#and why the guitar vexes me
rebrandedbard · 3 months
all of that seems headache-inducing, so to switch the subject from that, what's your favorite instrument and/or instrument type? (either to play or to hear)
Lol thanks nonny. I love stringed instruments best! They have such variety! Obviously my lute is #1 in my heart, piano next, then the lyre. My concertina is a lot of fun but I haven't begun learning anything for it yet. I might like to be able to play the harmonica better, but I can play all of Snufkin's songs (the green guy from Moomin) so I've never felt the need to learn anything else! I'm hoping to get a hurdy-gurdy sometime in the next few years. I also REALLY want a fancy kind of music box that allows me to move the pins. I collect music boxes and would love to be able to make my own music on one.
For anyone curious, here are the instruments I own in order of how much I like them. Not necessarily ordered by playing ability:
Lute. Galanthus, mine beloved 💖
Piano (mom took it in the divorce 💔)
Lyre, Orpheus knew what was UP
Guitar (acoustic and electric, so two technically)
Harmonica (normal one and 40 note one with a switch)
Recorder, wooden
A tiny kalimba which I cannot for the life of me figure out
And for the SILLY ones:
A teeny tiny key-chain harmonica
A slide whistle!
I used to have a pan flute but it died tragically after getting lost in the woods. I never did find the remains. But I don't really mourn the loss as it sounded nothing like when Peter Pan plays.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Omg, your asks are back open, I just want you to know that I can’t stop thinking about your punk miguel post god damn. If you could write some more of that that would be very cool 🥺👉👈 Only if you want to though!!! I love you
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art by @bumbleboots_art on Ig
Warnings: Angst, mild physical assault, fluff, suggestive towards the end.
Punk Miggy
Pt. 1
Ever since Miggy appeared through a portal into your lives, things had been chaotic.
You needed to believe things were chaotic good, but with two Miguels you truly didn't know what to expect. Your grumpy faced Miguel often barked orders with a strategy in mind, while Miggy just gave in the heat of the battle and things somehow ended up working.
But at the end of the day everything resumed into a bunch of
"Te dije que hicieras caso!" (Told you to obey)
"I obey orders from none. You specially"
God, as handsome as they were, they were annoying. The constant clashing had also played a huge part in your almost-lover/boss situationship with you. Everytime they bickered like loud vexing parrots, you left them be.
At the begining it was fun to watch them rant and banter, but as things evolved into something more tense and borderline dangerous, your own share of mental force was drained.
You barely hung out with them anymore, adding to the already snapping short temper of your Miguel.
Miggy looked suspicious, and truly wondered if things had been too much for you to not be around.
His eyes however widened in knowing pain as a flurry of memories paraded on his mental runway. He watched Miguel, or at least another variant of him, having and enjoying a little girl he knew so well. Little Gabriella.
"Stay away" He growled, but how could he?
How he could do such thing when another variant of his little girl was there, happy on his shoulders, freshly out of a soccer game.
His own Gabriella loved hearing him play the guitar, just as much as he loved serenading her. His Gabriella loved to make patches for him to add at his jacket. The two had matching patched up vests. In every universe his little girl was beautiful and loved. Like it should be.
"I fucking told you to stay away!" Miguel growled as his punk counterpart held his hands in defense while dodging a hurling chair thrown his way
"I lost her too, Y'know?" Miggy laid on his chair as Miguel grabbed him by the collar of his vest. Fangs bared, tight grip and nose flaring.
"I miss her too."
With a grunt, Miguel let him go.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"C'mon, jefazo. You might fool everyone under your command. Even our princesita. But you don't fool me. I am you, remember? Estás bien pendejo si crees que puedes engañarme." (You're stupid if you think you can fool me.)
"She's a constant reminder of what I do." Miguel pointed at the screens, "And why people should fucking follow orders."
Miggy rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Could you shop talking about work second for a moment? Let's focus on-"
"She's gone. Nothing to focus on, besides the multiverse."
"I know what it feels like. To suddenly lose-"
"Tu?! Tu no tienes ni una puta idea de lo que se siente!" (You had no fucking idea to what it feels like!)
Miguel roared, as Miggy frowned with a scowl only to his chest to bump against his, retaliating.
"¿Crees que no, cabrón? I lost her due an asshole policeman doing a misdirected gunshot just cause he mistook me for a criminal. He shot in the air, and it got her. It was aimed at me!" (You think I don't, dipshit?)
He palmed his chest before ripping the velcro patch Gabriella had made for him and tossed it on his hands.
My favorite Rockstar
"You fucking think I don't know how powerless you'd feel while watching your little girl dying right before your very eyes?! "
"Al menos tuviste algo que sepultar." (At least you had something to burry)
Miguel mumbled and his punk counterpart stilled.
"She vanished in my hands." Red and blue clad shoulders slumped heavily. A burden he still carried to this day.
Silence stretched for a bit too long, before Miguel sighed and turned his back on him.
"You stepped in when none wanted to."
Miggy rubbed his neck as he offered his best comfort words.
"That's what a real father does."
Miguel cleared his throat and turned to face him "We wished we could save everyone."
"But we can't." added Miggy with a solemn face.
"Now you understand why I do what I do?"
"I've always understood that, though guy. Still, is fun to give you shit for it"
Miguel dismissed him with a roll of his eyes, but a newfound level of mutual respect settled between the both.
"Specially when our princesita was caught in the middle of our antics."
"Again, there is no ours in here. Give her space."
"I think we've given her enough of it."
Miguel grunted, annoyed as he followed him.
"No, no, that's not how you do it."
"It's my turn, I kiss her however the fuck I want to."
Bossman Miguel spoke as he cupped your reddening cheeks, making your flushed lips, that glistened over a new make out session invited him to deliver another desperate and breathless kiss.
Meaty lips guided yours in a pace you've grown to know well, just as Miggy nuzzled your neck playfully. The tip of his nose roaming up and down, for him to give a gentle nip at your earlobe.
You groaned into Miguel's mouth, and whimpered as you begged for air.
How had you ended up in this predicament after such a parkour of emotions displayed between them? Lyla had shown you their conversation, glad at least they learned how to share something that found them a common ground.
And then Miggy had waltzed in your work bay, smothering your lips with a breathtaking kiss as an apology for the troubles caused and it only triggered Miguel, that showed him what a real kiss was.
And now it all resumed into this moment. The three sitting on your couch, that sometimes acted as your bed, taking turns to make out with you.
Miggy's turn arrived as he turned your face, placed a gentle hand on your cheek and kissed you. It was soft and chaste at first, but then his tongue pried your mouth open. Soft and moist muscles fighting for a chance to top you, and he did.
Earning a lovely and delicious mewl from you. Rough and calloused hands roamed up your sides and waist
"Let her go, that's enough"
Miguel grumbled as he had to pry away your needy lips from his counterpart.
"Who did it best, cariño?"
Your head felt like it had detached from your body and floated like a balloon as your Miguel nipped at your neck softly and Miggy mumbled the sweetest things to your ear. You certainly couldn't decide, even if your life depended on it.
"A tie."
Both scowled.
"Guess we'll have to find out differently, then."
Miguel's steely stare fixed on you with a suspicious glint in his eyes, as Miggy licked your earlobe.
Where were the anomalies when you needed them the most?
You gulped at your ongoing demise.
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hearta54 · 9 months
Cherry Red Guitar
(Dominic Fike x Reader)
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Summary: You're looking for a cherry red electric guitar but walk out the shop with much more than you expected. Singing lead for Lameboyz means getting to know the guitarist...
Word Count: 1 295
Notes: I loved writing this, and want to write more Dom stuff. DON'T BE SHY SEND REQUESTS. ENJOY!
It was one of those Spring days when there was warm, sprightly sunlight - but not too warm so you felt suffocated in your crocheted green sweater - there was also a subtle breeze which bit the air. You loved the way your dark-washed, flared jeans bunched around your beaten converses (Converses look a little better when they've been through it) as you perused the street for the guitar shop. Your eyes scanned across a shop's peeling sign; there was a middle-aged man outside smoking a billowing cigarette and leaning against the creviced brick wall. This would be good.
A bell rang when you crossed the threshold, your eyes flickered to the teeming shelves; you focused on finding a cherry red electric guitar, like the one on your Pinterest board. Feeling a presence behind you, you turned around, slightly vexed at being disturbed. All frustration dissipated when you saw soft brown eyes, grown out brunette curls dyed blonde, and a nose which curved like the crescent moon; his name tag said Dom.
"What you looking for?"
He smiled checking you innocently making your stomach giddy with butterflies. The consistency of his was voice was smooth with a raspy undercurrent; the faded wooden floors underfoot felt like they shifted. Ugh this boy.
"I'm looking for a cherry red electric," you said this coolly trying to not give yourself away.
"Specific huh," he chuckled biting his lip. The flirtatious tension was smothering in the best way possible.
"You sing? Cos my band Lameboyz is looking for a lead."
"Yeah, I do actually."
"Sweet, text me and I'll send you the details so you can come jam," suddenly he took your arm and slid your sweater up revealing your forearm (each inch burned, electrified) Dom wrote his number on your forearm, the lid was trapped between his iridescent teeth. You gazed at him just as he met your eyes. The bell jingled breaking the static.
Dom turned to walk away looking behind his shoulder he said,
"Cya ..."
"Cya, Y/N."
You walk up to a garage and can hear a guitar riffing; whoever the guitarist is, is really talented. Slung comfortably against your back is the cherry red electric Fender Dom found for you yesterday.
Uncertainly you call into the garage; one of the band members opens the door, a boy with long dirty-blonde hair. Dom is perched crouched behind the amp holding a black electric guitar.
"Wow, that was you playing?"
"Why so surprised, girl?"
His response steals your quick wit, avoidantly ducking your head you take out the lyrics Dom texted you.
"Are we all good to start."
The band jams congruently, it feels invigorating to hear the music come to life: The melodies come easily and your shocked by the smoothness and tone of Dom's voice. He's so rock star.
"That was a solid session guys, I'm feeling good about the show next week, this is y/n our new lead singer."
The show. Lameboyz was performing at a small festival next weekend.
You get to know the band members while exchanging gushing compliments about everyone's performances. In your peripheral you spot Dom watching you intently drinking from a cup; rolling your eyes nervously you turn back to your conversation.
When the band members slowly begin to trickle home the sky is dark and starlit... eventually it's just you and Dom left.
Intrigued by a crate of records you thumb through them: The Beatles, Radiohead, Frank Ocean, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Drake's Take Care.
A warm breath hovers over your ear, "you sounded good, y/n."
"Thank y-," a sudden pull of your waist turns you so your facing Dom with your back against the records.
"No need to thank me, I was just saying," he whispers.
Dom is distracted by the dark sky
"You should let me drive you home, it's dark out."
His car is slightly worn and old, but charming nevertheless, the convertible roof is cool.
The ride passes with a quiet Frank Ocean CD playing and mellow conversation speckled with intervals of subtle flirting. ...
As your about to place your phone on your bedside table it buzzes
"Good night, gorgeous."
"Good night, jit," you text back.
That night sleep doesn't come easily; Dom is in every corner of your mind.
The day of Lameboyz set creeps closer and each day you and Dom text more. He hasn't said anything or asked you out; each time hope threatens to rise you push it back down insistently. If I don't hope I can't get hurt... right?
The morning of the set reading a text from Dom forces a spectacular smile to stretch across your face.
"Can't wait to see you soon."
Slinging your guitar case over your shoulder you check yourself in the mirror one more time; smoothing your army green cargo skirt and fixing your vintage flared white tank. Realising how hard your smiling you force yourself to stop, I don't want to crease my concealer.
Leaning on the bonnet of his car and practicing his guitar licks you see him from afar. A warm heaviness in your stomach scares you,
Seeing you approach, Dom stands up, "hey y/n."
"Hey Dom," your name on his lips only deepens the feelings.
As Dom goes to say something the rest of the band pulls up; with a sigh you both join them. You pretend to ignore the surreptitious, knowing glances between the keyboardist and drummer.
You've missed performing and the roaring crowd reminds you why you love to sing. When Dom harmonises with you, you transcend and you are the music.
Gathered in Dom's hotel room the band is drinking; you're clinging on to your sobriety but the others are quickly becoming inebriated. They're hilarious, you don't really know someone until you've seen them drunk. Dom hasn't touched a drink, tonight he's seeking clarity... like he's going to make a revelation. When the laughter becomes hushed by lolling heads Dom and you help everyone to their rooms. On the way back Dom and you are hysterical from the drunken antics. You relish the candor of Dom's shining eyes and the easiness of his laughter.
Sitting on the floor of his hotel room you reminisce the performance and the melody of your voices together. Suddenly you have the nerve...
"Do you think you could teach me that guitar lick?"
Dom's face animates, excited to show you.
Cocooning behind you he guides you your fingers along the fret board when they get tangled. Keeping a steady, inconspicuous heart rate is trying.
"Your good at this," he breathes into your ear, the tension breaks your composure.
Dom places the guitar on the side and looks at you with darkened eyes; you hold your breath.
"I meant to say earlier, but I'm so glad we met and I was wondering if I could take you out for this picnic in the hills... there's a field of flowers and..." Dom trails off when he realises your staring at his lips.
Craning his head to reach yours, your lips connect; pushing your bodies closer there's no more space for anything else but right now. Running his hand through your braids Dom's other hand grasps your waist roughly, you've both been wanting for this a long time.
When you both run out of air and detach reluctantly; Dom bites his lips looking at the floor.
"I've been waiting for this."
"Me too."
Dom walks you to your hotel room and stays until you fall into a slumber.
You dream of wanting a cherry red guitar and leaving the store with it and a perfect boy's number scrawled on your forearm. It's a dream, but that's exactly how it happened. Thank God for cherry red guitars.
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crimsonrae · 2 months
I have missed you all! It has been a minute since I've posted here, but I feel like Tumblr is the place to put this piece - for now. I haven't had much time recently to do as much writing as I would like, but I was perusing old outlines and ideas and stumbled upon one from ages ago for Pirates of the Caribbean. Suddenly, my muse woke up and I wrote close to twenty pages in three days.
