#and with this i go sleep enjoy the scarred man while i go catch some zz
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 1 year ago
hee hee hoo hoo :)
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BRO: Shut up. Shut the fuck up. He's long dead and gone, he's gone. Don't you EVER fucking mess with me like this. Get out.
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hellsquills · 14 days ago
Do you think Ford knew how old he was when he came back? Because I don't think so.
He's been all around the multiverse, in places that definitely didn't follow the laws of physics of his home dimension. Time works differently depending on the place he lands on, and he never gets used to any of them because he knows he'll have to leave sooner or later.
So time passes. He can feel himself age, of course, but he doesn't know how long it's been since he fell through the portal. When he looks at himself in the mirror, he can see wrinkles paired with new scars, and his hair is getting grayer, but that could simply be a sign of stress. And sure, his body hurts when he wakes up, but he's constantly on the move and sleeping anywhere he can, obviously he's not going to be in the best shape! All things considered, he's a pretty fit man for any age, and whatever years he's been alive for is not his priority right now.
When he comes back home, after his first encounter with Stan, he finally gets a moment to think about his new and old family. His brother looks older, obviously, and certainly different from what he imagined (not that he thought about him often, of course not). His hair is whiter than his own, and he has even more wrinkles than him! Just how badly was he taking care of himself in the... how many years... wait, did he say 30?!
I don't think Ford was necessarily thinking of a higher or lower number. I don't think he expected anything more or less: the way he sees it, it could've been anywhere from 10 to 1000 years. Time was meaningless between dimensions. I think that the sole reminder that time still passed was what got to him.
That shock came full force after Weirdmageddon, when he realized that Stan was his same age, despite the differences in their physiques. It was the fact that they were both around 60 years old, and they had been apart for 40 years. Two whole thirds of their lives. They were supposed to grow old together, maybe not in the same house (or boat), but close to each other. That, paired with how old and worn down Stan looks, Ford can't help but feel like he's now years younger than him, and he hates thinking about it because with the way Stan had been living for the last 40 years, just how much longer- no, stop, don't think about it.
Ford's paranoia turns into hypochondria, but towards his brother. This translates as Ford desperately trying to cut Stan's bad habits (such as alcohol and smoking), making sure he eats well (Ford can't cook for shit) and semi-forcing him to do some exercise. Stan is not on board with these measures, and he lets his brother know just that because he's being bossy and annoying and he would like to enjoy his amnesia in peace please. Ford is as stubborn as a mule, but eventually he gives up and just begs Stan to please consider some of his suggestions because he wants him to be better. Stan still refuses, but every once in a while Ford catches him doing some exercise by himself or ordering a non alcoholic drink, and it makes him happy.
When they return to Gravity Falls, the twins look the most identical they've looked since they were like 10: Stan's eyes have a shine that Soos had never seen before, and his new and improved posture makes him look taller, like the weight of the world had been lifted off of him. Ford, on the other hand, has a fuller face and body, his expression is now softer and somewhat kinder, and he walks much more carelessly, like he's strolling instead of marching.
Ford doesn't care how old he is anymore, because now he's growing old next to his brother.
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blackbirdsblackberries · 7 months ago
I Hate The New Hero!
Pt 3: How bad can a day get?
Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 (You're here) - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10
Tim gazes at you. He doesn’t know what to do or feel.
He hates you, he really does, but at the same time he kind of enjoyed the afternoon with you. If you put aside the arguments and such it was kind of fun being in your presence.
He’s conflicted, he should hate you – you’ve done bad things in the past and you hate Aranea! But, hanging out with you gives him some kind of weird feeling – euphoria fills him when you make a sarcastic comment in jest or when you chuckle at one of his jokes.
There were times you both fought but it felt nice to see you come back into the room and not just leave – his parents tended to leave for the whole night if they got into an argument and he’d have to stay in his estate alone.
He watches as you sleep peacefully, you’re in the lower age part of his class – with you being sixteen and he seventeen – yet you look so much more youthful while sleeping, your face isn’t in a scowl or bored look, you look content.
Tim slowly gets up from the bed and looks around the small, cramped room. It's easy for anyone to feel claustrophobic and it feels wrong for someone to live in it who acts like how you usually do.
His attention is drawn to the toy chest in one corner, curiosity fighting with respect to open it. One peak wouldn't hurt and surely you wouldn't find out.
He walks over, one of the floorboards creaking, it was only two steps but felt longer for him. He opens the chest. As he stares down at it's contents he's filled with disappointment.
In the chest there's only diaries, metal and engineering bits and pieces. He guesses he should have expected this, you're a civilian, you wouldn't be hiding anything to begin with.
His eye catches on a childish diary decorated in stickers and press on jewels. Before his mind can register what he's doing he picks it up and turns it over in his hands a couple times, examining it.
The date goes back twelve years. So you'd be about four at the time. There's nothing to hide so he opens it - a sneak peak never hurt anyone.
Diary entry 1:
Today I got this diary from my mama! I can decorate it however I want! Mama said it's my birthday gift, I wanted a stuffed toy but this works too! I don't want to disappoint my mama by saying I don't like it!
My neighbor, Susan, is helping me write this! I love her, she's very old and wrinkly and I think she is going to turn to dust. Which is sad.
Bye now!
The first thing Tim noticed was the messy handwriting. It was endearing in a way to see it. The next was the way you spoke about Susan. It was blunt but it seemed you liked her.
He goes to turn another page when he hears the front door of the apartment open and talking entering the once quiet apartment.
He quickly places the diary where it was before and he packs away everything. He debates putting you into the bed before deciding that you're fine.
He walks out and is immediately met with a plate smashing the wall next to him as a frazzled man stands in the kitchen, cowering almost. Tim puts his hands up slightly to show he's harmless and the man's stiff form eases slightly.
The man raises his hands and signs out a sentence.
"What are you doing in my apartment?"
Tim raises a brow, should he sign back or just talk? After some consideration he decides to sign back.
"Your child and I are partners on a project for school"
The man's eyes darken slightly at the mention of his daughter - or who Tim guesses was his child, they bare some resemblance.
"So my child is a slut like her mother then?"
Tim stares, jaw dropped. No fucking way he just said that. Tim shakes his head.
"No, of course not! We had to do a poster!" He states, he doesn't bother with the sign language, the man didn't seem to be deaf judging by the scar on his throat.
The man points to the door before signing.
"You better go right now before my wife punishes you! As it is my child is in trouble!"
Tim, not wanting to cause a fight or scandal, walks to the door and leaves. He wonders how your father is going to "punish you", clearly you had to have been spoiled by someone to end up so rude - even if you were fun to hang out with for those hours.
Tim gets to the front of the apartment and gets into the car waiting for him. One thought was one his mind however:
Are you as bad as they all assumed you to be?
You wake up the next day to your dad and mother standing above you angrily. Not a good way to start the day and you had to sort out your red eyes before people asked if you'd been crying.
Heading to school was as uneventful as Gotham gets and when you get to the front gate you realize your two friends aren't at school today. Great. Your day is the best!
You debate sneaking back home and going on a day patrol, maybe running into Signal, though you hope not. He's nice and all but he along with the other Batman lackeys and Batman himself give you bad vibes, they set off your spider senses and cause you to feel icky when in their presence.
Before you can make a decision you hear your name being called out and Tim walking up to you with a serious expression. You think you're going to barf - now that you think about it, Tim gives you the same reaction Red Robin gives you - a feeling of anger and motion sickness.
Each vigilante gives a different type of icky feeling so it's crazy you haven't noticed Tim giving you the same feeling.
It's not your business though so you won't think about it further.
"Did you bring the poster?" He asks, his arms crossed over his chest as he looks to you in slight annoyance. "Duh. It's in my bag." You respond, rolling your eyes and handing him the poster.
He hums and puts it in his bag and you raise a brow. You won't question why he did it, probably just wanted the credit of handing it in.
With that you head to your first class of the day: Engineering.
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yourelliewillms · 9 months ago
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the guy from the record
store wasn't a guy?
ellie williams fanfic
━━ chapter 1 wc: 1.9k
read the chapters here !!
you've recently discovered this record shop, the perfect place to find everything of the new kind of music you've just gotten into, rock. your friends wouldn't share this interest with you but maybe the cute guy from the store will.
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━━ he/him pronous are used for ellie sometimes but it's for plot purposes i swear !!
BASED ON THE GUY SHE WAS INTERESTED IN WASN'T A GUY AT ALL !!!! i love that manga so much i needed an ellie version so i did it myself. of course this is going to be shorter and pleeaase go read it i swear you won't regret it <3 i hardly recommend you to listen to the manga's playlist too, i'll add some of the songs to this fanfic. literally all i want is my lesbians to have the recognition they deserve. ALSO green is the characteristic color of that manga so i'll be using it here too, everything will be green bc we love green lesbians.
another warning, english is not my first language so you may find some mistakes.
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it's been a long day at school but at least the week of exams has ended and you've done pretty good. "i deserve a prize" you think to yourself while your feet guide you out of the building. certainly the exams drained you, the only thing you want to do now is take a long nap to catch up on sleep.
walking down the sidewalk, you put on your headphones which have been your best friends for the last few months when you discovered this band nirvana. it is in fact a popular band but in your friend group? no, not at all. your friends prefer other kind of music. pop, kpop, even jazz, but rock? impossible.
so you find yourself unable to share your new music taste with your friends. even if you beg them to give it a chance, they'll refuse it every time. this is definitely the worst, how are you supposed to fully enjoy this work of art only by yourself? they definitely don't understand what good music is, if only they gave it a chance you could-
just when the music from your headphones stopped, you could still hear one of your favorite songs smells like teen spirit coming from a... record store?
your mind is full of questions, since when has been this store here? this is just 5 minutes away from school and you've never noticed it. maybe this is the prize you deserve for having successfully passed all your exams. buying your very first vinyl will surely be the boost of serotonin you need.
you took off your headphones before getting into the store and quickly walked to check all the beautiful vinyls. the excitement could be seen in your eyes, all the vinyls of your favorite bands in one store and you're even considering finding a job, buying everything of this store is not a want but a necessity. this must be heaven.
after what felt like seconds but were actually 20 long minutes, you finally make your choice and find the vinyl that'll have the privilege to be your very first and most appreciated acquisition.
you turn around, walk towards the shop counter and just then realize how rude of you was not to greet the old man at the store. however, you don't care that much, he should understand that you were too excited to even speak and... was it an old man? did you even look at the person who was next to you the last 20 minutes?
"i'll take this" you place the vinyl on the counter before looking up at the person in front of you.
but now, you reassure one more time that you're not on earth anymore. this is definitely heaven, or maybe something greater because the angel in front of you isn't from this planet at all. green eyes, auburn hair drawn back in a messy bun, a scar on one eyebrow, black clothes with a nirvana t-shirt, an arm tattoo and a mask. this is the most gorgeous guy you've seen in your entire life and you were rude to him, you didn't talk to him for this entire time.
"i love this one" he gave you your new purchase in a bag "you have good taste" that raspy voice that'll live in your mind rent free for an eternity, you're sure about that.
meanwhile, your mind has been spinning for the last 30 seconds. a cute guy with a stunning style and majestic music taste, you've seen only his eyes but you can already imagine a life with him where you get married and play your favorite songs in your wedding.
"thanks, you too. bye" and just like that the conversation ended. you're definitely not the most flirtatious person but you didn't ask him anything, maybe it was too soon to ask for his number but not even his name? really? you can already hear your friends scolding you but at least you remember half of his face and that's enough to be delusional the following months until you find another crush.
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8 in the morning and you've been talking for half an hour to your friends about this cute guy from the record store. of course they scolded you for not asking his name but your excitement couldn't be taken away that easily. no other boy from your school has ever made you feel like this, no one called your attention like he did.
"is there any possibility that you see your boy again?" dina, your best friend asked "and maybe ask him out"
"dina!" you frowned as if she had just said the craziest thing you've heard in your life "it's too soon for that. but as soon as i see him again i'll ask him his name" you started kicking your feet "and he'll fall in love with me."
dina and your bursted out laughing and spent the whole morning planning your future life with someone you saw once.
maybe you've been talking too loud or maybe she doesn't like you, but the girl next to you has been glancing at you and dina and she seemed a little too much interested in your conversation.
ellie. you've been classmates for almost a year but you two never spoke. she's like any other girl at school. she wears the same uniform as you, a white shirt and a gray skirt. she also wears these square glasses and she has her headphones on most of the time.
she seems like one of those nerds but one that doesn't participate that much in class. she comes to class, listens to the professors and goes home. you've never seen her talking to any other classmates but she seems comfortable only drawing on her notebook and listening to something on her headphones, it's not that you don't like her, but you haven't had the opportunity to get to know her.
but today she seemed quite distracted and instead of focusing on the class, she was focused on you. she seemed nervous, maybe she wanted to join the conversation and make some friends?
however, the bell rang. you were too busy talking about your new guy to try to figure out why ellie's been looking at you more than usual. you began to pack up your belongings; notebook, pencil case, some other books and, are you forgetting something?
the moment you're getting up from your seat, you can feel ellie's presence approaching you. you stare up at her for a few seconds and before you can say something, her hand reached your ear and put on one of your earbuds.
"you dropped this" your eyebrows furrowed, did she always had those pretty green eyes?
the song that you'd been listening on loop nothing at all was playing on your earbuds loud enough for her to listen to it "that song rocks, doesn't it?" and just like that she walked out the door leaving you completely confused. you're sure you've seen those eyes before, you think that maybe for a split second you stopped looking at ellie as your classmate and maybe... someone else.
