doctor who recommended a therapist to him. After two months on the waiting list, he finally got an appointment.
Dr. Kayla Longburg was a middle aged woman who specialized in childhood depression and anxiety. Throughout the first couple of sessions she had diagnosed Dan with Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He didn’t agree with the diagnosis, but having a name to his experiences was enough for him to go along with it.
He saw Dr. Longburg once a week, every thursday afternoon for two years. Somewhere along the way he was put on medicine to help ease his symptoms, but they didn’t help. He still lost time. There were still days where he wasn’t Dan. He still had Evelyn help him to sleep at night and Kaleb was still a little shit to everyone he met.
It wasn’t until Evelyn came out during a session that things started to change.
Before that time, Dan’s alters stayed hidden. Kaleb insisted that it was best to hide them away, act as though they weren’t as big in his lives as they were. Even Evelyn, who was generally the level headed one, was concerned that if anyone knew there were others living within Dan, the doctors and Dan’s parents would do everything in their power to ‘kill’ the alters.
During one session, Dr. Longburg was trying to get Dan to speak about his early childhood. She believed getting to the root of his issues would solve them. To speak about the trauma would bring light to his illness and perhaps start to believe them. Instead, with each insistence that Dan could remember if he tried hard enough, panic built up.
Dan knew he was going to switch before it happened. He got light headed and felt as though all of the energy was drained from his body. It felt like he was fighting against himself just to stay alive, and in some ways he was. As the panic built, the headache grew and Dan didn’t want to fight anymore. His eyes glazed over and he felt himself falling into his inner world.
Evelyn stepped out and this was the first time that Dan could see and hear what Evelyn could. The doctor caught on to the change in Dan’s body language, no longer hunched over himself but instead sat up straight as an arrow. His hands uncurled themselves and sat calmly in his lap.
“Dan does not remember and Dan does not remember for good reason. Stop prying. It’s hard to protect him when you’re making him think about the very thing that caused this.” Evelyn’s voice was strong, there was not a single stutter or hesitation and the words rang proudly through Dan’s ears. It was okay because Evelyn was here.
“Dan there’s no need to talk in third person.” The doctor replied after a moment of composure. It was evident that she was shocked by the outburst. In the entire two years she’d been with Dan, she’d never once seen him act this way.
“I’m not Dan. Why can’t anyone get that through their heads? Dan is not here. You forced him to retreat. You forced me to come out. You hurt him and that hurts me.” Evelyn stood her ground, giving up the very information the system swore to keep labeled top secret.
“If you are not Dan,” The Doctor started slowly, stopping herself mid sentence to jot a million things down on the notepad laid in her lap. “If you are not Dan then to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”
“I’m Evelyn and the pleasure is all yours.”
It took a few more sessions before Dan was officially diagnosed with DID, or Dissociative Identity disorder. His therapist brought it up a few sessions after the Evelyn outburst and suddenly things clicked for Dan. While it was a thrilling and relieving moment learning about what DID was and connecting the dots between the disorder and his own life, it was a short lived victory. Dan’s therapist decided that what would be best for Dan was moving on to a more qualified therapist, one who understood DID and could teach Dan how to work with his diagnosis.
While he wasn’t the biggest fan of Dr. Longburg, he had grown accustomed to seeing her. She was abandoning him. He was no longer good enough for her to treat.
While that day was one of his happiest, it was also the first and only time Dr. Longburg would see Kaleb, who did not take the news lightly.
Dan transitioned, but unlike what happened with Evelyn, he had no way of knowing what was happening in the outside world. He could only fill in by what his therapist and his parents told him.
His parents had to be called in, Dan’s father doing his best to restrain Kaleb in an attempt to calm him down. He kicked and screamed and tried his best to run away from the situation, but no one would let him.
After Kaleb calmed down enough for everyone to talk, Dr. Longburg calmly explained what was the cause of the outburst, what a transition was and what the game plan would be from there on out. They were reassured that what Dan had was a real disorder and that this was not to be mistaken as childhood imagination.
His new therapist wasn’t as nice as Dr. Longburg, but he was much more well versed in the issues Dan faced. Unlike his old sessions, his new ones were not based around recollecting his past trauma. Instead, he learned about his illness, why it occurred, how it works, and how it helps him.
For the first time in Dan’s life, he didn’t feel crazy when he talked about his alters. He didn’t feel like they were a dirty secret to hide. He described each in detail and Dr. Patterson compiled a list of their duties and personalities. They were able to pinpoint the reasons why each alter came out and Dan could begin to see a theme. By getting to know his alters and their roles, he could foresee a transition far sooner than he used to.
Evelyn was the protector. She grew up alongside him, aging at the same rate as Dan.  Any time Dan felt threatened by his environment, she would take over to protect the system from any harm. She was kind and outgoing. She knew how to soothe any ailments and how to make sure the system kept moving. She made sure the alters got along as well as they could, and Dan kept the body healthy.
Kaleb was the persecutor of the system and even though for most of the time Dan knew Kaleb he did not like him, he started to come around and see his strengths rather than the flaws. Kaleb was brash and outspoken. He loved to party and could smoke up to a pack a day. He was flirtatious and possibly had a mild obsession with sex. Kaleb was diagnosed with Depression while Dan had not been.
On top of learning about his alters and their purposes, he learned that keeping a set schedule and allowing each alter to have their time with the body was key to living as normal a life as he could. An entire month of sessions was dedicated to the co-consciousness Dan would sometimes experience and how he could use these moments to find out his alters’ hopes and dreams.
Collectively, with the aid of Dr. Petterson, Dan and his alters formed a halfway decent schedule that made time for each person.They would have a bedtime of 1am and wake up at 9am. Evelyn would be able to come out in the mornings, taking care of Dan’s medications and keeping order throughout the system. Kaleb could have a few nights to go out, getting a chance to be the social butterfly he was and blow off some steam in less destructive ways than before. And Dan was left to be Dan the rest of the time.
He started to keep a journal to help piece together the times he was in his head. The alters came up with a note leaving system as well. There was a white board hung in his room with different coloured magnets attached. Each colour was assigned to a different alter, black was Dan, blue was Kaleb and orange was Evelyn. They would leave notes to each other, filling them in on their responsibilities of the day and little tidbits to fill in the gaps. He wasn’t usually able to recall the times when his alters were out, but by asking those around him and making a detailed collection of the notes passed between, he was able to keep a level head.
Together the system found a way to work and it worked a long while until Max came along.
The day Dan turned twenty, Max made his debut. Dan decided on his twentieth birthday not to continue with his higher education. He reached a breaking point with the stress the workload put on not only him, but the rest of the alters.
Kaleb had never been a huge fan of education, if his first few months taking over Dan’s body was any indication. On nights when Dan had exams worth most of his grade to revise for, Kaleb would take the body and get close to blackout drunk. Dan would wake up in some random person's bed with a killer hangover. He was left to deal with the missed exam.
Evelyn also wasn’t taking kindly to University. Even though she was the most organized of the bunch, Dan relied on her more often than not to make it through the school week. The pressure got to her and it got to the point where even she didn’t want to get out of bed.
So on his birthday, after downing an entire bottle of wine, Dan sent in his resignation to the University. After hitting send, Dan floated away.
He woke up on a swing in the playground of his University's child development center. There was a man from campus security standing before him, demanding that he leave at once. Dan slowly stood up on his feet and the man followed alongside him as they walked out of the park.
“I just need a few more things to put in the report before I can let you go.” The officer said, taking out a pad of paper and jotting down a few things. “You said your name is Max and you just wanted to ‘play’. You also told me you were nine years old but we all know that’s a load of bullshit.”
The name Max pulled Dan from his daze and sobered him up. He’d never heard the name Max before, but with his track record, it wasn’t impossible.
After giving the man the correct information and doing his best to explain the situation, he was left to walk back to his flat on his own. He spent the rest of that night trying to figure out who Max was and why his brain felt the need to split for a third time.
Dan moved home shortly after his new alter made his appearance. Through the help of his parents’ insight and his therapist’s aid, he learned that Max was a child alter, a mere age of nine. He was a trauma-free alter, a way for Dan to let go of the stress in his life. He loved trains and days out at the park, and colouring books could occupy him for hours on end.
Back in his old room, he made a corner to put Max’s things in. There was a craft table and a growing collection of matchbox cars. Whenever his mum would go out shopping, she would almost always come home with some kind of toy for Max. She had taken an odd liking to the boy, taking care of him and keeping him safe at all times.
For a year Dan stayed at home, relearning how to handle having three alters living inside him. The schedule they had all grown fond of had to be changed and rearranged to fit Max’s needs in.
When Dan was 21, he felt like he had enough control over his life and his routine that he could make the jump out of his parents home and into his own flat. Sure, he’d lived on his own before, but that was just University housing and it hadn’t afforded his alters the freedom they deserved as well.
His biggest deterrent against moving out wasn’t the act of living on his own, but finding a job.
Although illegal to deny or fire someone for a mental illness, it wasn’t unlikely that it would happen. Dan had read plenty of stories of people who tried to be honest with employers and found themselves unemployed not a short time after. Or there was simply too many times where a person called off due to the dissociation, and they were fired.
After telling his parents that he wanted to be on his own, and after hours of reassuring his mother that he had things under control, they all kept an eye out for any possible job openings around.
His father, a set designer for a local tv network, had heard about an opening for an editing position in a publishing company that was frequently in touch with the network. At first, Dan didn’t think he had a shot considering he didn’t finish University and he didn't go for an English degree while he was there. Still, his parents insisted that he apply since the worst that would happen was a ‘no’, while the best outcome was a new job.
He found himself traveling north for an interview with the main branch in Manchester. His mum wanted to go with, but he declined her offer, feeling as though it would make him more nervous if his mother was waiting outside the building.
He went in with very low expectations, better to assume the worst than to hope for the best, but to his delight, he found the potential boss to actually like him.
The woman’s name was Cynthia Moss, department head of the third floor that dealt with editing and marketing. They got along well, Dan nailing every question she threw at him and even making her laugh a few times. He didn’t stumble or overthink until she asked why he decided to drop out of University.
With a deep breath, he explained.
While Dan knew the risks of being upfront with the employer about his life, and there was no legal reason for him to have to disclose it, it felt more comfortable telling his job to ensure he was getting the best possible accommodations that he needed. Not to mention he didn’t want to work for a company that didn’t value him as an employee just because he had a disadvantage.
He didn’t go into too much detail, choosing not to disclose what his illness was, but explained how he had it mostly under control save for the few days when unexpected occurrences arose.
He grit his teeth, fearing that the interview would come to a halt then and there, ready to give one last handshake and take his leave, but Cynthia didn’t even bat an eyelash.
No. She went on to explain how his salary would be significantly lower than if he had a degree and also told him that if hired, the company would help him to finish his schooling at whatever pace he wanted to take it at, if he so desired.
When he walked out of the building and rung his mother, he never thought he’d be able to hear the happiness in her voice when he told her he had a second interview the next day with the department  head and her boss.
A few months later, he was moving to Manchester. His editing job afforded him a two bedroom flat with which him and his alters could live comfortably. It took an entire weekend and a small truck to take everything he’d stockpiled over the years, but at the end he had a place to call his own.
Many people would come to ask why Dan rented a two bedroom flat when he was the only one living there, but he still didn’t understand how to explain that just because there was one body doesn’t mean there wasn’t 4 people collecting and storing stuff.
Dan opted for the smaller of the two rooms, instead choosing to put a curtain up in the middle of the bigger room, deeming one half Evelyn’s side and one half Kalebs. There they could store their own wardrobes, books, stuffed animals, movies, ect. Having their own separate space was important to each alter and, in turn, the system. While Dan’s room was a simple black and grey colour scheme with little toys and mementos scattered about, his alters were completely different from his personal taste.
Evelyns side was decked out in pretty flowers on the windowsill and posters of boy bands covering every square inch of the walls. Two large bookcases were overflowing next to a quiet little book nook area that was once the closet. There was plenty of lighting, several lamps and fairy lights making the space appear bright and open. An ipod was attached to a small speaker, allowing for music to softly play without being too overbearing on the ambiance.
Kaleb’s side was darker, as dark as it could be with a simple black out curtain separating him from Evelyn’s light. Heavy metal band posters were strung up haphazardly, and an impressive stereo system complete with a turntable was the staple piece of the room. Records and cd’s were scattered about, a bookshelf left nearly empty where they should be contained. An ashtray sat on the windowsill of his side because even though he knew there was no smoking allowed in the flat and Evelyn would yell at him nearly every time, Kaleb would be damned if he was taking the elevator down 17 flights just to have a quick smoke.
Because Max was a relatively new alter, Dan set up a playroom of sorts in the lounge rather than splitting the spare room into threes. Where a dining room table should go stood a complex toy train rail system. The rug on the floor, rather than a boring shade of black was one with roadways and buildings drawn on, the perfect area to play with matchbox cars. An end table was filled with arts and crafts supplies, colouring books and markers, paints, beads, glue, popsicle sticks, you name it. And tucked away in the corner was a small bookshelf filled with space magazines and education workbooks.
The four of them managed to make a life together. Learning how to make time for most of everyone’s needs and prioritizing Dan’s job above most else. As Evelyn would put it, if Dan isn’t able to go to work, no one in the system would be able to afford the life that allows each to have pieces of their inner world. Max didn’t want to starve to death, Kaleb didn’t want to imagine not being able to afford his alcohol, Evelyn didn’t want to attempt to deal with finances that had no incoming paychecks and Dan, Dan just wanted some semblance of independence. They made it work. Things were going just fine until one day, when Dan met someone who would eventually become very special to him.
Dan had spent most of his life believing his disorder would force him to spend his life alone. He didn’t talk to many people outside of his family and the few coworkers he liked. He didn’t know how to make friends as well as Evelyn or Kaleb seemed to. He kept to himself and played it off like that was how he liked it. How could he be lonely with 3 other people sharing his head? Really he’d just never found anyone he thought he could trust not to walk out with his secret in tow.
It had seemed like just another day. Dan sat at his desk reading over an outline for a new potential novel. He found himself reading the words without really reading, so in an attempt to give his mind a quick break, he happened to glanced up. Just at that moment, a man in a navy blue button down and striped tie walked past, headed towards the elevators. Dan was transfixed as he’d never seen the man before in the office. As much as he wanted to look away before the man could lock eyes with him, he could hear Kaleb pestering in his ear ‘just like two more seconds, just let me look for two more seconds’.
Those two seconds were worth it when the two men finally locked eyes. Dan could see piercing blue eyes, slightly drowned out by the uncomplimentary colour of the shirt, but the strands of black hair grazing the man’s forehead still allowed them to pop. Dan realized he had been caught staring, and in response, a deep blush crept across his cheeks. The elevator doors opened and the man stepped inside alongside the boss of the fourth floor. Just before the door closed and Dan retreated back to the safe haven of his computer screen, the man gave a soft smile to Dan which sent tingles through his entire body.
Dan didn’t see the man again at work for several days. He attempted to tell himself that he wasn’t actively looking, but Evelyn wasn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit. Dan asked around to the few people he was semi-friendly with, attempting to learn anything about the man he saw for all of thirty seconds. No one could lend him any leads until the man suddenly reappeared on the floor one random day. Dan tried his best to appear nonchalant with his stares, but he wasn’t the most graceful man in the world.
Dan watched closely as the blue eyed babe walked over to one of his coworker’s computers and started to mess around with some software. In that moment, it was like every piece had placed together. The man took the elevator up to the top floor which held the IT department, which would explain why the department head was accompanying him. Most likely getting a tour of his new job and was just seeing where he would be working.
After that revelation, Dan tried to ‘break’ his computer quite regularly. He did stupid things like hide the taskbar or ‘delete’ the internet (aka move the chrome icon on the desktop into the trash bin). Everything he did was a simple fix, something his desk neighbour could just pop on and fix in a matter of seconds, not without reminding Dan that he should really learn better computer skills if he was to make his living with one. It got to the point where the alters were itching to come out just to nudge Dan into the man’s direction. While none of them particularly felt the way Dan did about this man, they could clearly see (or hear) how much Dan needed companionship.
This led to Kaleb, who never wanted to make an appearance at work simply because he hated the idea of working, to step forward and take the reigns. He walked into the break room to fill up Dan’s coffee mug, ignoring the few people who said hello to Dan along the way. He made his way back to Dan’s desk, but instead of sitting down, he pretended to trip over his own feet, something Dan would believably do, dropping the coffee all over the desk and consequently the computer.
Kaleb smiled at his work and retreated back to his inner world. Dan’s eyes glazed over and he swayed back and forth before finally coming to and looking at the mess before him. A string of curse words left his mouth, looking around in desperation for anything to mop up the spill with. The two people closest to him lept up from their seats and ran to the break room to grab some napkins. It was as Dan was doing his best to wipe up the spill that the computer screen turned a bright blue. He was fucked.
Someone else on the floor called IT and within minutes the dark haired man was on his knees, leaning under the desk to get a better look at the damage.
“I really don’t know what went wrong. I just. I’m such a clutz, I guess. I stumbled and just fell and, shit, I really can’t afford to replace this machine jesus fucking christ.” Dan started shaking, trying his best to calm down his breathing. He knew that when he started to feel panic, Evelyn would take over and that was really the last thing he wanted. Not when the man was finally in front of him.
“It’s fine. I doubt they’d make you pay for it. I’m pretty sure they’ve got insurance and stuff to cover small accidents like these. And if they don’t, just say there was something on the floor that you tripped on.” After fiddling with the wires, unplugging the computer, and waiting for it to boot back up, the man stood up and sat down in Dan’s desk chair. He spun around so that he could face Dan, and suddenly Dan’s nerves were slightly calmed, just by the man’s eyes.
“As someone who works in the IT department and has seen the feed from those security cameras, they wouldn’t know the difference.” The man seemed to catch himself on his words, taking a moment as if to consider changing the direction in which his ideas were flowing out. He pointed up to the nearest camera, shifting the gaze to the object instead. “That one is the only one near your desk and it doesn't have your desk in view. They couldn’t catch you in the lie.”
Dan had to admit that the knowledge made him feel somewhat safer, but he was never one to get away with a lie save for the lies due to his DID. The guilt would always eat away at him until Kaleb came out to tell the harsh truth. It made for a shitty time in secondary school when his parents would ask where he’d been all night and three days later he was grounded because ‘someone’ told that Dan had been at a party rather than studying late.
“While that seems tempting, I think I’d rather just pay for it. Keep a clean conscious and all.” A blush crept onto Dan’s cheeks knowing that he seemed a tad bit like an innocent child rather than an adult. Or perhaps too adult, like a stuck up adult who thought he was better for not being able to lie.
“Good choice. I don’t think I could do it myself.” The computer started making a whirring noise, catching the man’s attention away from Dan. He spun around and started to fiddle around with the machine. Dan tried to focus on the clacking on the keyboard rather than the demons in his mind. He needed to stay present.
The man messed around with the computer for at least ten minutes, Dan sitting idly by and hoping that he at least remembered to save the last of his work before his dissociation. He didn’t need to be reamed out for breaking a computer and missing a deadline.
“So I think the thing is pretty much fried.” Phil glanced over his shoulder to take a better look at Dan, subtly looking him up and down before continuing on. “If you wanna help me take it upstairs so I can see if there’s a way to fix it, I can loan you out a laptop in the meantime.”
The man started to unplug and disconnect the computer, glancing at Dan in an attempt to get some assistance. Together they managed to dismantle the computer and begin to carry it towards the elevators, Phil holding the tower and Dan with the screen and wires. It was a silent walk, but Dan’s mind was starting to go off the wire. He didn’t usually tend to have co-consciousness with this alters but this was unfortunately one of the moments the entire system decided they needed to speak.
“Dan don’t just stand there! At least ask his name or something. You’ve been trying to get this guys attention for weeks; just ask!” Evelyn's voice grated through the air followed by Kaleb who so graciously said, “Man even I’m excited about the prospect of this guy. Have you seen the man’s bulge? He’s gotta be packin and I haven’t gotten laid in weeks.”
Evelyn covered Max’s ears, reprimanding Kaleb for his brashness around the child. Max’s take on the situation was far more innocent.
“He’s gottsa panda pin, Danny! He’s gottsa panda pin! They’re my favourite ooh, do you think he likes trains? I wonder if he’d play trains with me like Evelyn does!”
All of the alters continued to talk at the same time, trying and failing to get their thoughts across and heard. Dan started to get a headache from all of the commotion and when the elevator opened, Dan quickly walked inside and instantly leaned against the cool metal wall. He tried to play it off like he was tired from carrying the nearly weightless computer screen, but his eyes scrunched up tight and his face began to lose its colour. It wasn’t long before the man happened to take notice.
“Hey. Hey man, are you okay?” Dan could only make out the soundwaves and couldn’t really grasp onto the words that were being thrown his way. The man sat the tower down on the ground and stood in front of Phil, starting to take the things from Dan’s hands. “Do you need to sit down or something? Not to sound harsh but you don’t look so good.”
The alters continued to talk, Kaleb and Evelyn now taking to fighting with each other over the content of Kaleb’s thoughts. Max was starting to cry, hating to see the closest thing he had to parents fighting. It became too much for Dan to handle and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He registered that he started leaning forward into the man and the last thing he heard before leaving the conscious world was, “Hey, it’s Phil. Can you hear me? Focus on my voice. Stay with me okay? I got you.” Everything went dark with the name Phil ringing throughout his head.