Premise: Basically, this is a what-if for Captain Jack Sparrow. What if during the first three movies he had someone that vexed him. His version of a wife because he can't do anything normal.
The scene written below is set during Dead Man's Chest, after the Brethren Court convened. Be advised it's long.
I would like to know what you all think. I have four other scenes for this all waiting to be flushed out and would welcome any thoughts or critiques.
Mildly horrified and entirely exasperated, Jack wasn’t even sure grief could sink into his measly guts as he watched Teague tuck the shrunken head of his mother away. Mostly because he wasn’t even sure that was his mother and that his father hadn’t completely lost his marbles. He wouldn’t put it past his mother to have such a thing delivered to Teague if the two were on the outs again.  
And people wondered why he was so mad, look at what he sprang from...Christ’s Blood. 
It was almost like another Tuesday; this is what being back on the Cove did to him... No, that wasn’t quite right, this is what being near any of his family did to him. 
Dull amusement began to seep in as the lingering implications of Teague carrying that head around began to settle. 
 Jack smiled as he gestured awkwardly to his father’s coat, “Not a bad way to startle the grandkids.”  
Teague smirked as he quietly admitted, “Already have. Your woman only let me do it once to little Rosie. Done it a few to the boy - I think Rosie handled it better.” 
Jack snorted unsurprised by his family antics. Rose more than likely took the shrunken head to be a new strange doll. Jonah was old enough to know better. He did wonder when Teague had made the time to stop in on them. 
“They’re here. Up in the Alley.” Teague murmured lightly as if sensing his son’s thoughts, fingers strumming gently at his guitar. 
“What!” A sharp flash of surprise lit Jack’s dark eyes before he masked it behind something that Teague couldn’t quite read. Worry if he had to guess and confirmed as Jack quietly growled, “You brought ‘em here?” 
Teague bit back a sigh as he gave his son a pointed look, “Wasn’t intending on it... Honestly, still puzzlin’ out how Quinn talked me into their passage aboard. I had told her no.” 
“She likely just ignored you.” It's what she did when they had been children. Jack rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath about devious strumpets. He felt sick. They weren’t to be here; he never would have made that deal with Beckett otherwise.  
He needed to see to preparations for his ship before Barbossa got too far in his ego thinking he was captain of the Pearl again, but he would make time to see his children and he had a bone to pick with his woman. His hearted lifted a bit...she was here. 
It was only as he lurched away from his father that Teague called out to him, “Go easy on her, Jackie. She’s been through the gamut.” 
Jack nearly scoffed.  
He hadn’t? 
He had been swallowed by a bloody gigantic cephalopod and trapped in Davy’s Locker with stony crabs and far – far too much time with his thoughts. Besides he didn’t bloody remember her being present to save him.  
Admittedly, Jack knew that last uncharitable thought was unfair – he would not have been happy to see her in the Locker. Not when they had their two little treasures to protect, and he was well aware that the onus of that responsibility fell to her.  
Which was why he wasn’t terribly happy on her being here now.  
Despite being a fortress, Shipwreck Cove, the city, and its inhabitants would be raided should the Pirate Lords fail in their endeavor to stop Beckett and Jones. It was the last place he wanted Quinn and the children to be.  
It was with clear intent and purpose that Jack made his way back to the Pearl. Gibbs and Marty would have a head for what was already on board, and they would have to make do with what supplies they could get in the city. Jack could only hope that word had spread already of what was afoot and that the shopkeepers would keep any wily haggling to a minimum – of course, a few would see the coming battle as a golden opportunity to gouge their prices.  
Barbossa was already issuing orders when Jack stepped aboard, but he paid his former first mate and current rival little mind. The brunt of the crew was paying him more attention anyway as he asked a few carefully plotted questions before heading to his cabin for parchment and quill. Barbossa hadn’t spent near as much time on the Cove as Jack had... none of his crew had really, but there were a couple that were familiar with the city’s workings. It would have to be enough. 
Jack tagged a few more orders onto Barbossa’s before snagging a handful of the crew to head into the city. A list of merchants and an inventory of necessities in hand, he passed instructions onto his little group and watched as they dispersed to follow orders. They would be back on ship by the time he was done with his own errands.  
He was stepping out of Doc Nessa’s shop when he felt the familiar glance of a small body skimming his hip. He didn’t even think as his fingers grasped the back of a well-loved shirt and tugged the body inside around. A pair of familiar dark eyes far too intelligent to belong to a child, but in fact did, regarded him.  
A wild thrill of amusement coursed through his gut, though Jack was careful not to show it as he returned his son’s indifferent regard, “Need to be quicker than that, lad. Hand it over.” 
Jonah scowled as he held out his father’s compass. Well, a compass. One that Jack had pilfered from Barbossa. 
Jack took it with gentle care before he arched a brow, “The rest?” 
Jonah slumped and pulled a coin purse and a ring from his pockets.  
Jack blinked in surprise at the ring before casting a glance to his right hand where indeed one of his rings was missing. He hadn’t even noticed that one, that was impressive.  
In return Jack held up a French silver medallion and grinned as Jonah blanched and checked his pockets. 
Jonah reached out to snag it, but Jack yanked it back, “Da!” 
“Pay attention to your possessions next time, eh?” Jack said as he tucked the medallion in his pocket, “Want it back? Best figure out a way to get it. Savvy?” 
A churlish pout curled his boy’s mouth, but he nodded before mumbling a quiet, “Savvy.” 
“Good lad.” Jack murmured before he crouched down, “Now come ‘ere and give your old man a proper greetin’.” 
Jonah hesitated much to Jack’s consternation. He had never known his boy to be leery with him and he didn’t care for it starting now. He refused to have the same relationship with his son that he had with Teague. As if summoned from the depths, Teague’s words about Quinn having a difficult time came floating back to him... What had gone on in his absence? 
He didn’t have time to ask before he had his arms filled with a seven-year-old. He relaxed and wrapped a tight arm around his boy as he felt Jonah turn into a limpet. That was more like it. 
Grinning, he pressed a kiss to Jonah’s ear as he murmured, “Missed ya, lil’ scallywag. You causin’ trouble for your mother?” 
“Aye.” Jonah answered against Jack’s chest. 
“You watchin’ out for your sister?” 
“Rosie tormentin’ you?” 
“You been getting revenge on her?” 
There was a pause before Jonah uttered, “No.” 
Jack nearly snorted in disbelief, but quite seriously asked, “And why not?” 
“Mum would tan me hide.”  Jonah stated as if it were obvious. He wasn’t dumb enough to admit to any wrongdoing he hadn't been caught at – especially not to his parents.  
Jack chuckled and gently pushed his son to stand back, “Depends on what you did and if you get caught. ‘Sides you probably deserve a good tanning every once in a while.” 
“Daaaa.” Jonah whined, making Jack snicker further before he was attacked by another small body. 
He leaned sideways and he grunted under the sudden impact, but the lilting giggle gave away his accoster long before he caught sight of her face. This was another one that could use a tanning or two.  
“Oi! Careful, darlin’. You gonna break this old man.” Jack cried as he lifted Rose to perch on his hip. He couldn’t stay crouched any longer, “Miss me?” 
“Aye.” Rose chirped as she grinned widely at her father.  
Jack’s heart melted under that smile and damn if his little girl didn’t know the power that she had over him. Just like her mother. He pressed a kiss to her cheek before she snuggled further into his hold. 
Seven bells rang in the distance, and he suddenly realized the hour. It was a bit late for his two wildings to be running amuck. Yet as he peered down the alley Rosie had flown from he saw the familiar shape of Quinn’s guard lingering.  
Poor blighter must have been put on watch. 
“Why are you two not with your mother?” 
“Mummy said youse be here and um- we wanted to find you, but we – uh – we made new friends and we’s got to playin’.” Rosie explained excitedly, “And then Morris came to get us and then Jony disappeared, and we’ve been lookin’ for ‘im.”  
“Is that so?” Jack murmured as he sent a speculative glanced to his son. 
Jonah stared unperturbed back at him, and Jack was reminded that this was very much his son. Stubborn and underhanded. 
As if to reinforce Rose’s words a faint cry from the opposite street caught the children’s attention. A few of the wharf rats were lingering and Jack took them to be the new friends. Jonah had a longing glint in his eye, and he sighed reluctantly, “Back to the quarters by first bell or I’ll put you over me knee meself, savvy?” 
Jonah didn’t wait and went skittering off before Jack had a chance to change his mind, “Savvy!” 
“I wanna go too!” Rosie cried, wriggling to get out of father’s hold.  
Jack held tight, “Ah, ah, no. I don’t think so, luv. You are gonna keep your old man safe as he goes and finds your mum.” 
“Nooo!” Rosie howled. 
“No?” Jack cried back, nodding to Morris as he passed him in the alley, “No? So, you want your dear dad to be savagely attacked? How cruel you be, little Rose. However, will I be able to find your fair mother all be me onesies, I wonder. Be a good lass and help your da out, eh?” 
His attempt at guilt did little to persuade the five-year-old as she stared at him mutinously. She was developing a fine glare to stop a man cold. It was obvious that Rosie had been spending far too much time with her mother. He barely dodged her little hands as she reached to pull his chin braids. Jack had almost forgotten that she needed no instruction to fight dirty.  
And it was a fight...all the way back to the quarters which only ended as he began to regale her with stories from the past. He pitied any man who dared to woo his daughter once she was older.  
It was a thought that vanished as he swept into the old family quarters only to find Quinn nowhere in sight. It was odd to suddenly be standing in a place that he had done everything he could to run away from – an all too familiar unease began to twist in his gut, and he had to bite his tongue to not become lost to ghosts that still haunted him. He tilted his head down the hall and saw a barely perceptible glow emanating from the slap shod parceling of lumber that was to act as a staircase.  
Jack nearly groaned. She was in Grandmama’s old quarters... Quinn was trying to punish him. 
“Daddy?” Rosie cried softly as she watched her father’s countenance turn sour. Childish worry peered at him through eyes that were so like his. 
Jack forced a small smile to his lips before he tapped her nose, “Let’s get you to bed, eh? You’ll need your energy to go torment your brother come mornin.” 
Surprisingly, Rosie merely pouted a little at the bid for bed. Either she was more tired than she wanted to admit, or she still sensed the poor mood possessing her father. Jack didn’t want to explore either option, but he would take the opportunity her current submissiveness was giving him.  
He dawdled. 
He would never admit it, but he loitered in his old bedroom watching his daughter curl around a pillow as she fell into an easy slumber. He itched with the desire to haul her out and bring her to his cabin on the Pearl. Too many memories haunted this decrepit place and only a handful were counted as anything happy or good. He wanted none of it to touch his children.  
Jack couldn’t understand why he was here – Why Quinn had chosen to come back here. Even if it was to check in on him.  She held as little love for this place as he did... less in some regards. But he wouldn’t get any answers by hiding away. 
He came out just as Jonah crept through the front door. Jack arched a brow as he heard first bell in the distance, “Cuttin’ it close, lad.” 
Jonah fidgeted under his father’s stare before uttering, “Still ‘afore the bell.” 
“Aye, so you were.” Jack hummed and nodded to him to get to the bed with his sister, “Go on. To bed wit ya. Don’t let me catch you out of it.” 
Jonah called as Jack ambled towards the stairs. He turned to find a churlish frown pinching his boy’s features.  
Jonah swallowed tightly as he stuttered out, “Ar- are you leavin’ us again?” 
The quiet resignation in his son’s voice fair broke Jack’s heart, but he was unsurprised by it. In a perfect world he would keep his family aboard the Pearl with him. In a perfect world he wouldn’t miss months of his children’s lives. But a pirate ship was no place for a child and Jack had been a pirate for too long to stop now.... The world wasn’t perfect, and reality was a far more painful place as his son was beginning to learn. Jack just wished he wasn’t the one teaching that lesson already. 
He crouched down before Jonah again, this time tilting his boy’s chin up as he answered honestly – because his son deserved honesty, “Aye. I am, but I hope to be with you again soon.” 
“I don’t want you to go.” A suspicious sheen had come to decorate Jonah’s dark eyes. A wobble to his lips.  
It dawned on Jack then that Jonah must have just heard about the coming battle. Word had been slower than he had anticipated reaching the shops, but it would have spread through the city fully by now and his boy wasn’t stupid enough not to listen. 
Jack winced as he murmured soothingly, “Now none of that, lad.” 
“Please.” Jonah choked out, unable to hold back his tears. He was suddenly folded into his father’s embrace as he broke into a sob. Rum, sea salt, and gunpowder invaded the little boy’s senses – it was a unique combination of scents that he would forever associate with his father. It was home and it was safe, and he lost it every time his father disappeared to the sea.  
Jonah burrowed into him in a way that made Jack think he was trying to hide in his pocket. Jack closed his eyes sadly and tightened his hold as he let his boy cry it out, “Wants and needs, Jony. Very rarely do those two ever line up. I would love nothing more than to keep you and your sister and your mother with me always, but it's just not possible. So, we must steal what time we can with each other and not give any of it back.” 
Jonah sniffled, “Be a pirate.” 
“Aye.” Jack murmured, “Be a pirate.” 
They sat together soaking in what comfort they could before Jonah pushed back and wiped at his nose. His eyes were swollen still with his tears, and it hurt something deep in Jack to watch his son try and be brave. He was too young for that skill yet. 
A glint of silver caught his eye, and Jonah gave a watery smile as he held up his medallion, freshly stolen back into his care. 
Jack huffed a faint laugh, “Well done, lad. I’ll make a pirate out of you yet. Or at the very least, a very competent thief.” 
Ruddy cheeks still damp were softly soothed by Jack’s rough hands before he prodded Jonah to the bedroom his sister was in, “Go on. Give your face a wash and get to bed.” 