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on the other hand, ellie has been walking in silence staring at her feet while her mind is about to explode because the girl who sits next to her, her classmate and one of the most popular girls at school, has met and is interested in a guy who works at the record store. but no guy works there, just ellie.
she got a part time job and she's been working there for a few months but that was the first time she saw you there. you didn't recognize her though, since the style she has at her job is the opposite of the one she has at school.
probably the best option is to tell you the truth, the guy you're interested in isn't a guy and is actually the boring, nerdy girl from school, the girl you'd never talk to because that would only ruin your reputation, or at least that's what ellie thinks.
ellie thought that her job should be boring and only boring, she didn't want to have to deal with something else than that. and now that girl has a crush on her, or she has a crush on the person she thinks ellie is.
fortunately, ellie's job is calm. not many people visit the store so she spends her first hours of work tidying the place, not paying much attention to the store itself.
while cleaning at the back of the store, ellie heard the ring of the little bell on the door warning the presence of a client. she sighed and fixed her clothes before getting into the store again but got surprised when she noticed that the client was actually you.
if it weren't for the music playing at the store, the place would have been in complete silence. no one was on sight when you walked in so the sound coming from the back of the store scared you and you jumped. "you scared me, i didn't know you were here" you giggled nervously.
"have you been looking forward to it that much?" you were starting to stutter when the green eyed spoke in what seemed a flirty way. "no- i mean! the new foo fighters album" she interrupted herself "you were looking forward to it because you wanted to buy it, right?" she tried to hide her shaky voice, did she just accidentally flirt with you?
"i swear it's so good, you can hear it a thousand times and it'll still sound amazing. also, i know you like nirvana too because you bought the vinyl. you'll love it, i totally recommend it."
you were in a dream, did you just exchange more than two words with that guy? and he was showing a lot of interest it seemed unreal. you'd be a fool if you mess this up.
"i really want to buy it but uhm..." your pockets were empty, you spent all your money in that vinyl and being an unemployed student is not helpful to your situation "i'm a bit short of money right now" not to say that you're dry.
"i'm sorry but i-" yet she didn't let you finish your sentence "i bought this one for myself. you can have it and tell me your opinion when you return it."
he couldn't be more charming to you. only 5 minutes talking and you had already fell down on your knees. "thank you. you can give me your number so that i can bring it back." your hand sweating for you've finally made a move on who you thought was the guy from your dreams.
"no," no? he rejected you just like that, he didn't even a think a second to answer your question "it's just... i can't use my phone at work."
laying on the counter in front of you was a black ink pen which you quickly grabbed and started writing your phone number on his wrist next to his tattoo.
ellie looked at you stunned, she was glad she was wearing a mask because her cheeks had turned crimson. she noticed your hand shaking and that was the moment she realized the trouble she'd gotten into.
"i thought that if i wrote it on a paper, you'd lose it." the music playing in the background just made the atmosphere between you two dreamlike. you waved and smiled at him as you left the store hoping your burning cheeks would go unnoticed. not only did you have someone to share your interests with but also it was someone who you were crushing on really hard.
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the first person on the taglist will be my editor/manager/first person who read this @ohnopoteito thank uuu 💋💋
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motthe · 4 months ago
OKAY- idk if requesting twice is okay or not- but if you have the time! Can we see more Mel and reader (lumen au or otherwise)? Where reader has what is essentially Amara’s job but more so a bodyguard type? Mel helped them out at one point and now they protect her and help her with whatever she needs! (Like finding a gift for Jayce or Passive aggressively spitting her mother) and she does the same for them with viktor and egotistical higher ups? Basically just them being each others solace, confidant that knows of the others past while helping them get to the future they deserve with Jayce x Mel & Viktor x reader sprinkled in, (first meetings, first signs of affection, etc) for all parties!
(can be ignored if your busy or otherwise dw ;3)
I hope you enjoyed this!!! I took some creative liberties and placed this in S1 arc 1 :)
warnings: gn!reader, mention of scars and sleep problems, non-sexual nakedness (you’ll get it when you read lol)
Mel rose from her desk, the wide reaching window behind her dark. There were always a few days out of the week she would stay late. She never left anything half-finished and if it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t finished. 
“Fancy a stroll through the Academy?”
You repositioned yourself from leaning against the wall, raising an eyebrow. The woman approaching you was an esteemed council member and a child of Noxus. Above all that, she held a dangerously sharp mind. 
With you, a trained guard from birth and accepted by her bitch of a mother, you two made quite the confidants. 
“Why?” you asked, knowing you were going whether you fancied the idea or not. Where she went, you went. 
“Why not?” Her grin was infectious, but you saw the mischief swimming in her eyes. 
“It’s far past lockup, for one,” you began, grabbing the door for her. Your belt clicked with the movement, the weight of your gun and knives shifting. “We also have no business with the Academy.”
“We may not, but I have a feeling someone does.”
You hummed, your steps shadowing hers for every beat. Every turn down a hall, your eyes were skating for anything amiss. “This wouldn’t have something to do with a certain expelled scientist, would it?”
She hummed, smiling and confident from where you walked adjacent. 
That poor man, you couldn’t help but think. Catch Mel’s eye and you’re stuck under a microscope until she loses interest. 
“Maybe Heimerdinger has stayed late with that assistant of his,” she said, gaze cutting to you. Your eyes narrowed in warning. 
You changed the subject. “What makes you think that Talis fellow would sneak into the Academy the night of his expulsion?”
“His things are to be destroyed tomorrow morning.” 
“If we get all the way to the Academy and you’re wrong—” you complained. 
“A trip to your favorite spa, paid.” She stopped, tilting her head towards you. “And if I’m right?”
You grumbled, rolling your eyes. “I’ll pose for that painting.”
She pursed her lips, flexing her fingers. 
You crossed your arms and bit out, “No.”
“It’s nude or nothing, darling,” she teased. “I need the practice.”
“You need nothing,” you scoffed, continuing in front of her to check the entrance to the council’s building. The usual enforcer’s we’re making their rounds, tipping their hats to you. 
Mel stepped out next to you, shoulder nudging yours. Your sigh trailed into the night air. 
Her golden freckles crinkled with the grin that pulled at her lips. 
“Did you bring a flashlight?” Mel asked quietly. You gave her the flattest expression known to man in response. “May I borrow it, please?”
“No, you may not,” you answered. Even in the dark you sensed her scowl as you passed, taking up the front. “If I need to shoot someone, I need to see.”
“So violent,” she murmured. “Honestly, he doesn’t seem the type.”
“Then he’d make the perfect assassin,” you chuckled, lowering your voice as you opened the door to the staircase. “Besides, we want to go undetected, don’t we?”
“If no trouble is afoot, then I wouldn’t mind a second look at this research,” she revealed, only adding to a long night ahead. 
“What are you expecting to find?” 
She chuckled. “I do love a good surprise.”
You scoffed quietly as you climbed the steps ahead of her. “You would, miss know-it-all.”
Reaching the floor that held Heimerdinger’s office, you glanced through the window on the door before slipping it open. Mel kept her steps light as you both moved through the darkness. As you crept on, you noticed a faint glow reaching around the corner and glanced at Mel, scowling. 
She wore the look of a winner in the blue-tinted of the moonlight shining through the distant window. Slowly, she mouthed the word ‘nude’.
You shook your head, pulling your flashlight out as you motioned her to follow you. The tinkling of keys and the gears of a lock turning left you with one hand on your gun and the other pointing the flashlight forward. You held off on spotlighting the infiltrator when you noticed two figures sneaking around Heimerdinger’s door. 
“So far so good,” came a familiar ethnolect. You clicked the flashlight on to confirm your suspicions. 
Oh, shit. 
Jayce Talis and Viktor, of all people, were caught red handed, hands guarding their eyes as they were overwhelmed by the brilliance. 
“Willing to risk exile for your endeavor,” Mel spoke, taking up the space on your right as she stared the two men down. “That’s quite the conviction.”
“A counselor,” Talis breathed. 
Viktor chose another path, turning towards the door in a dramatized show of confusion. “Wait a minute, this isn’t my bedroom…”
“Guess those aren’t your keys either?” you hummed, moving your hand off your weapon as he looked up at you. 
“Actually, they are permitted to be in my possession,” he corrected as he stood from his crouch.
“Just like you’re permitted to be here, past lockup,” your eyes fled towards Talis before focusing his pinched gaze “with a freshly expelled student.”
“Eh,” he shrugged, “that one, not so much.”
“Please,” Mr. Talis begged, stepping in front of Viktor, eyes locked on Mel. You positioned yourself between them, hand back on your gun as you pointed the flashlight towards the man. He winced, only passing you a slight flare in retaliation. “We can prove that it works.”
“You couldn’t do so earlier today,” Mel pointed out, expression deadened and feigning disinterest. Seen you had two actors in your midst. “How is tonight any different?”
“We figured out how to stabilize it,” Viktor explained. 
“I’m surprised to find the professor's assistant mixed up in this,” she murmured to you. 
“No, he’s my new partner,” Talis argued, placing a hand on Viktor’s shoulder. Your stomach tightened. 
“Even if you managed to prove your theory the council would destroy it.” Mel burst their bubble with brutal honesty. 
“Heimerdinger will recognize the potential,” Viktor stated. 
“He already does,” she told him, “it scares him. It scares them all.”
“What about you?” Talis asked, determined. 
“I recognize that any worthwhile venture involves risk…” 
Your head turned a second before theirs, picking up on the whistling and footsteps. The night guard was heading this way. Harold. He was always the noisiest, sweetest thing. The old man refused to retire so they put him up here at the Academy. 
“There’s your risk,” you muttered. 
“Counselor,” hissed Talis, “this technology, it’s real and no matter what happens here it’s going to change our world. We should be the ones to lead it—Piltover, the land of progress, equality, innovation. I know it sounds impossible, but when have we ever let that stop us. Please, just give us a chance!”
You stepped back beside Mel, meeting her eyes. She let the two men sweat a bit as the footsteps grew closer. 
“One night. Gentleman,” she said slowly, turning to leave. “Impress me or I’d suggest you pack your bags.”
As she walked away, you noticed the awed look in Talis’ eyes and nearly groaned. She always had to draw in the big dreamers. 
You threw Viktor a sly smile, handing him the flashlight seeing as that poor pen light wasn’t going to be much help. “Good luck, Goggles.”
You switched it off as he accepted it, fingers brushing as you left them to hide in the darkness. You caught up with your principal just as she was moving around the corner.
“Harold!” she sang, nearly sending the sweet old man into a heart attack. You held back a laugh as Me” moved him back down the hall and away from the chaotic scientists behind you. 
Left to their own devices, Viktor clicked on your flashlight and got back to opening the five-bolt door. As he crouched back down, Jayce took over holding the light for him. 
“So,” he murmured, back to the silence of an empty school, “you and the bodyguard are a thing?”
Viktor nearly dropped the keys. “Excuse me?”
“It is a long story,” he whispered, pushing the door open as the last lock unlatched, “and we are not the ‘thing.’ Now get in.”
“We’re to return before dawn.”
You turned from toweling your hair to stare down Mel in her bubble bath. She hasn’t bothered to wait until you were done in your own bathroom to fetch you. She wasn’t usually so clingy, but you knew under that cool facade she was nervous of what was to come with the scientists. 
“Why do we have to lose precious sleep over this?” you grumbled, grabbing your toothbrush. 
“You?” she laughed, splashing her water over her knees. “You barely sleep as is.”
“Yeah, well,” you spit the mess of toothpaste and spit from your mouth, “blame your mother for that.”
“I blame her for many things.”
The scars over your body burned, but not from sticky, humid air. You both were quiet for a time. 
“I didn’t expect him to be there.” You turned around, pulling yourself up on the marble counter to look at her. “Viktor, I mean.”
“Guess he saw whatever you did in Talis.”
She puckered her lips at you, arms dropping over the rim of the bathtub as she laid her head on them. “Is that jealousy I hear, darling?”
“Shove it,” you scoffed, moving to do one last check of the place before heading to your room. “Also, he was definitely staring at you as you left.”
“Then you have no reason to worry.”
“Goodnight,” you bit out, shutting the bathroom door on her echoing giggles. 
When you knock on Mel’s door she’s back in the same clothes she wore hours earlier. It’s an hour to dawn and barely takes three minutes to reach the Academy. You hadn’t slept a wink.
Offering her a coffee, you both finished them before you were out the door. The guards at the gate gave you groggy second glances, but questioned nothing. 
You sensed the alarm in the empty halls, banging thundering through the stairwell as you both took one glance at the other and sped up your pace. 
You held an arm out as you glanced around the dark corner, eyes widening at the new blue-tinted glow that shined from Heimerdinger’s office. 
“You’ve actually done it…” The professor's voice was beyond astonishment. “But just because it can be done, doesn’t mean—will you please stop hovering?!”
“I’m not sure how to do that sir!”
Your mask nearly slipped. It was the first time you’d ever heard Viktor so…gleeful. 
Mel stalked down the hall, eyes bright with purpose. It reminded you of younger days before she slowed her steps, bringing out Counselor Medarda
“This is not what Piltover’s future looks like, my dear boys!”
The click of her heels alerted everyone as she pushed through the guards, the light of the room washing over her form. 
“That’s for the council to decide,” she stated, head turning from side to side as she observed the room. Being right behind her, you allowed awe to slip at the twinkling bits wandering the room and high above were those troublesome scientists. “Perhaps it’s time for the era of magic.”
“Uh, Hextech,” came Jayce Talis, hair sprawling out with the anti-gravity field he was caught up in. “For the era of Hextech.”