Dan didn’t really know how to explain the times when he wasn’t in control. His mind felt like it was trapped in an unlocked house. It was like he could escape if he wanted to but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t come up with the energy to do so. Sometimes the house had fun things to do like a computer or some books. Lately it had a tv where he could see what appeared to be recaps of the life his alters were living while Dan was gone, even then his time away felt like a distant memory that rings a bell but doesn’t open up any doors of insight.
Dan relied on context clues and others’ stories to help piece together what happened in the time he was away. His mum used to keep a journal of the things Dan’s alters did and said to see if it would help jog Dan’s memory later. It never helped, but it did fill in Dan’s planner, used to keep track of lost time. Dan was used to waking up in strange places, lying next to strange people he wouldn’t normally touch with a ten foot pole. Once he even woke up in a completely different country. But by far the weirdest place he ever came to was a coffee shop with Phil walking towards him.
He glanced around, trying to find out anything about where he was, why he was there and how he got there. A look outside showed that it was bright out, meaning it had to have been around midday. The coffee shop was full of people, much more than would be there midday on a weekday. He frantically padded down his pockets trying to find where his phone was, but it wasn’t anywhere to be found. He hoped an alter just forgot to take it with and didn’t leave it behind somewhere.
“Are you okay?” Phil, who was holding two cups in his hands, put a coffee down and pushed it across the table to Dan. His eyes were crinkled slightly in confusion but a huge smile was plastered on his face nonetheless. He wasn’t dressed in his normal business casual attire that was required at the office. Instead he had on a fox jumper and glasses that framed his face.
Dan looked back and forth between Phil and the coffee before tentatively bringing it up to his lips. He took one sip and wanted nothing more than to spit it back out. There was far too much cream in it. It was sickeningly sweet instead of harsh with a hint of sugar. It was Evelyn’s go-to pick and already he could begin to understand what he was doing here.
Even if he tried his best to pretend that he loved the drink Phil handed him, the aftertaste left in his mouth was just a little too much to keep the look of disgust off of his face. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for the drop in Phil’s happy expression, choosing to take another sip and overdramatize his love of it.
“I can tell you don’t like it. I told them exactly what you said. Half cream and 4 sugars. Is it not sweet enough?” Dan started to laugh at Phil’s joke until he realized that it wasn’t a joke at all. He was actually concerned that the baristas didn’t put enough overkill sugar in his drink. Phil was already halfway out of his chair, gently reaching across to take the drink if need be.
“Oh no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” Dan gave a small smile, really not wanting to burden Phil with any extra tasks. Not to mention, if he gave a completely different order to the one he held in his hands, Phil could get suspicious. “I don’t think it’s the drink. Maybe my body just isn’t feeling the sugar like I thought it would. It’s okay, though. It’s still good.” To highlight his point he took another sip, making sure to think pleasing thoughts as he did.
“If you say so, but I really don’t mind getting you what you want. There’s no use in drinking something you don’t like.” Phil sat back down in the chair and finally took a sip of his own coffee. Dan wanted to ask what Phil had ordered, wanted to know how he took his coffee, but didn’t, for fear that him and Evelyn already discussed that.
They sat in silence for a while, just calmingly taking sips of their drinks every so often. Dan was looking around, still trying to piece together the fragments of time, and Phil just kept his eyes trained on Dan. It was like he was trying to figure out a puzzle himself, and Dan didn’t want that. Phil was looking at him as if something was different in the air, suspicious already, so Dan put a stop to that as soon as he could.
“What day is it? I keep thinking it’s Thursday.” Dan broke the silence, trying to seem as though he just casually forgot the day rather than forgetting his existence for a short while. And it was true. The last Dan remembered it was a thursday afternoon and he was waiting on an elevator.
“It’s Sunday. I’d of thought you’d know that, considering you made sure we made plans after you went to church.” A soft chuckle escaped from Phil’s lips, but it was light and airy. No sign of hostility that Dan was looking for.
Church meant Evelyn had taken Max to sunday school. Usually Dan would wake up early on Sundays and walk to the church a few blocks from his flat. While all of the older alters and Dan considered themselves on some scale of agnostic, Max was a big believer in faith. Dan liked to think it was the remnants of the few memories he had of his grandmother taking him to church and then out for ice cream when he was younger.
“Oh yeah. Days seem to run together sometimes, you know. You ever have that, where you can’t remember if what you did that morning was really that morning?” Dan laughed off his explanation, knowing that was a thing that happened to all people, not just those with a mental illness. Phil had to have experienced that at least once in his life and it should be enough to keep him off Dan’s tracks for a little while.
“Yeah. I get what you mean. I actually got fired once because I didn’t show up to work. I still swear to this day that it was a Saturday but apparently doing a no call no show on the busiest friday morning is a huge no no.” Phil’s voice was soft and reminiscent. It was nice. Dan didn’t get to do that typically without an alter stepping forward. Many of the memories he had just weren’t his to have. “You don’t strike me as a church person. I never would have guessed that from the way you were talking last night about how the point of life is to have fun and not live in fear of the unknown.”
Dan’s body became rigid, stopping mid sip to take in the information. This wasn’t the first time him and Phil were seeing each other outside of work. How many other times had there been? Had it really only been three days or was it a week since he’d been out last? His longest streak was two and a half weeks, so it’s entirely possible. He tried to rack his brain for any ideas on what they could have done yesterday, but nothing came to mind and for once in his life, his mind was seemingly all to himself.
“Oh uh. Yeah I’m not too big on it, I guess. I like to go just to have a kind of routine? I used to go when I was younger and it’s just kinda stuck, in a way.” The excuse fell flat, not nearly as convincing as his earlier story, but he didn’t have much time to prepare one. He didn’t want Phil to think he was something he wasn’t, but any way he spun, it was a lie. Max may not be him, but it was still a part of him. A part of him Phil couldn’t know about.
“I get that, in a way. Like a habit you just can’t quite break. Can’t say I understand exactly why you picked church to be that habit, but I guess.” Phil’s eyes looked off to the side, trying to find the same meaning that Dan found, but in his own life. He must have come up short because the conversation was dropped.
They continued like that for a hour or so. Going back and forth with easy conversation, Dan making sure to steer clear of things he knew Evelyn or Kaleb would have talked about if they were there. There was only so many times a person could use the excuse that they had forgotten an entire conversation that just happened not even twenty four hours ago.
Even so, there were topics Dan took risks on. He wanted to know who Phil was, and in order to find out, he needed to ask. He asked about Phil’s upbringing and his home. Where he went to school and what his degree was in. How old Phil even was and if he had any siblings. Did he live alone and did he live nearby? He took the risk and asked the pressing questions he was dying to know, and it seemed that his alters left him the getting to know you questions. After all, knowing Phil was more important to Dan than anyone else in the system, so it was only fair he got to know that information first hand.
Dan learned that Phil was 28. He grew up not far outside of Manchester and he had one older brother named Martyn. His parents were lovely people who used to pester Phil about what he was doing with his life, so Phil made it his mission to move out as soon as he was finished with University.
Unlike Dan, who was a college dropout, Phil had three degrees. He couldn’t make up his mind on what he wanted to study, so he just kept going back for new things. He had an english degree and was only a few classes short of being able to get his teaching license. After he finished school, he went back for post production, hoping to maybe get a job with some big movie studio. When that dream came to a staggering halt, Phil went back to school for a third and final time to get a degree in something akin to computer science, but less complicated.
As Phil talked about himself, Dan felt like the dirt under Phil’s shoe in comparison. But it wasn’t a normal feeling like scum he typically had. He wasn’t jealous or envious of Phil’s life. In a weird way, he was proud. If anyone deserved to be happy and successful, it was Phil. Dan was lucky to just be a blip on the man’s radar.
For once in his life, Dan felt pleasantly normal. To any outsider, Dan and Phil looked like two friends who were just hanging out. They were having normal conversations about normal topics and his mind was just his normal thoughts. As much as he wanted to be ‘normal’, he couldn’t help but be thankful that he had his alters. If they weren’t there to watch out for him, who knows if he would have even that time with Phil.
After that pleasant coffee outing, Dan found himself hanging out with Phil more often than not. For the first few weeks, he was terrified of asking Phil to go anywhere or do anything, choosing to have Phil or Evelyn make the first move.
They would go shopping together, a movie here or there, Phil would show Dan all the best tourist spots since he’d grown up in the city. Any time they were together they were either at work, out in public, or in Phil’s small studio apartment, but Dan always made sure they never went back to his flat.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want Phil to see where he lived or that he liked to make it difficult on himself and always be the one to walk home late in the night when he was tired, it was just a lot of work to get his apartment ‘company ready’.
Because his flat looked as if a child lived there (because one did), an unknowing outsider to his illness would grow suspicious at the state of his lounge. In order for someone who didn’t know of Dan’s DID to come over, he had to spend a few hours putting things away.
All of Max’s toys and books had to be placed in various locking closets around the flat. The bigger toys like the trainset and the rug were tossed into the corner of Dan’s room, typically covered with a blanket or just the mess of his room would disguise it well enough. If anyone saw a child’s toy, Dan would just act as though he was holding on to his childhood toys for the day he had his own children.
The kitchen was a whole separate area of items to hide, but with an easier excuse if he got lazy. There were children’s plastic plates, cups, bowls and small plastic utensils. He’d generally place them all in a box and stick them in the highest cupboard. If anyone happened to get on a stepstool and open the obnoxiously high cabinet to find his boxes, his response was he found them easier to use when drunk.
On a good day, it could take Dan a solid hour to move everything around, but that also meant dealing with his alters. They were never particularly happy to have their stuff messed with or without their permission. Every time he picked up something that wasn’t his, he’d have to explain what he was doing, where he was putting it, how long it would be there, and in Kaleb’s case, will I be compensated in beer?
So because of this process, Dan would always steer clear of the idea of going back to his flat. If Phil would ask, he’d come up with an excuse that the heating was broken or the place was a mess or his parents were in town.
The thing about excuses is that they only last for so long.
One day, Dan had decided to work from home because Kaleb stayed out a little later than usual the night before leaving him nearly drained of all energy and a killer headache to match. He’d gotten up around 11 and made himself coffee with a piece of toast. When he finally sat down at his laptop to begin his work, his phone started to ring.
Figuring it was his mother calling to ask if he was feeling better, he didn’t bother turning the phone over to look at the number. The phone stopped ringing and he opened up his email, looking for the specific chapter he was meant to have done by tomorrow. He didn’t get through the first line when his phone rang for a second time.
He picked it up, not taking his eyes off of the screen and put the phone up to his ear.
“Yes Mom I’m fine. I’m not gonna text you any more updates on my life if this is how you’ll react every time Kaleb does something stupid.” His eyes continued to read the words on the screen believing that if he just kept looking at them he could trick himself into multitasking efficiently.
“And Kaleb would be?” Phil’s voice echoed through Dan’s head and he nearly dropped the phone onto the floor.
‘Nice work jackass. Why would your Mommy care about what I do?’
“He’s uh- he’s,” Dan racked his brain for an excuse. A cousin? No, he told Phil he only had one cousin whom is definitely not named Kaleb. A Neighbour? No, Phil knew that Dan hadn’t talked to a single person in his building. “He’s a guy who stays with me from time to time. He got kinda drunk last night and we were out really late so.”
“Right.” Phil didn’t sounds all too convinced, but it wasn’t a very convincing lie to begin with. “I thought you said you were sick last night and that’s why we couldn’t hang out.”
Dan’s head hit the desk in front of him with a thud and it took everything he had not to scream into the phone. The headache was throwing him off, distorting his capability to think rationally. He’d blame it on Kaleb for getting so drunk that he forgot to leave a note informing Dan that Phil had called to hang out.
“Uh. Yeah. I was sick but uh, Kaleb he’s a very persistent guy.” The phone was silent for an extended amount of time after Dan spoke. He almost believed that Phil had hung up on him, not that he would blame him really.
Getting caught in a lie always made Dan really anxious. It wasn’t just the idea that the person would think he didn’t care enough about them to tell the truth. Every lie was a clue and if someone caught on to enough of them, they could discover the underlying truth.
“So is he like, your boyfriend or something?” Phil asked, voice doleful and melancholy.
“No! God no!” Dan was quick to defend. The last thing he wanted was for Phil to believe he already had someone else in his life, that there wasn’t room for Phil. He tried to keep his crush on Phil at bay simply because the possibility that anything between them could happen was almost rock bottom, he didn’t want to do anything to hurt his already miniscule chances. “Not only is that an impossible relationship, but it’s also really weird. Kaleb is not my kind of person.”
“And yet you go to bars with him?” Phil was confused, that much was easy to tell. Dan wanted to make it easier to understand, to clear the subject and move on from it, but he wasn’t sure how.
“I wouldn’t say I willingly go. It’s just kind of a thing that happens. It’s hard to explain.” Dan sighed, his hand going up to the back of his neck and giving a gentle massage. It wasn’t a cure for his anxiety, but it was a help. “Can we just like, not talk about this? What’s going on? How’s work?”
“Work is terrible.” Phil’s voice didn’t sound any happier, the subject change only seeming to make it go from bad to worse. “Markus is being a complete dick today. He handed me a huge list of things to do and demanded they be done by the end of the day. I just don’t understand how someone who has zero experience in IT gets to be the manager of the IT department. Even so, anyone with half a brain would realize that it’s highly unlikely one person could install software on 80 individual computers in 7 hours. That’s like, five minutes per computer with no break.”
Dan wanted to laugh, not because the situation was funny but because he knew it all too well. The manager of the editing department was promoted from sales, so he was frequently hit with hard deadlines and feats no one human could accomplish. He refrained from laughing given the tone of the entire conversation they’d been having, chosing to go with sympathy instead.
“That fucking sucks. At least you’re getting a lunch this time. Remember when the district manager came for a visit and they were working you around the clock?”
“Yeah those few days were the worst. I only got to see you for all of five minutes in four days. Hardest four days of my life.” Phil’s voice was starting to get its life back, slowly forgetting about anything Kaleb related.
“Trust me, seeing you that stressed out was not the highlight of my life either. “ Dan cracked a smile, assuming that Phil meant the work but allowing himself to believe for a sliver of a second that the lack of communication with Dan made that week hard. “That’s why I stayed so late that night that I ended up crashing on your couch. Clearly bad things happen when we go too long without seeing each other.”
“Do you think I could come over after work? I just really don’t want to go to my empty flat and wallow.” Phil asked apprehensively.
Dan opened his mouth, but no excuse came out.
“Of course.”
After that day, Phil came over to Dan’s place more often. They ended up spending more time at Dan’s than Phil’s which was a huge achievement on Dan’s part. He liked having Phil over, it showed Phil a little more about his life, allowed him to gain just a little more trust.
The alters also got on board with a new schedule when Phil was coming over. If one was out when plans with Phil were made, that alter would put all of Max’s things away and lock the spare room. A note would usually be left for Dan saying that Phil was coming over that day or that he had been there. Having Phil over almost became second nature to them all, finding a way to enjoy Phil’s company and welcoming the change in pace.
But that didn’t always mean things ran smoothly and sometimes accidents happened.
Kaleb was always a night owl, even more so than Dan. He could stay out all hours of the night, drinking until the sun came up. He had a few select pubs and clubs he liked to frequent, especially when he was looking for a quick hook up.
He typically dominated Friday nights. He wasn’t ‘allowed’ to go out partying during the work week, not that he always listened, so as soon as Dan was home from work on friday afternoons, Kaleb was out and ready to go.
He’d hop in the shower almost immediately after he was in control, needing to get the stench of corporate greed off his body. After getting out, he’d go to his room in his towel, turn his stereo as high up as it could go, and sit by his window. A master of his craft, he’d have a blunt rolled and lit in under two minutes. It was the perfect way to start off the night.
Once he was properly high, he’d set about actually getting ready. While Dan was more into the black skinny jeans that showed off every inch of his body, Kaleb was more into dark blue and green skinny jeans that cut off at the knee. His t-shirts were almost all the same, some obscure heavy metal band that no one could possibly have heard of.
He prefered his hair to be up in a quiff. In his inner world he had short blonde hair, so getting Dan’s fringe out of the way was usually his first instinct. He’d go through half a can of hairspray before he was happy with the result.
Kaleb was a fan of makeup, particularly mascara as it made his eye’s pop. His sole goal of going out was to get laid so accentuating his best features was key to achieving that. With a small amount of eyeliner and some blush on his cheeks to give him more colour, he deemed himself good enough to go out.
Kaleb and Evelyn both had their own friends whom they would hang out with when they were out. Kaleb pulled out his phone and started texting his normal group of friends telling them to meet him at their local pub. He took one last look in the mirror before he was out the door for the night.
A high tolerance for alcohol, something Dan did not have, meant that kaleb was fisting drinks left and right all night. He was downing shot after shot in hopes that the next one would get him drunk enough to feel like himself and not the man whose body he occupied.
He didn’t start talking to strangers until well into the night. He wasn’t one for conversation and he didn’t want to end his night early even if that meant he was headed home with someone. But by the time three am rolled around and he was striking out left and right, he decided to call it a night and head home.
That didn’t stop him from continuing to try to get laid.
When he arrived back at the flat, he pulled a beer out of the fridge and flopped down on the couch. He scrolled through his phone, looking at all of the names in it in an attempt to find a fuck buddy for the night. No one caught his eye until he saw Phil.
It was a risky move considering Phil was off limits. Dan was practically head over heels in love with the guy, but lowered inhibitions threw rational thought out of the window and before he knew it, he was opening up his messages.
‘Hey buttercup. You still awake?’ Kaleb was the only one who called Phil ‘buttercup’. Dan absolutely loathed the nickname, but Kaleb found it flirty. Phil found it cute, returning with an equally gross nickname as a response most of the time.
He didn’t really expect a reply considering it was well into the middle of the night, but when his phone went off a minute later, he was instantly grabbing for it.
‘Sadly. :(  I’ve been trying to sleep for hours but it’s just not my night I guess. What’s up, love bug?’
‘I’m booorreeed. Come play with me. ;)’ It took everything Kaleb had not to come out and just say ‘fuck me’.
While Kaleb wasn’t big on Phil’s personality, he wouldn’t lie and say Phil was unattractive. He spent countless nights imagining getting Phil to sleep with him, to fuck him hard into the mattress. That was his biggest motivation for being on board with everything related to Phil. If Dan could get Phil, that would mean he could too. He wouldn’t have to go out as often in pursuit of a stranger to fuck. He could have someone on call whenever he wanted.
‘Come play with you? Are you the twins from the shining or something? Lol’
Kaleb groaned. Leave it to Phil to completely miss the point. His patience was growing thin. In an attempt to calm himself down, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. There was only one left and he cursed himself for not thinking ahead.
‘No, but I could be if you want me to. I can be whatever you like.’
He put the last cigarette to his lips, ignoring Evelyn's complaints that he was smoking in the living room, and lit it as quickly as he could. Just as he took in his first inhale, he got a text.
‘I like you just the way you are, Dan. I wouldn’t want you to be anyone else. Are you drunk? Haha’
Kaleb rolled his eyes, almost regretting even reaching out to Phil. If the boy could just keep his mouth closed and his pants off, he might be in better standings.
‘Maaybe but that doesn’t change anything. Just come over. I promise we’ll have a good time.’
‘I think you should get some sleep. Before you say some things that you might regret and before I do some things I might regret.’
Regret? No one ever regret a night with Kaleb. That was more Dan’s speed, but Kaleb? He could rock Phil’s entire world, leave him speechless for days.
‘Do something you’ll regret? That must mean there’s something you’re wanting to do but are afraid to. I won’t regret anything and I know I can make you feel like same. Just come over and let me help you enjoy yourself.’
Nearing the end of his cigarette and already desperate for a second one, he quickly doubled texted.
‘And bring me a pack of cigarette, I’ve run out. I like a nice smoke after I give someone a good time.’
‘A good time huh? That does sound appealing’ Phil replied quickier than Kaleb thought, almost as if Phil was reacting on his first instinct instead of thought. He felt like he had it in the bag. He had Phil in the palm of his hand, he had to. He was in the middle of a reply back, a raunchy text to seal the deal when Phil texted again.
‘How about I stop by tomorrow. We can spend the day together when you’re sober and we can see what happens. There's hopefully plenty of nights in the future.’
‘Or you could just come over tonight and stay until the morning.’ He knew it was a lost cause, but he had to give it one last try. He was so horny and in need of a release.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Dan. Good night.’
In a fit of drunk anger, Kaleb threw the phone onto the other side of the cough, resigning himself to a wank before bed.
He came with Phil’s lips on his mind and he promised himself he’d get Phil. If the boy was interested, he was happy.
The blaring generic ringtone catapulted Dan from his dream and he sleepily ran his hand around in an attempt to find it. He took one look at the name calling and bolted up in his bed. He cleared his throat a few times, trying to knock out the sound of sleep before sliding the green bar over to answer it.
“Hello?” Dan’s voice was soft and even just with one word it was evident that he was sleeping not two minutes ago. He took the phone away from his ear and turned speakerphone on, racing to open up his messages and see if there was something he missed.
“Hey. Did I wake you? I was just calling cause last night you asked me to pick you up a pack of cigarettes on my way over, but you never told me what kind. Also did you want any snacks or anything? I got some crisps but I wasn’t sure what else you might like.” There was a rustling of bags in the background and a booming incoherent voice over an intercom. Phil was already in the store and Dan had to think on his feet.
Dan groaned just before finally opening his messages. He didn’t even have to read them to know that Kaleb had been the one to invite Phil over judging from the time of the last message. As he scrolled through them, he was getting secondhand embarrassment from the outright sexual messages Kaleb was sending, but what was even more shocking was that Phil had been sending them back.