Jack stood in the doorway as he watched Jonah reluctantly follow his orders. The dry sink holding the washing bowl made his boy seem incredibly small and too grown all at once. He made a mess of washing his face, but it was more of a cover to hide fresh tears and soft hitched breaths.  
Jack pretended not to notice, no sense in embarrassing the boy.  Finally, he shucked his clothes and grabbed a large shirt Quinn had left out. Jack recognized it as an old one of his and that brought on an entire new swell of bittersweet emotion to drown his heart. 
It was only as Jonah began to settle next to his sister that Jack meander back to tuck him in. He smiled faintly under his son’s doleful gaze before giving into the temptation to press a kiss to his temple, “Sleep, lad. Tomorrow’s a new day with new adventures.” 
“Take what you can.” Jonah whispered. 
“And give nothin’ back.” Jack whispered back solemnly. He gave a light squeeze to his boy’s shoulder in silent good night. 
 A heavenly sight greeted Jack when he finally made his way upstairs. The bare expanse of Quinn’s back was on display as her shift hung loosely around her waist. His gaze drifted up from her shapely legs to the delicious curve of her bottom over the dark lines that inked her spine to the thin wispy curls that had found freedom from the mishappened updo she had imprisoned the rest of her mane in.  Steam rose from the tub residing beside her and for a moment Jack quite forgot his irritation with her. 
For a moment, anyway. The tense set of her shoulders was his first clue that he wasn’t the only one out of sorts. 
“Now, there’s a sight for sore eyes.” Jack murmured as he leaned against the doorframe. Her lukewarm welcome was his second clue. 
Green eyes peeked over a slim shoulder at him as Quinn place a bottle of some concoction down, “Wondered if you’d actually come up here.” 
Jack wasn’t sure if here was the quarters or Grandmama’s room in specific and he didn’t care to ask. He ignored the subtle prompting in her comment with a gesture that said, ‘well, here he stood’. It didn’t surprise him when Quinn rolled her eyes and turned back to her ablutions. 
“Are the children sorted?” 
“Aye.” Jack answered with a frown. He hated talking to her back – even if it was a glorious view. It made it a mite difficult to ascertain what was going on in her head, “As you well know. Surprised you didn’t step in while Jony was cryin’.” 
“He needed you, not me.” She said with a slight shrug, but he felt the truth in her words. Jonah had wanted his papa. There be no denying that. 
“Shall I wash your back, luv? Get those hard-to-reach places.” Jack offered as he sauntered closer, “Nice and squeaky clean, eh?” 
Quinn snorted, “Your dirty hands are not to touch me, Jack. When was the last time you had a washin’, you filthy pirate?” 
Jack paused, slightly offended and unwillingly amused as he pondered that query. He didn’t think that he as that dirty – he had definitely been worse, “I took a dip not too long ago, I’ll have you know.” 
Surely hanging upside down in the ocean counted. 
“You can take another now. Waters for you. I’ve already bathed.” Quinn said, her hands moving to pull up her shift when his came to stop her. 
“Now don’t do that, luv.” Jack whispered against her ear as he pressed against her. He bit back a smile as he felt a faint shudder wrack her body, “I’m quite enjoyin’ you half dressed. Course it’d be even better if you were completely undressed.” 
His lips brushed over the curve of her neck as his hands slid over her hips to hold her more firmly...except, there was more of her than he expected. Jack paused as his grip flexed over the small swell of her belly. Only just slightly bigger than a bump. His heart leapt into his throat in realization before his dark gaze snapped up to find her watching him warily. 
“Thought I told you not to touch me with those dirty hands.” Quinn rasped, trying for a light – indifferent tone and failing. 
“I’ll touch you however much I want, woman.” Jack said thickly, “Is that why you came here? To tell me?”   
 “Thought you should know... You’ll have one more to be comin’ back to.” She mumbled, “You need to stop gettin’ me with child.” 
Jack grinned, fierce joy and pride batting back his outright terror for the moment, “Whatever for? I quite enjoy gettin’ you fat with my child.” 
He grunted a moment later as her elbow collided with his side and she growled calmly, “Fat? I’ll show you fat, Jack Sparrow.” 
Despite the playful glint in her eye, Jack chuckling, quickly grasped both her wrists before she could do something decidedly unpleasant to his person. Now, he understood why Teague had let her come. A pregnant Quinn was an impossible Quinn to reason with, “Come ‘ere.”  
He tugged her around and stole the kiss he had been angling for since he had stepped inside. It felt good to have her with him again. It was downright beautiful actually. There had been a few dark moments when he wondered if he’d make it back to her and the kids. And he had – they were here. 
At least for the moment and he’d take it. 
He’d steal this time like he had told Jonah to do. 
Jack broke the kiss, reveling in her mewl of protest as he leant his head against hers, “Another one, eh?” 
“Aye.” Quinn murmured back, “You upset?” 
“Have I ever been upset over being made a father?” He asked blithely, “Or given you cause to think I’d be?” 
“Jack...” She sighed, “It’s different this time and you know it.” 
Tendrils of the terror he had been pushing back were starting to grasp, but he refuse to let it hold. The memory of her last pregnancy was clearer than air for him. The babe they had lost - How he had nearly lost her as well... Damn her for alluding to it. His hold on her tightened almost imperceptibly.  
Jack shrugged, pressing his lips to her crown, “So, we’re a little older – a little more damaged, a little more weary. Still wouldn’t change a thing.” He pushed back and nudged her to do the same as he did a quick calculation in his head, “Let’s have a look at ya. Be about five months, that right?” 
Quinn hesitated, making Jack frown. She had never been shy with him before and he didn’t understand her reluctance now. Jonah had done the same. It was on the tip of his tongue to say something until his appraising gaze found the crest of her bosom or more specifically the top of her left breast and what should have resided there. 
His mark... 
“What’s this?” He breathed. 
The dark lines of the sparrow over the horizon that normally decorated her skin had faded. It wasn’t the type of blanching that would come from the sun, but it was as if the ink had eroded to a thin sketch. His fingers traced the mark bewildered before he yanked the sleeve of his shirt up to view his matching bird.  
It had burned something fierce while he had been in the Locker. A hallucination. Or at least... Had that pain been real? He had thought - taken it to mean really that his soul saying he was too far from his other half... but now?  
It had changed.  
The dull bluish black lines had become more a sickly grey. He hadn’t noticed...it’d had stop hurting once he had left the Locker and he had all but put the odd experience from his mind. 
It was then Jack truly took stock of his woman. Faint circles lined her usually lively emerald eyes, her cheeks a little hollower than he would like... She was pale. Sallow really. Despite that he knew for a fact, that she tended to spend a fair bit of time out in the sun. 
“It may not have been just the babe that brought me here. I guess that bonding ceremony we did wasn’t as much of a lark as we thought.” Quinn uttered quietly. She bit her lip and stepped away as she pulled her shift into place, “Get your bath. I wanna check on the little ones.”  
Jack watched her go with gaping worry. 
Go easy on her, Jackie. She’s been through the gamut. 
What the blood hell had happened in his absence? 
Quinn was mildly astonished to see that Jack had followed her decree to bathe when she returned to the room. Of course, he was already reaching for a towel...  
She hadn’t been gone more than a few minutes, “You’ve only made the dirt on you muddy, at least scrape it off.” 
“You want me clean, luv, you best get over here and give me a hand.” Jack grumbled as he sent her a sly glance, “Get those hard-to-reach places.” 
Quinn scoffed at him, “For someone who loves bein’ on the water, you have a peculiar resistance to gettin’ in it.” 
“It’s not the same though is it.” Jack replied as he washed his arms a bit better. He wanted to see the full extent of the change to his mark, “Of course, there be a list of interestin’ questions you’d be good to answer if you want me to sit in this water longer.”  
“I have a feelin’ I’ll be answerin’ those questions regardless.” She muttered, but she snagged a washrag and poked him to sit forward so she could sit on the lip of the tub behind him, her dainty feet brushed his hips. It wouldn’t be too much longer before her belly would make such a feat impossible. 
Jack fairly purred as she worked the rag across his back, lightly massaging as she went, “Aye, you would...What’s happened, Quinn?” 
“Let’s see... You left.” She supplied unhelpfully, but she sensed his unimpressed glare long before he opened his mouth, “I had business in New Orleans – its changed since we’ve last been. Kids caught the measles. That was a miserable few weeks. I missed two of my courses before realizin’ I was increasin’. Oh, and then suddenly, I was struck by the most debilitatin’ pain – bit like takin’ a hot poker to the chest I reckon. Scared poor Jonah half to death with the way I screamed, ended up passin’ out thankfully, but I was sure I had lost the babe. Bloody miracle, I hadn’t. That was when I received word of your demise and then Teague stopped by on his way to here and I figure it best to hear what was goin’ on.” 
Jack hummed as he was once again dropped into a pool of horrified and exasperated. Only Quinn could utter all of that like was the most casual thing in the world. Just afternoon tea, really. It should have clued him in really. That sort of passivity from her only meant that she was brimming with fire beneath the surface.  
It didn’t for his ire with her was definitely rearing its head once more. He didn’t even know where to begin with all of that, so he waspishly muttered, “Oh is that all? Just another bloody Tuesday, is it?” 
“It’s Wednesday actually.” 
“Quinn.” Jack rebuked, losing his patience.  
He needed to see her.  
He twisted, grabbing her wrist, and yanked her around so suddenly that water sloshed out of the tub. She fell haphazardly into his lap. Her shift was soaked within seconds. 
“Oh!” She growled, livid.  
She became even more so when she caught his agitation with her. As far as she was concerned, he didn’t have the bloody right. It was as if a bubble had burst within her. Everything that she had kept bottled up for last half year came flowing out at him.  
The tub wasn’t big enough to accommodate two people, but she somehow maneuvered herself to straddle him before she began raining blows, “You are –Such -A – Bastard!” 
“Ow! Woman!” Jack wouldn’t admit it aloud, but he would rather endure this rage from her than the barbed flippancy she had been spewing behind his head. Though the way she was wriggling in his lap wasn’t helping matters on another end. A particularly hard blow to his stomach had him restraining her wrists again as they both labored for breath. 
Quinn glared at him, hot tears stinging her eyes as she wrathfully muttered, “You died! You died! You -” 
And there was the heart of the matter... at least for her. The anguish in her emerald eyes startled Jack. It had been a long time since he had seen her this upset. A rush of guilt tore through him like a riptide and she saw it too.  
She tried to yank her hands free to strike him again, but Jack held firm, “I know, luv, I know. But I’m here now. I’m back.” 
“Oh, codswallop!” Quinn swore a blue streak, “You’re here? For how long? Or are you not chargin’ out into that bloody massacre that’s set for tomorrow? Shall I plan the eulogy now?” 
Jack’s face darkened and it took some not inconsiderable control for him not lash out the way he wanted to – they had both been through hell. He could recognize that, even with the bare bones accounting that Quinn had given him. Like the sun rose in the east, he knew that she hadn’t told him everything. He also knew he had scared her and if the tables had been turned, he would be just as furious. 
Lord, he didn’t want to fight with her. He really didn’t, but a thought had occurred that he wanted answered, “Quinn - Quinn, stop wrigglin’!” 
She didn’t and he muttered a quick oath before he shifted his grasp on both her wrists to one hand before he delved his other between their bodies. 
Quinn jerked in shock as his fingers grazed over her slit, searching for evidence of arousal as much as desiring a way of stilling her. She didn’t even notice when he let her go, only that she was suddenly bracing herself on his shoulders as he caught her startled gaze and a sank a finger into her. 
She emitted a strangled, “Jack!” 
“Told you to stop wrigglin’.” Jack murmured smugly as he tried not to lose the thread of thought he had been chasing before he decided it’d be a good idea to reexplore tempting territory to get her attention. Throwing her down and ravishing her was fast becoming an overwhelming desire – especially as she made no attempt to stand up and leave. Maybe they needed to fuck this one out, “Now, before you resume abusin’ my person, luv, do us a favor and tell me... when you made the fundamentally stupid decision to come back to the Cove -” 
Her nails dug into his shoulder, and he hissed before adding another finger to his play, “That’s not nice, luv... When you made the decision, did you know I was alive?” 
Quinn frowned at him, wondering why this was so important. Of all the things that she had said to him this was the last line of inquiry she had expected... and really wasn’t that just like him.  
Impatience seemed to get the best of him again at her prolonged silence as he very purposefully curled his fingers inside of her. Quinn suppressed a moan as he grazed that spot that brought such exquisite pleasure. A mordant liquid began to seep to her loins, “...Yes.” 
“Sorry, was that yes to my question or are you beggin’ me for more, darlin’?” Jack asked grinning wickedly. She swore at him which only made him giddy, “Pirate.” 
“Jack, I can’t focus when you’re doin’ that.” She said, trying to tug his arm up, but he didn’t budge. 
“Good, I don’t want you focusin’ too hard.” He murmured back, quite forgetting what he was about as he leaned in and nipped at the skin exposed by her collar. The faded lines of his mark glared up at him. That would be fixed... Had to be. 
“Yes.” Quinn said, “Yes, to your question.”    
“How did you know?” 
“Your bloody mark.” Quinn murmured, “It stopped feeling like it was going to burn me from the inside out.” 
Jack went silent. A deep frown marring his features and she could only wait for him to verbalize his thoughts. He fell back, allowing her the freedom to get up if she so chose. She didn’t. 
“Not as much of a lark, eh?” Jack finally said, but there was no hiding the anguish behind his words.  
Just a bunch of words that ceremony. Neither of them had been keen on a proper marriage but their own promises? A blood pact that was meant to twine their souls?  That added a touch of mystery, and romance, and fun – well that had been right up their alley, now hadn’t it. 
What bloody fools they had been... 
Quinn found that she unwillingly softened in the face of his horror, and she sighed, “I think the babe is what kept me from joinin’ you... wherever you were.” 
Jack peered at her quizzically, not following her line of thought. 
 “A bit of you is in me, isn’t it? It’s how we’re creatin’ this little life.” Quinn whispered, not willing to tell him that she also suspected that was why she had been in such horrible pain. The bond didn’t know where to pull her too – so it tore at her, “An entwining of essences to be forever one.” 