Your eyes slid from his to hers, the slender grin on her lips speaking more than praise in his direction. Rolling your eyes, you couldn’t help as they caught on Viktor who looked far too happy to be completely suspended upside down. He kept throwing little objects nearby towards the glistening orb at the center of the room, watching it with interest as it blipped from one side to the other. 
Some round object hovered a bit too close on the opposite side he was facing. You couldn’t help but laugh when it was transported to his side, knocking into his forehead with enough force to make him jump. 
Your voice alerted him, eyes finding yours as you cleared your throat and fixed your metaphorical mask back into place. 
“How long will this last?” asked Mel. 
The young men looked at each other for an answer that neither seemed to have. You eyed the bright orb between them, noticing it was slowly but surely shrinking in size. 
“I suggest you find your way down before you find out,” Heimerdinger called. 
“Right,” Jayce said, waving his arms until he was able to float to the ceiling. He pushed off it, getting about halfway down before gravity seemed to take hold again. He just missed a smaller table in the corner, landing with a painful grunt. 
Heimerdinger tested the space first, his hair seemed to react a bit, but he was able to make his way towards his previously expelled student with ease. You wandered in next, feeling your hair lift from your scalp as the guards were waved away by Mel. She ordered them to fetch the other council members for an emergency meeting in a few hours time. 
“The power source is growing smaller,” you warned Viktor who was still playing around with it near the roof. 
“Yes, without the cranking its energy is used up,” he muttered, more to himself than you as another object flashes through it. It shrunk by at least an inch. “Still such raw power…”
The bits of light hovering around the space were closing in. Your hair returned to its natural state. 
“Uh, Viktor,” Jayce called. 
“How big can the object be?” the man hummed, tossing a book to the orb. You stood below him, eyeing where he’d fall. The dots connected just as the book went through and the blue light went out like a candle flame in the wind. Jayce yelled. 
Your back connected with Heimerdinger’s desk, sending it scraping back in a chorus of something else moving just as gravity claimed Viktor. He knocked the air out of you as he landed on top of you. The ground shook as something else hit the ground nearby. 
You winced as the office lights burst above, taking in a slow, groaning breath. 
“Good heavens,” came Heimerdinger. “Are you three all right?”
Turning your head from the mess of Viktor’s hair in your vision, you saw Jayce lying face down on a tipped over chair with his hand fist glowing. 
“Yeah,” he said into the ground, “just thought I’d catch the crystal before it took out another building.”
“My apologies,” Viktor murmured, expression twisted in discomfort as he pushed himself off your chest. 
“S’fine,” you choked out, still catching your breath. “We’re all victims of physics.”
That broke the tension, or perhaps the adrenaline was still running high amongst the men because they both busted out into hysterics. Well, Jayce did. Viktor just chuckled and focused on getting his entire weight off of you. 
You slowly sat up, rubbing the back of your head where it had clipped the damn desk. 
“Did you hit it?”
You glanced at Viktor, dropping your hand. “I’m good, Goggles. Better than you would’ve been crashing into straight wood.”
“It’s pure oak!” preened Heimerdinger as he scuffled over, tapping the surface. “Very durable.”
“I’ll say,” you grumbled, feeling a headache coming on. 
“You should get that checked. You might have a concussion,” Viktor said, resting his back against the bookshelf behind him. Jayce had finally gotten to his knees, looking a bit bruised as far as his ego went when he glanced at Mel by the door. 
“I’ve seen them take a hammer to the head,” your principal chuckled. “They’ll be fine, I assure you.”
“It’s not bleeding,” Heimerdinger hummed. You balked at him peering around the desk. “How’s your eyesight?”
“Clear,” you said, getting to your feet. “Thank you, professor.”
Viktor remained on the ground. 
“Are you all right?” you asked. “I’m not the softest landing.”
“I’m unharmed,” he answered, nodding behind you. “My cane, however, will need to be replaced.”
You followed his line of sight and frowned at the white stick, cracked in two. 
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Jayce promised as he walked over, offering a hand. 
“I'll see you at the meeting,” Mel announced, eyes piercing the founder of Hextech before moving to his partner’s as he got to his feet. “Both of you.”
You moved the desk back into place, nodding to the professor as he thanked you. 
Hearing your name, you turned as Viktor offered your flashlight. 
“You dropped this,” he murmured, a smile hiding in the corner of his lips. 
“I’m sure it’s broken after that fall,” you said, checking it. The light sputtered before going out. 
“Allow me to fix it, then.”
You blinked at him, smiling at the back and forth before clearing your expression and handing it back. Your fingers brushed. 
“Sure,” you said, following after Mel. “I’ll grab it another time.”
Out in the hall, she smirked at you, unabashed. 
“You couldn’t have had the meeting in the afternoon?” you complained, rubbing your head. 
“I have an appointment at the spa with a friend of mine,” she replied. 
You sighed and kept your mouth shut, leading her out of the building and back home to freshen up again. 
“You know I might need a second opinion when I’m painting you,” she hummed as you both eased into the early light of dawn. “Viktor wouldn’t happen to be a student of the arts as well, would he?”
“You’re lucky I’m the one protecting you and not the one after you,” you growled. 
Back in Heimerdinger’s office, the men were helping clean up the mess they left behind while Heimerdinger lectured them, observing all the while from his chair. 
“Didn’t know you did repair jobs,” muttered Jayce as he shoved a book back into its shelf. 
Below him where Viktor was attempting to put the ‘cranker’ as it were back together, the man rolled his eyes. “I felt I owed it to them seeing as I failed to take care of it.”
“Right, of course.”
Viktor didn’t enjoy the amused silence seeping from his newly acclaimed business partner and slowly tilted his head to glare up at him. “Do you have something else to say?”
“Nope,” answered Jayce, eyebrows bouncing up, “nothing at all, Goggles.”
Viktor sighed. All it took was one day of brain fog and a run-in with you to earn him such a distasteful nickname. At least it taught him to check his goggles were off before leaving the lab from now on.  
“No slacking!” said the professor, swiveling in his chair to shuffle the papers scattered around his desk. “Honestly, I’m not sure how Counselor Medarda’s guard moved this desk. I thought it was bolted to the floor!”
Viktor swallowed as Jayce whistled. 
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wriothesleybear · 1 year ago
Nsfw alphabet for our bby Wriothesley
~a/n: Been holding off on doing this one for a while now but finally finished. I had a bad week so enjoy some smut. I think I plan to make another separate post explaining further about his kinks like I did with his favorite sex positions. Credit to @/multi-fandom-imagine for nsfw alphabet template. I did alter it a bit for my post though.
~warnings: mentions of sex, kinks, aftercare, fem!reader, MDNI!
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): ofc the king of aftercare! This man will bring you tea, massage your muscles, pamper your body with kisses (especially the bite marks, hickeys, etc.), give you a nice warm bath, and praise you with sweet words. Literally will do anything you request of him. He is a giving lover and he wants to make sure you feel loved and are taken care of (especially if it was a long love making session or a little rough).
B= Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's): Everything (cheesy, I know). Nah, but if he had to pick one, your hands. He loves the way they feel on his skin. The way they gently trace his scars (also your lips). How they cup his face when you pull him into a kiss. How they comb through his hair strands. How they rub his back when he needs the comfort after a nightmare or bad day. His favorite body part on himself is either his arms or mouth. Arms due to his strength. Mouth due to him being good with it and making you feel intense pleasure by it.
C= Cum (anything to do with cum basically): Cums lots when he does. Warm, sticky, and a bit bitter and salty. Will kiss you even with his cum in your mouth (snowballing). He thinks its hot. Will also eat you out after cumming inside you.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Even though his favorite body part of yours is your hands, his second favorite is your tits. Loves to grope them, suck on them (a lot), rest his head on them when relaxing, and even cumming on them. Although he usually cums inside you or on your stomach, when he came on your tits for the first time, the view of your fucked out expression, chest heaving while trying to catch your breath as his cum decorates your tits..fuck.. immediately made him hard again. If you asked him if you could give him a tit job, he'd just cum right on the spot. He secretly wishes you would ask him..
E= Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing): Im gonna go with the headcanon that he doesn't have much given he's been in prison most of his life and I feel like he is careful with who he gives himself to/who he trusts so it wouldn't be a surprise that he is careful with who he sleeps with. He takes that seriously and has to have a deep connection with someone before doing anything with them. So I could see him as not really experienced. He is a quick learner tho ;)
F= Favorite position: Made a whole post about it right here.
G= Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.): He's chill so a little bit of both. He wouldn't mind if you were silly in bed but usually takes it somewhat seriously because it's special when you two have sex. He is likely to tease you as well and enjoys making you smile and laugh so he's okay with it.
H= Hair (grooming habits): Average. Has a bush but keeps it trimmed for you. Matches his hair color and highlights.
I= Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect, etc.): Mostly romantic but can get a bit rough/dirty if you want him to. It can be a combination of both.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often): He doesn't need to since he has you but of course when either you or him are busy and can't see one another for a while, he would jack off if he really needed to. Always jacks off while imagining you touching him, using memories from previous sessions, or imagining what he wants to do with you once you see each other again. He can't help getting turned on when he thinks about you and misses you.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks): Breeding, praising, squirting, pussyeating, some degradation, dirty talk, bondage, bdsm, blindfolding, edging, overstimulation, orgasm control, mutual masturbation, roleplay, cockwarming, doming and subbing, spanking, biting, snowballing.
L= Location (favorite place to do the deed): Usually in the privacy of his office or the safety of your home. Ngl, you both have done quickies in the dark corners of the fortress because you guys just couldn't wait. But he prefers his office or in your guys' home the most.
M= Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): You don't have to do much. That's how much he loves you. Especially if it's been a while since you've seen each other. Just seeing you makes him want to kiss you. When you give him that soft look with that kind, gentle smile of yours. And when you do things for him, even small things that mean a lot to him, man, he just wants to pounce on you and show you how much you mean to him.
N= No (something they wouldn't do, turnoffs): Hurting you. Yes, he'll do consensual bites, the gentle hand around the neck with light squeezing (not exactly choking per say), pounding, slight degradation, etc. but if it really hurts you, he refuses to, even if you ask him. He saves the hurting for the ring or unruly prisoners who get out of line.
O= Oral (preference in receiving or giving, skill, etc.): He likes both but really likes giving. If we're talking about my Pussydrunk!Wrio, he can cum just from eating you out and can go down on you for hours. Wouldn't mind you sucking his cock but, god, just sit on his face please. Even though he may lack in experience, man is blessed and knows how to eat pussy with little practice.
P= Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): He loves taking his time (even though it can be hard sometimes), but he has good self-control and wants to pamper you and enjoy all of you as long as he can. He will do quickies sometimes though. He can last a long time. He's got that stamina..
Q= Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): Usually likes taking his time, but will do quickies if you two don't have much time and he just really needs you. So quickies are okay with him, given the circumstances.
R= Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): He's chill so he'd usually be open if you want to try something new. Unless it goes against his turnoffs.
S= Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last): Damn, strap in for a long ride. He's a boxer. Of course he's got a lot of stamina. He can't stop with just one round. At least 3 or 4, but can do more. Rounds are mostly long since he likes to take his time.
T= Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves): Wouldn't be closed to the idea of using sex toys, either for you or him. Would probably prefer on you. Just the thought of watching you come undone and lose yourself in pleasure while he holds a vibrator to your clit, making you overstimulated and squirt even (he loves making you do that).
U= Unfair (how much they like to tease): Enjoys teasing you sometimes, especially if you're busy doing something. Same goes for him. If you tease him while he's busy with paperwork, the wait will be worth it. But it does get on his nerves when you're teasing him and he's about ready to just take you, but then something comes up like a subordinate interrupts because they need his attention for something or a prisoner is acting up. He always waits for the subordinate to go on ahead and tells them that he will join them in a few, just so he can hang back and give you a few long, deep, passionate kisses while holding you close. Just a little something to keep you both satisfied in the meantime and something to look forward to later.
V= Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make): He's mostly normal volume but can be slightly loud if it feels too good and it's been a while. Especially if you like him to be more vocal, he will for you. Mostly grunts and moans. Sometimes curses, usually teases you or encourages/praises/guides you with sweet words. He just likes to hear your beautiful moans and cries so he knows how good he's making you feel. Plus it turns him on more hearing you cry in pleasure from his cock or mouth.
W= Wild card (random headcanon): Although he's usually the dominate one in bed and the one who is in control, he loves when you take the reins every once in a while. Tie him up, use his handcuffs on him, blindfold him, ride him, edge him, overstimulate him. Just take control of him and dominate him. He loves a woman in charge and a confident woman who knows what she wants.
X= X-ray (let's see what's going on in those pants): Mmm. Thick, uncut, 9' cock. A few veins covering his cock with a large one on the underside. Sensitive there and the head of his cock the most.
Y= Yearning (how high is their sex drive): Normal to low high. Has good self-control and is busy with work sometimes. But if it's been a while, it might be a little bit harder for him to hold back.
Z= Zzzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): He doesn't go to sleep until he makes sure you're taken care of. He also stays up a bit after you've fallen asleep, just admiring you and your beautiful features. He pats your hair or rubs your back as he smiles and holds you close. Sometimes peppers you with kisses or whispering sweet words to you even though you're probably asleep.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year ago
➸ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ!ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴏꜰ ɴɪɢʜᴛ
pairings: simon "ghost" riley x female!reader
a/n: well i was laying in bed and this came to me and i wrote bits of it at like 1 in the morning 2 days ago and had time to complete today, so hope you enjoy some boyfriend!simon smut xxx
warnings: p w some p under the cut (18+ mdni), pet names (doll, love), maybe the teensiest amount of angst?, praise, p in v, this got fluffy in the end who am i??
wc: 1k words
my taglist (x)
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Ghost who sneaks past your entrance and into your bedroom whenever he comes back from a mission, quiet as the dead of night until he slips past your covers and feels your warm, inviting body, calling to him like a siren calls to a sailor lost at sea. He feels at home as takes off his mask, his rugged palms clinging to your skin like you were his life support machine. He missed you, he needs you. Needs to feel your tight little cunt wrap around him and not let go, needs to feel your breath fan over his face as he thrusts into you, as he falls asleep spent and empty of any thoughts but you, his cock still buried deep inside your walls until the morning. 