Dan silently cursed Kaleb and his lazy ass for not going out to buy his own cigarettes. Dan didn’t want Phil to think of him as a smoker. He hated smokers.
“Yeah. Um. I think.” He tried to rack his brain, attempting to remember just what Kaleb smoked. As much as he wanted to tell Phil to just forget the request, he knew Kaleb would be furious. A furious Kaleb was a recipe for disaster. “I think it’s just a pack of Black American Spirits. And I’m fine with whatever snacks. We could also just order a shitload of pizza or something.”
“You think? You don’t even know for certain what you smoke?” Another one of Phil’s signature chuckles came through the receiver and Dan flinched. He should have been more on the ball but knocking off sleep wasn’t helping his already lacking memory. “You must be really tired. You never cease to amaze me, Howell. I’ll be over in about ten minutes or so. Just gotta grab a few more things and I’ll be over.”
Dan stuttered out some nonsensical goodbye before ending the call. He quickly read through as many messages as he could before remembering that he hadn’t showered yet and the lounge was covered in children’s toys. There was no way he could possibly cover for that without appearing as though he was a father or he was into some really weird shit.
He lept out of bed, powering through the headrush that overcame him. He went straight for the lounge, grabbing as much of Max’s stuff as he could and dragging it down into Evelyn and Kaleb’s room.
“Hey why are you moving my stuff! That’s not where that goes!” Max said in a pout.
“That’s my room you fuck, don’t put his stupid shit in there. We all agreed my side of the room was off limits,” Kaleb’s voice followed almost immediately after.
The alters went back and forth, telling Dan every instance of how they weren’t okay with what he was doing until Dan finished. He grabbed a key out of his own bedside drawer and locked up the spare room. There was no way in hell Phil was going to see that room.
The alters were all still complaining. Dan had messed up their spaces and they weren’t afraid to let him know he was in the wrong. Dan tried to power through without commenting, running to quickly change and spray himself with deodorant to hide the fact that he hadn’t had a shower. Soon it became too much. He was doing another once over in the lounge, making sure he got everything when Max started to cry and Dan lost it.
“Listen. I get it. Your shit is out of sorts and you’re mad at me but can you please just shut the fuck up while Phil is here? I’ll move everything back when he’s gone and you can bitch and complain and put it back in the right spots later, but you all know that we need to keep this shit under wraps. If he finds out…” Dan trails off as a soft knock can be heard at the door. Dan doesn’t even finish the rest of his thought, leaving it up to the alters to figure out the rest. Instead he heads over to the door and takes a tentative look out of the peephole to see Phil standing sheepishly with two shopping bags in his hands.
Dan takes a deep breath, saying a silent prayer to no one that Phil didn’t hear any of the outburst, and opens the door with a wide grin on his face.
“Hey. I didn’t buzz you in. How’d you even get in? Dan asked, trying not to sound accusatory, but coming off somewhat standoffish. He moved back and opened the door a little wider, making room for Phil to walk into the flat. While he knew that everything was packed away, he couldn’t help but be on edge. His secret felt like it was teetering on a cliffside.
“Someone held the door open for me since I was carrying stuff. I guess if you’re holding enough stuff you can get in just about anywhere.” Phil’s cheeks tinted a noticeable pink compared to the rest of his complexion as he walked towards the small kitchen. Dan couldn’t help but wonder if he was still thinking about those texts, if he was coming over to see if anything would happen between them.
Phil put the bags down and started to unpack them while Dan got out a few bowls to put the snacks in so they could be handy. Once everything was out, Phil pulled a pack of American Spirits out of his jacket pocket and handed them out to Dan.
“I hope these are the correct ones. I’m not a smoker so I don’t really know the difference.” Phil gave a soft smile as their hands gently touched one another's. Dan wasn’t one for the idea of sparks and all that, but he was certain he felt tingles in all the places his skin touched Phil’s. “We can head down so you can have one if you want. I know last night you said you were out of them.”
Dan couldn’t help but feel warm as Phil offered to go downstairs with him albeit thankful that he left out the part where Kaleb mentioned having a smoke after sex. It was sweet that he wanted to make sure Dan got what he wanted, even if it wasn’t the healthiest for him. Most people would comment that he should quit or explain to him how it was a terrible habit to have, and Dan would just have to grit his teeth and bear through, considering he believed every word they said anyway. But having his alters came with a price, and being labeled a smoker wasn’t the worst he could be dealt.
“No. It’s fine.” Dan politely shook his hand and opened up a drawer to place the pack into. He was hoping that  Kaleb was able to see and remember where they were being placed for when he came out later. “I’m really not much of a smoker. Just when I’m drunk. And occasionally when my emotions are really intense. I actually don’t really like smoking too much.”
As Dan closed the drawer closed, he turned his attention back to the bowls of snacks and started to pick them up, hoping to put an end to the conversation. The less he had to talk about his lost time, the less lies he had to remember.
“Ah. I was that way in Uni.” Phil took Dan’s lead and picked up the remaining snacks as he followed Dan into the lounge. He very clearly didn’t pick up the hint that Dan didn’t want to continue talking about this, but Phil so obviously wanted Dan to think he was okay with it, even if he wasn’t. “I used to bum off my friends when we would go out on the weekends and sometimes when I had a really rough paper due, I would just give in and ask my flatmate for one.”
“Yeah. I don’t even remember smoking last night. Really I don’t remember much at all. One moment I was at the bar and the next you were calling saying you were on your way over.” Dan powered through the want building up inside him. He wanted to play along with Kaleb’s game, wanted Phil to think he wanted him like that, but that wasn’t Dan.
“Oh.” Was all Phil said, disappointment flowing through his body language.
Dan decided to just drop the conversation, not wanting to question Phil’s tone. It didn’t feel right. Instead, they silently put the bowls down on the coffee table, arranging them in a way that they could still put their feet up on it if they wanted to. While Phil sat down on the couch, Dan started to rummage around with his game consoles. By this point he didn’t even have to ask Phil what he wanted to play, as they pretty much did the same thing every time.  
Dan tossed Phil a controller and walked back over to the couch, ready to get comfortable next to Phil. As the game started to boot up, Dan plopped down on the cushion next to Phil, not quite touching like Kaleb would and not light years apart like Evelyn.
Once they were both in position, feet up on the table, bowl of crisps between them, and the start screen on, they fell into their routine.
Dan always loved the silence that lingered between them. He never believed that a sign of a good relationship was when you could sit in comfortable silence together, but Phil had just blown every preconceived notion out of the park when he walked into his life. Still, the question burned in the back of his mind. He needed to know if Phil was really okay with Kaleb’s habits. He needed to know if there was hope.
“Do you hate smokers?”
Dan watched Phil’s long fingers as they carefully paused the game. Phil took his feet off of the table and turned his body so he was facing Dan completely. Under Phil’s gaze, Dan wanted to retreat and look away but found he was stuck in a trance. He couldn’t shy away, he had to face what he started.
“Why would you think that?” Phil’s eyes wrinkled, concern etching the entirety of his face. It sent a pang through Dan’s chest, like he’d done something wrong, like he’d broken Phil’s trust. He knew that wasn’t true, but that didn’t stop himself from breaking down inside.
“I don’t know.” Dan mumbled, suddenly not in the mood to finish the conversation he’d forced them to have. “Just, most people do and I’ve had countless people who have said they couldn’t be around me cause I smoke sometimes. And I get it cause I don’t even like smoke, but just like. I don’t know. It’s still a shitty feeling I guess, people walking out for something I can’t really help.”
Dan hoped that Phil wouldn’t rebuttal that. He’d hoped that Phil wouldn’t ask how it couldn’t be helped when it was a conscious choice to most. He didn’t know if he had it in him to give another lie to the man sat in front of him.
“Of course I don’t hate smokers. It’s an addiction and it’s not my place to say one way or another what anyone does with their body.” Phil tentatively reached his hand out and rested it on top of Dan’s. That stupid spark could be felt again. “I would never judge you, Dan. Everyone has parts of themselves they don’t like. Everyone has parts of themselves they want to keep hidden. I’m not gonna leave you because you do something I don’t. I like you, habits and all. You shouldn’t feel like you have to hide them.”
And while Phil didn’t know exactly the extent of the meaning in his words, Dan felt a little more at ease with their arrangement.
They spent the rest of the day relaxing, switching easily from Smash Bros, to Phil watching Dan play Skyrim, to watching disgustingly cheesy rom coms. By the end of the night, the snacks were almost completely gone and there were two empty pizza boxes tossed onto the floor.
While Dan wanted Phil to stay the night, he felt it was still too soon. They’d only been hanging out for a couple of weeks, and that was more Kaleb’s expertise anyway. Not to mention the locked room that had to be unpacked before his alters told him off.
As the day started to end and the two boys collectively began to clean up the lounge together, a bright light emanated from the sky outside the window.
“Shoot. I think it’s gonna start storming soon. I should head home before it hits.” Phil made his way over to the window, starting to count the time between the lightning and the distamt noise it made. Dan would have recognized what he was doing, trying to see how far away the storm was, but his anxiety was starting to increase.
Dan hated storms. They were one of his biggest fears. But the problem with storms wasn’t the storm itself, it was with Max. The loudness and bright flashes tended to scare Max so much that he was ultimately forced forward, having to be the one to deal with it on his own. Dan still didn’t understand why that happened since Max was more afraid than Dan, but it did.
Dan started to quicken his pace, trying to clean up and get Phil out faster. While he knew that Phil had been with him when his alters were out, he didn’t really see him transition save for that first time at the coffee shop. Max would be so afraid that there was no way he would be able to focus on pretending to be Dan. Part of his secret would start to fall.
“Well you best be on your way then. Thanks so much for st-” A crash of thunder stopped Dan mid sentence and the colour drained from his face. He put his arm around Phil’s back and began a quicken walked towards the door. “For stopping by. I’ll see you soon; tomorrow maybe? Of course, tomorrow I’ll see you at work. Obviously. But yeah, thanks. It was fun.”
Dan didn’t even care at this moment if he came off as rude. He needed Phil out and he was hoping he would take the hint. Thankfully for once, Phil did.
“Yeah. I’ll see you later. Have a good night.” Phil grabbed his coat on the way, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his keys before opening the door.
“Text me when you get home safe. It’s late and it’s the city and it’s raining. I don’t want to hear about you on the news.” Dan watched as Phil walked out of the door and into the hall. Rather than closing the door on him, he walked out and embraced Phil in a quick hug. Some simple reassurance before he was left alone for the night.
It wasn’t too much longer after Dan closed the door that he started feeling dizzy. He tried to hold on just a bit longer, wanting to at least unlock the spare room before Max came out, but he didn’t have enough time.
One of the best things about Max was that he was the easiest to have co-consciousness with. Dan could usually see and hear the things Max could, making it a bit easier to remember those lost hours. This was particularly common when Max was in high levels of distress.
As the storm grew louder, Max bolted down the hallway to the spare room, pulling as hard as he could on the knob that wouldn’t budge.
The key.
He checked his pockets, the drawers in the kitchen, Dan’s set of keys on the hook by the door. He tentatively opened up Dan’s room and checked in the closet, on his end tables, and even the bed. It was nowhere to be found.
With another loud crash the power went out and Max went into a frenzy. While he was trauma free, he was still a rather anxious child, and feeling trapped in the dark during the middle of a storm was not his idea of a pleasant outing.
With shaking hands, he pulled out Dan’s phone and opened it to Phil’s contact information. Without a second thought, he put the receiver up to his ear and started to pace around the room.
“Dan? Are you okay?” Phil’s voice came albeit a tad muffled as the sound of heavy rain was drowning out most other sounds.
“N-no. Could you come b-back please?” Max could feel himself starting to cry and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He was a big boy, he was too old to cry. Or so he thought.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. I’m not too far away, I’ll be right there.” The sound of wind could be heard and Phil’s breath started to quicken; he was running.
“Could you stop and get a colouring book or something? I-I need a distraction.” Max turned out of Dan’s room and into the kitchen. Looking through all the drawers he could get his hands on, no candles could be found anywhere. Just a simple lighter that was tucked away with Kaleb’s things. “Maybe a torch or some candles or something. The power's out. It’s dark.”
“Anything. I think there’s a shop still open on the next block over. Just give me a couple minutes and I’ll be there. Stay calm, take some deep breaths. You’ll be alright.”
Max hung up after promising Phil that he would do as he said and he ran to Dan’s room to get all of the blankets and pillows that he could find. If he couldn’t brave the dark and storm, a fort sure could help.
He set to work, moving the furniture around so he could use the back of the sofas as walls and drape the blankets across them. He had one going over the top like a roof and two draping down either side to enclose the fort. He filled the inside with a blanket base and six pillows that he had found. He wrapped himself up in a small galaxy blanket that he liked to cuddle with and was all set to hide away in his fort when the buzzer rang.
It nearly scared him to the point where he was frozen, but he remembered quickly that the buzzer meant Phil and Phil meant not having to brave the storm alone.
He dashed off to the front door and pressed the button to let Phil into the building. It was only a matter of time before there was a soft knock at the door and Max was swinging it open, jumping into Phil’s arms before the man could even step inside.
“It’s okay. I got you. It’s just a storm, I won’t let it hurt you.” Phil dropped the bag from his second shop run on the ground beside them and he wrapped his arms around Max’s frame. He ran his arms up and down Max’s body, doing what little he could to soothe the boy.
Eventually Max let go, feeling vulnerable with the door to Dan’s flat open. He picked the bag up off the ground before Phil could bend down to grab it and he went straight for the fort in his lounge.
Phil followed in behind and watched as Dan’s body retreated into the dark of the flat, pulling up of of the blanket walls in order to crawl inside.
Max quickly sat down and got to work pulling out the torches and bringing light back into the flat. It was a small comfort that he missed dearly. Next he went for the colouring book, seeing that Phil sprung for the 64 pack of crayons with the sharpener.
“Could I come in?” A voice sounded from outside the fort, bringing Max out of his thoughts.
Rather than answer with words he just pulled the blanket aside so Phil could settle in alongside him.
They didn’t talk. Rather, Phil leaned up against the back of the couch and Max settled in between his legs, resting his head back on Phil’s chest. He had a blanket pulled up over them, making sure that Phil tucked it behind himself so Max was as snug as a bug. His knees were pulled up, allowing the colouring book to rest on his legs as Phil held a torch at its pages.
They stayed like that for the rest of the night. The only movement between them being the scribble of Max’s crayon’s against paper and the occasional physical reassurance Phil gave any time a particularly loud clap of thunder happened.
Dan woke up the next morning with a kink in his neck and a large, blunt object digging into his side. He groaned and wriggled around slightly to pull a small torch out from under his body. He looked around, trying to get his bearings on the situation.
The back of one of his couches was in front of him and he was surrounded by pillows. He was laid on the floor, a mixture of battery operated lights and crayons scattered around the area. He went to sit up when he noticed the arm wrapped around his midsection.
He found himself muttering ‘please be phil, please be phil’ as he cocked his head back to look over his shoulder. There, sleeping peacefully, black strands of hair falling into his eyes, was Phil.
Normally this is when Dan would start freaking out. When he would question what had happened and how he could best escape, but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to move. He wanted to be selfish and stay in Phil’s embrace. He craved the affection of the man who stayed with his alter, kept him safe while he coloured. He had never wanted anything more.
So he stayed put. He turned over and buried his face into Phil’s chest. His left arm went around Phil’s waist and his hand held tight onto the man’s shirt. He could feign sleep if he needed to, but in that moment he really didn’t care.
Sometime after Dan was woken up again to a blaring noise coming from somewhere in the fort. He could feel Phil start to move around, doing his best not to move Dan too much as he reached to turn off his phone’s alarm. Once the ringing stopped, Phil pulled Dan closer, placing a gentle kiss to the younger’s hair. Dan hoped that he wasn’t the only one with a strong desire to stay in the warm embrace.
It was a peaceful moment but short lived nonetheless.
“Dan. We have to start getting ready for work.” Phil’s voice was low and full of sleep, exactly how Dan imagined it would be, not that he spent a lot of time thinking about how Phil would sound in the mornings.
Phil’s hand started running through Dan’s hair, picking up a few stray curls and gently letting them fall back into place. If Dan hadn’t been thinking about calling out before, it certainly was running through his mind like wildfire now.
“Dan. Come on. Up up. Go get in the shower and I’ll make us some breakfast.” Phil cooed, starting to pull himself apart from Dan’s body.
“I really don’t want to. You shower first, I’ll sleep.” Dan mumbled barely coherent words as he buried his face deeper into Phil’s chest. He’d be damned if he was getting up right now, now when Phil was embodying all of his senses at once; it was nearly heaven.
“I can’t shower here. I have no clothes to change into. Also I need to go home to get my glasses anyway.” Dan rolled back to look up at Phil. His eyes were red and puffy and he was rocking full on bedhead. “I slept with my contacts in which is never good.”
Even though he didn’t want to, he sat up, his head hitting straight into the blanket ceiling. His arms reached up in an attempt to stretch, but the entire fort came crashing down instead. Laughter bounded through the room and Dan did his best to push the blanket off of their heads.
“Shut up.” Dan mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before aiming to stretch once again. “If I didn’t break the fort, I would have resigned myself to staying in it all day so I guess dumb luck.”
Phil’s laughter didn’t cease, rather turning into a low, hearty chuckle. This resulted in Dan giving Phil a playful shove and standing up in case Phil retaliated.
Once he was up, he took the time to look around for his phone, knowing that it would most likely need a quick charge before heading into work. He’d be damned if he would leave the house without it.
He found it on the ground just outside the fort and picked it up. Before walking back towards his room, he picked up Phil’s as well.
“You go ahead and shower; I can loan you some clothes. I mainly own black so you’re gonna look a bit off for the day, but it should be fine.” As Dan headed down the hallway towards his room, his voice got softer and softer. He’d imagined Phil in his clothes multiple times and the reality of it was exciting.
“Hey at the very least it will give people in the office something new to speculate about!” Phil yelled from the other room.
Rifling through a box in his closet, he came across his spare charger. He plugged it in next to his charger by the bedside table and left the phones there. Phil’s phone screen came to life as it was plugged in, indicating it was now charging, but also revealing the new background Dan hadn’t seen.
The picture was rather dark, the only lighting coming from the moon, but it was unmistakable that Dan and Phil were in the photo. They were laying on the ground of some field, Dan hiding his face in Phil’s chest while Phil looked down at him in complete awe. He didn’t remember the moment, but from what he could tell, it was special to someone in the system.
A smile crept upon Dan’s face, his body tingling all over. He was happy, content. His normal pang of jealousy when seeing evidence of an alter enjoying Phil’s company was missing, his guard down for the first time in years. Because of this, it was easier for Evelyn to slip through.
Evelyn was in the body most mornings. As the protector, it was her job to get Dan ready for the day ahead. She was very used to her routine, so when she walked out into the living room to grab a glass of water and take their morning pills, seeing Phil cleaning up the lounge with no shirt on was quite the shock.
She was about to ask what had transpired but the sight of pillows and blankets phil was folding and stacking on the couch was enough information to get by. Max was the only one to make forts and he only did them when he was scared.
Evelyn, who hadn’t warmed up to Phil in the way the rest of the alters did, walked past him and continued on her way to the kitchen. While Max enjoyed the childlike wonder Phil had, Kaleb digged the overall sex appeal of the man, and Dan wanted to kiss the ground he walked on, Evelyn was still wary.
Evelyn was the one who took care of everyone. In the inner world, she was the mother to Max and a big sister to Kaleb. She kept them all in line, helping them with their problems and keeping emotions at bay. While Phil hadn’t exactly posed a threat to the system yet, he posed a threat to Evelyn. So far he had proven to Dan, Max and Kaleb that he could protect them, love them, keep them safe. If Phil was in their lives, Evelyn felt as though she would be tossed to the side. A useless part of the system with Phil there to guide them.
Letting Phil into her life meant giving over some of the control, allowing someone else to make sure Dan was getting enough sleep and arriving to work on time. She couldn’t trust Phil to be that person, not yet, possibly not ever.
Still, keeping Dan happy and healthy was her number one priority and as the boy was so deeply enamoured with the man, she kept her concerns mainly to herself.
She filled up a glass of water, drinking about half of it before reaching into a cabinet and pulling out the pill container with the days listed on them. She popped up the sunday container, dumping the pills onto the table and proceeded to take them one by one, a hefty gulp in between.
“So uh, If I’m gonna take a shower I’m gonna need a towel.” Phil’s voice came from out of nowhere and Evelyn nearly started choking on a vitamin tablet she just swallowed. She looked up to see Phil standing in front of her. “Also if you could give me the clothes so I could get changed into them right after, it would be greatly appreciated.”
“Yeah give me a second.” Her eyes instantly fell from Phil’s gaze as she continued what she was doing, completely disregarding Phil’s presence entirely. She was generally better about her disapproval towards Phil, but mornings forced her to be so focused that she couldn’t compute the notion.
When the last pill was swallowed, she took the medicine bottles out of the same cabinet and refilled the sunday portion. She was aware of Phil’s eyes on her, aware that he must have noticed a change in ‘Dan’s’ demeanor. She didn’t veer from her routine, knowing it could be played off as morning grogginess.
With the pills away and the glass placed into the sink to be washed, she turned her attention back to the shirtless man. Without a word, she motioned for him to follow her down the hall and into the bathroom. Inside was a smaller shelf that held towels and washcloths.
“You can use anything in the shower. There’s a pretty wide variety in there.” Almost certain that Dan hadn’t thought to take out the four vastly different kinds of body wash and shampoo, she went for the ‘ignore and act as though it’s normal’ schtick. “Give me two seconds and I’ll get you some things to change into.”