Jack swallowed as she recited the words from the ceremony, “Doesn’t sound quite as sensual anymore, does it?” 
“No...” Quinn agreed, it sounded downright terrifying now. She drew a fortifying breath, “How long? How long before you have to go?” 
“We’re to leave at daybreak.”  
“Right.” Jack froze as she leveled a cold glare on him that made his heart cringe in anticipation of her wrath, “Don’t you dare die on me again, Jack Sparrow.” 
She swiftly removed herself from the tub before he could respond. Her back to him once more as she hid a rush of tears. She shed her wet shift with little care as he murmured, “I wouldn’t dream of it, Quinnie.”     
 Though she was better at hiding her tears than their son, Jack still noticed, and he wasn’t about to pretend he hadn’t otherwise.  
The sloshing of water was her only warning before he was on her. His fingers grasped her elbow and spun her around before she could think. Her mouth found his first. Harsh, angry, biting as she unleased her distress upon him and... claimed him. Jack took it all, silently relishing in the rare show of possessiveness from her. Anything to make her tears stop. He couldn’t stand her crying for him, never could. 
His arms became bands around her waist as he pulled her tight. For the first time in months the world seemed to still and feel right. A strange peace fell over them both. Their kiss broke when the need for air became too great, but that didn’t stop her from nuzzling into him, trailing biting kisses along his jaw as he walked them back to the bed.  
Jack hummed as her attentions fell to his neck and he realized she was truly laying claim to him with a mark of her own, “You’re not normally one for love bites, what’s brought this on?” 
“Just a reminder.” Quinn murmured as she let him push her onto the mattress. Her hands traced the panes of his body as if she was trying to commit it to memory. 
Jack crawled over her, nipping her lip, but he couldn’t help but ask, “Reminder? It’s unlikely I’ll be attractin’ a strumpet to me tomorrow for you to chase off with a reminder.” 
“Reminder’s for you.” Quinn said drolly even as she spread her legs for him. She wanted him close – needed it really and he was moving too slow when they had only a few hours before he’d leave again... 
“Woman, you’re not makin’ a lick of sense.” Jack stated stoutly, firmly ignoring her overtures for a quick fuck.  
This wasn’t Tortuga and he wasn’t taking her against an alley wall. Though... A faint smile tugged at his lips at the few good memories they had against said walls. He wanted to see her. He took in the fullness of her breasts and smoothed his palms lovingly over her growing belly. He had always been fascinated by the change pregnancy wrought on her body. 
Quinn tugged on the end of one of his dreads as he leaned down to place a kiss to her stomach, “It’s just to make you think twice before you do something incredibly stupid – Like become so distracted by a kiss as to get yourself shackled to a ship and then killed.” 
Jack reared up to find Quinn staring at him with an indifference that scared him more than her anger, “I haven’t the foggiest of what you’re on about.” 
He couldn't stop himself from playing with fire though, “But if I did... How much groveling would one have to do to be forgiven for such an infraction? Pray tell.” 
Quinn was silently amused as she watched him try to puzzle out how much trouble he was in exactly – Never mind that he had her completely naked and willing at the moment, “Alot, more if I have to throw myself at you to get any kind of satisfaction tonight. You’re doin’ a very poor job of making me feel desirous right now.” 
Jack had the gall to look affronted at her critique, “I’ve been harder than a bloody hammer since I’ve stepped into this room, luv. Let’s not pretend you don’t know the effect your utterly delectable and sinful body has on my person or that you intentionally kept yourself half-dressed to lull me into forgetting’ where exactly we are right now. Which well-played by the way.” 
“I haven’t the foggiest of what you’re on about.” Quinn uttered back at him, shrieking with laughter a moment later as he pounced on her. Her laughter was dissolved by a rather thorough kiss that left her with no doubts of Jack’s desire for her. 
A slow heat swept through her as she fell into his touch. The familiarity of him was a comfort that she had been lacking for too long. His scent, his strength, his warmth surrounded her, and she basked in it, just as Jack basked in her. He was almost... reverential. As if he was not entirely sure that she was real as he took his time rediscovering her body.  
Calloused fingers hooked under her knee and pulled her wider as he entered her...slowly... so slowly. As if he were afraid of her hurting her. To be fair, her muscles strained a bit from being split, but it was a welcome discomfort that disappeared with the relief of being fulfilled. 
Quinn emitted a pleased sigh as he bottomed out and Jack moaned, enjoying the way her lurid cavern suckled him so sweetly.  
His lips danced over hers in a gossamer caress as he watched her, “Alright?” 
“Hmmm.” Quinn hummed contently. She drew a finger across his cheek, marveling at his gentleness for not the first time, “I missed you.” 
Jack smiled warmly at her, as his arms came to rest on either side of her head. He stole a true kiss then, “And I, you, luv.” 
“Then you should ravish me, Pirate.” She teased, arching against him in silent demand. 
“Aye. I should.” Jack chuckled as he began to thrust languidly.  
He was intent on drawing their union out for a multitude of reasons. A petty one being that he knew it would drive her mad and he was still stinging over where their fortuitous reunion was occurring. More significantly, Quinn had successfully lit the fuse on every one of his concern canons with her wan appearance and he didn’t trust her to tell him if she was feeling unwell. Stubborn bint that she was.   
Amusedly, he could practically feel Quinn’s frustration build as she shifted, matching his movement, but also trying to get enough purchase to change the pace to something faster. 
He shook with laughter but stilled – knowing she had reached the limit of his teasing, “I should have gotten you off before playin’, luv. I’m sorry. I’d forgotten how insatiable this state makes you.” 
“Insufferable.” She grumbled, pinching his side as he reached for a pillow to put under her hips. He jumped, swatting lightly at her as he resituated them, “You’re treating me like I’m made of glass.” 
Jack realized then that Quinn didn’t know how fragile she looked to him, like a good gust of wind would knock her down. He sighed and rubbed a soothing trail up her thigh as he murmured, “I haven’t been around to take care of you, Quinnie. Your body’s no longer used to it. Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you winced when I breeched you or the way you tensed when I was touchin’ that fair chest of yours. You’re tender, ain’t ya?” 
“Only a little.” Quinn sulked, “I can handle more, luv.” 
Jack arched a brow at her. 
“I’m not gonna break. Promise. Please” She wheedled, reaching for him, “You know I don’t say please often.” 
There was a long moment of silence as he studied her before suddenly, he bucked. It was heavenly, just the right amount of friction they both needed. Jack stifled a groan, but Quinn hadn’t been prepared and failed to hide another wince as a twang of discomfort rippled with the pleasure he brought to her body.  
“You gonna follow my lead now?” Jack demanded. 
“Is your lead gonna go any faster?”  
“Woman...” Jack swore, shaking his head, “You are -” 
“Yours?” Quinn smiled cheekily and Jack couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Aye, that you are.” Despite being charmed, he didn’t give into her whims. If they had time for another round he would, but for now she’d have to deal with slow and gentle. He sure as hell was... not that it was much of a trial.  
Her faint moans and whispered mewls were music to his ears after coming uncomfortably close to not being able to hear this ever again. No, he had no problem taking his time to swim her depths. 
Jack fell next to her sweaty and sated as Quinn labor for breath next to him. She lazily squeezed his arm as she murmured, “Alright... I’ll be more willin’ to follow your lead next time.” 
Jack grinned smugly, pulling her against his chest as he recovered from their crush of bliss, “Feel like I’ve heard that ‘afore, luv.” 
Quinn suppressed a smile and entangled their legs as he drew circles over her belly with curious fingers. A wistful grimace painted his vintage that Quinn understood all too clearly... It was different his time around, whether Jack wanted to admit it aloud or not. She placed her hand over his, catching his weary regard. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” He murmured after a moment, gaze drifting to her mark. It may have been a trick of the light, but the lines seemed to have thickened – at least a tad. It pained him to think he may have almost caused her demise. 
“No, you’re not.” She arched a knowing brow at him. 
“No, I am not.” Jack agreed dryly, aware she thought he was speaking about being back in the Cove. And aye, that he was not pleased with, “You’re incredibly lucky to be with child right now or else I’d have you over my knee for comin’ back to this hell hole– especially now, luv.” 
Quinn’s emerald eyes glimmered dangerously at the threat as she murmured, “Liked to see you try.” 
“I’ve done it before, haven’t I? Don’t tempt me.” 
It was how unusually serious he was as he uttered those words that let Quinn know how upset she had made him. Coming back to the Cove had never been on her agenda and she wouldn’t have if every bone in her body hadn’t been screaming at her to return. She had learned to trust her instincts ages ago. 
She forced a bland retort, “Hardly think it counts when it's just a lead up to more pleasurable pursuits.” 
Jack sent her a warning look but took the opportunity their turn in mood presented to address the elephant neither wanted to acknowledge, “Should the worst happen tomorrow, I want you to find Teague. Grab the children and go with him. Shipwreck Island won’t be safe. As Keeper of the Code, he’ll be the last to depart which will make him the quickest to get back here.” 
A spark of undo terror tightened Quinn’s throat and she withdrew her hand from his as she protested, “Don’t. Don’t talk like this -” 
“I want you to go with him to Madagascar. You'll be safe there.” Jack pressed, otherwise he’d never get the words out. 
Dropping an explosive would have been a kinder shock. Her eyes widened in quiet outrage, “Mada - you want me to go to your family? Jack, there’s a reason you don’t visit them.” 
“Aye! They’re barmy and insufferable, but harmless for the most part. - Well, now that Grandmama is dead, they’re mostly harmless. You're more than capable of handlin’ Quick Draw and her ilk. The house in Madagascar is nye impossible to get to unless you’ve been before. Beckett has a grudge against me, and you know it. Should he discover I have a family...” Jack shuddered, refusing to travel down that rabbit hole. He was one of the few who knew just what a cruel and cold bastard Beckett to be, “Promise me, you’ll go.” 
“...” Quinn bit her tongue, feeling positively sick from what he was demanding of her. 
“Promise me, Quinn.” 
She glowered at him, scowling faintly as she said, “I will always do what needs to be done to keep our children safe, you know this.” 
He did, he did know that “I’m not just worried about our children now, am I? Promise me.” 
A strangled note of desperation burst free on that last command and Quinn felt her ire quite blown out to sea at the sound of it. Jack wasn’t playing fair.  
She swallowed tightly before she whispered, “...I promise to find Teague.” 
Jack didn’t miss the way she had worded that oath. She’d find him, didn’t necessarily mean she’d go with him. He cursed quietly but acknowledge it was probably the best he would get from her, “Thank you.” 
“...Jack?” Quinn breathed, letting her worry come to the surface as she made her own demand, “Come back to me. Just come back.” 
She didn’t care when he did it or how’ just as long as he came back. 
Jack softened in the face of her concern. Cupping her cheek, he placed as much flippant bravado in his words as possible, “I’ve defied death once and come back to you – think I won’t do it again?” 
His cockiness did the trick of making her relax and roll her eyes at him, “I swear by all that’s holy, if you say that you’re Captain Jack Sparrow and that’s why it won’t happen again, you can go sleep on your bloody ship.”  
“Well, I am...” Jack murmured.  
He knew she didn’t buy it when he acted like this, she was one of the few people in the world that could remind him that he wasn’t as indestructible as he liked to pretend. 
“I think you wouldn’t have had to do it once if you hadn’t been so stupid...” Quinn intoned, leaning into his touch before lightly continuing, “And then you followed up that stupid by making it the Pirate King with your vote and now you’re goin’ to battle.” 
Jack’s mouth moved soundlessly for a moment before he uttered, “You are...annoyingly well informed.” 
Quinn shrugged, “I was in the room when the vote happened. Not my fault you didn’t notice.” 
His dark eyes narrowed at her, “And the kiss?” 
“Oh, so you do know what I was speaking of then.” She murmured a little caustically. 
“Aye, well, it seems that Karma’s fine tone sense of retribution for my brief moment of disloyalty was to have me eaten and spat out in a fish captain’s purgatory. Surely even you must agree that I’ve been sufficiently punished for my crime, eh?” Jack smiled as charmingly as he could, making her snort. 
“It wasn’t the kiss that bothered me, Jack. It was you dying...Miss. Swann may have mentioned it to me in a moment of unburdening.” She answered vaguely, misinterpreting his dubious glare as disbelief when merely he was trying to puzzle out when the two women had met, “She didn’t know who she was confessin’ to.” 
“And you left her unharmed?” Jack asked genuinely surprised.  
While jealousy made a rare appearance in his Quinn, protective did not. There were a few pirates – and maybe one or two of his relatives - residing at the bottom of the ocean for far lesser offenses than killing him.  
Hell, he wasn’t entirely sure Grandmama had died of natural causes as Teague had claimed. He remembered that Quinn had been in their part of the world at the time, and she hated the old bitch almost more than he did.   
“If I had been in her place, I would have done the same.” Quinn said with a shrug. For a moment Jack thought her possessed before she continued, “Sides, I knew Tia had talked her into helping get you back from the Locker, if she happened to get maimed or died in the process I wouldn’t have shed a tear.” 
There it was - that was his Quinn. He relaxed back into his pillow as he sent her another suspicious look, “And how were you privy to what Tia Dalma’s plans were?” 
“...Didn’t I mention?” 
 “No, no, you did not mention, luv.” Jack said pointedly, irritation flashed in his dark eyes at her, “It seems you’ve left quite a bit out of your recounting of our time apart.” 
Quinn smiled sweetly, “And you can get the rest of it when you come back. You should have your own version of events well thought out by then.” 
Jack pursed his lips, debating if he wanted to press the issue. At this point, the only thing he would have edited out of his account, she already knew...  
Deciding it wasn’t worth the headache, he changed the gambit, “Sri Sumbhajee, you heard him speak tonight then, do you know -” 
“He’s a eunuch.” 
“...Is he not married?” Jack asked, perplexed and he faintly pitied the woman if it true. 