He feels you stir in your sleep, soft trills as your consciousness emerges from the deep state of relaxation you found yourself in. He could have sworn you were dreaming, he could have sworn you wouldn’t notice him, not for a while. But in truth, your life was spent in all the moments you worried he died, and the ones you hoped he didn’t - perched on a particularly sturdy olive branch you hope he’d take, so that he can return safely home to you. You knew him, in your heart and soul, every inch and crevice of your body memorising him like the national anthem you’ve had to know since you were a kid to recite on command for extra credit. So when he touched you, like a moth to a flame, you felt your skin catch fire and your nerves come alight with relief… and desire... and anticipation.
“I missed you, big guy.”
You feel him, his hard thick cock twitching and tickling your back, the velvety smooth feel enticing even in your half-dazed state. You turn around haphazardly, smirking as your hands reach for his face, tracing the familiar scars and the outline of his lips, that parted until your touch, a sharp exhale enough to show you how badly he wanted you. His cock was throbbing in need as he buried it in between your thighs, the slicking dripping down your ass making the slip facile and particularly pleasurable.
“Fuck, I missed you. So much. I need you. I need you s'badly.”
“Then take me, Simon. I’m yours. All yours to take.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, sliding his length into you at a torturous pace, hell bent on feeling every ridge of your walls as they engulfed him slowly, your moans getting louder and lewder with every inch he got closer to your cervix, until you’d feel so full you were sure you felt him in your ribcage. His growl was low and feral, unrestrained as he bottomed in you, his favourite place in the world, the only place he wouldn’t mind getting lost forever, the only place that felt like heaven, like the shelter from the storm. 
“That’s right. S’good for me. Always taking me so well.”
You bury your head in his neck, mewling desperate pleas as you leave traces of your own in his skin, lovebites and bruises you knew he’d display proudly tomorrow. Ghost wasn’t a shy man by any means, and he loved to own you and be owned by you, loved to mark you, loved to pump you full of his cum so it drips out of you for days to come, so that every time it did, you remembered who you belonged to, whose heart you stole and refused to return until you held it carefully in your palms and stitched it back together.
“Please, Simon. Fuck me. I need it, please.” 
“Shh, love. Gon’ fuck you nice and rough, like I know you like. Gon’ be limping for days when I’m done with this pretty pussy, hmm? Just not tonight. Tonight, I just need to feel you. I need to feel you milking me dry. Can you do that for me, doll?”
There were no words, no coherent thoughts as he started a slow, purposeful pace of his hips, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through you, electrifying each inch of your now sweaty, heaving body. It felt so good, being filled by him after so long, feeling his heavy balls slap against your folds with each increasingly more desperate movement, hearing his grunts and groans like music in your ears from how good it felt to have you tighten and squeeze him over and over, both your orgasms so near you could practically taste them. 
“Need words, baby girl. Want to cum? Want me to pump you nice and full of my seed? Want me to show you how much I missed’ya?”
“Y-yes, Simon, f-uck! Please!” 
It was finally too much, when his fingers found your swollen clit and put just enough pressure to tip you over the edge, the loud mewls drowning out the ringing in your ear as you both rode out your orgasm, heightened and prolonged by the thick ropes of warm cum that he continued to fuck back into you until you were an overstimulated mess, crying in his chest. 
“I know, I know...did so well for me.” 
When the high subsided, with him still buried deep in you, you felt sleep finally envelop you gently as you discussed whatever you could about the mission, and as he paid close attention to every detail about your life while he was gone that you could still muster up in your state. His life was chaos and hell and death always… except right now. Except when he was with you. As long as he felt his own heartbeat in your skin when he held you tightly, his life was heaven and peace. His life was worth it.
He never said i love you. He couldn’t. Everything he loved got taken away from him…but not you. He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t. But you knew. Somehow, you knew. As he nuzzled his head in your hair as you both stumbled back to sleep, you smiled, your voice a melodious wonder he never stopped marvelling at.
“I love you too, Simon.” 
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taglist: @codsunshine
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skyward-floored · 6 months ago
Whumptober Day 3: (bloody) fingerprints
Warriors and Time as a duo :D
Also, my fics haven’t been showing up for some people (which makes me think I might be shadowbanned -_-) so reblogs are especially appreciated while I try to figure out what’s up. Thanks <3
Warnings: injury, blood, traitor-related angst
Ao3 link
Link swam back to awareness at the hazy shout, head pounding and side on fire.
He took in a breath as he awoke, but quickly froze, pain running through him at even that small movement. His breath stuttered and something moved near his head, and his confused mind tried to sort together what exactly was going on.
Someone tilted his head to the side, fingers pressed to his pulse point right next to an old scar. The movement sent a wave of pain up his side and Link sucked in another breath, his very thin hold on lucidity wavering.
A moan escaped him, and Link felt someone pat his shoulder.
“Hey, stay with me captain, you’ll be alright,” a familiar voice said, voice taut with worry, and Link tried to place who it was. His mind went through dozens of scattered faces before settling on one, and he tried to get the features to focus in his mind.
“S... Sprite..?” he slurred, and heard a small laugh that was full of held-back panic.
“Not exactly.”
Link let out another groan, and tried to fight through the haze he was stuck in. He knew deep down that it couldn’t be Mask of all people standing over him because... why?
There was a reason, he knew there was, he just... couldn’t seem to figure it out. Mask wasn’t here anymore. And the reason Mask couldn’t be here, was because... because he...
...he’d gone home.
That... that was right, right, he remembered now. Mask was gone, home to his own time, whenever it was, and Link hadn’t seen him since the war. And the war had been over for a couple years now, and he... he was traveling with different heroes now on a different time-related journey.
And obviously in a fair amount of trouble.
Warriors managed to drag his eyes open and look through blurry vision at whoever was standing over him, catching a glimpse of faint light glinting off of armor.
“Time—” he wheezed, and the man shushed him as he pressed something to his side.
“Don’t speak. Save your strength.”
Warriors coughed, but it turned into a pained gasp as agony shot up his side. His entire body hurt, but his side was the worst, and he could feel something hot and sticky beginning to soak his skin and tunic.
Time gently shushed him again, and brushed a hand across his forehead.
“It’s okay, Captain. Someone will be here any moment, the castle must have seen that,” he murmured reassuringly, and Warriors managed to focus through the pain enough to be confused at his words.
“Wh’ happened?” he managed to get out, “h—”
He broke off into a pained moan, and saw Time’s face grow even more creased.
“You don’t remember?” he said worriedly, and Warriors bit back a cry when his grip shifted.
He didn’t manage to reply, and Time let out a tense sigh.
“We were ambushed,” Time said quietly, and Warriors stared at him. “We’re in your time, I asked if you wanted to take a walk since neither of us were sleeping. We went outside of castle town, but we were followed... they had a magic user with them, and you shoved me away right as they put a barrier around you, I couldn’t do anything until it was too late,” he finished guiltily.
Warriors blinked up at the man staring at him anxiously, and struggled to recall the events he’d just described.
He remembered not wanting to go to bed just yet, enjoying being home again after so long. Time was still up and wanted to get some air, and he’d mentioned they should go for a walk... it got fuzzy after that, but there were flashes. Time acting oddly nervous as he’d tried to tell him something... footsteps following them down the path, ears pricking... the glow of magic and some sort of explosion...
Another wave of pain tore through his side and he choked on a breath, feeling Time grab at his hand.
“You shouldn’t have pushed me out of the way” Time murmured, and Warriors felt a small smile twist his lips.
“Wasn’t t-time... t’warn you...” he whispered, just barely managing to squeeze Time’s hand in his. “I’m... th’ target... H-had to, protect...”
Warriors coughed, and nearly passed out again at the way his side ached.
“S’ my... fault,” he continued in a croak. “Traitors... Couldn’t l-let you... suffer fr’ me.”
Time let out a heavy sigh, the sound thick with an emotion Warriors wasn’t lucid enough to identify.
“You didn’t listen to me back then,” Time murmured, sounding exasperated. Warriors squinted in confusion, and Time let out a another very tired sigh. “There’s something you should know, Captain,” he said softly, and Warriors looked at him, head pounding in time with the pain in his side. “It’s why... I wanted to get out of the castle. I needed to speak to you.”
“Yeah?” Warriors murmured, and Time swallowed.
“During the war, you weren’t the only hero. There were others who were brought there, displaced by time,” he began, and Warriors made a noise of affirmation, unsure of where he was going with this. “Well, I... I was one of them. I fought at your side, Captain. Nearly the entire war.”
Warriors felt his world freeze.
He breathed in a sharp breath as he stared up at Time, meeting the single striking blue eye that was suddenly so familiar. The face he knew so well clicked into his mind again, and Warriors briefly forgot the pain he was so shocked.
That’s impossible.
“Mask?” he breathed, and Time’s face grew just a bit of a smile as he nodded.
Warriors’ eyes widened, and he continued to stare at Time, unable to stop himself from studying his face and trying to pick out the familiar features of Mask. His vision was blurring too much to do a good job of it, but now that he knew, he couldn’t believe he’d never noticed.
“B-been a long time for y-you, huh?” he whispered, ignoring how badly it hurt to speak.
Time smiled. “Much longer for me than for you.”
Warriors chuckled, then his breath caught as a sharp wave of pain rolled through him. Time’s smile quickly faded as Warriors failed to hold back a stuttering cough, and he gave the captain’s hand a bracing squeeze.
Time then closed his eye, and looked like he was desperately trying to control himself. Warriors swallowed back another thick cough, knowing it would hurt, and kept his breathing as steady as he could.
The fiery feeling continued to spread though, heedless of his wishes, and the darkness began to encroach on his vision despite how he tried to resist it.
“Captain, hey, stay with me,” Time said sternly, and Warriors blinked up at him, a smile twitching at his lips. Talking hurt, but he needed to speak, he needed to let Mask know...
“Honor ‘t fight w’ you... again,” Warriors breathed, something wet dripping from his lip. “Missed you Sprite...”
“I missed you too, but you need to stay awake now Captain,” Time said in a more frantic voice, one Warriors had only heard from him once or twice before. Something bad must be happening. “That’s an order Link, open your eyes.”
Warriors didn’t remember closing them, but he did as he said, the commanding voice mixed with old habit making them both crack open.
...for all of a few moments, until they slipped closed again.
“Link. Do not sleep, just hold on, I can see people coming, please Link—”
Warriors somehow managed to raise his hand enough to touch Time’s cheek, blood on his fingertips mixing with a strange wetness on Time’s face.
“L-Love you, kiddo,” Warriors whispered, Time staring at him with both eyes wide, tears shining in them both.
“Me too,” Time croaked, voice wetter than Warriors had ever heard from this version. Warriors shakily smiled, and ran a red-soaked thumb across his brother’s cheek, pride at the man his little sprite had grown up into warming him even as his body grew steadily more cold. “I love you, big brother. Stay with me, please.”
Warriors’ hand slipped from his cheek without his permission, and he barely heard the frantic shouts and approaching footsteps, the pop of a cork...
The only thing he saw was Mask, tears and bloody fingerprints on his face, looking every bit the child Warriors had known back then.
He gave him one last smile, then fell back into oblivion.
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hoshigray · 2 years ago
Hi!! I love your Toji so much you write him so well 🙏🏼 I was wondering if you could write something smutty about motorcyclist toji or like something to do with a car 🙊
Tysm, noonieeeeee~♡ ;w; Not ppl actually liking how I write for this sly bastard!! And oooooo a motorcyclist!?? Lol, never thought I'd write something with this idea, but here we are!! Please enjoy~~~ Also!! Just announced a series that I'll be writing for the summer, so check it out if you're interested!
Cw: Toji x fem!reader - explicit content so minors DNI - oral (f!receiving) - the reader is in college studying for finals - Daddy kink - motorcyclist! Toji - sexual acts in a public space (at a park in the night) - pet names (baby, angel, pumpkin, sweetie) - pussy drunk! Toji - clitoral play (plus light bites to the clit) - fingering - overstimulation - it ends on a cute note bc I'm feeling soft. Wc: 1.7k
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The time is 10:45 p.m. when you look up at your laptop. You look around to see the work-study employee come in your direction, and you smile with recognition since you know they're about to tell you it's time to go. They smile back, turn back to where they came from, and you stand up to gather up your things.
It was the beginning of finals week, and it's been downright abysmal. Not only do you have three papers to write (one being a minimum of eight pages), but you also have a group presentation and two in-person exams three hours long each. You and your roommates barely get enough time to hang out, especially when you're practically cooped up in the library all day like today. When library hours are over, you walk to another building where you spend more hours studying and writing. And by the time you get to your dorm, you go straight to sleep and repeat the process.
It doesn't take rocket science to know that you — and everyone on the campus — have absolutely abhorred exams. However, for the sake of your grades, you endure it and do what you can. As long as you have a proper place to study and stop by your campus café for some quick grub, so be it.