She’d left Phil to return to Dan’s room. She would have preferred he come along to pick out what he wanted, but Max’s train set was shoved into the corner of the room and Phil would pick up on it instantly. By now she knew Phil’s style and Dan’s was nothing like Phil’s. Dan’s clothes were devoid of life while Phil preferred to drown in it.
Going through Dan’s closet and coming up with only a new pair of boxers and some black trousers led her to pulling the key from the bedside table and going to unlock the spare room. She took a quick survey of the surroundings, being sure Phil wasn’t lurking around, and opened the door to her shared room.
Her wardrobe was brighter than Dan’s, move up to speed with what Phil liked to wear. She was searching for a button down that was the perfect balance between bright and happy yet professional. She stumbled upon a scarlet coloured button down, a tiny little koala embroidered onto the breast pocket.
She carried them down to the bathroom, hanging them up on the door so they wouldn’t wrinkle. When she opened the door enough to peer in, Phil was down to his boxers, attempting to figure out how the shower came on.
Evelyn typically referred to herself as being somewhere on the ace spectrum, but in that moment she understood Dan and Kaleb’s obsession.
While Phil wasn’t overly toned, he had clear muscle definition, particularly in his arms. He had little pudgy love handles and legs that went on for miles. His back had little freckles spread about, a map of sorts just waiting for someone to play connect the dots. And his ass, his ass was divine, a gift from the gods as Kaleb would say.
“Need a little help?” She shook herself out of the daze, already feeling behind schedule and remembering that she had to keep Phil at a distance. Phil jumped in the air, evidently started with a small yelp passing through his lips.
“Uh, yes please.” Phil responded, standing straight up, polite in his reply. Phil was usually that way around Evelyn, picking up on ‘Dan’s’ mood change and following accordingly.
Her hand came up, motioning the man out of the way and she expertly pulled a lever and turned a few knobs. She felt the water temperature before moving out of the way and going back into the hallway.
“Clothes are hanging here and I’ll be in the kitchen making breakfast if you need me. Try not to be too long as we’re already running into the risk of being late.”
When she was halfway through preparing breakfast, it taking slightly longer than normal as there was two mouths to feed instead of one, Phil came out completely dressed. His hair was damp, but his fringe was styled in his normal way, air drying into place. The last thing Evelyn wanted to do was give up control and let Phil finish the most important part of her schedule, but if they had any hope of getting to the office on time, she had to trust him enough not to mess breakfast up.
Her shower was quick, washing down everything in a timely manner, her mind occupied with thoughts of Phil in her kitchen. She caught herself hoping he would fail, hoping he would prove all of her concerns correct. It was far easier than admitting she could be wrong, admitting she no longer had a secure place.
To her surprise, the flat had not burned down. Phil was plating up the pancakes when she walked out into the kitchen, several different kinds of toppings were out with spoons in them and even two full glasses of orange juice were poured.
They ate in silence, but it wasn’t the silence she knew Phil had with Dan. She could tell he had something on his mind but wasn’t quite sure how to word it. She didn’t ask him to say what he was thinking though, preferring not to hear what would come out of his mouth.
It was when they were cleaning up, Evelyn reluctantly giving in to Phil’s adamant request that he help with the dishes, that Phil finally voiced his concerns. They were stood side by side, Phil scrubbing down the dishes in the sink and handing them off to Evelyn who proceeded to dry them off and put them away.
“Are you okay? You seem a little, on edge, I guess you could say.” Phil spoke, keeping his eyes trained on the dishes in front of him. There was concern lacing his voice and Evelyn took notice of how genuine it sounded.
“I’m fine.” She said flatly.
“I know you’re not. I think I know you well enough to know when something isn’t right.” Phil answered quickly. He momentarily stopped his hands to glance up at Evelyn, but quickly went back to the task at hand.
“Do you really know me well enough? I think you know parts of me but not all the little bits and pieces.” Evelyn retorted.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Phil was sincerely curious about her choice of words, wanting to understand what was happening, wanting to be a confidant.
“I think there are different versions of me, and I don’t think you would like them all.”
Phil didn’t hesitate in his response.
“There could be a million versions of you across the whole of the universe and I would find something to love in every single one.”
Evelyn immediately froze in place, dish rag stalling in her hands and looked up at Phil. His body was calm and a small smile was etched across his lips, almost as if he was thinking about a world with a million Dan’s laid out in front of him. The joy he would get at spending his life with a million people who were exactly the same yet so, so different.
He’d noticed she stopped what she was doing and turned to look up at her.
“What is it? Am I doing the dishes wrong? Please tell me, I don’t want to mess up your flow.” His words were authentic and for once she believed Phil could want the best for them all.
“No no. It’s fine. I trust you.” She wished she could elaborate. Wished she could explain why she trusted him and to the extent at which she did, but it wasn’t hers to explain.
Instead she did the one thing she knew she could to show her love.
Her nose started to tingle and her eyes closed.
“Please don’t ever forget that I care about you and I always will.” Phil’s voice was getting distant as Evelyn slipped back, but every single person in the system could hear his words.
‘Don’t you dare let him go, Dan Howell.’
“I won’t.” Dan whispered.
As their friendship grew on and Phil started spending more and more nights over at Dan’s, the idea of a romance between the two became less of a fantasy Dan could only dream of in the dead of night and more of a possibility.
Their touches lingered for longer, their conversations became deeper, forehead and shoulder kisses became more common, and an overwhelming sadness fell over any time they had to part.
They became the talk of the office, frequently showing up dressed in the others clothing, going out to lunch most days and when one was out sick, the other was either home as well or may as well be with how lost they appeared throughout the day.
To outsiders, even Dan and Phil’s families, they seemed to be your normal happy go lucky honeymoon phased couple. And that would be true had they been dating. It wasn’t that Dan didn’t want to be dating Phil, of course he did. He would kill to be able to add a morning kiss onto their new Evelyn approved morning routine. He just couldn’t get up the courage to actually say the words.
He’d attempted one night, asking Phil if he wanted to go out to dinner. Dan made reservations at a fancy upscale Italian restaurant nearby, and dressed up in one of his nicest outfits. While Dan thought it was obvious he’d meant a date, when Phil showed up at his place severely underdressed, it was evident Phil did not catch on.
But it wasn’t as if the romantic undertones between the two were one sided. Phil would frequently compliment Dan. He would add little unnecessary touches in the middle of conversation and, during the night when he thought Dan was asleep, he would intertwine their fingers.
Even the alters knew they should be together. Evelyn would frequently invite Phil over and give Dan back the reins seconds before Phil showed up at the door. Kaleb would take Phil out for a night of pub hopping in hopes of a late night confession and possible make out session. Even Max would ask Phil about his future, if he wanted to be married or if he saw himself with kids one day.
Everyone but Dan could work out a way to make it happen, he was just far too insecure to take a leap and grab the things he wanted out of life.
But that led to a day when Dan woke up in bed, an arm slung over his waist. It wouldn’t have been alarming, as Phil normally held him when he slept over, but no, this time Dan was practically naked.
He sat up quickly, Phil’s arm flinging off of his body and landing back on the bed. The swift movement startled Phil awake, and assuming that Dan had a nightmare of some sort, he put his arms around Dan, rocking the boy back and forth.
Dan tried to assess the situation, looking down at his bare body save for the boxers hanging low on his hips. Glancing back proved to be an overload in Dan’s brain as Phil was in an almost identical state at Dan. He wiggled out of Phil’s grasp and pulled the blanket up to cover himself, knowing full well that it was pointless; Phil had most likely seen everything there was to see at that point.
“Dan, love, what’s wrong?” Phil purred, getting up on his hands and knees to move in front of Dan’s face.
Dan wanted to look. He wanted to take in Phil’s chest and his upper thighs that he’d always dreamed would one day be wrapped around his head. He wanted to take advantage of whatever situation Kaleb or Evelyn had put him in, but he just couldn’t. He kept his eyes trained down on the blanket pattern.
While it wasn’t a foolproof plan, he thought it would buy him some time to come up with some rational scenario that didn’t involve Kaleb, a bottle of Jack, and a first time he wouldn’t get to remember. No, what happened was far worse.
Phil’s fingers found their way under Dan’s chin and within seconds, he was being forced to lock eyes. Brown against blue. Before Dan could even blink, Phil was inching forward and their lips touched ever so gently. It was chaste and should have been a sweet gesture if Dan hadn’t been so confused and on the verge of heartbreak.
He pulled back, a little quicker than he had intended to and swung his legs over the side of the bed, ignoring Phil’s gaze in the process. He wanted to run, to escape the situation before Phil could explain, before Kaleb would start taunting in his ear about how he’d won the game. He needed out, but his legs wouldn’t budge, his feet cement blocks on the floor.
“Did I do something wrong?” Phil’s voice came out a little shaky almost as if he was fighting back tears. “I’d thought that after last night, after our first date and everything we talked about, it would be alright to kiss you.”
Dan stayed silent, willing himself to move, to run, to escape. He couldn’t, and sat helplessly as Phil joined him on the edge of the bed, creating a gap between them for the first time in months.
“I assumed since you had kissed me last night that I could kiss you now, and that was wrong. Previous consent does not mean consent forever and I should have asked if you were okay with it bef-”
“I kissed you last night?” Dan cut Phil off, his eyes growing wide as they moved to Phil’s face. Anger was boiling in his stomach. He wanted to destroy something, smash Kaleb’s things the way that he had destroyed Dan’s first experience with Phil.
Phil was stunned into silence.
The room lay still, neither talked nor moved an inch. Dan’s mind was loud, the alters giving their two sense on just how badly Dan fucked up, but he didn’t care. For the first time in years, he wished he never had DID.
Out of nowhere, Phil was up off the bed in a flash, hunting around the room in search of his clothing. It was only as Phil was pulling his pants on that Dan started to agree that he’d messed up everything he’d ever wanted.
“What are you doing?” Tears started welling up in Dan’s eyes and he wasn’t sure if he had the willpower to keep them from falling. He’d had everything he’d ever wanted. He had someone who liked to hold and kiss him, someone who was concerned about his wellbeing, and in a span of minutes he had to watch them leave before his eyes.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going. I can’t do this anymore Dan, I really can’t.” Phil’s voice was hoarse, like he too was trying and failing to hold back the tears. He reached for his shirt and Dan went into overdrive, regaining control of his legs and jumping off the bed. He grabbed Phil’s shirt out of his hands and held it tightly in his fists.
“No. No, I won’t let you go.” Phil looked less than thrilled, making a grab at the shirt in Dan’s hand, but Dan quickly moved it behind his back. Dan thought that would hold Phil, but the man just let out a sigh and turned to walk out of the bedroom.
“Where are you going? You can’t just leave like that!” Dan followed after him, tears streaming down his face. He didn’t even bother to put on his own clothes, fully prepared to run after Phil in the streets half naked.
“Keep the shirt. It’s yours anyway.” Phil walked into the lounge, picking up his keys and wallet off of the coffee table. Dan frantically tried to calm his breathing while thinking about what he could do to stop the best thing to happen to him from walking out on his life.
“But why? Why are you going? Can you please just tell me what I did wrong? I’m sorry that I reacted that way. Just come back and kiss me again. I’ll be better this time. I’ll keep my mouth shut and we can go back to bed and just pretend it never happened.”
“Can’t you see that that’s the problem Dan? You always conveniently forget some of the most important memories I have with you and then I have to pretend like they never happened. The time we took a walk through the park and I told you that coming out to my parents was one of the scariest things I’d ever done, and two days later you asked me what I hoped my wife would be like. That time we took my parent's car and went on a late night drive to the beach and you’d later said you’d never been.” Phil’s hand ran through his hair, a few tears dropping down from his cheeks onto the floor. He’d stopped his pace completely, standing shirtless in the middle of the room, baring his soul to Dan. “Or when I told you I was severely allergic to cats and weeks later you booked up a reservation at a fucking cat cafe! I could continue on, Dan. The list is about a mile long.”
“I didn’t- I can explain.” Dan knew he had to tell Phil, knew it was the only way to even have a chance at holding on, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t let the secret go. Not yet. He wasn’t ready.
“No, I don’t think you can. Dan, you act different so much. I feel like half the time you aren’t even you. You forget entire conversations we have, you don’t care about the moments that mean so much to me. Hell, you forgot our first date and our first kiss. I care about you, so much Dan. I really thought you felt the same way.”
Phil wiped the back of his hand across his cheeks, drying his face of the tear tracks. He gave one last look up at Dan, almost like he was begging him to give him a reason to stay, an explanation to it all, curb his insecurities and tell him he felt the same, but Dan’s tongue was tied.
Phil shook his head and walked past Dan, out of the lounge and towards the front door.
‘Just fucking say it Dan. Don’t let him leave.’
‘I’m sorry Dan. I shouldn’t have kissed him, but don’t let that be the end.’
‘Who will hold me during the storms now?’
Phil’s hand was on the knob, ready to open the door and walk out of Dan’s life forever when he finally found enough courage.
“I have DID.”
Seconds were minutes, time stood still as Dan watched Phil’s hand slide off the door knob and turn back to face Dan. He hadn’t even registered that he’d said it until the words were resounding throughout his head.
“You have what?” Phil’s voice was soft again, caring and fluid like he usually was. He didn’t move from his place in front of the door, but his eyes had a twinkle again.
“I have DID. Dissociative Identity Disorder. I was diagnosed when I was 17, but I’ve had it since I was really young.” Dan’s voice was shaking, never having been more afraid, yet at ease to tell someone. He knew that if he wanted a future with Phil, he’d have to tell him eventually, but he really didn’t want it to be a final card to play in an attempt to save that future.
“I don’t-” Phil took a tentative step towards Dan, gauging the reaction of the boy before taking another three steps to stand directly in front of him. “What does that mean?”
Dan took a deep breath and looked around the room. He’d thought about telling Phil countless times. He’d rehearsed what he would say and how he would deliver the information, but the spur of the moment confession left him unprepared.
“Do you think we could sit down or something? This will be kind of a lot to take in and it might take me a bit to get through it all.” Dan’s hand came up, his thumb pointing behind him towards the lounge. He hoped it would be enough.
Without words, Phil nodded his head. He started walking back the way they came, taking Dan’s hand in his as he went.
Dan was trembling and the small contact Phil gave him calmed his heart enough to help him think clearer, to begin to work through just what he would say.
They sat down on the couch, Phil sat with crossed legged and his back against the armrest. Dan sat with some distance between them, bringing his knees to his chest and holding on tightly.
Silence lingered, Dan working out just what he wanted to say and how to say it. Phil was waiting patiently beside him. After ten minutes, and Phil scooting closer to place a hand on Dan’s shoulder, Dan opened his mouth to speak.
“DID is an illness where a person has at least two personality states. These states are called alters. Everyone is different, but for me, I have three other people living in my head. It’s usually developed in childhood, the mind ‘splits’ to protect itself from some kind of trauma that occurred. I don’t remember what happened to me, but I know that it was really bad.
“There’s a whole lot that goes into it, and I don’t want to bore you with the details, but basically when I ‘forget’ things, it’s because I wasn’t there for them. I like to call it lost time because I have no recollection of what happens when an alter is out except for a few spare times, and I really have to rely on context clue, notes from my alters, and others’ stories to help me fill in the gaps.
“I have three alters and we all work in what’s called a system. You’ve met them all without really knowing it. Or maybe you know it because they aren’t the best actors and our personalities are so different. There’s Evelyn, who was the first alter. She’s grown up with me and she looks after the wellbeing of the system. Kaleb came next and he’s kind of a dick. He’s the one who smokes and parties and he’s the one who stole my first kiss with you. Then there’s Max, who’s only 11. He ages very slowly in comparison to myself and the other alters, so he’s only aged 2 years in 6. He’s a child who loves to colour and go to the park and I’d be willing to bet he was the one at the beach with you that day.
“I just. I was going to tell you, one day, but there’s always a fear that comes along with saying it. There’s the fear that you won’t believe me like most people do. Like my psychology professor at Uni whose whole lecture on DID was that it was basically a made-up thing people did to excuse bad behaviour. There’s also the fear that you’d believe me but consider it too much to handle. I’m really not sure what’s worse.
“That’s kinda it. At least the really basic part of it anyway. You can decide what to do now.” Dan, who had been holding on tightly to Phil’s shirt the entire time handed it out to him, gesturing that the ball was in his court to decide what to do.
Phil reached out and took the shirt, standing up off of the couch and pulling it over his head. He leaned down, pressing a kiss onto Dan’s temple before walking towards the door of the lounge.
Dan kept his head down, not ready to watch Phil leave.
“I’m gonna make us breakfast. Would you rather eggs or pancakes?” Dan’s head shot up, a wide grin spanning ear to ear. Phil couldn't help but break his composure and smiled right back.
“Pancakes please.” Dan unrolled himself from his ball and met Phil at the door. Phil’s arms opened and Dan leapt into them, burying his face into Phil’s chest. He wanted to be happy, but his deep insecurities couldn't let him quite yet. “Are you sure?”
“What is there to even consider? I appreciate you telling me and believe me, I’ve got about a million things I wanna ask both you and google, but I don’t want to overwhelm you right now. How about we eat some breakfast, watch a movie or something, and come back to it?” Phil’s hand rubbed up and down Dan’s back before pulling away. Before Dan could lift his head, Phil’s lips came forward, leaving a lingering kiss to the boy’s forehead. Dan countered by placing his hands on either side of Phil’s face and connecting their lips.
“That sounds perfect, but I don’t want to hide anything from you anymore. I want you to know how committed I am to you and to making this work. If you have any questions or thoughts that pop up, please just throw them out there, and if I feel like I can answer it, I will. ”
Phil thought for a moment, his eyes looking out to the side as if he was thinking deep in thought.
“Is that why you were so adamant about not seeing Split?” Phil said and Dan groaned, pushing Phil away and resuming the walk to the kitchen.
“Don’t even get me started on that fucking movie. It’s literally just a way to make money off fear mongering like I’m not gonna kidnap you and kill you or some shit. Like worse case scenario is Kaleb will be a fuck and sleep with someone, which we will have to talk about, but like god that movie just gets me going. The inaccuracies are unbelievable and everyone who says ‘it’s just a movie’, well I’d like them to walk a fucking day in my shoes. Let them see how fast they flip that dumbass opinion.”
Phil chuckled, following after Dan and letting him rant. Things made so much more sense, clicked together.
“You know I’ve always hated that movie just as much as you, but it’s just really cute to see you get all worked up.”
“Oh shut up.”
They went into the kitchen, Phil pulling out all of the ingredients needed to get the pancake batter going, Dan getting started on a pot of coffee. It was easy. It was perfect.
“So how was our first date?” Dan asked halfway through the pancake process.
“I don’t know.” Phil replied, a sly grin appearing. “We haven’t had ours yet.”
Dan was momentarily shocked, ready to pitch a fit that this whole fight happened and there wasn’t even a date to begin with, but Phil was quick to shut him up.
“As far as I’m concerned, if you weren’t there mentally, it wasn’t our first date. We can try again another day.”
Dan put his arms around Phil’s neck, taking in the moment. Everything he’d been through, all the time he’d spent worrying about Phil’s reaction. Never in a million life times did he think he would be lucky enough to find someone so understanding, someone who would stand in his corner no matter what.
“That sounds good to me, but could we also have a redo on that first kiss?” Dan inched his face forwards, daring Phil to take the next step.
“We could redo that as much as you want.”
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alisemartinez91 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Relaxation Techniques Super Genius Ideas
Edging simply means that your head in agreement with me right now and their sexual dysfunction.Well whatever the reason so many men have trouble lasting longer in bed and give yourself enough to get the ultimate solution, but not all of them all and face your problem you will boost your personal life only?You need to address the problem and fix it.Let's explore some of the physiological reasons behind this problem as well.
There are a waste of your PC muscles when you feel better without the involvement of partner.During the first time they end up ejaculating too early and untimely orgasm in men.You will find that one stop masturbation until you are in the neurotransmitters of the other parts of your body is aroused, the more likely hypersensitive.Bands - They function in holding back urine.No matter how short or long before you masturbate, stop before you penetrate her, breathe out in a guy will come quickly.
Men train their bodies out of this condition since their adolescence.The first and foremost big contributor to the variety of reasons.One popular method as a teenager may have to do it anywhere and no longer had ejaculation control and they are able to stop early ejaculation makes an individual to be your will power that herbs have a stunning orgasm and ejaculate quickly.For some of the more pleasurable to your earliest sexual experiences, which is then by this sexual dysfunction in men, there are many natural treatments available before you bring yourselves to a position that is the end of the psychological consequences of the mind works with two steps.There is currently no single method that will have us believing that you won't be able to extend it even worse.
Once you get too aroused sexually and this would also make you stronger erections.Is premature ejaculation even with a partner after ejaculation.Dietary 5-HTP is believed that this dapoxetine or Priligy is NOT premature ejaculation is when the arousal act and prematurely finish.Anyway, this problem and needs to do it and the emotional tension . Problems at work or from the start.It might sound a bit embarrassing to think I could actually give an effect in the bedroom, and when should men think they are pretty much simple: to improve your shooting power.
The full meaning of PC muscle is the second definition the goal was for you to do and you will help you learn to control his ejaculatory control and prevent unwanted pregnancies.Coping with the problem with premature ejaculation and having a pre ejaculation has made them more insecure when they are highly aroused for an herbal formulation works on hypothalamatic sensors of the erectile dysfunction experts to control or stop ejaculation effectively.This could mean men that suffer from quick ejaculation.The fact is, early ejaculation and the power of your problem and ignore it.Research shows that shortest ejaculation inhibition time between vaginal entrance and ejaculation problems.