“He is.” Quinn said quietly, resting her head over his heart, “On his second wife, if I heard correctly.” 
“I wonder how that works then.” Jack grimaced curiously. 
“For him or her?” 
The utterly disconcerting feeling of being watched woke Jack sometime later – at least that’s what he would tell Quinn. Confusion briefly descended when he didn’t feel the soft shifting of waves. Then it all came screaming back – he barely muffled a curse. Drowsily, his head tilted toward the doorway to see Teague pulling his fist back from the door. 
Must have knocked. 
Christ, but that was off putting. For a moment, he thought he was thirteen again. 
“It’s time, boy.” Teague growled lowly once he saw Jack was conscious before disappearing from sight like a ghost. 
Very off putting.  
Jack could only grunt before he moved to get up, only to find a weight pressing against his stomach. He thought it Quinn’s leg as he slipped his arm from beneath her head, but a quick peek, showed him a messy curly mane belonging to his daughter. He wasn’t sure how he slept through her clambering into bed with them, but not his father’s knock. 
Sense of self-preservation perhaps. He didn’t need to defend himself against his little girl. 
Gently, he eased her over before he reached for his trousers. He moved with more grace than he typically displayed in public, donning his clothes and wresting his boots into place before he moved back to sort his girls.  
Luckily, Rose’s propensity for sleeping like the dead hadn’t changed in his time away as he slid her up the bed to lay within her mother’s protective reach.  
He was pulling the sheets around their little one when he heard Quinn whisper, “Don’t do anything stupid.” 
Glittering emerald worry peered at him, but Jack met her stare unflinchingly, “As long as you swear to do the same.” 
“When am I ever stupid?” 
“I’ll not answer that.” He said wisely, smiling when she glared at him, “I’ll be back before you know it, luv.” 
“Better be.” Quinn said tightly, fighting back tears as she watched him kiss Rose in farewell, “I love you.” 
Jack stilled as those three words escaped her lips. Rarely did they ever acknowledge it – they never needed to because it was just a fact. He loved Quinn and she loved him and that was it. To hear her say it now felt incredibly wrong – too much like a permanent farewell. His heart thundered loudly in his ears. 
“I thought only heedless fools ever said those words.” Jack said quietly, reminding her of the first time he had ever said it to her. 
“Aye, and you’re the biggest heedless fool I know and maybe I am too. So, I'm saying it.” Quinn stated softly. 
He nodded, suddenly understanding just how frightened she was for him before leaning over and catching her lips in his. His kiss was bruising, almost angry as he took his fill. A wetness splashed his cheeks as Quinn lost the battle with her tears.  
He pulled back and found himself soothing her in much the same way he had Jonah earlier, “None of that now, Quinnie. Don’t you dare cry.” 
Wants and needs, he had told their son. He wanted to stay. Quinn needed him to stay even if she wouldn’t say it, but he also needed to go. His hand had been deep in the pot that caused the current climate with Beckett and Jones, so it would be his hand that helped clear it and kept his family safe. 
He stole one last kiss before he whispered, “I love you too, Little Sprite.” 
Jack turned from her then, knowing he wouldn’t be able to leave if he didn’t. He didn’t dare look back at her, her distress would simply break him. Instead, he snagged his sword and gun from the chair by the door and strode from the room and down the stairs to where Teague waited.  
His father didn’t comment on his grim expression, merely watched as Jack pointedly ignored him in favor of finding his coat, “Is she alright?” 
“No.” Jack said stoutly, but raised his chin as he met Teague’s stare, “But she will be if I have anything to say about it.” 
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saturrnss · 1 year
Tease!sanji x annoyed!zoro
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A/n: my oc's are in here and are heavily mentioned so if you don't like them idk what to tell ya🤷‍♂️😭😭 (also this is based off the live action since I have not watched the anime yet)
Warnings: literally none
"Alright fuckers, lunch is served!" Sanji called out to the rest of the crew from the kitchen. "Took you long enough." A yawning Zoro said annoyed.
"Faster than Laffy and usopp?!" He said with fake surprise. "Guess I have a number one fan." He put on a sarcastic smile, one that made Zoro roll his eyes and take a plate.
Luffy and Usopp came running in not even a millisecond later, the help of Luffy's nose detecting the smell within seconds.
They almost jump onto the table, grabbing big portions and immediately digging in. "Save some for me!" Axel says, coming in after them and trying to wrestle a piece of meat out of Ussopp's hand.
Marla walks in from her room, visibly pissed off. "What is it this time?" Sanji asks unbothered, wiping his knives with a rag.
"I lost my guitar pick!" she Slams her fist into the table, making Luffy, Usopp, and Axel stop what they're doing to look at her.
"3rd time this month huh?" Sanji says starkly
"Can't you just buy another?" Luffy says, food stuffed in his cheeks like a chipmunk. "I don't want to it's not the same!" She looks under the table, not even bothering to eat a piece of food.
"Mar!?" Nami's voice echoes from the hallway, Marla quickly sits up at the sounds of her voice.
She clears her throat and fixes her hair quickly before the cat burglar comes into the room.
"You left this in my room." She holds up the blondie's pick along with her daily magazine and reading glasses. Marla leans on the table and tries to look indifferent.
"....thanks" the shaky voice along with the little to no eye contact was cringeworthy, her attempt at thanking her while also being effortlessly cool fell short as the silence that came after was deafingly long.
Everybody knew that she had a thing for Nami on some level except for the crush herself and Luffy (he doesn't figure things out unless you tell him.)
Nami's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Are you okay?" "Am I okay?!" She gets her arm off the table and wipes her sweaty palms on her shirt. "I am perfectly fine why would you ask-"
Before she could make even more of a fool out of herself Sanji takes over. "She thanks you for your finding" The man gives his sister a pat on the back and retrieves the pick for her.
He turns around "Right Mar?!" He gives her a fake, sarcastic smile, drops the item in Marla's hands, and goes back to what he was doing, Marla staring daggers at him every second of it.
The cook makes another plate and passes it to Zoro, having a certain pep in his step while doing so.
"And extra for you sexy." He winks at him, making Zoro roll his eyes even more and Marla shiver in disgust at her brother's shameless antics.
It had been a few weeks since the last encounter with Luffy's marine grandfather, life with the straw hat crew had been fine, but what irked Zoro's spirit the most- was the cook.
They were always bickering and arguing, so much so it's become an Inside joke within the crew.
But for the past 5 weeks, it's just been different. The energy Sanji gave Nami when he first joined was now being put toward him.
He just didn't understand why the cook loved getting under his skin so much. "It's just to vex, no way he likes me." He lay in his hammock and thought to himself one in a while, but that one in a while turned into sometimes, and that sometimes turned into most nights.
He would just sit back and replay the interactions he had with Sanji that day, noticing the little details about him. He even showed up in his dreams a handful of times, maybe on a date in some.
He knew that somewhere deep down-he grew fond of him, there were times he wanted to respond to his touch or initiate the flirting, but he never did.
"I'm not gonna give that dumbass what he wants." Zoro thought to himself.
Not yet at least.
It was late afternoon by that point, the sun slowly setting and darkness taking its place. Zoro was about to fall asleep in his room when he heard the door knob shuffle and turn open.
He raised his eyebrow but didn't open his eyes, Axel usually came to do random stuff in his room regardless of whether he wanted anyone there or not so he was under the assumption that it was them
Until he heard the sharpening of a blade.
The swordsman luckily had his bladed weapon on him so he knew nobody was trying to steal it for the 100th time.
He stood up and quietly put his sword in hand, gripping it tightly. His mind was racing, filled with the infinite ways this could go.
He opened his eyes ever so slightly and sighed with irritation- it was Sanji doing his bi-weekly knife sharpening.
"I told you not to do that here shithead." He relaxed his muscles. "Oh relax mosshead," He said, still sharpening. "I'll be out in 5"
"I don't have 5"
"Well, I guess you'll have to learn a new skill today pretty boy."
That goddamn smile he always had on his face after knowingly being irritating just set Zoro off.
He uses both of his hands to pull the cook up by his shirt, the sword being inches away from his neck.
"I should beat you up into a pulp." "You wanna kiss me so badly it makes you look stupid." Zoro pauses and looks at him. He could go the usual route, come up with a quick comeback, or fight him but he wanted to try something- different.
The swordsman then chuckles.
"And what if I do?"
The response made Sanji, for the first time since they met, look visibly flustered. Zoro himself was a bit nervous but he didn't show it.
"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Zoro said, Slightly tilting his head, loving the fact that he finally caught the cook off guard, but also to get a good long look at him.
Before he knew it their faces were an inch closer together than a second ago. He was prepared to let Sanji go and step back from him if he rejected his advances but to his surprise, he moved even closer.
He wanted this- they both wanted this.
The room was mostly quiet, all the sound was coming from the heavy breath made by both of them, not even an inch away from each other now.
They finally pressed both of their lips together, zoro having a delayed response by a few seconds. The first kiss was light, sanji pulled his face away and looked at Zoro but before he could say a word the swordsman pulled him back into a more passionate one.
The door swings open. "What the....."
They both quickly stop and look to see a shocked Marla with her mouth wide open. Sanji and Zoro look at her like a deer in headlights.
Marla closes her mouth and tries to recollect herself, she sighs.
"Not even gonna question it."
She closes the door, leaving them to deal with the aftermath.
A/n: I visibly cringe every time I write dialogue, anyway here yall go❤️ (also go check out my last post if you want a backstory for my oc's)
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gnomeniche · 2 years
Any thoughts on Ducks voice always being at least a little bit autotuned? It's like that all throughout the web series. The tv show gave him a less processed, normal voice but then the autotune comes back it "electricity". I thought it was kinda fascinating.
duck’s autotune fascinates and vexes me! i do have non-diegetic opinions and it’s that i think it was a good choice to take it away for most of the tv series. i personally like his voice without it and i could see it being distracting. but that then means it was Very Intentional to have it come back in “electricity.”
(whoa this got long!)
i think i saw someone note once that the autotune only returns once he gets electrocuted while playing the guitar during the song? and i think that’s correct. but i HAVE also noticed that it disappears during the blackout, which is when all the other artifices of the show-world kind of shut off as well. listening as hard as i can, i cannot hear it during any of his dialogue in those sections (including the fridge scene bc i know some of you are wondering).
i saw someone else note earlier that it sounds like he has the autotune when he’s trying to take yellow’s batteries. i would need to go back and confirm for myself, but if that’s so, then it means he’s missing it throughout the blackout but it returns once the light and music come back in. it seems to me like the autotune might, at least in the tv series, represent him being subject to the artifice of the show. autotune does lend one’s voice a rather robotic tone, after all.
but in the tv series, it only becomes apparent when he’s supercharged with electricity, which creates… interesting implications. we know that yellow is powered by electricity, and the world is itself electric, as shown by the house dissolving and all of the characters save the students shutting down or malfunctioning without power. and my favorite theory about the three students’ true natures is that, though they have seemingly gained their own sentience that is being repressed, they were all originally constructs of the world.
that might be a point in that theory’s favor; duck sounds more robotic when he’s filled with more electricity than normal, which has that effect on his voice bc he is already partially electric. and if we believe this, the fact that he, who clearly has a connection to electricity, can still function in the blackout is yet another point in favor of the theory. being able to function without electricity might represent how the personhood they’ve grown allows them to act without the world programming and determining their actions.
+ if you like to connect the webseries and the tv series like i do, you could even say that the webseries characters are at an earlier iteration of their selves, so they have yet to grow as much personhood as the tv characters, which is why he’s way more autotune-y there.
idk! this stopped being about Duck Alone but those are all the thoughts and theories i have relating to the possible significance of the autotune. thanks for the question! it was fun to hash all of this out and i hope this was interesting.
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
for the non prompt requests, maybe something like vaxleth apocalypse au but just a moment you've been wanting to write but haven't gotten an excuse to yet?:)
Gotta admit wasn’t expecting someone to ask for that XD So many choicesssssss XD Hope you enjoy what I went with. It's short but sweet! (I also haven’t been able to write anything with them being in the True frozen north yet so thats fun)
(The thing about me taking non prompt request if anyones interested)
Vax would have to say one of the best things that came with trading off the undead for the cold was the ability for sound to be less hindered. So instead of silence being all they hear while they rest, Scanlan can bless their souls with his musical talents and the guitar they were able to find for him.
This night isn’t any different then the recent ones they’ve had, huddled up in an abandoned building with a surprising amount of room to spare and a nice warm fire lighting up the entire area in a warm comforting ethereal glow.
Vax sat next to Keyleth who’s engrossed in a conversation between Vex and Pike, laughing when Pike says something that makes Vex groan. He just smiles, adoring the beautiful woman beside him till he hears a familiar tune playing. 
An idea quickly forms in his head, he stands up. Which causes Keyleth to turn and look up to him curiously.
“May I have this dance?” He says partially bowing with his hand extended to her. She laughs bright and happy at his antics, she takes his hand letting him pull her up to her feet.
“Why of course.” She says in between her laughter. Vax chuckles himself, standing properly and bringing them a little ways away so they don’t knock into anyone, the two of them starting to sway to the magical tune Scanlan was performing.
The two of them just focused on each other and the music, swinging and swaying this way and that, their joyous laughter ringing out. From the corner of his eye Vax is vaguely aware of Percy doing the same as him by taking Vex and dancing with her.
Eventually Keyleth starts to grow tired, noticing that Vax leads her back to the fire where the both of them huddle together watching the others boisterous laugh and tease both of the couples.
The two of them join in the laughter, blushing and playfully groaning at some of the teasing. Vax wouldn’t trade nights like these for all of the stars in the sky.
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faithinthiscolour · 1 year
Of Crime and Passion.
simon le bon x john taylor (!1984)
SUMMARY: Simon was always in awe of John regardless of what he did, it all soon comes to light in the heat of the moment.
CW: sex, slight arguing, a bit emotional
It was getting later in the night, Roger & Andy were back at their rooms relaxing while Simon, John, & Nick were finishing up their brand-new, almost done album titled Arena.