But now, you've been studying non-stop without wasting time on distractions. It's time to go; you'll probably call it a night and head for bad. Your productivity finally dwindled down to exhaustion. I'll jump onto Discord to chat with some friends and see what they've been up to. They're probably doing better than what I'm going through...And if he's still awake, I should definitely call—
As you put your bag on your shoulder, the sound of an engine catches your attention. A motorbike engine. At first, you figured it was coming from the main street until it started getting closer. Is someone ordering Doordash or something? Curiosity has you as you walk down the stairs to exit through the entrance, waving goodbye to the receptionist who's also getting ready to leave.
When you enter the chilly outside air, the owner of said noise is parked in front of the entrance, the vehicle stationed for him to lean back and briefly look at his phone before putting it away. They're wearing a dark denim jacket covering a black shirt and some jeans. And a jet-black helmet that shields them with their tinted visor. Their dark appearance fits the dreary, foggy atmosphere, the lampposts only making them visible to the eye.
You freeze for a second when the mysterious person turns to face you, and you offer an awkward smile and nod as a quick greeting before heading your way. But then the person removes their helmet to reveal themselves to you, and your eyes widen.
With slightly messy raven hair and green eyes that capture your figure, the man flashes a grin that pulls his scarred lip upwards. Toji Fushiguro, your boyfriend you haven't seen since Easter break, was here.
"Hey, baby." It feels like forever since you've heard his gruff voice, and it has you smiling hard in seconds.
"Toji!" You run up to him for a hug which is returned, sinking into his strong arms and warm chest while his cologne fills your nostrils. "What are you doing here?"
"Thought I could come down here and surprise my lil' angel," he sways you in his arms, relishing having you in his embrace. "I texted you that I was gonna pull up."
You withdraw from the hug and look at him with mild confusion. "You did?" You quickly grab your phone from your pocket and go to your messages, only to see that he, in fact, texted you earlier. Two hours ago. "You did...Sorry, must've left my phone when I was heading out to grab something to eat."
He shrugs and slides his hands down your waist to pull you close again. "How're your exams goin'?"
"Terrible." He chuckles when you give him a faux pout. "I got one paper out the way, but the others...at least I've started on them."
"Mmm, I bet." He responds with a hand on your cheek and your forehead. "Gonna head home to study some more?"
His big warm palm nestles perfectly against your cheek as you lean to his touch. "Nah, I'm too exhausted, and I'm too stressed to think anymore. That's for tomorrow."
Toji hums with a smile. "Well, think y'r too stressed to hang with me for a while? Maybe I can relieve some tension."
You raise a brow at him and his smug grin. "Oh yeah? How're you gonna do that?"
"Hop on so you can find out." The man removes his hands from you to open the trunk of his motorcycle, handing you a helmet — your helmet as it's your favorite color.
You give your boyfriend a look. "This better not be like last time when you took me to some random ramen place where we ate super spicy ramen to the point of boogers running down from my nose."
He laughs. "No, it's not gonna be like that. Now get your cute ass on so we can go, pumpkin."You still study his face, yet don't try to argue while putting on your helmet and take your spot behind him after putting your bag in the trunk.
When he knows you're appropriately sitting in the passenger seat with your arms linked around his waist, he starts the engine and revs the vehicle before moving. The two of you drive away from the school premise. You can only wonder where the man is taking you, but your trust in him has no bounds. And you just watch the lights and people of the vicinity fly past as you rest against him.
The two of you pulled up to a parking lot of a quiet park. No sign of children playing on the playground as it's way past their bedtimes, and not a single person on the basketball court playing a late game. Just the still park paired with the comforting silence and humid, cool air.
Nothing but quiet, minus your whimpers leaving evading your lips. "Haaaah—Ahhh! Daddy...'S too much, feel so—Hmmm!"
You're now lying on Toji's motorcycle, your back on the seats and your hands gripping the handlebars. Your lower half was completely exposed, with your bottoms and panties discarded around your leg. Your boyfriend was busy burying his face between your legs on his shoulders, his firm hands on your waist to keep you steady and close.
With the flick of his tongue on your clit, you bite your lip to repress a whine. But Toji wanted your cries. "Mmmm, don't do that, sweetie. No one's around, so lemme hear you."
His tongue goes back between your slick-coated vulva, sucking and lapping around the folds to have your essence in his mouth. His nose brushes up against your clitoris, resulting in a lovely moan from your swollen lips.
It's been about 10 minutes of just him ravishing your body outside this public park. You've already come three times, yet the man is relentless in having you again. He's so stubborn, so selfish. But God, it feels so good.
"Nnnmph! Hoooo—Ohhh! D-Daddy, please, your tongue, it's tew muuuch!" Your words are slurred, brain too foggy to properly speak with his tongue "Can't cumm anymore...Aaaahhhh!!"
Unbeknownst to you, Toji sneaks a hand down to your clitoris and swipes up and down with the sensitive button. Your body jerks upward from the surprise, but Toji's other hand keeps you grounded on the stationed vehicle so you and the motorbike don't go kissing the ground. "C'mon, sweetie. One more fr' me."
Before you could protest further, his tongue laves your clit again, sucking on the poor bud and lightly brushing it against his teeth. Eyes roll to the back of your head as your hips jolt to the abuse of your poor bud, and his free hand switches places to finger your leaky chasm with your fluids coating his digits.
Your release hits you hard for the fourth time that night, and your legs quake with a sharp shiver down your spine. Your cunt spasms around his fingers while the euphoric aftershocks send your body trembling.
Toji removes his face from you and looks down at your dazed expression from capitulating to your high. He whistles. "Damn, you're lookin' good lying on my bike all fucked out like this, angel."
Even in a haze, you send the man a glare. "I hope you brought a towel to clean me up."
"To clean my bike, actually." Your glare hardens, and it makes the older man snicker. "Relax, I got another one just for you."
It takes a few minutes for you to dry yourself up and for the bike to be clean of your essence and sweat. Once you pull up your bottoms, Toji has his eyes on you. "Did that help with y'r stress?"
"Mmmm, yeah, I think so." You give him a peck on the scar on his lips. "Thanks, Toji."
"No problem, kid." He pulls you by the waist to bring you close so he can rest his chin on your head. "Wanna spend the night at my place?"
"......Is that why you drove me like fifteen minutes away from my school?"
He doesn't answer.
"And I'm pretty sure we've been here before because isn't this the same park that Megumi and Tsumiki play at?"
You peer up to face the silent man. "Toji—"
The older man leans down to kiss your plump lips softly, silencing your words. With a heavy sigh, he puts his forehead atop yours. "I missed ya, kid."
The tiny confession takes you aback for a moment, but your smile appears for him to see. "Awww, did my big Toji miss having me all to himself~?"
"Shut up." He playfully bites your cheek, prompting giggles that sound like sweet music to his ears.
"I missed you too, Toji." You say with loving eyes. "Once I'm done with finals, take me on a nice long ride on your motorcycle, 'kay?"
He hums to your request and kisses you once more. "Sounds like a plan."
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thegeeksideofsr · 2 months ago
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Summary: Eliot finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom after getting home late from a job.
A/n: I know this gif is from season one and he's holding a thumb drive, but it fits the story kinda. El may be a little out of character, but I tried. Enjoy!
It's been two weeks since I took the test. The positive symbol staring back at me.
It's in a drawer of the bathroom now. Buried under hair brushes, hair products, and a box of unopened condoms.
The days seem to go by in a blur. Going through the motions of survival while trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm pregnant.
Man, that's weird. My dad might have a heart attack. He nearly had one when he found out about Eliot and I. He was so angry at first, but he's been getting better about it.
I called Alice once the timer went off. She came over and held me while I cried.
She, Kate, and Deklan have practically put me on maternity leave six months early. They all are so supportive and wonderful, but the ones I want to be here and supporting me aren't.
I've had time to come to terms with it. It's still strange to know I'm carrying a baby, but I want them, even if I'm not completely ready. They are going to be amazing.
This morning I looked up some midwives in the area, found one, and gave them a call for an appointment.
I know the general time it happened, but I still want to be sure.
Once the appointment was made, I tucked into the couch to watch a movie. Under the warm blanket, and with the emotions from the last three days taking over, I drift of to the white noise of the movie.
A hand caressing my face, and a kiss to my forehead wakes me up.
Moving slightly, and opening my eyes a little, a form next to the couch comes into blurry view.
"Hey there, sweetheart," Eliot whispers.
"Please tell me you're really here, and I'm not dreaming again."
"I'm here. And I ain't planning to go anywhere any time soon."
I pull myself up, and finally look at him clearly.
He looks tired, and his hair is a little shorter, but he's still my Eliot.
I untangle my self from my blanket and launch into his arms, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist, my face pressed to his shoulder.
He catches me with ease. He tucks his face into my neck, his own arms wrap around my ribs and waist as we hold onto each other.
"I love you," he whispers, his scruff harsh against my skin.
"I love you, too."
With those few words the dam breaks.
I begin to sob, uncontrollably as he holds me.
"I missed you so much, darlin'. I got you."
I cry harder at his words, hoping that he won't change his mind when he finds out about the baby.
A deep breath to calm down, triggers a reaction I wasn't expecting.
I pull away from him, bringing a hand to cover my mouth and nose.
"What?"He asks, concern written across his face. "What is it?"
"You smell," I sob out.
He chuckles as my comment as he wipes tears from my cheek.
"I know. I need a shower, and some sleep."
I nob and take a few more deep breaths to calm down.
He leans back to his feet, and stand up. He holds a hand out to me, I take it, and he gently pulls me to my feet, then leads me to the bedroom.
I sit on the bed, legs tucked up under me, watching him as he strips, tossing his clothes in the hamper.
Nothing seems different. No new injuries or scars. Just a huge bruise, going from his shoulder, down his back to his ribs.
"What happened?" I ask. "To cause the bruises. Those aren't from a fight."
"Parker and I went up to the summit of this mountain, looking for a guy who got lost up there. We ended up falling into the same hole he did. We got lucky though."
"He didn't make it, did he?"
"No. It was deliberate. We got the guy that did it, though."
"That's good."
Clad in just his underwear he walks to bathroom, leaving me on the bed. The water comes on a moment later.
He comes back to the door way, eyebrow quirked and smirk.
"Wanna join me?" He ask.
I jump up and strip as I head to the bathroom, leaving a trail behind, gaining a wicked chuckle from Eliot.
We climb in the shower, the hot water soothing. We both wash up, washing the others hair, and each other, before rinsing off, and enjoying being together again.
I watch as he stands under the stream, washing the stress away, wondering how I'm going to tell him about the baby. Then his gaze turns to me.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks, moving a strand of wet hair from my face.
"You have that look on your face. Like there's somthin' botherin' you."
"I'm fine, El. It can wait."
"So there is somethin' on your mind."
"Yes. But it can wait until you are rested and settled back in."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure."
He doesn't look convinced. I try changing the subject by kissing him, which works wonders. Kisses always distracts him.
He leans into the kiss, arms wrapping around me and pulling my body flush with his.
We both get lost in each other. Hands travel as we reacquaint ourselves with each other, slowly building up to a long awaited reunion.
It's bliss. Until, his hand came to my breasts and squeezed slightly. No more then he had ever done before, but this time it hurt so much that it pulls a gasp and whimper from me.
I pull away from him completely, stepping back and wrapping my arms around my chest.
I close my eyes, not wanting to look at him.
"Baby. What was that? Did I hurt you?"
His voice is so soft, barely audible over the water.
"No. Just surprised me."
"That was more then surprise. I know how you sound surprised when I touch you, and when your hurt, and that sounded like hurt."
He closes the gap between us, his hands coming up to hold my head. He gently turns my head to look at him.
His brows are knit together, and eye round with worry.
"What happened?" He asks again.
I pull my head from his hands, and leave the shower, grabbing my towel from the rack, wrapping it around me, and leaving the bathroom, latching the door behind me.
Pov Switch
Eliot sighs as the door clicks closed.
He turns and shuts the water off, then climbs out of the shower, and grabs a towel from the closet. He dries off, then wraps the towel around his waist, then rings his hair out over the tub, then starts brushing his hair out.
He racks his brain for any reason that she might be acting this way.
She was fine when they left for San Lorenzo, and the quick visit when they got state side. She knew that if something happened she could call, but she didn't.
And she never minded when he touched her, normaly she encouraged it. But this time, she flinched like it hurt. Yes her breasts get tender during PMS, but not this bad.
Nothing was wrong. Nothing he knows about.
He lets out a low growl, as he slams his brush down on the counter.
He has to take care of his hair, or it with become a fluffy rats nest.
He digs through the drawers, searching for his things, finding them after taking half of the drawers contents out. He sets what he needs on the counter, then starts replacing what he took out.
As he shoves them back in, he uncovers a piece of plastic, caught up with hair ties and combs. He picks it up to inspect it. White, with a pink cap, and on one side, a small screen with the word positive on the display.
The world stops, and his heart drops.
That would explain it. The tenderness, the odd smell sensitivity, and the question dodging.
She's pregnant. With his baby.
He stands on shaky legs, his hand shakes as well. His gaze holding fast to the test in his hand.
A baby. She is pregnant with his baby. And he is torn.
She would be a good mother, calm and sweet, but stern and fierce when needed.
But him? He was damaged and dangerous. His job was to hit people and lie. But at least Moroe was gone. One shadow of his past gone.
He sets the test of the counter to wash his hands from the trash, then grabs it again and opens the door.
He finds the woman who holds his heart, and now mother of his child, sitting on the bed, clad in one of his shirts as the brushes her own hair out.
"When did you find out?" He asks.
"What?" She looks up at him, looking like a dear caught in headlights.