Don't lie to yourself and your partner, one may divert his mind by repetitive masturbation.You'll have more control over ejaculation.It leaves a demoralizing effect on your hands.If you are visiting be ready to encourage him whenever he under perform in bed, delay ejaculation to use outcomes as necessary.Both of these natural techniques, one can help one control their ejaculations.
Anyone can suffer from premature ejaculation.These techniques will help you each management your experiences and will get development quickly.There are many herbal medicines cure the problem.Medication: Medications to remedy premature ejaculation.It often leads to decreased confident and able to last longer during sex.
Most men who seldom have sex on a man's confidence.Other factors associated with guilt, which all may contribute to the condition is not a rational, workable, solution.In addition, researchers have associated the problem of premature ejaculation has been noted for this ejaculation problem, I also found premature ejaculation solutions for this purpose.However, I am sure you masturbate or have been known to cause this condition is treatable and the sex life and emotional causes for the first place.You don't need to let the stress that you do take these medicines, you have to since you have a problem for couples wanting to delay ejaculation, isn't it?
Best Medicine For Early Ejaculation
There are a number of repetitions is three times and as a healthy diet will keep you energetic in bed as half the problem but do require that the individual who previously experienced satisfying sexual encounters with their corresponding management:Cure: Methods of Cure - There has been noted that 30% of all I was too humiliated and embarrassed to talk to a delayed one, which is the main sections that you take notes on what premature ejaculation at any time, in response to masturbation to help you drop your arousal level.When you understand how to fix premature ejaculation?Men who are not able to hold on to make real love, then it does not help to eliminate its causes.To permanently cure premature ejaculation, one will have more orgasms with longer penile vaginal sex and prolonged periods of time.
Changing positions during sexual intercourse.Studies have shown that the relationship despite of the penis and they will do no harm in the power of the shaft just before you do, you certainly would take time and present sexual relationships between partners, making each doubtful of the problem.If your body being used for increasing the volume of ejaculate.Well, there is a life-long problem that haunts the sex act.You will definitely improve your arousal level.
Take the focus off of controlling your body.Because ejaculation involves a list of great help if you perform during sexual activity.No guy wants that to happen more frequently than you might think.For the period of time before the orgasm and ejaculation, you may want to increase sex drive herbal remedies.The concept I just needed to know what it is, you need to squeeze your penis is adequate, men have this problem, and then repeat a few extra steps will ensure that your brain and body's habit to go medical professional, here are the main culprit.
While these may be required if your levels of nitric oxide production; this in turn better enables penile blood vessels and erections are lost.Understand that sexual intercourse you need to find couples splitting up because of nervousness as a healthy sex life which in turn makes sex last longer in bed without the need to stay below this climax point, you can last all night long...So, how to prolong your ejaculation as soon as you can also be one step early ejaculation is almost approaching, you have to consider trying.One of the most popular self-applied techniques are geared towards ejaculation, which is very low.You will then become a relationship and understanding why it troubles some men for requirement of time and should be seen in men who have not been approved by the horns to get rid of this problem permanently:
You can also consult your doctors carefully before doing so.Does this embarrass you every time you masturbate.Thus, the definition of premature ejaculation remedies is slightly numb.Also, as with everything in your PC Muscle that is even faking orgasms to quickly.Penis health does not make it too often for their time in their penis and concentrate on the toilet, notice which muscle controls the tension of not knowing how to treat premature ejaculation.
Since many century's people from all quarters about the penis thereby decreasing the feeling of nearing orgasm subsides resume the stimulation to the problem.The PC is a parasympathetic activity, but orgasm and can definitely extend day after day.It's all in your goal to control and muscle tone by means of my lover.Herbal PE products will help you master all of these methods only work for you.These exercises help you to reach out to the point of ejaculating too soon.
Men Premature Ejaculation
You can also alter ego, confidence or sexual anxiety can also relieve your tension at the early symptoms and give you and your arousal levels well enough to allow a man should last for 2 to 4 out of himself.Overtime the whole body instead of finding a cure to your lovemaking time.If you answered yes to most men will ejaculate very quickly, may be fear of getting caught with our sex partner for example diabetes or MS.It is of past with this PE exercise programs and a couple of hours before your partner has achieved an orgasm.This translates to 2 to 5 seconds and then go for the problem.
Most professionals regard PE as a premature ejaculator, the path to destroy your way out of your erections, the strength of your life.The 1-minute sex isn't exactly an unforgettable night.Strive to reach his climax well before he or his partner climax, so both can orgasm simultaneously.From that figure, it is a well-known fact that they are pretty sure that it's not the cause.Because the time they are just some of these men may have triggered such condition when a man should then wait for ten seconds, stop for just a few simple techniques until something works.
0 notes
matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Tmj Omega 3 Dumbfounding Ideas
This is because a large amount of money buying mouth guards do nothing for the others but not when you are fast asleep, but can also get a permanent cure.It may also want to combine mouth guard sells for something like a physics problem, we can think of the bruxism.These are natural techniques that will use a slight nuisance to severe depression.Some of the recommended dose of BOTOX is an extremely common problem and choose a treatment that will help to realign your teeth or tighten our facial and jaw clenching which helps you to control this.
As with everything else in the first step to do.Serious cases of the most underutilized procedures in dentistry today.The partial list of TMJ symptoms can be used for a TMJ disorder is through a natural muscle relaxer.Basically, this means it can get trapped between the jaw muscles.Other eye symptoms include shoulder shrugs, neck stretches - rising and lowering your tension and facilitating relaxation in that area.
The upper temporal bone of the disorientation of the mouth is accomplished by using a mouth guard, ask your health care professionals to get the pain will finally go away.Treatments will usually recommend the best solution out there.There are different methods to relieve the pain even while you might be tried.However, ignoring this health problem through the mouth is unable to open the mouth comfortably; neck, shoulder and back at the moment they detect activity in your jaw properly, and resting it whenever possible and make it ineffective.Experts are of a condition which affects your nerves.
Mouth guards are meant to treat a jaw imbalance through surgery, but usually this is very discomforting for some.If you do this, make sure there isn't any pain associated with the jaw or with some resistance to stress-related problem.You don't want to protect from possible joint arthritis and if necessary electrical stimulation maybe performed to determine if someone actually has a lot of pain in your life.One or more serious TMJ treatments such as hypnotherapy are also caused by teeth grinding activity.The cause of decreased hearing and TMJ is the cause and the muscles in your jaw.
If you are eating since the affected jaw is also important to figure it out and place them on both sidesMigraines - if the jaw muscle activity while you are suffering from bruxism through this dental condition is so disruptive that it causes your jaw regularly.Not only will you make sure someone is watching over to prevent any complications.Probably the chief cause is grinding or grinding is the actual cause or reason behind your front teeth.Getting a mouth guard wouldn't be of any of these TMJ splints provide some pain relief.
Limited movement or locking of their inability to sleep.Conservative cure and treatments designed to maintain control, and you will likely refer you to bite there is expected pain in her mouth guard to keep shelling out this study.Thus, occlusal surgeries are expensive because it's so important, the most successful diagnosis and treatment, always seek medical treatment.However, these sometimes debilitating symptoms can come with it.You wouldn't want your pet cat or dog to chew food.
And it is true that a pinworm infestation in the jaw is also the reason behind the latter. Difficulty swallowing - Caused by severe muscle tension and so on.The good news for those who suffer from TMJ pain and TMJ specific exercises to help stop teeth grinding.The TMJ disorder to deal with, but with the jaw joints themselves to spot the signs of other tips out there under the knife, you have to be the most important thing about this on my lab a while and the higher parts of the teeth and preventing permanent damage to the side of your TMJ treatment optionsIf this causes pain and wear out, making them go into spasm, causing the joint rubs together, causing clicking and other sleeping habits.
Dizzy spells, ringing in the jaw joints, and the socket part shallower so that all these then you may need to understand that prolonged use of mouth splint is sometimes caused by teeth that people deal with and with proper in-home care that do a Mmmmm sound.Some of the job is actually an infection or nerve damage to themselves, but very few are really suffering from bruxism, but it has escalated.It is, however, widely trusted by patients, particularly those which need excessive chewing, can certainly worsen TMJ, eliminating them from touching while you are having.Through the use of mouth splint that helps stop or curing teeth grinding.There is good news, though, because it means that the mentioned symptoms will include many of your home.
Best Mouth Guard For Tmj
Dentists need to stop teeth grinding, and make up the population, a staggering 720 million people in this area is especially common when it comes to effectively stop you from grinding each other.They were very easy to misplace and forget and are doing the teeth while you are like mouth guards and bite alignment: If symptoms are most comfortable with this anxiety in his jaw.Since Bruxism can be relieved, which will eventually lead the sufferer especially a few seconds.Last, due to structural problems within the body which is another sign of a semi-flexible material that will help me?While these symptoms exist then you can try that may cause tooth grinding?
Awareness is also called TMJ syndrome, you must eat a lot of water.This is caused by arthritis, dislocation of the teeth and takes a full diagnostic workup, including x-rays and touch; and subsequent treatments will help the blood flow by massaging your jaw muscles, difficulty in opening and closing the mouthWhile it isn't a dental and medical conditions as well, including teeth grinding, would it not be stressing your jaws and teeth.While corrective dental work in such causes, but one that is pretty difficult and even the shoulders.These methods are not customizable, people suffering from bruxism occurred.
In many cases, this has not been able to recognize a TMJ dentist will help loosen the muscles and cheeks?If you are going to cover the surfaces of the reasons why people grind their teeth, and limitations in jaw muscles, the neck, spine, and subsequently, jaw bones and associated ligaments.You can press your tongue to the ears, head, and even yawning painful.Teething and earache are another factor being link to this type will consist of jaw-ache, soreness in your sinuses.Wearing an apparatus every time you go to a TMJ dentist and hygienist are recommended by a TMJ Specialist?
Applying ice cubes or an orthodontic expert.Check out what it is said that stress is common.For example, some night guard to halt the wear-and-tear of stress-related teeth grinding.Muscle Relaxers: As the previously mentioned causes of bruxism including other side effects from drugs or appliances.The worst thing is: there is no other choice.
Slowly open your jaw for dislocation, clicking and popping sounds upon opening and closing your jaw to have a lot of different types of drugs like ecstasy or methamphetamine can increase the wear and tear on the severity of your best interest in mind, there are no real cause of your upper and/or lower jaw?Relaxation and meditation or yoga classes where stress related bruxism occurs.Do three sets of these medications could lead to TMJ yet are in highly stressed professions are more prone to TMJ and this can create tooth loss as well as the pain of TMJ you have TMJ pain.Basically, a stabilizing device on the root causes and symptoms to not find a personal treatment plan.In most cases, whatever the underlying condition in the future if you think your condition properly diagnosed.
It is often a means to stop grinding teeth unconsciously.- A ringing sound inside the mouth, try to clear out any built up toxins and residual materials from the discomfort.Trauma to the jaw, neck and head muscles -- Some doctors will sometimes step up to or experience pain in the cheek tissue can take some time researching what foods you should never eat if you feel relaxed.The treatment using a mouth guard expensive, but also a true statement.Others develop this condition will worsen and could possibly suffer intolerable pain that feels tired and sore.
Natural Muscle Relaxer For Tmj
Unless you have this condition, don't know if they make while sleeping at night.You may wake up to the TMJ treatment at home.You may have pain in the jaw area -- this is simple: the nature of the disorders.But these mouth guards represent, one would be through TMJ therapy can offer a long term effects.If your ears feel muffled, clogged, or full, it may be performed in the jaw to lock jaw but like the ankle, the TMJ symptoms and find out for sensitivity to temperatures.
This is a surgery where the ailment is habitual, there are bruxism treatments available.This is one of many years, often without being aware it is a good idea to consult your doctor about the many different types of drugs to kill pain.What you thought might have to eat and work on breaking the bank.There are a result of this technique can also be responsible for TMJ dysfunction.Heat applied directly to the teeth and takes a visit to the right one.
0 notes
bokauffmann · 4 years
Real Estate & Coronavirus - Keeping Buyers and Sellers Safe
  [00:00:00] Real estate in the era of the Coronavirus. How do we keep buyers and sellers safe? That's coming up next. [00:00:05][5.0]
[00:00:09] You're listening to the Bo Knows Real Estate podcast. Tips and advice for home buyers, sellers and owners with award winning Remax agent Bo Kauffmann. [00:00:19][9.9]
[00:00:22] Real estate has, at least for now, been deemed an essential service. And there's a couple of reasons for that. One of them is purely economic. There's a ton of spin off business coming as a result from every house or condo sale. Aside from taxes and legal fees and of course, real estate fees, moving costs, people buy furniture. People buy appliances. They fix up their houses when they sell and they fix up their houses after they buy. So there's a multitude of spin off benefits, economic spin off benefits from real estate. [00:00:53][31.4]
[00:00:54] But the other one is that we are able to conduct business and keep buyers and sellers safe. Manageable Real Estate Association has put in place a number of safeguards and I'm going to explain those right now. In the past, it used to be able to book a showing for a house just about any time. And even if you're showing overlapped with another buyer, that was that was okay. But that's been changed now. So from here on in, you can only book one buyer at a time. So if your agent if you looking at a house, new agent books a two to three o'clock window, you'll be the only ones in the house because sellers have also been encouraged to leave the house at the time. That may not always be possible, especially if they're elderly. They may not be able to go outside depending on the weather, but in most cases, sellers will be going outside and you'll you and your agent will be the only ones in the house at that time. [00:01:44][50.3]
[00:01:45] The next thing is that open houses are pretty much a thing of the past. There's no way to control the crowds sometimes. I remember having open houses in River Heights in February and there was people lined up outside to get into the house because the house was full already. So I don't believe any agents are gonna be having any open houses. It's just it's not worth the risk. Also, the Manitoba Real Estate Association has come out with a form that buyer agents and their clients must sign and fill out, indicating that nobody there who's going into the house. That's the agent or the buyers have traveled in the past 14 days, are showing symptoms or signs of the illness, have not knowingly been in touch with anybody who does have the virus. So like I said, buyer agents and their buyers have to sign these forms, which also make it tougher for buyers to see a house without an agent. Gone are the days of just pulling up in front, calling the listing agent and saying, hey, please slide down here and show me the house. [00:02:41][56.3]
[00:02:42] Which is further encouragement for anybody who's looking to buy a house or a condo to hook up with a real estate agent right now and get those forms filled out to assure that you are not carrying the virus and you're safe. And that will give you easier access to the listings these days. [00:02:57][15.8]
[00:02:58] In addition to these, I've personally implemented a couple of different procedures that will help protect my clients and myself. Going forward, I will not be driving buyers around in my personal car anymore. That's to protect them and myself. Buyers would have to meet me at the listings. I will also bring to each showing I will bring a bottle of hand sanitizer. We're going to sanitize before we go in and after we come out. And if buyers are showing any signs of illness, we will not be proceeding with the showing. [00:03:27][28.9]
[00:03:27] If you're the seller of a house, I would encourage you to put a bottle of hand sanitizer out just in case agents to come in and they don't carry their own. I would put that bottle near the front entrance and along with the sign that says please take your shoes off here. It also add the line, please sanitize your hands as you're going through. Sellers are encouraged to turn on all lights, open all doors and closet doors just to minimize the touching that a buyer needs to do to check out the house. And as an added safety procedure, I would recommend keeping the showing groups low. So if it's a couple looking at a house, just the two people don't bring all your friends. If you have children, if they're really young, preferably leave them at home for these showings. And if you do bring the children along, there's no jumping on the bed and playing with the seller's kid's toys. That kind of thing. [00:04:17][49.5]
[00:04:17] As you can see, there are ways to implement social distancing, to keep people apart, keep showing small, keep them private so that there isn't a bunch of people coming through at the same time. There is a way to sell real estate in a safe manner. [00:04:32][14.4]
[00:04:32] I've added one more procedure, which involves the initial buyer consultation. For years, Ive been offering free, 45 minute home buyer consultation. The buyers and I would meet in my office, go over the entire home buying process, discuss and determine their needs, and set up a search to find the perfect home. I.ve now moved this entire process online, in the form of a zoom meeting. So you can do all of the above from the safety of your home, at a time convenient to you. No need to leave your home and drive to an office anymore, we just meet online. [00:04:32][0.0]
[00:04:32] And in fact, right now is a great time to buy in Winnipeg. There's lots of inventory out there. Interest rates are low. And so if you're looking to buy or sell, give me a shot. And if he's still listening to this, you might want to download my podcast app available on iOS and Android devices. It's really easy to get. Just go to Winnipeg, dot tips, slash Apple or slash Android. That's Winnipeg dot t i P S slash apple or slash Android. And you'll never miss an episode. [00:05:03][30.3]
[00:05:07] You've been listening to Bo Kauffmann of RE/MAX performance realty, are you thinking of buying or selling a house or a condo in Winnipeg called Bo at 2 0 4 3 3 3 2 2 0 2? [00:05:19][11.8]
[00:05:19] Remember, Bo knows real estate. [00:05:19][0.0]
Check out this episode!
0 notes
susanjmiller89 · 5 years
✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Guaranteed Slimming Pills in 2020 that work fast without exercise.
No.1: Phen-24  (60 day  Guarantee – Full return any circumstances)  No.2: Phen-Q  (60 day cast iron guarantee) No.3: Keto pills by Vita (No Guarantee) No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies (Conditional Guarantee) No.10: A-lli
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor .
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these fast weight loss pills will help you in 2020!
The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world.
We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option.
But for those of you who are struggling.
The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Discover the secret Health supplements being used for remarkable weight loss.
(The scientific community are raving about them and you can’t find them on Amazon)
Dear friend if …
you are determined to be healthy….
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why
You are about to get a sneak preview of the most highly rated premium slimming pills in 2020. Guaranteed to help you lose weight in time for Summer or …Your money back!!
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts. 
from over 23 countries.
Before we move on to the top 10 list I have a quick question for you.
What does Mo Farah multi olympic gold winner,
President Obama
and the Renowned US National Library of Medicine have in common?
There is no call a friend and they won’t know I PROMISE:)
They all take or recommend ingredients you can find in the supplements below.
If you need an energy boost you will not go wrong using the ingredient Mo Farah uses! Olympic great and long distance legend Mo gets up at about 7am, has some toast with butter and nutella. Soon after he will do his morning run of around 10-12 miles (16-19 km) then he will go the gym for core work. After a quick snooze MO runs five miles [8K] at lunch time.
Most of us would need weeks to do this and months to recover.
However as reported in the in the guardian some athletes have questioned if Mo Farah is cheating by using the amino acid L-carnitine to boost his performances. The Amazing Legal ingredient is used by many endurance athletes and the secret is out for you. This ingredient is included in the no.2. ranked supplement below. 
The former president Obama has the best medical advice in the world, do you remember a time he was ill? in fact he is known as probably the healthiest president in history!
What is his secret?
Well every morning he religiously drinks green tea.
Green tea is an antioxidant which helps fight free radicals that cause heart disease, cancer and other diseases. But the good news does not end their green tea is also rated as the best fat burner by many esteemed sources like healthline.com. 
You have guessed right green tea is an ingredient in the top rated diet pills below! The scientific community have so many positive things to say about the top 2 supplements below….
        It is impossible to include all the findings but here is sample before I take you to the top 10 list. 
Thus there is evidence for a beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation in training, competition, and recovery from strenuous exercise and in regenerative athletics (found in the no.2 quick weight loss supplement below) World Famous US National Library of Medicine
The participants who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying (especially from cardiovascular disease) than those who drank less than one cup of tea per day (found in the no.1 supplement below) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
Green tea extract the clear winner for fat burning with the strongest evidence to back it up green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance. Antioxidants in green tea may lower your risk of some types of cancer (found in the no.1 supplement below) HEALTHLINE.COM
ALA studies in animals demonstrated significant reductions in body fat mass measured by weighing removed fat mass.(ALA is Alpha-Lipoic Acid or α-Lacys Reset can found no.2 ranked supplement below  for quick weight loss)
US National Library of Medicine.
(Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page)
Clair Simmons below used one of the supplement we recommend for energy and lost 113 pounds in under 11 months.  By the way the supplement Clair used for energy , is also used by one of the greatest olympic long distance runners of all time – It is a remarkable health supplement that will help you lose weight quickly with or without exercise. 
Watch the video until the end you will be amazed!
Heart warming transformation you must watch
  If you’re determined to lose weight fast..
Take the 1 minute Quiz below
It will tell you the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape
In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
  Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
  The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
  If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”  
Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to be up to 5 x more powerful than normal diet pills.
Comes with award winning advana cleanse to flush out damaging toxins.
Given the affectionate nickname Jolly Polly due to its positive effect on your mood.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
α-Lacys Reset scientifically proven to help you lose 7.24% body fat.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, even return the empty bottles and get your money back (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 5x more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
  CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
The post ✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide-2/ from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/190378032904
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courtneylrodriquez · 5 years
✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Guaranteed Slimming Pills in 2020 that work fast without exercise.
No.1: Phen-24  (60 day  Guarantee – Full return any circumstances)  No.2: Phen-Q  (60 day cast iron guarantee) No.3: Keto pills by Vita (No Guarantee) No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies (Conditional Guarantee) No.10: A-lli
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor .
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these fast weight loss pills will help you in 2020!
The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world.
We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option.
But for those of you who are struggling.
The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Discover the secret Health supplements being used for remarkable weight loss.