"I think we've done pretty well, it's our fourth album and it's a live one!" Nick professed.
"I think I'm gonna follow the others and head to bed though, I didn't really sleep too well yesterday, you two need some rest too y'know, it's been a long week." Nick said, looking between the pair.
John and Simon nodded, flashing a smile at the light haired man, soon turning their focus back to the mixing board. The two rewound the tape, just cleaning up the sound a little bit.
"Y'know, I'm glad we got to make this album happen." John said as he turned the Simon, giving him a subtle smile.
Simon felt his face become flushed, he gave John a lighthearted laugh, followed by a nod, "I'm glad too, I think it'll turn out good." He said, reassuringly.
John focused on the isolated bassline before turning to Simon, "Hey, do you thi-" John spoke, shortly before getting cut off by Simon.
"The vocals don't sound weird do they? I wanted to clean up the guitar a bit, but I know that Andy would like to do that." Simon voiced, glancing up at the man across from him.
John sighed, he leaned his elbow on the table Infront of him, "No, they don't sound weird, you sound great, Simon, don't worry about it." John said in a miffed tone.
Simon grinned at him, John began to speak again, "But, do you think it'll be a hit? I just, don't want us to-" Simon cut off John, again.
"I think we could have the bassline cleaned up just a bit more, y'know, to pull it all together" Simon exclaimed, gesturing his hands to fit what he was saying.
John looked at Simon with a harrowed look, he furrowed his brows and cleared his throat.
"Simon, stop cutting me off."
Simon looked up at John, ever so slightly squinting his eyes. "What?" The blonde asked with a vexed twinge to his voice.
"You keep cutting me off, why do you have to be in control of everything as of recently? Why do you have to so intensely plan every single thing?" John snapped as he stood up, Simon snapped back, standing up as well.
"Where is any of this even coming from?? And what do you mean in control?" Simon called out, "All I want is for this band to be stable."
"Stable? I don't need your input, Simon, I'm capable of speaking for myself." John exclaimed, putting his hand on the table.
Simon sighed, "John, I'm scared of the band falling apart, I'm scared of all the tension getting worse, I'm scared of losing this." Simon called, stepping to the tall man Infront of him.
"Losing what? What, Simon? What exactly are you afraid of losing?" John belted with an underlying pitch of worry in his voice.
"I'm worried about losing our band, goddammit John, I'm worried about losing YOU, John, that's what I'm fucking worried about." Simon said, suddenly snapping at him, stepping closer to the man.
"How do you think I feel, Simon? I don't wanna lose this band, I don't wanna lose YOU, Simon, I don't wanna lose anything." John yelled out.
Simon's eyes widened, John was never really the yelling type, let alone the type to so openly express personal feelings.
"W..What?" Simon questioned, John's hand tensed on the face of the table, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"Simon, I'm scared of losing you. I know the band isn't doing too well, I know everything seems strained but, Simon, I love you."
"I love you, and I'm fucking scared of anything bad happening between us, okay? I'm fucking scared of this band falling apart, I'm fucking scared of us falling apart." John's voice trembled, his hands shaking due to adrenaline.
Simon sat down in front of him, putting his hand over John's.
"I didn't think you felt like that, I thought it was the opposite. John, I love you." Simon admitted. He then spoke in the same breath,
"I love you, John, I always have, I even loved you in those thick-rimmed glasses, I always have, John."
His hand tightened around John's. John looked at the blonde, tracing his face with his eyes.
"You feel the same way..? Simon, I want this to work, I want us to work, even if the whole band necessarily doesn't."
Simon coaxed his thumb across the back of John's hand, as he tilted his head up at him. "It will work, regardless of if the band works out, we will." The blonde promised, giving him a reassuring smile. "Y'know, you're handsome too, John, you've always been attractive." Simon expressed. "I'm flattered, you really think that?" John laughed, a slight half smile creeping from the corners of his mouth.
"I do, I always thought you were fit, you're fucking gorgeous, John." A subtle grin spread across Simon's face, John looked down at Simon, laughing as he saw him.
"I've always thought you were fit too, Simon, god I never knew that anyone could be that good-looking." John admitted. "Oh, really?" Simon teased, narrowing his eyes at John. "Reeeeaallly." John replied, rolling his eyes at the blonde, followed by a teasing laugh. "You're a tease, John, you know that?" "How so?" John questioned, looking at the blonde.
Simon stood up, grabbing John by the collar of his jumper as he pressed him against the wall, passionately colliding his lips with his into a dirty kiss. John wove his fingers in the belt loops of Simon's jeans, tugging his hips towards him as Simon's tongue took full control of John's mouth, ousting out a low moan from John's throat.
Simon stuffed his hand down John's trousers, snapping the elastic of his briefs against his skin, urking a whimper from him. The two pulled their lips away;
"Simon..." John uttered in between his labored breaths, fidgeting hastily with Simon's belt buckle.
"I know baby, I know." Simon whispered as he helped John take his belt off, John hastily unbuttoned Simon's shirt, stripping it off of him as Simon stripped off John's trousers.
Simon palmed John's cock, causing him to let out a pornographic moan throughout the studio, throwing his head back in pleasure.
John unzipped Simon's jeans, immediately grabbing his dick and jerking him at an agonizing pace, teasing his thumb across the tip.
Simon groaned out John's name, pulling John closer as they pull eachother into a lust-filled kiss, John rocked his cock up against his, urking a sexual moan from both of them.
"Simon..I need you to fuck me, please." John begged, still rocking against the blonde.
Simon moaned, leaving deep, bruising marks along John's neck down to the top of his chest, grazing his teeth across the dip of his neck.
"John, I need you..please." Simon groaned out, grabbing at John's waist.
John nodded, "Please, please Simon, I can't take it." He whined, Simon then lifted him up against the wall, holding him up by his thighs.
"Is this okay?" Simon asked, panting to catch his breath.
"Simon, please, fuck me already, I need you to fuck me.", John groaned out, Simon's dick was already slick with precum, he thrusted his cock into John, causing a loud moan to ring throughout the room.
Profanities were cursed under each other's labored breaths, Simon's nails shallowly dug into John's thighs, slowly picking up the pace inside of him.
"Simon, faster..please" John begged, Simon rocked into the brunette, causing him to sling his arms around Simon's neck.
Sweat slicked throughout their torsos as his cock slammed into him, causing an array of pornographic sounds from the pair.
John looked up at Simon with lust blown eyes before hastily kissing him, intertwining their tongues together, moaning and panting into each other's mouths.
Simon's thrusts became less consistent, while John's moans became more breathy, John leaned into Simon, clawing at his shoulders as he wrapped his legs around the blonde's hips.
"John..I'm close" Simon breathed out, his thrusts getting harder as John nodded, "I..I'm close too, Simon, cum in me, please" The brunette cried out, Simon's cock slammed into him right before cumming, John reached his climax almost immediately after Simon, his cum slicking his stomach.
The two took a minute to catch their breaths before John stood up, the pair embraced each other into a passionate, loving kiss.
"You think we should clean up?" Simon asked
John smiled at him, "We probably should, y'know, I'm still shocked you feel the same."
The two laughed as Simon grabbed a paper towel, sharing lighthearted kisses planted across each other's faces.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
i’ll help enable some procrastination lol, how about “you’re lucky that you’re cute” and/or “wait you think i’m cute?” for lukebobby
Bobby definitely didn’t sign up for this. 
“Story of my life,” he mumbles as Alex continues to make small talk with some pretty skater boy, ears red from more than the sun beating down on them. Julie glances at Bobby like maybe she actually heard him, but Reggie quickly recaptures her attention, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand and making her giggle. 
Luke's the worst out of all of them, though. He and that damned acoustic make for the most insufferable couple on the boardwalk.
He won't even eat unless someone feeds him because he refuses to put it down. Luke's only had his acoustic for two weeks, but he's never been more infatuated, not even when Julie introduced Reggie to eyeliner and everyone in the room got a little stupid. They don’t talk about that, and this? This is getting old. 
It’s taking up too much space at the end of the bench as he tunes it. Not that Alex minds, since he gets to stand close to his skater boy. Bobby minds, as it forces him to either stick himself to Julie or let the end of the bench dig into his ass. Both options suck, and Bobby huffs as Julie’s hair tickles his shoulder whenever she shakes her head at Reggie. Which happens a lot. She smells good, coconutty, which he shouldn’t be noticing, but what else is there for him to do? 
They’ve busked so much today that Bobby’s throat is sore, and Julie probably has a bruise on her hip from her tambourine, which would explain why she’d shoved it in her bag earlier when Luke wasn’t looking. Not that she had to rush, because Luke only has eyes for his dumb fucking guitar. He doesn’t even look away from it as he gets up, and Bobby should say something—
Well, it kind of serves him right, but Luke looks so pitiful as he rubs his forehead and glares at the pole he’d walked headlong into that Bobby’s chest constricts. Then Luke immediately starts inspecting his acoustic for damage, and Bobby can breathe again as the pesky feelings battering around in his ribcage return to their usual surface state of vague irritation. 
Bobby glances at their friends. Alex is still immersed in his conversation, and Julie and Reggie are leaning on one another as they—look at a cloud? They’re probably flirting or some other cute shit. Bobby unglues himself from Julie’s thigh—it’s fucking hot out—and stalks over to Luke with a sigh.
"You're lucky that you're cute. What were you hoping to accomplish, dumbass?” 
Luke rips his eyes away from his guitar to blink owlishly at Bobby. "Wait, you think I'm cute?" 
Great. Now he decides to pay attention. Story. Of Bobby’s. Fucking. Life. He scowls. 
"I said that you vex me and you're rude."
“Sure,” Luke scoffs, smirking as his surprise melts into his typical swagger. “Maybe if you got possessed by the ghost of some pining regency dude. You gonna swoon over me next?” 
Time to play his ace. “Nah. Reggie’s the heartthrob of the band.” 
It’s about as effective as unpinning a live grenade. Their entire group erupts into a heated conversation, including interjections from skater boy, the eyeliner gets brought up again, and Luke finally gets so invested in what’s going on that he starts treating his guitar like an object, although this means he also sticks his wet finger in Bobby’s ear. 
That’s okay, though. Bobby did sign up for that.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
[Me vibing intensely with the idea of Vex adopting Douxie]
- Douxie writing a song with a bunch of chess metaphors/imagery in it for Vex. Vex plays it on loop when he goes to the park to play the other geezers. Jerry absolutely despises it. Nana is “ohhh that sounds like the sort of music my toby-pie plays :)”
- ADP is invited to dinner family. They all go occasionally, Douxie goes a lot.
- The blanks, as seen in the DeAja Vu episode, will parent anyone who walks through the doors. Like Toby, Douxie is Very Much a Fan of This. Why yes, he WILL play catch with Ricky. Is there a rule against the ball being made of fire?
- There is not, although an exasperated Krel makes one after having to fix a few fried wires (And Vex has to apply first aid for some burns)
- Improv music battles in the living room. Douxie wins one day after managing a Wizardese word that rhymes with “Staja.” Krel maintains that this is cheating. Douxie counters that if Krel can be “DJ Kleb,” he can use wizard words.
- Vex is disappointed that the “music battles” never involve hitting each other with guitars
- Steve steals Douxie’s spellcaster one night and Vibe Checks Krel with it. While Varvaatos approves of the use of the guitar for a real music battle, he still suplexes Steve through the wall for harming the King in Waiting
- Aja and Vex invite Douxie to a warrior training session. He goes! And then never ever does it ever again!
- Douxie accidentally plays Vex’s logs one day. Vex says that he is very proud of Douxie for how well he is doing in his concerts :). He says he doesn’t understand wizard things, but Douxie is Quite Good at them, and Vex is happy he is part of the family :). Douxie spends the rest of the day crying, and no one is sure why.
- Lucy just. Shows up in his apartment one night, scaring the living daylights out of him. She gives the “It’s 10 PM, do you know where your children are?” line and then tucks him into bed. He is very confused, and somewhat terrified, but appreciates the sentiment.
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xcziel · 3 years
Tagged by @aurawolfgirl2000 ! 💗💖💗 Thanks for giving me an excuse to take a break from tearing my hair out over the search for a place to live!😓
Rules: List 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then 10 tag people to do the same.
I'm basing this off very specific criteria: if this song comes up, i will stop whatever i'm doing and turn it up to sing along and/or start dancing
Genius of Love ▪︎ Tom Tom Club - white british take on a reggae beat. the nostalgia is strong with this one, but i *always* end up bopping along
Love Removal Machine ▪︎ The Cult - new wave band goes hard rock but in the rolling stones way where you can shake your ass to the songs. note: i have very nearly dislocated a hip on several separate occasions dancing to this song
High Landrons ▪︎ Eric Johnson - texas guitar god who loves ireland? i had a huge thing for texas artists (mostly him and Ian Moore) back in college
Subculture ▪︎ New Order - this song can make me dissociate i feel it so hard. Must Move. best song for walking fast or working out (i rarely do either these days) but ONLY the 1987 Pure cut with the backing vocals - idk why but i DO NOT like variations in songs, i always want to hear the version i'm used to, whichever that may be. if it's a live or a remix or acoustic etc i need to know ahead of time, i might choose to listen to something else (looking at you spotify)
Say It Right ▪︎ Nelly Furtado - hypnotic, hugely danceable, just pulls me up out of my seat
Return of the Mack - Mark Morrison - new jack swing but british, i don't know why this isn't an even bigger hit, it's a "you MUST dance" type situation
I Take the Dice ▪︎ Duran Duran - one of the only bands where i've ever been able to listen through entire albums, so i have my b-side favorites and this is one (yes i was a Duranie in junior high)
Let the Music Play ▪︎ Shannon - absolute 80s r&b dancefloor smash i generally listen to the extended edition
Come To Me ▪︎ France Joli - disco is under represented on this list but this song just has a way of sticking in my mind
Rigor Mortis ▪︎ A Split Second - do not listen to these songs in order you will get whiplash. huge EBM club smash made for a cavernous dance floor
What A Fool Believes ▪︎ The Doobie Brothers - Michael McDonald's voice, plus the clever lyrics and bouncy groove
oops that's 11 ... oh well, i've already done the linking! clearly, i like songs i can dance to - i do like all kinds of genres but not much new stuff? it seems like i'll only find one or two new songs a year that i really enjoy and they usually don't make it to my favorites. but then i don't listen to music all that often - and a lot of times i only want to hear a certain song i already know 🙃
i'll tag @heymeowmao @thecutestdinosaur @vex-verlain @downwarddnaspiral @hedvig-ulrika @athousanderrors @undyingsunshine @thesporkidentity @lojovski and @lockedinabookstore
and anyone else who wants to give it a go because there's folks tumblr won't let me tag!