He holds the test up to show her. Her eye move from his face to his hand, blood draining from he face.
"How did you find that?"
"Was lookin' for my hair stuff, found this while puttin' stuff back. Baby, when did you find out?"
Her eyes well up and flutter, her chin quivers.
Eliot crosses the room to sit next to her on the bed.
"Talk to me, please," he begs.
"Two weeks ago," she says, and the dam breaks.
His heart drops. Two weeks, and she didn't call.
"Why didn't you call me? You should have called me."
"You were on a job. I didn't want to distract or stress you out even more."
He sighs and pulls her into his chest, holding her head as she sobs.
"It's okay," he whispers. " It's gonna be okay. I promise. Just breathe."
"I'm sorry, Eliot," she sobs out. "I was gonna tell you, but I wanted to wait for the right moment."
"It's okay," he whispers. "Come on."
He gently pulls her with him to lay down on the bed, her head resting over his heart, their arms wrap around each other, her breathing slowly calms.
"Do you even want kids, Eliot?" She murmurs.
He squeezes her, the rolls her onto her side or lean over her, hand caressing her face.
" I never thought about it. Not before you." He starts. "I have never had the kind of life that would allow kids. I've done things that I'm not proud of, and-" he hesitates.
"Our last job, the one that took us out of the country."
She nods.
"You got so distant. I thought you were going to end things between us. You all kept me in the dark."
"I'm sorry, darlin'. We just wanted to keep you safe. I think that is the only thing about you that your dad and I can agree on."
She huffs a laugh.
"After we broke Nate out of prison," he starts. "A woman came, and she black mailed us to take down a crime lord. Said we had to or she would kill us, and you. I had to protect you from her, and him."
He breaks eye contact.
"I used to work for him. I did terrible things for him. I got out eventually, was lost for while. Then got hired for a job, and met Nate," he looks back to her. " And you."
She smiles.
"I don't deserve to be a father," he starts. "To have anything so pure and innocent. But I'm selfish. I do want them. Do you?"
Her body relaxes as she nods, a new wave of tears begin to fall from her eyes.
"You really want this?" She asks.
POV Switch
Relieve floods me.
He want the baby. He's not leaving
He looks happy, a smile making his eye crinkle, and dimples appear, tears slide down his cheeks.
I bring my hand to his face, taking my turn to wipe the tears away.
"We're having a baby," he whispers.
"We're having a baby."
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lupeloto · 11 months ago
“we, huh?” ficlet
i have another ficlet that i whipped up and made me jsksndjesj. i hope u guys enjoy it, i’m a little rusty so proceed with caution
Ian lays facing away from the door, comforter billowed around his bare chest, draped lazily across his arm. His head is buzzing, his thoughts shooting around a mile-a-minute yet he can’t seem to actually process a single one. He shuts his eyes tight, trying desperately to breathe through it. He’s been off for a few weeks now, under the false assumption that he narrowly escaped Mickey’s concern until he drops a small “you got an appointment tomorrow to get your meds fixed.” Initially, a rage filled him, sending a rush through his entire body and resulting in some snippy comment about how he can handle his own shit. Mickey didn’t react, just walked to where Ian sat, placed a quick peck on the top of his head and walked out of the room. After several hours of misery in company with his own thoughts, the anger was eventually replaced with a lingering guilty. It was a guilt he felt slightly too proud to admit, resulting in their conversations being limited for the rest of the day.
Mickey shuffles in, plopping down next to Ian in bed.
“Ay,” he finally settles, “i shouldnt’ve gone behind your back,” he fidgets, his head shifting down before Ian cuts him off.
Ian shuts his eyes, breathing through the initial anger that rose, landing on the understanding that it was all in his best interest. “It’s okay,” Ian turns to face him, head resting against his forearm, the former jumbled mess that was his mind now completely clear as his eyes catch sight of the gentle blue ones that stare back at him.
Mickey mirrors him, his head resting on his forearm as his hair sits in a messy black tuft against the pillow. “It’s gonna be alright, just gonna take a look at ya and make sure we get everything figured out.” His hands move to lightly trace Ian’s shoulder, going over every freckle and scar with a delicacy that only Ian knew.
Ian stares back for a moment, eyes fixated on the flutter of Mickey’s lashes as he spoke. Fuck, he loved this man.
“We, huh?” Ian scoots closer, the corners of his lips turn up slightly at the light red that flushes Mickey’s cheeks.
Mickey brushes it off, shifting onto his back mumbling a quick, “It’s you and me, Red.”
Ian smiles to himself, gaze fixed on the sight of his husband’s porcelain skin painted in a light dusting of freckles and a few scars that Ian traces delicately with his fingers, followed by a gentle peck. The curve of his nose, his lips, his lashes. He is nothing short of mesmerized.
“You must love me a whole lot then, huh ya softie?” Ian teases
Mickey lifts his arm behind his head and shutting his eyes, “like it’s breathing, Gallagher,” he huffs casually. He nods his head, gesturing for Ian to come closer.
Ian’s heart beats out of his chest threatening to land promptly before him on the bed as he stifles a small laugh. He’s never short of amused and enthralled by his husband’s ability to say the most romantic things in the most nonchalant nature. Mickey knows it makes Ian bashful and giddy like a teenage girl so of course he slips one in whenever he can.
He feels Ian’s eyes burning a hole in him, “And I don’t wanna hear shit about it, we all know you’re the soft one,” he cuts his eyes over, “now would you get your ass over here i’m fuckin’ exhausted.”
Ian happily complies, shifting to lay his head against Mickey’s chest. His large, freckles hand reaches to grab Mickey’s, nearly completely engulfing it as he rubs small, soothing circles with his thumb while his other hand mimicks on his stomach. Mickey digs his face deep into the tuft of curls, inhaling slightly and placing a small kiss on his head as both drift slowly to sleep.
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quinloki · 2 years ago
Hi!! Could i get your opinion on the kinks marks, Face sitting and somnophilia with buggy, croco and mihawk?
Thx you <3
Oooooh, the polycule of the decade (I kid, kind of. Maybe. Talk about an interesting dynamic though >.>). AHEM - Sure, sure, I am going to say that I've been denying my love for Buggy for months, so I guess this is one way to help me admit my truth.
Also hey, I get to make Mihawk head canon on the fly, Let's Do This \o/
Lets do this one by Character - Alphabetically as you have already so thoughtfully provided <3 xD
Marks - Buggy doesn't strike me as an overly possessive type. He's certainly passionate enough to leave marks and get marked, but I don't think he's the kind of person that does it with intent. He rates a Sure for this, as in, he's not against it, but he's not giving it much thought either. At some point he does some serious introspection when you offer to get a tattoo somewhere that's his jolly roger. He doesn't know why the suggestion is hot as hell, he's never cared when anyone else on his crew got tattooed before, but you two go quite a few rounds that night.
Face Sitting - (Okay but that nose is like a wand bulb and I just... ) Ah, Buggy likes to give pleasure. He likes the praise that's won from your lips when he's making you feel good, and if his nose gives him an advantage then who is he to complain? This is a FUCK Yes, and he'll even detach his tongue (what a wonderful devil fruit) to push deeper inside you.
Somnophilia - Yes - Yes, but, he doesn't know it's a thing. So this poor man spends a few sleepless nights watching you sleep, getting riled up without knowing why, and probably worrying there's something wrong with him. He doesn't hide or handle stress well, so I'm sure it won't be long before you're asking him what's wrong and shortly after that when you're talking about it. With your consent in place the experimenting begins. He likes the soft moans and response in your sleepy body, but he's a flashy guy and it's a little too subtle.
Sir Crocodile:
Marks - Oh god you don't even know - I head canon Croco as very possessive. Bruises, marks, lines and splotches of rough pleasure, things he's pushed into your body. He loves it. You might not ever hear him say it directly, but it is fuel for him. A more Toxic Croc may brand or tattoo you against your will, but a more stable Crocodile will eventually ask if he could design a tattoo for you, or (depending on your kinks that he'd know so well) actually scar you.
Toxic or stable, a crocodile never lets go of what it catches.
Face Sitting - FUCK Yes - I just... I mean, I wrote 628 words inside of a multi-chapter fic that was sitting on this man's face while he just devoured you orgasm after orgasm. I don't know what more I could say other than he lives up to his name sake, because you are not going to be free of his jaws unless he's decided to let you go.
Somnophilia - I dunno - I don't think this is really Croco's vibe. I mean, I think he enjoys watching you sleep in a "they feel safe sleeping soundly around me, and I love that" kind of way. I'm sure watching over you while you sleep you'll move or moan or do something that also reminds him that there's attraction there, but I don't think he'd leave you sleeping at that point. He doesn't want to hear half-sleepy mumbled moans, he wants you to squirm and thrash under him, crying out pleasure and his name clearly.
Marks - Sure/Yes - He's not against marking you, and he's definitely passionate enough to leave loving bites and bruises. But he's a legendary swordsman, and that means will and control. Almost unparalleled control, so I feel like he'd be sure and strong and incomprehensibly gentle. You wouldn't ever call his touch soft, or weak or anything like that. It's certain you're in the arms of someone who isn't letting you squirm away, but he will hold you in place with unyielding skill, and if you want him to leave traces of that skill on you, then he most certainly will.
Face Sitting - Yes - he's here for it, and has nothing against it, but I think he has a preference of having you on your back while he eats you out. It's a better view/angle for him, and there's a lot more options that way. Though, your back against the wall, him standing, holding your core against his face - that position for face sitting might just be his vibe.
Somnophilia - Yes - He would never admit to such recklessness, but Mihawk is enamored with you, there's simply no two ways about it. For him to focus on anything that isn't his swordsmanship means you've carved (heh) a place in his heart and life that's undeniable. It's complete and sometimes it's almost overbearing to him. He's not surprised to find himself turned on by your sleeping form, though he may grumble about needing more training (to himself). He does take some time to admit it to you and talk about it, and is certainly happy to have your blessing to do whatever he needs to help him take care of that desire.
And this unnaturally gentle and skilled man can have his way with you while you sleep and have you cleaned up and back in bed without disturbing a moment of your precious rest. Usually the only reason you even know anything happened is because your hair's damp in the morning from the bath.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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dedicatednotobsessed · 3 days ago
Safe In My Arms [Finan x Reader]
✨No TLK masterlist available yet✨
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Summary: I had a bit of writer's block working on some upcoming projects so please enjoy this 789-word one-shot for Finan from The Last Kingdom. The song's title is inspired by David Kushner's song, Safe In My Arms. I recommend listening to it while you read! ❤️ ✨SONG HERE✨
Warnings in this one shot: None.
A/N: This short one-shot is dedicated to my bestie, @mrsdaemontargaryen, who has the honor to be my first The Last Kingdom one-shot! I am now accepting requests for TLK characters {still not open to actors}, but sit back, read some fluff, and enjoy! 💕
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You looked around the living area of the brothel, a deep sigh leaving you as you examined the mess. The sight never seemed to change every time the sun woke up, although your expectations weren’t high considering the type of establishment you ran. The Nightengale was a well-renowned whorehouse in the lower parts of Winchester, your business partner, *Fianna, joking that it was holier than the monastery not too far away. 
You sighed before beginning to pick up the blankets littering the floor, trying to distract your mind from what the stains could be; you didn’t want to know. You hummed a tune as you cleaned before jumping when a sudden crash rang out. Your head snapped to the source, furrowing your brows. You tossed the blankets into a nearby chair before grabbing the nearest sharp object: the fire poker that was resting on the fireplace’s mantel. Your eyes stayed ahead while you stalked toward the kitchen, holding your breath before you swung the door open, the poker raised high. Your eyes widened at the sight before you: a tall, dark-haired man was fumbling with an apple. 
“Were you going to stab me with that?” His Irish accent was thick as he pointed the apple towards you.
“Finan,” you gasped, dropping the poker to rush over and hug him. 
He took you in his arms, the embrace tight. You nuzzled your face into his chest while he rocked the two of you, not wanting to let you go. Finan had been away for some time, accompanying his friend Uhtred on journeys that seemed to take him further away from you. Away from the life you want with him. A part of you was upset that Finan chose Uhtred over you more often than not, but you were thankful to see him alive every time he came to visit you in Winchester.
Finan pulled back, his dark eyes scanning your features. He cupped your cheeks and leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on the lips. You placed a hand over his calloused one, smiling lightly against his lips as you returned his kiss. You missed the feeling of his lips against yours, a feeling you longed for every time he left. 
He parted the kiss after a moment, leaning his head against yours. “Is Fianna around?” 
Fianna was Finan’s younger sister and was considered one of the best in the establishment. She fled Irland long ago to begin a new life in Winchester and, with your help, had built up what was now The Nightengale. 
“I believe she’s still sleeping,” you replied, a small smile dancing on your lips. 
Finan smirked, rubbing your lower back. “Gives us plenty of time to catch up then.”
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You had your head on Finan’s chest; your fingers lightly traced the scars that littered his chest while he ran his hand up and down your back, stopping at the dip above your bum before moving back up. The thin blanket was covering your modesty, the post-sex bliss surrounding the two of you. He made sure to feel every part of your body, to treasure every nook, and love every cranny. 
“Are you to be leaving again soon?” You asked quietly with furrowed brows. 
Finan took a deep breath. “I don’t want to think about leaving so soon,” he said quietly. It seemed he never stayed long in Winchester, but you tried your best not to show how heartbroken it made you. “Because I want you to travel with me to a new settlement Uhtred has gained.”
You furrowed your brows, lifting your head. “What?”