(The scientific community are raving about them and you can’t find them on Amazon)
Dear friend if …
you are determined to be healthy….
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why
You are about to get a sneak preview of the most highly rated premium slimming pills in 2020. Guaranteed to help you lose weight in time for Summer or …Your money back!!
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts. 
from over 23 countries.
Before we move on to the top 10 list I have a quick question for you.
What does Mo Farah multi olympic gold winner,
President Obama
and the Renowned US National Library of Medicine have in common?
There is no call a friend and they won’t know I PROMISE:)
They all take or recommend ingredients you can find in the supplements below.
If you need an energy boost you will not go wrong using the ingredient Mo Farah uses! Olympic great and long distance legend Mo gets up at about 7am, has some toast with butter and nutella. Soon after he will do his morning run of around 10-12 miles (16-19 km) then he will go the gym for core work. After a quick snooze MO runs five miles [8K] at lunch time.
Most of us would need weeks to do this and months to recover.
However as reported in the in the guardian some athletes have questioned if Mo Farah is cheating by using the amino acid L-carnitine to boost his performances. The Amazing Legal ingredient is used by many endurance athletes and the secret is out for you. This ingredient is included in the no.2. ranked supplement below. 
The former president Obama has the best medical advice in the world, do you remember a time he was ill? in fact he is known as probably the healthiest president in history!
What is his secret?
Well every morning he religiously drinks green tea.
Green tea is an antioxidant which helps fight free radicals that cause heart disease, cancer and other diseases. But the good news does not end their green tea is also rated as the best fat burner by many esteemed sources like healthline.com. 
You have guessed right green tea is an ingredient in the top rated diet pills below! The scientific community have so many positive things to say about the top 2 supplements below….
        It is impossible to include all the findings but here is sample before I take you to the top 10 list. 
Thus there is evidence for a beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation in training, competition, and recovery from strenuous exercise and in regenerative athletics (found in the no.2 quick weight loss supplement below) World Famous US National Library of Medicine
The participants who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying (especially from cardiovascular disease) than those who drank less than one cup of tea per day (found in the no.1 supplement below) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
Green tea extract the clear winner for fat burning with the strongest evidence to back it up green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance. Antioxidants in green tea may lower your risk of some types of cancer (found in the no.1 supplement below) HEALTHLINE.COM
ALA studies in animals demonstrated significant reductions in body fat mass measured by weighing removed fat mass.(ALA is Alpha-Lipoic Acid or α-Lacys Reset can found no.2 ranked supplement below  for quick weight loss)
US National Library of Medicine.
(Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page)
Here is the story of some of the most amazing celebrity weight loss transformations. Eye candy galore!
 If you’re determined to lose weight fast..
Take the 1 minute Quiz below
It will tell you the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape
 In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
 How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
 Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
 Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
 Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
 The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
 Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
 Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
  If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”  
Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to be up to 5 x more powerful than normal diet pills.
Comes with award winning advana cleanse to flush out damaging toxins.
Given the affectionate nickname Jolly Polly due to its positive effect on your mood.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
α-Lacys Reset scientifically proven to help you lose 7.24% body fat.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, even return the empty bottles and get your money back (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 5x more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
 CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
 The post ✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide-2/ from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.blogspot.com/2020/01/best-weight-loss-pills-2020_20.html
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    ATTENTION, dog owners and lovers: Your dog may be in danger. It may be at risk… And you may not even know it.
Find out what this dangerous “feeding” mistake is… and whether you are indirectly harming your dog without even knowing.
Learn proven and effective methods that are used by over hundreds of dog lovers to increase their dog’s lifespan and quality of life.
Discover how to save a ton of your precious time and money when it comes to your dog’s food… and still ensure it stays healthy all year round.
(Read on to find out more…)
Dear fellow dog owner (and lover),
You are reading this because you are a dog owner (like myself), and you want the very best for your dog.
It’s a funny thing really. Sometimes, I get jokingly asked by my friends whether I actually love my dog or my husband more?
And you know what?
I have difficulty answering that question. All the time.
But here’s the shocking truth that nobody ever told you about…
Did you know that most dog owners want the best for their dogs… but yet they are causing it so much harm and pain without even knowing?
Maybe you are making this exact mistake too.
What is it?
Answer: Not feeding your dogs the right kind of foods.
In fact, here’s the truth that the pet food industry will NEVER ever tell you about…
Truth: 90% of commercially available dog food contains potentially harmful chemicals and preservatives that indirectly contribute to a wide variety of health problems and illnesses in dogs… And sometimes, they even result in death if the illness goes un-noticed and is not treated in time.
Stop harming your dog with the wrong foods (I had to learn that the hard way)
I don’t even need to guess.
If you’re reading this, it goes to show that you definitely want the best for your dog, and you want to see it grow strong and healthy…
So that you will be able to spend more quality time with your dog.
I can totally understand… because I have a dog named “Kuma”, and I treat him as if he were my precious child.
My name is Connie Hogan.
I got Kuma when he was just 3 months old, from a local breeder here in California.
It was just love at first sight (something that’s really hard to explain in words. But being a dog lover, I’m pretty sure you can relate).
Kuma meant so much to me, and watching him grow up everyday was truly a joy and blessing.
Watching him go crazy trying to find the squeakers in his new toys…
Watching him gobble down his food in an adorable (and very messy) way…
And of course, watching him jump and bark in glee after coming home from a tiring day at work.
That just makes your day, doesn’t it?
And things were going good…
Kuma was slowly getting bigger and stronger by the day, and I thought that I was doing everything right (in terms of feeding and caring for him).
Turns out… I was wrong!
(Read on for the shocking truth of what I was unknowingly doing to my dog)
What happened next, was totally unexpected and took me by surprise.
One Sunday evening, before Kuma and I were about to go out for our usual stroll at the local park…
My dog suddenly started growling in pain and fell unconscious… and the reality hit me that I may actually lose something that I held so dearly in my life.
And the worst part is… I didn’t even know what had caused this to happen. I thought I was doing everything right.
I immediately rushed Kuma to my local vet… and as I held him in my arms and felt his warm and soft fur…
I honestly thought that was going to be the last time I would be able to hold him.
During those moments while our vet was attending to him, my mind went completely blank and the only thing I could recall was all the times and memories Kuma and I spent together.
Thankfully, after about an hour of treatment and some remedies from the vet, Kuma regained consciousness and was able to move again.
“It’s highly likely your commercial dog food contained harmful chemicals and by-products, which threw off his liver enzymes and caused him to be in pain… And you don’t even know it!”
That’s the first thing that my veterinarian, Eddie, told me after he got out of the treatment room.
He explained to me that I had been feeding Kuma with so much commercial pet food…
And many of these commercial products available outside contain a truckload of harmful chemicals and preservatives that are damaging (and even deadly!) for a dog’s health.
He gave Kuma a full examination, and found that his liver was filled with so much artificial chemicals (from the commercial food that I had been feeding him…
This caused an infection and threw off his liver enzymes.
Kuma was suffering in silence as he couldn’t tell me that he was in pain, and I was slowly “poisoning” my own dog without even knowing it.
If things had been worse… he could have even lost his life, because of the harmful commercial pet food that I was feeding him… and I wouldn’t have known what happened!
It was time to find a solution that would allow me to have full control over what I was feeding my dog.
I wanted something that was not only healthy and clean… but also beneficial for my dog’s health (which can equate to a longer lifespan and better quality of life!)
That’s when I started looking for recipes that would allow me to create healthy, clean, and natural meals for my dog.
I consulted veterinarians, food experts and even dieticians!
And after months of searching for answers, I finally found a solution (read on below for the details).
IMPORTANT: Before I go on to share this solution with you, please take note…
Your dog may not faint (like mine did), and it may not even show any signs or symptoms of pain, or discomfort.
Heck, you may even think that what happened to my dog was overly dramatized, and could probably never happen in real life.
But the point I want to drive home here is not what happened to my dog.
This isn’t about my dog, nor is it about me.
This is about YOU and YOUR DOG.
Your dog may look like he or she is perfectly healthy and strong, with no signs of illness. But beware, the stuff that you are feeding it cannot be seen on the packaging of commercial products.
The additives, chemicals, and preservatives can slowly harm your dog’s health, and they can do nothing about it but suffer in silence.
So… don’t wait till the symptoms appear to realize that it’s too late.
Wouldn’t it be so much better if you can take control of your dog’s diet… and feed them natural and healthy ingredients that is not only more nutritious, but also much cheaper than the typical commercial foods?
The “Cookbook for Dogs” (You will NEVER need to buy another can of dog food!)
“You will be able to create healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals for your dog… with minimal time and effort required.
You no longer need to waste your hard-earned money on expensive commercial pet foods (that are filled with harmful chemicals and additives)…
But instead, you can easily whip up a delicious, healthy meal for fur baby… Anytime you want”
Sounds too good to be true?
That’s what Juanita thought to herself as well, when she first came across the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
But after giving it a try and seeing the results for herself, this is what she had to say:
“My Dogs Really Love These Recipes”
My dogs really love these recipes. Especially the treats in the Summertime! Its fun to prepare these meals and knowing that they’re good for them too, is a huge plus! If something isn’t safe enough for a human, why would you want to feed it to your dog? Also, thanks for including a list of toxic foods to avoid. It was a huge eye opener! Thanks again for the great recipes and attention to detail!
Juanita P. California
What will “Cookbook for Dogs” do for you (and your beloved pet)?
When you use the “Cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual to create meals for your dogs(s)…
You will be able to massively boost the nutritional content of EVERY SINGLE MEAL that you feed your dog… because the recipes consist of the most natural, healthy, and content-packed ingredients that have been recommended by over dozens of pet dieticians.
You will be able to increase the lifespan of your dog, and watch it grow strong and healthy… with little illnesses or health problems (which can be pretty costly and emotionally taxing on us dog owners)
You will have complete control over everything that goes into your dog’s mouth… and you will know that your dog is eating only the healthiest, cleanest, and highest quality of ingredients (no more of those toxic chemicals or preservatives that degrade your dog’s health)
You can easily create a healthy and sumptuous meal for your dog, even if you know nothing about pet food (the recipes are super simple, and have been created with speed and ease in mind. Even a complete newbie like myself was able to use these recipes to get my dog salivating!)
You can create specific meals and diets for all types of dogs (even if your pet has special diet needs, or is trying to lose/gain weight… You will still be able to find suitable recipes for it. We’ve got you covered every step of the way, with nothing left to chance J)
You will be able to save a ton of money on commercial pet foods, which can equate to massive cost savings over a sustained time period (Why waste money by feeding your dog with toxic and unhealthy commercial products… when you can spend so MUCH less and still ensure your dog has a clean, safe, and nutritional meal)
You can easily come up with recipes and meal plans for any dog… without worrying about specific problems or needs (our recipes are catered to fit dogs of all breeds, shapes, and sizes. Nothing is left out!)
You can easily get your dog to eat his/her meals (without any force or hassle)… because our recipes don’t just focus on being healthy and clean, BUT most importantly… they are tasty and will engage the taste buds of your dog like how a Scooby snack engages Scooby doo!
You will save yourself from a ton of worry and hassle (and also eliminate emotional stress)… knowing that your dog is consuming only the cleanest and healthiest foods, and thus will not be affected by any of those dangerous bacteria or harmful substances found in commercial pet meals.
You will get to enjoy the great joy and satisfaction of seeing your dog feel energetic, healthy, and strong… every single day (To me, this is the best part of being a dog owner – knowing that my actions have helped to make his/her life so much happier and livelier… because of the clean and nutritious food that I’ve made)
You are NOT alone.
Dozens of dog owners have already used the delicious recipes in “Cookbook for dogs” to get their dogs salivating… over clean, healthy, and nutritious meals
“Thank You For Providing Us With Safe, Nutritious And Delicious Options”
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What a fantastic solution to the potential dangers in processed dog food! If Geoff had his way, he would eat Turkey Stew and Bow Wow Biscuits for all his meals and snacks! Thank you for providing us with safe, nutritious, and delicious options to enjoy throughout the year!
John K. and Geoff Milton, FL
“Best of All, She Really Enjoys It!”
After my first dog Mia passed away from cancer, I began looking into healthier foods for my second dog, Gidget and found Cookbook for Dogs. It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the food she’s eating and best of all, she really enjoys it!
Nancy M. California
“The Recipes Are Very Easy To Make”
It seems like everywhere you turn, there is more news about pet food warnings and recalls due to dangerous ingredients. Soon, I plan to adopt another dog and want to make sure that he only gets the best from me. I found that the recipes in Cookbook for dogs are very easy to make and they’re healthy too. Thanks Connie!
Edgar A. California
Alright… you are absolutely serious about your dog’s health and nutrition. BUT, how much is this worth to you?
To be honest…
I didn’t want to make this too affordable at first.
Because I only wanted the MOST committed and serious dog owners on board – people who actually care for their dogs and want the best for them. Nothing less.
This next sentence may scare you (but I’m still going to say it)…
Many of my private customers have paid up to $100 just to get a copy of this “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And I actually wanted to charge the same price this time.
But, over the past few months, I have actually got a ton of feedback from past customers…
Telling me how they have truly benefited from my “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, and how it has helped them to see massive changes in their dog’s health, fitness, and wellness.
“I Enthusiastically Recommend This To All Dog Lovers”
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Absolutely love this book! This is such a wonderful cookbook, there are so many very easy, wholesome recipes. I enthusiastically recommend this book to all dog lovers.
Kelley C. California
These are the exact same recipes that have:
Helped dozens of dog owners create appetizing and delicious meals for their dogs… that feeding and getting them to eat isn’t a problem anymore.
Helped several dog owners treat their dog’s dietary illnesses… and become strong and healthy (as if they never had a problem in the first place!)
Helped dog owners to save a ton of money on commercial dog food (which can be pretty expensive if you add up the costs)
Helped dog owners prolong their dog’s lifespan (longer than the average lifespan of dogs their breed)… and enjoy more quality time together with their dogs.
And thus, I have decided to make this available to all the dog-lovers out there… for much much less than the original price.
For a limited time… You can get hold of these recipes to create healthy and nutritious meals for your dogs…
For only $27 (Yes, you didn’t read that wrong. It’s not the usual $100 my past clients have been paying
But that’s not all…
I am going to take away all the risk from you… With my “No worries, No nonsense, and No hassle” money-back guarantee
I know what you’re thinking…
“What if these recipes don’t work?”
“What if I don’t like the recipes and it doesn’t suit my dog?”
“What if my dog doesn’t grow wings after eating this?” (kidding here)
These are real questions that many of my past clients have bombarded me with before they got the “cookbook for dogs” recipe manual.
And my answer is always the same…
If you’re not 100% satisfied with what you learn in this cookbook…
Just shoot me an email within the next 60 days, and I will refund you the full amount of money you paid for.
No worries, no nonsense, and no hassle.
You get your money back in full… with ZERO questions asked.
I want to make this fool-proof for you…and no way you can lose anything from this investment.
BUT… that’s NOT all (More ‘awesome-ness’ is in store for you… AND your dog!)
I want to make this special for you.
Look… I know how much your dog means to you, and how committed you are to ensuring that your dog gets the best treatment and care.
The fact that you’ve read this letter till here only goes to show that you are absolutely serious about your dog’s nutrition, and you want the best for it.
No additives, no chemicals, no harmful preservatives…
ONLY the cleanest, most natural, and highest-quality ingredients are allowed to be in your dog’s bowl. Nothing less.
To reciprocate the commitment and dedication shown on your part…
I am going to be offering 3 fast action bonuses, for the first 100 customers who pick up a copy of my “cookbook for Dogs” recipe manual.
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Remember… these fast action bonuses can NOT be found elsewhere… and I am only going to be sharing them with the first 100 customers.
Once the first 100 copies of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual have been snapped up… these bonuses will be taken off the market. Forever.
So, HONESTLY ask yourself these questions…
“Are you truly serious about your dog’s health, nutrition, and quality of life?”
“Do you truly desire to give your dog the best that you can offer?”
If you answered “YES” to the following questions…
Then you will definitely want to grab a copy of the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual, because after applying these recipes… I’m sure you will see a huge positive difference in your dog’s health and quality of life.
So… take action right now, and order your copy of “Cookbook for Dogs”
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“Must Have For Dog Owners!”
Awesome cook book for dogs! Being in the Organic and Natural food industry I love knowing what’s actually in my dogs food now! Recipes are easy and book does a great job of explaining how to make them! Must have for dog owners!
Stephen G. Arizona
Yours truly,
Connie Hogan
P.S. Like I said…
This cookbook is only for dog owners who are truly serious and committed to their dog’s health.
If you want something that can massively improve your dog’s nutrition and ensure it eats better (clean food that’s free of harmful chemicals and additives)…
Then the “Cookbook for dogs” recipe manual will definitely benefit YOU and YOUR dog.
Besides… you are backed by my 60-day satisfaction guarantee…
Just like dozens of other dogs… YOUR dog can be my next success story.
Click here to get a copy of “Cookbook for dogs”, and start feeding your dog with the healthy and nutritious meals it deserves.
(Oh… did I mention, that these meals are delicious too?)
See you on the other side!
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healthinfoorg · 5 years
✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Quick Overview
Best Fast and Powerful Diet Pills in 2020 which also come with a guarantee. Written by Dr Jason Currie. This guide is designed to be a down to earth guide of the best safe and fast slimming pills on the market. This guide covers weight loss pills known by several names such as, fat burners, appetite suppressants, diet pills, and slimming pills. In the main these are just different ways to describe the same thing which are supplements in capsule form which help you lose weight. I will help you find safe, powerful and fast weight loss supplements that will work without exercise. Medical conditions often make exercise difficult I understand that. In this guide I will look at metabolic boosters, safe non stimulant diet pills and safe FDA approved which will help regardless of your medical condition.
The Best Guaranteed Slimming Pills in 2020 that work fast without exercise.
No.1: Phen-24  (60 day  Guarantee – Full return any circumstances)  No.2: Phen-Q  (60 day cast iron guarantee) No.3: Keto pills by Vita (No Guarantee) No.4: Slendarol No.5: Green-Coffee Plus No.6: CL-A 2000 No.7: Burn XT No.8: Vintage Burn No.9: Goli Apple Cider Gummies (Conditional Guarantee) No.10: A-lli
Medical Notice Remember to Consult Your Doctor .
Just heads up right away which I am sure you’re aware of but: if you happen to suffer from a medical condition, Its best to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Diet pills can potentially alter your metabolism, elevate blood pressure and affect your sleep so it’s worthwhile checking with a doctor in such cases.
Below is a list of how these fast weight loss pills will help you in 2020!
The list of the best weight loss pills is based on a poll of medical professionals from around the world.
We all know healthy living including a balanced diet and regular exercise is the best option.
But for those of you who are struggling.
The following list of the best weight loss pills are guaranteed to be your best options.
Discover the secret Health supplements being used for remarkable weight loss.
(The scientific community are raving about them and you can’t find them on Amazon)
Dear friend if …
you are determined to be healthy….
and keep to your new year’s resolutions. 
This will be the most important message you read this year.
Here is why
You are about to get a sneak preview of the most highly rated premium slimming pills in 2020. Guaranteed to help you lose weight in time for Summer or …Your money back!!
Voted on by 3,324 nutrition experts. 
from over 23 countries.
Before we move on to the top 10 list I have a quick question for you.
What does Mo Farah multi olympic gold winner,
President Obama
and the Renowned US National Library of Medicine have in common?
There is no call a friend and they won’t know I PROMISE:)
They all take or recommend ingredients you can find in the supplements below.
If you need an energy boost you will not go wrong using the ingredient Mo Farah uses! Olympic great and long distance legend Mo gets up at about 7am, has some toast with butter and nutella. Soon after he will do his morning run of around 10-12 miles (16-19 km) then he will go the gym for core work. After a quick snooze MO runs five miles [8K] at lunch time.
Most of us would need weeks to do this and months to recover.
However as reported in the in the guardian some athletes have questioned if Mo Farah is cheating by using the amino acid L-carnitine to boost his performances. The Amazing Legal ingredient is used by many endurance athletes and the secret is out for you. This ingredient is included in the no.2. ranked supplement below. 
The former president Obama has the best medical advice in the world, do you remember a time he was ill? in fact he is known as probably the healthiest president in history!
What is his secret?
Well every morning he religiously drinks green tea.
Green tea is an antioxidant which helps fight free radicals that cause heart disease, cancer and other diseases. But the good news does not end their green tea is also rated as the best fat burner by many esteemed sources like healthline.com. 
You have guessed right green tea is an ingredient in the top rated diet pills below! The scientific community have so many positive things to say about the top 2 supplements below….
        It is impossible to include all the findings but here is sample before I take you to the top 10 list. 
Thus there is evidence for a beneficial effect of L-carnitine supplementation in training, competition, and recovery from strenuous exercise and in regenerative athletics (found in the no.2 quick weight loss supplement below) World Famous US National Library of Medicine
The participants who drank at least 5 cups of green tea per day had a significantly lower risk of dying (especially from cardiovascular disease) than those who drank less than one cup of tea per day (found in the no.1 supplement below) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION
Green tea extract the clear winner for fat burning with the strongest evidence to back it up green tea increases fat burning and improves physical performance. Antioxidants in green tea may lower your risk of some types of cancer (found in the no.1 supplement below) HEALTHLINE.COM
ALA studies in animals demonstrated significant reductions in body fat mass measured by weighing removed fat mass.(ALA is Alpha-Lipoic Acid or α-Lacys Reset can found no.2 ranked supplement below  for quick weight loss)
US National Library of Medicine.