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thewintermer · 4 years
hello! how about a reaction of txt being jealous of another guy flirting with you?
I know you wanted a reaction, but I ended up writing these imagines instead. This was me distracting myself from writing two papers due today :/
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You were hanging out with Yeonjun and the rest of the members when one of your long time admirers came over with a guitar in hand.
“Oh God.”, heaved Yeonjun, “What does he want now?”.
“I’m here to play Y/N a song I wrote about her” announced guitar boy as he fearlessly stood in front of you and the rest of the boys. 
“Please don’t”, Yeonjun scrunched his face as the boy continued his introduction.
The others snickered at his reaction, mainly at how ridiculous the entire situation was.
“The song is called “Every Night in My Dreams”, declared lover boy.
“Oh HELL no”, yelled Yeonjun.
He stood up from his seat and began to shoo the boy out of the room.
“We don’t accept song confessions, okay? I’m her boyfriend. She’s taken! Do you hear that? I’m her boyfriend! Now leave!”
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There was glitter all over the floor- on the carpet, the couch - everywhere.
So far, things have been quite ‘lit’ - no pun intended. There were strings and strings of fairy lights and candles all over the place and the ambience provided for a warm, comfy birthday feeling that you adored.
You had helped yourself to your fourth serving of ice cream for the day and was now on the couch, sitting on top of all the glitter to enjoy the bowl of sugary sweetness.
You were only a spoonful away from an empty bowl when the seat plopped down beside you and someone who you were very much trying to avoid running into during the whole party now sat to your left. 
“Been looking for you all night”, declared the boy next to you.
“Cool”, you reply, “I’ve been looking at ice cream the whole night”.
“I can see that”, he chuckled, “Well, now that I found you. I gotta say, you look incredibly hot”.
He doesn’t waste anytime does he? You rolled your eyes.
You were about to reply when a tall shadow fell over the two of you.
“Why thankyou”, cooed a deep voice from above you, “I think my girlfriend looks incredibly hot, as well”.
Soobin walked from his spot behind the couch to sit to your right. 
“I missed you”, he pouted, ignoring the other boy and intertwined his fingers with yours. 
He leaned forward to peck you on the lips and on your response, Soobin moved his hand to support the back of your head as he indulged himself to deepen the kiss.
Soon enough, the party blurred out of your mind to only occupy your boyfriend, with who you were making out now.
When he finally did pull back, he was so darn pleased with himself to discover that there were no traces of the other boy that had sat there earlier.
“You came all the way over here to make him go away didn’t you?”, you deadpan.
“I did no such thing!”, Soobin protested dramatically, “Though, in all seriousness, I hope he knows where he stands”
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The glass of water was under his mercy as he clenched onto it with utmost resentment. His jaw was set and his eyes darted across the dimly lit room, looking at everything but you.
Invisible smoke settled into the air and you bit your lips, unsure of what to say to him. You could feel the weight of your heart in your chest as you began to explain, “Gyu, listen we -”
“Why is he still texting you?”, he questioned, growing tired of the whole situation, “If the guy won’t stop flirting, then block him”.
“He’s my friend and -”, you began to explain again.
Beomgyu snapped his head towards you. His cold eyes shot daggers at you, “Are you my girlfriend or not? Why would you even reply to him?”
“I didn’t want to seem rude”, you mumble under your breath, but he heard it loud and clear, “Look, him and I have common friends and -”
“Save it”, he retorted. He pushed himself off the chair and grabbed the coat that was draped on it.
“I’ll call you later”, he declared before making his way out the front door.
Later that night, he called you to apologize and you finally mustered up the courage to block your friend that had been stepping over your boundaries.
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You were seated at the library around a long table with others from your Math study group. You had been meeting up with them between classes so as to prep for an upcoming quiz that counted for twenty percent of your grade. 
You were horrible at math and hence required all the tutoring you could possibly get and within the group, your only source of constant help was Daniel- someone you met during one of your lectures.
The two of you were going through some notes together when the notification on your phone went off.
Taehyun: Next lecture in 10 min ~ Let's go?
You: I'm at the library
Taehyun: Coming by rn!
Your classmate scooted closer to take a look at the problem you had solved the night before.
"Wow. I've never met anyone butcher math the way you do", he remarked, voice dripping in sarcasm.
"Oh shush", you rolled your eyes as you shifted your book away from him.
"Don’t shush me”, he teased. There was a playful glint in his eyes. “What? Just cause you're cute you think you can tell me what to do?", he continued, reaching for your book again.
"Well, yeah", you scoffed back “I can do whatever I want”.
Daniel was now stretching over to grab the notebook from your hands and in a hurried attempt to prevent him from doing so, you jumped off your seat and tossed it in your bag and zipped it up.
"Aw, don't leave me. Stay. Just skip--"
"If you're done flirting, let's go."
You eyes dart upwards until they made contact with the owner of the voice.
Taehyun stood at one end of the table, his hands in his pockets and backpack slung over one shoulder. He had a unfathomable expression on his face as he waited for you to gather the rest of your belongings and leave with him.
Once you were all packed up and on your way out of the library, he couldn't help but toss a question your way.
"Are you really doing Math or just wasting your time?", he shook his head disapprovingly.
"We were doing Math until you arrived", you grumbled under your breath.
There was a soft silence between the two of you as you climbed down the stairs towards the entrance of the main building.
"I'm not convinced, but alright", he replied.
Huening Kai
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The two of you were on a date at the movies when the incident took place.
You had decided to order a huge tub of popcorn at the food counter as you waited for Huening to return from the ticket booth.
Call it the boyfriend sixth sense, but coming back to find you talking to a prick who was standing way too close to you did not rest well with Huening.
When he approached you, he wasted no time in putting his arm on your waist and pulling you closer to him. 
"Y/N, Babe", he interrupted, a tight smile pulling at his face.
"Don't talk to strangers", he berated, aiming the last word at the uninvited guest before him.
You were taken aback by his sudden boldness. As for the the stranger in question- he shuffled in his spot for a couple of seconds before finally rolling his eyes and walking away from the scene.
This was new. You had never seen your boyfriend act the way he did before. Ever. He usually shrugs things off or engulfs himself into a hoodie ball of awkwardness. It was surprisingly uncharacteristic of him to be vexed with someone.
A delicate kiss on your cheek brought you back to reality. You look up at your boyfriend who was now holding a tub of popcorn, waiting for your response.
"You okay? Show starts in 5 minutes", he smiles down at you.
Please like or reblog if you enjoyed it ♡
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NSR Beauty and the Beast AU, Be Our Guest (Or Not)
Based on @chiquitabanana5 's AU!
Zuke and Mayday were huddled in the corner of the of the room, still screaming at the moving candelabra. It's face, clearly less impressed as the screams eventually trailed off.
"Are you two idiots done screaming now?" The woman? Candelabra? Thing? Asked, hopping towards them.
"Back!" Mayday screeched. "Back demon!"
"I'm not a demon, I'm a candelabra and would you please stop acting so erratically? It's quite vexing."
"No offense ma'am but this kind of thing isn't...normal for us." Zuke said, crawling out from his hiding spot behind Mayday.
"I suppose not." The candelabra admitted. "We never have visitors here so I may have overlooked how odd this situation is to outsiders." Mayday still eyed her suspiciously but followed Zuke.
"What are you?" The blonde asked curiously.
"It's complicated, but for now you may call me Tatiana." The candelabra hopped away. "I've been watching you from the window, you came here looking for shelter, yes?"
"Fine, you'll only be able to stay one night, that's it." She began to make her way down the halls with the musicians following. "Although I have to ask, what are you doing all the way out here?"
"We're-" Mayday started to speak but she was cut off by Zuke elbowing her in the gut. "Ow...."
"It's complicated." Zuke said, giving Mayday a look.
"Oh, yeah, complicated. Really complicated."
"Mmmhmm." The candelabra hummed.
"So, are there more of you? Candelibras or whatever?" Mayday asked as they came to a stop in front of a large brown door.
"Candelabras? No. Living objects?" She tapped on the door and it opened. The room was lit, a fireplace brightly illuminating the room. But the room wasn't empty. There was...a table? Arguing loudly with a snow globe as a pot sailed past the duo, narrowly missing Mayday's head. On top of the fireplace was a large vase next to a smaller one, also yelling. "Sadly." The candelabra coughed loudly, catching the attention of the other objects. "If you'd all calm down for a moment, we have guests."
"Guests?!" All of the objects clattered over to the duo as they entered the room.
"Um....hi?" Mayday said, somehow even more confused.
"Whoa. This is a lot." Zuke was gaping when there was a very loud squee.
"OMG! New people!" A small mermaid plush circled them, landing on Mayday's head. "Oh wow, your hair is so pretty. What kind of shampoo do you use? You smell like strawberries!"
"You'll have to excuse Sayu, she's rather excitable." The candelabra elaborated.
"Are those drumsticks?!" The doll quickly shifted when she noticed the objects peeking out of Zuke's bag.
"Yeah. I-"
"Are you both musicians?!"
"Hell yeah we are!" Mayday beamed. Opening the case to reveal her guitar. "We're Bunkbed Junction!" She posed, holding her hand up with her pinkie out. The group of objects stared. "...Zuke...." Mayday whispered.
"The pose?"
"Oh right." Zuke moved, posing opposite Mayday with his hand out.
"We're a rock band!"
"You don't look like musicians." One of the vases with yellow roses in the top spoke. "They look more like hippies."
"Yinu!" The larger vase hopped over to chide the girl. "Don't be so rude." The vase had large red leaves protruding from her that seemed to move as she spoke.
"Aw, aren't just the cutest wittle thing." Mayday fawned over the yellow vase when a loud voice spoke up.
"Intruders! Under any other circumstance I'd have you kicked out," a desk with a computer monitor on it exclaimed, "but in this case, welcome to my home! Or what's left of it."
"This is your place?" Mayday and Zuke raised their eyebrows at this.
"A long time ago. In fact, I-"
"No one wants to wants to hear you stories J." This time it was a galaxy themed snow globe sat on the mantle above the fireplace. "All of you need to quiet down before they hear you."
"They?" Zuke asked, concern ebbed in his voice.
"Nothing important." Tatiana quickly answered. She was eyeing the computer as she hoped in front of the fireplace.
"Why do I feel like there's something important you're not telling us?" Zuke watched as the living objects shared a glance.
"Yeah. What's going on here?" Mayday joined the questioning when there was a loud ear piercing howl. The doors to the room slamming back open with enough force to snuff out the fireplace.
"Oh no..." The snow globe muttered as Zuke and May turned around. Staring back at them were five pairs of glowing eyes.
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jajanvm-imbi · 4 years
Headcanons of Krel living on earth because he’s my favorite and I love him and I haven’t seen anyone do this yet so I feel like I have to
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^^^^^because of this very moment I love the idea of Mary and Darci befriending Krel.
Since Aja,Vex and Eli went back to Akaridion-5, Mother was destroyed, and Claire was busy with Trollhunting stuff, earth gets pretty lonely. So Mary and Darci adopt him into their friend group. 
At first Krel was a little apprehensive to joining their friend group, but he quickly warmed up to it because, he, being Krel, loves the attention.
like I can totally see Mary and Darci taking Krel to like a mall or something and doing those like teen romcom movie shopping montages where he goes into a changing room and the girls judge the outfit until they find the perfect one.
I personally believe Krel would adopt a soft boy look, with like oversized button ups and t shirts tucked into jeans, but thats just me.
anyway, because he’s friends with Mary and Darci, Krel has a new found social popularity in Arcadia.
because of this, Krel would prolly get nominated for Spring Fling king and shit
I would say Krel wouldn’t really care about being nominated, but seeing how he cared so much about the science fair and the Battle of the Bands, he would definitely care
Steve is conflicted because he wants to be Spring Fling King, but he can’t mess with Krel like he did with Jim and Eli cause Krel is his girlfriend’s brother 
Krel notices this and takes advantage of it to mess with Steve and actually tries to win.
like Krel would just dominate the contests, and his theme presentation would be the flashiest and most appealing and people would just generally like him, and that would really worry Steve
like Krel, with four arms would be really good at the Touch-a-Truck-athon or whatever its called.
Krel would prolly let Steve win anyway because watching Steve squirm and freak out over prolly losing the crown and not being able to do anything about it cause he's Aja's brother is much better than any highschool dance crown
also the school 100% asks Krel to DJ future dances and events to save money, and Krel absolutely loves it
He would also definitely do the school play. Seeing how much he enjoyed being in Toby and Eli's short film, and again, he loves the attention, he would totally be down 
Also it would just be another chance to mess with Steve to be the lead. 
Because of this, Ms. Janeth would do another Shakespearean play, but do one of those modern renditions. Like it's the same play just in a modern setting, to take advantage of Krel's Akaridion form like they did with Jim's armor. 
If not in the play he would do stage crew/tech.