Finan smiled softly, tucking back a strand of your hair that fell in your face. “I’m tired of going back and forth, Y/N,” he explained, his voice soft. “I want you to join me in my travels to Coccham, where we can start that life we’ve wanted for a while now.”
You looked over him with love and adoration. You crashed your lips against his with a soft smile, laughing lightly as he pulled him on top of you. “Does that include me becoming your wife?” You teased.
Finan put his hands on your hips to keep you steady, smiling mischievously. “I will ask Uhtred if you agree to leave with me.”
“What about Fi?” You asked suddenly.
“She’ll be okay,” Finan replied, smiling lovingly at you. “Will you start this new life with me?” He asked softly. 
You felt your heart swell, and tears came to your eyes. It was the only thing you’d wanted for a long time, and now your wish was coming true. You returned his smile, moving his larger hands to your smaller ones and interlocking your fingers. “I would love to, Finan.”
*Fianna: Fianna is my TLK OC. She's the madame of a brothel and her love interest is Osferth. 💕
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herzzgeist · 2 years ago
One Piece Headcanons - Little Things
Characters: Zoro, Law | Trope: Their little habits | Content: Wholesome - enveloping you in fluffy cotton balls if you will
A/N: They're only human after all. You notice their little habits and can't help but point them out to them. These are habits I imagine them having. Personally I needed some fluff to brighten the mood, hope it does the trick for you too ఌ
Dividers by cafekitsune ~
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Stretching the back / Rolling shoulders A tense body isn't fundamentally the biggest concern, but it can turn into one, threatening to stand in his way to his grand aspirations to become the greatest swordsman ever excisted. From time to time, you could catch him stretch his sore back and roll his cracking shoulders, strained from all the intense workouts and tough battles. The sounds coming from that man's spine are horrifying.
"Hey Zoro, d-do you need a massage by any chance? You sound like a rusty mill being forced to work."
"What? No! I'm just sore from yesterday's training. Leave me alone!"
After an hour of offering him a massage . .
. . he gave in.
And unexpectedly - he enjoys it. Groaning in relief under your touches. Knitting his eyebrows, not admitting to himself this was long time over due. And is that a blush on his close to loosing his composure face?
"C-Could you go to the . . left? By the shoulder bla- ow! Yeah, that's it."
"If you're this much of a wreck, all you have to do is ask, greatest swordsman."
You coo sheepishly. The green-head rumbles at you with a vexed tone in his voice.
"Shut up."
Fidgeting with his earrings When he's in thought, day dreaming about, his fingers automatically reach out for his three golden earrings, reminding him of where he started and how far he's come to this day. Sometimes, he intentionally leans his head to the left, to feel the cold metal tickle his neck, which turned into a brainless habit.
"What's going on in this little green head of yours?"
"Huh? Why do you ask?"
You point at your own ear, mirroring his habit to signalise him. His hand practically shoots back down his sides, leaving him a bubbly mess.
"It's . . nothing."
"Hm, has anyone ever told you, that they suit you? Can't imagine you without them. Looks good."
Taken aback by that compliment, coming out of nowhere, he gives his best in keeping in the redness on his cheeks.
"I- I know! Or else I wouldn't have pierced my ear, idiot."
He purses his lips to his assertive statement. To him, it goes without saying. You flash him a knowing smile and go about your day. All that stoicism melts off the swordsman like butter the moment you're out of sight and he shakes his head in disblef. Just take a god damn compliment, Marimo!
Tracing scars Without giving it any further thought, he always finds himself feeling 'strange' at times, reminiscing the past events. His defeat against Mihawk and Kuina's passing. It all left an imprint on him, quite literally. Grazing along the line of his scar on his eye or chest, it leaves him shivering faintly once in a while. Mostly, that is the time where he decides to take a nap.
"Are you okay? You seem distressed."
"Don't you have anybody else you can pester? Let me sleep."
Thus you make your way, but now that you're gone, Zoro realises that wasn't the best idea, for now he's challenged to face his dark intruding thoughts alone. After one last time of tracing along his chest scar, starting above his heart, he gets up and follows you, actually admitting to needed company. And perhaps a drink or two won't hurt as well.
"I thought you wanted to sleep?"
"What if I changed my mind?"
You poke a finger against the middle of his chest, right on his scar.
"There's some sake left open in the kitchen. Let's enjoy the here and now, shall we?"
If you wouldn't know any better, you felt the faint heart beat racing under your ministration. He cocks a brow at you and only musters a soft smile.
"Yeah, let's do that."
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Cracking fingers Whenever he's taut, he tends to crack his fingers occassionally, to rid the tension. Only when he is sure nobody's around, naturally. Since he fights alot with his hands, casting his abilites over and over again, it can be intense in the long run.
"Will you stop that?"
You point at his hands in protest, already in position to let out another horrific pop to make you quiver. Law doesn't bother at all and proceeds his 'cracky' habit while overwhelming you with his medical knowledge.
"All joints contain a lubricating fluid, called synovial fluid. So if you crack your fingers, the joint surfaces separate from each other. The space in between, where the synovial fluid is located, increases and a negative pressure is created, releasing gases."
"Want me to massa-"
Immediately declining your offer to massage his slender hands, he wasn't prepared for your determination in granting the doctor some sort of tension relief. Why are you so cute? Your thumbs draw small circles on the back of his hand, following the dark ink on his skin.
"How is that?"
"It's okay . . I guess. Hold on I have notes about hand reflexology, maybe I ca-"
"Stop doctoring around and let me treat you!"
Abashed, he lowers his gaze and finally gives in.
Fiddling hair / Fondling goatee Whenever he's ought to concentrate, he tries to boost his memory and perception by gliding through his raven hair, also easing his ever so faint headeaches, which appear from time to time. And if it's not his dark locks, it's his scruffy goatee receiving a thorough massage, enhancing the doctor's train of thoughts.
"Pardon my intrusion Captain, I- are you alright?"
"Mhm? Yes, drowning in work. Make it quick!"
As you enter his office, you notice him gliding through his hair, seemingly in thought.
"Do you have a headache?"
"I'm about to, if you won't keep it short."
Looking at him with a cheeky smirk, Law already read your mind, knowing exactly what you're about to ask. Recalling the hand massage you desperately tried to convince him to . . and succeeded, to his demise.
"(Y/n)-ya . . no massage. This time I'm serious. Nothing touches my head except my hat!"
As you walk out his office with one of the biggest frowns he has ever seen on you, he flusters by the thought of your hands on his scalp, knowing that the overflow of oxytocin will hurt this aloof man's pride.
Shaking leg While sitting at a table, be it at dinner or in his office, his leg begins to shake whenever anxiety creeps over him. He doesn't notice it right away, however when he does, he supresses the urge to shake off the pent up energy, to not disturb the people taking a seat next to him.
At dinner, you make yourself comfortable next to the Captain. The food is almost at the table, as suddenly you feel the man next to you grow restless. His leg shakes and grazes slightly against yours. Out of impulsiveness, you lay your hand on his thigh and look at him with a warm smile.
"Calm down, or else you'll infect me with your contagious fidgeting."
He senses your oddly enough comforting touch and practically flies off his seat, straightening himself and taking his leave, pulling down his hat to shield his ever spreading blush on his face from the others.
"This idiot . ."
Such acts of affection are unknown to him and he's not keen on having spectators to misjudge the situation. However, he cannot deny the fact, that he actually found your small gesture to be - soothing.
Nonetheless . .
. . he skipped dinner that evening.
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ladyvlolypop · 2 years ago
Bucky Barnes Headcanons
these are both dating and overall head canons, if you think the writing is a little out of my usual type it's because I wrote these while
My Masterlist
Bucky Barnes x gn!reader; sfw
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Very gentle, his touches are very soft and he tries to avoid being harsh with you, knowing he’s way stronger than you(and because he’s unsure of his metal arm).
When he passes you he gives you subtle touches, his hand on your hip or waist for a brief moment.
He used to smoke when he was a soldier. Heavy smoker and drinker but he never touched a cigarette again after he became the winter soldier, not because he didn’t want to but he just didn’t want to be addicted to anything.
He can definitely speak and understand bits of german and italian because he was stationed in Austria and Italy during the war. He speaks french as well but much better(we love a multilingual king)
He understands russian perfectly but struggles to speak or write/read it. He understands bits of other slavic/balkan languages as well(if you speak russian freshen up his skills a little pls)
He sometimes still stares in awe at modern things, he imagined the world differently in the 30's. Will sometimes tell you how certain spaces changed and how they used to look like back in the day.
He likes to tell you about his childhood, liking to compare how you two grew up
Has lots oft things to catch up to
Has a flip phone w a loud ass ringtone
Jumps a little when hearing his ringtone
He has a smartphone for work but he barely uses it
Loves fantasy shows/movies and reading
LOTR and GOT fan honestly
Likes baking and cooking but he’s not good at it, he’s thankful for microwaveable meals and your cooking
Can’t ride a bike
Can’t drive, learned it just before infinity war happened
He probably let his his metal arm get hot in the sun and cracked an egg on it with sam
It fried
You only call him 'James' if it's serious or if it's to tease him
will use nicknames like "Doll", "Babygirl", "Honey","Darlin'(g)" or "Dear" for you
Uses lotion for his scars
would fold if you did it for him, def will offer to do the same for you(he gives really good messages let him)
Has a routine for his beard when he lets it grow out, likes to keep himself groomed
Same for his hair
Has insane home remedies
Pulls out chernobyl broth when you have a feet ache(boils sprite)(He read about it on facebook)
Doesn’t trust italians
He’s such a dad
Dad jokes all the way
Enjoys shopping for home gadgets
Knows how to haggle and will show his skills when he can
Will often come home with surprise groceries or gifts, things or snacks you like or some other stuff he got on sale
Likes to go to flea markets
Sometimes comes home with large amounts of certain products
Man will come home with 3 boxes of fruit because there was a sale
Love language is definitely gift giving and acts of service
Carries your bags or groceries for you without asking, pretty good at fixing things around the house
He’s good with kids, wants his own but unsure when the right timing for it would be
He sometimes shows them tricks with his metal arm
He’s not much of a talker unless you two are alone
Often rants about work
Good listener though, very attentive listener
He sleeps like a bear, very warm and keeps close to you, his arm cools down at night though and you might wake up with the feeling of cold metal against your belly
He started sleeping better when you were with him, still you will sometimes find him sleeping on the floor in the mornings, old habits die hard.
He’s very stubborn, especially if it's about your safety but he hates arguing with you
He hates the possibility of you getting hurt in any way
You're on his mind all the time
walks around with the thoughts of "would Y/N like that? Should I buy them that?"
first thing he does when coming home after missions is give you a tight hug
if it's really bad all he wants to do is hold you closely and cuddle for hours
if you think the writing is a little out of my usual type it's because I wrote these while on a call with my bsf and she was poorly singing lana del ray songs in my ear, some of these hc were even here ideas
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kingdomof-omens · 2 years ago
"To Breaks!" Noah x OFC
Masterlist Can also be found on Wattpad and AO3 This is a work of fiction based on real people. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Pairing: Noah x OFC
Warnings: P in V sex, male oral sex, language, mild d/s, mentions of alcohol/drinking/bars, one-nighter
The only sounds coming from Elaine's apartment were the sounds of slick, sweat covered skin slapping and the moans and groans of Elaine and the handsome man she brought home from the bar.
She didn't even bother to catch his name, he wasn't even going to stay around long enough for it to even matter.
"Is this seat taken?" A tall slender man asked her, pointing to the empty chair next to her at the bar. "Hm, I'll let you sit if only you're not some creep expecting me to sleep with you because you have a few coy words on that tongue." She replied, taking a sip of her drink.
He chuckled as he slid the chair out and sat down, telling the bartender his order. He turned to Elaine and motioned to the bartender to make another for her as well.
"I hope you know that buying me drinks also won't make me sleep with you." She scoffed.
"I just wanted to be nice, I promise I'm not expecting anything in return." He threw a smirk at her as the bartender put their drinks down on the bar in front of them.
They sat next to each other, not speaking, while the bar bustled behind them. It was a comfortable silence between them, sipping on their drinks and enjoying each others quiet company. The man was the first to speak again, turning to Elaine and knocking his knuckles on the wooden top of the bar.
"So, what happened to make you want to come to a bar and drink all by yourself?"
"Nothing, I just didn't want to sit at home alone and drink. At least here I can people watch and listen to all of the guys fail at hitting on the girls." She chuckled, sipping on her drink slowly. She turned to him, facing the man now.
He was more handsome now that she got to take in his full appearance rather than just a glance. He had short hair, tattoos littered on his body, and a keen grin splattered on his face. She could see scarring from a few piercings he must've once had on his face. He was attractive, that's for sure, and Elaine wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or not, but she was now interested in this mysterious man.
"Hard to people watch when your back is turned to all the people." He chuckled, thumb pointing behind them towards the growing crowd behind them.
"You can watch without using your eyes, you know."
"And how does one do that?"
"By using your other senses. Listen to the guy behind us. He's currently on his third girl of the night, buying drinks. He's wearing cheap cologne that he probably bought at the dollar store on the way over here. If you listen to the tone of his voice when the girls turn him down, you can hear frustration. He's looking for a quick lay and not getting his way."
He sat there pondering her words for a minute. "Hm, I didn't even think of people watching that way. What do you say about me?"
"Well, you smell of mint and sandalwood. You took a shower and brushed your teeth before coming here. You're not hitting on every girl you see, so either you have high standards or just came here to drink. I'm going to go with the latter since you were sitting in silence with me. Either that, or I'm your pick of the night."
He sat, mulling over her words before letting out another chuckle and getting the attention of the bartender for a refill.