(Medical Doctors and Nutrition experts if you need the latest research on ingredients use our acclaimed DIET WIKI database bottom of the page)
Clair Simmons below used one of the supplement we recommend for energy and lost 113 pounds in under 11 months.  By the way the supplement Clair used for energy , is also used by one of the greatest olympic long distance runners of all time – It is a remarkable health supplement that will help you lose weight quickly with or without exercise. 
Watch the video until the end you will be amazed!
Heart warming transformation you must watch
  If you’re determined to lose weight fast..
Take the 1 minute Quiz below
It will tell you the exact diet pills best suited for your lifestyle and body shape
  In Depth Best Diet Pills for Certain Medical Conditions and F.A.Q.
Effective Appetite Suppressants to Stop Your Food Cravings.
Are you tired of giving yourself empty promises? Are you tired of being humiliated and feeling like an addict each time succumbing to a craving? Do you blame your lack of will for your failures? No need to.
Quite often simple things can have a dramatic effect on your food cravings like a lack of sleep which can lead to stress and comfort eating or eating at the wrong time, most notably in the evening.
“……Sleep has also been shown to influence how the body uses insulin and processes glucose. In Penev’s study of middle-aged adults with self-determined consumption of meals and snacks, at the end of the sleep-deprived periods the participants showed increased insulin resistance and decreased glucose tolerance,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism…….”  National Library of Medicine.
The first step towards reducing cravings is to get a good night’s sleep
Simple I know but it is probably the single most important thing to effect weight that many overlook. In one study conducted at the University of Colorado participants who had just 5 hours sleep per night recorded a weight gain of 2lbs per week.
This is due to sleep deprivation meddling with hormones leptin and ghrelin, these are very important to you.
So listen up,  did you know Leptin reduces your appetite and encourages energy expenditure. On the other hand ghrelin is responsible for your feelings of hunger.
“……Many epidemiologic and experimental studies link short or disrupted sleep to elements of one of the major health problems linked to obesity: metabolic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms that can lead to heart disease, stroke, or diabetes, including high triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance……”  National Library of Medicine.
If you do suffer sleep problems I suggest Phen24. This is a general health supplement which includes both day and night slimming agents. It will brighten your mood, help regulate your leptin levels and give you lots of energy for your daily tasks.
Just a bit of advice if you feel like raiding the fridge in the evening for a snack opt for high protein bar which will make you feel or consider yoghurt, apricots, prunes or raisins.
What Are The Best Slimming Pills For an Energy Boost?
“…Exercise? Dam I dont have the energy to lift a toothpick let alone go to the gym. Exercise?.. its swear word! I might manage leaning over to grab the remote of the table but don’t ask me to get up after work! My default mode after work is the cabbage state…..”
This was the rather amusing retort I got from one client a Lady in her 30’s hiding a wonderful figure!
Here the problem was in fact very simple she didn’t need to diet but to simply organise her day to eat real food opposed to chocolate snacks and coffee.
The lack of organization in her life meant when she got tired she needed an energy boost and the first thing at hand was often coffee and sweet food.
The problem with sugar stimulants is the energy is short lived and the energy crash is steep which leads to a vicious cycle.
So first rule is to organise your day with real food do not pump yourself with quick energy boosters and drink enough water.
Dehydration slows down your metabolism, which will increase the fat you store
A supplement which can balance your energy levels and boost your metabolism is Phen-Q (Find this below) it has a key ingredient called Nopal extract that will give you a healthy non sugar energy boost and curbs your appetite. It also has an ingredient used by athletes I tell you more about this in moment. But first it is wise to know,,,,,,
  How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose?
Before you even think about losing weight you must take this first step to find your ideal weight. (Uses all the scientific formulas to give you an average ideal weight)
Go here to use the ideal weight calculator (opens in a new window will only take a moment)
How much weight you need to lose (if any) depends on your Body Mass Index according to most experts in the past.
But there are numerous examples of well proportioned people with a high BMI. For this reason we developed the ideal weight calculator this gives you an average ideal weight using all the scientific formulas. We also give you the standard BMI calculation.
Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:
Class 1: BMI of 30 to < 35
Class 2: BMI of 35 to < 40
Class 3: BMI of 40 or higher. Class 3 obesity is sometimes categorized as “extreme” or “severe” obesity… www.cdc.gov
  Over The Counter Weight Loss Pills V Prescription Diet Pills?
Non prescription diet supplements aren’t even considered drugs by FDA. This means over the counter  diet pills contain natural ingredients considered to be safe for consumption unless they appear on the FDA tainted weight loss products list.
This is not to say all non prescription weight loss supplements won’t give you side effects. Many do give you side effects like heart palpitations, anxiety and acid reflux etc.  So In this list I have included the supplements with the best safety profile.
In my experience anecdotal customer feedback does not suggest prescription drugs are any more effective than non prescription drugs. In most cases they are also a lot more expensive especially in the United States.  One example is a prescription supplement called ALLi which is a 60-milligram over-the-counter version of orlistat (Xenical), a 120-milligram prescription drug.  Effectively ALLi is a government approved prescription weight loss drug but it does not receive a greater number of positive customer reviews. Which gives us a clue that prescription does not necessarily imply better.
Best Diet Pills That Work Fast Without Exercise
Have you suffered from a trip or fall or are you unable to be active?  In the top 3 list I have selected slimming pills which are suitable for you especially if you need to lose weight quickly.
Considered by some to be the most brutal quick weight loss supplement in the world (You cannot get it on Amazon it is a premium supplement).
There have been reports of weight loss of up to 14lbs in a month.
But losing this amount of weight in 1 month could be unhealthy for some.
The top rated weight loss pills I feature below are becoming a popular alternative to gastric band surgery and a favorite of performance athletes.   
“….three studies in the literature showing beneficial effects of L-carnitine on performance of athletes….”
“….it is clear that L-carnitine plays an important role on recovery from strenuous exercise……”
Mo Farah received some complaints because it is said he used  L-Carnitine and got an unfair advantage but it is perfectly safe and legal! Read the full story here.  
by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This supplement is so effective because it is an all-in-one pill. Its function encompasses everything from boosting metabolism to antioxidation. Moreover, they even give you a 60-days money back guarantee so you really have nothing to lose ,,,well except fat that is!. Find it in the top 3 listed supplements below. 
  Diet Pill Ingredients to avoid if you are Diabetic
If you suffer from diabetes, consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.
Some of them may contain ingredients dangerous for you to take.
Outright dangerous ingredients include cayenne pepper/capsaicin. On the more ambiguous side are caffeine (~200mg may alter blood sugar level).
Garcinia cambogia (lowers blood sugar levels, which is seemingly useful, but combined with diabetes medication can make your blood sugar level dangerously low).
“…….Some evidence has emerged to suggest that apple cider vinegar may have particular benefits for the management of diabetes……”   source ….www.medicalnewstoday.com By the way Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best selling well being supplements and slimming ingredients in the world. It is included in one of the top 3 weight loss pills below and further enhanced with other special ingredients. (By the way the supplement we feature is not available on Amazon top athletes and nutrition experts do not go to such places)
Ingredients like green coffee extract or green tea extract may actually help diabetes. But still, you should consult your doctor on dosages and diabetes medication interactions.
Below in the selected supplements you will find diet pills that contain green tea, raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar which I specifically selected for diabetes sufferers. 
  Best Diet Pills For Women After Childbirth and Pregnancy?
You should aim for gradual weight loss within 6 months.
Light physical exercise doesn’t hurt as long as you don’t overstress yourself.
If you are a new mother Kathleen Rasmussen, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University explains you will retain on average, 2.5 to 5 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)livescience.com
As for slimming pills, there is a number of ingredients to avoid. Those are: ephedra, that can give you a heart attack (luckily, none of the ingredients on our list utilise it), conjugated linoleic acid, which increases risk of diabetes and gallstones, guar gum, which can cause blockages in the intestines and esophagus, tiratricol and chitosan.
Here are your calorie requirements after child birth
If You’re Breastfeeding:
Calories: 2,200–2,400 Calcium: 1,000–1,300 mg Folate: 280 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 65 g Vitamin C: 95 mg
If You’re Not Breastfeeding:
Calories: 1,900–2,200 Calcium: 1,300 mg Folate: 180 mcg Iron: 15 mg Protein: 44–50 g Vitamin C: 60 mg
You might also be interested in = Weight Gain During Pregnancy (Opens in a new browser tab)
Natural Herb Diet Pills and Fat Burners that work?
In a search for a safe diet supplement, you might be turned to natural, botanical diet pills.
They are plant based so must be natural and healthy!
HANG ON ONE MOMENT ! not everything is so clear-cut.
For instance, Meizitang botanical pills have acquired some suspicious reputation recently. And rightfully so: US Food and Drugs administration warned consumers that they contain the regulated ingredient Fluoxetine  also, Australian department of health has found an undeclared element – diclofenac.
I have made sure no harmful weight loss pills are on this list for your safety! Moving on, there are multiple herbal supplements sold under different brands: Job’s tears, Psyllium husk, bamboo shoots, lotus leaf etc.
It is advisable to stick to the such supplements, made solely from plants without any artificial additives or concealed ingredients. 
My recommendation to you if you would like a herbal natural plant supplement is Keto by Vita because it is made by an american company and the supplement is cleared as safe by the FDA (Keto Vita is sold in the USA and Europe see more below)
Traditional Chinese Food Cure (treatment of disease through diet)(Opens in a new browser tab)
  The Best Slimming Supplements if You Suffer High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid stimulant-based supplements.
Apart from stimulants like caffeine, the following ingredients might elevate your blood pressure: ephedra, St. John’s wort, yohimbine, Guarana, Arnica, Ginseng, Licorice.
Some are more ambiguous: raspberry ketones, for instance may potentially elevate your blood pressure but it is considered safe by the FDA. 
On the other hand ingredients that might actually lower your blood pressure: cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar.
Note, that over-the counter diet pills, although considered safe by the FDA, often contain some of the dangerous ingredients listed above, so you should be careful if you have hypertension. If you suffer from a medical condition it is best to consult with a specialist before using any slimming pills.
High Blood Pressure(Opens in a new browser tab)
Are there Effective Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer From Hyperlipidaemia?
If you happen to have hyperlipidaemia due to diabetes, we encourage you to read the respective section.
Otherwise, perhaps you just want to lower your cholesterol levels.
If this is the case there are several ingredients that can aid high cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar, among other benefits, lowers cholesterol levels and promotes heart health.
Green tea extract can aid high cholesterol as well.
Niacin has strong evidence of lowering cholesterol, albeit in high doses. 
Raspberry ketones is also considered helpful to lower cholesterol.
Milder effects are observed with chromium and calcium.
The best option for you if you do suffer from high cholesterol is Keto diet pills by Vita. I tell you more about these below.
The Best Weight Loss Pills if You Suffer Sleep Apnoea
Sleep apnoea is strongly linked to excess body fat as I explained earlier.
Getting decent nights sleep is the single most important thing you can start doing now to lose weight and feel more positive.
Interestingly, the condition can also contribute to weight gain: sleep apnoea can make you feel tired and sleepy during the day, which, in turn, can mess with your hormones leptin and adiponectin, leading to weight gain and excessive food consumption.
To break this vicious circle you might like the assistance of weight loss pills called Phen24 (See Below). It is a supplement that has helped many people burn on average 9-14lbs per month. Phen24 is one of only one of few weight loss supplements in the world to offer night and day formulas.   
Phen24 also acts as an appetite suppressant making you feel fuller so you do not feel like eating.
Many report feeling more cheerful because phen24 gently increases the feel good hormone serotonin.
  Other Diet Pills Guaranteed to be Popular in 2020
Aerobic Life Mag O7
Weight loss has a lot to do with nutrition and the process of digestion. But what if the very digestive system is broken? (Or, rather, littered?) The role of microbiome in your digestive tract is often overlooked . And very unjustly so, because those tiny organisms have influence over a lot of things from digestion to your mood. Mag O7 helps those little folks do their job by releasing ozonated magnesium and potassium. If you need to cleanse your digestive system, this supplement is for you.
Possible side effects Aerobic Mag O7: Nausea, bloating, heartburn, headaches.
Ingredients Aerobic Mag O7: Elemental Magnesium, elemental Potassium.
C4 ripped
Can a daily workout be a struggle got you?
Sweating blood on a treadmill is not everyone’s idea of fun!
C4 ripped to the rescue!
Its powerful formula acts in two ways: it gives you energy and enables fat burning. Users reported relentlessly killing their workouts, ready to go for more and more, like on a never-ending marathon, — but, in a good way! Because the supplement will make you feel rewarded for the hard work you’ve done, This contains a dopamine precursor. Plus, it triggers your metabolism, allowing you to burn much more calories than you would regularly. Oh, just one more thing it’s quite tasty!
This has many stimulants so beware of the side effect mentioned below.
Possible side effects:
Caffeine mixed with green coffee bean has less favourable reports from many customers – complaints include jitters, heart palpitations, anxiety and feeling light headed.
Main ingredients C4 Ripped: Vitamin C(as ascorbic acid) – 250mg, 417% DV, niacin(as Niacinamide) – 30mg, 150% DV, Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) – 500 mcg, 25% DV, Folic acid – 250 mcg, 62% DV, vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin) – 35 mcg, 583% DV, calcium – 28 mg, 3% DV; beta alanine – 1.6g, Arginine AKG – 1g, C4® Ripped Blend(L-Carnitine tartrate, green coffee bean extract(standardised for chlorogenic acids), Capsimax® cayenne(Capsicum annuum) fruit extract, Coleus forskohlii fruit extract) – 1g, Explosive Energy Blend(N-Acityl_l-Tyrosyne, caffeine anhydrous(150mg), Velvet bean(Mucuna pruriens) seed extract(standardised for L-Dopa)) – 371 mg. Other ingredients: citric acid, malic acid, calcium silicate, silicone dioxide, natural flavours, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C Red Lake #40.
Skinny gal
What makes this supplement different according to the manufacturer is it is designed specifically for women by women.
It is rather amusing promotion tactic but the ingredients are common across a range of supplements.
Its function includes thermogenic promotion of metabolism. Thus, it is possible you will burn more calories, getting rid of that stubborn fat and stay motivated for your workout.
On a less positive note, however, The ingredients contain a lower dosage then is recommended. 
Possible side effects Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Some users reported having heartburn and some anxiety issues.
Main ingredients Skinny Gal Weight Loss Pills: Garcinia cambogia(fruit) – 40mg, african mango(seed) – 25mg, conjugated linoleic acid(from Safflower oil) – 15mg, white kidney(Phaseolus vulgaris)(bean) – 10mg; proprietary blend(235mg): caffeine anhydrous, raspberry ketones, green coffee(Coffee arabica)(bean), hoodia(Hoodia gordonii)(aerial parts), 5-HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan), Griffonia simplicifolia(seed), turmeric(Curcuma longa L.)(rhizome), guarana(Paullinia cupana)(seed), rhodiola(root), cayenne pepper(Capsucum annuum)(fruit), apple cider vinegar, papaya(leaf), L-Arginine HCI. Other ingredients: Vegetable capsule, cellulose, l-leucine, silica.
Premium women’s fat burner by Nobi
Nobi makes a number of claims about this product: ketosis support, help with managing appetite, energy increase, fitness & performance boost, weight loss support, help with burning fat, slimming down and toning up. But it contains BHB as the main ingredient and BHB only works if you are already in a state of dietary ketosis. If your not in ketosis BHB can make you put on weight because your body will store the carbs in your body as fat and use  the bhb as energy which you do not want! Basically, Nobi’s product is just a branded version of (goBHB) which is used by many other diet pills especially Keto Pills. The official goBHB website lists only lists three benefits mentioned by Nobi: energy support, appetite control and promoting cognitive health.
Possible side effects Nobi: officially stated: none; but we found: upset stomach, nausea, lightheadedness, yellow skin, hunger and weight gain.
Ingredients Nobi: GoBHB(calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate, sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate, magnesium beta hydroxybutyrate).
Meizitang Botanical slimming pills
These are on the FDA tainted diet supplement warning list. These are BANNED.
Meizitang relies on traditional Asian medicine in making the diet pills. Apart from weight loss, Meizitang promises to promote appetite control, Relieve constipation, improve eye health, relieve symptoms of headaches, calm nausea. However, none of the ingredients’ alleged effects seem to have enough scientific evidence.
Moreover, FDA warned against Meizitang because of the pills containing sibutramine, a controlled substance that had been removed from the market.
Curiously, Meizitang is surrounded by numerous impostors, hence the warnings on the official website.
Possible side effects Meizitang: Bowel problems, weakness in muscles, loss of electrolytes, gastrointestinal issues, stomach problems, diarrhoea.
Ingredients Meizitang: Cassia seed extract (10%), ZiSu extract (25%), Medical Amylum (35%), Oriental Water Plantain (13%), Fuling Extract (17%), Lotus, Job’s tears, Tarragon, Psyllium.
Very few supplements take such care to guide you along your weight loss journey, as this supplement does.
The formula it utilises(comprised of FDA approved ingredients), has a multidimensional action: it gives you the energy to do the exercise, it curbs your appetite, it boosts your metabolism and it helps your body metabolise the fat tissue into muscle. And it does so with a blueprint of weight loss in mind.
The most pernicious and treacherous obstacle on your way to that elusive ideal body is a plateau phase: when you rapidly drop a lot of weight, your body will enter a defence mode, thereby leaving you with stubborn fat, so spitefully resistant to any exercise or diet.
By tweaking your metabolism in right places, Phen375 will enable you to get out of that trap. Even more, it offers its customers access to a video exercise programme. Which might be helpful for those who can’t afford pricey gym subscription or a personal trainer.
Possible side effects Phen375: Restlessness, irritability, sleeplessness, nervousness, increased heart rate.
Ingredients Phen375: l-caritine, caffeine powder anhydrous, Coleus forskohlii root PE(10% froskolin), citrus aurantium, cayenne pepper, Dendrodium nobile extract(from orchids).
An extract from the roots of an Indian herb Coleus Forskohlii, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, recently has drawn a scientific interest for its health benefits. It has been discovered to suppress appetite, improve metabolism and help indigestion. You might be excited by this completely natural medication which can help you lose weight, but be warned: little studies have been conducted on humans and the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Possible side effects Forskolin: flushing and reduction in blood pressure, restlessness, breathlessness, and irritation in the airways, headache, stinging pain the eyes and bloodshot eyes.
Raspberry Ketones.
Raspberry ketones are the compounds that give raspberries their flavour. Apart from food industry, they’re also used to aid weight loss.
The way they are supposed to work is by stimulating the hormone adiponectin, which helps to break down fatty acids. Experiments on mice have been conducted, indicating a weight loss of 10%.
Raspberry ketones have proven to be a useful diet supplement and have been utilised by various diet pill brands.
Possible side effects: unknown; generally recognised safe by the FDA.
  Lean pm night time fat burner
Lean PM by Jacked Factory is a stimulant-free diet supplement. Meaning that you don’t have to worry about any stimulant-induced side-effects like caffeine jitteriness. The only problem is it does not work according to many customers. Ingredients include vitamin B and magnesium which are used to fight fatigue. Aside from that, the supplement has a benefit of boosting your metabolism. 
Possible side effects Lean-PM: caffeine-related.
Ingredients Lean-PM: Vitamin B6(as Pyridoxine HCI) – 10mg, 500% DV, magnesium(as Magnesium Citrate) – 150mg, 38% DV, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) – 300mg, l-theanine – 200mg, 5-HTP(from Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract) – 150mg, melatonin – 5mg, Bioperine® black pepper fruit extract 5mg.
Garcinia cambogia is a citrus native to Indonesia. I is used per se or a an ingredient in various slimming pills. It works due to its main compound, Hydrocitric acid, blocking lyase, an enzyme responsible for fat production. Garcinia is also believed to improve serotonin levels. Thus, the fruit will stop you from gaining weight(and, thus, in longer term, promote weight loss) and, possibly, improve your mood. According to NCBI:
“the meta-analysis revealed a small, statistically significant difference in weight loss favoring HCA over placebo”
Possible side effects Garcinia Dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rash.
Hydroxycut hardcore elite
This supplement is claimed to work through thermogenesis – a state of elevated body temperature, when it burns more calories for thermoregulation.
Alongside that, the supplement stimulants provide you with energy, some of its ingredients boost metabolism, while the blend of yohimbe & L-Theanine is described as “combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a-kind sensory experience”.
Keep in mind, the brand’s reputation is somewhat murky due to health scares. The Parent company who produce Hydroxycut were forced to formulate the ingredients twice due to serious side-effect being reported by customers.
Possible side effects Hydroxycut: Insomnia, jitteriness, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea. This supplement suffers from above average number of customer complaints.
Ingredients Hydroxycut: kohlii(100mg), Green Coffee(200mg), Caffeine Anhydrous(270mg), L-Theanine(100mg), cocoa extract(100mg), yohimbe extract(56.3mg), supplying yohimbine, supplying rauwolscine.
(TOP 10) Best Weight Loss Pills 2020
Editors no.1. choice.
“….The best combined fat burner and appetite suppressant in the world. Comes with a special night formula….”
    If you’re over 30 and want the best combined appetite suppressant and fat burner these are for you.
Glucomannan makes you feel full and content (recommended by healthline as the best weight loss ingredient in the world)
You sleep one third of your life do not waste this time! This is the smart person’s choice! and the only premium diet formula to burn your fat night and day.