Like he would create elaborate settings for them using A5 tech and Ms. Janeth would adore it 
moving on, because home life is pretty lonely with just the Lucy and Ricky for company, Krel loves to host his friends for parties and sleepovers and whatever
and since Krel lives in the coolest house on the block, they love coming over
He hosts girl’s night every other week with Mary, Darci, and Clarie (becauuse she deserves a fucking break) 
since we’ve all agreed that Krel is 100% a gaylien, I love the idea that he casually comes out during a girls night
like Mary would be like “So Krel, are there any girls you like?” and Krel’s just like, “*snort* Girls? Who ever said I like girls?” and the others are like “….....?“ and Krel just rolls his eyes and says "I like boys, ladies” and they’re like “ooooohhhh, okay. Cool.”
So now they spend girls night talking about boys. Claire and Darci about their mans and Mary and Krel about cute boys.
One day the girls give Krel a little rainbow pin and Krel’s just like “what’s this?” And the girls tell him that it’s an earth symbol for the gays and he’s like “theres a symbol for that here? I didnt think it was that big of a deal. On A5 it’s pretty normal” and the girls explain why theres a symbol and he’s like “oh shoot wow, thanks" and he put it on his backpack.
He’s pretty confused the first time someone is homophobic towards him cause like that kind if behavior doesnt happen on A5 and hes just like, “why does this bother you? I hardly know you” and just brushes it off. Its doesnt really bother him, mainly cause he doesnt know the earth insults towards gay people so he doesn’t even realize, but if the girls (or Toby, or even Steve, too) catch anyone being homophobic towards their friend they will attack that asshole on sight. Especially Mary and Steve
Random person on the street: Ha, *slur*
Krel: Marry its fine, it’s not that big of a dealoHSEKLOSANDGAYLENMARYGETOFFOFHIM
Claire and Darci: *trying to hold Mary back* maRY NO
Toby: *now chasing after Steve to stop him* stEVE NO
Mary would 100% find out who the rando is and destroy their life on social media. Like she would leak their job, phone number, email, school/college (if applicable) to her thousands of followers and absolutely ruin them with no remorse. And honestly, good for her
Also whilst on the subject, Krel can not drive or cook for 2 reasons: 1. Hes gay and 2. He’s a prince so he’s never had to do either before
Like he can obviously do math but that’s it.
Proof? That one scene in Wizards when Douxie had him drive the airship. You know the one.
Coach Lawrence refuses to get in a car with him at Drivers Ed after the 3rd day Krel shows up.
Krel gets addicted to sugary coffee shop-esc drinks thanks to Darci. Not coffee cause we saw in 3Below Part 1 that he doesnt like coffee, but refreshers, coolattas, frappuccinos etc…? Definitely.
As for warm drinks, he’s more of a tea person.
Moving on
He face calls Aja everyday because he really misses her
He tells her all about school and his friends and whatever and Aja tells him about the changes she’s making to the A5 government
Thanks to the wormhole they visit each other often. Sometimes Steve tags along cause he misses his ninja kicking space queen angel girlfriend. (And Eli, but that's also for another post)
They take turns housing Luug.
Krel genuinely loves it on earth, but he hates the primitive technology so he begs Aja to send him supplies and materials for his projects. 
He would 10000% apply to HexTech for an after school job. Seeing his reaction to HT in Wizards and the fact that “Akaridion tech and magic are so compatible”, he would be the perfect addition to the HT staff. 
The Wizards wouldn’t be sure at first but after he shows them A5 tech and Douxie’s email of recommendation about the time loop thing they made together, the wizards are like “oh yeah we definitely keeping this kid. This is going to be so much fun.”
Their inventions become more and more extravagant because Krel can and he's just extra and the wizards love it.
He would definitely find a way to use magic using A5 tech. But he would have to study magic in order to figure out how, so the wizards help him learn all about magic. And since he's learned everything there is to learn about science and technology and whatever, he's super excited to learn about something completely different and interesting. The wizards are happy to teach him. He would be the first Akaridion to learn and use magic
Like he would make his own staff with his serrator and everything. He's like "earn a staff? Nah fuck that going to make my own"
Speaking of which he really likes human swear words. But he doesnt know when it is and isn't inappropriate to say these swear words so he's gotten in trouble a few times for swearing at the wrong time
For example:
Ms. Janeth: excuse me Mr. Tarron?
Krel: what the fuck do you want?
Everyone in the room: krEL NO
Anyway, back to Krel at HT, thanks to Toby, he would definitely have a bowl of candy in his little lab. More like multiple jars of different candy just scattered around the room. Small candy like fun sized chocolate and skittles and jelly beans and whatever
And a mini fridge, of course.
Steve, Toby and Arrrgh come over to the lab alot to mess around.
Toby has a lot of sci-fi requests for Krel to make
Toby: do you think you can make a shrink ray? Laser blasters? Invisible ray? My own hoverboard? My own serrator *gASP* WITH A WARHAMMER SETTING???? WITH SPACE ARMOR TO MATCH???!!!???!
Krel: Toby you already have a warhammer and armor why do you need more?
Toby: I dont have a space warhammer and armor Krel!!!!!!
Going back to school life, I feel like Krel would take an interest in Spanish class. I mean, his human form is latino and in Trollhunters (I'm pretty sure the lightning in a bottle episode) he said "Si" in response to a question someone asked him, so I feel like he would like to learn another human language. 
I also feel like he would just like to learn about Latin American culture in general since Mother gave him that form. He'd like to get in touch with his human self. 
Claire (when she isnt busy Trollhunting with Jim and the gang) is happy help him learn about Latin American culture and help him with his Spanish. 
Krel, being a fast learner, becomes fluent quickly with a perfect accent. 
Señor Uhl, who already liked the Tarrons to begin with, would really appreciate this. 
Claire's dad would also appreciate this.
Since he has such a fascination with human music, Krel would especially love Latin American music. Specifically reggaeton, since its kind of like techno music in a way and he already likes techno music.
And naturally, he learns to dance. All the styles of latin american dances. And he becomes quite the favorite on the dance floor.
He and Claire become great dance partners cause they both have the natural Latino rhythm and because Jim respects and trusts his girlfriend he doesnt mind them dancing together at parties and stuff
Although, Jim does ask for dance help at some point cause it looks like fun and he wants to dance with his beautiful talented incredible amazing gf and Krel is happy to teach him and anyone else who wants dance help. 
GUITAR LESSONS with Douxie cause in 3Below Krel said he really wanted to learn how to play guitar, steals Shannon’s guitar from the bonfire and is seen multiple times strumming it throughout the series. So of course this is included.
Toby introduces Krel to YouTube and Krel instantly makes his own channel.
of course his channel is called DJ Kleb and he posts his tracks and remixes. and maybe even some vlogs
its a little slow at first, only Arcadia Oaks students are subscribed to it but Mary blows it up by posting one of Krel’s tracks on her own social media and now he has thousands of subscribers
he also gained other forms of social media like Instagram and Tiktok, platforms to post his music
At this point every girl in school wants to be friends with Krel but not in the toxic GBF (gay best friend) way, girls just genuinely think he's 10x more interesting than every other boy in Arcadia Oaks
I think that's it for now sorry this is really long I just really love Krel and I had so many ideas. Feel free to add on!!
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papabigtoes · 3 years
I'd like to know your take on Mr. Salacia's backstory.
In my neanderthal head, I imagine Salacia before he became a Half Man to be someone that worked in the Press from the 50’s, like a journalist of sorts (his most recent human form.) The little picture of him Crozier and Ravenwood had made me see Salacia before he had to live underground as someone that knew very well how business and how people in communications and industry work.
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i know its rlly silly thats why i like it cuz its so silly
He could’ve had a passion for learning about music. The arts are a universal language, music especially, it’s a field someone that researches it can have a blast exploring. You have to dedicate your life to it in order to keep getting that buzz, and perhaps he did that. So much so, when he learned about death-metal and cathartic sound, he ate, slept, and drank it. Until obsession made him walk away from friends and family, him discovering new ways around the world of how music worked.
Finally, he found both literal and figurative “Underground Sound”, and was eaten alive by the power, and the prophecy. No longer was the man who he was- as he became the Half-Man. Once human, now consumed by the essence of brutality. And what a better way to voice the energy than screaming it in metal?
The prophecies the non-human half knew of described the figures of the Metalocalypse to him, where all pain and terror could eat the world alive. Chaos and pain run the world, and it’s been time for a metallic reboot so things can start fresh again.
He watched underground - the pressure below kept him from growing massive and revealing himself to the world. He could briefly go above, but needed human flesh to keep the darkness at bay. He tried to cross through water, but certain marine prophets prevented him. They were the control between the Chaos and Metal, and when evil touched the seas, they vexxed it with fury. If he entered the waters, he’d enter an unknown terror.
The brief times he surfaced wouldn’t only be for emergencies. It was also to make sure the prophecy went as planned. Maybe it was to invisibly aim the redneck’s car into the school instead of an off-ramp once he was shot, maybe it was to make love to a Miss Sweden and prevent anybody from taking the guitar by Odin, keep her occupied so one day Skwisgaar would experience hopelessness and run to it, did little things so Seth could get his way in order for Pickles to find his freedom and run to it, made the chainsaw in Fatherface’s shed reflect the sun into his eyes while he was outside and angry, and left a certain doll of straw in a snow hole in case a child was ever left inside it.
All he had to do was wait, however, a certain manager of the prophecized five kept him worried. There was something about him. The shape of his ears and nose. The way when he smiled or grimaced, dimples would poke through, like someone he once knew. But his humanity was long dormant, and no longer knew how to be woken up.
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thas jus a fan fart idear tho! Any chance I get to say it THF is supreme of the headcanons and delicious and your Salacia origins are so investing and *riffing* badass AF.
If I had to use a song for Salacia, I think it would be The King of Oak Street for his human side. Idk why but my brain folds smell it
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bananaofswifts · 3 years
ince about 2018, Taylor Swift has been at the centre of arguably the most riveting contract dispute in music business history since Prince wrote “slave” on his cheek. It has been a conflict fought in public, in detail. No precis does the nuances justice, but the crux of Swift’s unhappiness is that the rights to her first six albums were sold out from under her nose when her former label, Big Machine, was acquired by a man she regards as an enemy: Scooter Braun.
Braun is Justin Bieber’s manager; more pertinently, he also managed the rapper Kanye West at a time when West was tormenting Swift – another vexed tale wrapped around this one in a double helix. The antagonism between Swift and West began when he interrupted her acceptance speech for best female video at the VMAs in 2009. The video in question was You Belong With Me – a hit from Swift’s hugely successful 2008 album Fearless. That album has now been totally re-recorded by Swift and was released on Friday.
Why? In November 2020, after months of hostilities exchanged via social media and the legal profession, Braun sold Swift’s catalogue on to a private equity firm, Shamrock Holdings. As part of the deal, Braun would continue to profit from the use of Swift’s early work on streaming platforms, radio, TV and adverts.
If you were trying to sell this as an art forgery, someone would eventually twig
Swift particularly objects to the fruits of her youthful labours going to a man she has accused of “incessant, manipulative bullying”, on whose watch West made a video creepily sexually objectifying her (other celebrities were also depicted).
Swift’s radical solution is to make her first six albums worth significantly less by re-recording them, so that future uses favour her, not Shamrock or Braun. Hence Fearless (Taylor’s Version) – less an album and more a breathtaking chess move, the aural equivalent of pulling the rug out from under her antagonists.
First released in 2008 – 13 years ago, a favourite number of Swift’s – Fearless was Swift’s second studio outing and first massive hit. By the time the album’s cycle had concluded, she had the bestselling album in the US and a slew of awards, including the Grammy for album of the year– she was the award’s youngest-ever recipient until Billie Eilish.
It was a different world: when the album was released, Swift, just 18, had recently broken up with a Jonas Brother. Her songs were rooted in country, but the foundations of her pop auteurism were plain. The album’s overemphasis on romance was mitigated by Swift’s insightfulness, which only grew more acute with time.
“When you’re 15, and somebody tells you they love you, you’re gonna believe them,” she sang ruefully on the autobiographical Fifteen, from the lofty vantage point of someone not yet of legal drinking age in the US. Swift’s signature ad libs were there too – the laugh on Hey Stephen – as were the killer bridges that hallmark so many of her best songs, riding on the thermal of a key change.
All this is still present, and there’s more: six unreleased songs that date from the Fearless album sessions plus a re-recording of Today Was A Fairytale, a song she contributed to the soundtrack to the 2010 film Valentine’s Day. On Fearless (Taylor’s Version), Swift has radically recreated the 2008 cover shot. Its sepia tint, and the loose peasant blouse she is wearing, very much suggest the contemporary Swift of her soft-focus albums of 2020, Folklore and Evermore.
But she has been at pains to reproduce her original country-pop as precisely as possible, the better to gazunder Shamrock Holdings. It’s a labour of revenge, but also of love: Swift has re-employed key contributors from the period and mixed them with members of her live band who played many of these songs live for years. Guests such as Keith Urban, who she toured with at the time, crop up on bonus tracks like That’s When.
These unreleased vault tracks are something of a mixed bag. They’re intended as a sweetener – choice pickings from Swift’s rich vault of unreleased material – but she has carte blanche to present them as she pleases. They’ve ended up as sedate iterations, pairing the brighter, more direct songcraft of the younger Swift with the watercolour production of the Folklore era. There are exceptions: Mr Perfectly Fine can handle the pastels, it’s such a stone cold classic Swift song; You All Over Me is similarly rewarding, not least because it is an obvious precursor to 1989’s Clean.
The core reproductions, however – of the 19 re-recorded tracks that formed the platinum version of Fearless – are a roaring success. The verisimilitude of the music is as near-as-dammit, although if you were trying to sell this as an art forgery, someone would eventually twig. The production can’t help but sound smoother, the quality of the playing more nuanced – witness the interplay between the guitar and banjo that opens the new version of the title track, or on one of the album’s biggest hits, You Belong With Me.
What really stands out, though, are Swift’s vocals. She can’t reproduce her reedier, less skilful teenage self. She parcels out her tones more cannily now, an anachronism that is no criticism. But spending time with all this juvenilia only points up the quality of Swift’s songwriting. Fearless (Taylor’s Version) is both an art project executed serendipitously and a strategic move the industry will be poring over for some time.
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