"So now that you've asked me, why are you here alone?"
He pondered his answer before replying to her. "Well. I sing in a band and I'm touring. I just needed a moment to be to myself without someone from the crew being around, asking my opinions on shit. Just needed a breather."
"Huh. Sounds like a good excuse. To breaks!" She raised her glass in the air, him doing the same and tinking them together.
They continued conversation, talking to each other easily for the next hour. Elaine pulled out her wallet, and placing cash on the bartop. She looked over at the tall man with her eyebrows raised. "Gonna stay, or do you want to come back to my place?"
"Thought you weren't interested in guys who bought you drinks and spoke to you?" He teased, a smirk playing on his lips. She smirked back at him, standing up from her seat. "I said if you weren't a creep."
Now she's laying underneath the tall man, him moving his hips in rhythmic thrusts into her core. She's scratching her nails along the span of muscle on his lean back, she knows she's leaving crescent moon shaped marks on his skin, but she doesn't care. She's happily marking him up with memories of this night so he doesn't forget all too quickly.
He leans down and kisses her shoulder tenderly, taking his hand and wiping her hair away from her face. She can feel his warm breath on her neck as he leans in to whisper in her ear.
"Tell me pretty girl...tell me this isn't the only way you like to get fucked. I know there's a wild girl in there." She moans at his sultry voice, taking her hands and putting them flat against his chest pushing him up off of her.
"Want to see how I liked to get fucked?" She asks, pushing him down on the bed onto his back. He chuckles at her, placing a pillow under his head.
She crawls over him, straddling his legs, and leans down to leave kisses on his inked chest. A low moan escapes from between his beaten lips, placing his hands on her head, gathering her hair into his hands to keep it out of her face.
"Oh pretty girl, you are such a tease. I just want to feel you on my cock again." He whines, thrusting up into the air as she giggles and licks his nipple slowly.
"You wanted to see how I like to get fucked. Well, part of that is I like to tease." She looks him in the eyes and his eyes are hooded; she can see the deep burn of desire behind his brown irises.
Frustrated, he pulls her up onto him more, crashing their lips together in a heated, passion filled kiss. She moans into his mouth, feeling the tender swipe of his tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entry. She opens her mouth, letting his tongue in to explore. She reciprocates, swirling her tongue in sync with his, earning a grunt from the man below her. He brings his hand up, tangling it in her hair, pulling her into the kiss more as he bites her lower lip, causing her to rut her hips into the open air. He thrusts his hips up, putting pressure on her core and he can feel the wet slick gathered in her slit.
"I think if you don't sit on my cock right now, I'm going to fucking explode." He whispers in between heated kisses.
She doesn't reply, instead opting for sitting up and moving forwards, now straddling his hips, hovering over his erection. She takes his dick in her hand, pumping slowly. She swipes the hole at the tip of his cock with her finger, smearing his leaking precum and she can feel him twitch in her hand, him hissing at the pleasurable sensation. She slowly lowers herself onto him, causing him to gasp at the feel of her warm, wet walls. She moans when she takes all of him, cock buried deep inside of her. Even though this is the second time he's entered her tonight, she still feels like he's splitting her open, making her cunt feel full.
She starts to slowly rock back and forth, his pelvis rubbing her sensitive clit with every thrust of her hips. The fire in her belly is starting to burn wildly and her pussy throbs, causing the man below her to groan at the feeling of her pussy gripping his cock.
"Just when I thought...you couldn't get...any better." He pants between quick breaths and moans.
He grips her hips with a hold she's sure is going to leave bruises, but she doesn't mind. She likes souvenirs.
He helps her hips rock back and forth before he plants his feet, thrusting upwards into her, the grips on her hips pulling her down. It catches her off guard, causing her to cry out from the pleasure of him hitting the sweet, soft spot inside of her.
"Oh my god, please don't stop!" She screams, her hands grabbing her tits, and rolling her nipples in between her fingers. The fire in her belly is raging, like gasoline was thrown onto the flames. She can feel the pull of the pleasure start to consume her, and if she doesn't get to her destination soon, she's sure to combust.
"Gonna cum on my cock, pretty girl? Wanna feel you, need to feel you." He's thrusting into her harder, faster, her knees not able to touch the bed anymore. He takes one hand off of her hip and brings it down to her slick folds, using his thumb to rub quick circles over her clit.
"Cum for me." He whispers to her and that's all she needs to tip over the edge. Stars burst behind her eyes, and she's gasping for breath between the tremors of her orgasm. Her legs are shaking, and her whole body is convulsing. She's not able to control her own body anymore and she falls forwards into his chest. He's moaning underneath her, feeling the contracting pull of her pussy gripping his cock.
He wraps his arms around her and sits up quickly, maneuvering her body underneath his. She's on her back underneath him, still trembling from her orgasm. He flips her over onto her belly, leans down, and presses kisses between her shoulder blades. He places his hands on her shoulders tenderly, massaging the taut muscles while her body calms down from the wracking orgasm she just experienced.
Once her body relaxes, she chuckles and turns her head to the side to look at him, he's sitting on his knees next to her. "Oh my god. I think that's the best orgasm I've ever had in my life."
He smiles and pushes her hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Glad to be of service pretty girl. I'm glad you came when you did, I almost couldn't hold on much longer."
She pushes herself up onto her knees, turning to face him, touching their knees together. "You didn't cum?"
He shakes his head and points down to his still erect cock. "But it's okay, I just wanted to make you feel good."
"Well, that just won't do. What kind of lady would I be if I just used you for my pleasure and didn't return the favor?" She takes her fingers and walks them up his lengthy decorated arm, wrapping her hand around his neck to tug at the short hairs. He hisses through his teeth and his cock jumps at the slight sting of pain, the ache is his belly growing.
She chuckles and wraps her other hand around his cock, gently pumping. The hand in his hair pulls again, forcing a deep groan out of the man.
"You like a little bit of pain, huh? Couldn't tell with all of the tattoos you have." She teases, leaning forwards to wrap her lips around a nipple. His breath stutters as he feels teeth nip at his peaked bud, a silky tongue licking afterwards to soothe the sting.
He takes a hand and places it on her head, gripping her hair. She feels his body shaking, an overstimulation of the pleasure blossoming deep in his belly.
She chuckles, noticing how he's turned into putty in her hands. She leans up and kisses him, a passionate kiss that's not as heated as before. Their tongues not battling for domination this time, instead dancing a sweet dance together. She guides him down, laying him on his back beneath her. She straddles his waist again, taking his arms and pinning his hands above his head. They separate from the kiss, looking into each other's eyes and she can see the burning lust behind his.
She grinds down on his cock causing his breath to hitch. "Oh, baby girl...you ready for round two?" He smirks, rolling his hips into hers. She moans when his erection presses into her core, his cock gliding so smoothly through the pooled slick in her folds.
"I had a different idea." She grins, leaning over and grabbing her panties that he discarded from her body earlier.
"Open up, big boy." She commands, and he opens his mouth wide with a chuckle. She shoves her panties into his mouth, and he moans. He can taste her slick that soaks the fabric, wishing he could throw her under him, spread those toned legs of hers, and lick up her essence, tasting more of her.
"I'm going to let go of your hands, but if you move them, you're going to regret it. Do you understand?" He nods slowly, eyelids hooded and jaw clenched tight. He's dizzy, his head swimming from the smell and taste of her arousal. Blood is rushing to the head downstairs, and he worries his cock is going to combust if she doesn't touch him.
This is new territory to him, and it piques his interest. He's never been handled this way before, usually he's the one doing the commanding, making his partners beg. The thrill of this new experience sends shivers down his spine, goosebumps to form on his body. He moans around her panties, discovering his new interests is exciting.
"Now be a good boy and relax. I'll take care of you." She lets go of his hands, and he grips them together pushing them underneath her headboard.
"Already such a good boy, listening to me. You don't want to be a bad boy, do you?"
He shakes his head, whimpering at her seductive words.
"I want you to be quiet. I don't want the neighbors to hear how much of a naughty boy you are. Think you can do that for me? Think you can hold it in?" She asks, taking her hand and running it through the locks on his head. Her other is splayed on his chest, her thumb rubbing soothing circles into his skin. He nods in confirmation before his eyes roll to the back of his head.
"Good boy. Relax for me, okay? And if you want me to stop, just tell me. You can move and do that. Okay?" He nods again, thrusting his hips into her.
She chuckles and rubs her hands on his chest, lightly grazing her thumbs over his hard nipples. She can see him holding his breath, him making sure to not make a sound.
One hand's thumb is lightly rubbing a nipple, while her opposite hand is rolling his other nipple in between her fingers. She slightly pinches and pulls, causing his breath to stutter, and she can see his pulse quicken. She rolls her hips into his and he pushes his head back farther into the pillow. His eyes are closed, taking a deep breath. He can feel pleasure pooling into his belly and all he wants is a release, something to unwind the taut string inside of him.
"Gonna cum already? That's no fun, I had plans for us." She whispers, throwing her leg over and off of him. His eyes shoot open, locking onto her, and she can see his eyebrows furrowed begging for her to not stop, to come back and finish what they started.
She leans forwards and places a chaste kiss on his lips before she moves to his neck, nipping at licking at the skin. She's leaving tender kisses and small bites until she comes to the soft spot above his collarbone. She starts to suckle lightly at his skin, licking the spot afterwards to soothe. She can see the blood coming to the surface, a start of a small hickey. She smiles to herself at her work.
His body is vibrating at this point, but he remains quiet for her. His hips are thrusting and rolling into the air, seeking some form of friction on his throbbing cock.
"Calm down, I got you. I promise it'll be worthwhile." She whispers in his ear, biting his earlobe. He breathes out heavily, a moan almost escaping him.
She wraps her hand around his cock and she can feel his swollen he is from his erection. His cock twitches at her simple touch, heat radiating off of his member. His precum is leaking all the way down his shaft, pooling at the base. She starts to slowly pump him, his eyes opening wide and staring down where her hand grips him. His breath catches and he hiccups. She takes her other hand and plays with her breast, giving the man beneath her a show. His face is flushed with ecstasy, cheeks reddened, sweat forming on his hairline. She knows he's trying his damnedest to stay quiet, so she decides to reward him.
She moves down until her face is flush with his cock. She purses her lips and blows cool air onto his member, watching his cock jump in her hand. She giggles and does it again and his hips thrust upwards quickly.
"Such a good boy for me. Do you think you should be rewarded?" She asks, blowing the cool air on his cock again. He nods quickly, desperately. He's begging without words and she smiles.
She believes he deserves it, so she leans forwards and licks a stripe up the underside of his cock. He chokes on his own breath, stopping a moan from escaping from deep inside his chest. She was ruining him and he loved every bit of it.
She licks his cock again, making sure it's slick with her saliva before she rests the head of it on her tongue. She looks up at him to see him staring at her, silently pleading for some friction to relieve the ache in his belly.
Eyes locked into his, she closes her mouth around the head, gently sucking. He takes a deep breath and hisses through her panties.
She takes more of his cock in her mouth, the weight heavy on her tongue. She can feel his stomach muscles tensing at the much needed stimulation. His pupils are blown, his dark brown irises almost consumed by the black. She hallows her cheeks and sucks up the length of his shaft, swirling her tongue around the head before going down again.
His cock hits the back of her throat and she gags a bit, but she pushes further down until her nose is in his pubic hair. He's gasping for breath, but still quiet for her. She starts bobbing her head slowly, making sure to suction on her way up.
Her hand is still wrapped around his cock, moving in time with her mouth for the length she can't fit without deepthroating him. She can still feel his body shaking, feel him jerking with every swirl of her tongue.
She pops off his cock, licking along the shaft. Her hand is pumping him antagonizingly slowly when she asks "are you going to cum for me? Going to cum in my mouth?"
He tries to hold back the whimper that escapes from his throat, but no amount of self control could have stopped it. His eyes roll to the back of his head and he tenses his body. The tight coil in his belly is about to snap, but he's trying to hold on for dear life.
She plucks the panties from his mouth and throws them somewhere on the floor. "I want to hear you let go when you cum." He moans instantly at her words, thankful he no longer had to hold back.
"That's my good boy. Let me hear those pretty sounds from the pretty little singer."
He moans again, and lets out a deep gutteral groan when she shoves his cock back into her mouth. She's sucking with earnest now, making sure he's close to his release. Her hand is still on his shaft, moving in sync with her mouth. She takes her other hand and cusps his balls, rolling them in her palm.
"Oh my gooooood, yes! That! Jesus fucking Christ don't stop. God you're going to make me cum. Yes, oh fuck baby, oh fu-" He cries out when his orgasm takes over, releasing his load into her mouth. She deepthroats him, feeling his cock twitch in her throat as he cums down her it. She swallows his release, throat milking his cock of all of it. She can feel his balls throb in her hand emptying completely and she moans around him.
His cock leaves her mouth with another pop, and she swallows again clearing her throat of the thick, sticky substance. She goes back down on him again, making sure to lick up any she may have missed. He finally moves his arms, pulling her up onto his chest.
"Woah, woah, too sensitive. Hurts." He says, leaning down and giving her gentle kisses on the corner of her mouth. She smiles up at him, kissing him back.
"Holy shit, dude. I don't think I've ever came that hard in my life." He says between pants.
She chuckles at him, laying her head on his chest. "Now that I've had your cock in my mouth, I should probably catch your name."
"Noah. And yours, pretty girl?"
"Nice to formally meet you Elaine."
They chuckle to each other, Elaine grabbing the duvet and covering them both under the warmth. They drift off to sleep wrapped in each other.
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