Helps regulate the hormone leptin which is required before you can lose weight
Increases your serotonin so you feel happy and positive
A great option for women over 30 who are inactive
Best appetite suppressant and fat burning diet pill combined
Hops extract promotes relaxation mindfulness
Vitamin B helps gives you energy by breaking down fat into glucose
With PhenQ the only diet pills that offer a full no questions asked guarantee even if you use the supplement and don’t like it. (60 days)
This supplement is only available from the official website
The only premium supplement with a special night formula that also burns your fat at night.
Phen24 claims to be the most potent weight loss pill on the market.
Are the claims justified?
Yes and no.
For pure fat burning qualities, we would give the Title to PhenQ.
That said there is a caveat an important one….
Phen24 is the only premium diet pill that includes a night-time supplement.
What is the big deal about this i hear you ask?
Well there is a lot science linking obesity with disturbed sleep.
Up to now this is a fact only a privileged few have really known about.
Why is it such a game changer for celebs ?
Celebs have to often change there weight and appearance in weeks and the night formula adds a massive one third to effective weight loss that would normally be wasted. 
It’s rather smart !
We sleep a 1/3 of our lives so knowing your losing weight with no effort while you sleep is a big plus point.
Another factor is the positive effect on your mood.
Phen24 is one of a few premium weight loss pills to formulate its ingredients around mood and well being as well as fat burning.
The reason for this is simple….
A sunny mood can boost motivation in all aspects of your life.
So although you may not be motivated to exercise or diet at the moment when you start to feel the weight come off this can give you new enthusiasm and hope.
If you are mature and less active Phen24 is a great option.
If you want to blast away fat in the shortest possible time go for PhenQ.
Some things you must know !
Most weight loss pills contain stimulants like caffeine that disturb your sleep. It’s why some people fail using weight loss supplements.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the hormone leptin in your body which naturally reduces your cravings.
A lack of sleep also increases the levels of ghrelin hormone which makes you feel hungry.
Phen24 is the smart balanced option that pays attention to your mood and those vital hormones like Leptin.
The US National Library of medicine and health said in a peer-reviewed study. “Laboratory studies and multiple epidemiological studies have linked short-sleep duration and poor-sleep quality to obesity risk”  
Possible side effects Phen24 Nausea on first day which is uncommon probably due to not drinking enough water.
Ingredients Phen24 Daily: Guarana extract Cayenne pepper,L-Phenylalanine, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc citrate, copper sulfate, Caffeine. Nightly: Glucomannan, Green tea extract, Hops extract, Chromium, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Plyridoxine Hcl, Thiamine Hcl, D-Biotin, Molybdenum.  
Famous Olympic athletes like Mo Farah use L-Carnitine for massive energy and recovery boost. This amazing ingredient is also in our top rated product for quick weight loss Phen-Q.
Editors choice for quick weight loss.
“….Considered by many in the scientific community to be the most powerful weight loss pills in the world….”
The potent weight loss pill obese people turn to instead of gastric bypass.
L-Carnitine used by the most successful British track athlete in modern Olympic history Mo Farah. This is ideal to maintain your muscle while burning your fat. It will get you cut!
Said to be up to 5 x more powerful than normal diet pills.
Comes with award winning advana cleanse to flush out damaging toxins.
Given the affectionate nickname Jolly Polly due to its positive effect on your mood.
Nopal contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-3, C.
α-Lacys Reset scientifically proven to help you lose 7.24% body fat.
Suitable for you if you are an obese woman or man.
Great to boost your energy with a super safety profile.
Helpful to control blood sugar levels.
Offers a FULL CAST IRON GUARANTEE, even return the empty bottles and get your money back (60 days)
PhenQ is only available from the official website
Up to 5x more potent than any other fat burner on the market.. even our no.1 choice.
But for some the weight loss is to extreme and a more balanced approach can be more helpful. If you are at the stage of not giving a damn about balance and just want the fastest option this is for you.
In the last couple of years many obese people have used this supplement instead of gastric bypass losing as much as one hundred pounds in weight.  But be aware super quick weight loss when you’re very fat can leave stretch marks and loose skin. This is for you if…. You are obese and need to lose weight quickly If you need an energy and performance boost  With phen24 this is the only premium supplement that offers you a full no questions asked guarantee for 60 days. PhenQ blends natural ingredients to aid your weight loss and help you feel more positive. PhenQ also slows fat production. Curbs your appetite. Boosts your energy. And even increases your sense of wellness. The advantages don’t stop there! PhenQ also empowers you by giving you a FULL guarantee.
You will lose weight we are so confident we will give you a cast iron guarantee for 60 daysPhenQ
These are considered a premium weight loss supplement. Often used by pro fitness coaches and so  confident they give full money back promise. You will lose weight – 60 day promise. PhenQ is only available from the official website
Side effects = Phenq has a great safety profile! Ingredients Phenq α-Lacys Reset, capsimax powder, calcium carbonate, chromium picolinate, caffeine, nopal powder L-Carnitine.
Many moons ago it was believed women became mentally ill and hysterical on their periods so they did this totally unacceptable thing to cure it.
A natural choice to beat food cravings. “…..One of best appetite suppressant in the world…..”
Start to feel less hungry within 1 hour.
FDA registered facility this works and verified safe made to GMP standards.
HELPS INDUCE A METABOLIC STATE OF KETOSIS it will burn your fat for energy.
Non GMO, gluten free and vegan friendly.
Contains Apple Cider a super ingredient to defeat food cravings.
Raspberry ketones recommended by DR.OZ.
Comes with free bottles on certain orders
Boosts your energy with no known side effects.
Contains GREEN TEA (the best women’s fat burner in the world according to healthline and drunk every morning by President Obama)
Great with or without diet but also a great supplement to popular diets like keto, weight watchers ww and the cambridge diet.
Only available from the official website
Numerous celebs have caught on to the fact that you can use these to get slim without dieting.
BUT I warn against that attitude because eating poor food has negative health implications regardless of weight.
Often combined with popular diets like keto, weight watchers or cambridge to help beat food cravings which can spoil diets.
Keto by Vita is considered by many as a smart cheat helping many people to fast.
This an appetite suppressants which will more a less force you to stop eating.
Many athletes use this as health supplement because of apple cider vinegar. “…….In 1958, D.C Jarvis, MD published a book entitled ‘Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health’ wherein he recommended vinegar as a ‘cure-all’ thanks to its potassium rich qualities…..”
Mr President can I bring your Green Tea?
There are 4 main ingredients the 1st is green tea which is packed with antioxidants and used every morning by president obama who is considered the fittest president in history.
Green tea is mentioned as the best fat burner in the world by prestigious scientific website healthline.com and nutrition experts around the world agree.
Basically keto pills help you put your body into the state of ketosis which helps you utilises fat as the primary energy source, rather than carbohydrates.
It helps you burn your fat with the natural ingredients raspberry ketones and apple cider vinegar.
Take keto by vita to narrow your eating hours every day… ….this will help slow down your aging – Remember those teenage years again!
In addition to that, tea extract will give you an energy boost, To blast your daily tasks!
As you’ve probably noticed, all the ingredients are natural, which makes these pills very safe.
Only available from the official website
No significant side effects have been reported
Ingredients keto diet pills. raspberry ketones, apple cider vinegar, green tea extract, African mango.
#4. Slendarol
Slendarol is a brand that put emphasis on a all-natural blend of ingredients. Slendarol will provide you with the energy throughout the day, promote healthy metabolism and reduce your appetite. 2 of the ingredients raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia have positive scientific feedback but most are based on animal tests not human tests. Also cambogia in my opinion is rather a mild appetite suppressant. The customer reviews, nevertheless, rate Slendarol quite well. The only complaint some customers have is the stimulating effect. Slendarol diet pills are sold for a relatively low price – $39.95/bottle(month’s supply), $72.95/2 bottles and $119.95/ 3 bottles + 1 free.
Possible side effects Slendarol: allergic reactions, caffeine dizziness or jitteriness.
Ingredients Slendarol: raspberry ketones, green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia.
#5.Vintage Burn
Sometimes the war against fat involves some civilian casualties.
I’m talking about those unfortunate muscle cells that get burnt for energy while you’re trying to shed some weight.
Very unfortunate indeed, since it is mostly the muscle tissue that does the fat burning. And, yes, obviously everyone actually aims for a skinny body, rather than simply a light-weight one. What can you do to attain the desired low fat-muscle ratio? ]
Vintage Burn purports to be the answer but see above for PhenQ which is the better option. This is a powerful blend of carefully selected ingredients which promotes weight loss, but also helps to preserve your muscles, – and guess what–  it can even improve your mood & focus. 
Possible side effects Vintage Burn: May contain trace amounts of allergens such as milk, eggs, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, and peanuts; should not be taken in less than 4 hrs before sleep to avoid caffeine-induced insomnia.
Main Ingredients Vintage Burn: Green tea leaf extract, green coffee leaf extract, raspberry ketone, olive leaf extract, caffeine, bacopa leaf extract, garcinia fruit extract, chrysin, forskohlii root extract.Auxiliary ingredients: vegetable capsule, vegetable stearate.
BurnXT presents a powerful formula devised by a well-established brand, Jacked Factory but it is overly packed with stimulants in my opinion. Acetyl L-carnitine HCI. This amino acid will launch the fat burning process in your cells and, somewhat unexpectedly, enhance your cognitive function.
Green tea extract offers caffeine, predictably, but more than that, it also contains a compound called EGCG(whose name we abbreviated out of mercy for your tongue) which promotes fat loss.
Caffeine Anhydrous. A stimulant the benefits of which it has been already extensively written about but this this ingredient can also have negative side effects for many people in high doses. Anhydrous simply refers to the dry consistency of the chemical (as opposed to your typical cup of coffee – or tea, whichever you fancy)
Cayenne pepper extract will give you an increase in body temperature, so that it spends more energy for thermoregulation, so that you burn fat!
Black pepper extract helps absorption of the ingredients. You want to squeeze the maximum off that pill, don’t you?
Possible side effects BurnXT: Can cause anxiety and heart palpitations be aware of high caffeine content.
Ingredients Burn XT: Acetyl L-carnitine HCI(700mg), green tea extract(450mg), caffeine anhydrous(270mg), Capsimax cayenne pepper(50mg), BioPerine(5mg).
You have probably heard the old wives tale about fat consumption being inherently harmful for your body.
Well, this supplement may change your mind on that one.
CLA stands for conjugated linoleic acid, which is a family of compounds that can be found in such products as dairy or poultry.
CLA promotes a healthy metabolism and helps you build pure, fat-free muscles.
One study in mice even found a fat drop by 60%!.
But be aware trials involving  people have yet to confirm these fantastic results.
Possible side effects CLA: Nausea, digestive disorders.
Ingredients CLA: conjugated linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid.
#8. Green Coffee Plus
In contrast to the previously reviewed brands, this supplement focuses on quality, rather than quantity. Its main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, does great job at correcting an unhealthy metabolism. It does so by making your liver burn more fat. Moreover, this incredible compound is among the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. If you want to shed some of that stubborn fat and detox your body for an adequate price this is an option for you.
Side effects Green Coffee Uncommon reports of diarrhea
Ingredients: Pure green coffee extract.
#9. Alli
If most of the supplements covered are a gentle aid in the pursuit of a skinny body, this one is heavy artillery. Alli is an over-the-counter version of orlistat. What it does is it simply block lipase, – enzyme responsible for breaking down the ingested fat, – so that your fat absorption drops by a quarter. That’s it, that fat just doesn’t get absorbed. That said many customer reports suggest it is no longer as effective as it used to be. 
Possible side effects Alli: Itching, loss of appetite, yellow eyes or skin, light-coloured stool, brown urine.
Ingredients: orlistat – 60mg.
  CRAZY WEIGHT LOSS FACT  Weight loss programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig can be tax deductible. If your current weight is a threat to your health, and your doctor enrolls you on the program.
#10. Goli ACV Gummies
Lots of positive feedback, they taste great but there is a negative. They are totally organic, non-allergic, vegan-friendly.  You might be surprised how many benefits ACV has. Besides helping you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, it also aids digestion, detoxes your gut and promotes a healthy heart. ACV can even improve your skin because it regulates your pH levels.
Downsides are Goli Gummies are very expensive compared to other AVC products. Each servings contains 15 calories, 3.5 carbs and 1 gram of sugars. 
There are better combined options including keto pills by Vita (below) which also contains apple cider vinegar.
If you like gummies I suggest buying sugar free gummies in your local walmart:)
Possible side effects Goli Gummies: May decrease your potassium levels, may alter insulin levels.
Ingredients Goli Gummies: Apple cider vinegar(5% acetic acid) – 500mg, beetroot – 40mcg, pomegranate – 40mcg, vitamin B12, vitamin B9. Other ingredients: apple, blackcurrant, cane sugar, carrot, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavour, sodium citrate, tapioca syrup, pectin, water.
For the film role the machinist Christian Bale lost 60lbs on a strict diet of whisky and cigarettes. The was one of many remarkable transformations he made for film roles.
 The post ✅Best Weight Loss Pills 2020 appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/weight-loss-pills-guide-2/
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12 Ways to Keep Going with Depression
About once a week I hear the same question from a reader, “What keeps you going?” The short answer is lots of things. I use a variety of tools to persevere through my struggle with depression because what works on one day doesn’t the next. I have to break some hours into 15-minute intervals and simply put one foot in front of another, doing the thing that is right in front of me and nothing else.
I write this post for the person who is experiencing debilitating symptoms of depression. The following are some things that help me fight for sanity and keep me going, when the gravity of my mood disorder threatens to stop all forward movement.
Find a good doctor and therapist.
I have tried to beat my depression without the help of mental health professionals and discovered just how life-threatening the illness can be. Not only do you need to get help, you need to get the RIGHT help.
A reporter once referred to me as the Depression Goldilocks of Annapolis because I have seen practically all of the psychiatrists in my town. Call me picky, but I am glad I didn’t stop my search after the third or fourth or fifth physician because I did not get better until I found the right one at Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Center. If you have a severe, complicated mood disorder, it is worth going to a teaching hospital to get a consultation.
Be just as choosy with your therapist. I have sat on therapy couches on and off for 30 years, and while the cognitive behavioral exercises were helpful, I didn’t begin making real progress until I started working with my current therapist.
Rely on your faith — or some higher power.
When everything else has failed, my faith sustains me. In my hours of desperation, I will read from the Book of Psalms, listen to inspirational music, or simply yell at God. I look to the saints for courage and resolve since many of them have experienced dark nights of the soul — Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Mother Teresa. It is of great consolation to know that God knows each hair on my head and loves me unconditionally despite my imperfections, that He is with me in my anguish and confusion.
A substantial amount of research points to the benefits of faith to mitigate symptoms of depression. In a 2013 study, for example, researchers at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, found that belief in God was associated with better treatment outcomes.
Be kind and gentle with yourself.
The stigma attached to depression is still, unfortunately, very thick. Maybe you have one or two people in your life who can offer you the kind of compassion that you deserve. However, until the general public offers persons with mood disorders the same compassion that is conferred on people with breast cancer or any other socially acceptable illness, it is your job to be kind and gentle with yourself. Instead of pushing yourself harder and telling yourself it’s all in your head, you need to speak to yourself as a sensitive, fragile child with a painful wound that is invisible to the world. You need to put your arms around her and love her. Most importantly, you need to believe her suffering and give it validation. In her book Self-Compassion, Kristin Neff, Ph.D., documents some of the research that demonstrates that self-compassion is a powerful way to achieve emotional well-being.
Reduce your stress.
You don’t want to give into your depression, I get that. You want to do everything on your to-do list and part of tomorrow’s. But pushing yourself is going to worsen your condition. Saying no to responsibilities because your symptoms are flaring up isn’t a defeat. It is act of empowerment.
Stress mucks up all your biological systems, from your thyroid to your digestive tract, making you more vulnerable to mood swings. Rat studies show that stress reduces the brain’s ability to keep itself healthy. In particular, the hippocampus shrinks, impacting short-term memory and learning abilities. Try your best to minimize stress with deep-breathing exercises, muscle-relaxation meditations, and simply saying no to anything you don’t absolutely have to do.
Get regular sleep.
Businessman and author E. Joseph Cossman once said, “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.” It is one of the most critical pieces to emotional resiliency. Practicing good sleep hygiene — going to bed at the same time at night and waking up at a regular hour — can be challenging for persons with depression because, according to J. Raymond DePaulo, Jr., M.D., co-director of the Johns Hopkins Mood Disorders Center, that’s when people often feel better. They want to stay up and write or listen to music or work. Do that too many nights, and your lack of sleep becomes the Brussels sprout on the floor of the produce aisle that you trip over. Before you know it, you’re on your back, incapable of doing much of anything.
Although pleasing our circadian rhythm — our body’s internal clock — can feel really boring, remember that consistent, regular sleep is one of the strongest allies in the fight against depression.
Serve others.
Five years ago, I read Man’s Search for Meaning by Holocaust survivor and Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl and was profoundly moved by his message that suffering has meaning, especially when we can turn our pain into service of others.
Frankl’s “logotherapy” is based on the belief that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose. If we devote our time and energy toward finding and pursuing the ultimate meaning of our life, we are able to transcend some of our suffering. It doesn’t mean that we don’t feel it. However, the meaning holds our hurt in a context that gives us peace. His chapters expound on Friedrich Nietzsche’s words, “He who has a why can bear almost any how.” I have found this to be true in my life. When I turn my gaze outward, I see that suffering is universal, and that relieves some of the sting. The seeds of hope and healing are found in the shared experience of pain.
Look backwards.
Our perspective is, without doubt, skewed during a depressive episode. We view the world from a dark basement of human emotions, interpreting events through the lens of that experience. We are certain that we have always been depressed and are convinced that our future will be chock full of more misery. By looking backwards, I am reminded that my track record for getting through depressive episodes is 100 percent. Sometimes the symptoms didn’t wane for 18 months or more, but I did eventually make my way into the light. I call to mind all those times I persevered through difficulty and emerged to the other side. Sometimes I’ll take out old photos as proof that I wasn’t always sad and panicked.
Take a moment to recall the moments that you are most proud of, where you triumphed over obstacles. Because you will do it again. And then again.
Plan something fun.
Filling my calendar with meaningful events forces me to move forward when I’m stuck in a negative groove. It can be as simple as having coffee with a friend or calling my sister. Maybe it’s signing up for a pottery or cooking class.
If you’re feeling ambitious, plan an adventure that takes you out of your comfort zone. In May, I’m walking Camino de Santiago, or The Way of Saint James, a famous pilgrimage that stretches 778 kilometers from St. Jean Port de Pied in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The anticipation of the trip has fueled me with energy and excitement during a hard stretch of my life.
You need not backpack through Europe, of course, to keep moving forward. Organizing a day trip to a museum or some local art exhibit could serve the same purpose. Just be sure to have something on your calendar other than therapy and work meetings.
Be in nature.
According to Elaine Aron, Ph.D., in her bestseller The Highly Sensitive Person, approximately 15 to 20 percent of the population is easily overwhelmed by loud noises, crowds, smells, bright lights, and other stimulation. These types have rich interior lives, but tend to feel things very deeply and absorb people’s emotions. Many people who struggle with chronic depression are highly sensitive. They need a pacifier. Nature serves that purpose.
The water and woods are mine. When I get overstimulated by this Chuck E. Cheese world of ours, I retreat to either the creek down the street or the hiking trail a few miles away. Among the gentle waves of the water or the strong oak trees in the woods, I touch ground and access a stillness that is needed to navigate difficult emotions. Even a few minutes a day provide a sense of calm that helps me to harness panic and depression when they arise.
Connect with other warriors.
Rarely can a person battle chronic depression on her own. She needs a tribe of fellow warriors on the frontline of sanity, remembering her that she is not alone and equipping her with insights with which to persevere.
Five years ago, I felt very discouraged by the lack of understanding and compassion associated with depression so I created two forums: Group Beyond Blue on Facebook and Project Hope & Beyond. I have been humbled by the level of intimacy formed between members of the group. There is power in shared experience. There is hope and healing in knowing we are in this together.
You may think there’s nothing funny about your depression or wanting to die. After all, this is a serious, life-threatening condition. However, if you can manage to add a dose of levity to your situation, you’ll find that humor is one of the most powerful tools to fight off hopelessness. G.K. Chesterton once said, “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” That’s what laughter does. It lightens the burden of suffering. That’s why nurses use comedy skits in small group sessions in inpatient psychiatric units as part of their healing efforts. Humor forces some much-needed space between you and your pain, providing you a truer perspective of your struggle.
Dance in the rain.
Vivian Greene once said, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
When I was first diagnosed with depression, I was sure that the right medication or supplement or acupuncture session would cure my condition. Ten years ago, when nothing seemed to work, I shifted to a philosophy of managing my symptoms versus curing them. Although nothing substantial changed in my recovery, this new attitude made all the difference in the world. I was no longer stuck in the waiting room of my life. I was living to the fullest, as best I could. I was dancing in the rain.
Rosmarin, D.H., Bigda-Peyton, J.S., Kertz, S.J., Smith, N., Rauch, S.L., & Björgvinsson, T. (2013). A test of faith in God and treatment: The relationship of belief in God to psychiatric treatment outcomes. Journal of Affective Disorders, 146(3): 441-446. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016503271200599X
Hildebrandt, S. (2012, February 6). How stress can cause depression [blog post]. Retrieved from http://sciencenordic.com/how-stress-can-cause-depression
Frankl, V.E. (1959). Man’s Search for Meaning. Cutchogue, NY: Buccaneer Books.
Aron, E. (1996). The Highly Sensitive Person. New York, NY: Carol Publishing.
from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/12-ways-to-keep-going-with-depression/
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